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COMMENT STAFF DIRECTORY PHONE: 509-325-0634 Ted S. McGregor Jr. (tedm@inlander.com) PUBLISHER
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SHANE SPEARING I watched my buddy’s sister get kicked in the face by a horse. It sent her clear across the driveway. It was both hooves. She was all black-and-blue for a few days.
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Young Kwak
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Anna Clausen, Jennifer DeBarros, Sarah Munds, Mychaela Nickoloff, Megan Petersen, Jeffrey Rutherford, Kara Stermer
PATRICK VALLIANT A grizzly bear in Jasper National Park. A lady on horseback came down the trail and told us that he was up there, so we decided to walk back down and he just came lumbering up. He just looked at us and kept going.
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TOM ARCHER It was with my German shepherd in 1966. There were some burglars in my neighbor’s house and the German shepherd heard them and warned me, so we went over and ran them off. The police later caught them. They were part of a burglary ring out of Texas.
Kristina Elverum (x223) DIRECTOR OF MARKETING Raevyn West (x222) MARKETING COORDINATOR Rebecca Rison (x216) ADVERTISING ASSISTANT Eric Norman
GABE GREEN I almost got bit by a rattlesnake. I was up at Smith Rock in Oregon taking photos and I was standing next to a bush and it started rattling. I got out of there pretty quick.
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CARRIE COX We were on top of Going-to-the-Sun Road and we stood in the parking lot and bighorn mountain sheep were walking by us. They were within five feet of us and there were more than two dozen of them.
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JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 5
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They’re Shocked! Obama conspiracies don’t add up to much — kind of like the job performance of Congress BY ROBERT HEROLD CAPTAIN RENAULT: This cafe is closed until further notice! Clear the room at once! RICK: How can you close me up? On what grounds? CAPTAIN RENAULT: I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here! [a croupier hands Renault a pile of money] CROUPIER: Your winnings, sir. CAPTAIN RENAULT: [quietly] Oh, thank you…
enghazi, IRS and now NSA surveillance: Like Louis Renault in Casablanca, Congressional Republicans are shocked — shocked! So many conspiracies, so little time. The GOP controls what may turn out to be the most unproductive House of Representatives ever. This 113th Congress actually makes the 80th Congress, which Harry Truman called the “donothing Congress,” look good by comparison, certainly as regards to serious matters — budgets, immigration reform, health care, infrastructure, jobs, banking, consumer protection, “millennial generation” unemployment, student debt, women’s reproductive rights, Meals on Wheels, defense spending, climate change, globalization. The serious stuff? They phone it in. But when it comes to conspiracies, they work overtime. The House committee charged with ferreting out “waste, fraud and abuse” is the Government Oversight and Reform Committee, chaired by Darrell Issa, the latest in the line of GOP oversight chairs to be informed by Joe McCarthy, who exploited what Richard Hofstadter termed “the paranoid style of American politics.” Issa says that he is going to work 24/7 to get the bottom of all three conspiracies. No surprise.
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6 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
et’s begin with Benghazi: A reasonable response to what happened would direct attention to the regional chaos of that night, the terrible YouTube footage and the riots in Cairo. That’s how the junior State Department staffer who sent out word from the beseiged consulate saw things. Within a day or two, however, better intelligence concluded that Islamic terrorists had indeed staged the attack. President Obama said as much. Earlier though, UN Ambassador Susan Rice had gone on TV with understandably premature talking points that were inaccurate; but so far as Issa (and we need to add John McCain and his Sancho Panza, Lindsey Graham), was concerned? Ah-ha, an obvious cover-up — kind of like Whitewater, Travelgate, “Who killed Vince Foster,” ad nauseam. By way of contrast, think back to the Marine barracks bombing in 1983. Over the objections of his Secretary of Defense, President Reagan sent the Marines into Lebanon to root out terrorists; later, the DOD commission concluded the president had failed to make their mission clear. Moreover, the Marines were bunched together in one bar-
racks — a perfect target for a suicide bomber. Two-hundred-and-fortyone Americans died that day, including 220 Marines, their most fatalities in one day since Iwo Jima. But instead of the “I’m shocked!” routines as the country mourned and searched for answers, Democrats waited for the Department of Defense commission report, which criticized the administration for errors in judgment. Recommendations were accepted. Reagan blustered about getting those terrorists, nothing much happened, and six months later, the Marines were quietly ordered out. Congress held brief hearings, but the commission provided the definitive investigation.
oving on to the IRS situation: Again, no surprise. On cue, before any investigation, playing to his preferred McCarthyesque form, Congressman Issa blatantly charged that these reports of “abuse” were (a) accurate and (b) revealed motive, which led to the conclusion that (c) the White House was engaging in a cover-up. We now know what really happened. The Citizens United decision had the effect of almost doubling the workload at the IRS. To make matters more difficult, Issa’s party had cut the IRS budget. The agency then had to come up with some way to process a mountain of claims with fewer personnel. They settled on a form of NSA methodology, revealing words, e.g. “Tea Party.” Also, we learned that the IRS director at the time was a Bush appointee, and that the local office charged with the abuse was managed by a lifelong Republican. But does this news result in Mr. Issa wearing a bag over his head? Nope, he just cherry-picks words here and there, works to prevent exculpatory testimony from getting out to the public, and continues doing his “I’m shocked!” routine. Finally, about the NSA surveillance: The NSA activities also can be tracked back to Congressional action, this time in the form of the Patriot Act. Turns out, the president is “faithfully executing the law” (albeit energetically). And consider that Obama is taking all this “I’m shocked!” stuff because of the death of one ambassador; just think what Issa and his right-wing compatriots would do to the president if we suffered a serious attack because he wasn’t energetically enforcing the Patriot Act? And about the “I’m shocked!” routine performed again and again by Republicans? Unlike Louie in Casablanca, in this movie the American public gets no winnings at all.
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Two Faces of Leonardo BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.
ow that Leonardo DiCaprio has played Jay Gatsby on the big screen, it’s easy to imagine Gatsby as a kind of continuation of Jack Dawson from the film Titanic. Gatsby has a mysterious backstory, and even the time frame matches up — Titanic sank in 1912, The Great Gatsby is set a decade later. Maybe Jack survived, changed his identity and moved out to West Egg? It’s a fun literary diversion. The Great Gatsby is the Great American Novel; Titanic is one of the most popular movies of all time. Both lead characters grapple with the American Dream. Jay Gatsby lost his beloved Daisy to a wealthier man, so he set out to become richer than Midas. But when he finally gets close to Daisy again, he’s wistful. She became just another bauble — the shiny green light from across the bay that he had to have. Once the pursuit was over, and it wasn’t quite what he expected, he was left with the kind of emptiness that attends too much desire. The quest for more, more, more that characterized American life in 1922 (and today) is a central theme in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s work. And it’s why we keep reading his understated masterpiece. DiCaprio’s Jack Dawson, meanwhile, is poor and perfectly happy to stay that way. As he tells Molly Brown over dinner: “I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what’s gonna happen or who I’m gonna meet, where I’m gonna wind up.” That’s James Cameron channeling Jack Kerouac and plopping him — for maximum literary effect — right in first class with the Astors and the Guggenheims. Jack is the flip side of Jay; he’s content with what little he has, not obsessed with what he doesn’t. Jack’s true freedom captivates his dining companions. But Rose is the only one to follow Jack’s lead; she ditches her money-grubbing fiancé and goes on to live an exciting life. Jack’s American Dream is overly idealized, for sure, but if you can add a little bit of that secret Dawson/Kerouac ingredient, Cameron says your life will be sweeter. Fitzgerald and Cameron agree that money can’t buy you love or happiness. But we do know that money does fuel the kinds of great parties, lavish lifestyles, doomed ships and raw hubris that make for the best works of art. Jay and Jack are two sides of the American coin — strivers who use their freedom to reinvent themselves, for better or worse. Their tragedies force us to think. “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” That’s Fitzgerald’s last line in The Great Gatsby, and it reads like a challenge. This is art. Its lessons are eternal. Learn from it. n
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JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 7
Should federal whistleblowers be prosecuted or protected?
SKY ADAMS: Protected and kept anonymous. If we have nothing to hide, neither should the feds.
KELLI CRAWFORD: I think it depends on whether people’s lives will legitimately be put in danger or not. That’s a tough question since there are so many different possibilities.
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Their Own Private Idaho A front-row witness describes Idaho’s path to one-party rule BY BLISS O. BIGNALL JR.
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ven though I thought your article, “The Promised Land” (5/30/13), was excellent, I disagree with your premise that North Idaho politics have been transformed entirely by right-wing emigrants, especially from Orange County, Calif. I believe many other factors taking place over the last half-century have also left their mark, causing the switch in both North and South Idaho from a Democratic stronghold to a Far Right stronghold. First on the list is the mechanization of both the mining and timber industries. Many years ago, a friend who was in the mining machinery business told me that if a mine owner could buy something that would replace even one man, he would. Then came the simultaneous decline in both the mining and timber industries in Idaho. When these mostly pro-union Democrats lost their jobs, they all moved away. We’ve never replaced that population of workers. Another factor is the high number of Mormons (of which I am one). When my wife and I first moved to Coeur d’Alene in January of 1955, I believe the members of the LDS Church numbered no more than 500 souls in all of North Idaho. Today I wouldn’t be surprised to find more than 10,000 members here, based on the number of stakes and wards. My own personal feeling is that in the past 50 years, the Mormon Church, from its presidency on down through the Twelve Apostles and the Seventies, has now become filled with far-right Republicans. Perhaps one of the biggest factors grew from the 1964 election, when liberal Democrats began nearly insisting upon a pro-choice “litmus test” for all those running as Democrats. As a result, Pierce Clegg (a future Kootenai County Sheriff) left the party; also, a former Democratic lieutenant governor under Gov. Cecil
Andrus said one day at a political meeting, literally with tears in his eyes, that he thought the Democrats were a party that could accommodate everyone. I never saw him at another Democratic meeting. In my early years in Coeur d’Alene, I abhorred the fact that a good share of the “Democratic” office holders were really dyed-in-the-wool Republicans — but they ran as Democrats because that was the only way to get elected. Later, Republican policy throughout the nation lured conservative Democrats into switching parties. This was significant in our county, especially when our then-party chairman, our sheriff, his wife (for all of whom I have the greatest respect) and the prosecuting attorney all simultaneously switched parties. I believe that not only North Idaho, but the entire state turned into a solid oneSend comments to party state before the hordes editor@inlander.com. came from Orange County. A good share of the aforementioned reasons occurred after the massive defeat of Barry Goldwater in 1964. That’s when the far-right wing of the Republican Party decided to gain complete control over their states’ political processes. As a person interested in politics, I admired the thoroughness of Idaho’s Goldwater Republicans in turning Idaho into a one-party state. However, I am sure all of the Founding Fathers, including Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin and Madison, would be spinning in their graves if they could see what is happening today in the United States, and especially in Idaho.
Bliss Bignall is an attorney in Coeur d’Alene and the former chairman of the Kootenai County Democrats.
STANLEY PETERSON: The government has no interest in keeping their people in the know, so obviously we have to take it upon ourselves as good citizens. Too bad it is entirely too few of us who are truly good citizens. JEANIE HILTON: Protected! A government can be only as big as its people will let them be. Reel them in, folks! STEVE FAUST: If by “whistleblower” you mean someone who first attempts to report illegal activity by a government agent or private contractor to the appropriate authority in the government, and then goes public when the complaint is not acted on, then yes they should be protected. MIKE KRESS: Protected. Just because something is legal (much of which is being leaked is in fact not) doesn’t make it acceptable. Slavery and spying/neutralizing of civil rights groups being but only two examples. Classifying activities top secret that are illegal under the Constitution or international law do not deserve to be kept secret. TARA WILLIAMSON: Protected. No matter what. DON BAKER: Protected, and didn’t Obama state in 2008 that he would ensure the protection of whistleblowers when he became president if they brought forward the wrongdoing of the government? ANGEL FALLS-KAINE: Always protected. What good is exposing corruption when the corrupt can, and always will, vilify a person for doing so? So sad that we’re even asking this. ELIZABETH FREEMAN: Each case is individual. In [NSA leaker Edward J.] Snowden’s... prosecuted.
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 9
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10 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
he National Security Agency moved swiftly and forcefully this week to remind its employees of its zero-tolerance policy on conscience, warning that any violation of that policy would result in immediate termination. “When you sign on to work at the NSA, you swear to uphold the standards of amorality and soullessness that this agency was founded upon,” said NSA Director General Keith B. Alexander. “Any evidence of ethics, decency, or a sense of right and wrong will not be tolerated. These things have no place in the intelligence community.” To enforce the policy, General Alexander said that once a month all NSA employees will be wired to a computer to take full inventory of what is going on in their minds: “We want to be sure they are spending their free time playing Call of Duty, not reading The Federalist Papers.” The NSA director attempted to reassure the American people that despite “unfortunate recent events,”
the agency remains “one of the most heartless and cold-blooded organizations on the face of the earth.” He added, “We refuse to let one good apple spoil the whole bunch.” He said that going forward, the NSA would try to recruit people who had already demonstrated “a commitment to invading people’s privacy” by working at Google or Facebook. Elsewhere, the G8 summit ended on a constructive note, with President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin reaching a broad agreement never to speak to each other again. After signing the agreement, the two men shook hands for the final time and scowled bitterly for photographers. n For more fake news from Andy Borowitz, visit borowitzreport.com.
Big Things Together H BY JIM HIGHTOWER
arrell’s hardware, located near my home in Austin, Texas, is the opposite of a big-box chain store. It’s an un-chained, smallbox store with a knowledgeable staff willing to help customers figure out how to do most any project. Harrell’s slogan is: “Together, we can do it yourself.” I borrowed that rich concept for a commencement speech I recently laid on high school graduates in my hometown of Denison, Texas. Like most commencement droners, I urged the bright kids in funny square hats to do “Big Things” in life. But my message was that bigness cannot be measured in terms of personal wealth and self-aggrandizement, even though such narcissism is the ethic being preached and practiced by today’s corporate and political elite. Rather, only by joining with others in democratic actions can any of us achieve something bigger than ourselves — something for the betterment of the whole community. As Bill Moyers noted in an earlier speech, “Civilization is not just ‘what happens’, it is what we make hap-
pen.” The key word there is “We,” for no “I” is big enough to do the job. But together, as Harrell’s says, “we can do it.” The proof of this was sitting right in front of me at the graduation ceremonies. When I was in their place in 1961, every single person in my class and the audience was a white Anglo. Our schools and town were totally segregated. On this night, though, the ceremony was a glory of Anglo, African, Latino, Arab, Asian and other ancestries. Denison became a better, more civilized place only because so many people (including some of the grayheads in this audience) had dared to stand together to make it happen. The class of 2013 applauded this ethic of social progress — and they gave me hope that we can pull our country together again, E pluribus unum. n For more from America’s populist, check out jimhightower.com.
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 11
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12 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
Stephanie Robinette, a special education teacher at Rogers High School: “These kids have been told almost their whole career that they can only do so much.”
No Longer Special At Rogers High School, special education kids increasingly are being placed in regular classes BY DANIEL WALTERS
icole Kilgore, a teacher with long, wavy white hair, a nose ring and colorful flower tattoos on her arms, is at Rogers High School with an ambitious mission: She wants to kill traditional “special ed.” It’s no simple task: Rogers’ 252 special ed students make up nearly a fifth of the entire school. Three-quarters of students at Rogers come from homes poor enough to qualify for free or reduced lunch, a correlation not lost on Kilgore. “These kids are already starting out with a deficiency,” Kilgore says. “Our average student who has a learning disability reads at a fourth-grade reading level.” And yet Rogers began to completely upend the tradi-
tional special education model this year, eliminating 12 of the 23 resource classes for special ed students. Next year Rogers will eliminate even more, including all special ed history and science classes. The “Inclusion Model,” as it’s called, plunges nearly all special ed students into general education classes alongside their peers, sparking praise — and controversy.
o a certain degree, inclusion has been going on for decades. In 1975, the federal government told schools they should abide by a standard known today as “least-restrictive environment,” requiring schools, as much as appropriately possible, to mix disabled stu-
dents in with nondisabled students. “It came about because students with special needs were placed in these sad, basement classrooms,” says Daniela Fairchild, policy analyst with the Fordham Institute think tank. “[There were] all the horror stories from the ’70s.” But “least-restrictive” leaves a lot of wiggle room. Since “special education” includes everything from mild autism to ADHD to kids who simply can’t yet read at grade level, placing them all in a general classroom isn’t an easy move. Yet Rogers, the beneficiary of a three-year, $3.7 million federal grant, has the power to experiment. In March of last year, Kilgore and five others used some of that money to fly down to Sanger High School in Fresno, Calif. — a school a lot like Rogers, except for one thing: “Their state test scores were ridiculously high,” Kilgore says. The group used what they learned to create a new model for special ed at Rogers. This year, through new “Career and Academic Progress” courses, students catch up on coursework, learn academic habits, practice social skills and figure out how to best transition from being a “special ed student” to just a “student.” “Three and a half more days to get your grades up!” ...continued on next page
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 13
Teacher Stephanie Robinette (center) says many of her students have risen to the challenge of regular classrooms.
“NO LONGER SPECIAL,” CONTINUED... a dry-erase message on the whiteboard in a CAP class reads on a Friday. “You can do it!” Stephanie Robinette, a young teacher, tutors students as they huddle around laptops and scrawl on worksheets. “These kids have been told almost their whole career that they can only do so much,” says Robinette, “and I know that that’s not true.” One student, Michael Webb, says he started out hating reading — but by the end of the year he says he’d read five books, including Romeo and Juliet and To Kill a Mockingbird. Special ed teachers like Robinette are assigned specific students, tracking them to make sure they don’t fail, drop out or slip through the cracks. And since the number of resource courses has been cut in half, many special ed teachers have been placed in general classes as a sort of highly qualified teacher’s aide. They relearn the course material beside the special ed students, offering them additional tutoring and attention.
Naturally, there have been disagreements and personality clashes between some teachers, but science teacher Tyrone Hoard says the partnership has been invaluable. “You get some of those, you know, ADHD kids, and you’re just like, man, I don’t know how to work with them,” says Hoard. But the special ed teachers do. In many cases, Hoard says, the students have surprised him. “Some of the kids are amazing, I would never have known they were special ed kids if I wasn’t told.”
ori Shauvin, a special ed teacher at Rogers for 15 years, walks the halls with a brisk intensity. “Do you want my truthful opinion?” Shauvin says when asked about the new inclusion model. “I think it’s a bunch of crap.” Shauvin quickly tempers her criticism. The new CAP classes let her get to know students, she says, and special ed students at the fourthgrade reading level and above have excelled.
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14 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
“Don’t say I’m trashing,” she says. Still, she has serious worries. “I’m looking at the kids I have,” Shauvin says, “and I’m thinking we should do what’s best for kids.” Some kids can barely read at a first-grade level, have never been in a regular class, but have suddenly been thrown into the deep end. “They do lots of five-paragraph essays. If you can’t write, how do you do a five-paragraph essay?” Shauvin asks. “And the textbooks are at higher-level reading levels — and they can’t read it. They don’t get it.” She has many concerns. She now feels she doesn’t have enough time to call parents and manage special ed cases. She worries special ed students are receiving passing grades when they shouldn’t be. And she thinks inclusion hurts students at both the top and the bottom. A class trying to balance lessons for such a range could leave special ed students struggling and overwhelmed, and brighter students unchallenged and frustrated. She believes other teachers have similar worries, but haven’t spoken up.
“They do lots of five-paragraph essays. If you can’t write, how do you do a five-paragraph essay?” Nationally, the “inclusion” philosophy has seen pushback. “Now you’re seeing a lot of parents saying, ‘That’s great that my kid is in a classroom with Joey from down the block, but he’s not getting the reading services [he needs],” says Fairchild. There have been lawsuits. Shauvin’s objections speak to a deeper philosophical debate: Should all students be taught high-level algebra and pushed to go to a four-year college? Or should some students be taught “functional math” — focused on useful skills like making change — and encouraged to learn trades? A New York Times article last Send comments to week detailed a number of schools returning editor@inlander.com. to “tracking” and “grouping” students by ability level within their classes, a practice that had fallen out favor in the ’90s. “Most of my concerns are going to be addressed by next year,” Shauvin says. The transition from special ed to mainstream classes will be easier. And all of her special ed students will be placed in the same English and social studies core of classes, making it easier for her to keep track of them and their assignments. It’s too early to tell if inclusion will have a real impact on test scores or graduation rates, but Kilgore says she’s seen amazing progress. Kilgore remembers a parent calling, worried that her special ed son would struggle in mainstream classes. “He’s never taken regular ed classes,” Kilgore says. “He got a 4.0. These kids are capable — why are we not pushing for more?”
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JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 15
The Big News of the Past Week
With Coeur d’Alene recently becoming the sixth Idaho city to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation, Idaho Republican Party leaders have come out against such bans, asking state lawmakers to overturn those city-level ordinances.
n May, the Spokane Riverkeeper and the National Resources Defense Council filed a complaint against Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Co. and a group of coal companies, claiming coal is falling from rail cars into the Spokane River at Hangman Creek, violating the Clean Water Act. On the West Side, the Sierra Club and a group of waterkeepers are fighting the same issue and filed a lawsuit earlier this month. Bart Mihailovich, the Spokane Riverkeeper, says Spokane groups are willing to pursue a suit of their own if they don’t receive a response from the coal companies. We sat down with Mihailovich to talk about what’s at stake.
Spokane HotZone, the city’s groundbreaking experiment to provide free public Wi-Fi to 100 square blocks of downtown, has come to an end. A symbol of innovation in 2004, improved mobile wireless service has since made the system obsolete.
INLANDER: When did this become a real problem? MIHAILOVICH: I was seeing news reports from Seattle and Portland of groups going out and finding piles of coal in the water and along the waterways. Once I saw all these pictures and images coming out of all this coal found in the waterways, [I thought]: ‘Well, surely there are places in Spokane and along the Spokane River and at Hangman Creek where the trains are crossing — so I gotta go look myself.’ The first time I went out, I went to three locations where the trains cross and I found pieces of coal in the water or at the ordinary high water mark, which is important because it means if the river were to rise, it would be in the water. From there on, I put together a little monitoring program and had volunteers going out almost every day for about a month, and every time I was getting updates from them, they were finding coal.
Read the full interview with Spokane Riverkeeper Bart Mihailovich on Inlander.com. think that — you see trains coming through town that have potatoes or grain or whatever and those are covered, so why not cover these? What are coal’s supporters saying? Overall, what we’re hearing is coal exporting will create jobs for the state of Washington. You could make that case in Bellingham or Longview or other communities where they’re proposing export facilities. It doesn’t create jobs for Spokane. There’s that. But really, I haven’t heard a good argument; I haven’t heard anyone out there say, ‘Coal in the river is not a problem.’ — INTERVIEW BY MEGAN PETERSEN
What can the railways do to prevent losing so much coal during transport? They allege that they spray a chemical surfactant over the tops of the train cars to prevent coal from going out and dust from blowing off. Well, there are videos that show that’s not happening — we have evidence in the river that shows that’s not happening — so that’s clearly not working. They could cover it, I would think. I’m certainly not a railroad expert, but one would
Percentage of adults who smoke, according to new national survey. After stalling for seven years at about 20-21 percent, the rate dropped to 19 percent in 2011 and fell again last year.
Low-end estimate to build a 120-foot-tall pedestrian bridge from the WSU Riverpoint Campus to East Sprague Avenue. The City Council recently approved $1.4 million to start design work.
The U.S. Supreme Court struck down an Arizona law Monday that required voters to prove their citizenship before they could register. Last week, the nation’s highest court also ruled human genes could not be patented.
Investigators continue to search for what sparked a fire at Geno’s restaurant Saturday that caused $100,000 in damage to the building and nearby low-income housing on Sinto Avenue.
Spokane Municipal Court judges have hired former City Attorney Howard Delaney to serve as court administrator. Mayor David Condon previously fired Delaney following criticism regarding his management during the Otto Zehm investigation.
ON INLANDER.com What’s Creating Buzz
NEWS: Did you hear that Spokane City Councilwoman Nancy McLaughlin is considering a run for a Valley state House seat? What about the news that the Sasquatch! Music Festival will span two weekends next year? You would have if you read our blog.
Stitch the Trauma Bear reminds children to swim ONLY in designated areas.
16 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
Droning On Of police drones, settlements and zoning
g n i r Sp
Spokane police may not be using DRONE TECHNOLOGY today, but City Council President Ben Stuckart wants to make sure he knows about it when they do. Stuckart is introducing an ordinance that would require council approval for any police purchase or use of drones in the city. “I think that as technology advances and surveillance advances … it’s better to have this protection in place,” Stuckart told the council’s Public Safety Committee this week. Police Chief Frank Straub, who supports the ordinance, assured the committee his department isn’t eyeing drone use now, but could far in the future. Stuckart plans to take the proposal to neighborhood council representatives and then to the full council for a vote next month. — HEIDI GROOVER
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The city of Spokane has agreed to a $49,500 settlement with CHARLES POTTER, who last year sued the city and two police officers over a confrontation at the Davenport Hotel back in 2008. Potter was arrested as he watched police arrest two other men at the hotel. He says officers were brutalizing the men so he wanted to observe. Police claimed they told him to step back and he refused. Potter spent a night in jail and was banned from the Davenport. He also was charged with obstructing justice and resisting arrest, but was found not guilty. According to the settlement, the police chief will send Potter a letter of regret and the city will “use its best efforts to persuade the Davenport” to let him back in. — HEIDI GROOVER
Currently, KOOTENAI COUNTY’s zoning rules are cobbled together from a mishmash of dozens of different ordinances. “People are very unhappy, especially in the development community, with the codes we’ve had in place for darn near 30 years,” says Kootenai County Commissioner Dan Green. That’s about to change. For two years, the Kootenai County Planning and Zoning Commission and a planning consultant firm have been developing a Unified Land Use Code. But sweeping zoning changes never go down easy. Realtors, property owners and environmentalists have serious complaints about the new regulations. A raucous meeting Monday over the code became so full it was shut down by the fire marshal. Rick Vernon, executive officer for the Coeur d’Alene Association of Realtors, says the main problem is complexity. “Anybody that wants to know what it says would be hardpressed to figure that out,” Vernon says. Furthermore, the new zoning code has incensed many rural landowners by limiting their ability to subdivide their property and sell it off in small chunks. Adrienne Cronebaugh, executive director of the Kootenai Environmental Alliance, supports many of the changes. “Overall, it is a much-improved document from the dated patchwork ordinances that have been in effect,” she says. But the KEA also has an objection: The Unified Land Use Code waters down the buffer zone limiting construction around lakes. The closer development is to a lake’s high-water mark, the greater the risk of contamination. Next week, the planning commission will begin deliberating on the changes. In September, the recommendations are tentatively scheduled to come before the board of Kootenai County commissioners. — DANIEL WALTERS
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JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 17
Loved and hated, the gray wolf finds itself a target for hunters as advoc ates c all for continued protection By Jacob Jones
obert Roman cradles a pale wolf skull in his upturned palm. He does not hate wolves, he says, gripping the hollow eye sockets and turning the bleached bone in his hands. Perhaps God just built the wolf too well. Working along the ragged jawline, Roman runs his thumb against the curved point of each tooth, edged almost like knives. “These are for cutting,” he says. “These are for ripping.” With powerful jaws and sharp instincts, wolves prey upon animals many times their size. Longlegged and swift, they run down moose, elk and deer. They tear flesh and crush bone. “That’s a pretty good machine,” he says to the skull. “With the teeth and the strength and the size, they’re good at what they do.” A 54-year-old logger and hunter from rural Post Falls, Roman has long wrested his living from the land. As wolves move back into Idaho — competing for scarce elk in some Panhandle regions — he has set out against his fellow predator. Roman says he took this skull from his first wolf in 2011. Since then, 16 more wolves have fallen into his traps and snares. While thousands of Idaho hunters have stalked wolves over three recent seasons, just a few hundred have succeeded. Roman has likely claimed more than any other hunter or trapper in the state. Since man first sought to break the wolf, the howling beast has stirred fear and mysticism. They haunt our fairy tales and folklore. They’re held as a symbol of the American West. The untamable dog, canis lupus, feels both familiar and foreign, a best friend to some and a savage enemy to others. “People talk about their little dogs and things,” Roman says. “These aren’t little dogs, these are wolves — whole different ball game.” Wiped out by settlers in the early 1900s, modern researchers spent more than two decades returning the gray wolf to the Northern Rocky Mountain areas of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Now numbering as many as 2,500, wolves have split the region along bitter battle lines as states have expanded hunting and environmentalists have repeatedly sued to continue recovery efforts. A new fight now looms between wolf advocates, game managers, ranchers, conservationists and hunters: After nearly 50 years on the Endangered Species List, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service earlier this month proposed removing federal protections for gray wolves nationwide. Jim Hayden, a regional wildlife manager with Idaho Fish & Game, says no other creature provokes
as much passion or incites as much controversy: “I’ve never met a more polarizing issue in my entire career than the wolf.”
n the high mountain country of North Idaho, gray wolves have roamed the pine-topped ridges and steep river drainages of the Coeur d’Alene Mountains for thousands of years. On a recent morning, Hayden steers his mud-splattered Fish & Game truck up a narrow dirt road near Bumblebee Peak, about 15 miles north of Kingston. Hayden, who has managed the Panhandle region since 1991, plans to check a game camera set up to monitor a wolf “rendezvous site” from last year. “This is the territory of the Bumblebee Pack,” he says, his tires rumbling over the washed-out ruts. When settlers first took hold in Idaho, they declared war on the wolf, eventually wiping them out through intense hunting and the use of poison. Researchers believe the last Idaho wolves died off in the 1930s. Public opinion shifted in the 1960s and ’70s with the introduction of the Endangered Species Act, which listed wolves as protected. By the 1980s, a few wolves had started to wander back into Idaho from Canada. Federal wildlife officials jump-started wolf recovery in 1996 with a widely publicized transplant of 66 wolves into Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho. Within two years, the 35 wolves in Idaho had increased to 115. Hayden says wolf numbers have continued to rise, passing all recovery benchmarks in 2002. With a rapid reproduction rate of about 29 percent a year, the wolf population has doubled every three years. Idaho wildlife officials listed a minimum population of 683 wolves at the end of 2012, but Hayden says that number can nearly double in peak summer months. Officials count more than 2,500 wolves throughout the entire Northern Rocky Mountain region at peak times. In Washington state, biologists have watched closely as local wolf populations have ticked up in recent years. Wildlife managers most recently counted at least 51 wolves in 10 confirmed packs, mostly in the far northeast corner of the state. Hayden excitedly checks the memory card from the game camera. It has captured a bobcat, a curious elk and two wolves — one less than 24 hours gone. He scouts the surrounding areas and finds a set of prints in the broken mud. “We’re getting closer to them,” he says. Wolves have had many successes. They have bucked expectations and brought new attention to wildlife preservation efforts. But hunters have been
quick to blame wolves for declining elk numbers in some areas of the state. As Hayden rounds a curve up a new ridge, he hits the brakes. He’s spotted something in the road. “That’s interesting,” he says. Covered in delicate fur, the tiny severed leg of a newborn elk calf rests in the dirt.
rom behind a chain-link fence, the howling starts high, rolls off and then fades into a lonesome moan. Soon others join in the call, wails rising and overlapping as Nancy Taylor visits her wolf pens. Blonde and soft-spoken, Taylor owns Wolf People, a wolf habitat and education center just off Highway 95 south of Sandpoint. The center keeps 23 adult wolves and four young pups in several enclosures. “I’m kind of the mama of the pack,” she says with a laugh. As many as 100 people a day visit the Wolf People center to learn about wolf behavior, history and recovery efforts. They can take up-close photos with the animals. A souvenir store stocks wolf Tshirts, wolf ties, shot glasses and postcards. Fluffy stuffed animals sit on the shelves. Tribal music with soft drums and flute plays over the stereo. Taylor opened Wolf People about 20 years ago, shortly after moving to the area from Arizona. She says she started with wolf-dog hybrids, but quickly acquired several pure wolves to better share her passion for the animal with others. “It is the true goal of Wolf People to show the beautiful, loving, intelligent side of the wolf,” she says, “to do away with the snarling monsters that the news media makes them out to be.” Taylor joins thousands of other conservationists still fighting to end wolf hunting in Idaho and other states. An old arctic wolf named Waka nuzzles against her leg as she invites her visitors to observe and interact with her wolves. “Wolves are extremely misunderstood,” she says. “We’re trying to show that they are not the aggressive animals. They’re really very peaceful, loving animals.” Suzanne Stone, Rocky Mountain and Northwest Field Representative with Defenders of Wildlife, argues that returning wolves make many important contributions to Idaho habitats. “Wolves have been an integral part of our ecosystem,” she says. Wolves help keep ungulates such as deer and elk from overgrazing vegetation, she says. They also “test” animals before attacking prey, helping nature ...continued on next page
“You have to kill wolves to save wolves.” Robert Roman has likely killed more wolves than any other hunter or trapper in Idaho. JACOB JONES PHOTO
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 19
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Wolf People owner Nancy Taylor thinks of wolves as her family. “I just love them.” YOUNG KWAK PHOTO weed out older or weaker animals. With individual states creating different rules for protecting or killing wolves, Stone says the federal government should continue providing some national guidelines. She says wolves don’t recognize state boundaries. “It’s really apparent in some states … that wolves need help,” she says. Stepping inside a second wolf pen, Taylor crouches to pet Mohawk, brushing his thick coat and stroking his shoulders. Passing another nearby enclosure, Taylor presses her face up against the fence to let a young wolf lick her chin. “I just love them,” she says. “They’re like my best friends and my family.”
ayden snaps on a pair of latex gloves before kneeling to examine the severed calf leg. It looks just a few days old. No signs of where it may have been killed. With a sigh, he tosses the leg off the side of the road. Many Idaho hunters hold wolves responsible for recent declines in the elk population. Hayden argues elk numbers depend on the size of the area you’re looking at. He says statewide elk counts have remained healthy, but he acknowledges some specific regions have seen an impact from additional wolf kills. “Most of it’s tied to calf recruitment — not enough calves surviving — and a primary factor there is predation,” he admits. “One of the points people miss is that it’s predation as a whole, not necessarily just wolf predation.”
20 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
Bears, mountain lions and coyotes also kill their share of elk, he says. Deterioration of some habitat — aging forest stands and areas damaged by recent severe winters — has also chipped away at the elk population. But wolves have caught almost all of the backlash. Crossing into a new drainage, Hayden waves to a hunter in a cowboy hat, asking if he has seen any game. The hunter says he had spotted a couple of promising moose, but he fears the wolves will kill them off by hunting season. “I’ve been hunting up here for 30 years and the last three years have been the worst I’ve ever seen,” the man says. Wildlife officials report about 28 percent of wolf packs have also been involved in some kind of attack on domestic livestock. While advocates emphasize wolves account for only a minuscule number of livestock deaths each year, officials report wolves killed 194 cattle, 470 sheep, six dogs, three horses and one llama throughout the Northern Rocky Mountain region in 2012. The U.S. Wildlife Services, which kills problem wolves in “control actions,” responded by shooting or trapping 231 wolves last year, 73 of those in Idaho. Stone, with Defenders of Wildlife, says the organization has partnered with ranchers and farmers to implement non-lethal strategies for keeping wolves away from livestock. The group’s Wood River Wolf Project has used range riders, dogs, cameras and other strategies to keep out wolves, losing just four sheep out of 27,000 in 2012.
“There’s lots of things people can do,” she says. After surpassing wolf recovery goals in 2002, Idaho held its first wolf hunt in 2009. Wildlife groups sued to block additional hunts, but in 2011 Idaho again opened up wolf hunting. The state sold 43,280 wolf tags that season, with hunters harvesting 375 wolves. Hayden says public hunting and trapping has served as the primary means of controlling the wolf population. Recent numbers show Idaho sportsmen killed 319 wolves this past season. An annual report says the state’s wolf population dropped 11 percent in 2012, after hunting, control actions and other mortalities. When wildlife officials noticed elk numbers falling by more than 70 percent in the Avery area
In the 2011-12 season, while 286 Idaho hunters took a wolf, just six individuals claimed more than three kills for the year. Roman bagged seven. “That comes from being observative out there,” he says. “You spend a lot of time out in the wild and see where they’re going, what they’re doing.” Trapping of any kind involves predicting the future, watching what an animal did yesterday and then foreseeing what it will do tomorrow. It’s also about rigging the odds, narrowing your prey’s options. Roman uses bait and lure to draw them in close. “We want to funnel him in to check out that spot,” he explains. “Out of the thousands of acres where he puts his foot, we want him to put it right there.”
“It is the true goal of Wolf People to show the beautiful, loving, intelligent side of the wolf.” earlier this year, Hayden says Fish & Game took the extra step of calling in an experienced trapper, Post Falls’ Roman, to further reduce local wolf numbers. “[We needed to] remove a few predators to try to keep that elk herd … from just being wiped out entirely,” Hayden says, “so we hired him to go in there for a month just to see what he could do.”
rouching in the warm dust, Roman braces his foot against the jaws of his Minnesota Brand-750 wolf trap. He wrenches back the springs and locks the trap open. An anchor chain dangles from the trap as he sets the pressure on the trigger pan. Now it’s ready to go. Roman comes across as a man confident in his hands and his values. He started trapping as a boy in St. Maries, Idaho. Back then, he often caught coyotes. He says he quit for many years, until 2011 when the state authorized the trapping of wolves. “I’m a wolf lover. I love to trap ’em,” he chuckles. “But I wouldn’t want ’em gone either.” Roman says wolves present a unique challenge, a chance to go up against a cagey predator and help protect elk herds at the same time. He has proven a quick study, taking a wolf trapping class before the 2011 season and rapidly racking up more than a dozen catches.
With wolves delisted from federal protection in Eastern Washington, state wildlife officials have already started to take on management issues similar to those in Idaho and other states. While Washington wolf estimates range from about 50 to 100 wolves, the next few years may see rapid changes as wolves take hold in the Inland Northwest. Washington wolves are still an endangered species under state law, so hunting remains a ways off. Wildlife officials adopted a
Roman works with a combination of steel traps and snares. A typical trap snaps around a wolf’s paw, pinching tight without breaking skin or bone, he says. It holds the wolf until he can kill it. A snare, meanwhile, involves a hanging cable loop that catches around a wolf’s neck as it runs through the snare. The loop slips closed and locks, strangling the animal within minutes. Trappers must check their sets every three days by state law. Roman spends the hunting season busily running from trap site to trap site. Between traps, fuel, vehicle maintenance and other expenses, a single wolf often costs more than $1,000. “You’re not going to make money at it,” he says. “It’s a hobby-type thing.” Roman says he sold one wolf pelt for $350. He’s given the rest to his sons and other family members. He mostly traps for the sport of it, and for the chance to even the odds for the elk he also enjoys hunting. “The game is pushed back up into pretty tough country already to make a living,” he says. “Then we dumped the wolves on top of them and it’s kind of unfair for them. … So I suppose I try to balance it out a bit.”
management plan in late 2011 that sets recovery goals at 18 successful breeding pairs distributed into at least four regions throughout the state. Officials now list five confirmed breeding pairs in two regions. As wolves continue to spread into Eastern Washington from Idaho and Canada, conservative ranchers will likely clash with Seattle-based environmental groups. Wolf advocates already voiced
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strong criticism last September over the killing of six members of the Wedge wolf pack in Stevens County. Wildlife officials said the pack had repeatedly preyed on livestock and had to be put down. Gov. Jay Inslee signed a new bill in May to increase personalized license plate fees by $10 to pay for wolf monitoring and management efforts. The bill also provides funding to compensate ranchers who may lose livestock to wolves. — JACOB JONES
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JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 21
Regional wildlife manager Jim Hayden uses cameras, radio collars and other tools to track wolves. Bottom right: Hunter Scott Rockholm: “I don’t go anywhere without a gun.” JACOB JONES PHOTOS
raphic photos of gutted horses and mauled family pets dominate anti-wolf websites and social media pages. Slogans like “The only good wolf is a dead wolf” and “Smoke a pack a day” plaster hunting forums and Facebook pages. Alternatively, wolf advocacy sites often promote romantic notions of wolves as spiritual beings, sharing photos of fuzzy pups or hand-painted artwork of majestic howling companions. Debate can turn vicious on both sides. Hunters mock pictures of dead wolves while wolf conservationists curse hunters as hateful and ignorant. Comments rapidly escalate to death threats. “I hope you all have a happy hunting accident very soon, you sacks of useless fat shit,” one pro-wolf commenter recently taunted on the “Kill the Wolves” Facebook page. With its June 7 announcement, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services have proposed the scaling back down of federal protections for gray wolves, and both camps have rallied for the next battle. Mike Jimenez, a wolf management and science coordinator for USFWS, says officials expect to receive heated feedback on the issue. “Anything to do with wolves is controversial,” he says. Federal delisting would return all wolf management responsibilities to the individual states. Each state would submit a management plan and limit their wolf populations as they chose. Federal officials would continue to monitor the numbers for at least five years to make sure the recovery was sustainable. “We think wolves have been very successful in the Northern Rocky Mountains,” Jimenez says. “The population’s grown dramatically year after year. It’s robust. It’s
22 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
stable.” Jimenez says USFWS plans to collect public comment for 90 days and spend the next year developing a final rule for a potential delisting. Jamie Rappaport Clark, president of Defenders of Wildlife, voiced disappointment over the USFWS plan to abandon wolves just as they had started to make progress. She says wolves still need support to expand into wilderness areas of Colorado, California and Utah. “Having just a few thousand wolves in the Northern Rockies … is a far cry from what many of us envisioned for gray wolf recovery when we embarked on this ambitious conservation effort nearly two decades ago,” she says in a statement. “Though wolf recovery has made significant progress so far, that is not an excuse to give up now when the job is only half done.” Stone says Defenders of Wildlife has started gathering testimony from biologists opposing the delisting. Tony McDermott, the Panhandle region commissioner for Idaho Fish & Game, blames overzealous conservation efforts for much of the public backlash against wolves. He says environmental groups have hijacked the Endangered Species Act and repeatedly sued to delay wolf hunting, allowing the population to grow unchecked. “They’re beautiful animals,” he says. “They look at you with these cold steely eyes … but unless they’re controlled, they are a problem.” Public hunting and trapping have struggled to keep wolf numbers under control, he says. He expects the state will be forced to open longer seasons and approve more proactive wolf killings to prevent the predators from overwhelming the Panhandle region. “You have to kill wolves to save wolves,” he says.
riving into the Lightning Creek drainage east of Lake Pend Oreille, Scott Rockholm curses the wolves he says have driven the elk from his favorite hunting area. The Sandpoint-area sportsman, barrel-chested and outspoken, calls the federal reintroduction of wolves a “criminal enterprise.” “Nobody cared about our heritage and what we loved,” he says. “It was the rest of the nation, mostly urban areas, who forced this whole thing on us.” After scouring public records and interviewing dozens of officials, Rockholm argues wildlife managers broke their own regulations when they transplanted wolves into the state in the mid-’90s. He alleges they also misused public funding to pay for the effort. “I want the truth out there,” he says. “They did not have the permits. … They basically took a diseased animal and dumped it on our environment.” Rockholm has started a group called Save Western Wildlife to spread information about the impact of wolves throughout the region. He travels with a rifle and videography gear, filming wolf kills and wildlife meetings for an upcoming documentary on the issue. On one filming mission a few years ago, Rockholm discovered a fresh elk kill in a narrow Montana creek valley. As he started recording the scene, he says, he noticed shadows flitting between the trees. Before he knew it, he found himself surrounded by as many as eight wolves. “It scared the crap out of me,” he says. Rockholm says he drew his .45-caliber handgun and fired off several warning shots, emptying two magazines as he nervously climbed out of the valley. At one point, he recorded an emotional good-bye into his camera in case he didn’t make it home.
She smiles as the pack begins howling again. Wolves are powerful communicators, she says. They can share their joy and fear and pain. If you howl, a nearby wolf will often howl back to you. Taylor drinks in their deep moans like music. “Good boy. Good girl,” she says, before joining in their call, baying alongside them at the sky.
oman squints against the June afternoon sun, looking across the pasture to his small herd of bison grazing in the dry grass. Ranchers and farmers have always managed their livestock as needed. They brand them. They butcher them. “The spring work that ranchers do with cattle, that isn’t for everyone,” he says. “But that’s something we do as human beings. It’s the same with trapping wolves.” People brought wolves back into Idaho, so people should take responsibility for the impacts, Roman says. They can’t just walk away from their role in maintaining healthy ecosystems.
“Wolves cannot be managed by politicians or biologists. … Wolves can only be managed by people with boots in the dirt.” with boots in the dirt.” Rockholm says he’s tired of environmentalists manipulating emotions to distort the debate on wolves. He believes hunters and conservationists share interests in a healthy ecosystem, but that may require fewer wolves. “Every wolf I see from now on I will kill dead,” he says. “And I’ve gotten to be pretty good at what I do.”
wo fluffy-coated wolf pups scamper into Taylor’s lap as she settles onto her porch at the Wolf People center. The soft gray pups tumble over each other, chasing their tails and rolling in the grass. “It’s such a political issue,” Taylor says. “A lot of it, I believe, is driven out of fear. People don’t know and understand wolves.” Curious little noses sniff at the ground as the pups explore the yard. They’re only a couple Send comments to editor@inlander.com. months old, but soon Taylor will introduce them to the rest of the pack. “The Native Americans refer to wolves as ‘teachers of life’ and that’s exactly what they are,” she says. “I’ve learned so much from the wolves.” Taylor says the center has grown far beyond her initial expectations. Her staff now offers educational outreach programs to schools and regional businesses. She hopes the young pups will help future generations better accept wolves. “We’re always trying to reach the children,” she says. “It’s the children who will decide the fate of the wolf in the future.” With the proposed delisting on the horizon, Taylor says she hopes wolves were not brought back to the American West just to be slaughtered again.
“A lot of people talk like humans are aliens to the planet or something,” he says, “but there’s a master plan and humans are a big part of it. We’re here. Wolves are here. We’re going to get along, but we’re also going to utilize them and manage them. “Everything that God made has its purpose,” he adds. “Even humans.” With his rust-worn steel traps slung over a nearby pine branch, Roman turns the wolf skull in his hands. He wouldn’t have brought back wolves, he says, but he doesn’t think they need to be exterminated again. He says Idaho Fish & Game has a big job ahead balancing wolf preservation and management. Up in the Coeur d’Alene Mountains, Hayden drives across another ridgeline, searching for any recent signs of wolves. North America, throughout Alaska and Canada, maintains thousands of wolves. The numbers in the lower 48 continue to grow each season. “As a species, the wolves are just fine,” he says. “Most people don’t realize … wolves have the second largest distribution of any mammal in the world. Only man exceeds their distribution. So as a species, they’re very healthy.” While wolves likely will dominate the rest of his career, Hayden hopes their recovery will eventually reach a point where environmentalists don’t fear their extinction and hunters don’t resent their presence. “That’s the brass ring that’s out there in the fog somewhere.” At the top of a bluff, Hayden pulls over and steps out to the edge of the overlook. He cups his hands around his mouth, draws a deep breath and lets out a long, solitary howl. He listens hard, his ear against the wind, but receives no answer. n jacobj@inlander.com
Meet the Vendors
“I didn’t even have the mindset, by the time I got to my truck, to get out the rifle and start blazing away,” he says. “All I could think of was get in my truck, get out of there as fast as I could, as far away as I could, and call my wife.” Rockholm says he no longer lets his children play outside unsupervised. He argues wolves have pushed elk and deer out of the hills and closer to towns. He believes the wolves will follow close behind. “I don’t go anywhere without a gun,” he says now. “Never. Anywhere out in the woods. Never. Not fishing. Not even to go pick huckleberries.” With fears of encroachment and growing frustrations over elk numbers, some Idaho hunters have joined a private group called the Foundation for Wildlife Management. The group has started a bounty-like reward system to pay hunters up to $500 for each wolf they kill. “Wolves cannot be managed by politicians or biologists,” the foundation site states. “They cannot be managed in a conference room or in the media. Wolves can only be managed by people
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24 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
Kenn Nesbitt has been named the children’s poet laureate.
Rhymes for the Young
Spokane’s Kenn Nesbitt brings the nation’s kids the gift of poetry BY ELI FRANCOVICH
efore Kenn Nesbitt was a published children’s poet he was a computer programmer and software developer. Then what was once a hobby became a career. But Nesbitt doesn’t find this seemingly unusual job swap that strange. In fact, computer programming and poetry are similar in more ways than one. Nesbitt, who was recently named the third children’s poet laure-
ate, would know. “For every line of poetry I have to think of 10 different ways to say it, to get the exact, best right way,” Nesbitt says. “Computer programming is the same way. You want to write code that is elegant, functional and concise and does what you want to do in the best possible way.” The laureateship, established in 2006 by the Poetry
Foundation, is focused on getting kids to read poetry. It’s not, however, connected to the U.S. poet laureateship. Although the two-year appointment is the first award Nesbitt has received, the Spokane resident has been a published children’s poet for 15 years. Nesbitt places poets into two broad categories: those ...continued on next page
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 25
Kenn Nesbitt has penned more than 400 children’s poems. JENNIFER DEBARROS
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who write free verse and “stretch the boundaries of language,” and those who focus on finding an exact way to place words within the structure of the poem. “I fall firmly into that latter category,” he says. His approach has proven successful. He’s written and published around 400 poems and makes a living writing, reading and presenting to elementary schools around the U.S. and occasionally internationally. In the past year alone he visited 61 schools in person, 34 online. Between Nesbitt’s skill as a poet, his active schedule and his website, poetry4kids.com, he reaches a wide audience of children. His website is chock-full of poetry-related games and activities and gets about 2 million unique visitors a year. The most important part of Nesbitt’s job as a poet, though, is making those school visits, something he’s been doing for 15 years. He reads his poetry to the kids, talks about reading, writing and helps students write poems. “The object is to not just expose them to poetry, but to show them just how much fun poetry can be and to encourage even the most reluctant readers,” he says. “I don’t see myself as a teacher so much as a motivational speaker. I’m there to light a fire under those kids to give them the desire to read and write.” As a child, Nesbitt loved reading funny poems. The problem was that there just weren’t
many of those poems around. He’d go to the library to read and reread the poems in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland.” Then, he started writing poetry as a hobby after hearing a recording of Shel Silverstein reciting “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out.” In 1997, he got more serious about poetry and started writing a couple of poems a week. “I spent years teaching myself how to do it,” Nesbitt says. These days, he does most of his writing in the summer. He has no set writing schedule, but he’s happy when he writes one poem a day, five days a week. Starting in the fall, he starts doing more school visits, which prevents him from writing as regularly. Nesbitt says that the biggest difference between his poems and other children’s poems is that they are all funny. If kids can expect a “zinger” at the end of every poem, he says, they will keep reading. As part of his laureate duties, Nesbitt will give two public readings, advise the Poetry Foundation on children’s literature and choose books to highlight on its website. Ultimately his work is highly satisfying. Nesbitt compares it to the feeling you get when you complete a New York Times crossword puzzle; it’s the thrill of finding just the right words. “I feel really lucky and humbled to be able to earn a living as a working artist,” he says.
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26 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
he Last of Us is an opus that will make even the most hardened PlayStation users grab a tissue and dab the tears of a game well-made. Our main hero, Joel, travels across a zombie-riddled America on a Cormac McCarthyesque journey to deliver a young girl to safety. The results are very “hug your little sister because you realize how much you love her.” But we gamers hate feeling emotion, which is why I turned to criticizing the game instead of actually getting swept up in the story. The first trivial annoyance is that the zombies are the result of a fungal infection. As a plot device, that’s very… meh. Also, game developers need to get over how cool evil plants look when they’re crawling like ivy of death on the weathered remains of civilization. We’ve seen this way too often, even recently in Resistance 3. Speaking of Resistance 3, and pretty much any other third-person adventure game, I’m getting awfully tired of my protagonist always being a 6-foot-5-inch, rugged male with a stunning jawline. If you line up the main characters from Resistance, Uncharted and The Last of Us you’re going to see carbon copies of this same tall dude with well-defined shoulder muscles. This Perfect Videogame Protagonist Man has always suffered the tragic loss of a family member or friend at the beginning of the game’s main conflict. That loss always fuels a man-of-little-words, rough-around-theedges demeanor that’s not only hyper-masculine, but
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The zombie apocolypse gets all emotional. incredibly sexy — sexy in that every male in America apparently wants to be him. If videogames are trying to be the new novels of this century (which they are), they have to start embracing the tenets of literature. Games already have complex plots and narrative qualities. But somewhere, there is a Dr. Frank N. Furter of gaming. Each time a new game comes out, he goes back to the Rocky Horror of videogames and makes a copy… and he needs to stop. — SARAH MUNDS
A Tribute to the Beatles
For Your Consideration BY DANIEL WALTERS
VIDEOGAME | An old man sits in an Old West bar, trading stories for whiskey. He claims to have faced down — even shot — some of the wild, wild West’s greatest outlaws, and you play through his adventures, listening to his story, shooting increasingly ludicrous number of enemies. When the storyteller changes his mind, corrects himself, or gets lost in thought, the world around you follows suit. The gunplay in CALL OF JUAREZ: GUNSLINGER isn’t as fun as Bulletstorm and the narration’s not as distinct as in Bastion. But at a budget price, it’s worth a shot.
APP | Tower defense is the perfect zone-out genre. A line of towers unleashes fire, arrows and magic at hordes of incoming enemies, killing them, giving you gold to build bigger towers, to slaughter larger hordes of uglier enemies. KINGDOM RUSH made perhaps the best tower defense game yet by giving you little soldiers to battle some of the orcs, delaying them as your arrow towers rain pain from above. The sequel, for iPad and the iPhone, adds powerful new heroes (for which you must pay powerful real-world currency.)
TUMBLR | The cruel land of Westeros on Game of Thrones and the even crueler land of Southern California on Arrested Development have a lot in common: The importance of family, the loss of limb, and the way that weddings invariably end in disaster. Now that both have finished their seasons, it’s the perfect time to check out ARRESTED WESTEROS, the Tumblr site that combines Arrested quotes with Game of Thrones screenshots. After all, “I’ve made a huge mistake” works equally well as the motto for both House Stark and House Bluth.
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JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 27
Look for businesses with...
Frank Tano (right), director of Blue Door Theatre, is set to improvise off of Interplayers’ Jamie Flanery (above). STEPHEN SCHLANGE PHOTO
Mix Masters
Interplayers and Blue Door Theatre combine the best of scripted theater and improv BY E.J. IANNELLI
...and find The 28 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
ack in March, as Frank Tano watched Speech and Debate at Interplayers, he witnessed a café scene in which a mug filled with water was accidentally spilled. “It visibly spilled,” he says, “but nobody reacted to it onstage. To me, it seems very unnatural not to say, ‘Everybody saw this. This needs to be addressed.’ ” His incredulity makes sense, given that Tano is the artistic director at Blue Door Theatre, the region’s most established improv venue. Though he enjoys and admires the performance of scripted material, he also finds it easy to spot its shortcomings. Like glossing over lines recited out of sequence. Or ignoring spilled water. “For me, as an improviser, even when we’re miming stuff, if I have a mug and I go like this”
— he swings his fist back and forth — “someone’s going to go, ‘Oh, Frank’s character just threw liquid all over the stage. I have to react to that.’” Recalling an exercise pioneered by the Upright Citizens Brigade, it occurred to Tano that scripted lines might offer fertile ground for improvisation, with constraint feeding creativity. He pitched the idea to Interplayers as ReMix, a collaboration featuring the professional theater’s actors alongside Blue Door’s all-volunteer cast. In short, it would mark the spot where “improv and scripted theater collide.” “There’s a short-form game called ‘scene on book,’” Tano explains, “where one improviser has some prewritten material, be it a novel or a script, and they’re just reading blindly out of that while an improviser tries to justify it and make
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a scene out of it. This is a more invested version of that. There’s one actor onstage who’s doing half of a scripted scene, and the improviser is basically in charge of doing the other half.” The very nature of improv is spontaneous. But it’s a spontaneity that takes practice. In one trial run for ReMix (the texts used on the night will remain a secret to the improvisers), there occurred what Tano describes as “synchronicity moments” — points where “things just sort of click. “As the other actor was talking about how someone is turning blue, I decided I was going to hold my breath. They were referring to somebody else, but because of the way the scene was, it was now me,” he says. And that synchronicity happens more often than you think. Tano compares it to another short-form improv game that invites audience members to write phrases on paper, which are then randomly pulled out of a hat. The Blue Door players are never sure what will be drawn, especially if the audience is in an inventive mood, but there are many times when the action and phrases mesh so well they might have been paired from the start. “[ReMix] is something I’ve wanted to do ever since I found out this form existed,” he says. “But the Blue Door players can’t necessarily pull it off, because there are only a few of us that are actors that are good at memorizing things. It seemed like the best way for us to combine both houses and work together.” Tano names himself as one Blue Door actor who falls short when it comes to memorizing lines. Along with the inability to keep himself from reacting to spilled drinks and his urge to “explore what’s in the next room,” it’s just one more reason why he opted for improv. During ReMix, those theatrical liabilities will become comedic assets — if they can pull it off. “They’re excited, we’re excited, so we’ll just see how it works,” says Tano. n ReMix • June 20, July 18, Aug. 15 at 7:30 pm • $15 ($12 students, $10 groups of 8+) • Interplayers • 174 S. Howard St. • 455-7529 • interplayerstheatre.org
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 29
The Orlison team (left to right): brewer TJ Brown, co-owner Orlin Reinbold, brewmaster Bernie Düenwald, operations manager Mark Borland and sales director Rachael Provance.
Same Beer, New Name Golden Hills has become Orlison Brewing, and they’re changing everything but the beer in your glass (or can) By Mike Bookey
ernie Düenwald is not a T-shirt guy. He doesn’t like the feel and never has. That’s why in the days after his company announced it would now be known as Orlison Brewing, his staff is decked out in the rebranded brewery’s hip new apparel, but Bernie’s worn polo shirt still bears the Golden Hills logo.
30 INLANDER june 20, 2013
The company’s operations guy, Mark Borland, finally gets him to put on the Orlison T-shirt, but only because he’s about to be photographed for this article. Düenwald, Orlison’s brewmaster, is still getting used to some of the changes. There have been several in the past six months, but all of them seem to be good things, many much
Young Kwak photo
bigger than mere T-shirts. Soon, Orlison will drastically increase production, arrive on taps all over the region and be the first Inland Northwest brewery to put beer in cans. What hasn’t changed is the beer itself, craft-made lagers aimed at bringing a more accessible yet still high-quality beer to a region whose taste buds and purchasing habits have been bulldozed by hoppy ales. At the end of last year, Düenwald was at a crossroads. A Dartmouth-educated scientist originally from Reardan, he sold malts to breweries around the world before starting Golden Hills in 2009. Over the years he served as the brewmaster, salesman and deliveryman and seemingly did everything else, but the money wasn’t coming in. Rather than close up shop, one of the company’s original investors, Orlin Reinbold, teamed up with another investor, Jason Miller, to pump cash into the brewery. In recent weeks, they announced plans to drop the Golden Hills moniker and combine Orlin and Jason
to create Orlison. Now the brewery has a staff of three in addition to Düenwald and is making a push to bring quality lagers to the beer-swilling masses. “Maybe what Spokane needs is a lager brewery, and certainly the Northwest needs a good lager brewery. Ninety-five percent of the beer sold in the U.S. is lager,” says Düenwald. “People think it has to be an ale to be full-flavored. We’re living proof that that’s not the case.” People will approach Düenwald skeptically at beer festivals, believing his lagers are going to be a modified Bud Light. Then he gives a quick lesson about lagers, and after a sample has been handed out, he’s typically converted an IPA lover to his beers. “So really, some of our job is education,” says sales director Rachael Provance, sitting atop a stack of kegs in the back of the brewery’s spacious warehouse in Airway Heights. Lagers, typically lower in alcohol content and calories than ales, are — contrary to what some might believe — more difficult beers to brew. For one, it takes an extra week or more to make a lager, as opposed to an ale. A lot of the ingredients are the same, but the process is more delicate and labor-intensive.
Plan Your Tee Time.
Düenwald with a glass of the brewery’s Havanüther Lager. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO “Nobody would like an un-hopped beer. You need the hops to balance the malts. But you get to the point with some of these really hoppy ales where you can’t taste the difference,” says Düenwald. Orlison’s beers can be light and crisp like Clem’s Gold, or full-bodied and spicy like the 7 Seventy India Pale Lager. And their Lizzy’s Lager just took home a gold medal from the Washington Brewers Festival. “The timing is good in the U.S. right now for us because we’re unique,” says Reinbold, arriving at the brewery from Landmark Turf & Native Seed, the company he operates on a full-time basis while serving as a partner in Orlison. That uniqueness might be what buoys Orlison as the craftbrewing boom continues. As of 2012, there were 158 breweries operating in Washington, and production in the state jumped by nearly 24 percent in 2012 alone. But almost all of these breweries are making ales, which sets Orlison apart. Come August, the brewery’s lagers will be available in sleek 16-ounce cans, making Orlison the first area brewery to opt for cans over bottles. As Düenwald, Borland, Provance and brewer T.J. Brown — who got his start assisting Düenwald in exchange for beer — sip beers on a storm-threatened afternoon, they talk a lot about the brewery’s future. Düenwald is still wearing his Orlison T-shirt. The Golden Hills polo has been tossed aside, soon for good. People need to see this new name, and he knows that all too well. “You can have the best beer in the world, but it doesn’t matter unless you get it out there,” says Düenwald, taking a sip of lager, taking a second to stare down into it as if, indeed, it is the best beer in the world. n Orlison Brewing Co. • 12921 W. 17th Ave., Airway Heights • 244-2536 • orlisonbrewing.com
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JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 31
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Cup of Refinement Silver Spoon Tea House serves elegance in the form of tea and treats BY JO MILLER
t’s teatime. It’s a time for party dresses and bow ties, a time to be ladylike and gentlemanly, to sip and not slurp, nibble and not chomp. But at the Silver Spoon Tea House, it’s not necessarily hoity-toity when it comes to afternoon tea. Sylvia Erickson says her teahouse is not snobbish. By all means, come in your frilly garb with your hair all done up — but you can wear jeans, too. “We want people to experience the formal aspect of everything,” she says. Erickson and daughter Lara McHenry opened the Silver Spoon Tea House the first day
32 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
of June. They wanted something they could do together that had a laid-back feel, says Erickson, who previously owned and leased restaurants in Colorado and Montana. McHenry, who worked in real estate, says they wanted to create a place in Spokane for tea enthusiasts. Silver Spoon operates out of a house built in 1903 on the lower South Hill that’s in the Spokane Register of Historic places as the Levi Monroe House. Erickson furnished multiple rooms in the Queen Anne-style house with antiques, set up outdoor seating on the wraparound veranda
Silver Spoon takes a throwback approach to teas. JENNIFER DEBARROS PHOTOS and serves everything on authentic china. There are two ways to go about teatime at Silver Spoon. You can come in during the morning and early afternoon and sit in the French-style patisserie room, or you can make a reservation for a formal afternoon tea service. In the patisserie room you can order pastries made at Petit Chat or savory croissants with meat and cheese ($6.50). Choose from the 28 tea options ($3, tea for one). There’s a variety of black, green and herbal tea, including Russian Caravan tea, and a Moroccan Mint tea Erickson brought back from the Middle East during her travels. The reserved afternoon tea service comes with a three-tiered platter of “little delectable bites,” as Erickson calls them — finger sandwiches, small cheesecakes, scones and more. You can select one of three levels of service: the Lady Marguerite tea ($22), Madame Dubois tea ($25) and Marie Antoinette tea ($28). The Georgetta Marie parlor room also can be reserved for a gathering. Sink into the French settee, sip, chat and take in the essence of a true Victorian tea. “We’re a drive-thru society — to actually sit down and breathe and socialize, it’s very European,” McHenry says. n Silver Spoon Tea House • 1427 W. 6th Ave. • Open for walkins Tue-Sat, 9 am-2 pm; open for reserved parties Tue-Sat, 2-6 pm • 995-0074 • silverspoonteahouse.com
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he South Hill is still on a Bruchi’s high from the reopening of the go-to cheesesteak shop’s location in April. It was closed for more than a year — during which time another shop briefly operated in its stead — before coming back with a face-lift. According to manager Marissa Broemmeling, daughter of founder Bruce Greene, Bruchi’s was closed by the previous owner for family reasons. Greene bought it back, and now the family-owned restaurant is doing better than ever, she says. Although it’s in the same location, Bruchi’s might as well be a completely
new restaurant. Signs hang on new brick walls, more seating is available and the serving station has been completely revamped. Customers now order directly from the chef before paying, minimizing lines and getting food out quicker. The updated menu is different from other Bruchi’s restaurants. Less popular sandwiches were taken off, while healthier options like salads, chicken primavera and a choice of wheat bread were added. The mouthwatering Classic and Supreme remain reigning customer favorites. — MYCHAELA NICKOLOFF
Is your life controlled by drugs or alcohol? Take charge of your life. Call 1-800-939-CARE today. New Vision is a hospital-based medical stabilization service offering crisis intervention, assessment, screening, hospital admission, stabilization and discharge planning. The average length of stay is three days. 34 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
BREAKFAST CHAPS 4235 S. Cheney-Spokane Rd. | 624-4182 At this ode to Western Americana, breakfasts are big and homey, and the Bumper Crop coffee is always good. Try the mouth-watering biscuits with homemade sausage gravy, creamy custard-style baked oatmeal, or the lemon ricotta pancakes. Lunches are down-home hearty, and they serve up casually elegant dinners Wednesday thru Saturday. A warm summer evening on the side lawn is divine. FRANK’S DINER 1516 W. Second Ave. | 747-8798 Breakfast, available all day, is the big draw in these converted century-old dining cars. Try Great Nana’s Meatloaf Benedict, with grilled meatloaf, buttermilk biscuits and eggs, or chef’s recommendations, like fried green tomatoes and eggs or the spicy rock crab and lobster omelet. But don’t overlook the sandwich options (go for the club if you want to play it deliciously safe) at either of the two Frank’s locations. For extra decadence, try a huckleberry shake.
COTTAGE CAFE 6902 E. Appleway Blvd. | 928-8888 With its carefully designed English-cottage charm, this Valley breakfast-and-lunch spot serves fresh O.J., tender biscuits with rich cream gravy, strawberry jam made from scratch, and some of the best chicken-fried steak you’ll find. Want a burger and a beer for breakfast? You can get it here. Extra hungry? Spring for the King’s Omelet, made with half a dozen eggs, diced ham, green peppers and onions. Don’t worry, they also have a special menu for those with smaller appetites. WAFFLES PLUS 2625 N. Monroe St. | 326-2317 Inspired by his kids, owner Dale Westhaver garnishes his waffles with candy, fruit and ice cream and tops them with their signature syrup and mounds of whipped cream. Westhaver also features bacon and sausage waffles — the meat is just baked right into the waffles. Simple yet genius. Their most popular item, the All-American, is a giant Belgian waffle with two heaping scoops of vanilla.
JENNY’S DINER 412 W. Second Ave. | 747-3844 Owner Larry Quine has put together a menu with classic all-American simplicity. Check out dishes like Pigs in a Blanket, the bacon waffle, and two-egg omelets with your choice of bacon, sausage or ham and a side of hash browns and a piece of toast. The French toast combo, served with an egg and two pieces of bacon or sausage, is a standout.
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JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 35
Animated Character Monsters University finds value in not just talent, but hard work BY SCOTT RENSHAW
atatouille, like most of Pixar’s feature films — let’s all just pretend Cars 2 never happened, shall we? — has supporters who think it’s a masterpiece. As undeniably brilliant as Brad Bird’s direction and visual style are in Ratatouille, though, the story has always left me vaguely pissed off. And now, thanks to Monsters University, there’s a chance to show — through its opposite — exactly why. It’s easy to approach sequels and prequels with arms folded, looking at them as mere cash grabs, (cough Cars 2) and perhaps it seems there’s nothing inherent to the story Monsters University tells that couldn’t have been told just as effectively with different protagonists than Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal) and James P. “Sully” Sullivan (John Goodman). But as long as Pixar was going to revisit these characters, and choose their college days to do it, they couldn’t have chosen a more fitting premise: a story about what it means to discover who you are, and what it’s going to take to become who you want to be. Director Dan Scanlon and his writing team actually start even further back than college, with Mike as a schoolboy outcast on a field trip to the Monsters, Inc. scare floor. There he falls in love with the idea of becoming a professional scarer, that dream carrying him to the study of scaring at Monsters University. And while nobody hits the books harder than Mike — certainly not classmate Sully, who seems convinced that his family history of scaring excellence and his innate ability will be enough — he winds up failing a key exam, forced along with Sully out of the program. The opportunity to get back into the scaring department emerges through a university-wide “Scare Games,” and here Monsters University takes advantage of a familiar college-movie trope: an outcasts-vs.-elites competition straight out of Revenge of the Nerds. Mike and Sully hitch their wagon to a fraternity of losers — middle-aged salesman Don (Joel Murray), two-headed Terri/Terry (Sean Hayes and Dave Foley) and company — for a structure that allows for
36 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
plenty of lively set pieces, including an attempt to sneak quietly past a monstrous librarian and avoiding poisonous critters representing the still-thought-to-be-toxic human children. While Scanlon and the animators play around with more basic college-set gags — a footless monster finds himself sadly out of place in a game of hacky sack — and introduce other familiar characters like Randall Boggs (Steve Buscemi), the plot stays firmly anchored in the story arc rather than easy references. That’s part of what makes Pixar Pixar. But what makes Monsters University particularly satisfying is recognizing something more complex about aspiration than the ideas Ratatouille purveyed. That film was all about the primacy of pure talent — recognizing it, nurturing it, knowing when to admit when you haven’t got it. MU takes Mike’s journey in a different direction; he’s like a spherical, one-eyed Rudy, a little guy on a mission, steadfastly refusing to believe everyone telling him he doesn’t have what it takes to do the one thing he wants to do more than anything. Sully gets his own side of this story, facing the pressure of family expectations while lacking Mike’s ferocious work ethic, and the two initial antagonists become teammates for the best of reasons: recognizing in one another something that can get them both to their goals. So while this may not be as transcendent an experience as Pixar at its best — the jokes aren’t always spot-on, and the new supporting characters don’t really leave an impression — it’s a perfect narrative for a creative institution that could cruise on its pure talent without putting in the effort, yet almost never does. Here we see Mike and Sully working their way to the place where we find them at the beginning of Monsters, Inc. And maybe it’s even perfectly tied in to Monsters, Inc.’s opening scenes, which find Mike as the coach pushing Sully to be his best. Monsters University takes those characters to the point in life when most of us are realizing that some things are going to be harder to achieve than we expected — MONSTERS UNIVERSITY and when we learn whether we Rated PG have not necessarily the talent, but Directed by Dan Scanlon the character, to fight for it anyway. Starring Billy Crystal, John Goodman, Helen Mirren
Sarah Moss (Brit Marling) infiltrates an anarchist group called The East for the private intelligence firm Hiller Brood. Once she convinces its members that she is a sincere member of the outfit, Moss finds herself falling for the charismatic leader of the collective, Benji (Alexander Skarsgård), and begins to question her investigation. (KS) Rated PG-13.
The gang from Monsters Inc. is back, and this time they’re back in school. We see Mike trying to get back into the Monsters University scaring department — after failing out — by winning a universitywide “Scare Games.” Here Monsters University takes advantage of a familiar college-movie trope: an outcasts vs. elites competition straight out of Revenge of the Nerds. (SR) Rated PG
It seems that Joss Whedon (the man behind Avengers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and generally known as the king of all nerds everywhere) can do whatever the hell he wants after raking in so much superhero cash last summer. Take on Shakespeare? Why not? He wrote and directed this modern telling of the classic tale, most of which he filmed at his own house — because he can do things like that. (MB) Rated PG-13.
A musical comedy-drama, The Sapphires follows four women as they are discovered by a talent scout (played by the hilarious Chris O’Dowd from The IT Crowd)
Much Ado About Nothing
and travel to Vietnam in 1968 to sing for the troops. The soul group battles racism and cat fights, leading to tension in the group and numerous hardships that threatens their success. (KS) Rated PG-31
In this British dark comedy, a pair of lovers head out on a sightseeing road trip and somehow wind up becoming serial killers. Believe it or not, this movie is a lot funnier than it sounds, thanks to the quirky script and all around goofiness of the story. But for the record, killing people is a categorically bad thing to do and we don’t condone it. At Magic Lantern (MB) Not Rated
Former UN worker Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) and his family are stuck in an apocalyptic traffic jam as Philadelphia falls to fast-moving, rabid zombies. Then, Gerry is tasked by the government to travel around the world looking for the source of this global pandemic, all the while trying to get back to his family. (MJ) Rated PG-13
Based on a true story that could only happen in the warped reality that is the upper echelon of Los Angeles, this Sophia Coppola-directed flick centers on a group of celebrity obsessed teens who begin robbing their idols. They hit up Paris Hilton and the gang for everything from clothes to puppies. Emma Watson shines and the gang’s ringleader. (MB) Rated R
So one day you’re out on a routine spacecraft journey with your dad and the next thing you know, you’ve catapulted onto an alien planet where giant beasts keep trying to eat you. Except the alien planet isn’t really alien at all. Rather, it’s Earth 1,000 years after humanity was forced to escape. So now you’re sitting here, your dad’s dying from injuries sustained on the crash landing onto this abandoned planet, and you have to man up and kick some butt before every living thing in 10 square miles eats you alive. Will Smith stars with his son, Jaden Smith. M. Night Shyamalan directs, so you know it’s going to get a little crazy. (SM) Rated PG-13.
In 1995, Before Sunrise introduced us to the pair as dreamy twenty-somethings whose chance meeting on a train led to a single wildly romantic night in Vienna; in 2004, Before Sunset found them reuniting in Paris as slightly more hardened
adults, in a way that completely reframed the events that occurred nine years earlier. Now, the third installment in Richard Linklater’s story features our couple (Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy) now very much together raising twin daughters as they vacation in Greece. (SR) Rated R
It’s that time of the year when the garden patch of children’s summer movies begins to ripen for the picking — in 3D! You can brace yourself for a lot of tomfoolery, some wholesome family messaging and approximately three hundred dire situations in which quirky characters must work together to save the world. This time around, a teen falls into a mystical forest world where a battle between good and evil will decide the fate of the entire freaking universe. All bets are on, but we can assume that good’s going to win out with this one. (SM) Rated PG ...continued on next page
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 37
JUNE 21ST - JUNE 27TH THE SAPPHIRES (99 MIN - PG-13) Fri/Sat: 4:00, 6:15, Sun: 1:00, 3:00, Tues-Thurs: 4:00, 6:15
MUD (122 MIN - PG-13) Fri/Sat: 8:30, Sun: 5:00, Tues-Thurs: 8:30
But who’s counting? The wildly successful film series about a team of men and women who love to drive fancy cars really fast and, oh, yeah, steal lots of money, takes on a Bondian feeling when FBI agent (the Rock) asks for their help in tracking down a stolen computer chip and the bad guys who took it. This entry also gives team leader Vin Diesel a second chance with Michelle Rodriguez, the love of his life who was “killed” a couple of films back. The action isn’t quite nonstop, as there’s some quiet talk and goofy banter. But when that action roars back, it’s breathtakingly exhausting. (ES) Rated PG-13
FRANCES HA (86 MIN - R) Fri/Sat: 7:15, Sun: 6:30, Tues-Thurs: 7:15 SIGHTSEERS (88 MIN - R) Fri/Sat: 9:00, Sun: 7:15, Tues-Thurs: 9:00 THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES (140 MIN - R) Fri/Sat: 4:45, Sun: 4:00, Tues-Thurs: 4:45 THE COMPANY YOU KEEP (115 MIN - R) Fri/Sat: 2:15, Sun: 1:30 25 W Main Ave • 509-209-2383 • All Shows $7 www.magiclanternspokane.com
Airway Heights 10117 W State Rt 2 • 509-232-0444 MONSTERS UNIVERSITY
G Daily (10:50) (4:00) In 2D Daily (11:15) (1:15) 6:20 8:50
PG-13 Daily (1:30) 6:40 9:20 In 2D Daily (10:40) (3:45) 7:10
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Wandermere 12622 N Division • 509-232-7727 MONSTERS UNIVERSITY
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rivercityred. blogspot.com
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PG-13 Daily 6:20 Fri-Sun (11:00)
R Daily (4:35) 9:20 Fri-Sun (12:00) Showtimes in ( ) are at bargain price. Special Attraction — No Passes Showtimes Effective 6/21/13-6/27/13
38 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
Frances is a young New Yorker, hoping to apprentice at a dance company and follow her lifelong dreams. The problem? She’s not a dancer, and she doesn’t live in New York. She has a best friend, but doesn’t really talk to her anymore. As her dreams and ideal life dwindle into dust, the world tells Frances she must face the cold hard truth of reality. Her next problem? She’s happy, and there’s nothing that’s going to stop that, even an impossible journey to obtain so much more life than she already has. (SM) Rated R
Will the fifth time be the charm? The fifth adaptation of the 1925 Fitzgerald novel (the others were in 1926, 1929, 1974, and 2000) has it over its predecessors because it sticks closest to the source material, in both storytelling and spirit, and because director Baz Luhrmann is a visionary stylist. He takes the tale of selfish, wealthy rich folks in the 1920s, most of whom think they deserve everything they want, casts it perfectly (Leo DiCaprio and his smile were made for the role of the mysterious Gatsby), then goes over the top with swooping 3D cameras, fast editing, and a nutzoid musical score. (ES) Rated PG-13
Two obsolete oldies find themselves without jobs, falling straight into an internship at Google with a shot at employment — that is if they prove themselves to be the best of the best amongst a mob of interns straight of out college. Now, they must compete against techsavvy, bright young people or face the rough waters of unemployment. Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson star in a battle between old and young that will surely end in a comedic fiasco, hopefully proving that the aging generation hasn’t lost their pizzazz. (SM) Rated PG-13
So, there’s this pretty obscure movie that a lot of you haven’t heard about. It’s called Iron Man and it really never got popular. They made a sequel, which didn’t do well in box offices either and definitely didn’t amass a huge fan base or anything. A third one is coming out this week. So, I guess, if you feel like it, go and see a movie that didn’t get big and support some struggling actors like Robert Downey Jr., Guy Pierce and Gwyneth Paltrow. The movie is about a man who
makes a metal robot suit. There’s an evil villain. The guy has to save the world most of the time and stuff. We’re kidding, this thing is outrageous and, of course, very popular. (SM) PG-13
The reboot of the reboot of the Superman story is brimming with both fight and flight scenes, lots of self-doubt, a bit of humor, the problems of actually being a stranger in a strange land, and a moving, heartfelt look at father-son relationships. Henry Cavill is slightly earnest in the lead, Amy Adams gives Lois Lane the right amount of feisty toughness, Russell Crowe shows the stoic side of Jor-El, Kevin Costner is a wise and kindly Jonathan Kent, and Michael Shannon manages to mix malevolence with pride as General Zod. Visual effects are excessive, but writer David S. Goyer and director Zack Snyder make everything balance out just right. (ES) Rated PG-13
Two teenagers stumble across a ruggedly handsome fugitive (Matthew McConaughey) hiding in the Deep South from bounty hunters and the law. The boys decide to take matters into their own hands, making a pact to keep the dashing criminal hidden from hungry killers and help reunite him with his long lost love. It’s nice to see McConaughey continue his habit of appearing in movies that aren’t, by and large, romantic comedies. Let’s hope he keeps it up. (SM) Rated PG-13
It was only a matter of time before magicians figured out that illusions could be applied practically in the form of bank robbery. But Interpol and the FBI aren’t impressed with these magic tricks. Now, a battle royale breaks out between the cops and the magicians who steal for spectacle and sport. Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman gear up in this movie as magic trick debunker and bank’s financial backer. Jessie Eisenburg, Dave Franco, Isla Fisher and Mark Ruffalo sprinkle their acting talent throughout the movie as illusionists and the cops out to get them. (SM) PG-13
A circus performer/motorcycle badass/ thief/new father (Ryan Gosling) turns to robbing banks to support his brand new baby son and chip-off-her-shoulder lover. A rookie, idealist cop (Bradley Cooper), complete with hopes and dreams, tries to stop the robberies in an attempt to move up the ranks in a corrupt police department. Who is right? Who is wrong? Does the love for your family, or rather, the love of the law win out in the end? Watch the 15-year-long journey of two people as their stories entangle, altering their lives in heavy ways. (SM) Rated R
Maybe it’s implausible. Ten years from now, America is a veritable paradise: Unemployment is at a mere 1 percent and crime is virtually nonexistent. And it’s all thanks to the Purge, an annual 12hour free-for-all during which all crime, including murder, is legal. But then a rich guy played by Ethan Hawke and his family are attacked by masked bandits and are on their own to fend for themselves because, hey, it’s The Purge. (MJ) Rated R
Director J.J. Abrams has done what every Star Trek fan has been hoping for. He’s upped the ante on everything in the sequel to his 2009 reboot of the franchise. And he’s done so with an eye cocked in the direction of diehard fans, to whom he sends little shout-outs of old Trek references. He also spins a whopping good, action- and effects-filled tale of intrigue and attitudes (and relationships and photon torpedoes and even a cameo by a Tribble). (ES) Rated PG-13
Who would’ve thought that a party at James Franco’s house could lead to catastrophe? Playing themselves, the allstar cast includes Seth Rogen, Danny McBride and Jonah Hill, among others, all of whom are trapped in Franco’s house as the Apocalypse unfolds. As supplies dwindle, they must take on the outside world, dodging sinkholes and blue lights that snatch people away. (AC) Rated R
Before Midnight
Star Trek
Place Beyond the Pines
This is the End
Man of Steel
World War Z
Fast and Furious 6
the croods FRI-MON 1:00 3:00 7:35 TUES 1:00 3:00 5:00 WED-THURS 1:00 3:00 7:35
Brad Pitt, exactly as you’ve seen him before, but this time with zombies.
Zombie Confusion
42 FRI-MON 5:00 WED-THURS 5:00
World War Z tries to infect you with its Hollywood clichés Scary Movie 5
loated on its own (reportedly) $400 million budget and logy with an odd inertia for a globetrotting tale, World War Z is the most flavorless sort of blah that Hollywood regularly vomits forth. Z cannot decide if it’s a horror movie, albeit one with its squeamishness dictated by a need to recoup those outrageous production costs by trying to draw in younger teens. The camera quite literally turns away at the first hint that even a peek of blood might be forthcoming. World War Z has no guts of any kind: it has absolutely nothing to say, and it takes a long, dull, circuitous route to get there. There was potential here, and I’m not even referring to Max Brooks’ magnificent novel, from which this movie borrowed a title and little else. There’s the start of a motif about our indifference to looming disaster: the opening credits play over a montage of TV clips in which the first hint of news of an unknown virus spreading among human populations is lost among a cavalcade of screaming pundits and crap TV, where a talk-show host cooing “Your shoes are so cool” comes across with the same level of import as the latest dire global-warming projections. But that satirical thread is lost when the film turns into an intense sort of urban disaster, as former UN worker Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) and his family are stuck in an apocalyptic traffic jam as Philadelphia falls to fast-moving, rabid
zombies. Gerry is the most insipid sort of Hollywood hero, “heroic” merely by dint of his placement within the film as the central character. We know nothing about him beyond that he worked for the UN doing something vague but generically dangerous, which is what he continues to do as he hops around the planet following
Rated PG-13 Directed by Marc Forster Starring Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Daniella Kertesz up on a few wispy clues as to the virus’ origin. The “best” thing about World War Z is the global scope of the disaster it shows us: it’s sketchy, but still more than similar films have achieved. It’s possible that scope couldn’t have been achieved on a significantly smaller budget, but the sad, infuriating, septicemic irony is, that scale means nothing without human characters to care about, in a film that seems to want to be taken primarily as drama, not as cartoon sci-fi action — not that it could possibly work on that level, either. My real fear is that Z is just bland enough to spread around the world quickly. God help us if it’s successful enough to suggest to Hollywood that this strategy should be repeated.
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Or scan with your Smartphone
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Times For 6/21-6/27
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 39
JUNE 22 | 7PM
21+ | 7PM DOORS | $9.45 ADV (BUY 1 GET 2 FREE)
JUNE 25 | 7PM
JUL 14 | 8PM
JULY 18 | 8PM
JULY 27 | 7PM
40 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
True Blues
The Grizzled Mighty make powerful Northwest blues rock BY LEAH SOTTILE
efore the music even had a name, men strummed guitars and sang about the peril of broken hearts. A little over a hundred years ago, that sound became known as the blues. It’s the music of melancholy and disappointment, of hands being thrown up in the air — the songs that are sung right before giving up. And it’s always been associated closely with place: “Dallas Blues” was the first blues song to be printed on sheet music in 1912, and soon many other location-centric blues songs — “The Memphis
Blues,” “St. Louis Blues” — followed. Over time, the swampy sound that became a defining characteristic of the southern U.S. slowly migrated north — to Chicago, Detroit, the big cities dotting both coasts. Blues was a chameleon: a genre that had defining characteristics, but took on the look and feel of the place where it had been adopted. In New Orleans, blues blended with the zydeco music that echoed down Bourbon Street. In Mississippi, blues took on the slide guitar. So it’s no wonder that bands like The Grizzled
Mighty exist in the Northwest. The Seattle two-piece is thick and heavy, playing a fuzzed-out, aggressive rock ‘n’ roll — the kind of music that has become just as much of a defining characteristic of the Emerald City as blues is to the South. But the band — comprised of Spokane native Ryan Granger and Southern expat Whitney Petty — admits that though they couldn’t be further from the Mississippi Delta, the music they make is their version of the blues. ...continued on next page
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 41
Beer Cocktails Music Food 120 E. Sprague Ave.
225 E. 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA
“I love the blues. I love the sound, I love the honesty and the simplicity. I think just after listening to it so often, I start to emulate the aspects that I like of the blues,” says Granger, the band’s singer and guitarist. “I’m not a traditionalist in any sense, but I do take note of what they are doing, and how to apply it to what I am doing.” Petty, the drummer, agrees. “I come from a long line of Southerners. I feel a certain sense of pride in playing the blues, and in infusing it with the raw power of rock drumming,” she says. “When I listen to Buddy Guy, and Elmore James, and Junior Kimbrough, that music just does something to me. [It] makes me feel like I just want to laugh or cry or scream or just rock.” You get that sense listening to the band’s February release Thick Hand Grip — an album that seems to be divided equally between serious blues and heavy rock. From the start, there’s the characteristic rock crunch that once gave weight to Seattle bands like Mudhoney and Nirvana. On “Midnight Sun,” Granger’s guitar fuzzes out so loudly that it sounds like a rocket ship lifting off, while Petty stomps on her bass drum pedal. But it’s when Granger sings that the blues arrives. At the mic he hums and croons, lyrics sounding like they’ve just fallen out of the pages of his diary. He begs under his breath, “You got to save me, save me/Cause I can’t save my soul,” before launching into a shrieking guitar solo. “I don’t think I have ever written a love song … or really a song about being happy,” Granger says. “I guess that’s why I relate to the blues. I can’t write a feel-good song without feeling cheesy, but something that I’m angry or upset about, if I don’t get it out, it eats at me. I used to get in fights when I was upset. Now I play music.” You get the sense that occasionally Granger and Petty are actually fighting with their instruments. Petty’s drumming is a full-on attack on her kit, as she throws her hair around and slams her cymbals. Granger’s vocals yelp and growl like a dog caught in a fight. “They way we play is the way I always wanted to play,” Granger
says. “It took a little time to get comfortable, but I always kinda knew this is what we needed. We both just need to let it go and let the hair fly. We have this aggression that needs to be let out. Performing is our outlet.” “That animal rage is always in there,” Petty adds. “We just bring it out of one another.” The Grizzled Mighty’s rage-filled rock, mixed with lyrics of despair and hopelessness, might be the most quintessential fusion of blues melding with the sound of the Northwest. And the band says
“Something that I’m angry or upset about, if I don’t get it out, it eats at me. I used to get in fights when I was upset. Now I play music.” at their shows, they’ve noticed a renewed excitement from audiences for good, solid rock music — as if it took just a little blues to get Seattle to remember its own roots. “Seattle has a long history of rock. It went dormant for a while, but it’s back,” Granger says. “People got tired of only shoegazing for a few years, and now want to get sweaty.” leahs@inlander.com The Grizzled Mighty with the Maldives, the Blakes and Marshall McLean Band • Thu, June 27 at 8 pm • nYne Bar & Bistro • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • $7 • 21+ • 474-1621
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www.FestivalAtSandpoint.com 42 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
“Festival Fan Fare”
SPOKANE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Taste of the Stars Wine Tasting
Building Steam
Gritty local singer-songwriter Matthew Sonntag is young but wise BY JORDAN SATTERFIELD
n a small plaza on the north side of Spokane, squished between two unassuming businesses, exists an unmarked recording studio known as Noise Frog. Inside of the startlingly quiet, heavily air-conditioned studio space, two musically minded men are coming together to work on a project for the last time. “I’m trying to figure out how to do these damn templates, dude,” says singer-songwriter Matthew Sonntag, peeking over his laptop computer at producer Jae Ham, co-founder of Noise Frog. As he fumbles with downloading Photoshop, he elaborates, “I’ve got to send this stuff out if I’m gonna have a product by June 21.” Sonntag is compiling the artwork for his new CD, Learning Blocks and a Bottle of Gin, less than two weeks before the album’s release party. Yet while he waited until the last minute to create the album’s packaging, Sonntag has spent more than a year recording its songs. Sonntag, also a member of local snarlers Team Growl, makes wordy, exasperated folk rock as drunk as Shane MacGowan and jaded as Tom Waits. His scratchy, weathered voice seems intensely wise beyond its years. Learning Blocks and a Bottle of Gin is Sonntag in top form, and works as a loose concept album exploring the perceived struggles of being in your early 20s. “These songs have been in my head for a few years, so I’m finally letting them off,” says
Sonntag, who turns 26 on the night of the show. He’s using the recording to capture the themes and subject matter of the music written by his younger self. Singing them now with the confidence that comes with age, the songs are anything but sophomoric. Each one comes from a heart desperate for warmth, sung through a snide grin. “They have a new skin,” as Sonntag puts it. No small part of the album’s success results from the collaboration with Ham, whose lush arrangements are a work of art on their own. A unique blend of heavy drums, plucky strings and whirring synthesizers help Sonntag breathe life into the material. Through time, collaboration and experimentation, Sonntag has taken his songs and turned them into a strong, cohesive record with a spirit it might have lacked had it been made years previous. Sonntag has gone through a progression similar to that of his music — he’s tougher, more ambitious and not afraid to explore new terrain. n music@inlander.com Matthew Sonntag releases Learning Blocks and a Bottle of Gin, with The Lion Oh My • Fri, June 21, at 8 pm • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • $5; $8 door • All-ages • bingcrosbytheater.com • 227-7638
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 43
f you’re the type who likes to wake up with a serious “bangover” the morning after a show, then start practicing your neck exercises now (whatever those are): Wednesday’s bill at The Hop! has a lot you’re gonna love. Nestled in the lineup is Seattle’s Breag Naofa (pronounced Bray-G Nay-Fuh), a band that includes members from hardcore bands like Trial and Sinking Ships, but makes a sound closer to Cult of Luna or Isis than anything else. It’s heavy, melodic stuff that downshifts into a frantic D-beat here and there. This band isn’t mimicking its idols, but instead blending its influences with the hardcore language it already speaks. — LEAH SOTTILE
oes it say something about the current state of rock ‘n’ roll when punks start cranking down the volume and picking up on this indie-folk thing? Maybe. But you’ve got to admit the transition that The Cave Singers’ ex-rockers have made — its members served in excellent rock acts like the Murder City Devils and Pretty Girls Make Graves) to indie-folk darlings has been nearly flawless. Within months of forming, the band landed a deal with Matador Records, and has since transitioned to indie tastemaker label Jagjaguwar. The Cave Singers released a new album, Naomi, in March. A mellow record, it sees the band delving even further into a slowed-down folk sound. — LEAH SOTTILE
Breag Naofa with Drag Like Pull, He Whose Ox is Gored, Into the Storm, the Howl, the Widower and Jake Jerome • Wed, June 26, at 7:30 pm • The Hop! • 706 N. Monroe St. • $7 • All-ages • 368-4077
The Cave Singers with The Kitchen • Tue, June 25, at 9:30 pm • Mikey’s Gyros • 527 S. Main St., Moscow, Idaho • $12 • All-ages • stereopathicpresents.com • (208) 8820780
Thursday, 6/20
ARBOR CREST WINERY (927-9463), Craig Catlett Trio BEVERLY’S (208-765-4000), Robert Vaughn BLUE SPARK, Quarter Monkey BUCKHORN (244-3991), Texas Twister THE CELLAR, Kosh COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, PJ Destiny CRUISER’S (208-773-4706), The Usual Suspects CURLEY’S (208-773-5816), Phoenix THE DISTRICT BAR (244-3279), Gatorloops J THE HOP!, Lust for Glory, Chelsey Heidenreich, WayWard Too, Ian Miles JOHN’S ALLEY, Left Coast Country LAGUNA CAFÉ, Just Plain Darin LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Nick Grow LITTLE OLIVE (208-597-7499), Truck Mills J LUXE COFFEEHOUSE, Dirk Lind J MOOTSY’S, Deadkill (see story at Inlander.com), Dislich, Cold Blooded
44 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
J O’SHAY’S, Open mic PHAT HOUSE, The Tone Collaborative ROADHOUSE, Bakin’ Phat ROCK BAR (443-3796), Frank Clark SPLASH (208-765-4000), Steve Denny TEMPLIN’S (208-773-1611), Sammy Eubanks UGLY BETTIE’S, Poncho P, DJ Darkside Som THE VIKING, Push ZOLA, Cruxie, Fus Bol
Friday, 6/21
315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, Craig Catlett BEVERLY’S (208-765-4000), Robert Vaughn BIG SKY’S TAVERN (489-2073), Bobby Bremer Band BIGFOOT PUB, Inner Sanctum J BING CROSBY THEATER, Matthew Sontag CD Release (see story on page 43) feat. The Lion Oh My BOLO’S (891-8995), Not Guilty BROOKLYN DELI & LOUNGE (8354177), Starlite Motel CARLIN BAY RESORT (208-6677314), Sucker Punch THE CELLAR, Brad Perry, Laffin Bones
J THE CENTER, Light Up the Sky, What Wings Once Held, Amontillado’s Cask, Almost Home, A Cryptic Ending J CHAIRS, Jona Gallegos, Sea Giant, Wyatt Blue and the Architects CHECKERBOARD BAR, Deception’s Pass, El Drifte CLOVER (487-2937), Andy Day CLUB RIO (208-437-4814), The Last Chance Band CDA CASINO, Bill Bozly, The Jam Band COLDWATER CREEK WINE BAR (208-263-6971), Mike and Shanna Thompson CONKLING MARINA (208-686-1151), 4 on the Floor THE COUNTRY CLUB (208-6762582), On Tap CRUISER’S (208-773-4706), The Usual Suspects CURLEY’S (208-773-5816), Bad Monkeys DISTRICT BAR (244-3279), Hannah Reader FEDORA PUB, Truck Mills FIRST STREET BAR (276-2320), Johnny Qlueless FIZZIE MULLIGANS, Protocol
GATEWAY MARINA (208-689-3902), YESTERDAYSCAKE JHOP!, Sawyer Family, Barnacle Burn, Revolt, Astro Cobra IRON HORSE, The Ryan Larsen Band JOHN’S ALLEY, Pigs on the Wing LAGUNA CAFÉ, Pamela Benton MEZZO PAZZO, Spare Parts J MIKEY’S GYROS (208-882-0708), Pablo Trucker, Shannon Stevens, J. Wong MOOTSY’S, Bullets or Balloons, Furlough Fridays, Cyprus Experiment NYNE, Hey is for Horses!, The Rustics, Blake Nobel O’SHAY’S, Arvid Lundin, Jesse Crispin PEND D’OREILLE WINERY (208-2658545), A Touch of Jazz THE PHAT HOUSE, Left Over Soul RED LION AT THE PARK (326-8000), Chris Rieser and Jay Rawley RED LION RIVER INN (328-9526), Chris Rieser and The Nerve REPUBLIC BREWING (775-2700), Kendl Winter & the Summer Gold THE ROCK BAR (443-3796), Armed and Dangerous SLAB INN (208-773-5440), Texas Twister SPLASH (208-765-4000), Steve
Denny, Scorpius SULLIVAN SCOREBOARD (891-0880), Triple Shot J TONASKET, WASH., Conscious Culture Fest feat. Rocker T, Indignitize, Essential I, Acorn Project, Manooghi Hi, Polecat, Adrian Xavier Band and others TWELVE STRING BREWING (9908622), Maxie Ray Mills UGLY BETTIE’S, Real Life Rockaz, Flying Spiders USHER’S CORNER (482-0700), Cliff Park THE VIKING, Foosball J VINTAGE VINES (227-9463), Stephanie Hatzinikolis ZOLA, Troubador
Saturday, 6/22
315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, Nate Ostrander J BABY BAR, Bullets or Balloons, Encino Band BAYOU BAR & GRILL (892-3750), Armed and Dangerous BEVERLY’S (208-765-4000), Robert Vaughn BIGFOOT PUB, Inner Sanctum BOLO’S (891-8995), Not Guilty
CARLIN BAY RESORT (208-6677314), Sucker Punch CARR’S CORNER, Walking Corpse Syndrome, Damaged Goods, Valley of Nod, Cold Blooded J CASPER FRY (535-0536), Cathedral Pearls, Marshall McLean, Michael and Keleren Milham, Hannah Siglin & Friends THE CELLAR, Laffin Bones J THE CENTER, Nugestock feat. Royal Bliss, The Fail Safe Project, Seven Cycles, December in Red, The Lion Oh My J CHAPS (624-4182), Just Plain Darin CLOVER (487-2937), Kari Marguerite CLUB RIO (208-437-4814), The Last Chance Band CDA CASINO, Bill Bozly, The Jam Band COLDWATER CREEK WINE BAR (208263-6971), Ray Allen CONKLING MARINA (208-686-1151), 4 on the Floor THE COUNTRY CLUB (208-6762582), On Tap CURLEY’S (208-773-5816), Bad Monkeys THE DISTRICT BAR (244-3279), Maxie Ray Mills
Get your event listed in the paper and online by emailing getlisted@inlander. com. We need the details one week prior to our publication date. FEDORA PUB, Truck Mills FIRST STREET BAR (276-2320), Johnny Qlueless FIZZIE MULLIGANS, Protocol GATEWAY MARINA (208-689-3902), YESTERDAYSCAKE J THE HOP!, T.A.R.D.I.S. IRON HORSE, The Ryan Larsen Band JOHN’S ALLEY, Ethan Keller Group J KNITTING FACTORY, Pigs on the Wing (Pink Floyd Tribute) LA ROSA CLUB (208-255-2100), Holy Broke J LUXE COFFEEHOUSE, Union Street J MEZZO PAZZO, Trevor Reichman J MOOTSY’S, Keenan Magik, Bandit Train J PEARL THEATER (208-610-2846), Josh Harty PHAT HOUSE, Steve Powers, Moksha, Sunstripe, Chelsey Heidenreich
J PINE MEADOW FARM (217-2687), Working Spliffs J PORCH (208-772-7711), Hey is for Horses, The Rustics, Melefluent, Blake Nobe RED LION RIVER INN (328-9526), Chris Rieser and The Nerve ROCKET MARKET (343-2253), Karrie O’Neill SADDLE INN (624-1228), Garrett Bartley Band THE SHOP, Sidhe, Hannah Siglin SIDEBAR (290-5100), Tommy G SLAB INN (208-773-5440), Texas Twister SPLASH (208-765-4000), Steve Denny, Scorpius SULLIVAN SCOREBOARD (891-0880), Triple Shot J TONASKET, WASH., Conscious Culture Fest USHER’S CORNER (482-0700), Cliff Park J THE VIKING, Jimmy Nuge, Diamond Speedboat, Royal Bliss ZOLA, Raggs and Bush Doktor
Sunday, 6/23
ARBOR CREST WINERY (927-9463), Miss Abbey’s Red Hot Orchestra BLUE SPARK, HipGrass THE CELLAR, Steve Ridler CHECKERBOARD, Simon Says Die CLEARWATER RIVER CASINO (208298-1400), Josh Turner CDA CASINO, Echo Elysium THE COUNTRY CLUB (208-6762582), Last Chance Band DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS , Jam Night with VooDoo Church J THE HOP!, Blood Stands Still, Murder Death Kill, Maya Over Eyes, Smash Your Enemies, High Regard, Laid Up, Outlier SADDLE INN (624-1228), The Two Dudes J TONASKET, WASH., Conscious Culture Fest ZOLA, The Bucket List
Monday, 6/24
JOHN’S ALLEY, Andy Frasco J KNITTING FACTORY, Machine Head ZOLA, Nate Ostrander Trio
J CENTER, 3 Pill Morning, Evolved, Push, Elephant Gun Riot J HOP!, Mutiny Inc., Robb Dogg, Pest, Maya poiseN’Ivy Griffin JOHN’S ALLEY, Andy Frasco KELLY’S IRISH PUB (208-6667-1717), Powell Brothers J KNITTING FACTORY, Krizz Kaliko, Mayday, Stevie Stone, Cool Nutz, Knothead, Tyler Denbeigh J MIKEY’S GYROS (208-882-0708), The Cave Singers (see story on facing page), The Kitchen ROCKET MARKET (343-2253), Marshall McLean J THE SHOP, Darin Schaffer VIKING, AG/CP ZOLA, Dan Conrad and the Urban Achievers
Wednesday, 6/26
BEVERLY’S (208-765-4000), Robert Vaughn BISTRO ON SPRUCE (208-664-1774), Truck Mills THE CELLAR, Barry Aiken DISTRICT BAR (244-3279), Dan Conrad EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard FEDORA PUB , Kosh FIZZIE MULLIGANS, Kicho J HOP!, Breag Naofa (see story on facing page), Drag Like Pull, He Whose Ox is Gored, Into the Storm, The Howl, The Widower, Jake Jerome JJ’S GRILL (467-4267), Chris Rieser and The Nerve J KNITTING FACTORY, Hinder,
Aranda, Devour the Day, Acidic LATAH BISTRO (838-8338), Kalliope LUXE COFFEEHOUSE, Dario Re MEZZO PAZZO, Brad Keeler ROADHOUSE, Steve Starkey ZOLA, Island Soul
Coming Up…
J NYNE, The Grizzled Mighty (see story on page 41), The Maldives, Marshall McLean Band, The Blakes on June 27 THE GORGE (785-6262), Paradiso Festival from June 28-29 REPUBLIC BREWING CO. (775-2700), Cody Beebe on June 30 FOX THEATER, Old Crow Medicine Show on July 2
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Tuesday, 6/25
BEVERLY’S (208-765-4000), Robert Vaughn CARR’S CORNER, MF Ruckus THE CELLAR, TC Tye
July 7 Bring in a sample of your plant, bug, weed or whatever (preferably in a plastic bag or jar) and one of our gardening experts will diagnose your problem and find a solution for it.
MUSIC | VENUES 315 RESTAURANT • 315 E. Wallace Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-9660 AVENUE PIZZARIA • 2001 W. Pacific Ave. • 624-0236 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BELLTOWER • 125 SE Spring St., Pullman • 509-334-4195 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division • 467-9638 BLUE SPARK • 15 S. Howard St. • 838-5787 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 CARR’S CORNER • 230 S. Washington • 474-1731 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-9463 THE CENTER • 6425 N. Lidgerwood St. • 433-7328 THE CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague Ave • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 South Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2467 DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St. Sandpoint • 208-263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, Coeur d’Alene • 208-765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGAN’S • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GIBLIANO BROTHERS • 718 W. Riverside Ave. • 315-8765 THE HOP! • 706 N. Monroe St. • 368-4077 IRON HORSE • 407 Sherman, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-7314 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208883-7662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague Ave. • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 4480887 LUXE COFFEEHOUSE • 1017 W. First Ave. • 642-5514 MARQUEE • 522 W. Riverside Ave • 838-3332 MEZZO PAZZO WINE BAR • 2718 E. 57th Ave. • 863-9313 MOON TIME • 1602 Sherman, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-2331 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 NORTHERN QUEST CASINO • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague • 474-1621 O’SHAY’S • 313 Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-4666 THE PHAT HOUSE • 417 S. Browne St. • 443-4103 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W, Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 ROADHOUSE COUNTRY ROCK BAR • 20 N. Raymond Rd., Spokane Valley • 413-1894 SERGIO’S • 825 W. Riverside Ave. • 7472085 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 THE SWAMP • 1904 W 5th Ave • 458-2337 VIKING BAR & GRILL • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main • 624-2416
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 45
Some people train for marathons. Some people get up early to do laps at the pool. Some people bike hundreds of miles. And as we see each year in Coeur d’Alene, the craziest people do all three. Athletes start out by diving into the chilly lake, then bike a hilly 112 miles before running a full marathon on the Centennial Trail. Among the different Ironman race locations, Coeur d’Alene is known for its scenic course and enthusiastic spectators. So we’ve got a reputation to defend, you know? Arrive early for a prime watching spot at City Beach. — LISA WAANANEN Ironman Coeur d’Alene • Sun, June 23 • Swim begins at 6:35 am • Free • City Park, 415 W. Mullan Rd., CdA • ironman.com
Burgers and cheap beer have no place at this feast featuring the best brews from Deschutes Brewery in Bend, Ore. With all five courses comes an original brew from Deschutes. Start off with a pork tostada paired with the Chainbreaker White IPA, and cap the evening of food and drink with a blackberry pound cake balanced with a Black Butte Porter. The price seems well worth it. You can go back to your PBR and Keystone tomorrow. — JEFF RUTHERFORD Connoisseur’s Club Beer Dinner • Fri, June 21 at 6 pm • $55 • The Lincoln Center • 1316 N. Lincoln St. • thelincolncenterspokane. com • 327-8000
46 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
This weekend, take the ultimate plunge off the edge of Spokane’s tallest building for a worthy cause. Not just anybody gets to participate in this annual fundraising event supporting Special Olympics Washington — those who rappel down the building are required to raise at least $650 for the organization. If you’re too chicken to rappel down the side of the Bank of America building, you can always donate to a braver soul’s goal, or take up a post on the sidewalk and watch participants make their way down. — CHEY SCOTT Over the Edge for Special Olympics Washington • Sat, June 22 • Bank of America Financial Building • 601 W. Riverside Ave. • specialolympicswashington.org
Email getlisted@inlander.com to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
Looking over Doug Webster’s professional performance résumé is astounding. The Portland-based opera singer and actor has performed on Broadway, in national and international theater tours and in Inland Northwest regional theater productions, including the Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre’s 2008 production of Les Misérables. Webster returns to Coeur d’Alene to blow us all away with his impressive pipes, performing pieces from Les Miz, The Phantom of the Opera and other Broadway shows, with fellow theater vets Jadd Davis, Robby French and Aaron Baldwin. — CHEY SCOTT Doug Webster and Friends in Concert • Thu, June 27 at 7 pm • $15-$25 • Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd., CdA • lauralittletheatricals.com • 208-391-2867
nightclub venues to choose from doors open at 9PM
The sad news: this weekend is the second-to-last ride for the F—-ing Bike Club. The good news: You still have two more chances to participate in the local cycling club’s events. Take a hint from this full-moon ride’s name, the “Prom Fiasco,” and put on something snazzy that won’t get caught up in your bike chain. Don’t be intimidated by the club’s name — it’s open to anyone. If you’ve ever thought, Huh, I’ve always wanted to be in a bike club, but have never gone, now is the time to go because come July, the FBC will be no more. — MYCHAELA NICKOLOFF The FBC Prom Ride • Sun, June 23 at 7 pm • The Swamp Tavern • 1904 W. 5th Ave. • fbcspokane.blogspot.com
$10 in Advance $15 at the door 1/2 off for registered Hoopfest Players
The Lincoln Center 509.327.8000 thelincolncenterspokane.com
JUNE 29th 2013 JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 47
My boyfriend is a very spiritual person who practices yoga, meditation, etc. He showed me a website about karezza, which basically involves deriving sexual pleasure through long, drawn-out, non-vigorous physical contact without experiencing an orgasm. It sounds nice and all, but I would greatly miss the orgasm part of sex. Well, he recently revealed that he is a recovering porn and masturbation addict. I see from the way he talks how important it is for him that we give up traditional intercourse for karezza. I love him AMY ALKON and want to help him in every possible way, but I’m not sure how to come to terms with giving up orgasms. —Conflicted You aren’t a bad girlfriend if you need your boyfriend to be something of an animal in bed, and not the kind found fossilized in rock. Okay, to be fair, there is some movement during karezza, just not enough that anybody participating would get anywhere near Orgasmageddon. Alice Stockham, the 19th century Quaker doctor who came up with karezza (named for the Italian word “carezza,” meaning “caress”), argued in her 1896 book about it that orgasms “without cause” (such as the desire to make a baby) are “degrading.” Stockham called for a more “ennobling” sort of sex, “a quiet affair” that is “devoid of lustful thoughts, that is, the mere gratification of physical sensations” — or, to put it in more modern terms, “50 Shades Of Reading Next To Each Other In Matching Snuggies.” Karezza does get props from practitioners, who insist they feel way more bonded to each other than when they used to give each other screaming orgasms. However, the sciencey sounding claims for its benefits by some of those who publish books and articles about it seem largely unsupported by research. Also, it is not a solution to your boyfriend’s compulsions but a way to avoid dealing with the issues underlying them. As addiction treatment specialist Dr. Frederick Woolverton explains in “Unhooked,” at the heart of any addiction is an attempt to avoid legitimate suffering — difficult emotions which are part of being alive. You could agree to try karezza for three weeks to see whether it works for you, and by “works,” I mean gets you thinking, “Oh, orgasms, schmorgasms.” Unless it does, it’s unfair to resign yourself to the sexual equivalent of reading a 300-page crime novel…except for the last 30 pages, which you tear out and burn. And despite the spiritual window dressing around karezza, unless your boyfriend is doing as Woolverton advises — taking steps to “head straight into (his) emotional pain, which is what terrifies (an addict) the most” — what you’ll likely have on your hands is a meditating, yoga-doing, spiritual-talking boyfriend who’s only somewhat present. In other words, you support him by committing to help him deal with his feelings while he develops healthy coping mechanisms, not by replacing your “If the van’s a-rockin’…” bumper sticker with “If the van looks like it hasn’t been moved in years…”
My boyfriend and I just ended our relationship and are trying to heal and move on. This is difficult because we not only work together but are in the same building and on the same research team. I love my job and feel lucky to have it, so moving on to another workplace isn’t the answer. —Blasted With The Past It’s hard to maintain a veneer of professionalism when the plant’s loudspeaker pages you, “Employee #442, Employee #440 is drunk-dialing you on extension 2.” Unfortunately, it’s easy to end up in that situation when you don’t have the usual benefit of a breakup, which typically involves separating once and for all, not every day at the end of the workday. Give yourself concrete reinforcement that it’s over by writing down five reasons you don’t belong together, and help yourself compartmentalize at work by drawing a line down a piece of paper and listing the appropriate behaviors for “Together” vs. “Just work together.” Because research finds that ritual is highly effective in helping people assimilate change (and because it’ll probably be comforting to have a cackle with a couple of friends), maybe have a “funeral” for your relationship and “bury” a few symbolic items from it in the nearest Dumpster. That probably sounds a bit wacky, but acting like the relationship is dead and gone and you’re moving on should help you do just that. According to British psychologist Dr. Richard Wiseman, author of “The As If Principle,” numerous studies suggest that “the easiest, quickest and most effective” way to change your thinking isn’t by thinking about it but by acting “as if” you’re the person you want to be — in your case, the person who’s managed to demote one of her coworkers from soulmate to paperweight. n ©2013, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com)
48 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
STAND-UP COMEDY Local comedians. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy, 2721 N. Market St. (4837300) JEFF DUNHAM Live comedy show. June 20 at 8:30 pm. $30-$60. Northern Quest Resort & Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights. northernquest.com (481-6700) YEARBOOK Live improv comedy show based on audience suggestions of yearbook “sentiments.” Through June 28, Fridays at 8 pm. $7-$9. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. bluedoortheatre.com (747-7045) SAFARI Short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) LIVE COMEDY Live stand-up comedy shows every Sunday at 9 pm. Free. Goodtymes Bar and Grill, 9214 E. Mission Ave. (928-1070) COMEDIAN ALEX ZERBE Live comedy show by the Seattle-based comedian featuring stunts and more, family friendly. June 24-28, times and locations vary at Spokane County Library branches. Free. scld.org (893-8200)
ENTERTAINMENT IN THE PARK Summer entertainment series featuring live music and performances. Thursdays through July 11 at 7 pm. Free. East City Park, Moscow. (208-883-7036) GREEN SCENE SOCIAL Sustainability social meetup open to those interested in making Spokane more healthy, efficient and beautiful, hosted by Cascadia Inland Branch Collaborative. June 20 from 5-7 pm. Free. No-Li Brewhouse, 1003 E. Trent. greenscenesocial.splashthat.com (208-660-4361) BASKETS FOR BABIES FUNDRAISER Parking lot sale featuring local vendors and a benefit auction to support the nonprofit organization Baskets for Babies. June 22 from 9 am-4 pm. $10/ vendor, free to attend. Baskets for Babies, 9410 E. Sprague Ave. (214-2634) CONTRA DANCE Hosted by the Spokane Folklore Society, featuring live music by Wild Asparagus and a dessert potluck. June 22 at 7-10 pm. $12$15, under 18 free. St. John the Baptist Church, 4718 E. Horsehaven Ave, Post Falls. spokanefolklore.org (747-2640) INLAND NW HONOR FLIGHT FUNDRAISER Car show fundraiser featuring family activities, live music and more with donations accepted and 25 percent of food sales donated to the Inland Northwest Honor Flight, sending WWII Veterans to Washington DC. June 22 from 10 am-4 pm. Hooters Restaurant, 16208 E. Indiana Ave. (926-2294) JUNE BUG BALL 1970s-themed community dance featuring dance lessons followed by open dancing. June 22 from 7-10 pm. $5-$9. Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 W. First Ave. usadancesandpoint.org (208-699-0421) MAD HATTER TEA Afternoon tea fundraiser featuring refreshments, music and more in a benefit event for The Franciscan Place at St. Joseph Family Center. June 23 from 1-4 pm. Ages 21+. $50. St. Joseph Family Center, 1016 N. Superior St. sjfconling.org (483-6495) SMAC PICNIC POTLUCK Second an-
nual potluck and barbecue hosted by Spokane Moves to Amend the Constitution. June 23 from 4-7 pm. Glover Field, 216 N. Cedar (pmlarratt@gmail. com) SCRATCH LAB Programming and computer animation workshop using Scratch, for grades 4-6. June 24, July 29 and Aug. 26 at 2 pm. Free. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. scld. org (893-8400)
BOOK BINDING WORKSHOP Learn how to bind paper into books and more with Rollin Thomas. June 24-July 15, Mon from 1-3 pm. $60. Ages 16+. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland Ave. spokaneartschool.net (325-3001) POP-UP WORKSHOP Learn how to make pop-ups for cards and more. June 24-28 and July 15-19. Ages 12+. $72/week. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland Ave. spokaneartschool.net (325-3001) KIDS’ CLAY WORKSHOP Learn how to create using FIMO clay with artist Carole Galloway. June 28 from 10:30noon and from 1-3 pm. Free for children ages 6-12, registration required by June 23. Dahmen Barn, 419 Park Way, Uniontown, Wash. artisanbarn. org (229-3414)
DOG FIRST AID Learn how to provide first aid to your dog in the outdoors. June 20 at 7 pm. Free, registration requested. Attendees are asked to leave their dogs at home. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. rei.com/spokane (328-9900) AIRCRAFT FACTORY TOUR Tour the facilities of Quest Aircraft Company. June 20 from 3:30-4:30 pm. Free. Quest Aircraft Co., 1200 Turbine Dr., Sandpoint. (999-7614) ALBENI FALLS DAM TOUR Learn water safety and see the internal working structures of the dam including the turbines. June 20 and June 27 from 10:30 am-1:30 pm, registration required. Free. Albeni Falls Dam, 2376 E. Highway 2, Oldtown, Idaho. exploringfamilies.com (999-7614) TEACHER RESOURCE FAIR Teachers are invited to learn how Mobius can help students learn about science in and out of the classroom. June 21 from 9 am-4 pm. Free. Mobius Science Center, 811 W. Main Ave. (443-5669) OVER THE EDGE Rappel down the side of Spokane’s tallest building — 20 stories and 264 feet — in the annual Special Olympics Washington fundraiser. June 22 from 8 am-5 pm. Fundraising required to participate, free to watch. specialolympicswashington.org (2997117) JUNK FROM MY TRUNK Vintage and antiques show featuring more than 35 vendors, live music and more. June 22 from 10 am-4 pm. $2. Foxwood Tea House, 125 Foxwood Dr., Newport. (589-0097) WELLNESS & BEAUTY EXPO Vendors, demos and more. June 22-23. Spokane Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. spokanecounty.org (434-0133) BISON RANCH TOUR Tour of the ranch and dinner. June 22 from 4-8 pm. Dinner served at 5:30 pm. $5-$15. H2H Bison Ranch, 30585 S. Ditmore Rd., Worley, Idaho. exploringfamilies.com (999-7614)
ARTS ANONYMOUS A 12-step program for artists to explore creativity, expression and media, open to all. Saturdays from 3-4 pm. Free, donations accepted. St. Luke’s, 711 S. Cowley St. (280-0325) SPOKANE ROSE SHOW “Roses in Song” themed rose show featuring exhibiting, judging, speakers and the “A Day in the Garden” event. June 22 starting at 8 am. Free admission. Northland Rosarium, 9405 S. Williams Ln. (448-4968) AXEMAN BENEFIT MOTORCYCLE RIDE Annual benefit ride hosted by the Spokane Valley Fire Dept. to support wounded veterans. June 22, ride at 11 am, sign ups from 9:30-10:30 am. $30. Cruiser’s, 6105 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls. (901-3125) EXPLORE BUDDHISM Young adults (ages 18-29) are invited to look inward and contemplate the direction of their life with the Venerable Thubten Chodron. June 24-July 1. Sravasti Abbey, 692 Country Lane, Newport, Wash. (447-5549) RECONNECTION WORKSHOP Workshop to provide post-deployment skill building for military families, on the topic of communicating clearly. June 27 at 6 pm. American Red Cross, 315 W. Nora. (326-3330)
PANORAMA COLVILLE RODEO Parades, rodeo compeitions food and drink and more. June 21-22. Northeast Washington Fairgrounds, 317 W. Astor Ave., Colville, Wash. (684-2585) COEUR D’ALENE AIRPORT FLY-IN “Wings of Freedom Tour” fly-in featuring WWII-era bomber and fighter planes. June 24-26. Mon noon-5 pm, Tues-Wed 9 am-5 pm. Walk-through tours $6-$12. Flight experiences $425+. Coeur d’Alene Airport, 10375 N. Sensor Ave, Hayden, Idaho. (800568-8924)
THE CROODS Animated family film. June 20 at 1 pm. $3. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St., Moscow. (208-8824127) 42 Drama. June 20-23, show times vary. $3-$6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St., Moscow. (208-882-4127) MONSTERS INC. Screening of the film on Theophilius Tower Lawn. June 20 at 8:30 pm. Free. University of Idaho, Moscow. (208-885-7251) GHOSTBUSTERS Film screening. June 21-22. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7638) OCTOBER BABY Film screening. June 21 at 7 pm. Free. Lidgerwood Presbyterian, 4449 N. Nevada St. (487-9667) COEUR D’ALENE LIBRARY SUMMER MOVIES Children’s movies (rated G or PG) shown on Mondays at 1 pm from June 24-July 29. Free. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. cdalibrary.org (208-769-2315) G-DOG Documentary screening. June 25 at 6 pm. Free. The Book Parlor, 1425 W. Broadway Ave. (328-6527) HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA Animated family film. June 26 and 27 at 1 pm. $3. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St., Moscow. kenworthy.org (208-882-4127)
OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL Free movie screening. June 26 at 5 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Library, 702 E. Front Ave. cdalibrary.org (208-769-2315) QUARTET Drama. June 27-30, show times vary. $3-$6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St., Moscow. (208-882-4127) ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH Free summer movie screening. June 27 at 2:30 pm. Free. The Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. (208-667-1865)
HEALTHY COOKING CLASS Learn what changes to make to diet and lifestyle to lower the risk for heart disease. June 20 and July 18 from 6:30-8 pm. Free. West Central Community Center, 1603 N. Belt St. cherspokane.org (232-8138) SEA SCALLOPS Learn how to buy, clean and cook sea scallops with three different recipes. June 20 at 5:30 pm. $45, registration required. Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine. com (328-3335) COWGIRLS AND COCKTAILS Women’s networking event with proceeds benefiting the Susan G. Komen Foundation. June 20 from 5-7 pm. The Roadhouse, 20 N. Raymond Rd. (315-9637) SUMMER SOLSTICE Beer tasting and dinner. June 20 from 6-8 pm. Spokane Club, 1102 W. Riverside Ave. spokaneclub.org (838-2310) WOODINVILLE WINE ADVENTURE Sample wines from eight of the more than 75 wineries in Woodinville, Wash. June 21 at 7 pm. $20, reservations required. Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd Ave. (3432253) BEER DINNER A five-course dinner featuring dishes paired with beer from Deschutes Brewery from Bend, Ore. June 21 from 6-10 pm. $55. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. thelincolncenterspokane.com (327-8000) COOKING WITH THE MASTERS Learn to make strawberry crème fraiche soup and more. June 21 from 11 am-2 pm. $35. Gourmet Way, 8222 N. Government Way, Hayden. (208-762-1333) VETS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER 20 percent of proceeds donated to the program which helps veterans attend the NxLevel Entrepreneur Training Program. June 21 from 11 am-11 pm. Froyo Earth locations in the Spokane area. (924-4994) JUICING WORKSHOP Learn how to use a juicer to make healthy juices that could help combat many symptoms. June 22 from 3-5 pm. Free, pre-registration required. Sun People Dry Goods, 32 W. Second Ave. (368-9378) GARDENS & GRAPES Tour three gardens while tasting wine from three Palouse wineries, hors d’oeuvres and more. June 22 from 1-6 pm. Locations vary. visitpalouse.com AN EVENING IN TUSCANY Dinner and silent auction benefiting the YWCA’s Alternatives to Domestic Violence Safe Shelter. June 22 at 6 pm. $50. Central YMCA/YWCA, 930 N. Monroe St. ywcaspokane.org (863-2882) AUTHENTIC MEXICAN COOKING Learn to make fresh dough, classic fillings and sauces and how to wrap tamales. June 23 at 2 pm. $45, registration required. Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com (328-3335)
CRAB BOIL Bob Black leads a New England-style crab boil cooking class. June 24 from 5:30-8 pm. $50. Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center, 405 William St., Post Falls. jacklincenter.org (208-457-8950) DANISH PASTRIES Learn the techniques of making Danish pastries and fillings. June 24 at 5:30 pm. $45, registration required. Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com (328-3335) ITALIAN FAMILY RECIPES Learn traditional, Italian-style home cooking using fresh fruits, veggies and olive oils. June 26 at 5:30 pm. $39, registration required. Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com (328-3335) DIY SUMMER ESSENTIALS Learn to make bug spray, sunscreen, camping suds, toothpaste and more at home. June 27 from 6:30-8 pm. $10, reservations required. Pilgrim’s Market, 1316 N. Fourth St., CdA. pilgrimsmarket.com (208-676-9730) BARBECUE COOKING Learn how to prepare baby back ribs, a sweet and spicy bbq sauce and Jamaican Jerk slaw. June 27 at 5:30 pm. $39, registration required. Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com (328-3335)
SIDHE Concert as part of the SpringSummer Guitar Series. June 20 at 7 pm. $7-$12. Holy Names Music Center, 3910 W. Custer Dr. hnmc.org (326-9516) MASTERCLASS BIG BAND A salute to high school musicians during a “grad night” concert performance. June 20 from 7-9 pm. $5. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (290-8802) KPBX KIDS CONCERT Bluegrass concert featuring music from Big Red Barn and celebration of the concert series’ 20th anniversary. June 21 from noon-1 pm. Free. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. kpbx.org (328-5729) DOOBIE BROTHERS Blues/rock concert. June 23 at 7:30 pm. $45-$65. Northern Quest Resort & Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights. (481-6700) JAZZ BENEFIT CONCERT Jazz concert featuring local musicians performing in a benefit for the families of fallen Fairchild Airmen Capt. Mark Tyler Voss, Capt. Victoria A. Pinckney and Tech. Sgt. Herman Mackey III. June 25 at 6:30 pm. $22. The Bing, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (290-7733) ZACH BAKER The multi-instrumentalist, composer and conductor joins other local musicians to perform a concert. June 26 at 7:30 pm. $15-$20. Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center, 405 William St., Post Falls. jacklincenter.org (208-457-8950) DOUG WEBSTER Hit Broadway songs performed by Webster, accompanied by Jadd Davis, Aaron Baldwin and Robbie French. June 27 at 7 pm. $15-$25. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd., CdA. (208-391-2867) (208-391-2867)
TAI CHI WORKSHOP Introductory lessons and demonstrations. Thursdays at 6 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Park, spokanetaichi.com (847-5915) SPOKANE SHOCK Arena football game vs. Utah Blaze. June 21 at 7 pm. $14-$35. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokaneshock.com (242-7462) YOUTH BASEBALL INVITATIONAL First
annual “Best in the Northwest” youth baseball invitational. June 21-23. Fri-Sat from 8 am-6 pm, Sun from 8 am-5 pm. Dwight Merkel Sports Complex, 5701 N. Assembly St. bestinthenwbaseball.com (714-7373) GUNS AND HOSES HOCKEY BENEFIT Annual benefit hockey game supporing the Kootenai County Police and Fire Memorial Foundation and the Post Falls Food Bank. June 21 at 7 pm. $5-$7. Frontier Ice Arena, 3525 W. Seltice Ave., Post Falls. frontiericearena.org (208765-4423) DRIVE FOR HOPE SCHOLARSHIP GOLF TOURNAMENT Scholarship fundraiser tournament featuring 18 holes of play, food and more. $100/player. June 21 at 8 am. Avondale Golf Course, 10745 N. Avondale Loop, Hayden, Idaho. kroccda. org (208-763-0627) DRAG RACES Fast Fridays drag race June 21 at 7 pm, Summit Series No. 4 drag race June 22 at 6:30 pm, super oval at 7 pm. $5-$12. Spokane County Raceway, 750 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, Wash. (244-3333) RIDE THE WALL 13-mile mountain bike race. June 21. Silver Mountain, 610 Bunker Ave. Kellogg, Idaho. silvermt.com (208-783-1111) YOUTH BASEBALL INVITATIONAL First annual “Best in the Northwest” youth baseball invitational. June 21-23. Fri-Sat from 8 am-6 pm, Sun from 8 am-5 pm. Dwight Merkel Sports Complex, 5701 N. Assembly St. bestinthenwbaseball.com (714-7373) ALL STATE GIRLS BASKETBALL Top high school teams in the B, 1A, 2A and 3A divisions compete. June 22 starting at 1:30 pm. $3-$5. HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo, Liberty Lake (927-0602) IRONMAN COEUR D’ALENE Ironman triathlon. June 23 at 6:30 am. Starts and ends in downtown Coeur d’Alene. Free to watch. ironmancda.com TRAIL MAINTENANCE Work party with the Washington Trails Assocation. June 23 and 24 at 8:30 am. Registration required. Mt. Spokane State Park, 26107 N. Mt. Spokane Park Drive. wta.org KAYAKING THE INLAND NW A presentation on kayaking including gear selection, types of boats, safety and more. June 26 at 6 pm. Free. Hayden Community Library, 8385 N. Government Way. (208-772-5612) BIKE MAINTENANCE An introductory bike maintenance class for women. June 27 at 7 pm. Free, registration requested. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. rei.com/spokane (328-9900)
INTO THE WOODS Dark comedy/musical. Through June 29. Thurs-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10-$20. Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208-667-1323) BIG RIVER Musical based on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, performed by the Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre. Through June 22, Wed-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $32-$47. NIC Schuler Auditorium, 1000 W. Garden Ave. cdasummertheatre.com (208-769-7780) SAME TIME NEXT YEAR Romantic comedy performed by members of The JACC’s Theater Troupe. June 23 at 2 pm, June 20-22 at 7:30 pm. $10-$15. Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center, 405 N. William St., Post Falls. (208-457-8950) REMIX: IMPROV & SCRIPTED TOGETHER
Performances featuring a blend of scripted and improvised acting in twocharacter scenes. June 20 at 7:30 pm. $10-$15. Interplayers Theatre, 174 S. Howard St. (455-7529) THE MARRIAGE OF BETTE AND BOO Satire/comedy. Through June 30. Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, also June 20 at 7:30, June 23 and 30 at 2 pm. $15-$20. Ignite Community Theatre, 10814 E. Broadway Ave. ignitetheatre.org (953-0442) THE SOUND OF MUSIC Musical. Through June 30. Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 3 pm. $5-$12. Pend Orielle Playhouse, 240 N. Union Ave., Newport. (671-3389) JACK AND THE BEANSTALK Musical. June 27-29, July 3 and 12 at 6:30 pm, June 30 at 2 pm. $5-$10. Performances held outdoors. Idaho Reperatory Theatre, University of Idaho, Moscow. idahorep.org (208-885-6465) INTERPLAYERS THEATRE BENEFIT An evening of dancing, hors d’oeuvres, dessert and raffle to benefit Interplayers Theatre. June 28 from 7:30-10 pm. Chateau Rive, 621 W. Mallon Ave. interplayerstheatre.org (455-7529)
MAN’S BEST FRIEND Artwork celebrating the love of dogs featuring a coinciding pet food drive. Through June 29. Artist reception June 27 from 5-7 pm. Free. Pacific Flyway Gallery, 409 S. Dishman-Mica Rd. (747-0812) THE SPOKANE RIVER “The Beauty and the Power” exhibit featuring historic images of the river and its many uses from the 1800s through Expo ‘74. Through July 31. Open Tue-Sat, times vary. Downtown Library, Northwest Room, 906 W. Main Ave. (444-5336) KATEY MANDLEY Oil on canvas exhibition. June 20-July 16. South Perry Pizza, 1011 S. Perry St. (290-6047) PALOUSE ART WALK Exhibits, galleries and more. June 21-29. Artist meet-andgreet June 22 from 1-3 pm. Free. Downtown Palouse, Wash. visitpalouse.org STEVE HENDERSON Artist showcase. June 21-July 13. Gallery hours Thu-Sat from noon-5:30 pm. Free. Redtail Gallery, Oak St. and Sixth Ave, Sandpoint. redtailartgallery.com (208-946-8066) WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP “Painting Dynamic and Believable Foliage in Watercolor” with artist Ken Spiering. June 21 from 6:30-9:30 pm and June 22 from 8:30 am-3:30 pm. $85. Ages teen-adult. On locaiton at the artist’s studio in Valleyford, Wash. (325-3001) PASTEL WORKSHOP Pastel workshop taught by visiting artist Diana Moses Botkin; open to all skill levels. June 22 from 11 am-4 pm. $72, registration due June 15. Dahmen Barn, 419 N. Park Way, Uniontown, Wash. (229-3414) FLORIADE Sixth annual flower-inspired art exhibition and floral-themed luncheon and dinner. June 22. Lunch from 11:30-2 pm, dinner from 5-7:30 pm. Bank Left Gallery, 100 S. Bridge St. Palouse, Wash. bankleftgallery.com (878-8425) CREATING GRAPHIC NOVELS Learn how to tell stories visually and the techiques of illustrating a story line with Rollin Thomas. June 24-Aug. 19, meets Mon and Thu from 7-9 pm. $250. Ages. 16+. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland Ave. spokaneartschool.net (325-3001) CREATING PICTURE BOOKS Learn how to make picture books in a course
adapted from college-level courses, taught by Rollin Thomas. June 25-Aug. 14. Meets Tue and Wed from 7-9 pm. $250. Ages 16+. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland Ave. spokaneartschool. net (325-3001) WATERCOLOR IMPROVISATION Learn the techinques of watercolor and painting spontaneously. June 25-Aug. 20, Tues from 1-3 pm. Ages 12+. $15/class. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland Ave. spokaneartschool.net (325-3001) ART-WRITE WORKSHOP Workshop for visual artists on writing about their work. June 27 from 6-8 pm. $20. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. auntiesbooks.com (838-0206) FIGURE DRAWING Class taught by artist Jery Haworth, with individual instruction provided. June 27-July 18, Thurs from 1-3 pm. $70. Ages teen to adult. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland Ave. spokaneartschool.net (325-3001) JO FYFE “The Rule of Three” art exhibition. June 28-July 27. Artist reception June 28 from 5-8 pm. Tinman Gallery, 811 W. Garland Ave. (325-1500) HDR PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP Learn how to take HDR photographs using a digital camera and software photoediting techniques with Roger DuBois. June 29 from 9 am-1 pm. $30. Ages high school and up. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland Ave. (325-3001)
FIVE MINUTES OF FAME Open mic for prose, poetry, music, comedy and other original material. June 19 at 6:30 pm. Free. All-ages. Café Bodega, 504 S. Oak St. (208-263-5911) MICHAEL GURIAN “The Wonder of Aging: A New Approach to Embracing Life After Fifty” book signing and reading. June 20 at 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. auntiesbooks. com (838-0206) ARTIFACTS AND HISTORICAL PRESERVATION Seminar by the Coeur d’Alene Tribe and the Idaho Parks and Rec Dept. on preserving American Indian artifacts and structures. June 20 at 7 pm. Free. Human Rights Education Institute, 414 W. Mullan Rd., CdA. hrei.org (208-2922359) STORIES IN STONE Lecture on urban geology in Washington state by geologist David B. Williams. June 21-22, times and locations vary at Spokane County Library branches. Free. scld.org (8938200) ALLISON MILIONIS “Horse Sanctuary” book signing and presentation. June 25 at 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) BROKEN MIC Spoken word open mic night. Wednesdays at 6 pm. All-ages. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. (847-1234) CHILDREN’S BOOK LAUNCH Release of the anti-bullying children’s book “Peace Polly From Pluto” by author Devi Fournier. June 26 from 5:30-8 pm. Free. Human Rights Education Institute, 414 W. Mullan Rd., CdA. hrei.org (208-2922359) THE ROAD TO STATEHOOD “Idaho Migration and Settlement” lecture as part of the series commemorating the 150th anniversary of the creation of Idaho Territory. June 27 at 7 pm. Free. CdA Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. cdalibrary.org (208-769-2315) n
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 49
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? N O I QUEST What happened at the Constitutional Convention?
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Independence. C The Founding Fathers signed the Constitution. D The Constitution was written by the British. Look for answer in next week’s issue of the Inlander!
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22. Busy people 23. Not realized 24. Dour 25. Like noisy fans 29. Gang follower?
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DOWN 1. Hoover, e.g. 2. ____ Jima 3. Not Rep. or Ind. 4. Mes after Mayo 5. Early afternoon hr. 6. Early man? 7. On deck 8. Formal occasion 9. From head ____ 10. U.S. president whose mother’s first name was Stanley 11. Preppy shirts 12. Battery terminal 13. Mindless 18. Electrician’s unit 21. “Vlad the ____” (1982 kids’ book about a baby vampire)
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40. Corrected a timeline entry 41. Stop, to a sailor 42. Bun maker, perhaps 43. Spice in Indian cuisine 44. Al dente 46. Casino spot 47. It’s bad to be behind them 51. Sporting event with Shinto rituals 55. Herbal tea type 57. What a texter of “:-(“ might be 58. Set apart 59. Nadya Suleman’s nickname in the tabloids ... or an apt title for this puzzle 63. Grows bored with 64. Singer Corinne Bailey ___ 65. Ending for AriZona flavors 66. Like a deal that won’t happen again 67. You may leave them in stitches:
LAST WEEK’S QUESTION: When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? ANSWER: A July 4, 1776 The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, signed by 56 Founding Fathers and adopted by the colonies on July Fourth, Independence Day.
ACROSS 1. Executed 4. Careerbuilder.com listing 7. As good as usual 14. Blow away 15. Game with 108 cards 16. How some professional services are offered 17. 1992 Damon Wayans comedy 19. Dull answer to “What’s new?” 20. With it 21. Display setting for an electronic toy 22. Brother who appeared in none of the films starring his siblings Chico, Harpo, Groucho and Zeppo 26. Comfort 27. Celebrity widowed in 1980 28. Dye holders 30. Dashboard Confessional genre 34. “Oh yeah?”
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JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 51
1. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers, Jeers). 2. Provide basic info about you: name, address, phone. 3. Email it to ISawYou@inlander.com by 3 pm Monday.
I Saw You
I Saw You
At The Piano Bar on June 8th, you were a brunette in a blue and orange flannel shirt, I was a brunette in a tank top. I was sitting by the piano player in the red shirt with a group of girlfriends. You were with a group of friends in front.
nerve to ask you to dance you were occupied. Would like to meet you for coffee or a drink sometime.
knows how you feel about them ‘cause unexpressed Love has no power at all, but Love spoken and shared brings joy. Treasure peace between you more than being right or having the last word. Know that there is no greater reward for True Love than to grow old enjoying the life you’ve created together.
the checker that I would have to void the order. A gentleman (with a capital G) told her to put the order on his card. I tried to refuse, get his address, name and phone number. He reiterated to just put my purchase on his card. I did get that his name is Paul, but that is all. I was rather overwhelmed and was in a fog as I went home. I can’t tell you how amazing this was. I can only “pay it forward”. Spokane has some very generous and amazing people. Paul is definitely one of them.
Flying Goat 6/12. You: short-haired Asian-American lady sitting on the patio with a group; yes, I saw the ring and hope you are blissfully happy. Just wanted you to know-you are stunning. Have a wonderful life.
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Whe n was th e last time you we re a t Lake Roosevelt?
52 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
My Love! My real life McGregger for the love of movies and media, wrestling and football you light up my life with your corny serenading. It has never been so easy to be myself. I am super grateful I met you. You treat me with so much love and respect. I am one lucky girl to have such a creative and great guy in my life! I will scratch your beard or put your hair up anytime. Thanks for keeping a girl super happy. Love always your “hot babe”!
Fastkart A couple of Friday’s ago I came in with a group of guys for a birthday. I was the one with the blue shirt and brown hair and tattoo’s. You: beautiful with long Bay I just want you to know that hair, blue eyes, tattoo’s, and a I appreciate you standing by me great smile. We convinced you to come race with us, even in a skirt you dominated the track. I don’t know your real name but you raced as Betty White. I would love to Put a non-identifying email get to know a girl like yourself. address in your message, like Colby9865@gmail.com “petals327@yahoo.com” — not
Downtown Starbucks You wear a funny green tee with a bat-wielding squirrel on it (you know what that means, right?). I see you sitting at the downtown Starbucks sipping coffee and people-watching. We smile at each other, occasionally talking. Not to be forward, but I think you’d fit with me like a douche-bag fits an Affliction shirt. Destiny. I think you should ride with me in my orange car to the best screen porch in Idaho. I have a dog that would be over the moon to cuddle with you - especially if you have pretzels. Please say you love classic Grand Ol’ Opry recordings and traveling without an agenda. Please say your sense of humor is wicked and your heart is generous. Please say you could love a girl with a politically incorrect Twitter account. I am certain I’m meant to be with you. Small Cafe I saw you a couple weeks ago sitting across from me at a small cafe on Monroe having breakfast. We talked about how we thought the chances of two people making a connection through the ‘I Saw You’ column was pretty unlikely. I have not seen you since. My message to you is simple, I want to see you again. If by some unlikely chance you read this just know that I will be waiting. Runner I saw you in my life when I met you all those years ago, where are you Danny?
Approximately 60 miles west of Spokane via scenic Hwy 2!
Iron Horse Bar I saw you at Car d’lane, Iron Horse Bar. I was with a large group and you were with some friends. We exchanged smiles and when I finally got the
“j.smith@comcast.net.” through this amazingly stressful time. Having twins is going to be a challenge but I know with you by my side that it will all work out. You do so much for me and I don’t always show you just how much I Love You! Thank you for everything you do. Nev. Only In A Jeep! Cheers to all Jeep Wrangler owners who do the wave! You know what I’m talking about! You Made My Day To the young jazz trio playing in Riverfront Park at the entrance on Tuesday afternoon. Thank you for coming out and playing. SPD Happy 1st Anniversary! I have enjoyed annoying you this first year of marriage and I look forward to annoying you for many more years to come! You are the best husband in the world and my boys are lucky to have a man like you in their life! I love you and thank you for all that you do for us! DLD Love To build a lasting Love, start by giving freely, expecting nothing in return. Say easily both I’m sorry and you’re forgiven. Find new interests to share. Give small gifts frequently and when not expected, compliment each other. Never bury anger or resentment, it will only produce bitterness and a hardened heart. Always listen to and respect each others opinions, especially when they differ. Work equally as hard on your relationship as you do in any career or outside interest. Never assume your loved one
Sweet Baby I saw you across the couch from me. You were bravely sharing your heart. I’ve never known such a gorgeous woman who I wanted so thoroughly to hold and protect. Here’s to another baker’s dozen together, love. Signed, your eggheaded fella. A Virgo She’s beautiful, friendly, adventurous, and genuine. 1200 miles away, and she still gives me butterflies. She’s about Singing, Coffee, System of a Down, Tarot Cards, and is only a mere 5 weeks away from being close again. She makes me feel so happy, I wish I could see her smile everyday. My Empress Our Hearts I was pumping gas at HICO north, finished and walked into the store to get breath savers and gum. You were finishing paying for your gas, our eyes and hearts met. Now 15 years later, feels like yesterday ! Love you Tracy! Thank You For Showing Me and allowing me to feel, to have and to know, what true love is all about. Love you In Search Of Lilly Brown. If you remember spending time with me when you were younger, I miss you and would really love to make contact with you again. You would come over to Pam and Mark’s house and I would play with toys with you and watch cartoons. If you remember all of this please contact Mark. I thought of you as a daughter and would really like to get back in contact with you again. I miss you and love you still. Dearest Pizza in Coeur d Alene. Cheers to you and your BBQ pulled Pork pizza that has kept my tummy full and heart happy. Cheers to my pizza makers that put their all into my cheesygarlicky nugs. Cheers to being there for all of us without a corporate taste or attitude. I love you Pepe. Costco Good Samaritan After working a shift as a “demo” lady at Costco a few weeks ago, I gathered several things to purchase as I was leaving work. As I was checking out the machine said I should contact my bank as there was a problem with my debit card. This order was just over $100. Rather embarrassed, I told
Seeking My Soulmate I am a female widow, a retired school teacher who has been blessed by living and being loved. Now I find myself alone again. It is lonely, but the tears come less often. I’m wondering if that unique kind of love that happens when two people are lucky enough to be joined at the heart, might still happen. I have wonderful family and friends, but when I come home at night, the loneliness is here. I miss having someone to talk and laugh with who might be able to share some of what is important to me. Someone who could become my soulmate. I Love You I can’t believe the way I feel about you. It’s scary to think how far we’ve grown and the steps that now seem so logical for us to make it together. The passion, love and certainty I feel while knowing that you’re mine is overwhelming, but now I’m comfortable in it. We make sense together, so much so, that contrary to beliefs, one could argue, that it was all fates doing after all. Much love. To My Soulmate My best friend/ partner. It’s been 8 years of ups and down, but as I take a long, good look around, it is still you and I standing strong. I know we both have done and said such awful, horrible things to one another that we can’t take back or change, but if I can plant another seed there, in you,
Be Cheerful! ...get free sweets Submit your Cheers at
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“I Saw You” is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
today to be remembered forever, I would need you to know that of all the wrongful doings that I know in my heart have been done by you to me, I don’t care about them because I now realive that I’m the one who drove you to those actions. I know it isn’t me, but you who deserves so much better than me and I need to tell you that I am painfully, dreadfully, honestly so truly sorry for ever bringing you down to my level of misery. I thank you for standing by me and putting up with me. I love you, baby, with every last ounce of me, forever.
a reason to raise your voice at a paying customer, if you feel you cannot control your temper, and as the other jeerer said your ego then maybe it would have been a good idea to go home sick instead of lashing out on customers. There was no need for negativity or an attitude, it should be a place of relaxation and enjoyment and the staff should assist in this experience not take away from it.
know too! Get a life a and leave the rest of this great planet alone!
Jeers Looking For Mr. Right I’m happy for all the beautiful women that helped me get closer to asking the question. Where is Ms. Right? Was I a fool not to dance with you, or hold your hand longer? Should I have made the kiss a point of electricity that turned into a sunset? If I complain, I know, that’s how I don’t want to remember you, and to the girl who’s out there looking for me, I’m here. I will be here everday at noon, the time when the sun is highest in the sky. I can offer humor, maybe a cherry popsicle. On thing you should know, you are not alone. M RE: Leaving Spokane Apparently Spokane would do well to have at least one less negative person here, so, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. See ya! RE: Birthday Celebration Thanks to those who have responded to my post. To the prior bartender, I appreciate your commentary. However I did order my drink with a splash of tonic, I did ask for lime, and we did use a small brand new cup to scoop up the limes to refrain from passing germs. I also have worked in the business for quite a few years myself. That is why I was so disappointed with his service. I can be empathetic to ones frustrations due to rude and belligerent patrons (which we were not) and how easily it can ruin someone’s mood but that’s never
Aggresive Driver To the woman in the black Ford Sportrac with Idaho plates on Friday 6/14 at 7:30 am west bound I-90. I’m not sure whether to congratulate you on your skill in intimidating other drivers and your ability to weave through traffic or congratulate you for being one of the top idiot drivers I’ve ever seen. Riding on someone’s ass will only piss them off. I’m in the slow lane going 65 in a 70 MPH zone. Oh, that’s right you were behind me LOL. The rule is as follows 2-4 seconds space between vehicles or approximately one car length for every 10 MPH. I guess the fast lane wasn’t fast enough for you either. I did get your hand signal when you finally crammed your way back into the fast lane. I enjoyed watching you tailgate other drivers and change lanes multiply times as you sped through traffic. Well, I did pass you, kind of, you got off at the Argonne exit and were sitting at the light to turn left at the next light. I was courteous and nicely waved as I drove by and turned right. All that bad driving didn’t get you anywhere. Did it? I did enjoy turning your license number into the Washington State Patrol and yes, I even called the Idaho State Patrol too. Hope you had a great day, I know I did. Schools Out! Now that school is out, I have a quick problem for you to figure out for all the idiots that like to drive around town in their crappy cars with the loud mufflers and loud stereos! What do you get when you have an expensive muffler and a crappy car - the movie Fast and Furious movie? You still get a crappy car! Just want to make sure you know what we all
A Jeers To Myself I am giving jeers to myself for throwing a beer at a construction worker working on the Cheney Spokane Road. Words cannot express how awful I feel for what I did to you. What was an attempt at throwing you a beer, making your job a little bit better, turned into me littering and exploding a beer onto you. These were the actions of an adolescent @$$hole and I am kicking myself for what I did. I wanted to turn around and apologize but I didn’t get the chance. I am so sincerely sorry for what I did and hope that you read this and know how terrible I feel for what I did. If you reply, I would really like to see you and apologize to you face-to-face. You didn’t deserve that and I am truly, honestly sorry. D Places To Go Just got out. Did a dime of hard time at Clallam. Gladiator school and my doctorate is writ sanguine. You’re legit. A citizen. You like to camp the speed lane to slow down the hurried. The speed limit is yours to enforce in your parochial gray minivan. My stang is gray. Gunmetal gray. You think you can impede my quick tripping ways. We are gone from this existence infinitely longer than we are here. You need to stay over there in the right thinking lane. I’ve got this one. Places to go, punk. Many places to go. Tips Everytime there is a comment about a server not getting a tip, the writer states that this costs the server money because the server is taxed on their sales. While this may be true in the short-term, it is not true in the long-term. For tax withholding purposes, it is assumed the server is given a 8.5% tip. On a $100 dinner, the assumed tip is $8.50 and the employer withholds $1.70 if you are in the 20% tax bracket. In the short-term, you are out $1.70, but this is refunded to you when you file your annual tax return and you report your actual income. Now assume that you received a 20% tip on that $100 dinner and got $20 in cash. If there is no immediated reporting of your tips, it is again assumed you got a 8.5% tip and $1.70 is withheld from your wages. You now have an extra $18.30 in your pocket, until you report your actual income on your tax return and have to pay the extra tax that was not previously withheld from your pay check. Generally, for tax withholding purposes, the times the server receives a zero tip is balanced out by the times the server gets a tip that is greater than 8.5%.
JUNE 20, 2013 INLANDER 53
Beyond Fear
The search for meaning (and forgiveness) in human touch BY SHANN RAY
hen I was a boy, I went down to the creek bed work a father goes through results in what Ignatius called in the big, empty high plains of Montana, in “peace of soul,” a well-lived life that contains meaningsearch of things. My grandmother, a delightful touch; an articulated sense of emotional, verbal and ful and ever-open person, taught me to search, and when physical healing; justice and mercy in the aftermath of I went to the creek bed, I found water snakes skating on harm; and a holistic embrace of the feminine and the the water’s surface in flashes of green and yellow lightmasculine. ning. When I lifted them from the flow, they curled their Openness is crucial. When someone becomes slender bodies around my wrist like sun-kissed bracelets. transparent, sincerely asks forgiveness or offers forgiveThat search for meaningful things and the possibilities ness, and chooses the long journey to atonement, grace that exist in the world has stayed with me all my life. It ensues. As a writer, touch and forgiveness inform the led me to try to understand more about people: words and actions that flow into and out of my what keeps us together, what tears us apart. life and the life of my family. I think of my own I became a researcher and began to study daughters’ hands, and I think of the hands of Send comments to leadership and forgiveness, especially the moothers. Hands in all shades and sizes, all ages editor@inlander.com. and states of loveliness or disrepair. The hand ment when we touch someone in the attempt to forgive, or when we are touched by another is a symbol of our shared humanity toward and feel forgiven. Not surprisingly, touch and one another: the hand of violence, the hand of forgiveness inform each other in eloquent and sonorous tenderness, the hand on which a finger is broken or cut ways, and I’ve found in this search a certain unity that I off, the hand that is young and new to the world, the old, believe to be among the great gifts to humanity. weather-worn hand. The hand that has been amputated. In my experience, most people hope for healing, but Hands are vessels of despair or forgiveness. Even when the road sometimes involves so much vulnerability that we are bound by fear, our humanity calls out to one people veer away. another. I’ve witnessed the love that occurs between us When a man, for example, seeks forgiveness and as women and men, as people of diverse races and such atonement from his own son, the quest is impossible if varied preferences in faith, socioeconomic level, sexuality that father has not humbled himself. The real family and personhood. Sacredness exists below the fear, if we
54 INLANDER JUNE 20, 2013
can cross the threshold, open the veil and walk in. Legitimate or true leadership is elusive, filled with nuances of love and power that are uncommon and require uncommon foresight, discernment, contemplation and action. Forgiveness too is highly nuanced, and in fact involves a refreshingly disciplined process, a process that can be given voice and made known. Forgiveness brings to mind current developments in philosophy, psychology, theology and political science: the idea that there is ultimate violence in the world, and yet we find a dormant intimacy below this violence, a power intimately associated with ultimate forgiveness. Again, the level of ultimate violence the world presently faces is tantamount to a collective epidemic of annihilation: 5 million war-related deaths three centuries ago, 20 million two centuries ago, and a staggering 110 million war-related deaths in the past century. Add government-imposed genocides and famines and the number reaches a staggering 180 million. We know ultimate evil exists. What is less reported or given less narrative voice is ultimate good, ultimate intimacy, and ultimate reconciliation. This is where personal and collective leadership becomes so important. In current social science research, people with higher forgiveness capacity have significantly less depression and anxiety, greater emotional well-being, and in an amazing symbol of our shared humanity, significantly less heart disease. So in philosophy and theology, as well as psychology and political theory, one of the things that fascinates me is the idea that ultimate forgiveness is now being revealed as the systemic and biological counter to the ultimate violence that exists in the world. The path from war to peace is arduous and hardwon. Beyond fear is love. n Shann Ray is a professor of Leadership Studies at Gonzaga University. He is the author of Forgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity: Servant Leadership as a Way of Life; American Masculine: Stories; and Balefire: Poems, forthcoming from Lost Horse Press.
Weekly Email Publication
3 2 1 We’re building a healthier community for you and your family. Come see how on June 27. What Are You Doing This Weekend? Make your plans with the help of the experts. Each Friday at 10 am, the Inlander Writers will send you an e-mail with their top picks for weekend fun.
The Deaconess Health & Education Center Open House The Deaconess Health & Education Center houses in one convenient location: the new Gastroenterology/Pulmonary Center; physician offices; heart diagnostics and other sophisticated technology; and community education areas. Join us for the Deaconess Health & Education Center open house on June 27 and see how Rockwood Health System partners are building a healthier community. We will give you a guided tour of the Center, including Rockwood specialty clinics. You’ll meet physicians and staff, enjoy the interactive displays, and learn more about Senior Circle and Healthy Woman. Thursday, June 27 • 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Deaconess Health & Education Center, 910 W. Fifth Avenue
To advertise, call 509.325.0624 x216 or email sales@inlander.com
Tours start every half hour from 5 – 6:30 p.m. Physician talk: 6:30 p.m. Light snacks provided. To RSVP, visit DeaconessSpokane.com.
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