Dying on the fire line for 40 cents an hour PAGE 13 CLASSICAL
Sounding new notes at Northwest Bach Festival PAGE 23
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WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE “FANCY” DISH YOU’VE EATEN AT A LOCAL RESTAURANT? PEDRO VILLANUEVA I really like Catacombs. I forget what I had, but I loved it. That place is awesome. I also had duck at the Peacock Room at the Davenport. That was a lot of fun, and it was the best duck I’ve ever had. It was my first time ever having it and I love duck now.
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VINH BUU We just went to Bangkok Thai, and I had a chicken dish served in half of a pineapple. It’s these breaded, fried chicken pieces with fresh chunks of warm pineapple and then cashews and fried basil with some kind of a sauce, and then sticky rice, which is really good. It’s my favorite.
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CARLY DEMERS There is such an amazing Caesar salad at Picabu. It’s delicious, it’s light, it’s presented well. It’s big, but it’s not so big that you could never possibly eat one.
Gilbert Sandoval (x242) ADVERTISING ASSISTANT
ASHLEY TALBOT My favorite fancy dish was at Clinkerdaggers. I got salmon. It was the best salmon I ever had. They put lemons on it, and it was really, really good.
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The Myth of SIRTI
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he vote by the Washington state House of Representatives to cut funding for Innovate Washington signals that reality may finally be catching up to mythology. The reality is that stand-alone business incubators, or any facsimile, like Innovate Washington, almost never produce what they promise. The mythology is the belief that they can. Frankly, the idea, as reported in the Spokesman-Review, that Innovate Washington viewed the state Department of Commerce as its last best hope wasn’t so much a plan as a white flag. Those Momentum business leaders who, in an expression of hope against hope, rallied around the business incubator model of economic development back in 1987 and created SIRTI understood at least one thing: They had to associate their incubator with the state higher education budget and not depend on the Department of Commerce. First, the higher education budget was always bigger. And second, the Department of Commerce, even then, had serious reservations. That’s how we got SIRTI — the “Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute.” Now the reality was that SIRTI was never “Spokane,” nor was it “Intercollegiate,” nor was it even much in the way of “Research and Technology.” It was always about a sales pitch. I recall one meeting when a former EWU president announced the latest “innovative” idea: It “promised” to create a new “high-tech” (it always had to be “high-tech”) company that in, say, five years would generate (pick a number) in revenue and (pick a number) new jobs. No evidence, just numbers, seemingly pulled out of a hat. Keep in mind that SIRTI, for the first five to seven years of its existence, couldn’t even count on money from higher education. Why? Because both WSU and Eastern knew what the Department of Commerce knew: SIRTI was, at best, an expensive placebo.
o keep the dream alive, the call went out to Tom Foley, the only large political gorilla that Spokane has ever had, and — presto! — he came through. SIRTI would live on, thanks to federal DARPA money. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. I remember pondering this obscure agency at one high level SIRTI meeting, as I sat listening to a guy from California singing the praises of his DARPA-funded “research and technology” project: plastic runners for pallets. It was about this time in the presentation that the late Terry Novak, at the time the majordomo on the “intercollegiate” campus, got up to leave the meeting. As he passed me by, he muttered: “I can’t take this BS any longer.”
That would seem to be what the Washington state House, in more polite terms, is saying today about our current incarnation of SIRTI, Innovate Washington. There was a chance to set things on a realistic path back in 1997, when the late Wendell Satre, then chairman of what is now Avista, sat at a table inside the Spokane Club and, together with Jim West and five or so other local notables (the same bunch who had given us SIRTI a decade earlier), hatched the idea that, they thought, promised to accomplish what Satre had long urged be done: bring a research university to Spokane. The way to do it? Have WSU take over EWU, and give WSU ownership of the nascent campus at Riverpoint. It turned out that what became known as the “Jim West merger proposal” met with much, much more opposition from EWU supporters than was ever expected, and in the end there would be no merger. However, WSU would be given “ownership” of the campus anyway. Eastern was required to rejustify its Spokane programs (which it easily did), and the much-despised “Joint Center Board” (formed to mediate EWU and WSU conflicts) was abolished. But instead of being deeded over to WSU with the rest of the campus, SIRTI was left alone on an island. It was an opportunity lost, and we have wasted all this time since — 15 years — watching reality chase the mythology.
ad SIRTI gone to WSU back in 1999, Spokane could be benefiting from an even greater WSU presence today, extending beyond medical training, certainly into the broader “high-tech” world. How? Because WSU has the graduate programs necessary to drive research — programs that could have been integrated into similar programs at Eastern. Satre was right all along: Research universities are the key to economic development. They bring in the grants and the crucial graduate research students; most important, they can become a major community presence and provide a window onto the larger world. So yes, Sen. Michael Baumgartner is correct when he says that this long-overdue move will “increase academic vibrancy in the community.” I would add, however, a caveat: “Increased vibrancy” will depend on WSU seizing on the opportunity to move a greater array of graduate programs to Spokane — and not just in health sciences. And that’s something Pullman has never been all that enthusiastic about doing.
Owning the Road BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.
ome say this is the golden age of television, with shows like The Good Wife and House of Cards, along with new services that allow you to watch just about any of it on any screen at any time. And it’s all because we are ponying up more and more for cable, Internet, Netflix, etc. The shows are addictive, and enough people continue to pay for it. But for how long? Get ready, because Comcast — already the largest media company on the planet, and looking to get even more monopoly-ish by taking over Time Warner Cable — may slap a pay meter on your Internet usage sometime soon. And other new service fees are on the way thanks to a recent FCC ruling allowing “variable pricing.” Could greed end our golden age? Programmers like CBS and A&E are at the mercy of Comcast, because it controls more and more of the broadband road over which their shows are increasingly delivered. Even Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, nervous over being at the mercy of reliable Internet connections, told the New Yorker that, “The future is broadband.” If you own the broadband road, you get to set the toll. The networks and Comcast will make peace — by passing along higher costs to the rest of us. And don’t expect better service with those higher prices. Despite promises made a decade ago, when Congress deregulated the high-speed Internet business, America still has some of the world’s most expensive and slowest broadband, according to the New America Foundation. If this was just about getting Scandal to download faster, it wouldn’t be so urgent. But Comcast also provides the Internet connection for businesses in America’s biggest cities. The Internet is the world’s economic playing field, and we’ll be held back if we don’t push for faster speeds and greater access. It’s like when America needed electricity, starting in the 1880s. Trouble was, private firms wanted to own it and put profits first. Uncle Sam stepped in, and electricity became a regulated — and, in many places, a publicly owned — utility. As a result, America prospered. Susan Crawford, author of the recent study of the industry, Captive Audience, thinks the parallels are apt: “High-speed wired connections are now infrastructure, just like bridges, roads and water.” Comcast’s expansion now goes to the FCC; the key criterion is whether it benefits the public interest. Putting our broadband future in fewer hands does not serve our interest. Still, this deal seems destined for FCC approval. When that happens, we can only hope for new technology to bring much-needed competition — or for another behemoth (Google is already dabbling) to build us some new broadband roads. JEN SORENSON CARTOON
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Readers react to Gov. Jay Inslee’s death penalty moratorium
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JASON NOLLMEYER: Idiot. Let’s just keep catering to the scum of society.
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ANTHONY GILL: Good! This is a fiscal conservative move. Our justice system can’t afford costly death penalty cases. Just sentence them to life and be done with it.
MICHELE MARIE: Not only fiscally responsible, but a humane decision as well. Two murders don’t make anything right.
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After reading the article on oil trains (“Booming Business,” 2/6/14), I do feel that you need to expand the narrative. I am from a small town in Montana and have watched these trains grow in numbers. More people need to look into the direct relationship between Warren Buffett (52 percent owner of BNSF and a heavy donor to Obama’s campaign) and tie it to the shutdown of the Keystone pipeline. I hope your readers wake up and start seeing beyond the half-truths printed in the media today. DANIEL BUTKAY Spokane, Wash.
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“When playing Russian roulette, the fact that the first shot got off safely is little comfort for the next.” So wrote Richard Feynman in the Challenger shuttle disaster report. In the case of trains, not only do we know that derailment is always a possibility, but we also know that the tanker cars currently used to transport highly toxic and flammable crude oil are known to be susceptible to rupture in the event of a crash. And yet the oil continues to move, posing a hazard to communities along the way and the aquifer below. What sort of madness is this? The solution is simple and obvious — an immediate cessation of oil transportation by rail in Washington state. Non-binding resolutions by the Spokane City Council are very nice but totally ineffective. If we are serious about moving to renewable energy sources and giving our grandchildren clean water to drink, the least we can do is to shut down this dangerous traffic. In the words of Feynman again: “Reality must take precedence… for nature cannot be fooled.” RAY WOODS Spokane, Wash.
I have been a part of the protest of Daiquiri Factory’s drink, Date Grape Kool-Aid, since they first released their menu. I remember seeing it pop up in my news
feed and immediately the triggers started happening. I felt violated all over again. As a rape survivor, this bar has offended me to my very core. Due to my active involvement in the protest and on Facebook, I have been called a whore. I have been told that I should be raped again because I didn’t learn my lesson the first time. I have been told to just get over it. What most people don’t understand is that rape changes you. It changes your whole life. I am a very different person because of what happened to me. It took me a year to even admit that I had been raped. It’s taken me even longer to begin to heal. To have a business be so callous and hateful towards my simple plea as a hurting woman to change the name has wounded me deeply. The national attention the bar has been getting has reflected so poorly on Spokane, and we hope to change that through our efforts. We want the country to see that Spokane does, indeed, have a soul. We don’t want to be known as the city that promotes rape. BETHANY RUX Spokane, Wash.
As a part of the biking community in Spokane and Cheney, it has come to my attention that the trail that leads from Fish Lake to the trail on Scribner is unpaved. I commute on a road bike, and the gravel causes less traction and can lead to spin-outs. Paving this road would make it much safer for cyclists who are commuting because there are a large number who have resorted to making the shoulder of the CheneySpokane Road their biking lane, which is unsafe given the speed cars are traveling at. The problem could be solved by paving the few miles between Fish Lake and Scribner to provide a safer route for bikers. DESTINY L. BRITO Cheney, Wash.
Send comments to editor@inlander.com.
DONALD HUTCHINSON: What a great move! This practice needs to stopped, for good. When people are convicted, sentenced to death and later found to be innocent, or have an unfair trial, we should understand as a society that the death penalty is not the way to go. This is cruel and unusual punishment and does not belong in a contemporary or progressive society. JASON LONG: Well, Inslee, you lost any chance of my vote! ERIN MARK HERSEY: Well hell, that’s just an invite for all the murderers to move to Washington...go ahead kill people here and we won’t execute you for it! Dumb as hell. KELLY ZIMMERMAN: We waste millions trying to execute people every year. It’s a waste and rarely is it carried out. No matter what you think about the death penalty, this is the most fiscally responsible decision our governor could make. KEITH SCHULZ JR.: Another Democrat that subverts the law and acts as a dictator. Obama has paved the way. YVONNE LAMARR: Buh bye Inslee. I will be doing my part to vote against you. MAUREEN PHILLIP JONES: Inslee has not abolished the death penalty, he has declared a moratorium for the duration of his time in office. He is perfectly within his rights to do so. JOHN ENDRESEN: Death teaches nothing, let them suffer for the rest of their lives thinking about how useless they have made themselves, in a not so pretty environment.
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Market Turns Bearish BY ANDY BOROWITZ
n what observers are calling the largest merger ever between two species of mammal capable of mauling humans to death, polar bears and grizzly bears announced this week that they were joining forces in a friendly acquisition. If the merger goes through, the polar bears and grizzly bears would together be able to terrorize a much larger landmass than ever before, experts said. Speaking at a press conference in New York accompanied by their investment bankers from Goldman Sachs, the jubilant bears gave their spin on the unprecedented deal. “To say that we’re excited would be an understatement,” said a spokesman for the grizzlies. “For years, we’ve admired the way polar bears have dismembered people who’ve encroached on their territory. To be on the same team with talent like that — whoa. It’s a dream come true.” While critics of the merger
have argued that it is anticompetitive, a spokesman for the polar bears disagreed. “I think working with the grizzlies is just going to push us to savage more human flesh than ever before. Speaking for myself, I’m ready to start mauling,” he said, underscoring his point by eating a reporter. The merger is not expected to face regulatory hurdles. Elsewhere, responding to the news that Washington Gov. Jay Inslee had suspended the death penalty in his state, Texas Gov. Rick Perry seized on the opportunity to urge Washington residents to “vote with your feet and move to Texas, where the death penalty is thriving.” n
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f a politician clings to office too long, a couple of bad things can happen: The constituency can change and suddenly yank the comfy rug of incumbency out from under the politico, or the officeholder can come unmoored from the home place and drift away from the constituency. Both things have happened to Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, who has been in Washington since 1967, first as a congressional staffer, then as a House member and now as a three-term Senator. He’s an archconservative, but not arch enough for the far-out tea-party right-wingers who’ve taken over the Kansas GOP. Even worse than the change in the home constituency, however, has been Roberts’ own absence from home. It turns out that the senator from Kansas doesn’t actually… you know… live there. Instead, he and his wife have lived in a Washington suburb for years. While a house in Dodge City is listed as his official residence, it’s a rental property he owns and has never lived in. When Roberts does do an overnighter in the “home state,” he stays in hotels or with a couple
of campaign donors whose home is on a country club golf course. Now facing a far-right teaparty challenger, Roberts has not only skittered to get even “righter” than the challenger, he’s also scampering around the state as SuperKansan. He’s begun paying $300 a month for his room in that country club house and now lists it as his official residence, and suddenly he’s everywhere, having visited 72 of the state’s 105 counties in the past year. No doubt he’ll be riding a wheat thresher, singing the state song and wearing a straw hat with tea bags hanging from it before this election is over. Who’s he fooling? If your political principles are that malleable and your sense of place is that mobile, you’re probably only representing yourself and shouldn’t be elected to anything. n For more from America’s populist, check out jimhightower.com.
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Life and Death, at 40 Cents an Hour Daniel Hall spent years on inmate work crews until a deadly incident this fall BY JACOB JONES
dead grand fir tree, light gray and lifeless, stands high on the nearby hillside, looming over an ash-blackened ravine in western Stevens County. The snag towers more than 94 feet tall, ringed round with split limbs and bulging knots. Smoke rises off the charred brush at its base as a small crew of firefighters approaches. Five men — one in yellow and four in red — cut a fresh trail up the narrow draw as the slow-moving fire climbs the surrounding slopes. With picks, pulaskis and shovels, the crew carves a fire line along the edge of the blaze. They pause near the Daniel Hall in 2009 dead fir. Bringing up the rear, Daniel J. Hall stops to gaze up at the gnarled tree. Hauling a longhandled shovel and a blue gear pack, the 47-year-old seasoned worker listens as the crew supervisor in yellow points out the dead fir and warns them all to watch for falling trees. Hall and the three other red-uniformed crew members serve among the hundreds of prison inmate workers sent into Washington forests each summer on treetrimming or wildfire crews. For pennies on the dollar, these workers dig trails through harsh terrain, fell timber for harvest and man fire hoses
against infernos for the Department of Natural Resources. Many consider the program a win-win — inmates get honest work while the state gets cheap labor. But as with any dangerous job, the unexpected costs can be high. On this October afternoon, Hall and his fellow crew members quickly return to work, according to recently released reports. Hunched over their implements, they continue uphill, shovels clinking against rock, ash sticking to sweat, the hot smell of sunshine on smoke. A light wind leans against the crippled snag. “We figured it would hold for a while longer,” one inmate later told investigators. “I didn’t feel threatened by it, so we keep on digging, moving up the hill.”
s a young man, Hall sported a feathered mohawk, his brown hair forming a crest from widow’s peak to nape. Through the years, as gray hair crept in, he tamed the mane down to a neat tuft, but enough remained for many to continue calling him “Rooster.” He grew up in Snohomish, Wash., southeast of Everett, and eventually moved to Spokane for several years. Charismatic and outgoing, he made friends wherever he went. “He was just the life of the party,” his brother Timm Hall says. “He was a people person, very non-judgmental.” But Hall also found trouble easily. As a juvenile, he started racking up property crime convictions, mostly burglary, drugs or vehicle theft. During his first prison sentence, he received a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Timm Hall says his brother proved to be a model inmate while on medication, but upon release he would often self-medicate with street drugs and cycle back ...continued on next page
Evidence photos show the damage to Hall’s helmet.
“LIFE AND DEATH, AT 40 CENTS AN HOUR,” CONTINUED... into prison. Kristine Glasgow, who first met Hall as a teenager, says she watched him struggle with his mental health issues and addiction, but she also came to love his generous heart, dedication to family and artistic creativity. In 2002, they struck up a relationship and had a son together two years later. “He had a huge spirit, I think would be the best way to describe him,” Glasgow says. “He was very kind and loving.” When drug and vehicle theft charges sent him back to prison in 2011, Hall returned to a system he had known off and on for nearly 30 years. At the Airway Heights Corrections Center, he went back to being “Rooster.” He went back to writing letters and back to sketching “Bud the Bear,” a cartoon bear he often drew for his son or for other inmates to send to their kids. Hall also went back to his inmate work crew with the Department of Natural Resources, fighting wildfires and clearing timberland for about 40 cents an hour. Timm Hall says his brother had spent many summers working on DNR crews. He found comfort in the fresh air and rewarding toil. “He does better with structure,” Timm says. “Out there, he had the best of both worlds because he had structure, but he also felt free.” So when a planned burn project spread out of control in western Stevens County on Oct. 17, 2013, setting fire to several acres of adjacent hillside, Hall and nine other Airway Heights inmates gathered their gear.
n the remote, tree-choked hills west of Springdale, Wash., about 50 minutes north of Spokane, DNR employees had set fire to several slash piles of trimmed trees and branches in early October. With special permits, they planned to burn the piles to clear the area for an upcoming timber sale. But a few days later, crews reported sparks had carried into the nearby brush, and DNR called in additional workers to contain the steadily growing blaze. Loren Torgerson, DNR northeast region manager, says the burn piles had “slopped over” into adjacent brush and forest. Sparks had blown across at least one road, and reports say crews worried that the fire could spread into neighboring private property as the blaze approached 20 acres. Torgerson says inmate crews have repeatedly
proven invaluable as hardworking, reliable and cheap manpower for battling wildfires across the state. Most inmate workers make about 40 cents an hour, he says, with some veterans earning up to 62 cents an hour. Reports indicate Hall had more than 15 years with the program, on and off. Led by DNR crew leader Paul Nelson, the “Heights 41” inmate crew arrived on scene just after 9:30 am, reports state. They unloaded their gear at the end of a dirt logging road and soon split up into two teams. Six went with Nelson, while Hall and the three other inmates hiked down to help longtime DNR forester and fire investigator Forrest Ownbey on a lower front. Ownbey planned to cut a new fire line up a lower ravine, digging a trail of bare dirt around the edge of the fire to contain the blaze. He took the lead as they started up the slope. Hall followed at the end of the line, using his shovel to widen the trail. After about an hour, Ownbey reports, the crew spotted the dead grand fir tree, standing about 70 feet up the hill. “All of us were aware of the tree,” he states. Inmate crew member Floyd Lanoue told investigators they had cut approximately 450 feet of new line when they noticed the snag. They only made it a few more feet. Shortly after 12:30 pm, he says an immense crash sounded behind them. The dead fir tree had snapped off. “I did not hear it fall — no cracking sound,” Lanoue told investigators. “I heard it hit the ground. I turned to see it and I only counted three people.” Ownbey reports he spun around and scanned the slope for the missing man, spotting one inmate standing within a few feet of where the tree had slammed down. Ownbey then saw a body limp on the ground. He rushed down the hill as a voice called out: “Rooster!”
all had no pulse. He wasn’t breathing. The impact had broken his glasses and shattered a hole in the side of his helmet. Ownbey and Lanoue started CPR as they radioed for a MedStar helicopter. Reports say DNR employees and inmates traded off compressions for more than an hour until medical crews arrived on scene and pronounced Hall dead at 1:56 pm. Hall became only the second Washington prison inmate to die on a fire line. Newspaper
archives show 49-year-old Raymond Pike died from severe burns in 1960 after volunteering to fight the Cummins Creek Fire near Pomeroy. Hall also became the second fatality in the long history of the DNR’s inmate work program, which suffered its first casualty almost exactly a year earlier when 22-year-old Danny Bergeson, another Airway Heights prison inmate, died on Oct. 15, 2012. Bergeson suffered a fatal shock when a tree he was cutting down in Stevens County fell into overhead power lines. DNR later paid $25,000 in fines for failing to properly train and supervisor thinning crews. Glasgow says Hall had known Bergeson and was saddened by the loss of a young crew member. For both her and Hall, Bergeson’s death had reinforced the risks of the work, she says, which she had not really considered before the incident. She always thought of prison as a secure place. “You assume that they’re safe when they’re in there,” she says. The Department of Labor & Industries has since launched a workplace safety investigation into Hall’s death, but has not yet released any findings. Vickie Kennedy, L&I assistant director of insurance services, says the agency also will determine any burial reimbursements and what survivor benefits Hall’s 9-year-old son may qualify for. DNR officials say inmate crews often work 40 hours a week, sometimes more when on an active wildfire. Based on full-time minimum wages, Hall’s son would be eligible for about $515 a month in survivor benefits. But since Hall worked at prison wages of just 40 cents an hour, his son will likely receive the state’s minimum benefits of $185 a month. “The minimums are there to protect the individual worker from getting almost nothing,” Kennedy explains, acknowledging that the benefits do not take into account job risks or the state’s standard minimum wage. She notes that the family can appeal. Glasgow says she doesn’t want to complain, but she believes the system could use some mechanism to address that disparity. The state asks a lot of work crews and their families without benefits that recognize the risks. “He was still doing work that obviously was dangerous,” she says, “because it killed him.”
s the coroner arrives in the blackened ravine to collect Hall’s body, the now-named Springboard Fire continues to crackle and creep along the nearby hillsides. Investigators say the blaze charred the stump where the deadly fir once stood and then started to burn up the broken length of the trunk, reducing it inch-by-inch to ashes. In the end, the fire would burn nearly 40 acres. Torgerson says the DNR inmate work program remains suspended for now. The department has hired an expert panel to review the incident and make recommendations for safety improvements. The DNR also changed its policies to require wildfire safety protocols on any fire that escapes a controlled burning area. He expects the inmate program to return soon. “Hopefully, before fire season we’re up and running again,” he says. Hall’s family has struggled to cope in its own ways. Glasgow says she finds comfort in the stories people still share in Hall’s absence. She says the prison held a service with more than 200 people in attendance — fellow inmates, corrections staff, DNR employees and others. The chaplain told the family he had never seen such a turnout. She sees a reflection of Hall’s huge spirit. “He clearly, when he was well, made a difference in people’s lives,” she says, “which does not surprise me at all.” As Timm Hall looks back, he admits he spent years resenting his brother’s weaknesses, losing his patience with all the relapses and mistakes. He explains that it was the theft of his truck that sent Daniel back to prison this last time. “I forgave him a long time ago,” Timm Hall says, “but I never got to tell him in person.” So Timm Hall recently wrote his brother a letter, putting words to his gratitude and admiration for a troubled friend who he says never gave up. He plans to burn the letter and scatter it with Daniel’s ashes this spring, somewhere in the woods where he would have felt at peace. n jacobj@inlander.com
The Big News of the Past Week
A drive-by shooting near the Garland District sent one man to the hospital with serious injuries Saturday after someone in a darkcolored SUV opened fire on a home along the 800 block of West Walton Avenue.
Federal regulators last week announced new guidelines for banks to engage in business with licensed marijuana businesses, but many remain wary of the complicated rules.
3. 4.
East Valley School District Superintendent John Glenewinkel resigns after the recent transition to a divisive K-8 schooling model. The Moscow Police Department reports about $4,200 in winter gear was stolen from the city’s Special Olympics team just weeks before the Idaho Winter Games on Feb. 28.
The Spokane Civic Theatre last week announced the hiring of new artistic director Keith Dixon, a former managing artistic director for Theatre Baton Rouge. He will start full time in June.
On Valentine’s Day, more than 100 people crowded into River Park Square’s atrium and performed a choreographed dance to “Break the Chain” to celebrate the power and impact a group can have in ending gender-based violence. The city’s second annual One Billion Rising Dance Break was organized by Lutheran Community Services.
Comcast’s bid, in billions, for a proposed merger with Time Warner Cable, which would combine about 33 million cable subscribers under one company. Regulators have yet to approve the “megadeal.”
The number of breweries located in Washington state, according to a recent Brewers Association count. Only one state, California, has more breweries with 508.
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settlement in the controversial shooting outside Creach’s home. Zillmer’s death remains under investigation by the multi-agency Spokane Investigative Regional Response team. The Spokane Police Department is leading the investigation. — JACOB JONES
Port of Spokane? New allies for a possible “port district”; plus, Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ challengers RETURN OF THE PORTS
Back in 1982, Spokane voters were asked to consider creating a PORT DISTRICT. The measure was rejected four to one. Now, Spokane leaders are making a new push for the idea. State Sen. Andy Billig and Representatives Timm Ormsby, Marcus Riccelli and Kevin Parker (all from Spokane) are sponsoring companion House and Senate bills that would allow the creation of “less than countywide” port districts, which are publicly elected economic development groups that can collect taxes. The Spokane City Council is scheduled to vote Monday on a resolution supporting the bills, and the idea has broad council support. Councilmen Steve Salvatori and Mike Allen, who introduced the resolution, say creating a port district that would focus effort and tax dollars on a specific part of Spokane County, rather than countywide, could build infrastructure that would make the region more attractive to industries like aerospace. Plus, targeting the tax to a certain area could make voters still recovering from the recession more open to the idea of a new tax. “Considering there [are] less and less federal dollars to help support infrastructure, this is an important conversation we need to have,” Allen says. — HEIDI GROOVER
A week after a FATAL OFFICER-INVOLVED SHOOTING near the Spokane Valley Mall, the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday released the names of six deputies who reportedly fired on Jedadiah Zillmer, killing the 23-year-old Army veteran after a lengthy highway pursuit and a desperate roadside confrontation last week. The sheriff’s office named deputies Brian Hirzel, Brett Hubbell, Dale Moyer, Jeff Thurman, Ryan Walter and Randy Watts in the shooting. Hubbell has the longest career with the agency at 14 years. Watts joined just 10 months ago. Four deputies have commendations for professionalism. Investigators say Zillmer armed himself with multiple weapons and donned a ballistic vest amid a pursuit to Coeur d’Alene and back to Spokane Valley on Feb. 11. Once stopped by authorities, Zillmer allegedly made a threatening move with a firearm and was killed by deputy fire, officials say. Hirzel, a five-year Spokane deputy with 17 years of previous law enforcement experience, was earlier cleared in the fatal 2010 shooting of Spokane Valley pastor Scott Creach. The Creach family later received a $2 million
Long-time incumbent Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers now has two challengers looking to unseat her this fall. JOSEPH PAKOOTAS, the CEO of the Colville Tribal Federal Corporation, is running against the Republican congresswoman on the Democratic ticket. DAVE WILSON, the founder and former president of Interface College, a technical school in Spokane, will fight for her 5th District Eastern Washington congressional seat as an independent candidate. Pakootas, who grew up in Inchelium, touts his background serving 16 years as an elected official for the Colville Confederated Tribes’ governing council. He also points to his experience running the Colville Tribal Federal Corporation’s 13 tribal businesses, transforming a faltering enterprise on the brink of bankruptcy into a thriving, $86 million business during his tenure as CEO. Wilson, who originally hails from the Midwest, bills himself as a centrist whose goal is breaking political gridlock in Washington D.C. Wilson’s priorities include deficit reduction, campaign finance reform and initiating a serious discussion on climate change. McMorris Rodgers is the fourth-ranking member of the House’s GOP leadership. She won her first congressional race in 2004. McMorris Rodgers entered the spotlight this past January when she delivered the Republican response to the president’s State of the Union address. — DEANNA PAN
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.com 18 INLANDER FEBRUARY 20, 2014
Changing Course In 2012, the city council took a stand against the Spokane Tribe’s proposed casino. Now it may be changing its mind BY HEIDI GROOVER
t its meeting Monday, the Spokane City Council will once again be asked to consider the odds of the region’s next big gamble. After passing a resolution in March of 2012 taking a stance against the Spokane Tribe’s proposed casino development on the West Plains, the council will now consider rescinding that resolution. The Spokane Tribe Economic Project, or STEP, has been the subject of fervent debate pitting the project against one of the region’s largest employers, Fairchild Air Force Base. It’s also at odds with the Kalispel Tribe, which operates the nearby Northern Quest Resort and Casino. The council’s earlier resolution outlined concerns about the project encroaching on Fairchild and negatively impacting business in downtown Spokane. It passed 4-3, with Council President Ben Stuckart and councilmembers Jon Snyder and Amber Waldref voting against. Now a resolution to rescind the earlier opposition and “encourage” the Secretary of the Interior — who will make the next determination on whether the project should move forward — to consider the final environmental impact statement. Stuckart, backed by a new left-leaning council majority, is sponsoring the new move. (In their most recent elections, Stuckart, Snyder and new councilmember Candace Mumm each
Council President Ben Stuckart (inset) and the Spokane Tribe’s proposed casino. received campaign contributions from the Spokane Tribe, ranging from $1,300 to $1,700.) The environmental report mentioned in the new resolution is the deciding factor, Stuckart says. Despite arguments that the casino would make Fairchild more likely to be closed in a Department of Defense Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process, the EIS led by the Bureau of Indian Affairs concluded that “the proposed project would not place additional flight path restrictions or otherwise impact Fairchild AFB’s military value.” “That argument [about encroachment] is put to bed,” Stuckart says. “It’s settled. There is none.” Furthermore, Stuckart argues, the city shouldn’t be in the business of opposing projects on the basis that they could negatively impact business in downtown Spokane. “The implications are pretty much anti-competition,” Stuckart says. Still, others remain unconvinced. Councilman Steve Salvatori, who supported the 2012 resolution, calls rescinding the city’s opposition a “horrible idea.” While no one can predict what will happen in the base’s future, Salvatori and others believe the casino could weaken Fairchild’s chances in future base closure decisions, no matter what the EIS says. County Commissioner Al French says the county, which has taken its own stance against the project, worries about a “diversion” in spending and therefore in sales tax revenues. That, French says, will hurt public safety and infrastructure, while also potentially putting the base at risk. The gamble, they say, is simply too risky. “The folks bringing this forward, I understand they feel they need to do this for benefit of the tribe, but I feel they’re being very cavalier and nonchalant about what this means for Spokane,” Salvatori says. Spokane Tribal Council Chairman Rudy Peone echoes Stuckart’s arguments and emphasizes the positive impact the project could have on a tribe struggling with high unemployment. The 2012 resolution, he says, was “extremely premature.” “This is a political debate, is all this is,” Peone says, “and we’re stuck in the middle of it.” n heidig@inlander.com
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A Crime of Insanity
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Dispelling myths surrounding the insanity defense BY DEANNA PAN
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he public tends to believe that criminals who was acquitted for murdering the secretary who plead not guilty by reason of insanof the British prime minister, the rule places the ity, or NGRI, are taking the easy way burden on the defense. In Washington, a defenout, that they’re cheating the system, that they dant must prove that as a result of his mental walk away from their crimes scot-free. illness, he was “unable to perceive the nature and That’s just one of the many myths surroundquality of the act” or that that he “was unable to ing the insanity defense, says Spokane County tell right from wrong” at the commission of his public defender Jeff crime. Leslie. “Just like we don’t hold Defendants who are a 4-year-old responsible if acquitted using the insanhe picks up a gun and pulls ity defense often spend the trigger,” says Howard far more time — someZonana, a psychiatrist at the times twice as long, if not Yale School of Medicine. much longer — confined “It comes from a lack of in state psychiatric understanding produced EDITOR’S NOTE: This report is part of our hospitals than defendants by a severe abnormality. continuing “State of Mind” series delving into convicted of the same It doesn’t reflect a sort of the issue of mental health. Send feedback to charges in prison. That’s culpable personality or aceditor@inlander.com. For the entire series, why Leslie avoids using tions. It’s not bad judgment visit Inlander.com/stateofmind. the insanity defense and or character.” advises other attorneys in his office to stay away High-profile insanity cases that draw breathfrom it. less media coverage have created the impression “I think the breaking point was when I just that the insanity defense is overused. “People realized that because of the bureaucracy and think people fake it a lot more than in fact is the all the red tape, it’s really difficult to get people case,” Zonana says. out of confinement on these cases,” Leslie says. In reality, the insanity defense is raised in “It seemed like their liberty interests were being less than 1 percent of all felony charges and is deprived. From a defense attorney’s perspective, successful in just 15 to 25 percent of those cases. they would have done far less time in prison than Nonviolent crimes, like minor misdemeanors, acthey would have in a hospital setting.” count for at least half of all cases in which insanWashington, like most states, uses a version ity is pled. Murderers represent only 15 percent of the M’Naghten rule to determine insanity. of NGRI acquittees. Named after a 19th century Scottish woodworker But like the M’Naghten trial 170 years ago,
public outrage has continued to shape the insanity defense, for better or worse. Following John Hinckley’s attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan in 1981 and subsequent acquittal by reason of insanity, 36 states toughened their insanity defense standards. A handful of states, including Idaho and Montana, abolished the insanity defense altogether. In these states, says Mary Pat Treuthart, a constitutional law professor at Gonzaga University, the inability of defendants to use the insanity defense violates their 14th Amendment right to due process. “People are frustrated about what they don’t understand,” she says. “I think for some people, there is still fear associated with people with mental health issues. It’s a form of sanism: We’re going to hold you responsible for your actions even though you did not know or understand exactly what you were doing.” Despite Leslie’s reservations about the insanity defense, he says it’s a useful tool in some scenarios, such as homicide cases in which a defendant is facing a lifetime behind bars, or if charges were substantially reduced. Unlike NGRI acquittees who are charged with violent Class A felonies and face indefinite confinement at Eastern State Hospital, those charged with Class C felonies max out after five years. In that case, “it might be advantageous for them to get that treatment,” Leslie says. “There are some wonderful psychiatrists in the hospital and some wonderful people that are really trying to help these individuals.” Mental health advocates tend to agree. Sandi Ando, of the Washington chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, says the insanity defense is another means to divert people with mental illness from prisons and jails and into the mental health system. “It keeps them out of the hands of the Department of Corrections and puts them, frankly, where they’re going to get the treatment they need to get better,” she says. deannap@inlander.com
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Not All Baroque In his first year at the Northwest Bach Festival, Zuill Bailey is changing things up BY LAURA JOHNSON
he entrancing music pours into your soul, surrounding you like a warm summer evening. Listening to Johann Sebastian Bach’s unaccompanied Cello Suites is as much a spiritual awakening today as when first performed in the early 1700s. Artistic director Zuill Bailey intends to play all six of the Cello Suites for the Northwest Bach Festival — this year, showcasing one Suite at six different locations — but that’s just skimming the surface. For the first time in its 36-year history, the festival, running from Feb. 25 through March 9, has swelled to a two-week affair that includes 25 events instead of four or five. With film viewings and wine tastings added, the program culminates with the world release of the album Some Other Time, a collaboration between pianist Lara Downes and Bailey. In his first season at the helm, Bailey plans to help continue Bach’s legacy for a new generation to appreciate. ...continued on next page
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“NOT ALL BAROQUE,” CONTINUED... If the cellist appears busy, it’s because he is. Along with being artistic director of El Paso Pro Musica and Alaska’s Sitka Summer Music Festival and Series, there’s the teaching gig at the University of Texas at El Paso and a recent album, Britten: Cello Symphony & Sonata, currently a Top 10 release on the Billboard classical music charts. “To be honest, this is the speed at which I run. I’m the most comfortable at this pace,” he says before a performance in Alaska last week. The Bach Festival is a top priority for Bailey. Along with the new events, the main shows feature solo classical talent, instead of a local orchestra as in years past. “For one’s first festival, one has to create a different kind of fingerprint,” Bailey explains. “Gunther Schuller and the Bach Festival, they’ve established quality for so long. I wanted to show something different the first year.”
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iolinist Rachel Barton Pine is firmly entrenched in Team Bach. In a contest with Mozart and Beethoven, Barton Pine says Bach’s continued influence in music reigns supreme. But for her upcoming performance at the Bach Festival, she won’t be playing his works at all, opting rather for the complete Paganini Caprices for Solo Violin. “Paganini knew Bach’s unaccompanied works, so there was that general influence in his music,” explains the former child prodigy from her home in Chicago. A beast in the instrument’s repertoire, most musicians do not perform all 24 caprices in one concert. “It’s pretty darn difficult,” Barton Pine says. “For many years now I’ve been playing these in a single evening. I know I can do it.” Paganini’s athletic, fiery compositions, especially “Caprice No. 24,” are so impressive it’s clear how they relate to Barton Pine’s other musical passion, heavy metal. “When I was 20 years old, I was trying to find new ways to reach out to fellow rock fans,” says Barton Pine, who plays electric violin in the metal band Earthen Grave. “I prove you can have both classical and metal in your life.” Along with Barton Pine, outside soloists for the Bach Festival include pianists Piers Lane, performing the complete Chopin Nocturnes, and Downes with a concert titled Bach to Brubeck.
or Bailey, it’s all right that not all of the event’s music will be Bach’s or even from the Baroque period — everything still comes back to Bach. “Chopin loved him. Paganini spanned from Bach. It’s all based on the different take of Bach,” Bailey says.” Gertrude Harvey, executive director for Connoisseur Concerts, the nonprofit organization that presents the festival, shares a passion for the prolific composer. “It’s incredible for any community to have a Bach Festival. It should be a point of pride,” says Harvey, who has been with the organization more than 20 years. “We know it’s not rock music that we’re doing, so we know there’s a segment that’s not going to be as interested. But if they came, they’d probably like it.” Looking forward, Harvey says it’s about moving the series to a year-round format with more of a cultural influence. “We’re looking to expand geographically, as well as the calendar,” Harvey says. “The point is to build the festival so it’s not just an isolated event.” Bailey has already played a regional tour this winter, reaching people who wouldn’t necessarily travel to Spokane for classical music. With each year, Bailey plans to change up the Bach Festival format, meaning the local orchestra and chorale will likely be back. But this year is his starting point. “These are event concerts this year,” Bailey says. “You’ll walk in and walk out changed.” n Northwest Bach Festival • Tue, Feb. 25-Sun, March 9 at various times • $20 and up • Various locations, Spokane • for a full schedule go to nwbachfest.com • 800-325-SEAT
ey girl, I saw you lookin’ all fly in your pink tights at the grocery store,” or “To all the crappy people who can’t drive, I have a serious beef with you… ” Peruse the I Saw You or Cheers/Jeers sections in the back of the Inlander and you’ll see letters from haters and lovers alike, all just wanting to be heard. The Blue Door Theatre is giving these short, emotionally charged notes a voice with this month’s I Saw You improv show. “We’ve done this show off and on since I’ve been here,” says artistic director Adam Tucker, who’s been with the company since 2009. “I personally really like reading the section just for the entertainment. Then seeing that acted out on stage, delving into what may have happened — sometimes you want to know what triggered someone to write in the first place.” The show’s premise is simple. The audience first picks various I Saw You snippets from a hat and tapes them to the back wall. Players then read selections aloud at random while the text is acted out behind them. Scenes build in complexity and hilarity until the next I Saw You is read. As usual, Friday shows implement a long-form teamwork style of improv that forces the players to act clean. Tucker admits that putting on a family-friendly show can be more challenging. “You can’t rely on the blue jokes. You have to be smarter to try to get a laugh,” he says. For those wanting a bit more scandal, a new 10 pm After Dark show, featuring more adult themes, has been added to the last Friday of every month. But Tucker says
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there’s enough oddity in the source material to keep the clean show interesting. “Who would be seeing a pirate on Third Avenue?” he asks. “I think everyone is interested in what’s behind these listings. It gives us a lot to explore.” — LAURA JOHNSON I Saw You • Fridays at 8 pm through Feb. 28 • $7-$9 • Blue Door Theatre • 815 W. Garland • bluedoortheatre. com • 747-7045
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For Your Consideration BY CHRIS BOVEY
EAR MOVIES | Live the death you’ve always wanted! This is what the latest episode of THE TRUTH (thetruthapm.com) advertises. Martin Fink hires a company to help him fake his own death and watch his own funeral. We are offered a glimpse into Martin’s sad existence that has driven him to the point of wanting to end it, though he’s not courageous enough to do it. The Truth is a weekly series of five-to15-minute radio dramas that reveal small pieces of ourselves. With story lines that rival the Twilight Zone, the listener indulges in audio buffets so rich, they can only be described as “movies for your ears”. The only things required are suspended belief in reality and a great set of headphones.
RADIO | I listen to This American Life on NPR. It combines creative reporting with compelling journalism, but sometimes it feels so rigid. That’s why I’ve gravitated toward SNAP JUDGMENT (snapjudgment. org). It feels like they’ve taken the blueprint for TAL and improved upon it. They keep the beautiful long-form stories, but add poetry, stand-up and short-form fiction. Creator and host Glynn Washington explains, “I’m not a reporter. I’m a storyteller,” and I guess that’s the point; you never actually know what to expect from an episode of this series.
BOOK | Life happens in the margins. That’s not a tag line, but literally the concept for J.J. Abrams’ new book: S. is actually two story lines in one. Ship of Theseus, written by author V.M. Straka (both fictional) chronicles a man, S., who has lost his memory on a ship that defies the space-time continuum. The other story line is handwritten notes in the margins of the book. We discover that college students Jen and Eric write notes to each other about Theseus, trying to uncover its mysteries and the author’s real identity. Fans of Abrams can expect plot twists, but the gem in this book is all of the graphic extras that come with it, from scribbles on napkins to postcards.
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Curtain Call In his last season with the Chiefs, Mitch Holmberg is scoring like never before BY HOWIE STALWICK
itch Holmberg loves Spokane, but he can’t wait to leave town. Such is life for a 20-yearold in his fifth and final season of junior hockey eligibility. Few Spokane Chiefs have played more games or scored more goals and points than Holmberg, but he’s eager to move on from the Western Hockey League to fulfill his lifelong dream of playing pro hockey. “I love Spokane,” Holmberg stresses. “I mean, from the first day I got here, the support was amazing. I’ve lived in three houses now [WHL players board with local families], and everybody’s been amazing. The city as a whole, it’s a fun city. It’s the best place to play on a Saturday night. There’s nothing else like it.” Holmberg has increased his goals and points each season in Spokane. He got off to a torrid start this season, and after ending a brief slump with a pair of two-goal games last weekend, leads the WHL in goals with 51, adding 49 assists for 100 points in 59 games. “He took great steps every year,” Chiefs general manager Tim Speltz says. “But I think more than anything, the thing that he’s done the best job at is rounding out his game. He’s a complete player now.” Defensive play was once a weakness for Holmberg, a right wing who isn’t all that big (5-foot-10, 175 pounds) or physical (less than 100 career penalty minutes). He’s never been drafted by a National Hockey League team, even after last season, when he totaled 39 goals and 80 points in 66 games. “I thought I had a good year,” Holmberg says. “I think it’s hard whenever you don’t get drafted … [but] it’s kind of a blessing in disguise that I wasn’t. It always pushes you harder if you can prove someone wrong in the long run.” Holmberg was born in the tiny farm town of Daysland, Alberta (pop. 800). Holmberg’s family moved to the Edmonton suburb of Sherwood Park when he was 13 to bolster the hockey careers of the three boys in the family. Older brother Brett played in the minor leagues. Holmberg says scoring has always come natural to him — “It’s the best feeling in the world” — but he’s quick to point out a part of his game that is not a strength.
“Obviously,” he says with a grin, “I’m not a fighter.” Holmberg, a genial sort who was voted the Chiefs’ most sportsmanlike player last year, laughs when he recalls the first and quite possibly last hockey fight of his life. It took place in December during a brawl late in a lopsided loss to Seattle. Holmberg found himself tied up with Sam McKechnie, another undersized WHL veteran not known for dropping the gloves. “I thought, ‘Oh, man, this is it — we’re ‘going’ here,” Holmberg recalls. After all these years, why fight? “I don’t know; I blacked out for a couple minutes,” he joked. Hockey players usually throw every last punch possible. In the case of Holmberg and McKechnie, they abruptly stopped fighting, gave one another a respectful tap on the arm and simply skated off into the sunset. “I don’t think you realize how tiring it is,” Holmberg says. “We both, at the end, we’re like, ‘We’re done.’” Should we expect Holmberg to be fighting again soon? “I’m going to hold off for a bit,” he deadpanned. “So fatigued.” The Spokane Chiefs return to action Sat, Feb. 22, at 7:05 pm against the Kootenay Ice • Spokane Arena • $10-$22 • 535-PUCK • spokanechiefs.com
World Class
Deborah Di Bernardo prepares French press coffee at Roast House. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
Four years since its debut, Roast House lands a national award for its ethical, fair-trade coffee BY CHEY SCOTT
elow a massive mural depicting a coffee bean’s journey from the lush jungles of Central America to the small Spokane warehouse, laminated sheets of printer paper hang crookedly on unpainted drywall, noting names of countries: Nicaragua, Mexico, Guatemala. Stenciled labels indicate weight in kilos on the burlap sacks piled beneath. Above the din of beans clattering into a giant funnel on top of the dark, emerald-green roaster, music plays faintly from desktop computer speakers. The heated beans inside the furnace-like machine give off a nutty, earthy scent with a hint of fruit. It’s a busier-than-usual Thursday morning at Roast House, a small roasting
operation on Spokane’s North Side. A little more than four years ago, owner Deborah Di Bernardo became so fed up with the coffee industry she quit her job as wholesale manager at a large, local roasting company. Back then, she never would have predicted the local success and achievements Roast House has since attained — most notably, landing a 2014 Good Food Award last month for its Guatemalan Batzchocola coffee. “What is so glorious about this award, when we pulled the coffee to compete we pulled it out of a bin,” Di Bernardo says. “We didn’t go looking for special coffee to compete with. We just wanted to play with other people in our industry — we never really thought about
winning.” The annual San Francisco-based culinary competition — now in its fourth year — recognizes food producers for both social responsibility and environmentally sustainable production, as well as flavor. Entries in categories such as beer, cheese, chocolate, coffee, pickles, spirits and oils are judged during a blind taste test, as well as through a vetting process to verify industry-specific criteria. Coffee entrants had to meet fair trade and sustainability benchmarks, among others. Of the roughly 140 coffee-roasting entrants, including many large and wellknown roasters, Roast House took home top accolades ...continued on next page
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CULTURE | COFFEE “WORLD CLASS,” CONTINUED... alongside 13 other roasters across the U.S. For Di Bernardo, aside from gaining national recognition for her modest, specialty coffee-roasting outfit (she’s since turned down offers from national retailers to create exclusive blends), the award solidifies her beliefs in owning a socially and environmentally conscious, local business. “The old [coffee industry] model; my belief is that it isn’t sustainable,” Di Bernardo says of conventional growing and harvesting standards. “You can’t keep deforesting and using chemicals and paying the bare minimum and hope that model goes on and on. When you’re in coffee you either know this and you do something, or you know it and you decide you’re going to make max margins, and I just couldn’t.” Roast House’s coffee beans are all single-origin, shade grown in natural forest environments and bought at an equitable price from small farmers and co-ops the company hand-picks from around the world. It’s considered specialty coffee because the beans fall into the top tier of Grade 1 (coffee is graded on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the highest). Aside from being sustainably produced, these beans come from specific microclimates. Much of the resulting flavors are due to the specific soil and climate in which the coffee is grown. “If the ecosystem is complete, it makes my job really easy,” she says. “It’s expensive, but it makes my coffees exquisite.” On average, Di Bernardo pays 40 to 50 percent more for her coffee than she would pay for non-fair-trade organic. This means Roast House’s profit margins are smaller, but she doesn’t mind. “We’re slowly affecting consumers’ understanding of this heavily traded commodity. I don’t think we’re going to change the world, but I hope we can slow down some of that.”
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poststreetalehouse.com 509 789 6900 28 INLANDER FEBRUARY 20, 2014
ildly curly brunette hair held back from her face with a yellow No. 2 pencil, Di Bernardo flits around the warehouse as customers stop by to pick up orders. The granddaughter of first-generation Italian immigrants, Di Bernardo grew up in a suburb outside Manhattan in a house with 26 other family members. She has a hearty laugh and loves being around people in general — even more so when socialization centers around food or drink. Di Bernardo started spreading Roast House’s coffee and sustainable message throughout the community by pouring free coffee at community events like SpokeFest. “It was easier to give away coffee than to buy ads. It satisfied my need to keep doing community work and to get awareness for my little company,” she says. After winning the Good Food Award, Roast House looks positioned to take off and join the ranks of other large, well-known Inland Northwest coffee roasters. But Di Bernardo doesn’t want that. Yes, she wants to be well-known here, but at the same time she wants the company to stay small. That means not outgrowing the business’ current location and not taking on so many accounts that she can’t acquire enough coffee to fill them, or pay her three employees a living wage. Roast House distributes most of its coffee as a wholesaler. Di Bernardo sells to a few local grocery stores in the area, but many customers come directly to her to purchase 1-pound bags. She’s set up several partnerships with locally owned restaurants — many exclusive — to serve Roast House coffee, including at Chef Adam Hegsted’s new spot Yards Bruncheon, as well as Chairs Coffee, Manito Tap House, Italia Trattoria, Atticus, The Satellite and a host of others. When Bethe Bowman and Anna Vogel were preparing to open their Browne’s Addition restaurant Italia Trattoria more than three years ago, there was no question that they would serve Roast House coffee. “We value the same things in the community … It was a perfect match, the way they roast and the flavor profiles,” says Bowman. “Deb understood we didn’t want too many acid profiles — it had to be cohesive and work with the food.” Italia serves a special blend of Roast House coffee that contains the Good Food Award-winning Guatemalan beans. n
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Barlows’ braised beef short ribs can be had at the restaurant’s new location. MEGHAN KIRK PHOTO
Moving Up Barlows in Liberty Lake makes a big move with big changes BY JO MILLER
or the last two years, Barlows has seen a packed house for breakfasts and lunches. A couple of years after Alicia Fry opened the Liberty Lake restaurant in late 2009, she decided to close for dinner and stick to only serving the first two meals of the day. The building on Meadowwood Lane that housed Barlows just didn’t have the capacity to handle a dinner menu, and they were still busting at the seams during breakfast and lunch, says Michael Fry, co-owner and Alicia’s husband. “We couldn’t cook another egg,” he says. “We were maxed out.” So the couple started looking for property of their own where they could construct a larger building to move Barlows into. They broke ground in last July at a site just around the corner from the original Barlows in the Liberty Lake Town Center and officially opened the new restaurant — with about twice the space of the former location — in mid January. Along with the move, the Frys introduced a whole host of other changes. They made a slight name change from Barlows Family Restaurant to Barlows at Liberty Lake, while also adding a 60-person banquet room, a lounge and two outdoor patios. But some of the biggest changes are found on the restaurant’s menus. With the larger space, Barlows now stays open for dinner. A new menu features items like red curry shrimp ($15.90) and Northwest ribeye steak ($25.90-$33.90), or you can create your own rice ($13.90) or linguine ($14.90) bowl. The breakfast and lunch menus also have received some new items. For lunch, the deli-style sandwiches now have more variety, says Michael. And for breakfast, they’ve added waffles, crepes — topped with apples, strawberries, blueberries or peaches — and a Pacific Rim dish called loco moco, made with sticky rice, brown gravy, a hamburger patty, a fried egg, mushrooms and onions ($11.95). Those menus, plus a new bar menu and dessert list, will be in the hands of newly hired executive chef Everett Fees, who previously cooked at Beverly’s in Coeur d’Alene and Patsy Clark’s Restaurant. n Barlows at Liberty Lake • 1428 N. Liberty Lake Rd. • Open Sun-Thu, 6 am-9 pm; Fri-Sat, 6 am-11 pm • 924-1446
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The Windy City Way Chicago Beef Company brings Midwest dogs to Spokane BY JO MILLER
s soon as Craig Bagdon mentions the Seattle-style hot dog — an all-beef dog with cream cheese and grilled onions — a customer eating one a few seats over gives two thumbs up. But on the menu at Chicago Beef Company, the Seattle dog is just about the only Northwestern item: As you might guess from the name, it’s all about Chicago food. “There’s a whole culture that surrounds Chicago-style foods,” says Bagdon, Chicago Beef Company’s owner and a Spokanite who spent five years living in the Windy City. Some might think of its deep-dish pizza as Chicago’s signature food, but Chicagoans also are passionate about encased meats, says Bagdon. As a popular manufacturer of Chicago-style hot dogs and Polish sausages, Vienna Beef is a big part of that. Everyone who has lived in Chicago
knows the Vienna Beef logo. “We had a lady come to a dead stop out in the middle of the street when she saw the logo,” says Bagdon. In December, Chicago Beef Company became only the second location — alongside Joey T’s Taste of Chicago in Rathdrum, Idaho — to sell Vienna Beef products in the Inland Northwest when it opened in a shared space with Mr. Wok at the North Division Y. The core of the menu revolves around hot dogs, with options such as a beef chili dog ($3.95) or a classic dog with mustard, onions and relish ($2.95). But if you want the full Midwest experience, you’ll have to go with the Chicago dog ($3.75). “Essentially, the Chicago-style hot dog is an all-beef hot dog drug through a salad bar,” Bagdon says. On the Chicago dog you get yellow mustard, chopped white onions, relish (not your conventional relish; it’s neon green), a pickle spear, sport peppers, tomato wedges and celery salt, which all becomes a struggle to contain in the poppy seed bun as you bite your way through. A bratwurst, several Polish sausages ($4.25$7.25) and an Italian beef sandwich ($7.50) also appear on the menu. Vienna Beef condiments are sold, and come St. Patrick’s Day, you’ll be able to get retail corned beef to cook at home. n Chicago Beef Company • 9222 N. Newport Hwy. • Open Mon-Thu, 11 am-8 pm; Fri-Sat, 11 am-8:30 pm; Sun, 11 am-7 pm • 279-2500 • chicagobeefco.com
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NORTH IDAHO 315 MARTINIS AND TAPAS 315 E. Wallace Ave. | Coeur d’Alene 208-667-9660 Located in the historic Greenbriar Inn, 315 Martinis and Tapas is an elegant answer to happy hour. Open at 3:15 pm Tue-Sun, enjoy small plates and drink discounts until 6 pm, or settle in next to the cozy fireplace for dinner (or the candlelight patio in summer) and stay for a full dinner. This progressive Coeur d’Alene bar and restaurant makes its own simple syrups (lemon and rosemary, jalapeño), infusions (bacon vodka, horseradish vodka, ginger vodka) and an assortment of bitters (fivepepper, huckleberry, aromatic, ginger-pear and lemon). ATILANO’S 218 E. Appleway Ave.| Coeur d’Alene 208-667-7677 Atilano’s has gone through a couple of changes since its January 2009 opening, but they still serve damn good California-style burritos at affordable cheap prices. And they’re open until 3 am at the downtown location on Fridays and Saturdays, making them close to heaven at the end of a long night of drinking.
CAPONE’S 751 N. 4th St. | Coeur d’Alene 208-667-4843 Inlander readers tend to view Capone’s as the place to watch the big game, often voting it their favorite North Idaho sports bar. On the patio in spring and summer, or indoors watching the big screen, meet friends and make memories over a glass of Guinness and wings or any of more than 40 microbrews on tap — not to mention some of the best pizza in town. The atmosphere is upbeat and laid-back. FLEUR DE SEL 4365 Inverness Dr. | Post Falls 208-777-7600 Located in the same building as the Highland Day Spa, with views of the neighboring golf course, Fleur de Sel caters to diners who are looking for French cuisine at an affordable price point. The restaurant changes its menus seasonally, but a visit in summer, when you can dine on their cozy, sun-drenched patio, is priceless. And don’t leave too early — you’ll want to stick around and sample from Fleur de Sel’s muchlauded dessert menu.
HUDSON’S HAMBURGERS 207 E. Sherman Ave | Coeur d’Alene 208-664-5444 Don’t order fries (they don’t have ’em). Don’t ask for lettuce, or tomatoes or any frou-frou blue cheese on your burger (they don’t have any of that, either). Just order one of Hudson’s no-frills burgers. They’ll shape the patty in front of you, throw it on the grill, and once you take a bite, you’ll understand why many readers vote Hudson’s their Best Burger and why after 115 years in business, it’s become an Idaho must-see. Heck, even if you’re not a burger fan, you need to stop by just so you can say you’ve been there. And so you won’t be embarrassed upon your first visit, you should be advised that they only take cash.
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History Explodes Director Paul W.S. Anderson struggles with volcanic ancient Rome BY CURTIS WOLOSCHUK
ou have to give Paul W.S. Anderson credit for this much: he’s an equal-opportunity ogler. Having spent the entirety of the Resident Evil franchise flaunting his wife Milla Jovovich as if she were a heavily armed bauble, he now invites us to gawk at Game of Thrones’ Kit Harington through a similarly lascivious lens. Playing Milo, an enslaved, leather-clad gladiator (you can already hear the clatter of slash fiction being written), Harington makes his first appearance waltzing into a Roman Empire arena, glistening as if he were a piece of sugar-coated man candy. Consider it a bone thrown to any women watching and food for thought for members of the flick’s target audience who have perhaps abandoned their New Year’s resolution to hit the gym. It’s also a reminder that Anderson is a purely populist filmmaker, primarily concerned with creating spectacle and more than willing to lapse into ridiculousness if it earns a gasp from the paying customer. Fortunately for those anteing up for Pompeii, a certain infamous volcano eruption circa 79 AD proves wholly conducive to Anderson’s over-the-top 3-D visuals. But be warned: Mount Vesuvius comes to a surprisingly slow boil, an issue perhaps attributed to having too many cooks in the writing room. As one might expect, a screenplay that features contributions from both Downton Abbey’s Julian
Fellowes and Batman Forever’s scribes occasionally struggles with coherence. The film’s early sections hinge on Anderson’s characteristically well-executed mortal combat, with Milo strutting his brutal stuff and bonding with fellow imprisoned warrior Atticus (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje) through a largely indecipherable gladiator code. When not spilling blood, he catches the fancy of Pompeiian noblewoman Cassia (Emily Browning). She’s spurning the lecherous advances of Roman senator Corvus (Kiefer Sutherland), who just happens to be the man who murdered Milo’s family. Surely swordplay, star-crossed romance and revenge should be adequate to bide the time until Vesuvius blows its top. However, another unwieldy subplot is grafted on, featuring Cassia’s parents (Jared Harris and Carrie-Anne Moss) convincing Corvus to “invest” in Pompeii by using the firstcentury equivalent of a real estate developer’s models. Ludicrous even by Anderson’s permissive POMPEII standards, it also draws Rated PG-13 undue attention to both Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson the director’s indifference Starring Kit Harington, Emily to dialogue and the cast’s Browning, Kiefer Sutherland insistence on playing this patchwork material unnecessarily straight. Only Sutherland boldly takes an affected, amplified approach, occasionally recall-
Headline goes here here When possible, use the headlineSUB2, which is bigger, for leads
ing Oliver Reed’s “did it for the drinking money” turns in the likes of Gor. While Jovovich has developed into a commanding screen presence thanks to her husband’s showcases, Harington is a little more than a serviceable action hero, confirming that well-honed glowering and a chiseled physique don’t directly translate into a formidable bearing. Fortunately for the film he headlines, he’s not expected to be most impressive thing on display here. And just as Pompeii is threatening to become as deathly boring as watching lava harden, Anderson finally has the decency to usher in a natural disaster. The faint praise that has found its way to Anderson over the years has routinely centered on set pieces that demonstrate a superior understanding of spatial relationships, resulting in some welcome visual coherence. While he’s accustomed to operating in more confined spaces, the director acquits himself well with Pompeii’s larger scale. Rather than completely disregarding the laws of physics as Roland Emmerich does in disaster porn like 2012, Anderson instead depicts a civilization’s ruin as if it were a Rube Goldberg device, cleverly ensuring that every act of devastation triggers another instance of mayhem. For all of his deficiencies as a filmmaker, it must be said that he’s put real thought into his senseless destruction. And that’s become something of a lost low art.
Starts Friday!
When international spy Ethan Renner (Kevin Costner) discovers he is dying, he takes on one last mission in exchange for retirement and medical treatment. Before he can give up his high risk life and finally spend quality time with his family, he must hunt down the world’s most dangerous terrorist. If this Secret Service agent can survive these three days, he can survive anything. (CF) Rated PG-13
Therese Raquin is a beautiful young women living under the domineering rule of her aunt, Madame Raquin, and trapped in a marriage with her cousin, Camille. Living in the lower echelons of Paris, Therese doesn’t see much outside the little shop she works in. But after she
meets her husband’s captivating friend, Laurent, she can no longer hide her desire for passion and seduction. Soon, she will learn this life of lust comes at a price. (CF) Rated R
Director Paul W.S. Anderson tries to take one of history’s most well-known natural disasters into a big-screen smash and comes up a bit short. Surely, swordplay, star-crossed romance and revenge should be adequate to bide the time until Vesuvius blows its top — right? Not quite. Even with Mila Jovovich, Keifer Sutherland, Emily Browning and Game of Throne’s Kit Harington, the film drags along until the damn volcano finally does its thing. (MB) Rated PG-13
This romantic comedy follows two couples as they navigate through their new love. From the bars, to the bedroom, to the real world, these lovers work through the ups and downs of today’s dating scene. Starring Kevin Hart, Michael Ealy, Regina Hall and Joy Bryant, this film puts a modern-day twist on a classic storyline. (CF) Rated R
Coming off the splendid Silver Linings Playbook, director David O. Russell is back, bringing the stars of that film, Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper, along. This time, the subject matter is a little more intense: He takes us back to the glittery 1970s for a crime drama about a group of corrupt politicians living the high life in New Jersey. (MB) Rated R
When Ron Woodroof’s wild lifestyle is interrupted by an HIV diagnosis, his eyes are opened to the lack of approved medications in the U.S. Only given 30 days to live, the Texan goes to Mexico and finds a world of alternative treatments. Ron teams up with a fellow spirited person living with AIDS, Rayon, to establish a “buyers club,” where others can find access to the treatments they smuggle into the U.S.. Ron may be dying, but he shows unwavering strength to fight the ignorance. At Magic Lantern (CF) R
When a newlywed couple is surprised with a pregnancy, they believe the surprises will end there. Unfortunately, they don’t. As months pass, the husband notices increasingly dark and disturbing changes in his wife. When these changes become horrifically dismaying, questions begin to arise about what his wife is carrying inside. (CF) Rated R
Set in 1965 Spokane, this locally produced film tells the true story of Lyle Hatcher (who co-wrote and co-directed
the film with Don Caron), who befriended a wheelchair-bound boy at his school suffering from muscular dystrophy. The film tells the story of how Hatcher, full of copious amounts of energy, tried to teach his friend to run as the two became inseparable, getting into no shortage of trouble along the way. At AMC only. (MB) Rated PG
A modern retelling of a 1979 novel and 1981 film tells a classic story of forbidden love. When the young and privileged Jade Butterfield falls for David Elliot, a boy who doesn’t fit into her high society world, they are met with strong resistance from their fathers. This disapproval only makes the two teens more committed to pursuing their passionate love affair through the summer after their high school graduation. (CF) PG-13
Frozen is a princess story; Disney is doubling down on the princesses — there’s two of ’em here. But Disney is also doubling down on the hints of nascent feminism Brave hinted at, the sort of barebones feminism which accepts that girls and women might possibly want more out of life than to get married. The princesses are sisters — the elder Elsa (the voice of Idina Menzel) and the younger Anna (the voice of Kristen Bell) — and this is mostly the story of their troubled relationship because Elsa is known to turn things into ice with her magical powers. (MJ) Rated PG
In a near-future Los Angeles, Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) earns a paycheck by penning intimate correspondence for those who don’t possess his way with words, but is soon left by his frustrated wife (Rooney Mara). Writer-director Spike Jonze allows his introverted sad sack to find companionship in the form of the world’s first artificially intelligent operating system. (CW) Rated R
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We’re lucky to have so many highly acclaimed, creative chefs choosing to make Spokane home.”
- Jane McCarthy KREM 2 News Anchor
Official Event Guide on Page 29! InlanderRestaurantWeek.com
...continued on next page
Fri/Sat: 4:00 Sun: 1:30 Mon-Thu: 4:30
DALLAS BUYERS CLUB (115-R) Fri/Sat: 8:30 Sun: 6:00
Fri/Sat: 1:45, 6:30 Sun: 4:00 Mon-Thu: 2:30
Fri/Sat: 3:15, 8:15 Sun: 12:30, 5:30 Mon-Thu: 5:00
INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS (108 MIN -R) Fri/Sat: 1:00, 6:00 Sun: 3:15 Mon-Thu: 3:00
Fri/Sat: 12:00p Sun: 11:30a Mon-Thu: 7:00 ANIMATION (102 MIN) Sun: 8:15 Mon-Thu: 7:30 25 W Main Ave • 509-209-2383 • All Shows $8 www.magiclanternspokane.com
Thor: The Dark World FRI 7:25 SAT-SUN 2:40 7:25 MON 7:25 WED-THURS 7:25
Splitting up a novel into three movies might seem like a bad idea, but most audience members will be still trying to keep track of all the names in this fantasy flick based on the Tolkien classic. (Smaug? Biblo? Erebor? Come on, now.) This second chunk features the majority of the action as Biblo Baggins (Martin Freeman) journeys with Wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellan) and 13 dwarves to save the dwarf kingdom of Erebor. (ER) PG-13
Delivery Man FRI-MON 9:45PM TUES 9:30PM WED-THURS 9:45PM
La Chamba Clay Cookware
Labyrinth TUE 7:20PM
Rustic elegance from stovetop to table.
Joel and Ethan Coen, following their own footsteps of filling a film with music, as they did in O Brother, Where Art Thou?, this time take on the early ’60s Greenwich Village folk scene. The title character (Oscar Isaac) is a multi-talented folkie who has no people skills and is likely ahead of his time. The people around him seem to cause nothing but crises, but the determined Llewyn sings on, against all odds. Not always a good idea in a Coen Brothers film. At AMC (ES) Rated R
35 W. Main, Spokane 509-464-7677
While working for a billionaire in Moscow, Jack Ryan unearths a plan to take down the U.S. economy. Now he is the only one with the brains and bravery to stop this collapse. This film follows Ryan on his action-packed mission to clear his name, protect his loved ones, and save his country. Based on a character created by author Tom Clancy, Jack Ryan is played by Chris Pine, who is supported by Keira Knightley and Kevin Costner. (CF) PG-13
Life isn’t too exciting for 13-year-old Henry Wheeler and his mother Adele. But on a rare trip to town for some backto-school shopping, they meet an injured man who convinces them to let him stay in their home. Later, this man reveals he is a convict, but this doesn’t change his captivating nature. Over the long holiday weekend, this mysterious man will change the lives of Henry and Adele forever. (CF) PG-13
Welcome to the Emerald City! Sunday, March 2, 2014 Northern Quest Resort & Casino 509-455-8993 | SpokaneAIDS.org
From the directing team (Chris Miller and Phil Lord) who gave us the pretty good Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and the hip and raunchy 21 Jump Street comes a delightful surprise. Yeah, The Lego Movie is colorful and has a message about being creative and working together to solve problems and tells of the fight between good and (corporate) evil, but it’s also totally whacked, from its dizzily stunning visuals (Legos everywhere! Non-stop action!) and its plentiful supply of goofy references that only adults will get. Kids will love its look; adults will dig its eccentric soul. (ES) Rated PG
Grab your tissue box and prepare to bawl out your eyes in the movie adaption of one soldier’s true story of survival. As the title reveals, four Navy Seals go on a
mission to neutralize a high-level Taliban operative and are ambushed by enemy forces and, tragically, only one returns. The story though, is not only about survival, but also about the ties of brotherhood, and the consequences of choices made seemingly for the greater good. (ER) Rated R
George Clooney’s fifth outing as a director has him in a co-starring role, opposite a great ensemble: Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett and John Goodman, among them. It’s the (mostly) true story of the men and women who took it upon themselves to save great works of art and architecture from plundering Nazis and gung-ho, ever-bombing Allied forces during WWII. It’s a thriller and a mystery, has many comic and a few tragic moments, and is the most complicated and strongest piece of directing so far from Clooney. (ES) Rated PG-13
Finding a Publishers Clearing House envelope stating that he’s won a million bucks, Woody Grant, a reckless, lonely boozer played by 77-year-old Bruce Dern, heads out from Montana to Nebraska to claim his fortune. He takes along his skeptical son (Will Forte), who’s humoring him, as Woody tells everyone he knows that he’s become a millionaire, gathering clingy new money-hungry friends along the way. Payne (Sideways, The Descendants, Election) shot the film in black and white, adding its already present sense of despair. At Magic Lantern (MB) R
Philomena Lee, an elderly British woman, confides in her daughter that she gave birth to a son in Ireland 50 years earlier. Unwed at the time, she was forced to give him up for adoption. Martin, a former government adviser and journalist out of a job, is looking for a story idea to bring to his editor. At a party, he hears of Philomena. Together, he and Philomena investigate the life of her lost son and find themselves exploring America looking for answers. At Magic Lantern (KS) Rated R
Not many remakes of iconic films get it right (think Keanu Reeves in The Day the Earth Stood Still), but RoboCop is a surprising exception. The roots are still there: Good guy Detroit cop is left for dead but re-emerges, via technology, as invincible man-machine. But this film, while still quite violent, has been stripped of its brutality as well as, some will lament, its corny humor. Instead there’s nicely done emotionalism along with edges of politics, philosophy, sociology and black satire. Lots of storytelling in the first half, plenty of action in the second. Gary Oldman and Jackie Earle Hayley give standout performances. (ES) Rated PG-13
When one friend suffers a nasty breakup, his two best friends join him in swearing off relationships for as long as possible. But it isn’t long before these three men find love and are forced to navigate through the awkwardness of modern day relationships. Starring Zac Efron, Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan, this comedy is a classic portrayal of today’s dating scene. (CF) Rated R
The tables are turned on a master thief in this film when his heart is stolen by a beautiful heiress. When he learns of her fatal condition, he is determined to use his power of reincarnation to bring his love back to life. But with a death sentence of his own, this task won’t prove easy. Starring Colin Farrell, Jessica Brown Findlay and Russell Crowe, this film tells a timeless story of the battle of good and evil and the power of undying love. (CF) PG-13
Martin Scorsese’s satirical adaptation of a memoir by Jordan Belfort (played here to the tune of an Oscar nomination by Leonardo DiCaprio), who rose from Long Island penny stock swindler to shady Wall Street power player, is so over the top that it risks becoming what it sets out to mock. But it’s a spectacle of opulence that demands to be seen. Jonah Hill also received an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Belfort’s depraved sidekick. (SS) Rated R.
American Hustle
The Lego Movie
Labor Day
Lone Survivor
The Monuments Men
Adv. Tix on Sale 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE POMPEII [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sat.(1210 PM) 1000 PM Sun.(1210 PM) 910 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL [CC] (PG-13) Fri. - Sat.(1140 220) 455 730 1015 Sun.(1140 220) 655 925 POMPEII IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sat.(315 PM) 715 PM Sun.(320 PM) 635 PM WINTER'S TALE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sat.(110 355) 650 935 Sun.(110 355) 640 920 ABOUT LAST NIGHT [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sat.(1240 305) 525 745 1005 Sun.(1240 310) 535 820 ENDLESS LOVE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sat.(100 340) 640 915 Sun.(100 340) 610 850 ROBOCOP [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sat.(1220 325) 700 945 Sun.(1220 330) 645 930 LEGO IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG) ★ Fri. - Sat.(1230 300) 615 845 Sun.(1230 300) 630 900 MONUMENTS MEN [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sat.(1150 240) 625 910 Sun.(1150 240) 550 840 LEGO [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1130 200) 430 705 930
Airway Heights 10117 W State Rt 2 • 509-232-0444
THAT AWKWARD MOMENT [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sat.1010 PM Sun.810 PM
PG-13 Fri-Sun (4:30) 7:10 9:50 Sat-Sun (11:15) (1:50) Mon-Thu (3:30) 6:15 8:50
THE NUT JOB [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1250 PM)
“Cavedigger” is nominated for an Oscar for best short documentary.
LONE SURVIVOR [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sat.(335 PM) 630 PM 920 PM Sun.(335 PM) 620 PM 905 PM
PG-13 Fri-Sun (4:25) 6:50 9:15 Sat-Sun (11:40) (2:00) Mon-Thu (4:15) 6:30 8:45
FROZEN [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sat.(1200 230) 500 740 Sun.(1200 PM 250 PM) 540 PM
PG-13 Fri-Sun (4:20) 7:00 9:40 Sat-Sun (11:00) (1:40) Mon-Thu (4:00) 6:20 8:40
PG Sat-Sun (10:15) In 2D Daily (2:45) (5:00) Fri-Sun 7:15 9:25 Sat-Sun (11:15) (12:30) Mon-Thu 7:00 9:05
Adv. Tix on Sale 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE
3 DAYS TO KILL [CC] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1130) 445 725 1005 WINTER'S TALE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1215 310) 625 925 ENDLESS LOVE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1145 305) 715 950
wo short documentaries, each of which The program’s other film is “Prison Terruns about 40 minutes, are included in minal: The Last Days of Private Jack Hall,” by this program, and each of these films Edgar Barens. Hall, a decorated soldier and introduces us to a memorable character. POW during World War II, now spends his days ”Cavedigger” by Jeffrey Karoff points its in prison for life after murdering the person who lens at a man named Ra Paulette, who carves sold his son drugs. Hall’s heart and lungs are caves out of the soft, ubiquitous sandstone found failing, and we observe the last couple of weeks in northern New Mexico. It seems of his life as he’s moved a singular artistic endeavor, even from the infirmary to the OSCAR-NOMINATED SHORT if it evokes visions of the Anasazi prison hospice. A rare DOCUMENTARIES, PART 2 cave dwellings that dotted the area thing, this prison hospice Not Rated centuries ago. is an exemplary model Opening Fri, Feb. 21 at the Magic Lantern What Paulette carves, however, with its rogues’ gallery of seems better fit for use as cathedral life-term murderers who than domicile. The carvings take function as the unit’s years to complete and feature passageways, loyal, sensitive caregivers. soaring walls into which designs are carved, and Both documentaries feature intriguing charskylights that allow a person to have the anomaacters, though they share a similar tendency to lous sensation of being deeply underground yet indulge their subjects. Tighter storytelling would exposed to the heavens. It goes without saying probably enhance both shorts, but they receive that Paulette is a man possessed by his visions — extra credit for introducing us to characters more an artist than a structural engineer, though who remain vivid after the lights come up in the what he does shares elements of both. theater. n
PG-13 Fri-Sun (4:00) 6:45 9:35 Sat-Sun (1:15) Mon-Thu (3:30) 6:15 9:05
POMPEII [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(105 PM) 1005 PM
Two documentaries give us a look into interesting lives
PG-13 Daily (2:45) 9:35 Sat-Sun (10:20) In 2D Daily (5:00) 7:20 Sat-Sun (12:30)
RIDE ALONG [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sat.(120 345) 720 955 Sun.(120 345) 615 855
POMPEII IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sun.400 PM 730 PM
Intended Publication Date(s): Friday, February 21, 2014. Saturday, February 22, 2014. Sunday, February 23, 2014. Published WA, Inlander [I_Directory_Update to Publish or Proof] 1.7" X 11" Produced: 7:00 PM ET, 2/18/2014 021814070027 Regal 865-925-9554
True Characters
PG-13 Daily (3:50) 6:30 9:00 Sat-Sun (10:50) (1:20)
JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT PG-13 Daily (4:40) 7:00 9:10
R Fri-Sun (4:45) 7:15 9:45 Sat-Sun (2:15) Mon-Thu (4:10) 6:40 9:00
PG Fri-Sun (5:00) 7:10 9:30 Sat-Sun (2:50) Mon-Thu (4:15) 6:30 8:45
PG Fri-Sun (2:20) Sat-Sun (11:45) Mon-Thu (2:30)
ROBOCOP [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1250 350) 700 945
12622 N Division • 509-232-7727
LEGO IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG) ★ Fri. - Sun.(1245 345) 645 935
PG-13 Daily (1:50) (4:30) 7:10 9:50 Fri-Sun (11:15)
MONUMENTS MEN [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1200 315) 620 920
Daily (2:45) 9:35 Fri-Sun (10:20) In 2D Daily (12:30) (5:00) 7:20
LEGO [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1230 210 330) 630 930
PG-13 Daily (1:15) (4:00) 6:45 9:35 Fri-Sun (10:40)
R Daily (2:40) (5:10) 7:25 9:45 Fri-Sun (12:20)
RIDE ALONG [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1255) 405 705 955
PG-13 Daily (2:00) (4:25) 6:50 9:15 Fri-Sun (11:40)
JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(300 PM) 635 PM 915 PM
PG-13 Daily (1:40) (4:20) 7:00 9:40 Fri-Sun (11:00)
THE NUT JOB [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1205 PM)
PG Daily 9:25 Fri-Sun (10:15) In 2D Daily (12:30) (1:20) (2:45) (3:40) (5:00) 6:10 7:15 9:00 Fri-Sun (11:00)
LONE SURVIVOR [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1240 340) 640 940
PG Daily (1:10) (4:00) 6:40 9:15 Fri-Sun (10:45)
FROZEN [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(100 PM) 415 PM 645 PM
PG-13 Daily (1:20) (3:50) 6:30 9:00 Fri-Sun (10:50)
PG-13 Daily (2:30) (4:40) 7:00 9:10 Fri (12:15)
Adv. Tix on Sale 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE
PG-13 Daily (2:50) (5:00) 7:10 9:30
POMPEII IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri.(100 PM) 700 PM
R Daily (2:15) (4:45) 7:15 9:45
POMPEII [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri.(355 PM) 940 PM
PG Daily (1:30) (3:50) Fri-Sun (11:10)
3 DAYS TO KILL [CC] (PG-13) Times For 02/21 - 02/23
Fri.650 PM
Showtimes in ( ) are at bargain price. Special Attraction — No Passes Showtimes Effective 2/21/14-2/27/14
Regal_022014_4V_RW.pdfFEBRUARY 20, 2014 INLANDER 35
Feb 20th - Feb 26th
412 W. Sprague Ave. 509.747.2302
Any drink - $6!
Any drink - $6!
7:00 - 11:00
$5 Double Martinis
ome days when Marielle V. Jakobsons goes to work in the morning, she’s thinking about a million cockroaches scuttling through the walls of a house. She thinks about what that might sound like. Is it a hissing sound? Or more like a scratching sound? Is there clicking? Chattering? Fluttering? When she gets to work, she thinks about how to replicate that sound — maybe not the exact sound of real, live cockroaches, but how we might think a cartoonish infestation of bugs might sound. As a sound designer for the popular video game series The Sims, Jakobsons spends her days creating the noises that make up that fantastical virtual world. From the made-up “Simlish” language the characters speak, to their tapping footsteps and the fantastical moments that make the game fun, “all of the sounds that go into the game have to be created somehow,” she says. “Sometimes you have to get those gushy, goopy sounds of when you’re cooking, or dropping splattery things.” And sometimes your character’s house gets infested with bugs.
Sound Gardener
In work and play, Marielle V. Jakobsons lives a life entrenched in sound BY LEAH SOTTILE
“In the real world you don’t necessarily hear them just walking around, or hear them talking,” Jakobsons explains. “But we don’t want the literal sound of cockroaches in the game. It doesn’t really translate. We’re trying to think about how to create that sense and that tension and that gross feeling, while also making it sound like an insect.” In her career and her art, Jakobsons lives a life that revolves around sound. She’s a member of the bass-heavy electronic music duo Date Palms, which has released albums on the beloved independent music label Thrill Jockey Records. She creates installations in museums — ones that allow people to experience the way sound interacts with objects. Jakobsons also performs solo music (like she’ll do this week at Eastern Washington University) that draws on ...continued on next page
“SOUND GARDENER,” CONTINUED... both her classical training and love for electronic sound manipulation. While she was in college at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Jakobsons — who had a violin in her hands at age 4 and has played piano for nearly as long — injured her hand and was unable to play piano. During that time, she discovered the school’s electronic music studio. “Nobody knew it was really down there,” she says. She began playing with MIDI synthesizers and Roland Jupiter 8s, moving toward more avant-garde and experimental sounds. She loved noise rock as much as she loved classical, and wondered what would happen if she married the two. “I really enjoyed playing classical music, but I didn’t feel very connected to it a lot of the time. I felt like it was music from a different time,” she says. “It didn’t always translate into our language and our way of thinking. And what was really compelling to me was making music that was a part of a relevant conversation at the moment.” In Date Palms and as a solo artist, many of her compositions begin with the violin. It’s what she does to its sound — warming the notes with delay and fuzz pedals, sending it through computer programs to bend and twist the sounds — that reinterprets the instrument’s old, familiar trill into something new and strange, otherworldly and dreamlike. “The great thing about the violin is that it is an instrument that speaks to people on various levels. So I feel like I have an advantage over
purely electronic performers,” she says. “When you see someone playing violin, it’s a recognizable experience and sound you can enter into right away.” With her sound installations, Jakobsons plays with cymatics: “how [soundwaves] move through different mediums, and how that creates actual waves on water surfaces and stuff like that,” she says. Where electronic music — and no doubt, noise music — can feel unaccessible, she says that in the Bay Area, where she lives, electronic musicians like herself have entire festivals devoted to their craft. She says it’s the people who aren’t used to hearing this kind of music she makes who are often the most receptive to it. In fact, she says that sometimes young children — who she’s spent time teaching as a music educator — are often the most interested audience because they project no constrictions on what music should sound like. They’re the same kind of imaginative listeners who might be able to think about what cockroaches crawling through the walls might sound like, too. n leahs@inlander.com Marielle V. Jakobsons • Fri, Feb. 21, at 7:30 pm • $5; $3, seniors and non-EWU students; free to EWU students • Eastern Washington University Music Department Recital Hall • Intersection of Seventh and I streets, Cheney, Wash. • 359-2241
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he Thermals are the sort of noise the Northwest has needed for the past decade. Things have gotten soft, acoustic and even a little twangy since the Thermals debuted in Portland in 2003. But the trio stayed fuzzy and loud and true to their punk roots, and the region’s music scene has been better for it. You know a Thermals cut when you hear one. The guitar parts are driving and simple, the drums thunderous, and all of it is tied together with Hutch Harris’ melodic vocals and philosophically political (sometimes quite radical) lyrics. It’s all decidedly lo-fi and there’s nothing complicated about it — after all, it’s punk rock, even if there’s more substance than your uncle’s three-chord favorites. But 2010’s Personal Life, the band’s fifth full-length record and second produced by Death Cab for Cutie’s Chris Walla, was different. Harris’ insightful lyrics gravitated toward relationships and the trio turned down the fuzz, bringing forth a pop-forward, gentler version of the band that railed against the Bush Administration, among other things, for their first five years. Last year, the Thermals unleashed Desperate Ground, giving fans a reminder of the band’s first album (More Parts Per Million, recorded on a 4-track in a kitchen). Desperate Ground is fuzzy as hell, but
at Club Red 6pm-10pm
The Thermals have spent a decade marrying ferocity and melody
Strong but Sweet
Dance your ASS off until 4am all weekend!
at IRV’s @ 9pm
Portland-based punk rockers the Thermals bring their toe-tapping tunes to Spokane next week.
Feb 20th - Feb 26th
at Irv’s 9pm-2am
at Irv’s 8pm-2am
at Irv’s 8pm-2am
at Club Red @ 10pm
415 W. Sprague Ave. Harris’ lyrical aptitude can be heard over the band’s punchy punk riffs. Things get creepy at times, as Harris conjures images of war, violence and anger, but again he manages to keep things melodic throughout the record’s mere 26-plus minutes of running time. A standout on the record is “The Sword By My Side,” as much of an anthem as anything we’ve heard from this band (at least since 2009’s “Now We Can See”). But the band isn’t too serious for their own good. They made a 16-bit videogame that serves as a music video of sorts for “The Sword By My Side” in which bassist Kathy Foster, equipped with angel-like wings, battles flying monsters with the help of two sprites played by Harris and drummer Westin Glass. The video for “The Sunset” features Foster training as a boxer, à la Rocky Balboa, in the streets of Portland. It’s all funny, but the music pulsates behind the images — the dichotomy is stunning. It’s perfectly fitting for a band that can sing about death and war and keep your toes tapping. mikeb@inlander.com The Thermals with Ava Luna, Krill • Thu, Feb. 27, at 8 pm • $15 • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • thebartlettspokane.com • 747-2174
Thursday Feb 20th
Sunday FUN DAY! Feb 23rd HAPPY TIME PRICES ALL DAY Monday Feb 24th
TRIVIA! Starts at 7pm Tuesday Feb 25th OPEN MIC of OPEN-NESS HOSTED BY LUCAS Wednesday Feb 26th
25 Craft Beers & Craft Cocktails 120 E. Sprague Ave.
isten to Down North’s “Heartbreaker” and try to resist the urge to wiggle your feet, flip your hair and scream/sing “whoo!” along with vocalist Anthony Briscoe. You can’t do it. This Seattle fourpiece plays a sort of funky rock that gets into your brain and gets you moving. The music harkens back to the groove of the ’70s, and you might catch a pinch of James Brown in their sound. Rolling through Spokane next Wednesday, their show will be nothing but one big, funky dance party. — LAURA JOHNSON Down North, Wax N Drums, the Tone Collaborative • Wed, Feb. 26, at 9 pm • $5 • 21+ • Mootsy’s • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570
Thursday, 02/20
BEVERLY’S, Robert Vaughn BOOMERS CLASSIC ROCK BAR & GRILL, DJ Yasmine BUCKHORN INN, Texas Twister COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, PJ Destiny FEDORA PUB, CdA Charter Academy Jazz Jam J FORZA COFFEE (535-7179), Maxie Ray Mills GERMAN AMERICAN HALL (7470004), Tango Night J THE HOP!, Arrow in Orbit, Wicked Obsession, Eyes Like Time Machines JONES RADIATOR, Whiskey Rebellion J LAGUNA CAFÉ, Just Plain Darin LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, Likes Girls J LUXE COFFEEHOUSE, Dirk Lind O’SHAY’S, Open mic J PANIDA THEATER (208-263-9191), Ani DiFranco ROADHOUSE COUNTRY ROCK BAR, The Cinders THE VAULT SOCIAL CLUB, DJ Seli THE VIKING BAR AND GRILL, Lavoy, The Finns, Hannah Reader J WADDELL’S BREWPUB & GRILL (321-7818), Jonah Gallegos ZOLA, Fus Bol
Friday, 02/21
1210 TAVERN (208-765-1210), Kidd Whiskey BEVERLY’S, Robert Vaughn THE BLIND BUCK, DJ Mayhem BOLO’S, Slow Burn BOWL’Z BITEZ AND SPIRITZ (3217480), Likes Girls BUCKHORN INN, Texas Twister THE CELLAR, New Mud COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh COLDWATER CREEK WINE BAR, Mike & Shana Thompson THE COUNTRY CLUB, Tell the Boys CURLEY’S, Phoenix
s if Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know” wasn’t popular enough in 2012, the Canadian act Walk Off the Earth put their own creative spin on it, releasing a low-budget video with five people playing one guitar. Their cover, which has received more than 156 million hits on YouTube, catapulted them from obscurity. The pop-rock band has gone on to cover many Top 40 favorites accompanied by innovative videos. Last year they released R.E.V.O., an LP of mostly originals that featured the minor hit “Red Hands.” — LAURA JOHNSON Walk Off the Earth with Parachute • Sun, Feb. 23, at 8 pm • $19.50 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • sp.knittingfactory.com • 244-3279 FIZZIE MULLIGANS, Shiner GRANDE RONDE CELLARS, Joel Brantley THE HANDLE BAR (474-0933), Six Strings n’ Pearls J THE HOP!, Pandamonium! II feat. SQUAD, 1Slurr, SFD, Bass Meets World, Fenattic, Jeremiah WC IDAHO POUR AUTHORITY (208-2902280), Charley Packard IRON GOAT BREWING CO. (4740722), Dave McRae, Rick Singer and Alan Fisher IRON HORSE BAR, Johnny Qlueless JOHN’S ALLEY, The World’s Finest JONES RADIATOR, Eartha Kiit J KNITTING FACTORY, Escape the Fate, Eve to Adam, New Years Day, Invasive J LAGUNA CAFÉ, Diane Copeland LIBRARY LOUNGE (747-3371), Big Hair Revolution J LUXE COFFEEHOUSE, Jake
Anthony MAX AT MIRABEAU, Usual Suspects, Salty Dog J MEZZO PAZZO WINE BAR, Dirk Lind MOOSE LOUNGE (208-664-7901), Karma’s Circle NECTAR TASTING ROOM (869-1572), Cris Lucas (of Cruxie) NYNE, The Divine Jewels O’SHAY’S, John Sylte, Morgan Andersen and friends PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Bare Grass J THE PHAT HOUSE, The Tone Collaborative, Bodhi Drip, Moksha ROADHOUSE COUNTRY ROCK BAR, Ryan Larsen Band, Luke Jaxon Band THE ROCK BAR AND LOUNGE (4433796), Common Ground TWELVE STRING BREWING COMPANY (241-3697), Maxie Ray Mills WEBSTER’S RANCH HOUSE SALOON
(474-9040), Kyle Swaffard ZOLA, Raggs & Bush Doktor
Saturday, 02/22
J BABY BAR, Feral Anthem, Jacob Jones BEVERLY’S, Robert Vaughn THE BLIND BUCK (290-6229), DJ Daethstar BOLO’S, Slow Burn BUCKHORN INN, Texas Twister THE CELLAR, New Mud J CHAPS, Just Plain Darin COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS, Steven Harris COLDWATER CREEK WINE BAR, Brother Music THE COUNTRY CLUB, Tell the Boys CURLEY’S, Phoenix FIZZIE MULLIGANS, Shiner J THE HOP!, IG Young-King, Fly$tyle, Dat Boy Rob, Alec Hopkins and
more IRON HORSE BAR, Johnny Qlueless JONES RADIATOR, Ian L. Miles, The Holy Broke, Tyler Aker J KNITTING FACTORY, Too Broke to Rock feat. Anchored, Stars in Stereo, Vial8, Light Up the Sky LIBRARY LOUNGE (747-3371), Big Hair Revolution LION’S LAIR (456-5678), Gold Codes J LUXE COFFEEHOUSE, Dave McRae MAX AT MIRABEAU, Usual Suspects, Salty Dog MOOSE LOUNGE (208-664-7901), Karma’s Circle MT. SPOKANE SKI AND SNOWBOARD PARK (238-2220), Bridgette and Michael Lewis NYNE, DJ C-Mad J THE PHAT HOUSE, Boat Race Weekend, Little Big Horn ROADHOUSE COUNTRY ROCK BAR, Ryan Larsen Band, Luke Jaxon
Band THE ROCK BAR AND LOUNGE (4433796), DJ Sonny J THE SHOP, Bill Mize ZOLA, Whack A Mole
Sunday, 02/23
THE CELLAR, Dueling Pianos with Max Daniels DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church J KNITTING FACTORY, Walk Off the Earth (See story on facing page), Parachute MOOSE LOUNGE (208-664-7901), Michael’s Music Technology Circus ZOLA, Echo Elysium
Monday, 02/24
BOWL’Z BITEZ AND SPIRITZ (3217480), Open mic J CALYPSOS, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills J RICO’S, Open mic ZOLA, Nate Ostrander Trio
Tuesday, 02/25
Get your event listed in the paper and online by emailing getlisted@inlander. com. We need the details one week prior to our publication date. BEVERLY’S, Robert Vaughn FEDORA PUB, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills J THE HOP!, Elektro Grave JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of Open-ness LION’S LAIR (456-5678), DJs Nobe and MJ J LUXE COFFEEHOUSE, The Song Project (Open Mic) J MOSCOW FOOD CO-OP, Matti Sand and John Fershee J RED ROOSTER COFFEE CO., Open mic SPLASH, Bill Bozly THE VAULT SOCIAL CLUB, DJ Q ZOLA, Dan Conrad and the Urban Achievers
BEVERLY’S, Robert Vaughn THE CELLAR, Riverboat Dave J CHAPS, Land of Voices with Dirk Swartz THE DISTRICT BAR (244-3279), Likes Girls J THE HOP!, Saul, Progenitus IDAHO POUR AUTHORITY (208-2902280), Highway 200 JONES RADIATOR, Sally Bop Jazz LA ROSA CLUB, Jazz Jam with the Bob Beadling Group J MEZZO PAZZO WINE BAR, Dennis Smith J MOOTSY’S, Down North (See story on facing page), Wax N Drums, The Tone Collaborative THE PHAT HOUSE, Be Open Mic with Mike Bethely SOULFUL SOUPS AND SPIRITS, Open
mic THE VAULT SOCIAL CLUB, DJs Freaky Fred and MC Squared ZOLA, The Bucket List
Coming Up ...
J THE BARTLETT, The Thermals (See story on page 39), Ava Luna, Krill, Feb. 27 THE HOP!, Dinosaur Pile-Up, Middle Class Rut, Feb. 28 THE VIKING BAR AND GRILL, The Ashley Honnell Band, Feb. 28 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE, Sea Giant, Feb. 28 HOPPED UP BREWING CO., Wyatt Wood, Feb. 28 THE BARTLETT, & Yet, Cedar & Boyer, Adam & Olive, Feb. 28 KNITTING FACTORY, Young Dubliners, Feb. 28 NYNE, Eric Himan, Feb. 28 MOOTSY’S, The Pine Hearts, Cold Mountain Yeti, The Holy Broke, Feb. 28, JOHN’S ALLEY, Sol Seed, Feb. 28 THE VIKING BAR AND GRILL, Light up the Sky, The Lion Oh My, Death By Pirates, March 1 THE BARTLETT, Together Pangea, Mozes and The Firstborn, Lures, March 1 CHECKERBOARD BAR, The Sindicate CD Release Show, March 1 DOWNTOWN MOSCOW, Moscow Mardi Gras feat. Enjoy Sweatshop Union, Soul Siren, McTuff, Bare Wires, The Fabulous King Pins, March 1 UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, Down North, March 1 JOHN’S ALLEY, Mctuff, March 1 THE HOP!, Arkaik, Lord of War, March 2 THE HOP!, Arsonists Get All the Girls, Seeker THE HOP!, Atlas Moth SPOKANE ARENA, Tool, March 4 KNITTING FACTORY, Austin Jenckes (The Voice finalist), Cody Beebe & The Crooks, March 5 THE BARTLETT, Pickwick, Cathedral Pearls, March 6. MOOTSY’S, Kurly Something, Dark White Light, March 6 CHATEAU RIVE, Bakin’ Phat, Kenny James Miller, March 7 CHECKERBOARD BAR, Blood Party, Midnight Mine, Blame Shifter, March 7 KNITTING FACTORY, Cash’d Out, Acuff & Sherfey, Levi Daniel, March 7, KNITTING FACTORY, March Into Madness feat. Unique, Cordell Drake, Destiny, Versatial, On One, True Justice, Pest, Raw B, Ether, Jay Cope, March 8, 7 pm. THE BARTLETT, Sea Wolf, Kevin Long, March 8, 8 pm. ZOLA, Ron Greene, March 9 MOOTSY’S, Qui, March 9 KNITTING FACTORY, EOTO, Wax 808, Brainfunk, March 13 THE BARTLETT, Odesza, Water Monster, March 13 ROADHOUSE COUNTRY ROCK BAR, Open Mic THE BARTLETT, Tango Alpha Tango, March 19
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MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208667-9660 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. BEVERLY’S • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BOLO’S • 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 CARR’S CORNER • 230 S. Washington St. • 474-1731 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208664-9463 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 COLDWATER CREEK WINE BAR • 311 N. 1st Ave., Sandpoint • 208-263-6971 THE COUNTRY CLUB • 216 E. Coeur d’Alene Ave. • 208-676-2582 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIRST STREET BAR • 122 E. First St., Deer Park • 276-2320 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GIBLIANO BROS. • 718 W. Riverside • 315-8765 THE GRAIL • 4720 E. Seltice Way, CdA • 208665-5882 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 THE HOP! • 706 N. Monroe St. • 368-4077 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 IRV’S BAR • 415 W. Sprague Ave. • 624-4450 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208883-7662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KELLY’S IRISH PUB • 726 N. Fourth St., CdA • 208-667-1717 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 448-0887 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LATAH BISTRO • 4241 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 838-8338 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 LUXE COFFEEHOUSE • 1017 W. First Ave. • 642-5514 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MEZZO PAZZO WINE BAR • 2718 E. 57th • 863-9313 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MOSCOW FOOD CO-OP • 121 E. Fifth St. • 208882-8537 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 PACIFIC AVENUE PIZZA • 2001 W. Pacific Ave. • 624-0236 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 220 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 THE PHAT HOUSE • 417 S. Browne • 443-4103 PJ’S BAR & GRILL • 1717 N. Monroe St. • 328-2153 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 RICO’S PUB • 200 E. Main, Pullman • 332-6566 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SPLASH • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 STUDIO K• 2810 E. 29th Ave. • 534-9317 THE SWAMP • 1904 W. Fifth Ave. • 458-2337 THE VAULT • 120 N. Wall St. • 863-9597 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 THE WAVE • 525 W. First Ave. • 747-2023 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416
The remnants of a 1930s pistol.
A Geiger counter from around 1960.
Back in 1908, this is how you toasted your bread.
This Japanese friendship doll (and the other items on this page) are some of the artifcats to be found at the MAC’s 100 Stories exhibit, which opens this week. week
100 Stories — A Centennial Exhibition, an exhibit celebrating the Eastern Washington State Historical Society’s first hundred years, opens at the MAC this weekend. The long-term exhibit features art and artifacts reflecting the region’s history, including Native American culture. During its two-year run, the museum plans to host special programming to enhance community engagement. Among those events are art demonstrations, film, lectures and symposia. Stories as part of the exhibit are to be told not only at the MAC, but also at important relevant locations throughout Spokane and Eastern Washington. Many of the exhibit’s featured artifacts from the MAC’s collections have never been on display before. — CLARKE HUMPHREY 100 Stories — A Centennial Exhibition • Feb. 22-Jan. 31, 2016 • $5-$10 • Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture • 2316 W. First • northwestmuseum.org • 363-5355
Dita Von Death Muffin and the Lilac City Roller Girls are gearing up for their for their 2014 season-opening bout. The Lilac City All Stars are “baking up a beating” for their opponent, Missoula’s Hellgate Rollergirls, in the first bout of Lilac City’s eighth season. Be warned: this event is not for the weak of heart. These All Stars might be looking pretty in purple, but they’re ready to show off their speed and strength in a full-out battle on skates. Meet the fierce women of the team at an after-bout party at Lucky’s Irish Pub downtown. — COLLEEN FOGERTY Lilac City Roller Girls • Sat, Feb. 22, at 7 pm • $12-$15, kids age 9 and under free • Spokane Convention Center • 344 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • lilaccityrollergirls.com
Grammy Award winners BeauSoleil have entertained audiences for more than 30 years with a unique blend of zydeco, western swing, calypso, blues, and traditional New Orleans jazz. This weekend the six-piece brings its Louisiana flair to the Bing for Spokane Public Radio’s Mardi Gras celebration. Proceeds from the show benefit Spokane Public Radio, and the upbeat, rhythmic tunes should have audience members tapping their feet and dancing all night long. — EMERA L. RILEY BeauSoleil with Michael Doucet • Sun, Feb. 23, at 7:30 pm • $30$40 • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague • bingcrosbytheater. com • 227-7638
Email getlisted@inlander.com to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
More than two decades ago, Northwest tribal elders set out to create a winter gathering of the region’s Plateau Tribes that moved away from the traditional competitive dances between tribes. They sought instead to educate the public about their diverse cultural legacies, and also simply to remind people of their continued existence in the same lands their ancestors have lived off of for centuries. The annual Friendship Dance is intended as a celebration of Inland Northwest tribes’ traditional songs and dances, but also honors specific groups and individuals each year. Last year, the event’s honoree was the late artist George Flett. This year, the Yamncut drum group — which has not missed this event since its inception — and one of its members, Alec Ququesah, are to be recognized. — CHEY SCOTT 22nd Annual Friendship Dance • Sat, Feb. 22, from 10 am-5 pm • Free admission, donations accepted • Northern Quest Casino • 100 N. Hayford Rd. • northwestmuseum.org • 363-5314
Gonzaga senior Devin Devine has taken Alice in Wonderland and turned the story on its head, developing a script that adds a steampunk flavor to the Lewis Carroll classic. The production, directed by student Erin Fitzgerald and Dr. Kathleen Jeffs, features an industrial look that’s strikingly different from the technicolor Disney take on Alice. “It’s a gritty, quirky look and it’s going to be an appealing visual contrast,” says Fitzgerald, adding that the adaptation also incorporates themes from college life. — MIKE BOOKEY Alice • Feb. 21-22, 28 at 7:30 pm; March 1-2 at 2 pm • Magnuson Theatre at Gonzaga University • $15, $10/students and seniors • gonzaga.edu/ theatreanddance
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across from the carousel
SPOKANE VALLEY PARTNERS BENEFIT CONCERT Local singers, pianists, dancers, fiddlers, and bag pipers present a mix of musical styles from pop to classical, jazz and folk. Feb. 21, 7 pm. $10-$12/adults; $5-$7/ kids. St. Joseph’s Parish, 4521 N. Arden Rd. (926-7133) PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER “Raise the Dough” is hosted by The Campus Kitchen at Gonzaga to raise funds and awareness for hunger relief efforts in the Spokane community. Feb. 23, 8:30 am-noon. $5. Gonzaga University, 502 E. Boone. (313-6939) GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALES Local Girl Scouts are accepting pre-orders for cookies through March 20. Find a local Girl Scout by calling or emailing cookies@gsewni.org or at gscookiebiz. com. $4/box (Wash.), $4.25/box (Idaho). gsewni.org, (800-827-9478) BEAUTY AND THE VINE Quarterly night of beauty services, networking and wine, benefiting Blessings Under the Bridge, a local nonprofit. Services include massages, paraffin hand dips, brow waxing and more. Some services paid, event free to attend. Feb. 27, 6-9 pm. Nectar Tasting Room, 120 N. Stevens. (869-1572) TASTE OF LIFE Hospice of Spokane’s 9th annual fundraiser features food specially paired with local wines, beers and spirits. Feb. 28, 5:30-8:30 pm. $75. Spokane Club, 1002 W. Riverside Ave. hospiceofspokane.org (456-0438) TUBIN’ IN TUTUS Annual fundraiser party and auction benefiting Shoshone
Pet Rescue. This year tubin’ moves from the ski slopes to the Silver Rapids Indoor Waterpark. Feb. 28, 6 pm. $15$30. Silver Mountain, 610 Bunker Ave., Kellogg. silvermt.com (208-783-1542) THE BARTENDERS’ BALL Benefitting Helping Every Little Paw (HELP), with cocktails and appetizers provided by the local restaurants and bars, a silent and live auction, bartender flair competition, prizes and more. March 1 at 6 pm. $25-$30. CdA Eagles, 209 Sherman. helpeverylittlepaw.org (208659-6408) FC SPOKANE AUCTION DINNER The second annual dinner and auction benefits the club’s soccer scholarship program and outreach programs for children of lower social and economic means. March 1, 5 pm. $50/person. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. fcspokane.com (953-8844) NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS Boost Collaborative’s 7th annual fundraiser includes a dinner, silent auction and features Brady Murray, founder of RODS Racing, a competitive team of more than 100 Ironman triathletes. March 1, 5:30 pm. $60, pre-registration required. Schweitzer Event Center (SEL), 1825 Schweitzer Dr., Pullman. (332-6561) ACADEMY AWARDS LIVE SCREENING See the awards live on the big screen. Event benefits the CDA Summer Theater and Friends of the Bing. March 2, 5 pm. $15. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. cdasummertheatre.com (208-660-2958)
STAND-UP COMEDY Local comedians,
see weekly schedule online. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. uncledscomedy.com (483-7300) OPEN MIC COMEDY Live stand-up comedy. Fridays at 8 pm. Free. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third Ave. reddragondelivery.com (838-6688) SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. bluedoortheatre.com (747-7045) LIVE COMEDY Live stand-up comedy shows. Sundays at 9 pm. Goodtymes, 9214 E. Mission Ave. (928-1070) ALL-AGES COMEDY OPEN MIC Held the second and fourth Thurs of the month at 6 pm. Free. Boots Bakery & Lounge, 24 W. Main. (703-7223) FLUFFY BUNNY IMPROV SHOW Anime-themed comedy hosted by KuroNekoCon and Fluffy Bunny Improv. Cosplay is encouraged. March 1, 5:30 pm. $7; $5 with canned food donation. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. bluedoortheatre.com (747-7045) LILAC CITY IMPROV Comedy event featuring wine and food flights for purchase (glass of wine included in ticket price). Reservations recommended. March 1, shows at 6 pm & 8:30 pm. $20. Nectar Tasting Room, 120 N. Stevens. (869-1572)
SANDPOINT WINTER CARNIVAL The 40th annual Winter Carnival hosts events in and around Sandpoint
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and at Schweitzer Resort, including skijoring, a parade of lights, fireworks, K-9 keg pull and more. Through Feb. 23, see full event schedule online. sandpointwintercarnival.com WOMEN & CHILDREN’S FREE RESTAURANT VOLUNTEERS Volunteers needed as prep cooks, servers, dishwashers, food platers and to work various other shifts during the week, Mon-Fri. Positions are weekly or biweekly; food handlers card is required. Submit volunteer application online. wcfrspokane.org (324-1995) THE JUSTICE CONFERENCE Participate in a live simulcast of this LA-based conference, presented by World Relief Spokane. Feb. 21-22, Fri at 6 pm, Sat at 8:30 am. $34. Garland Church, 2011 W. Garland. garlandchurch.org (327-7700) DATE NIGHT Reconnect with a loved one while the kids participate in programming. Register at least 24 hours in advance. Open to ages 3 mos. to 11 years. Offered Feb. 22, March 22 and April 19 at 6 pm. $10. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. (208-667-1865) FEBRUARY FUN FLING Dancing lessons at 7 pm, followed by general dancing, refreshments and more from 8-10 pm. Singles, couples and all levels of dancers welcome. Feb. 22, 7-10 pm. Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 S. First Ave. usadancesandpoint.org (208-699-0421) FRIENDSHIP DANCE The 22nd annual event celebrates the culture and traditions of the Plateau Tribes, who share their dances and songs with the community. Feb. 22, 10 am-5 pm. Donations accepted. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd. northernquest.com (363-5314) MEET THE CAMPBELLS Living history
event set in 1910, featuring actors performing as Mrs. Campbell and her staff. Activities in the house include games, hands-on art, and dressing up in Victorian clothing. Saturdays from 12-4 pm through Feb. 22. $3-$5. The MAC, 2316 W. First. northwestmuseum. com (456-3931) VETERANS CULTURAL CONNECTION Eastern Wash./North Idaho veterans outreach event featuring keynote speakers and a dinner reception. Open to all active and retired military, military families and veterans. RSVP requested for dinner reception. Feb. 22, 2 & 5 pm. Free. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. (533-8182) POSTURES FOR PEACE Live music and yoga event, donations benefit Global Neighborhood Thrift. Feb. 23, 3 pm. St. John’s Cathedral, 127 E. 12th. (838-4277) CULTIVATE SPOKANE SALON SERIES Monthly meeting series for those active in Spokane’s arts, culture and creative industries to meet, share, learn and connect. Featuring guest speaker Rachel Dolezal, a local artist. Feb. 25, 6-7:30 pm. Free. Stella’s Cafe, 917 W. Broadway. spokanearts.org FREE TAX PREP SITES Qualified professionals provide free assistance to residents earning less than $51,567 in 2013. Sites remain open until April 15. See site locations and schedules at unitedwayspokane.org. (358-3526) LOVE YOUR HEART Women’s heart health event hosted by Rockwood clinic, featuring presentations by cardiologists, health screenings, massages, food and more. Free, reservations required by Feb. 24. Feb. 26, 5-7:30 pm. Free. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. rockwoodhealthsystem.com (473-5899)
APPLYING FOR JOBS ONLINE Advice and tips on creating online accounts to apply for jobs, staying organized, avoiding scams and making a good impression online. Feb. 27, 6 pm. Fre. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. scld.org (893-8400)
MAIDENTRIP Special one-night screening hosted by Shahrokh Nikfar, host of KYRS’s Persian Hour. Feb. 20, 7 pm. $8. Magic Lantern Theatre, 25 W. Main Ave. (209-2383) THE ABOLITIONISTS Film screening and cultural awareness night hosted by UMEC, followed by a discussion facilitated by Dr. Larry Burnley, Assistant VP of Diversity/Intercultural Relations at Whitworth. Feb. 21, 7 pm. Free. Gonzaga, 502 E. Boone. (313-5836) LEONARD A. OAKLAND FILM FEST 6th annual festival featuring screenings of an American independent, documentary, and an international film. Feb. 22 at 7 pm. Free. Whitworth, 300 W. Hawthorne Rd. (777-4605) NW BACH FESTIVAL FILM CLASSICS New film series as part of the 36th Northwest Bach Festival. Screening of “The Red Violin” on Feb. 26 at 7 pm. Double feature March 5, featuring “A Matter of Taste: Serving up Paul Liebrandt” at 7 pm, and “Impromtu” at 9 pm. Free. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. nwbachfest.com (509-456-3931) THE LUNCH BREAK Screening with a discussion to follow on this short film about race and perception. Feb. 26, 6 pm. Free. The Book Parlor, 1425 W. Broadway Ave. (328-6527)
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A Civil War Anniversary Event “Becoming Corporal Tanner: Civil War Veterans, Disability, and Celebrity” A Presentation by Professor James Marten
EVENTS | CALENDAR OUT OF THE BOX Films and presentations about solar roadways and other energy innovations, hosted by the Idaho Conservation League. Feb. 27, 7 pm. $5 suggested donation. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. idahoconservation.org WEB REALITY SHOW OPEN AUDITIONS Open auditions for “Hope,” a new, web-based singing and dancing reality show. Open to Ages 13+. March 1, 10 am-5 pm. Free. Downtown Library, 906 W. Main. hopethesingingshow. weebly.com (491-2479)
IRON GOAT + NINKASI RELEASE PARTY Spokane’s Iron Goat Brewing and Ninkasi Brewing collaborated to create a beer, which they’ll be releasing at a special event. Feb. 20, 5 pm. Jones Radiator, 120 E. Sprague. tinyurl.com/o5wm7sm (7476005) NORTHWEST DINNER AMONG FRIENDS Young at Heart Seniors hosts its monthly dinner event, on Feb. 20, from 5-7 pm. All-you-can-eat pizza, salad bar and beverages. $15/person. Fieldhouse Pizza and Pub, 4423 W. Wellesley Ave. (238-9187) TASTE OF SANDPOINT Event for the Sandpoint Winter Carnival, featuring wine tasting and food from local restaurants, caterers and more. Free admission, food tickets available to purchase. Feb. 20, 5-8 pm. The Hive Event Center, 207 N. First St. sandpointchamber.org (208-263-2161) VINO! WINE TASTING Friday features
Gifford Hirlinger of Walla Walla from 3-6:30 pm ($15). Saturday features Tertulia Cellars of Walla Walla from 2-4:30 pm ($10). Vino!, 222 S. Washington. vinowine.com (838-1229) WEST COAST WINE ADVENTURE Wine tasting class featuring 8 wines from Wash., Ore. and Calif. Feb. 21, 7 pm. $20, reservations requested. Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd. (343-2253) BEER & CHEESE PAIRING Trickster’s Brewmaster Matt Morrow hosts a pairing event featuring six craft beers [8 oz pours] with cheese, crackers and summer sausage. Event limited to 20 people. Feb. 22, 7 pm. $18. Trickster’s Brewing Co., 3850 N. Schrieber Way. trickstersbrewing.com (970-764-7128) SPOKANE POTTERS’ GUILD CHILI FEED Annual fundraiser featuring handmade bowls for sale to fill with all-you-can-eat chili. $12/adults, $5/ children 8 years and under. Handmade pottery items also for sale. Feb. 22, 11 am & 3 pm. $5-$12. Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland. (532-8225) PANASIAN COOKING Head Chef Brandon Mitchell teaches recipes and how to use seasonings to create Asian fusion dishes. Feb. 23, 3-5 pm. $45. 315 Martinis & Tapas, 315 Wallace Ave. 315martinisandtapas. com (208-667-9660) PULLMAN RESTAURANT WEEK The Pullman Chamber of Commerce and ASWSU host Pullman’s first Restaurant Week, with participating restaurants offering $12 or $20 fixed-price menu options. Participants include Rico’s (must be 21 or older), The Cougar Cottage, Fireside Grille, The Hilltop Inn, South Fork Public House, Birch &
Barley, Paradise Creek Brewery, The Black Cypress, and Banyans on the Ridge. Feb. 23-28. Feb. 23-28. $12-$20. pullmanchamber.com (509-34-3565) A TAPAS PARTY Class demonstrating how to prepare flavorful appetizers for entertaining. Feb. 24, 6-8 pm. $45. 315 Martinis & Tapas, 315 Wallace Ave. (208-667-9660) DESCHUTES ABYSS VERTICAL RELEASE Release of the bar’s 2011, 2012 and 2013 Deschutes drafts. Feb. 26, 4 pm. Jones Radiator, 120 E. Sprague. tinyurl.com/lsonggc (747-6005) GIRLS PINT OUT Brewery tours, six 4-oz tasters and appetizers to pair with beer. Feb. 27, 6-9 pm. $15. Trickster’s Brewing Co., 3850 N. Schrieber Way. trickstersbrewing.com (208-991-0040)
LIONEL HAMPTON JAZZ FESTIVAL Annula music festival featuring concerts, workshops and more. $25$45/event. University of Idaho, 709 S Deakin St. uidaho.edu (208-885-6111) MARIELLE V. JAKOBSONS Concert by the award-winning, Oakland-based sound artist and violinist, known for her experimental electro-acoustic compositions. Feb. 21, 7:30 pm. $3-$5 (EWU students free). EWU Music Dept. Recital Hall, 526 Fifth St. (359-2898) DINNER & CONCERT FUNDRAISER Spaghetti dinner and performance by pianist and vocalist Theresa McKay. Proceeds benefit the center. Feb. 21, 5:30 pm. $20. Southside Senior & Community Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. sssac. org (535-0803)
James R. Tanner was a popular Grand Army of the Republic speaker, and self- made man, who was also profoundly disabled, having lost the lower halves of both legs as an eighteen-yearold Union soldier at Second Manassas. He reclaimed his life, worked for the War Department, and began law school all within three years of his injuries. He also became a spokesman of sorts for all disabled men. Dr. Marten is the author of three books on the Civil War including Children for the Union: The War Spirit on the Northern Home Front. He is a Professor and Chair of the Department of History at Marquette University.
Monday, February 24 | 7 p.m. Wolff Auditorium in the Jepson School of Business [located at the end of N. Astor Street behind St. Aloysius Church]
This presentation is free and open to the public 46 INLANDER FEBRUARY 20, 2014
think summer Take EWU with you | ewu.edu/summer
JONES RADIATOR, 120 E. Sprague, 7 pm PRESS, 909 S. Grand, 8:30 pm VALHALLA, 1000 NE Colorado, Pullman (available daily)
FIELDHOUSE PIZZA AND PUB, 4423 W. Wellesley, 7 pm MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA CO., 818 W. Riverside, 7 pm MEZZO PAZZO WINE BAR, 2718 E. 57th, 6:30 pm VALHALLA, 1000 NE Colorado, Pullman RICO’S, 200 E. Main, Pullman, 7 pm
FLAMIN’ JOE’S, 7015 N. Division, 8 pm FLAMIN’ JOE’S, 2620 E. 29th, 8 pm FLAMIN’ JOE’S, 11618 E. Sprague, 8 pm LEFTBANK WINE BAR, 108 N. Washington, 7:30 pm MONTEREY CAFE, 9 N. Washington, 6 pm MORTY’S, 5517 S. Regal, 8:30 pm THE BAR AT PIZZA PIPELINE, 1403 N. Division, 7 pm
now serving beer and wine in the theater
SHOTS, 412 W. Sprague, 7 pm VALHALLA, 1000 NE Colorado, Pullman
APPLEBEE’S, 9634 N. Newport Hwy., 9 pm APPLEBEE’S, 2007 E. 29th, 9 pm ENOTECA, 112 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls, 7 pm NYNE BAR, 232 W. Sprague, 6 pm SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, 117 N. Howard, 7 pm VALHALLA, 1000 NE Colorado, Pullman WEBSTER’S SALOON, 1914 N. Monroe, 7 pm
VALHALLA, 1000 NE Colorado, Pullman
STELLA’S CAFE, 917 W. Broadway, 8 pm (first Sat only) VALHALLA, 1000 NE Colorado, Pullman Visit Inlander.com for more.
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Advice Goddess PAmPer-resistAnt
After six years with a lazy and ambitionless boyfriend, I found a funny, loyal, caring boyfriend I love, with a solid career and a good work ethic. He pays his share of our bills and even does our laundry! The problem is, at 28, he is SO incredibly spoiled by his parents. They are well-off and pay for his car insurance, randomly deposit $200 in his bank account (about once monthly), and even bought him new snow tires! He has made AMY ALKON headway on small issues I’ve brought up, like cooking more than bachelor-type foods and playing video games less, but he says, “I’m not calling my parents and demanding they stop paying for my insurance, if that’s something they want to do.” Well, I can’t feel we’re in a marriage-potential relationship while he isn’t fully self-sufficient. I worry that we’ll have kids and he’ll still be getting assistance from mommy and daddy. As an independent person who pays all her own bills, I want my man to do the same and to want to be independent from his parents, as well. —Mama’s Boy’s Girlfriend I get where you’re coming from. When I was in my late teens, I was hot to be completely independent from my parents. Now that I’m in my late 40s, I wish my parents would get high on LSD and start paying my bills. Just because your boyfriend’s parents give him cash and snow tires (and don’t even make him do tricks like a seal for every penny) doesn’t mean he’s spoiled. Pediatrician Bruce J. McIntosh, who coined the term “spoiled child syndrome,” explains that what makes a kid “spoiled” — sets him on a path to becoming a nasty and irresponsible adult brat — is not parental indulgence but parental overindulgence, meaning parents’ failure to set clear limits and expectations. McIntosh writes in the journal Pediatrics that overindulgent parents attempt “to meet the child’s complex developmental needs with material gifts and uncritical acceptance while failing to provide essential guidelines for acceptable behavior.” Their spoiled kids grow up into spoiled adults — self-absorbed manipulators who lack consideration for others, have difficulty delaying gratification, and throw tantrums to get their way — not the guy you describe: loyal, loving, and laundrydoing, with a good work ethic, and now compliantly expanding his culinary horizons beyond frozen pizza, Hot Pockets, and pasta that comes with a packet of crack-like powdered “cheese.” The fact that his parents pay for his car insurance is unlikely to cause a good guy, apparently raised with appropriate boundaries, to snap — to start banging his boss over the head with his G.I. Joe to try to get a better parking space. What his parents are doing actually seems smart: giving him his inheritance while they’re still around to see him enjoying it. Your asking him to demand they stop is like asking him to walk past a $20 bill he spots on the sidewalk just because he didn’t earn it. Also, because kids and unforeseen expenses go together like peanut butter and anaphylactic shock, consider that having generous in-laws wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. (Kids say the darndest things: “Mommy, I might need the doctor to find my Lego again” and “I wanna go to grad school!”) You might also consider why you’re so determined to swat the money fairy with a rolled-up newspaper. Unfortunately, we humans have a self-image-protecting need to justify our thinking as right, so once we’ve decided The Way Things Are, we tend to lock up our minds and refuse to let in any opposing viewpoints to argue their case. One possible way to remedy this is to start from the premise that you’re human and therefore fallible. It also helps to consider whether your reasoning on a particular issue would more accurately be described as “emotioning.” For example, could you be acting out of envy that your boyfriend has had advantages you haven’t? Is it possible you have a fear hangover from your relationship with the slacker who started every day by getting a head start on napping? Ultimately, the fairest, most sensible way to assess whether you have anything to worry about is to coolly examine the evidence. In the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Action is character.” Look at the kind of guy your boyfriend has shown himself to be, and then project that guy into scenarios in your future together. If you can just crank down the dimmer switch on your emotions, I suspect you’ll find your way to a conclusion along these lines: that this loyal, loving, hardworking guy will continue to be all of those things and that you can rest assured that his plan for paying the kiddies’ private-school tuition won’t involve a truckload of lottery scratchers or a ski mask and a shotgun. n ©2014, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com)
EVENTS | CALENDAR PIPING FOR PRINCES Fundraiser performance by the Albeni Falls Pipes and Drums of North Idaho, teaching Scottish and Irish heritage dancing, piping, and drumming. Feb. 22, 7 pm. $12-$15. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. kroccda.org (208-667-1865) SPOKANE CHORAL ARTISTS “One World: Many Voices,” a concert celebrating diversity in choral music from around the world. Songs sung in many different languages including Russian, Japanese, Arabic and Latin. Feb. 22, 7:30 pm. $12-$18. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 5720 S. Perry. Second concert on Feb. 23, 3 pm. $12-$18. First Presbyterian, 521 Lakeside Ave., CdA. spokanechoralartists.com (251-6296) SPOKANE SYMPHONY Classics Series 7: The Power of Nature, featuring guest pianist Jeremy Denk. Sat, Feb. 22 at 8 pm, Sun, Feb. 23 at 3 pm. $15-$54. The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. foxtheaterspokane.com (624-1200) BEAUSOLEIL Concert by the acclaimed bayou-country band, featuring a blend of western swing, calypso, blues and traditional New Orleans jazz. Feb. 23, 7:30 pm. $30-$38. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. kpbx.org (325-7328) THE CONCORDIA CHOIR René Clausen conducts the 79-voice a cappella choir in several spirituals and hymns. Feb. 24, 7:30 pm. $5-$20. Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes, 1115 W. Riverside Ave. tinyurl.com/luahb4f (800-838-3006) NORTHWEST BACH FESTIVAL The 36th Annual classical music festival, led by new artistic director Zuill Bailey, features concerts in historic Spokane venues, renowned guest musicians, the new film classics series and other special events. Full schedule of events online, runs Feb. 25-March 9. $20+, some events free. nwbachfest.com (924-1132)
SPOKANE TABLE TENNIS Ping-pong club meets Mon and Wed from 7-9:30 pm; Sat from 1-4 pm. $2. North Park Racquet Club, 8121 N. Division St. spokanetabletennis.com (768-1780) SPOKANE BADMINTON CLUB Meets Sun from 4:30-7 pm and Wed from 7-10 pm. $6/visit. West Central Community Center, 1603 N. Belt St. wccc.myspokane.net/ (448-5694) SPOKANE CHIEFS Vs. the Kamloops Blazers. Feb. 23, 7:05 pm. $10-$20. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon spokanearena.com SPOKANE TABLE TENNIS CLUB Pingpong club meets Wed from 6:30-9 pm and Sun from 1:30-4 pm. $2/visit. Southside Senior & Community Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. sssac.org (456-3581) SPOKANE CANOE & KAYAK CLUB Member Roy Massena presents on his two-week long, 300-mile sea kayak adventure along Queen Charlotte Sound. Feb. 24, 7 pm. Free. Mountain Gear Corporate Offices, 6021 E. Mansfield Ave. (487-7085) SPOKANE MOUNTAINEERS MEETING Members Jane Schelly and Doug Potter present on their backpack in the Tatras of Slovakia and Romania. Feb. 24, 7 pm. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. spokanemountaineers.org (328-9900) BIKE MAINTENANCE BASICS Intro class on basic, routine maintenance for beginning cyclists. Feb. 27, 7 pm. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe. rei.com/spokane (328-9900) CONQUEST OF THE CAGE Mixed martial arts fight. Feb. 28, 7:30 pm. $40-$70. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford. northernquest.com (242-7000)
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE Students at the CdA Charter Academy perform a play based on the Jane Austen novel. Feb. 20-22. $5/students; $8/adults. CdA High School, 5530 N. 4th. (208-676-1667) THE TEMPEST Performance of the Shakespeare romantic comedy. Through Feb. 23, Thurs-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $22. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. (325-2507) ALICE Student-written adaptation of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” Feb. 20-March 2, Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. (Feb. 20 performance benefits Our Place Ministries; $25) $10$15. Gonzaga Magnuson Theatre, 502 E. Boone. gonzaga.edu/theatreanddance (313-6553)
YOGA FOR OUTDOOR FITNESS Yoga basics to improve climbing, paddling backpacking and more. Feb. 20, 7 pm. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe. rei.com/ spokane (328-9900) LILAC CITY ROLLER GIRLS “Baking Up A Beating” bout feat. the LCRG All Stars vs. the Hellgate Rollergirls. Doors at 6 pm, bout at 7 pm. Feb. 22, 7 pm. $12-$15. Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. lilaccityrollergirls.com SPOKANE CHIEFS Vs. the Kootenay Ice. Feb. 22, 7:05 pm. $10-$20. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanearena.com
CHARLOTTE’S WEB Stage adaptation of the E.B. White children’s book. Through Feb. 23, Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sat at 4 pm and 7 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $8-$10. Theater Arts for Children, 2114 N. Pines. theaterartsforchildren.org (995-6718) THE FOLLIES “Cue the Dancers,” a performance piece written by Gail Cory-Betz. Through Feb. 23, Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 3 pm. $10-$12. Pend Oreille Playhouse, 240 N. Union Ave., Newport. pendoreilleplayers.org (447-9900) LET ME DOWN EASY This play features 20 characters whose perspectives and personal experiences of facing illness and navigating the US health-care system reflect current states of affairs. Feb. 21-23, Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm and Sun at 2 pm (one weekend only). $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third Ave. spokanestageleft.org (838-9729) PRELUDE TO A KISS Romantic comedy, directed by Susan Hardie. Feb. 7-23, FriSat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $13-$15. Ignite Community Theatre, 10814 E. Broadway Ave. ignitetheatre.org (7950004) SCENES OF LIFE: THE SPEED OF LIFE SCC Players presents its 5th annual “Scenes of Life,” a collection of original scenes submitted and directed by students and faculty. Feb. 21, 7:30 pm. Free. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. scc.spokane.edu (5337387) WILLY WONKA CYT Spokane performs a musical adaptation of Roald Dahl’s timeless story. Feb. 21-March 2, Fri at 7 pm, Sat at 3 pm and 7 pm and Sun, March 2 at 2 pm. $11-$14. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. (227-7638) WIT Pulitzer Prize-winning drama about an English professor’s selfrevealing battle with terminal ovarian cancer. Feb. 21-March 9, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $11-$17. Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave. lakecityplayhouse.org (208-667-1323) BARRYMORE Starring Patrick Treadway as John Barrymore in the Broadway production by William Luce. Feb. 27-March 15, Wed-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm, except March 7 at 6:30 pm; also Sat. March 8 and 15 at 2 pm. $12$28. Interplayers Theatre, 174 S. Howard St. (455-7529) DISNEY’S BEAUTY & THE BEAST JR. Stage adaptation of the classic story of a young woman and the Beast, a young prince trapped in a spell. Presented by Cataldo Catholic School’s Drama students. Feb. 27-28 at 7 pm. $5/person, $20/family. Gonzaga Prep, 1224 E. Euclid Ave. (624-8759)
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JOSEPH & THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT Performed by 72 local children enrolled in theater arts classes with CYT-North Idaho. Feb. 28-March 9, Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 3 pm. $8$14. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. cytnorthidaho.org (208-277-5727) THE MOUSETRAP Stage adaptation of the Agatha Christie murder-mystery. Feb. 28-March 16, Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. March 5 performance benefits Lilac Services for the Blind ($25). $18-$25. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. (325-2507)
CERAMICS INVITATIONAL Featuring work by Terry Gieber, Gina Freuen, Lisa Nappa and Chris Tyllia. Through April 4. Free. Bryan Oliver Gallery, Whitworth, 300 W. Hawthorne Ave. (777-3258) ECOLOGY OF DESIRE Collaborative exhibit featuring 20 artists and 21 poets, with each poet and artist creating a piece in response to a piece of work by another artist. Opening reception Feb. 20 from 5-7 pm. Runs through April 16. Free. Third Street Gallery, City Hall, 206 E. Third, Moscow. (208-883-7036) MELINDA MELVIN Two-dimensional paint and resin artwork. On display Feb. 20-March 19. South Perry Pizza, 1011 S. Perry. southperrypizzaspokane.com (290-6047) ARTIST SHOWCASE Featuring work by the River Bend Artists Guild member artists Lynne Campbell, Glenda Kochen, Ellen Pfaltzgraff, Kim Powers, Jerry Yates and Sharon Yates. Feb. 22-23 from 10 am-5 pm. Event at 6095 Dufort Rd., Sagle, Idaho. 100 STORIES — A CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION Exhibit celebrating the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Eastern Washington State Historical Society, and features artifacts from the MAC’s many collections, some before displayed. Runs Feb. 22-Jan. 31, 2016. $3-$10. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. tinyurl.com/ksphnut (456-3931) ARTIST TRUST AT LARGE One-hour presentation by Artist Trust at Large artist/speaker Melissa Cole, on how the organization’s programs can help local artists and businesses. Feb. 26, 6 pm. Free. Downtown Library, 906 W. Main Ave. tinyurl.com/lj6lvdt (444-5336) LONGCYCLES: IMAGE + SOUND Collaborative installation of video and sound by Ben Robertson and Jenny Hyde, both faculty at EWU. Artist talk Feb. 26 at noon, public reception at 1 pm. Exhibition runs through April 4.
Free. EWU, Cheney. (359-7858) MEET ME AT THE SPOT Artist Patrick Siler’s pictorial narratives are crowded with characters and street scenes; the exhibition features paintings, drawings, woodblock prints and ceramic works. Runs Feb. 22-Aug. 25, 2014. $3-$10. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org (509-456-3931)
AUTHOR JANISSE RAY The Missoulabased author reads from and sign scopies of her literary nonfiction and nature poetry collections. Feb. 20, 7:30 pm. Free. BookPeople of Moscow, 521 S. Main St. (208-882-2669) NAKED LUNCH BREAK Weekly lunchtime literary open mic and reading series on Thursdays, featuring local writers, free pizza, and an open mic for anyone who’d like to read for up to three minutes. Free. EWU Riverpoint, 668 N. Riverpoint Blvd. (368-6557) A PILOT’S PERSPECTIVE ON THE GROWTH OF DRONES Presentation by Bradley J. Ward, retired U.S. Air Force pilot with 9 years experience in drone aircrafts and technology. Feb. 20, 7:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Whitworth, 300 W. Hawthorne Rd. (777-3834) ROBERT SINGLETARY The historian gives a presentation on the Coeur d’Alene and Rathdrum area in the early 1900s. At the old Kootenai County Jail, at Second and McCartney. Feb. 20, 7 pm. Free. (208-687-9333) AUTHOR JESS STEVEN HUGHES The Spokane-based author signs copies of his historical novel “The Sign of the Eagle.” Feb. 21, 3-8 pm. Hastings, 2512 E. 29th Ave. (535-4342) COOKBOOK AUTHOR PAULA MARIE COONER The Idaho writer, poet and cookbook author presents her new book “Blue Moon Vegetarian: Reflections, Recipes and Advice for a Plant-Based Diet” with recipes to sample. Feb. 22, 11:30 am. Free. Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St. (208-255-4410) LOCAL AUTHOR SATURDAY Local writers will read from and sign copies of their work, and include: Steve Branting (11 am), Valerie Hein (12 pm), a poet artist collaborative (1-3 pm) and Mary Conitz (3 pm). Feb. 22, 11 am-3 pm. Free. BookPeople of Moscow, 521 S. Main St. (208-882-2669) DANGER! LIVE WRITERS The local poetry showcase night returns, hosted by Dennis Held. Readers include Zan Agzigian, Mark Anderson, James Decay
and Luis Montano. Feb. 23, 7 pm. Free. Jones Radiator, 120 E. Sprague. (714-3613) AUTHOR KATHRYN SCHULZ Author of the 2013-14 book, “Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error.” The public is welcome to attend. Feb. 24, 7 pm. Free. Beasley Coliseum, 225 N. Grand Ave. (335-6679) GONZAGA VISITING WRITERS SERIES Presentation by Linda Hogan, a Chickasaw poet, essayist, playwright, activist and internationally recognized speaker. Feb. 25 at 7:30 pm. Feb. 25, 7:30 pm. Free. Gonzaga, 502 E. Boone Ave. gonzaga.edu (313-6681) ARCHEOLOGIST TITUS KENNEDY Kennedy is a field archaeologist working primarily with sites and materials related to the Bible and has excavated at numerous archaeological sites in the Middle East. Feb. 26, noon. $20, reservations requested by Feb. 23. Red Lion Hotel River Inn, 700 North Division Street. spokanecollegewomen. org (368-0695)
FACEBOOK SMALL BUSINESS BOOST Reps from Facebook’s Small Business Team host a workshop on best practices, strategies and other tips to grow a business identity on Facebook. Feb. 20, 9:30-11 am. Free. Doubletree Hotel, 322 N. Spokane Falls Ct. greaterspokane.org (499-9886) COMMUNITY SEED SWAP & SALE Hosted by the Spokane Permaculture Society, bring seeds to sell or come to buy from other growers. Feb. 22, 10 am. Free. Spokane Public Market, 24 W. Second. (276-7636) THE DATING DOCTOR Presentation by David Coleman, author of “Making Relationships Matter,” “Smart!” and “101 Great Dates.” Feb. 24, 6:30 pm. Free and open to the public. SCC, 1810 N. Greene St. (533-7000) INLAND EMPIRE PHILATELIC SOCIETY The Spokane Stamp Club’s monthly meeting includes a seminar on collecting basics, “show and tell” session and live auction. Feb. 25, 7 pm. Free. Riverview Terrace, 1801 E. Upriver Dr. ieps-stamps.com (443-8147) TED TALK DISCUSSION Weekly discussion group on TED talks. Meets Wednesdays at 5:30 pm. Free. Boots Bakery & Lounge, 24 W. Main Ave. chatham@labaratoryspokane.com
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Browse & Reply FREE! 206-877-0877, use code 2658
35 38
26 31
47 48 49 DOWN 1. Pure 53 54 2. Jock 58 57 3. Slang term for a speakeasy 4. Newsman who has moderated 12 65 62 63 64 U.S. presidential candidate debates 68 67 5. “Well, ____-di-dah!” 6. “____ sure you’ve all heard ...” 71 70 7. Big opening? 8. “Water can both float and sink 13. The Mall of America has roughly 520 ____” (Chinese proverb) of these 9. Small bit, as of cream 18. Word first spoken in a U.S. presidential 10. Will Smith title role inaugural address in 2012 11. Grammy category 22. Became one lane, say 12. Website bought by Yahoo! in 2013
The WSU Spokane Sleep Center needs smokers 22-40yo willing to quit cold turkey. Earn up to $285. 509-3587756 for more info. IRB#13177
32. Entertainment provider at a sports bar 35. Cropped up 40 41 39. Diamond Head’s isle 40. ____ v. Wade 44 45 46 41. Cut into parts 51 52 45. Hollywood family with father-and-son Emmy winners 55 56 46. Popular Nissans 60 61 47. See 31-Down THIS W 48. Power failure 66 A NSWE EEK’S 49. Like some cuisine I SAW RS ON 69 51. Sir Walter Scott novel of 1817 YOUS 54. ____ Edibles (food shop on “The 72 Facts of Life”) “PALE ALE” 56. Afore 25. Soak 59. Spice Girl Halliwell 27. In ____ of (replacing) 60. Saint Laurent of fashion 28. Cowgirl Dale 63. Utah’s state animal 31. With 47-Down, Man Booker Prize winner 64. From overseas? for “Amsterdam” 66. Suffix with baron 37
39 42
23 27
Interested to Quit Smoking for the New Year?
25 30
19 21
69. Laundry day brand 70. Kisses and then some 71. Coward 72. Online feed letters
speaker 36. Certain X or O 37. Actor Stephen 38. Restaurant chain since 1969 42. One in a row? 43. Request after breaking down 44. Round Table titles 47. Title teen in a 1990s sitcom 50. Zig or zag 52. Meet with 53. Auto industry term for a small vehicle styled like an SUV 55. Knocks off 57. Biblical suffix 58. Envelope-pushing 61. Sportscaster Musburger 62. Lost strength 65. Not once 67. Quick 68. Joe Cocker’s “You ____ Beautiful”
1. Catch red-handed 4. Andean wool source 9. Pub pastime 14. One Margaret Mitchell Square is the addr. of its central library 15. Uncomplicates 16. Native parka wearer 17. Like some boots 19. USS Missouri nickname 20. Forearm bone-related 21. Principal 23. 2012 games host country, in Olympics code 24. Returns to brunette, say 26. Lager alternative 29. ____ World Tour (sports circuit) 30. Skateboard park feature 33. “I Hate Everyone ... Starting with Me” author Joan 34. “I’d just as soon kiss a Wookiee”
2 bdrm townhouse style units $615 mo. Playground, pet friendly, computer station. 504 N McDonald.
2017 N Laura
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Sleep Study WSU Spokane Sleep and Performance Research Center. 6-day, 5-night in-laboratory sleep study, pays up to $1,110. Must be a healthy, non-smoker, 18-30 years old male with normal sleep schedule. WSU IRB#13543. Call 509-358-7751
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43 50
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I Saw You
Rocky Rococo’s Sandy Blonde eating with her friend. I was sitting in the booth behind you with three others. How about pizza again some time?
this journey that you have started. My hope now is for you to embrace whatever comes next. Remember, life is not about the destination but about enjoying what you find along the way. I love you to the moon and back (many, many times over).
watched and it warmed my heart and inspired me! What a better way to thank our service men and women then face to face as you greet them! Thank you for making me smile and the young man in the waiting room.
you got the energy to work a real job and get your own place. Stop pretending to be an adult when you are just a pathetic child. Parents you doing your kid a disservice by letting them live with you when they are 25. There is some serious lack of maturity going on.
To My Lifelong Love I can’t imagine my life any other way but with you by my side for these 34 years. Thank you.. for teaching me what love really is; for caring so gently, for our children, for giving me flowers and wonderful jewelry all these years; for working so hard to support us. For your daily funny quips that make me laugh; and for letting me be in the driver’s seat most of the time. I Love You Sweetie. P.
Dare Devil On A Bike Everyday you ride a green and black bike with a brand same as your name, no matter the weather snow or rain your always riding. No matter what someone says or thinks continue riding its your passion. I support you, shoveling the Gonzaga bridge since no one else would cause you ride over it everyday. I love you Scott, you are a blessing to have as a friend.
Damn Girl Girl, I saw you at the Wellesley Walmart. And I must say, you were looking damn girl. Our eyes met from literally across the store. I’m 5,1 bald, with a unibrow, huge pecks, built like a walrus. You 6,7 very long red hair and adult braces you look like a crippled flamingo. I wanna go larping with you and then play World of Warcraft, League of Legends, and Halo. Then we can do anything you want, such as you doing explicit things to me if ya know what I mean. hit me up at the other Walmart girl. for real. Rite-Aid Magically before me in line at Rite Aid on Wednesday, February 12th at about 4:30 p.m. I moved your shopping cart, caught your eye. I watched you drive away in a dark SUV, first letter of tag an “A.” We made all-too-brief eye contact and you smiled at me. I would love to see that lovely lady and her lovely smile again. Black Haired Beauty I saw you, last spring, our paths crossed every week for two months. We were in different pottery classes at the Potters’ Guild, and I was always walking in as you were walking out. You: black haired beauty with big dark eyes. Me: a little too tall, coulda used a few pounds. I am signing up for another class. I’ve made my mind up, it was meant to be. Won’t you accompany me? Reply to bobseger2014@hotmail. com
You Saw Me RE: Foothills Drive Hey tan 4Runner, it’s been four months since you saw me in my green Jeep. Apparently I should read the Inlander more regularly. Still interested in that coffee? Send me a msg: ms. greenjeep@gmail.com
Cheers Beautiful Woman Who Dances On Silk This should be an I Saw You because I saw you struggle and win. Here is to my beautiful Daughter who has gone from near death to flying high. Not only did you overcome, but you have taken yourself to all new heights. I know a lot of puns but here is the truth. I am so very proud of you for the strength you now have. Not only physical strength but emotional strength. I could watch you dance with the silk every day of my life and be forever happy. In my heart I know that you have not yet finished
Put a non-identifying email address in your message, like “petals327@yahoo.com” — not “j.smith@comcast.net.” Cheers! To my good friend Michelle who has been such a wonderful friend, I hope you remember how many people you’ve helped. Out of many people in this world I think you are one of the best I’ve ever met, and I am proud to call you my friend. It Is Never Too Late To Admit It is never to late to admit that I saw you - way before you every noticed me. Your excuse is that I was a patron and that you would have only said something had I made the first move. Well, I did. I am so glad I did- soon to be married and awaiting our first child, I am so lucky ... so very lucky that I did. But it is never too late to admit, I wish I had said something earlier. I wish I had stood out - I wish I could have had more time with you before so that you might never question it. I hope you never do, because I love you - I truly do. Please know that I saw you and before I could admit it, it was you - it is you and it always will be. Hello Batman Have missed your voice and gazing into your eyes. You need to come into the batcave and see this Batgirl. I love you with all my heart and read your messages loud and clear. I’ll leave the light on. Thank You I watched you, an employee, walk past a young man dressed representing our country in his army attire, sitting across from me in a local waiting room. You said to him, as you walked by, “thank-you for your service”. I
Single Ladies To all the single ladies. Band together, go out, and enjoy yourselves. If you don’t have a signifiant other taking you out, call a friend in a similar situation. Twigs Cheers to the restaurant patron who found my purse. Thank you for being honest. During these tough times, it would have been easy, for you to have taken the cash in my wallet, but you didn’t. Good karma will come your way. Two Great Guys Thank you to the two wonderful guys who stopped and towed me and my broken down SUV off the roadway so I wasn’t blocking traffic, early Sunday morning. It is nice to know that there still are people out there that will help. Valentines Day Chicken Hero You know who you are Sir!!! We would like to give you the biggest high five for donating 25 cents to our quest. Then ANOTHER high five for the celebratory car honks in the parking lot. YOU SIR are a cool dude!! You made our night! FREE THE CHICKEN!
Jeers Losers There must be something in the air in Spokane. There are so many losers it is pathetic. If you live with mommy and daddy and you are over the age of 22 you are a loser. Stop making excuses “Oh I’m in school, oh I don’t have the money, oh I need a better job” get your butt in gear and get to work and get out of mommy and daddy’s house. Besides if you are still in school and over the age of 22 you should be working. All the degrees in the world aren’t gonna help if you don’t have the work ethic to use them. I bet you have plenty of energy to hit up the club on the weekends, get trashed, play video games, go to concerts/bars and hang out with your loser friends. You got the energy to do that? Then
Shame On You! February 12, 2014, I had an iron ballerina sculpture, an iron sunflower and a wrought iron little plant stand stolen from my patio. The ballerina and sunflower were made for me and gifts to me from my Father who has passed away in 2010. To the creepy person who would come on my private property, on my front porch in the middle of the night to steal these pieces SHAME ON YOU!! If anyone happens to see these items or the person who took or has these items please return them to me. There is no monetary value just sentimental value to me. Please return them to my front porch...no questions asked. Sad and Broken Hearted in Spokane Breaking Into Cars Boo to the person who has broken into at least 3 Hyundais in the Shadle neighborhood. Reward for return of my RX glasses, RX sunglasses, vehicle registration, or husband’s driver’s license. Call Crime Check (509-456-2233) and turn this stuff in so I can see to drive legally, and so my husband has his license to drive legally, or drop it off where you took it from! Cheer To A Jeer Jeers to the cafeteria at Sacred Heart for charging an additional 25 cents for each to-go container that is used. This extra quarter is on top of their regular charges under the guise of “going green in 2014”. I find it hard to believe that every to-go container costs a quarter, especially when purchased in bulk. Way to go Sacred Heart, for turning a cheer (going green) into a jeer (ripping off your customers). Valentine’s Poem Did you receive a SPECIAL Valentine’s Day poem that your sweetheart stayed up for days composing? If it came from the Deaconess Diva, Dogboy, or an equally inconsiderate individual, run it through Google, before giving away any more sweet nothings! It’s better to be forgotten, than receive stolen emotion, in exchange for your affection. Return Policy Violators Jeers to all the “shoppers” in Spokane who think the Retailers are a rent a center. If you purchase an item and it is truly defective, then by all means return it. If you purchase a crystal bowl and break it...that is your fault so live with it! If you buy
“I Saw You” is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
Donate • Shop • Save We appreciate your support and patronage
Thrift Store Jeers
bedding for your bed then decide to purchase a different size bed then keep your old bedding. If you purchase an outfit, wear it, then gain or lose weight, that is your choice! Keep your used crap! Retailers must make up the loses from your returns some how and it ALWAYS starts with higher pricing and loss of jobs!!! It has recently happened at my place of employment, good people are losing hours. So next time you go into a store and bitch that the prices are too high and it takes forever to be waited on...keep in mind it is partially your fault for screwing the system!
Hang It Up! Jeers to the heavyset guy wearing the orange and grey shoulder bag. I want to personally thank you for including everyone at Starbucks in on your conversation. We loved hearing about your life. At first your conversation didn’t bother me, realizing that Starbucks can be loud at times, however as time ran on, your conversation grew dull. There were six of us there that night, Monday, February 10th to be exact, all quietly studying away. I glanced around the room and I could tell everyone was thinking the same thing, SHUT UP! Minute’s later relief swept over me as you began to stand up. “He’s finally leaving!” I thought. To my dismay, this was not the case. Rather, you began walking to the south end of the room. While still on the phone, you entered the bathroom. Could this be, are you really using the public restroom while on your cellular device? Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I thought, maybe you were washing your hands or grabbing some paper towels. Instead out you come zipping up your pants.
I hope you learn to love others as much as yourself, if you hate yourself, perhaps you should better that. Meanwhile, treat others better than you treat yourself; if you can’t say or do good in this world, don’t hurt anyone (not my quote). To the person who was berated: keep your head up and don’t let people get to you. What they say is not a reflection on you, but on them.
Too Late! Why is that people can’t seem to appreciate what they have until it is gone? I did everything that I could in an attempt to make my boyfriend happy and he decided that it wasn’t good enough. It took him breaking up with me and moving on to realize that he did want to be in a relationship with me. Why is it that as people, we can’t figure out what we want? Restaurant Etiquette To all of you without proper restaurant etiquette. Quit bringing your own outside beverages, i.e., lattes, home-brewed coffee and tea bags. No, I do not want to refill your hot water with lemon for the 3rd or 5th times. For those who are so cheap that you feel it’s ok to bring outside food to a restaurant, and not even tip, stay the F*%# home. To Drunk To the person who abandoned his pickup blocking the entrance to my garage, I congratulate you for not continuing to drink and drive the night you left your truck, but please get help for your alcohol abuse before you kill someone. The variety of empty cans and bottles indicate that this is not the first time you have driven in your condition.
RE: Just Looking How dare you berate someone like that. It is none, absolutely none, of your business how someone decides to look. This, people like you, are the reason our children are afraid to go to school everyday because they fear being judged! ‘shave it off you’re a lady’. People shouldn’t be forced into gender roles. Some women have facial hair, and they are proud of it (as they should be. Be yourself, never be afraid to be you). You are cruel for ever saying something like that. Now I like to believe that there is good in everyone, including you, but some are rotting inside. I think you need to double check your person, your nastiness is peaking and nobody likes it. Want to continue to be a bully? Fine but don’t dishonour yourself by making a public display of it. Keep your hurtful comments to yourself, and
RE: Via Email I think most of us understand that when you are in a relationship, you’d like closure that comes with face to face discussion. But sometimes, just like back in Jane Austen’s day, there is a good reason for ending things with a letter instead of face to face. Sometimes, there was damage to communication between the two people where trust was lost which results in a lack of belief that trying to discuss anything face to face will achieve anything. Friendships do not always survive when they become something else. That’s a chance you take. But chances are, if you promised someone to be honest with them, and your once friend had to find out you were lying in a heartbreaking way, they need a lot of time to heal. Especially if you plastered photos of yourself all over the place on the Internets with other people. Perhaps you repeatedly snubbed your friend and ignored them beforehand. So it’s a lot more complicated. Wolf In Sheeps Clothing God had to intervene to stop you from wearing a camouflage tuxedo. If I believed in hate I would hate you. I will never call 911 again, I would rather my house burn down than see you. I treated you like a king and you treated me like garbage. You are selfish and small. You have no soul and there is a rock where your heart should be. You are mean and cruel. Your best days are behind you. You write fourth coming instead of forthcoming and all be it instead of albeit. And your pancakes aren’t that good.
D A R T S Slush Bomber To the person who L L A M A N A B deliberately changed course, sped E U T L A S E S A E up and aimed for the slush pile in A T L O M G I B H the middle of the road I was running T H I G H H I G down the side of: well done! You G B R N I A M R U L N A got me from head to toe. Initially I E L A E L P A was pissed, but now I just feel pity R E D Y E S for an adult whose life must I V E R S R L I A R A T P be so lacking in joy that ’S K A E E E R T A C THIS W ! committing such a mean L E I A spirited and random act U N D ANSWERS G R O U N D R O makes you laugh. Signed, S R I S W O T Still Happy O A R E S E V E E R M O E S H A S I N E O D C U T E U T E B R E N T E D G Y E T H R N E V E R E V E W A N E D A R E A R E S O A G I L E S S R S I S S Y N E C K S PALE ALE
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Car Talk The inaudible language between me and my father BY JORDY BYRD
y stomach flips. The hood of my car just flew up while driving down the freeway, cracking my windshield and leaving me blind and motionless. I can taste the tears and mascara running down my cheeks and onto my lips. The familiar vibration of the rumble strip along the side of the road jolts me back to life and signals that I’ve reached the shoulder before turning off the ignition. “He’s going to be so disappointed in me,” I gasp, clawing for my cellphone. “Dad, I don’t know what to do,” I say to the voice that’s more than 400 miles away. “It’s about the car.” My father loves the rusted 1990 Toyota Camry more than me. It’s an argument my mother and I will battle over to the end of days, and an unspoken pledge he made just hours prior to the wreck that waffled my hood and left me puking along the side of the road. My father doesn’t know how to show love, but he knows cars. He cannot tell me he loves me, so instead he reminds me to put the car in neutral when stuck in traffic. He cannot offer kind words or condolences when the man I loved broke my heart, but he can remind me to check my oil. This car talk is the cryptic code my father uses to show that he cares. It’s taken me 26 years, three wrecked vehicles and a blown hood to crack it.
know my father not by the scruff of his beard or the uncanny resemblance he bears to John Belushi, but by the cracks in his hands. Hands that lumbered, like his
father before him, in the sawmills in Colville. Hands that My mother would phone to ask about boys and wed my mother in a wooded roadside chapel in Post Falls parties and classes, and my father would ask only of the at age 18 and, by the time I was born, were grooved and electrical issue with the Ford Tempo I named Clarence. calloused by studded tires and endless turns of a wrench. Later, when I moved even farther away from home, “He just always knew that’s what he wanted to do, he called simply to ask how the Nissan Pathfinder I was work on cars,” my mother says, forever named Lola was running. the mouthpiece of their 31-year marriage. He speaks intimately of antifreeze and tire He studied automotive repair at Spokane treads, of mileage and head gaskets, yet manages to Send comments to Community College but quit and started ask nothing of my life. editor@inlander.com. working for a garage in Newport at 19. As “Sometimes, when we’re on the phone, he asks
a child, I remember eating cubes of sugar from the mechanic’s coffee machine and being hidden from calendars of bikini-clad women on hot rods. “I’d pick you and your brother up from daycare, and we would help clean the cars for him,” my mother says of our Saturdays and afternoons spent vacuuming and cleaning strangers’ glove boxes. My brother carted me around on jacks and dollies, and I taught myself to dance with the pole end of a push broom in that garage. At nights he left the dinner table to drive the wrecker, to tow the mangled cars of friends and co-workers — always someone we knew — in the small timber town. Sometimes he spoke of grisly scenes, of teeth stuck in the dashboard and bodies being pulled out of the river. “Was I ever a daddy’s girl?” I ask my mother. “He worked a lot, honey… ” she says, unable to explain the man she’s known for most of her life. “I mean, money and stability are important, but I think he works so he doesn’t have to think about feelings.” Car trouble and the great divide between me and my father began in college.
me to change the subject, to just ask about the car,” my mother says, disappointed. “It’s just his way of communicating.”
didn’t put together the pieces of his car talk until my hood slapped me in the face. The hood flew up because I didn’t latch it properly. I didn’t latch it properly because my father called and demanded I check my oil. I didn’t latch it properly because I was hurt that the phone call was the first I’d received in months. The first call after my boyfriend cheated on me, moved out and took half of my cats. The first call after I told my mother I was seeing a therapist. My father called, but spoke of nothing but oil. Somewhere within my rearview mirror, I discovered that in the eyes of my father, taking care of the car was synonymous with taking care of myself. “Do you have any rope or anything to tie the hood down?” he asks. “No,” I say, eyeing the seat belts and straps of my purse. “OK,” he says. “We’ll get this figured out.” n
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