A new locally created children’s book celebrates Spokane’s landmarks with touching words and expressive illustrations
By Madison Pearson page 22
e all remember the first book that captivated our attention so fully that reality seemed to fade away. Whether it was a classic picture book like Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar or a whimsical Dr. Seuss title, most of us grown-ups can close our eyes and picture the very scenes and words that filled us with wonder, ignited our imaginations and had us hungry for more.
Kids today are literally rich in literature — there are more books now than ever before, from the classics to wonderfully inclusive and new exciting tales, including the subject of this week’s cover story, a locally written and illustrated adventure set right here in the Inland Northwest. KID AND THE NOTHING-TO-DO YEAR isn’t just for kids, though, and any adult who has a fond connection to Spokane and its famous Garbage Goat sculpture in Riverfront Park will be charmed by this lovely story about a little goat who erases his boredom with adventures in the park, at Green Bluff, atop Mount Spokane and more. Just in time for the holidays and those chilly-but-cozy nights inside, it’s a delightful story to share with loved ones.
— CHEY SCOTT, Editor
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A Phantom Toll Booth by Norton Juster.
What did you like about it?
The creativity and the wordplay. There are a lot of great books out these days for kids, but back in the day there weren’t a lot of books like that — ones that really got into your head and were that playful.
I feel like I was a Where the Sidewalk Ends kid.
What did you like about it?
The poems all had doodles. I think that I was drawn to the artwork and the simplicity of that. I think they were just magical little worlds..
DECEMBER 14 - 20 $2,500
Roald Dahl’s Danny, Champion of the World We just read it to the girls.
What did you like about it?
The [pheasants] all eat these [drugged] raisins, and then the guys get all the birds. I just like the idea of all the birds sleeping. [laughs]
My favorite young adult book was The Golden Compass
What did you like about it?
I was raised Catholic, so it helped me question the structure of the Catholic Church and stuff. I like to gush over that one.
My favorite book probably comes from being in high school: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.
What did you like about it?
The humanity of the characters and the suffering that they went through, and how the suffering transformed their lives and the result was these other expressions of love and caring.
Create a New Tradition!
Disinformation Disease
America has been in a public health crisis since the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fever is getting worse
n an article in The Spokesman-Review in midNovember, misinformation was inappropriately called “thoughtful discussion.” As noted by the U.S. surgeon general, the public’s health is at an inflection point. Misinformation has been metastasizing, fueled by the spread of inaccurate information, outright disinformation and “facts” that are not facts at all. There is no greater perpetrator of this than Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has been recommended to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
As noted by researchers from Emory University, “Simply put: Vaccination saves lives.” Ten historically fatal diseases have been reduced by between 92%100% since the 20th century; the last known naturally occurring case of smallpox occurred in 1977; and until July 21, 2022, there had been zero cases of polio in the United States since 1993.
It’s hard to question the data and facts — millions of lives, especially those of children, have been saved via the millions of dollars invested in vaccination programs in the U.S. and worldwide. That investment can also be measured in the trillions of dollars in return that a healthier society brings.
RFK Jr. was the most well-known member of the “dirty dozen,” who were found to be responsible for almost two-thirds of the mis/disinformation surrounding COVID-19 that was spread on social media platforms. While these lies were spread about many aspects of the pandemic, such as wearing masks and non-evidence-based treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, no greater lie was spread than that COVID-19 vaccines were unsafe.
Mistrust of vaccines is long-standing, dating back to skepticism around the very first vaccine for smallpox, in the 1790s and magnified by one of the most infamous studies (since-discredited) in scientific history associating autism with the MMR vaccine in 1998 (amplified by RFK Jr.).
While the number of individuals not vaccinated because of falsehoods will never be known, research has suggested that an estimated 234,000 deaths could have been prevented among unvaccinated adults during the first 15 months of COVID vaccine availability. Alarmingly, two years into the pandemic, the U.S. had the highest COVID-related mortality rate of any wealthy nation, to some degree a function of its poor overall vaccination rates, especially within vulnerable populations.
More than 1.2 million Americans have died from COVID-19.
Mis/disinformation, aka lies, has done a great disservice to everyone. It undermines the efforts of health care providers and public health professionals to serve individuals and communities. These deceptions are often premised on politics,
and anti-scientific consensus advocacy. They
Two years into the pandemic, the U.S. had the highest COVID-related mortality rate of any wealthy nation.
presented on media platforms where anyone can say anything and claim to be an “expert.” Refuting these statements and their echoes is often too great a hurdle to overcome, as it’s difficult to disprove a negative.
RFK Jr. is a leader in conspiracy theories and lies. In addition to his support of vaccines causing autism, as reported recently in the Washington Post, other claims and conspiracy theories he’s opined include linking antidepressants to mass shootings, suggesting AIDS is not caused by HIV, associating chemicals to changing children’s sexuality and gender identity, and arguing that COVID-19 was “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.
RFK Jr. is probably best known for his anti-vaccine rhetoric. In a 2023 podcast interview, he said, “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective.” He has called the COVID-19 vaccine “the deadliest vaccine ever made” and calls the recommended childhood vaccine schedule “dangerous.” Most infamously, he has continued to support the lie that “autism does come from vaccines” referencing the retracted and discredited “research” by Andrew Wakefield, who committed unethical practices, did not disclose conflicts of interest and had his medical license revoked. Unfortunately, this lie continues to resound within the echo chambers of vaccine resistance.
“Health misinformation is a serious threat to public health. It can cause confusion, sow mistrust, harm people’s health and undermine public health efforts.”
While it is unknown how many cases of measles, mumps and rubella this rhetoric has been responsible for in the U.S., his disinformation campaign contributed to the devastation on the independent island nation of Samoa in 2019, when a measles outbreak caused at least 83 deaths and almost 1,900 hospitalizations.
It’s also notable that the Children’s Health Defense, an antivaccine group he founded, received $23.5 million in contributions, grants and other revenue in 2022; it’s one of four nonprofits engaging in mis/disinformation that together took in contributions of more than $118 million between 2020-22.
Robert Kennedy Jr.’s influence on America’s health has already been damaging. But if confirmed to lead Health and Human Services, he could cause enormous harm. The federal agency has a projected budget of $1.83 trillion in fiscal 2025, and it oversees more than 21 agencies, including the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and the Indian Health Services. He would also serve as the primary adviser to the president, who has already demonstrated his disregard for science and the public’s health.
As noted by the U.S. surgeon general, “misinformation has led people to decline vaccines, reject public health measures and use unproven treatments.” He adds that it has also led to “harassment and violence against health workers… and other frontline workers tasked with communicating evolving public health measures.” Washington state and Spokane have seen declines in childhood immunizations since 2020, and we’re currently experiencing a significant increase in cases of whooping cough, a vaccine-preventable disease. To be clear, there is no question misinformation and disinformation are not “thoughtful discussion” — rather, they are existential threats to the public’s health. Don’t trust social media to find health information; instead, find credible sources, such as your health care provider. n
Bob Lutz is the health officer for Asotin County. He was the health officer for the Spokane Regional Health District from 2017 until October 2020, when he was terminated. He has a wrongful termination lawsuit still pending against SRHD. After leaving SRHD, he worked for the Washington Department of Health until March of 2024.
WSU is in a bind over the fate of its historic Jensen-Byrd building. If a hero developer appears, will it be enough?
From the southwest corner of the Washington State University Health Sciences campus in Spokane, it’s hard to miss the imposing six-story brick structure partially surrounded by a protective chain-link fence.
The fading mural on the top story reads: “Jensen-Byrd Co. Wholesale hardware. Founded ‘1883’” — the year offset in double quotes, as if it’s being used figuratively. Along the path of one central downspout on the facade that can be seen from Spokane Falls Boulevard, near Pine Street, water damage has caused the bricks to become discolored and dislodged.
In its current state of disuse and disrepair, this massive former warehouse and its associated structures, colloquially known as the Jensen-Byrd building, is a visual anomaly amid its surroundings.
Directly to its west is a sleek bus stop shelter on Spokane Transit Authority’s new City Line. Across the street to the north is the noticeably more contemporary WSU Nursing Building. Even an unremarkable adjacent parking lot makes for a stark contrast, especially when compared to the cracked, half-paved stretch of Main Street on the building’s opposite side.
In May of this year, WSU launched a planning process for a Team Health Education Building that could, depending on yet-to-be-determined variables such as location and budget, decide whether the Jensen-Byrd would remain standing in some form or be razed to make way for something entirely new.
“We were looking at that entire area for opportunities to identify a path forward with development because it’s a fairly underutilized portion of campus,” explains Chantel Cosner, the director of marketing and strategic communications for WSU Spokane. “There were two locations that were proposed for this facility, one of them being on that corner of campus, the other one being on the opposite side of campus.”
According to the university, the new $60 million to $80 million educational facility will provide room for up to 1,200 students enrolled in its medical, nursing and pharmaceutical programs and provide them with a stateof-the-art collaborative space.
NAC Architecture and Bouten Construction were enlisted as WSU’s design partners for the project. Having secured about $7 million in state funds for planning and other preliminaries, WSU predicted that construction would begin as early as 2025.
Soon after the news broke, Spokane Preservation Advocates — a volunteer group that previously helped launch the campaign to save the Fox Theater — responded by circulating a letter objecting to the potential demolition of the Jensen-Byrd.
Questioning the project’s ability to meet regulatory
requirements under city code and the university’s need for the project considering current enrollment, the nonprofit’s letter argues WSU also has space to build elsewhere, and the Jensen-Byrd is rare: when it’s gone, it’s gone.
Tresa Schmautz, president of the Spokane Preservation Advocates and one of the letter’s signatories, says that WSU’s rationale for this project simply didn’t seem fully substantiated.
“They just said they needed this clinic building,” she says. “That’s when I started to dig around, wondering about how many students even went to school there, remembering back to the press releases saying that there would be 10,000 to 15,000 students someday.”
During her research, Schmautz came across a higher education facility study conducted by NAC Architecture on behalf of the state Office of Financial Management. The study, published in 2019 and revised the following year, noted that the WSU Spokane Riverfront campus had an excess of 78,176 net assignable square feet based on enrollment.
In short, WSU Spokane already had more available space than its student base warranted.
Since then, the campus’ official student headcounts have fallen even further from a peak of 1,727 in fall 2020 to 1,220 in fall of 2024.
Given that context, Schmautz says the university’s recent construction plans seemed “strangely unprepared,” not least when it came to the impact the project might have on a galvanizing building like the Jensen-Byrd.
For years, WSU has not been able to decide whether to raze or repurpose the Jensen-Byrd building on East Main Avenue. ERICK DOXEY PHOTO
If there’s a sense of déjà vu around this proposed development and the subsequent preservationist outcry, that’s because it has indeed happened before.
The first quarter of the 21st century has been especially fraught for this historically significant warehouse, which was originally designed by local architect Albert Held and constructed in 1909 for the Marshall Wells Hardware Co. of Duluth, Minnesota. It took on its current namesake when the now-defunct Jensen-Byrd Co. bought the Spokane branch of Marshall Wells in 1958.
This particular building at 131 E. Main Ave. on the WSU Spokane campus — not to be confused with two similar adjoined Jensen-Byrd buildings on Riverside Avenue in the downtown core — has been floated as either the centerpiece or the casualty of several large-scale projects since the WSU Foundation acquired the property in 2001 and transferred it to WSU three years later.
One early threat of demolition led Spokane Preservation Advocates to put Jensen-Byrd on its Most Endangered list in 2006. That same year it was also placed on the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation’s similar watch list.
Five years after that, the university was prepared to sell Jensen-Byrd, along with nearly 1.5 acres of adjacent property, to Campus Advantage, a Texas-based developer, for $2.85 million. That project would have demolished Jensen-Byrd and built a 425-bed mixed-use dormitory in its place, much to the chagrin of Spokane Preservation Advocates at the time.
Although the facility was initially predicted to be habitable by autumn 2013, the sale fell through within a matter of months.
By the time the WSU Health Sciences Campus 20142024 Master Plan update was published, the university appeared to have had a change of heart.
That document spoke in a very confident future tense about a renovated and expanded Jensen-Byrd, noting, “WSU will pursue public-private partnership to develop infrastructure and renovations ... to Jensen-Byrd that provide [IT and data center] support functions as well as an array of desired campus amenities and auditoria.”
To that end, in early 2016, WSU announced that it had selected the Seattle-based Jensen Byrd Development, a limited liability company led by the contractor McKinstry Spokane LLC, to redevelop the property into a $45 million, 300,000-square-foot mixed-use facility. The ground floor was to have 40,000 square feet of retail space augmented by 74,000 square feet of high-tech conference space on its upper levels.
However, by the middle of the following year, the university had broken off ground-lease negotiations and halted progress on the adaptive reuse project.
“That was a disappointment of my time there as chancellor,” says Spokane Mayor Lisa Brown, who was at WSU from 2013 to 2017.
“We had gotten the medical school approved by the Legislature and we were in the accreditation process,” she explains, “but there was interim leadership in Pullman and we just couldn’t get the final approval we needed to go forward on the agreement we were working on with McKinstry to redevelop the building.”
As far as the Jensen-Byrd building is concerned, that outcome is a variation on what has become a very familiar theme.
“It’s a complex building to redevelop,” says Juliet Sinisterra, CEO of the University District, the specialpurpose governmental unit headquartered in the Ignite Northwest/WSU Innovation Center that faces the south side of Jensen-Byrd.
Although individuals involved with the University District board have taken an active role in Jensen-Byrd development initiatives in the past, most notably on the McKinstry-led project, Sinisterra describes a more handsoff approach of late.
“The city wants to try and make sure that every option is investigated with Jensen-Byrd, and I think WSU feels like quite a bit has been done already, but they’re still happy to be at the table” to explore alternatives, she says. “But it is kind of at a standstill, just trying to figure out if anything could be done that makes sense and if anyone has the money to do it.”
At present, WSU looks to have steered its Team Health Education Building away from any overlap with JensenByrd. Marketing Director Cosner says that the current preferred site for the facility is now closer to the nearby WSU Innovation Center on East Martin Luther King, Jr. Way.
Yet that only postpones any action that would determine the decaying warehouse’s fate.
And in a few weeks’ time, WSU could find itself with less room to maneuver. A section of the Spokane Municipal Code that deals with the demolition of historic buildings is presently under review. It stipulates that any replacement structure must have a physical footprint equal to or greater than 60% of the original, but City Council approval of changes to the language could raise that minimum to 100%.
The challenges to refurbishing a historic building like Jensen-Byrd also will not vanish as the structure languishes. Matthew Richter, who runs the transatlantic consultancy cultural.space and has worked locally with Terrain and the Carl Maxey Center, echoes the many obstacles to renovation that WSU has cited over the years. Just to bring the building up to code, it would require comprehensive fire safety, seismic, electrical and plumbing work throughout its 179,000 square feet.
Jensen-Byrd’s exterior also has the telltale brick patterns of unreinforced masonry construction. That, Richter says, would require any developer to “knit the building back together again” by reattaching walls and
floors to one another.
“From a purely economic standpoint, the cost of an adaptive reuse on an older building like this is just going to be an order of magnitude larger than constructing something from the ground up,” Richter says. “That being said, there is something about creaky floors. There is something about historic preservation. There is something about adaptive reuse. It clearly brings a nonfinancial value to the table that makes sense and also can be monetized. People will pay for the historic brick wall ... in a way that pencils.”
To underscore that point, he mentions visible successes in adaptive reuse of historic buildings, most notably by the Seattle developer Dunn & Hobbes.
The university meanwhile remains cautiously noncommittal in its public-facing statements.
“As WSU continues to evaluate the Jensen-Byrd, particularly in collaboration with the city, the endeavor here is that we want to find a path forward that’s sustainable. We’re continuing to aim for that and understand how we can best represent our community interests and ensure that there’s continued investment into that portion of campus and support this connection between the city and the campus,” says Cosner. “I think all these things are really top of mind for our leadership.”
And contrary to easy caricatures, Spokane Preservation Advocates isn’t unsympathetic to WSU’s difficult predicament. The organization’s board members come from the worlds of architecture and real estate, and Schmautz herself has experience with the pitfalls and opportunities of a project on Jensen-Byrd’s scale. Her husband is the founder of SDS Commercial, a development company that specializes in the renovation of historic properties.
“We’re not at all just totally on one side. We do understand that people have to make a living, and WSU has to be a good steward of their financial picture, and that includes their property,” she says. “We have high hopes that something amazing could happen, [but] what is happening right now isn’t effective preservation. Letting an empty building just sit there, this isn’t what anybody wants. We just really would like them to offer a true opportunity for some developers to take a good look at it.” n
From left: Spokane Preservation Advocates members Pollyanne Birge, Phil Ogden, Dave Shockley and Tresa Schmautz are concerned about the Jensen-Byrd’s future. ERICK DOXEY PHOTO
Chime In
Spokane City Council offers more chances for community input. Plus, a homelessness dashboard goes live; and birth rates in Spokane County are declining.
Remember, your government works for you! Thanks to an update to Spokane City Council procedure passed unanimously on Dec. 9, starting in January, community members will be able to give verbal or written testimony during City Council committee meetings, which will be held on Mondays at noon. Committee meetings are usually where council members introduce or learn about new legislation. Then, they make final decisions at an evening legislative meeting a few weeks later. Historically, public comment has been limited to evening meetings. This update allows the City Council to incorporate feedback from the community earlier in the decision-making process.
Good decisions are based on good data. With that in mind, Spokane County and the cities of Spokane and Spokane Valley partnered with the Spokane Regional Health District’s Data Center to build a public dashboard with in-depth data on homelessness. The data is pulled from Spokane’s Homeless Management Information System, which is mandated and regulated by the federal government. The dashboard will be updated quarterly, and includes information on the number of homeless people staying in shelters, their demographics, the average length of stay, and the number of people exiting homelessness. The data currently available was last updated in October. Explore for yourself at countyhealthinsights.org/county/spokane/dashboard/homeless-dashboard/
Turns out, pandemic babies in Spokane weren’t as much of a thing as it may have seemed. During the Dec. 16 Spokane City Council study session, Eastern Washington University researchers showed that net migration is nearly the only factor increasing Spokane County’s population, and the “natural increase” from births has almost disappeared since 2020. In 2014, the county’s population grew by 5,825 people, and about a third of that growth was thanks to more births than deaths. In 2022, births didn’t account for any new growth over deaths, and in 2024, new babies accounted for only about 7% of growth. “[It’s] a phenomenon that we’re starting to see in other communities as well, that birth rates are dropping pretty clearly,” said presenter Patrick Jones, the executive director of Eastern’s Institute for Public Policy and Economic Analysis. “I definitely think there’s a correlation with COVID. I don’t know for sure, but births just kind of stopped during the pandemic.” Chiming in virtually, City Council member Jonathan Bingle replied, “We did our part to counter that, FYI,” referring to his young children and getting a laugh from the rest of the council.
In the Dec. 12 story “Drop the Corner Shop,” we improperly characterized who is leading the efforts to oppose a planned mini-mart. While the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council wrote a letter opposing the project, individual neighbors are leading ongoing efforts. Additionally, no date has yet been scheduled for the hearing examiner to issue a final decision on the requested permit. n
Citizens can now participate more often at Spokane City Hall. ERICK DOXEY PHOTO
What’s Next?
After its $19M levy failed for the second time, the Lakeland Joint School District considers cost-cutting measures
In November, voters in Rathdrum, Twin Lakes and Spirit Lake were asked to fund the Lakeland Joint School District’s two-year $19 million replacement levy. These funds would have made up close to a quarter of the district’s budget for employee salaries, extracurricular activities and transportation.
However, in a tally separated by less than 300 votes, the levy failed for the second time since the current levy — which only lasts until June 2025 — passed in May 2023. This leaves the district $9.5 million in the hole for its 2025-2026 school year without a concrete plan to address that shortfall.
The district’s School Board and top administrators, such as Superintendent Lisa Arnold and Chief Financial Officer Jessica Grantham, have been working for the past month-and-a-half to figure out how they can fill that gap.
“We have been working pretty much nonstop since the levy election trying to figure out the recommendations that we want to make to the board for consideration as we try to reduce our budget,” Arnold said at a Dec. 9 School Board meeting.
At the meeting, Arnold presented the board members (minus Ramona Grissom, who was absent) with some cost-cutting ideas to consider. One of the first ideas she recommended discussing was whether to close one of the district’s six elementary schools and rezone the attendance boundaries for the remaining schools.
In total, Arnold said the district has more than 1,800 elementary students between six schools. That number has been declining since the pandemic and hasn’t made a rebound yet. If the district were to close one of those schools, she says each of the remaining schools would have 374 students. For reference, in 2023, the district’s elementary schools each had 340 students on average, collectively serving more than 2,000 elementary students, according to the Idaho State Department of Education.
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The Lakeland Joint School Board is facing tough choices. YOUTUBE SCREENSHOT
“It’s hard for me to visualize how we can take 300 to 400 kids out of one building and spread them across the other buildings and not have increases in class sizes beyond what we currently have as expectations,” school board member Bob Jones said. “You can redistribute kids pretty easily on paper, but when it actually comes to moving from one spot to another based on their neighborhood and other kinds of things, it becomes a whole different kind of ball game to deal with. That’s part of my reluctance to go down this path.”
The board also discussed moving the district to a four-day schedule, similar to a move the Post Falls School District made two years ago. This saved the Post Falls district $200,000 in utility costs by not opening any school on a Friday, Arnold explained. The other idea was to move teacher planning periods to the end of the school day. This, however, was not recommended in tandem with the four-day week, as Arnold believes it would overload Lakeland’s teachers.
None of these recommendations included details on the full financial impact, nor a thorough list of benefits or downfalls that the district could foresee under either plan. However, Arnold said that was intentional, as the discussion was only meant for the School Board to guide her team on which proposals to explore further.
The board was scheduled to meet on Dec. 18 for another work session to further discuss budget cut options, after the Inlander’s print deadline for this issue.
“I just want to make sure that everyone understands that we have not yet taken off the table rerunning the levy, albeit maybe a different levy than the one we ran before,” Jones said at the Dec. 9 meeting. “We’re not giving any illusion that that’s out of the window.” n
Single Subject
Lawsuit seeks to block natural gas initiative, claiming it violates Washington’s constitution
In November, voters passed Initiative 2066 — pitched by the organization Let’s Go Washington as a way to “stop the gas ban” — with 51.7% of the vote.
Specifically, the initiative was written to protect natural gas access, going so far as to prohibit state and local governments from even discouraging natural gas use. The initiative also makes sweeping changes to multiple state laws, including the rules guiding the State Building Code Council, as well as House Bill 1589, which dictates how Puget Sound Energy, the state’s largest utility, needs to plan for the future.
In fact, a lawsuit filed in King County Superior Court on Dec. 11 by environmental groups
and local government agencies argues that the initiative changes too many things.
Specifically, the groups are suing the state of Washington (which is tasked with defending voter-approved initiatives) to argue that the initiative violates multiple provisions of the state constitution, including the “single subject requirement.”
The single subject rule dictates that “No bill shall embrace more than one subject, and that shall be expressed in the title.” It applies to statutes passed by lawmakers in Olympia, as well as those passed by the people via the initiative process.
The plaintiffs in the lawsuit include the city
While builders argue the state should enforce the recently passed natural gas initiative, others argue it was too broad.
of Seattle, King County, the Washington Solar Energy Industries Association, Anthony Maschmedt — a taxpayer who previously served on the State Building Code Council — and the environmental organizations Climate Solutions, Washington Conservation Action, and Front and Centered.
Some of the provisions of I-2066 change things unrelated to natural gas, argues Kai Smith, a partner at Pacifica Law Group who is one of the attorneys for the plaintiffs. (Seattle and King County are being represented by their own attorneys.)
For example, while maintaining a line in state law that says the State Building Code Council shall design state energy code to “construct increasingly energy efficient homes and buildings,” the initiative strikes the following line: “that help achieve the broader goal of building zero fossil-fuel greenhouse gas emission homes and buildings.”
“Fossil fuels, of course, concern much more than natural gas: Oil, propane, the whole panoply of fossil fuels,” Smith says.
I-2066 also changes the Washington Clean Air Act, adding a provision that says clean air authorities around the state “shall not in any way prohibit, penalize, or discourage the use of gas for any form of heating, or for uses related to any appliance or equipment, in any building.”
“That potentially impacts the regulation of pollution and air quality,” Smith says. “Those are some of the ways that it strays from just natural gas.”
Previously, the Washington Supreme Court has thrown out other initiatives that violated the single subject rule.
In 2001, the Court ruled that Initiative 722, passed by 58% of voters in November 2000, violated the rule and was void. That initiative had asked, “Shall certain 1999 tax and fee increases be nullified, vehicles exempted from property taxes, and property tax increases (except new construction) limited to 2% annually?”
In 2020, the state Supreme Court also found the Tim Eyman-backed Initiative 976, which would reduce or remove “motor vehicle taxes and fees,” ran afoul of the single subject rule. In addition to limiting annual car tab fees to $30, except for voter-approved charges, it would have repealed Sound Transit’s authority to levy additional fees approved by voters.
Last week’s lawsuit wasn’t the first involving I-2066. The Building Industry Association of Washington filed a lawsuit in Thurston County Superior Court on Dec. 6, seeking to require the State Building Code Council to uphold the provisions of I-2066 and update the 2021 state energy code to comply.
The building industry lawsuit followed a vote by the State Building Code Council on Nov. 22 to keep the 2021 energy code in place while the council’s staff works to comply with I-2066 through its regular rulemaking process, instead of an emergency process.
Let’s Go Washington founder Brian Heywood released a statement in response to the lawsuits last week.
“Washingtonians have voted to protect natural gas from being banned, now it’s time for [Attorney General Bob] Ferguson and other statewide organizations to enforce this law. If the [State Building Code Council] won’t follow the law, the governor should demand their resignations,” Heywood’s statement reads. “Meanwhile, as citizens struggle to afford housing and pay their energy bills, shamefully, the City of Seattle and King County are leading the charge to eliminate energy choice and make living more expensive.
“Washington voters made their position clear: they want to protect natural gas and energy choice,” his statement continues. “Instead of spending time and money suing corporations, perhaps the AG, Seattle, and King County should focus on enforcing the law and protecting the will of the people.”
Smith says the plaintiffs in the lawsuit seeking to find I-2066 unconstitutional don’t expect they’ll have a hearing scheduled until early 2025, potentially in January or February. n samanthaw@inlander.com
Spokane Falls Community College’s new art building sƛx̣etkʷ provides a major facilities upgrade for fine arts and photography students
For decades, art students at Spokane Falls Community College have been attending class in some of the oldest buildings on campus. The photography building was formerly a part of Fort George Wright, which was built right before the 20th century, and the fine arts building was one of the first built when the college originated in 1967.
Though the two buildings fulfilled their purpose over decades, they eventually began to succumb to the seasons they weathered, says Bonnie Glantz, vice president of learning at SFCC.
“We had continual problems with roof leakage, asbestos mitigation, plumbing, you know, they were just really old buildings,” she says. “Our instructors have always made due with what they had, but it was a very inadequate space.”
Those conditions are why — back in 2011 — the college asked the Washington State Legislature to fund a new building. In 2019, the proposal finally made it into the state budget for capital projects. Glantz, who served as the college’s dean of arts during the bidding process, says it took three tries before the approximately $43 million project was finally approved in 2019.
“That initially funded the pre-design and design of the building, but we didn’t get any construction funding,” she explains. “It turned out that another project didn’t go forward, so we did get that [construction] funding.”
Students have filled the halls of sƛx̣etkʷ (ska-hét) since the start of this year’s fall quarter in September, but the two gallery spaces — one for fine arts displays and the other for photography — have yet to open. Jeff Bunch, district communications director for the Community Colleges of Spokane, says via email that gallery construction is set to be completed during the winter quarter and the space will be open by spring 2025.
“You know, I’m really excited for all of these programs to get a dedicated building like this one,” Glantz says. “It’s honestly one of the most beautiful buildings in Spokane.”
Perched above the Centennial Trail and the Spokane River, the modern, two-story building itself is like a piece of fine art on the college’s campus. And since Washington sets aside 0.5% of the cost of new publicly funded buildings for the commission or acquisition of art, technically part of the building is art.
This includes all of the second floor windows, an installation by Canadian artist Jill Anholt titled “Aperture.” Each pane shimmers in the light, mimicking the swirls of the current one might see in the Spokane River below. To achieve the reflective design, Anholt specially fabricated the panes in Germany with a glass frit, a porous type of glass that’s often mixed with ceramic particles to create a decorative pattern, between the window’s outer surfaces, Glantz says.
“Being on our campus is being on Native land, so we talked right away about the significance of the river,” Glantz explains. “She really wanted to bring [the river] up to campus.
Walking into the building, visitors are immediately thrust into its heart: the atrium. Surrounded by walls of windows, this central area sort of acts to direct people through the rest of the space.
“Knowing [the art building] would sit on the edge of campus, we really went through a very thoughtful process of human-made and natural life coming together in one space,” Glantz says. “The whole atrium is transparent, so you can see through the building and look at the trees beyond. It brings nature into the building, too.”
To the left of the atrium there’s a row of large classrooms and studios lining the hall, each providing high-quality space for art students of any medium. For example, the main photography classroom has a full-size kitchen to practice some artsy cooking photos and videos.
And the ceramics classroom is really a collection of rooms that create more of a studio environment. In the primary production space, student work waiting to be put in the kiln lines the walls surrounding at least 10 large
work stations. Down a short hallway there’s another room just for mixing and using paints and glazes, another filled with buckets of wet clay that can be reclaimed for future use, and a third room where clay is fired into ceramic. Off on the right are the two galleries that have yet to open, a line of offices, and the photography studio. The building’s second floor is filled with more classrooms, and a handful of alcoves called “nests” where students can study or relax. Two spots on the northern side of the building peer between the top of the treeline all the way down to the river bank.
“The building just literally sparkles, and that’s kind of reflected in the students’ energy, too.”
“The [student] energy and excitement has been high,” says Cozette Phillips, SFCC’s gallery program director and fine art instructor. “It’s pretty jaw-dropping when you walk into the space, not only to have views to the Spokane River, but then if you look up you’re seeing a really unique casting process of cast aluminum on our ceiling tiles.” (Imagine an entire ceiling of aluminum bubble wrap that’s been popped.)
“The building just literally sparkles, and that’s kind of reflected in the students’ energy, too,” she continues.
But Phillips’ favorite place in the entire building is the breezeway above the southern entrance. The bridge, like the two northern nests, has a clear view of the river, peers directly into the gallery and oversees the entire atrium space. Just that small impact of having a peaceful place to practice painting a landscape or even just stand and gaze into the distance can be vital to artists.
“When you give the artists in our community this type of facility, it will have impacts for decades,” Glantz
says, echoing Phillips’ sentiment. “We also are now doing an artistin-residence program in the building for emerging Indigenous artists that will have a continued impact here.”
The new sƛx̣etkʷ Artist-in-Residence Program, which prioritizes up-and-coming Indigenous artists, is the first of its kind in the region, Phillips says.
“It should be everywhere, and I think there are programs that are developing,” she says, “but as far as I understand right now, we’re the only college in the area that has a fully funded Indigenous artists-in-residence program.”
The program was made possible through a Spokane Arts SAGA Grant, alongside other funding from private donors and the Community Colleges of Spokane. Applications for the program have since closed, and Phillips hopes to notify the selected applicant by Jan. 31.
That artist will have 24-hour access to the entire arts building from April 1 to June 18, plus their own office space and the opportunity to work with students in whatever way they please. This could include hosting lectures and workshops or even showing an exhibition in one of the galleries.
“We’ve got some really, really strong applicants, so it’s gonna be difficult to make a decision,” she says. “But, I’m hopeful that we can keep this program going year after year because there’s just so many amazing artists out there that I’d love to bring into our space. I think our students and community will benefit from it as well.”
Though sƛx̣etkʷ was originally scheduled for completion in fall 2023, its construction fell behind by an entire year. According to emails about the project and construction change orders acquired through public record requests, it appears that issues in the design phase caused the delay. Change orders are common during construction as they’re what companies file when they need to make updates to the project that will change its overall cost or completion date.
In most cases for this project at SFCC, the builders requested a change to the contract to account for issues that they claim the initial design didn’t account for, such as electrical work, irrigation and water heating.
Of the more than 100 documents regarding the construction that the Inlander reviewed, only one requested more time — specifically an extra 23 calendar days for electrical work, according to the Oct. 27, 2022, contract change order. There’s also a lack of clarity in the documents about the delay, as a final change order dated for Aug. 19, 2024, still lists Aug. 5, 2023 as the project completion date. (The construction company, Swinerton Builders, didn’t respond for clarification before our press deadline.)
Yet, even with the delay, Phillips says she’s worked hard to adapt and make the most of the situation.
“As artists, we’re problem solvers — we look for creative solutions all the time,” she says. “I think what’s really helped me has been to approach [the delayed gallery opening] not like it’s an obstacle, but just another way that we can pivot to support our students and faculty.” n
The atrium is fully transparent. ERICK DOXEY PHOTOS
Hell Is for Lovers
Inspired by ancient Greek myth, Hadestown tells a story of transcendental love and inescapable tragedy
What is love, if not a long road to tragedy?
That’s a central message in the awardwinning musical Hadestown by Anaïs Mitchell. From the very start the audience is told “It’s a sad tale, it’s a tragedy / We gonna sing it anyway.” But then the story gets into the whole transcendental love plot, and the inevitable end is adeptly obscured for most of the show.
“I think love itself transcends the mortal plane. That’s why there are so many songs and movies and books about love. Everybody is obsessed with this thing,” says Bryan Munar, the actor playing Orpheus in the show’s recent North American tour. “You know the only things that are guaranteed in life are death and taxes, and I think that’s why we all search for something as elusive as love in stories like this.”
Like many tragedies, Hadestown is inspired by
an ancient Greek myth. In this case it’s the myth of Orpheus, demigod son of the muse Calliope, and Eurydice, the beautiful woman (or nymph?) he falls in love with. As the story goes, the pair are happily married for a short time before Eurydice dies from a snakebite, marking her descent into Hades’ underworld realm. Sometime after that, Orpheus makes the treacherous journey to the underworld to retrieve his bride with only his lyre in hand.
Once there, Orpheus plays a heartbreaking song that even touches the king of the underworld, convincing him to allow Eurydice to leave with her widow — under one condition, that is. Hades tells Orpheus that he must lead his bride out of the underworld without ever looking back on her. I’m sure you can tell where this is going. Moments before Orpheus reaches the exit, doubt sets in and he looks back on Eurydice, damning
her to an eternity in Hades’ realm.
In the modern-day musical, being performed in Spokane this weekend, the story is similar. Here, Orpheus (Munar) and Eurydice (Megan Colton) still fall in love, but now their characters are poor and hungry. As Eurydice struggles to even scrounge up a meal, she strikes a deal with Hades (Nickolaus Colón) for “freedom” down in Hadestown. Freedom from hunger. Freedom from poverty. Freedom from living.
One of the key differences from myth is that this musical also intertwines the rocky romance of Hades and his goddess wife, Persephone (Namisa Mdlalose Bizana), into the story. Persephone sees the true love she found at the beginning of her own relationship reflected in Orpheus and Eurydice, and ultimately convinces Hades to allow the young lovers to trek back to the realm of mortals.
Landing the role of Orpheus in this North American touring production was a pivotal point in Munar’s career, but it was two or three years in the making and actually started with an audition for a role in the show’s ensemble.
His first audition for Hadestown was to be one of the workers under Hades’ control. Though he didn’t get that role, Munar says the casting director recognized that he might have potential as the show’s lead.
“I came in blind at first, but each time I auditioned it provided new pieces of the puzzle that led to my casting as Orpheus,” he says. “I think they recognized from the beginning that I could carry a show.”
As the son of a muse, Orpheus’ musical talent is immense and innate. But in the real world, portraying a masterful musician is a demanding task. That vocal challenge, along with the character’s unique entry into the world of musical protagonists, is what drew Munar to the lead role.
“I’m a vocalist, I’ve been singing most of my life, and I really want to be challenged in my work,” Munar says. “I love that [Orpheus] is a character that you wouldn’t normally see as a lead. He’s not some strapping model, he’s supposed to look and feel like someone hopeful and unique.”
And among the small group of other actors who’ve played Orpheus since the musical opened in 2019, Munar thinks his portrayal is also unique. Instead of an attempt to make the character seem ethereal and godlike — playing on Orpheus’ identity as a demigod muse — his performance showcases the character’s human-like qualities.
Munar credits advice from the show’s director, Keenan Tyler Oliphant, for infusing that sense of humanity into the character.
“Our director asks us to find an area in the middle of our characters and ourselves,” Munar explains. “I’m always bringing all that I can to meet Orpheus where he’s at in the story. It’s really this sort of alchemy that Keenan expects of us.”
There are plenty of shows that capture the messages of love and tragedy (Les Misérables, West Side Story and Mamma Mia!), or retell Greek myth (Antigone, The Lightning Thief and Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again?), but for Munar, Hadestown is unlike any musical.
“This is a show that transcends time and place, and it’s even informing the way some musicals are being written,” Munar says. “Truly, there’s nothing like Hadestown.” n
With the Christmas holiday almost here, here are some gift-giving traditions around the world
Tis the season when bright, wrapped packages are exchanged. Whether the gift is for a loved one or your Secret Santa exchange, there’s always thrill when receiving.
Gifting is universal, but many cultures have unique traditions about presents, so let’s spin the globe and explore some of them. Whatever your own gifting traditions are, there’s something wonderful in knowing the unique ways different world cultures show their love and appreciation with a gift.
A gift tradition appealing to every bibliophile’s heart is Iceland’s “book flood.” A 2022 Smithsonian Magazine article about the fascinating custom explains that Icelanders give books to each other on Dec. 24, which they then unwrap and read late into the night.
While the article points out that custom’s prevalence is maybe overinflated by the imaginations of bibliophiles everywhere, Icelanders embrace this reputation. This book flood began during WWII, in 1944, when paper (unlike many other items) wasn’t rationed, making books an affordable gift.
In Thai culture, inexpensive, thoughtful gifts are given so the recipient doesn’t feel uncomfortable — and how the gifts are presented is key. People don’t rip wrapping paper with abandon, as that is considered rude. Instead, it’s done carefully, with the paper set aside rather than thrown away. The color of the paper is also important. Black, blue, and green are colors used at funerals and not appropriate for a gift. Yellow, gold, and other bright colors are preferred.
Kids in Romania don’t have to wait until the end of December before their presents arrive. They start the festivities with Saint Nicholas Day on Dec. 6. Early that morning (or late the prior night), children find presents in their laced-up boots. The good ones might find sweets or books, while the naughty ones receive sticks.
The Maasai people of Kenya and Northern Tanzania have an unforgettable way of presenting a gift: by
spitting on it. In Maasai culture, spitting isn’t viewed as a derogatory gesture, but considered a blessing and as a way to bring fortune. (They also spit on newborn babies and brides on their wedding day.) It’s a way to share their water, which is viewed as sacred.
Underneath most Australian’s Christmas trees you probably won’t find warm sweaters, fuzzy socks, or comfy slippers, since December is their summer. Instead you might find swimwear, beach towels, and sunglasses. Likewise, you may not recognize Santa since he often wears flip-flops, a T-shirt and shorts, and might carry a surfboard.
The gifting traditions of Argentina are more familiar, but you won’t find kids waking up at the crack of dawn on Christmas Day to tear into their presents. Christmas Eve is the night families gather together, exchanging gifts and toasts at midnight. It’s also common to find crowds of people still awake at midnight and beyond — folks even traditionally set off fireworks at midnight, with some going to clubs and parties afterwards.
Similar to the U.S., Irish people give gifts for birthdays, Christmas, and to a host when a guest is invited to their home. However, when any gift is offered, it’s considered polite for the recipient to refuse it once, or even twice before accepting it. While there isn’t any historical documentation to confirm this, one theory about the practice of refusing a gift is that it may have started during the Great Famine (1845-1852) when people had little to share.
In Japan, the wrapping of the gift is as valued as the item itself. Traditionally, gifts are wrapped in patterned fabric (furoshiki) instead of paper. Gifts are offered in both hands with a slight bow and words of appreciation. The present itself might be fruit. Gifting fruit is an ancient tradition in Japan, where it’s been left at Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines for centuries. Giving someone fruit indicates respect and appreciation. Also, it’s edible and it won’t clutter up the home, ideal for a Japanese culture that values orderliness and minimalism. n
What’s better than one amazing author sharing their words with the world? That’s right — THREE amazing authors sharing their words with the world! Last month, Get Lit! Festival, Eastern Washington University’s annual literary festival, announced a trio of headliners for the 2025 iteration of the event. The event typically has a single headlining author, so this is a real treat for the Inland Northwest literary community. Authors Maggie Smith, Li-Young Lee and Danez Smith will all be in attendance for the event, happening April 10-13, 2025, to discuss their poetry and other writings with an excited crowd of Inland Northwest writers and bookworms. Learn more at getlitfestival.org. (MADISON PEARSON)
Head coach Jason Eck reviving Idaho’s football program and taking the Vandals to the FCS Playoffs in his first three years on the job was a borderline miraculous feat. But following UI’s rough 52-19 loss to No. 1 Montana State in last Friday’s quarterfinal game, the Vandals are going to need to find a new man to run the show. On Saturday, Eck resigned in order to take the head coaching job at FBS New Mexico. The Vandals have also already seen star wide receiver Jordan Dwyer, starting quarterback Jack Layne, and All-Big Sky Conference defenders Dallas Afalava and Dwayne McDougle enter the transfer portal, with more players sure to follow. While Idaho has reached new highs on the gridiron these past few years, UI’s football future is suddenly murky on the Palouse. (SETH SOMMERFELD)
Earlier this month, Spokane artist Dylan Lipsker celebrated First Friday by welcoming guests for the grand opening of his newest endeavor: Big City Art Gallery. The gallery at 1107 W. First Ave. is his second in Spokane in as many years and will operate as the primary place his striking glass art will be shown. The new space, which sits between Lucky Leaf Co. and Hotel Indigo, is about twice the size of his first gallery, allowing Lipsker to move away from the wall-to-wall coverage that was necessary in those cramped quarters. Now, the space he already operates at 164 S. Washington St., Big City Art Studio & Gallery, will be maintained as a studio space. (COLTON RASANEN) n
Gifts wrapped in the Japanese style.
By Madison Pearson
Tucked behind the Looff Carrousel and encircled by trees, Spokane’s Garbage Goat resides in a shadowy grotto, almost blending in with the surrounding rocks.
Most pass on by the metal sculpture, but every once in a while, a family stops in front of the steps and approaches the peculiar metal creature.
A parent might begin to explain the Garbage Goat to their young child, leaning in close and pointing to the sculpture’s jagged edges. The child then picks up a leaf or a small wrapper and places their hand under the Garbage Goat’s mouth as their parent presses a large button on a wall nearby.
A cacophony of whirring and excited yelps fills the air as a core memory is made.
Like many other iconic structures in Riverfront Park, the Garbage Goat serves as a reminder of Spokane’s hosting of the 1974 World’s Fair. Garbage Goat’s creator, Sister Paula Mary Turnbull, was a sculptor and an educator known as the “welding nun.” Turnbull was appointed to the Expo Visual Arts Advisory Committee and helped coordinate more than a dozen pieces of public art in Riverfront Park, including her own garbage-eating billy goat. Its vacuum mechanism enables small pieces of garbage to be sucked up through the sculpture’s mouth — an apt design for an environmentally themed World’s Fair.
Local author Megan Young, a Spokane native who grew up feeding the Garbage Goat, explores Spokane’s rich regional history and the Garbage Goat’s ongoing impact in her new children’s book, Kid and the Nothing-to-Do Year
Young explains that since the Garbage Goat has been around for over 50 years, she thought it was time to give him a friend. So in the book, released last month, she pays homage to the Garbage Goat through the eyes of Kid, a little white goat who explores favorite Spokane events and locations over the course of a year.
The author says exploring Riverfront Park is a formative experience for countless local kids.
“I took my daughter to the carousel for the first time when she turned 1,” Young says. “And there was nothing really there I wanted to bring home with us from [the gift shop]. Something was missing. It got me thinking about what I could share.”
Young began searching the internet for Spokane history and came across a page of old official slogans as well as citizen-created city motto ideas. One of the latter was the quirky phrase “Keep Spokane Kind of Gross,” which Young found disheartening. Even tually she found herself down a rabbit hole about Turnbull and her role in local history.
Soon after, Young met the book’s illustrator, Melissa Murakami. The artist also created illustrations for a locally made board game called New Kingdom: Gardeners, and was introduced to Young by the game’s creator, Jack Dunbar. Young says she knew Murakami was the right illustrator for Kid and the Nothing-to-Do Year because her work is whimsical and engaging.
Despite living in Spokane for four years while attending Whitworth University and studying art, however, Murakami had never explored Riverfront Park or much of Spokane’s downtown area.
“We were talking about Turnbull and all of this public artwork that’s downtown,” Young says. “Melissa said she wasn’t really exposed to that. And I think most people kind of fall into that category.”
Initially, Young wanted to explore the history of the Garbage Goat and release the book in time for Expo’s 50th anniversary earlier this year, but that idea turned out to be too ambitious. Instead, she made the Garbage Goat a central character in Kid and the Nothing-to-Do Year
“I don’t always say yes to projects like this,” Murakami says. “But I really believed in the project from the beginning and Megan’s passion for it.”
The book begins with a conversation between Kid and the Garbage Goat. “One morning in the heart of Spokane, a young goat flopped onto the ground,” it reads. “Kid huffed. Kid sighed. Kid gave the side eye.”
The latter part of this passage is repeated several times throughout the book, beginning each of Kid’s seasonal adventures after he loudly proclaims his boredom. In response, the Garbage Goat encourages Kid to go explore, and off he goes.
In the summer, Kid leaves the Garbage Goat’s grotto and traverses through Riverfront Park. He explores the Looff Carrousel, the Numerica SkyRide, the Big Red Wagon and the Pavilion before returning to the Garbage Goat, exhausted from his adventures.
In the fall, Kid travels up to Green Bluff, where he waits in the notoriously long pumpkin donut line. In winter he leaves the grotto to traverse deep snow, and finds himself at the Vista House atop Mt. Spokane. He sleds down the mountain and back to the Garbage Goat’s cozy corner, where he shares stories about the day with his beloved metal friend.
Readers can feel Kid’s excitement as the illustrations seem to jump off the page, inviting them to explore Spokane along with the sprightly Kid.
“Megan brought a lot of passion for the city,” Murakami says. “It was contagious and transferred to me. I’m really grateful for my Spokane experience. I was trying to make the audience feel the place when they see it.”
Having moved from Spokane to Bellevue after graduation, Murakami relied heavily on Google Maps for reference images of the places showcased in the book.
Illustrator Melissa Murakami (top) and author Megan Young with the Garbage Goat. COURTESY PHOTOS
“That is sort of the essence of this book,” Murakami says. “It’s kind of a love letter to Spokane. And so the fact that it exists somewhere in between my memory and what it is now feels right for the audience.”
In the book, Riverfront Park’s beloved lilac-colored Expo ’74 butterfly resembles its original design, before it was restored in October 2023 for Expo’s 50th anniversary.
“A lot of that is intentional,” Young says. “Because as much as this is like a Polaroid of the present, it has a lot of nods to the past. It makes it feel like it can reach multiple audiences. Kids today are gonna see this and rec ognize it along with people our age and older generations as well.”
Murakami says that when she visited Spokane after completing the il lustrations for Kid, finally seeing the Garbage Goat in
person felt like meeting a celebrity.
Young, on the other hand, felt like she used her innate Spokane knowledge while writing the book.
“I am extremely curious by nature,” she says. “So as soon as I find a tidbit about something I go down a rabbit hole pretty far. As far down as I can go!”
This curiosity is highlighted in small details of several illustrations which non-Spokanites might miss. Young and Murakami collaborated closely to ensure the book felt authentic.
In the springtime, for example, Kid finds himself running Bloomsday with a pack of fellow Bloomies to quell his boredom. Look closely and you might notice that a few of the runners’ faces look
The formation is also positioned just like the “The Joy of Running Together” sculpture by David Govedare in Riverfront Park. The man at the front is Don
Kardong, Bloomsday’s founder. His bib is number 577, representing May 1977, the date of the inaugural race. Another runner dons a red T-shirt with a vulture on the chest. Real Bloomies may recognize him as the Doomsday Hill vulture, Bill Robinson.
“Throughout the creation of the book I was able to find out more information about things like Bloomsday and Hoopfest,” Young says. “Things that I had genuinely taken for granted because I had known it my whole life. There are people that spearheaded those things, and now they’re just a part of Spokane culture.”
Murakami made an intentional choice to keep the Garbage Goat in his stone grotto and in his natural position throughout most of the illustrations.
“His neck will move, and he looks in different directions, but you’ll never see him doing anything but standing there,” she says.
“But he’s still so animated,” Young adds. “And that was the hope for this book. You have a beloved pet, but you go and see him and he is gruff. So I think the way Melissa illustrated him is just that heart that he represents of Spokane and that lovable aspect of him.”
The duo behind the book already have plans to release coloring pages and special social media posts to commemorate events happening in Spokane in the coming months.
“A large part of this project is hopefully to continue it,” Young says. “This is the tip of the iceberg.”
Local residents can stop by Auntie’s Bookstore, the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, and Wishing Tree Books to purchase ($22) the book as well as pick up “Treats for Spokane’s Garbage Goat,” little pieces of paper printed with soda cans to feed to the Garbage Goat.
“The whole point is to really connect with kids and families and showcase why Spokane is so wonderful,” Young says. “I’m hoping that this connects that heart piece and provides a little bit more of why these things are important to children. I want to tell them why Hoopfest and Manito Park are important. There’s so much, and once you know the ‘why,’ you can fully appreciate how it makes you feel and how you might be connected to it.”
Kid and the Nothing-to-Do Year speaks to the enduring legacy of the Garbage Goat and the evolving but unique culture of Spokane over the past 50 years.
“I think it further showcases what Spokane has to offer everyone and how deeply it is rooted,” Young says. “Whether your experience is a lifetime, four years or a quick visit.”
Near the end of the book when it’s sum mertime again, Kid realizes a whole year has passed since he began his adventures. He re turns to the Garbage Goat’s grotto and proclaims that he’s done everything and there’s simply noth ing left to do, when he’s suddenly interrupted by a basketball bouncing by.
Kid bounds away onto the courts of Hoopfest, Spokane’s annual three-on-three basketball tournament, and watches balls swoosh through nets and bounce up and down the city streets.
He returns to the grotto one last time, when the Garbage Goat asks what Kid’s favorite part of his very busy, fun-filled year was.
“Being here with you,” Kid replies. “Thank you for always being there for me.”
“And I always will be,” the Garbage Goat promises. n
Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. Wishing Tree Books, 1410 E. 11th Ave. Vintage Print & Neon, 914 W. Garland Ave. Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, 2316 W. First Ave.
City Sidewalks
Downtown Spokane for the Holidays
Come On, Get Happy!
The happy hour as we know it dates back to Prohibition, when it was a much more low-key activity. Nowadays, restaurants and bars around the world openly embrace the late afternoon to early evening as a prime time for socialization and menu specials. And during the holidays in downtown Spokane, happy hours seem to get even happier thanks to seasonal cocktails, festive decorations and the celebratory mood in the air.
Named after the legislation that ushered in the Prohibition era, VOLSTEAD ACT (12 N. Post St.) channels the vibe of speakeasies with an old-school craft cocktail approach. This year, they have the equivalent of a season-long happy hour with a deliberately kitschy, Christmas-themed pop-up cocktail bar called Miracle. Along with artisanal mulled wine, eggnog and hot buttered rum, some of the drinks include The Christmopolitan (vodka and vermouth accented
with spiced cranberry sauce, rosemary and absinthe) and the Nice Shot (rye whiskey, gingerbread). Miracle continues until the end of the year.
At STEELHEAD BAR & GRILLE (218 N. Howard St.), happy hour is known as “social hours;” they run from 2-7 pm, six days per week and all day Sunday. Aside from their name, what sets these social hours apart is their tiered pricing specials, starting at $5.50 shareables like chips and salsa and continuing up to $20 items like steak and fries. While there will be winter-exclusive drinks, the year-round customer favorite is Steelhead’s premium, handcrafted Old Fashioned. “It’s the best bangfor-your-buck $10 cocktail,” says Shelby Wilcoxen, the restaurant’s operations manager. “We have our decorations up, a fireplace with a really cool seating area around it, the street outside is illuminated with Christmas lights, and we’re ready to celebrate.”
...continued on page 28
High-Flying, Awe-Inspiring
Keep the enchantment of Christmas going after the big day with MagicSpace Entertainment’s A MAGICAL CIRQUE CHRISTMAS , which leaps, springs and backflips into town just ahead of the New Year. This all-ages variety show features amazing jugglers, acrobats, drummers, aerial artists, magicians and other talented circus-style entertainers with performances set to stunning visual backdrops and all the seasonal music you love. More than just an awe-inspiring spectacle of physical skill and sleight of hand, the show includes plenty of laughs, too, in the form of holiday-inspired hijinks. The show is one night only, so be sure to mark your calendar for 7:30 pm on Dec. 28 at the First Interstate Center for the Arts (334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.).
Campbell House Holidays
Something for SomethingEveryone
he Best of Broadway series’ latest offering coincides perfectly with the brand-new sequel to the original 1989 film Beetlejuice. This fall, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice brought back director Tim Burton and star Michael Keaton to hilarious effect. If you can’t get enough, you’re in luck as the live production of BEETLEJUICE: THE MUSICA L takes the First Interstate Center for the Arts stage beginning on the final night of 2024. The Broadway show was no apparition, as it landed seven Tony nominations in 2019 for its high-energy antics and music. It runs Dec. 31-Jan. 5 (Tuesday-Friday at 7:30 pm, Saturday at 2 pm and 7:30 pm, Sun at 1 pm and 6:30 pm)
“Come On, Get Happy!” continued...
BISTANGO MARTINI LOUNGE (108 N. Post St.) hosts its popular happy hour every day starting at 3 pm. It’s a great time to order a classic gin or vodka martini, or try the popular huckleberry variant that puts a regional twist on this cosmopolitan drink. Plus there are discounts on premium wells, house wine and beer. The food specials start at 4 pm with a menu that includes fish ’n’ chips, hummus and calamari.
Best known for its fresh, house-made pasta, TAVOLÀTA (221 N. Wall St.) also hosts a locally renowned happy hour where you can order specially priced pasta dishes like the cheesy, peppery tonnarelli or the boldly flavored Spaghetti Anchovy, which augments anchovies with garlic, chili, mint and Parmesan cheese. Pair your plate with one of the drink specials, such as an Infante (tequila, macadamia nut orgeat, lime) or a Go ZAGS! (vodka, pineapple, lime, ginger, bitters).
Comfort & Joy
For pub food faves and a fun Rat Pack-themed hangout, head to Eddie’s Kitchen & Tavern in North Spokane
“Third time’s the charm.”
That’s what Spokane restaurateur Kevin Pereira hopes as he teamed up with his wife, Julie, to open Eddie’s Kitchen & Tavern in North Spokane, near the North Division Y.
Serving classic American pub food like burgers, sandwiches and pasta, Eddie’s is Pereira’s third restaurant in the area, following Lost Boys’ Garage on North Wall and Summit Kitchen & Canteen on the lower South Hill, both of which he co-owned with former business partner Jhon Goodwin.
Pereira was born in California and moved to the area with his family when he was just 2 years old. He grew up in a restaurant family, which ignited his love for the food industry. His parents, John and Sue Pereira, owned The White Horse Inn and Saloon in Spirit Lake, Idaho, Elliot’s Tavern in the Garland District, and Derringers in Spokane Valley.
While pizza has always been Pereira’s passion, life has taken his three establishments in different directions.
“I always kind of wanted to open my own place,” he says. “I’ve worked in just about every pizza place in town. My original goal was to open up a pizza place because I just love pizza, but with Lost Boys’, we pretty much made the menu to what we could do” in the space, he adds.
Inside Eddie’s, hand-drawn pictures of music icons like Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra line the walls, all art that once hung at Pereira’s parents’ restaurant, Derringers. He’d always wanted to use an old Hol-
lywood Rat Pack-era theme, but it never fit with his other ventures.
Leaning into it now, Eddie’s American comfort foods are not the only element playing to people’s nostalgia. Rich blue highlights are sprinkled throughout, in the booth seats and the restaurant’s logo, combined with a soundtrack of 1960s jazz standards.
Eddie’s Kitchen & Tavern — named after Pereira’s uncle, also his own middle name — is an amalgamation of the things that worked in his two other businesses, including many past menu favorites. The most popular item so far is Eddie’s Signature Burger ($17), a half-pound Angus beef patty with gouda cheese and thicksliced crunchy bacon on a brioche bun.
“At Lost Boys’, it was the bacon gouda burger. At Summit, it was the Summit Signature Burger. It’s been on our menu for 10 years now at one of the restaurants, so that’s definitely our most popular,” Pereira says.
A close runner-up is the fish & chips ($16) made with amber beer-battered Alaskan cod fillets, which also has a gluten-free variation. Other sans-gluten dishes include appetizers like the mozzarella sticks ($12) and jalapeno poppers ($12.50). There’s even glutenfree pasta varieties, and Pereira says diners can’t get enough of the lasagna ($17) and mac and cheese ($9).
“A lot of the restaurants in town kind of change a little something to make it gluten free, but a lot of our items are made that way,” he says. “They’re more like a comfort type of food.”
...continued after Green Zone Gifts
The Signature Burger comes from Summit and Lost Boys’. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
Strains, Creative Kits, Accessories & More!
green zone gifts
Whether the winter weather makes you want to keep on dancing (at the Pink Pony Club), or your latest trip to the theater has you feeling like “Defying Gravity,” we’ve got some clever gift ideas for you or the cannabis enthusiast on your list.
You might even find yourself letting out a Santaworthy belly laugh at some of the clever product names these days, from “Notorious THC” to “Super Boof.” Or, perhaps you’re a little more mindful, and demure. Lots of items you’ll find here are very cutesy, indeed. Take a trip or, ahem, a tour down memory lane, through the eras, if you will, as you explore some of the best in 21+ offerings that are sure to make those holiday cookies taste extra sweet this season.
Gifts for stoners you might find at the Pink Pony Club
In my experience, the Venn diagram between Chappell Roan fans and stoners is just a circle. When I attended her show at the Capitol Hill Block Party in Seattle this summer, the air was filled with two things: the screams of thousands of fans singing along to the pop princess, and tons of random clouds that clearly came from below. In recognition of that clearly overlapping fanbase, we’ve collected a list of gifts that are sure to match the pink-and-purple aesthetic that the singer has cultivated.
If your giftee is big into gummies, you can’t go wrong with the Wyld brand of 10 mg edibles. Though there are a range of flavors from strawberry and sour apple to peach and pear, the brand’s boysenberry flavor is top-tier. On top of tasting terrific, the boysenberry gummies are great for before-bed use as they contain equal parts of THC, CBD and CBN — which can help our brains rest. $26 • Primo Cannabis • 21630 E. Gilbert Road, Otis Orchards
The one thing that sets professional stoners apart from those who enjoy cannabis casually is a gorgeous rig. Whether it’s a dab rig or a bong, having a personalized piece of glass to toke out of is vital. Elite Smoke Shop on Division Street has a ton of options, but this hot pink rig is so aesthetically pleasing, it almost feels like you’re smoking out of a bendy straw. Plus, as a recycler rig, it has condensed chambers that allow for a much smoother puff than a regular bong. $130 • Elite Smoke Shop • 6005 N. Division St.
Hoping to grab a gift for a THC enthusiast, but can’t stand entering a dispensary because of the smell? Don’t fret. You can avoid the whiff of weed by gifting important smoking accessories like these vintage ash trays from online store Pearl’s Puff Parlor. The simple pink glass looks almost like crystal, so it’s sure to fit with anyone’s smoke setup. $40 • Pearl’s Puff Parlor • pearlspuffparlor.com
Looking for the most bang for your buck? These Cannabis Quencher shots are perfect. The 100 mg bottles are only 2 ounces, so they’re meant to be sipped or even mixed into other beverages. Maybe it’s the brand or perhaps it’s the strawberry lemonade flavor, but the overwhelming weed taste that most 100 mg sodas are known for is very mild in this shot. $10 • Cinder • 6010 N. Division St., 927 W. Second Ave. and 1421 N. Mullan Road, Spokane Valley
There aren’t too many aesthetically pleasing cannabis strains, but among the few Grape Runtz is one of the best options. The Treehouse Club describes it best as “a bunch of Concord grapes covered in frost.” Grape Runtz is also one of those killer hybrid strains that can appeal to almost anyone. The flower’s fruity notes make it more pleasant to smoke, and its hybrid lineage mixes the delight of an uplifting sativa with the “in-the-couch” feel of a nice relaxing indica. Starting at $12 • Treehouse Club • 14421 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley
GIFTS Very Mindful, Very Demure
Gifts for self-care enthusiasts bound to create a very relaxing, very peaceful end to the holiday season
Dark, frigid and often dreary, winter is the perfect time of year to prioritize comfort and self-care practices. With the holidays often kicking off that cozy spirit for many, there are some THC-infused items that you can gift to your friends to keep that energy going well into the new year. From topical balms and lotions to edibles, here are some gifts to get your health-conscious and mindful friends.
Chocolate is a rich, luxurious delicacy that often graces our lives during the holiday season, and while it’s already a delightful treat by itself, you can give someone the gift of chocolate edibles. Edibles from 4.20 Bar use Guittard chocolate and house-made distillates. They sell a variety of THC chocolates, like a classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate espresso, or milk chocolate and hemp crunch. For those wanting something a little different, keep an eye out for their rosin-infused milk chocolate and s’mores edibles. $25-$30 • The Vault • 2720 E. 29th Ave.
If you know someone who’s trying to cut down on smoking with-
out cutting down on their cannabis consumption, consider some edibles. Pioneer Squares makes vegan, gluten-free and Kosher fruit candy chews in an array of flavors like Pineapple Crush, Key Lime Pie, Pink Lemonade and Sour Cherry. Plus, their fruit-flavored chews have a fun surprise — a piece of real fruit inside each or a candied peel inside of the citrus chews. All of the cannabis oil inside each chew is evenly dispersed, making it easy to take a smaller dosage of a gummy without worrying about uneven concentration in the batch. $25.50 for 10-pack • Green Leaf • 9107 N. Country Homes Blvd.
Although cannabis is associated with psychoactive effects when smoked or ingested, THC has pain-relief properties when applied topically. If you have an athlete in your life, someone who’s just always on the go or someone with chronic pain, one of Ceres’ THC lotions like Dragon Balm may provide them some relief. While a lotion won’t make someone high, it often provides relief to areas of pain, helping them reach a comfortable state of being during the holidays. $22.40 and up • Apex Cannabis • 1325 N. Division St.
Another topical cannabis product that has the goal of easing pain and discomfort throughout the whole body, Ceres’ bath salts adds a layer of peacefulness to a self-care day bath. Cannabis can be used to ease muscle and joint pain, as well as cramps and other bodily discomfort, and submerging your whole body into water with THC bath salts might relieve tension you weren’t even aware of being there. $22 • Sativa Sisters • 10525 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley
CBD is one of the primary components of cannabis that’s known for its calming effects. While it’s primarily found in higher concentrations in hemp plants, when used in a more concentrated form like a tincture, it can provide a relaxing and calming feeling that can be helpful for things like anxiety and sleep. Tinctures like those from Fairwinds may have a small bit of THC in their midst as well. CBD tincture is great to give someone who may need a little extra ease in their daily life. $30-$45 • Lidz Cannabis • 2804 E. 30th Ave. and 9301 N. Division St.
A Cannabis Eras Tour
Five strains for a trip down memory lane
Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour may have wrapped up earlier this month after nearly two years on the road, but that won’t stop us from taking a trip down the cannabis memory lane. Whether you’re looking to go back all the way to the 1960s and smoke like a hippie, experience the most contemporary cannabis on the market, or stop somewhere in between, you’ll find what you’re looking for in one of these five strains.
A classic strain that was among the most common varieties of cannabis available to hippies of the 1960s, Colombian Gold was first grown in the mountains of the South American country from which it takes its name. In the decades since it first appeared in the United States, the strain’s potency has increased, but it retains a typical, uplifting sativa profile. Potency now typically reaches into the 20% range. True to its name, golden hairs stand out on a background of the frosty white flower. $9 for a 2-pack of Pre Rolled • Green Nugget • 322 E. Francis Ave.
First appearing in the 1990s from growers in the Netherlands, White Widow quickly became one of the most popular strains out there — a position it maintains to this day. A sativa-dominant
but fairly well-balanced hybrid, White Widow has been a go-to for consumers looking for moderate potency. High-quality varieties show a super crystalline exterior with a highly sticky feel. In 1995, during the early days of its popularity, it took home top honors at High Times’ Cannabis Cup. $18 for a half-gram preroll • TreeHouse Club • 14421 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley
Another strain that exploded onto the scene in the 1990s, Sour Diesel is a prototypical example of a dank and gassy smoke. Technically a hybrid, but overwhelmingly on the sativa side of things, Sour Diesel produces an energetic high. The strain is a descendant of the Colombian Gold that ruled the ’60s, through a family tree that went from the original ancestor through two versions of Skunk strains before becoming the Sour Diesel we know today. It’s popular among the hip-hop community, with many artists name-dropping it in songs and Wiz Khalifa calling it his personal favorite. $30 for 7 grams • Pend Oreille Cannabis • 601 State Route 20, Newport
The California cannabis scene has produced plenty of notable strains over the years, but in the early 2000s, after the state
legalized medical marijuana, its output boomed. One of those early new millennium creations was Blue Dream, which remains popular among medical consumers. A cross of Blueberry and Haze, the former’s flavor profile is dominant while the strain’s Haze ancestry contributes to the creative push felt by many consumers. The strain is known for its blended effects profile that combines mental stimulation with physical relaxation. $42 for an eighth of an ounce • Greenhand • 2424 N. Monroe St.
First grown in 2019, Super Boof is the most recent stop on this tour through the eras, and it has exploded in popularity in the years since. Named Strain of the Year by Leafly in 2024, Super Boof represents the cutting edge of cannabis strain development. According to Leafly research, no other strain saw its market share grow as much in 2024. It was also the most recommended new strain according to a large budtender survey conducted by Leafly. Originating as a cross between Tropicana Cookies and Black Cherry Punch, Super Boof is a true hybrid. $40 for 7 grams • Green Light • 10309 E. Trent Ave.
zone gifts
Four gifts for the discreet, on-the-go cannabis consumer on your list
Whether it’s wizardry or witchcraft, vaporizers almost feel like some form of magic. The concentrate looks nothing like the original flower and can produce an exceptionally powerful high, while the vaporizing process minimizes scent and makes vapes ideal for sneaky users. As far as film and music goes right now, little is more popular than Wicked, but when it comes to cannabis, discreet vapes have a case to match that level of popularity.
Whether they’ve always been into the color or are jumping on the bandwagon after it dominated the wardrobe in Wicked, there is bound to be someone on your list who likes their fashion to come in shades of blue. Slab Mechanics color codes their cartridges based on strain type, with their selection of hybrids featuring a sleek blue design. There are seven strains available, with Cinder locations stocking them regularly. $25 for a gram • Cinder Spokane Valley • 1421 N. Mullan Rd., Spokane Valley
New on the scene, just like Elphaba, THCV is a cannabinoid that has seen its popularity skyrocket in recent years. Unlike traditional THC, THCV isn’t known for producing the characteristic high associated with cannabis, which makes it somewhat similar to CBD. But unlike the CBD you can find at the grocery store, dispensary products featuring THCV typically include some THC as well. Making it ideal for users looking for medicinal benefits without an overwhelming stoned feeling. $45 for a gram • Toker Friendly • 1515 S. Lyons Rd., Airway Heights
The Terp Sauce Cured Jefe Notorious THC disposable vaporizer from MFUSED is powerful and notorious, just like the Wizard himself. It’s also blue, if you’re still shopping for someone with Munchkin fashion. This indica concentrate packs a strong punch in a sleek, palm-sized design. The full extracts highlight the subtle impacts of the strain’s terpene profile, which imparts
Baked & Busy
a more complex flavor and makes it perfect for those seeking medicinal effects in addition to a traditional high. $45 for a gram • Toker Friendly • 1515 S. Lyons Rd., Airway Heights
Few songs are as popular as “Popular” right now, and few accessories are as popular as the sleek batteries produced by a company with offices right here in Spokane. Vuber’s pen-shaped silver batteries are designed to connect with the most popular cartridge design on the market, the 510 thread variety. Vuber’s Pilot features three voltage settings to allow users to dial in their preferred vaporizing experience. If you’re going to buy a concentrate cartridge for someone, they’re going to need a battery to go with it. Disposable vaporizers are popular, but a reusable battery helps cut down on consumer waste. Vuber’s batteries, including the Pilot and more expensive varieties, are available at many dispensaries around the region or can be purchased directly from the manufacturer’s website. $20 • Vuber • vubervaporizers.com
hen shopping for your rightbrained stoner friends, consider skipping the dispensary and heading to a craft or local gift store to find some artsy or puzzling activities to gift them. Something like a small puzzle to fidget with while watching a movie or a coloring book full of intricate illustrations may be the perfect pastime to ignite their creativity in a highly relaxing way.
Perhaps serving as a stocking stuffer or a small addition to a larger gift, Professor Puzzle’s small Matchbox Puzzles provide a fun challenge for those in your life who love to figure things out. There are a wide variety of these mini brain teaser puzzles at Atticus Coffee & Gifts — like the Blue No. 5 wooden block or a mini Tangram — that are set to keep one entertained and bemused. $3.95$4.95 • Atticus Coffee & Gifts • 222 N. Howard St. • facebook.com/AtticusCoffee
If you have someone in your life who’s always making things themselves, building fun trinkets or pieces of decor, or just loves putting together things like Legos, consider getting them a Rolife Miniature House. This one is called Miller’s Garden, a cute little outdoor patio setting with a variety of greenery and mini furniture that creates a serene, comfy garden setting — an exciting sight during the cold, snowy winter months. Plus, Rolife sells a variety of other miniature kits that all create an epic tiny collection of rooms. As all of the pieces
in this kit are miniature, it’s not the fastest build, but it makes for a relaxing project to undergo while winding down in the evenings. $45 • Uncle’s Games Puzzles & More • 404 W. Main Ave and 14700 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley • unclesgames.com
A very versatile gift, coloring books are great for anyone who enjoys drawing, painting or anything artsy, and they’re an especially great gift for those who enjoy getting high and creating. Auntie’s Bookstore has a wide range of coloring books, with a number of fandom ones for enthusiasts of The Lord of the Rings, Disney and more. There are also a number of nature-themed or abstract coloring books with complex mandalas or freeflow linework. Pick up your pens and get ready to start coloring. $6-$35 • Auntie’s Bookstore • 402 W. Main Ave. • auntiesbooks.com
Scrapbooking is a fun way to weave together many of one’s personal aesthetics and memories together into a cohesive body of work, but adding in fun new stickers, sets or kits can bring flair to an existing scrapbook or standalone pieces that are on display in your home. 3 Craft Chicks has an array of pieces to add to your scrapbooks from brands like Doodlebug and Graphic 45, tools for your endeavors, and they also have kits and classes that feature a variety of designs as well. $1-$199 • 3 Craft Chicks • 13106 W. Sunset Hwy., Airway Heights • 3craftchicks.com
green zone gifts
Your Guide to Giving, Legally
annabis retailers are just like all other retailers this time of year, hoping to get a big boost in business from the holiday season. Some of that certainly comes from individuals buying for themselves to take the edge off during busy family functions, but it goes without saying that people are also out there buying cannabis as a gift for friends and loved ones.
But that is despite the fact that while cannabis is likely to be more well received than a new pair of socks, it can have radically different legal ramifications.
Washington’s rules on gifting cannabis have changed over the years, with recent changes clarifying the legality of giving cannabis to someone else.
Take the socks example again. Obviously you can legally give someone a pair of socks as a gift. You could give them a hundred pairs of socks, if you wanted to be that kind of person. But when it comes to cannabis, more might be merrier, but not necessarily legal.
First of all, there is a limit to how much cannabis a person can legally possess at any given time. For cannabis flower, that limit is 1 ounce, which is also the limit that can be purchased at any one time.
If someone on your list just picked up an ounce at a dispensary, and you give them another gram, they’re now committing a misdemeanor and could face up to a $1,000 fine. Are they really at much risk in that scenario? Well, no, because law enforcement can’t show up to a private residence and do a cannabis search for no reason.
Other rules more specific to gifting cannabis are also similarly hard to enforce.
Washington’s state code defines how to legally give cannabis as a gift. However, like all state code, it’s not exactly easy reading.
“The delivery by a person 21 years of age or older
to one or more persons 21 years of age or older, during a single 24 hour period, for noncommercial purposes and not conditioned upon or done in connection with the provision or receipt of financial consideration, of any of the following cannabis products, is not a violation of this section, this chapter, or any other provisions of Washington state law…” can make your eyes glaze over, and that’s before you even get to the specific products and quantities.
However, there are some simple ground rules to follow.
• Don’t give more than a half-ounce of “usable cannabis” — flower, pre-rolls, etc.
• Don’t give more than 100 milligrams of THC in concentrate form — vape cartridges, edibles, beverages, etc.
• Don’t give any cannabis to a minor under 21.
• Don’t give cannabis in any form or quantity in exchange for money — technically this means you shouldn’t Venmo a friend to buy you something at a dispensary.
• Don’t give the same person cannabis more than one time a day.
• Any cannabis gifted must have been legally purchased in Washington and still in its original packaging.
Stay within those rules, and you’re likely to stay on the right side of the law this holiday season. But remember, that’s just you, not necessarily the person receiving the gift. They could still find themselves above the personal possession limit simply by receiving a gift.
It may not be as clear cut as what you need to know before wrapping up a pair of socks — about all you need to know with that gift is maybe come up with a better idea — but at least it’s not fully illegal anymore.
So gift away this holiday season, but if you’re the paranoid type of consumer, you may want to read through the code in RCW 69.50.4013 before you get to shopping. n
BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 Initiative 502 and Senate Bill 5052). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington state, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects; there may be health risks associated with its consumption, and it may be habit-forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. Keep out of reach of children. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at www.liq.wa.gov.
Be aware of the differences in the law between Idaho and Washington. It is illegal to possess, sell or transport cannabis in the State of Idaho. Possessing up to an ounce is a misdemeanor and can get you a year in jail and up to a $1,000 fine; more than three ounces is a felony that can carry a five-year sentence and fine of up to $10,000. Transporting marijuana across state lines, like from Washington into Idaho, is a felony under federal law.
Pereira’s personal favorite is the Cuban sandwich ($15.50) with thick-sliced honey ham, shredded roasted pork, Cuban relish and chipotle aioli. A new customer favorite on Eddie’s menu, and that’s never been served at Pereira’s other restaurants, are the hand-cut fries ($5.50).
Resembling a potato chip, the fries are crispy like the shoestring fries from Lost Boys’ but with a soft interior akin to a potato wedge. Not to mention the chip shape allows for great dipping.
Grab a seat at the bar and order your beverage of choice. With large-screen TVs mounted in the corner, Eddie’s bar is a great place to watch the game or news, or to get that social connection with the wait staff. While you won’t find crazy craft cocktails, there are plenty of classic cocktails like a martini ($12) and whiskey sour ($11).
“I’m a real stickler for sticking to the roots of a drink,” Pereira says, adding that Eddie’s front-of-house manager, Justin Winkler, strives to ensure the drinks are true to original recipes.
Opening Eddie’s was not on Pereira’s 2024 bucket list. He immediately regretted selling Summit Kitchen & Canteen, but there was no going back — he could only move forward.
Pereira’s first eatery, Lost Boys’ Garage, opened in 2015 in what was originally an auto transmission shop. He and Goodwin then opened Summit Kitchen & Canteen in the old Lindaman’s Gourmetto-Go spot in 2021, but didn’t anticipate the extensive renovation costs required to return the building, once a grocery store, to its former glory.
With his attention then divided between the two eateries, however, Pereira says they made the decision to close Lost Boys’ Garage for a number of reasons in 2023.
“Lost Boys’ was doing well for a long time, just some outside circumstances and then just taking my eye off the ball basically — I was focusing on Summit,” he says.
Summit Kitchen & Canteen closed in May of this year after only two years of operation due to the extensive renovation costs, which created a snowball effect along with rent and other bills. The space is now home to the newly opened Little Euro.
So, Pereira set his sights on the next business venture: Eddie’s.
“As soon as we had sold it I started looking for another place. Just looking for a place that we didn’t have to do like Lindaman’s,” he says.
Months ago while scrolling through a local food group on Facebook, Pereira saw posts about Mac Daddy’s North Division location closing (the restaurant is still open inside River Park Square). He dug a bit deeper and found out that it was about to be listed.
Most importantly, the location wouldn’t come with renovation nightmares like Summit Kitchen.
“This space already had the tables and chairs, the kitchen equipment was here, the bar was here. So we pretty much came in and put a new coat of lipstick on everything in our own theme,” Pereira says.
In an area of North Spokane saturated with chain restaurants, Pereira knows Eddie’s needs all the buzz it can get. So far, he’s already seen an influx of regulars who’ve missed his past two spots. Living up to the “tavern” part of its name, Pereira hopes Eddie’s can soon host regular events like karaoke and trivia nights.
“In the first of the year, we’re going to start doing karaoke Friday and Saturday nights, and we’re really kind of focusing on classy karaoke to go with our theme,” he says.
Pereira’s vision for the space is summed up nicely on Eddie’s Tavern & Kitchen’s socials: “A tavern is more than just a place to eat — it’s a place to gather. Come for the food, stay for the friendships.” n
Eddie’s Kitchen & Tavern • 10115 N. Newport Hwy. • Open WedSat 11:30 am-9 pm, Sun 11:30 am-8 pm (Starting Jan. 10, Fri-Sat 11:30 am-midnight) • Instagram: @eddieskitchentavern • 509-329-6781
Holiday Hullabaloo
TT’s ditches its barbecue menu to rebrand; Ultimate Bagel lives on; plus winter food pop-ups
While Hillyard’s Tex-Mex eatery Locos closed in early November, diners didn’t have to wait long for a replacement. Crazy Train Eatery opened in the space in the beginning of December, and is also owned and operated by The Grain Shed.
Teddy Benson, Grain Shed’s brewmaster and the cooperatively owned venture’s board president, says Locos’ closure was primarily due to financial difficulties.
“We were looking at the financial draw of Locos putting the entire organization in jeopardy and bankruptcy,” Benson says. “Running and operating a barbecue restaurant in Spokane is extremely difficult” — and expensive, he adds.
Crazy Train Eatery is now managed by a longtime Grain Shed chef and co-owner, Meranda Tylluan, who’s led the establishment to a simpler, tried-and-true menu of sandwiches, burgers and salads, all using The Grain Shed’s baked goods, of course. Wash it down with a pint from one of four rotating beers on tap.
“We are excited to be there; we are excited to be back,” Benson says. “The United Building is just a beautiful place… We’re hoping things go well this time around, that we can have that location be something that’s financially feasible.”
Barbecue lovers may also be shedding some tears over the news that TT’s Old Iron Brewery & BBQ is returning to its brewpub roots and removing barbecue from its menu at both its Spokane Valley and Liberty Lake locations.
Last weekend was the last time customers could get their hands on TT’s Southern-style barbecue fixins’, and TT’s is closing through the end of the year to rebrand its food menu. It’ll return to its brewery roots in name, too, going back to TT’s Old Iron Brewery.
Owner Travis Thosath says food and labor costs, alongside a drop in business, are the reason for the changes.
Those who were distraught when The Ultimate Bagel near Gonzaga University announced its closure in October can let out a sigh of relief
now that Little Garden Cafe is taking over both the space and its beloved bagel recipes come January.
Little Garden Cafe currently has two locations in Spokane, at 2901 W. Northwest Blvd. and 9918 N. Waikiki Road, near Whitworth University.
Until the new year, Ultimate Bagel owner Christi Chapman will continue to work alongside baking partner John Manalowe to serve their bagels beloved by the community for 30 years, while also passing their bagel baking secrets to Little Garden’s owners, Faith and David Alderete.
In other tasty news, Bardic Brewing and Cider celebrated the opening of a new downtown taphouse on Dec. 7. People who love to geek out and drink craft beer can feel right at home inside the new space at 201 W. Riverside Ave., formerly Mountain Lakes Brewing Co.
Feel some seasonal magic at The Volstead Act’s Miracle pop-up bar. Sip on festive cocktails like the Chrismapolitan and snowball old-fashioned while surrounded by the loudest holiday decorations you could hope for. The pop-up is active through Dec. 31, so dig out your ugly Christmas sweaters, grab some friends and join in the cheer.
Foodwise, Inland Pacific Kitchen is offering several limited, themed menus through December. From Dec. 18 to 28, the fine dining establishment is bringing back their popular Chinese takeout menu, for which chefs create their own delicious interpretations of classic Chinese dishes.
For those whose favorite Christmas movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas, rejoice with Inland Pacific Kitchen’s “Burton’s Brunch” on Dec. 21 and 22. Then, be transported to New Orleans for a New Year’s Eve dinner featuring a menu of the Southern city’s culinary classics. The five-course meal is $135 per person and includes one classic NOLA-style cocktail at Hogwash Whiskey Den. Dressing up is encouraged, too!
Need a last-minute stocking stuffer? Birdie’s Pie Shop is now selling their limited “Pie for the Year” stamp cards. For $38 for sweet pies and $48 for savory, cardholders get one personal pie each month in 2025. The math comes out to half-off regular price — a steal for pie lovers! Birdies is only selling about 50 cards at each of its three locations. Order online (birdiespies.com) and pick which store you’d like to pick up from. n
All aboard the Crazy Train! COURTESY PHOTOS
Eddie’s mozzarella sticks. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO “COMFORT & JOY,” CONTINUED...
The man’s got decades of mileage on those knees, making it hard to pick, but here are his top local runs
We all have our favorite runs at our local ski resort. Some of them aren’t even designated or named runs; sometimes they’re just a spot in between the trees or a line that you have memorized; sometimes they’re a blend of multiple runs. Over the past four decades, I’ve been fortunate to log miles at all five of our local resorts. Whether it’s a day of adventuring with my friends or having a bona fide local show you their secret stash, I’ve had the chance to experience some fun runs at all our local mountains. Let’s start this off at Lookout…
If you like getting in some high-quality, fast turns while putting those leg muscles to the test, Bonanza at Lookout Pass is one of my favorites, with nonstoppers from top to bottom. Located on the Montana side just off the Peak 1 Chair, Bonanza is a Blue Square run that has a fun, consistent pitch almost all the way back down to the lift. This is a run where you can push your endurance level while getting a good leg burn without too much risk of getting over your head because of steepness. It’s common that I’ll see a small group of Lookout Pass locals, who are known as the Red Dog Squad, laying down some textbook turns on this run.
As a photog, this is also one of my favorite runs to shoot photos at Lookout because of the variety of turns and backdrops I can get from one run. At the top of the run facing south toward Mullan, I get cool panoramic shots of riders with the mountains and valley in the background; then, if I switch my position and point east, there’s a nice roll in the middle of the run that really emphasizes the riders turns. Over the years, I’ve been able to capture some exciting action on just this one run.
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Bob Legasa shredding with a smile on Bonanza: “This is a run where you can push your endurance level.”
Alison Murphy and Bob Legasa on Lower Bonanza at Lookout Pass.
This is my home mountain, and with close to 50 years of skiing here, there’s not many places or stashes I’ve not experienced. One run I really enjoy hitting is K-Mac’s. This steep, groomed run is on the front side in the Schweitzer Bowl. Between the steepness and the incredible views of Lake Pend Oreille, you’ll be in sensory overload.
To get to it, take the Lakeview Triple, hang a left, and make your way down the south ridge.
K-Mac’s is a black diamond where you can put your carving skills to the test. It’s steep and wide and groomed to perfection nightly with a winch cat, making it the perfect place to lay down some big, long trenches with your boards. I typically like to come in making big GS turns down the south ridge to the dead snag directly over the middle of K-Mac’s. A big, hard, left hander just below the snag will line you perfectly over the middle of K-Mac’s. Here, you’ll start to feel the mountain drop away as you get to the steep section. For about 300 yards, you’ll get in lots of adrenaline-filled left and right turns. Then it all flattens off and puts you at the top of the Stomping Grounds Terrain Park and Crystal.
If you’re lucky enough to hit K-Mac’s on a powder day, just to the righthand side you’ll find plenty of wide-open, sparsely treed glade skiing. This area is a must.
Depending on your age, you can slide in the Stomping Grounds Terrain Park, which is one of the better terrain parks in the Pacific Northwest. It’s always a good time watching skiers and boarders of varying skill levels testing their air awareness off a manicured jump line that consists of three to four medium to large jumps and features. Please make sure you know proper Terrain Park safety and etiquette before you venture in. If you don’t want to slide into the Terrain Park, you can always get back to the bottom via Crystal Run, which will wrap you back down to the base.
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Dan Herby ripping down K-Mac’s.
At the Stomping Grounds Terrain Park: Matt Gillis (above) and Ryan Fogarty (below).
Jenna Norris on South Meadows, overlooking Newman Lake.
Mt. Spokane, or the Kan as the locals call it, is well known for its night skiing. In fact, back when I was in high school, which were the best six years of my life, I’d spend many a Wednesday night skiing under the lights off Chair 2 at Mt. Spokane, training moguls. Nowadays, I try to stay out of the bumps and instead ski the groomers or powder. One of my all-time favorite runs at Mt. Spokane is actually a blend of Black Diamond runs, South Meadows and No Alibi, which are located just above Lodge 1. Talk about a long, consistent pitch, where you can get your boards going in and out of the fall line for almost 1,700 vertical feet.
My method of approach: Ride the legendary Vista Cruiser (Chair 1) double to the top. Make sure when you’re about ready to unload the chair that you give lift op Patrick Walsh a loud “Hey Dude!” and in typical Patrick style you’ll get a big thumbs-up. Patrick is well known at the Kan and is nicknamed, the Dude. This will be the Dude’s 18th year working as a lift op on Chair 1. The Dude has a heart of gold and an appetite for life.
Here’s my route: When you get off Chair 1, turn left and go down the ridge a few hundred yards past the entrance to No Alibi. Get yourself lined up over the top of South Meadows, which is a huge, wide-open face with incredible panoramic views to the south looking over Newman Lake. I usually start off on South Meadows because it’s just such a cool place to make some big open turns on a huge face. If you’re lucky you can catch South Meadows with fresh powder. I’ll make my way down about 300 to 400 yards, and I’ll veer slightly to the left intersecting back into No Alibi.
Once I hit No Alibi, it’s game on for some high-speed turns — and lots of them. This is a long run, and it has a very consistent pitch all the way to the bottom. If you venture over to the left of it, you can catch some moguls under the chairlift. If you want to get the chairlift hooting and hollering, give this Hollywood Line a rip!
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The Dude (left, aka Patrick Walsh) is a fixture on top of Chair 1, where No Alibi beckons.
My start at Silver Mountain dates back to the Silverhorn days in the late 1970s and ’80s. I’ve had some pretty fun and memorable powder days riding at Silver Mountain over that time.
Other than skiing the gondola line all the way down into the town of Wardner on one huge powder day many years ago, one of my all-time favorite powder runs at Silver Mountain is dropping into North Face Glades off of Chair 2 on a pow day. I was introduced to this zone about 20 years ago by one of my ski buddies and longtime Silver local, Robert Hoskinson.
To drop into this steep, treed zone, you’ll need to go through one of the access gates off Silver Belt or Skyway Ridge. Just like any backcountry powder adventure, take a ski buddy with you, both carrying all the necessary safety gear such as transceiver, probe and shovel for starters.
North Face Glades is the real deal for riders who love steep and deep powder. It’s treed with lots of open pockets that are sparsely timbered. There’s plenty of features to keep you honest and up your game. Everything in this zone funnels down to the Centennial Cat Track. Once you hit Centennial, follow it until you hit Chair 3 where you can load and go back up to the base and then drop down to Chair 2 to session it again. If you’re lucky enough to hit Silver on an epic powder day, North Face Glades is a must.
The Angel Peak basin has been open for about 15 years now, and during that time there’s been some selective glading and fine tuning of the runs in the basin. Angel Peak basin is usually a spot I can find powder stashes, even a couple of days after a storm.
When I’m shooting photos, I’m always looking for a cool backdrop or an exciting feature to highlight the image. One of the things that always draws me to Angel Peak is the open gladed pockets with cool trees that add excitement to the photos.
My favorite run isn’t actually a run, it’s nestled between some runs. I like skiing about halfway down Northwest Ridge and then making a right into the gladed area that is in between Northwest Ridge and the Angel Peak chairlift.
This area has a fun pitch, and the spacing between trees is easily navigable. As you’re making your way through these glades, you’ll drop onto and cross the Stope run. If you look to the skiers left, there’s Separate; over to the right is the Angel Peak chair. Once again, I like to take this right down the middle between the Separate run and the chairlift, always on the lookout for those untouched pockets. You can ride this all the way down to Griz or Outer Dutchman, which brings you back to the Angel Peak chair.
Don’t be afraid to venture off and explore a little bit at your local mountain… but please remember, if you get off the trail, make sure you have a ski partner with you, as tree wells can have deadly consequences.
It’s looking like we’re off to a great ski and snowboard season so far. Get out there and enjoy winter! n
Bob Legasa has been a Snowlander contributor since 1994. He’s also a Haydenbased independent videographer, TV producer and snowsports event promoter with his Freeride Media company.
Bob Legasa in the North Face Glades: “The real deal for riders who love steep and deep powder.”
“Angel Peak basin is usually a spot I can find powder stashes,” writes Legasa; here’s Chelsea Nova right in the thick of it.
Ditch the drive and maximize your winter. Located just outside the city limits, and offering 12-hour ski days, Mt. Spokane gives you more time to play on the slopes.
If you seek out the comforting embrace of our wooden chaperones of the high country, you will learn the secrets of tree skiing in the INW
John Grollmus among the trees in the Monashee Mountains. LAURA SZANTO PHOTO
Tree skiing is the best skiing. Of course you can say that’s just my opinion, and of course you’d be right. However, if you take the time to come along on this ride with me, I’m pretty sure I can convince you that it is. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been the first skier down a steep, wide-open ski slope freshly blanketed in the fluffy white stuff more times than I can count, and that is certainly a thrill to behold. An argument can certainly be made that having the ability to turn whenever you want, wherever you want without fear of what lies around the next blind spot is a special kind of freedom, and that it is. Some will say that the rush to be found in being able to really let it rip when there aren’t any obstructions is the best you can get on a ski hill. One might even believe that the unfiltered light on an open slope is where it’s at, or that being seen from the chairlift is important, or that freestyling through a perfect field of bumps is the thing. People can say whatever they want about tree skiing not being the best, but they’re wrong.
TREE SKIING HAS SOUL, not just figuratively either. Trees communicate with each other via a system sometimes referred to as the “wood wide web” and that being the case, it’s hard to argue that trees don’t have souls. I mean, how cool is that? I’d like to think that every time I ski a particularly righteous line through the woods the trees shoot a collective instant message out among themselves saying something along the lines of, “Did you guys see that? Man, that human sure can carve a gorgeous track.” Of course, I’m aware that this isn’t actually what kind of communication is going on between the trees, but on the right day, with the right snow and with just the right light sparkling through the branches it certainly feels like it, so I’m just going to keep picturing it that way.
TREE SKIING IS AN ART FORM. There’s a guy I’ve seen skiing for decades at my home hill who makes the exact same turns back and forth, side to side, at the exact same pace no matter what the conditions are. So perfectly repetitive are his turns that I’ve dubbed him “metronome man.” While his feat is certainly impressive, it lacks any kind of style that one might call art. The thing about tree skiing, you see, is that the trees have an immense say in how we ski through them. So much in fact that if you ski the same tree run over and over all day long, you’re likely to never ski it the same way twice. The light filtering through differently depending on the time of day, the snow falling from the branches as temperatures change, or even the momentary loss of vision as the wind picks up feathery flakes from their temporary homes among the needles are just a few of the factors that make tree skiing so dynamic and require that we approach the sacred lines which lie below a canopy of gossiping limbs through the eyes of an artist.
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for your mid-winter getaway
TREE SKIING IS A SECRET. The wideopen slopes that can easily be viewed from the suspended reference point of a chairlift are low-hanging fruit. First-time visitors to a given ski area can spot them almost without effort, and as such they are often the first runs to be carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey. In the magical wonderland of the trees, untracked lines lie hidden for days. Any true ski bum who has put in the time at their chosen ski mountain home will be able to recognize certain trees and certain spaces between them which function as doorways to hidden wonderlands of powder not unlike the wardrobe provided a portal into the secret world of Narnia.
TREE SKIING IS PROTECTED. There are many enemies of truly great powder skiing, and our friends the trees act as noble knights standing tall in defense against many of those. A foot of low-density snow may fall directly from the sky overnight only to be tainted by a firm crust formed from an early morning wind event, but our protectors — the trees — will stand firm and save soft stashes for us hidden almost in plain sight. A gorgeous sunny powder day may start out light and fluffy but soon turn dense and manky from the ill effects of solar radiation. Once again, our allies the trees come to the rescue, spreading their broad branchy arms out high above us providing much needed protection from the sun’s radiant destruction.
TREE SKIING IS UNIQUE. Every great tree-skiing location around the globe features different kinds of trees and as such a different form of tree ski
*Some restrictions apply
ing. Some say the tree skiers from the Eastern United States are the most proficient, and watching even one video of someone slaying the impossibly tight trees of Jay Peak, Vermont, will make you believe it. The beauty and spacing of the aspens at Steamboat Springs, Colorado, have been a tree skiing holy grail since what feels like the dawn of time. The unique birch trees on the slopes of Japan are pretty much ubiquitous in any ski photo taken there and have become almost a required pilgrimage for those who truly love life in the trees.
TREE SKIING IS LOCAL. Here in the Northwest, we are lucky to have some of the best tree skiing around. Among our five local hills, you can find a mixed bag of subalpine firs, hemlock, some of the biggest cedars you’ll ever see and of course the western larch or tamarack that so kindly shed their needles in the winter, creating more space between them and less of a tree well hazard. Just north of us lies Baldface Lodge, which offers snowcat-serviced steep tree skiing among the best you can find anywhere on earth. Closer to home, the unique nature of Schweitzer owning the land upon which the ski slopes are located rather than operating on leased forestland enables them to thin trees at will, helping create some of the best lift-serviced tree skiing available in North America.
TREE SKIING IS THE BEST SKIING. There, I said it again. If my words were not persuasive enough to convince you, then I highly
immediately head to any one of our great local tree runs and find out for yourself. Who knows, maybe by the end of the day you will have memorized your own special tree that indicates the entrance to your own private wonderland of powder, hiding in plain sight under the protection of our wooden chaperones. If you leave a special enough line through the snow, who knows? The trees might even be talking about you. n
John Grollmus is a lifetime resident of the Inland Northwest, local restaurateur and backcountry ski guide. He loves all things outdoors, food of every kind and, more than almost anything, skiing. John can currently be found living with his wife and favorite
New Year celebrations often include fireworks, champagne and watching the ball drop while sitting on a couch. Why not mix it up this year by spending the final hours of 2024 flying down Schweitzer’s tubing hill? This action-packed adventure includes snacks, hot chocolate and an LED wand to guide you through the snowy terrain. Once tubing ends, join in for a complimentary sparkler celebration with apple cider, glow sticks and more.
Whitewater Snowlander Ad - December 2024 - saved as outlines.pdf 1 10/08/2024 12:30:56 PM
In 1967, Jackass Ski Bowl opened on Wardner Peak in Kellogg, ID. In the years since, the area has transformed into what we now know as Silver Mountain Resort. Each year in January, the resort invites its patrons to participate in a cherished Silver Mountain tradition at the resort’s annual Jackass Day. To celebrate the area’s ski roots, you’re invited to don your best vintage ski gear and snag a lift ticket at a retro price. Grab your skis, snowboard and your warmest gear and thank some jackass for the cheap lift tickets!
Thu, Jan. 9; all day • $19.95-$21.95 • Silver Mountain Resort • 610 Bunker Ave., Kellogg • silvermt.com
Tubing away what’s left of 2024. SCHWEITZER PHOTO
The dress code for Jackass Day? You’re looking at it. SILVER MOUNTAIN PHOTO
DJ NIGHT ON THE ICE Skate with music, lights, contests and more. Every Friday at 6 pm through Jan 24. $7-$10. Numerica Skate Ribbon, 720 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. riverfrontspokane.com (509-625-6600)
SPOKANE A guided snowshoe tour through the trails around Mt. Spokane at night. Includes guides, gear and instruction. Meet at Yoke’s Parking Lot 14202 N. Market St. Preregistration required. Ages 16+. Dec. 20, 6-9:30 pm. $39. Mt. Spokane State Park, 26107 N. Mt. Spokane Park. my.spokanecity.org/parksrec
ADVENTURES Guides share tips and tricks through family-friendly activities. More info after pre-registration. Dec. 22, 9 am-1 pm, Dec. 30, 9 am-4 pm and Jan. 3, 9:30 am-2:30 pm. Mt. Spokane State Park, 26107 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. my.spokanecity. org/parksrec
DRESS LIKE SANTA DAY Stop by the ticket window dressed in a full-on
Santa suit or Mrs. Claus outfit and receive a lift ticket for $20. Costume must meet quality standards. Dec. 23. $20. Lookout Pass Ski & Recreation Area, skilookout.com
SKI WITH SANTA Hit the slopes with Santa and Mrs. Claus on Schweitzer’s beginner and intermediate runs and take photos with the duo. Dec. 23-24, 1-3:30 pm. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer.com
CAMP A camp focused on developing skiing, racing and freeriding skills while developing confidence. Dec. 27-31. $389. 49 Degrees North, 3311 Flowery Trail Rd. ski49n.com
WILD Regular season games. Promotional schedule: Sturm Heating Family Feast Night. Dec. 27, 7:05 pm. $12-$40. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanechiefs.com
CALM BENEATH CASTLES A ski movie that delves into the heart, soul and mind of skiers driven by a thirst for adventure. Dec. 28, 7 pm. $10-$15. Silver Mountain Resort, 610 Bunker Ave. silvermt.com (208-783-1111)
CLUB SHRED Kids learn and practice ski skills with instructors and participate in fun activities like snow fort building, movies and more. Jan. 3-March 14, every Friday from 5-8 pm. Advance registration required. Ages 4-10. $49. Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park, 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. mtspokane.com
NIGHT RIDERS A nighttime ski/snowboard opportunity for intermediate athletes guided by instructors. Ages 8-17. Advance registration required. Jan. 3-March 14, every Friday from 5-8
pm. 5-8 pm. $25-$45. Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park, 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. mtspokane.com
JUNIOR RACE SERIES A low-cost race series for young snow athletes with instruction and time NASTAR runs. Jan. 10-31, every Friday at 5 pm. $35$45. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer.com
WILD & SCENIC FILM FESTIVAL A curated selection of films highlighting local stories of environmental action and communities coming together
to create change. Jan. 11, 6 pm. $12$23. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthypac.square.site
SCHWEITZER TORCHLIGHT PARADE & FIREWORKS The annual Torchlight Parade and fireworks show with activities for the whole family. Jan. 18. Free. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer.com
Martin Luther King Jr. Day with free cocoa at the Vista House. Jan. 20, 10 am-3 pm. Free. Mt. Spokane Ski
& Snowboard Park, 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. mtspokane.com
TOYOTA FREE SKI FRIDAY Bring your Toyota, Scion or Lexus to Schweitzer and get a free lift ticket for the day. One free lift ticket will be given for each Toyota vehicle driven to the resort. Jan. 24, 9 am-3:30 pm. Free. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer.com (208-263-9555)
BACKCOUNTRY FILM FESTIVAL Look back at 20 years of winter sports films to celebrate the 20th anniversary of
the Backcountry Film Festival. Jan. 29, 7 pm. $12. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org (208-882-4127)
GIRLS WITH GRIT SKI CLINIC This ski clinic focuses on improving skiing abilities like moguls, steeps, power slides, trees and confidence. Jan. 30, 9 am-2:30 pm. $375. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer. com (208-263-9555)
LADIES’ DAY CLINIC A ladies-only clinic led by mountain instructors. The day-long event also features a
morning stretch, coffee, lunch and a social hour. Ages 18+. Feb. 7, 8:30 am-3 pm and March 7, 8:30 am-3 pm. $149. Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park, 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. mtspokane.com (509-238-2220)
LINES OF SIGHT An immersive virtual reality experience featuring a heli-skiing adventure. Ages 13+. Feb. 7, Feb. 8 and Feb. 9. Free. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer.com (208-263-9555)
CROSS COUNTRY MOONLIGHT SKI AND DINNER Make your way through the woods on cross country skis and enjoy a scratch-made meal of lasagna, salad and breadsticks afterward.
Feb. 8, 6-9 pm. $79. Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park, 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. spokanerec.org
SPOKANE CHIEFS VS. TRI-CITY AMERICANS Regular season games. Promotional schedule: Chiefs Fight Cancer Night (Feb. 15), 40th Season Celebration (Feb. 21) and Miller Lite St. Paddy’s Day Jersey Sweepstakes
(March 15). Feb. 15, 6:05 pm, Feb. 21, 7:05 pm and March 15, 6:05 pm. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanechiefs.com (509-279-7000)
LET IT GLOW KIDS PARADE & FIREWORKS A parade for kids and a fireworks show plus twilight skiing, live music and beer specials. Feb. 16. Free. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer.com
MEGADEMO DAY Over 20 brands bring over 400 total pairs of 20242025 skis and snowboards to try. All
proceeds benefit the Panhandle Alliance for Education. March 1, 7:30 am-3 pm. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer.com
IFSA JUNIOR REGIONAL 2 LAKESIDE CHUTE-OUT Freeskiers and riders will take on Schweitzer’s steep and challenging terrain as they compete for a spot on the podium in the annual Lakeside Chute-Out. March 8 and March 9. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer. com (208-263-9555)
TOYOTA FREE SKI FRIDAY The driver of any Toyota, Scion or Lexus is eligible for the free lift ticket. March 14. Free. Silver Mountain Resort, 610 Bunker Ave. silvermt.com
SNOW GHOST BANKED SLALOM A traditional hand-dug banked slalom competition in partnership with 7B and Schweitzer. All proceeds will go to the Bonner County Skatepark Association expansion plans. March 29-30. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer.com n
A Complete Unknown offers a competent but unremarkable portrayal of Bob Dylan
It’s become a running joke among film critics and cinephiles that Jake Kasdan’s 2007 parody Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story was so effective that it destroyed the idea of the conventional music biopic. The truth, though, is that clichéd music biopics have flourished at the box office since then, and audiences are apparently eager to see the lives of famous musicians presented in a straightforward, comforting manner. Director James Mangold’s 2005 biopic about Johnny Cash, Walk the Line, was the primary target of Walk Hard, yet Mangold himself is back with another rote biopic about a great musician — the Bob Dylan portrait, A Complete Unknown
(Edward Norton), who takes Dylan under his wing and helps him become a folk music sensation… and, soon after, a major pop star. The tension between Seeger’s mentorship of the young upstart and Dylan’s increasing disdain for the constraints of folk music is the most interesting thematic thread in A Complete Unknown, and Norton gives the movie’s best performance as a genial, well-intentioned artist who’s slowly realizing that pop culture is passing him by.
Rated R
Directed by James Mangold
Starring Timothée Chalamet, Edward Norton, Monica Barbaro
At least Mangold isn’t entirely copying his own formula with A Complete Unknown, which hones in on a relatively brief period in Dylan’s sprawling career: his arrival in New York City in 1961 to his controversial performance at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965. It still feels like little more than an illustrated Wikipedia entry, despite some strong supporting performances and a decent eye for period detail. Timothée Chalamet rarely rises above an effective impression in his performance as Dylan, who arrives from Minnesota determined to visit his hero, ailing folk singer Woody Guthrie (Scott McNairy), in the hospital.
That’s where Dylan meets fellow folk singer Pete Seeger
Once Dylan starts performing in the smoky NYC coffeehouses that are home to the burgeoning folk scene, it doesn’t take long before he catches the eye of both manager Albert Grossman (Dan Fogler) and the already popular folk singer Joan Baez (Monica Barbaro). Grossman barrels his way into representing Dylan, but this isn’t the familiar story of an unscrupulous manager taking advantage of a naïve musical talent. Dylan always seems fully in control of his career, even when that means angering his fellow musicians and, later, his own fans.
Time would prove Dylan right on pretty much all counts, but that didn’t make him a pleasant person to be around, and Mangold and co-writer Jay Cocks never successfully capture the source of Dylan’s genius. The songs are brilliant because they’re classics that have stood the test of time, but in the moment they’re still untested, and Mangold relies on simplistic wonder to convey that brilliance. It’s almost comical how many awed reaction shots Mangold cuts to when Dylan breaks out a now-iconic song like “The Times They Are a-Changin’” for the first time.
Dylan starts dating painter and activist Sylvie Russo (Elle Fanning) seemingly for no reason other than narrative expedience, and the character inspired by Dylan’s real-life
The latest from Angel Studios finds a family retreating to the ultimate prepper fortress in the Rockies after a nuclear attack sends society into chaos. But will those inside the militarily protected walls help those outside or instead use violence to keep them out? Rated PG-13
While the CGI Lion King remake was bafflingly unnecessary, this prequel at least tells a new story (the origin stories for Mufasa and Scar) and is directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Barry Jenkins (Moonlight) for some reason. Rated PG
Oscar-winner Paul Schrader’s latest drama finds a terminally ill filmmaker who dodged the Vietnam War draft by fleeing to Canada (Richard Gere; Jacob Elordi in flashbacks) telling his life story to a documentary crew. But those around him, including his wife (Uma Thurman) begin to question if he’s an unreliable narrator due to his failing memory. Not rated At the Magic Lantern
The latest entry in the family-friendly franchise sees Sonic, Tails and Knuckles having to battle against Shadow the Hedgehog and… multiple Dr. Robotniks? Rated PG
girlfriend Suze Rotolo never comes off as more than a convenient composite. Barbaro brings more dimensions to Baez, whose on-again, off-again affair with Dylan was the subject of some of her own later work, and who pushes back on Dylan’s self-centered perspective.
At one point, Baez calls Dylan an asshole, but his assholishness remains as inscrutable as his talent. In reality, Dylan is famously unknowable, one of pop culture’s most mysterious figures despite decades in the spotlight. Filmmaker Todd Haynes leaned into this idea with his impressionistic 2007 film I’m Not There, which takes an oblique approach to Dylan’s life and music. Haynes’ film has more artistic kinship with Dylan even if it never directly depicts any of his actual history. Mangold opts for fictionalized but realistic drama, which has neither the advantage of true verisimilitude, nor the freedom of formal experimentation.
Instead, Mangold leaves all the experimenting to Dylan, who soon grows restless with the sparse folk sound that has made him famous and recruits an impromptu band for a shift into full-on electrified rock and roll. That shift culminates in his 1965 set at Newport, where purists like Seeger beg him not to commit what they see as a betrayal by performing his raucous new songs. Mangold’s old pal Johnny Cash (played by Boyd Holbrook rather than Walk the Line star Joaquin Phoenix) shows up to encourage Dylan, in a clumsy passing-of-the-guard between both musicians and biopics.
It’s all handsomely shot and mildly engaging, with great music that is of course greater in its original form. The overall effect for both Dylan fans and newcomers will be to encourage giving Dylan’s albums another spin, which isn’t a bad thing. There’s just no need to sit through two hours of somber cosplay in order to get there. n
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the Tim. The answer is blowin’ in the
Beware the Shadow of the Vampire
Nosferatu is a haunting horror vision from Robert Eggers
It’s not every day a filmmaker sets out to remake one of the most significant works of cinema in the last century, but Robert Eggers is no everyday filmmaker. After making his feature debut with the staggering 2015 film The Witch, he has taken us again and again into rich worlds that are uniquely yet timelessly terrifying, crafting experiences that feel
less created by modern men than myths conjured from the dark shadows of horrors of the past. Though 2019’s The Lighthouse was a confined story of madness consuming two lonely men on an island and 2022’s The Northman was a revenge epic about a man swallowed up by his insatiable desire for blood, each was interested in stripping away more conventional storytelling elements to get to the core of the characters living (and dying) at their specific moments in time.
Rated R
film that is both deeply reverential of F.W. Murnau’s 1922 original while remaining refreshing, admirably willing to explore plenty of its own ideas on a formal and thematic level. If you are ever going to remake a horror classic, this is the way to do it. While not as magnificent as The Witch, which remains the pinnacle of Eggers’ filmography thus far, it similarly gets into the blood and guts of fear, remaining faithful to the material while bringing a frightening visual depth to every shot. Rather than attempt to step out of the long shadow cast by one of cinema’s first vampires, it embraces the gorgeous darkness it finds itself in, instilling it with a new sense of awe and terror. It doesn’t exhume the bodies of horror movies of old as far too many remakes do. Instead, it gives it a bewitching, beautiful, and brutal new life.
The one at the center of this vision is Lily-Rose Depp’s troubled Ellen Hutter whose face we first see emerge from the shadows in a killer opening shot as she is entranced by the terrifying being that is Nosferatu. While we only see him in a brief flash before she then convulses on the ground, the stage is set as we leap forward years to see how Ellen is still struggling with this being from her past. Depp, who was recently done a grave disservice by the disastrous series The Idol, is astounding here, immersing us in the delicate life her character is hoping to build — one that will soon begin to shatter. In every mesmerizing monologue and tragic look she gives, we see a person who knows the impending danger but is unable to get anyone around her to actually listen. This includes her unwitting husband Thomas, played well by Nicholas Hoult, who goes off on a business trip from hell that will bring him right into the menacing clutches of the infamous Count Orlok.
Count Orlok (aka Nosferatu) is played by Bill Skarsgård, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at him save for brief moments when you can see the actor’s eyes peering through at you. Though no stranger to playing mythical monsters (see: the recent hit-and-miss It films), Skarsgård disappears into this role like never before. He strikes an imposing figure even when just lurking on the edge of the frame. He is then made more distinctly human when we get a better look at him It’s a quite different interpretation, with some odd facial hair — making him seem like Ned Flanders became Nosferatu — though that doesn’t make him any less terrifying. His eerie voice, his looming presence, and the way the film withholds our ability to see him just as it lays bare in others make for a patient, petrifying journey. Wonderfully shot by cinematographer Jarin Blaschke (who has worked on all of Eggers’ films), it is a breathtaking film to soak in as every solitary shadow and flicker of light grabs hold of you.
Directed by Robert Eggers
Starring Lily-Rose Depp, Nicholas Hoult, Bill Skarsgård
Despite drawing from direct source material, Eggers’ Nosferatu has that same sinister soul to it. It is a
The story, which makes Ellen much more of a focal point, hews close to the original in a way that was jarring at first, though proved to be effective on a second watch. The way Eggers instills Nosferatu with his own sensibilities (which are more than explicitly erotic) despite working from a story first written by others is nothing short of a dark joy. It’s another myth that feels classic in its narrative construction, but it’s one that he can call his own in the execution. As the film builds to a dark embrace in a showstopper of a final shot, Eggers gets his pound of flesh and then some. Rather than bite off more than he could chew, he has crafted yet another visceral, vibrant vision worth sinking your teeth into. n
Nosferatu: Because nothing says Christmas like vampires.
Rounding up some of 2024’s standout albums by acts from Spokane and the Inland Northwest
The Inland Northwest isn’t considered a musical hotspot, but there’s enough of a musical culture in Spokane and the surrounding areas that a wide swath of sounds emanates from our oft-overlooked region. While everything released locally can’t be covered in this space, here’s a sampling of some of the best sonic vibes to come out of the Inland Northwest this year.
This collection of extremely polished and catchy pop punk calls to mind bands like Jawbreaker and The Ataris. It’s enough to get nostalgic millennials yearning for the Warped Tour mosh pits of their teenage days. theemergencyexit.bandcamp.com
While his Alter Bridge bandmates might be busy riding the high of Creed’s sudden revival, Spokanite Myles Kennedy is still more than capable of creating huge alternative hard rock songs on his own, as The Art of Letting Go illustrates. You’re not gonna find anyone around who has soaring vocals and big riffs more suited for modern rock radio. myleskennedy.com
Spokane’s noise rock wunderkind continues to grow up and show out through waves and waves of distorted sound on his latest and most personal LP to date. It’s the type of album best experienced with the speakers cranked way up. hayesnoble.bandcamp.com
The sonically explorative chamber folk group showcases the expansive edges of its sound, frontman Dario Ré’s poetic songwriting, and its communal spirit on perhaps the best album ever recorded at a library (Central Library’s studio, to be specific). heatspeak.bandcamp.com
The best local mixtape of the year finds Spokane’s premiere punk rapper reintroducing himself in barely controlled fiery bursts of thrilling darkness. instagram.com/jang_the_goon
You don’t have to be a religious person to appreciate this gorgeous and graceful collection of solo piano. Noeldner’s fresh interpretations of Christian hymns might be most moving for believers who know the originals of these tunes from Sunday services, but even those not of the flock can enjoy the calming and lovely musicianship on display. calebnoeldner.bandcamp.com
The folk trio of the local teachers deserve stellar grades for its gem of a debut album, which combines harmonious heartfelt love songs with pissed off feminist rage in a way that would make their Lilith Fair foremothers proud. betsyrogue.com
There’s nothing as undeniable in the Spokane scene as the soulful sound of Allen Stone’s voice. No mystery there. The singer-songwriter’s latest EP goes down as smooth as his vocals and sports delectable grooves that can get anyone dancing. allenstone.com
The debut album from Nothing Shameful features a finely tuned, hard rocking emo sound that would’ve fit in perfectly on a late-stage Warped Tour lineup. Frontman Ethan Harrison sings with an urgency that imbues each track with an energetic vitality. nothingshameful.bandcamp.com
With a sound that calls to mind the earnest, mildly folky pop punk of The Front Bottoms, Scared of Bears’ latest album doesn’t shy away from songwriting that feels overly vulnerable in a completely wonderful and authentic way. Raised By Wolves is probably Spokane’s best hidden sonic gem of 2024. scaredofbears.bandcamp.com
The latest solo album from Atari Ferrari frontman Matthew Joseph Hughes mixes vintage singer-songwriter folk, modern bedroom pop and a dash of classic rock. The sonic diversity and Hughes’ crafty songwriting make for a rich and colorful sonic tapestry. automaticshoes.bandcamp.com
Spokane’s most eclectic rock band can shift from rebellious hard rock rage (“F– You”) to tender indie pop (“Sleep Deprivation”) to chill vibes rock (“Breathe”) at the drop of a hat. What we think you want is to spin this energetic LP on repeat. snacksatmidnight.com
Acing the clichéd “chill music to study to” test, the latest from Jayson Orth’s one-man band not only serves as the best local chillout ambient album of the year, it’s among the best collections anyone in the genre put out in 2024. While Slow Down is too good to be reduced to background music, it does make for a wonderful soundtrack when you just feel like zoning out. augusttoaugust.bandcamp.com
There’s always plenty of terrific thrashing noise to be found via Spokane’s healthy hardcore punk scene. While Room 13 wasn’t exactly stoked about how the clean production of their EP turned out, it makes for one of the most accessible local entry points to the genre in 2024 while still boasting heavy riffs and acidic screamed social commentary. room13nwhc.bandcamp.com
While she may have packed her bags to move from Coeur d’Alene to Nashville in mid-2024, we still have a place in our musical hearts for the rising gospel country singer’s crackling stripped down, no-nonsense EP and its viral TikTok hit “Doublewide.” tiktok.com/@gabriella.rose.music
11th Hour - The Madrigal Project absence - [ocean jams]
Adoration - Carissimi
bounds - LilTumorboii
Chuck the Bear - Chuck the Bear
CityArt - joshuasunn
Class War ’24 - Proleterror
Closer - Secret B
Coal Country - Cole Stauffer
Compadre - Irving Washington
Coming Home - Cedar Compher
A Dark Spot - wilhelmi
Deaf Harmoniques -
Toasted Locust
Decisions - Glenn Case
deer - éamonn mac uallocháin
DEMO MMXXIV - Violent Abuse
Desert Breezes - Nick Seider
THE DIGI E P - Dj Digi
Drawing the Dead and Desperate
- The Cutting Tides
Dirty BlindsTravis Curtin & Dustin Villaret
Distorted Realm of Reality -
Telepathic Station Nine
Distortion II - Ben Jennings
Doctor’s Note - WiCKED STiTCH
Electronics and Radar -
Generic Meds
Esuna - Mikhail Hammer
Forever Burnouts - Peru Resh
The Gift of Gab ReimaginedThe Arkitek
Harder Than You - Iron Chain
Haunt Me Forever - Feathered
I Heart Karle - Closed on Sundays
Influences - Jared Hall*
Insomnia (i’m almost sleeping) -
Aaron Hudson
In the End - Night Watchers
Introvert - Don Hawkins
The Late, Great Joe AlbiThe Walleye
Lost & Found EP - Borealism
Makoto Noru - Avalon Kalin
Meaner Than Evil - A.R Tokin
Message of Hope -
Brian Hoffpauer
Might - David Larsen*
Missing PiecesThe Claustrophobes
Thursday, 12/19
BOLO’S BAR & GRILL, Theresa Edwards Band CHECKERBOARD TAPROOM, Weathered Shepherds
J LUNARIUM, Starlite Open Mic
J MIKEY’S GYROS, Old Timey Music Jam Sessions
J QQ SUSHI & KITCHEN, Just Plain Darin
ZOLA, Mason Van Stone Band
Friday, 12/20
BARREL 33, Son of Brad BING CROSBY THEATER, ABBA Holly Jolly Christmas!
BOLO’S BAR & GRILL, Pastiche BULLHEAD SALOON, Neon Interstate
J THE CHAMELEON, The Chameleon Christmas Special CHAN’S RED DRAGON ON THIRD, Muthaluva
MOOSE LOUNGE, Sonic Groove
J PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Mike Wagoner Trio RED ROOM LOUNGE, Friday After Next Pt. 2
ZOLA, Jacob Westfall Band, RŌNIN
Saturday, 12/21
BOLO’S BAR & GRILL, Pastiche
BULLHEAD SALOON, Neon Interstate
THE CHAMELEON, Free Creatures, JAEDA, Felix Free, DJ DV8
J KELLY’S UNDERGROUND, Keeler, Morse & Webb
J J KNITTING FACTORY, The Glitch Mob, Anna Morgan, Sav MOOSE LOUNGE, Sonic Groove
NIGHT OWL, Priestess
Just Plain Darin ZOLA, Blake Braley
ZOLA, Sugar Bear Dinner Party
EICHARDT’S PUB, Monday Night Blues Jam with John Firshi RED ROOM LOUNGE, Open Mic Night
Just Announced...
J THE CHAMELEON, Amelia Day, Jan. 10.
J KNITTING FACTORY, Mike Sherm, Jan. 23.
Looking for one last pre-Christmas rager before settling your brain for a long winter’s nap? Two Two One Press is giving the gift of bringing together some of the best local alternative rock for Sonic Solstice II. The two-night event should heat things up as temperatures drop outside. Kids will be moshing though the snow to The Big Dipper for Friday’s hardcore lineup of Kurb, Spooky, Blacktracks, It’s a Setup, and Atomsk. On night two, ears will be ringing like jingle bells at The Garland Theater thanks to the distorted noise provided by Hayes Noble, Loomer, Hell Motel, Bad Trip Motel, Dairybaby, and Dream Rotation. It’s worth dashing through the snow, because Sonic Solstice II will slay — SETH SOMMERFELD
Sonic Solstice II • Fri, Dec. 20 at 7 pm & Sat, Dec. 21 at 6 pm • $25 ($15 single day) • All ages •
The Big Dipper & The Garland Theater • 171 S. Washington St. & 924 W. Garland Ave. • 221press.com
ETHE DISTRICT BAR, Rittz, Feb. 14.
J THE BIG DIPPER, Crooked Teeth, Feb. 14.
asily entering elder-EDM status after being on the scene as a group for nearly two decades, The Glitch Mob continues to put out bassdriven, industrial-influenced beats. But before the headlining group from Los Angeles takes the 360 stage in the middle of the crowd, catch local opener SAV who’ll break from her typical house vibes with a UK garage and breakbeats set. Then get ready for Anna Morgan, who is known for mixing “urban and Afro-Caribbean rhythms,” according to the crew over at Insomniac. So get dolled up as shiny as a Christmas tree and get ready to dance the night away at one of the last big EDM shows of the year. You might just find yourself wishing everyone a very Merry Glitchmas.
The Glitch Mob, Anna Morgan, Sav • Sat, Dec. 21 at
Coming Up ...
J FOX THEATER, Healing Harmonies: Joe Nichols, Kinsey Rose, Feb. 14.
J COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Don Felder, Mar. 6.
THE CHAMELEON, Yakk Attack, Cytrus, Mar. 13.
THE DISTRICT BAR, Kolton Moore & The Clever Few, Mar. 29.
J THE BIG DIPPER, Age of Nephilim, Xenoplasm, Hísemtuks Hími•n
J SPOKANE TRIBE CASINO, Stephen Pearcy of Ratt, Jan. 24.
J J FIRST INTERSTATE CENTER, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, May 16.
Manito Park is a Spokane gem. In the spring and summer, flowers are blooming and trees are as verdant as ever. Fall brings vibrant autumnal colors and lovely brisk strolls. Winter, however, brings dazzling lights and stunning displays of holiday cheer thanks to the Friends of Manito. This year, the annual holiday light attraction is walk-through only and takes place inside Manito’s Duncan Gardens. Experience the holiday spirit with friends and family as you make your way through the gorgeous garden while sipping hot cocoa and basking in the glory of sparkling lights.
Manito Park Holiday Lights • Daily from 4:30-8:30 pm through Sun, Dec. 22 • Free • Manito Park • 1800 W. Grand Blvd. • thefriendsofmanito.org
Experience a Spokane holiday setting out of the 1900s when you step inside the Campbell House for its annual holiday event. The historic mansion was designed by famed Spokane architect Kirtland K. Cutter in the Neoclassical Revival style. The Campbell family, who invested in local silver mining operations, resided in the home until matriarch Grace Campbell’s death in 1924, when it was then given to Eastern Washington State Historical Society — it’s been part of the MAC’s campus since. Visitors can interact with docents dressed to fit the times, enjoy a scavenger hunt and make a calling card. The smell of fresh cookies will also fill the air, and you’ll learn the secret to making Campbell House cookies.
Campbell House Holidays • Thu, Dec. 19-Sun, Dec. 22 from 12-4 pm • $22 • Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture • 2316 W. First Ave. • northwestmuseum.org
Seinfeld was a cultural phenomenon that gave rise to jokes and catchphrases that long outlived the TV show’s nine-year run. One of its most enduring tongue-in-cheek legacies is Festivus, an invented holiday that’s partly intended as a sober foil to the wanton consumerism and compulsory cheer of Christmas. On the day that Festivus is now traditionally observed, the Panida is going all-in on this sardonic anti-celebration with a variety comedy fundraiser that includes trivia, skits and the customary airing of grievances. Naturally, the event culminates in feats of strength. If you’re in need of some backgrounding, be sure to watch “The Strike” (Seinfeld season 9, episode 10) beforehand.
Festivus • Mon, Dec. 23 at 7 pm • $10 • Panida Theater • 300 N. First St., Sandpoint • panida.org
Submit events online at Inlander.com/getlisted or email relevant details to getlisted@inlander.com. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
In November 2019, the beloved all-ages music venue The Bartlett closed its doors. The closure sent ripples through the local music scene and the absence was especially felt during the holidays without the annual Bartlett Christmas Special. The Chameleon, formerly Lucky You Lounge, is now throwing a Christmas Special similar to the Bartlett days with a ton of Bartlett/Lucky You regulars performing like Karli Fairbanks, Scott Ryan Ingersoll, Marshall McLean, Water Monster (Max Harnishfeger), Jenny Anne Mannan, Automatic Shoes (Matthew Joseph Hughes from Atari Ferrari) and Caroline Fowler. The talented group of seasoned musicians playing holiday originals won’t disappoint with this show full of nostalgia and pure sonic joy.
The Chameleon Christmas Special • Fri, Dec. 20 at 8 pm • $15-$20 • 21+ • The Chameleon • 1801 W. Sunset Blvd. • chameleonspokane.com
Although the image of Macaulay Culkin cupping either side of his face in shock is familiar to multiple generations, the music of Christmas movies like Home Alone leaves an equally indelible impression on us, even if its workings are more subtle. Mere days before Santa’s visit, Morihiko Nakahara conducts a pops concert that pays tribute to all the cinema scores that have suffused our holidays over the years. Music from It’s a Wonderful Life, A Charlie Brown Christmas and, yes, Home Alone (it was composed by John Williams, after all) will get the live orchestral treatment as part of this program, which also features selections from that well-known Beethoven vehicle, Die Hard.
Spokane Symphony Pops 3: Christmas at the Movies • Sat, Dec. 21 at 7:30 pm and Sun, Dec. 22 at 3 pm • $50-$106 • The Fox Theater • 1001 W. Sprague Ave. • spokanesymphony.org
STILL DESPERATE Gambling Troubadour. You’ve violently shamed, for decades, distressed damsels as you blinded them into your snare while they gathered in the meadows of kingdoms created by brave, strong knights, away defending and protecting their villages. Your weakness will never overcome the strength of those building true, lasting fortresses. You never challenged one face to face. Coward you are. You continue inhabiting an always unstable abode you believe is not leaking and crumbling. It is. You claim you built it. No matter the “stolen” resources you’ve been “given” by the jezebels bedding you, entranced by your lies and sad lamenting, your games are no match for the warriors who’ve earned true resources, and who’ve built strong families and communities. The once “lovely” liars who threw themselves at you, shamelessly, know nothing of true fire, a fire that burns only to create constant growth and restoration. They called from mountainous fields, lost and afraid in their own weakness, vulnerable to your predatory plundering. Their voices strained with pathetic strains of seeminglysorrowful days, kept. They know better now. The pirates will have their way with you. You believe the sirens call you. No. Sirens sing only, and always, to sing. True men of honor build and keep their own fires away from Jezebels. Your tower teeters..as it burns. Down. - King Richard’s Fair Lady -
BEAUTIFUL LONG-HAIRED HIPPIE Man in the purple paisley pants at Trader Joes on December 11. You smiled at me and offered the nicest compliment about my
hat. I suddenly found myself enchanted, and drawn to you like a moth to a flame. I followed you (I am not a stalker) to Guitar Center and waited for you to walk back to your car to get one more glimpse of someone I think my spirit has been longing for. Please find me. I would love to be home for Christmas, with you. I will be there at the same time next week, with my hat on, in the hope of experiencing you again. Sara
COOLEST CAT EVER I work with you and you’re such a delight to be around. I didn’t realize how much I actually liked you until a few weeks ago. Coming in to work and seeing you is the best part of being here. I don’t think you’ll see this, and even if you do I hope you aren’t able to connect the dots yet, even though you’re one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. One day I’ll tell you.
RELATIONSHIP CODED Normally I don’t ghost people, however this time my patience was at its limit. First off I’m very glad that you are taking control of your mental health seeing a counselor and working through some serious issues. What I don’t appreciate is being strung along and kept waiting and then you give me an excuse of why you and I were not able to get together. And then in the same breath you hook up with random people. That’s your choice, but I’m not sticking around for that. Best wishes. I hope you heal with your recent surgeries, if I see you around I’ll be polite but you lost a real one, take care nurse.
AT THE GREEN MARKET Your pooch would just as soon drive but seemed at spoiled as my pooch. If you have still have nothing planned for the solstice lets meet to make plans. Other than not asking then it was great meeting and visiting with you at the Green Market. If you see this drop me a line “gabbagross@yahoo.com” Enjoy
CJ THE UBER DRIVER... You drove me from Satellite diner to my home. We talked about a lot of personal things. You asked me something that I wished I said yes to. I’m intrigued and I’d love to meet up for drinks if the connection was legit. If so, message me at c_brewer407@hotmail.com stating your daytime job, a couple things we talked about, and my name. Hopefully I hear from you.
LOVE I DIDN’T THINK WAS POSSIBLE LK, Thank you for being the love of my life, and redefining what love meant to me. Ten
years later, it keeps getting better every day! You’re my world. EB.
RE: RE: RE: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO DO? I cannot speak for all unhoused individuals, but I am confident my feelings are shared by most individuals sleeping in their car. It is best you keep your money and food. I might make better wages than
love, and open mind (and door) are a gift that not many have to offer. You have been there and uplifted me through the hardest of times and supported me in my success, always cheering me on. You make me feel seen, heard, important, and ENOUGH. May you keep shining and never let this difficult time of heartbreak put your light out. There will never be a loyal friend quite like you,
expecting a budget deficit in the billions of dollars going forward. After that cheerful news, I’m in a large parking lot at a store on Foothills and I note that the nice Mazda in front of me has plates that expired early in 2023. As I begin to look around, I notice there are expired tabs all over Spokane. What makes these people so confident that they don’t have to obey the same laws the
you. Nonetheless, your offers restore my faith in humanity some days. My diet is not monetarily restricted, however time has proven meals to be only moderately enjoyable at best when consumed in solitude. I usually have no problem letting it be known I sleep in my car (when asked). Similar to how most of you have no problem sharing what neighborhood you live in (when asked). My least favorite response is “OMG i Am So SoRrY.” I can’t help but think how sorry I am for the suckers paying $1300/mo for a studio they get to spend 10 hrs a day in. Circumstances have pushed me into urban car living so many times anything else seems expensive and unsustainable. What can you do to help? Above all else: STOP CALLING THE AUTHORITIES WHEN YOU SEE US SLEEPING IN OUR CARS. There are so few places to sleep, I don’t need my good spots getting put on the police radar. Sometimes I’ll get woken up 2-3 times a night just to be told “move along, u can’t car camp here.” I don’t drive a junky vehicle. I don’t leave a mess. I’ll be gone well before 9am (usually 8). Just let me sleep. IF YOU SEE A CAR STUCK/BROKE DOWN; HELP. This should be basic human kindness. I have been absolutely stranded a handful of times and saved by the grace of God and a few compassionate strangers. Without them I would live in a cardboard box. Because of this I will ALMOST always stop and help any stalled vehicle... Especially if it looks like a home. NO, I DONT WANT TO SLEEP IN A SHELTER. I have plenty of experience staying warm. I do my laundry at the Laundromat. I shower at the gym. I see no need to become mixed up in the riff raff of a shelter, just swarming with drugs, bugs and weirdos. Hope this helps you help me.
A FRIEND MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD Cheers to a rare gem, a female friend who empowers, uplifts, protects, and nurtures other women! Your kindness, generosity,
that can ever replace you, or who will ever hold the place in my heart, where I keep you. I love you, bestie! Keep your head up, we will get through this together, Luda F.!!
WAIT YOUR TURN... Before you kill someone. Seriously, what do you think the white guy on the crosswalk sign means at a stop light? Holiday decorations year round? No you sodding lunatics. It means the pedestrian has the right of way, and you do not get to sneak a turn and almost run them over because someone might steal your place at the bar. I cannot tell you how many cars do not seem to give a reindeer’s leftie whether there’s a human being crossing (where they are supposed to cross, might I add), they want the road to themselves. And normally? It’s someone 50 or above. Like you old man in the silver pick up truck that damn near ran me over (I waited to see what you were doing, you sat there and I thought you were actually going to wait like a good driver until it was clear) and had the nerve to look like you were the wronged one. Pay attention, you are going to kill someone acting like that.
ILLEGAL PLATES So, I’m watching the news and noting that Washington state is
rest of us do? Perhaps it’s because they don’t. Maybe it’s time for law enforcement to notice the same cars that I do, pull them over, and give them a ticket for the maximum amount. Maybe this is one way to help offset budget deficits? It won’t make much difference if just a few of us are annoyed. Perhaps it’s time other voices were added to this concern and people start demanding there be consequences for disobeying laws. Spokane: near nature. Near lots and lots of expired plates.
FIRE, INSURANCE, AND POLICIES Insurance companies could have policies that include the needed necessities for in case of events. Purchasing a home has anxieties and buying coverage might alleviate the anxieties as to overlook the “what ifs” for emergencies..
Research shows that people with disabilities who have access to restrooms are more likely to be repeat customers, yet businesses are choosing not to have them. Imagine being so committed to ableism that you’re willing to lose money. n
NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves
USED BOOK SALE Browse a selection of used books. All book sales and a portion of beer sales benefit Get Lit’s 2025 festival. Dec. 19, 4-7 pm. Brick West Brewing Co., 1318 W. First Ave. getlitfestival.org
GAME The Spokane Braves face the Nelson Leafs. Proceeds support the Carollo family after Amelia Carollo’s passing. Dec. 21, 12-9 pm. $9-$11. Eagles Ice-ARena, 6321 N. Addison St. spokanebraves. com/carollo (509-489-9303)
SOUL LINE DANCING FUNDRAISER: UGLY SWEATER EDITION A fundraiser featuring a dance session led by instructor GameOva Skip, food, drinks and an ugly sweater contest. Proceeds benefit the Shades of Motherhood Network. Dec. 21, 5:30 pm. $120. Fête - A Nectar Co, 120 N. Stevens St. shadesofmotherhoodnetwork.org (509-951-2096)
STEVE RANNAZZSI Rannazzsi is an actor and comedian best known for his role in the FXX comedy series The League. Dec. 19, 7 pm, Dec. 20-21, 7 & 9:45 pm. $25-$35. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com
LEAH RUDICK Rudick’s viral comedy and character videos have amassed her over a million followers and counting on TikTok and Instagram. Dec. 22, 7 pm. $20-$25. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com
FESTIVUS A celebration of the show Seinfeld and a mockery of society itself, this comedy event that includes trivia, acting, grievances and culminates with the Feats of Strength. Proceeds benefit the Panida. Dec. 23, 7 pm. $10. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. panida.org
NURSE JOHN Nurse John is a nurseturned-comedian who got his start on TikTok. Dec. 26, 7 pm, Dec. 27-28, 7 & 9:45 pm. $30-$50. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com (509-318-9998)
CAMPBELL HOUSE HOLIDAYS Explore the historic Campbell House at your own pace, enjoy the Christmas decor and interact with the family and staff in a living history experience. The event also includes a scavenger hunt and more activities. Dec. 19-22, 12-4 pm. $8-$12. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org
HOMELESS MEMORIAL An event honoring 149 individuals who died while living without a home this year. Dec. 19, 11 am. Free. CHAS Denny Murphy Clinic, 1001 W. Second. chas.org
IT HAPPENED HERE: EXPO ‘74 FIFTY YEARS LATER This 50th anniversary exhibition revisits the historical roots of Expo ‘74’s legacy. It incorporates recognizable elements from Expo’s built environment with museum artifacts and archival materials Tue-Sun from 10 am-5 pm through Jan. 26. $7-$12. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org
JOURNEY TO THE NORTH POLE CRUISES Take a journey onboard Lake Coeur d’Alene Cruises to see twinkling lights and visit Santa at the North Pole. Daily at 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm through Jan. 1. The Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second. cdacruises.com
SPECTACULAR A holiday light show featuring various installations and displays. Daily through Jan. 1. Free. Orchard Park, 20298 E. Indiana Ave. winterglowspectacular.com
MANITO PARK HOLIDAY LIGHTS A walk-through only tour of light displays throughout Duncan Gardens. Daily from 4:30-8:30 pm through Dec. 22. Free. Manito Park, 1800 S. Grand Blvd. thefriendsofmanito.org (509-456-8038)
KNOTTY OR NICE SHIBARI SOCIAL Meet other in the shibari space at this holidaythemed shibari social. Dec. 20, 7:30 pm. Free. The Chameleon, 1801 W. Sunset Blvd. chameleonspokane.com
NORTHWEST WINTERFEST An indoor holiday lantern display and cultural celebration featuring light displays and experiences in holiday cultures of the world. Fri from 5-8 pm, Sat from 4-8pm, Sun and special holidays from 3-6 pm through Dec. 31. $13-$43. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. northwestwinterfest.com
An artist and vendor market featuring 18 artisans, three local musicians, oddities and more. Dec. 21, 10 am-4 pm. Free. Patera Lounge, 1507 E. Sprague Ave. instagram.com/pateralounge
WHEATLAND BANK FREE HORSE & CARRIAGE RIDES An 8-10-minute loop through scenic Riverfront Park and downtown Spokane. Sat-Sun from noon5 pm through Dec. 22. Free. Riverfront Park, 507 N. Howard St. downtownspokane.org (509-625-6600)
A CHRISTMAS LABYRINTH A Christmas labyrinth is a festive, meditative path designed to guide participants through a symbolic journey, often used during the Advent season to encourage reflection and spiritual contemplation. Dec. 27-Jan. 3. $5. Chewelah Center for the Arts, 405 N. Third. chewelahcenterforthearts.com
ELF Raised as an oversized elf, Buddy travels from the North Pole to New York City to meet his biological father, Walter Hobbs, who doesn’t know he exists and is in desperate need of some Christmas spirit. Dec. 20, 7-9 pm. Free. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org
ARTHUR CHRISTMAS When Santa misses one child out of hundreds of millions, someone has to save the day. It’s up to Arthur to deliver a present to the forgotten kid before Christmas morning. Dec. 21, 2 pm. Free. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. garlandtheater.org
IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE An angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed. Dec. 21, 7 pm, Dec. 22, 4 & 7 pm and Dec. 23, 7 pm. $8. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org
FROSTY THE SNOWMAN A discarded magic top hat brings to life the snowman that a group of children made, until a magician wants it back and the temperature starts to rise. Dec. 23-24, 1:15 pm. Free. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. garlandtheater.org (509-327-1050)
NATIONAL LAMPOON’S CHRISTMAS VACATION Clark Griswold’s cousin Eddie and his family show up and start living in their camper on the Griswold property. Dec. 23, 7:30 pm. $5. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. garlandtheater.org
The reindeer with the incandescent nose guides Santa’s sleigh through a bad storm on Christmas Eve. Dec. 23-24, noon. Free. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. garlandtheater.org
The original Star Wars Trilogy on the big screen. Your ticket grants access to all the screenings. See website for schedule. Dec. 26-27, 7 pm, and Dec. 28, 1:30 pm, 4 pm & 7 pm. $20. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org
MIRACLE A Christmas-themed pop-up bar serving themed cocktails and featuring lots of kitschy decor. Daily from 3 pm-2 am through Dec. 31. Volstead Act, 12 N. Post St. volsteadactspokane.com
PRIME RIB DINNER In this demonstration style class, learn how to prepare prime rib, an iconic centerpiece dish for many holiday dinners. Dec. 19, 5:458 pm. $120. The Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com
S’MORES BY THE SHORES Gather around lakeside fire pits, and indulge in a nostalgic treat under the stars. Daily from 3:30-9 pm through Dec. 31, 3:30-9 pm. $10. The Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second. cdaresort.com (208-292-5678)
Learn how to make chicken and green chile tamales from scratch. Each guest brings home six tamales. Dec. 20, 5:30 pm. $80. Wanderlust Delicato, 421 W. Main Ave. wanderlustdelicato.com
WINE TASTING Come and sample boutique and curated wines, both local and imported as well as crafted small bites paired with wines by resident chefs. Dec. 21, 5:45 pm and Dec. 22, noon & 4 pm. $5. The Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com (509-328-3335)
YULE LOG COOKING CLASS Pastry chef Toni teaches students how to make a gourmet yule log for the holidays. Dec. 21, 11 am. $75. Wanderlust Delicato, 421 W. Main Ave., Suite 103. wanderlustdelicato.com (509-822-7087)
CHRISTMAS DINNER Eat a Christmas meal. Guests must arrive sober and refrain from bringing pets other than service animals. Dec. 24, 5-6:30 pm. Free. Union Gospel Mission, 1224 E. Trent Ave. uniongospelmission.org (509-535-8510)
CANDLELIGHT: CHRISTMAS CAROLS ON STRINGS The Listeso String Quartet performs a slate of holiday songs while surrounded by hundreds of candles. Dec. 19, 6:30 & 8:30 pm. $53-$69. Riverside Place, 1108 W. Riverside Ave. feverup.com
CHRISTMAS AT THE MOVIES The Spokane Symphony performs songs from classic holiday movies including It’s a Wonderful Life, Die Hard, Home Alone and more. Dec. 21, 7:30 pm and Dec. 22, 3 pm. The Fox Theater, 1001 W. Sprague Ave. spokanesymphony.org
CHRISTMAS CAROL SING-A-LONG Sing Christmas carols with fellow community members. Snacks and refreshments provided. Dec. 22. Free. Chewelah Center for the Arts, 405 N. Third St. chewelahcenterforthearts.com (509-935-8832)
DJ NIGHT ON THE ICE Skate with music, lights, contests and more. Every Friday at 6 pm through Jan. 24. $7-$10. Numerica Skate Ribbon, 720 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. riverfrontspokane.com (509-625-6600)
DRESS LIKE SANTA DAY Stop by the ticket window dressed in a full-on Santa suit or Mrs. Claus outfit to receive a lift ticket for $20. Costume must meet quality standards. All Santas must participate in the Santa Downhill at 11:30 am. Dec. 23. $20. Lookout Pass Ski & Recreation Area, I-90 Exit 0. skilookou.com
A camp focused on developing skiing, racing and freeriding skills while meeting new people and developing confidence. Dec. 27-31. $389. 49 Degrees North, 3311 Flowery Trail Rd. ski49n.com
WILD Regular season games. Promotional schedule: Sturm Heating Family Feast Night. Dec. 27, 7:05 pm. $12-$40. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanechiefs.com (509-279-7000)
A CHRISTMAS CAROL The story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old man who despises Christmas and the joy it brings. Wed-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm (Dec. 21 performance at 2 pm) through Dec. 22. $15-$41. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. spokanecivictheatre.com
MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET When a department store Santa claims he’s the real Kris Kringle, his case gets taken all the way to the Supreme Court and a little girl’s belief makes the difference in the ‘miracle.’ Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm through Dec. 22. $27-$30. Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave. lakecityplayhouse.org (208-673-7529)
OFFBEAT CHRISTMAS Accompanied by a live band, Offbeat Christmas delivers witty, spunky, clever holiday cheer that will put a smile on your face. Written by Aspire’s music director Presley DePuis. Dec. 19, 7:30 pm. $0-$20. Aspire Community Theatre, 1765 W. Golf Course Road. aspirecda.com (208-696-4228)
A BIG BAND CHRISTMAS A 17-piece big band and some of the region’s top singers perform holiday tunes complete with a children’s chorus, a nativity and Santa & Mrs. Claus. Dec. 20-22; Fri-Sat at 7:30, Sat-Sun at 2 pm. $25-$48. University High School, 12320 E. 32nd Ave. svsummertheatre.com (509-368-7897)
THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER A couple struggling to put on a church Christmas pageant is faced with casting the Herdman kids. Fri at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 2 pm through Dec. 22. $12-$18. Spokane Children’s Theatre, 2727 N. Madelia. spokanechildrenstheatre.org
A CHRISTMAS CAROL: LIVE PLAY The Lake Pend Oreille Repertory Theater performs the classic Charles Dickens holiday tale. Dec. 20-22; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sat also at 2 pm, Sun at 1 pm and 6 pm. $25. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. panida.org
HADESTOWN A version of the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, where Orpheus goes to the underworld to rescue his fiancée Eurydice. Dec. 21, 7:30 pm and Dec. 22, 1 & 7:30 pm. First Interstate Center for the Arts, 334 W.
Spokane Falls Blvd. broadwayspokane. com (509-279-7000)
Drag performers Jinkx Monsoon and BenDeLaCreme put on a holiday show with comedy, songs and more. Dec. 27, 8-10 pm. $53-$298. First Interstate Center for the Arts, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. firstinterstatecenter.org
ADAM BLALOCK Spokane artist Adam Blalock’s preferred subject matter is landscapes. Daily from 11 am-7 pm through Dec. 28, 11 am-7 pm. Free. Liberty Building, 203 N. Washington St. spokanelibertybuilding.com
1924: SOVEREIGNTY, LEADERSHIP AND THE INDIAN CITIZENSHIP ACT This exhibition commemorates the 100-year anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act and centers on photographs of early local tribal leadership Tue-Sun from 10 am-5 pm through Feb. 2. $8-$12. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org
AMANDA LEIGH EVANS & TIA KRAMER: WHEN THE RIVER BECOMES A CLOUD DeepTime Collective, a collaboration between artists Amanda Leigh Evans and Tia Kramer, unearths how we understand ourselves within the interdependent constructs of time, place, community and landscape. Mon-Fri from 9 am-5 pm through Feb. 7. Free. EWU Gallery of Art, 140 Art Building. ewu.edu/cahss/gallery
THE ART OF FOOD: FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF JORDAN D. SCHNITZER AND HIS FAMILY FOUNDATION A collection of work showcasing how prominent artists depict food beyond mere sustenance and how food connects us through shared experiences and societal issues. Tue-Sat from 10 am-4 pm through March 8. Free. Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art WSU, 1535 NE Wilson. museum.wsu.edu
BEN JOYCE: PLACES Abstract topographical art by Spokane-based artist Ben Joyce representing certain locales that have played major roles in his life. Mon-Sat from 10 am-4 pm through Jan. 4. Free. Jundt Art Museum, 200 E. Desmet Ave. gonzaga.edu/jundt
CUP OF JOY Local and regional ceramic artists create mugs to sell. Wed-Fri from 11 am-5 pm through Jan. 11. Free admission. Trackside Studio, 115 S. Adams St. tracksidestudio.net (509-863-9904)
EMERGE MINIS SHOW Small pieces of art made by regional artists. Tue-Sat from 10 am-6 pm through Jan. 4. Free. Emerge, 119 N. Second St. emergecda.com
This exhibition showcases the breadth of Feddersen’s 40-year career, including printmaking, glass, weaving and ceramics through over 100 works. Tue-Sun from 10 am-5 pm through Jan. 5. $8-$12. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org
JOSHUA HOBSON Joshua Hobson displays abstract photography. Mon-Thu from 10 am-4 pm, Fri from 10 am-2:30 pm through Jan. 31. Free. Boswell Corner Gallery at NIC, 1000 W. Garden Ave., Building 22. nic.edu/cornergallery
JULENE EWERT Julene Ewert creates vibrant, colorful art featuring flowers and the natural world. Mon-Fri from 8 am-5 pm through Jan. 3. Free. Moscow City Hall, 206 E. Third St. ci.moscow. id.us/230/Third-Street-Gallery
NICOLE NUTT THOMAS Nicole is a mixed media artist who blends the art of em-
broidery with the vibrant world of painting. Her creations are a celebration of the natural world, with a particular focus on flowers. Daily from 11 am-7 pm through Dec. 28, 11 am-7 pm. Free. Pottery Place Plus, 203 N. Washington St. potteryplaceplus.com (509-327-6920)
Small works by members and others. Wed-Sat from 11 am-5 pm through Dec. 28. Free. New Moon Art Gallery, 1326 E. Sprague Ave. manicmoonandmore.com (509-413-9101)
MIKE DECESARE DeCesare captures nature and human’s imprint on it through photos. Tue-Sat from 10 am-6 pm. through Dec. 31. Free. William Grant Gallery & Framing, 1188 W. Summit Pkwy. williamgrantgf.com (509-484-3535)
SMALL WORKS EXHIBIT The gallery’s 29th annual small works exhibit featuring smaller artworks that double as gifts for the holidays. Wed-Sun from 11 am-6 pm through Dec. 29. Free. The Art Spirit Gallery, 415 Sherman Ave. theartspiritgallery.com (208-765-6006)
WHITWORTH ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT FACULTY EXHIBIT An exhibit featuring art and work by Whitworth faculty from the Art and Design department. Mon-Fri from 10 am-4:30 pm, Sat from 10 am-2 pm through Jan. 24. Free. Bryan Oliver Gallery, Whitworth, 300 W. Hawthorne Ave. whitworth.edu
This exhibition of work from the MAC’s permanent collection showcases the quality and varied focus of leading artists and art movements in the Inland and Pacific Northwest. Tue-Sun from 10 am-5 pm through March 9. $8-$12. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org
WONDER OF STRUCTURE: EXPLORATIONS OF SCIENCE, ARCHITECTURE, AND ABSTRACTION A group exhibition inviting viewers to explore the dynamic intersections of science, architecture, and abstraction through the works of four distinguished local artists. Mon-Fri from 8 am-5pm through Dec. 27. Free. Chase Gallery, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. spokanearts.org (509-321-9416)
SARANAC ART PROJECTS MEMBERS SHOW Saranac Art Projects members showcase their unique artworks. Fri-Sat from 12-8 pm through Dec. 28. Free. Saranac Art Projects, 25 W. Main Ave. sapgallery.com
Paint the city of stars and light and test your A Court of Thorns and Roses wits during trivia. Ages 21+. Dec. 21, 7-9:15 pm. $39. Pinot’s Palette, 319 W. Sprague Ave. pinotspalette.com (509-613-7484)
MIDWINTER ABOMINATIONS A group show featuring holiday horror-themed art or sale. The event features live music and snacks. Dec. 21, 7-9 pm. Free. Giant Nerd Books, 607 W. Garland Ave. instagram.com/giantnerdbooks
PINE NEEDLE BASKET MAKING Learn to create a small basket from local Ponderosa pine needles and take home your creation dung the four hour class. Dec. 21, 11 am-3 pm. $85. Emerge, 119 N. Second St. emergecda.com (208-930-1876)
CROCHETING FRIENDS Learn new stitches, share patterns, crochet items for hospice or those in need and make friends. Every Tuesday from 4-5:30 pm at the Clark Fork Library. Free. Clark Fork. ebonnerlibrary.org
A relaxed and inspiring environmnt for self-discovery. Participate in basic artistic concepts and activities or respond to a mindfulness prompt. Every Tuesday from 3-5 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org
DROP IN & DRAW A weekly free-form drawing program. Explore different artistic mediums, develop skills and ideas and cultivate imaginative thinking through art. All skill levels are welcome. Supplies and projects provided. Wednesdays from 5:30-7 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org
OPEN STUDIO Stop by The Hive to see what current Artists-In-Residence are up to, and tour the building. Every Wednesday from 4-7 pm. Free. The Hive, 2904 E. Sprague Ave. spokanelibrary.org
PAPER ART NIGHT Bring your collage and paper projects in progress or start something new. Every month on the fourth Wednesday from 6-8 pm. Free. Lunarium, 1925 N. Monroe St. lunariumspokane.com
BABES & BOOKS Stories, songs and activities for babies under 15 months. Every Thursday at 2 pm. Free. Moscow Public Library, 110 S. Jefferson. latahlibrary.org
DROP IN & WRITE Aspiring writers are invited to be a part of a supportive writers’ community. Bring works in progress to share, get inspired with creative prompts and spend some focused time writing. Thursdays from 5:30-7 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org (509-279-0299)
FROM THE VAULT: AN ARCHIVAL POETRY PROJECT An award-winning group of Inland Northwest poets share their responses to various archival treasures found within the Spokane Public Library vault. Dec. 19, 4-5 pm. Free. Central Library, 906 W. Main. spokanelibrary.org
STORY AND CRAFT A read-aloud of a popular children’s book followed by a related craft Ages 3-7. Every Saturday from 11 am-noon. Cost of admission. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org
AUNTIE’S BOOK CLUB: AFTERNOON Vote on next year’s book selections. Dec. 24, noon. Free. auntiesbooks.com
SANDPOINT STORYMAKERS A group focused on helping creative people achieve their dream whether it’s a novel or a video game. Every Tuesday from 5-6:30 pm. Free. Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St. ebonnerlibrary.org
TEEN WRITE CLUB Teen writers are invited to get feedback on their work and explore all things prose and poetry. Every Tuesday from 5:30-7 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. sparkcentral.org (509-279-0299)
TOTS & TALES Share stories and songs while learning early literacy skills. Every Tuesday at 10:15 am. Free. Moscow Public Library, 110 S. Jefferson St. latahlibrary. org (208-882-3925)
BROKEN MIC A weekly open mic reading series. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm; sign-ups at 6 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. bit.ly/2ZAbugD (509-847-1234)
CREATIVE WRITING CLUB Stretch your writing skills with fun prompts, character creation, world building and more. Every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 pm. Ages 8-12. Free. Moscow Public Library, 110 S. Jefferson St. latahlibrary.org n
“Grand” mountain
1. G.H. ___ (name on champagne bottles)
Converse competitor
“Sister Act” group
Someone wise beyond their years, it’s said
Nicole Kidman’s role in “Moulin Rouge!”
25 sweet prizes are up for grabs in this December giveaway. This could be your chance to drive home the grand prize of one sweet ride!
See the Coeur Rewards booth, CDA Casino app
Solo piano dinner music | 6 PM – 8 PM
Big Shot Dueling Pianos show | 9 PM – 1 AM
Must be age 21 or older to enter bar or lounge areas.
4 PM, 5 PM, 8 PM, 9 PM & 10 PM Ring in the New Year with sweet wins!
See the Coeur Rewards booth, CDA Casino app or
candy! Everyone gets between $5 and $350 Extra Play Cash. Visit the Coeur Rewards booth for more details. Happy New Year!
Live music with Bruiser | 10 PM – 1 AM Ages 18 & up.
Must be age 21 or older to enter bar or lounge areas.
Minimum buy-in applies. See the Bingo venue for more details.
25 WIN UP TO $2,025!
Sweeten your new year with big wins! Play your favorite games on January 1st and earn 100 points for a shot at winning up to $2,025