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The Enterprise Design School Project This project is about the design of enterprises that promise to have significant social impact. There are two parts to the project, together worth 25% of your overall mark in the course.

Part 1: A portfolio of enterprise models designed by the class (20%) We’ll develop enterprise models that will change and improve as we iterate, until the class has a final portfolio of ideas. This will be done through a collaborative process over a number of class hours. See your Topic Schedule for the timing. We’ll have a number of guests in the room to share their lived experience with us and to help facilitate the process. Other than the design briefs described below, only your final deliverable will count toward your final grade. Part 1 is worth 20% of the project. This mark is shared by everyone and comes about as follows: Mark 5%

Component Each time we meet, the class will complete an Activity Brief* to capture what took place – to document the process and to inform the guests each day. These will be assessed on a pass or fail basis: • •

100% for a brief that your teacher deems to be complete enough to describe to our guests what took place 0% otherwise

This portion of the mark will come from the average of the marks received on all of the activity briefs. 10%

For every idea in your final portfolio, you will need to submit the following: • •

One (1) Really Big Value Idea Sketchpad* One (1) Idea Brief*

A mark will be assigned for each idea according to the rubric provided on the Really Big Value Idea Critique Form*. This portion of the mark will come from the average of the marks received for each idea in your portfolio. This is shown in Figure 1a on page Error! Bookmark not defined. and an example is given in Figure 1b. Your portfolio must contain at least one (1) idea and at most five (5) ideas. 5%

For every idea in your final portfolio, you will need to submit: •

One (1) Making it Real Brief*

This portion of the mark will be based on an assessment rubric to be handed out in class.

* Google templates for each of these will be linked from here: • http://theinnographer.com/toolkit/enterprise-design-school/ © The Innographer Ltd., 2012



Figure 1: How your mark will be allocated for the idea itself (i.e. the first 10% of the mark described on page 1)

a) Your mark will be allocated as shown here by the position of your ideas on the impact-feasibility grid 100% for the top right corner and 20% for the bottom left corner.

b) This is an example showing a portfolio of three ideas ( ) and their average ( ). The position of the average indicates a final mark of 80% for the portfolio, or 8/10 on that portion of the project.

Part 2: Feedback and reflection deliverable (5%) This feedback and reflection part of the project will take place in class on the last day of the project. There is no preparation required - you just need to be there that day for full directions and information about how it will be assessed. See your Topic Schedule for the timing. Part 2 is worth 5% of your mark on the project.

Individual Challenge Opportunity Parts 1 and 2 above make up the entire mark on this project. However, if you want to develop and submit an enterprise model on your own, you may do so. If you choose to do this you need to submit: One (1) Really Big Value Idea Sketchpad; One (1) Idea Brief; One (1) Making it Real Brief; and One (1) Activity Brief to capture your own design process. It will be marked in the same way as Part 1 above and your overall mark for Part 1 will be the average of the mark the class receives for Part 1 and the mark you receive for the Individual Challenge Opportunity.

Š The Innographer Ltd., 2012



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