Sip into summer
Pet nats, rosés and lighter reds will be a big hit this summer
As the weather starts to heat up, Molly Nicholas spoke to operators around the country about the trends and seasonal varietals keeping wine enthusiasts coming back for more. WITH A busy summer rapidly approaching,
way for lighter style rosés and Pinot, and
pub owners and operators are making
expanding out some of our white offers. Our
to capitalise on premium wine sales, and it
End of year festivities are a great time
seasonal changes to their wine selection to
winter reds, Shiraz and Grenache blends,
proves worthwhile to hold a selection of mid-
get the most out of the festivities ahead.
are swapping out for lighter Pinot and
to high-range Champagne for celebratory
The way in which patrons perceive a
straight Grenache through the summer.
moments. Offering something special over
venue can be greatly impacted by the wine
“With rosé in particular, we’re coming
the festive period encourages customers to
offering, making it crucial to stay attuned to
off the full sugar and going into a dryer,
create memorable experiences, but there
the changing preferences of customers.
high-acid style which is refreshing. If
is still high demand for affordable sparkling
Adjusting your wine offering with
we’re talking white wines, we’ve seen a
options, as explained by Eduardo Fritis-
the seasons, and reducing your winter
big decline in New Zealand Sauvignon
Lamor, head sommelier at The Dolphin
warmers to make way for refreshing
demand, with Adelaide Hills and local
Hotel in Surry Hills.
whites and rosés, caters to different tastes
wines dominating this time of year.
and occasions while showing versatility.
“Sparkling wine is heavily activated over
“Champagne alternatives like Prosecco, Pet Nat and local sparkling are becoming
Thomas French, general manager at the
the Spring Racing Carnival season which
extremely popular. It’s a massive part of
Warradale Hotel, spoke about the changes
then leads into Christmas, with a big rosé
end of year and Christmas festivities and
he’s made for spring and summer.
and sparkling focus while people go into
with a hot summer approaching there will
celebration mode.”
be lots of bubbles in the sun.”
“We have less full-bodied reds, making
22 | Australian Hotelier