GIFTGUIDE June 2020 The Man Issue

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JUNE 2020


HE’S GOT THE LOOK For Tooletries it starts in the bathroom

TREND ALERT: FATHER’S DAY Novelty & quirky gifts


No challenge is too big for Pigeonhole founder Johann Kim

GIFTGUIDE is published by

THE INTERMEDIA GROUP PTY LTD ABN 94 002 583 682 41 Bridge Road Glebe NSW 2037 Australia Ph: 02 9660 2113 Fax: 02 9660 4419 MANAGING DIRECTOR: Simon Grover PUBLISHER: Mark Kuban EDITOR: Marion Gerritsen PRODUCTION MANAGER: Jacqui Cooper


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4 Q&A with Tooletries co-founder Josh Cockburn 8 visual merchandising to celebrate the men in our lives 14 trends novelty and quirky gift ideas for Father’s Day 16 small business the sky’s the limit for Pigeonhole’s founder, Johann Kim 22 gifts Father’s Day ranges from Gibson 26 instore tips to get your store ready for Father’s Day 28 inspiration motivational words from men of all eras 32 profile Rick Fenny, a man of the land 36 products the latest gifts & products for Father’s Day


04 28 22


14 June 2020  3

He’s got the


Men’s accessories is now one of the fastest growing segments as men are putting more effort into their appearance. We talk to Tooletries co-founder Josh Cockburn about this growing industry.


ooletries launched in 2015 in

Have you seen an increased

the US after a Kickstarter campaign,

demand for men’s products?

but it wasn’t until January 2016 that

Yes we have. Our business is now in its fifth year

brothers Josh and Saul Cockburn

and we have observed a growth year on year.

really got going–launching a range of silicone

Men care about how they look and what they

bathroom products. Men are always hard to buy

put in their body more and more. Men are also

for so starting their own company was the perfect

happy to shop online which is one of the growth

place to start.

areas away from bricks and mortar.

Two years ago the company made its official

Why do you think consumers like

entry into the Australian market at the Sydney Life

your products?

Instyle show, exhibiting in the brand-new section

Men use our products and women buy them.

Men Instyle.

Women love giving gifts/products to men



that they actually use and this is the case with

the man-loofah). It is made from 100 per cent silicone

Tooletries. With men using more grooming

and is built for deep cleansing and exfoliation. It is

products than they ever have, we provide

long-lasting and easy to clean as well.

organisation for men’s daily grooming routines and

You first launched in the US and

help keep the bathroom neat and tidy.

then Australia, which is your bigger

What are your most popular

market now?


The US is still our primary market but being an

The Harvey & Oliver set is our signature piece.

Australian company the Aussie market is near and

It designed to get you in and out of the shower

dear to us. We also believe Australians have a great

as efficiently as possible and modernise your

eye for design and well-made products. The UK


is next on the list for us as they are considered the

We recently launched our new Body Scrubber (aka

home of men’s grooming.

June 2020  5



Do you still do your own distribution? Yes we do. We are always open to distribution partners but have found that no one will have the passion for your products and nurture and support your brand as much as you do. Therefore we keep as much as possible in-house.

How has Covid-19 affected your business? With our main US retailers being closed for the past six weeks, along with Australia, we’ve put a large focus on e-commerce platforms and our own website.

Not being able to attend trade fairs or travel overseas, have you seen an increase in online orders? We have been much more involved with our rep groups and doing virtual hangouts and online meetings. Sales are starting to pick up again as restrictions are easing.

What does the rest of 2020 and 2021 look like for Tooletries? It looks very exciting and promising. More new products, better customer engagement and expanding markets, we are very positive and upbeat about the future. Hopefully we can attend trade shows in 2021, but if that is not possible we will find alternative ways to continue to build the Tooletries brand. G BACK TO CONTENTS

June 2020  7



IT’S A MAN’S WORLD With Father’s Day not far away, get inspired to spoil the men in your life.




visual merchandising





June 2020  9

visual merchandising







visual merchandising






The perfec t gift for a stylish gent

81 Tulip Street Cheltenham, Vic 3192 Australia I T: 03 9581 3666 I F: 03 9583 9321 E: I

Bedfordshire Beard Co. Vanilla Beard Set by  Sir Gordon Bennett

Bluetooth headphones with hands-free function by Monsterzeug



Classic Zürich Silver Watch 40 mm Unisex Quarts Watch by   Jean Jacob

Stainless Steel Shaving Gift Set by Wearth London

Father’s Day is fast approaching. From funny novelty presents to cufflinks, watches and luxury gift sets, we’ve selected some of our favourite gift ideas.

Hubert Planter by Red Candy

Vintage Playing Cards Clock - Beer O’Clock by Charlton Island



Canvas backpack by Servus am Marktplatz

Personalised   Man Cave Wooden Sign by Treat Republic Mad Man skin care range

Bucket of Beer by

sock it up Australia

Set with globe carafe and 2 whisky glasses by Monsterstuff

Dad Cooking Apron by Poundland

Chunky Blanket - Navy Blue  by Tolly McRea


June 2020  15



THE LIMIT Pigeonhole founder Johann Kim has always been entrepreneurial and innovative, no matter what challenges life throws at him. We chat to the man who believes in pursuing constant growth and giving back to the community.


hether we like it or not, the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives in more ways than one and while restrictions are being

eased and we are slowly going back to normal, some things might never be the same again. Small business was hit hard and especially retail and hospitality suffered immensely as measures were put in place to restrict the spread of the virus and many businesses were forced into hibernation. For Pigeonhole founder, Johann Kim, this meant (temporarily) closing down his 10 stores at the end of March/beginning of April and standing down 50 of his staff. “Going from a team of 65 to a team of 15 has been a pretty huge shift, and everyone essentially working from 16

small business

home on administrative tasks for the business is something that was a huge transition and very stressful on a lot of people,” he says. “We had already had a very weak Christmas trade and a slow start to the year so it definitely felt like I was getting

the last few months,” he explains. “As things started to shut down, we

kicked while on the ground. Our sales dropped by 90 per

were in a position where we feared that

cent, with some of my stores started having $0 days.”

all our beautiful indoor plants might

‘We are all in this together’ was a motto that seemed

end up locked down in the stores and

to resonate with many people during this uncertain time,

die from neglect. We felt compelled to

however, not everyone felt the same way. In fact, some of

adopt them out as quickly as possible

Kim’s landlords only made matters worse.

to new homes and this spurred on the

“One Shopping centre hoarded up my store when I

idea that perhaps we could deliver

suggested that they let us stay on rent free. They told me

them to our customers who were in

on the Friday they would consider it and let me know their


decision on the Monday. On Monday my staff rocked up to

“I thought that maybe people

the shift to find that the centre had boarded up the entire

in isolation in their homes might

shop and padlocked it.

appreciate having a living thing make

“Another landlord insisted that we defit the entire store

their space that little bit happier to

within a week right in the middle of the crisis because they

be in during this crazy time. So I

would not extend our lease nor freeze the rent. It was pretty

approached one of my nurseries about

gnarly. I was in quarantine at the time and I was saved by some

the idea, and catalogued their range

friends of mine who banded together, removed the walls, ceiling, electrical work, got a truck and did tip runs and get everything out the premises without me even being there. I am very fortunate to have incredibly supportive friends.” However, Kim is not one to give up, on the contrary, where one door (literally) closes, another one opens. “A bunch of my stores had been selling indoor plants for June 2020  17

of plants. I spoke to my team who were

for every plant that we sell. We’re

on JobKeeper who could potentially

partnering with One Tree Planted

deliver the plants and then called in

which is an international reforestation

favours from friends all around the world

organisation. They have partners on

to do graphic design, web design,

the ground here in Australia who are

photography and writing to help get this

developing reforestation programs for

project of the ground.”

bushfire ravaged parts of our country.

And so Hello Houseplant was born.

It’s an exciting initiative to be part of and

It’s a delivery service based initially in

something close to our hearts.”

Perth, delivering beautiful indoor plants

Kim has started a business from scratch

from nursery to your home. The emphasis

before, even though under very different

of this venture has since shifted to being

circumstances, but he felt confident he

a ‘plants as presents’ concept where

could do it again and build something out

people are encouraged to send their

of nothing.

loved ones a plant rather than a bunch of

“I basically got to the point where all

flowers–a living breathing gift that gives

my bank accounts had hit zero. I didn’t

back by cleaning your air, making your

have any money but I had staff that were

home feel that bit cosier, and giving you

eligible for JobKeeper. I thought we

something small to look after and care for.

might be in for six months of lockdown,

You can add a pot to your plant, a

and because my nursery didn’t have a

bottle of local WA wine, handmade

minimum order for me, I thought I could

Margaret River chocolate or a four-pack

launch this business without having to

of beer from a local Perth brewery.

buy stock and could get orders on the

“We want to support local and allow

site, place them directly with my nursery,

our Perth customers to have an offering

and then send one of my JobKeeper

that gives back to our local community,”

staff to pick up the order and deliver to

reiterates Kim.

our customers.”

“We’ve also decided to plant a tree 18

The past few months have been tough

small business

HOW IT ALL BEGAN… Pigeonhole started on the back of a round the world trip at the end of founder Johann Kim’s university degree. “I was doing my last semester of law school on student exchange in Copenhagen and was hand making some jewellery and little men’s accessories, and selling it to boutiques over there to give me some cash to live and travel.” During that year he travelled all through Europe and the world selling his wares to cool stores and gaining inspiration at the same time. When he finally made it back to Australia he didn’t have much luck getting a job in his field and one night when he was walking through the city in Perth he came across a tiny store at the back of an old forgotten arcade with a for lease sign in the window. “I called the leasing agent and told them I was an international jewellery designer looking to open a store. The rent was $110 per week and they didn’t ask me for a bond or a deposit, so I just signed the lease and asked for three months’ rent free. “From there I applied for an arts travel grant to do a tradeshow in Melbourne where I put my jewellery and accessories out on a small table at the show, got 14 orders, and with the money from those orders, two credit cards, and the help of all my friends and family, managed to set up my first store on 6 October 2007 on my 25th birthday.”

So where does the name Pigeonhole come from? “When I was on my round the world trip I sold jewellery to a store in Singapore called incubox. The store was just essentially made up of cubes that you could hire out and put your products on display in. I liked that concept and remember thinking to myself that if I ever opened a store, I would fill it with Pigeonhole shelving and call it Pigeonhole. “The first store was very fitting on the name as it was 30 metres down the back of a tiny arcade in the heart of the city. Blink and you’d miss it. There was no natural light and it was more like a bedroom than a shop really. The name felt really fitting for the space and it really felt like a tiny secluded haven for people to discover and so the name made sense and stuck around!” Pigeonhole grew exponentially and went from being a series of tiny little shops to being a big format store. In 2012 Kim was offered an enormous popup store in the centre of Perth’s busiest mall. “I had five other stores at that time and a cafe, but this store was so big that all my other businesses could fit inside it! We got amazing free rent deals for almost a year, and had so much space that I even designed furniture and got it manufactured and sold it in the space along with a huge fashion section, vintage, denim, photography, homewares and jewellery. “It definitely felt like the golden era of Pigeonhole as we even hired a huge boat for our Christmas party and partied along the coast of Rottnest Island. For our motley crew of 20-somethings, that had only ever worked in tiny stores, this was a crazy celebration and transformation of the business into a something that would become a national store shortly afterwards.” June 2020  19

FUN FACTS WITH Pigeonhole founder Johann Kim WHAT IS YOUR… favourite food? Korean cold noodle soup and kimbap (Korean sushi) favourite holiday destination? Rottnest Island, about 30min off the coast of Perth favourite song/band? Don’t have one… but I am a bit of a disco fiend… and also have a geeky appreciation of the baroque era in classical music (I was named after Johann Sebastian Bach after all!). favourite book? The Power of Habit (Charles Duhigg) favourite drink? Cointreau & Tonic favourite movie? Don’t have one, though my preference is for unsophisticated films that I can completely zone out to. I only ever watch movies on the airplane but I am a bit of a sucker for an X-men film or a Hollywood B-grade feel good movie. I’m really not that cultured I’m afraid! favourite TV show? I haven’t had a TV in my house for 20 years favourite person? My dad most embarrassing moment? Wetting my pants at Rome train station after running around for half an hour trying to find a toilet to then realise I didn’t have any 1 euro coins to open the toilet door. I was in such a panic that I emptied my entire bladder within two metres of a public toilet all over myself through my one pair of jeans. 20

for Kim and there was a period

he says with a smile. “I think

where he thought he may not

the silver lining has been

ever be able to reopen.

that there have been many

“I’ve been working harder

opportunities for people to

than I have ever before. It has

show solidarity, kindness,

been a gruelling period of

generosity and compassion

long days and nights trying to

during this time. An

salvage the business–calling

outpouring of support from

the bank, many meetings with

my friends and customers

my accountants, negotiating

has been something that

with landlords and suppliers,

has given me the courage

and having staff and suppliers

and strength to keep

have aggressive meltdowns

moving forward despite the

has been pretty intense.


“I guess you have to learn to roll with the punches and keep shifting and being as

So where do Pigeonhole and Kim go from here? “If only I knew! Look, things

nimble as possible. But there

were already very tough for

are definitely some days that

retail so it’s not easy to predict

you just don’t want to get out

what the new world order is

of bed, and wish you could

going to look like for bricks

spend your time learning

and mortar. I know that the

how to bake sourdough and

shift online is only going to

learning how to shuffle and

continue, so naturally I am

doing TikToks all day instead

putting energy there right

of having to run a business

now and to seeing how we

during the most challenging

can reimagine Pigeonhole

circumstances of your life,”

2.0 in a digital format. It’s not

small business

something that comes naturally for us but it’s a good challenge to see how we can communicate our values of community and friendship and joy in new ways, and try and portray that authentically online.” Kim is also in the process of reopening the stores, and will see how that unfolds over the coming weeks. It has been a bit of a mixed bag so far, but he says he is grateful for the opportunity to at least give it a go to see if Pigeonhole can maintain relevance for people despite everything else going on. “For myself personally, I am trying not to hold onto anything too tightly right now. I lost my father to cancer at the end of last year and have felt pretty battered by the rough retail conditions over December/January and the craziness of the past few months. “I’m excited by the possibilities that my new projects can bring, and also for greater levels of collaboration with other businesses, brands and creatives. It has definitely been a lonely road in many ways, so I’m pretty keen to get together with likeminded people and either bring them into what I’m doing, or get involved in what they are doing. “But really, I can’t lay claim on anything, but be happy with myself and focus on the things that bring joy and life to me within my company and live day by day showing up that day as the best version of myself that I can.”



June 2020  21




In 2020, dad really deserves to be king of the castle at home, at least for one day anyway.

ibson has a number of great

in his beloved cave with himself or with a bunch

gift ranges that are perfect to

of mates. Why would he want a boring old clock

put a Father’s Day smile on

on the wall when he can spend quality time with

his face. If you’re looking for

one of these glass clocks designed just for blokes?

something a little different for Father’s Day to

Wholesaling from $5.95, these designs are

offer your customers, here are a few suggestions

bound to catch the eye of shoppers looking for

of what Gibson thinks will be very popular

something for the man of the house (or in this case

choices this year.

the mancave).

Gifts that spend time in the

For card sharks, there’s the Casino Royale clock


that says it’s time for a few rounds of poker with your

For any dad that loves to spend his time in a

mates. There’s also the clock that looks just like a

mancave, and let’s face it there are plenty out

dart board, a popular game for any manly escape.

there, here are some handy gift suggestions from

Or perhaps the billiard ball clock for those who love

Gibson that absolutely are a must have.

a game of pool to while away the time. Whichever

Its Mancave range starts with a gift that is perfect for the dad who clocks up more than his fair share


one appeals to your customers you can be sure Father’s Day is the perfect time to be fully stocked.


Apart from fun and games, one

to make a big impression with

of the other great pastimes in the

designs that are quite intricate

classic mancave is having a few

and very realistic.

drinks with your mates. Why not

Let’s start with a real classic

add a little class with Gibson’s

that brings back memories

Mancave set of six coasters

of lazy summers down

in a choice of the same three

the coast in a combi with

designs as the clocks, making

boards on the top and waves

it appealing to match both gift

breaking. You can take your

ideas together, especially when

pick from the small vintage

they are such an affordable

combi (10.5x16.5x7.5cm)

gift idea for your customers

or the larger combi version

wholesaling from $5.95.


Father’s Day means

Action enthusiasts will drool

toys for the boys

over the vintage fighter plane

Now here’s a Father’s Day gift

(11.5x33.5x43 cm) or a choice

idea from Gibson that will be a

of vintage racing cars in small

winner for dads of any vintage.

(5x15.5x7cm), and large car

Its Vintage Car collection is for

(8x24x10cm), while two wheel

the man that has everything,

enthusiasts will get excited by

and loves his trains, planes and

the very realistic looking vintage

automobiles. Not to mention

motorcycle (22x34x18cm),

classic motor bikes.

large scooter (18x36x10.5cm)

Boys never really grow up and they don’t lose their love

and small scooter (12x17x7cm). For any dads who are train

of playing with vintage cars

lovers, they’re bound to be

when they were young. This

thrilled by the old time steam

quality collection made of metal

trains in both a small model

is all about thinking miniature

(8.5x17x5cm) and larger train June 2020  23

(13x28x8cm), while this amazing

Antique giftware for

many bookcases around

collection of 11 vintage models is

Father’s Day

the world, but obviously

completed by a classic looking tractor

Whether it’s for a feature wall

at a much smaller size


in a loungeroom or office at


Gibson’s Vintage Vehicles collection

home, or even to add a little

Speaking of books around

wholesales from $12.95 for smaller

personality to a mancave, a

the world, Gibson’s antique

models up to $39.95 each and

bookcase full of the wonder

atlas bookends (15x27x9cm)

promises to be a very popular model

and imagination of books is

come complete with its own

for Father’s Day gifts in 2020.

always a fabulous addition to

sailing vessel that would have

any home. And what home

explored many of the oceans

library wouldn’t be enhanced

depicted on the same globe.

by these stunning antique

A slightly more quirky,

bookends made from high

and unique addition to this

quality resin. The first thing to

collection, are the bookends

note is the attention to detail

with antique vehicles divided

of these miniature designs

on either side. What dad

that capture a remarkable

wouldn’t be excited to have

likeness to the real thing.

his own classic motor bike

So which of these antique


(14x29x10cm) parked in

bookends will also capture

all its glory in his mancave

the fancy of customers this

amongst his books. Or a

year? Perhaps the most

thrilling bookend based on

obvious place to start is

a 20th century fighter plane

the bookends that feature

(17x26x14cm) flying high

their own miniature antique

in the bookcase. Perhaps

books. Quite clever really

it is the vintage steam train

and a nice touch with the

(15x25x8cm) that customers

romance of books from

will be making tracks for.

yesteryear that would fill

Gibson is very excited


to offer this quite unique

the odd breakage by clumsy

Father’s Day gift idea that

dads, the good news is

wholesales for $26.95 per

these mugs are dishwasher

set (two bookends) and

safe too.

recommends you make your

Gibson’s mugs come in

booking for Father’s Day with

four varieties to keep your

Gibson right now.

customers happy for choice.

Celebrate dads with

There’s a choice of white or

their own mug

blue coloured mugs (some

Everyone in the family

with star patterns) and loving

deserves to be celebrated

messages inscribed on the

with their own mug and that

outside and inside of the mug

goes for dad as well. What a

along with fun motifs such as

great gift to show him how

trophies and moustaches.

much he means to his family

What dad wouldn’t feel

as a special memento of

a bit touched to know he’s

Father’s Day in 2020.

thought of as a wonderful

It’s the gift that keeps on

father with messages on

giving every time he goes

the outside like ‘My dad is

for a cuppa of his favourite

super cool’, ‘Dad you are

brew and can share a smile

the best’, ‘Dad I think you

to himself as he’s reminded

are a fantastic person’ or ‘So

out on stocking this range which

what a ‘Supercool Dad’ he is.

happy with an awesome dad

wholesales from $4.50. It will be as

like you’. When he’s finished

popular with your shoppers as dad is

would expect from any

drinking his coffee or tea,

on his one day of the year.

Gibson product range, its

there are even more heart felt

Father’s Day mug collection

messages inside like ‘You are

range this year, go to www.gibsongifts.

is made from fine china. And

the best’ and ‘I love you!’. and contact your local sales

Befitting the quality you

while we can’t guarantee

You’d be a mug to miss BACK TO CONTENTS

For a comprehensive Father’s day


G June 2020  25

n e m WHAT


For many retailers Father’s Day is an important event and maybe even more so in 2020.


s stores are opening up again, the next big

shopping event will be Father’s Day in September. While this is still a few months away, with the recent Covid-19 restrictions that put many bricks and mortar

stores into hibernation, there is no time to sit back and relax. Did you know the reason Australia celebrates Father’s Day in September is we already have so many holidays in the beginning of the year, we needed some time to recover before we start spending money again? According to a 2018 report by the Commonwealth Bank, Australians spend $1.58 billion in the lead up to Father’s Day versus just $1.37 billion spent on Mother’s Day. Indeed, spending for Father’s Day has increased year-on-year, with the data showing a 37 per cent increase since 2015 in Australia. Sales and profit are now more important than ever and retailers need to get customers back into their stores. Here are some tips to get you started and make Father’s Day the most significant day of the year. Displays are your friend When it comes to Father’s Day merchandise, set up a display with all 26


kinds of dad products for that special day. Make

Instagram now enabling shopping, it gives retailers

sure it is clearly visible. Either group certain themes

another venue to explore and make some sales!

together or just have one major display with dad

Think outside the box

stuff. If possible, create a specific window display

Some customers might find it difficult to pick out a

for Father’s Day. That is surely to get the attention

Father’s Day gift and they welcome any help that’s

of shoppers!

available. So why not create a specific Father’s Day

If you don’t really sell Father’s day gifts, don’t worry. Why not add some greeting cards or gift

gift pack? You can make it as big or as small as you’d like and even include some slow moving stock.

cards to your offering? They don’t take up a lot of

This way you open up shelf space for more fast-

space and are a great alternative for people who

moving merchandise and make more sales while

are not quite sure what to get.

your customers walk away with the perfect gift for

Let’s get digital

their loved one!

Digital has become increasingly important over the

Dads just wanna have fun

last few months, and should still be a big part of

While Father’s Day is an opportunity to make

your Father’s Day campaign. Integrate bricks and

some much need sales, make sure you have fun.

mortar and ecommerce and you’re onto a winner!

Add some humorous products to your shelves, or

The increase in online shopping will only

share a funny video on social media and invite your

continue, so to get your customers’ attention ramp

followers to send through their favourite dad or

up your digital strategy. Offer special deals, create

Father’s Day video.

a special section on your website just for Father’s

Father’s Day is the perfect day to maximise your

Day, or highlight your Father’s Day offerings with

sales with adding a bit of humour, so bring out the

a banner that pops up as soon as your customer

dad jokes in your next email!

lands on your homepage.

With a little help from my friends

Send out specific Father’s Day email campaigns

If Father’s Day has never been a really big seller for

promoting your products and the special deals

you, why not partner with some of the other local

you are offering. Give your customers incentives to

stores and create a special Father’s Day offering?

shop at your store, whether it’s online or instore. And of course don’t forget social media. Your reach will be instant and with both Pinterest and

This means you can make some extra cash on the side while other stores and brands get some much needed promotion. It’s a win-win for all!



June 2020  27

A wise man

Stay hungry, stay foolish.” STEVE JOBS

It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”



Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

I haven’t failed, I’ve found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” T H E O D O R E R O O S E V E LT

Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.” JIMMY DURANTE

The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” TO N Y R O B B I N S



Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” MUHAMMAD ALI

The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” MARK ZUCKERBERG

n once said.. inspiration

Whether you are looking for motivation, inspiration or just need some good advice, we have collected some of the most famous quotes by similarly famous men of all ages, professions and eras.

It’s not how much you have that makes people look up to you, it’s who you are.”







Don’t count the days, make the days count.”

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”


It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” L E O N A R D O DA V I N C I

By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.” C H R I S TO P H E R CO L U M B U S

Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.”

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.”

I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.”

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

It always seems impossible until it’s done.” NELSON MANDELA


Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.”

Imagination is more important than knowledge...” ALBERT EINSTEIN



June 2020  29

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When socks aren’t enough, and slippers are too much... It’s business as usual for Australia’s cuddliest winter socks, Nuzzles.

SIZES INCLUDE: Toddler 12-36 months with fun designs including stripes for the girls, stars for the boys and the fabulous animal designs for both girls and boys. Wholesaling at $4.50 per pair. Kids size 3+ designs are funky and lively which include cute cats, new unicorn, jelly bean and polka dot for the girls. Animals and Stripes feature for the boys. Wholesaling at $5.50 a pair. Ladies 7-10 designs this season showcase a wonderful range including Elephant, Stripe, Heart, Pom Pom Penguin, Pooch, Polka Dot, Flamingo and Ladies Shortz. Wholesaling for $7.70.


ive your feet a break and keep them warm with something to snuggle. Nuzzles Sherpa sleeper socks will be with you every step of the way. Extra snuggly fleece lined, these are socks to warm your sole. No longer will you be taunted by freezing feet, these beauties have everyone protected. Great things are afoot with a wealth of good reasons to include Nuzzles into your product range. These include soft, mid-weight, fleece lining for toasty warmth, machine washable for convenience,non-slip silicone soles and one size fits most. With Gibson’s fun, on trend, designs there is sure to be something to suit everyone and have you scooting around the house in style this winter. 30

Men’s size 8-12 designs will have the man in your household looking great in Men’s Stripe, Men’s Reindeer, Men’s Aztec and Men’s Shortz. Each pair wholesaling for $7.70. And just when you think it couldn’t get any better...Gibson’s fabulous animal slippers have arrived for an added extra to the range. These fabulous characters for your feet are warm and inviting. Mid-weight fleece lining and non-slip silicone soles complement these characters. The range includes koala, panda,dog, fox, pig and unicorn. You’ll never want to take these adorable critters off. Wholesale for $8.95 per pair. There’s just no excuse to have cold feet at all. Nuzzles has something for everyone to brighten up their day or night. For the best winter warmer footwear range, go to www.gibsongifts. and contact your local sales representative. View the complete range at www.colour-my-world. G


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to your day with Sock Society The Gibson vision is to create a unique range of playful quality socks which bring smiles and colour to daily life.


ock Society was launched three years ago as Gibson identified a gap in the market for affordable, ‘on trend’, socks that suit every individual no matter the age or gender. There is a growing desire within the fashion market to express individuality, a snippet of rebellion particularly when social convention dictates a conservative wardrobe. Gibson’s product team answered the call – Sock Society endeavours to capture the imagination of consumers, engaging their inner child and creating eclectic outfits which mix maturity with childhood pleasures. Designed for Australians, by Australians, trend research is behind every style. The range is varied, a design to suit the most discerning consumer including categories of sports, fast food, drinks, fruits, animals, sea life and music lovers. The collection has more than 500 individually designed socks. A strong brand, Sock Society is supported by a healthy social media campaign constituting of, and Instagram @socksocietyaustralia with an enthusiastic and growing following. Gibson’s quirky social media posts are instantly successful, coupling vibrant photography with entertaining and witty write-ups, ensuring its followers are informed and entertained. In-store merchandising is made simple and consistent with branded stands–the success here has been in the units displayed in such a small footprint with convenience for both retailers and customers being a priority. Today Sock Society has evolved into a sock revolution. The brand is stocked in over 1,000 stores and growing every day. The feedback from retailers and customers has been fantastic. With new designs being launched every month, Gibson guarantees to keep your stand looking fresh and exciting for your customers. Wholesaling at only $4.50, Sock Society socks are manufactured using a high quality mix of 80 per cent cotton, 17 per cent nylon and three per cent elastane. Each pair is made from a premium cotton rich blend, which makes them easy to wash and long wearing. To add a little colour to your life, go to and contact your local sales representative. View the complete range at G June 2020  31


A man of the land

Rick Fenny has built his life upon taking care of all creatures great and small, and his beloved red dogs have seen it all. By Michelle Hespe


ick Fenny wears many hats.

Queensland University as a vet in 1972. Being the

He’s a vet, a property developer,

go-getter that he is, Fenny shot straight to work

a reality TV star in the new series

in two outback WA regions that will always hold a

Desert Vet, a businessman and an

place in his heart: the Kimberley and the Pilbara.

entrepreneur. His name keeps popping up in the

“It was opportunity and a sense of freedom

media for a couple of reasons, which are poles

that took me out there,” he says, smiling as he

apart in terms of subject matter. One, he was Red

takes a moment to reminisce. “Freedom for self-

Dog’s vet. Two, Lady Gaga stayed at Maitraya

expression and the freedom to work my own

Private Retreat, his stunning flagship property in

hours. Outback Western Australia was and still

Western Australia’s Albany. She was so inspired

is a wild country full of adventure. And despite it

by the natural beauty and peacefulness of the

being an ancient place, it also holds a sense of the

place that she composed two songs on his piano.

new. It’s just so unspoilt.”

Gaga aside, it’s animals that Fenny has dedicated his life to. He graduated from 32

Fenny regularly packs a bag of his veterinary equipment and hits the road to help all creatures


great and small. He sets up a pop-up vet clinic in

“My job is so rewarding,” Fenny says. “People

some of the most remote places on the planet.

are incredibly appreciative that I travel to these

Word travels like wildfire when he’s in town,

out-of the-way places to help their animals, and in

because for many people their animal is the

turn, them. I provide a service in remote areas that

main love of their life and often a major part of

has never been available before.”

their business. And so the locals arrive in their droves with their

Fenny also owns a chain of conventional vet practises with 12 surgeons, called Pets + Vets,

furry (and sometimes feathered) friends, gratefully

and although still very hands-on in business, now

placing them in Fenny’s experienced hands.

his role is to be a “leader, inspirer and innovator”.

Heart of gold

Teamed up with his on-the-road business in

Whether you’re watching Fenny on TV or meeting

the places he loves, and he has the best of

him in person, you can sense something in his

both worlds.

nature that makes people trust him. He’s a salt-of-

Outback and coastal spoils

the-earth kinda bloke that country folk gravitate

Geographically Fenny also has the best of both

towards and helping an animal to get well can be

worlds. He spends half his days exploring and

the best thing that has happened to someone in

working in the outback and then heads to WA’s

months, if not years.

stunning coast, where he has businesses and June 2020  33

homes in Shark Bay and Albany. Some of his

650 acres of land that it sits upon that is magical.

children are also based in the area. His son Ed

Fenny has a deep-rooted passion for Albany

works as a marine biologist and managing director

and surrounds. It was here that he had an idyllic

at Ocean Park Shark Bay, and one of his daughters,

childhood, learning to fish with his grandfather,

Louisa, is also a vet.

swimming in the wild ocean and roaming the land

If Fenny truly wants to escape to paradise, there’s

‘Huckleberry Finn’ style.

his beloved Maitraya, just outside Albany. It is

Fenny’s red dogs

elegantly sprawled above a headland jutting into

Fenny has had four red dogs at four different

the Great Southern Ocean.

periods in his life, and the first, Pip, enjoyed his

“Maitraya means place of love and kindness, and this place is like nothing else in Australia,” he says.

adventures by the sea in Albany. “Pip was with me while I was doing everything

“You can sense something really special here.

boys were able to do living in the country in

Something you can’t touch.”

the 1950s and 60s,” he says. “We really had so

He’s right. The spectacular eight-suite,

much fun.”

11-bathroomed homestead complete with a

The second major period of Fenny’s life was

20-seat movie theatre, heli-pad and private

spent with Kelly the Kelpie. “She came along at

airstrip is jaw-droppingly beautiful. But it’s the

a time of abrupt change,” he explains. “I was a



fish out of water studying in Brisbane. A kid more

“People often ask me what I’ve done with my

comfortable in the outback than at uni, learning

life, and I say, I raised seven children!” he says with

and becoming a man.”

a big laugh.

The third period for Fenny was post-university

Treating the stars

in 1972, when he moved to the Kimberley. “It’s

In 1975, Fenny met the dog of Red Dog film fame.

not an easy life, living in that part of the world,” he

‘Red Dog’ was one of those adored animals that

says. “It’s harsh and anything can happen. Sadly,

Fenny travelled far to treat. He has many fond

my third red dog was kicked by a bulluck and died

memories of the famous canine and his well-

up there.”

documented journeys across the outback. But

Marny was Fenny’s fourth red dog. “With her, I became a man and learnt to be a great vet. As anyone does, I made a few mistakes along the

as you’d know if you’ve watched the tear-jerking Aussie film, in 1979, Red Dog passed away. “I’m writing a book about the red dogs in my

way, but I bought property in emerging towns and

life,” he says. “Because they’ve been with me

set up my vet practice.”

through thick and thin. They’ve seen it all.”

Around then Fenny met his ex-wife, who he

Watch this space, as there’s a little rumour that

spent two decades with. She had two children

there might be another red dog joining Fenny on

already, and they went on to have five.

the next part of his remarkable life journey.



June 2020  35

1 2 All the latest gifts and products for Father’s Day



1. Bar Hexagon whiskey tumbler and decanter, wholesales for $109.07. Royal Selangor, 03 8797 0750,,,, 2. Watermate bottle, wholesales for $23.60. Annabel Trends, 07 5593 4755,,,, 3. Intrinsic gift boxed mugs, wholesale for $11.36 each. Intrinsic Enterprises, 08 8232 2366,,,, 4. Me to You No 1 Dad/Best Daddy Ever frame, wholesales for $7.70. Jasnor (Australia), 03 9562 9900,,,, 36







1 . Intrinsic family quote books, wholesale for $11.81 each. Intrinsic Enterprises, 08 8232 2366,,,, 2. Sporty Father’s Day 2020 cards, wholesale for $2.70 each. Candle Bark Creations, 02 9516 0926,,,, 3. Erik Magnussen hip flask, wholesales for $77.25. Royal Selangor, 03 8797 0750,,,, 4. Say What desk sign, wholesales for $3.15. Jasnor (Australia), 03 9562 9900,,,, 5. Daddy Cool range, wholesales from $2.55 to $12.85. Annabel Trends, 07 5593 4755,,,, June 2020  37




4 5

1. Men’s vegan leather range, wholesales from $12.85 to $21.45. Annabel Trends, 07 5593 4755,,,, 2. Tankard in wooden gift box, wholesales for $77.25. Royal Selangor, 03 8797 0750,,, RoyalSelangor/, 3. Star Wars classic chess set, wholesales for $1,136.34. Royal Selangor, 03 8797 0750,,,, royalselangor/ 4. Gent’s Society collection, wholesales from $4.95. Gibson Importing Co, 03 9581 3666,,, 5. Father’s Day Gifts frames, wholesale from $11.35 to $18.15. Jasnor (Australia), 03 9562 9900,,,, 38




4 5


1. The Big Mug, wholesales for $17.15. Annabel Trends, 07 5593 4755,,,, 2. Water sports Father’s Day 2020 cards, wholesale for $2.70 each. Candle Bark Creations, 02 9516 0926,,,, 3. Say What beer can glass, wholesales for $5.90. Jasnor (Australia), 03 9562 9900,,,, 4. Woodland shoe horn, wholesales for $59.07. Royal Selangor, 03 8797 0750,,,, 5. Bacchus wine funnel, wholesales for $68.16. Royal Selangor, 03 8797 0750,,,, BACK TO CONTENTS

June 2020  39

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