National Liquor News August 2022

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Top Reads 26 The Loire Valley ➤ 30 Rum ➤ 38 South Australian Drinks

The Intermedia Group’s Environmental Responsibility National Liquor News Australia.RetailpartnersproudlywithDrinks

4 | National Liquor News

the August issue of National Liquor News. It’s the last month of winter before we shift into spring and start running down that hill towards the busiest months and occasions of the year. As we all fasten our seatbelts for this descent, the team here at National Liquor News has reached near and far to gather some useful insights to help your business during this journey. From the ‘near’ view point, Seamus May has analysed South Australian drinks, looking into the beer, wine and spirit producers that give the region its great drinks reputation. Then on the ‘far’ side of this equation is my feature digging into France’s Loire Valley from page 26. I was very fortunate to be a guest of the Loire Valley’s industry in June and have brought together all the top things I learned while there – it’s a region ripe for Australian success. Other features for this month include Claire Hibbit’s review of the home cocktail occasion and how the growing number of cocktail solutions entering the market has influenced the occasion’s longevity (from page 34), and Seamus May’s investigation into the current state of the rum category (from page 30). Also in this issue, our wine tasting panel has sipped and swirled through more than 70 Cabernet Sauvignon wines, and we’ve collected their standout picks from page 46. We round everything off with some useful insights from Retail Drinks Australia, Australian Distillers, Wine Australia, eLease Lawyers, Strikeforce and The Kinetic Agency. Have a great August!


BrydieCheers, Brydie Allen, Editor 02 8586 choicebut turntotheirownkitchens satisfytheircocktail needs, leading surge of interest in at-home mixology. brands have embraced and simplified the cocktail process, offering consumers premiumisation and convenience all Whether the consumer cocktail expert or someone curious to try something unexpected, there is now strong empower them to enjoy cocktails at home, any time. “The bottled cocktail category is now well established Global Endeavours Australia (GEA), which introduced the Batched Premium Cocktails range locally last year. that offer ease preparation, allow them to indulge in the Vicki Lyon, Cocktail Creator Sophisticated Cocktail Co, says there has been surge pre-batched, ready to serve “Cocktail bars have launched their own range, large growing market, and a lot of independents are looking to bring better products within consumers reach,” Lyon said. at Starward, the premium ready to serve category is experiencing strong double-digit growth year on year, produced products. In fact, Starward’s bottled cocktail range, which includes Whisky Negroni, grew 10 times faster than the premium ready to serve category growth rate. delicious, cocktail-bar quality drinks that are conveniently packed to be enjoyed home,” says Moynihan. have introduced both premium and price pointed options in “Bottled cocktail concepts offer an increased array of choice for consumers. From larger 500-700ml glass bottles line cans,” says Melis. Lyon believes consumers are seeking quality over quantity when comes cocktails at home, but larger want more value for money. “They would rather have one or two good quality Consumers have become savvy and have access to far better choices so taste and quality are driving Convenience another driver, as is sustainability. environmentally responsible product for these consumers, packaging its cocktails in AstraPouch an 80 per cent lower carbon footprint than their glass bottle lookingequivalent.forwaysthey can reduce waste and look for packaging solutions that make their choices more many customers still enjoy at-home socialising and dining experiences, but often shy away from cocktails. found 60 per cent of consumers enjoy cocktails are too much hassle (64 per cent) or because of lack of confidence (25 per cent). Despite this, 46 per cent of pre-batched solution to be ‘appealing’.

The Intermedia Group takes its Corporate and Social Responsibilities (CSR) seriously and is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. We continuously strive to improve our environmental performance and to initiate additional CSR based projects and activities. As part of our company policy we ensure that the products and services used in the manufacture of this magazine are sourced from responsibleenvironmentallysuppliers.Thismagazinehas been printed on paper produced from sustainably sourced wood and pulp fibre and is accredited under PEFC chain of custody. PEFC certified wood and paper products come from appropriate,environmentallysocially beneficial and economically viable management of forests. The wrapping used in the delivery process of this magazine is 100% biodegradable.

Editor’s note Brydie Allen, Seamus May, Kea Thorburn and Shane T Williams.

PUBLISHED BY: Food and Beverage Media Pty Ltd A division of The Intermedia Group 41 Bridge Road GLEBE

Disclaimer This publication is published by Food and Beverage Media Pty Ltd (the “Publisher”). Materials in this publication have been created by a variety of different entities and, to the extent permitted by law, the Publisher accepts no liability for materials created by others. All materials should be considered protected by Australian and international intellectual property laws. Unless you are authorised by law or the copyright owner to do so, you may not copy any of the materials. The mention of a product or service, person or company in this publication does not indicate the Publisher’s endorsement. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Publisher, its agents, company officers or employees. Any use of the information contained in this publication is at the sole risk of the person using that information. The user should make independent enquiries as to the accuracy of the information before relying on that information. All express or implied terms, conditions, warranties, statements, assurances and representations in relation to the Publisher, its publications and its services are expressly excluded save for those conditions and warranties which must be implied under the laws of any State of Australia or the provisions of Division 2 of Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974 and any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. To the extent permitted by law, the Publisher will not be liable for any damages including special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages (including but not limited to economic loss or loss of profit or revenue or loss of opportunity) or indirect loss or damage of any kind arising in contract, tort or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such loss of profits or damages. While we use our best endeavours to ensure accuracy of the materials we create, to the extent permitted by law, the Publisher excludes all liability for loss resulting from any inaccuracies or false or misleading statements that may appear in this Copyrightpublication.©2022 - Food and Beverage Media Pty Ltd WE RESPONSIBLEENCOURAGEDRINKING Get the facts

NSW Australia 2037 Tel: 02 9660 2113 Fax: 02 9660 4419 Publisher: Paul Wootton Editor: Brydie Allen Journalist: Seamus May General Manager Sales –Liquor & Hospitality Group: Shane T. Williams Group Art Director –Liquor and Hospitality: Kea Thorburn Prepress: Tony Willson Production Manager: Jacqui Cooper Subscription Rates 1yr (11 issues) for $70.00 (inc GST) 2yrs (22 issues)for $112.00 (inc GST) – Saving 20% 3yrs (33 issues) for $147.00 (inc GST) – Saving 30% To subscribe and to view other overseas rates visit or Call: 1800 651 422 (Mon – Fri 8:30-5pm AEST) Email: WelcomenoteEditor’sto

Claire Hibbit discusses how easy cocktail solutions will influence whether the home cocktail movement Moynihan says the strongest performing cocktails typically tend to be the classics that consumers are “Each year, Drinks International ask their top 100 global bars to rank their best-selling classic cocktails. range puts fun twist on these classics, and as result, Starward’s range also continues to make an impact World Premix Awards in London. According to Jarrad Bell, Co-founder of cocktail considerations that influence consumer’s decisionmaking process: quality and taste, price point, He says the price point the bottled cocktail market has definitely increased, but it’s due to brands “Using fruit from farm versus concentrate or flavours is mainly the cause, it’s all been great conscious of what they are actually drinking and being okay parting with slightly more dollars for better Mr. Consistent uses fruit from local Queensland Cosmopolitan, Sours, Espresso Martini, and more, as well as canned seltzer cocktail mixer range. really well, they’ll trust your originals,” Bell said. “Tasting moveiswayworkingproductstheseiskey,sowithsupplierstogettheproductsinfrontoftheconsumerbyoftastingasurewaytoproductsoffshelves.”

500ml - 4 serves per bottle - 14.9% ABV BAR QUALITY COCKTAILS SIMPLY SERVED Available now, contact your BMA representative for more information

Regulars 8 Cover Story: Fever-Tree’s new Distillers Cola 10 News: The latest liquor industry news for retailers around Australia 12 Changing Rank: Recent industry placements by BrightSide 13 Events: An exclusive look into the latest industry events 16 Marketplace: Brand news and promotions 24 Leasing: Things to be aware of before entering into a retail lease Retail Focused 21 Retail Drinks Australia: More Australian states move to regulate online alcohol sales 25 Strikeforce: Making safe choices 38 South Australia: Heritage and innovation 50 Retailer Profile: The Prince Cellars Wine 23 Wine Australia: Key points from the 2022 vintage report 26 Loire Valley Wine: Fresh, fruity and friendly 46 Wine Tasting Review: Cabernet Sauvignon Beer and Spirits 20 Australian Distillers: Building ties in the UK-Ireland 30 Rum: Ready to fire 34 Cocktails: No place like home 44 Brew Review: Winter beers Contents August 2022 6 | National Liquor News

FAT REMARKABLBASTARDYFULLBODIED FAT BASTARD Contact your Joval Wines representative for more information or call 1300 780 074

As the number one voted premium mixer eight years in a row, Fever-Tree is no stranger to innovation and creating the ultimate mixing experiences for any choice of spirit. After all, the Fever-Tree mantra is ‘if three quarters of your drink is the mixer, mix with the best.’

Fever-Tree innovates dark spirit mixing with new Distillers Cola

The premium mixer brand has expanded its range with a new product aimed at creating a better mixing experience for premium dark spirits.

Fever-Tree Distillers Cola has been crafted with a range of the highest quality non-GMO ingredients the world can offer, including Caribbean Kola Nuts, Tahitian Limes and a selection of distilled botanicals and spices including Jamaican Pimento Berry and Madagascan Vanilla. With this specific recipe, Fever-Tree Distillers Cola has no artificial sweeteners or colours, and a less sweet flavour profile than other“Thebrands.biggest difference comes in the taste. While many available colas tend to mask the flavour of the spirit, our Distillers Cola makes the spirit shine and brings out its flavour notes,” said Caroline Wood, Head of Marketing at Fever-Tree. “We’ve developed a cola that is rich and complex in flavour, with the perfect level of sweetness to complement and elevate whiskies and rums from the finest distilleries.”

There’s undoubtedly a lot to love about the new Fever-Tree Distillers Cola. It’s set to help demystify the world of dark spirit mixing, where consumers can sometimes find it hard to identify what is best to pair with the complex flavours of their favourite dark“Wespirit.can’t wait to see Fever-Tree Distillers Cola in Australia’s best bars, as well as on the shelves of the biggest national retailer this coming August, and hope consumers love it as much as we do,” Wood said. ■

According to BevTrack and IWSR, half of all spirits in Australia are consumed with a mixer, and this is on the rise. Mixing with Scotch and Irish whisk(e)y is up by 47 per cent, while mixing with US whiskey is growing at a whopping 58 per cent. Whisk(e)y (of all kinds) and cola makes up a huge 28 per cent of all mixed drinks. “Since Fever-Tree began, we have been setting a new standard for mixing quality and innovation by seeking out the world’s finest ingredients to craft the finest mixers that complement the finest spirits,” Wood explained. “We’ve long had our sights set on elevating the biggest mixing category of them all –cola. We decided to make a different kind of cola, one whose sole purpose was to better complement the premium dark spirits.”

This month the brand is celebrating that stance once again, with the release of a brand new product that aims to give premium dark spirits a mixer they truly deserve.

Adding a premium cola like this to the portfolio made absolute sense to Fever-Tree – when you look at the data, there is a clear and solid demand for it.

COMING SOON Fever-Tree Distillers Cola is available from the end of August in 200ml bottles. For more information, contact your local SouthTrade International representative.

8 | National Liquor News Cover Story

JOIN THE CARAVAN LAUNCHED BY A SPONTANEOUS BUNCH OF PUBLICANS NEARLY 15 YEARS AGO, THIRSTY CAMEL HAS BECOME ONE OF AUSTRALIA’S MOST RECOGNISED INDEPENDENT RETAIL BRANDS; WE’RE THE LOVABLE MAVERICK OF THE LIQUOR WORLD, AND PROUD OF IT. FOR DETAILS ON HOW TO JOIN THE CARAVAN Contact: Phone: 03 8573 4100 FOOTPRINT 350 Thirsty Camel stores dotted across the country. CONVENIENCE IS KING The best in drive convenience.through SHOPPER LOYALTY State specific loyalty programs to drive retention and repeat purchase. MARKETING SUPPORT Insight driven marketing campaigns all year round. CORE RANGE A succinct core range of products allows venues to work with supply partners to accommodate their local needs and customer base, utilising data driven insights and trends our core range covers all categories delivering strong margins and profitability. ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS State based opt in programs including a Craft Beer and Premium Spirits program allow flexibility to work with global leading brands and up and coming local products to reflect current trends.

The liquorlatestindustry For retailers around the country

The research found 45 per cent of those surveyed regularly or occasionally consumed NOLO products, with particularly high uptake amongst younger and more active people. Thirty-two per cent of Australians consume NOLO beer occasionally or regularly. Moreover, 60 per cent of Australians expect their consumption of NOLO drinks to increase somewhat, while 18 per cent expect this consumption to increase ‘a lot’.

Dining out at a restaurant was the most popular social setting for NOLO consumption, with this occasion picked by 42 per cent of respondents. Work functions and friends’ houses were also popular environments, selected by 41 and 35 per cent of those surveyed, respectively. Being able to drive after consumption was chosen as the most popular reason for continued NOLO consumption, attracting 42 per cent of those surveyed, with this number higher (at 49 per cent) among men.

Endeavour Group doubles Asian drinks offering Endeavour Group has doubled its range of Asian beverages, thanks to an increase in customer demand. There are now more than 100 drinks from Asia available in BWS and Dan Murphy’s stores, catering to the continually increasing number of consumers who are enjoying exploring beverages they haven’t seen before.

Korean drinks are leading the trend, with two of Korea’s oldest drinks, soju and makgeolli, being a focus for Endeavour Group’s expansion. The success of Korean drinks is part of a wider global movement where Korean culture is being embraced.

Brick Lane’s research also showed that younger legal age drinkers are especially more likely to increase their NOLO consumption. Seventy-one per cent of those in the 18 to 34 year old cohort believe that their consumption of NOLO products will increase, and 68 per cent of this age group would encourage friends and family to drink beverages from the category.

Japanese drinks like sake, shochu and chuahai (RTDs made with shochu) are also bright spots in the Endeavour Group portfolio that are being expanded upon. Find more of this story, including commentary from Brick Lane Co-founder, Paul Bowker, via The Shout here:

Samuel Lam, Endeavour Group’s Asian Beverages Sourcing Manager, said: “Customers are increasingly looking for more discovery, more new and interesting drinks to try. Drinks made in Asia are particularly popular among premium customers, especially Zoomers and Millennials.”

10 | National Liquor News

Brick Lane Brewing Community has revealed the findings of its research into the state of the no and low alcohol (NOLO) category. The brewer commissioned an Australia-wide survey of 1,000 adults who are regular consumers of alcohol, via consumer research panel firm, Pureprofile.


Interestingly, only seven per cent of respondents said they intend to go fully alcohol-free, though four out of five current NOLO drinkers believe their consumption of the category will increase.

Younger Australians driving the NOLO revolution

A report utilising IWSR’s innovation tracking data has highlighted the new cues that are driving RTD product launches and innovation.

Andrew Margan, who runs Margan Estate winery alongside his wife Lisa, saw his business heavily affected by the floodwaters and has called on the industry and the public to help where they can. “The community of Broke, government bodies, and all of the people who have been on the ground helping to try and put our wonderful community back together again can only do so much,” Margan said. “We urge people to come and visit the cellar doors and restaurants, buy wines online or in retail outlets.” To support the movement, a GoFundMe page has been set up, and people can donate physical items, money and time through

Meanwhile, both new and established RTD brands are increasingly introducing products with higher ABV. According to IWSR, around half all new RTDs launched in the second half of 2021 had an alcohol content of five per cent or higher. Australia, China and the US have led this trend. RTD marketing is also evolving and maturing, with IWSR reporting the number of health claims associated with RTD products is decreasing.

The data comes from key global RTD markets, including Australia, which together represent 85 per cent of the world’s RTD consumption. The report shows the current importance of superpremium pricing, packaging with less plastic, fewer direct health claims and greater diversity of alcohol content.

The new cues driving RTD innovation

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Awareness for the appeal is also being raised using the hashtag #GoForBrokeWines. You can get involved with the appeal at the below links:


Sustainability is becoming an increasingly powerful consumer trend, with IWSR research showing 44 per cent of alcohol drinkers feel their purchasing decisions are positively influenced by businesses with an active environmental or sustainability agenda. This is reflected in the RTD market, with the number of RTD products using plastic-only reducing.

With RTDs shifting towards more premium, sustainable examples with fewer direct health claims and a greater diversity of alcohol levels, consumers have a broad and varied range of options in this fast-growing category.

A fundraising appeal has been announced for the Broke-Fordwich wine region after the worst flood in the 198 year history of the village, which devastated the region last month.

• GoFundMe:

• Givit: appeal launched for Broke-Fordwich wine region up to our fortnightly Newsletter by going to this URL: national-liquor-news/ can benefitenhancedtech-labelsretailers? ABAC non-alcmessagesendsintest case ➤ VB and Dan Murphy’s team up for Solar Exchange Program

August 2022 | 11 NewsletterTopreads Sign

Brandy Rand, COO Americas at IWSR, said: “Despite knowing that dietary needs are indirect motivators to product selection, producers are opting to highlight natural ingredients instead. This movement is likely linked to premiumisation in the category.”

HuskCoordinator.Distillers recently welcomed Matt Bazeley as GM Sales to continue to drive brand growth for its boutique rum and ink gin spirits portfolio.

12 | National Liquor News

Good Drinks is excited to see Luke Manias’s years of industry experience in action as the new State Sales Manager NSW.

Joval Wines is thrilled to have Savana Mcelligott and her can-do attitude as the new Sales and Marketing

Chris Leftley brings a wealth of industry experience to his new role as Regional Manager VIC/TAS for Proximo Spirits. Swift and Moore is excited to have Lucille Rose join the team as Brand Development Manager for Feels Botanical and Regal Rogue.

Amber King and Sue Lauritz, Directors at BrightSide Executive Search, have been trusted advisors to the drinks industry for well over a decade. It’s been a busy year for BrightSide with the search for talent as demanding as ever! They have shared some of their recent placements and acknowledged an ongoing need for exceptional sales, marketing and digital/e-commerce candidates. BrightSide is the only dedicated drinks recruitment specialist nationally and has recently expanded their own team too.

Gareth Jones is happy to be back in the industry he knows and loves as a Sales Rep VIC/TAS with Good Drinks.

Liam Holm is looking forward to stepping up into his new role as BDM National Accounts with ALM. Hickson House is looking forward to Chris Ward joining its fast growing hospitality and liquor business as Trade Marketing Manager Sydney.

Changing Rank BrightSide announces recent placements

For more information go to or to look for current opportunities check out the BrightSide LinkedIn page:

Last month, Swift + Moore hosted a range of intimate events in Sydney in celebration of the Ian Macleod Distillers range. Tamdhu and Glengoyne Single Malt Whiskies were introduced by Brand Ambassador, Gordon Dundas, who was visiting Australia for the occasion. A key highlight showcased in the range was Tamdhu’s new expression, Tamdhu Distinction. Trade and media guests in attendance were some of the first in Australia to try this whisky, which is defined by its sherry cask maturation, rather than an age statement.

ILG hosts Christmas in July events in Sydney and Brisbane Independent Liquor Group (ILG) has demonstrated its thriving annual social calendar, finally being able to host its Christmas in July events in Sydney and Brisbane again this year. Guests included ILG members, staff and suppliers, who came together to ‘rock the night away’ with food and drinks to the tune of Christmas classics and a live band.

In June, Stoli Group presented the Stand With Ukraine Gala Event at Canvas House, South Melbourne, raising $33,000 for World Central Kitchen. The Gala formed part of a wider fundraising campaign that aims to collect USD$1m by Ukraine Independence Day, August 24. The dinner was hosted by TV personality and singer Brihony Dawson, catered by Tommy Collins and soundtracked by DJ Andy Murphy and Gaz Kempster, and was the first Stoli-run event worldwide.

On 20 July, Taylors Wines unveiled its inaugural Family Flagship Release, a collection of the top wines in the portfolio. The date was highly significant for the Taylor family, as it was the day that Bill Taylor first stepped onto what would become Taylors Clare Valley Estate. To mark the occasion and the release, Taylors hosted an event at The Calyx venue within the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney. Guests were led through the 10 wines in the collection by Managing Director, Mitchell Taylor and Chief Winemaker, Adam Eggins, experiencing the most iconic and standout wines from the Taylors brand, including the second vintage release of pinnacle wine, The Legacy. Read more about the flagship-release/ Stoli Group hosts Stand With Ukraine fundraiser

The industryliquorlatest

Taylors unveils inaugural Family Flagship Release

Swift + Moore celebrates release of new Tamdhu whisky

August 2022 | 13



This recent success has led Robert Mondavi Private Selection to launch its first ever localised campaign in Australia, helping consumers explore everything the Californian wine region has to offer. The ‘Find Your California’ campaign will showcase the unique premium qualities of the region, as found not only in the Buttery Chardonnay, but also Robert Mondavi Private Selection’s Bourbon Barrel-Aged Chardonnay and Bourbon BarrelAged Cabernet Sauvignon.

“The California growing region has a perfect blend of fog, wind, chill, and warm sunshine, almost every day. These conditions cause the grapes to ripen slowly, producing intense, pure fruit flavours… The result is high-quality, fruit-forward, and varietally correct wines that are a great choice for every day,” Theodosi said.

For more information about Robert Mondavi Private Selection and its campaign, contact Dean Kornman on 0407 995 307 or

Truly Hard Seltzer is again bringing the flavour to Australia by announcing the launch of a new hard seltzer lemonade range set to revolutionise the category. Truly Lemonade Hard Seltzer is the perfect mix of refreshing hard seltzer and sweet lemonade that’s big on taste and low on calories. It packs the sweetness of lemon juice delivering the crisp, clean taste of an alcoholic seltzer with a bold lemonade flavour.

expands its range in Australia

“The Californian climate allows for a really balanced Chardonnay giving it a softness and richness but still with nice, clean acidity. Consumers often know what they are looking for, so brands that can deliver on the buttery, creamy taste profile are set to capitalise.”

Branddean.kornman@cbrands.comnewsand promotions 14 | National Liquor News

Hitting shelves from this month, Truly Lemonade will be available nationwide in a 330ml slim can 4 packs of Original Lemonade and juicy Strawberry Lemonade. But it doesn’t stop there - Truly Hard Seltzer is also releasing a new pineapple flavour to its classic hard seltzer range. It’s tropical in a can with the flavour of a ripe, juicy slice of pineapple refreshment for summer. And as if that wasn’t enough, based on customer feedback, Truly Hard Seltzer has developed its first variety pack, bringing together the bright and refreshing flavours of classic fruits. This 330ml slim can 10 pack will be available nationwide with a RRP of $50.00 and is packed with all four delightfully crisp classic flavours: Lime, Watermelon & Kiwi, Pineapple and new Wild Berry. Truly Hard Seltzer is sure to have a flavour for everyone to discover. Each 330ml can of Truly has 4.5 per cent ABV with only one gram of sugar and 95 calories, for refreshment that won’t weigh you down. Gluten-free and made with natural flavours, each flavour is available in four-packs with a RRP of $24.99. To learn more about Truly Hard Seltzer, visit or contact your local Campari Australia representative. Buttery movementChardonnayseesenhanced

popularity Robert Mondavi Private Selection has reported a big shift in popularity when it comes to its Buttery Chardonnay, with more consumers heading back to the traditional segment in search of the big, bold, buttery flavour profile it offers.

“We’ve seen some phenomenal growth on our Robert Mondavi Private Selection portfolio. Drinkers are looking for different expressions of their favourite varietals and gravitating towards our Californian Buttery Chardonnay,” said Andrew Theodosi, Brand Manager at Constellation Brands, the Australian distributor for Robert Mondavi Private Selection.

Fellr Free is available in four-packs of 330ml cans, with a RRP of $16.

The new ‘visual identity’ has been modernised and reflects the wine brand’s home on the banks of the Murray River. The colour palette recalls the vineyard’s Riverland home, symbolic of the native vegetation, soil, sun, river, and sky.

The Oxford Landing collection consists of six popular varietals: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Cabernet Shiraz, Shiraz, and Merlot.

In conjunction with the visual changes, Oxford Landing has also moved to a lighter weight 420 gram glass bottle and 100 per cent recyclable cartons to further reduce the brand’s carbon footprint.

Monique DiGregorio, Brand Manager for Asahi Super Dry, said: “Asahi Super Dry has continued to accelerate its growth in the Australian market. With this growth, ensuring we have the right approach to our moderation portfolio is crucial. The transition of our mid-strength Asahi beer to the ‘Super Dry’ taste profile is a positive step locally and globally to achieve this.”

August 2022 | 15 Marketplace

Oxford Landing unveils new look with lightweight bottles South Australian wine brand Oxford Landing has revealed a new design for its collection of wines.

“All Oxford Landing wines are vegan, sustainably produced and bottled at our winery in South Australia, which is accredited with Sustainable Winegrowing Australia,” Macleod said. “For 30 years, we have made Oxford Landing wines to be a true reflection of the place they come from. We have always been proud of our roots, and we are excited to showcase that inside and outside the bottle.”

Asahi Super Dry 3.5% has started rolling out from this month, supported by an ATL campaign across digital, social, out of home and video on demand channels.

Asahi Super Dry 3.5% will replace previous mid-strength beer, Asahi Soukai, building off the strength of the Asahi brand and the growing popularity of the moderation movement. Already, 29 per cent of Asahi Beverages’ beer sales are from the no, low and mid strength category.

Distributed by Samuel Smith & Son, RRP $13.00. Non-alcoholic Fellr Free makes its debut Independent Australian RTD brand Fellr has released a new non-alcoholic product into market, intended the replicate all the best parts of its hard seltzer, without the alcohol. Fellr Free comes in Watermelon and Mango flavours, and is all natural, while also free from gluten, sugar and carbs, with just 10 calories per can. Co-founder, Will Morgan, explained the process behind the new drink’s creation, saying: “We’ve used our custom fermentation method and unique yeast, to brew, ferment and blend this product to create a truly refreshing and low calorieCo-founder,beverage.”Andy Skora, added: “At Fellr, innovation is a core pillar of what we do, so we’re always keen to push the bar in multiple categories, and non-alc is something we saw really complemented our core range.”

Asahi releases mid-strength beer

Asahi Super Dry has released a mid strength version of its premium Japanese beer, replicating the unmistakable Karakuchi flavour of the full strength version.

Oxford Landing Senior Brand Manager, Carolyn Macleod, explained how the redesign fits into the winery’s broader sustainability commitments.

Eddie Brook and Jim McEwan

Cape Byron Distillery announces release of its first single malt whisky Cape Byron Distillery, home of the incredibly popular Brookie’s Gin, has announced the release of its first single malt whisky. The highly anticipated release is the work of Co-founder and Distiller, Eddie Brook, and Master Distiller and Co-founder, Jim McEwan, who used his wealth of whisky distilling experience to play a pivotal role in the release of the spirit. Included in the release is Cape Byron’s ‘The Original’ Australian Single Malt Whisky, at 47 per cent ABV and with an RRP of $125, and the Cape Byron Chardonnay Cask Australian Single Malt Whisky, at 48 per cent ABV and with an RRP of $140. Both come in 700ml bottles.

Batched Premium Cocktails offer consumers an elevated bar experience, in their own home! All you need is a cocktail shaker and ice. Simply shake and pour the pre-made cocktails for a perfect cocktail, every time. Batched Premium Cocktails brings together, taste, quality and an element of theatre. This has been key to the success of the brand so far, with hosts especially loving impressing their guests by presenting beautiful foamy heads on perfect cocktails, created in seconds.

“Consumers are loving the quality and theatre of Batched Premium Cocktails, it’s such an easy and engaging drink that changes the atmosphere of a room!” said Maurice Melis, CEO of Global Endeavours Australia.

Batched Premium Cocktails is available in 725ml bottles for the convenience of customers, with eight serves per bottle. It is available in Espresso Martini, Strawberry and Rhubarb Gin Sour, Whiskey Sour and Salted Grapefruit Margarita.

In line with the release, Brook and McEwan will be hosting a range of exclusive launch events across the country for the trade in August and September – to get involved, contact your local Brookie’s/Cape Byron representative. The whisky will be available to order from 1 September.

Batched Premium Cocktails brings the bar into consumer homes Since launching Batched Premium Cocktails into Australia last year, Global Endeavours Australia has been exciting consumers with its range of bar quality cocktails.

16 | National Liquor News Marketplace


Andrew Fitzgerald, The Gospel Co-founder, said: “There has been a tonne of innovation in the non-alcoholic spirits space, but little in the Australian rye category. “As fanatics of all things rye, and with the help of our R&D Distiller Ellie Ash, we set out to craft a drink that is inclusive for everyone to enjoy and without compromise. It took numerous trials and tests over the course of a year to perfect, and we are proud to say this drink stacks up in a cocktail or on its own.”

Responsible Rye spent over 12 months in development and was crafted using 100 per cent Australian rye, grown by a single farmer in the Murray Mallee region in SA. It started with a de-alcoholised base of The Gospel Straight Rye Whiskey, with the flavour profile then built using a unique blend of botanical extracts.

De Bortoli’s aim to encapsulate “the essence of individualism” is shown throughout all elements of the Re-Write The Rules range. The label features diagonal and straightforward lines, resembling the uncomplicated nature of the wine, with a plain black and white colour scheme that is simple yet powerful.


Aussie coffee spirits company launches Broken Bean Coffee brewing and distilling company, Broken Bean, has released a premium coffee liqueur, made using a groundbreaking cold brew process that creates rich and complex coffee flavours.

The Re-Write The Rules range debuts with two varietals – Pinot Noir and Tempranillo – both of which boast a personality intended to be beyond the boundaries of wine. Free from stereotypes, the two new wines have their own distinct characters that are different to what you might expect. The Pinot Noir is a more bespoke bolder style than is often found with the grape, described as “fragrant, fun and soulful.” Meanwhile, the Tempranillo is described as “swooningly aromatic, spicy and delish.”

De Bortoli shakes things up with Re-Write The Rules De Bortoli has released a new wine that is all about being open minded, adventurous and finding wine that you love.

The Gospel unveils non-alcoholic rye whiskey alternative Melbourne-based The Gospel has made its first foray into the booming nonalcoholic category, releasing an alternative to its much loved rye whiskey.

18 | National Liquor News

Broken Bean is an evolution of onpremise supplier, Onyx Coffee Spirits, to make the locally-made coffee liqueur accessible to all Australian consumers. The company is led by cousins and Cofounders, Matt and Mitchell Faulkner, who bring together a decade’s worth of coffee brewing and liquor creation. Matt said: “We’re driven by curiosity and continually seek exceptional drinking experiences. With Broken Bean we wanted to provide drinkers with innovative cocktail creations using two things Aussies do so well; coffee and spirits. Ultimately, we’re a liquor brand that represents a nation of coffeeBrokenfanatics.”Beanis distributed by Vanguard Luxury Brands and has an RRP of $60.

“This is a game-changer for the home bar. Tails Cocktails offer both incredible taste and convenience, making it easier than ever for people to enjoy the same flavour and complexity of a cocktail made from scratch, without any effort or expertise. No shopping for ingredients, no measuring, no recipes - just add ice, shake and pour – how easy is that?” said Bos.

Bacardi-Martini Australia is currently focused on spreading this message of convenience, with a digital-first marketing campaign that is building awareness and driving trial of the new range. For more information, head to:

August 2022 | 19 Marketplace

The new brand’s name is a fusion of two countries, with Hoju translating to ‘Aussie’ in Korean. As Wheatley said: “We want to put new eyes on the category, with a different spin on what soju can be, while still paying homage and respect to its traditional Korean heritage.”

The new collection will include two litre casks of organic Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio and Cabernet Sauvignon, available from Samuel Smith & Son with an RRP of $24.

A local independent brand has turned a soju curiosity into a love affair, releasing an all Australian soju into the market.

The convenience is heightened by a QR code on every 500ml Tails bottle, linking to a 30 second video which explains the three simple serving steps, along with garnish suggestions.

Hoju debuts Australian-made soju on the market

Hoju Soju, created by Paul Wheatley and Damian Kent, was created to offer something different in Australia’s spirit industry, while also catering to the increasing global interest in Korean culture. “We would like to help introduce premium soju to a new audience and help grow a category that is under-represented here in Australia,” said Wheatley.

Winesmiths launches organic cask collection Winesmiths, a leader of the two litre cask wine segment, has announced the introduction of a new collection of certified organic wines, responding to the ever-increasing demand for more sustainable drinks options.

Tails Cocktails are made using high quality ingredients blended with iconic premium spirits from the Bacardi-Martini Australia portfolio. There’s the Dewar’s Blended Scotch Whisky Sour, the Bombay Sapphire Gin Gimlet, and the Espresso Martini and Passionfruit Martini, both made with 42 Below Vodka. All of these are served as bar quality cocktails in just 30 seconds flat, something which Evert-Jan Bos, General Manager of Tails, said has been impressing consumers.

“The lower ABV makes it smooth and delicate on its own, the perfect spirit to enjoy celebrating special occasions, without pulling a tequila face afterwards!”

Tails Cocktails brings convenience to the home bartender Since launching its range of Tails Cocktails locally earlier this year, Bacardi-Martini Australia has already received great feedback from consumers about how convenient it is for them to shake up their favourite drinks at home.

Hoju Soju comes in 500ml clear bottles (different to the smaller and green bottles soju is usually packaged in), which aims to show how soju can stack up against other white spirits and why its best when shared. Wheatley said the brand wants to be seen as a premium lower ABV option and champion the mid strength section of the market. “We’re promoting it as the most versatile spirit around - at 17 per cent ABV, you don’t experience a mouth burn, like you get from even the very best full bodied spirts, when consumed neat,” he said.

“Our packaging has just 13 per cent the carbon footprint of bottled wine. Our packs are made from minimum 75 per cent recycled materials and we are actively undergoing pack research and trials to find a compostable bag solution.”

Senior Brand Manager, Lisa Antoney, said: “At Winesmiths, we’ve always thought beyond today’s glass of wine. We leave out animal products, making our wines vegan-friendly. After opening, the flavour is kept fresher for longer, so you don’t need to waste a drop.

When Spirits and Cocktails Australia Chief Executive, Greg Holland, proposed that Australian Distillers help form an Australian spirits delegation for an 11 day program of professional development, networking engagements, and distillery experiences in Northern Ireland, Ireland, and Scotland in June, I was unsure what sort of response to expect. Perhaps I should have known better. As the record number of attendees at Australian Distillers’ annual conference indicated, our members not only embrace opportunities to learn more about their craft, they also welcome the chance to support each other. Ultimately, I was gratified to welcome 10 distillers to our delegation, including: Rebecca Bullen (Darwin Distilling Co); David McLeod and Scott Hooper (Gippsland Distilling Company); Dervilla McGowan (Anther) Hilton Izzett (HHH Distill); Josh Walker (Timboon Distillery); Kristy Lark-Booth (Killara Distillery); Matt Hobson (CAVU Distillery); Sebastian Reaburn (Top Shelf International) and Steve Timmis (Fosseys Distillery). With Greg Holland and Nicole Lestal of Spirits & Cocktails Australia, and John Richardson of Beam-Suntory, it was wonderful to create a delegation that truly represented the geographic spread and diversity represented in the Australia spiritsOurindustry.delegation embarked on a busy program including roundtable meetings with the Irish Whiskey Association and Scotch Whisky Association, where we traded insights on how to identify the obligations, benefits and compliance regime of implementing Geographical Indicators and other technical standards. The delegation also discussed key issues including sustainability and trade with the UK and Ireland. Particular thanks are due to Australian Ambassador to Ireland Gary Gray, who attended our meeting with the Irish Whiskey Association as well as a dinner hosted by Spirits & Cocktails Australia, where he reiterated his enthusiastic support for the growth and export of Australianproduced spirits. While in Dublin, we also attended the spiritsEUROPE Congress, where we heard how European distillers have been impacted by rising inflation and supply chain issues in the wake of COVID, as well as trade issues emerging from Brexit and the negotiation of new EU and UK Free Trade Agreements. One of the highlights for me personally was the opportunity to join Greg Holland in a presentation to the Congress on the value of global and local spirits producers working together on joint advocacy initiatives. Our delegation enjoyed warm hospitality – and many delicious samples – during a series of behind the scenes tours of distilleries and visitor experiences in Northern Ireland, Ireland and Scotland, walking away with solid industry connections and a deeper appreciation of the benefit of investment to facilitate scale and the development of domestic distilling. At the conclusion of the UK-Ireland program, Greg Holland continued on to Geneva to attend the World Spirits Alliance General Assembly, which he will no doubt report upon in a future column. Meanwhile, my thanks go to David Ridden, president of the Queensland Australian Distillers, for representing us at the General Assembly. It’s been a busy year for Dave, whose distillery Granddad Jacks was recently named as one of four finalists for the IWSC’s International Gin Producer of the Year (along with two other Australian distilleries: Kalki Moon and Naught). This comes after a year in which he saw his Brisbane outlet flooded in the March flood disaster, just months after opening. Dave’s resilience and ongoing commitment to Australian distilling is typical of what makes working in this industry such a pleasure. ■

| National Liquor News Australian Distillers

Local distillers recently embraced yet another opportunity to learn more about their craft and support the international industry, writes Paul McLeay, Chief Executive of Australian Distillers.


More Australian

Retail Drinks Australia August 2022 | 21

Last month, the Retail Drinks Online Alcohol Sale and Delivery Code of Conduct, one of our signature Industry Responsibility initiatives, passed the threeyear anniversary mark. Signatories to our Code have steadily grown and today represent well over 80 per cent of all alcohol sold online and delivered in Australia. Since commencing our dedicated compliance program from January 2020, over 12,000 mystery shop audits have been conducted across the country to ensure that all signatories uphold the high compliance standards prescribed by the Code, from point of sale through to point of delivery. Since the Code’s launch in July 2019, Retail Drinks has been instrumental to the development of complementary regulatory frameworks in multiple states, including New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. Major principles of the Code, including checks and balances for same-day deliveries, driver training, and customer self-exclusion, have been directly adopted into legislation and regulation. Most recently, we were instrumental in ensuring that online age verification requirements for sameday alcohol deliveries in NSW were amended to ensure the legislation can be sensibly implemented and provided online liquor retailers with more ways to comply.Inaddition to the rules already in place across the country, there are several new government reviews expected to take place, including in Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and the ACT to name a few. Retail Drinks continues to work hard to ensure that the eventual online alcohol delivery regulations in these jurisdictions are closely modelled on the same principles as the Code.

“In addition to the rules already in place across the country, there are several new governmentexpectedreviewstotakeplace.”

From a global context, the Code has been recognised as best-practice by the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD), with Retail Drinks helping inform the development of their own Global E-Commerce Standards, which IARD launched in May 2021. Closer to home, the Code remains a robust and fit-for-purpose framework through the oversight of the Code Administration Committee (CAC) which takes real action to review and improve it over time. Last year, the CAC completed the first comprehensive review of the Code which resulted in several new sections being added regarding age verification and data keeping requirements. The e-commerce space, including online alcohol sale and delivery, is only going to get bigger, but we know that governments and the community still have questions about its place in an industry committed to responsible retailing. To answer these questions, Retail Drinks has commenced a research project that will deliver a comprehensive analysis of the sector and explore concerns about how online alcohol sale and delivery is utilised by consumers. Such research does not yet exist and will be invaluable for managing future responsible and sustainable growth and bringing the community, policy makers and regulators with us on that journey. Retail Drinks is incredibly proud of the work we have done over the past three years. The retail liquor industry has risen to the challenge to provide true leadership and stewardship and we look forward to even more proactive collaboration with both industry and government stakeholders on best-practice regulation, to build on already strong commitments to responsible retailing.

Michael Waters CEO Retail Drinks Australia Regulation around the online sale and delivery of alcohol is expected to be reviewed in multiple new jurisdictions soon, writes Michael Waters, CEO of Retail Drinks Australia. states move to regulate online alcohol sales

“Brands must deliver more than convenience when it comes to premium RTDs.”

Image credit: Hollie Adams 22 | National Liquor News Packaging

Inventive packaging and formats helps complete the experience of premium cocktail RTD products, writes Bree Mankin, Managing Partner of The Kinetic Agency.

The cultureconveniencenew

I don’t doubt that brand owners fear that this novelty or inventiveness may distract from the liquid itself, but we can, and should, follow the lead set by Newtown’s Continental Deli and the Mar-tini. The extension of the in-venue experience into the home consumption occasion is seamless and simple to replicate. The at-home Mar-tini drinker need only chill and decant the perfectly balanced contents into their own chilled glass and lovingly garnish to experience the Continental Deli brand in full. The truth is consumers are becoming increasingly choosy about what they drink and maintaining brand loyalty is hard work. Brands must deliver more than convenience when it comes to premium RTDs. Overlooking the chance to engage with your audience through crafted packaging that delivers on brand experience is no longer an option - fail to innovate at your peril. ■

Bree Mankin Managing Partner The Kinetic Agency

There are few things I love more than a martini on a Friday evening. I know exactly which bar I want to be seated at to feel the absolute joy of this much anticipated cocktail. And I know that this is my favourite bar, not just because their martini is crafted with such care, but because the glass is perfectly chilled, the lighting is balanced and moody, and the music is playing at just the right volume to hold a quiet conversation. My ultimate martini isn’t just what’s in my glass. It’s the complete experience I have in that moment. The same concept can be applied to drinking ready-made cocktails at home. As the appetite for premium RTDs is steadily increasing for Australian consumers, more and more people are experiencing their favourite products outside of the bar environment. It’s equally important to consider that they aren’t just buying the liquidthey’re buying the brand, the packaging and the serve experience. As more brands enter the RTD format we’re seeing a premiumisation of the category. From spirit and mixer canned drinks containing more craft and care in the pursuit of the perfect blend (think Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin & Tonic) to ready to serve cocktails using natural high-end ingredients like Curatif Espresso Martini (a blend of Archie Rose and Seven Seeds coffee), increasingly more artisanal and established brands are looking to secure their share of the convenience market. But while we see experimentation and innovation in the liquid, we need to acknowledge the bigger opportunity to innovate in the total consumer experience. Working on many RTD launches over the years, I have seen this trend evolve with increasing pace. But with it comes an unrealised opportunity to push the serve experience further with brands reluctant to invest behind innovating theWeserve.sometimes forget that the consumer’s experience starts well before they have the product in-hand and it’s the shelf where impact really matters. Your product display, whether it be in the aisle or at point of purchase, needs to be engaging and speaking to your audience. We’ve seen staple trends like slimline cans and glass bottle minis, but we’ve also encountered a spike in novelty presentation. Whether it be the plastic test tube cocktail mixers or premixed shots in vac-sealed bags, regardless of what you think of them, these formats represent an extension of the brand and an opportunity to engage the consumer through the promise of an elevated experience.

Wine Australia August 2022 | 23

According to the National Vintage Report 2022 released by Wine Australia, the 2022 Australian wine grape crush is estimated to be 1.73 million tonnes, two per cent below the 10 year average and 13.5 per cent below the 2021 record crush of 2.01 million tonnes.

Peter Bailey, Manager, Market Insights at Wine Australia, discusses the key results of the National Vintage Report 2022, released last month.

“The average value for white wine grapes has increased every year since 2014, and in 2022 was the highest since 2008.”

There were a combination of factors influencing the reduced crush. After a record high vintage in 2021, a lower yield in general was expected due to reduced cropping potential. This natural variation was compounded by a number of significant seasonal effects – in particular heavy widespread spring and summer rainfall across much of the eastern half of Australia and a number of significant hailstorms.

Key points from the 2022 vintage report paid for the grapes were the big three red varieties –Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. The crush of each declined by 19 per cent while the average price of Shiraz declined by 19 per cent, then Cabernet Sauvignon by 13 per cent and Merlot by 20 per cent.

While there were seasonal factors that influenced the size of the crush for each, these three varieties were far more exposed to the China market than other varieties and thus the loss of this market was also a major influence. In contrast, for reds, the reduction in the crush of Grenache was the lowest among the top ten red varieties at three per cent. And reflecting the growing demand for Grenache wines in both export and domestic markets, the average value paid for Grenache increased by five per cent to $1319 per tonne, the highest average value among the 10 top reds. In the key Grenache growing regions of the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale, Grenache recorded a higher average value than Shiraz, which historically has not been the case. IRI MarketEdge reports that in the past two years ended 3 April 2022, the value of Grenache (single variety and blends) sales in the Australian off-trade market has almost doubled to just over $30 million.

Apart from seasonal effects, the 2021–22 season was challenging as a result of winery production capacity limitations going into vintage following the record harvest in 2021, compounded by reduced exports to mainland China and severe shipping disruptions that caused delays and escalated costs. Red wine grapes were more impacted than whites. The red crush dropped by 17 per cent while the decline in the white crush was lower at nine per cent. The average value of red wine grapes dropped by 15 per cent, while in contrast, the average value for whites increased by two per cent. The average value for red wine grape varieties has declined for the past two years but was still higher in 2022 than it was in 2017, when the crush was at a then-decade high. The average value for white wine grapes has increased every year since 2014, and in 2022 was the highest since 2008. There were different results by variety. Hardest hit in both the size of the crush and the average price

Peter Bailey Manager Market Insights Wine Australia

For whites, while the crush of Sauvignon Blanc fell by 10 per cent, the average value paid increased by 12 per cent to $756 per tonne, the highest level in over decade. This may have been partially driven by an 18 per cent decline in crush of Sauvignon Blanc in New Zealand in 2021, which helped increase demand for Sauvignon Blanc wine grapes in Australia. ■

• Not act unconscionably; and

• Provide a disclosure compliant with the legislation before a tenant signs or enters into a lease;

4. Obtain a final signed and registered copy of the lease. The correct parties must sign the lease. To confirm this has been done correctly, a company search should be completed. Either two directors or a director and secretary of a company must sign on behalf of the corporation for them to be bound by the lease. Once executed correctly, the lease should be registered to protect the interests of the tenant. This means that if the landlord decides to sell the land then the new purchaser has notice of the lease. Final point No lease is standard. They all vary and should be reviewed before being signed. If you do not obtain legal advice, then you may be agreeing to a lease that you may not be able to afford due to its hidden costs and obligations. You could risk losing thousands if you do not obtain specialist leasing advice from a lawyer. ■

3. Engage a lawyer to review your lease A lawyer should ensure that the following a.occurs:Theagreed terms are inserted into the lease; b. The legislation is complied with; c. Identify aspects of the lease that impose greater costs and obligations on you; d. Negotiate a lease that is preferable and fair to you; e. Ensure final agreed items are all incorporated into the lease; f. Ensure the lease has been executed correctly by both parties; g. Ensure the lease is registered; and h. Save you money over the life of your lease.

b.a.include:Term;Rentand rent review; c. Options; d. Outgoings; e. Incentives; f. Exclusivity; g. Assign and sublet provisions; h. If a security is to be given such as bank guarantee or guarantor; i. Who will pay for the costs associated with the lease; j. Is parking available and if so is there an additional cost; k. Who will maintain, repair and replace the air conditioning; and l. Is the lease conditional on you obtaining your DA for use, signage or works.

Marianna Idas, Principal at eLease Lawyers, describes the things you need to know before starting a lease.

Once the above are agreed, the agent or landlord should prepare a summary of agreed terms generally called a Heads of Agreement or Letter of Intent. A lease will subsequently be prepared.

• Give certain notices regarding options and decisions as to whether or not to grant new leases;

• A rent review clause must not preclude or limit a rent reduction on a market review;

1. Suitability of the premises. Is the premises suitable for your business? Considerations should be given to location, size, town planning issues and approvals, term of the lease, rent, rent review, incentives, outgoings, trading hours, signage and parking.

All states have legislation governing retail leases that impose rights and obligations on the landlord and tenant. Each party must be aware of the legislation as failing to comply may lead to penalties. Parties must be careful to obtain appropriate legal advice before entering into a retail lease. Beware as the legislation may override clauses in the lease. Landlords must ensure they comply with the following:

2. Negotiate terms of the lease with the landlord. What are the key terms you are prepared to accept? The terms you should agree on before a lease is prepared

Things to be aware of before entering into a retail lease

• Provide compensation when required under the legislation;

• Comply with the dispute resolution process under the legislation. Tenants should consider the below items before entering into a lease:

Leasing 24 | National Liquor News

In addition, energy prices are tipped to surge by as much as 18.3 per cent, fuel prices remain stubbornly high and food inflation is rife with the cost of fresh fruit and vegetables alone growing by 6.7 per cent in the last year alone.

Occasion will have a place in driving these decisions, with after work drinks more likely to see drinkers seek solace in their usual repertoire of category choices and brands as opposed to the special occasion where they are more likely to look to drink outside their usual repertoire and gravitate towards more premium brands.

Making safe choices

While the challenge for households now differs from 2020, an uncertain economic outlook is sure to drive similar behaviours.

With the cost of living rising, consumers will likely be making more ‘safe’ shopping choices, writes Stephen Wilson, Category & Insights Manager at Strikeforce.

So, what does this mean for off-premise liquor stores? It’s more about monitoring any noticeable changes in category and brand sales trajectory and making incremental changes to either the range on offer, apportioning sufficient space on-shelf and in cool rooms and fridges, and allocation of space for ambient products on the floor, rather than any major shift or revolutionary changes. Keep cognisant of trends and shopper preference and if you notice that some of your regulars are brand-switching from their regular purchases, ask them:Shopperswhy? love certainty and consistency and this was evident during the early stages of the pandemic, where brands that delivered a level of comfort during turbulent and uncertain times flourished and prospered.

“The challenge for retailers is to identify change, deliver on value for money, retain loyal shoppers and tweak the offer to attract new customers to continue to growth.”drive Stephen Wilson Category & Insights Manager Strikeforce

Strikeforce August 2022 | 25

There has been a tidal wave of news on the dire economic circumstances facing Australians over the next few Punditsyears.areunited in the view that we are entering a period of enforced economic restraint that will impact on choice, whether making a major or minor purchase.

The result is inflation growing at the fastest rate in 20 years, eroding the value of a typical worker’s pay packet. Not a pretty picture.

It has been well documented in recent weeks that the impact of frequent interest rate rises will place additional stress on already stretched household budgets with predictions that 30 year fixed mortgage rates with head north of 4.8 per cent by the end of 2022.

For the foreseeable future this will drive shoppers to make ‘safe’ choices – trusted brands that offer value for money and help save a few dollars along the way. We believe that this will also be the case for both on- and off-premise liquor and expect drinkers to make choices based on their individual financial circumstances.Decisionsthat will be impacted will include things like: “Will I go out and meet my mates at the pub or invite them around for a BBQ and a few beers?” or “Will I go top shelf or mainstream?”

The challenge for retailers is to identify change, deliver on value for money, retain loyal shoppers and tweak the offer to attract new customers to continue to drive growth. ■

The Loire Valley’s diversity is carried through from the array of conditions and soils into the wines themselves, with such an array of styles available. However, like In June, Brydie Allen visited the Loire Valley in France, to understand what makes the region special and such a great area of opportunity in Australian retail.

The Loire Valley is the third largest winegrowing area of French appellation wines, split up into four distinct vineyard regions –Pays Nantais, Anjou-Saumur, Touraine and Centre-Loire. Within these regions are more than 50 ‘appellation d’origine contrôlée’ (also known as AOC or AOP).Some AOCs were formed when the system began in France in 1936, like Sancerre, Saumur and Vouvray, but others are more recent, like Touraine Chenonceaux (separate to the Touraine AOC), which has been officially recognised as an AOC since 2011.

Stretching across the heart of France is the country’s longest wine region, the Loire Valley, home to around 57,000ha of vineyards and a flourishing wine industry.

Owner and Winemaker, Mathieu Baudry, comes from generations of winemakers like his father Bernard, who started the domaine in 1975. He knows exactly which vineyards and plots will allow him to create low-intervention wines with certain character, and chooses to harvest and vinify each plot separately to let the specific terroir shine. This is how he is able to create a number of different ranges of monovarietal wines under the same AOC. Even the rosé is a symbol of the area, as Mathieu explained while pouring his latest vintage rosé for a tasting.

The Valley:Loire fresh, fruity and friendly 26 | National Liquor News The Loire Valley

“Every year we make a rosé, but it’s still a rosé of terroir. It comes from a specific soil, located on the plateau… I like to make the rosé with this kind of soil, because that gives it the texture I am looking for,” he said.

Winemakers and growers adhere to differing regulations of each AOC in order to list it on the bottle. The goals behind them have one thing in common – to protect the quality, standards and best practice of the area. And this commitment to quality is something that runs through the core of any Loire Valley winemaker. Diverse influences Being such a long region, stretching from the Atlantic coast to the centre of France, the Loire Valley has great diversity in growing conditions. Each area has a slightly different climate that changes as you move east and away from the ocean. Beneath the surface it’s also diverse, with soils varying between region, and even vineyard sites. At Domaine Bernard Baudry, 32ha of organic vineyards are spread across a variety of soils in the AOC region of Chinon in the slopes and plateaus of the Vienne River, a significant tributary off the left of the Loire River.

The valley follows the longest river in France, the Loire River, and its tributaries, flowing past castles, vineyards and other crops in the region’s beautiful and fertile backdrop. It’s this rich soil and history that has helped earn the Loire Valley both UNESCO World Heritage Site status, and a nickname as ‘the garden of France’.

What may be small in quantity at the start becomes large in variety by the end, with winemakers using these key grapes (and other minority plantings) to produce a huge range of wines – dry, semi-sweet and sweet; red, white, sparkling and rosé. One of the most well-known AOC areas and wines in the Loire Valley is Vouvray, which uses one main grape – Chenin Blanc. At the historic and iconic Vouvray institution, Marc Brédif, Chenin Blanc is used to make a number of wines of different kinds, from dry, still and sparkling, to the sweet ‘Nectar’, which the domaine has been producing in the most optimum vintages since 1874.

Winemaker, Jean-François Marchalot, has been at the Marc Brédif domaine for decades, with his very first vintage in 1986.

The main white varietals are Melon de Bourgogne, Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc, while the main red varietals are Cabernet Franc, Gamay and Pinot Noir.


Château de Saumur. Images on this spread courtesy InterLoire

“I could work for other areas, but so often you just make one or two wines. Here, we make really great wine that you can’t find everywhere.” Tradition and innovation go hand in hand The Loire Valley is steeped in history, with origins dating back more than 2000 years.

“[I’ve stayed here] because I make a lot of different wines. There is not a lot of areas that offer you the chance to work on sparkling wine, still wine, dry and sweet, and also red – I make some reds in Chinon and work with some other winegrowers in different areas,” Marchalot said.

Domaine Bernard Baudry indicates, it’s a region of just a few key varietals.

August 2022 | 27 The Loire Valley

After the phylloxera scourge swept through France in the late 19th century, the country began replanting French varietals onto naturally resistant American rootstocks. When this happened, the Loire Valley chose to replant varietals that were most suited to each area’s conditions.

The Romans are said to have been the first to grow vines there, then after things really kicked off in the fifth century, the valley lived through war, revolution, extreme weather and of course, phylloxera. After such devastation, it began focusing simply on that core goal of quality.Manywineries in the Loire Valley are led by people who also have a strong family history in the region’s wine industry, carrying on legacies and passing tradition, technique and passion through the ages.

But despite the prevalence of family and heritage brands, progress is incredibly important – since the 1970s, technological advancements and innovations have been embraced in the region. At Clos Roussley in the Touraine Chenonceaux AOC, you can see the evolution from tradition to technology in the cellar, located in a 250 year old troglodyte cave. Shafts still connect the cellar to the vineyards above it - originally used to drop grapes directly from the field into the winemaking equipment below. Today, Owner, Winemaker and fourth generation family member, Vincent Roussley, uses more advanced equipment and experiments with different things like concrete eggs to create a wide range of styles.

28 | National Liquor News The Loire Valley

It’s well known that consumer demand for sustainable or organic wine is on the rise, but for many sustainable growers in the Loire, these practices are driven first and foremost by a deep respect for the land.

While there are still strict rules around AOCs, the Loire Valley is certainly in agreement that these rules need to adapt and evolve to changing times so quality can be maintained. The Touraine Chenonceaux appellation’s association has already done this in its relatively short history, with its members understanding that innovation is in the best interest of everyone. This idea of innovative adaptation also includes a commitment to being more environmentally responsible, something which began at the end of the 1990s. By 2021, 65 per cent of Loire Valley vineyards were sustainably or organically farmed, a number which is constantly increasing towards the region’s goal of 100 per cent sustainable or organic certified vineyards by 2030.

One of the leading sparkling producers of the Loire Valley, Monmosseau in the Touraine AOC, began its family tradition in 1886. It might not be owned by the Monmosseau family anymore (although they remain in the wine industry elsewhere), but its operation continues thanks to other families of wine.

Oenologist, Thomas Ragot, followed in the footsteps of his grandparents and uncle and aunty (all of whom are winegrowers at their own domaines), and has worked at Monmosseau now for 15 years. Emma Fontaine, Export Market Manager for InterLoire, explained: “This is common - most of the winegrowers you’ll see will very often have wine in the family, and it’s always been in the family. You can get five or six generations of winegrowers.”

The domaine of Arnaud Lambert, run by the second generation winemaker of the Cellars of Monmosseau

AOCs like Rosé d’Anjou, Cabernet d’Anjou and Rosé de Loire are already amongst the highest performing in the country, but whites and sparklings such as Vouvray and Crémant de Loire are also showing promise with Aussie wine drinkers. Export plans in general are ambitious and strong. According to InterLoire, a saturated French market means export markets are the next frontier for the Loire Valley – by 2030, the goal is to reach 30 per cent of sales exported. This is why Australia is a key focus, given roughly only 100 winemakers out of the thousands of wine sellers in the region currently export to Australia. With the number of exporters in constant growth, such solid support from InterLoire, and incredibly competitive prices, the Loire Valley is certainly a region to look out for in-store. ■ Lambert

Vineyards of Domaine Sauvète Arnaud

August 2022 | 29 The Loire Valley

This is also why the Loire Valley’s quality-based approach is important, because as Sauvion says: “At the end of the day, a bottle of wine needs to be drunk and needs to be empty.”

“Friendly doesn’t mean a simple wine, it means a wine with some drinkability. That comes from balancing fruit and acidity and not being too big with 14 per cent alcohol… it’s wine you could drink all day long, and drink with pretty much everything.”

A key export focus

same name, is an example of how the region has embraced organics. Certified organic for more than 12 years, Lambert has a serious appreciation for the soil and vines, as he says that is where all wine quality begins.

Pierre-Jean Sauvion, President of the Communications Commission at InterLoire and Oenologist at Sauvion, explained: “You can drink whatever you want – sparkling, still, off-dry, sweet, red, whatever – but it needs to be fresh, fruity and friendly.

It’s no use spending time, effort and money on technology and process changes if the wines at the end aren’t worth drinking, so the Loire Valley’s wine industry seeks to make every bottle an enjoyable experience.

The Aussie appeal With great diversity in the wines, there’s a lot that Australian consumers can enjoy about Loire Valley wines. Because despite some differences between the drops, they all do have one thing in common – their mantra, to be fresh, fruity and friendly wines.

A number of Australia’s importers and distributors already engage with wine brands big and small in the Loire. Sometimes only a few products of a brand’s portfolio will make it to Australia, but they are ones that are intended to meet the requirements and tastes of Australian consumers. In some cases, wineries have made specific adjustments to the wines going to Australia, for example, with different label designs, vintages more prominently displayed, and wines put under screwcap instead of cork (even though French consumers largely reject the use of cork for wines sold domestically).

The annual total turnover of the Loire Valley wine region is €1.3 billion, with 26 per cent of the 280 million bottles sold to the export market. Exports are soaring, up by 18 per cent in five years, and symbolising a solid opportunity for wine labels.

Australia is the fastest growing export market for the Loire Valley, up by 90 per  cent in the same period. Although this comes from a relatively small base in comparison to countries like the USA, Sauvion calls Australia “the most important export market” for the Loire, noting it will be a country of focus particularly with the offpremise industry.

The key areas that Loire Valley winemakers are focusing on with the Australian market are ros é and white, with red being a secondary consideration.

Both at home in Australia, and in overseas heartlands, the rum category continues to produce innovative products capturing the imagination, while a focus of provenance brings greater authenticity. A mixed picture for growth According to IRI, the total rum category has seen a value growth of 0.2 per cent over the last 12 months, with this largely driven by a 2.1 per cent increase in the dollar value of spiced rum. This value growth has been accompanied by a volume increase of 1.3 per cent. However, dark rum shrank by 1.1 per cent in value, and by 1.6 per cent in volume, albeit from a larger base than spiced rum. Imported rum has gained momentum in the last year, increasing by 1.4 per cent in dollar growth, with the category worth $227.6m. This value growth has been accompanied by a volume increase of 0.1 per cent, suggesting that premiumisation continues to be a strong driving trend in the imported rum category. One imported rum brand that demonstrates this growth trend is Bacardí, as Brand Manager, Colton Salter, outlines. “Bacardí Carta Blanca continues to outperform year on year with the spirit still growing 7.9 per cent value MAT versus a huge last year cycling COVID sales. Bacardí’s iconic rum portfolio continues to grow globally and locally within Australia,” Salter“Thesaid.light rum category has been performing extremely well this year growing at 12.3 per cent MAT and has recently overtaken vodka as the second fastest growing spirit behind tequila.” On the contrary, domestic rum value fell by 0.8 per cent to $288.5m, with a volume decline of 0.9 per cent in the past year, according to IRI. Mitch Townsend, Flor de Caña Brand Ambassador, outlined how the category has premiumised in recent years, referring to a 2021 IWSR study: “People have started exploring more premium rums and the premium (+13.7 per cent growth), super premium (+18.1 per cent growth) and ultra premium (+73.1 per cent growth) rum segments have all benefited from the trend.”


Australian rum’s new wave comes of age As Australian distillation has undergone a renaissance over the previous decade, the rum category has perhaps slightly lagged behind its siblings in the whisky and gin categories, as Husk’s Master Distiller and Founder, Paul Messenger, notes.

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With a richer domestic craft scene than ever before, and continued strength in the imported category, the long-awaited rum revival may finally be with us, as Seamus May discovers.

While these statistics present a mixed picture for retailers, there remains opportunities to be had in the category, including among craft producers that are growing from a smaller base.

“The very strong interest in whatprovidesagaveaninsightintothefuturemaylooklikefortherumcategory.”PaulMessenger


“Australian craft rum is starting to solidify its place in the market. Currently, there are around 300 craft distilleries around Australia producing a variety of spirits and we are seeing more and more of these starting to produce small batch rum,” Christopher says.

“Many of these rums have the same deep care taken to create flavoursome products that other spirit categories do.”

Telling a local story For Australian craft rum producers, using native and local ingredients provides their spirit with a compelling narrative that connects with consumers.

“When we started the company, we decided on a local-first sourcing policy, which for us means that whatever we are looking to purchase, we always look to our own backyard first,” Christopher says.

Part of the reason for this delay has been a simple matter of maturing the spirit for release as a fully aged“Brixproduct.hasbeen producing spirit for the past four years and up until now, we have released unaged rum and spiced rum, as well as our imported blend from Barbados, to fill the void for the first few years while we mature our own products,” Christopher explains.

For Messenger, the recent rehabilitation of agave spirits provides an indication of where craft rum is headed. He said: “The close similarity between agave spirits and agricultural or juice rums suggest the potential for a rapid increase in interest in this unusual style of rum.”

“It seems like the rum category has been on the brink of a ‘renaissance’ for at least 10 years but much of the premiumisation seen in other categories like gin, whisky and agave, driven by premium imported and local craft brands, has largely bypassed the rum category which remains dominated by mass market standard brands,” Messenger said.

“They are becoming more educated on rum styles and know the challenges that small distilleries face with overheads and excise tax.”

But according to James Christopher, Operations and Collaborations Director at Sydney’s Brix Distillery, craft rum is no longer the poor relation.

“I think the rum category is still in its age of innocence, just as whisky was a decade ago. Spirits lovers and bartenders are really starting to notice that you can grab top quality spirits for a fantastic price.

“It is an exciting time for the category,” Withers says.

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This assessment is shared by Dave Withers, Master Distiller at Archie Rose, which has recently stepped into the category.

“As has occurred with the gin and whisky category, consumers are looking for new products and are happy to spend a little more on an Aussie bottle if they know the quality is there,” Christopher says.

Master Distiller and HuskFounder

“We really wanted to reflect on the land that the sugar cane had grown on. I felt that it was important to “I think the rum category is still in its age whiskyinnocence,ofjustaswasadecadeago.”DaveWithers

“Bingil Bay Distillery and other smaller producers provide the consumers with what they are looking for - choice and variety. The sub-atmospheric process is truly unique and innovative. Consumers are seeking out premium and unusual products to add to their collection,” Hannah-Williams, said.

“Barrels are another way we can tell a local story with our products. We only use barrels that have held Australian beer, wine or spirits prior. Purchasing these barrels keep the dollar in the country and helps other makers with cashflow in selling an item that may not have life left for them.”

“Making seasonal agricultural rum is the only way to reflect provenance and our goal is to capture our terroir, our provenance, our lifestyle and identity in our spirit.”

Withers echoes Christopher’s outlook, saying: “Australian producers are making great products that speak of their experience of being Australian.

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“Bingil Bay Distillery make our own cane spirit base and feature local tropical and rainforest botanicals. Vacuum distilling protects the delicate tropical botanical flavours,” Hannah-Williams, says. Bingil Bay calls this process ‘sub-atmospheric’, as it is performed at lower pressures, meaning energy is saved and “the flavours are preserved, and delicate ingredients are not stewed at high temperatures for prolonged periods.” The distillery’s rums (and gins) are slated to hit the market later this year.

Australian distilleries are also capable of innovations as Lynda Hannah-Williams, Distiller at Bingil Bay Distillery (which specialises in vacuum distillation), illustrates.

“The spirit, therefore, reflects the place it came from in the taste preferences of the locals, the local raw materials and local distilling traditions.”

For the uninitiated, this rum (known as ‘rhum agricole’, or ‘agricultural rum’), is largely produced in the former French Caribbean colonies and made of the fermented juice of sugar cane.

“ACR rum is strictly seasonal. ACR rum can only be made in a cane growing region with direct access to freshly crushed cane juice during the harvest season because juice cannot be stored or transported.

Australians look to agricole for inspiration

For Christopher, the diversity and innovation of domestic rum makes it a powerful option for retailers, as he says: “Australian rum has all the ammo in its artillery, we are ready to fire!”

A particularly interesting rum phenomenon is the development of agricole-style spirits in Australia, given the name Australian Cultivated Rum (ACR), or more simply, ‘juice rum’.

Husk is one Aussie distillery producing these spirits, and Messenger provides more detail.

Archie Rose has produced similar spirits under its Virgin Cane Spirit label, and as Withers explained: “The flavour produced is quite different and is reminiscent of the fresh sugar cane juice - think grassy and herbal.

Unlike molasses or malted whisky wash, cane juice is full of living wild yeast cells that start to ferment the cane from the moment its cut,” he said.

Jordan Ashleigh, Brand Manager for Proof & Company, believes both categories will have a role to play in the muchanticipated rum resurgence. “Rum is thought to be on the brink of a long-awaited renaissance, fuelled by premium international and local craft brands,” Ashleigh said. “With greater ranging of imported rum, like Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva, comes greater intrigue in the category as a whole, allowing consumers to experiment with new flavour profiles and signature serves otherwiseAccordingmissed.”toAshleigh, Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva remains “the number one fastest growing brand in the super premium rumHistorycategory.”isone thing that certain imported brands offer that is not provided by most local“Ourdistilleries.focushas always been on our rich heritage and the stories behind what makes our spirit the world’s most awarded rum,” says Bacardí Brand Ambassador, LoyTownsendCatada. concurs, saying: “Companies like Flor de Caña have a rich history of rum making for over 130 years! This allows us to sell older and more premium spirits at an affordable price. “We are also aiming to elevate our brand profile in Australia with a focus on the Flor de Caña 12, 18 and 25 year old.” The exoticism inherent to many imported rums offers retailers a means of connecting with“Bacardí’sdrinkers. ties to the Caribbean also offer our consumers a fun way to be able to recreate their favourite holiday cocktails while still being in the comfort of their home,” Catada says. “Rum can offer a great refreshing classic cocktail like the mojito and can also offer a lower tempo ‘whisky style’ occasion with aged sipping rum.”

“Discerning drinkers are on the hunt for better quality, aged rums and are showing a keen interest in the origins of the raw materials, which in our case is sugarcane,” he says.

Just as the homegrown industry now offers diverse styles, international rum too provides an array of flavours from across the globe.

Imported rums offer escapism

Rum’s versatility, Catada says, “can also make it confusing for consumers, especially if there is no organised system in the retail space to help navigate the rum shelf. “Retail stores could also adopt a system to group rums according to flavour, colour and age, allowing for the shopper to be educated on what they are buying and feel confident to consume at home.”

The growth of Australian craft rum appears irrepressible but imported rums will always play a crucial role in any retail portfolio.

hero the local NSW sugarcane and create a full flavoured spirit that spoke of the raw material and land it came from.” And Withers believes that these rums also capture the interest of consumers.

■ August 2022 | 33 Rum

According to Brendan Moynihan, Marketing Director at Starward, the premium ready to serve category is experiencing strong double-digit growth year on year, largely driven by premium innovation and locally produced products.


“Consumers are seeking bar quality cocktails at home, that offer ease of preparation, allow them to indulge in the occasion, curate their bar, and demonstrate their interest and knowledge in cocktails.”

From easy mixers or ready to pour cocktails, producers have introduced both premium and price pointed options in a variety of formats to cater to all types of home bartender.

Claire Hibbit discusses how easy cocktail solutions will influence whether the home cocktail movement continues in earnest.

Vicki Lyon, Cocktail Creator at Sophisticated Cocktail Co, says there has been a surge of pre-batched, ready to serve cocktails entering the market over the last 12-24 months.

Whether the consumer is a cocktail expert or someone curious to try something unexpected, there is now strong demand for hassle-free, bar-quality cocktail solutions that empower them to enjoy cocktails at home, any time.

“Now, more than ever, consumers are looking to purchase delicious, cocktail-bar quality drinks that are conveniently packed to be enjoyed at home,” says Moynihan.

“Cocktail bars have launched their own range, large brands have entered the space trying to capture some of the growing market, and a lot of independents are looking to bring better products within consumers reach,” Lyon said.

“The bottled cocktail category is now well established thanks to the pandemic,” explains Maurice Melis, CEO of Global Endeavours Australia (GEA), which introduced the Batched Premium Cocktails range locally last year.

Once considered unapproachable or complicated, brands have embraced and simplified the cocktail process, offering consumers premiumisation and convenience all in one.

Quality over quantity

“Bottled cocktail concepts offer an increased array of choice for consumers. From larger 500-700ml glass bottles to small single shot glass bottles and 150-250ml craft slim line cans,” says Melis.

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In fact, Starward’s bottled cocktail range, which includes (New) Old Fashioned, Coffee Old Fashioned, and the Whisky Negroni, grew 10 times faster than the premium ready to serve category growth rate.

At the height of pandemic restrictions, Australians had no choice but to turn to their own kitchens to satisfy their cocktail needs, leading to a surge of interest in at-home mixology.

A study* commissioned by Southtrade International found 60 per cent of consumers enjoy cocktails at home, however, many won’t make them because they are too much hassle (64 per cent) or because of lack of confidence (25 per cent). Despite this, 46 per cent of consumers that currently make cocktails at home found a pre-batched solution to be ‘appealing’.

Lyon believes consumers are seeking quality over quantity when it comes to cocktails at home, but larger formats are also gaining traction as consumers still want more value for money. “They would rather have one or two good quality drinks than low alcohol sugary versions of old. Consumers have become savvy and have access to far better choices so taste and quality are driving purchasing decisions,” Lyon said. Convenience is another driver, as is sustainability.

“Tasting moveiswayworkingproductstheseiskey,sowithsupplierstogettheproductsinfrontoftheconsumerbyoftastingasurewaytoproductsoffshelves.”VickiLyon

According to Jarrad Bell, Co-founder of cocktail mixer brand, Mr. Consistent, there are three main considerations that influence a consumer’s decisionmaking process: quality and taste, price point, andHeconvenience.saystheprice point of the bottled cocktail market has definitely increased, but it’s due to brands committing to more quality ingredients.

“Trust comes from the brand. If you do the classics really well, they’ll trust your originals,” Bell said.

Cocktail SophisticatedCreatorCocktail Co August 2022 | 35 Cocktails

In 2022, the Negroni and Old Fashioned cocktails were ranked number one and two. Our bottled cocktails range puts a fun twist on these classics, and as a result, all three are growing dynamically,” he said.

Starward’s range also continues to make an impact on the world stage, taking out a range of awards at the World Premix Awards in London.

Moynihan says the strongest performing cocktails typically tend to be the classics that consumers are most familiar with. “Each year, Drinks International ask their top 100 global bars to rank their best-selling classic cocktails.

Sophisticated Cocktail Co sought to create an environmentally responsible product for these consumers, packaging its cocktails in AstraPouch stand up pouches, made using recycled materials with an 80 per cent lower carbon footprint than their glass bottle“Sustainabilityequivalent. and eco-conscious consumers are looking for ways they can reduce waste and look for packaging solutions that make their choices more conscious,” Lyon said. New twists on old favourites Despite restrictions easing across most of the country, many customers still enjoy at-home socialising and dining experiences, but often shy away from cocktails.

“Using fruit from a farm versus concentrate or flavours is mainly the cause, it’s all been great timing with the target audience wanting to be more conscious of what they are actually drinking and being okay parting with slightly more dollars for a better experience,” Bell said. Mr. Consistent uses fruit from a local Queensland farm for its range of cocktails which includes Margarita, Cosmopolitan, Sours, Espresso Martini, and more, as well as a canned seltzer cocktail mixer range.

Trial remains key

“Creating a dedicated destination at the front of the store for cocktail solutions could also be an effective strategy to capitalise on the impulse purchase opportunity,” Melis, bottled cocktails provide an incremental purchase opportunity for retailers, often at better margin than the base spirits. “In-store promotions, off-location displays, point of sale materials, and tastings are key activities that will help drive sales,” he notes.Lyon has a similar point and says: “Consumers are always looking for convenience and new exciting products to buy. Retailers are at the forefront of this, as consumers trust that they have done their research and have products on their shelves they think consumers will buy. “Tasting these products is key, so working with suppliers to get the products in front of the consumer by way of tasting is a sure way to move products off shelves.”

Melis said: “With increased cost of living pressures, consumption of cocktails at home is likely to be further enhanced as consumers seek to reduce discretionary expenditure, such as going out. It is likely to continue growth over the next few years as consumers understand choices now exist for a quality cocktail experience at home, similar to out of home.”

While Sophisticated Cocktail Co has witnessed a major resurgence of the Pornstar Martini, Margarita remains the top seller. In fact, its latest release is a Margarita made in collaboration with Sydney-based cocktail bar, Corretto Dee Why, which Lyon describes as a “Tommy’s Margarita infused with strawberry gum and pandan leaves.”

Bell says Mr. Consistent, designed to be mixed with just one type of alcohol, has found success being merchandised with the matching“Tastingsspirit.have been huge for us, once people try our product, they understand the quality and ease - it’s hard to go back to a lesser quality or mixing your own cocktails,” he added. Opportunity awaits The home cocktail trend has already been credited as helping spirits sales experience such strong growth in the past year. As popularity surges, more entrants are looking to make their mark. “There are a lot of players entering the market, which is great for consumers, but hard for the manufacturers to find a point of difference. Excise tax is also a big hit on manufacturers trying to manufacture, but also keep prices competitive,” Lyon said.

Bell added: “I think the challenge is space in its entirety…The booze industry in itself is massive as we forge a new category. The bottled cocktail category competes with huge categories like RTDs and wine, the saving grace is that we are very complementary to the spirits category.”

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The continued popularity of home cocktails opens up a significant opportunity for retailers who can adapt to the ever-changing behaviour of consumers, but building awareness for easy solutions remains key. Moynihan believes there are significant opportunities for the category as it emerges. He advises having a clear destination in-store where all offerings are merchandised together, as this can disrupt the shopper’s journey and make them consider trialling products.

Meanwhile, Batched Premium Cocktails has a 725ml bottled range, with four traditional cocktail flavours that create theatre and engagement simply by ‘shaking and pouring’, which Melis says it “is generating huge excitement with consumers.”

“People are in love with the drink and premium tequilas, it’s the new gin!”

While Lyon anticipates consumers will increasingly throw support behind venues, she says there’s still avenues of opportunity for savvy suppliers and retailers. As she explains: “Having access to better products will see consumers feel more comfortable serving guests at dinner parties or functions. The at-home entertainer is now serving the perfect cocktail rather than Champagne on arrival.”

Shake & Pour Create the perfect cocktail at home for your house parties and BBQs Remove complexity and improve speed of service in pub/club/eventyour - Gin Sour - Espresso Martini - Margarita - Whiskey Sour Available in:

“What fascinates me is the stories behind why these vines are so old, who the growers

This was an aspect of South Australian wine that Tahnee Bishop, Brand Manager for Yalumba was keen to stress too, while also illustrating that the region’s longevity depends upon sustainable practices.

“They want to know about the good and the tough times, the quality and pedigree of the wines, and sustainability is also at the forefront of many consumers’ minds.”

For Allister Ashmead, Co-Managing Director of Elderton Wines, it is these ancient vines that set South Australia apart. “Old vines really are special, and at Elderton we have a plethora of them going back to the 1894 planted Command Shiraz Vineyard,” Ashmead says. “The thing I love about the Barossa and our wines is that they do not try to be anything other than the best of Barossa and as such are completely impossible to replicate anywhere else. There is always great generosity in all the wines of the Barossa, which mirrors the way the local community operates.”

Tim Dolan, Senior Winemaker at Peter Lehmann Wines, agreed that the combination of ancient rootstock and arresting brand backgrounds provides South Australian wine with a winning formula.

Given that it’s one of Australia’s most historic and productive drinks regions, retailers might think they’re familiar with everything that South Australia has to offer. Yet, changing trends, mirrored by unparalleled brand stories, provide diverse and interesting ways to form renewed connections with both consumers and producers. Old vines and old yarns South Australia provides about 50 per cent of all wine grapes grown in the country. As grapes in the region largely avoided the phylloxera blight of the late 19th century, it is home to some of the world’s oldest plantings, particularly of Shiraz.

A state of heritage and innovation

“There has been a real focus on celebrating these old, ancient, and ancestor vineyards, which has been awesome,” Dolan said.

Seamus May looks at how drinks producers in South Australia are defying the weight of history to still produce impressive new products while maintaining the region’s longstanding industry reputation.

“Wynns is fortunate to be the largest single vineyard holder in Coonawarra with vineyards that sit across the best parts in the heart of the terra rossa. We look after some of the oldest own-rooted Cabernet in the world, and Wynns wines are regarded as benchmarks of the district,” he said. Alongside these historic grapes, Ashmead believes that the stories behind brands and wineries offer perfect opportunities for retailers to connect consumers with South Australian wine.

“We use our experience from 172 years of family winemaking to our advantage. Since 1849, we have led the way in sustainable winemaking, not because it is on trend, but to ensure the longevity and survival of Yalumba and the wine industry,” Bishop says.

“My belief is that drinkers want to hear stories about families that make great wine,” Ashmead said.

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Angus Lilley, General Manager ANZ and Global Channels for Treasury Premium Brands (which owns South Australian wine brands such as Wynns Coonawarra Estate, Wolf Blass and Pepperjack), strikes a similar chord when discussing the quality of South Australia’s“CabernetCabernet.cangrow in many places around the world, however there are only a few locations that can make exceptional Cabernet that sits comfortably in the company of the great Grand Cru wines,” he said. And as Lilley explains, the roots of Treasury’s brands run deep, quite literally.

It would be impossible to discuss beer in South Australia without acknowledging Coopers, with the family owned brewery now into its 160th year of Sheareroperation.explains that the company is continuing to innovate and plan for the future, noting: “This is a milestone year for Coopers Brewery. While the 160th is a reason to celebrate the past, and we have done with a series of industry events across the country, the brewery remains focussed on the present and future.” As Shearer outlines, Coopers has announced plans to invest $50 million in the construction of a new visitor ShearervisionisParkdistillerymicrobrewerycentre,andwhiskyatitsRegencysite.“Thisexcitingexpansionpartofalong-termforthebrewery,”says.

were, and the wines that have been made from each parcel over the years. “Some of these vineyards have survived through three centuries, and it’s now up to us to share their story because with that story inevitably comes an insight into our ancient soils, climate and passion for growing and making some of the world’s greatest wines.”

Ashmead’s sentiments are echoed by Jonathon McNamara, General Manager of Insights and Innovation for Samuel Smith & Son.

“The interest in approachable red wines such as Grenache will continue and complements the more established, fuller-bodied varietals, contributing to South Australia’s diverse wine offering,” McNamara says. “The balance of new and emerging producers with long established icons presents opportunities for new wine drinkers to engage with and explore the rich history of winemaking in South Australia.”

Growing varietals present new opportunities

A Coopersyearlandmarkfor

Wynns Coonawarra Estate is one brand taking an innovative approach to these varietals, producing the Reframed series of blends. “We’ve challenged ourselves to turn the traditional Wynns approach on its head in search of fresher styles that remain true to their region,” Lilley says.

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“These will become more and more important and relatable to wine drinkers in Australia, as they provide real drinkability at a remarkably great prices. As some say around these parts, ‘Grenache delivers on what Pinot promises’.”

“There has never been a better time to check out Eden Valley Riesling, or perhaps some of the Barossa’s super tasty Grenache based wines.

While South Australia is famed for its older, established grape varietals, several brands that National Liquor News spoke to described the potential of the region’s alternative grape strains. “Alternative varieties play an important role in the Australian wine industry. Although Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay are our biggest varieties, consumers are more willing to try something new and exciting,” Ashmead says.

“We’ve always had a deep love for South Australia’s wine regions. To create our Ginache, each year we source some of the Stuart Morrow Spirits Innovation Manager and Ambassador 78 Degrees Distillery “We are in a great place in SA, producing amazing and high quality produce. It completely makes sense that this bounty of amazing produce has become a focus for local producers.”

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“It’s a part of Wynns’ history, re-created with purpose, that echoes that Rhone tradition of adding a small percentage of Viognier for enhancing aromatics and bringing a softer texture to structural Shiraz.”

It’s not just market forces driving these trends, with the increase in alternative varietals partly a response to the changing South Australian climate.

“Supporting local plays such an important role within South Australia and we’re finding that customers really enjoy experimenting and finding new ways to drink premium Australian spirits with their friends and family,” Lioulios says. This local support extends from drinkers too, encapsulating producers from different categories working together for a mutual benefit. 36 Short has an eye-catching array of spirits in its portfolio, including rakia – a product that makes use of the abundance of local“Ingrapes.2014, we obtained our distilling licence and released Australia’s first rakia, made from premium local Shiraz grapes, and then distilled with star anise. This 150 year old family recipe that Dad brought with him from Macedonia,” Lioulios says.

“These products are born out of exciting collaborations and appeal to new demographics of spirit consumers looking for new and different creations.”

“Climate change is forcing us to rethink what best suits our regions,” says Adrienne Renton, Senior Brand Manager for Peter“Fiano,Lehmann.Grenache, Mataro, and Nero D’Avola appear to grow well even in the harshest summers.”

The series includes a Coonawarra Shiraz Riesling blend, with Lilley explaining that “Wynns’ oldest Shiraz vineyards originally had some mistaken cuttings mixed in with the planting material that resulted in the occasional flash of white grapes at crushing.

According to Sean Baxter, Co-founder of Never Never Distilling Co, this kind of unique spirit production is part of a growing trend.

The local spirit to succeed Two of the biggest recent spirits trends have been a move towards premiumisation and increasing consumer preference for locally made spirits. Jon Lioulios, Director of 36 Short, believes both these patterns are at play in the South Australian spirits category.

“Absinthe, aquavit, genever, amaro, pisco, rakia, ouzo, the list goes on. There are currently a range of different spirits and liqueurs made in SA that go against the usual trend of spirit production,” Baxter says.

Never Never has engaged in similar collaborations itself, as Baxter outlines.


Oxford Landing in South Australia’s Riverland is an unforgettable place. Just ask the locals. The beautiful River Murray runs through the vast, red landscape, filling the community and environment with life and promise. Here, we tend the vineyard that produces our range of quality vegan, sustainably produced, affordable wines. They are a taste of our sun-soaked region to be enjoyed in your home.

“Many of the whisky producers seem to be focusing on local casks from our great wine regions, along with local grain, and many of the gin producers seem to be focusing on tying in local produce into their botanical makeup,” Morrow says.

It’s this sort of community that is growing in South Australia, according to Corinna Steeb, Co-founder of Prancing Pony Brewery.

“New breweries and brands are popping up every week or month. They’re setting up near existing breweries to establish a bit of a beer hub and leverage that,” she said.

“Our continued relationship with our cooper and the wineries is one which maintains the constant supply of these barrels at reliable and consistently high quality.”

“We are in a great place in SA, producing amazing and high quality produce. It completely makes sense that this bounty of amazing produce has become a focus for local Prohibitionproducers.”Liquor Co has also engaged with South Australia’s grape and wine industry, as Hugh Lumsden, Head Distiller, outlines.

“Barossa Valley grape-based spirit is a strong definer of South Australian gins. Neutral grape spirit from one of Australia’s great wine regions is commonly used by SA gin brands, giving a strong local story to the base of the product,” Lumsden says.

“South Australian craft beer is in a fantastic place. If we reflect on when we started here in Adelaide back in 2015, there were about 17 breweries - now that’s probably closer to 50,” Cameron said. “Each is pivotal, not only to the industry, but their communities as well.”

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“Our Shiraz Barrel-Aged Gin barrels have started their lives in Kentucky, ageing bourbon, before heading to Scotland to age whisky and finally to the Barossa Valley to age Shiraz, before we re-cooper them to 100 litres and re-char each barrel back to life.

Craft beer creates community South Australia hosts a burgeoning craft beer scene, as Michael ‘MC’ Cameron, Co-founder and Brewing Director of Pirate Life Brewing, explains.

Steeb explained that the increase in breweries means that tap space in the onpremise is at a premium, perhaps presenting an opportunity for retail. “Craft beer is represented more broadly in liquor stores, including the big chains, however, tap space is becoming exceedingly difficult to gain,” Steeb explained.

best Grenache fruit from McLaren Vale –the home of Australian Grenache. We’ve worked with local growers and wineries such as our friends at Chalk Hill Wines and Dogridge Wines,” he said. Stuart Morrow, 78 Degrees Distillery’s Spirits Innovation Manager and Ambassador, explained how his brand has also worked with the local wine industry.

“The beer market is evolving in line with the tastes and preferences of local drinkers as well as the popularity of craft style beer,” Shearer says. In response to the ongoing popularity of craft beer, Coopers is adding a new 3,200 litre microbrewery to its Regency Park site, which will be used to develop further craft-beer styles. As Cameron explains, this craft movement is pushing innovation in the South Australian beer“Wecategory.continue to develop products like it’s going out of fashion. We’ll knock out close to 120 new beers this year,” Cameron says. “There’s a lot of creativity throughout the team and a lot of excitement every week at our NPD (New Product Development) meeting. “I think that’s what really excites me about the future - brewing is only limited by the imagination.”

Meanwhile, Shearer thinks that the inherent characteristics of the Coopers Brewery and brand allow the company to maintain its strong position in the market and respond to new trends.

“Smaller producers have a fast route to market. We don’t steer a 100 tonne tanker, we are agile. We connect with the retailer more frequently, and we listen to their needs.”

Michael Cameron Co-founder and Brewing Director Pirate Life Brewing “I brewingreallythat’sthinkwhatexcitesmeaboutthefuture-isonlylimitedbytheimagination.”

For Michael Shearer, General Manager of Coopers Brewery, the growth in craft beer is being driven by South Australian consumer preferences as well.

“Authenticity, high quality, originality, local provenance and Australian owned – these values are our comparative advantage and why large numbers of new and existing customers are attracted to our brand,” he said. The qualities Shearer identifies are applicable to South Australian drinks as a whole, as the state continues standards it has set for generations, while fostering dynamism across all three major categories.

August 2022 | 43 South Australia

“There’s a lean towards lighter bodied, lighter flavoured beers - I guess you could say ‘healthier’ beers. We’re seeing a big push on zero alc, low carb, low cal, those sorts of products.”

‘Better for you’ beer reflects wider trends The impact of the wider ‘better for you’ trend is being felt across South Australian drinks, including the beerCameroncategory.said:

Collaboration is clearly a key factor of drinks-making in South Australia, with the final result impressive and innovative products that respond to history, place and modern palates.

Tiffany Waldron, VIC A Certified Cicerone® and Pink Boots President, Tiffany is focused on making changes in the world of beer through education and furthering beer culture beyond standard boundaries.

Vincent de Soyres, NSW As co-owner and head brewer at Frenchies Bistro & Brewery, Vince develops award winning brews that extend beyond the limits of traditional beer categories and styles. Adam Carswell, VIC Based in Bendigo, Adam’s been the proprietor of the awardwinning Cambrian Hotel for almost a decade. He’s a passionate advocate of independent beer and traditional pub culture.

Liam Pereira, NSW Liam is the group venue manager for Sydney’s Batch Brewing Co. A Certified Cicerone® and BJCP judge, he was previously general manager of Sydney Beer Week.

Jamie Webb-Smith, NSW Previously a brewer at The Australian Brewery, Jamie is currently head brewer at Yulli’s Brews in Sydney. He’s a home brewer turned pro, who completed the NSW TAFE microbrewing course.

Jono Outred, WA Based in Margaret River, Jono is a beer writer that predominantly covers the South West of WA. He’s been involved in the state’s beer industry in various capacities since 2011. David Ward, ACT Head of sales for BentSpoke Brewing Co and with over 10 years’ experience working in the craft beer industry, David is constantly on the lookout for new beers to try and trends to watch.

As published in Beer and Brewer Spring 2021 The Panel As published in Beer and Brewer Winter

Justin Fox, VIC Justin is the Australian agent for Bespoke Brewing Solutions. He has a decade’s judging experience, expertise in brewing ingredient distribution and has held technical roles with breweries of all sizes throughout his 15 years in beer.

Lewis Maschmedt, SA Based in Port Adelaide, Lewis is head of brewing at Pirate Life. He’s been brewing beer in one form or another since 2011.

Josh Quantrill, NSW Currently Beerfarm’s head of sales, Josh is a Certified Cicerone® who’s had a long and varied beer career. He strives to help grow and expand the footprint of Australian craft beer. Ian Kingham, NSW That Beer Bloke, Ian’s decorated beer career has included judging at Australia’s best competitions while he’s currently the Sydney Royal’s Chair of Judges. Michael Capaldo, NSW National sales rep at Hop Products Australia, Michael is a qualified and experienced brewer and an accomplished beer judge (GABS, World Beer Cup, Indies, AIBA etc).

Not all submissions to our tasting panel are featured in the following pages. This could be because of space restrictions, that we already reviewed it in the recent past or the product did not meet our panel’s requirements. We’re not in the business of running any one down, and if there is a chance to speak with a brewery about issues that may have arisen during a tasting, then we will endeavour to pass that information on in the interest of transparency.

The ReviewBrew 44 | National Liquor News

Briony Liebich, SA A Certified Cicerone® focussed on helping people boost their tasting skills, Briony led the sensory program at West End Brewery for 10 years and judges at national beer and cider awards.

Tina Panoutsos, VIC One of Australia’s leading beer judges, Tina is a beer sensory expert with over 30 years’ experience in the brewing industry in roles across technical and commercial functions.

Rosemary Lilburne-Fini, NSW A Certified Cicerone® Beer Server, Rosemary has worked in the beer industry for the best part of five years and has now landed in hospitality marketing. Nothing excites her more than classic beer styles executed perfectly.

Beer and Brewer’s expert panel has focused on double and triple IPAs in its latest edition’s tasting, while also reviewing a great smattering of winter-style beers and brilliant non-alc brews.

Benji Bowman, NSW With a background in Australian craft beer and cider, Benji is now part of the sales team at Capital Brewing in NSW where he leads the beer and quality training for the sales team.

Steve Brockman, SA After 10 years brewing in WA, the US and now SA, Steve consults for start-up breweries and passionately believes in beer education, both for drinkers and brewers alike.

Scott Hargrave, NSW/QLD Scott is Balter Brewing’s multiaward winning head brewer and a regular on some of Australia’s and the world’s most prestigious judging panels including the Great American Beer Festival and the World Beer Cup.

Bridge Style:ABV:TropicalRoadSour4.1%SourAle

Yellow gold with a hint of haze, the head is cloudy white while kiwi fruit, pineapple and biscuit are all welcome aromas. The light body carries and balances the fruit all the way through the palate while the lingering bitterness and otherwise super clean finish is a nice change from the hazy pales and IPAs we’ve seen so much of. We’d be happy to drink this any day.


Nomad Brewing Easy IPA ABV: Style:4.5%IPA

A top effort from thesuitedasbitternessflavourssomefeatureandworkingCarafaofwithlightlyisbrewingbasedHobart/Melbourne-thefamilyownedoperation.Darkabalanced,smooth,bodieddarklagerthecombinationPilsner,MunichandSpecialIImaltsatreat.Cocoachocolatemaltnotesonthepalatewithcitrusy,hop-drivenandaslightcomingthroughwell.Abeerperfectlytowinter,withoutusualbooziness!

Stout Living up to its name, it pours incredibly dark and black while the aroma has wonderful hints of vanilla and tobacco and promises wonders. The palate is utterly massive and full of a tannic dark malt bite, alcoholic punch and even a nice balance of hop impact. If you have the time, let it warm and you’ll get the full experience of this wondrous thing.

ABV: Style:5.8%Skin

Mountain Goat Cold IPA ABV: Style:6.2%Cold

Yulli’s Brews Two Shoulders

Bang on in terms of style, it delivers a distinct earthy aroma while it’s crisp and full flavoured with a lightish body plus a nice amount of wheat and bitterness are at play too. The brewing approach to this beer is novel: it’s cold fermented with a German lager yeast and matured for longer. The result is an impressive, smooth and very drinkable Pils.

Bridge Road has put together a great sour ale here. A delicious beer base gives the sour notes the ability to shine and balances out the acidity with a hint of tropical hop flavour. Likewise, the mouthfeel is nice and light but with enough body to feel really well balanced. A great session sour that would be an all-day sipper pairing well with the winter sun.

IPA Part of the 25 years of Mountain Goat Celebration, this pours very well out of the can with a thick creamy head. Hop flavour is not overly evident in aroma but on first sip it’s a wonderfully balanced IPA. Drinking very clean, the hop characters are more pronounced than usual without the sometimes overblown malt of other IPA varietals. A great beer and ‘easy’ drinking at 6.2 per cent.

Food: Roast

August 2022 | 45

Contact Golden Ale An exceptionally unique mixed fermentation, it presents with a shiny, almost fermentedmalolacticaroma. The blending and ageing process sees the flavour profile change with almost every sip with notes of red apple and sherbet, as well as a subtle acidity and funk. It toes the line between being perfect for the craft beer aficionado and having enough familiar flavours for anyone to enjoy.

Food: Self-saucing choc

Food: BBQ twocities.beerribs

Nomad Brewing Freshie Pine Lime ABV: Style:4.5%Fruited Gose

Burleigh Brewing Burleigh Blonde ABV: Style:5.0%Blonde Lager Better known for their no carb lager Big Head, Burleigh Blonde is billed as its traditional German stablemate. medium-lightCrisp,body and easy to drink with just a hint of sweetness, as you’d expect, with subtle bitterness and malt flavours coming through. Featuring a clean, bready finish that doesn’t overwhelm, this would make for a great companion for a long afternoon in the sun.

As you pour there’s no mistaking what’s on the label as the aroma grabs you with fresh cut pineapple and the zing of lime zest. While the aroma may be heavy with tropical fruit sweetness, the body is light and refreshing, carrying limey tartness and finishing with a touch of ripe pineapple that lingers on the palate.

Two Cities Brewing ABV:Dark Style:5.0%Dark Lager


Little Style:ABV:SludgebeastBang12.0%Imperial

Food: Hot

Bridge AleStyle:ABV:EggsterRoad6.0%TripleChocolate Easter parade hats off to Bridge Road for nailing the brief. We loved this. It’s black with a brown head and chocolate aromas run for days while the flavours are less beer-like and more provide flashbacks to eating bowls and bowls of Coco Pops. It’s medium in both body and carbonation and overall balance is insanely good. Food: Chocolate

Food: Jerk

Food: Spiced

The Brew Review

Food: Carne asada

Cupitt’s Estate Milton Pilsner

ABV: Style:4.8%Pilsner

The Panel ➤ Ed Peake, Key Account Manager, Penfolds ➤ Christine Ricketts, Wine Educator, Endeavour Group ➤ Geoff Bollom, Retailer, Porter’s - Balmain East and Glebe ➤ Jonathan Leeming, Brand Manager, Taylors Wines ➤ David Fahey, Wine Consultant ➤ Nigel Burton, CEO, Burton Premium Wines Taylors

Our expert panel tasted a range of Cabernet Sauvignon this month, noting their standout wines across three price brackets.

Region:SauvignonCabernet Coonawarra VIN: 2018 LUC: $22.56 Distributed by: Samuel Smith & Son “On the palate, it is a beautiful wine with expressive primary red fruit flavours, complex secondary and tertiary characters and ripe, robust tannin structure.” – Jonathan Leeming Penfolds Koonunga Hill


Region:SauvignonCabernet South Australia VIN: 2021 LUC: $12.73 Distributed by: Penfolds “Attractive fruit nose with blackberries, soft inviting finish on the palate. An attractive wine showing good balance of fruit and oak.” –David Fahey

Clare Valley VIN: 2015 LUC: $118.25 Distributed by: Taylors Wines “It had it all – fruit, oak, subtle development. The balance was excellent and promises great flavour as it ages.” – Christine Ricketts

Yalumba The Cigar

The System 95-100 Classic: an exceptional wine 90-94 Outstanding: a wine of remarkable character 85-89 Very good: a wine impressivewithqualities

Panels Picks 46 | National Liquor News Wine Tasting Review

Cabernet Sauvignon

“Cheaper entry level wines are drinkable but simple. The next level up is more approachable but also showing possibility of aging.”

Wine Tasting Review


McLaren Vale VIN: 2016 LUC: $50.00 Distributed by: Vok Beverages “Complex nose, fresh fruit, balanced and tight. Really good.” – Geoff Bollom Yalumba The Menzies


John Gehrig Wines Cabernet Sauvignon


– Christine Ricketts Food Pairing


Region: Rutherglen VIN: 2016 LUC: $27.75 Distributed by: John Gehrig Wines “Fruit has come to life here. Smooth as silk. An almost perfect Cabernet Sauvignon.” – Geoff Bollom Beresford Estate Limited

Christine Ricketts Wine EndeavourEducatorGroup ➤ “Lamb backstrap.” – Jonathan Leeming ➤ “Beef and Burgundy pie.” – David Fahey ➤ “Aged cheese and olives.” – Geoff Bollom ➤ “My fave is always a porcini mushroom risotto with regiano generously shaved over it, and of course a touch of sherry in the stock.”

Region: Margaret River VIN: 2019 LUC: $63.43 Distributed by: Samuel Smith & Son “On the nose, ripe blackcurrant, cassis and black cherry are underpinned by sweet oak spice, vanilla and hints of menthol. Amazing quality fruit on the palate.” – Jonathan Leeming Peter

Region:SauvignonCabernet Coonawarra VIN: 2016 LUC: $39.85 Distributed by: Samuel Smith & Son “Elegant Cabernet that has benefitted from its age. Well balanced with a soft finish.” – Nigel Burton Leconfield Sydney Reserve

Barossa VIN: 2018 LUC: $31.50 Distributed by: Casella Family Brands “Lovely nose with heightened fruits and herbaceous tones. Really grippy tannins that will soften, but balance is good. Delightful.” – Ed Peake over $25 August 2022 | 47

Coonawarra VIN: 2017 LUC: $51.95 Distributed by: Leconfield Wines “Classic Cabernet nose with beautiful tannins and a rich, deep palate. Delicious and will age well.” – Ed Peake CabernetWildwoodBrokenwoodRoadSauvignon

Region:cask)SauvignonOrganicWinesmithsCabernet(2L South Australia VIN: 2021 LUC: $18.81 Distributed by: Samuel Smith & Son “Layered, dry palate with medium tannins, blueberry, blackcurrant, menthol and mocha. So youthful, but has such approachability –already.”Christine


Dee Vine Estate D Reserve Region:SauvignonCabernet Adelaide Hills VIN: 2018 LUC: $19.99 Distributed by: Dee Vine Estate “An easy drinking wine with up front fruit and vanilla oak.”

Barossa VIN: 2020 LUC: $15.05 Distributed by: Casella Family Brands “Rich, deep colour, with mint through the nose. Oak is present on the palate. Rich finish with length.”


Briar Ridge Big Bully Cabernet Sauvignon Region: Wrattonbully VIN: 2020 LUC: $22.58 Distributed by: L’Atelier Fine Wines “Mint, blackcurrant, cassis characters. Soft balanced tannic finish.” – Nigel Burton

News Wine Tasting Review

Editor’s Picks

Region:SauvignonCabernet Coonawarra VIN: 2019 LUC: $19.35 Distributed by: Déjà Vu Wine Co. “An attractive wine with mint/ eucalypt dominating. Easy drinking.” – David Fahey

Special Mention ➤ Brown Brothers Patricia Cabernet Sauvignon 2017, Victoria, LUC $38.71 (Brown Family Wine Group) ➤ Longview Macclesfield Cabernet Sauvignon 2020, Adelaide Hills, LUC $26.88 (Pure Wine Co, Sante, Young and Rashleigh) ➤ Nightfall Draco Cabernet Sauvignon Coonawarra,2018,LUC $95.00 (Brand Group) Elderton Region:CabernetBarossaSauvignon

– Nigel Burton

– David Fahey Peter

Ricketts LUC $15-$25 | Liquor


Barossa VIN: 2020 LUC: $21.50 Distributed by: Fesq and Co. “A fruit driven wine showing classic blackberry characters. Long in the mouth and balanced.” – David Fahey Richard Hamilton Hut Eleven Cabernet Region:Sauvignon McLaren Vale VIN: 2019 LUC: $20.86 Distributed by: Leconfield Wines “On the palate, ripe expressive black fruit sits alongside cedar, oak spice, mocha and liquorice notes. This is a very enjoyable wine which will benefit from decanting.” – Jonathan Leeming Pepper Tree Limited Release

– David Fahey


Coonawarra VIN: 2019 LUC: $11.50 Distributed by: Fesq and Co. (TAS)(WA),NT),Options(NSW/VIC/QLD/ACT),WineMerchants(SA/DistinctiveWinesandSpiritsSwallowLiquorMerchants “Mint and oak nose. Attractive fruit on the palate with firm tannic finish.”

– David Fahey $15

Great Southern VIN: 2020 LUC: $13.33 Distributed by: Ferngrove Wines “Nice mouthfeel, with soft dark berries on the palate and a firm, tannic finish. An attractive upfront wine.”

LUC under


Geoff Bollom Retailer Porter’s – Balmain East and Glebe Nigel Burton CEO Burton Premium Wines


Limestone Coast VIN: 2019 LUC: $11.75 Distributed by: Red+White “Lovely cedar oak on the nose with black fruit and minty notes. Depth on the palate with a fantastic dry finish. Excellent value for money.” – Ed Peake Pig In The House Organic Region:SauvignonCabernet Australia VIN: 2021 LUC: $14.35 Distributed by Veraison Wines (SYD), Raw Wine and Beer Co (Melbourne), High Spirits Wholesale (QLD) “Deep purple colour. Generous fruit driven nose and palate with eucalypts. Long finish.”

Region: Australia VIN: 2020 LUC: $11.29 Distributed by: Samuel Smith & Son “Very pleasant, easy drinking. Good balance of fruit, acid and tannins. A lovely everyday wine – very good at this price point.”

– Christine Ricketts Zilzie

Region:SauvignonCabernet Eden Valley VIN: 2020 LUC: $14.51 Distributed by: Millon Wines “Lovely nose with oak, tobacco and pencil shavings complementing rich cassis fruit. Ripe, rich, plush and opulent palate.” – Jonathan Leeming

Millon Wines The Estate

– Nigel Burton Yalumba Y Series Cabernet Sauvignon

“Young wines were slightly disadvantaged, and I would love to try them in five years. The higher price point wines were very well made.” “Most wines showed strong Cabernet varietal characters, which is pleasing to see at lower price points.”


Ferngrove Black Label

August 2022 | 49 Wine Tasting Review

Maximising opportunityindependentthe

The Prince Cellars, attached to The Prince Consort Hotel and part of the Tilley and Wills Hotels group, is focused on being in tune with the needs of its customer base, and reacting quickly as these needs adjust.

In the entertainment precinct of inner city Brisbane suburb Fortitude Valley, is a bottle shop that celebrates its independence and its local community.

Its run by Jamie Mackay, who started in the hospitality industry in 1994 and got his first taste of liquor retail in the late 1990s when he was Junior Manager at a hotel and needed to fill in at its bottle shop. He’s loved it ever since, and jumped at the chance to manage his first outlet. Mackay’s philosophy is about agility and thinking outside the box. He says: “It is very easy to run on rails in liquor retail, and do the same thing you’ve always done in the past. “We can look at national data, MAT data and trends in the industry as a whole, but if we’re blind to what our own backyard’s doing, we’re not maximising our benefits as independents. We’ve got a lot more flexibility and freedom than the big box guys, so we need to maximise that and take every opportunity we can “Whatget.Ilove about this industry is I get to challenge myself – I’m always looking at new products, or how to reinvigorate existing products, by moving them around the store with different locations or different displays, or changing things up. Our point of difference is keeping it fresh and keeping it interesting.”

Jamie Mackay Retail Manager The Prince Cellars

“I find they’re always interested in trying new things and different approaches, and don’t seem as bound as others I’ve seen.

50 | National Liquor News Retailer Profile

This kind of approach is something that The Prince Cellars’ wholesaler, Independent Liquor Group (ILG) has always been supportive of. As Mackay said: “I can’t speak highly enough of the support we get from the ILG family. They are definitely proactive in driving our business from a retail sense. Whenever we want to have a conversation about new ideas or opportunities, they are keen to participate.

Some of the categories that have been particularly successful for The Prince Cellars in recent years have been craft beer, natural, organic and biodynamic wine, and also international spirits like soju. Mackay said all of these have exploded in-store because they have been able to quickly react to the local demand for them. “We met the market immediately. We want to be able to get ahead of the curve, and we don’t have to wait – I could get a new product set up and priced up on the shelf in 15 minutes,” Mackay said.

“If we’re blind to what our own doing,backyard’swe’renotmaximisingourbenefitsasindependents.”

“Like Tilley and Wills Hotels, ILG is proudly independent and Australian owned - as ILG is a coop we feel like owners and not just customers. Profits benefit us or our fellow members or are used to grow the business”. ■

The mantra of The Prince Cellars is to celebrate independence and an agile connection to the needs of local customers.

Contact Shane T Williams to book now! on 02 8586 6205 or email * Google Analytics 2020, TheShout averaged 60,497 unique users per month. Do you have an upcoming launch, NPD, line extension or promotion? Then drive brand awareness. Support your sales team. Book a campaign. averaged unique users every month. 60,497*

2022 When: Wednesday 19 October 2022 Where: Sydney Town Hall Theme: Dress for your next Holiday! For sponsorship opportunities contact Shane T

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