National Liquor News March 2022

Page 38

Ginger Drinks

Lingering spice Seamus May explores the ginger drinks segment and finds out what is driving its continued popularity. Ginger beer has a long and storied history

that keeps consumers returning across

Projects, also emphasises the quintessential

in Australia. Stoneware jars which contained

the centuries?

Aussie nature of this spicy offering,

the spicy brewed beverage have been

For Matt Redin, Marketing Manager

discovered in Sydney, dating all the way

of Angove Family Winemakers (which

describing it as: “A classic Australian drink

back to 1830. In 1838, William Starkey’s

produces Stone’s Ginger Beer and Wine

The Stone’s brand is a testament to

Ginger Beer factory, located in modern-

in Australia), ginger drinks are perfectly

the staying power of ginger drinks, with

day Elizabeth Street, Sydney, was the largest

suited to the Australian climate.

the company able to trace its history to a

that has stood the test of time.”

plant of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere.

“Ginger is both refreshing and sweet at

London distillery in the mid-18th century.

Australian brand Kirk’s is perhaps one of the

the same time with a lovely lemony, citrus

“For a long time, Stone’s Original Ginger

oldest locally established brands of ginger

character and a gentle warmth that is perfect

Wine was the ginger category, standing alone

drink still in production, dating back nearly

for our cooler months,” Redin said.

with very little competition or companion,”

100 years, to at least 1924. Ginger beer’s extensive presence in

“In summer, when consumed as a ginger beer, it really is fantastic.”

Australia is unsurprising when you consider

This is a view also held by Matso’s Brand

that its two vital ingredients, root ginger and

Manager, Flora Lolev, who said: “Ginger

sugar cane, are produced here in abundance.

beer is a great complement to the Australian

The Sunshine Coast region alone produces

climate and lifestyle.

Redin said. These days, there are multiple ginger drink brands for the spice-craving consumer to choose from, as Redin acknowledges. “Stone’s has been the platform from which many of the new entrants have now

over 6,000 tonnes of ginger a year, and

“Born out of Broome and inspired by the

Queensland as a whole harvests more than

balmy climate of our home, it’s amazing to

Matso’s is one such comparatively newer

35 million tonnes of sugar cane.

see [Matso’s Ginger Beer] grow each year.”

entrant, brewed for decades in comparison

Alex Bottomley, Director of Ampersand

to the centuries of Stone’s. But today, with

But what is it about ginger drinks 38 | National Liquor News

sprung,” Redin said.

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