National Liquor News October 2020

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vol. 39 no. 9 - October 2020




If you’re not reading

National Liquor News is the only independent, impartial, trade journal published in our industry today. In these tough times, more than ever, it’s critical to keep the lines of communication open and National Liquor News has both the readership and the journalistic integrity to achieve this.” CHRIS O’BRIEN G E N E R A L M A N AG E R , L I Q U O R B A R O N S

National Liquor News is a great source of information as it brings together all the stories and issues from across this great industry. It packages up special interest, consumer trends, new product innovation, and current affairs all into the one easy-to-read format.” ANDREW WILSMORE C E O , A LC O H O L B E V E R AG E S A U S T R A L I A

National Liquor News really is the fastest way to get your message across to the whole Australian liquor industry. It’s as important to our members as the Financial Review is to the business community. When you’re looking for answers on any liquor issue then it’s always the first port of call. Basically if it’s happening in the liquor industry then you can guarantee they are across it.” PETER PECK C E O , L I Q U O R S T O R E S AS S O C I AT I O N O F W E S T E R N A U S T R A L I A

then you’re not up to speed on the latest trends, NPD, new releases and best practice running a liquor store, but don’t take our word for it…we asked some of the industry what they think.

National Liquor News delivers multiple purpose for me. The topical content on market trends and industry news helps us all to keep in touch with important information and in some cases, validates our promotional plans. It’s also a great platform to read the thoughts and opinions of our industry leaders on various topics across the national market.” VA U G H A N P E T E R S N AT I O N A L T R A D E M A N AG E R , L I Q U O R L E G E N D S

We find National Liquor News to be a forum of valuable expertise between industry colleagues, inspiring each other in the journey to successful achievements. It is an effective medium to foster the co-operative’s mission with the publication’s extensive and esteemed following.” PA U L E S P O S I T O CEO, INDEPENDENT LIQUOR GROUP

S U B S C R I B E : A DV E R T I S E : Shane T Williams – E D I T O R I A L : Brydie Allen –

Editor’s note

Editor’s note


Welcome to the October issue of National Liquor News. PUBLISHED BY: Food and Beverage Media Pty Ltd A division of The Intermedia Group 41 Bridge Road GLEBE NSW Australia 2037 Tel: 02 9660 2113 Fax: 02 9660 4419

Well this is it, my final editor’s note. The past five and a half years have been like no other and it’s been the most incredible journey being able to

Publisher: Paul Wootton

immerse myself in the liquor industry. I’ve drank, dined, and rubbed shoulders with so many of the

Managing Editor: Deborah Jackson

amazing people who make up our nation’s liquor

Journalist: Brydie Allen

industry, and have treasured every moment.

General Manager Sales – Liquor & Hospitality Group: Shane T. Williams

The highlights are too many to count, however one that I will always remember would be when I got to relive my teenage fan girl days by interviewing the members of 90s boy band, and

Australia’s drinks industry is huge, vibrant

now brewers, Hanson, while sipping beers with

and with many layers, and it’s become that way

them at Young Henry’s.

with innovation. One of the most surefire ways

I hand over the reigns to our wonderful

to excite consumers is to give them something

journalist, my friend, Brydie Allen (pictured).

they’ve never seen before, and this is often the

She will seamlessly carry the National Liquor News

beginning of new trends.

flame, and keep this publication as the country’s leading source of liquor retail news.

From world-first flavours and techniques to groundbreaking multi-category hybrids

While the trips away, once in a lifetime

and everything in between, Brydie Allen has

experiences and sublime beverages have been one

investigated the opportunity of innovative

thing, what has really made my tenure so special

beverages from page 33.

are the people I’ve met, many of them now friends

Also in this issue our friend’s at IRI have explored

for life. I look forward to being a keen reader of

two categories that have returned to growth during

NLN, and can’t wait to see the heights the industry

the pandemic and they predict will continue to be

scales in a brave new post-pandemic world. Hard

in demand in the months to come; these are casked

times come and go, but they only make the good

wine (page 28) and mainstream beer (page 13).

times even sweeter. for the busy Christmas trading period, we’ve

please do feel free to find me on LinkedIn or social media and stay in touch.

demand this summer, including RTDs, sparkling

Cheers for the last time,

wine and rum/spiced rum.

Deb Jackson

The Intermedia Group’s Environmental Responsibility The Intermedia Group takes

we ensure that the products and

PEFC certified wood

its Corporate and Social

services used in the manufacture

and paper products come

Responsibilities (CSR) seriously

of this magazine are sourced from

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from environmentally

impact on the environment. We

responsible suppliers. This magazine has been

appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of forests.

environmental performance and

printed on paper produced from

to initiate additional CSR based

sustainably sourced wood and

projects and activities.

pulp fibre and is accredited

delivery process of this magazine

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4 | National Liquor News

Graphic Design: Alyssa Coundouris Production Manager: Jacqui Cooper Subscription Rates 1yr (11 issues) for $70.00 (inc GST) 2yrs (22 issues)for $112.00 (inc GST) – Saving 20% 3yrs (33 issues) for $147.00 (inc GST) – Saving 30% To subscribe and to view other overseas rates visit or Call: 1800 651 422 (Mon – Fri 8:30-5pm AEST) Email:

The wrapping used in the

Average Total Distribution: 10,119 AMAA/CAB Yearly Audit Period ending September 2019.


investigated some categories that are sure to be in

As part of our company policy

Group Art Director – Liquor and Hospitality: Kea Thorburn

And so, it’s time for me to say goodbye, but

Looking to this issue of NLN, and as we prepare

continuously strive to improve our

Photographer: Shane O’Neill

National Liquor News proudly partners with Retail Drinks Australia.

This publication is published by Food and Beverage Media Pty Ltd (the “Publisher”). Materials in this publication have been created by a variety of different entities and, to the extent permitted by law, the Publisher accepts no liability for materials created by others. All materials should be considered protected by Australian and international intellectual property laws. Unless you are authorised by law or the copyright owner to do so, you may not copy any of the materials. The mention of a product or service, person or company in this publication does not indicate the Publisher’s endorsement. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Publisher, its agents, company officers or employees. Any use of the information contained in this publication is at the sole risk of the person using that information. The user should make independent enquiries as to the accuracy of the information before relying on that information. All express or implied terms, conditions, warranties, statements, assurances and representations in relation to the Publisher, its publications and its services are expressly excluded save for those conditions and warranties which must be implied under the laws of any State of Australia or the provisions of Division 2 of Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974 and any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. To the extent permitted by law, the Publisher will not be liable for any damages including special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages (including but not limited to economic loss or loss of profit or revenue or loss of opportunity) or indirect loss or damage of any kind arising in contract, tort or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such loss of profits or damages. While we use our best endeavours to ensure accuracy of the materials we create, to the extent permitted by law, the Publisher excludes all liability for loss resulting from any inaccuracies or false or misleading statements that may appear in this publication. Copyright © 2020 - Food and Beverage Media Pty Ltd

Contents October 2020



10 News: The latest liquor

16 Yes way Rosé: Our pink

industry news for retailers around Australia

drinks photoshoot 24 Wine Australia:

18 Marketplace: Connecting

Australian Cabernet

brands with liquor retailers 25 DrinkWise: Awareness is

Sauvignon is in demand 28 IRI: The comeback of

key for moderation 32 Retailer Profile:

the ‘goon’ bag 40 Sparkling Wine:

Liquor Barons Hillarys 52 Industry Profile:

Lovely bubbly 54 Wine Tasting Review:

Shane Tremble 58 Shop Talk: Bentspoke and Plonk

Retail Focused 14 ALM: Owned and exclusive portfolio 22 Retail Drinks Australia: Tactics of the anti-alcohol sector 23 Alcohol Beverages Australia: Getting Australia back together 26 Strikeforce: An integrated approach to growth 30 Shopper Insights: Hard seltzer growing pains 33 Drinks Innovations: An industry of innovators

6 | National Liquor News

Rosé, a summer favourite

Beer 13 IRI: Mainstream beer is back

Spirits 8 Cover Story: Sailor Jerry goes all in 44 Summer RTD: Ready-to-Drink from home 48

Rum: The best is yet to rum

SELTZ-AHHH Smirnoff Vodka & lightly flavoured sparkling water.











Cover Story

Sailor Jerry goes ‘all in’ to support local artists Sailor Jerry has gone back to its music roots by partnering with local artists to support them through these uncertain times.

The year 2020 has taught us nothing more than

And the exclusive gigs were also live streamed

that in times of hardship and adversity, the liquor

across the Sailor Jerry Instagram page to allow fans

industry comes together to support its own. For

right across the country to tune in, even if they were

Sailor Jerry, this has meant going back to its roots

in lockdown.

with the launch of an 18 month activation plan linked to ‘all in’ music.

“Our new music series is our commitment to standing fast and we’re looking forward to our fans

Consumers are missing live music experiences and

joining us in getting behind the music industry and

‘all in’ moments and Sailor Jerry is helping to bring

raising a glass to the legends that make it tick,” says Rose.

this back by supporting the industry and partnering

“We may all be separated physically at the moment but if

with likeminded music brands.

we stand fast together, we will come out the other end.”

The Sailor Jerry brand is synonymous with tattoos,

To continue the music association into 2021, Sailor

with the brand’s namesake Norman Keith Collins aka

Jerry has signed up for a partnership with one of the

Sailor Jerry being widely recognised as a key influence

world’s most iconic music brands, Rolling Stone.

in the art of modern tattooing. It’s also synonymous

Hannah Ellerkamp, Brand Manager for Sailor Jerry,

with music, with the Sailor Jerry Festival being held

told National Liquor News that ‘Sailor Jerry’ Norman

every year to honour Collins’ legacy.

Collins lived his life to the fullest going “all in” with

As such, in August Sailor Jerry launched a

everything he did. So for the Sailor Jerry brand it is all

#supportyourlocalartist campaign, where the brand

about partnering with other like-minded businesses

partnered with independent bands including The

– and Rolling Stone is one of those.

Dead Love, Polish Club and Eat Your Heart Out,

“Next year we will become the Platinum Partner

to bring live music experiences back to Sydney and

for the Rolling Stone Awards. The event will be in

around Australia.

March and that is probably as much as I can tell you

Sailor Jerry Brand Ambassador, Lucille Rose, said,

but we are super excited to be a part of this exclusive

“At Sailor Jerry, we stand strong and we stand together

event. There will be some really top talent performing

through tough times, adversity and hardship.”

and all I can say is watch this space,” she said.

It wouldn’t be Sailor Jerry without tattoos, so fans

And in speaking about what’s to come for the Sailor

that managed to snap up one of the limited tickets

Jerry brand, Rose continued: “Just stay tuned for what

had the opportunity to be inked with a new tattoo,

we’ve got planned for next year because there’s going

allowing the brand to support tattoo artists as well as

to be a lot of music, a lot of rum, a lot of tattoos and

local music acts.

a lot of fun.”

8 | National Liquor News

“Our new music series is our commitment to standing fast and we’re looking forward to our fans joining us in getting behind the music industry and raising a glass to the legends that make it tick.” Lucille Rose Brand Ambassador Sailor Jerry

Liquor news straight to your inbox For the latest liquor retail news, subscribe to the National Liquor News e-newsletter

News The latest liquor industry

For retailers around the country

Victoria needs our help Uncertainty abounds for drinks producers in Victoria and smaller producers especially need help to get through these unprecedented tough times. Josh Walker, Owner and Distiller at The Timboon Railway Shed Distillery, said: “Lockdown has had a huge impact on our business, revenue is down by around 95 per cent.” It’s a similar story across the whole state and in the beer and wine sectors as well, with many producers noting the second lockdown hit differently to the first. A common

Liquor Legends adapts quickly to pandemic disruption While the pandemic has understandably shaken businesses around the country, the hard times are also a chance to be agile by

message these producers have for the rest of the country revolves around buying their products, but extends to the general idea of supporting local, small and independent businesses, making informed decisions both as a retailer and as a consumer. Melanie Sheard, Distiller and Director at Imbue Distillery

thinking differently, trying new things and finding your point of

said: “Don’t just buy small brands… buy from companies and

difference in a changing retail environment. And for the Liquor

distributors that support local and independent, as a higher

Legends banner group, this kind of adaptability has proven to be

margin will go back to the actual producer that way.”

beneficial from a business standpoint. Liquor Legends Managing Director John Carmody said: “2020 has

Richard Jeffares, CEO of Two Bays Brewing Co, added: “I think [local product fridges] are a great way of calling

been confronting and challenging for the industry which has forced

out a product, letting people know what the bottle shops

a lot of businesses to break tradition and explore new territories.”

are about, and it resonates really well with the customer…

Carmody said Liquor Legends is experiencing 25 per cent plus

and I think it works very well for the retailer as well,

growth week on week while also recruiting an average 8,000 new

improving that part of their business and being seen as

Rewards customers per month.

part of the community.”

This is putting members in good shape for Christmas and

Melanie Gilchrist of Rob Dolan Wines in the Yarra

Carmody described: “prepared for the opportunities and

Valley said: “People in other states feel helpless watching

challenges ahead.”

Victoria struggle, but you can be here for us in a really

“We are a forward-thinking bunch at Liquor Legends, so we have years to look forward to. Our focus is on automating our

tangible way. “When you continue to buy our wines, you’re keeping our

internal processes and developing our ‘d-commerce’ platform. It’s

business going and staff in a job. For those willing to go

important we are learning as much as we can and experimenting.

the extra mile, there are ways to make sure your purchase

“Having a go is probably the easiest way to keep up with what’s coming our way. The aim here in my view is to do rather than follow. Act quickly, test and learn, do simple things really well using new technology. Now more than ever is a time for us to provide real solutions to grow our members gross profit dollars and inspire our customers.” Agility has been something that has helped Liquor Legends throughout this pandemic period, and is made possible by the group’s focus on attention to detail through data insights. Carmody said they have systems in place to provide live insights, allowing them to share valuable insights with members and suppliers which has assisted them in “planning and preparation” during this time.

10 | National Liquor News

gets the best return for struggling wineries.”





Champagne’s 2020 harvest labelled ‘outstanding’ This year’s Champagne harvest is the

Comité Champagne said: “Last year

earliest on record, with some crus

a new temperature record was set

beginning their picking on 17 August,

(42.9°C), and July 2020 was the driest

and Comité Champagne says the grape

ever recorded. Due to the drought,

quality is “outstanding”.

the weight of berries was lower than

The exceptional patterns of 2018 and

excellent. The musts are balanced

harvest is the first requirement for the

and fruity, with a fine freshness and

production of a Grand Vin, and weather

a grand show of aromas. Alcohol

conditions were just right to deliver that.

measured in the musts range between

February, followed by heat and drought


average, but their condition was

2019 continued into 2020. A top-quality

The year began with high rain in

Join the Par

10-10.5 per cent vol. “A run of three superb harvest

conditions in mid-March, with vines

years means Champagne should be

budding 16 days ahead of the 10-year

ready to offer exceptional blends

average. This head start was maintained

and vintages in a few years, fit to

with an exceptionally rapid ripening

celebrate the event for which the

dynamic right up to the week before

whole world is now waiting: the end

harvesting commenced.

of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The Gin Queen launches the Ginporium The Gin Queen, Caroline Childerley,

“Having thought we were slightly

and well-known writer Inoka Ho have

crazy launching a new business during

joined forces to launch an online gin

a pandemic, particularly as the two of

store called The Ginporium.

us are in separate states and can’t even

With so many gins and gin styles available it can be daunting for

get a shot of us together,” she said. “However, Inoka and I have been

consumers to know exactly what to

overwhelmed by the positive response

pick and to be sure they are buying a

from customers, as well as brands.

gin they will like. To combat this issue

We’ve hit our projections faster than

The Ginporium features a personal gin

we planned after only four weeks.”

concierge, which guides consumers to the right gin. With Childerley based in Victoria, she

The Ginporium is the latest lockdown project for Childerley, who earlier this year catalogued 500

told National Liquor News, that while the

Australian gins that are now available,

store is already proving popular, there

although that number has increased to

have been some challenges for the pair.

600 since May.

w w w.l e co n f i e l dw i ne s . c o m

October 2020 | 11


Key new consumer trends emerging in alcohol industry GlobalData has identified three new consumer

‘New Initiatives’ is significant during the

trends developing over the course of the pandemic

pandemic and one example is how alcohol

which will inevitably influence the alcohol industry:

producers have shifted to making sanitisers.

‘New Socialising’, ‘New Initiatives’ and ‘More

Konishi noted: “A sizeable number of

Health’. GlobalData’s latest report, Coronavirus

consumers are expecting to see initiatives

(COVID-19) Case Study: Alcoholic Beverage

taken by brands during the pandemic, as well

Innovation, looks at these trends.

as after the pandemic, while 37 per cent of

‘New Socialising’ emerged as in home consumption increased during the on-premise shut

More newsletter reads ➤

consumers are specifically seeking brands’ sustainability initiatives.”

down. Mitsue Konishi, Senior Innovation Analyst at

The ‘More Health’ trend was on the increase

GlobalData, said: “One key consideration will be

before COVID-19 and is set to increase further as

catering to premium and budget-friendly alcoholic

the global health crisis has consumers concerned

innovations to allow consumers to capture the bar

about physical and mental health.

quality drinking experience at home. In particular,

“Alcoholic beverages with positive health

flavoured alcoholic beverages such as RTD

attributes such as low calorie and sugar content

cocktails are already growing, seeing 12 per cent

will appeal to these health-conscious consumers.

increase in volume sales globally compared with

Hard seltzers are trending, as they have these

2018 and 2019. Premiumisation in this category is

healthier attributes which help to position them

likely to see opportunity here.”

as an aspirational drink,” Konishi said.

C OVID’s rise sees brewery fall G rape growers unite in new wine label D an Murphy’s rolls out digital screen network S t Agnes XO celebrates double win Sign up to our fortnightly Newsletter by going to this URL: subscribe-to-nln

Dan Murphy’s launches Australia-first technology Express drivethrough at Dan Murphy’s Manly Vale

order in the customer’s boot. The technology is expected to let customers be in and out in less than three minutes. This concept is built onto Dan Murphy’s existing direct-toboot retail offering, rolled out during the pandemic to allow contactless ordering and pickup. The only difference is that, before number plate recognition, customers would send a text when they arrived. More than 170 Dan Murphy’s and BWS stores have rolled out the direct-to-boot service since April, and Endeavour Group said the amount of customers opting to use this contactless pickup increased by 61 per cent during FY20. General Manager of Digital, Claire Smith, said this shows the power of technology and innovation with e-commerce.

Dan Murphy’s has become the first retailer in the country to use

“We are using technology to offer increasing convenience to

number plate recognition technology to enhance its customer

customers, and the COVID crisis has accelerated the demand

service offering.

for innovative e-commerce solutions,” Smith said.

The direct-to-boot drive-through concept has been

“Direct-to-boot service started as an idea to help customers

launched at Dan Murphy’s Manly Vale, with plans for the

and team members socially distance, but customers have

technology to be rolled out to more locations later this year.

responded to the convenience of it, so we are not only keeping

Customers will enter their number plate details when they

the service indefinitely, but expanding the offering and making

order online and when they arrive at the drive-through, cameras

it even more convenient – like in the Manly Vale Dan Murphy’s

will scan the plate, alerting team members who will place the

store case.”

12 | National Liquor News


Guess who’s back, back again? Mainstream beer’s back, tell a friend…

Mainstream beer brands are once again on the rise, writes Geoff Baun, Senior Consultant at IRI Australia. Beer sits at the core of Australian culture and has done

The lockdowns in Victoria and restrictions on

for a long time. In recent years the mainstream beer

venues in many other states has significantly impacted

brands have had a tough time of it in the market with

or completely removed the pub experience from many

the strong growth of the craft beer segment.

Australian lives. This has led to a growing trend of

This trend looked set to continue until COVID-19

the ‘home happy hour’ and recreating this occasion

arrived on the scene back in March and proceeded to

at home. This is significant for the mainstream or

flip everything in its path on its head. Standing out

classic beer brands which are often pub staples but

from the carnage though is one ray of hope, the rise

less often consumed in the home where consumers

once again of many of Australia’s iconic beer brands.

may purchase more premium or craft beers for

The likes of Tooheys, VB, XXXX and Carlton have

entertaining guests. The growth of the ‘home happy

seen the ‘classic’ beer segment reverse several years

hour’ has seen increased purchase of the pub classics

of decline or very low growth to bounce back with

(eg. VB, Tooheys, XXXX, Carlton) being brought into

double digit year on year growth since March 2020

the home. This can be tied in with consumers even

(Source: IRI Marketedge Scan data).

purchasing pint glasses and building their own pub setup to really create the occasion.

What’s driving this resurgence? There are many possible variables but the three key

Getting out the crystal ball

ones to focus on are:

The Average Weight of Purchase (AWOP) for the

• Trust in times of uncertainty;

classic beer segment has increased by 25 per cent from

• Consumers stretching their dollar further; and

Q2 in 2019 to 2020. This works out to approximately

• Recreating the pub occasion at home.

an extra $30 spent on classic beer per household

“The Average Weight of Purchase (AWOP) for the classic beer segment has increased by 25 per cent from Q2 in 2019 to 2020.”

In times of uncertainty it is well documented that

each quarter. This increase in AWOP for the classic

Geoff Baun

consumers will shift to brands that are established

beer segment is significantly more than craft (14

and trusted. This holds true for the ‘rusted on’ brands

per cent) and premium (six per cent) for the same

Senior Consultant IRI Australia

of the mainstream beer segment. Consumers know

comparative time period. We see no reason for this

the likes of XXXX, VB, Tooheys and Carlton well and

trend not to continue into the foreseeable future with

will lean on these brands rather than experimenting

the Australian economy in recession and continued

particularly in the sometimes relatively unknown

outbreaks of COVID-19 restricting a full scale

craft segment.

reopening of pubs and restaurants and therefore in

With many consumers working reduced hours or

home consumption continuing to fuel off-premise

worse still now unemployed this leads to pressure on

sales. We also predict this growth in mainstream or

discretionary spend. Consumers want to stretch their

classic beer to be much more noticeable in the eastern

hard earned dollars further. This clearly lends itself

seaboard states (particularly Victoria and NSW)

to the ‘Classic’ beer segment which operates at the

where restrictions on capacity of venues continue to

lowest price per litre compared to the ‘Premium’ and

be the tightest and therefore the ‘home happy hour’

‘Craft’ beer segments.

more relevant.

October 2020 | 13

Australian Liquor Marketers

Superior in quality, value, and margin Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM) is developing its portfolio of owned and exclusive brands to deliver superior margin to its network of Independent Brands Australia (IBA) retailers.

In July this year, Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM)

Benefits to retailers

acquired ownership of Kollaras & Co’s portfolio of

“Our O&E products represent exceptionally good

award-winning owned and exclusive (O&E) brands.

quality for the shopper and the consistency of that

Since then, ALM has been working to build a team

quality remains over time.

dedicated exclusively to growing these brands and making them “sing and perform in the market”.

“They represent excellent value for the shopper in terms of price point for the quality of the product

Murray Riemann, General Manager – Owned &

that they’re buying and really importantly for us as

Exclusive Brands at ALM, told National Liquor News

a wholesaler and the owner of IBA network, they

that the key focus for the O&E portfolio is to deliver

provide the retailers with a superior margin return

quality, value, and margin to Independent Brands

compared to other products.

Australia (IBA) retailers.

“Consumers are seeking quality, value and

“Our strategy is to deliver independent retailers an

consistency. They will try new products if they meet

O&E range that attracts and delights shoppers with

their wants, desires, and requirements. So, we are

consistent quality products that provide excellent

all about making sure that our current portfolio

value for money and enables a superior return for

delivers quality and value, but we’re also preparing

the retailer – and that lines up with our mantra of

the future portfolio to encompass new products and

successful independents.

range extensions.

“So, it’s really important that those three concepts

“We are seeing interest and demand in the liquor

of quality, value and margin come across in everything

market for such attributes as organic, low alcohol and

that we do.”

even zero alcohol, and as we align our portfolio, we

Georgia Kollaras has joined ALM as Senior

will explore those attributes where it makes sense to do

Marketing Manager for the O&E portfolio. James

so. We also don’t have ciders or RTD in the portfolio

Somerset is the new Portfolio Manager, and Nevil

at the moment, but they are certainly on the radar.”

Shah is the new Sourcing and Compliance Manager.

ALM’s review of the O&E portfolio will be complete

These three, along with Riemann are dedicated

soon and the go-to-market strategy will be based on

exclusively to growing the O&E brands and are

its outcomes. But with a strong team in place, and a

currently undergoing a strategic review to, “focus

solid foundation of award-winning brands, the O&E

on the ones which matter and make them bigger

team is confident that they will be able to meet their

and make them better for consumers, retailers and

goal of delivering quality, value and margin to IBA’s

ourselves,” says Riemann.

network of successful independents.

14 | National Liquor News

“Our strategy is to deliver independent retailers an O&E range that attracts and delights shoppers with consistent quality products that provide excellent value for money and enables a superior return for the retailer.” Murray Riemann General Manager Owned & Exclusive Brands, ALM

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Pink Drinks Promotion

! é s o R Yes way

R!OT Rosé Spritz In true Riot Wine Co style, R!OT Rosé Spritz is made with only the highest quality ingredients to deliver an easy-drinking and refreshing spritz cocktail – and best of all, it’s sustainably made. An expert balance of bitterness from citrus botanicals like blood orange and passionfruit, married with a slight sweetness from the grape juice to deliver a taste profile that is 100 per cent pure refreshment. R!OT Rosé Spritz is the ultimate summer drink with only 78 calories and 3.6g of sugar per serve. RRP: $22 (four-pack), $110 (24-pack) Distributor: Riot Wine Co.

16 | National Liquor News

Wolf Blass Makers’ Project Pink Pinot Grigio Made by fermenting free run juice, and enhancing the natural pink colour of the Pinot Grigio skins, this is a light-bodied style with a crisp, dry finish, that’s packed with flavour. Reinvigorating the wine category with this exciting new offering, the Pink Pinot Grigio is underpinned by the brand’s ability to continually create great wines with exceptional quality, consistency and flavour, while celebrating the processes used by its skilled winemakers. RRP: $20 Distributor: Treasury Wine Estates

Pink Drinks Promotion

Shot at Empire Lounge Rose Bay

Rekorderlig Blush Rosé Blush Rosé is the latest fruit infusion from premium Swedish cider brand Rekorderlig to hit the market, offering Australians a lighter refreshing rosé cider just in time for summer. A bespoke blend created by the same iconic Swedish label famous for their flavoured cider range, Rekorderlig Cider’s new Blush Rosé is a fresh new taste that features flavours of red berries and a dash of sweet peach, while providing a deliciously dry finish you could expect only of a classic rosé wine. RRP: $20.99 per four-pack Distributor: Coca-Cola Amatil

Grant Burge Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay Rosé NV

Kylie Minogue Signature Rosé

This bottle fermented Pinot Noir Chardonnay Rosé is made from fruit grown in the elevated cool climate regions of the Adelaide Hills, Alpine Valley, and Eden Valley and gently matures in bottle on full lees for an average of 28 months to build mouthfeel and complexity. Blushing savoury pink in hue, this wine reflects its Pinot Noir dominance with rich red fruit on both the nose and palate, accented by dusky florals and sweet spicy notes.

Kylie Minogue Signature Rosé is an elegant blend of 80 per cent Carignan and 20 per cent Cabernet Sauvignon featuring a beautiful pale pink shade with delicate, alluring aromas of fresh summer berries and white blossom. Refined and refreshing on the palate with a fruity, crisp finish. This French Rosé from the sun-drenched southern French coast is delicious on its own or pairs well with salads and seafood.

RRP: $29.99 Distributor: Accolade Wines

RRP: $25 Distributor: De Bortoli Wines

October 2020 | 17

Marketplace Connecting brands and retailers

Stone & Wood launches low-alcohol beer Stone & Wood has added a new, lowalcohol beer to its core range, with the release of East Point, a refreshing beer “with a zesty tang” at 2.7 per cent ABV. Even before the pandemic, health and wellbeing was a significant trend

New 4 Pines Extra Refreshing Ale to help the planet

in Australia’s drinks landscape, bringing

The new Extra Refreshing Ale from 4 Pines is now a member of the One Per Cent

as more and more people, particularly

for the Planet global movement, which is helping businesses and individuals take

younger, legal age drinkers, think more

responsibility for the environment.

about what is going into their body.

As part of this movement, 4 Pines will give one per cent of revenue from all

a rise in no and low alcohol products

East Point is lightly-hopped with fruit-

Extra Refreshing Ale sold (on-tap and pack), with the funds being donated to Take

forward varieties, which Stone & Wood

3 and Organic Matters Foundation, two organisations chosen by 4 Pines staff.

says reflects its innovative entry into the

Todd Atkinson, 4 Pines CMO, said: “For us, it’s always been about making sure we leave the world better than we found it. We’re always asking, ‘how can we do better here?’

low-alcohol beer space, while also aligning with the growing wellness segment. “Recent data from the IWSR has shown

“As each year goes on, we’re learning of new ways to be a sustainable and

that increasing consumer interest in

community-minded brewery. We’ve been B-Corp certified for over three years,

‘better-for-you’ products has catalysed

and now as a One Per Cent member, our support of Take 3 and Organic Matters

the development of no- and low-alcohol

Foundation will expand our positive impact.”

beverages, including low-calorie, sugar-free

Chris Willcock, 4 Pines Chief Brewer said: “The brew team had fun with this one. We’ve always wanted to brew our version of a classic Aussie Ale. “Brewing with local Pride of Ringwood and Melba hops gave us some of that

and gluten-free options,” says the brewery. “Stone & Wood has tested this theory in 2020 by brewing low-alc Pilot Batch

classic taste, which defined a generation of Australian beer, with a modern hint of

beers at its Byron Bay Tasting Room

crisp summery fruit aromas.

and Brisbane brewery, with consistently

“It’s been carefully designed for enhanced sessionability, and the fact that it gives back, makes us even more excited for people to try it.” The 4 Pines Extra Refreshing Ale is hitting taps and bottle shops Australia-wide.

positive feedback from drinkers. “East Point aims to cater to consumers looking for a flavourful, low-alc beer option that reflects their health and lifestyle values.”

One Per Cent for the Planet The movement has over 1,500 global members and has seen more than $365m donated to non-profit organisations that work to protect and reduce our impact on the environment.

18 | National Liquor News

The beer is slightly hazy in appearance and will be available in four-packs of 375ml cans or cartons of 16 cans at bottle shops and venues Australia-wide.

Did you know?

Calabria Family Wines secures Canti Prosecco distribution Calabria Family Wines has acquired the Australian distribution of popular Italian prosecco brand Canti, taking over the importing,

In 2016, Canti was the best selling Prosecco brand in the world, selling around 12 million bottles. In 2017 it increased its sales to 20 million bottles.

sales and marketing from Accolade Wines. “This is our first shot into the distribution of wines outside of the Calabria Family Wines brand and we can’t think of a better business to be working with than Canti,” third-generation Sales and Marketing Manager Andrew Calabria said. “Welcoming Canti to the Calabria portfolio is a natural progression for us to grow our footprint in the category and gives us exciting opportunities to expand our network and customer relationships.”

“We see tremendous potential in partnering with the Calabria family in Australia. Like us, they are a multi-generational family

Canti is owned by Fratelli Martini Secondo Luigi S.P.A, one

business, with a rich Italian heritage. Their understanding of the

of the largest Italian family-run winemakers, and since being

market and the category gives us confidence that Canti will

introduced in 2001 the brand has grown its distribution to more

continue its global success as a leading Prosecco label,” Canti’s

than 50 countries.

Gianni Martini said.

Diageo releases The Singleton 12 Year Old in Australia Diageo has launched The Singleton 12 Year Old in Australia and the company says the single malt’s accessible taste profile makes it the perfect starting point for those starting out on their whisky journey. In addition, as a new generation of whisky drinkers look to break the traditional ‘rules’ of single malt, Diageo says The Singleton is ideally positioned to enable this. The Singleton’s launch in Australia with a new serve called the ‘Plus Two’, which

Smirnoff Seltzer hits the market Smirnoff has launched Smirnoff Seltzer, a zero sugar, one standard drink (five per cent ABV), low calorie

supports these accessibility credentials. The ‘Plus Two’ combines

spirit-based drink designed to be enjoyed by all, and

equal 50ml parts of The Singleton 12 Year Old, with 50ml sparkling

perfect for daytime socialising.

liquid and 50ml still liquid, to make an easy at-home cocktail. Melissa Maidment, Marketing Manager for whisky at Diageo Australia, said: “Shaking off the ‘old world’ image of leather armchairs, The Singleton 12 Year Old is setting out to redefine the single malt category. “We talk about The Singleton as a ‘can’ whisky, meaning the consumer can have it any way they like it. There is no rulebook, and the Plus Two serve creates an easy way for those new to the category to experiment at home.” The Singleton 12 Year Old is available now for all liquor retailers with a $74.99 RRP for a 700ml bottle.

Available in three flavours Natural Lime, Raspberry Rosé, and Passionfruit, Smirnoff Seltzer is best served chilled from the fridge, or over ice in a glass. With less than 70 calories per serve, Smirnoff Seltzer has no sugar, is gluten free and low in carbs, offering a great alternative for those looking for a lighter option to wine or beer. The 250ml slim can four-pack retails for $19.99. Natural Lime and Raspberry Rosé are now available in liquor stores nationwide and the Passionfruit flavour is available exclusively to Dan Murphy’s and BWS.

October 2020 | 19


Devil’s Lair celebrates 30 years Devil’s Lair has marked 30 years of winemaking in Margaret River, describing it as cause for pause, reflection, recognition and appreciation. Named after one of Australia’s most significant archaeological sites, the nearby Devil’s Lair Cave, the brand’s vines are rooted in similarly ancient soils which like the cave, were formed centuries before anyone would have thought to grow grapes in the region, and even before Margaret River got its name. It’s this heritage, as well as the decades-long history of winemaking, that Devil’s Lair, which is part of Treasury Wine Estates (TWE), is celebrating now while also looking ahead to the future. Ben Miller, the fourth Senior Winemaker at Devil’s Lair, is actively involved with this. He said: “For 30 years, Devil’s of Margaret River, making flagship red and white wines of

Sapporo refines packaging to drive greater recognition across the range

great style and taste.

Sapporo Premium Beer is refining its bottle packaging for

Lair has celebrated the distinct expression and elegance

“I feel honoured to be able to continue this legacy that began three decades ago, and I want to ensure we continue to produce wines that are as superb and unique for years to come.”

the Australian market, to align more closely to the iconic 650ml Sapporo cans. Sapporo is a fusion of traditional German brewing techniques and Japanese attention to detail, brewed under

Miller’s passion for the classic styles in the Devil’s Lair

licence and distributed in Australia by Coopers Brewery.

portfolio, which includes the Margaret River, Dance with

The new look will see the popular 355ml bottle, which

the Devil, The Hidden Cave, Honeybomb and the 9th

is available in six-packs and 24-bottle cases, transition to

Chamber ranges of wines, also extends into a desire to

incorporate more of the iconic silver branding consumers have

evolve the award-winning wines of the brand and says

come to recognise in Sapporo’s 650ml can.

“watch this space”.

Brand Manager, Chris Levey said Sapporo continues to grow in popularity across Australia as drinkers increasingly seek Winemakers Kirby Graudins and Peter Warr

premium, authentic and more rewarding beer experiences. “The Sapporo origin story is legendary in Japan; one of rebellion, refinement and personal redemption that led to the creation of what is now Japan’s oldest beer,” says Levey. “Australian drinkers have a strong thirst for the Sapporo line and while the packaging has taken on a more refined look, there has been no change to the recipe or great taste.” The Sapporo bottle redesign will be supported by a national marketing campaign, which will roll out across Australia from November.

Watch out for… The Sapporo campaign will feature Japanese Manga artwork, which tells the story of Seibei Nakagawa and his incredible journey as he created Japan’s legendary beer, Sapporo.

20 | National Liquor News

The Goodness of Kombucha with the Greatness of Beer. Yes, you read it right – we’ve combined everything you like about kombucha with everything you love about beer. For more information or to order please contact: 0416 078 530


The Sneaky Bucha blends a range of popular beer styles with Bucha of Byron kombucha to create a brew that pairs perfectly with the Aussie summer. Enjoy Responsibly

Retail Drinks Australia

Bringing the tactics of the anti-alcohol sector to light The anti-alcohol sector’s overly alarmist findings can be easily spotted from a mile away, writes Michael Waters, Acting Chief Executive Officer of Retail Drinks Australia.

One of the major aspects of debates around alcohol

misunderstanding of how the online alcohol sector

policy is the constant presence of a number of

actually works. Presumably if they had included point

organisations presenting themselves as ideologically

of sale age verification in the Poll, this figure would

neutral, scientific research bodies. Despite these

have been nowhere near as helpful in pushing FARE’s

outward claims of neutrality, behind the scenes these

narrative with government decision-makers. They

bodies lobby vigorously for stricter alcohol laws at

would not want the truth to get in the way of a good

every corner, pointing to misleading statistics and

story, would they?

dubious research to justify more intrusive regulation

Another one of the anti-alcohol sector’s recent

on alcohol. The plain and simple reason why these

strategic moves was its attempted exposé of Retail

bodies broadly classable as the anti-alcohol sector

Drinks’ national voluntary purchasing limits initiative

hide behind the veil of ‘research’ is that it is politically

launched in late March of this year. In an article

advantageous for them to do so.

authored by the Cancer Council WA and Curtin

One of the main organisations occupying this

University’s National Drug Research Institute, the

space is the Foundation for Alcohol Research and

authors used a peer-reviewed, academic publication

Education (FARE), whose recent release of its Annual

to attack Retail Drinks and its ‘interference’ in public

Alcohol Poll is a demonstrable example of these tactics

health policy. Despite the fact that our proactive

at play. I’ve been on the record many times stating that

initiative centred around responsible retailing and was

this highly ‘selective’ Poll was littered with misleading

delivered in response to early evidence of panic-buying,

facts and figures designed to convince government

the anti-alcohol sector chose to weaponise academia in

regulators that Australia’s alcohol consumption was

its attempt to discredit the alcohol industry.

out of control and that the online alcohol delivery

For the record, Retail Drinks was commended by

sector is reckless, irresponsible and overrun by

Federal and State Government officials for showing

‘cowboy’ operators.

leadership by introducing this self-regulatory

FARE’s overly alarmist findings can be easily

initiative, whereas in stark contrast the ‘so-called’

spotted from a mile away. For instance, the Poll

health experts and anti-alcohol advocates are using

claimed that only 38 per cent of those receiving online

the global pandemic as an opportunity to leverage

alcohol deliveries were checked for ID. However, this

their myopic agenda.

headline figure subsequently splattered all over the

The poorly disguised tactics of the anti-alcohol

media only related to the physical point of delivery.

sector further highlight the imperative to ensure that

It completely ignored age verification occurring at

government policy is only informed by accurate and

the point of sale on a retailer’s website or ordering

reliable data sources, not poorly crafted and misleading

platform beforehand, demonstrating a fundamental

opinion polls masquerading as academic research.

22 | National Liquor News

“The poorly disguised tactics of the antialcohol sector further highlight the imperative to ensure that government policy is only informed by accurate and reliable data sources.” Michael Waters Acting CEO Retail Drinks Australia

Alcohol Beverages Australia

Getting Australia back together Alcohol Beverages Australia (ABA) CEO, Andrew Wilsmore, looks to life post-COVID and how the liquor and hospitality industries will help with the heavy lifting to rebuild our economy and consumer confidence.

As Australia emerges from the fog of COVID-19, our

COVID) where we will get the biggest benefit as the

attention must now turn to how we recover from the

supply chains suddenly get pulled in. Being able to

worst recession in generations and just as importantly

encourage customers back into premises again has

how we socialise again, catch up with friends and

more benefits than just for the immediate venue.

family and to do so in a safe environment.

There’s the enormous flow on effect that start from

Wage subsidiaries like JobKeeper and JobSeeker

the farmers who supply the food to a venue right

are tapering and the Government’s expectation is

through to the advertisers and marketers who do the

for business to take up the heavy lifting and begin

promotion along with every cook, cleaner, bar staff

rehiring, and our industry – of all the industry sectors

and waiter in between.

– has one of the greatest abilities to create jobs and

But looking further ahead in the value chain, we as

have real opportunity to be part of Australia’s recovery

a nation have increasingly moved to being a service

– provided the right economic conditions are in place.

orientated economy and for many young Australians

As many as half a million jobs were lost at the

hospitality is their first job. It is an opportunity to

height of restrictions along with any number of dining

be trained in and receive qualifications across a

and drinking venues that may never return.

range of fields from the kitchen to the front office,

Confidence is still low and in a two-speed economy

starting young and learning fast. They get the skills

operating at half power there’s still a need to find a

of being a small business owner or manager at a

balance between what we had before and the ongoing

very young age and those with an entrepreneurial

requirement for COVID safe venues – even though large

knack, or desire to succeed can actually go off and

parts of the country, particularly in rural and regional

set up their own business.

areas, have not seen a single case yet but are still suffering

Bring on summer – bring on Christmas. Our

the same restrictions as some of the hotspots. It makes

producers need it, retailers can’t wait, our venues are

little sense that locals out of the back of beyond were not

crying out for it, and Australians are demanding it,

able to gather at a bar and share a drink around a table.

wanting to relive what were the good old days but

The real economic turbocharge will take place

accepting socialising for most of the country will

when we go back to what life was like BC (before

require maintaining 1.5 metres from each other.

“The real economic turbocharge will take place when we go back to what life was like BC (before COVID) where we will get the biggest benefit as the supply chains suddenly get pulled in.” Andrew Wilsmore CEO Alcohol Beverages Australia

October 2020 | 23

Wine Australia

Australian Cabernet Sauvignon is in demand The increase in the average purchase price of Cabernet Sauvignon reflects the growing demand for Australian Cabernet Sauvignon wines in export markets and domestically, writes Peter Bailey, Manager, Market Insights at Wine Australia.

Cabernet Sauvignon is the world’s most planted

There has also been solid growth in Cabernet

winegrape variety and it is celebrated with not one, but

Sauvignon sales in the domestic off-trade market.

two days around the globe. Depending on where you

According to IRI MarketEdge, the value of Cabernet

are located, Cabernet Sauvignon Day is recognised on

Sauvignon sales increased by four per cent to $540

30 August or 3 September. However, it is enjoyed by

million in the 12 months ended 5 July 2020. Just under

wine consumers daily around the world.

two-thirds was single variety Cabernet Sauvignon,

According to Wine Australia’s National Vintage Report 2020, Cabernet Sauvignon is the third most crushed winegrape variety in Australia, behind Shiraz and Chardonnay. Australia’s Cabernet Sauvignon crush peaked at just over 288,000 tonnes in the record national

close to 15 per cent was other Cabernet blends. Single variety Cabernet Sauvignon recorded the strongest growth rate, up five per cent in value, compared to one per cent for Cabernet Merlot and two per cent for other Cabernet blends.

vintage of 2017. The Cabernet Sauvignon crush has

For Other Cabernet blends, 90 per cent of the value

been below this peak in the past three vintages. And

of sales were above $15 per bottle in the latest year,

the tonnes crushed in 2020 was below that crushed

while for single variety Cabernet Sauvignon the share

in 2019. However, this year’s crush was higher than

was 60 per cent and for Cabernet Merlot, 25 per cent.

what it was five years ago – 214,992 tonnes in 2015 to

In all three categories, the rate of growth was stronger

223,942 tonnes in 2020.

at $15 or more per bottle compared to below $15.

Cabernet Sauvignon is grown in most Australian wine regions but 93 per cent of the crush was from 10 regions in 2020, including the Riverland, Murray Darling–Swan Hill, Riverina, Coonawarra and Langhorne Creek. While the tonnes crushed are down between 2019 and 2020, the average purchase price of Cabernet Sauvignon has been on an upward trend, growing

“According to IRI MarketEdge, the value of Cabernet Sauvignon sales increased by four per cent to $540 million in the 12 months ended 5 July 2020.”

with under a quarter Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot and

Barossa Valley Padthaway 2% 2% Wrattonbully 2% Margaret River 2% McLaren Vale 3% Langhorne Creek 3%

Peter Bailey Manager, Market Insights Wine Australia

Other 7%

Riverland 36%

Coonawarra 7%

from $559 per tonne in 2015 to $876 per tonne in 2020. The increase in the average purchase price of Cabernet Sauvignon reflects the growing demand for Australian Cabernet Sauvignon wines in export markets over the past five years. 24 | National Liquor News

Riverina 11%

Murray Darling - Swan Hill 25%

Figure 1: Top 10 regions for Cabernet Sauvignon by crush, 2020 Source: Wine Australia


Awareness is key to continuing on a path of moderation DrinkWise’s response to COVID-19 has included initiatives such as its successful Bounce Back podcast and activity around FASD Awareness Day, writes Simon Strahan, CEO DrinkWise. COVID-19 has been devastating for the community. While DrinkWise research indicated that Australians were continuing to consume alcohol in moderation and within government guidelines during the pandemic, we all want to ensure the additional stress and anxiety doesn’t lead to alcohol misuse. As part of the DrinkWise response to COVID-19, we developed the Bounce Back podcast, which showcases the ways in which well-known Australians have overcome significant challenges in their lives. The podcast was launched with a message of support from the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, who said: “Listening to Bounce Back, and hearing how others have overcome tough times, might just provide the inspiration you need

Melbourne’s Associate Professor Luke Burchill to

to stay strong, to stay positive and to stay resilient.”

increase awareness of this message. As a new mum,

The common thread throughout the podcast series

Pearson provided a relatable perspective for mothers

is the need to reach out for help and to offer it when

and their support networks, while Dr Burchill,

needed. The podcast series began with Tim Paine,

Australia’s first Indigenous cardiologist, provided an

Australia’s Test Cricket Captain and has featured

expert lens over the topic.

Olympian Anna Meares, politicians Bill Shorten

DrinkWise worked with Pearson to increase

and Jacqui Lambie, returned serviceman Curtis

conversations about FASD across the national

McGrath, AFL’s Nathan Buckley, NRL’s Johnathan

media landscape, including TV, radio, print and

Thurston and campaigner against domestic violence,

online news channels, reaching almost six million

Rosie Batty. The podcast has been well received by

Australians (cumulative).

Australians, reaching number one on the Apple podcast Health and Fitness category. DrinkWise also recently undertook activity in

Short education videos were also produced and promoted across YouTube pre-rolls and social media and can viewed on the DrinkWise website.

recognition of International FASD Awareness Day

The FASD messages were further promoted on

(9 September). The DrinkWise FASD Awareness

popular website Mamamia and across Jam Pakt, a

Program aims to create greater awareness among

music and health promotion radio program broadcast

Australians that FASD is a preventable disorder and

nationally across community radio networks. Wanta

reaffirm the risks of drinking alcohol while pregnant,

Aboriginal Corporation also used our resources for

planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding. We recognise

FASD-focused alcohol education sessions as well as

that education is key to reducing the incidence of

screening them in remote communities as part of the

FASD and seek to raise awareness and educate the

new Wanta Remote Cinema initiative. DrinkWise

community through our program.

used sports radio network SEN to target male

This year, DrinkWise was fortunate to partner with Olympic Champion Sally Pearson and University of

listeners, in recognition of FASD being a whole-ofcommunity issue.

“While DrinkWise research indicated that Australians were continuing to consume alcohol in moderation and within government guidelines during the pandemic, we all want to ensure the additional stress and anxiety doesn’t lead to alcohol misuse.” Simon Strahan CEO DrinkWise

October 2020 | 25


An integrated approach to growth The power of matching product in a compelling visual manner that reflects the narrative for the liquor buyer cannot and should not be underestimated, writes Stephen Wilson, Category & Insights Manager, Strikeforce.

Manufacturers spend literally millions of dollars on

or right and follow the same or similar path around

new product development, analysing ad nauseum

the store and exit the store at the same point almost

market conditions, shopper behaviour, emerging

every time we do our liquor shopping.

trends, labelling and packaging designs to give their product the best chance of being noticed, picked up

We all follow a decision-making process or decision tree every time we shop.

off the shelf and placed in the shopper’s basket. They attempt to build a powerful narrative to

So how do we shop?

deliver to the liquor buyer during the category review

There are three steps in the typical decision-making

process and forecast an abundance of riches that will

process: evaluation, assessment and endorsement.

be added to category sales.

Brands must interact with the liquor shopper

The liquor buyer gets excited about the new

during the evaluation step when deciding which

product and growth prediction but just as the deal

category they are going to shop, what are their evoked

is about to be closed the planogram is presented and

set of brands under consideration, what product

range assortment is anything but inspirational, in fact

attributes do they desire and are they looking for a

the layout looks nothing like a representation of the

value, mainstream or premium product.

narrative delivered to the liquor buyer.

It is during the evaluation stage that brands can plan

Well, you can guess the outcome, and sadly this is

activity to win the shopper over e.g. off location displays,

a ‘not too uncommon’ scenario today. The power of

price promotions, point of sale and associated activity.

matching product in a compelling visual manner that

Once consumption has taken place the liquor

reflects the narrative for the liquor buyer cannot and

shopper will assess whether the product lives up to

should not be underestimated.

expectation and whether they will repeat the purchase

By applying the insight and learnings from

and endorse the product to family and friends.

prevailing shopper trends to space planning the outcome will be one of enhanced growth rather than


flat sales or decline.

Liquor manufacturers who religiously practice the

The challenge for retailers to entice shoppers to

disciplines of a thoughtful ranging process including

increase the size of their basket spend is ongoing

range assortment, store flow, category location

and continually evolves aligned with prevailing

and brand location within the category layout will

consumer trends.

ultimately enjoy higher sales by collaborating with

Shoppers are creatures of habit. We tend to enter the store at the same entry point; we verge either left 26 | National Liquor News

retailers to present their brands in the most compelling and targeted manner.

“By applying the insight and learnings from prevailing shopper trends to space planning the outcome will be one of enhanced growth rather than flat sales or decline.” Stephen Wilson Category & Insights Manager Strikeforce

K O O L W NE hentic ut same a TASTE

GENERATE MORE CASH FOR YOUR TILL The Fastest Growing Top 15 Premium International Lager by volume and value* Delivering a higher average price per litre than any other Top 15 Premium International Lager*

*Aztec, Top 15 Premium International Lager by volume and value growth (%), MAT to 02/08/2020

C o n ta c t y o u r S a p p o r o r e p r e s e n tat i v e f o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o N : Q L D , N S W, A C T, V I C , TA S , W A – 1 3 0 0 5 5 5 1 6 6 S A , N T – 0 8 8 4 4 0 1 8 0 0


The comeback of the

‘GOON’ BAG Although the growth of cask wine has slowed down, it is still tracking three times ahead of its pre-COVID growth, writes Ishakya Gunaratne, Senior Consultant, IRI.

28 | National Liquor News


It’s no surprise that the wine category has been dominated by two key segments for as long we can remember; bottled and cask with bottled capturing the lion share of this category by far. Over the recent years, with the introduction of ‘Canned Convenience’ into this category, cask wine further lost its relevance. However, with the unexpected turn of events and the turbulent first half of the year Australians have experienced, cask wine also known as ‘goon’ or ‘cardboardeaux’ has made a comeback. Some might even say that 2020 is the year of boxed wines. In the 52 weeks leading up to the panic buying at 1.9 per cent, behind the total wine category. As the

Why are the smaller pack formats preferred over the large?

first wave of the coronavirus pandemic hit Australians,

It is important to note that more expensive two litre

in the four-week panic buying period, cask wine sales

casks ($12 - $16) have gained importance during the

grew by a whopping 33 per cent growing twice as fast

panic buying period and after it as it continues to

as the total wine category.

drive the growth, now accounting for more than 75

period, cask wine was the slowest growing segment

per cent of all two litre cask sales.

Why is cask in growth?

Surprisingly it was also evident that no shoppers were

“It is evident that the cask growth has slowed down, but important to note that it is still growing at six per cent over the latest QTR, three times more than its preCOVID growth.”

As Australians continue to be faced with unprecedented

buying both the two litre and four litre cask. However,

and unknown risks, they are thriftier with their

it was interesting to find that there was increased

spending habits. One of the key differentiating factors

interaction of shoppers buying bottled wine and the

of cask wine is its convenience in comparison to

two litre cask, further enhancing that bottled shoppers

bottled wine. Its ability to be consumed over multiple

down traded during these uncertain times. It is apparent

sittings especially during times like this where people

that there is a shift in mindset of shoppers as they are

are in lockdown and expected to stay indoors is much

beginning to see that the two litre cask is not only

more appealing.

convenient but is also a quality substitute to the bottles.

Smaller pack formats doing the heavy lifting

What is the future of cask?

While both small (two and three litre) and large casks

It is now six months since the panic buying period

(four and five litre) contributed to this growth during

and it is evident that the cask growth has slowed

the panic buying period, small casks were the primary

down, but important to note that it is still growing

driver growing twice as fast as large casks. Interestingly

at six per cent over the latest QTR, three times more

the smaller pack formats have reduced their volume sold

than its pre-COVID growth. However, we are also

on promotion while the four litre significantly increased

noticing that Champagne, sparkling and still wine

the volume sold on promo when compared to the pre-

sales have also picked up momentum in the latest

COVID period. In the two litre casks, Winesmiths (from

quarter with Australians being in lockdown for longer

Samuel Smith & Son) had a notable performance since

than anticipated. As we are aware consumers’ fear and

the start of the panic buying period and continues

emotional turmoil during this crisis are significant,

to maintain the double-digit growth contributing to

and the impact will linger for not just months, but

overall cask growth, while the growth from three litre

years so it will be interesting to see if this trend in

IRI Shopper Panel, National Panel, MAT to 19/07/20

was exclusively driven by Hardys Stamp.

cask wine plays into the future.

Image credit: Winesmiths

Ishakya Gunaratne Senior Consultant IRI


IRI Liquor MarketEdge Data MAT to 08/03/20; Panic 4 weeks to 05/04/20; Post 4 weeks to 03/05/20; QTR to 02/08/20, AU Liquor Weighted.

October 2020 | 29

Shopper Insights

Hard seltzer’s growing pains result in category ‘homelessness’

The growth of RTD seltzers may be being hampered by fragmented in-store execution, by Laurie Wespes, Co-founder and CEO of Snooper.

“Our findings indicate RTD seltzers currently lack a single home, and do not have a consistent home placement on the proverbial ‘block’.” Laurie Wespes CEO Snooper

30 | National Liquor News

Due to the ‘better for you’ benefits of hard seltzers

As part of Snooper’s new monthly syndicated RTD

such as lower carbs and lower sugars, there has been

data tracking series, our community of shoppers

a flurry of brand launch activity since Quincy first

looked at the in-store execution of seltzers in more

launched in October last year.*

than 100 national banners and independent stores

Brands launched since then include Good Tides,

across the country.

Actual and Smirnoff, ‘craft’ labels Fellr, Sunly and Sips,

While the growth both in the number of players

and most recently Saintly, with US juggernaut White

and space allocated to the category is undeniable

Claw coming this month. This brand proliferation has

based on the data collected since June, our findings

resulted in substantial fragmentation in a still-nascent,

also indicate RTD seltzers currently lack a single

if growing, category.

home, and do not have a consistent home placement

While brands and retailers are investing in POS

on the proverbial ‘block’.

materials such as wobblers and fridge decals to drive

Most stores our shoppers visited ranged at least one

conversion and educate on seltzers’ ‘better for you’

seltzer brand and up to 10 SKUs. We have observed an

benefits in a category less understood than in the US,

average five times increase in the number of brands

some of this activity may be getting lost in shopper

between June and August. This has resulted in an

conversion translation when it comes to in-fridge

increase in facings, in some cases up to 22 facings (while

space management.

the maximum observed in June was 13 per store).

Shopper Insights

“The question remains about where shoppers expect to find seltzers, and how brands and retailers can improve the shopability of the fridge to capitalise on this growing category.” – Laurie Wespes, CEO, Snooper

However even this is still underfaced versus category growth rates, and the number of facings allocated to seltzers isn’t growing proportionally with the fridge doors allocated to RTD. This highlights the potential

ABOUT LAURIE WESPES AND SNOOPER Laurie Wespes is Founder and CEO of Snooper. Snooper connects brands and retailers to a community of thousands of shoppers who collect in-store data and consumer insights to track performance and identify areas of growth in real time. Snooper’s

for range and share of shelf extension. In some stores we visited, Actual had lower share of shelf than its competitors due to unavailability of single cans. Single cans are a good format for trial as they reduce perceived consumer risk of outlaying for a multipack of something untested. Seltzers also compete for space with other new and ‘better for you’ product categories such as hard

RTD data series tracks KPIs such as brand

kombucha. Some stores had a larger hard kombucha

penetration, share of space, price, promo

range and allocated more facings to this category than

mechanics, pack types, facings, and position

to hard seltzer or other established categories such as

on shelf. More information at

gin-based RTDs.

or contact

But the biggest issue is lack of layout consistency. We observed seltzers ‘broken up’ as a category rather than blocked together, with some brands sitting adjacent some categories and other brands adjacent other categories. This further increases shopper difficulty of understanding and navigating the planogram. And even where seltzers were ranged together, the adjacencies varied tremendously; ranging from cider and hard lemonade to hard kombucha or adjacent to whisky and cola RTDs. To move beyond growing pains and fulfill their potential, in our view at a minimum seltzers need to be consistently ranged together in a block. The question remains about where shoppers expect to find seltzers, and how brands and retailers can improve the shop-ability of the fridge to capitalise on this growing category.

*According to IRI data published in National Liquor News in July, contributing $1.6m in MAT to 3 May 2020. October 2020 | 31

Retailer Profile

L-R: Byron and John Boys

‘Old fashioned service in a modern landscape’ Byron Boys of Liquor Barons Hillarys describes the importance of ‘old school retailing’ and connecting with the community at the family-run store. Liquor Barons Hillarys is a family affair, run by Byron

“As all stores are, we are always looking to have a

Boys and his father John. The philosophy behind the

product mix that satisfies our consumers and keeps

store is one that is uniquely crafted through this

them engaged. Recent non-liquor additions have been

relationship, melding John’s 30 years of experience in

things like locally produced chocolates, non alcoholic

wholesale, hotels and retail with Byron’s years working

drinks, and low and slow BBQ sauces and rubs, which

in wine at Samuel Smith & Son. Through this, Boys

help to enhance the sense of occasion that consumers

described the store as having: “old fashioned service

may be seeking and also supports other local businesses,

in a modern landscape.”

which further instils our community involvement.”

“I can’t stress enough how much of a privilege it is

Boys also said that some of their greatest

to be able to be in a position where myself, Dad and

innovations actually hark back to that ‘old fashioned

Mum are all active in the business. It is a true family

service’ mantra.

business, which the community really appreciates I think,” Boys said.

“It’s funny; the ‘old school retailing’ is the thing that has been the most successful. For instance, something

“Our personal philosophy is to offer a new

simple like handwritten tags on wine bottles has

shopping experience with the old fashioned service.”

worked really well. It allows people to browse on their

The store, which has almost doubled its floorplan

own with a little bit of guidance to make a decision

thanks to a recent extension, has a neat, tidy and well

with confidence and gives a small personal touch to

labelled layout, allowing for easy shopping. Some of

our favourite wines,” Boys said.

the most successful elements of the Boys’ values are

This is a reason that product knowledge and

the connection to people, both the shopper and the

upskilling is important for the culture at Liquor

local community, and this helps give Liquor Barons

Barons Hillarys, and is where Boys’ background in

Hillarys a real edge.

wine is also a fantastic addition to the store.

Quick fire questions First job in liquor? Washing glasses at the Glenelg Baseball Club - Dad propped me up on a stool because I couldn’t reach the sink. Favourite drink? I’m still on the search. Although that Friday glass of red wine on the couch with my wife is pretty special. Industry role model? Dad is a huge part of who I am and what we are as a business. The respect between

“Dad has always been a strong believer of

“It has given me a solid grounding into the nuance and

community and I am following suit. We have a great

passion that comes with wine but also the commercial

contributes to the

local customer base that myself and the team has

reality of the business we are in. It’s given me a holistic

strong foundations

developed great relationships with, which we are lucky

view of the industry and pressures we all face, other than

we have here.

to have and cherish,” Boys said.

just being pigeonholed into our own retail business.”

32 | National Liquor News

he and I is what

Drink Innovations

C Q S P R I T Z .C O M . AU for all enquires please contact orders@cqspritz .com

Drink Innovations

An industry of

innovators From world-first flavours and techniques to groundbreaking multi-category hybrids and everything in between, Brydie Allen explores the opportunity of innovative beverages.


Drink Innovations

Australia’s drinks industry is huge, vibrant and with many layers, and it’s become that way with innovation. One of the most surefire ways to excite consumers is to give them something they’ve never seen before, and this is often the beginning of new trends. Some recent innovations that are getting attention right now include wine in a can, bottled cocktails and hybrid drinks. But just because the first stone has been unturned in these innovative areas, doesn’t mean that’s where the fresh takes and unique creations stop – the first ideas from this space have opened the space for creators to come and innovate even further. One example is the fresh new beverage brand, CQ Spritz, a wine and cocktail hybrid drinks range in a can. Creator of the brand Christina Quarisa said the launch builds from a new idea in the Australian market with a unique take on hybrid drinks. “I really wanted to bring something to the market that was innovative and something that gave people an exciting experience,” Quarisa told National Liquor News. “Wine in a can is relatively new to the Australian market so I thought it would be a really great opportunity to create something trendy, convenient and delicious all in one.” For CQ Spritz and other brands that are paving the way into new beverage spaces, innovation is key to their approach and it’s something the entire industry benefits from. Treasury Wine Estates (TWE), for example, sees

“I really wanted to bring something to the market that was innovative and something that gave people an exciting experience.” Christina Quarisa Creator CQ Spritz

The innovators of this great industry are not just focused on the liquid inside either. Great ideas don’t just experience success in a vacuum, as they know at Archie Rose. “Innovation is one of Archie Rose’s brand values. We strive to marry traditional methods with a progressive new world approach that honours the craftsmanship of distilling,” said Archie Rose’s Head of Hospitality, Harriet Leigh. “We apply the same discipline to our virtual content and convey a simple timeless character through our packaging and architecture.”

innovation as driving the progression of the industry

On any level, innovation in the drinks industry is

alongside the ever-changing desires of consumers.

an opportunity for both producers and retailers, as it

Melissa Louey, TWE Marketing Director, Insights

uncovers areas for growth.

and Innovation, said: “Our role as industry leaders is

“Overall, innovative drinks will be adding more

to help ensure the category is progressing, to meet

value to the industry, by tapping into consumer

consumers’ needs and help drive recruitment –

demands that currently aren’t being met,” said Sunly

innovation is fundamental to this.”

Seltzer Brand Manager, Patrick Coulson.

C Q S P R I T Z .C O M . AU

Drink Innovations

Creating the beverage Often touted as ‘the next big thing’ in the industry, hybrid drinks are those that combine more than one category into a single product. CQ Spritz, for example, is a wine and cocktail hybrid with unique flavours and a format that makes it a really different and fresh entry into the market. “The CQ Spritz range is definitely a hybrid product, which I think is really cool because hybrid products are within the niche market. I do believe CQ Spritz offers a point of difference to its competitors as it is new and exciting,” Quarisa explained TWE’s hybrid products meanwhile include the Squealing Pig wine and gin range as well as a coffee and Shiraz hybrid from Lindeman’s. Louey said these products not only help the brands stand out, but also help people explore new areas in the industry. “Hybrid drinks are the perfect complement to single category offerings – allowing consumers to explore new or neighbouring categories, with a certain level of confidence. For us, the opportunity innovation provides is to showcase the world of wine more broadly and show how multi-faceted it can be,” Louey explained.

The power of packaging While the liquid, the brand and the

For example wine in a can –

approach may be unique, another

while being ‘new and exciting’,

area that has great potential for

it also resolves issues previously

innovation is in packaging and

encountered such as event-based

format. Luke Cusack of Garage

consumption and safety around

Beverages said innovation in

glass bottles.”

these areas not only helps excite consumers, but also helps answer different concerns.

Packaging is also where CQ Spritz began its innovative journey to the shelf. As Quarisa

“I think there will always be a

noted: “My original research

market for traditional packaging

started in packaging trends

such as 375ml cans. But consumers

in Europe and the USA and

continue to be excited by new

evolved into the ‘hybrid style’ with

concepts. The market has a large

convenient packaging being a

and varied range in the traditional

point of difference.

formats so it can be a great way to draw attention to a new product,” Cusack said.

“Understanding these trends really assisted with the process of the CQ Spritz products and clarified

“Innovation can also be in the form

that I was on the right track with

of overcoming market constraints.

my ideas.”

36 | National Liquor News

DRINK THE SUNSE T C Q S P R I T Z .C O M . AU for all enquires please contact orders@cqspritz .com

Drink Innovations

Archie Rose Distillery

As more hybrid style drinks join the market,

Empowered innovation

whether their hybrid nature is the combination of

CQ Spritz, which is named after the initials of its creator, is not only an

liquids from two categories, or whether the influence is

innovative beverage but also a brand that stands for advancement in other

infused more in the production techniques, consumers

areas of business. Quarisa said the brand at its core reflects the incredible

become more comfortable with trying new things too.

work of women in the industry and strives for equality in the workforce. “Highlighting women’s independence, empowerment, courage, and strength are all key qualities that women need to feel more empowered to become,” she said. “Feminism is a growing topic in the world today and there is a lot of emphasis on ‘girl power’ – I really want to encourage other females to have the confidence to achieve their goals. I also want to send a message to females that they can achieve anything they put their minds to and to never give up.” Christina Quarisa

“The line between what a beer and a wine is, or beer and a spirit is, they can be very blurred – they’re finding those little niches and intricacies,” said James Renwick of Boatrocker Brewers and Distillers. “The landscape has changed so much in the past 10 to 15 years, for example everyone’s on their own beer journey. Some people are happy to drink VB all their life, others are starting a journey and creeping into pale ales and IPAs, and then there are a growing number of people that are always looking for the newest or most challenging thing.” Boatrocker caters to this crowd through both unique flavour profiles, and also its technique of barrel aging beers in ex-whisky barrels. While it’s not a full hybrid beverage, it’s an infusion style that brings together two different categories. Other innovations in the industry sees brands pivot to create something that’s different to their usual offering, and that’s something cropping up more often these days with brewed hard seltzer. For many breweries, like Stone & Wood with its creation of Sunly, it’s about staying fresh and interesting by giving existing customers something new ‘and desirable, but in a style that stays true to the brand.

38 | National Liquor News

Drink Innovations

“We pride ourselves on being a progressive

“Consumers are savvy and keen to experiment

business and leaders in the independent craft drinks

and try new offerings. From a retail perspective the

game in Australia. Having a good understanding of

biggest challenge is finding the right balance between

the alcoholic drinks market and the trends (especially

education and engagement, to help consumers

beer), here and overseas, we felt that the time was right

navigate new product developments with ease,”

to throw our hat in the ring,” said Coulson.

Louey said.

Other types of innovation that don’t cross

Coulson notes that education is key for the

categories are those that create unusual and interesting

success of new types of products, using seltzers as

experiences in their stories, their presentation and their

an example: “Educating the consumer on what it is

flavours. This is what Archie Rose often does, most

and the different processes on how to make it, helps

notably recently by turning smoke tainted grapes into

differentiate some of the brands in the category.

an experimental eau de vie, and teaming up with Gelato

“When it comes to introducing something new or

Messina to create a Neapolitan ice cream inspired range.

trialing something different, the purchasing manager should always be looking at it with an open mind and

Opportunity of the unknown

not be swayed by their flavour preferences or inner

With the range of innovative beverages on the market

circle of influencers too much.”

today, especially those that blend categories, finding the best way to retail them can initially seem like a

Having an open mind is also something that Renwick advises when dealing with innovative beverages.

challenge. The biggest instinct would be to slot them

“Keep an open mind when it comes to a new style...

into one category, but doing so actually limits the

it’s quite easy in this industry to dismiss something

potential of these exciting products.

and go, ‘ah that will just have 15 minutes of fame and

“I think the category of [innovative] products

it’ll be gone’. You never really know what the next

is definitely in its own sector of the market, but at

massively accepted beverage or style is going to be,”

the same time is competing with a broad range of

Renwick said.

products,” Quarisa said.

“Innovation is one of Archie Rose’s brand values. We strive to marry traditional methods with a progressive new world approach that honours the craftsmanship of distilling” Harriet Leigh Head of Hospitality Archie Rose

Cusack said it really well when he described this

As Louey adds, some of the most unique products

attitude as also helping differentiate your store from

need to be called out as such, not slotted on the shelf

others, a vital component in today’s economic climate.

within a category where it only partly fits. Calling

“I think this is where innovation really comes into

out this difference may be a challenge, but it helps

its own – if you can have something different to offer

consumers engage with products they likely want to

the consumer, they will be willing to give it a go if it

buy, which benefits all parties involved.

is new and well-priced.”

October 2020 | 39

Sparkling Wine

Lovely bubbly As the celebration season approaches, Brydie Allen finds out what’s getting corks popping in the sparkling wine category.

From Champagne to Prosecco to everything that

with Comité Champagne labelling the 2020 harvest

fizzes in between, the sparkling wine category is often

as “outstanding”.

synonymous with celebration.

But it’s not just Champagne that is flourishing and

But it’s not a category to be pigeonholed into one

pushing the category forward. As a spokesperson

occasion, consumer type or even style. Sparkling wine

for Pernod Ricard Winemakers said: “Champagne

is showing appeal on an increasingly widening scale,

and Prosecco account for over 95 per cent of total

contributing to growth across the board.

sparkling growth, with strong growth also seen across

“Sparkling wine sales have continued to grow year

rosé (rosé Champagne +52 per cent and sparkling

on year,” says John Biggar, Senior Brand Manager for

rosé +17 per cent). The Prosecco trend looks set to

Brown Family Wine Group’s sparkling portfolio.

continue, as one of the top growth driving varietals

“Champagne sales, in particular, have returned to

globally and in Australia.”

growth. Prosecco continues to grow strongly driven

40 | National Liquor News

by its approachability, as is sparkling rosé with the

Fizz the season

continuation of the drink pink trend.”

Occasion based consumption is a huge element to the

The category is expected to continue its upward

success of the sparkling category. So far 2020 hasn’t

tracking into Christmas and the new year. And for

given people many reasons to celebrate, but that just

both domestic and international producers, Australia

means that as we continue to battle the pandemic,

will remain a key market.

there will be even more cause to pop the bubbly.

“Champagne sales in Australia have gone from

Damien White, Sales and Marketing Director at

strength to strength. We represent the sixth largest

Leconfield Wines, said: “I personally think as we come

market in the world for Champagne – that’s a lot

out of COVID-19 restrictions there will be more and

of bottles for a small country – we expect that to

more events and celebrations to be had – hello bubbles.”

continue,” noted Bree Richmond, National Brand

The influence of this is already starting to show.

Manager at Mezzanine The Fine Wine Specialists,

Pernod Ricard’s spokesperson said there have been:

which is part of the Joval Wine Group and has recently

“Accelerated growth rates linked to reduction of

become distributor of Champagne Taittinger.

lockdown restrictions, as people start to reconnect and

Recent news out of France shows the quality of

celebrate at home, with research showing consumers

future Champagne releases is well positioned to

are more likely to celebrate or connect with sparkling

drive demand and growth beyond this season too,

or Champagne.”

Sparkling Wine

On the flip side, the pandemic has also helped increase the movement to drink sparkling outside of those special occasions. “Although sparkling is undeniably a drink of celebration, consumers are increasingly seeing sparkling wine as a great match for food, an option for more casual occasions and celebrating the little things rather than waiting for a big occasion,” said John Freeman, Managing Director of the Delegat Group. While premiumisation is still a significant movement in the category and sees consumers willing to pay more when celebrating the big moments in life, the value for money products are appealing to different and more casual sparkling occasions. “We believe consumers are looking to treat themselves to an affordable luxury…

“The rise of Prosecco, however, is

“Continual innovation will play an

Being able to share a glass of local sparkling

helping to expand the number of occasions

important part in driving growth, with

wine with family and friends makes the

in which sparkling is consumed. Prosecco is

new styles and formats bringing in new

everyday moments special,” said Johnathon

seen as more everyday than other sparkling

consumers as well as keeping the converted

Watson, Ferngrove Group Sales Manager.

wines, which has opened up more at-home

sparkling drinkers engaged,” Watson said.

The continued rise in popularity of

relaxing occasions.”

Prosecco is also pushing this movement,

Pernod Ricard’s spokesperson explained that brands are exploring this on many

according to Biggar, who said: “Sparkling

What shoppers want

levels. They said: “Research has revealed

wine has traditionally been seen as a

There are a range of things that consumers

that consumers are looking for innovative

celebration drink, driven by the luxury

consider when looking to purchase a

packaging and new products in the

associations of Champagne and its higher

sparkling wine, and these too have been

sparkling category, where 29 per cent of

price points. Champagne is great for special

influenced by COVID-19. White describes

sparkling consumers in Australia not only

moments, but purchase frequency is typically

the main things shoppers look for in the

enjoy trying new and different styles but also

lower because the occasions it’s most suited to

category as: “Fun, energy, quality and value.”

purchase wines they haven’t heard of before.”

happen less often in consumers’ lives.”

“Consumers have not had a lot of

Aside from the product itself, consumers

opportunity the past six months to venture

are also searching the sparkling category for

out so are not necessarily as price driven

the stories behind brands, looking for those

as they may have been in the past. We are

that align with their values and also options

finding consumers are more inclined to

that can help them support local businesses.

experiment with new labels and styles.”

“More and more sparkling wine

While Richmond notes that a big driver

consumers are curious about the brands

for the category is affordability and value, she

they choose and are seeking out brands that

said: “We’re also seeing consumers purchasing

align with their values. We see consumers

outside their go-to brands – isolation is

increasing their knowledge and becoming

making people more adventurous.”

more deliberate in their purchasing

Noting this trend, innovations in the

decisions going forward,” Freeman said.

category are expected to keep gaining in

On the local front, a spokesperson from

popularity, engaging both new and existing

Accolade Wines, with a portfolio that includes

sparkling consumers.

House of Arras, said: “Retailers and consumers October 2020 | 41

Sparkling Wine

are increasingly recognising Australian sparkling, and specifically Tasmanian sparkling, as world class wines that sit up there alongside the likes of Champagne.” It seems like there is a lot going on in terms of consumer desire, and what the sparkling shopper looks like. As Biggar explains, this is influenced by demographic. “Different consumer groups are looking for different things. We see that older consumers are more likely to be buying domestic

Ed Carr, House of Arras

sparkling, while younger consumers want really approachable wine styles and products

“Educate your staff and your customers.

that meet their needs and fit into their lives,”

Your staff can play a pivotal role at the

Biggar said.

point of purchase and help customers feel

“Prosecco and sparkling rosé are really winning with younger consumers for more relaxed occasions and Champagne remains really important for parties and gifting.”

Making it pop

confident in the purchase decisions they make,” Freeman said. Richmond said this training element

Get set to sparkle Some of the brands in this feature reveal what’s new and exciting. • Brown Family Wine Group:

is extremely useful, because: “The team is

“Watch out for Brown Brothers

more likely to recommend something they

Prosecco Premium Brut, a

feel confident talking about.”

King Valley Single Vineyard Prosecco that is drier than our

As restrictions ease around Australia, and

Aside from the products themselves, Biggar

with Christmas, holidays and the new year on

said it’s important to both highlight what

our doorstep, now is the time to think about

sparkling can offer, and said that consumers

your sparkling range and how you can truly

want to be “inspired” when they come in-store

make it pop.

looking for Champagne, Prosecco, sparkling

member to the Syn Sparkling

rosé, or any other bubbly variety.

family – Syn Sparkling Rosé.”

The first step is looking at the products you stock.

“They want to see innovation, information

“Consumers are demanding fun and funky,

and theatre in stores,” Biggar explained.

great quality and they want value so look

“Shoppers are prepared to pay more for

outside the norm and give yourself a point

sparkling than any other wine category, so

of difference by offering new and exciting

retailers that can make significant inroads

brands,” said White.

to deliver an inspiring experience stand to

best-selling Prosecco NV.” • Leconfield: “We are very excited to launch a new

• Ferngrove: “Our first to market Great Southern NV Sparkling Cuvée 200ml Piccolo has launched in singles and three packs.”

But there also needs to be balance with well

gain the most. That’s not to say that value isn’t

• Accolade: “We are incredibly

known and trusted brands, as well as different

important for the sparkling shopper. They’re

pleased to release the new

price points. Pernod Ricard’s spokesperson

simply telling us the current experience is too

House of Arras NV Blanc de

noted: “Retailers need relevant offers in both

weighted to price – they’d be happy to spend

Blancs” (the first new product

the premium and lower price points to remain

more if the experience is right.”

for the label in six years).

relevant to all consumers.”

Freeman added that inspiration like this

• Pernod Ricard: “Our latest

Watson added: “Consider your local

can also unlock the potential of more casual

innovation, JACOB, which

market and local offerings; balance your

consumption of the category, and change the

officially launched in Australia

range between established sparkling brands

perception that sparkling is just for celebrating.

this month, is a new, premium

and new products, keeping your store fresh

“Our retail partners already execute

Australian sparkling wine that is

the gifting and celebrating opportunity

aged for 32 months on lees and

and innovative.” There’s a great opportunity to be had by

very well with sparkling, but can look for

features a complex finish of

educating staff to know the differences and

opportunities to highlight more casual

brioche and hazelnut flavours.”

the strengths of each segment.

occasions,” Freeman said.

42 | National Liquor News



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Summer RTD

Ready-to-Drink ‘from home’ Brian Chase Olson discovers how premixed drinks have capitilised on the new drinking behaviours of 2020.

It doesn’t take a data analyst to show you

the lines from traditional soda and spritz

According to Edgemill Group, Old

in numbers that Australia’s drinking habits

concoctions are brewing their way into

Number 15 Bourbon is, “stored and

have changed in 2020. The impact of the

the off-premise channel, giving Australian

matured in charred oak barrels to create

COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting

drinkers a convenient bar experience they

a premium, full-bodied, smooth Bourbon

restrictions that shifted drinkers from

can enjoy at home.

whiskey”. Each delivers a premium serve

cocktail bars, pubs and restaurants to La-

at respectively high ABVs for Bourbon

Z-Boy recliners and Zoom chats, has had

Bring on the Bourbon

dramatic ramifications on what, and where,

Dark spirit RTDs continue to dominate the

“We wanted to supply a brand that is

Aussies drank in the past 12 months.

premix space with over 75 per cent share of

equal to or better than any other in the

One category poised to capitalise on

the total category based on recent IRI data,

market today at a competitive price point

the pivoting palates of Australian alcohol

and Bourbon-based RTDs are making a

and still maintain the retailer’s margin. The

consumers was the convenient ‘Ready-

noticeable comeback with two of the top

Old Number 15 Bourbon and Cola ticks all

to-Drink’ category, and it’s done so

three growing products being the spirit of

those boxes and more,” Hounsome said.

exponentially. While the RTD update in the

Kentucky – Wild Turkey and Woodstock.

drinkers to enjoy.

Higher ABVs continue to be a trend

April 2020 edition of National Liquor News

A new player in Bourbon RTDs comes

across all dark spirit RTDs, notes William

reported modest growth at just below four

from Australian family-owned business

Grant and Sons (WG&S) Hannah Ellerkamp,

per cent in value (IRI Total Liquor Scan MAT

Edgemill Group, which in May launched

Brand Manager for Sailor Jerry.

to 05/01/20) RTDs have truly defined the

its Old Number 15 Bourbon and Cola. The

“The higher ABV RTDs are definitely

motto of 2020 - pivot - reporting 13.3 per cent

375ml cans come in a four-pack and 24-

gaining on popularity and our consumer

dollar growth, with both light and dark spirits

pack, with a six per cent ABV and nine per

research has shown us that consumers are

returning positive growth percentages (IRI

cent ABV options in the range.

especially picking RTDs for convenience

National Weighted Liquor MAT 02/08/2020, does not include Dan Murphy’s or BWS).

“COVID-19 has seen a return to the RTD

and moderation. This is why we have

category [and] higher ABV is in growth

launched our RTDs with six per cent ABV

And while the legacy labels continue to

ahead of the category,” David Hounsome,

and replicated our signature drinks which

maintain the lion’s share of sales, a drumbeat

National Sales and Marketing Manager of

are now just [ready] to go from the can,”

of new and exciting products that blur

Edgemill Group said.

Ellerkamp said.

44 | National Liquor News

Summer RTD

Sailor Jerry is a relatively new brand in the RTD space, unveiling its range of ready made canned cocktails in 2019. The Sailor Jerry & Dry and Sailor Jerry & Cola use the two-year-old Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum to give the RTDs a real “all-in flavour,” Ellerkamp said. Another new product in the rum space comes from Diageo, which in September released the Limited Edition Bundaberg Original & Sarsaparilla, looking outside the traditional cola premix with a new blend featuring Bundaberg Original Up Rum and fizzy sarsaparilla. The result is a mix of bittersweet vanilla, caramel, wintergreen and liquorice and is best served over ice with a slice of lime. “[We] have already noted huge initial interest [in the Limited Edition Bundaberg Original & Sarsaparilla], typified by our social media announcement which enjoyed double the number of fan engagements we’ve

more than 60 per cent value growth in the last year

had on previous like-for-like announcements,” Mark

(IRI National Weighted Liquor MAT 02/08/2020).

Mcleod, Diageo Innovation Manager, said. The new Bundaberg premix was released in time for the end of the footy season and is due to wrap its release in November.

At Bacardi-Martini Australia, Bombay Sapphire is reporting incredible growth for its range of RTD product releases. “Bombay Sapphire & Tonic [5.4 per cent] launched 12 months ago with resounding success,


selling over 1.6 million bottles in the first year,” Kate

While dark spirits have continued the premiumisation

Skelton, Category Manager Gin, Bacardi-Martini

trend with high ABV serves and curated mixes, the

Australia said.

light spirit sector is exploring new territories with innovative formats coming to market at rapid pace.

The Bombay Sapphire & Tonic brings a premium

“COVID-19 has seen a return to the RTD category [and] higher ABV is in growth ahead of the category.” David Hounsome National Sales and Marketing Manager Edgemill Group

gin and tonic premix in a convenient four-pack glass

While about one-third of the value size compared

bottle format. The success has been so great, Bombay

to dark spirits, light spirits has seen tremendous value

has expanded its RTD footprint with the recent release

growth in the last year at 34.2 per cent, with the big

of the Bombay & Tonic 10% per cent, which it claims

drivers being Cruiser and Gordon’s, both experiencing

is the world’s first-ever double-serve gin RTD. The Bombay & Tonic Double Serve is available in four pack cans, which it has also introduced in the 5.4 per cent variety in a 10-pack. “RTDs have always over indexed in young consumers, with 30 per cent of consumers aged 1835 years old, and we are seeing RTD drinkers willing to trade up into the new premium RTDs launching as an accessible way to trial brands and products before paying for the glass spirit offering,” Skelton said. In the media release for Bombay & Tonic Double Serve, Bacardi-Martini Australia notes its 5.4 per cent RTD release drove significant category growth with “68 per cent of consumers being new to gin” and purchasers “six times more likely to then purchase a bottle of Bombay Sapphire”. October 2020 | 45

Summer RTD

conscious, seltzers and ‘better for you’ RTDs help deliver solutions without the guilt.” Smirnoff is one of a number of international players jumping on the trend of lightly flavoured, vodka-based sparkling water mixers. Smirnoff Seltzer features a range of flavours, including the Smirnoff Seltzer and Natural Lime, along with innovative recipes like Smirnoff Seltzer and Raspberry Rosé, the Smirnoff Seltzers embody the ‘better for you’ aspect claiming no sugar and 68-70 calories per can. “Smirnoff has a long reputation of being innovators in culture, and new entrants into the premix market like seltzers present an exciting opportunity. After watching the trend of seltzers soar globally and the success of our launches in the US, UK,

Tips to being customer ready with RTDs this summer:

Europe and New Zealand, we are excited to

of premium gins hitting the RTD category?

Capture impulsive shoppers:

Marketing Manager, Light Spirits, said.

Skelton notes RTDs as an incremental

“Premix shoppers are more impulsive

purchase opportunity and merchandising

so disrupting and inspiring them

an exciting opportunity to bring new

close to checkout to capture that extra dollar.

in-store is key to driving incremental

consumers to the RTD category.

So how can retailers capitalise on the wave

“Shoppers are looking for convenient premium options now more than ever,”

purchases.” - Sally Huntington, Diageo Shopper Insights & Planning Manager

Skelton said.

offer Australian consumers Smirnoff Seltzer as a new refreshing and low-calorie drink in time for summer,” Linda Wellington, Diageo In the retail space, seltzer presents

“The RTD category now is more than just Bourbon and whiskey-based spirits mixed with cola, although they still are the dominate

Liquid on lips: “In-store tasting is

share of the volume. Over the past couple

Summer of seltzer

by far the best method. Consumers

of years we have seen the introduction of

With summer knocking on Australia’s door,

won’t risk spending on unknown

premium gin RTDs, cocktail mix RTDs and

the near daily occurrence of new seltzers

products, so it is up to the retailer to

now seltzers,” Michael Ismailoglu, Thirsty

and colourful spritz-filled cans coming to

change the consumers’ perception

Camel’s National General Manager said.

market feels like it’s set to be the hottest

that if it isn’t a ‘big brand’ then [they]

drink of the season. National Liquor News

won’t like it.” - David Hounsome,

is deemed to be a success is managing how

reported in the July issue that the “RTD-like

National Sales & Marketing Manager

big a range a retailer actually carries in-store

alcoholic and flavoured sparkling water is

of Edgemill Group

and trying not to replicate what happened

making a lot of noise in the liquor industry

“The key to whether the seltzer category

[in the early days of the] cider category when

at the moment”. So what do suppliers think

Don’t forget your loyalists: “In

is driving interest, growth and a wave of new

the constant search to bring new

“That said, we have seen some exciting

NPDs in Australia?

consumers into your brand do not

brands on offer in the Australian market

take for granted those that have

from global brands like White Claw and

highlights, “Australians are wanting to enjoy

stayed loyal to you for a long period

Smirnoff Seltzer to local craft offerings like

their favourite beverage in more convenient

of time.” - Michael Ismailoglu, Thirsty

Brookvale Boozey Seltzer, Good Tides, St

occasions such as house parties and picnics,

Camel National General Manager

Andrews Beach Brewery ‘Tidal’ Alcoholic

Skelton notes the trend in seltzer

and as consumers become more health 46 | National Liquor News

retailers carried way too many varieties.

Seltzer, and the list will go on.”

Summer RTD

While it remains to be seen if seltzer

cocktails using our non alcoholic

can replicate its international success

kombucha previously, as our main

here in Australia, the wave of products

footprint for distribution has been on-

on offer makes it apparent we’re sure to

premise, so a pre-mixed version made

see a whole lot of it on shelf this summer.

perfect sense for the Dirty Bucha and so far we’ve been really pleased with

On-premise products getting off-premise attention

how it’s performing.

With global trends in premiumisation

venues around Byron Bay who have

and ‘better for you’ becoming

always supported us, and from there

commonplace in the off-premise

have continued to grow. For us having

channel, a wave of home grown and

the support of the local area was key,

home ready RTDs with origins in the

and that’s helped establish the Dirty

on-premise, are starting to make their

Bucha to the point that we’re now

way into bottle shops and pantries

available in many leading independent

across the country.

outlets,” Co-Founder Paul Tansley said.

“We started out in flagship local

In Byron Bay, The Bucha of Byron,

Further in this space, premium

a local kombucha brand, has expanded

canned cocktails that are RTDs or

into locally crafted cocktails with The

‘Ready to Serve’ have been making

Dirty Bucha, and is now available

a space for themselves in the premix

nationally through BWS and Dan

channel, with new products like Onyx


Espresso Martini, distributed by Swift

“The Dirty Bucha is partly

& Moore Beverages, taking the popular

considered in the RTD category, partly

espresso cocktail from the bar to the

in alcoholic kombucha. We actually

at-home experience in a convenient

refer to it as a lower sugar cocktail in

130ml format.

a bottle,” Bucha of Byron Co-Founder Cam Macfarlane said.

“[There is an] opportunity for craft and super premium brands to drive

“We have our Gin & Lemon Myrtle

awareness and trial by delivering truly

and a Vodka & Tropical [variety],

exceptional taste experiences that are

and we blend our Bucha of Byron

hard or near impossible to replicate in

kombucha with premium spirits from

home,” Cameron Crowley, Managing

our friends at Cape Byron Distillery

Director of Swift & Moore Beverages

(Brookie’s Gin). We’d actually made

told National Liquor News.

October 2020 | 47


The best is yet to rum The rum category is reinventing itself and leveraging strong potential for future growth. If COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns have

“If you look at the category closer over the past

done anything for the drinks industry, it’s that we’ve

three years you will find that people are going beyond

seen a boom in sales of glass spirits thanks to a

just white rum and the typical rum and cola. There is

renewed interest of Australians in making cocktails

a growing demand for craft and premium rums. Rum

at home.

with age statements and sipping rums are becoming

Gin is still the king of the spirits category, in

popular as well as spiced rum,” Catada said.

terms of growth and innovation. However, there are

The pandemic has also influenced this growing

signs that consumers are starting to become more

interest in different kinds of rums and their serves, as

adventurous when it comes to trying new rums,

Vok’s Brand Manager Kristen Mckinstry and National

particularly spiced rum, which is the third fastest

Business Manager Patricia John noted.

growing segment in the glass spirits category.

“There’s evidence to suggest that this year, in

Loy Catada, Bacardi Brand Ambassador, says that

particular, consumers have been seeking to recreate the

consumers have a growing willingness to explore new

‘bar experience’ at home, and are therefore choosing

drinks, and this includes a move beyond the typical

premium spirits to enjoy or experimenting with

rum and cola.

mixing their own cocktails,” said Mckinstry and John.

48 | National Liquor News


“While the classic ‘rum and cola’ drinker (who

Will rum be the new gin?

consumes both RTD and bottled formats) will always

Some in the industry have noted that the promising

be around, the category will continue to evolve in

numbers coming from the rum category indicates

terms of new options for rum drinkers.”

it may become the new gin, in that it is set for an

This refreshed interest in rum is being reflected in growth stats as well. According to Lachlan Cameron, Lead Consultant at IRI, Total Glass Spirits are enjoying 16 per cent growth (MAT 52 weeks up to the 02/08/2020).

explosive burst of popularity. Tanya Mah, Brand Manager for Kraken at Proximo Spirits said early indications are looking this way. “Gin is a prime example of premiumisation in Australia recording YOY category growth. The same

Cameron says that dark rum is performing well with

drivers are also prevalent in rum with consumers

13.4 per cent value growth, although it’s growing behind

prepared to spend more on the products they see as

the Total Glass Spirits category. Whereas spiced rum is

better quality,” Mah said.

the real star performer with 20.6 per cent value growth, which is outperforming the glass spirits segment. “Spiced rum is the ninth biggest glass spirits

Premiumisation is also something that Brix Distillers thinks will contribute to rum’s further expansion of influence, like it did for gin.

base but the third fastest growing,” Cameron said.

“Rum is in the midst of its premiumisation journey

“Glass spirits are booming off of renewed interest of

and is growing in the US, France and the UK and as

Australians in making cocktails at home.”

Australian generally follows a few years behind, we

Growth is being driven from an existing brand

hope to see a big upturn in rum premiumisation over

base, but also from a range of new entrants to the

the next few years as the gin category hits its saturation

market which are piquing interest and driving

point,” Brix Co-founder James Christopher said.

exploration across the board. As Sailor Jerry’s Brand Manager Hannah Ellerkamp said: “It is definitely a strong and emerging category.

Transparency and definition

There are more entrants coming into the category and

“The rum category seems to be in the midst of an evolution right now

it provides consumers with a lot of choice for a lot of

with categorising its products and label transparency. While rum can

different palates and drinking styles.

be seen as less clearly defined than some categories, with few rules to

“Rum has always been quite important within

production, there is currently a movement to show transparency and set

Australia and especially within the east coast. It is

some guidelines as to how products are labelled and named.”

definitely an important category and one where we see

– James Christopher, Co-founder, Brix Distillers

quite a bit of development happening in the future.” October 2020 | 49


Rum reinvention Many voices across the industry have noted that in order for rum to unlock the same potential as gin, it needs to evolve and almost reinvent itself and the way it is perceived. The problem, as Ellerkamp said, revolves around many consumers not being enlightened to the opportunity around rum beyond what they’ve heard before. “For quite some time, rum has been this typical stereotype drink that belonged to a certain type of drinker… So we think that a lot of people that might have been drinking rum when they were 18 and they really enjoyed that drink then they probably never really went back to it,” Ellerkemp said. According to Mckinstry and John,

Partnerships for growth Sailor Jerry is investing in the

local spirits in the Australian market are already doing a great job with shaking this “As palates change and mature, people


growth of the rum category and

are starting to look outside their regular

“The perception of Australian Rum

its brand through means that will

purchases and starting to explore the rum

is starting to change, both at home and

encourage consumer engagement

category. Knowing that there are a number

overseas. This has led to the growth of

with communities and rum

of Australian rum producers in their early

the Spiced Rum category, which attracts

exploration occasions.

stages right now, there will be a boom in

a different consumer than mainstream

Australian rum over the next few years and

Dark Rum, and a growing interest in the

Brand Ambassador Lucille Rose

that will translate into a more educated and

premium end of the category as a whole,”

gave the example of Sailor Jerry’s

discerning consumer.”

they said.

The distributor of Brix, Swift + Moore

A driver behind this evolution is

Beverages, noted the similarities between

innovation, whether that be in liquid, format

“I think this campaign really

the categories and Cameron Crowley said:

or education.

resonates with a lot of people,

“The explosion of craft and small batch gins

For example, Mah said that an important

being able to get back out there

demonstrates a pathway for innovative and

movement for the category is: “Innovation

safely and have some fun again,”

category leading brands such as Brix.”

that addresses the consumer need for

#supportyourlocalartist campaign.

Rose said.

Catada said he is hopeful that the future

premium convenience.”

of rum goes down the same path as gin,

Catada noted a number of innovations

“And we also live streamed these

but it will depend on what industry leaders

in multiple areas, but what they had in

events over social media so those

choose to get behind.

common was how they showed: “The rum

who couldn’t attend were able

“The question really is what is next after

to still join in and see what was

gin, or what will early adopters choose

Producers continue to expand the

happening, and this was really

next? I would think they will be seeking

category while committing to this goal

well received too. I think it’s great

a different flavour profile... Aged rum is

to reinvent rum into something with the

nowadays because people don’t

an obvious choice and perhaps flavoured

boom factor that gin has. Noting the areas

have to miss out on these things

rum which could also associate with the

that are most poised for success are key to

anymore thanks to social media.”

current trends in craft, sustainability and

capatilising on what rum can offer now and

all-natural ingredients.”

into the future.

50 | National Liquor News

category is starting to reinvent itself.”



Reflecting on a life in

liquor retail Shane Tremble has played a key role in shaping the Australian liquor retail industry.

Over the course of a career than has spanned more than four decades, Shane Tremble has played a key role in shaping the Australian retail liquor industry into what it is today. So, as he prepares to retire from his role as General Manager Group Service at Endeavour Group in 2021, National Liquor News caught up with him to reflect on the highlights of his stellar career. Tremble first joined the liquor industry in the late 70s by working in a bar to earn himself some extra money while studying a business degree. But after realising he didn’t enjoy working until three in the morning, he moved on to get a job at the largest independent retailer in NSW at that time, Claude Fay Cellars. In around 1980, Claude Fay Cellars was acquired by Coles and at the same time, Coles bought another chain of liquor stores called Liquorland – and so began the start of the Coles Liquor business. Tremble was picked up by Coles in the takeover and worked for many years as a relieving manager between different stores. “It set me up fairly well because I knew the network reasonably well better than anybody from the new company that was coming in,” says Tremble. From there, Tremble was promoted to a buying role in the Coles Liquor head office and then went on to become the national buyer. “By this time it was the late 80s and we did a trip overseas to look at the way other big liquor retailers around the world were organising 52 | National Liquor News


their buying and we discovered a thing called category

From here, Tremble was appointed as Merchandise

management, which up until then hadn’t been a thing

Manager for BWS, which at the time was a small chain

in the liquor industry.”

of just 120 stores – there are 1,300 now.

From there, Coles developed a category

At the time, the Coles Liquor business was double

management strategy and Tremble was appointed

the size of the Woolworths Liquor business and so

to be the first category manager in the liquor industry.

Woolworths, realising that they needed to open

“That was pretty exciting because it was the first

freestanding stores, started doing that by acquisition

time that a retailer had taken advantage of its national footprint, consolidating its buying nationally. Prior to that it was all done on a state by state basis. “So, it made for a reasonably dramatic power shift because it enabled us to take advantage of our national scale.”

– the biggest of which was that of ALH. “Out of that came a couple of hundred hotels and all of their attached liquor stores, which allowed us to launch the BWS brand and eventually the Dan Murphy’s brand as well. “The Dan Murphy’s chain was of course another

A few years on, Tremble became the General

particularly important acquisition, it was a five store

Manager of the Vintage Cellars chain and was

chain down in Victoria that was owned by Daniel

instrumental in its national rollout.

Francis Murphy and that five store chain subsequently

“It was a very big rollout – we opened around 44 stores in four years,” he remembers. “It was a wonderful business and gave me a chance to

turned into a 250 store chain,” says Tremble. After that time, he moved out of buying and into licensing and acquisition.

build my network in the wine industry. I remember one

“My job evolved from there into an interesting

of the things I loved about Vintage Cellars was that we

sort of amalgam of different things. And in addition

used the late great Len Evans as a Brand Ambassador.

to the licensing and acquisitions, because we have a

Len used to come along whenever we opened our first

lot to do with governments regulators in that space,

store in a new state and launch the brand. We would

I came to look after the government, external piece,

invite all the local dignitaries to the best hotel and the

and compliance. And that’s how my current role kind

best restaurant in town and serve some spectacular

of evolved over the years.”

wines and kick the thing off with a bang. Travelling with Len was one of the great joys of my life.”

When looking back to career highlights, Tremble references the acquisition of Cellarmasters,

Tremble was with Vintage Cellars for around

which included the Cellarmasters Wine Club and

15 years before he decided it was time for a change

subscription business and a couple of other direct and

– a change that led him into a private label wine

digital operations and the production assets.

production business. The private label business grew

“I think that acquisition fundamentally changed the

and eventually had contracts with both Aldi and

business because it gave us a fully vertically integrated

Woolworths. And after a while, Woolworths Liquor

business on a scale which had never been seen not just

came knocking to see if Tremble would like to get

in this country but anywhere in the world.”

back into liquor retail.

There are few people who can say that they’ve spent

“I actually missed it a lot,” says Tremble.

their entire career in the liquor retail space, and even

“Woolworths was interested in setting up a private

fewer who can say that they were involved in so many

and controlled label business, which is something that

Australian firsts that have shaped the industry into

they didn’t have at the time. But it was something

what it is today.

that I had done previously at Liquorland while I was

“It’s a wonderful industry and I think that the thing

in category management and buying. So, I came

I will miss the most about the industry is the people. It

on board at Woolworths and I used my network of

really is a tremendous industry and I couldn’t imagine

suppliers to build a private label business.”

having spent a more fulfilling work life doing anything

This private label business has gone on to grow into what is now Pinnacle.

“It really is a tremendous industry and I couldn’t imagine having spent a more fulfilling work life doing anything else over the past 40 years.” – Shane Tremble.

else over the past 40 years,” says Tremble. “It’s been brilliant.”

October 2020 | 53

Wine Tasting Review

A summer favourite: Rosé The National Liquor News tasting panel sipped and swirled their way through a selection of rosé this month. Here are their highest scoring wines across three price brackets.

Panels Picks

The Panel ➤

C hristine Ricketts, Wine Educator, Endeavour Group A ndrew Stubbs, Manager, Vine Wine A ndy Milne, Brand Manager, SouthTrade International S alvatore Margiotta, State Sales Manager, NSW & ACT, Delegat Limited E mma Fogarty, Senior Brand Manager, SouthTrade International M ark Bradstreet, Key Account Manager, Joval Wine Group D avid Messum, Director, Just the Drop C harlie Simpson, General Manager, Virtuos Vine

The System 95-100 Classic: an exceptional wine 90-94 Outstanding: a wine of remarkable character 85-89 Very good: a wine with impressive qualities

54 | National Liquor News

Château de

Stoneleigh Pinot

Carillion Expressions

l’Escarelle Jardin

Noir Rosé

Pinot Rosé

Des Secrets Rosé

Region: Marlborough,

Region: Wrattonbully/Orange

Region: Provence, France

New Zealand

VIN: 2020 LUC: $13.90

VIN: 2018 LUC: $25.80

VIN: 2019 LUC: $14.79

Distributed by:

Distributed by:

Distributed by:

Free Run Distributors

Déjà Vu Wine Co.

Pernod Ricard Australia

“Pale salmon colour. Vibrant and citrusy on the palate. Lingering finish.” – Emma Fogarty

“A good food wine with great balance of flavour, fine soft tannin and acid on the lingering finish.” – Christine Ricketts

“This has that Turkish Delight character on the nose that I love in rosé. Palate is tight and driven.” – Mark Bradstreet

Wine Tasting Review

LUC $17 and over Grenache Wizardry

Vinoque Nebbiolo

Grenache Rosé


Region: Heathcote

Region: Yarra Valley

VIN: 2019 LUC: $23

VIN: 2019 LUC: $25

Distributed by:

Distributed by:

De Bortoli Wines

De Bortoli Wines

“A very classy dry style with enough going on to maintain interest.” – Charlie Simpson

“Zippy into minerality. Well integrated acid. More texture than fruit. Super pale. Classy!” – David Messum


La Bohème Act Two


Dry Pinot Noir Rosé

Region: Provence, France

Region: Yarra Valley

VIN: 2019 LUC: $20.96

VIN: 2019 LUC: $21.95

Distributed by:

Distributed by:

Joval Wine Group

De Bortoli Wines

“Beautiful pale pink colour. Refined strawberries and cream on the nose and palate. A beautiful summer wine.” – Emma Fogarty

“Great fruit intensity, balanced but all present. Acidity sits well in the background holding it together.” – Andy Milne

“There was a surprising amount of variety among the styles – good to see more dry wines and a move away from sticky sweet. Many managed to achieve bright effervescence while remaining refined.” Emma Fogarty Senior Brand Manager SouthTrade International

Food Pairing ➤

Bird in Hand Pinot

Terra do Rio

Nero Rosé


Region: Adelaide Hills

Region: Riverland

VIN: 2019 LUC: $19.35

VIN: 2019 LUC: $17.20

Distributed by: Bird in Hand

“Really polished, beautifully balanced, delicate fresh red berries on palate.” – Salvatore Margiotta

“Pears, roses and lemon flavours mingle on the palate.” – Emma Fogarty

“ It’s a whole world! Salads and fresh seafood, to sliced meats, and some drier styles want cheese.” – Charlie Simpson “ The best pairing for a good rosé is a group of friends and a sunny spring afternoon.” – Mark Bradstreet “ My favourites are chargrilled octopus or a plate of charcuterie.” – David Messum “ Sweet and sour Asian inspired dishes or a yummy custard fruit tart.” – Christine Ricketts

October 2020 | 55

Wine Tasting Review

LUC $14-$17

“Colours seem to be getting lighter and lighter, more reminiscent of a blush than rosé.”


Born & Raised


Rosé Lumiére

Region: McLaren Vale

Region: Heathcote

VIN: 2020 LUC: $15.30

VIN: 2019 LUC: $16.76

Distributed by: VOK Beverages

Distributed by: Captains of Trade (NSW);

“I’d make this my hot summer’s day rosé.” – Christine Ricketts

Apostrophe Wines (VIC)

“Rose gold in colour, peachy and effervescent on the palate. A beautiful afternoon wine.” – Emma Fogarty

Andy Milne Brand Manager SouthTrade International

Brand’s Laira Old

Audrey Wilkinson

Station Rosé


Region: Coonawarra

Region: Hunter Valley

VIN: 2020 LUC: $15.48

VIN: 2020 LUC: $14.03

Distributed by: Casella

Distributed by: Agnew Wines

Family Brands

“Shy at first, this opens up with lemon balm, creamy berry panna cotta and a slight green note – as if I’m already sitting in the garden.” – Andy Milne

Editor’s Picks ➤

9 Chateau de l’Escarelle 8 Palm Rosé 2019, Provence, France, LUC $16 (Déjà Vu Wine Co.) 9 Petaluma Dry Rosé 2019, 8 Coonawarra , LUC $19, (Accolade Wines) 8 Marrenon Petula Luberon 8 Rosé 2018, Luberon, France, LUC $16 (Star Beverages) 8 Feudo Arancio Tinchite 8 Rosé 2019, Sicily, Italy, LUC $12.90 (Single Vineyard Sellers)

56 | National Liquor News

“Light yet complex – full of flavour and balance. Acidity is there but just enough to hold everything together.” – Andy Milne

Bird in Hand

Atze’s Corner Wild


Rose Grenache Rosé

Region: Wine of Australia

Region: Barossa

VIN: 2020 LUC: $16.98

VIN: 2019 LUC: $14.50

Distributed by: Bird in Hand

Distributed by: Pail and Cooper (VIC); In Cantina

“Great pale colour, pink edged hues. Fine and bright. Very fresh as rosé should be. Highly drinkable.” – David Messum

Wine Sales and Marketing (WA); Daniel Saunders (QLD); Claritas Marketing (SA); Atze’s Corner Wines (NSW)

“Summer fruits on the nose and fresh fruit flavour on the palate. This would be great to pair with fish or chicken.” – Emma Fogarty

Wine Tasting Review

LUC $14 and under Elbourne Jours D’éte

Baileys of Glenrowan


Small Batch Series

Region: Hunter Valley

Rosé facts

Organic Rosé

VIN: 2019 LUC: $12.50

Region: Glenrowan

Distributed by:

VIN: 2019 LUC: $13

Elbourne Wines

Distributed by:

Casella Family Brands

“Dry, balancing acid. Nice balance of confectionary and red fruits. Long finish. Very drinkable.” – Christine Ricketts

“Lovely easy drinking rosé. Well balanced. A slight lack of fruit complexity holds it back a little but the length goes on forever.” – Andy Milne

Feudo Arancio

Giesen Blush

Tinchite Rosé


Region: Sicily, Italy


VIN: 2019 LUC: $12.90

New Zealand

Distributed by: Single

VIN: 2019 LUC: $13.76

Vineyard Sellers

Distributed by: Oatley Fine Wine Merchants

“Very citrusy and effervescent. Lemon balanced with strawberries.” – Emma Fogarty

T he colour of rosé depends on how long the grape skins are left in the wine during production. C ellaring isn’t recommended for most rosé - it should be drank within two to three years of purchase. T he first wines ever made were said to be rosé, because of the original techniques used to make it squeezed the colour from the skin. A lmost all wine regions in the world produce rosé.

“Really balanced style with fruit weight and layers of complexity, hints of spice. Really nice food friendly style.” – Andrew Stubbs

Barton & Guestier


Reserve Shiraz Rosé


Region: Pays d’Oc, France

Region: Southern France

VIN: 2019 LUC: $9.10

VIN: 2018 LUC: $12.25

Distributed by: Beach

Distributed by: Felixir

Avenue Wholesalers

“Well balanced, light and fruit forward wine. Hints of blossom and floral notes keep this light and fresh.” – Andy Milne

F ourteen per cent of rosé shoppers plan to buy based on a particular region/country, compared to an average of just 10 per cent for wine as a whole.

“A real standout. Enough fruit filling out the mid-palate and a savoury edge. Great balance and poise.” – Andrew Stubbs

“There were lots of cheaper wines relying on sugar and tartaric acid to create mouthfeel. Both are overdone on wines that showed well on nose only to be let down on palate.” David Messum Director Just the Drop

October 2020 | 57

Shop Talk

L-R: David Ward and Anthony Young

Shop Talk We talk shop with David Ward from BentSpoke and Anthony Young from Plonk in Canberra. Q How are you finding the current market?

DAVID: COVID has been difficult for the entire trade and I feel for our friends in on-premise, especially in Victoria. However, BentSpoke has been able to support and grow off-premise, with strong consumer demand for Crankshaft and Barley Griffin. We have also been able to maintain our limited release program launching four seasonal beers during the pandemic of wildly different styles including a Flanders Red Flemm, a black IPA Big Nut, A barrel aged imperial stout Descent 20 and a double IPA Cluster 8. I believe this regular innovation keeps consumers interested and engaged. ANTHONY: The market for us has changed drastically over the past five years with the craft beer scene in Australia exploding and people changing focus from quantity to quality products. These days



BentSpoke, National Sales and Marketing Manager

ANTHONY YOUNG, Plonk, Founder and Owner; passionate supporter of Aussie independent craft beer producers

we also welcome between 10 to 20 new beer releases weekly. There is so much to discover and the craft beer scene is well and truly

are so passionate about independent beer and supporting local, and

booming. COVID has obviously caused a few challenges and we are

it is great to see us and Capital Brewing so well represented in-store.

more than ever determined to support our local Aussie producers

Having one of the best ranges in Australia, it is impossible to walk

as much as possible to help them get through this.

out of the store without a bottle of something rare under your arm. ANTHONY: We share the privilege of being independent and

Q How have you pivoted the way you do business

local Canberra businesses, so that mutual understanding really

during the pandemic?

brings us together to achieve the best result for all our customers

DAVID: BentSpoke has always been very strong on events and

and both businesses. The team at BentSpoke, headed by Richard

tastings. Often first introductions to the brand have been by Richard

and Tracy, provide us with an amazingly good, consistent range of

or Tracy at a beer festival or event. Having to move away from this,

beer. BentSpoke currently has six core beers and six special release

we launched Bent Brewers Live; a first weekly and now monthly

beers that come out as seasonal releases which our beer lovers froth

digital broadcast featuring Richard and different guests every week.

over… and so do we.

Guests have included Dr Tim Cooper (Coopers Brewery), Scott Hargrave (Balter Brewing Company), and Brad Rogers (Stone &

Q How do you approach the retailer/rep relationship?

Wood Brewing Co.).

DAVID: A good relationship with a retailer is all about understanding

ANTHONY: We have fast tracked our web store and put a

needs and how to work together to ensure the beer moves well in-

lot of time and effort into providing the best possible service for

store and at good margins. Working together to raise awareness of

customers wanting to shop from home and get goods delivered. We

our brand and to increase footfall into a store is integral. Advertising

are also reaching out to breweries directly (such as Melbourne-based

tastings, access to limited release products and open dialogue. Also

breweries) to get their produce into Canberra and to help them stay

never forgetting that sometimes the best way to grow the relationship

afloat until things normalise again. Definitely unusual times but we

is finding the time to have a beer together.

are up for the challenge.

ANTHONY: We constantly strive to provide the best for our customers and working with a company such as BentSpoke makes

Q What do you enjoy most about working with each other?

for a very enjoyable business partnership. BentSpoke is our best

DAVID: Plonk was one of BentSpoke’s first customers and remains

selling beer brand and their constant support of Plonk is something

very close to everything we do in the ACT. Anthony and the team

that we cherish.

58 | National Liquor News

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