Understanding pet food labels
How to understand the key nutritional information that is outlined on a pet food label. Words Zara Boland and Michael Zajac
WALKING DOWN the pet food aisle of any grocery
store or pet specialist retailer can be a daunting
process. There are so many different products in a plethora of colours, shapes, and sizes, that by the
indication of the primary ingredients or recipe name, such as ‘chicken and rice’.
• Net weight statement: This states how much food is
pet food labels are important to understand.
• Manufacturer/distributor name and address: This
All the key nutritional information, as it relates to each
individual pet can be found on the pet food label. Some of the details are required by Australian consumer law
and government bodies, but most of the information will be specific to the content and benefits of each particular
food e.g. nutrient levels, lifestage or specific health claims.
in the bag or can.
tells you who made the food and how to contact them if you have questions.
• Product traceability information: The date
code provided on every pet food label, allows the
manufacturer to pinpoint the exact production date
and the facility that produced that particular product.
In Australia, the Pet Food Industry Association
• Ingredient list: The ingredients on pet food labels
practice when it comes to the manufacture and sale
For example, if you see chicken listed as the first
(PFIAA) promotes standards of excellence and best of pet food. Although the PFIAA has no regulatory
authority, it does provide comprehensive guidance to its members and to consumers, which also includes
pet food labelling. The labelling guidance developed by PFIAA (AS 5812) is in alignment with globally recognised standards in Europe (FEDIAF) and Michael Zajac, Technical Education Manager, Nestlé Purina Petcare
Purina Pro Plan or Felix). It may also give an
time it comes to actually reading a label on a specific
product, it’s easy for our eyes to glaze over. However,
Dr Zara Boland, Purina Veterinarian, Nestlé Purina Petcare
• Overview: This identifies the brand name (e.g.
the US (AAFCO). In addition, the Australian
Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) plays a central role in ensuring fair trading.
According to PFIAA guidance, every pet food label
must contain the following items: 54 Pet Industry News | May/Jun/Jul 2022
are listed in descending order by content weight.
ingredient, you’ll know that your pet’s food has more chicken than any other ingredient on the list.
• Guaranteed analysis: The guaranteed analysis states the nutritional content of the food and ensures a certain
minimum or maximum percentage of essential nutrients. These must meet (or exceed) the AAFCO/Fediaf
nutrient guidelines. Nominally the guaranteed analysis
must include the minimum percentages of crude protein and crude fat plus the maximum percentages of crude
fibre and moisture. Percentage values for other nutrients are voluntary, but often included.