Desarrollo 2000 en África - English

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The iSA Project International Support Action International Web-based Diagnostic & Therapeutic Support for infectious diseases and oncology.

Development 2000 in Africa Barcelona (Spain)/Bata (Equatorial Guinea) Dito Eningo, Vice president and Treasurer D2000 Eugenio MartĂ­nez, Secretary and Relations Vocal with Institutions D2000 Alberto Nguema, Doctor at Bata General Hospital

Equatorial Guinea GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION • Located in the equatorial Africa, in the Gulf of Guinea • Continental region: mainland and islands of Corisco, Great Elobey and Small Elobey. The most important city is Bata (economic capital) Is bounded on the north by Cameroon, east and south by Gabon and the west by the Atlantic Ocean. • Insular Region: Bioko islands (where the capital, Malabo, is) and Annobon (at south of Santo Tome and Principe) TOTAL LENGTH 28,051 km (26,017 continental region and 2,034 insular region)

Equatorial Guinea • POPULATION approximately 1,250,000 people Living: subsistence farming, hunting and fishing Industry: oil, cocoa, coffee and timber • ETHNIC GROUPS Fangs Bubis Ndowes Ambos (Anoboneses) Bisios Fernandinos (Criollos) • OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Spanish. Furthermore, by its geographical location and as a member of the CEMAC (Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa): French and mother tongues of the country (Ndow, Bubi, Fang, Bisio, Ambo and Pidgin)

Equatorial Guinea •

Demographic Indicators: - Annual population growth rate (%): 2.4 - Is a young population: 44% <15 years (4%> 65 years) - Urban population: 49%. Rural: 51% - Crude mortality rate: 15 - Infant mortality rate under 5 years: 206 - Infant mortality rate (<1 year): 124 - Crude birth rate: 39 - Life expectancy at birth (years): 51

Equatorial Guinea • Nutritional indicators: - low weight birth infants (%): 13 - % under 5 years with moderate and severe underweight: 19 - % households consuming iodized salt: 33

• AIDS - HIV prevalence rate in adults (15-49 years ): 3.4 - Orphans aged 0-17 due to AIDS (thousands): 5 (estimated) - Orphans aged 0-17 due to all causes (thousands): 32 (estimated).

Equatorial Guinea • Health indicators: – % population using improved drinking water sources: 43 – % population using improved plumbing: 51 – % <5 years sleeping under a mosquito net: 15 – % <5 years sleeping under a impregnated mosquito net: 1 – % <5 with fever who receive antimalarial medicines: 49 – Births attended by skilled personnel (%): 65 – 0.48 doctors per 1,000 inhabitants.

Development 2000 in Africa (D2000) • Who are we? – Development in Africa (D2000) is an NGO founded in Barcelona in 1997 by a group of people in Equatorial Guinean and Spanish descent with close ties to Africa – basic objectives: to analyze, adapt, find resources and implement projects primarily designed from Africa for Africa – Africa always try to work with associations, institutions and universities several beneficiary countries operating principle: the projects we do, come to us directly requested by the recipient which thus becomes part of it as a counterpart. – This ensures not only the need for the project but also continuity

Development 2000 in Africa (D2000) • Main areas of action: – Health – Nutrition – construction of infrastructure (potable water wells, latrines ,...) – Environment – Education All of our projects put special emphasis on women and children

Development 2000 in Africa (D2000) Highlight some projects such as:

• Equatorial Guinea: – "Good Shepherd" rehabilitation school (Malabo) – Construction and implementation of the Gynecology Operating room (Mother and Child Pavilion, Hospital of Bata) – Full rehabilitation of Corisco Health Centre – Full complement of Cytology Laboratory and Pathology Anatomy (Faculty of Medicine, Hospital of Bata)

• Cameroon: – Complete construction of the Hospital emergency room CEBEC (Bonaberi)

Bôlôndô • Bôlôndô is located on the mainland, 41 km from Bata • It is a Town Council consisting of 5 villages: – Bôlôndô (with 2 villages, A and B), – Matondo (which includes three villages), – Bikubini and Mbomo.

• POPULATION approximately 1,900 people.

Bôlôndô Health Centre PROJECT DETAILS • Centre founded at the beginning of the twentieth century. • Property of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Equatorial Guinea. By agreement, the rights to manage the centre were transferred to D2000 for 20 years. • The project includes an integral action in which it develops Assistance, Training and Research. • Priority is given to protection of Maternal and Child Health and Sexual and Reproductive Health, promotion of women and environmental protection in the area.

Bôlôndô Health Centre • OBJECTIVE: To improve living conditions and socio-economic development of Bôlôndô population and its area of influence. • ACTIVITIES – Construction of water wells and latrines – Nutritional study and population surveys – Rehabilitation, equipment and hiring local staff – Posted Health Centre in operation (July 2008) – Trip of Spanish expatriate volunteers with assistance functions: • training of local staff and health workers recruited from the local population • health education and workshops with children.

Bôlôndô Health Centre • FACILITIES Existence of 2 buildings for the following facilities: – Pharmaceuticals – 2 medical consultations – 8 rooms with beds for hospital – operating room – Delivery room – 2 bathrooms with shower – Office – Library

B么l么nd么 Health Centre

Health Centre Exterior View (hospital building)

B么l么nd么 Health Centre

Health Centre Exterior View (ambulatory activity building)

B么l么nd么 Health Centre

Health Education in the School of B么l么nd么

Health Education in the School of B么l么nd么

Health Education in the School of B么l么nd么

Bata Regional Hospital • Founded in 1951 • Referral hospital for continental region: approximately 450,000 inhabitants • Hospital beds: 350 (220 operative: phase of rehabilitation)

Bata Regional Hospital • SPECIALTIES AND SERVICES: – – – – – – – – – – – –

Internal medicine: 38 beds Surgery: 27 beds Pediatrics: 31 beds Gynecology, obstetrics, neonatology: 55 beds ORL, ophthalmology Urology Dermatology Psychiatry Angiology Reference unit of infectious diseases (HIV): 17 beds Tisiology (tuberculosis): 43 beds ICU beds: 11 beds

Bata Regional Hospital • DIAGNOSTICS: – – – – –

ultrasound (2) Scanner clinical and microbiological laboratory pathology Anatomy radiology: today is derived for being under rehabilitation phase

Problems in pathology: – local fitting out – limited reagents – lack of qualified personnel in the country

Bata Regional Hospital • MORBIDITY (2008): – – – – – –

Malaria: 11,211 cases HIV: 4,398 cases Acute respiratory disease: 1,780 cases Acute diarrheal disease: 1,775 cases Typhoid fever: 693 Measles: 468 cases

– Number of births (2008): 2,472

Bata Regional Hospital • NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA (UNGE): – Faculty of Medical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine and School of Nursing) – placements for students in Bata Regional Hospital – Internet access is available through UNGE (not available in the hospital)

Bata Regional Hospital

Bata Regional Hospital

Bata Regional Hospital

Bata Regional Hospital

D2000 Functions in The iSA Project • Operational support and previous work needed, to be done to support diagnosis or treatment between different institutions and the General Hospital of Bata. • Assessment of new infrastructure and feasibility study in Equatorial Guinea and, especially, in the General Hospital of Bata. • Promote the existence of technologies to facilitate communication via the Internet.

D2000 Functions in The iSA Project • To Promote local policies (health institutions, administrative bodies, ...) to promote local commitment, viability and post-project sustainability and the acceptance of new technologies by professionals and management teams involved. • To promote the existence of local research groups, supported if necessary, by expatriates related to oncologic and infectious diseases.

D2000 Functions in The iSA Project • To promote coordination between the General Hospital of Bata and the National University of Equatorial Guinea (UNGE) and the involvement of professionals and students of medicine and nursing. • Creating local internal links between the General Hospital of Bata and Bôlôndô Health Centre. • Collaborate in the final evaluation of the local project. • Diffusion of the project's existence and subsequently the results.

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