Kenyatta National Hospital - University of Nairobi - English

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The iSA Project International Support Action Web-based Diagnostic & Therapeutic Support

UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES Nairobi, Kenya Mwanda W.O. Head of Haematology and Blood Transfusion Unit - Pediatric Oncology

Geographic Location • The institution is located in Nairobi, Kenya • The population of country is 38 million • The population of city/region is 3.5 million • Kenya is a diverse country with a rich culture

History & Culture • The organization was founded in 1967 by the Kenyan Government. • Became an East African concept in 1949 aimed at providing higher technical education for all the territories of East Africa. • 1951 Royal Charter – Royal Technical education for all territories of East Africa. • April 1954 Royal Technical College of East Africa – first students April 1956 25th June 1961.

History & Culture • The royal Technical College of East African in Royal College of Nairobi. 20th May, 1964 this is Royal College of Nairobi. • In 1967 faculty of medicine inaugurated. • The University East Africa was dissolved with effect from 1st July 1970 and the three country set up their national university. • By an act of parliament UON formally inaugurated. • In 1974 Pharmacy, Biochemistry and Dentistry were established. • Now these are six colleges including College of Health Sciences.

Medical Services • Kenyatta National Hospital The population covered by the hospital is large. Main teaching, referral hospital in Kenya • Bed capacity is 2400 • Annual inpatient attendance 72,868 • Annual out patient attendance 506,563 • Mortality 65,760 • The technological resources available Internet connection, CT/MRI scanners, Radiography, microscopes, Echography.

Infectious Diseases & Oncology Statistics • TB load in HIV Cases at Kenyatta National Hospital (2007 Central med records) – – – –

HIV with TB Cases: 1,884 HIV without TB Cases: 3,853 Total Cases 5,737 % TB Load (HIV with TB/HIV without TB100) 33.

Cancer Cases in Kenyatta National Hospital (2007) • • • • • • • • • •

Malignant neoplasm of Esophagus 227 Malignant neoplasm of cervix & uteri 198 Malignant neoplasm of breast 172 Leukemia 136 Lymphomas 135 Kaposis sarcoma 109 Malignant neoplasm nasopharynx 117 Neoplasm of stomach 104 Malignant neoplasm of liver & intrahepatic bile ducts 98 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill defined sites

Paediatrics Cancer • Total paediatrics cancer admissions: 787. Distribution as follows; – – – –

Lymphomas 51% (Burkitt´s 96%), leukaemia,17% nephroblastoma 16%, Soft tissue sarcomas, retinoblastomas, Hodgkin´s lymphomas

Our iSA Project Team • • • • • • •

Project General Manager: Joseph Waigwi Infectious Diseases Manager: Prof Anzala Omu Pediatrics Oncology Manager: Prof. W.O. Mwanda Adults Oncology Manager: Dr. Kiarie Medical Assistants: Wangeci Gacibi IT Manager: Hadda Aketch Administration Manager: Alfreda Marenya

Internal Cooperation Links • Main Referral and Teaching Hospital • There are no transport difficulties to take patients from/to and to/from cooperative hospital • It is easy to set up Internet teleconsultations with the cooperative hospital/center

iSA Training • The iSA project will be useful for training in Anatomic pathology, Immunohistochemistry, molecular diagnostic and specialized technicians.

Cooperation with Academic Institutions • The iSA project will enable the exchange of learning materials, consultation within universities, colleges, schools.

General needs in our hospital • • • • •

Space Chemotherapy Radiologist Molecular diagnostic Communication within the hospital departments still not modernized for quick release of results

Conclusions • Improve networking among doctors and scientists in the area of cancer. • Share medical information, improve consultative and consultative practice. • Improve confidence in those providing services. • Enable availability of some specialized medical services in areas outside main cities in Kenya.

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