Jet Stream The
Friday, December 04, 2015 Vol. 50, No. 48 Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, S.C.
“The noise you hear is the sound of freedom.”
Mike and November Company Graduates See Page 9
2 3 3
SACC: Leading the way to wellness– Page 4
Marine Aircraft Group 31 awards NCO of the Quarter– Page 4
First female Marine takes command of engineer battalion– Page 7
VMFT-401 arrives in Fightertown, trains with Warlords
Story and photos on Page 8 Photo by Sgt. Dengrier M. Baez
F-5N Tiger II aircraft rest on the flight line aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 3. The aircraft arrived at the air station to support Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501 in air-to-air training from Dec. 2-Dec. 11. Marine Fighter Training Squadron 401 brought five F-5N Tiger II aircraft to support red air for VMFAT-501. Red air is the adversary forces for air-to-air training.
MCAS football teams compete for bragging rights
VMFA-122 returns home after participating in ITX
An F/A-18C Hornet rests on the flight line Dec. 1 aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort after returning from Integrated Training Exercise aboard Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center Twenty-nine Palms Calif., from Oct. 16 - Nov. 20. Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122 conducted the training exercise to prepare for an upcoming deployment in early 2016. VMFA-122 is with Marine Aircraft Group 31.
Story and photos by: Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres Staff Writer
Photo by Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres
A Marine drops back for a pass during the 2015 Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Intramural Football Tournament aboard the air station Nov. 23. The tournament, hosted by Marine Corps Community Services, is a flag football league made of 13 teams of Marines from different units aboard the air station. see
FOOTBALL, page 6
Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122 returned to Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Nov. 19 after participating in Integrated Training Exercise from Oct. 16 - Nov. 19. The exercise was held aboard Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif. The training event used all components of the Marine Air-Ground Task Force to accomplish the mission. “This was the last big training exercise we did before our next deployment,” said Sgt. Maj. Richard
Ayala, the sergeant major of VMFA-122. The Marines of VMFA-122 conducted close air support exercises, armed reconnaissance, dropped live ordnance, and executed expeditionary operations training to increase proficiency and combat effectiveness. “The exercise started out with a very generic scenario,” said Capt. Benjamin Switzer, the operations officer for VMFA-122 and F/A-18 pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force. “There was a known target area, and all fire, land and air, was directed towards the enemy. Each scenario advanced from there.” see
VMFA-122, page 8
The Jet Stream
Games and Entertainment
Friday, December 04, 2015
MCAS Beaufort Movie Schedule
Saturday 4:30 p.m. PG-13 (2:11)
Saturday 2 p.m. PG (2:00)
Mess Hall Menu
Saturday 7:00 p.m. R (2:02)
MCRD Parris Island Movie Schedule
Monday - Friday Saturday, Sunday Breakfast: 6 - 7:30 a.m. and holidays Lunch: 11 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Brunch: 8:30 - 11 a.m. Dinner: 4 - 6 p.m. Dinner: 4 - 6 p.m. Midrats Sunday - Thursday 11:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. Takeout window hours Breakfast - Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Lunch - Mon. - Fri. 12:45 p.m. - 4 p.m. Dinner - Mon. - Fri. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday Lunch Dinner Shrimp cocktail, fried Bayou jerk pork loin chicken, steak and rice Lunch Salmon with cucumber relish
Sunday 2 p.m. PG (1:43)
Sunday 4:30 p.m. PG-13 (1:46)
Sunday 7:00 p.m. PG-13 (2:08)
TV Dads Word Search
Dinner Baked ziti with italian sausage
Monday - Friday Breakfast Hot farina, hot hominy grits and oven-fried bacon Monday Dinner Lunch Spicy shrimp with Baked smoked ham cheesy grits and sweet potatoes Tuesday Dinner Lunch Herbed roast pork Chicken and dumploin with pan gravy lings and rice Wednesday Dinner Lunch Manhattan clam Roast turkey and chowder green beans Thursday Dinner Lunch Apple glazed corn Arroz con pollo and beef and squash garlic bread Friday Dinner Lunch Chili macaroni and Herbed baked green beans chicken and carrots
Chapel Services Roman Catholic • 9:30 a.m. - Sunday Mass • Confession takes place before Mass • Confession Monday - Thursday at noon Protestant • 9:45 a.m. - Protestant Church School (Sunday School) • 11 a.m. - Protestant Sunday Worship Service (Children’s church is also available at this time) • 5 p.m. - Wednesday Protestant Bible Study • 5 p.m. - Saturday Worship Service at Laurel Bay Youth Center Buddhist • 11 a.m. - Saturday Worship Service in the Chapel Fellowship Hall Labyrinth Walk • 8 a.m - 4 p.m. - Monday in the Chapel Fellowship Hall Other Faith Groups • For Jewish, Mormon and Islamic support, contact the Chaplain’s Office at 228-7775
See something suspicious Say something.
Word Bank
Nov 27th solution
Call (843) 228-6710 / 911 - IMMEDIATELY
MCAS Beaufort Station Inspector Sexual Assault Response Coordinator Force Protection information and concerns PMO Dispatch Severe Weather and Force Protection
228-7789 228-6904 228-6924
Nov 27th solution
228-6710 1-800-343-0639
Sexual Assault The contact number for a Uniformed Victim Advocate is 592-0646. This number can get you in contact with a UVA 24 hours a day.
Fraud, Waste and Abuse
If you know of or suspect any fraud, waste or abuse aboard MCAS Beaufort, call 228-7777. If you know of or suspect any fraud, waste or abuse within MAG-31, call (252) 466-5038. The automated answering service on these lines is available 24 hours a day.
Answer to this week’s puzzles will be available in next week’s edition of The Jet Stream.
Command Information
The Jet Stream
MCRD Parris Island All Weather Training Facility Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. MCAS Beaufort Station Theater Wednesday, 17 February 2016, 1:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m. The Storm Spotter Program was created by the National Weather Service (NWS) to improve warning services. The NWS needs real-time reports of hail size, wind damage, flash flooding, heavy rain, tornadoes, and waterspouts to effectively warn the public of inclement weather. Even as new technology allows the NWS to issue
warnings with more lead time, spotters are needed as links between radar indications of severe weather and ground truth. Storm Spotter volunteers serve as severe weather spotters for the NWS and local emergency management programs, and generally have two things in common - an interest in the weather and a desire to serve their community. Two sessions available; you need only attend one. Completion results in being a Certified Storm Spotter. Free to DOD-affiliated personnel 18 and above (base access credentials required to attend). To Register contact your Mission Assurance or Emergency Management point of contact below:
MCRD Parris Island Mr. Walt Wierzbicki 843-228-2024 MCAS Beaufort Mr. Robert Ijames 843-228-6985 Naval Hospital Beaufort Mr. Ron Marcell 843-228-5494 ronald.v.marcell.civ@mail. mil n The following items were found aboard Marine Corps Air station Beaufort. • Black Husky Tool Kit • IPAD • Motorola Phone • Huffy Bike • Travel Cooler
December 4, 1950: Fishing pole and reel
If anyone would like to claim an item please contact James Caswell from the Provost Marshal’s Office at (843) 228-6335. n Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held at the Station Chapel aboard MCAS Beaufort every Monday at 6 p.m. and Thursday at 10 a.m. Meetings are open to all service members, veterans, and civilians within the TriCommand. n The photocopying of U.S. Government identification cards is a violation of Title 18, U.S. Code Part 1, Chapter 33, Section 701 and punishable by fine and imprisonment.
Chaplain’s Corner
Quick fixes and long term solutions to pay off the debt to society and to God that Here are some positive examples. When you they think they owe, but they do not really get attend one of the PREP classes we offer here anything out of the service and they quickly in conjunction with the MCCS folks, you get wander away. tools to help you and your spouse to commuEvery week someone comes to my office But then one day my Dad found a com- nicate with each other so that you do not get with a pressing problem that has to be fixed pletely different understanding of church and into a spiral of defeat and despair that breaks “right now.” Usually the service member or that changed everything for him. Now my Dad up your marriage. spouse wants a quick fix. Can they come When you and your see me one time and get family attend one of the everything they need to worship services here on a fix a marriage or fix a regular basis you begin to “When you and your family attend one of the legal problem or fix some get in touch with God and other problem? that will change how you worship services here on a regular basis you begin But the fact is that most look at church, the Marine things that need to be Corps and life. fixed “right now” took a When your kids attend to get in touch with God and that will change how long time to get that way the monthly Youth Group and will take a long time meetings at the chapel, or you look at church, the Marine Corps and life.” to get fixed. So what do Sunday School, or CCD we do? for the Catholics, they - Cmdr. Bill Holliman Let me begin by saybegin to get some moral ing that most of what material to work with that the Religious Ministries helps them to make sense Program on the base is of their experiences and about is not quick fixes. what God is doing in the We are about long term world. solutions. Let me give you some examples. is an assistant pastor at his church. When you attend the Christian Women’s When my Dad was a young Sailor he was One of my friends is involved in the AA pro- Fellowship you get something that will exhilaa mess. But he attended Church because he gram. He told me that he used to go to AA and rate your soul and give you some fun with the thought that would make up for the bad things then drink on the way home. It was a long time other women who attend. he had done during the week. It was a sort of of going to AA and then drinking before he Will any of these instantly solve the “right penance for all the ways he was not a good was able to go to AA and not drink. Something now” problems you face? Of course not. But Christian. Dad was not a hypocrite; he knew changed for him and that changed everything. all of these will help you to have long term he was a mess. It was just that he thought I could go on, but if you read this far you solutions instead. And really wouldn’t you like attending church would pay off his debt. I have know that when we are looking for a quick fix, to have long term solutions to your problems often seen that attitude in Marines who get in it does not work. But when we look for long instead of a quick fix that doesn’t really fix trouble. They come to Church once or twice term solutions, that does work. anything? By William Holiman, CDR, CHC, MCAS Command Chaplain
Fightertown deployed: MWSS-273 Sweathogs have a detachment of Marines currently deployed to Spain in support of SpecialPurpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response-Africa.
VMFA-312 Checkerboards are currently deployed to the Western Pacific as part of the Unit Deployment Program.
MALS-31 Stingers have detachments currently deployed to the Western Pacific supporting VMFA-251, VMFA-312, and VMFA(AW)-224.
Did you know...
HAPPENINGS n National Weather Service Storm Spotter Training
Friday, December 04, 2015
VMFA(AW)-224 Bengals are currently deployed to the Western Pacific as part of the Unit Deployment Program.
LtCol Raymond G. Davis led his battalion into Hagaru-Ri, Korea after four days of intense fighting in the mountain passes against a numerically superior hostile force. His battalion, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, helped clear the way for the 5th and 7th Marines, and LtCol Davis was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism.
Persistent El Nino conditions will provide a winter similar to last year for the United States. Beaufort County will be wetter and cooler than normal. Additionally, there will be a higher risk for severe weather, including tornadoes and possible floods. Be prepared for drastic changes in temperatures and precipitation. Monitor the latest forecasts and briefings from the National Weather Service in order to prepare your home and family for any extreme weather. Ensure you take extra precautions when travelling.
Jet Stream The
Contact us: 228-7225 Commanding Officer MCAS Beaufort Col. Peter D. Buck
Public Affairs Officer Capt. Clayton Groover
Public Affairs Chief Sgt. Dengrier M. Baez
Press Chief
Sgt. Dengrier M. Baez
Community Relations/Staff Writers Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy
Tri-Command Weather 7 Day Forecast
Editor’s note: We at The Jet Stream care about our reader’s opinion. In reaching our goal to put out the best possible product, we understand the importance of your feedback. Please add a comment to the “How can we improve The Jet Stream?” topic on our www. discussion board on how we can better your base newspaper. Published by the Savannah Morning News, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense, the United States Marine Corps, the United States Navy, or Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, S.C., under exclusive written contract with the United States Marine Corps. This commercial-enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Marine Corps or the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD, the Marine Corps, the Navy, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, S.C., or the Savannah Morning News of the products or services advertised. Everything in this newspaper shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the contractor shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content (i.e., all content other than paid advertisements) is edited, prepared and provided by the public affairs office of the installation. All queries concerning news and editorial content should be directed to: Jet Stream, Marine Corps Public Affairs Office, P.O. Box 55001, MCAS Beaufort, S.C., 29904 or (843) 228-7225. All queries concerning business matters or display ads should be directed to the Savannah Morning News at (843) 815-0800.
The Jet Stream
In Other News
Friday, December 04, 2015
SACC: Leading the way to wellness
The Substance Abuse Counseling Center Beaufort earned its second accreditation in the top three percent by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities Nov. 18. SACC treated more than 200 cases this year dealing with substance abuse. Due to their dedication of providing the best services and safest environment for clients and staff, the facility earned the high level accreditation and recognition from CARF international.
Story and photos by: Sgt. Dengrier M. Baez Public Affairs Chief
The road to recovery can be a long and difficult one. Once the problem is identified, the next step is to seek the right help. One place in the Tri-Command sits at the top when it comes to helping those who desire to walk on the path to wellness. The Substance Abuse Counseling Center Beaufort, with its 9-member staff, treated more than 200 cases this year dealing with substance abuse. Through their dedication of providing the best services and safest environment for clients and staff, the facility earned an accreditation in the top three percent by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities Nov. 18. This is the second consecutive time the facility has earned the high level accreditation. “It’s very meaningful to get that level of achievement,” said Don McRae, the clinical supervisor of SACC. “I think this speaks volume regarding the professionalism of the counseling staff here.” CARF International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services. The group of companies currently accredits more than 50,000 programs and services at 23,000 locations. More than
8 million persons of all ages are served annually by 6,800 CARF-accredited service providers. CARF accreditation extends to countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, according to its website. One area of the survey involved a physical inspection of the facility’s safety. This area proved to be challenging due to the building’s age which was built in the late 1890s. Small but significant improvements were made to ensure the safety of the clients and the staff. The addition of a light at the entrance for when it is dark, railing and signs at the steps, and additional emergency lighting were some of the safety upgrades. “We’re always looking to make improvements,” said Carol Beasley, the health and safety officer for SACC. “It’s better for everyone, the staff and the clients, because we’re providing them with a safe facility.” The center exists to provide treatment services to maximize force preservation and readiness through prevention, deterrence, identification and early intervention, of substance misuse, and substance use disorders according to SACC mission statement. Over the fiscal year period there have been more than 200 substance related screenings conducted by the center. Eighty
The Substance Abuse Counseling Center Beaufort earned its second accreditation in the top three percent by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities Nov. 18. SACC treated more than 200 cases this year dealing with substance abuse. Due to their dedication of providing the best services and safest environment for clients and staff, the facility earned the high level accreditation and recognition from CARF international.
percent of the screenings were alcohol related, 18 percent were drug related, and two percent were for other reasons, according to SACC annual substance use screening statistics. “Alcoholism is a problem that gets worse as it goes on as it goes untreated,” said McRae. “Alcoholism is considered a medical issue just like diabetes or any other disease. The target for of the substance abuse treatment program is to have no more than 10 percent readmission within a fiscal year. Of the total persons served for the fiscal year 2015, 21 were re-admission clients bringing the recidivism to nine percent- a decrease from the previous year in which the center was nearly double the target goal, according to the screening statistics. “The leadership involvement is crucial,” said Jose Lugo, the program director for SACC. “We offer education on substance abuse prevention to the units. Those commands that utilize it see an improvement.” The majority of screenings SACC receives are from command referral, meaning a problem was identified by the Marine or sailor’s chain of command or substance abuse control officer. Very few clients are self-referred but the SACC staff encourages those who need help to seek it early. The alcohol prevention specialist and the
drug demand coordinator offer outreach and education programs tailored to meet the need of individual commands. Prime for Life 4.5 is the four and a half hour class offered to commands on their installations to educate the Marines and sailors. “Don’t wait for something to happen to get help,” said Lugo. “The command has to be informed about the referral because they have to sign off on it but that doesn’t mean trouble necessarily. Most of the people who are walk-ins get discouraged when they find this out and end up coming back under other circumstances.” Also, SACC offers an outpatient treatment and intensive outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment is offered to individuals who have been diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder. Intensive outpatient treatment is offered to individuals who need a higher level of care. “We like for them to figure out the solution and we want to empower them,” said Lugo. “They could do it. We’re just an avenue that they could use. We are here to help.” For more information on substance abuse education contact the unit SACO or visit SACC located in the Behavioral Health Branch located next to the Lyceum aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island.
Marine Aircraft Group 31 awards NCO of the Quarter
Sgt. Ian Mills was awarded the Marine Aircraft Group 31 noncommissioned officer of the quarter during a ceremony held aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 1. Mills is the operations NCO for Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 31, MAG-31.
Story and photos by: Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres Staff Writer
NCO Creed. A selected few embodied it and are recognize by their leadership. Sgt. Ian Mills was awarded the Marine Aircraft Group 31 NCO of the quarter “I am an NCO dedicated to training during a ceremony held aboard Manew Marines and influencing the old. rine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 1. I am forever conscious of each Marine Mills is the operations NCO for Marine under my charge, and by example will Aviation Logistics Squadron 31 aboard inspire them to the highest standards Fightertown. possible. I will strive to be patient, The selection process starts at the lowunderstanding, just, and firm. I will com- est unit level as one representative from mend the deserving and encourage the the work section can represent the unit wayward. I will never forget that I am at a board. If the Marine wins, then they responsible to my Commanding Officer go on to represent the next level of the for the morale, discipline, and efficiency unit on the next board and so on. of my Men. Their performance will “I had a lot of adversity to overcome in reflect an image of me,” Noncommismy career,” said Mills. “From getting in sioned Officer Creed. trouble as a Lance Corporal to getting Marine NCOs live and conduct themNCO of the quarter was a big step for selves according to the aforementioned me. Set high goals and achieve them.”
Sgt. Ian Mills was awarded the Marine Aircraft Group 31 noncommissioned officer of the quarter during a ceremony held aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 1. Mills is the operations NCO for Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 31, MAG-31.
The young sergeant has distinguished himself during his career. As a Corporals Course graduate he received the Gung Ho award, an achievement given to the student who demonstrates the most Marine Corps esprit de Corps. He has also read multiple books on the Commandant’s reading list and completed a senior enlisted professional military education— a course reserved for staff noncommissioned officers. “Always approach everything with a can do attitude,” said Mills. “Don’t let anger or frustration stop you from achieving your goals.” His achievements extended far out of the workplace by volunteering multiple hours at the local hospital, youth football league, and helping restore headstones at the Beaufort National
Cemetery. Mills embodies the competitive nature of the Marine Corps. He is involved in off-duty education and tries to complete additional PMEs to stay ahead. He not only works to better himself but also to better the lives of his Marines. “I’m a (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) black belt instructor,” said Mills. “In my off time I offer to train Marines to help them belt-up.” Mills’ motivation to be a better leader not only comes from the Marines but also from the betterment of the Marine Corps. “I just try to give one hundred percent every day,” said Mills. “As Marines, we have to do our best. When you do something, don’t just do it for yourself, do it to betterment the Corps.”
The Jet Stream
Sunday, December 6 9:30 am 11:00 am Celebration of St. Nicholas Sunday, December 6th CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS 5:00 pm PAGEANT Monday, December 7th Vigil of the Immaculate 6:00 pm None Conception Tuesday, December 8th Feast Day of the 11:30 am None Immaculate Conception Thursday, December 24th 5:00 pm 6:30 pm CHRISTMAS EVE Friday, December 25th 10:00 am None CHRISTMAS DAY Thursday, December 31st 5:00 pm None NEW YEAR’S EVE ***** No New Year’s Day Services *****
Friday, December 04, 2015
The Jet Stream
Friday, December 04, 2015
FOOTBALL continued from page 1
Story and photos by: Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres Staff Writer When the sun goes down, the players come out. The lights are turned on and sweat begins to drip. The 2015 Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Intramural Football Tournament kicked off Nov. 23 with round one of the tournament between 13 teams. The tournament, hosted by Marine Corps Community Services South Carolina, is a flag football league made of teams of Marines from different units aboard the air station. “Marines are very competitive, but we play to have fun and show our competitive nature towards other units,” said GySgt. Stephen Teasdell, the warehouse chief for Marine Wing Support Squadron 273, and head coach for the Boss Hogs flag football team. During the last game of the regular season for the Boss Hogs, the score remained close as they played the Blue Falcons, a team with the same record. The first touchdown was scored by the Blue Falcons, putting them in the lead. The weather was in the low 30s, but the cold temperatures did not stop the Boss Hogs from making a comeback after halftime.
Yelling ‘eat all day’ after each successful play, The Boss Hogs inched in to what it seemed like a sure victory. The score was close, with the Boss Hogs having the lead in the second half, but as the game came to a close, the Blue Falcons squeezed in the last touchdown for a winning score of 20-19, the first loss of the season for the Boss Hogs. The Boss Hogs are now 4-1 and will go into the last competition tied for first with the Blue Falcons. “The feeling I get when I’m coaching this team is awesome,” said Teasdell. “When we are out there playing, the Marines are all about business, but never forget to have fun.” The regular season is now over, and the playoffs will begin with a clean slate for everyone. Despite their winning records, it’s now about avoiding elimination to keep a spot in the playoff bracket. In the 12th and final game, the two remaining teams will play until one walks away with the trophy and bragging rights. The underdog in the bracket tournament is team Motor Tuh, with a record of 0-5. Motor Tuh has an opportunity to make a comeback when they face The Squad who is 3-3. The playoff games are scheduled to be played at the athletic fields across the street from the barracks aboard the air station for the next two weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
More of the Story
A Marine breaks a tackle during the 2015 Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Intramural Football Tournament aboard the air station Nov. 23. The tournament, hosted by Marine Corps Community Services South Carolina, is a flag football league made of 13 teams of Marines from different units aboard the air station.
A Marine eludes tacklers during the 2015 Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Intramural Football Tournament aboard the air station Nov. 23. The tournament, hosted by Marine Corps Community Services South Carolina, is a flag football league made of 13 teams of Marines from different units aboard the air station.
A Marine sets at the line of scrimmage during the 2015 Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Intramural Football Tournament aboard the air station Nov. 23. The tournament, hosted by Marine Corps Community Services South Carolina, is a flag football league made of 13 teams of Marines from different units aboard the air station.
A Marine receives the ball at the line of scrimmage during the 2015 Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Intramural Football Tournament aboard the air station Nov. 23. The tournament, hosted by Marine Corps Community Services South Carolina, is a flag football league made of 13 teams of Marines from different units aboard the air station.
Around the Corps
The Jet Stream
Friday, December 04, 2015
First female Marine takes command of engineer battalion
Lt. Col. Lauren Edwards gives a speech during the 8th Engineer Support Battalion change of command ceremony at Camp Lejeune, N.C., Nov. 30. “I’m extraordinarily proud to take command of 8th ESB today, and I hope that all Marines and Sailors in this battalion recognize that if they work hard and look out for each other they can accomplish whatever they the set their minds to,” said Edwards. Edwards’ new responsibility, as the first female commander of an ESB, will be to provide engineer support to II Marine Expeditionary Force.
Story and photos by: Cpl Ryan Young II Marine Expeditionary Force
each other they can accomplish whatever they set their minds to.” Edwards’ new responsibility, as the first female commander of an Marine Corps Base Camp ESB, will be to provide engineer Lejeune, N.C. -- Lt. Col. Lauren Ed- support to II Marine Expeditionwards made Marine Corps history ary Force. when she took command of the “Engineer support battalions service’s 8th Engineer Support are very much the life support of Battalion at Marine Corps Base a MEF,” said Edwards. “We are a Camp Lejeune, Nov. 30. large unit that can be tasked to “My charge now is to serve as a perform a myriad of engineering positive example of leadership tasks across the battlefield.” and professionalism to men and Edwards was commissioned as women alike,” said Edwards. “I’m a 2nd Lt. on Aug. 14, 1998 and extraordinarily proud to take finished as an honor graduate at command of 8th ESB today, and I the Combat Engineer Officer’s hope that all Marines and sailors Course. in this battalion recognize that if While deployed in support they work hard and look out for of Operation Iraqi Freedom,
Edwards received a Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with a Combat ‘V’ for her actions as a forward arming and refueling point team commander, Marine Wing Support Squadron 371, Marine Wing Support Group 37. Two years ago, Edwards was named one of Business Insider’s 14 Most Impressive Women in the Military. “I’ve been very lucky to have a breadth of operational experiences, and it was an honor to be recognized,” said Edwards. This will be Edwards second time serving with 8th ESB; she was the battalion executive officer from late 2008 to early 2009.
Lt. Col. David Morris, right, passes the battalion colors to Lt. Col. Lauren Edwards during the 8th Engineer Support Battalion change of command ceremony at Camp Lejeune, N.C., Nov. 30, “Being a commander is not just an honor, it’s not just a billet; I think it’s a charge to keep,” said Edwards. Edwards’ new responsibility, as the first female commander of an ESB, will be to provide engineer support to II Marine Expeditionary Forces.
The Jet Stream
More of the Story
Friday, December 04, 2015
An F-5N Tiger II taxis after landing aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort in Dec. 3 to support Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501 in air-to-air training from Dec. 2-Dec. 11. Marine Fighter Training Squadron 401 brought five F-5N Tiger II aircraft to support red air for VMFAT-501, an F-35 training squadron. Red air is the adversary forces for air-to-air training simulating threat country tactics. The jet is with VMFT-401.
be providing them with a 4 versus 4 each day, totaling continued from page 1 eight sorties per day.” The squadron brought five Story and photos by: F-5N Tiger II aircraft to supSgt. Dengrier M Baez port dissimilar air combat Public Affairs Chief training for VMFAT-501. Red air is the adversary Marine Fighter Training forces for air-to-air trainSquadron 401 arrived at ing simulating dissimilar Marine Corps Air Station air tactics. Approximately Beaufort Dec. 1 to sup30 Marines made the trip port Marine Fighter Attack along with the aircraft. Training Squadron 501 in “We are very happy to air-to-air training from Dec. be out here to support 2-Dec. 11. VMFAT-501,” said Lt. Col. Bill The “Snipers” of VMFTSheridan, commanding of401are the only adversary ficer of VMFT-401. “Undersquadron in the Marine standing fleet replacement Corps. Based out of MCAS squadron training is very Yuma, VMFT-401 is a Marine important to future pilot Corps Reserve fighter production especially as squadron and belongs to the squadron starts standMarine Aircraft Group 41, ing up, I think we’re going 4th Marine Aircraft Wing. to help out pretty signifi“VMFAT-501 sent us a cantly over the next couple feasibility support request of years, and to be part of to come and support red that is very special.” air for them,” said Maj. Beau Operating aboard the air Wisdom, the operations station can bring up certain officer for VMFT-401. “Our challenges for visiting mission here is to specifisquadrons that train on the cally provide support for facility, but that is not the the training squadron. We’ll case for VMFT-401.
“It’s not any different operating here,” said Wisdom. “We deploy frequently because we go where the support is needed. We provide support for Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One, Fleet Marine Forces and fleet replacement squadrons.” The squadron consistently supports Weapons and Tactics Instructor Courses and assists squadrons in air-to-air training. “Besides WTIs, we also support the Marine Division Tactics Course,” said Wisdom. “Once we are done with this training, we’ll be back here in support of MDTC from January to February.” MDTC will provide aircrew and controllers with instruction in order to employ tactical jet aircraft in complex air-to-air environments. “It’s always great to be out here in Beaufort,” said Sheridan. “We get a lot of support and we’re very grateful to everybody here.”
An F-5N Tiger II taxis after landing aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort in Dec. 3 to support Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501 in air-to-air training from Dec. 2-Dec. 11. Marine Fighter Training Squadron 401 brought five F-5N Tiger II aircraft to support red air for VMFAT-501. Red air is the adversary forces for air-to-air training.
Photo by Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres
A Marine performs maintenance on an F/A-18C Hornet on the flight line Dec. 1 aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort after returning from Integrated Training Exercise held at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif., from Oct. 16- Nov. 20. Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122 returned to the air station after a 38-day integrated training exercise. VMFA-122 conducted the training exercise to prepare for an upcoming deployment in early 2016. The jet and Marine are with VMFA-122, Marine Aircraft Group 31.
VMFA-122 continued from page 1
The intent of the exercise was for Marines to be prepared to support planning and flight operations from the supplementary expeditionary landing field aboard the combat center. “The overall goal of the exercise was to provide realistic training for each individual component, but at the same time integrate all elements together,” said Switzer. “Ground elements such as tanks, infantry, scout snipers, artillery, and air elements such as F-18s and a combat search and
rescue element from the Air Force were just a few moving pieces incorporated into the exercise.” The pre-deployment training was conducted to increase combat proficiency and readiness, according to Maj. Matthew Halbert, the executive officer of VMFA-122. “The squadron will be deploying as part of the Western Pacific Unit Deployment Program based out of MCAS Iwakuni, Japan in early 2016,” said Halbert. The upcoming deployment for VMFA-122 will
support Marine Aircraft Group 12, and increase combat power and interoperability with our Asia-Pacific partners. “The Marines did phenomenal work, and worked long hours,” said Halbert. “The squadron increased its proficiency in flight operations and maintenance, and the Marines provided stellar support to the ITX which resulted in a successful exercise and quality training for all participating units.”
Photo by Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres
An F/A- 18C Hornet rests on the flight line Dec. 1 aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort after returning from Integrated Training Exercise aboard Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif., from Oct. 16- Nov. 20. Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122 conducted the training exercise to prepare for an upcoming deployment in early 2016 and to increase combat proficiency and readiness. The jet is with VMFA-122, Marine Aircraft Group 31.
The Jet Stream
Friday, December 04, 2015
Mike & November Company Graduates Honor Graduates
Platoon 3088
Platoon 3093
Pfc. M. Commander, New London, CT Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. P. B. Figareau
Pfc. N. A. Rousseau, Lewiston, ME Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. M. L. Murray
Platoon 3089
Platoon 3094
Pfc. J. C. McMillian, Amelia, VA Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. M. D. Patterson
Pfc. J. D. James, Mobile, AL Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. J. M. Ramey
Platoon 3090
Platoon 4040
Pfc. C. C. Claxton Jr., Orlando, FL Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. C. P. English
Pfc. K. Peterson, Rutland, MA Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. S. D. Limbo
Platoon 3092
Platoon 4039
Pfc. W. M. Grant, North Fort Meyers, FL Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. N. D. McLain
Pfc. L. Henriquez, Manhattan, NY Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. A. E. Debose
Platoon 3088
Pfc. J. S. Aube , Pvt. J. P. Bailey , Pfc. J. S. Banks , Pfc. M. A. Bennett Jr. , Pvt. J. H. Blackmon , Pfc. A. J. Bloomer , Pvt. T. A. Bolin , Pvt. B. A. Bowles , Pfc. J. L. Bradley , Pvt. M. D. Breyer , Pfc. M. J. Brown* , Pvt. G. D. Cheney , Pfc. B. M. Clark , Pvt. J. D. Clark , Pfc. M. Commander , Pvt. A. M. Cornman , Pfc. N. C. Costigan , Pvt. C. J. Davey , Pvt. B. M. Decker , Pvt. R. Distefano , Pfc. A. J. Dove , Pfc. C. L. Duncan II , Pvt. E. D. Duncan , Pfc. F. Durantejada Jr. , Pvt. D. C. Eaton III , Pfc. A. T. Elswick , Pvt. A. L. Farrell , Pvt. C. J. Featherman , Pvt. M. J. Fiasconaro , Pvt. M. A. Flannery , Pvt. D. L. Foster , Pfc. T. J. Fox , Pvt. A. S. Fragnito III , Pfc. D. T. Fragopoulos , Pvt. L. Francoeur , Pvt. J. P. Funkhouser , Pfc. B. A. Haddox , Pvt. C. E. Hall. , Pfc. A. D. Harris , Pfc. N. T. Harvey , Pfc. H. W. Henderson , Pvt. K. B. Hickman , Pvt. D. W. Hicks , Pfc. C. T. Holloman , Pfc. R. B. Honeycutt , Pvt. E. E. Hossler III , Pfc. J. B. Huffman , Pfc. C. J. Jenkins , Pvt. A. C. Jordan , Pfc. L. M. Kinsey , Pvt. S. K. Lee , Pfc. M. D. Lockheart , Pvt. H. A. Maynard , Pfc. S. A. McCrea , Pvt. D. W. McDaniel , Pvt. I. A. McMillan , Pfc. F. C. Nolan , Pfc. J. D. Paxton , Pvt. D. P. Peterson , Pvt. R. E. Pierce , Pvt. T. K. Pitts , Pfc. J. E. Roberts , Pfc. C. A. Rogers , Pfc. B. J. Ross , Pfc. M. B. Scott , Pfc. T. K. Senters , Pfc. A. J. Shannon* , Pfc. T. G. Shirley , Pfc. D. Simmons Jr. , Pvt. J. H. Skeen , Pvt. C. S. Slayton , Pvt. A. L. Smith , Pfc. T. M. Starnes , Pfc. J. S. Stegall , Pfc. J. F. Stroupe* , Pfc. C. J. Summers , Pvt. J. L. Swisher , Pvt. T. T. Talbert , Pvt. S. A. Talverdi , Pfc. T. A. Thompson* , Pvt. R. A. Topetepatino , Pvt. S. J. Troiano , Pvt. J. P. Tucker , Pvt. W. C. West , Pvt. J. J. White III , Pfc. L. J. White* , Pvt. B. E. Wittman , Pvt. D. D. Worley
Platoon 3089
Pvt. K. A. Acton , Pfc. G. J. Aguilarsilvia , Pfc. Z. T. Andersen , Pvt. T. D. Baker , Pvt. A. R. Ball , Pfc. M. S. Barnes , Pfc. K. T. Bennett , Pfc. N. R. Bevis III , Pfc. I. M. Brewer , Pvt. E. B. Burns Jr. , Pvt. Z. L. Campbell , Pfc. Z. C. Clatterbuck , Pvt. C. E. Conde , Pvt. B. A. Condon , Pvt. J. C. Constantin , Pfc. B. R. Craven , Pfc. A. N. Crocco , Pfc. M. U. Dailey* , Pvt. N. J. Delbuono , Pvt. R. R. Dutton , Pfc. S. F. Ellis , Pfc. D. W. Emerick , Pvt. A. B. Emory , Pvt. T. K. Fairbanks , Pvt. B. N. Ferrantino , Pvt. A. R. Flores , Pfc. J. R. Flynn , Pfc. J. M. Ford* , Pfc. J. A. Fox* , Pfc. T. J. Gallagher , Pvt. D. R. George , Pvt. C. C. Gilbert , Pfc. S. Gonzalezsoto , Pvt. L. M. Grace , Pvt. J. Z. Greaves , Pfc. M. T. Gumprecht , Pfc. C. D. Guy , Pvt. E. J. Handy , Pfc. S. G. Hanshaw , Pfc. C. B. Hardin , Pfc. X. D. Harvey* , Pvt. J. M. Holmberg , Pfc. S. C. Horner , Pfc. C. B. Houston , Pfc. C. R. Jackson Jr , Pvt. M. G. Jamison , Pvt. S. M. Johnson , Pvt. D. M. Joiner , Pvt. D. A. Jones , Pvt. D. J. Lepro , Pvt. D. L. Linwood , Pvt. F. O. Macias , Pfc. M. R. Mann , Pvt. R. Martinez , Pfc. G. C. Mason , Pvt. K. E. May , Pfc. J. C. McMillian , Pfc. B. D. Miller , Pfc. N. P. Minor , Pvt. C. A. Missler Jr. , Pvt. D. W. Moore III , Pvt. D. M. Moye , Pvt. C. R. Osorio Jr. , Pvt. M. S. Payne , Pfc. C. S. Perkins , Pfc. N. Reilly , Pfc. I. B. Rawlins , Pfc. J. B. Robinette , Pfc. J. Z. Roper , Pvt. S. A. Schindler , Pvt. A. D. Scott , Pfc. E. B. Shriver* , Pfc. J. M. Shultz , Pvt. H. P. Sprinkle , Pvt. J. K. Stechmann , Pvt. K. A. Svenson , Pvt. S. M. Thorntonbey , Pvt. A. J. Tillery. , Pvt. C. R. Tobin II , Pfc. B. D. Villarrealortega , Pfc. D. P. Watters , Pfc. J. D. West
Platoon 3090
Pfc. J. M. Abramo , Pvt. E. M. Ayers , Pfc. B. W. Baraby , Pvt. B. A. Benitez , Pfc. A. T. Blanchard , Pfc. D. L. Brown , Pfc. R. M. Campbell , Pfc. J. F. Castaneda , Pfc. C. M. Chapman* , Pfc. C. C. Claxton Jr.* , Pfc. M. L. Currie , Pfc. D. L. Dingle , Pfc. D. L. Eubank , Pvt. A. L. Eutzy , Pfc. J. A. Ferriera , Pvt. K. D. Fluette , Pfc. R. M. Gibson , Pfc. S. L. Golledge , Pfc. N. L. Graves , Pfc. D. D. Hall* , Pfc. S. A. Harder II* , Pvt. D. A. Hatch Jr. , Pvt. A. J. Herdt , Pfc. A. J. Herron , Pvt. J. R. Hoffman , Pvt. R. T. Hoffman , Pvt. R. F. Huffman , Pvt. J. C. Jansma , Pfc. B. L. Jinright , Pvt. N. M. Johnson , Pvt. Q. M. Johnson , Pfc. J. H. Knable , Pfc. A. J. Lake , Pfc. B. Landry , Pvt. C. J. Lewis , Pfc. C. R. Lewis , Pfc. S. M. Lindsey* , Pfc. J. M. Lopez , Pvt. P. J. Louis , Pvt. J. G. Martinez , Pfc. C. A. McBride , Pvt. W. G. McCray , Pvt. C. L. McNeal , Pfc. J. A. McPherson , Pfc. M. R. McWhirter Jr. , Pvt. J. J. Mills Jr. , Pvt. M. L. Mollus , Pfc. E. D. Morales , Pvt. G. Moraleschavarria , Pvt. D. P. Morgan , Pfc. R. B. Nelson , Pvt. T. M. Nicol Jr. , Pvt. J. E. Ortiz , Pvt. B. L. Perez , Pvt. S. W. Perry , Pfc. E. D. Phelps , Pvt. B. H. Pratt , Pvt. G. M. Purpura , Pvt. N. A. Raymond , Pvt. J. C. Rewis , Pvt. A. L. Rimes , Pvt. A. E. Robinson , Pvt. D. N. Rodriguez , Pvt. J. A. Rudolph , Pfc. F. O. Ruizarguelles , Pvt. D. Q. Rumbaugh , Pvt. J. Santana , Pfc. S. J. Sarrett , Pfc. K. D. Seal Jr.* , Pfc. D. R. Shore , Pvt. D. L. Smith , Pvt. E. L. Solomon III , Pvt. R. L. Stgerard , Pvt. C. J. Thomeczek , Pvt. M. H. Trickery , Pfc. T. K. Turner , Pvt. S. C. Vandiver , Pfc. J. C. Vied , Pvt. T. G. Wadsworth , Pvt. D. C. Wagner , Pfc. G. M. Weber , Pvt. K. R. Weir , Pfc. D. A. Whiting , Pfc. M. L. Williams , Pvt. A. J. Wilson , Pvt. A. P. Witt
Platoon 3092
Pfc. J. B. Barley , Pvt. I. J. Beard , Pvt. Y. M. Belizaire , Pfc. R. Betancourt Jr. , Pvt. E. D. Borel , Pvt. M. G. Branco , Pvt. T. T. Brooks Jr. , Pvt. T. P. Brosseau , Pvt. B. ABusheytracy , Pfc. J. D. Carter* , Pvt. Z. A. Chessey , Pfc. J. R. Chipper , Pvt. A. Colindres , Pvt. C. R. Cornelius , Pfc. D. X. Courville* , Pfc. R. A. Cundiff , Pfc. C. J. Dantzler , Pvt. N. Davis , Pvt. T. R. Denny , Pfc. M. C. Dewes , Pvt. G. W. Dixon. , Pfc. J. P. Duffo , Pfc. Y. Duran , Pfc. J. A. Espinoza , Pvt. H. A. Fernandez , Pvt. B. S. Filion , Pvt. W. A. Gardner III , Pvt. T. C. Goodwin. , Pvt. J. A. Gordon , Pfc. W. M. Grant* , Pfc. A. K. Hansson , Pvt. M. J. Harrill , Pvt. C. S. Hartnett , Pfc. D. N. Heger , Pfc. B. R. Henle , Pvt. J.J. Herrera , Pvt. J. C. Hollman , Pvt. A. M. Hughes , Pvt. T. C. Hughes , Pfc. J. P. Hun , Pfc. J. L. Irizarri , Pvt. J. M. Johnson , Pvt. D. L. Jones , Pvt. R. M. Ketterhagen , Pvt. J. P. Klinkbeil , Pvt. D. J. Kolb , Pvt. C. J. Kraft , Pvt. K. F. Lange , Pvt. A. C. Leach , Pvt. C. C. Lechner , Pvt. T. M. Lehman , Pfc. F. H. Leon , Pvt. M. A. Lozanopuentes , Pfc. D. M. Lynch , Pfc. A. C. Martinez , Pvt. C. A. Maynard , Pfc. A. R. McCarrick , Pvt. B. J. McDaniel , Pfc. R. M. McGuire , Pfc. S. L. Morgan , Pfc. C. J. Nelson , Pvt. G. D. Nightingale , Pfc. A. Ortiz , Pvt. B. H. Pokriki , Pvt. C. Pono , Pvt. L. Rall , Pvt. A. Ramirez , Pvt. D. J. Reed , Pvt. T. M. Richie , Pfc. M. H. Rivera , Pfc. A. L. Robinson , Pfc. J. J. Rodriguez , Pfc. A. J. Ruiz , Pvt. S. E. Russell , Pvt. A. B. Ryan , Pvt. D. N. Ryan , Pvt. J. R. Rymers , Pvt. J. M. Sands , Pvt. C. M. Santiago Jr. , Pvt. Z. J. Schwarzman , Pvt. C. D. Seifert , Pvt. A. J. Seng , Pfc. A. C. Shepherd , Pvt. U. Z. Smith , Pvt. A. D. Sodeman , Pvt. B. E. Sours , Pfc. T. Tate , Pvt. E. G. Taylor , Pfc. C. M. Thomas , Pfc. O. A. Torres , Pfc. G. R. Tosto* , Pfc. N. D. Vanasse , Pfc. Z. M. Wright
Platoon 3093
Pvt. R. M. Alden , Pvt. S. O. Alexis , Pvt. T. J. Anderson , Pfc. S. I. Andres , Pvt. J. L. Antigua Jr. , Pfc. T. W. Antwine , Pvt. K. E. Arbizu , Pvt. M. Ayala , Pvt. W. R. Baker Jr. , Pfc. J. B. Barclay Jr. , Pvt. A. J. Bennett , Pvt. T. J. Byther , Pvt. J. A. Campitelli. , Pvt. A. A. Carlos , Pfc. J. C. Casper , Pvt. R. Y. Clement II , Pvt. C. A. Coombs , Pvt. N. L. Corvi , Pvt. M. P. Cotter , Pfc. W. J. Craighead , Pvt. R. J. Crispin , Pvt. G. C. Crittendentoth , Pvt. S. W. Cross , Pfc. J. Y. Currin , Pfc. G. U. Deleon Jr. , Pfc. C. A. Erazojuarez , Pvt. B. M. Falkner , Pvt. M. A. Forbes Jr. , Pfc. B. T. Fortuna , Pvt. M. J. Foti Jr. , Pvt. W. A. Frazier , Pvt. J. E. Frederique , Pvt. Z. J. Gentzke , Pfc. A. L. Gilley , Pfc. A. A. Gonzalez Jr. , Pvt. D. M. Gonzalez , Pfc. B. J. Hewitt , Pvt. C. J. Hill , Pfc. C. A. Holt Jr. , Pfc. Z. J. Hunsberger* , Pfc. Z. R. Jasilaitis , Pfc. D. W. Jeong , Pvt. J. J. Kenney , Pvt. S. C. Koerner , Pvt. R. A. Laforest III , Pvt. J. D. Lamberton , Pvt. S. R. Lang , Pvt. L. M. Leshko , Pvt. C. W. Lockhart III , Pfc. D. A. Lombardi* , Pvt. P. J. Loverro , Pvt. K. B. MacDonald , Pfc. L. M. Magliarditi , Pfc. A. W. Miller , Pfc. C. P. Monteiro , Pvt. R. D. Musngi , Pfc. B. J. O’Connor* , Pvt. J. J. Page , Pvt. T. J. Peoples , Pfc. J. A. Pilcotenezaca , Pfc. N. K. Plissey , Pvt. C. J. Regina , Pfc. A. L. Ripianzi , Pvt. H. U. Riveraortiz , Pfc. J. C. Roberts IV , Pfc. R. M. RodriguezRodriguez* , Pfc. N. A. Rousseau* , Pvt. R. S. Salgadoherrera , Pvt. J. A. Sanchez , Pvt. G. J. Santos Jr. , Pvt. A. C. Setlock , Pfc. M. T. Shrawder , Pvt. A. J. Simmons , Pvt. I. R. Sloan , Pvt. J. M. Slone , Pfc. S. P. Stadnyk , Pfc. K. A. Stevens , Pfc. J. M. Surface , Pfc. I. J. Tomlins , Pfc. A. Tran , Pvt. Z. C. Tyler , Pvt. D. J. Viscomi , Pfc. C. R. Williams
Platoon 3094
Pvt. C. Araujo Jr. , Pfc. D. T. Banks , Pfc. R. W. Banks , Pvt. J. G. Beringuel , Pfc. M. L. Bradshaw , Pvt. A. M. Burnham , Pfc. C. B. Carter , Pfc. J. D. Ciganek , Pfc. C. J. Clarke , Pvt. R. K. Cooney , Pfc. G. M. Corbett , Pfc. E. P. Cornejo , Pvt. J. D. Crewson , Pfc. D. S. Crowley , Pfc. J. C. Daniels , Pfc. A. E. Dawson Jr. , Pvt. A. J. Deatrick , Pvt. J. Decen , Pvt. M. T. Delbianco. , Pfc. P. L. Drake , Pfc. Z. H. Durham , Pfc. J. Q. Epps , Pvt. D. R. Faupelcresong , Pfc. K. P. Fico , Pvt. M. M. Findley , Pfc. A. C. Fine , Pvt. T. K. Fleming , Pvt. B. M. Folley , Pvt. T. L. Foster , Pvt. B. C. Frost , Pvt. S. M. Garrow , Pvt. S. W. Geier , Pvt. A. I. Gonzalezlebron, , Pfc. J. W. Graffis , Pvt. G. N. Hanger , Pvt. A. D. Herbert , Pvt. D. J. Hinton , Pvt. M. A. Hulbert , Pvt. R. K. Hunte , Pfc. J. D. James , Pfc. C. W. Kaiser* , Pvt. S. M. Kinds , Pfc. Z. A. Koon , Pvt. S. H. Kwon , Pfc. E. P. Lange , Pvt. W. H. Law , Pvt. J. W. Lawrence , Pfc. W. A. Laycock , Pvt. A. B. Ledford , Pvt. K. N. Lee , Pfc. R. G. Long , Pfc. Z. P. Lord , Pvt. B. N. Mack Jr. , Pvt. J. L. Madison , Pfc. A. R. Mairs* , Pvt. J. P. Manon , Pfc. B. A. Mason , Pvt. G. A. McBride , Pvt. J. W. McFarland , Pvt. K. R. McGowan , Pvt. L. C. McGraw III , Pfc. C. J. Medelus* , Pfc. A. R. Mehmood , Pvt. J. T. Merle , Pfc. D. D. Mulvihill Jr. , Pvt. R. D. Oberstar III. , Pvt. M. M. Park , Pfc. A. A. Prescod* , Pvt. A. M. Price , Pvt. C. C. Reed , Pfc. D. V. Remache. , Pvt. B. J. Rodriguez , Pfc. L. E. Ross , Pfc. D. Saccente , Pvt. K. J. Salyer , Pvt. S. C. Schramm Jr. , Pvt. S. P. Smith , Pvt. S. S. Smith , Pvt. K. J. Spoto , Pvt. D. J. Streisel , Pfc. D. A. Thomakos , Pvt. P. Tlatelpa , Pfc. T. K. Tolbert , Pvt. J. E. Torrijos , Pvt. J. E. Valdezdipre , Pfc. C. J. Vidalvalentin , Pfc. B. A. Villabedoya* , Pfc. S. Walkiewicz , Pvt. D. M. Walters , Pvt. M. C. Ward , Pvt. J. A. Westerfield , Pvt. A. P. Wonder , Pvt. J. P. Zimmers
Platoon 4040
Pfc. Alexandre, Sariah A. , Pvt. Anderson, Kaitlyn M. , Pvt. Avalos, Kristine M. , Pfc. Barrow, Amy M. , Pvt. Bass, Meagan M. , Pfc. Beaulieu, Gina M. , Pvt. Becerra, Arlys Y. , Pfc. Bierbaum, Natlie , Pvt. Callahan, Samantha M. , Pvt. Cancel, Desaun M. , Pvt. Covell, Sarah D. , Pvt. Crowden, Jessica L. , Pfc. Davidson, Destiny D.* , Pvt. Dean, Chantel E. , Pfc. Devenney, Melissa N. , Pvt. Dupree, Taylor R. , Pvt. Easto, Samantha D. , Pfc. Elvin, Siobhan , Pvt. Felio, Naomi A. , Pfc. Fish, Madeline N. , Pvt. Fitzner, Arial J. , Pvt. Grismore, Ashley R. , Pvt. Hernandez, Arlette Y. , Pfc. Hildebrand, Kristen N. , Pfc. Howard, Kasi A. , Pvt. Huff, Robyn R. , Pfc. Jimenezmeza, Cristal , Pfc. Johnson, Chelsey J. , Pvt. Keener, Amber N. , Pfc. Krecicki, Austyn M. , Pfc. Lunabautista, Johana M. , Pfc. Lynch, Kiana A. , Pvt. Macdonald, Bryana D. , Pfc. Madera, Julia Z. , Pvt. Martin, Jenna M. , Pvt. Mccloud, Kayla S. , Pvt. Mclauchlin, Jeressa M. , Pfc. Mcmillan, Krystle D. , Pfc. Mijares, Thelmy A. , Pfc. Monzon, Myriah A. , Pvt. Moy, Maylysses M. , Pfc. Nelson, Alyssa N. , Pvt. Obregon, Janice M. , Pvt. Palacioscordova, Beatriz , Pfc. Perezpadilla, Patricia , Pfc. Peterson, Kirsten E.* , Pfc. Podnar, Bethany R. , Pvt. Powell, Brianna L. , Pvt. Preciado, Brittany G. , Pvt. Robinson, Moette L. , Pfc. Romagnino, Lindsey M. , Pfc. Rosfeld, Laci D. , Pvt. Smith, Alayna N. , Pvt. Sullivan, Cheyenne D. , Pfc. Toombs, Christy M. , Pfc. Valdezearl, Yadira , Pfc. Vargas, Erika K. , Pvt. Wildes, Bernadette R. , Pvt. Williams, Sierra E , Pvt. Winkleman, Lisa M. , Pfc. Zimmerman, Robyn L.
Platoon 4041
Pvt. Aguilar, Rebecca , Pvt. Ayala, Jasmine M. , Pvt. Balkwill, Aubrie A. , Pvt. Bautista, Anahy , Pvt. Bond, Julianna W. , Pfc. Booms, Sophie M. , Pfc. Borrero, Veronica , Pvt. Bowen, Kourtnee J. , Pvt. Carbajalbelloc, Cruz E. , Pvt. Castellanos, Karina I. , Pvt. Castillo, Sara N. , Pfc. Chavez, Savannah S. , Pfc. Covarrubias, Carolina , Pfc. Cruz, Sarah G. , Pvt. Dejesus, Louisericc F. , Pvt. Delaughter, Sahara L. , Pfc. Diaz, Crystal M. , Pfc. Dickson, Juanlisia S. , Pfc. Estrada, Maria S. , Pfc. Frazier, Kaci L. , Pfc. Garciaarellano, Stephanie B. , Pvt. Gora, Claire E. , Pfc. Grover, Katie A. , Pvt. Gutierrez, Jennifer P. , Pfc. Hackley, Brianna M. , Pfc. Haro, Amber D. , Pfc. Henriquez, Lisbeth , Pvt. Heras, Casandra E. , Pvt. Herrerarosario, Erika , Pfc. Holman, Lovidya N. , Pvt. Khezrdanamehr, Cheyenne M. , Pvt. Krause, Natasha M. , Pfc. Lies, Amber R. , Pvt. Lopez, Raquel C. , Pvt. Lovelace, Kaitlin E. , Pvt. Medrano, Monica S. , Pvt. Mendez, Laura N. , Pfc. Mittig, Alexandra R. , Pvt. Nothaft, Shelbi L. , Pfc. Olson, Helen M. , Pfc. Ordronneau, Jade A.* , Pfc. Pilcotenezaca, Janneth I. , Pfc. Rich, Ashley N. , Pvt. Rivera, Amber M. , Pvt. Rodriguez, Ashley T. , Pvt. Romero, Jessy C. , Pfc. Rose, Kennedy A. , Pfc. Rukas, Hannah M. , Pvt. Schmidt, Keeley K. , Pfc. Schneider, Hope E.* , Pvt. Smak, Amanda M. , Pvt. Smith, Michelle K. , Pfc. Suhr, Brieann M. , Pfc. Sutton, Sheridan C. , Pfc. Taylor, Amanda R. , Pfc. Tenorio, Jazmyne N. , Pvt. Teulilo, Matamoana J. , Pfc. Thompson, Jessica J. , Pfc. Thurman, Alexis O. , Pfc. Torrescruz, Stephanie , Pvt. Ulberg, Erica L. , Pvt. Ulberg, Jenna M. , Pfc. Valencia, Niki E. , Pfc. Villegas, Jasmine A. , Pfc. White, Lauren A.
*Denotes meritorious promotion
The Jet Stream
Friday, December 04, 2015