The Jewish Weekly Issue 177

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04 FEBRUARY 2021/22 SHEVAT 5781


BY DAVID SAFFER Over a staggering £30 million has been raised by various Jewish charities in the United Kingdom in the last three months. Charity Extra’s director, Yitzi Bude, told The Jewish Weekly that his platform alone where the vast majority of campaigns were hosted “have raised £16m in December, £10m in January and £6m in the past seven days alone!” Throughout the pandemic Jewish communities have found

time to support a plethora of charities. Live campaigns are ongoing and look to set to benefit thousands of Jewish people suffering hardship, health issues and poverty. World Jewish Relief raised over £1m and Aish UK over £2m in the last week. The vast array of charities includes the likes of Chai Cancer Care that has raised over £3m, Noah’s Ark £2m, King David High School in Manchester £1.2m, Mir Yeshiva £1.9m, Work Avenue £1m, Chana, £1m, Bonei OIam

(London and Manchester) £1.2m and Keren Shabbos over £1m. Many yeshivas and schools have also raised life changing sums to benefit pupils of all ages. The Jewish Weekly editor, Yossi Saunders, said he has never felt prouder to be part of the UK Jewish community and that it was clear to see that so many of us are looking out for each other. “The charities, trustees and donors must be proud of themselves as for months they’ve smashed every record in the book!”

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Joshua Elfassy a BWJP Nursery pupil at Tu B’Shvat


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CAA seek General Kochavi meets top US Counsel appointment general in official visit BY SIMCHA ABIR Campaign Against Antisemitism is breaking new ground in the fight against anti-Semitism by setting up an in-house General Counsel. The Counsel will enable CAA to expand its work in criminal, regulatory, administrative, defamation and equality law in holding anti-Semites to account and forcing authorities to protect British Jews. CAA is particularly concerned about anti-Semitism on campus and online. Gideon Falter, CAA chief executive, said: “Having spent six years winning cases and proving that litigation is one of the most effective ways to hold anti-Semites to account and force the authorities to fulfil their duty to protect the Jewish community, we are excited to be recruiting a General Counsel. Having an in-house counsel will enable us to greatly expand our ability to bring lawsuits in defence of British Jews. “British Jews’ confidence in the justice system is unacceptably low, while Jews are victims of an average of over three hate crimes every single day in England and Wales. CAA is at the forefront of the fight against anti-Semitism, using

innovative legal techniques and establishing ground-breaking precedents. A new General Counsel will supercharge these efforts, enabling us to provide a first-of-itskind anti-Semitism prosecution service to ensure that victims of anti-Jewish racism finally get the justice that they deserve. We will always do whatever it takes to defend the Jewish community.” A CAA recent survey illustrated 52% of British Jews do not believe the Crown Prosecution Service does not do enough to protect them, 44% do not think anti-Semitic hate crime would be prosecuted even if there was enough evidence, the same percentage hide their Judaism in public. According to CAA analysis of Home Office statistics, Jews are four times more likely to be targets of hate crimes than other faith groups. Hate crimes against Jews are also under-reported and do not reflect the anti-Semitic material and abuse on social media. CAA successes include a landmark Holocaust denial ruling, cases against grime artist Wiley, the leader of Al Quds Day march and Labour Party. More information on the position is available at

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BY ADAM MOSES US General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr, Commander of Centcom, US Central Command for the Middle East, has been in Israel on a two-day visit. The first high-level visit by a top American official since President Joe Biden was sworn in last week, Gen. McKenzie participated in a panel led by IDF Chief of General Staff Aviv Kochavi. Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir, Head of the Intelligence Directorate, Maj. Gen. Tamir Hayman, Head of the Strategic Planning and Cooperation Directorate, Maj. Gen. Tal Kelman, and Israeli Defence Attache in Washington, Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox also attended. Gen. McKenzie planted a tree alongside Kochavi to celebrate Tu-B’Shvat. “Military and strategic relations between the US and Israel have, for many years, been a critical component in establishing Israel’s national security and its advantage over its enemies, wherever they are,” commented Kochavi. “This partnership has a key role to play in dealing with our common threats, especially the Iranian threat.” In related news, Defence Minister Benny Gantz spoke with US Defence Minister Lloyd James Austin III for the first time. Gantz highlighted Iranian aggression to ensure regional stability. Austin reaffirmed the US-Israel relationship and reiterated US commitment to maintaining Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge. Bicom noted that Israeli officials have said a move to Centcom is strategically significant and will allow for cooperation with the US military focusing on Iran. There is concern Prime Minister Netanyahu may clash with Biden over Iran but there is optimism the Biden administration could differ from his time under Barack Obama. Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi back dialogue with the White House over the nuclear agreement with Iran. The IDF is against the US returning to the JCPOA nuclear agreement. Only last week, Kochavi warned at the annual conference of Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies that returning

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General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr


to the JCPOA or a similar agreement with changes would be a “strategic mistake”. He reportedly noted, “Operationally, an agreement like this would ultimately allow Iran to enrich large quantities of uranium and to develop centrifuges and weapons capabilities, including going for a bomb.” Kochavi added, “The strategic aspect is serious because it presents Israel with an intolerable threat and will lead to escalation in the Middle East. Even more importantly, Iran today is not the Iran of 2015. Iran faces heavy pressure, skyrocketing inflation, the population is restive. These pressures stem partly from American sanctions and must be kept up in any way possible. There must be concerted action to ensure that at the end of the day Iran will not have the ability, not only to obtain a nuclear bomb, but not even to drive for a nuclear bomb.” “If the 2015 nuclear deal had materialised, Iran would have gotten itself a bomb,” Kochavi continued. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said it was “vitally important” to consult with Israel and Gulf States regarding the JCPOA deal.

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 02 News 14 Opinion 16 Letters 18 Community 26 Feature 27 Business Advice

28 Cooking 30 Judaism 32 Kids 34 Youth 36 Sport




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Israel and Kosovo WE’RE establish diplomatic THEIR relations LIFELINE YOU’RE OURS BY ADAM MOSES

Israel and Kosovo officially established diplomatic relations in a virtual ceremony on Monday. Foreign Ministers Gabi Ashkenazi and Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla signed the landmark accord in a virtual ceremony with Ben Gurion Airport shut due to the coronavirus pandemic. Kosova Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and US Ambassador to Pristina Philip S. Kosnett participated in the historic online event. “This is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship with the Kosovar people, who themselves hold warm ties with Israel,” Ashkenazi reportedly said in a statement. Haradinaj-Stublla described the ceremony as an “important day” to celebrate a new chapter for both countries sharing a common fate.” “Today Israel has become the 117th country to recognize Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state,” she reportedly added. Haradinaj-Stublla thanked Israel for offering asylum to 100 Kosovar refugees who escaped to the country in the 1999 war with Serbia and recalled Kosovo saving Jews during World War Two. “Today we are writing a golden page in the history of both our peoples and nations,” she noted. “We invite Israeli companies to come and invest in Kosovo, and we are expecting many years of friendship.” Kosovo confirmed they would be opening an embassy in Jerusalem in July following the United States and Guatemala. Ashkenazi backed Kosovo’s “formal request” to open an embassy in Jerusalem. Kosovo and Israel initiated the agreement last September at the White House in the presence of former US President, Donald Trump. Ambassador Gary Koren, Deputy Director General for Euro-Asia affairs at the Foreign Ministry, said President Joe Biden backs the Israel-Kosova deal. “We are in contact with the new American administration that is keen on the bi-lateral relations to be finalised,” he reportedly noted. “The acting U.S. ambassador to Israel and the ambassador to Pristina are expected to join the ceremony. Looking ahead to the ceremony, Haradinaj-Stublla said, “Recognition by Israel is one of the greatest achievements for Kosovo, coming at a key moment for us, thanks to the United States, our common and eternal ally.” Trump said at the announcement last year, “After a violent and tragic history and years of failed negotiations, my administration proposed a new way of bridging the divide. By focusing on job creation and



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Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla


economic growth, the two countries were able to reach a major breakthrough.” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu thanked the president of Serbia for moving the embassy to Jerusalem. “Kosovo will be the first majority-Muslim country to open an embassy in Jerusalem,” he noted. “The circle of peace and recognition of Israeli is widening and is expected to add additional countries.” The European Union warned Serbia and Kosovo they could undermine their EU membership hopes by moving their Israeli embassies to Jerusalem. European Commission spokesman Peter Stano reportedly noted, “Any diplomatic steps that could call into question the EU’s common position on Jerusalem are a matter of serious concern and regret.” In related news, Netanyahu has shortened a trip to the Persian Gulf from three days to three hours, due the nationwide lockdown. It will be his first visit to the Gulf since deals with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain last year. The original schedule was to Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Bahrain. Netanyahu will now only visit Abu Dhabi where he is expected to meet Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.

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12/01/2021 15:18


Follow lockdown rules! BY DAVID SAFFER Rabbis have called on orthodox Jewish communities to follow lockdown rules. Stark messages posted on has followed unprecedented criticism levelled at large numbers of frum individuals flouting government regulations. Although many sectors of society, including non-Charedi Jews, have broken government measures, stigmatisation towards Charedi communities has been brutal. Anger peaked after national media showed footage of a wedding at Yesoday Hatorah School in Stamford Hill last month. The school claimed no knowledge of the Simcha but Jewish lay leaders met to discuss a growing crisis. The Charedi community have been particularly upset that the entire frum community have been painted with the same brush when the reality is not the case. Board of Deputies President Marie van de Zyl, in a op-Ed this week, echoes the point. “The actions of those who have seen fit to hold weddings during lockdown have led to a massive Chillul Hashem and put lives at risk. But I am sure that I am not the only one who feels a great sense of discomfort at the spectacle of some people, including some in our own community, taking a particular relish in attacking the Charedi community, when they keep silent as others break the rules. “It has been profoundly disturbing to see crass and insulting generalisations hurled at Charedim, or social media attacks on “Frummers”, in recent days.” Ms van de Zyl joined Charedi leaders calling for calm and to abide by measures. Dozens of Stamford Hill kosher shops have backed a Covid-19 campaign not allowing customers wearing masks in stores. Anyone exempt must have an exemption badge or wear a face shield. Plans are also

afoot for the community to back a vaccine rollout. Rabbinic messages came in a week of grim figures detailing 816 Jewish funerals across Jewish communities where the deceased contracted Covid-19 during the pandemic. Rabbi Eliezer Zobin, Ner Yisrael in Hendon, addressed members after speaking with Royal Free Hospital doctors who informed him ICU cases were three times higher than normal. “Their message is clear,” he implored. “Please keep a distance of two metres at all times when out and about, whether in shops or shul, and wear face masks in indoor spaces when around other people. Don’t just socialise and mix. These simple measures can save lives.” The Federation’s Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater, added, “If anyone in your family you are living tests positive or shows symptoms that suggests that they have the disease, it is absolutely essential you self-isolate by the letter of the law,” he explained. Rabbi Yaakov Schlesinger appealed to members to show care, awareness and act responsible. He noted, “Please make the utmost to follow the halacha and do everything possible to avoid any dangers to yourselves and others.”Follow the guidelines and the opportunity to be vaccinated, added Dayan Abraham David. Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, Federation of Synagogues, commented, “Everyone is tired from keeping these restrictions, but I beg you, I beseech you, I implore you, don’t make any allowances now, don’t let you guard down now.” Dayan M. Gelley said there was little point after davening at shul for people congregating “for a good schmooze”. “Even if we are not concerned about ourselves, which we ought to be, we have an absolute obligation to others,” he explained.

Survey warns of Covid impact to Orthodox Jewish community BY DAVID SAFFER The UK ultra-orthodox Jewish community was severely impacted by Covid-19 during 2020 according to a study by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. And there is concern the community could be further impacted in the present lockdown according to researchers. The study was conducted with University College London’s Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health and the Medical Advocacy and Referral Service, an organisation that supports the healthcare needs of orthodox communities. Over 1,750 individuals provided blood samples between November and early December 2020.


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Results showed that 64% may have had the deadly virus, among the highest rates of infection in the world. The lowest rate was children under five years of age (28%), the highest was in secondary school children and adults (75%). Overall, men had a higher rate of infection than women. Suspected infections peaked early March and fell sharply during the first lockdown. Cases spiked again in the autumn. Reasons are unclear but ultra-Orthodox families have larger households than the UK average, they live in areas of increased population density and during pre-pandemic times regularly attended communal events. Dr Michael Marks from LSHTM co-led the study. He reportedly commented, “Our

Neumann plans President challenge at Board BY DAVID SAFFER Jonathan Neumann is planning to challenge Marie van de Zyl to be President of the Board of Deputies in forthcoming elections at the Board. The last incumbent President running for another term to face a contested election was in 1964, when Barnett Janner was defeated by Manchester’s Abraham Moss, who died a week later so did not assume the presidency. Nomination papers have not yet gone out, Neumann needs 20 nominations to stand. A charity lawyer by training, Neumann has been involved with a host of Jewish organisations, including the Board for seven years. “I’m running for President in order to restore unity and enhance democracy at the Board, and to empower Deputies to make their contributions for the betterment of our community,” he said. “From my conversations Deputies are concerned about inclusion and accountability, with many feeling that these core values need to be strengthened. I will accomplish this by welcoming debate, increasing transparency and including Deputies in policy-making.” Neumann added, “This is a transformative candidacy. I do not view my candidacy as a ‘challenge’, because I’m less interested in the past three years than in what we can achieve in the next three to six years, and that is what I want this positive campaign to be about.” On hearing the news of Neumann’s prospective candidacy, Ms van de Zyl commented, “I will be standing for re-election on my record of service and work has revealed extremely high rates of infection in this very interconnected population. Working in tandem with the community we are conducting further work to understand the potential factors involved. These findings could support potential new interventions that may help reduce infection in the community.” Ethnic and religious minorities have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19.

Results showed that 64% may have had the deadly virus, among the highest rates of infection in the world. In the UK, attention focused on the Afro-Caribbean and South Asian populations. But data from Public Health England showed other minority groups may have been severely affected. Jewish men aged over 65 years were found to have a rate of death twice as high as Christians, even after adjusting for socio-demographic factors.


Jonathan Neumann

accomplishments over the last six years as VP of Defence and President during one of the most tumultuous periods of history for Anglo Jewry including both Jeremy Corbyn and now the pandemic.” She added, “Any deputy is of course free to stand against me and this underlines the truly democratic nature of the Board.” Dr Marks noted, “As our survey was completed by early December 2020, prior to the subsequent surge in cases, it is likely the overall burden of infection in this community is now even higher. Whilst lockdown measures were still very effective at reducing transmission, over the course of 2020 three out of four secondary school aged children and adults were still infected.” Dr Rosalind Eggo from LSHTM, co-lead the study, she reportedly said, “Religious and ethnic minority groups have been at increased risk at all stages of the pandemic leading to preventable health inequalities.” Rabbi Hershel Grunfeld, Founding Director of MARS, reportedly added, “The decision to initiate this study was made in May 2020, during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, with senior Rabbinical support. By developing a better understanding of the effect of Covid-19 in strictly-Orthodox settings, the study’s purpose is to protect people, save lives and inform safety planning within communities.” Authors acknowledge limitations of the study but they are unlikely to be a major source of bias. Timings of self-reported illness match well to national surveillance.


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Brentford adopts IHRA Brentford FC has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism. Kevin Coleman, the club’s Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, said that through the adoption of this definition, Brentford aims to increase an understanding of anti-Semitism within its supporters, staff and wider football family. “This will be an addition to all of our work to engage more meaningfully with all of our local faith communities, whether in terms of positive and proactive engagement or dealing with unacceptable language and behaviour,” he added. Jonathan Metliss, Action Against Discrimination chairman, is delighted to see Brentford be the latest football club to support the IHRA definition. “The club and its directors have been very supportive of AAD and its activities,” he noted. “But it must be action not words. In this respect, I am extremely confident that Brentford will apply and endorse these principles in practice.” Lord Mann, HM Government’s Independent Adviser on Anti-Semitism, said, “Brentford FC has a tremendous reputation in promoting equality and diversity. The leadership and continued commitment taken by the club sends out a clear message that anti-Jewish racism will not be tolerated.” Last week, AAD welcomed news that The Football Association had adopted the working definition of anti-Semitism joining a number of clubs and organisations across English football.


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Home Secretary hears about WJR successes BY LEAH WASMAN Home Secretary Priti Patel has praised World Jewish Relief’s Specialist Training and Employment Programme. STEP has assisted nearly 1,000 resettled refugees as it approaches five years of the initiative. Patel met WJR chief executive Paul Anticoni and UK Programme Director Janice Lopatkin to hear about Step’s progress. The STEP scheme, which has funding from the Jewish community, EU and Home Office, has delivered tailored and intensive employment support to resettled refugees since January 2016. The programme is delivered in 12 locations in the UK, partnering with NGOs and local authorities, achieving employment outcomes between 19–29% compared to a national average of 2% without this provision. WJR is the largest provider of resettled refugee employment support.

Home Secretary Priti Patel


With the UK’s global resettlement programme soon to resume, WJR highlighted the importance of employment support.

Wiesenthal Centre calls on AJEX tribute to JCDecaux to act on hate campaign ‘Captain Tom’

Side by Side introduces regular Covid testing Stamford Hill special needs school Side by Side continues to offer full on-site education to pupils as part of government guidelines for vulnerable children. They are also supporting children who need to isolate through remote learning. Administrators are taking necessary precautions to mitigate risks of Covid-19, including use of PPE and regular testing at the beginning of term. To facilitate this new measure, a heated marquee has been erected with staff trained to safely run the testing centre. Therapists, teachers and support staff are offered testing once a week as an added safeguard. This will soon be offered twice a week under DfE proposals. For pupils isolating, Side by Side prepares and sends educational materials to homes, which include activities tailored to assist children with complex needs. Children working remotely are linking into classroom lessons via zoom. “This has been an exceptionally challenging time for us all, particularly with our current building, staff absences and ensuring staff cover is in place as required,” said Side by Side headteacher Gerald Lebrett. “The new testing protocol is an added precaution to keep staff and pupils as safe as possible.”

Patel heard how WJR’s foundation was born from a desire to assist Jewish refugees to find sanctuary in the UK during the 1930s. Lopatkin explained that Covid-19 necessitated a shift in the anticipated employment market. Many participants previously found work in the hospitality industry. The team identified growing opportunities in social care and IT sectors and are supporting refugees to in these areas. Patel said the refugee resettlement schemes had helped tens of thousands of people rebuild their lives in the UK and WJR had made a positive difference to many lives. She added, “Our new firm and fair asylum system will continue to help people fleeing conflict zones, ensuring they can travel through safe and legal routes. The work of WJR is a great example of how helping people directly from affected regions can change lives for the better.”

Anti-Semitic psoters in Paris

The Wiesenthal Centre has called on JCDecaux France to act over an anti-Semitic hate campaign on its advertising billboards in Paris. Dr. Shimon Samuels, International Relations Director, recalled an anti-Semitic hate campaign in Toulouse against PUMA sport equipment that brought a positive response from the company. A second wave of the BDS campaign has targeted Israeli Teva Pharmaceuticals.

“This is especially ironic, at a time when Israel is supplying anti-Covid 19 vaccines to Palestinian hospitals and medical staff,” noted Samuels. Samuels has called for JCDecaux to adopt better security on billboards, action from police, municipalities and interior authorities. A clear message must also be sent to the Jewish community and general public by adopting the International Definition of Antisemitism.

Golders Green incident not terrorism Police have confirmed an incident in Golders Green on Tuesday attended by emergency services was not terror related. “Enquiries are ongoing,” Barnet police tweeted. One man was detained by police, no one was injured. Community Security Trust thanked emergency services for their constant

vigilance and work. “Obviously it causes real worry when you hear about something like this in the heart of our community,” said Mark Gardner, CST. “Thankfully, it was dealt with and it is not connected to terrorism. So, we very much hope that everybody is able to get back to normal life as soon as possible.”


AJEX paid tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore following his death this week. The Queen led national homage to the 100-year-old war veteran who inspired the nation by raising £33m for NHS charities during the height of the PHOTO: YOUTUBE pandemic. ‘Captain Tom’ became a national hero by walking laps of his garden. Knighted by the Queen for his charitable efforts at Windsor Castle, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, Captain Sir Tom was a “beacon of hope for the world”. AJEX national chairman Mike Bluestone said the Jewish veterans community were deeply saddened to learn of his passing. “Captain Sir Tom showed great courage not only in war, but also during the ongoing battle against the Covid virus with his demonstration of physical fortitude, proving that age is no barrier to courage and commitment to his regiment and the wider community. We extend our deepest condolences to Captain Sir Tom’s family and friends. May this great inspirational warrior and veteran rest in peace’.” The flag above 10 Downing Street flew at half-mast in tribute. Capt Sir Tom made history in becoming the oldest person to record a number one hit single when recording You’ll Never Walk Alone with Michael Ball last year.



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26/01/2021 10:29:01


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Police defend actions as 15,000 attend rabbis’ funerals BY DAVID SAFFER Israel Police have defended their actions following thousands of mourners attending the funerals of two esteemed rabbis last Sunday in Jerusalem. Fears of hundreds being injured were averted by police after liaising with yeshiva leaders but political figures have criticised an estimated 15,000 people being present at the funeral procession of Hagaon Rabbi Meshulam Dovid Soloveitchik, 99. Nationwide criticism followed footage of the mass attendance, but hours later, thousands of mourners then attended the funeral of Hagaon Rabbi Yitzchak Aryeh Sheiner, 98. Both rabbis passed away from Covid-19, Police presence was limited at the funerals. A third celebrated scholar Rabbi Dr Abraham J Twerski, passed away from covid-19 the same day. His funeral followed social distancing measures. Rabbi Soloveitchik was head of a Brisk Yeshiva in Jerusalem and the last living son of the original Brisker head, Rabbi Yitzchak Zev Soloveitchik. Rabbi Scheiner was head of Kamenitz Yeshiva and a Council of Torah Scholars member to the Lithuanian Charedi community. Rabbi Scheiner throughout the pandemic backed Covid guidelines. In his latest public letter, he called for everyone to follow the “will of G-d at this time” and adhere to Health Ministry instructions. Rabbi Scheiner had called on followers to avoid mass events such as weddings and funerals. Respected by Lithuanian and Charedi communities in the Mea Shearim, according to reports, extremists defied warnings from yeshiva leaders to attend his funeral. Mainstream Lithuanian and Chassidic yeshivas did not attend. Police co-ordinated with yeshiva leaders to limit numbers that were estimated to potentially reach 100,000. Roadblocks were set up whilst buses on route from across Israel were stopped. “We made agreements with the (Charedi) community, most of which they did not keep,” Chief Superintendent Assi Aharoni reportedly said. “Using force would have led to bloodshed. Any use of means to disperse the crowd would have led to mass escape and confrontations that could have ended in a stampede.” “If police had dispersed them by force, hundreds would have been trampled,” he added. “We managed to prevent about 60 buses from reaching the area from other places in the country. About 15,000 residents attended the funeral, including thousands of children. On a normal day, 100,000 would have arrived.” Aharoni refuted accusations different

Thousands attending the funeral of Rabbi Scheiner in Jerusalem


“About 15,000 residents attended the funeral, including thousands of children. On a normal day, 100,000 would have arrived.” approaches were in place for areas particularly Tel Aviv compared to the capital city. “Every incident has a commander in the field and he conducts a local situation assessment, examines all the circumstances and makes the decision,” he reportedly explained. “It is not right to compare residents of Dizengoff to the ultra-Orthodox sector, to compare between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.” Aharoni called for ultra-Orthodox, secular, Jews and Arabs to “wake up” and follow health guidelines. “We are less preoccupied with a lone person sitting outside and wearing a mask, we are focusing our efforts on mass gatherings,” he reportedly said. “Dizengoff Square was crowded and because of our actions today it is now empty. We are working to prevent and inform instead of enforce, it is also our responsibility.” Despite police efforts, there has been criticism across the political divide to those who attended. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticised those who took part during a cabinet meeting. Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kisch (Likud) tweeted, “Public attitude to restrictions, poor. Police ability to enforce, poor. A funeral with a failed health score. A funeral that will unfortunately lead to more

funerals. Then they wonder why the lockdown does not reduce the infection rates.” Defence Minister Benny Gantz (Blue and White) noted, “Millions of families and children are locked in their homes and abide by the rules while thousands of Charedim crowd the funeral, most of them even without masks. We will not agree to the continuation of an ineffective fake lockdown. Either everyone is locked down or everyone opens. The days of indulgence are over.” Ron Huldai, Israeli Party, tweeted, “Bibi’s lockdown, as your eyes see, is a complete failure. It needs to stop and a new plan needs to be made. Bibi, Gantz and the rest of the government ministers, for those of you who still have a spine, stop this disgrace.” Politicians, police and a number of religious leaders have continually called for adherence to lockdown measures in Charedi communities to no avail. The majority of the Israeli citizens have adhered to Health Ministry recommendations but that has not been the case in orthodox areas. Only last week, renowned rabbis and politicians condemned extremists clashing with police administering lockdown measures in Charedi communities. Shocking incidents occurred in Bnei Brak, the Mea She’arim neighbourhood of Jerusalem,


Beit Shemesh and Ashdod. Police are investigating incidents. A number of officers suffered injuries, dozens of rioters were arrested. Hagaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and Hagaon Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, in a statement, noted that “no one should approach places of violence”, HaGaon Rabbi Shalom Cohen said incidents could destroy foundations of education while Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, said rioters should be “condemned and shunned”. Netanyahu “strongly condemned” violence against Israeli police, Deputy Transportation Minister Uri Maklev, UTJ Party, condemned arson as “pure delinquency”, Bnei Brak Mayor Avraham Rubinstein called for those responsible to be “shamed” and turned in to the police. Orthodox communities account for 11% of Israel’s 9.2m population but a disproportionate 40% account for new cases. Mass weddings with guests not wearing masks or social distancing has been the norm for months. Many Orthodox sects have kept schools, seminaries and synagogues open in violation of restrictions. Orthodox leaders believe they have been singled out and argue secular communities do not understand the importance of public prayers and religious studies.



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Hagaon HaRav Meshulam Dovid Halevi Soloveitchik zt”l

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Scheiner zt”l Kaminetz Yeshiva head

Hagaon HaRav Meshulam Dovid Halevi Soloveitchik, head of a Brisk Yeshiva in Jerusalem, passed away aged 99 last Sunday. The last living son of Rabbi Yitzchak Zev Soloveitchik, the first Brisker Rabbi, Rabbi Meshulam Dovid’s death from Covid-19 ends a direct dynasty to the original Brisker head. According to his wishes, his oldest son, Rabbi Yitzchak Zev, son-in-law of HaGaon Rabbi Baruch Dov Povarsky, succeeds him at Brisk Yeshiva. Rabbi Meshulam Dovid contracted coronavirus last October. Eventually sedated and ventilated at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, an ICU unit was set up at his home in December until his passing. Thousands attended his funeral that passed Brisk Yeshiva on route to the cemetery where he was buried next to his father. The Soloveitchik family are a long line of revered rabbis. Rabbi Meshulam Dovid was the fifth son of 12 children of Rabbi Yitzchak Zev and Rebbetzin Alte Hindel Soloveitchik. Born in Brest (Brisk), Belarus in the early 1920s, his exact date of birth is unknown. Most of the family escaped to Vilna during World War Two. The Brisker Rabbi and four sons, Rabbi Yosef Dov (Berel), Rabbi Chaim, Rabbi Raphael, and Rabbi Meshulam Dovid initially escaped, emigrated to Israel and settled in Jerusalem. A few

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Scheiner, of the Kaminetz Yeshiva, and member of the Council of Torah Sages passed away from Covid-19 on Sunday. The Council guided Degel Hatorah political party which merged with Agudat Yisrael into the United Judaism Party. News of his passing, aged 98, came during the funeral of Hagaon Rabbi Meshulam Dovid Halevi Soloveitchik. The Rosh Yeshivah contracted coronavirus last week, 17 days after receiving a first dose of the vaccine. He was due to receive a second in 10 days. Rabbi Scheiner was being treated at home but deteriorated and passed away in hospital. Rabbi Scheiner was born in Pittsburgh and studied in New York, 1922. His parents Rabbi Dov and Rebbetzin Perl Scheiner were from Poland. He studied at the Yeshiva of Rabbi Yitzchok Elchonon in New York and Torah Vodaath Yeshiva headed by Rabbi Shlomo Heiman. He married Rebbetzin Esther Leah, daughter of Rabbi Moshe Bernstein and granddaughter of Hagaon Rabbi Boruch Ber Leibowitz, head of Kamenitz Yeshivas in Belarus. Rabbi Bernstein served the original Kamenitz Yeshiva and founded Kamenitz Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Rabbi Scheiner in the 1960s moved to Switzerland to serve as head of Montreux

HaRav Meshulam Dovid Halevi Soloveitchik zt”l


months later, Rabbi Meir and two sisters, Rebbetzin’s Lifsha Feinstein and Rivka Schiff joined them. Tragically, the Nazis murdered the Rebbetzin and three children. Two other children had already passed away. Rabbi Meshulam Dovid married Yehudis, the daughter of Rabbi Asher Sternbuch of London. Rabbi Berel, took over the leadership of the Brisk Yeshiva, Rabbi Meshulam Dovid and Rabbi Meir opened other prestigious Brisk yeshivahs in the 1970s. Rabbi Meshulam Dovid’s yeshiva was in the Gush Shemonim neighbourhood of Jerusalem. DS

Prolific author and scholar Rabbi Dr. Twerski passes away Renowned author and psychiatrist Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski passed away in Jerusalem from Covid-19 last Sunday. His funeral near Beit Shemesh followed social distancing measures, 14,000 people followed a live feed. Born in Milwaukee in 1930, Rabbi Twerski, 90, wrote over 60 books on Torah, self-esteem and self-help. A lifelong fan of comic strip Peanuts, he authored two books with creator Charles Schultz. Respected globally, he was the first leading Orthodox rabbi to speak publicly about domestic violence in Orthodox communities. He lived most of his life in Pittsburgh then split his time between New Jersey and Israel. A descendent of Rabbi Menachem Nachum Twerski, founder of the Chernobyl Chasidic dynasty, his father, Rabbi Jacob Israel Twersky of Beth Yehudah Synagogue, Milwaukee, served the city’s Jewish community. His mother was the daughter of the second Rebbe of Bobov, Rabbi Ben Zion Halberstam, who was murdered during the Holocaust. Graduating medical school in 1960, Rabbi Twerski was clinical director of Psychiatry at St. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh. In 1972, he founded Pittsburgh’s Gateway Rehabilitation Centre whilst being associate Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh.





Yeshiva. Following Rabbi Bernstein’s death, he succeeded him at Kaminetz Yeshiva, serving alongside his brother-in-law HaGaon Rabbi Asher Lichenstein and cousin HaGaon Rabbi Shlomo Leibowitz. AM



HaRav Yitzchak Scheiner zt”l










Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski zt”l


Rabbi Twerski championed Alcoholics Anonymous and founded Nefesh to serve mental health workers. Twerski family members headed yeshivas in America and Israel. He is survived by his wife Dr. Gail Twerski, sons, daughter, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. His first wife, Golda, died in 1995. DS



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CAA published real-time anti-Semitism resource Black-Jewish alliance fight racism and anti-Semitism BY DAVID SAFFER

Campaign Against Antisemitism has published a resource detailing real-time anti-Semitic incidents at universities and campuses adopting the International Definition of Anti-Semitism. The initiative names universities that backed a call to protect Jewish students and shames those that have failed to so far. Successive Secretaries of State for Education have called for universities to adopt the definition. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson called for adoption of the IHRA definition last October, warning of regulatory action against universities if they failed to adopt the definition by the end of 2020. So far, 76 institutions of higher education are on board. They include the universities of Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Imperial College, Leeds, Liverpool, LSE, Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan, Nottingham, Oxford and UCL. Each page provides a summary of recent anti-Semitic incidents reported to CAA. The information is indicative, as it is believed many anti-Semitic incidents are not reported. Students, faculty, victims or

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witnesses of anti-Semitism on campus or in academic trade unions can contact CAA with details of incidents not listed. CAA offers assistance and free legal representation to victims. Binyomin Gilbert, CAA programme manager, welcomes the resource for students, faculty, politicians and general public. “We are making real progress, but there is much more to do,” he said. “Years in the making, this project complements the vital work being done by Jewish societies and campus activists across the country as well as the Union of Jewish Students, CST and other communal groups in our shared campaign for widespread adoption of the definition.” Gilbert added that the resource would hopefully encourage more students and faculty to disclose unreported anti-Semitic incidents. He noted, “Our monitoring helps to protect Jews on campus and we offer free legal representation to any victims of anti-Semitism at university or in an academic trade union. University should be the time of Jewish students’ lives. Through our monitoring,

we will remain vigilant against anti-Semitism on campus and when Jewish students need protection we will do whatever it takes to defend their rights.” SOAS, the School of Oriental and African Studies, is among those to decline adopting the definition. The university reportedly told CAA, “While SOAS has not adopted the IHRA definition, we are committed to maintaining a neutral platform and ensuring that all members of our diverse community are free to express their opinions in a mutually respectful and collegial environment. SOAS has a strong academic track record in research and teaching which relates to Israel Studies and Jewish Culture, including the UK’s first Professor of Israel Studies, an active Centre for Jewish Studies and a range of degree programmes including Hebrew with Arabic. “The School is also home to the Jewish Music Institute. All of this is part of our leading role in the development of thinking on issues relating to the Middle East. We will continue to promote open and robust discussion on campus.” CAA has long campaigned for the widespread adoption of defintion adopted by the Government in 2016. The campaign for universities to adopt the definition has also been championed by student activists, politicians and organisations including the Union of Jewish Students, Office of the Government’s Independent Adviser on Anti-Semitism, CST, Jewish Leadership Council and others. Victims can contact CAA at antisemitism. org/contact The project can be viewed at antisemitism. org/universities/ Students concerned about antisemitism can contact CAA 0330 822 0321 or e-mail

Neo-Nazi teen to be sentenced at Old Bailey BY LEAH WAXLER A neo-Nazi teenager from Cornwall has become the UK’s youngest terror offender after admitting 12 terrorism offenses. Sentencing at the Old Bailey is expected to take place on Monday. Now 16, the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted two counts of dissemination of terrorist documents and 10 of possession of terrorist material. It is understood he downloaded his first bombmaking manual aged and joined far-right social media forum Fascist Forge. Prosecuting, Naomi Parsons, reportedly said, “The age is the alarming factor and his conduct betrays a maturity beyond his chronological age.” Police found a Nazi flag, a racist slogan on the garden shed and downloaded manuals about making weapons at his home.

A Campaign Against Antisemitism spokesperson commented, “There has been a notable rise in far-right activity among the young, with older activists deliberately targeting youth with specially-designed videos and other material. Social media companies are too often failing to act against the threat, which, as this latest conviction shows, is very real. The number of prosecutions of young offenders shows that the criminal justice system is taking the matter seriously, but further preventative action is necessary to stop the deplorable brainwashing of young people with farright hate.” In 2018 and 2019, the teen reportedly expressed anti-Semitic, racist and anti-gay views online. He spoke of “gassing” Jewish people and is believed to have contacted the founder of neo-Nazi terror group Feuerkrieg Division.


Gene Simmons


BY NATALIE ASH Jewish and Black communities have united against anti-Semitism and anti-black racism in the entertainment industry. The Black-Jewish alliance includes 170 celebrities including TV personality Sharon Osbourne, KISS rock legend Gene Simmons (born Chaim Witz in Israel) and the late Larry King. The Alliance highlights historical bonds of both communities. Leaders will share the platform to fight bigotry, racism and anti-Semitism in all forms. A unity statement notes, “We stand against all forms of hate and pledge to work to bring our two communities together in solidarity, to support one another in our struggles and to better understand each other’s plight and narratives. “The Jewish community must continue to speak out against racial injustice and work to effect change, while the Black community must continue to speak out against all forms of anti-Semitism. In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., Rabbi Abraham Heschel and the many Blacks and Jews who stood together in the fight for civil rights we come together to support each other in the struggle against hatred and bigotry. In the words of the late John Lewis, “We are one people, one family, the human family, and what affects one of us affects us all.” The Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance is the first initiative by Black and Jewish entertainment industry leaders dedicated to building bridges between their respective communities and countering institutional racism and anti-Semitism.


A letter to the community. As we mark World Cancer Day we, the members of Chai Cancer Care’s Medical Advisory Panel, are writing to highlight the situation regarding cancer care during Covid-19. Cancer has not stopped because of the pandemic and continues to be an important health issue. We understand and appreciate that there may still be a reluctance to contact your GP should you have any cancer-related concerns, as this may result in you needing to go to hospital. We want to make you aware that there has been much thought, care and ongoing vigilance to provide Covid-free oncology hubs, where possible. So please: • If you notice any physical changes or have any concerns contact your GP as soon as possible • Make sure you continue to attend scheduled screening appointments and tests • Be self-aware and don’t ignore any symptoms This is a letter that we would rather not have to write, however the situation as it stands has compelled us to raise this matter with the community. Please contact Chai if you are affected at all by a cancer diagnosis on the Freephone helpline 0808 808 4567 or email

Dr Adrian Tookman FRCP Chairman, Chai Cancer Care Medical Advisory Panel Together with: Dr Rachel Craig, Dr Niki Davies, Prof Michael Douek, Prof Andrew Eder, Mr Daren Francis, Miss Joanna Franks, Prof Daniel Hochhauser, Dr Daniel Krell, Dr Jonathan Krell, Prof Jonathan Lederman, Dr Jane Neerkin, Prof Gordon Rustin, Prof Albert Singer, Dr Laura Tookman

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Israel expands vaccines to over 16s BY DAVID SAFFER Israel expands its globally heralded vaccination programme to anyone over the age of 16 today. Health Ministry Director-General Hezi Levi announced the news with a declining turnout for vaccines across the country. Israel heads the world per capita with a third of the population having received a first dose of the vaccination. But there has been a huge rise in seriously ill Covid-19 cases in under 40s due to the British mutation of the virus in recent weeks. Questions remain about vaccine efficacy. Some 1,074 patients are currently hospitalised, with 292 on ventilators and 4,888 deaths to date. The Health Ministry backs restrictions staying till Sunday, at least, but Defence Minister Benny Gantz has called for some measures to be slowly lifted from tomorrow. Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Hezi Levi is against the move. He reportedly said, “If we step out, we’ll do so slowly and in an orderly fashion. We want several more days to continue vaccinating the public and reach definitive protection, especially among those aged 50 and over as morbidity still remains very high. Ending the lockdown now will hinder our ability to continue to vaccinate a few tens or even hundreds of thousands more members of the at-risk population.” Regarding variants, Levi reportedly said, “We’re running constant testing and currently, the British variant is not resistant to the vaccine and neither is the South African variant, according to studies, although the vaccine might be less effective against that strain.” He added, “The virus could evolve to become resistant to the vaccine, mutations are quite common, and we see that with influenza vaccines that are tweaked each year to deal with the most common virus strains that year. Medicine and science say that a new variant can certainly develop anywhere, including in Israel.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Israelis to be vaccinated at a press conference on Tuesday. “We are in the midst of a race between the vaccination campaign and the variant,” he reportedly said. “The vaccination campaign is our key to exiting the pandemic. The variant has stricken the entire world and us too. Only a few days ago, it accounted for 70% of all samples taken, and today, it accounts for some 80%. The spread is massive.” He added, “If we take control of the disease in these age groups, and manage to vaccinate all over 50s, we will be on the path to victory over coronavirus, leaving

“We are in the midst of a race between the vaccination campaign and the variant. The vaccination campaign is our key to exiting the pandemic.” any surprises like new variants. That is why I am setting a national goal to vaccinate 90% of those aged 50 and over. It will allow us to gradually open the economy and save lives.” In related news, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi has suspended leave for combat units after 2,600 service personnel tested positive. According to a statement only units with no infections are exempt. Deputy health minister Yoav Kisch confirmed issues at hand. “We are at the peak of the outbreak,” he reportedly said. “The health system is under a huge burden and it would be a mistake to lift the lockdown even on Sunday. With every passing day, more people from risk groups are becoming protected, so it gives hope. The vaccines will save lives, and in my opinion, in February we will see a decrease in the number of serious patients.” Kisch criticised Gantz for backing an exit. “The last time when we reopened only the street stores, it created the opposite effect, overcrowding and congestion,” he reportedly noted. “If you reopen the trade then reopen the whole thing. Once you decide to reopen, then partially reopening is a mistake because it unites people from all areas, green and red, in one place.” Tragically, a third of coronavirus victims died in last month according to health officials. Worst affected areas amongst active cases is in Jerusalem with 11,506 followed by Bnei Brak 4,122, Modi’in Illit 2,383, Petah Tikva 2,196, Tel Aviv-Yafo 2,142, Beit Shemesh 2,023, Ashdod 1,797, Rishon Lezion 1,269, Haifa 1,247, Holon 1,183 and Netanya 1,089.

Lod Mayor Yair Revivo, meantime, has threatened to ban residents not vaccinated from using municipal services. He reportedly said, “It is time to take responsibility, stop with all the conspiracies that say (the vaccine) is dangerous. It is more dangerous to die than Covid.” Revivo contracted Covid last September after attending a synagogue on Yom Kippur. “Any move, educational or for deterrence, which can lead to the eradication of coronavirus in the country, in general, and in Lod, in particular, is welcomed,” a statement noted. Israel’s cabinet met last Sunday for an update on a lockdown extension. Netanyahu said Israel was in “in a race against death” so extending the lockdown would enable more citizens to be vaccinated. “Health systems in many countries are on the verge of collapse and in Israel it has been stretched to its maximum,” he reportedly said. “We can vaccinate the public thanks to the millions of vaccines we brought to Israel, within a week we will inoculate a million more. We are in a very tight race to vaccinate as many Israeli citizens as possible before the spread of the mutations.” Netanyahu criticised thousands who attended mass funerals of two esteemed rabbis in Jerusalem. Footage went viral. “We shouldn’t make this political. A gathering is a gathering, it does not matter if they are ultra-Orthodox, secular or Arab. It should be prevented across all sectors,” he reportedly said. Gantz explained his reasoning to reduce measures. “On my way to Tel Aviv,


I drove through the streets of Jerusalem, Bnei Brak and Ramat Gan and the reality is that everything is open. Israel is not New Zealand,” he reportedly said. “There is a decrease in infections, especially among the older population. We need to reinforce the vaccination teams to reach everyone.” An extended lockdown would affect mental health and the economy, he added. “This disease has side effects due to lockdowns, depression, loss of education and livelihood, heart disease and obesity,” Gantz reportedly explained. “We mustn’t fall in love with lockdown as a solution. This is especially true now when there are the vaccines. When you add to this the economic and social aspect, you end up with a very heavy toll.” The Knesset, meantime, backed legislation to increase fines for individuals breaking public health restrictions from NIS 5,000 to NIS 10,000. “I welcome the fact that after endless attempts to postpone the discussion in every possible way, we are now discussing the law that will allow increased and equal enforcement against a minority that harms the entire public and endangers its health,” Gantz reportedly said. “I saw the pictures of thousands in Jerusalem (at the funerals), this is not public discipline. We must respect and enforce the law, otherwise we will lose our government, our sovereignty, our enforcement and our rule of law.” “I hear that there are MKs who say that this is a law aimed against the ultra-Orthodox or Arabs. I tell you that it is not aimed against the ultra-Orthodox or Arabs, it is a law designed to save human lives,” added Gantz. Likud MK and Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin lambasted Gantz. “(He) decided to hold the citizens of Israel and the Knesset by the throat by saying that he will prevent the decision on extending the closure,” Levin reportedly said. “The Knesset must not be trampled on in this way by the government because of political disagreements within the government.”



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The opinions on this page do not reflect the opinions of this Newspaper

Iran defiantly challenges the west OPINION PIECE BY JAMES J MARLOW Israel’s public broadcaster this week reported that an Iranian plot to target Israeli Embassies in East Africa was thwarted last month. According to Kan News and citing western intelligence services, Iran sent agents with European and Iranian citizenship to an unnamed African country, with an objective of collecting as much information as possible about the Israeli, American and Emirates Embassies. The Iranian move is seen as an attempt to retaliate for the assassinations of Qassem Soleimani and Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Soleimani was the Iranian major general in the Islamic Guard Corps and commander of the Quds Force, assassinated by the Americans in January 2020. Fakhrizadeh was the masterful Iranian nuclear scientist, assigned to the role of producing a nuclear bomb, who was killed by a spectacular remote control operation last November. The plot in Eastern Africa comes against the backdrop of a bomb blast last week in New Delhi, next to the Israeli Embassy building. Indian investigators told local media that the explosives used in the attack were hard to obtain and had been previous used by terror groups, such as Al-Qaeda. Israel believes Iran was behind the blast. This week it was announced Iran had accelerated enrichment of uranium with a large number of advanced centrifuge machines, at an underground plant. Iran began breaching the deal in 2019 when it enriched with a cascade and the more efficient IR-2m machines, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Last December, the regime installed three more cascades and in January it went even further by feeding the cascade with UF6. OPINION PIECE BY MARIE VAN DER ZYL, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS As we grapple with the intense scrutiny of the Kehilla after the massive breach of lockdown regulations at a wedding in a hall at Yesodey HaTorah school in Stamford Hill, there are two key lessons to take away. We need to simultaneously ensure we are meticulous in following the rules, but also to ensure that we stand against the stigmatisation of an entire community for the selfish actions of a minority. The anger expressed after the event was entirely understandable. It is hard for those who have been shielding for many months, or who work in hospitals and have seen so many die from this disease, to comprehend

Unless you are a nuclear scientist, all this is probably going over your head, but the point is Iran is close to the unthinkable. The 2015 Accords allow Iran to refine uranium only at its main enrichment site, at the underground plant in Natanz, with first generation IR-1 centrifuges. But this startling new development, puts huge pressure on President Biden to engage with Iran and sign a brand new agreement. However each side is now waiting for the other to make the first move. Speaking on NBC, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that Iran could be just weeks away from producing enough fissile material for a single nuclear weapon, if it continues to violate the JCPOA nuclear deal. Israel believes it will take at least six months, or more before Iran produces the bomb. But Blinken speaking so publicly, could be a sign that the new administration is positioning itself to enter into fresh talks with the Iranian regime under a “blackmail scenario,” and that can’t be good.

History teaches that appeasing the aggressor, which so many countries did back in the thirties, just means you are postponing the inevitable. Likud Knesset Member Tzachi Hanegbi said on Tuesday night, what many in Israel now believe: “The US will never attack Iran’s nuclear program and Israel will have to decide whether to launch such a strike alone, or come to terms with a nuclear armed Islamic Republic.” Even though five American Presidents have said the words, “We will never allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons,” when push comes to shove, the Americans simply do not have the “stomach” to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities. In any case, Iran last Sunday rejected any new negotiations or changes to the nuclear deal with world powers, after French President Emmanuel Macron, suggested new talks should include Saudi Arabia. The suggestion that Iran’s arch-enemy would have a say in the deal, infuriated Tehran. Robert Malley has now been named

how people could ignore Government guidance and hold such an event. As Jews, we have a responsibility to adhere to the law of the land, dina d’malchusa dina. In cases where there is a safek pikuach nefesh, the genuine possibility of something being a matter of life and death, certain measures must be taken to protect ourselves and each other. The Torah includes the declaration of ve’nishmartem meod lenafshoseichem, the need to take great care to protect ones’ health. The actions of those who have seen fit to hold weddings during lockdown have led to a massive Chillul Hashem and put lives at risk. But I am sure that I am not the only one who feels a great sense of discomfort at the spectacle of some people, including some in our own community, taking a particular relish in attacking the Charedi community, when they keep silent as others break the rules.

It has been profoundly disturbing to see crass and insulting generalisations hurled at Charedim, or social media attacks on “Frummers”, in recent days. I can only imagine how hurtful the claims that Charedim are “arrogant” or “care nothing for others” must be to the considerable number of Charedim who have, in fact, been following and promoting the Government’s guidelines, organisations like Hatzola, MARS and Bikur Choilim who have been caring for the sick, and the many who have even lost family members to this terrible pandemic. But anger will not help solve this situation. We now need to proceed calmly and work together to find a way forward. The organisation I represent, the Board of Deputies, will continue to engage with the leadership of the Stamford Hill Kehillah and the Government to ensure compliance for now, and that, as soon as it is safe


special US envoy to Iran. He was a key member of former President Barak Obama’s nuclear negotiating team and was viewed by many in Israel as soft on Tehran, but extremely tough on Jerusalem. Again, another bad sign for Israel and the region. Late last year, Israel’s defence establishment set out four objectives vis-a-vis Iran. The first being if there was quiet in Lebanon, Israel would not resume any campaign, unless Hezbollah acquired a critical mass of precision missiles, as Hassan Nasrallah claimed it would. But the Israeli policy remains defensive. The second was to stop Iranian backed militias creating a “Hezbollah II” scenario in Syria. The militias would remain loyal to Iran, be very well equipped and could open fire against Israel at any time, because the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad had little power. Israel had targeted hundreds of sites in Syria in the past few years and the United States does not object. The third objective was to carefully watch Iran with diplomatic activity, technical efforts, gather intelligence and stop the Islamic Republic from producing nuclear weapons at any cost. Now Israel comes to stage four and perhaps the most difficult: To persuade the United States, that if they were to renegotiate a deal with Iran, it must be a sensible deal for the region and nothing like the one signed in 2015. The Gulf States and Israel speak as one voice on this issue. But if America enters into another bad deal or is not prepared to strike Iran’s underground nuclear facilities, which are spread out across the country, Israel will be forced to act independently, to remove the imminent danger. James Marlow is a broadcast commentator and communications trainer Facebook: James Jeremy Marlow Twitter: @James_J_Marlow to do so, the current tight restrictions on everyday life are lifted. Additionally, the announcement that dozens of Stamford Hill kosher shops will publicly exhort customers to wear masks to keep each other safe is very welcome. I understand that plans are also underway for the Stamford Hill community to support the vaccine rollout. Clearly, all eyes will be on our community later this month during Purim, and various steps will need to be taken so that this is celebrated in a different way to usual while still adhering to halacha. This virus affects us all. It has killed 100,000 in the UK, including more than 800 Jews, many of them frum Jews. The rollout of a vaccine is underway, so an end to the current situation is in sight. Until then, however, we need to work together to keep the risk of infection to a minimum and protect lives.



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Letters to the Editor Send in your comments to

Please note: The views of the letters do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Letters may be edited and publication is at the discretion of the editor.

EDITORIAL PROTEST James Marlow responds… Dear Editor I was asked to respond to Dr Jonathan Bernstein’s letter, regarding the editorial post about “praising Donald Trump,” although just to be clear, I did not write the editorial post. You are perfectly entitled to criticise everything that former President Trump stood for during his time in the White House. Trump was indeed an extremely divisive, bullish fellow. However I do wish to politely correct you on two points, as space is restricted. Although you suggested the Abraham Accords was a “major achievement”, you write that the “major part of the groundwork” was laid by Obama. I must remind you that the Gulf Arab States under Obama hinted several times, they would open ties with Israel, if the Americans supported the initiative. But Secretary of State John Kerry said, “No, No, No, No” to the suggestion. In fact in the public interview that is widely available (and is on my phone) John Kerry at the Saban Forum, said and I am quoting word for word, “There will be no separate peace between Israel and the

Letters to the H Editor

Dear Editor

Send in your comments to

Please note: The views of the letters do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Letters may be edited and publication is at the discretion of the editor.

HILCHOT SHABBAT Dear Editor I wish to point out an inaccuracy in the ‘Hilchot Shabbat’ column this week, in that it stated that teabags may not be used on Shabbat. In fact there is a difference of opinion of this, and even a Google search on ‘Using teabags on Shabbat’ will show that some Halachic opinions, e.g. Chabad, do in fact permit the use of teabags, so no-one who uses teabags is breaking Shabbat, although those who take the stricter view – including many Modern Orthodox people – do indeed use tea essence instead. Yours sincerely David J Dunitz


Dear Editor, It is always gratifying and reassuring to hear the testimonies of survivors of this dreadful disease Covid , and I wish Mr Yodaiken a continued speedy and full recovery. I was impressed by his conviction that his life was saved by prayers and tehilim. Perhaps the article could have emphasised how crucial the skill, expertise and exceptional dedication of the hospital staff was towards his recovery. Name withheld

dedicated and outstanding work.

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H. Cohen

our Rabbis introduced a period of semi ere we go again. The nonsense started just moments after one of Israel’s greatest ever friends in The White House, Donald mourning (no weddings nor haircuts) to Trump, left office. Biden, the man who was Vice President when Obama transferred millions ofof dollars the Palestinians commemorate the death thetopupils of in his final hours as president, signalled his intent to quickly adopt all Rabbi Akivah, they should also introduce a the old lies about Israel that Trump denounced by changing the twitter account of ‘the US Ambassador tomourning Israel’ to ‘US Ambassador to Israel, the similar pattern of into the period West Bank and Gaza.’ It was later changed back after a storm kicked up, the covid pandemic. but of the message was clear for all to see. The Biden administration clearly does not consider the West Bank part of Israel anymore. There is however a difference between Watch as Jews will be told off for building houses, even though it will the two tragedies. deny Palestinians money from building them! Watch as international policy at thethe United Nations period against Israel up itsthe rhetoric, backed In sefira –steps from 2nd day by an American president who seems intent on reinstating money for of Pesach to Shevuos) weofprepare for Iran. terrorism and endangering countless millions lives with a nuclear The word on the ground is that he wants to reinstate Obama’s nuclear re-receiving the Torah given on Mt. Sinai, a deal. This if true is both delusional and dangerous. ofitDivine Law on the principle Nocode longer will be so easy for Israelibased regional leaders to hop across to the USA and promote Israeli policy to listening ears in the Senate. of ‘You should love your neighbour as The tide will change, and the Palestinians are masters of living up to the


The impact of the pandemic




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The Mental Health Awareness Shabbat falls annually to @TheJewishWeekly 176 GO GREEN FOR JNF UK’S GREEN SUNDAY coincide with Parashat “Bo” which tells of the Plague ofPlease daven for Rabbi Dr AJ Twerski, Chacham, author Darkness – a suitable launchpad for discussions on the Talmid and psychiatrist who is seriously ill with Covid-19. nature of mental health. SOLDIER PREVENTS ATTACK Daven for Avrohom BRITISH-BORN

28 JANUARY 2021/15 SHEVAT 5781

A REAL HEROINE of Qarawat Bani Hassan, carried out a potential deadly attack, tar-

neutralised terrorist with no casualties among our forces,” he

fore striking him with her weapon. Ryan attempted to also stab a commander nearby, who fatally shot him. Politicians and responders said that but for Haroche’s actions the incident could have been deadly. Diaspora Affairs Minister Omer Yankelevitch tweeted that Haroche was a national “heroine”, adding she demonstrated the “intensity of Diaspora Jews” connections with the State of Israel. Ariel Mayor, Eliyahu Shaviro, visited the site and acclaimed Haroche and commander for their “resourcefulness and quick response”. “It led to the result of a

bigger attack was avoided.” Ephraim Brigade Commander Col. Yiftach Norkin attended the scene to investigate. “A combat soldier blocked the assailant’s multiple stabbing attacks, and the commander of the troops who was at the scene fired towards the assailant and neutralised him,” an IDF statement said. Following the attack, IDF forces set up checkpoints near Salfit close to Ryan’s village. A manhunt for accomplices took place. “Miraculously, other than the attacker, there were no injuries,” Hatzalah paramedic Chaim Kreif reportedly said after the incident.

Yehoshua Heshel ben Devorah Leah.

geting two Home Command added. our events and For more information about MHAS, tosol-view diers. According to witnesses, Ryan “You are heroes,” said Yossi Haroche who evaded his Dagan, Samaria Regional Counto register for the toolkit, attacked please knife on a numbervisit of be- cil head. “Thanks to you a much



British-born IDF soldier Corporal Leanne Haroche has been hailed a national “heroine” after fighting off a terrorist in a stabbing attack in the Judea and Samaria region of Israel. The 22-year-old from Borehamwood, whose parents are Israeli, was in Ariel when Atallah Ryan, 17,

Haroche, who made Aliyah in 2019 and joined the army last March, phoned her parents after the attack to let them know she was unharmed. The incident came two weeks after a two knife attacks on soldiers near Jerusalem and Hebron.


Dear Editor Kosher4nhs was set-up with the generous Friday 22nd January 3.15pm financial support many caring individuUnited Synagogue MHAS dedicated Kabbalatof Shabbat with Rabbi Daniel Epstein als, to whom we are most grateful, in order Saturday 23rd January 8-9.30pm provide FREE Kosher (KLBD) meals, Mental to Health Awareness through a Covid-19 Lens - Looking after ourselves, our families and our communities (Interactive Head Room Education session) sandwiches etc. to the dedicated, overSundayworked 24th January 8-9.15pm and overtired Jewish NHS doctors, MHAS Community Conversations (Interactive Head Room Education session) nurses and other Jewish hospital staff.

SHABBAT: London Manchester Leeds Liverpool Bournemouth Gateshead Antwerp Birmingham

BEGINS 16:29 16:31 16:24 16:31 16:36 16:19 17:09 16:30

We look forward to hearing from those who have not already taken advantage of our Kosher Meals service. All you need do is email us for details at Thank you. Danielle, Josepha and Sally

Monday 25th January 7-8pm Getting through lockdown: taking care of myself and my friends (interactive Head Room Education session) for ages 14-16


Tuesday 26th January 8-8.30pm Supporting our children during these difficult times - Samantha Simmonds in conversation with Dr Ellie Cannon

Thursday 28th January 8-8.30pm Monty, Mental Health and Mazal – Zaki Cooper in conversation with cricket legend Monty Panesar


Registered charity no. 1003345.

Rabbi Lionel Broder

Yes, Donald Trump has many faults. No one is saying that he never did anything wrong, and the events in the last few weeks of his reign will most likely haunt him for the rest of his life. However, when it came to Israel, he achieved great things, which no G-d-believing Jew can deny.

Dear Editor You published a letter in January 28th edition, contrasting Trump to Obama. We should not forget some of the Thursday 28th January 8.30-8.45pm Cake is good my Super Power with Ilana EpsteinTrump of Ta’am – Judaism on aThat Plate things that did. he left without dignity was unfortunate, but he was certainly a truer friend to Israel than THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM Obama, whose last days as President saw the first time the USA voted against Israel in the U.N. LATEST JOBS APPLY NOW BOOKKEEPER COMMUNITY WELFARE MANAGER The antisemitism we see in the universiECOMMERCE SALES MANAGER GROUP FINANCIAL CONTROLLER ties, is largely Left-led, and mostly DemoSEE MORE JOBS AT THEWORKAVENUE.ORG.UK/EMPLOYMENT/JOBS-LISTINGS crat. BLM has many antisemitic followers Leanne Haroche

yourself.’ The pupils of R. Akivah violated that principle; they lost respect for each other and died through a heavenly decree and we, commemorate that tragedy with actions of semi -mourning to ensure that our Torah is founded upon good feelings towards our fellow man. Therefore, throughout the period of the virus pandemic, weddings can take place but only if they conform to government regulations designed to avoid the spreading of the virus.

propaganda lies that the world so readily believes.

Jami’s MHAS programme of events:

Avi Yodaikin


Dear Editor Could I congratulate you on a welcome front page. So often we read or hear about Israel’s transgressions as headline news in the media. This Shabbat it was wonderful to read about a young lady who has made Aliyah, by her brave actions when confronted by a terrorist, become a heroine for the State of Israel. I hope her parents are proud as punch! They should frame your newspaper and display it for all to see whenever anyone visits their home. Thank you for standing up for Israel. Other Jewish newspapers should take note.

James Marlow

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From the editor’s deskthat as Last week someone suggested


Arab world. I wanna make that clear to all of you.” Then came the four No’s, as mentioned above and Kerry repeated, “There will be no advanced separate peace with the Arab world, without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that. That is the hard reality”. The hard reality was that Kerry and Obama got it completely wrong, and indeed they were the obstacles to the peace and trade treaties that eventually emerged under the Trump administration. As for the claim that “Obama gave the most substantial financial support to Israel of any US President”, that is correct. But much of this was put in place under the previous Bush administration. I believe we must all learn to criticise where criticism is warranted and congratulate, where one is deserving of such praise. I refer you to my opinion piece on President Biden on 28 January, in The Jewish Weekly



Dear Editor I am writig in response to the person who wrote into to The Jewish Weekly (12th January) stating that I never thanked NHS for helping to save my life. Please note that my wife sent biscuits and cakes and my kids made these letters to the nurses and doctors for their


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ENDS 17:36 17:41 17:36 17:48 17:49 17:39 18:23 17:46


and has been involved in riots, which in some States picked out Jewish stores to burn and loot. We are told that most American Jews vote Democratic, maybe for the party of years ago, but not of today’s. We will no doubt see many changes that President Biden will make and that the influence of the Muslim women in the Democratic Congress, who on a regular basis make anti-Israel comments will be heard even more. Sidney Sands


Letters to the “DOUBLE STANDARDSEditor OR WHAT…?” 4 FEBRUARY 2021

Send in your comments to

Please note: The views of the letters do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Letters may be edited and publication is at the discretion of the editor.

Dear Editor DOUBLE STANDARDS OR WHAT…? I was saddened to read, but agree with the contents of, the excellent letter, “DOUBLE STANDARDS OR WHAT…?” by “Name and address supplied” in last week’s edition, (The Jewish Weekly), 28 January). I also agree fully with the contents of lastEDITORIAL week’s PROTEST “From the editor’s desk.” The editor is spot on, and what the letter-writer so accurately describes is that far from being double standards, some of the Charedim adhere to a single standard of behaviour, in defiance of almost every worldwide Secular and Rabbinic authority, let alone local and national governments. Their recent behaviour goes against the mores of common decency and respect for their brethren (yes, we are also Jewish, but law-abiding), and all human beings. They are succeeding in garnering much negative publicity for themselves in the Jewish and national media, but which impacts on the whole Jewish community. When it comes to weddings, as has been widely reported in the media (and rightly so), many but by no means all Charedi Jews are wedded to their own way of living which they fervently believe is right and as Hashem wants Jewish people to do, irrespective of the pandemic Dear Editor The period each year between Pesach & Shavuos as everybody know, is traditionally a time when, due to a plague that killed 24,000 of R’ Akiva’s talmidim, no weddings or parties are held. Today, we are all so “machmir” to recall that event, and we do so by ensuring no weddings or musical celebrations are held. Furthermore, in keeping with tradition, no haircuts are permitted and men grow beards as if in a time of mourning… Today we are living through a modern day “plague”when, not 24,000, but so far, over 90,000 people have died in the UK, over 400,000 in the USA. Indeed the worldwide death toll will run into millions… Yet some of our brethren deem it right and proper to ignore the law of the land to deliberately ensure that their weddings go ahead, with total disregard for the fact that their behaviour is so wrong on so many different levels.

Dear Editor I write to protest at the tone of your editorial in your most recent edition. You praise former President Trump, laud him as the greatest friend of the Jews and condemn President Biden at the start of his captaincy of the US ship and before he has a chance to develop his own record. Firstly, President Trump is not worthy of your accolade. His isolationist view of the United States and his bullish attitude to diplomacy has left a power vacuum rapidly being filled by Russia and China and a loss of confidence and trust in the USA which is not good for Israel. His withdrawal from important international bodies such as the WHO deprives millions of impoverished peoples of the benefit of its public health programmes and the withdrawal from the Climate Change Agreement could have devastating consequences for us all. His rhetoric has dangerously divided and destabilised America. His attitude to racism and the succour he has given to White Supremacists should be of major concern and has left our brethren in America facing anti-Semitism on a scale not seen there for decades. Not everything he has done is necessarily bad as you indicate. The Abraham

28 JANUARY 2021

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Dear Editor I wish to express my immense admiration and gratitude for Jacqueline Curzon’s weekly column. To say the truth, I never used to pick up The Jewish Weekly before on such a regular basis (perhaps only once or twice a year). But since your weekly featuring of this brilliant, witty, most professional and originally informative journalist, The Jewish Weekly has become an absolute weekly must that I eagerly look forward to every Friday, always starting from its highlight - J.Curzon’s column! I was quite distressed to learn from her last article that, in addition to all her

other numerous trials and tribulations, Jacqueline is now unwell with Covid. I keep davening for her full, speedy recovery in all respects and hope to continue seeing her outstanding, sparkling articles on your pages... Please keep them coming!

Name and address supplied

Accords are unquestionably a major achievement but it should not be forgotten that a major part of the groundwork necessary to achieve those accords was laid during the time and under the influence of the man you vilify, President Obama. While the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem is long overdue it also is pragmatic saving the US from maintaining an embassy in Tel Aviv and a separate consulate in Jerusalem. The latter has long served as a de facto embassy to the Palestinians and I doubt this will change. I doubt the move has any more than symbolic benefit to Israel. It should not be forgotten that Obama gave the most substantial financial support to Israel of any US President. Not all he did was right and his attempts to accommodate the Palestinians and Iran may well have gone too far, especially in respect of the JCPOA. President Biden may have been Obama’s Vice-President but he is also his own man. It is dangerous and wrong to play Trump’s game of condemning the man before he has begun, never mind the lashon hara this demonstrates. Yours sincerely Dr Jonathan Bernstein

J D Milaric

Dear Editor I am a regular reader of the Jewish Weekly and generally am in agreement with many of James Marlow’s assessments. However his opinion piece on the “Impeachment attempt by the Democrats” on 14 January, is a serious case of misreporting and misrepresenting the words of Kamala Harris. James stated that she called for “unrest on the streets,” and therefore is clearly wrong. He further went on to state that a Missouri Senator called for the assassination of Donald Trump. But that was a news story from August 2017 and has zero relevance to his opinion piece. I feel that to his detriment and the detriment of the Jewish Weekly readership, James has made a serious error by reporting these non-factual and inaccurate points. It is precisely because I do generally agree with his views, that I feel compelled to send this email, with a hope that he will check into these facts and if he feels he made an error, then he has the moral

Dear Abraham I appreciate your “general” support of my views, although it is perfectly acceptable for you to have a different view. However I am surprised you came out fighting and finger pointing against me in your second sentence with all sorts of accusations. If you would have simply asked for my source on Vice President Kamala Harris, instead of accusing me of false reporting and that I have a “moral duty” to tell the truth, my tone would be a little more friendlier. I guess the video I have on my phone, which has also been posted on my Twitter and Facebook accounts, of Kamala Harris in person, calling for unrest, must be “fake news.” Or it is authentic, and it is YOU who has it wrong. Last year when the riots began, Kamala Harris said in an interview on the Late Show, and I am quoting word for word: “They’ll not stop before election day in November and they’re not gonna stop after election day, and they should not. Everyone take note of that on both levels. They’re not gonna let up and they should not”.

From the editor’s desk

With much appreciation, Devorah P.

P.S. My children would also like to thank you for the wonderful kids’ section, full of interesting riddles and jokes that they enjoy reading over Shabbos. They now especially love ‘dingbats’.

which is wreaking havoc everywhere and has alJAMES MARLOW’S IMPEACHMENT OPINION ready claimed countess lives in most parts of the world. This Coronavirus pandemic is indeed a modern-day plague, that depending upon one’s point of view, has been sent to us by Hashem. A plague, that while not sent specifically to kill Jewish people, nevertheless has not James Marlow responds… exempted us from becoming its victims. Weddings, Baruch Hashem, lead to new life in the form of children. Surely, however, they should not be held at the expense of existing life (even children have sometimes sadly become this pandemic’s victims)! All individuals and organisations involved in these illegal wedding gatherings should be held to account and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It saddens me to write this, but THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM I believe that many other Jewish people whatever strands of Judaism they subscribe to and is their level of observance, agree with me on. Today, we are living with two dreaded C-Words, “Covid-19,” and, “Coronavirus.” I now fear reading about another one, “Charedim.” The C-word that I most respect and want to read about is the Hebrew one for life – “CHAI.” Am Yisrael Chai.

The fact that so many of our own have become victims already, our communities suffering at a much higher rate than the general population); they openly flout and completely ignore the laws of the country ; their behaviour will almost certainly fan the flames of the already rising tide of antisemitism in this country and beyond; as a consequence of these gatherings, the chances of more of them or their families succumbing to the disease will increase disproportionately; all of these pale into insignificance in the minds of the “Rabbis”, baalei simcha, caterers; badchanim; hall owners; all of whom bear a terrible responsibility for their actions. Yet come Sefira, being so “frum” these people would never even entertain the idea of even thinking about holding such events.




Our front page celebrates the staggering 30 million pounds that has been raised by British Jewry in the last few weeks. This includes £25,000 that has been raised for our own columnist Jacqueline Curzon, in her ongoing battle with pancreatic cancer. It is truly astonishing that during one of the darkest financial times in recent history, when many people are out of work or worried sick about jobs and businesses, our community have dug deep and broken all pre-pandemic records. This is an achievement that the Jewish community should truly be proud of. 14 JANUARY 2021

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The opinions on this page do not reflect the opinions of this Newspaper

Impeachment attempt will increase American division OPINION PIECE BY JAMES J MARLOW

This second attempt by the Democrats to impeach the President, days before he will step down from office, is designed to further tarnish his image and destroy his legacy. Nancy Pelosi and company, wish to portray Donald Trump as an “exception” and “historical accident” in American history. But in reality, the Democrats now have control of both Houses and the White House, and need to stop playing “petty politics” and instead focus on programmes and policies that are urgently needed, to cope with the health and economic crisis. The Democrats have absolutely no chance of getting an impeachment through the Senate by 20 January, and so this move will simply increase the polarised divisions within American society. Donald Trump leaves behind a huge legacy with major achievements on both the foreign and domestic fronts. When he took office in 2016, he arguably prevented war with North Korea by giving its leader, Kim Jong-un, a world platform. Trump stood up to China and slapped huge tariffs on their imported goods, which is how American factories re-opened and large numbers from the black and Hispanic communities were back at work, manufacturing American goods. The President rightly told NATO that they had to pay their fair share of the huge defence budget, and they did. He stood up to the EU, Iran and the Palestinians, cancelling the UNRWA funding in Gaza and shutting down the PLO office in Washington DC, for paying terrorists to kill Israelis. Trump’s legacy includes the American Embassy, recognition of the Golan and the main Jewish

communities in Judea and Samaria. The normalisation of ties between Israel and UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco, Bhutan, Kosovo and Oman, would never have happened without Donald Trump. Today, significant trade and business takes place between Israel and the Gulf States. But when the dust settled after last week’s violence, which left five people dead, including a police officer, I wrote elsewhere that this was perpetrated by a group of radical thugs, totally opposed to the rule of law and order, and it is to be condemned in the highest form. We now know that some of those arrested were NOT Trump supporters. But the vast majority were, and some came from farright Neo-Nazi groups. At the rally, Trump, said, “We’re gonna walk down

Donald Trump

to the Capital and we’re going to cheer on, our brave Senators and Congress-Men and Woman, and we’re probably not going to be cheering for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong”. This in my view, added “fuel to the fire,” to a bunch of thugs who don’t know their right from their left, and they were under the impression, “the election has been stolen from us”. Even worse, one of the most secure buildings in the United States is penetrated so easily by a mob, demanding, “Stop the Steal.” They broke into the chamber, whilst elected Congress members and employees crouched under desks, hiding in fear for their lives. Having said this, I will NOT be bullied in condemning the Trump legacy. You can disagree with his brash style and approach and you can criticise him for “pushing a button” last week, just to see what would happen. But overall, Trump got things done and more than 74 million people voted for him. Donald Trump pulled off some of the most remarkable things, and we must never forget that. For this I say, thank you Mr President. Many elected Democrats appeared on CNN and MSNBC last year and called for large scale demonstrations, including spotting Cabinet Members in restaurants or stores, create a crowd and show them they are not welcome. Vice President Elect, Kamala Harris called for “Unrest on the streets”, while Nancy Pelosi called Trump supporters “Enemies of the State.” A Missouri State PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK Senator said, “I hope

Donald Trump is assassinated,” while a news commentator said “They are going to have to put a bullet in Donald Trump and that’s a fact”. A celebrity holds a “bloody” head of Donald Trump, while Madonna opined at a rally, “I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.” CNN anchor-man Chris Cuomo said, “Show me where it says protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful”. In response the anti-Donald Trump camp and much of the media say to me, “Don’t you dare bring up Antifa”. But what about the Court House in Portland that was bombed nightly for a month – how was that allowed to happen? This is America we are talking about, not some small African nation. If there is no respect or tolerance to exercise a democratic right to vote for whoever you choose, without fear of intimidation or violence, then it’s anarchy. They say, “You CAN vote, but if I disagree with your choice, you are an extremist”. There must be one set of principles for both sides. But in this polarised society, the media and many voters become so entrenched, they fail to see what is happening to their democracy. Have we learnt nothing from history? President Elect Joe Biden insisted, “This is a time of reconciliation and coming together”. So Democrats, stop the crazy impeachment process and leave the Republican Party to sort out their own issues. Begin the healing process and move on. The stage is set for Joe Biden to take over the White House and we must all come together and be ready for the next chapter in American politics. James Marlow is a news broadcast commentator and communications trainer Email: James@TheCommunicationBureau. com Twitter: @James_J_Marlow

Communal responsiblity to stop the spread and save lives OPINION PIECE BY MARIE VAN DER ZYL, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS

This week we had the grim news that, in the week ending 8 January, the Jewish community had suffered 43 deaths. To put these figures into perspective, this is the highest figure since 17 April which was the very peak of the first wave of the pandemic. At this point, there is no indication that we have reached the height of this current wave. Therefore, there is every chance that the coming weeks will bring even more tragic news. There cannot be many of us who do not

have a friend, colleague or acquaintance who has died from this dreadful illness. On the news we see our wonderful doctors and nurses doing everything within their power to save the lives of people struggling to take a breath. Then we see the relatives of the dead distraught over the awful way their loved ones died – alone without the possibility of finding comfort from their nearest and dearest. There is nothing more important in our religion than saving a life. Pikuach nefesh is the concept that saving a human life is more important than any mitzvot. For the next few weeks, this must be the priority for all of us. As I write, the elderly and the vulnerable are having their first dose of vaccine – we are lucky to be living in an age in which such rapid scientific progress

is saving lives. I want all of my friends and relatives to benefit from this wonderful treatment. What this means in practice is that every one of us has a serious responsibility to look after ourselves and, even more importantly to look after one another. Government medical advice is currently to stay at home – you can leave for exercise, medical care and to buy essentials for your family, and of course many frontline workers have to work to ensure that the rest of us can manage at this time. We have been told to act as if we have the virus – that means wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining a safe space and not putting ourselves or our loved ones at any risk. We are all missing contact with friends and family. I know many people are on


their own without any company for days and weeks on end – this is very hard. We cannot hug our elderly parents or our children and grandchildren if they don’t live with us. Many synagogues have closed their doors voluntarily despite currently being allowed to stay open by the Government for fear that this new variant could spread even through socially distanced prayer. I can’t wait to see everyone again and I know all of you feel the same. If the vaccination programme is rolled out efficiently, there is a chance that something near to normal life could return in time for Pesach celebrations but if we have to wait a little longer, we will. If we observe the rules we will save lives and there is no mitzvah greater than that.

duty to correct these inaccuracies ASAP and not colour future pieces with false reporting. Abraham Weinstein

The live discussion which has gone viral, was about the unrest, riots, destruction of property and injuries to police by the political movements, BLM, Antifa and others. As for your claim that because a Missouri Senator called for the assassination of Donald Trump, it is irrelevant before it was just “a news story in August 2017” and occurred before the riots began, why would you think I would not mention that in my opinion piece? You can be a loyal paid up member of the Democrat Party, but if one of your Senators calls for the assassination of the President, you need to call it out for what it is, and NOT cover it up. She was arrested by police at the time. I do check my sources. I don’t knowingly misrepresent or misreport and I did check the facts with video. I am therefore quite satisfied that what I wrote was accurate and correct and that no error was made. However we now have a brand new President and Vice President and it’s time to move on and work with the Administration. James Marlow

SIGN FROM ABOVE This week has been a difficult one for world Jewry, with several leading lights having been lost in one day. Rabbi Twerski, Rav Soloveitchik and Rav Scheiner will be sorely missed. The Torah tells us that the death of the righteous serves as an atonement for the Jewish nation and the whole world. How badly we need it now! Let us hope that with Hashem’s help we can vaccinate away the pandemic as quickly as possible and return to the good old days where family and friends can see each other safely.

CHAREDIM I lived in Israel for a few years and whenever I glanced through the Israeli newspapers I would quickly see the battle that rages between the Charedim and the Chilonim, or the Orthodox and the Secular. It always upset me how much strife there is between the Jewish nation, and one can see that Mashiach will have to be a quite brilliant personality to bring about world peace forever! The silver lining in the UK was that the animosity between the two sides was never really “open.” It fostered beneath the surface and in whispered conversations, but at least the cracks were papered over when it did occasionally rise to the surface in public. The pandemic has utterly changed that attitude, with this country’s Jews now openly at war with each other as they are in Israel. Yes, it is true that too many Charedim have broken lockdown, but plenty of non-Charedim have broken it too. This newspaper has long campaigned for everyone to follow rules and when people openly break laws by inviting 150 guests to a wedding during lockdown, they should rightly be condemned. However, the investigations led by two Jewish newspapers last week were sadly one-sided. The focus was all on Charedim breaking lockdown and it painted all Charedim as rule-breakers. This is not true and is a travesty to the many Charedi people (many of whom do actually live outside Stamford Hill too!) who have kept lockdown properly, who have shielded for months, who haven’t seen family and friends for a long time. To paint everyone with the same brush is unfair to those good citizens who are trying to save lives. Where was their screaming headline bemoaning the fact of the many non-Charedim openly breaking lockdown at Barmitzva parties, raves and all sorts of events including hen nights and baby showers? I didn’t read headline grabbing complaints about footballers who always have perfect haircuts even when barbers are forbidden from being open? Are they not also “a law unto themselves?” Where was the colossal attack on the throngs of celebrities, TV personalities and politicians who have broken lockdown, including MP’s heavily fined for travelling whilst positive with the virus amongst other cases. What about Dominic Cummings, driving to a castle to check his eyesight?! A fair press must be consistent across the board. Otherwise, an important article to help save lives can instead be seen as a blatant agenda-driven attack, which could fan further flames of anti-Semitism. This harms every single Jew no matter their religious persuasion. We are one nation and should look out for each other. As Marie Van Der Zyl writes in this week’s edition, we must ‘work together’ to find the real solution.



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Kisharon’s covid memorial garden

Volunteer Sarah Adler planting memorial garden in the Kisharon Child’s Hill Library garden

Enjoying Tu B’Shvat goodies

Seed’s Tu B’Shvat activities ​ ome info on what we’ve been up to S Seed’s Tu B’Shvat activities touched over 2,000 people last week. Highlights included ‘grow your own’ basil seed packs ordered by 975 people UK-wide, a tree painting evening for graduates of our

LINKS mother and daughter bat mitzvah programme and a range of online sessions for schools in London and Manchester led by Seed’s educators. These included a Kahoot quiz, gratitude tree crafts, edible food art and a Tu B’Shvat seder.​

The main Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary school may be partially closed because of the Covid Pandemic Lockdown. Both the Kindergarten and Nursery remain open, with the children enjoying the many activities and stories.

BJCFP School Nursery, story time by Miss Potts.


Kisharon marked Tu B’shvat by planting a Covid memorial garden at Childs Hill Library in Cricklewood. The Library is used by the local community and now has a rose bed designed to become a quiet place for reflection for those who have lost friends or relatives. “Everyone knows someone who has died from this terrible disease,” said Kisharon volunteer Sarah Adler, who is behind the initiative. Several rose bushes have been planted. A bench with a commemorative plaque will be placed beside the rose bed, where visitors can pause for quiet contemplation.

“It is heart-breaking that many families of those who have passed away from Covid had no opportunity to say goodbye,” said Sarah. “My cousin was in her 80s, she was one of those bouncy people we all thought would go on to 100. Everyone has been touched during this past year and what is missing, because of social distancing is that bit of comfort, hugging and knowing someone is there for you if you’ve had a bereavement.” Kisharon hope the garden will offer comfort, and when restrictions allow, welcome residents to the garden. The Library remains open by a click and collect service.

Norwood to close its charity shops The high street has been a challenging retail environment for some time and this situation has obviously been exacerbated by the current pandemic. After exploring various options, Norwood has taken the decision to review its trading position and has decided to close those shops where leases have naturally come to an end. As a result, Norwood’s Edgware, Barkingside and the Golders Green menswear shops will close in the next three months. Norwood’s remaining four outlets will be reviewed individually going forward. Dr Beverley Jacobson, Norwood chief executive, comments: “Norwood shops have always stood out in the charity sector due to the inspiring staff team and the incredible support we have enjoyed from suppliers, volunteers and customers alike. We are indebted to them all and are very sorry to be losing some of our highstreet presence. However, in these difficult times, we must focus our resources on those who most need our support.”


Celebrating Tu B’Shvat Joshua Elfassy from the Bury and Whitefield Jewish Primary School holding a pomegranate. PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL.


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JRoots marks Holocaust Memorial Day 2021, with largest online gathering of Holocaust Survivors To commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD), on Wednesday 27th January, JRoots an international Holocaust education organisation, hosted the ‘Passing on the Torch’, the world’s largest online gathering of Holocaust survivors, their descendants and guests. Across several online platforms, in partnership with 80 international organisations, more than 10,000 guests from all over the world joined 150 Holocaust Survivors from America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Poland, Israel, Hungary and many more countries, for the unprecedented gathering to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2021. For last year’s 75th Holocaust Memorial Day, 125 Holocaust survivors’ flew to Auschwitz, however, this year, JRoots needed to adapt to the current climate and create an appropriate online event which would not only mark Holocaust Memorial Day and honour the survivors, but also act as a catalyst for greater engagement between survivors and young people over the course of 2021 and beyond. Guests heard from several special guests, including Deborah Lipstadt, - the Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University,

who famously fought Holocaust denier David Irving in a libel case in 1996 and won. Celebrated British historian, Simon Schama, also spoke at the ‘Passing on the Torch’ ceremony about modern day anti-Semitism and the ‘preciousness of witness’, together with Holocaust survivor David Marks who shared a message of hope, as well as the wonderful news that at the age of 92, he had met the love of his life and JRoots HMD 2021 married her on New Year’s Eve. Holocaust In a moving ceremony, Holocaust surSurvivor Manfred Goldberg also spoke vivors and honoured guests were invited at the event, after spending the morning to light a candle in memory of those who speaking with The Duchess of Cambridge were silenced. Participants watched JRoots at a separate Holocaust Memorial Day friend Voitek Smollen light the first candle event. Mr Goldberg told his story, begin- at Auschwitz-Birkenau and the ceremony ning with the closure of his school shortly was accompanied by an emotional violin after Kristallnacht, and his subsequent de- performance from acclaimed Israeli violinportation to Stutthof Concentration Camp ist, Hagai Shaham. Shaham played from the along with one of his teachers, who dedi- workshop of the Los Angeles based ‘Violins cated what life he had to helping his stu- of Hope’ project which has been collecting dents, and who Mr Goldberg credits with violins, violas and cellos since the end of celebrating his Bar Mitzvah and having a World War 2, and all of which belonged to lasting impact on his own life. Jews before and during the war.

The Jewish memorial prayer El Malei Rachamim was recited at the close of the ceremony by Holocaust survivor and dedicated educator Dovid Leitner, in memory of the all those who perished in the Holocaust, and in particular, the names of more than 1,500 family members submitted by the survivors present at the ‘Passing on the Torch’ memorial event. Rabbi Naftali Schiff, Founder of JRoots, said: “On Holocaust Memorial Day 2021, JRoots, pays homage to the survivors and thanks them for having shared so much with us. Last year, as we stood with so many survivors at the 75th commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz we made a pledge to the survivors, that we shall never forget them, their families, or the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Our pledge is to carry their torch of light aloft, and to remember what each survivor has shared with us and taught us. Today, we want to reiterate that pledge to the survivors and their families and we will pass the light which each survivor has given us throughout the darkness and on to generations to come.”

Sacks Morasha Tu B’Shvat online Seder

Tu B’shvat at Sacks Morasha The school was excited to take a day out from their regular home-learning timetable to celebrate Tu B’Sh’vat as a school community. Highlights was the Tu B’Sh’vat Seder for the whole family, led by our Honorary Principal, Rabbi Lawrence; and our ‘Hopes and Dreams Tree’ Art project which has

been organised specialist Art teacher, Mrs Woodward. They miss seeing their fantastic families, and also arranged a special horticultural gift for them to let them know they’re in their thoughts even when they’re physically separated.

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The Prince of Wales, and Coldplay’s Chris Martin Celebrate World Jewish Relief at ‘Make a World of Difference’ event On Tuesday 2 February World Jewish Relief’s first ever virtual annual event Make a World of Difference 2021 took an astounding 1,270 guests on a journey to meet community members from across the world. There is every indication that the evening will achieve their target, raising in excess of £1 million. The evening was hosted by BBC journalist Emily Maitlis and guests heard from the charity’s Patron His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, Coldplay’s Chris Martin and outgoing Chair Dan Rosenfield. Travelling from the comfort of their homes to meet individuals the charity supports in Eastern Europe and East Africa, guests were reminded of the sobering reality the world’s most vulnerable communities have faced this year, and the astonishing work World Dan Rosenfield interviewed by Emily Maitlis Jewish Relief is doing to save lives to the event with a personal message to and transform communities. guests, wishing them well and expressing A pre-recorded message from His Royal how proud he is to support World Jewish Highness, The Prince of Wales addressed Relief. Guests enjoyed a special musical World Jewish Relief’s supporters, thanking performance of Coldplay’s ‘A Sky Full of them for their support. HRH referenced Stars’, played on guitar and sung by Chris World Jewish Relief’s history, saving lives from his home. since 1933. In HRH’s words ‘I am enorIn an interview with Emily Maitlis, Dan mously proud to be a Patron of World Jew- Rosenfield described how he was drawn to ish Relief, just as I am proud of the British World Jewish Relief as it has deeply Jewish Jewish community, precisely because of the roots but is unafraid to look beyond the compassion you show to others’. The Prince community and respond to vulnerability also paid tribute to his close friend the late globally. He affirmed that the charity conformer Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks, describing tinues to be guided by the principle that him as a ‘man of extraordinary wisdom, hu- no older Jewish person should ever be left mility and compassion’. alone by the community, and this would Coldplay’s Chris Martin contributed remain at the top of their agenda.

LSJS starts new course on The Torah of Rabbi Sacks zt”l The loss of Rabbi Sacks to world Jewry and beyond is immeasurable. Not only was Rabbi Sacks a former LSJS Principal and Honorary President but he studied at Jews’ College (now known as LSJS) and was a regular lecturer. LSJS is committed to keeping his teaching alive and with this in mind Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum has designed an exciting new course called “The Torah of Rabbi Sacks zt”l”. The course will celebrate and spread key ideas in Rabbi Sacks’ thinking and influence, and will be presented by a wide range of up-and-coming and well-established scholars, rabbis and thinkers. “Responsibility, dignity, peoplehood, hope, community and faith – such words took on more profound meanings in the thought of Rabbi Sacks. He reframed Judaism for the modern Jew and taught us how to be reinvigorated by our history and traditions. More than anything, he challenged

us to discover new ideas in Torah and fresh expressions of Jewish life. That’s exactly what this course is about.” Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum Joanne Greenaway, Chief Executive of LSJS added, “It is so important for us to continue spreading the teachings of Rabbi Sacks and what he stood for through his students. He was and remains an inspiration to us and we want to shine a light on those teachers who are following his path and giving a new platform to his remarkable teachings”. This will be a fortnightly course with four sessions this term and many more to come in the summer and autumn. LSJS dean, Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum will be the chair for each session.

Dan announced that accomplished Jewish communal leader and businessman Maurice Helfgott will take over as Chair, bringing significant expertise and ambition to the role. Until recently, Maurice served as Chair of the Union of Jewish Students. He also serves as Vice Chair and committee member of the ‘45 Aid Society, UK Holocaust Survivors and Second Generation. In his professional life he is an experienced Chairman and Independent Director in e-commerce, technology and consumer business, formerly an Executive Director on the main Board of Marks & Spencer. In 1945 Maurice’s father, Sir Ben Helfgott, was one of 732 child concentration camp survivors rescued by World Jewish Relief and supported to build new lives in the UK. Ben went on to become Captain of the British Olympic weightlifting team and for over five decades has continued to work tirelessly to ensure that the Holocaust, and lessons learned from it, are never forgotten.

For Maurice, the history of the organisation is intimately connected to his own family’s past. He says ‘I am here today in no small part because World Jewish Relief brought an orphan refugee called Ben Helfgott to Britain in 1945 and helped him establish his life here. It is an immense privilege to be able to help World Jewish Relief continue its humanitarian impact across the world’. World Jewish Relief’s President Henry Grunwald said of the appointment ‘We are very fortunate to have Maurice as our new chairman. He brings a successful commercial and communal background to the position, on top of which he has World Jewish Relief in his blood, being one of the sons of Sir Ben Helfgott, of The Boys, and in particular the Windermere Boys, who owe their successful integration into the life of the UK to World Jewish Relief. He is therefore very familiar with what we do. I have worked with Maurice on communal matters before, and I look forward to working with him at this great organisation.’ Thanks to the unwavering support of the Jewish community over this difficult year, World Jewish Relief has been able to reach 73,000 people in 18 countries with friendship, food, and medicine as well as new enterprise and employment support. They have supported communities across the world to respond to the pandemic, meeting urgent humanitarian needs, providing companionship to older people under lockdown, and helping those who have lost their jobs to find new employment. If you were unable to join, you can watch Make a World of Difference 2021 now on World Jewish Relief’s Facebook page or YouTube channel.

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Aish UK honours Jonathan Goldstein with ‘Rabbi Sacks zt”l Pioneer of Jewish Education Award’

Jonathan Goldstein accepting his award

Aish UK ran a combined online virtual Gala and a subsequent crowdfunding campaign last week, raising £2 million for their operations, breaking through two bonus rounds of fundraising. An initial target of £1.5million was set and was then raised to £1.8m due to overwhelming level of support. When this target was achieved with hours to spare, the final bonus target of £2million was set. These fund will allow Aish UK to continue impacting thousands of students and young professionals with our incredible online and face to face programming while increasing our presence on University Campuses. After seeing a range of charity online fundraising events and campaigns over the past few months, Aish UK decided to adopt a hybrid approach to our 2021 fundraising campaign. Combining an online Gala for core supporters on the evening of Tuesday 26th January and then opening up to a wider crowdfunding campaign on Wednesday and Thursday, gave Aish UK the ability to maintain our close connection with their supporters and yet ensure that they are able to harness the incredible community-wide support that Aish UK enjoys amongst British Jewry. Being able to offer supporters a more intimate and interactive Aish Gala Live event, including delivering desserts and cocktail making kits to over 600 guests across 400 households in the UK, allowed Aish UK to share a close up look at their staff and activities in the past year and show their guests a ‘glimpse behind the curtain’ of Aish UK. Featuring staff from all over the country and showcasing a range of role one would not expect to hear from or see at Aish UK. Guests joined private video ‘host rooms’ during the event to share the experience with their own virtual tables and enjoyed an evening getting to know how Aish operated during this past year and our plans for the future. During the evening Rabbi Rowe read out incoming live messages of support and was able to join several hosts and guests in their ‘Virtual Host Rooms’.

Joanna Benarroch and Henry Grunwald OBE QC

With the recent deep loss to the whole Jewish world of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks zt”l, it was a particular honour for Aish UK to have the opportunity to partner with his family and office to dedicate the inaugural ‘Rabbi Sacks zt”l Pioneer of Jewish Education Award’ to JLC Chairman Jonathan Goldstein for his outstanding work in saving schools, leading the community and impacting countless lives, focussing on his work in the Redbridge Project providing long term sustainable education for thousands of students. Representing the Office of Rabbi Sacks zt”l was Joanna Benarroch together with Henry Grunwald OBE, Chairman of the Covenant & Conversation Trust. Together they presented the award and then introduced other notable guests who praised Jonathan and his work over the years. Rabbi Malcolm Herman, Associate National Director of Seed, Lady Lira Winston, Gerald Ronson, Rabbi David Meyer and Spencer Lewis, former headteacher at King Solomon High School all gave warm and supportive messages for this very much deserved awardee. Jonathan Goldstein said on the night “Rabbi Sacks was a mentor to me, he guided me through the project offering advice on various challenges that came my way. For that and so much more I will be eternally grateful. His loss is huge loss for the Jewish world. The vacuum he leaves behind is immense… He was a devoted husband father and grandfather. I was lucky to grow up in Ilford within the warmth of a loving family and a vibrant community. My only hope is that the changes that were made ensure the continuity of Jewish education in the area for some considerable time”. Jonathan added “The work that Aish does in ensuring the connectivity of so many thousands of Jewish people around this country is so important and they deserve all of our thanks and support.” Rabbi Daniel Rowe said “So much goes into every event and online session that we

create a Aish UK so we decided to show our supporters a little ‘glimpse behind the curtain’ so they could better understand how we’ve made such a huge impact in the most difficult of times for some of our students and young professionals across the UK. I’m so proud and grateful that the community has come out to support Aish


UK as we head into 2021 with so many exciting plans” Rebbetzin Miriam Gefen said “I was simply overwhelmed by the tremendous level of support we have seen this past week. I was proud to represent the Aish Manchester branch at the Gala and was able to highlight how much of our work takes place outside of London and especially in the North and around Manchester. Aish UK is really having an amazing impact with students and keeping them connected in schools, on campus and as Young Professionals.” Royi Gutkin, Fundraising Director added “Running a campaign like this, we did not know how the community would react, but it was also a huge opportunity to engage closely with hundreds of our supporters and then allow the wider community to support our work by having their donations and their impact tripled by our matching donors. We believe this hybrid model will be used more by charities in the future as we offer our supporters a range of ways to get involved and donate as well as engage with what we do on a deeper level. Using both an online Gala event and then a Charity Extra campaign allowed us to really ensure supporters at all levels we able to be reached in this campaign.”


GIFT thanks those on the front line

Ambulance crew with their gifts from GIFT

GIFT volunteers across London and Manchester spent time this month making up packages of gratitude for Hatzola members and the London Ambulance Service. In total over 400 packages have been made up with gifts, snacks and beautifully written notes to express appreciation. Pupils at Menorah Foundation, Noam Primary School and IJDS have had GIFT education classes focused on gratitude, followed by an activity making up the packages. Teenage volunteers dropped off the packages to the houses of the dedicated Hatzola Members. JFS Student Jodi Ross

who delivered the packages explained ‘It was so great to be able to see how touched the Hatzola Crew members were receiving the packages. It felt so good to be a part of something so kind’ The packages for the Ambulance Service were distributed directly to London Ambulance Service who said ‘this initiative is so lovely and it has put a real smile on people’s faces.’ To get involved in GIFT lockdown initiatives: gratitude packs, virtual tutoring, isolation packs or virtual mentoring, visit

Tribe’s Tu B’Shvat winners Tribe has announced the winners of its fruit carving competition. The competition, run through Jewish primary schools, was to create an animal or bird with fruit for Tu B’Shvat. Organisers chose brothers Mason and Blake Simons from Ilford Jewish Primary School who created a peacock and Rupert Simon-Marks from Sacks Morasha Jewish Primary School who built a 3D parrot. Both winners will receive a £15 Amazon voucher. Malki Abrams, Tribe’s education manager, said, “We had so many great entries that we couldn’t choose a single winner.” Tribe will be sharing exciting plans for Purim soon.


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Tribe Tu B’Shvat winners Mason and Blake Simons

Community marks Green Sunday despite Covid-19 Families across the country engaged in activities to mark Green Sunday, JNF UK’s annual appeal for Israel, which traditionally takes place at the same time as Tu Bishvat. Despite the social restrictions imposed by Covid-19, families were still able to celebrate the festival while raising awareness and donations for the appeal. This year the focus of the appeal is on raising funds for Israeli families who are experiencing poverty for the first time, due to the economic impact of Covid-19. One activity, “Be Seen In Green,” saw families dress in green while sharing the campaign with family and friends. JNF UK also ran a competition with online art teacher Mr Tim Anders. The young artists used their newly learnt skills to paint a tree, in honour of Tu Bishvat, with the winners having a tree planted in Israel by JNF UK in their name. Lady Kestenbaum, Assistant Head at IJDS, commented: “JNF UK’s activities were used throughout the Independent Jewish Day School in our cross curricular Tu Bishvat day. Top marks for the paint a tree tuition online which was loved by pupils and teachers alike as they created stunning trees at sunset.” Primary school children also submitted edible pictures created with pieces of fruit, which they then enjoyed eating at their Tu Bishvat meal. These pictures included a dolphin, a hedgehog and steam engine. Orah Soller, Assistant Headteacher at Hertsmere Jewish Primary School, commented: “The children had a ‘fruitylicious’ time creating their fruit creations for the JNF Tu Bishvat competition. Luckily, they didn’t eat all the fruit before finishing them.” Pupils at secondary schools took part in a photography competition instead, taking photos in their local area on the theme of Tu Bishvat (while complying with lockdown restrictions) in order to win buildyour-own camera kits. These activities were open to all schools, with many of JNF UK’s partner schools taking part. These partner schools are

Being seen in green for Green Sunday

supported by the charity’s Israel education grant scheme that provides financial assistance to boost Israel education programmes. JNF UK also ran their “Green PositiviTea” campaign in the run up to Green Sunday. This saw partner outlets across North London using specially designed green cups for their takeaway hot drinks, with JNF UK donating a pound to their appeal for every drink sold. Charles Lossos, JNF UK Interim CEO, commented: “Green Sunday has always been an opportunity for the community to come together in support of Israel, and this year was no exception, despite the restrictions we faced. It’s been a real pleasure for JNF UK to see how children, families and schools have embraced their creative side during these challenging times.”

Mill Hill East continues to grow The Jewish community of Mill Hill East has increased by 225 members since becoming a full member of the United Synagogue in April 2018. The community, which had 100 members initially, celebrated Tu B’Shvat with a packed week of virtual events including a talk from TED speaker and bestselling author Jonathan Drori. Jonathan led an illustrated journey in ‘A trees-eye view of the world’. Over 50 people attended a Tu Bishvat

seder and cocktail making class, attendees were provided ingredients whilst hearing friends share thoughts about the festival. Over 40 children participated in an arts ‘n’ crafts event decorating plant pots and planting sunflower seeds. Mill Hill East has developed many initiatives to support members during the pandemic. The community launched an ‘MHElpers’ group linking members who require support through lockdown. It also

maintained provision for adults and children with a weekly Mishna shiur with Rabbi Bentzi and online children services alongside virtual speaker events and socials. The community has recently gone digital with the launch of an Instagram page. Co-founders Avi Gillis and Josh Kleiman have been delighted by the growth. “It’s hard to believe that it has been two years since we held our first weekly Shabbat morning service at Canada Villa,” said


Avi. “Even during these difficult times, we have been fortunate enough to be able to continue to grow the community and support our members.” Josh added, “Our community relies on volunteers, whose drive and commitment, alongside our fantastic Rabbi and Rebbetzen, have allowed our COVID provision to happen.” Mill Hill East Jewish Community was founded as part of the US’s ‘Communities of Potential’ initiative in 2017.

A big thank you For the past ten months, JDA has worked flat out to make sure all our most vulnerable clients have food, medication and everything they need to stay safe during COVID-19. And not only are they all healthy and stable, they’ve been able to stay connected with their JDA friends, had regular visits from our support staff and even had their challahs delivered fresh each Friday morning! And our efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Tobi, one of our professional interpreters just taught a 93 year old to Facetime!

Many of our Deaf clients have dementia, learning disabilities or frail mental health. JDA’s innovative support services have been featured on national TV - and Deaf charities all over the country have been learning from us how we’ve kept such high risk people free from Coronavirus, healthy, happy and out of hospitals and care homes. JDA staff and volunteers

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Mental Health Awareness Shabbat 2021 A record number of shuls, schools and other communal organisations joined Jami in marking the fifth Mental Health Awareness Shabbat (MHAS) with a wide range of interactive education sessions, virtual panel events and engaging speakers. The MHAS was launched in 2017 with the aim of raising the profile of mental health in the Jewish Community. This year’s theme was ‘The Impact of the Pandemic’. For so many of us, living through this pandemic has meant we have had to cope with physical health concerns, uncertainty and social distancing restrictions, which have led to increased feelings of loneliness, anxiety and stress. For those already living with mental illness or caring for someone with mental health problems, these past months have been tougher than ever. This year’s MHAS was held on 22-23 January, coinciding with Shabbat “Bo” during which the weekly Torah portion about the plague of Darkness is read. The description of this plague has particular resonance with mental illness. Over 200 organisations marked the occasion with events including United Synagogue’s MHAS dedicated Kabbalat Shabbat on US.TV; the Board of Deputies livestream “BoDCast” Panel Event featuring Jami’s CEO

Laurie Rackind; and a panel event featuring Jonny Benjamin MBE at Chabad’s Jewish Life Centre. Bnei Akiva provided wellbeing packs to their members including information and activities from Jami’s MHAS Toolkit. Jami delivered an online programme of events, including an interview with Dr Ellie Cannon by broadcast journalist Samantha Simmonds, discussing how parents can support their children during these difficult times; as well as a Head Room Education session exploring the continuing impact of living through a pandemic and how to manage the uncertainties we are facing. Maccabi GB continues to support the MHAS through the “One Minute for Mental Health” campaign, this year with videos created by prominent members of the community and sports personalities such as Dean Furman and Hollie Geey, talking about why good mental health is so important. Laurie Rackind, Chief Executive at Jami, said “I am so proud to be part of a community that raises awareness and promotes conversations around mental health. Challenging stigma and encouraging people to talk about mental health, without fear of discrimination, is a vital first step to making sure people get the help they need”.


Ready, steady, bake… Great British Bake Off contestant Dan Beasley-Harling will be showing families how to bake your own mini chocolate rolls with your loved ones at the Jewish Care Families Virtual Bake on Sunday 14th February at 2pm. Jewish Care is encouraging families to bake some for to share with family, friends or a neighbour and some to enjoy at home. You can join Dan and the JC Families for a fantastic family afternoon of baking with your loved ones online. To sign up (£15) and discover what ingredients you need, please visit

Join Great British Bake Off contestant Dan-Beasley Harling and bake with JC Families

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The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Express Yourself’. It is understandable that when there is cancer in the family, children and young people experience change and uncertainty. COVID has added another layer of stress and so now more than ever, there is a need for our young clients to find a creative outlet for their feelings. This could be through music, art, play or exercise. Chai’s Children and Teenage Service offers a wide range of services that can help: Music Therapy - Every person reacts differently to a cancer diagnosis and children and teens may find it difficult to articulate their confusing range of emotions. Where words fail, music can be an invaluable channel for them to express and understand their feelings. Art Therapy - Art is used as a way of expression, communication and release.


Through this art, children are able to develop confidence and self-acceptance. Play Therapy - Children can often communicate more naturally when playing with toys. Using props such as puppets and art and crafts materials, children can express their feelings without the need for words. Chai-ly Active Exercise Classes - Staying active during this challenging time is hugely beneficial, not just physically but it is also vital for mental wellbeing. Our zoom exercise classes for children age 5 upwards are extremely varied, interactive and fun. For more information on Chai’s Children and Teenage Service and how we have adapted these services online, please call Debra on 020 8202 2211 or visit



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Celebs and families support Camp Simcha appeal Celebrities have lent their support to a 36hour urgent fundraising appeal launched by charity Camp Simcha. Comedian and TV presenter Matt Lucas, LBC presenter Nick Ferrari, Kaiser Chiefs frontman Ricky Wilson, journalist and presenter Natasha Kaplinsky and TV presenter Rob Rinder are among those who have sent messages of support to the charity in its bid to raise £2million to help seriously ill children and their families. The online match funding campaign, which launches on Sunday February 7 and runs for 36 hours, has already attracted a record number of ‘team leaders’, over 500 of whom will be running individual fundraising pages as part of the campaign. The charity is hoping to recoup income lost due to the cancellation of a number of fundraising events including its biennial London and Manchester fundraising dinners. These normally raise well in excess of £2million overall, towards Camp Simcha’s annual £2.4million running costs. Camp Simcha chief executive Neville Goldschneider explained that with referrals continuing apace, including families with delayed diagnoses or complications from Covid-19, it is vital that the charity raises the funds to ensure they can be there for all families who need them.

“In the last few weeks alone, we have taken on a family who have a child whose cancer has spread due to a delayed diagnosis – and also a baby who was born very prematurely when his mother contracted Covid-19. “Families are also coping with cancelled medical appointments for their children’s ongoing treatment, and emergency hospital admissions, made so much harder due to the one-parent policy. Camp Simcha’s hospital outreach has meant we can support those families with meals, essential items and activities both for the child in hospital and rest of the family at home. “As well as all these added difficulties, there is the unbearable fear and isolation that our families, with their vulnerable children, have been living with for the past 10 plus months. It is for all these reasons that Camp Simcha’s vital practical and therapeutic services are needed more than ever.” More than a quarter of the ‘team leaders’ are present and past families the charity supports. Among them are Katie and Tom Morsbach, from Barnet, who turned to Camp Simcha after their daughter Leia was diagnosed with a rare and progressive mitochondrial disease at the age of six months.

The Morsbach family on a Camp Simcha outing

The couple have told their story to raise the profile of the charity’s work, in the run up to the campaign, Katie says: “As soon as we spoke to Camp Simcha, we felt there was a lifeline for us - people who understood what we were going through and would be there to help no matter what.” “Just having our Family Liaison Officer Mandy at the other end of the phone has been a huge support. She rings me regularly and has really become a friend. As well as all the practical support, Camp Simcha also helped us get some counselling which was amazing.” For Mr and Mrs Morsbach, being part of the Camp Simcha community has also

been key. “It feels like you are part of big Camp Simcha family. During lockdown we have been really isolated and not been able to get out and see friends; one of the things Camp Simcha has done is arrange get-togethers and activities over zoom with other parents; I do an art group which I love. For me, talking to other mothers who have gone through similar experiences has been a huge help. “Without Camp Simcha in our lives we would have felt really alone.” You can donate to Camp Simcha’s urgent appeal at campsimcha

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From the front line… BY JACQUELINE CURZON Beijing has announced it will no longer recognise the British National Overseas (BNO) passport for residents of Hong-Kong, this news coming just 2 days before the announcement that holders of the BNO would be allowed to move to Britain. This relocational move could be used by more than 300,000 people within 5 years. Beijing foreign ministry has said it reserves the right to take ‘further action,’ which would likely mean Hong-Kong residents would have to officially renounce their right to the BNO, or their political rights would be Jacqueline Curzon affected. Around 2.9 million of Hong PHOTO: LARA MINSKY PHOTOGRAPHY Kong’s 7.5 million population are eligible for this and applications for the passport have risen by more than 300% since the HK national security law was imposed. Beijing has no direct way of knowing who holds or has applied for it, but it could ask people if they have one when they sign official declarations and if found essential to child development. The concern to have lied, they could be liable to proseis that high levels of screen dependency will cution - or persecution! The Foreign Office create problems even after lockdown. He spokesperson said they ‘were disappointed also recommends that children engage perbut not surprised’ by this recent announcehaps more in face-time or zoom calls, rather ment from Beijing. than texting. Children need to be helped to Children’s use of screens have soared recognise the signs of their screen overuse. during this pandemic, and in one study Point Three concerns poor sleep, which of 5000 British parents, 75% said that their may be down to a mix of more time spent children were looking at screens for 9 hours indoors, combined with lack of exercise, each day, nearly double the average prior to overstimulation with screens and general the outbreak of coronavirus. Relaxing one’s anxiety about the pandemic. Sleep is vital in house rules on devices may seem perhaps helping children concentrate during the day. innocuous and a necessary sanity-saving I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only parent whose measure perhaps more now than during 10 year olds (or younger) refuse to go to bed the 1st lockdown, however with schools still on the premise that they are ‘not tired.’ They shut researchers are warning that families’ perceive they are not tired because of bad habits have been permanently altered. As habits, including running off to electronic we are in Children’s Mental Health Week games the minute they put their knife and there are articles discussing what it’s doing to children’s brains and their emotional well fork down. And the problem of course is that many parents are exhausted by this being. In an article by Tanith Carey, she point and not up for a full-on fight. I count makes some suggestions as to how we can combat this addiction. Point One is that chil- myself fortunate that one of my children has maintained her Russian ballet classes online dren will learn better if they have opportuand will put in 8 hours a week, only in this nities for interaction and social connection. case a screen is only a means to an end with I see first-hand my children’s year 6 teacher no sensory overload. engage her class in lots of interaction and at From sense to nonsense…. George least during that part of the school day the Osborne is leaving his job as editor-in-chief children remain motivated and on task. It’s what happens in between lessons when they of the Evening Standard to become a full time banker at Robey Warshaw, the bouare told to ‘go and do a little bit of research’ tique investment bank, in April. The former and inevitably you find them browsing the chancellor is the first partner to join the Internet, watching YouTube, Tik Tok, Netflix bank since it was set up in 2013, and which and other apps, but this often happens is one of the highest earning institutions because they have been required to access in the City, handing its best-paid partner Google during the school day. £37 million as a salary in 2017. I remember Point Two relates to excessive use of meeting Osborne at Downing St many years screens - and especially social media which has been strongly linked to poor men- ago, and am possibly one of only a handful of people who successfully asked him and tal health, according to child health lecturer the chattering gathering to be silent, for and psychologist, Dr Aric Sigman, who says my assembled music performers. It was an the concern is how much devices distract interesting moment. My cancer fundraiser from other important activities like exercise has done extremely well, with funds having and face-to-face socialising, which are

reached me via Chesed (campaign now ended) and GoFundMe (still active). We have reached the threshold of charitable donations kindly accepted via Mars, so for the time being I have to ask any would-be donors wanting to donate in this way, to wait for an alternative mechanism to be posted in my pages. A full update will be posted in the next few weeks. Up north, life for Nicola Sturgeon has taken an interesting turn, with a surprise reshuffle designed perhaps to sideline some of her vocal critics. She has just sacked Joanna Cherry who had a leading role in the successful court challenge against Boris Johnson’s unlawful prorogation of Parliament, but she is - more pertinently - also a close ally of Alex Salmond. His particular feud with Sturgeon is one of the major issues currently dividing the party; the only other MPs left without an official role in the party’s Westminster group are Kenny MacAskill and Angus Macneil who also have recently spoken out against Ms Sturgeon. They may not last long either. The Scottish First Minister disclosed that only 9,628 people were given a first dose vaccine last Sunday, the smallest daily total this far. She lauded her efforts in keeping up with vaccination of over 80s, however the next group of 70-79 had only achieved 14%, compared to 75% of the latter group in England. With receipt of over 1.1 million doses, one has to ask why only 575,000 have been utilised? Her political opponents in the Tory and Lib-Dems said she was “in denial” over the slow pace of the roll-out, and that the public deserved to know why. We hold Boris to rigorous account, so it’s only fair for Scotland to do likewise with their leader. Politics are a tricky arena, as Alexei Navalny knows only too well. This week saw him jailed for 3 years, despite national and international calls for his release. It was farcical for a judge to say he had ‘skipped’ parole hearings, when in fact he was in Germany recovering from Novichok poisoning. The UK, EU and USA have denounced this verdict, which calls into question fundamental issues of democracy and likely human rights violations. Navalny told the Moscow court that his persecution is fuelled by Putin’s personal enmity, and has called for further protests, arguing that the Russians can’t jail millions of people [for protesting]. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov insisted there was no reason Navalny’s detention should affect Russia’s relationship with European countries. Oh yes. Who is he kidding?! Our community has been touched by the deaths of 2 Torah giants this past week. Rav Dovid Soloveitchik (99) Head of the Brisk Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and Rabbi Dr Avraham Twerski (90), an Israeli-American chassidic rabbi, educator and psychiatrist. Twerski said he found an ‘exquisite harmony’ between his medical and religious callings. Both died on the same day from

Farewell, Captain Sir Tom an inspiration to us all.

covid-19. Boruch Dayan Emes. It is only fitting that I dedicate this final part of my column to Captain Sir Tom Moore (100), the veteran who captured the hearts of the nation. This incredible man came to our attention by committing to walking 100 laps of his garden to raise £1000 in funds for the NHS, to mark his 100th birthday, only to find he had raised £33 million. All were touched by this gentle, genteel man, with a winning smile, and a sparkle in his eyes. He is the granddad everyone of us would have been proud and honoured to have in our own family. It is so sad that his life ended because of covid 19, for which he had not yet had the vaccine, but we think not of his years in his life, but the life he brought to his years. Born in Keighley, Yorkshire in April 1920, his mother was a schoolteacher and his father was a builder. He recalled he didn’t have toys, instead his father gave him a piece of wood, a hammer and nails, which was far more practical. His father and uncle shared their love of motorcycles which motivated young Tom to buy a broken down motorcycle when he was 12. He tinkered and fixed it up and thus was his own passion born. After grammar school he was conscripted in 1940 to the 8th battalion Duke of Wellington’s regiment, then transferred to 9th Battalion, tank regiment, and sailed to India. He was appointed Brigade Motorcycle Trainer, ultimately ending his war service as an instructor at the Armoured Vehicle Fighting School, Bovington, where he was demobbed as a Captain in 1946. He variously worked as a roofer, a quarryman, manager of a building firm, and finally managing director of a concrete firm. After the death of his wife Pamela he moved in with his daughter. In his 90s he was still rising each day at 6.30 for breakfast, and routinely cooked lunch for his daughter’s family every Sunday. He was endearing, modest and a model of middos tovos. He received many honours following his mammoth fundraising for the NHS, including:- an RAF flypast to celebrate his 100th birthday, having a train named after him, and he recorded a charity single with Michael Ball with You’ll Never Walk Alone, which reached Number 1. He was made Honorary Colonel of the Army Foundation College in Harrogate, and his greatest honour was in being knighted by Her Majesty in July in the grounds of Windsor Castle. I’m sure HM Queen Elizabeth would join us in expressing heartfelt condolences to his family. Following the announcement of his death, Downing Street and Westminster both flew the union jack at half mast as a sign of respect. Sir Tom, you were an absolute inspiration, a national treasure and you will live in our hearts forever. Love Jacqueline x To follow Jacqueline’s journey blog {Yocheved bas Sara} please go to THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM


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Jcommerce is a charitable organisation set up to support businesses in the North West Community to economic self-sufficiency and address business challenges that arisen from COVID-19 and beyond. I have heard a lot recently about being mentored for my fairly new business, but was wondering how helpful a stranger getting involved with its development would be? The word ‘mentor’ seems to be the ‘in’ thing at present in a business context, and it is a really good question to ask if it would be helpful for you. Whether you are starting a business, in the process of building one up, or have come to a cross roads and are in a bit of a ‘rut’; as a business owner you will face challenges at every stage. So, it’s reassuring to know that most entrepreneurs tend to go through the same types of struggles on the whole and, in particular, hit similar problems in relation to specific industries. And whilst research and knowledge learnt on the job is vital, it’s a no brainer that industry insights and guidance from someone who has been there and don’t that, would clearly be a bonus. Step in to the ring mentoring and the role of a mentor. There has been a growth in popularity of Mentoring schemes in both an organisational setting -where more senior partners or employer’s mentor new recruits - as well as in the business arena. In the business context, a mentor is commonly someone with more experience and understanding of your business journey as they have already travelled this path. So what can a Mentor do? There is, strictly speaking, a difference

between a business consultant, coach and mentor. Although in reality, the boundaries between these various roles are somewhat blurred, an effective mentor will help you find out so much more about yourself and running a successful business. A consultant is usually hired for a particular project to provide expert technical advice to address specific aspects of the business, whereas a coach is more performance driven and will focus on challenges and areas of development. However, a mentor can give advice and motivate you to improving your business skills, by sharing knowledge and lessons learnt and, in contrast to a consultant or coach, can end up being a long- term friend who shares your business journey. Indeed, according to the Harvard Business Review (July 2020) five decades of mentoring relationship research shows that people who have strong mentors gain numerous professional benefits. Benefits of a Mentor Being a Mentee (sounds like a new brand of sweets!) allows you to confide in someone without fear of judgement or negative repercussions. Owning a business can be stressful and frustrating and being able to vent to someone else provides many bonuses, such as:• The ability to speak to someone you can trust, with confidence in their credibility as they will probably be a successful business person

• providing a successful role model for you • Fresh insights from an objective outsider of whom you can ask questions and get honest answers, to help problem solve. • Provide the re-assurance and confidence to make better business decisions • Bring a different perspective on something you are struggling with or trying to make a decision over • Someone who is ‘with you’ on your business journey, can align with your vision and provide creative options to drive the business forward. • Experience, which is the best teacher, and may prevent you going through something similar yourself. In short, you will gain considerably from having a business mentor in terms of knowledge and sage advice, as well as widen opportunities through industry connections and a ‘leg up the ladder’. A recent survey by the UK’s Department for Business Innovation and Skills, found that 94% of SME’s (Small Medium Enterprises) using external support have seen benefits; these firms are more ambitious and have higher relative turnovers. Benefits to becoming a mentor Most people see mentoring as a one-way relationship – only the mentee gains. That is simply not true and it is clear that both parties can benefit from the relationship. • Everyone has skills and experiences to share and becoming a mentor is a


BUSINESS ADVICE 27 volunteering opportunity to give back and share knowledge • It can enhance your own understanding of your industry as when you explain things to others, you become better at it yourself • It can develop your leadership and management style and improve your communication and personal skills; both vital business tools • You may actually find yourself learning from the new generation, especially in relation to tech developments and new industry practices. • Your own business confidence and motivation will be increased and enriched from the experience. Lord Young of Graffham, promoting the benefits of mentoring as part of National Mentoring day has said “I had a mentor when I started my business and…..I know as I have acted as a mentor many times, it is very rewarding to both parties.” If you have given it some thought, you may be concerned that it will be too time consuming. Actually, mentoring involves a very brief amount of time and you can control it – be it half an hour weekly or even one hour once a month. The choice is yours. It would seem that mentoring and being mentored is advantageous for both parties involved and it seems that the questions that should be asked are: Why don’t you have a mentor and Why haven’t you become one?

For more information about our mentoring services or signing up as a mentor, please go to


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Pressed Picnic Sandwich This is a hollowed out large loaf of bread stuffed with a delicious mix of colourful ingredients. Perfect for a lunch or picnic. You can use sour dough, ciabatta, or rustic artisan breads – an excellent way to use up bread that is slightly stale! Save the discarded bread whizzing into crumbs and store in the freezer for future use.

More delicious recipes from Denise Phillips For more recipes and inspiration visit my website:

Preparation Time: 30 minutes plus 15 minutes plus overnight to press Cooking Time 25 minutes Serves: 4-6 Ingredients 1 large round sourdough loaf – about 400g 3 red peppers – cut in quarters and deseeded or use 250g roasted from a jar 2 tablespoons olive oil ~ 2 tablespoons tapenade 10 fresh basil leaves – torn 200g sliced mozzarella cheese 2 pickled cucumbers sliced lengthways -drained from juice - cut into 8 slices 1 big handful of baby spinach -stalks removed Salt and pepper Method 1) Preheat the grill to its highest setting. 2) Place the peppers skin side up on a baking tray. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons olive oil and roast for about 15 minutes until charred. 3) Once cooked immediately transfer to a plastic bowl and cover with cling film. Leave for 15 minutes to cool. Peel off the skin and discard.

4) Slice off the top quarter of the loaf to use as a lid. Using a small spoon or your fingers, hollow out the inside of the rest of the bread to leave just a shell. 5) Place in the oven at 200C for about 10 minutes to bake the inside of the bread shell and then remove. 6) Spread the tapenade on the inside base and sides of the bread shell. 7) Place the red peppers on top of the tapenade. 8) Layer the basil and cheese in a double layer followed by the pickled cucumbers and baby spinach seasoning with salt and pepper as you go. 9) Drizzle 2 tablespoons olive oil into the bread shell so it trickles down the filling. 10) Top with the bread lid and wrap the loaf tightly in kitchen foil or cling film. 11) Place on a baking tray with a weight down to compress. 12) Leave in the fridge for a few hours or overnight. Cut into wedges and serve.

Toasted Sandwiches… BY DENISE PHILLIPS As time continues with restrictions on eating out, I am sure you are looking for inspiration especially for snacks and lunches. Lockdown has made us obsessed with bread and breadmaking, so why not make toasted sandwiches - family food and an ideal opportunity for the children to get involved and make their own creation. Toasted sandwiches are a tasty midweek treat for lunch or supper and you don’t have to have a sandwich maker. Although if you have one, do take it out of the cupboard and use it as a fun activity with the family. To make a toastie without a ‘Breville’ (the iconic brand), use two frying pans with the sandwich in one and the other on top or heat a frying pan and put something heavy to squash your sandwich down. It’s the beautiful lines of a griddle pan that make your toastie more attractive. The variety is in the type of bread, fillings, and garnishes. Cheese of all kinds make the difference. A toastie needs to be buttered or coated in olive oil on the outside so that it develops a crispy golden exterior. And secondly it must be compressed in someway by a weight or lid so that the bread and filling are bonded together.

• Good fillings included brie and pickle, cheddar and chilli/sweet chilli sauce, blue cheese and dried figs, tuna and cheddar, mushroom and cheese, cheese and pesto, smoked cheddar (Chevington make it ready sliced) with tomato or grated courgette, chopped basil, caramelized onion and Gouda with sliced mushrooms. • Vegan options like hummus and olives, vegan cheese and tomato salsa, fake chicken with chilli jam, vegan cheese and spinach, Jackfruit and vegan cheese, vegan mozzarella with grated courgette or olive tapenade. • Sliced chicken and pickle or mustard, sliced turkey and cranberry sauce, roast beef sliced with horseradish sauce and apple puree. • Sweet options like mashed banana and chocolate, cream cheese and blueberries, chopped strawberries and jam, brie, dark chocolate and jam, peanut butter and Nutella – all quite rich but yummy!

• Bread – use a good quality bread as this will hold together better when cooking and create a stronger case

for the melted cheese. The bread can be sour dough, wholegrain, white, granary, a burger bun or waffles.


And finally garnish with fresh herbs, sliced pickled cucumbers, chopped tomatoes, lettuce, crispy chips or crisps to complete the full experience and comfort food enjoyment. Above is a recipe for a different type of sandwich… a pressed picnic sandwich – an idea for another time!



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Looking for answers? Send your question to IS IT TIME TO PACK IT IN?

Dear Rabbi, As a Shomer Shabbat Jew, during this pandemic, I am beginning to question the rulings of our Rabbis over the last couple of centuries. The Torah states that on Shabbos we should do no WORK. The Talmud goes on to interpret this in regard to the building of the Temple, and lists 39 melochos that are forbidden on Shabbat. However, the later Rabbis have since added to these lists, and include as “work” items like switching on an electric light: driving a car: Using the telephone. Under the current circumstances, where the elderly, like myself, are not supposed to attend Shul, not allowed to visit friends or relatives, and not allowed to have anyone enter their home, Shabbos is not the pleasant Day of Rest that it was supposed to be. As a young man, with your wife and children around you on Shabbos, you probably don’t appreciate how lonely it is for the elderly to be stuck in a small flat without any means of communication with the outside world from Friday afternoon until Saturday night, and even worse on Yomim Tovim (such as Pesach this year which occurs Motzei Shabbos). Surely it is time that the learned Rabbis revoked the ban on the use of telephones and other modern technology which were not around at the time of the Talmud. Howard Dear Howard First, thank you for the

compliment. At 55, to be called a young man, is always welcome. Second, yes I do have some older kids (and one younger) around the table and it certainly enhances my Shabbat, even if it means being driven nuts during the week sometimes. Third, while you suggest I don’t understand what you might be going through, I most certainly do and I am really sorry for what you are enduring, especially as it is just you and the stillness around you without any technology etc. However, my question back to you is, you mention that you are a Shomer Shabbat Jew, which suggests you adhered to all Rabbinic ordinances until now. Why are you upset with these Rabbinic laws only at the point where it might impact you personally? Why wasn’t it an issue for you in general, up until this point? Isn’t that the same problem some people have with other aspects of Rabbinic and even Torah law? Some might – and indeed do argue: “It is not for the Torah to dictate my diet – when and what to eat, and if I want to eat a ham sandwich on Yom Kippur afternoon, no one should tell me otherwise.” The point is one and the same. We tend to adhere to that which jells with our lifestyle and reject that which interferes with our comfort zones. I always think back to my grandparents who spent two and a half years hiding in a fifteen square foot loft during the Nazi invasion of Holland. I know from stories my grandparents shared with me, and from others, how they kept Shabbat and all other laws besides, even in that cramped and near impossible setting.

Pirkei Avot ‫יֹוחנָ ן ֶּבן זַ ַּכאי ִק ֵּבל ֵמ ִהּלֵ ל‬ ָ ‫ַר ָּבן‬ ‫ ִאם לָ ַמ ְד ָּת‬,‫אֹומר‬ ֵ ‫ הּוא ָהיָ ה‬.‫ּומ ַּׁש ָּמאי‬ ִ ‫טֹובה‬ ָ ‫ ַאל ַּת ֲחזִ יק‬,‫תֹורה ַה ְר ֵּבה‬ ָ ‫נֹוצ ְר ָּת‬ ָ ‫ ִּכי לְ ָכְך‬,‫לְ ַע ְצ ְמָך‬ Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai received [the oral tradition] from Hillel and Shammai.He used to say: if you have learned much Torah, do not claim credit for yourself, because for such a purpose were you created.

I am not saying it’s easy, nor am I looking to mitigate your plight. I am merely suggesting that when the going gets tough, that’s when the tough get going. Be strong and look to the future. The light is there, and the end of the tunnel is in sight.


Dear Rabbi I very much enjoy reading ‘Ask the Rabbi’ column. My question arises from the issue of 28 January which featured three separate articles detailing Chilul Hashem (desecration of G-dliness) which I find very disturbing. May I ask if a point is reached where you would ‘raise your hands’ in despair and write that you can no longer justify the behaviour of people who otherwise appear to be fully observant? Chaim Dear Chaim I never despair and remain eminently confident in my people. Sometimes they stumble and sometimes they fall. But I for one, look beyond the rhetoric, however justified the criticism and however wrong the actions and stay focussed on the inherent good at the core of each. When our Sages enjoin us not to judge someone unless you are in their shoes, what that means plain and simply is that no two people share an identical life experience. I don’t know someone else’s background, quirks and idiosyncrasies, what defines them or motivates them and I therefore have no right to judge them. It does seem to be open season on the Chardeim at the

moment, and many secular Jews like to virtue signal by holding a magnifying glass to them while choosing to ignore the numerous non-Charedim who riot regularly outside the Israeli Prime Minister’s home (not too dissimilar to the media in New York which published pictures in the summer about certain Charedi

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For a refuah Shalema for Yitzchak Refoel Chaim ben Rifka Another way of looking at the end of the Mishnah is by saying, leatzmacha, for yourself - i.e. don’t keep the Torah for yourself but share it with others. It is also a great merit to say where you heard your learning and the book I am currently using is the brilliant Weiss edition, recommended for all! Many people are quite learned, and together with a long beard can look quite the part! However in Heaven they judge by how hard

someone works. The Gemoroh teaches us that if someone is a huge talmid chacham but was born into a top family and given a tremendous education, he is not necessarily as good as the semi learned man who had to work really hard just to remember his leaning. Make sure never to self praise until the day of death.


gatherings while ignoring the Black Lives Matter riots running amok for a week). And while two wrongs don’t make a right, and again, I am in no way justifying the Charedi behaviour, and they must surely bear the brunt of the implication of their actions – including Chilul Hashem – I, for one, am not going to judge them.

Perek 2: Mishna 8


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Torah from Israel


Two Diamonds, A Chassidic Rebbe and a Cow BY RABBI MOSHE TARAGIN Two intriguing stories about the eternal impact of Har Sinai– one fable about two engagement rings and one actual story about a Chassidic Rebbe and a cow. First the tale of the two rings. Typically, a husband presents his bride with only one engagement ring- a ring she will treasure throughout her marriage; it would be unusual and even a bit abnormal to gift two separate engagement rings…unless the husband didn’t trust the woman to look after the original one. In that instance, it would be wise to present the young bride with two engagement rings to assure that she always has a backup. The midrash applies this story to the events at Har Sinai. Atop this mountain, G-d and the Jews were married, and this marriage was riveted upon two diamond rings. The iconic Jewish response of ‘na’aseh v’nishma’- the dual promise to both perform mitzvot as well as listen to G-d- amounted to two engagements rings. According to the midrash, G-d implored the Jewish people: you may misplace the engagement ring of ‘na’aseh’ but preserve the engagement ring of ‘nishmah’ What makes the ring of ‘na’aseh’ so insecure and, likewise, what renders the ring of ‘nishmah’ so durable and eternal? The ring of ‘na’aseh’ reflects commitment to Divine commandments, a novel concept for ancient religions which saw G-ds as merely stronger versions of human beings. In those paganistic systems, wholesale submission to the commands of a Higher being was absurd. Har Sinai introduced a broad system of mitzvot spanning the entirety of human experience; we live ‘summoned lives’ beckoned to fulfill the commands of a transcendent G-d. The ‘na’aseh’ declaration cemented our readiness to submit to commandments. Furthermore, the sequencing of ‘na’aseh’ prior to ‘nishmah’ was also momentous. We enthusiastically accepted Divine obligation before studying the details or analyzing the logic of G-d’s commandments. Having been rescued from Egypt and transported through the dry ocean bed, the Jews had enough trust in G-d to accept religion as an “article of faith” without inspecting the fine details. Trust lies at the basis of any relationship and, even more so, forms the cornerstone of religious belief. At Sinai, the stout faith and the fervent embrace of mitzvot glittered through the declaration of ‘na’aseh’!! However, the ‘na’aseh’ ring is also transient. G-d recognized the inherent weakness of human nature and the

frailty of religious commitment. However precious the stone of ‘na’aseh’ seemed, G-d knew, that with the passage of time, commitment to His word would eventually wane. It didn’t take more than a few weeks for the Jews to construct a golden calf and relinquish their ‘na’aseh’ conviction. Throughout history, not every Jew would be faithful to the call of ‘na’aseh’. Historical pressures, financial poverty, philosophical confusion, cultural drifting and, of course, hostile anti-Semitism, would cause Jews to wander from the path of mitzvot and disregard the ring of ‘na’aseh’. For this reason, G-d cautioned us to protect the ring of ‘nishmah’ even if we were to turn a blind eye to the glow of the na’aseh ring. The ring of ‘nishmah’ is based upon something even more fundamental than the Torah and mitzvot delivered on this mountain. Even if the mitzvah pledge of ‘na’aseh’ is renounced, the memory of ‘nishmah’ will still persist. Beyond whatever ‘content’ we received at Sinai, the entire Jewish people spoke directly with G-d in an unmediated fashion. Judaism stakes a bold claim which no other religion has ever asserted nor will ever allege- that 3.5 million people stood, shoulder-to-shoulder speaking directly with G-d in a non-hallucinatory fashion, and in a manner which was corroborated by joint experience. We didn’t receive the word of G-d indirectly, through a prophet, but directly heard His voice. Jews may stray from the specific mitzvot of Sinai or may neglect the Torah delivered from Heaven, but the voice of G-d forever resonates within the deep recesses of every Jewish soul. No matter how far a Jew strays from Torah and mitzvot, the voice of G-d and the memory of the direct conversation with G-d remains etched in Jewish identity. Though the ‘na’aseh’ diamond of Torah and mitzvot may ultimately be lost, the ‘nishmah’ diamond never disappears; the echo of the Sinai conversation haunts Jewish consciousness and resonates eternal within a Jewish heart. For this reason, Har Sinai began with the recital of the most iconic pasuk in the entire Torah. Prior to delivering the Ten Commandments, G-d launched Har Sinai by reciting ‘shema yisrael’. Before delivering the content, G-d announced that the “conversation” was about to begin and that the Jews should literally listen to His voiceshema yisrael. It is not incidental that no matter how distant a Jew strays, he can still recite the verse of shema yisrael. That verse was G-d’s way of showcasing the value of the conversation with Him even in the absence loyalty to Torah and to the legal mandates of Sinai. The haunting pasuk of

No matter how far a Jew strays from Torah and mitzvot, the voice of G-d and the memory of the direct conversation with G-d remains etched in Jewish identity. shema, which describes the conversation with G-d lingers within the subconscious of every Jew, regardless of their fidelity to Torah and mitzvot. Now to the story about the cow. Reb Moshe of Kobrin the 18th century Chassidic Rabbi once joined Reb Avraham Yehoshua Heschel of Apta for Shabbat arriving early to participate in the pre- Shabbat recital of the book of shir hashirim. The sacred melody of their sweet singing filled the air and Rav Avraham looked radiant as Shabbat approached. Suddenly, a stench-filled farmer burst into the room bringing with him the foul odours of cow stables. What possible question could warrant this rude interruption of the hallowed moment? The farmer began moaning about his cow which was afflicted with a life-threatening illness. Much to Rav Moshe’s shock, Rebbi Avram of Apta answered the question patiently, compassionately assisting the desperate owner of the stricken cow. Unable to contain his astonishment, Rav Moshe, the guest, asked Rav Avram why he tolerated this impolite disruption of his Shabbat preparations. Rav Avram answered


that this simple villager wasn’t actually interested in a remedy for his cow. He was seeking a connection with his Rebbe and through his Rebbe, a connection with G-d. He desperately wanted contact with the Rebbe, and the cow story was merely the pretext. Sometimes, in life, people seek connection with us and supply pretexts for grabbing our attention; we all must learn to read between the lines! For that simple farmer the content of his question wasn’t nearly as important as the conversation itself. So it was for that anxious farmer and so it is for so many people who are puzzled by religious confusion. Har Sinai was a moment of Torah content but also of a direct conversation with G-d. Sadly, for many, the content has become less compelling but the conversation with G-d is unforgettable. Some Jews wear two rings, others wear one; they each dazzle ! Rabbi Moshe Taragin is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University as well as a masters degree in English literature from the City University of New York.



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Weekly Dvar Torah FR O M ER ETZ Y I S RA E L

Absolute Unity BY RABBI HANOCH TELLER Vayichan sham Yisrael – Klal Yisrael was not only at the foot of the mountain, but at the foot of their greatest achievement, their highest calling. This would require absolute unity. There was no other way to hear the word of G-d and accept the Torah. We are all aware that the second Temple was destroyed because of sinat chinam. Torah was studied, mitzvot were observed, acts of charity were performed. Yet the consequence of sinat chinam could not be negated by all the other good that was done. This famous Talmudic passage has been the subject of countless sermons. Still, it appears that few have stopped hating as a result. Perhaps this is because the Talmud limits its condemnation to “groundless hatred,” and few are ready to acknowledge that their hatred is without basis. Most people assume that the Talmud’s condemnation applies to other people’s hatreds, not their own. The Baal Shem Tov said that there

are three things people should devote themselves to: ahavat haTorah, ahavat Hashem, and ahavat Yisrael. Someone once asked him – how is it possible to develop love for Hashem? We can’t see Him, we can’t touch Him, we can’t feel Him. The Baal Shem Tov said, “You work on developing ahavat Yisrael. That will lead you to ahavat Hashem.” If you think of those people who labour for achdut, invariably you will notice that these are the most mature individuals, with no self-serving agendas. Those who do not heed the call to achdut are just the opposite. I have some powerful examples of this, but I am reticent to cite them in a public forum. Babies come into the world with a clenched fist. Babies come in wanting it all. So what bracha do we give a baby at

his brit? Ze hakatan gadol yehiye. Let this little one become big, become a giver. Vayigdal Moshe can also be read, “became a gadol, a great person.” What made Moshe a gadol was that he did not remain in the lap of luxury in the palace of Pharaoh. Vayeitzei el echav vaya’ar besivlosam – he went out among his brothers and shared their agony. That’s a gadol – one who thinks about others. Will we use this wake-up to bond together? Or forge on, business as usual? As incredible as it sounds, even during the Holocaust, the enmity between competing Jewish groups delayed the coordination of efforts to resist the Nazis. It is not well known, but there were two different armed Jewish undergrounds in the Warsaw Ghetto: one founded by the socialist Zionists, and the other by their

Even during the Holocaust, the enmity between competing Jewish groups delayed the coordination of efforts to resist the Nazis.

bitter political opponents, the Revisionist Zionists. This sad fact should be appropriately contrasted with the Sobibor Uprising. Every previous prisoner escape or attempt resulted in the horrifically cruel murder of numerous Jews as a lesson for how futile escape was and the dire consequences upon those who might be contemplating a similar salvation. Therefore, when the escape was planned, it was formulated for everyone to be freed so that no one would be left behind to pay the consequences. In that regard, it was the greatest act of insurrection during the Holocaust. Divisiveness and fragmentation are antithetical to Torah. In the blessings for the Torah, we refer to G-d not as the One Who gave the Torah, but in the present tense as One Who gives the Torah. The giving of the Torah is an ongoing process. Accordingly, we must constantly be in a state of preparedness to receive it as did our fathers in the midbar, like one man with one heart. Rabbi Hanoch Teller, internationally-acclaimed storyteller, is an award-winning author and producer. He is a member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau (www.

A Torah bite for the Shabbat table

The art of introspection RABBI GOODMAN In addition to oil and water, orange juice and toothpaste, and Apple and Microsoft, Torah and a rotten character do not mix. Although a person may have learned the entire Talmud backwards, forwards, and diagonally, failure to behave correctly relegates his learning to academia, devoid of spiritual content. Hence, introspection and character development play a central role in Jewish life. However, like every undertaking in life, self-improvement comes with its fair share of complications, including searing disappointment, crushed self-confidence, and occasionally, abandonment of Judaism altogether. Nevertheless, we cannot abandon introspection. Our physical inclination exerts a forceful yet subtle pull over our lives that left unchecked will consume our spirituality. Instead, we must learn, integrate, and enjoy the art of introspection, making it one of our life’s foundations. The second Rashi in this week’s Parsha tells us that Yisro, the father-in-law of Moshe Rabbeinu, had seven names. One

of those names was “Yeser,” meaning ‘extra,’ because Hashem added an extra passage to the Torah on his account. The Torah relates how Yisro was appalled seeing Moshe Rabbeinu arbitrating every judicial case by himself from morning to night. Consequently, he suggested an alternative administrative system that Moshe, after consulting with Hashem, accepted. Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch, the current Vice-President of the Rabbinical Court and Head of the Eidah HaChareidis in Jerusalem, points out that when Rashi refers to Yisro’s additional passage, he unexpectedly quotes from the middle of Yisro’s dialogue, “V’atah techezeh mikol ha’am” – ‘and you shall discern from among the entire people,’ as opposed to his opening words, “Loh tov hadavar asher atah oseh” – ‘The thing that you do is not good.’ To resolve this peculiarity, Reb Moshe

explains that Yisro’s opening words were words of criticism whereas his words, “V’atah techezeh,” introduced a solution. Speaking critically and negatively does not require a great deal of wisdom (if any) and certainly does not justify meriting an extra Parsha in the Torah. A person endowed with true wisdom recognizes deficiencies purely for the sake of engineering a solution. Yisro merited an extra Parsha because he helped Moshe identify the issue and implement a workable solution. Therefore, Rashi refers to Yisro’s words of solution, “V’atah techezeh.” The same principle holds true of introspection. Criticizing yourself is easy but devastating. Improving your character does not mean berating yourself, rather it means viewing yourself in the same way a mechanical engineer might view a broken appliance – by identifying the fault and

A person endowed with true wisdom recognizes deficiencies purely for the sake of engineering a solution. THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM

applying the necessary fix. Although the art of character engineering may be tough, its application enables the Torah to permeate your entire being and connect you with Hashem in a deep and meaningful way. A project of My Dvar Torah, Torah Bite is your resource for a short, dynamic, and meaningful Dvar Torah to share at the Shabbos table. Originally from London, Rabbi Ben Goodman has spent 20 years in Jerusalem, teaching and inspiring students from all backgrounds and from all over the world. He is the director of My Dvar Torah, providing tailor-made Divrei Torah for all occasions. He encourages feedback & ideas:




A strange thing is said of the Israelites as they stood at Sinai. V’chol ha’am ro’im et hakolot – “and all the people saw the thunder (literally, voices)” that announced the Revelation. But surely you hear thunder, you do not see it! The word ro’im is interesting. As in English, “to see” can be understood on two levels. You see something physical with your eyes; but you also perceive with your mind’s eye (that’s what we mean when we say, “I see your point”). Using “to see” in relation to the thunder indicates that the people had a perception of the overwhelming experience of the moment. The Midrash Tanchuma remarks that each Israelite perceived the occasion according to his or her own capacity. We can find an analogy in another Midrash, this time on the story of the binding of Isaac. Approaching Mount Moriah, Abraham asked his servants, “What do you see?” They answered, “A nondescript hill!” What Abraham himself saw, however, was “a magnificent mountain with a cloud entwined about its summit”. He perceived the spiritual possibilities of what lay ahead; the servants did not have a poetic soul and could see only the banal.

TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 Which is why they were left behind with the animals, whilst Abraham and Isaac ventured forward to follow the word of G-d. At Sinai there were those who were rather unmoved by the whole experience. They had limited ability to perceive. There are people like them in modern Judaism too, who cannot see the majesty, the magnificence, the inspiration and fascination of the Torah. Our task as people whose spiritual perception is greater is to share our insights with them and hope that they too, in the Psalmist’s words, will “taste and see that the L-rd is good”.


Moses & Jethro, by James Tissot The sidra tells us, Vayishma Yitro – “And Jethro heard” (Ex. 18:1). What did he hear? He heard the news about the exodus from Egypt, but what did he make of it? Pir’kei Avot says that every day a Heavenly voice (a bat kol) comes from On High with a message for Israel (Avot 6:2). Maybe that is what Jethro heard, a bat kol with a message in relation to recent events. Why do most people not hear the voice from Heaven? If Jethro heard the voice, why don’t we? Perhaps he had a degree of hearing and insight that was more acute than ours. He could hear the news and know what it signified. We are different. We hear the news better than Jethro because we have modern technology. What we don’t have is the instinct to


recognise its message. We have the information but not the instinct. We expect that once the current crisis is over we will go back to how things used to be. In fact it will be a new world and we will need to re-plan who we are and what G-d wants of us.


Jethro sent Moses a message that he was coming for a visit. Moses, Aaron and all the people came out to greet the important visitor. Did Jethro want or need this VIP treatment? The truth is that it was not Moses and Aaron and the people as individuals who were there to greet Jethro, but as embodiments of the faith of Israel. Jethro had long experience of human movements and ideologies; he had (according to the Midrash) looked into every faith and every form of idolatry; but now he had come to the realisation that HaShem was the true G-d. What Moses and the welcoming party were doing was giving honour to an eminent man who had found the true faith.


On the verse, “And Moses came down to the people” (Ex. 19:14), Rashi says, “This teaches that Moses did not turn to his own affairs but came down to the people”. One of the Chassidic teachers asks an amazing question: “What personal affairs did Moses have after all? He had no business or profession… he didn’t have a shop

or office… what need would there have been for him to be distracted from leading the people?” The answer the Chassidic teacher offered was that though Moses’ work with the people was great and devoted, he might have failed to enhance his own spiritual life. A rabbi I know is a good illustration of this suggestion. Now retired, he told someone, “Now I am not working any more, I can do what was never really possible before”. “What do you mean?” came the response; “Do you mean that now you can fall asleep during other people’s sermons?” “No,” said the rabbi; “Now I am retired from the synagogue, I can actually daven!” Maybe Moses was so busy with the people that he had no time to daven…. Rabbi Apple served for 32 years as the chief minister of the Great Synagogue, Sydney, Australia’s oldest congregation. He is now retired and lives in Jerusalem. Rabbi Apple blogs at

Chovat Halevavot Hilchot Shabbat

In order to achieve Bitachon, a person must first be clear on the traits unique to Hashem, which listed in the previous segment, in terms of the ability and constant interest G-d has in providing for and protecting us. A person must also believe that as their Creator, G-d knows what causes their difficulties and what would be the solution for them. Furthermore, G-d as the A-Mighty, has the ability to do whatever He finds fit to do and nothing will stop Him. G-d knows what a person does, thinks, and feels and nothing is hidden from Him. Also, one must be absolutely clear that no one can either help or harm another person without G-d facilitating it. One must also constantly recall the great kindness and goodness that has been bestowed upon them from their youth until the present day. Perhaps, most important to remember

is this: Whatever happens to a person in this world is as per G-d’s decree. Therefore, whatever efforts a person makes to change a situation or do beyond he norm to achieving a livelihood, for example, stems from two errors: They do not fully believe that G-d is the cause of all that occurs, and they do not fully believe that whatever G-d does bring to them is for their own good. King Solomon taught that each thing has a time, as per G-d’s decree – and lists 28 “events” and then emphasises that all of these things occur whether a person plans them or not. King Solomon taught further that, “I have seen that it is not the …strong who win wars, nor the wise who have bread, nor the insightful who are wealthy…” If you see the wicked prosper, he reminds us, do not be astounded, for G-d is giving them their time to enjoy and when the time comes, He will carry out the justice they deserve.

Not only is the act on cooking/baking forbidden on Shabbat, the sages of the Talmud also saw fit to decree against leaving uncooked or semi-cooked food on a flame on Shabbat. The reason for this is that a person may come to stoke the fire to accelerate the cooking process. In days of old, one would therefore need to remove the coals or cover them, in order to be sure that they would not be stoked. The modern-day permissible manner of leaving semi-cooked food on a heat source at the start of Shabbat is as follows: Either: The flame must be covered. Traditionally, this was achieved with a blech i.e. a sheet of metal that covers the flame. This is not practical on some modern stove tops (for example glass ones) and therefore many people use a hot plate instead. Or: If the flame is not covered, the food must be at least 1/3 or 1/2 cooked. This is measured in minutes, so if a food takes 2 hours to cook, after 40 minutes one can say it is 1/3 cooked, but it must be


somewhat edible at that stage. The food one is leaving on the flame must already be hot but if it has already cooked and cooled down it is forbidden to leave it on an open flame unless it will heat up before sunset. As it is not always practical to achieve the above, the recommendation is to have all foods fully cooked before Shabbat and then to leave them on a covered flame/ Hotplate as Shabbat commences. Using a Hotplate (or a Blech) will enable a person who removes a pot on Friday night, to return it after use (provided they intend to do so when removing it and do not fully leave go of it). The type of Hotplate used should be one that does not have different levels of heat, otherwise there remains a concern that a person may come to adjust the temperature on Shabbat.



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Yitro Moshe’s father-in-law arrives, together with Moshe’s wife Tzippora and their two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. Hashem tells the Jewish people to prepare for the greatest thing to happen on earth - ever! The giving of our beloved and precious Torah! For three days, the area is prepared, and the nation is encouraged by Hashem and shout out, “Na’aseh Venishma”! On the 6th (some say the 7th) of Sivan, Hashem Himself opens Matan Torah (which was accompanied by thunder and lightning) by saying the first two of the Ten Commandments. Moshe continues with the following eight commandments and it must have been a most wonderful feeling to be part of the nation chosen by Hashem to receive His Torah! We got such special Mitzvot on that day, all 613 in fact were hinted at, but the ones said specifically included keeping Shabbat, honouring parents, not being jealous of our friends and believing in Hashem. We have held on to the Torah for some 3500 years! Or, to say it correctly, the Torah has supported the Jewish People (and influenced people all over the world)! We Learn the Torah, We Live the Torah and We Love the Torah!

Tangram Challenge!

Using all the shapes on the left can you make the sitting bird shape on the right?


Yitro Word Search




















































































































































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Yitro In a nutshell Parshat Yitro is named for the father-in-law of Moshe. As we all remember from Parshat Shemot, Moshe had run to Midian to escape the wicked King Pharaoh and had married there. He had intended to return to Egypt together with his wife and two sons, but Zipporah, Gershom and Eliezer had then gone back to Midian. Now that Yitro had heard all the great miracles that Hashem had performed for the Jewish nation, he decided it was time to take his daughter and grandsons to join the Jews. Arriving at the desert where the nation was camped, Moshe and Aaron when out to greet them, and the rest of the nation followed! What a great display of honour! Yitro was given a festive meal. Yitro then noticed that Moshe was occupied throughout the day with judging the people, sorting out quarrels etc. He tells Moshe that he would become worn out from such a burden and that it would be best to delegate the judicial duties to others. There should be an officer

appointed over each group of 10, 50, 100 and 1000. The higher up the judge was, the more complicated the question that would be brought to him. Anything beyond the expertise of the judges would be decided by Moshe. Now, the purpose of the Jews being redeemed from being slaves to Pharaoh was to serve Hashem instead. It was Rosh Chodesh Sivan and they arrived at the Midbar surrounding Har Sinai. Hashem spoke to Moshe for the days leading up to Matan Torah, giving the Jews encouraging words and expressing how they are a chosen nation, so long as they follow His Torah. The Jewish people encamped as one man with one heart - Achdut is a necessary introduction to receiving the Torah. When the nation heard that Hashem was offering the Torah they exclaimed, “Na’aseh Ve’Nishma” - we will follow instructions and seek to understand them too!” They fenced off the mountain; no one was allowed to go on it and they prepared for the big day - the epic

Word Wheel The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

Shabbat on which the Torah would be given. Shabbat morning, they were awoken by the sound of the Shofar, and they all came to Mount Sinai where they heard the first two of the ten statements from Hashem Himself! 2-3 million people! The Voice of G-d was too much for the Jews to bear and therefore Moshe continued with the following eight commandments. These “Ten Commandments” formed the foundation of every decent society – not to kill, not to steal, to remain faithful to one’s family, to not testify falsely and to not envy one’s neighbour. Along with this are also the Mitzvah of Shabbat and honouring parents, not mentioning G-d’s name for nothing, not serving idols, and believing in Hashem as the One who redeemed us from Egypt. After Matan Torah, the Jewish people went home and ate milky food and to remember this, we too eat dairy products on Shavuot – the anniversary of this momentous day!

Use this area to write the words you have found.

n a

d n


i l

e r

Last week’s words: Here are some words you may have found from last week - you may have found more! elf flu foe fog for fur

off oft ref felt floe flog

flue fore fort foul four fret

frog fuel furl golf guff gulf

left loft luff ruff tofu turf

flour flout flute forge forte gruff

offer effort floret forget fouler golfer

lofter ruffle fretful truffle forgetful

AN APOLOGY: Last week’s word wheel included two ‘r’s and no ‘t’.




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Q: What did the dog say to the flea? A: Stop bugging me!

Q: Where are sharks from? A: Finland. Q: What do you get when you cross a cow and a lawnmower? A: A lawnmooer.

(Answers at the bottom of page upside down)

1. What can be seen in the middle of March and April that cannot be seen at the beginning or end of either month?

3. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

Q: What do you get if you cross a kangaroo and a elephant?

2. I love to dance and twist and prance, I shake my tail, as away I sail, wingless I fly into the sky. What am I?

A: Big holes all over Australia!

3) Footsteps 1. The letter ‘r’

2) A kite

1. One step forward two steps back 2. Cornerstone 3. Dipstick


4. Parting of the ways 5. Missing in action 6. Equal rights


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City stay top as United hit 9 Sixteen-goal Lions against Saints rout Scrabble in Cup BY DAVID SAFFER

Manchester City stay top of the Premier League after a 2-0 win against Burnley last night. BY DAVID SAFFER Manchester United had moved alongside their great scored rivals after thumping nineReiss Mogilner six goals as Maccabi man Southampton 9-0 at Old Trafford London Lions thumped Scrabble A in the 24 hours earlier butCyril Pep Anekstein Guardiola’s side second round of the Cup. comfortably came through a tricky looking The Premier League side racked up a 16-0 fixture atDaniel Turf Moor toand make it 13 succeswin with Green Michael Kenley sive wins. City’s form looks it both bagging a hat-trick. Edominous Brafman,but Dawill Dinkin, be tested against Anfield vid and AdamLiverpool Hassanaliatcompleton the Sunday (4.30pm). ed rout in a mismatch of a tie. Liverpool however went down a stunLions could have scored in thetoopening ning 1-0 home defeat against Brighton minute of the clash but soon opened the yesterday. scoring and led 9-0 by half time. Last champions hadthough chancesoutto Th e year’s Division One team, win but battled the Seagulls travelled classed, away to the end.back south with a massive bid Lions boss waswin lostin fortheir words at to fullavoid time the drop courtesy of a strike from Steven such was the display from his team who Alzate on 56 minutes. gave every respect to the opposition. Successive homesure defeats to Burnley “I’m not really there’s anythingand to nowwe Brighton aretosevere to Jurgen say, are happy make blows it through to the Klopp’s team. next round of the cup,” he commented. City are of Liverpool, Hendon seven Unitedpoints Sportsclear ran out 3-1 victors aagainst win atLeague the weekend could end London the deOne outfit North fending champs title hopes. Raiders. City opened side the led scoring BurnTh e Premier earlyagainst in the second ley on three minutes when Gabriel Jesus half only for Raiders to equalise but struck nodded goalkeeper Pope two late home goals after to book a placeNick in round pushed Bernardo Silva’s strike towards three of the competition. him. The visitors, usual, bossedto the Hendon now turnastheir attentions possession and settled the match league as they travel to Oakwood A for a when Raheem tapped crucial top of theSterling table clash on Sunday home an Ilkay Gundogan cross (10am). from close range. team Riyadstunned Mahrezthe league Daniel Kristall’s had a goal disallowed for leaders last month whenoffside they won 2-0, a but Guardiola’s chasing victory would movetitle them to within a point side controlled clashinwhich of Hendon with this a match hand. sets them up perfectly the of fixtures, Elsewhere in the latestfor round mouth-watering visit of the 10-man North London Galaxy made it a Reds three-way title race in the only Division One Sean Dyche’s Burnley willOakwood B. clash of the day after defeating beJamie delighted they don’t have Murray saw red early on but Galaxy to facewith City goals againfrom and Josh remain rallied Cohen and Jaeight points above the relega- 2-1 away cob Leigh to record an important tion zone. win. Guardiola told BBC Sport, “WeCare A in Galaxy head Redbridge Jewish struggled a little bit to break, the table by just one point after 10the matches, first pass, movement. first 15bethird placefirst Fairlop FC are fiThe ve points minutes thegames second was our best hind withoftwo inhalf hand. football. Unfortunately, we could not Rafi Bloom scored for Oakwood. score a third or fourth goal. In the lastin a “It was a fantastic performance

15 minutes we passed the ball without the intent to attack, just to control. Strikers need goals for their confidence. Jesus played really good.” On whether United’s win over Southampton put pressure on them coming into this clash, he noted, “We have to do our job. It’s a big mistake to think about other sides. When we were 12th we were thinking forget about the Premier League, if we can achieve being in Europa League next season. It’s not about runs of games, statistics. It’s always next game, next game.” Ole Gunnar Solksjaer’s United moved alongside

10-man Saints to effectively settle the contest. It was now a question of how many goals United would rack up. The procession of goals continued apace after David de Gea smartly saved a James Ward-Prouse free kick, Jan Bednarek converted a Rashford cross into his own goal prior to Edinson Cavani giving the keeper no chance with a header on 39 minutes for a 4-0 half time lead. Saints’ Che Adams had a goal chalked off for a marginal offside decision after the break before United hit the target again with a close range finish from Anthony Martial on 69 minutes. Moments later, McTominay fired home a low drive from the edge of the penalty area. Adams then blew a glorious chance of a consolation before the hosts made it 7-0 after Bednarek completed a miserable night by picking up a second bookable for pulling down Martial in the penalty area three minutes from time. Bruno Fernandez slotted home the penalty before Martial, having gone through a barren spell in front of goal, bagged his second of the night on 90 minutes. United then matched PHOTO: DAVIDtheir SAFFER 16-goal Maccabi London Lions PHOTOS: WIKIMEDIA Premier League goals record with a tap Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool host Pep in from Dan James deep into stoppage Guardiola’s Manchester City on Sunday must-win game,” commented Galaxy playtime. er-manager Luke Lewis. City at the top briefly following a United manager Solskjaer speaking to “We sat back and allowed Oakwood the record-equalling triumph against BBC Sport was well aware when the key ball, given the one-man advantage and Southampton. The visitors were moment of the match came. “When they looked to hit them on the counter attack on the backfoot inside 80 sechad a man sent off it was up to us to get the with pace. onds when Alexandre Jankefirst goal,” he said. “Both goals came down the right-hand witz was dismissed on his full “You have to take your chances in tight side. Leigh crossed the first one into Cohen debut for a dreadful tackle on or open games, you never know what to finish, before slotting home himself. Up Scott McTominay. Luckily the might be the deciding factor. We know, to first we go.” Scottish international was able better than anyone, what goal difference The Division Two title race also took to carry from a potentially can will do to you” because we have lost the a twist with league leaders Herstwood circumstances, ” saidon delighted Fortune one enjoy. career-ending challenge that league on difference. is Vale going down to a 2-1 defeat at Temple boss Simon Linden. Vale bossgoal Jacob EmanuelConfidence was quick to rightly of red-carded. Someone thing butwell it was abouthis theinjury. mojo and Fortune. “We had was a number players out, Re- wish Rebuck following times so match officials a spark, X-factor.” Faithfold B have played a game more buck got injured, I couldn’t havegive asked “Firstthe and most importantly, everyone at player the benefit of a doubt but Southampton Ralph Hasenhuttl than Vale but moved level with a 5-3 win at any more from the players. We wish Ben a Vale would like to boss wish the Fortune ‘keeper referee Mike Dean didn’t have had seen lighting strike twice as his team North London Raiders Masters. speedy recovery. a quick recovery, we hope to see him back call upon to performance, assist him on on went 9-0pitch to Leicester in October Jacob Kalms struck twice for Fortune who “It was to a proper old VAR school thedown football as soonCity as possible, ” he this decision. 2019. scored through leading scorer James Mil- we battled and defended for the 90 minutes said. right back Aaronproved Wan He for commented, mancommented, down after letwith his 17th goal of the season. and took Reds our chances. Experience As the defeat, “One Emanuel Bissaka opened the scoring on 18 three minutes against this opponent, The result was all the more remarkable to be the winner. It’s a big win, one we will “It doesn’t matter how big a squad conyou whentohe connected with” a have, gratulations Manchester they as Temple were down to 11 players with enjoyminutes and we hope build on it in 2019. you cantonever accountUnited, for unavailfrom leftwin back Luke50Shaw. workedorusinjury. off andOnly did not The ‘keeper Ben Rebuck dislocating a shoulder He cross added, “This marks years Maas a ability fivestop of today’s son Greenwood then set up Marcus second red card is most disappointing, in the warm up. football club and will be one Nigel Kyte and played in our recent win over FC Team,wea Rashford for a with clinical against don’tofhave any more and players. tried in “This was a fantastic win given the everyone associated the finish club from day lack togetherness poorWe individual

“It was a proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90 minutes and took our chances. Experience proved to be the winner.”


4 FEBRUARY 2021 the second half to keep a clean sheet as much as we could, but at nine men it was too easy for them to score. What can I say? It is horrible. But we stood up after the first 9-0 (against Leicester) and we have to do that again.” United completed a 9-0 rout against Ipswich Town in 1995, Tottenham Hotspur, who host Chelsea tonight, are the only other side to record the same result, thumping Wigan Athletic in 2009. Leicester City bounced back to winning ways at relegation-threatened Fulham after a dispiriting loss to Leeds United at the weekend with a 2-0 win at Craven Cottage. Brendon Rogers side looked out of sorts without their talisman, striker Jamie Vardy, in a shock 3-1 defeat to Leeds, but they regained momentum in their title bid, but more realistically Champions League aspirations. James Maddison starred for the Foxes, setting up both goals, firstly for Kelechi Iheanacho to nod home on 17 minutes then just before half time for James Justin to all but seal the points. The visitors ran out deserved winners but the final result could have been more emphatic as they had three goals disallowed, Caglar Soyuncu in the first-half then Iheanacho and Ricardo Pereira in the second half. Fulham battled away and went close to scoring when Tosin Adarabioyo saw a header saved by Kasper Schmeichel just before Justin knocked in the second goal. It was a key passage of play but the hosts sole effort on target illustrated the almighty chasm between the sides. West Ham have been in fine form recently and picked up an impressive 3-1 win at Aston Villa to boost their European aspirations. Three second half goals secured the points. Tomas Soucek fired home to open the scoring on 51 minutes. New loan signing Jesse Lingard then grabbed the headlines following his move from Manchester United with a brace, slotting home approaching the hour then seven minutes from time shortly after Olli Watkins had got the hosts back into the match. Lingard’s arrival sent Hammers into fifth spot two points adrift of the Champions League places. David Moyes’ shrewd signing might just be the best business of the transfer window. Everton are also in the running for a European spot and recovered from their loss to Newcastle United last weekend with a 2-1 against Leeds at Elland Road. Gylfi Sigurdsson opened the scoring from a Lucas Digne cross following a swift counter attack on nine minutes, though Leeds came back into the match, Dominic Calvert Lewin nodded home following a corner just before the break. The hosts enjoyed plenty of possession but have struggled at times at home, however they got back into the clash just after the break when Raphina fired home left-footed. Patrick Bamford went close to equalising but hit the crossbar, Everton also had chances and the Toffees saw out the game. In other clashes, Wolves eased relegation fears by coming from behind to defeat Arsenal at Molineux on Tuesday night. The Gunners had two players dismissed, both incidents were contentious.


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Edinson Cavani scored Manchester United’s fourth goal against Southampton

The visitors began well against a side desperate for the win and Bukayo Saka had a goal disallowed for a tight offside decision but Mikel Arteta’s team bossed the game and opened the scoring with a superb strike from Nicolas Pepe just after the half hour. The hosts levelled from the spot against the run of play on the stroke of half time after David Luiz accidentally brought down William Jose. Ruben Neves slotted home but Arsenal were unlucky with the sending off and the match should have been over as they wasted a glut of chances. Wolves were fortunate to be in the game but settled the contest with a 30-yard thunderbolt just after the break through Joao Moutinho. In spite of the wonder strike it would not have been a surprise if 10-man Arsenal had levelled and then gone on to win the match until a bizarre incident saw Bernd Leno dismissed when he handled just outside the penalty box on 72 minutes whilst clearing the ball. Regarding the Luiz red card, Arsenal manager Arteta told Match of the Day, “The team was really on top of the game, we should have been three or four-nil up and in that action the game changed completely. I’ve seen it 10 times in different angles and I cannot tell you where the contact is. If they have another 50 different angles to watch it, maybe I will be surprised. I looked at seven different angles and I cannot see any contact there.” Arteta added, “The team kept trying, kept playing, kept believing. At half-time, the boys were so animated because they believed they could still win the game. Obviously, it was an incredible goal from long range, before that they didn’t have any chances. But still we lost and we have to react. “We hit the post, hit the bar, the keeper made a couple of great saves. We played exceptionally well, scored one goal and should have scored three or four and had more of a gap, but obviously you concede


two red cards in the Premier League.” Arteta had no issue with Leno’s dismissal. Wolves moved 12 points clear of the bottom three to the delight of boss Nuno Espirito Santo, who spoke about the two dismissals. He said, “Everything changes with the penalty, the dynamic of the game changes there. I think the referee doesn’t have any other option in both situations.” As for the match winning moment, he added, “The goal is amazing. He (Moutinho) is such a talented player and he deserves this moment. It’s a very welcome win. It means a lot, we have been in a tough moment.” Newcastle, meantime, after a tremendous win at Everton a few days earlier, blew an early lead as Crystal Palace picked up a vital away win to move into mid table security. Jonjo Shelvey fired home from distance inside two minutes. Callum Wilson almost doubled the lead for the Geordies before Palace cut the hosts apart and Jairo Riedewald cracked home a howitzer on 21 minutes. Gary Cahill then headed in a free kick three minutes later for a half time lead. Andros Townsend should have made it 3-1 but missed a glorious chance to put the game to bed. The result is a blow to Steve Bruce’s team who are eight points clear of the bottom three but need to pick up points to avoid being sucked into the relegation battle. As for Palace, manager Roy Hodgson is sweating on news of an injury to star player Wilfred Zaha. Sheffield United came from behind to win the ‘battle of the basement’ against West Brom at Bramall Lane. The result could possibly have sealed the Baggies top flight status. The visitors led just before half time with a close-range finish from Matt Phillips. Jayden Bogle levelled with a smart left-footed finish just before the hour. Aaron Ramsdale then made a pinpoint save from Callum Robinson to keep the Blades


in the game and they then claimed a vital victory with a smart Billy Sharp finish 17 minutes from time. The result did no favours to either side. “We needed a big second-half performance,” delighted Blades boss Chris Wilder told BBC Sport. “We just had to let ourselves go a little bit which we did in the second half. We were more ambitious. “It’s a big win but there is still a long way to go and we are not getting carried away at all, there is a huge challenge in front of us. Just because we have won a couple of games recently, it’s the Premier League and it hurts you. I have a group that are alive and kicking and fighting for their lives.” “We expected for Sheffield United to have more possession,” acknowledged Baggies manager Sam Allardyce. “But when it came to chances, particularly the chance from Callum (Robinson) at 1-1, that would have been 2-1 to us and I don’t think we’d have lost this game. “Just a wonderful save from the goalkeeper (Ramsdale). I don’t know quite how he did it, but he did.” Last weekend’s highlights saw Manchester City edge home against Sheffield United with a Jesus goal, Cavani missed late chances for a lacklustre Manchester United in a goalless draw against Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium. Leicester went down to Leeds after Harvey Barnes opened the scoring but Marcelo Bielsa’s side hit back as Stuart Dallas fired home. Bamford was on target with a brilliant finish on 70 minutes. Bamford then set up Jack Harrison in a lightning counter attack to seal the win. Mo Salah bagged a brace for a resurgent Liverpool at West Ham. Salah curled home just after half time then finished off a brilliant counter-attack. Roberto Firmino set up Georginio Wijnaldum for Liverpool’s third. Craig Dawson grabbed a consolation from a corner but Liverpool’s second win in London in a few days appeared to show they were back on track. Ross Barkley headed Villa’s winner against Southampton at St Mary’s whilst Brighton deservedly defeated a poor Tottenham side with a Leandro Trossard goal. The visitors are without talisman striker Harry Kane through injury and are in danger of seeing their Champions League aspirations slip away. The arrival of Gareth Bale has also yet to ignite. Chelsea head coach Thomas Tuchel though was delighted to see his team pick up a first victory, skipper Cesar Azpilicueta and Marcos Alonso struck the goals against Burnley. Newcastle were deserved winners at Everton courtesy of a Callum Wilson brace, while Palace midfielder Eberechi Eze earned a welcome win against Wolves at Selhurst Park. West Brom drew 2-2 with Fulham but Big Sam lamented two points dropped in the battle to avoid the drop. Sheffield United, West Brom and Fulham are getting marooned at the bottom. They face Chelsea, Tottenham and West Ham at the weekend when points could again be hard to find. The trio look doomed for Championship football but the battle for Europe, Champions League and title are heading to a thrilling finale over the coming months.

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