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Family Fun Pinchas

Family Fun Pinchas

land. Moshe was told that according to the size of a tribe, so would be the size (qualitatively) of their portion in Eretz Yisrael. The tribe of Levi, however, were not given a portion; it was the Jewish people’s privilege to sustain the tribe of Levi. There was a family of 5 sisters, daughters of Tzelaphchad who worried that they would not be given any land as their father had died in the wilderness. Moshe asked Hashem and the reply came that they shall indeed be given a portion according to their father’s tribe.

The Torah then teaches all about the laws of the order of inheritance. Firstly to a son; if no son then a daughter, then it goes upwards to the surviving father, his sons (i.e. the brother of the deceased) and so on.

Moshe is told to ascend a mountain and cast his holy and loving gaze upon the coveted land. Sadly, he would not enter it due to the mistake a the waters of Meriva. Never miss an opportunity to make a Kiddush Hashem! Moshe asked Hashem to ensure the Jewish nation are not left like sheep without a shepherd, and that a successor should be chosen to replace Moshe after he died. Hashem informs Moshe that it would be Yehoshua, who should be inaugurated in the presence of Elazar and the entire congregation (the Kohen who had replaced Aharon).

The Parsha then launches into the laws of the sacrifices. Beginning with the Korban Tamid – the daily sacrifice and then continuing with the added sacrifices (“Musaf”) of Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and all the festivals. We meet the 3 Chagim as well as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and Shemin Atzeret. A total of 70 bulls are offered up on Sukkot!

We no longer have the opportunity to offer sacrifices to Hashem, however, we can

1. Yearn for the day when the Beit Hamikdash will be rebuilt

2. Study the laws of the Sacrifices and thereby be considered as if we have actually offered them

3. Recite the appropriate prayers in place of the Korbanot.

It contains 168 verses, 1,887 words and 7,853 letters.

Tzelaphchad’s five daughters are allowed to inherit land.

Yehoshuah is appointed as leader.

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