The Jewish Weekly Issue 225

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We stand with the people of Ukraine.


t is deeply upsetting and truly shocking to see Putin’s pointless violence, leading to death, destruction and devastation, alongside hysteria and heart-breaking homelessness. Families split up, people forced to walk 30 hours to the border and buggies thrown over gates in train stations in utter desperation. As President Zelensky said when Babyn Yar was hit, “What is the point of saying ‘never again’ for 80 years, if the world stays silent when a bomb drops on the same site of Babyn Yar?” I wondered for years how six million Jews and millions of other people were murdered whilst world powers appeared to do nothing for so long. History appears to be repeating itself. Just because Ukraine is not part of Nato, should 40 million people be left to die like lambs to the slaughter? I spoke with charities helping our trapped Jewish brethren, and heard about a Jewish orphanage in Kharkiv, where dozens of Jewish children are currently hiding out in the basement, slowly running out of food, water and other necessities, such as tissues and nappies, whilst bombs pound overhead. The least we can all do is reach into our pockets and do what we can to help. Donate to the World Jewish Relief Ukraine Appeal on the inside cover, and the Orach Chaim Foundation appeal on the outside cover. Millions have already been raised, but much more is needed. We must pray to Hashem for an immediate end to this war.


his week is our 5th anniversary edition. In previous years, we have celebrated our anniversaries with supplements looking back at various highlights. However, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate loudly whilst people in Ukraine are being mercilessly killed. Instead, we are dedicating this special edition to the innocent people in Ukraine. Nonetheless, there are still people who must be thanked for their various contributions over the years. We thank from the bottom of our hearts all our wonderful and dedicated staff. We thank our clients, in both the business and charity world, and of course you, our loyal readers.



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03 MARCH 2022/30 ADAR1 5782 ROSH CHODESH

@TheJewishWeekly 225

Putin accused of “war crimes” as Babyn Yar memorial hit BY DAVID SAFFER

PARASHAT PEKUDEI SHABBAT: BEGINS ENDS London 17:31 18:34 Manchester 17:37 18:43 Leeds 17:31 18:44 Liverpool 17:37 18:50 Bournemouth 17:35 18:45 Antwerp 18:10 19:19 Birmingham 17:34 18:45 Gateshead 17:30 18:44

Jewish leaders and organisations have condemned President Vladimir Putin and Russian forces after Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Centre was damaged during an attack on Ukraine’s capital this week. Over 33,000 Jews were murdered by the Nazis during World War Two at the site in Kyiv in 1941. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed five people were killed in a strike at a TV tower in the city near the complex. Unprovoked hostility began a week ago. A 40-mile convoy of Russian armoured vehicles is approaching Kyiv. “What is the point of saying ‘never again’ for 80 years, if the world stays silent when a bomb drops on the same site of Babyn Yar?”, Zelensky tweeted. President Isaac Herzog noted, “The attack epitomises the terrible tragedy that we are witnessing unfolding in front of our eyes. We express great pain and suffering over what is happening there.” Zelensky accused Putin of “war crimes” after air strikes on the country’s second largest city, Kharkiv. Prime Minister Boris Johnson joined Zelensky’s assessment during PMQs when he said that bombing innocent civilians “fully qualifies as a war crime”. PMQs began with a minute’s applause, not normally allowed in Parliament. Many MPs wore

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Children from the Alumim Children’s Home and Social Rehabilitation Center in Ukraine making their way to Poland

yellow and blue, the colours of the Ukrainian flag in solidarity. Johnson blasted Putin’s “abhorrent assault on a sovereign nation”, adding he had “gravely miscalculated” the Ukrainian people’s resolve to fight whilst the “free world” was “standing up to his barbarism”. Johnson this week condemned Putin for engaging in “barbaric and indiscriminate” tactics targeting civilians during a visit to Poland. He added that the UK had set aside £220m in humanitarian aid. US President Joe Biden, in his

first State of the Union address, vowed to defend democracy in Europe and punish Putin for a “premeditated and unprovoked” invasion of Ukraine. “He thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over,” Biden said. “Instead he met a wall of strength he never imagined.” The United Nations has stated that around 800,000 people have now fled the war-ravaged country as Russian forces continue to bombard Ukraine with missile attacks. Ukrainian authorities stated


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over 2,000 civilians had been killed whilst rescuers had put over hundreds of fires and 400 explosives following shelling in the north, east and south of the country. Peace talks were reportedly set to resume last night between Russia and Ukraine, according to Russian state news agency Tass. A first round of talks took place on the Russian-Belarusian border earlier this week but failed to reach a resolution in an ever-changing narrative. Yad Vashem Holocaust Continued on page 4



3 MARCH 2022

Mazal tov to The Jewish Weekly!


On the fifth anniversary of the publication of The Jewish Weekly, I would like to extend my congratulations to all who are involved in ensuring that the newspaper continues to thrive – mazal tov! The newspaper is a key institution within the Jewish community in the UK and so it is a real pleasure to be able to celebrate this important milestone. I am very grateful for the continued support that The Jewish Weekly gives to the State of Israel, providing its readers with key reports and information on the reality from within Israel. From reporting on the growing successes emanating from

the historic Abraham Accords to writing about the impressive growth of Israel’s tech industry, and from discussing British tourism to Israel to reporting on my successful visit to the University of Cambridge, The Jewish Weekly has covered many key stories on a wide range of issues. The paper is a true friend of Israel and I very much look forward to seeing it go from strength to strength over the next five years, and beyond. During my time in the UK, I have continually been impressed by the strength of Britain’s Jewish community and the vibrancy of Jewish life here. Whether that be the diverse landscape of UK shuls, the many Jewish charities seeking to improve the lives of Jews in the UK and others around the world, or indeed our Jewish schools that provide an impressive level of education to our children, these are rightly all sources of pride for the community. The connection with the young

generation is of great importance to me and I very much enjoy getting to meet university students and primary school children alike. Through meeting young Jewish people around the UK, I am often inspired by their deep curiosity and I very much hope that many will take the opportunity to travel to Israel in the near future, particularly after two years of being unable to do so. Yet, whilst speaking of the many positives of Jewish life in the UK, we must also mention antisemitism, which represents a real challenge. According to the recent 2021 annual report on antisemitism by the Community Security Trust, we have seen a 34% rise in antisemitic incidents in 2021 when compared to the previous year. This is incredibly worrying and shows the need for us to continue to be vocal in fighting against antisemitism within our society. I am pleased to say that our partners in the UK government are similarly worried about the rise in

I am very grateful for the continued support that The Jewish Weekly gives to the State of Israel, providing its readers with key reports and information on the reality from within Israel.

antisemitism and are committed to combating it. The images and reports that we have seen coming out of Ukraine in recent days are truly devastating and we hope and pray for peace. As Foreign Minister Lapid stated this week, “Israel will be part of the international effort to assist the people of Ukraine. We have a moral, historical, and ethical obligation to be part of this effort”. I am also proud to say that Israel has donated 100 tons worth of emergency aid in a shipment to Ukraine. The shipment contained thousands of coats, blankets, sleeping bags, medical supplies, tents, and water purification equipment – in order to support the Ukrainian people at this time. Additionally, it has been heartwarming to see the various humanitarian initiatives launched by organisations and individuals from the UK’s Jewish community. As we recognise the achievements of The Jewish Weekly on reaching the milestone of its fifth anniversary, once again, I wish the paper and its readers mazal tov and I look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries of this important publication over the coming years. HE Mrs Tzipi Hotovely is the 18th Ambassador of Israel to the Court of St James’s, and the first woman to be appointed to the position.

£2m raised for Ukraine Avigdor Hirsch

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CharityExtra has raised over £2 million for victims of the ongoing war in Ukraine in just 48 hours. The online crowdfunding platform has hosted two campaigns for the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine and Tikva, a charity that supports homeless children in Ukraine. Donations will deliver packages of emergency food supplies and essential needs, as well as to protect children who are either vulnerable or the victims of the conflict. The campaigns launched on Sunday morning and have exceeded targets with the vast majority of donations originating from the UK. The result reflects the generosity of the

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public and effectiveness of crowdfunding in times of crisis. “The world has been gripped by the tragic events taking place in Ukraine,” said Yitzi Bude, founder, CharityExtra. “The harrowing footage and images coming out of the country show just how much the Ukrainian people need our help. It was a no-brainer for us to help in the best way we could and we have been overwhelmed by the incredible reaction from the public. We are all humans and it is deplorable that such events can still take place in the 21st century. We must do all we can to help.” To donate: ukraine or tikvaemergencyappeal WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 02 News 16 Letters 18 Opinion 21 Games 22 Community 32 Features

34 Expert Advice 36 Travel 38 Judaism 48 Family Fun 51 Cookery 52 Sport




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Remembrance Centre vehemently condemned the deadly attack on the vicinity of the Babyn Yar Holocaust memorial site. In a statement they called on the international community to safeguard civilian lives and historical sites due to their “irreplaceable value” for research, education and commemoration of the Holocaust. “Rather than being subjected to blatant violence, sacred sites like Babyn Yar must be protected,” Yad Vashem noted, adding, “The security and wellbeing of civilians must be universally and absolutely respected. We continue to follow with grave concern the outrageous acts of aggression being perpetrated against civilian targets in Ukraine.” Yad Vashem chairman, Natan Sharansky, a former refusenik, was born in Ukraine. He said in a statement, “Putin seeks to distort and manipulate the Holocaust to justify an illegal invasion of a sovereign democratic country is utterly abhorrent. It is symbolic that he starts attacking Kyiv by bombing the site of the Babyn Yar, the biggest of Nazi massacres.” The leadership of the Babyn Yar memorial blasted Putin’s use of language related to the Holocaust and planned to submit war crimes committed by Russian forces to the International Court of Justice in the Hague. “We are deeply outraged that the aggressor country has used genocidal rhetoric to justify its shameful actions,” noted a statement. “Russia has vulgarly instrumentalised anti-Nazi rhetoric and is trying to take on the role of a fighter against Nazism.”


3 MARCH 2022

Ayelet Shaked has allowed all refuThe statement added, “We remind the Russian leadership that Kyiv, gees from Ukraine to enter Israel. Kharkiv, Kherson, Mariupol and othAid includes 17 tons of medical er Ukrainian cities were last subjected equipment and medicine, water to massive bombing by Nazi Germapurification systems, winter tents, blankets, sleeping bags and winter ny during World War II, now they are burning under the blows of Putin’s clothing. army, under the false and outrageous The Israeli consul in Romania narrative of “denazifying” Ukraine helped some 100 Jewish children and its people.” from an orphanage in Zhytomyr cross The US Holocaust Memorial Muthe border into Romania. seum were outraged at the damage At a UN General Assembly emerinflicted. “It is sacred ground,” they gency meeting Israel’s Deputy Amtweeted, while the Holocaust Memobassador Noa Furman condemned rial Day Trust was “horrified” to hear Russia calling it to stop the attack and respect the sovereignty of Ukraine” about the missile strike. The Board of Deputies and JLC “Given our deep ties with both wrote in a joint statement, “There is sides, we are willing to contribute to a reason that Ukraine’s President, the diplomatic effort if so requested Prime Minister and Minister of Forand have been trying to do so in the eign Affairs, amidst the tragedy of last couple of weeks,” she said. Ukrainians fighting and dying for Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has spoken with Putin and offered to metheir country, have all seen fit to comment on this particular attack. diate between Russia and Ukraine to Babyn Yar was where the Nazis murend the war. Bennett has also spoken with dered Jews in the tens of thousands. Vladimir Putin falsely claimed that Zelensky, who asked him to reach the Ukrainian Government are Naout to Putin on his behalf. zis. Now his forces have bombarded Bennett told his weekly cabinet PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK a site commemorating an infamous The Holocaust memorial at Babyn Yar, Ukraine meeting, “We pray for the wellbeing Nazi atrocity. And five more deaths of the citizens of Ukraine and we hope have been recorded at Babyn Yar. We pray severe sanctions against Russia including that further bloodshed will be avoided.” He for the Ukrainian people, who are facing banning Russian airlines from its airspace. added, “We are acting in a measured and death, destruction and displacement. We Financially, the value of the Ruble has responsible manner.” hope our Government will continue to do plummeted whilst global companies inIsrael has large communities of Ukraineverything it can to help Ukraine defend cluding Apple, Google, Ford and Exxon ians and Russians. In 1991, around a militself and prevent any further loss of life.” Mobil have acted. lion people immigrated to Israel from the As Ukrainian forces continue to battle Israel has sent humanitarian aid to former USSR, including hundreds of thouRussian forces global leaders announced Ukraine through Poland, Interior Minister sands from Russia and Ukraine.

Jews carry Holocaust memory Bennett tells Scholz at Yad Vashem BY DAVID SAFFER

Every Jew carries the memory of the Holocaust with them Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at Yad Vashem yesterday at the start of a state visit. Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan accompanied the leaders on a tour of the world famous remembrance centre. Bennett officially welcomed Scholz at the end of the visit and noted its importance. “The first stop on your visit to Israel is the most important,” he said. “The Holocaust, the systematic annihilation of Jews, is the wound that forms the basis of ties between Germany and Israel. From this wound we have built significant and steadfast relations. “Mr. Chancellor, even today, 80 years after the war, there is no Jew who does not carry within him the memory of his six million brothers and sisters, men, women and children. who perished in the camps. Even today, in a strong and prosperous state, a state of warmth and happiness, in each one of us, even several generations later, there is deep sadness that does not disappear.” Bennett thanked Scholz for his commitment to the memory of the Holocaust and Jewish people. The leaders visited the Hall of Remembrance and following the ceremony toured the Children’s Museum and visited Janusz Korczak Square. During a joint press conference Bennett

Left to right: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan

said that Israel-Germany relations had come a long way since the days of former leaders Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. “They are more steadfast than ever,” noted Bennett, who announced the creation of a new strategic cooperation between the State of Israel and Germany. “This will be in the format of a bi-annual dialogue on security and diplomatic matters. This is a significant upgrade in our relations.”


Regarding hostilities in Ukraine, Bennett said both had a responsibility as leaders to help stop the bloodshed and bring what was occurring from the battlefield to the negotiating table quickly. “To my regret, we in Israel have experience with wars,” he said. “Their price is great as we have already seen. Unfortunately, it could get much worse. “The State of Israel stands alongside the people of Ukraine. We have sent


considerable humanitarian assistance and are determined to continue and even do more.” Bennett also said that both were charged with making sure Iran has “neither nuclear weapons nor the possibility of attaining them” on their watch as leaders. “We are closely monitoring the talks in Vienna including the possibility that an agreement will be signed that allows Iran to install centrifuges on a broad scale within a few years,” he noted. “This possibility is unacceptable to us.” Bennett added, “Israel will know how to defend itself and ensure both its security and its future. We also expect our friends in the world not to countenance a massive installation of centrifuges in another twoand-a-half years, and to already prepare for the day after.” Bennett also spoke about his coalition of eight parties compared to Germany’s three in government. “We have learned that many parties is not necessarily a bad thing,” he said. “It expresses a broad range of various opinions, of different people. Our test as a democracy is to know how to work together with different people with different views.” Bennett added, “The world that we have known is changing. The challenges are great. We must join hands and work together to meet them.” Scholz also attended a meeting with Speaker of the Knesset Mickey Levy during a packed schedule.



3 MARCH 2022

Humanitarian crisis deepens says Odessa Chief Rabbi BY DAVID SAFFER

The Chief Rabbi of Odessa, Rabbi Avraham Wolff, has warned of an imminent humanitarian crisis. Fundraising campaigns have been set up globally for the 350,000 strong Jewish community of Ukraine who are short of food, medical supplies and transportation. The situation is worsening daily with advancing Russian forces despatched by President Vladimir Putin. Ukraine has a rich Jewish heritage with many orthodox communities including in Odessa, Uman to Kyiv and Lviv. Rabbi Wolff addressed the Knesset’s Constitution and Law Committee on Monday warning of a humanitarian crisis in up to 10 days. Absorption Minister Pnina Tamno-Shata participated in the meeting. “The situation in Ukraine is very bad, some cities are worse off than others,” Rabbi Wolff explained. “Kyiv and Kharkiv are under fire and surrounded by the Russian army. Chabad shluchim there are in bomb shelters since Friday.” He added, “There’s no need to wait for a disaster when food and medication run out. This is the time to operate Israir to bring Israelis home and those who want to make aliyah.” Rabbi Wolff noted that a Chabad nursing home had 50 Holocaust survivors, 120 orphans were in Chabad institutions along with 140 students. “I already see now from the pace the food is running out that soon we won’t be able to send food to the 8,000 Jewish adults and children in Odessa,” he stressed. “I speak in the names of 32 large cities in Ukraine served by 180 Chabad shlichim. A humanitarian crisis is going to occur, not today but in 7-10 days.” Rabbi Wolff continued, “Now is the time. There are small children who will starve if we don’t wake up in time.” He concluded “It isn’t only Chabad in Ukraine, it’s also Chabad in Moldova. Everyone is working together. Time is running out.” The Chesed Fund is raising funds but a central campaign on a war-front is not possible due to the variety of needs and geographical distances between major cities. Campaign organisers are helping various communities. Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo and Rebbetzin Sara Bald noted that bombs are “raining down” in Lviv with refugees fleeing in their thousands looking for food, shelter and security. “Our Shul is packed with multitudes of families begging for assistance, housing, nourishment and warm clothing,” they appealed. “Lviv is situated on the western side of Ukraine, making our city the destination of all communities on the run. We need to prepare thousands of portions of food around

Rabbi Avraham Wolff

“There is a huge panic in the kehillah. People want to get out as soon as possible. Buses are not running, but local citizens with private cars can rescue us and take us to the border to escape Ukraine.” the clock, pay security guards, and provide shelter and heat.” Equipment, medical assistance, food and rental apartments are required. The Jewish community in Chernowitz under the leadership of Rabbi Menachem and Rebettzin Penina Glisnshtain has reached out for urgent help. “Many have already fallen and perished,” they said. “The Jewish community is a small, close-knit where doors are always open to welcome every Jew. The situation has changed drastically, members of our community are in mortal danger. We are on the front lines, minutes away from the battlefield, we must evacuate urgently before, chas veshalom, disaster strikes.” Chabad Rabbi in Kyiv, Rabbi Moshe Azman, spoke about the rockets, tanks, planes and gunfire. “We’re in the middle of a war,” he told media outlets. “We’re trying to save Jews from Kyiv, where they’re shooting anyone on the streets. It’s not simple to get out because it’s dangerous on the roads. It usually takes a half-hour to get here from the center of Kyiv but it now takes several hours.” Rabbi Peretz Krohn is running a campaign to save lives in Uman. “The Jewish community is afraid for their

lives,’ he said. “There is a huge panic in the kehillah. People want to get out as soon as possible. Buses are not running, but local citizens with private cars can rescue us and take us to the border to escape Ukraine. Women and children, entire families, we are waiting for the intense bombing to stop and then the cars will start leaving the city.” Hatzalah Ukraine provides humanitarian and medical assistance to the Cherkasy region and victims of war regardless of religion, ethnicity or political affiliation. The plan is to evacuate people to the border of Poland located in Lviv some 900km from Uman. Emergency medicines, lifesaving equipment, transportations, police escort convoys, food, water and thermal blankets is being organised. A satellite communication system including phones and Internet in case of network shutdown. United Hatzalah’s Ukraine branch serves Uman, Odessa, and Kyiv. United Hatzalah’s Eli Beer, president and founder said, “We support the Ukrainian people and the Jewish communities throughout Ukraine and we are praying for their well-being. In response to the urgent


need we are sending medical equipment and volunteers from Israel to help those still in Ukraine and those fleeing the country.” Chabad’s Ukraine Jewish Releif Fund has been established to help provide assistance to Jewish communities in Ukraine impacted by the war. For today’s Jewish communities these are worrying times. Ukraine boasts synagogues, mikvahs, kosher restaurants, Jewish schools, yeshivahs and social services. Ukraine’s President, Volodymr Zelensky, after winning the election in 2019 famously held a meeting with the country’s six leading Rabbonim on May 6 in Kiev. Chabad emissaries Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki of Dnipro, Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz of Kharkov, Rabbi Wolff of Odessa, Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm of Zhitmor and Rabbi Pinchas Vishedski of Donetsk attended. Rabbi Moshe Asman of Brodsky synagogue in Kiev was also present. Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries have been mainstays since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Some 35 cities throughout Ukraine are led by Chabad emissary families who reach out to smaller cities, towns and villages organising Jewish holiday programs throughout the year. Chabad maintains Jewish orphanages in Zhitomir, a Jewish university in Odessa and the largest Jewish center in the world in Dnipro. Ukraine has been home to hundreds of thousands of Jews in towns and cities for centuries. Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement and Rabbi Schneur Zalman, founder of the Chabad movement, are amongst dozens of Chassidic masters including Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev who draw thousands of pilgrims to Ukraine annually to pay respect. Jews globally have ancestors that fled Ukraine in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Rabbi Zalman’s seventh-generation successor, was born in 1902 in Nikolayev, Ukraine, where his grandfather served as rabbi. The Rebbe’s father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson was appointed Rabbi of Yekaterinoslav (Dnipro today) where he led the Jewish community for over three decades. The Holocaust took a mighty toll. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum prior to Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, Ukraine was home to the “largest Jewish population in Europe”. Historians believe 1.5m Jews were killed during the Shoah including in Babyn Yar outside Kiev where around 33,000 were murdered. ukraine/donate.htm



Herzog hails Greek visit and appeals to Israelis in Ukraine aid


President Isaac Herzog has hailed a state visit to Greece. But Israel’s leader could not ignore war raging in Ukraine during the landmark trip and appealed to Israelis citizens to return. After landing in Athens, Herzog laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier prior to visiting the Presidential Mansion for a diplomatic meeting with Greek President, Katerina Sakellaropoulou. Herzog was welcomed by Sakellaropoulou at the President Isaac Herzog meets President Katerina Sakellaropoulou Presidential Mansion. During a ceremony, Herzog reviewed the Greek return between Russia and Ukraine. Israel, honour guard. as our government has communicated, Herzog addressed developments in supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity.” Ukraine at the first opportunity. He added, “I call on all Israeli citizens “Madam President, this is undoubtedly situated in Ukraine to return to Israel ima historic moment, and a very complicated mediately, through the land crossings at one,” he said. the moment. We are of course concerned “Like you, I too feel great sorrow and con- for the fate of the Jewish community in cern about a humanitarian tragedy and, Ukraine, and we shall offer every possible G-d forbid, injury to innocent civilians. Like humanitarian cooperation to the Govmany around the world I pray for peace to ernment of Ukraine in partnership with

and together with other partners.” Herzog addressed bilateral relations between Israel and Greece. “This visit was planned as an expression of the friendship and bold partnership between our countries, a strategic partnership, certainly in the Mediterranean,” he said. “This partnership is rooted chiefly in our shared values, our shared interests, our friendship, and our great proximity.” Herzog invited the President to Israel to see how PHOTO: KOBI GIDEON (GPO) strong Greek culture is. “All nations in this region of the Mediterranean must work together, certainly in the face of common challenges, such as the climate crisis,” he said. “I am sure that our conversations on this matter will be very important. My visit is taking place to produce additional results for the excellent relations between our states, in terms of culture, history, values and especially on the human level.” Herzog concluded, “I hope the whole world will know better days.”


3 MARCH 2022

Thousands compete in Tel Aviv marathon

The Tel Aviv Marathon

Thousands of runners from over 40 different countries completed the Samsung Tel Aviv Marathon last Friday. Vincent Kipsang Rono won the men’s race in a time of 2 hours 12 minutes and 55 seconds, Mantamar Bikaya claimed the women’s event in 2 hours 53 minutes and 1 second. The landmark marathon, the first in Israel to be licensed by the World Athletics Association, is one of the only ones that includes 10 kilometers of beaches. Ron Huldai, Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo, said, “We were thrilled to host the marathon in its familiar road route,” he said. The starting point of the marathon was Rokach Boulevard. Along the route, runners passed scenic routes including Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv port, Ganei Yehoshua Park, Dizengoff Street, Rabin Square, Hayarkon Street, Ibn Gabirol Street, Old Jaffa and Jaffa Port. The marathon ended at the Ganei Yehoshua parking lot where a special finale included music. Tel Aviv-Yafo had the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Kapaim.

3 MARCH 2022


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3 MARCH 2022

British Jews wary of displaying visible Jewish signs confidence of British Jews in their institutions, they should A record number of British Jews do not urgently adopt the recommenwant to display visible signs of their Jewish dations set out in our report.” identity due to antisemitism according to He added, “Jewish life on Campaign Against Antisemitism’s latest campus is thriving, but there Antisemitism Barometer. is no excuse for Jewish stuAmongst disturbing analysis of those dents or faculty to be forced to polled over 80% felt “intimidated as a Jew” think twice about their educawhile over 90% believe antisemitism on tional or professional trajeccampuses and on social media needs ur- tory because of concerns over gent action. antisemitism. As our polling Also, a majority of Jews do not believe the demonstrates for the first time, police or courts do enough to protect them there is a clear consensus that and over 80% feel Labour is still too tolerant British Jews are alarmed by regarding racism against Jews antisemitism in universities. The survey conducted with King’s Col- Given the strength of sentiment, it is vital lege London includes a YouGov poll of the that a minority of universities stop refusing British public’s views toward Jews and a to adopt the International Definition of AnCAA poll of the Jewish community. Both tisemitism, and that all institutions actually revealed worrying antisemitic trends. apply the Definition when allegations of Gideon Falter, Chief Executive of Cam- racism toward Jews arise.” paign Against Antisemitism called on A spokesperson for UJS said: “These authorities to restore confidence of Brit- statistics are not to be taken lightly. It is ish Jews and appealed for all universities critical that institutions work with their to adopt the International Definition of students and the national student voice of Antisemitism. UJS to take proactive measures to educate “It is not just the perpetrators who are their communities on antisemitism.” faulted by the Jewish community, but also The YouGov poll illustrated that 57% of those tasked with protecting us,” said Falter. British adults do not harbour antisemitic “A majority of the Jewish community now views. However, there is a troubling nordoes not trust the police, CPS and courts malisation of antisemitism as 43% affirmed to protect them. If the next commissioner at least one antisemitic statement. Over half of the Metropolitan Police and Director agreed with only one or two statements. of Public Prosecutions to restore the The poll showed that 11% of adults HALF PAGE ADVERT JANwish 2020:Layout 1 09/01/2020 16:04 Page 1 BY ADAM MOSES

acknowledged four or more statements whilst the most popular statement saw 24% agree that “Israel treats the Palestinians like the Nazis treated the Jews”. A separate poll of British Jews by CAA and Jewish community partners showed antisemitism on British streets and campuses, online, in workplaces, schools and hospitals and other institutions had left a mark. British Jews are less optimistic about a future in the UK with a record 46% declined to display visible signs of their Jewish identity due to antisemitism. Antisemitism during the conflict between Hamas and Israel impacted British Jews. Almost 80% disclosed that demonstrations during the conflict left them feeling “intimidated as a Jew”.

British Jews’ confidence in the criminal justice system has also dipped. For the first time, a majority of British Jews do not believe the police or the courts do enough to protect them. And over 80% feel Labour is too tolerant of racism against Jews whilst a majority of British Jews believe the Green Party is too tolerant of antisemitism. Also, in the first poll on the subject, over 90% British Jews believe antisemitism in universities (92%) and on social media (96%) is a problem and needs urgent action. Commenting on the analysis, CAA’s Falter noted, “Britain cannot be content when almost half of a long-established minority community avoids disclosing identifying signs in public, or when a broad majority considers one of the two major political parties to be too tolerant of racism. It is not too late to make the right changes in politics, at universities, online and to criminal justice, but our recommendations are increasingly urgent.” Dr Daniel Allington of King’s College London worked with CAA on the survey with fieldwork carried out by YouGov. The poll of the British public’s views towards Jews utilised the 12-question Generalised Antisemitism Scale.

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StandWithUs UK outrage over graffiti

The graffiti at Manchester University

StandWithUs UK is outraged by graffiti on a stone wall at Manchester University. Jewish students have expressed feelings of being threatened and unsafe on campus. The graffiti read: ‘ISRAEL=APARTHEID,’ ‘ISRAEL R KILLERS.’ StandWithUs has called upon the university to address the vandalism with the

Genesis delivers $10m aid



seriousness it deserves and assure the perpetrators are held accountable guided by the IHRA Definition as adopted by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. “We ask Manchester University to reaffirm the right of Jewish students to safety and security regardless of race, religion, nationality or ethnicity,” they noted.

Genesis Philanthropy Group is delivering $10 million in emergency assistance to Jews impacted by the crisis in Ukraine. The emergency aid package announced Monday will be distributed in two phases. An immediate $5 million funding has been committed to supporting urgent needs related to the current crisis. Jewish Agency for Israel will support evacuation efforts and enhance security for Jewish organisations. Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine will provide seed funding for a campaign to distribute 30,000 packages of non-perishable foodstuffs across Ukraine. Joint Distribution Committee is supporting work with vulnerable Jewish populations across Ukraine. Regional and local Jewish community organisations are also operating homes for the elderly, orphanages and other critical communal infrastructure in Ukraine. An additional $5 million will be deployed to support humanitarian aid needs as the situation develops. “As we watch with great distress the scenes coming from Ukraine, we see it as our duty to help Jews in danger, as we have done in other times and places,” said Gennady Gazin, Chairman of the Board of Genesis Philanthropy Group. “As someone

Bennett praise for Mossad BY ADAM MOSES

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett praised the strength of Mossad at its ‘Advanced Technologies and Innovation’ event this week. With hostilities worsening in Ukraine due to Russian hostility in the region Bennett spoke about Israel’s strength as a nation. “The State of Israel is stronger, in terms of power, than all its enemies, but even that is not enough, it needs to widen this gap much further.” he told delegates including Mossad Director David Barnea and National Security Adviser. “A state, especially a democratic state in an era that challenges democracies, also needs other dimensions of strength. It needs inner strength, cohesion and unity of purpose, it needs mental strength, its citizens will not break from psychological warfare, and it needs the ability to defend itself by means that are not just brute force, by quiet, sophisticated means, I would say even elegant. And for that we have the Mossad. “Mossad is one of the only brands where the gap between image and reality is not large, it is even the other way around. In the Mossad the reality is even greater than the image, Mossad’s reputation is already strong and powerful. Your pursuit of excellence and innovation, to challenge the heights of sophistication and human ability, which we see even today, is simply inspiring.”

Naftali Bennett

3 MARCH 2022


Turning his attention to the challenges in Ukraine, Bennett noted, that the world order is undergoing a “huge upheaval”. “From the beginning, the State of Israel has taken a measured and responsible approach, which allows us not only to protect our interests, but also to be useful. To be a reliable player, one of the few that can communicate directly with both parties, and assist as required. Indeed help, quietly.” Israel’s leader spoke about three planes full of humanitarian aid that had been sent and more will follow. Israel will provide humanitarian assistance on the ground and facilitate

immigration of Jews. Bennett also took the opportunity to note that Israel was closely following talks in Vienna regarding the Iranian nuclear threat. Mapping out a ‘sense of direction’ he noted, “The sun will not set on Israel’s security and the well-being of its citizens. The (JCPOA) agreement does not bind us, and the date, two and a half years from now, which allows Iran to assemble countless centrifuges, certainly does not bind us. “One day, we will have to ask ourselves how it came to be, that the State of Israel, with all the talk and tremendous resources allocated to the issue in the last decade, finds itself in a situation where Iran’s nuclear capabilities are so advanced. But this is not the time to talk about the inheritance we have received, this is the time to act so that the situation will be different. As far as I am concerned, you, together with the IDF, of course, are the address. The mission is on you. Despite worrying times on various fronts Bennett was optimistic that the State of Israel as on a “straight path and ascending”. He said, “In every dimension, the last year is a year of leaps and bounds, in economic growth, security, political stability and our determination to unite Israeli society, calm the discourse and find unification and not division. Therein lies our true resilience, there lies our strength. And we will need it.”


born in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, I am especially pained by this suffering. I hope that peace will return and the Ukrainian Jewish community will be able to withstand these hardships and thrive again.” “The current crisis in Ukraine has led to a dramatic increase in humanitarian needs,” added Mark Sisisky, President of the American JDC. Sisisky noted that Genesis and its founders had a visionary commitment to strengthen Jewish communities in Ukraine and around the world. “Our teams on the ground, part of our vast presence in Ukraine and around the former Soviet Union, will be able to do so much good with this generous support,” he continued. “We’re providing food, medicine and other emergency aid in Ukraine and also partnering with Jewish communities in surrounding countries to welcome Jews crossing the borders.” “In these grave times, as we pray for peace and calm, we are witnessing yet again the power of Jewish unity in the spirit of Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh La-Zeh,” commented Rabbi Raphael Rutman of Ukraine’s Federation of Jewish Communities. “It is with this in mind that we are proud to join forces with GPG to bring food to those who are in desperate need today and will be in need tomorrow.”

Man faces jail over ‘Get’ case A man has pleaded guilty to ‘controlling or coercive behaviour’ after failing to grant his wife a ‘Get’. Judge Martin Beddoe warned Alan Moher, 57, from Salford, of a possible custodial sentence in a landmark case. Sentencing is on April 1. Caroline Moher brought a private prosecution regarding her former husband’s behaviour between January 2016 and January 2020. The couple, who have three children, separated in 2016 and divorced in the Family Court. But Moher, 57, who owns a property company, would not give his wife a ‘Get’. The charge states Moher ‘used or threatened her with violence causing her to fear for her own personal safety on two or more occasions; exercised unreasonable financial control, including by obstructing any financial settlements ordered by the Family Court; agreed to a civil divorce but prevented her from obtaining a Get (Jewish religious divorce) enabling her to remarry in accordance with Jewish law and practice’. Moher was due to stand trial at Southwark Crown Court on Monday but changed his plea to guilty. Judge Beddoe granted Moher bail on conditions he does not contact Ms Moher, who lives in London.

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3 MARCH 2022

Letters to the Editor Send in your comments to

Please note: The views of the letters do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Letters may be edited and publication is at the discretion of the editor.

FIVE YEARS OF THE JEWISH WEEKLY Dear Yossi and the team at The Jewish Weekly, Kisharon wanted to wish you a Mazal Tov on the 5 year edition of the paper. We value your paper and the news you share with Kisharon and the wider community. Wishing you many more years of success.

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Kind regards, Richard Franklin CEO Kisharon


Dear Editor Yossi, My family and I LOVE your newspaper. I have been reading the Kids Weekly section since the very first edition and our Shabbat is not the same without a copy of the Jewish Weekly newspaper at our table on Friday night. I always like reading out the jokes and riddles to my fantastic family and it’s a race for me and my Dad to see who can guess the Word Wheel quickest! Thank you for enhancing our Shabbat. Happy 5th birthday to the paper. Yours sincerely From Jonah, age 10.

Bubby Hecht mourned by 500 descendants with their future life together. In 1947, they took up a key post Jewish New Yorkers and Chabad at Congregation Yeshiva Meir are mourning the death of RebSimcha Hakohen and led it for betzin Chava Hecht last month 43 years. (February 8th, 7 Adar I, 5782). Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hecht visited pioneering orthodox boys Affectionately known as ‘BubCamp Agudah in 1952 in New by Hecht’, the 95-year-old greatgreat grandmother was blessed York’s Catskills region. After writto have around 500 descendants. ing to the Rebbe, they opened Married to the late Rabbi YaakCamp Emunah for girls (today ov Yehuda (J.J.) Hecht, over eight known as Camp Emunah Bnos decades, Rebbetzin Hecht balYaakov Yehudah), the following anced raising 12 children, includsummer. As camp director, Rebing two adopted, with communal betzin Hecht accepted dozens of commitments. She mentored children on full and partial scholthousands of Jewish women and arships annually. girls for over 70 years and worked Involved in Jewish education for Jewish causes throughout her for women from an early age, she lifetime. first taught at Beth Rivkah girls’ Oldest of three children, Chava school in Brownsville and was was born in 1926 in New York to involved with the Released Time immigrants Emilelech and Esprogram after her marriage. ther Leah Lasker. She excelled An active member of N’shei at mathematics whilst also studChabad, Chabad women’s orying at BaisYaakov after-school Rebbetzin Chava Hecht a”h PHOTO: CHABAD.ORG ganisation, in 1975, Rebbetzin seminary, a precursor to the first Hecht created Taharat Hamishalso hosted a Jewish radio program on New pacha International to bring mikvah to the all-day girls’ school in 1943. In 1945, Chava married Rabbi Hecht, York’s WEVD and served as a pulpit rabbi. masses. director of the National Committee for the The day of their marriage, the couple She also directed Toys for Hospitalised Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE) had a rare private audience granted with Children. Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hecht enjoyed a that ran projects for the Rebbe, Rabbi Me- the Sixth Rebbi, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. close relationship with the Rebbe, who nachem M. Schneerson. Rebbetzin Hecht credited this audience was sandek at the brit milah of their first Rabbi Hecht, who passed away in 1990, BY DAVID SAFFER


born son. When another son, Sholem Ber, married in Australia in 1968, the Rebbe instructed both to address Australian Jewish communities. Soon after presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. The Hechts ensured his life was remembered during talks. Rebbetzin Hecht was part of a Chabad delegation that met President Barack Obama to mark Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., in honour of the Rebbe’s life’s work in 2015. The first woman to join the annual White House delegation of senior Chabad officials, Rebbetzin Hecht continued to fulfil community roles. Rebbetzin Hecht suffered tragedy when her son, Gershon Sabol, died in 2020. Her brother, Rabbi Tzvi Moshe Lasker of Bnei Brak, Israel, passed away January 2022. She is survived by her children Rabbi Sholem Ber Hecht (Queens, NY), Bassie Raskin (Brooklyn, NY), Rabbi Yossie Hecht (Johannesburg, South Africa), Fraide Sabol (Greenfield Park, NY), Rabbi Shea Hecht (Brooklyn, NY), Dovid Sabol (Greenfield Park, NY), Rivkie Abramowitz (Brooklyn, NY), Chana Rochel Duchman (Los Angeles), LeviHecht (Brooklyn, Y.)., Rabbi Shimon Hecht (Brooklyn, Y.), Binie Tenenbaum (Irvine, Calif.), grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great grandchildren and sister, Tziporah Goldberg of Brooklyn.




3 MARCH 2022

The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper

Why the constant apologies? OPINION PIECE BY DR DAVE RICH

Last year was the worst on record for antisemitic hate incidents reported to CST, and at times it felt like the Jewish community was reeling from one blow to the next. The antisemitism felt unrelenting, and the pressure on CST, and the need for our work, was more apparent than ever. In May the conflict in Israel and Gaza was used by some people it as an excuse and an opportunity to attack, abuse and threaten British Jews. We had car convoys driving through Jewish neighbourhoods in London, Manchester and other places around the country, waving Palestinian flags and shouting abuse at Jewish people on the street. There were large, angry demonstrations in our city centres and social media filled up with antisemitic posts, particularly affecting Jewish students and schoolchildren. Towards the end of the year, Chanukah saw attacks on a bus full of Jewish children on Oxford Street, a serious assault

of a Jewish man in West Hampstead, and Chanukiahs smashed up by anti-Jewish vandals. Helping people who experience antisemitism is at the core of CST’s work. Our antisemitic incidents team has six full time members of staff based in London and Manchester, but during the May conflict there were so many incidents that we had to draft in extra people to answer the phones. Often it was worried parents needing support and advice about what their children were experiencing at school and online, or people wanting help reporting a hate crime to the police. CST’s incidents staff have specialist training in victim support and vast experience in liaising with police, accompanying witnesses and victims of hate crime to court, and helping to gather evidence for an investigation. In addition, CST has a volunteer team of psychologists and psychotherapists for people who require expert support due to the traumatic impact of suffering an antisemitic hate crime. Our dedicated campus staff visit Jewish students across the country, helping to ensure that Jewish Society events are safe and helping them deal with any antisemitism they encounter at university.

Preventing an attack on the Jewish community is always preferable to dealing with the aftermath. CST’s security staff and volunteers provide training and protection for hundreds of Jewish buildings and community events every year. Since 2008 CST has committed £15m to help pay for security equipment and infrastructure at 700 community buildings across the UK, including thousands of metres of fencing, CCTV cameras, hundreds of gates and other hardware, to make it as difficult as possible for terrorists to attack our community. Most of these buildings are connected to CST’s National Security Control Centre, which monitors over 4,300 CCTV camera feeds round the clock and is available to take emergency calls at all hours of day and night. CST’s researchers track down would-be terrorists plotting in the darkest corners of the internet and report them to counter-terrorist police. Some are jihadists who support al-Qaeda, others are neo-Nazis inciting hatred against Jews. Last year CST reported over 30 people to police for potential terrorism or incitement offences, and there are currently people in prison thanks to this research. All this work, and much more, is done


by around 90 full time staff in three offices around the country, and 2,000 volunteers without whom we simply could not function. We cannot fight antisemitism on our own, CST is constantly meeting politicians, journalists, government ministers and civil servants to ensure they understand the challenges that antisemitism poses. Our partnership with police is an essential part of our work. This weekend CST is holding an online funding campaign, called Together We Protect. This slogan sums up our ethos: CST working in partnership with you, our community, to protect our futures. Every pound you give to CST will be doubled by generous donors who have agreed to match-fund every donation. We have a strong and vibrant Jewish community, and CST’s mission is to ensure that it can prosper and grow in safety. To donate to CST’s ‘Together We Protect’ campaign, please go to twp any time after Shabbat on Saturday 5th March, or on Sunday 6th and Monday 7th March. Thank you for your support. Dr Dave Rich is Director of Policy at the Community Security Trust




3 MARCH 2022

The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper


When producing an article or statement the author will usually have an audience in mind. This was covered in this column following the recent publication of the report from Amnesty International alleging apartheid in Israel. The concern then was that the Jewish communal organisations were condemning the report with caveats so they could still claim to the left wing in the wider community that their progressive credentials remained intact. Enter then stage right MK Bezalel Smotrich. Mr Smotrich is an MK for The Religious Zionism Party a right-wing party in the Israeli Knesset whose supporters run into the hundreds of thousands. Mr Smotrich came to the UK in early February this year on what had been a lightly publicised trip. Or rather it was, until the Board of Deputies got involved, turning the visit into a massive advertisement for Mr Smotrich in an extraordinary display of visceral criticism. In an astonishing move, the Board tweeted in Hebrew their disgust of Mr Smotrich

saying the “reject the abominable views and the hate-provoking ideology of Bezalel Smotrich”, and additionally “We call on all members of the British Jewish community to show him the door. Get back on the plane, Bezalel, and be remembered as a disgrace forever.” Pause for a moment and consider the words used by the Board when confronting Jeremy Corbyn at the height of the Labour anti-Semitism crisis. At no stage (subject to correction) did they ever use the phrase ‘…abominable views and the hate-provoking ideology’ even when Luciana Berger, a Jewish MP needed a police escort to protect her at a Labour Party conference such was the extent of Jew-hate in Labour. This venom it appears is reserved only for a Jew. Back now to the Smotrich tale and enter centre stage Isaac Herzog, the President of the State of Israel. Speaking at a meeting of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Mr. Herzog said that he didn’t agree with Mr Smotrich, but affirmed that he “believed in democracy. President Herzog told the meeting: “I found the Board of Deputies’ recent English and Hebrew tweets concerning MK Smotrich a few weeks ago deeply

inappropriate. The Hebrew version was downright insulting, and elicited great discomfort”. This might have been enough to make the President of the Board of Deputies to rethink her strategy, but apparently not. In its response the Board said “Like Israel, Britain is a democracy, which contains many different conflicting views. However, we believe that some views are not acceptable within the Democratic process. Democracy is fragile and needs to protect itself from those who threaten its survival. We firmly believe that Betzalel Smotrich, with his comments about Arab citizens of Israel, Progressive Jews and LGBTQ people, falls into this category.” In other words the Board considers Israel to be an inferior democracy for allowing Mr Smotrich a platform, let alone be voted into office. The claim made as part of their response that “The Board of Deputies of British Jews firmly supports the State of Israel and has great respect for President Herzog” sounded hollow and insincere. How has it come to this? Despite the platitudes of supporting Israel from the Zionist Federation and the Board of Deputies, the reality is something quite different. The acting chair of the ZF last year made it clear he would not attend any meeting with the Israeli Ambassador and now the Board of Deputies of British Jews are cheerfully picking a fight with the Israeli President. What is most disappointing is that there was no attempt for dialogue, no request for a meeting or discussion, just a bland ‘we are

right and you are wrong’ response. So, back to the beginning. Who is the audience the Board is playing to and who are they claiming to represent? The first part is easy, the second less so. The audience is again the left wing in general and the Labour Party in particular though why is not clear other than the continued campaign to persuade the left that the Jews can be relied upon to criticise the right wing. The representative part is more difficult. There is no polling data available to confirm or deny the idea that the dispute with the Israeli President has the support of the Jewish Community. It is reasonable though to believe that irrespective of the approach taken by most UK Jews towards Israel, very few of them would advocate the adversarial response undertaken by the Board, apparently on their behalf. The Board it seems is seriously out of step with those they claim to represent, making it like the Zionist Federation; a national organisation failing to take account of the view of the bulk of those for whom they claim to speak. Jews and Zionists in the UK deserve leaders who speak for them, and at present they are conspicuous by their absence. Robert Festenstein is a practising solicitor and has been the principal of his Salford based firm for over 20 years. He has fought BDS motions to the Court of Appeal and is President of the Zionist Central Council in Manchester which serves to protect and defend the democratic State of Israel.


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3 MARCH 2022


Bridge With Harold Schogger

Dealer: South Vuln: E/W s h d c

J 10 6 5 K 10 6 5 AQ4 54

N s h d c

9743 82 10 3 KQJ82



s h d c

82 A74 KJ986 10 9 3

S s h d c

W Pass Pass

N 2c 4h

AKQ QJ93 752 A76

E Pass End

S 1NT 2h

Lead cK 1NT - 15-17 A simple Stayman sequence saw South as the declarer in a reasonable game. West led the king of clubs. Declarer called for a low club from hand and reflexively played low from hand too. West noted East’s discouraging three of clubs and shifted to the ten of diamonds. Declarer called for the ace of ace of diamonds and led a trump from table. East rose with the ace of trumps, cashed the king of diamonds and then led a third round of diamonds. West ruffed and the contract was down one. Declarer should have foreseen the danger of a diamond shift at trick two and won the first trick with the ace of clubs to play on trumps. Here, East would win the ace of trumps and play a club to his partner’s jack for a diamond shift. Declarer can play the queen of diamonds, but here it would lose to East’s king. Declarer would win the diamond continuation with the ace and draw two more rounds of trumps. Then, after cashing the three top spades in his hand, declarer would ruff his remaining club in dummy and throw his remaining diamond on the Jack of Spades So what’s the lesson here? if you fear that a switch is worse then don’t hold up.





3 MARCH 2022

67 plays in 25 Jewish schools for thousands of Students

From ‘Me And The Lane’

As part of the festival, Her Excellency Tzipi Hotovely, Israeli Ambassador to the UK, attended a performance of The Emperor’s New Clothes at Etz Chaim School in Mill Hill on Tuesday. Engaging with the young audience of 10-11 year-olds, the Ambassador said “Thank you to JNF UK and Tzemach Productions for hosting me. It is wonderful that Hebrew, a bible

Pupils from Eitz Chaim Primary School with staff, performers and HE Tzipi Hotovely

A 12-day celebration of Israeli children’s theatre will stage 67 plays in 25 Jewish schools, and community organisations, across England. Initially only 20 performances were scheduled, but due to growing demand from the Jewish community, this has increased and expanded beyond London to Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool and Brighton. The British-Jewish organisation JNF UK is bringing the Festival of Spoken Ivrit to the UK. This year’s festival will present a series of Israeli plays for children across secondary, primary, special education, and nurseries, with the aim of strengthening the connection to Israel through the Hebrew language. The festival, first held in 2018, will run this year from February 25th to the 8th March. The plays will include: “The Lion and the Mouse,” “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” “Me and the Lane” and “Until Further Notice,” all presented by the Israeli Hour Theatre repertory company of Tel Aviv. To prepare the children for plays in Hebrew, JNF UK sent the schools education materials and activities to be used in their Ivrit lessons, allowing the students to study the vocabulary of the plays. In this way, the youngsters will be familiar with complete Hebrew sentences and the storyline before they attend the carefully selected presentations. Dr Shai Bezalely, CEO of JNF UK: “Our organisation, which plays an important role in the development of Israel, sees great importance in connecting British Jews with Israelis, including through the Hebrew language. JNF UK’s Festival of Spoken Ivrit, which will take place this year will enable thousands of students in Jewish schools to enrich their Hebrew language

language, has become a daily language in Israel. It is so important to have Hebrew books and plays from this festival as part of your education”. Having moved to the North this year (due to growing demand), JNF UK’s Festival of Ivrit was a big success at King David Manchester. The performance of “Me and the Lane” presented by Itai Chammah and based on his real-life story of representing Israel in the Olympics, truly inspired the audience. “The play was amazing. The acting was really good and I could see how he struggled to achieve his dream of being an Olympic swimmer” Ethan Nieurzyla year 7. “He was such a good actor. It was like he was talking directly to me.” Aaron Kloos year 7. Rabbi Avi Schwartz, RS teacher and Head of Informal Jewish Education said “The kids were engaged throughout and could be heard discussing the performance afterwards. Especially for kids so young it’s imperative they hear positive messages about being able to achieve anything they put their mind to, and this performance did just that.”.

Collect for Kisharon and make a change

From ‘The Lion And The Mouse’

studies and improve their ability to use it as a tool to connect us as one people.” Festival Producer Tali Tzemach said: “Despite the difficulties, we have reached Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool and Brighton. The festival is growing in size, expanding in reach and becoming widely known. Congratulations and well done to JNF UK on this important undertaking. For me personally, bringing plays in Hebrew to Jewish children in the Diaspora and strengthening their connection with Israel through teaching the language gives me a sense that I am taking part in an important mission”.

Kisharon has launched its 2022 Purim ‘Make a Change’ fundraising campaign. The charity is asking supporters to ‘make a change’ to the people it supports through various ways including its annual Purim bucket appeal. Kisharon is encouraging volunteers of all ages to collect change. There is a range of prizes to be won for the collector who raises the most or in a particularly creative way. Prizes include Amazon vouchers and games donated by The Happy Puzzle Company. A Mishloach Manot donation card can be posted or downloaded from the Kisharon website and emailed to family and friends. Students at Kisharon’s Further Education College have been putting together Purim orders placed by synagogues and schools. Students have also prepared re-useable glass filled jars that will be sold at the Equal Gift and Homeware Store filled with jelly beans and Belgian chocolate cranberries. Also available is a range of Ooh La La® Confectionary presented on a dish from the Temple Fortune store. These can be collected from the store or local delivery is available on Purim. Carolyn Rozenberg, Director of Fundraising at Kisharon said, “We invite long-standing and new supporters to sign up. It has been inspiring to see how College students


Getting ready to collect for Kisharon

have embraced the first social enterprise project for Purim. Every penny can ‘make a change’ to the lives of people we support.” All funds go towards services Kisharon provides, teaching life skills and giving greater independence. Kisharon’s outreach work creates disability awareness, changing people’s perceptions of those with learning difficulties. Details: email: or call 0203 2091172.



Nettie Keene celebrates 50 golden years of volunteering for Jewish Care Dedicated volunteer and grandmother of four, Nettie Keene, is celebrating 50 golden years of volunteering with Jewish Care. Nettie began volunteering at Jewish Care’s Redbridge Jewish Community Centre in February 1972 as a hairdresser, and half a century later she is still volunteering as a telephone befriender and at the Sunday Socials. Nettie turned 88 on Tuesday 22nd February and has been celebrating her birthday with friends and family. Since Nettie began volunteering at Jewish Care, her roles have ranged from being a day centre volunteer coordinator, The Young One’s and Sunday Socials Committee member, volunteering at the Salt Beef Bar and Ladies that Lunch, and in the office helping to coordinate hundreds of Jewish Care’s Meals on Wheels that have been sent out to older people in the community over the years. Nettie lives in Clayhall and grew up in Ilford. She had a hairdressing salon in Newbury Park, and she and her late husband, Leslie lived above the salon when they were married in 1958. They moved to their family home in Clayhall in 1965, where they brought up their son’s, Danny and Saul. Saul, who was a dedicated youth worker and volunteer, sadly passed away in 2008 at the age of 40. Since then, Nettie has been

tirelessly fundraising for the centre activities in his memory. Nettie established The Saul Keene Award for Excellence at Jewish Care’s annual MIKE youth leadership awards in Redbridge annually, which she has presented, along with her son Danny, in recognition of the achievements of future young leaders in the community. Nettie has always loved to get involved with all events at Jewish Care’s Redbridge Jewish Community Centre (RJCC), including being part of the RJCC choir at the annual Jewish Care Sing Off and participating in the inter-generational Great Jewish Bake Day. She was up dancing at the recent Sunday Social earlier this week and since the pandemic began, Nettie has embraced technology and is a regular on the Zooms for Jewish Care’s Redbridge Jewish Community Centre and on JC Presents. Initially, when volunteering was suggested to Nettie in 1972, Nettie said, “I will give it a month!” Talking about volunteering today, Nettie says, “I don’t know where the years have gone but I’m still totally involved and I can’t wait to get back to volunteering in person. Volunteering is so satisfying and it really is the greatest thing I’ve ever done. You give so much but you get so much out of it too. It’s

Community raises over £1.7m in 36 hours to support Hasmonean Multi Academy Trust

3 MARCH 2022

Right to left Volunteers Nettie Keene and Stanley with Jewish Care’s Redbridge Community Centre Programme Coordinator, Sharon Imber

greatest thing I’ve done. I would encourage everyone to do volunteering.” Richard Shone, Jewish Care’s Director of Community Services, Volunteering and Social Work, says, “Nettie is an inspiration to us all. She always has Jewish Care at the forefront of her mind; whether it’s supporting us raising money, offering her service at all our functions, keeping in touch, participating on the Zooms and befriending. “Nettie really is a treasured member of the community and I can’t express enough our gratitude to Nettie for all that she has done and all that she continues to do for our members. Her focus on the needs of our members, her fellow volunteers and even

the staff is second to none. Nettie is a leader of people and a shining example to us all. We wish her a very happy golden anniversary of volunteering.” Danny Keene, Nettie’s son adds, “My mum is my hero and inspiration. She’s gone through so much with my late father, Leslie, passing away 2004 and Saul passing away in 2008. Nothing defeats my mother, she a strong determined lady, she’s selfless and amazing. Before Covid she’s always been so busy, she connected virtually and now she’s still getting out and doing as much as she possibly can again. She’s always looking to help others and I don’t think she’ll ever stop volunteering. We are all so proud of her!”

Havdallah at Beis Yaakov High with the Satmar Rebbe


Hasmonean High deadline on Monday night. School for Boys and The #weareHASMO Hasmonean High campaign was led by a School for Girls have committee comprising raised a record breaking £1.7m during a 36 trustees, governors, staff hour online fundraising and parents. Current campaign. and past students feaThe money raised will tured heavily in the pubbe used to maintain and licity materials, which Our children. our community. our legacy. improve the quality of laid out the unique eleeducation, pastoral care and SEND provision. ments of Hasmonean’s rich educational and It will help to fund the Kodesh curriculum, extra-curricular programmes that donations informal education programme (HIPE), dig- will help to fund. 27 - it 28 ital technology, smaller class sizes, make In his message to donors, Hasmonean MAT FE possible to provide a broad curriculum, im-B CEO, Andrew McClusky, described Hasmoprove mental health support, and maintain nean as “the beating heart of the commuboth the after school and lunchtime clubs. nity” and expressed his pride in leading the All of these programmes make Hasmonean Trust. He commented “With the combined more than just a school, they develop the efforts of each segment of the community, bonds that create that unique sense of family Hasmonean remains the flagship Orthodox which has made our supporters proud to say Jewish institution that it is today. Thanks to #weareHASMO. everyone who supported the campaign - in To launch the campaign, a group of gen- particular Chair of the Fundraising Commiterous donors vowed to double all donations tee Mr Ben Shooter together with his wife made between 10am on Sunday and 10pm Mrs Katie Shooter and campaign leaders Mrs on Monday. The initial £1.2m target was Jodi Benaim and Mrs Dalia Leaf all those reached with some 10 hours still to go, trig- generous trustees, governors and community gering a bonus round to raise an addition- members who provided the matched fundal £500,000 to reach a £1.7m bonus target. ing - Hasmonean will not only continue to This was achieved shortly before the 10pm survive but will flourish.” Hasmonean High School Trust | Charity Number: 1068303

Havdallah with Satmar Rebbe



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3 MARCH 2022


Bnos Beis Yaakov Primary School’s new vaad member Bnos Beis Yaakov Primary School is delighted to announce that Rabbi Meir Rapoport, a Kehilla Rov, a Moreh Tzedek of the UOHC and Maggid Shiur in Yeshiva & Seminaries, has joined its Vaad Hachinuch. BBY, as the school is known, has recently expanded its capacity with the purchase of its current premises at Kingsbury Synagogue from the United Synagogue. As part of its expansion programme, the governing body of the school felt that it was important to add to its Vaad Hachinuch. Dayan Ehrentreu has stood at the helm of the Vaad Hachinuch throughout the formative years of the school, but is sadly currently unable to fulfil that role. Rabbi Rapoport will join Dayan Simons as the Rabbonim who are responsible for the Ruchniyos standards and direction of the school. Rabbi Rapoport commented, ‘I am happy to take an active role in BBY, an upand-coming Moisad of excellence. In my visits to the school and in discussions with the governors, I have been favourably impressed by the quality of the teaching body

at the school, and with the calm, happy and purposeful approach to both the Kodesh and Chol educational experience that the school provides. I am joining the school at an exciting point of its journey as it expands and offers ever more facilities for the young girls of our Kehillah here in North-West London. I have known the Head Teacher, Rabbi Nessanel Lieberman, for many years, and I look forward to working closely with him and with Dayan Simons to assist the school as it continues and develops its Avodas Hakodesh.’ Mr Zvi Sobel, chair of BBY’s Board of Governors said, ‘We are honoured that Rabbi Rapoport has agreed to join the school’s Vaad Hachinuch. Rabbi Rapoport is Rov of a young and growing Shul, and has assisted a wide spectrum of families in our Kehillah with his sage advice and guidance in many areas. My fellow governors and myself look forward to working together with Rabbi Rapoport as we expand our facilities and continue to provide an exceptional service for the Kehillah.’


Toras Emes Kitta Zayin boys pictured with models of the 39 Malachos. Later in the afternoon parents and family viewed all the boys’ amazing work.

Toras Emes Kitta Zayin with models of the 39 Malachos


Southend’s City Status Southend-on-Sea celebrated becoming a city on Tuesday 1st March 2022, with a royal visit from Their Royal Highnesses, The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales formally bestowed City status on Southend-on-Sea when he handed over the Letters of Patent. Proceedings commenced with a formal council meeting, and was followed by the ceremony which was attended by Their Royal Highnesses. The late Sir David Amess was consistently referred to during the meeting by various


members of the Council and in particular, The Prince of Wales referred to him as a renowned and respected Parliamentarian who did so much for Community life and he drew parallel between the tragic stabbing of Sir David and the aggression in Ukraine. As an honorary person of distinction who rendered eminent service to Southend, Sir David was awarded, posthumously, the status of the first freeman of the City of Southend on Sea. The award was presented to Lady Amess.



3 MARCH 2022

Beis Chazak programme at Hasmonean

Kayaking with Beis Chazak


Beis Chazak aims to provide a tailor-made programme, for a selection of pupils in Year 11-13, where the focus is the boys’ personal growth and journey of Yiddishkeit. Beis Chazak’s intention is to generate an atmosphere of achdus and to instil a sense of Jewish pride. The goal is to provide a deeper understanding of Judaism and foster a greater connection to it; equipping the pupils with the necessary skills and knowledge to support them as young Jewish adults into their lives after school. Last week, we went big and took the boys on a shabbaton to Lower Mill Estate – ‘The Venice of the Cotswolds.’ There were too many memories created on this Shabbaton to share them all, but some highlights included: the ruach of Kabalat Shabbat in full view of the lake, a 5km trek through the woods in pitch black, kayaking on the lake, and biking through the woods. Some parents have already shared with us the impact that this had on their sons: “Yitzi had the most wonderful time and

enjoyed every minute. The food, atmosphere, Davenning, all the activities etc. were all outstanding and so well organised. This Shabbaton will be one that Yitzi will remember for a very long time.” “Noam came home on a high and I’m very grateful. The ruach you gave over has definitely left an impact and something they will always remember. We don’t always see it and we might not always show it, but it’s things like these that really go a very long way and though the kids don’t always show it, you’re obviously doing brilliantly and it’s moments like these that will stay with them always.” Rabbi Doron Birnbaum together with Rabbi Amram Landau and Mr Avi Markewicz, have tirelessly worked on creating a programme for these boys that regularly runs outstanding projects, trips, and a dynamic Jewish curriculum. If you would like to be involved in this project, please email

Avos Uvonim Grand Melava Malka was held upstairs in Chodosh on Motzei Shabbos, with guest speaker Chazan Yisroel Chaim Muller. The boys enjoyed Pizza, Chips and Ice Cream. 220 cm

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0161 531 5155 Bank House, Bury Old Rd, Salford M7 4PX Grand Melava Malka



3 MARCH 2022



Manchester GIFT Head Co-ordinators Mrs Aliza Noe and Mrs Sophie Woolfstein visited King David Primary School on Wednesday morning with year 5 children making masks for Purim decorations at Heathlands.



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Sophie Woolfstein from GIFT with King David Primary School Year 5 children

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3 MARCH 2022

Use it or lose it?


Effective Tax year end planning Vol 1 The writer is the Owner and Managing Director of Alpha Wealth Management Ltd – a boutique independent financial advisory practice. As a Chartered Financial Planner and drawing on over twenty years’ experience in financial services, Marc helps private clients, businesses, charities, and trusts optimize their finances. Prior to acting as a financial adviser, Marc was a Director at several global investment banks, providing investment advice to Europe’s leading institutional investment and pension fund managers.

With the tax year end (TYE) approaching, you should be making the most of the tax reliefs and allowances currently available. This can lead to a reduced tax bill and boost your savings. Below is a checklist of 5 of the top 10 TYE planning opportunities to take advantage of together with the key information you need to make these opportunities a reality. This volume will focus on the benefits of pension contributions. Nothing has the potential to save you more tax relief than contributing to a pension. A 25-year retirement doesn’t come cheap. One needs a store of wealth at retirement from which to take an income. The earlier you contribute to a pension the more you can benefit from compound growth over the years. The only trade-off is pension money cannot be accessed until age 55-57.


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Personal pension contributions attract income tax relief at your marginal rate. That means 20, 40 or 45% tax relief! For those with income over £100,000, the bracket of income you earn between £100000 and £125140 is effectively taxed at 60% ! This is because your personal allowance is eroded by £1 for every £2 of additional income. A personal pension contribution reverses the personal allowance erosion saving you 60%. Those with sufficient earnings can use pension carry forward to make contributions in excess of the current annual allowance. For couples, consider maximising tax relief at higher rates for both, before paying contributions that will only secure basic rate relief. Many individuals don’t know they can top-up pensions for their partners - and not just by £3,600, but up to their partner’s earnings. And their partner can get tax relief on top.


High income individuals could face a cut in the amount of tax-efficient pension saving they can make. The standard £40,000 annual allowance is reduced by £1 for every £2 of ‘income’ over the new ‘adjusted income’ limit of £240,000, until the allowance drops to £4,000. If an individual exceeds the adjusted income limit, it’s possible that some of these individuals may be able to reinstate their full £40,000 allowance by making use of carry forward. The tapering of the annual allowance won’t normally apply if income less personal contributions is £200,000 or less (the ‘threshold income’ limit). A large personal contribution using unused allowance from the previous three tax years can bring income below £200,000 and restore the full £40,000 allowance for 2021/22.


Anyone looking to take advantage of income flexibility for the first time may want to consider boosting their pension pot before April, potentially sweeping up the full £40,000 annual allowance from this year, plus any unused allowance carried forward from the last three years. Triggering the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA) will mean the opportunity to continue funding into DC pensions will be restricted to just £4,000 a year - with no carry forward. If income is required, it might be worth considering other ways of meeting that need. In this way, the MPAA can be deferred and the full annual allowance retained for a while longer . Alternatively, individuals who do need money from their pension can avoid the MPAA and retain the full £40,000 allowance if they only take their tax free cash.


The tax year end often coincides with business year ends and, for some employees, this could mean a bonus payment. ‘Exchanging’ a bonus for an employer pension contribution before the tax year end can bring several benefits. The employer and employee National Insurance (NI) savings made could be used to boost pension funding, giving more in the pension pot for every £1 lost from take-home pay.


For many directors, taking significant profits as pension contributions could be the most efficient way of paying themselves and cutting their overall tax bill. Of course, if the director is over 55 they will have full unrestricted access to their pension savings, although this might trigger the MPAA of £4,000 if any income is taken in addition to tax free cash. There’s no NI payable on either dividends or pension contributions. Dividends are paid from profits after corporation tax and will also be taxable in the director’s hands. By making an employer pension contribution instead, tax and NI savings can boost a director’s pension fund Employer contributions made in the current financial year will get relief at 19%. In many cases, effective tax year planning can produce a higher level of savings than the investment return you generate from the amount you invest ! Having advised clients for almost a decade, I am yet to meet a prospect who has fully optimised their finances and taken advantage of all the available tax allowances and reliefs. Perhaps you could be the first ? If not, then do yourself a favour and get in touch with a competent financial adviser to see find out what you are missing out on. Expert advice could be of substantial benefit to YOU !

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3 MARCH 2022

From the front line… Probably best not to travel right now, especially up north. BY JACQUELINE CURZON

Apologies to readers for any typos or disjointed text, but I’ve been in hospital for several weeks running, and not entirely on top-gun form. Access to news has been slightly limited. It was shocking to discover that the DfE is recommending that students without a pass at GCSE Maths or English should be ineligible for tuition loans to go to university. Hold it right there. Did I just write University? Back it up….. I know of youngsters denied a place in their school 6th form for failing one or other of these. One has to ask how could any self respecting university even consider offering a place to such an unqualified individual. School is surely the place to acquire basic skills, not a higher institution charging £9k plus a year, although it’s a scandal that schools all too Jacqueline Curzon readily want to pass the responsiPHOTO: LARA MINSKY PHOTOGRAPHY bility for late academic catch-up to ‘crammer’ colleges or inferior court within the next week. Elsewhere a colleges to then upskill these struggling students, rather than risk jeopardising bank robber escaped after threatening their ranking in the league tables. Relevant staff at the Royal Bank of Scotland in offenders, take note! Kilmarnock Road. The man, in his late 40s, Various news articles from Scotland have made off with a three figure sum. Police reached my radar. A Trade Union leader are appealing for information about this has urged Glasgow City Council to sell a faincident in the Shawlands area of the city, mous Salvador Dali painting worth millions and are keen to speak to anyone who may for funds towards Glasgow’s equal pay bills. have private CCTV or dashcam footage GMB general secretary Gary Smith, said the from the area. council should sell the painting currently A recent article by Professor Mark Woolhouse, Professor of infectious diseases at housed in Kelvingrove Art Gallery, and put the University of Edinburgh, summarised the money towards any outstanding equal succinctly what went wrong in our first year pay liabilities. In 2019 the council agreed a of covid. Here is a summary in my own settlement of more than £500 million with words. nearly 16,000 current and former employees, however the union says the council are 1. We needed to have acted much faster stalling on the settlement and urged chiefs once we had information from China about to “flog the Dali’ in order to meet the bill. the outbreak, certainly much earlier than The Dali was painted in 1951 before being March, for expedient action would have purchased by the City of Glasgow in 1952 resulted in less drastic intervention. and is worth an estimated £60 million. 2. Border controls and international travel Glasgow City Council say they will only bans should have been instigated immediately to delay the epidemic and allow time ‘know the cost of settling claims once we for preparedness, with the NHS building up have a deal.’ testing capacity. It was much less effective A long-standing murder case appears to thereafter. being close to resolution. Iain Packer (49) 3. Much more should’ve been done more has been charged with the assault, abduction and murder of Emma Caldwell (27) quickly to protect the most vulnerable, back in 2005. Packer allegedly assaulted especially the elderly and the immuno Emma, who was reported missing and her suppressed rather than waiting until the body then found in woodland near Biggar, development of vaccines and enforcing South Lanarkshire one month later. Packer, - effectively - devastating isolation on from Airdrie, made no plea to the murder those who were most at risk, given their charge at a private hearing at Glasgow vulnerability. Sheriff Court, but is also accused of numer4. School closures proved largely unnecesous further charges including 11 charges sary and should’ve been reversed quickly, of rape, assault and abduction against a or better not implemented at all. number of women. He was remanded in 5. Other social distancing measures should custody pending further examination by have been relaxed more quickly and Sheriff Mark Maguire and will appear in replaced by Covid safe protocols such as

face coverings, ventilation, physical distancing and self-isolating where warranted. 6. More should’ve been done to support those asked to self-isolate, with test-for-release measures adopted earlier. 7. He said we were far too slow to accept that this was never going to be over in a matter of weeks, but that we had to learn to live with a virus for the foreseeable future, so our response needed to be proportionate and sustainable. 8. Lastly we should not have ignored the wider ramifications for mental health, education and the general well-being of society. Yet the dice were always loaded in favour of suppressing novel coronaviruses at all times and practically every single cost. A good bit of news is that facemasks are to be ditched from the classrooms following an announcement by the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Secondary school students and teachers are no longer required to wear them in the classrooms, however they will still have to wear them when moving around the building, in communal areas such as corridors. Those who wish to continue to wear the mask will be ‘fully supported’ to do so. Education secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville hailed the move as a positive milestone, saying ‘the last two years have been really tough for the children and young people.’ Tough - certainly for children told to keep their coats on and doors and windows open, to sit one metre apart in class, stay two metres in the playground. These revised guidelines now also apply in public buildings and spaces, with face covering guidance remaining in close spaces, on public transport and in healthcare settings. Isn’t it great to see common-sense restored?! Nicola Sturgeon‘s government launched a controversial Covid 19 vaccine passport mobile app, despite being warned it may break data protection laws, the information watchdog has disclosed as it issued a formal reprimand. The UK ICO raised concerns with the Scottish government and NHS National Services Scotland after only being provided with the app’s details three days before was launched. After reviewing the app, the commissioner raised several concerns with the SNP-Green coalition government, particularly an ‘unlawful’ deal with the software developer to let it access users passport pictures and details, designed to give the firm access to private information to help improve the facial recognition software used in the app. Murdo Fraser, the Scottish Tory shadow covid recovery minister, said the commissioner’s findings ‘could put the tin lid on a fiasco and shambles that shames the SNP.’


A Scottish government spokesman said people’s data was held securely and used appropriately ‘at all times.’ Of course. I have something a little more light-hearted, if shocking. Wind Farms have been paid to refrain from producing up to 50% of the electricity they are capable of generating, according to research which has led MPs to warn that ‘inappropriate decisions’ on wind power are forcing excess costs onto consumers. An analysis found that in 2020 three large windfarms in Scotland received a total of £24.5 million to fail to produce about half of their potential output. Researchers said that these ‘constraint payments’ which were ultimately added to consumers' bills, were being fuelled by a high concentration of onshore wind farms in Scotland, often leaving the electricity grid unable to cope on windy days. The renewable energy foundation charity that publishes energy data said the problem will continue until there is more than sufficient interconnection between Scotland and the centres of demand in England. As an example of the wastefulness, £7.7 million is the amount in constraint payments handed to the operator of a 23-turbine scheme in Scotland. In another case SSE, operator of 33-turbine Strathy North wind farm in the Highlands, was paid £5.9 million to avoid producing 68% of the site’s capacity. Alistair Philip-Davies, chief executive of SSE said ‘wind will end up generating most of the energy of the country’s needs.’ A Government spokesman said constraint payments remain the most efficient way for National Grid to keep Britain’s lights on, and are only used when there is excess supply. A spokesman for EDF renewable said it ‘had to respond to National Grids constraint requests, in order to manage the system and keep the lights on.’ Boo - whoo to National Grid. Around £400,000 worth of Nike footwear was stolen from a lorry parked at a motorway service station. Police reported around 4000 pairs of the high-value trainers were taken from the vehicle in Abingdon services Interchange on the M74 services. It happened last week between the evening of Wednesday and Thursday. Police Scotland said the vehicle and two others parked nearby were damaged during the theft. We seem to get the optimism entertainment from theft reports up north, be it whisky, shortbread or trainers, usually where ‘unattended’ trucks fall prey to petty crime. In this case an appeal was made for anyone with dashcam ‘footage’ to come forward. If they can’t even look after their trucks, how will they look after a start-up economy and an Independent Scotland! Next week an update on the ongoing Ukrainian conflict. In the meantime, keep safe. Love Jacqueline x

3 MARCH 2022



Paperweight Perspective


The practicalities of planning for the aging population in the UK occupy the minds at a myriad of charitable organisations. All of them know that with improved healthcare - aside from the setbacks brought on by Corona, comes a longer life for many people. With that comes the recognition that an older generation absorbs a disproportionate amount of health, welfare and practical resources for which the state system is totally unprepared. Health and social care services are predicated upon the implicit assumption that it is families who fill the gaps in service provision and in the case of older people particularly, that the people supporting them are largely their adult children. Adult children provide help in different ways: from low-level support tasks such as accompanying a parent to medical appointments (a hospital trip can be an

entire day’s event), helping with cleaning and shopping, reminding their parent to take medication and some personal care tasks, such as changing dressings, to high-level support from mediating with health and social services, looking after their parent’s domestic bureaucracy, general advocacy and finances, to being their part-time or even full time carer. Adding another wrinkle to the mix: many children of this longer-living age group are themselves growing older. And they have busy and often complicated lives, and maybe their own medical requirements too. Today, it is common for many to live at a distance or overseas from their parents, and have a younger generation of grandchildren to additionally

assist. And whilst one of the tenets of Jewish society is having a high regard for the elderly and an implicit understanding of the meaning and value of “honouring one’s father and mother”, the practicalities of doing so can be very challenging. Consequently, people ageing even with a notional support network often find themselves high and dry. The difficulty of arranging for all the support and benefits that are available can be quite overwhelming. If you add into this mix another very worrying statistic, we have the ingredients of a perfect storm – even in a community that takes justifiable pride in looking after each other. Currently in the UK, one in six of the over 80s have dementia in one form or

Health and social care services are predicated upon the implicit assumption that it is families who fill the gaps in service provision and in the case of older people particularly, that the people supporting them are largely their adult children.

another. This as we know, manifests itself in a range of symptoms from occasional forgetfulness to full blown Alzheimer’s and its miserable and soul-destroying effects. The healthy partner of an octogenarian dementia sufferer has an impossible burden, and calling upon younger generations is an uncomfortable and often unworkable stop-gap. As ever, financial matters remain one of the last taboos, and discussions on this can be fraught. The tension that builds up across the generations often results in a fracturing of the family bonds. Sometimes, through a combination of timing and family dynamics and of course geography, these new crises take the elderly to a new and even lower ebb. And they realise they need someone to step in and advocate for them. And they will cry, to everyone and no-one, in addressing a fragile future with regard to the help they may need, “I wonder who will shout for me?” And a good starting point, in many and varied circumstances, is Paperweight, who will shoulder the challenging mix of old age and bureaucracy and shout very loud indeed.

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H Jacob I keep seeing various investment opportunities advertising high returns. With the current record-low interest rates, how do I know which opportunities are safe to invest in? Aron Hi Aron The first step to take when considering any investment opportunity is to ensure that the opportunity is genuine and that you are not one of the thirty-six million people targeted for an investment scam each year. This response focuses on how to know whether the investment opportunity you are being offered is genuine. Investment scams have been around for a while and unfortunately, we have seen a significant increase in recent years. The complexity and brazenness of these scams is shocking, resulting in individuals from all ages, background and experience, falling victim to such scams. Although it’s difficult to summarise such crucial advice, adopting two simple rules will stand you in good stead in protecting you from a potential investment scam: 1. Check the FCA register at uk to ensure that the company offering the investment opportunity is authorised by the FCA and has the necessary permissions to provide such investment opportunities

3 MARCH 2022

(if you are unsure what permissions are required you can always contact the FCA directly). 2. Check the contact details of the company on the FCA register at and contact them directly to ensure that the investment opportunity being offered is indeed from this company. Do not rely on incoming emails or phone calls which show the correct email address or phone number, as scammers are able to make it seem as if they are sending emails or making calls from the genuine source. At this stage, you can take some comfort that the business is likely to be genuine, although this does not necessarily mean that the investment opportunity is appropriate for you. For that you should speak to an independent financial adviser (IFA) to obtain appropriate advice. Even with the IFA, you should check the FCA register to ensure that the IFA is authorised to advise on investments, and ideally an IFA who friends or family have previously used. However, remember that when investing, your Capital is at Risk.

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3 MARCH 2022



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3 MARCH 2022


Lisbon – Ritz Four Seasons BY CARON BLUSTONES

With travel now back in full flow, at least for those who are vaccinated, I felt obliged to chase the sun over October half term. Where better to go than Portugal? Lisbon to be precise. The second-oldest capital in Europe, where a fascinating history can be found in every tile and cobblestone. This trip was to be our second, having been five years previously, to the city that has so many facets, that I was already planning the third visit, before even having left. Lisbon has so much to give- five days just wasn’t enough. Day trips to the surrounding areas that include Sinatra and it’s UNESCO World Heritage castle and palaces and the lively, coastal resort of Cascais with it’s stunning, wild beaches are so easily accessible and add to the experience of this wonderful destination. Let’s start with logistics. Lisbon is really easily accessible. A two-hour flight, then only fifteen minutes to the centre from the airport. We flew from Luton, a quick jaunt up the M1 from our base in North London. Valet parking was booked cheaply through Holidayextras ( - in the multi-storey car-park - a minute from the terminal and we were off! Luton is a great little airport for quick trips. Often less queues, plenty of facilities. We treated ourselves to the lounge, this trip. No. 1 Lounges has a really lovely space in the centre of the terminal where we sat in peace and enjoyed a tasty breakfast before boarding our early flight. ( This meant that we could hit the ground running once our luggage had been dropped off. I also pre-booked a luxury transfer with Blacklane to meet us on arrival in Lisbon. Taxis are extremely cheap in the city - no need for Uber - just hail one. However, as a family of four with three suitcases, it made much more sense to opt for comfort, luxury and flexibility. Ours came in the form of a black, seven-seater Mercedes minivan. You book through the app and can change a booking up to an hour beforehand. The prices are reasonable, the drivers are reliable and professional and you can count on them being there waiting for you, given the one hour of complimentary waiting time. (www. Our base for five exceptional days was The Four Seasons Hotel Ritz. Having stayed before, it was a no-brainer. Perfectly positioned above the city centre, atop one of Lisbon’s seven hills with views onto Eduardo VII park, boasting a brand new outdoor pool- an oasis in the city which was added this year, it’s the perfect, family choice. Built in 1959 by the dictator Salazar, to show off luxury in Lisbon, the hotel exceeds expectations. The main Aveninda de Liberdade with its ornate

Art Deco Bedroom

pavements and glossy designer boutiques is within easy walking distance and the main museums and sights simply a short taxi ride away. The Four Seasons Ritz is everything that you would expect it to be. Impeccable in every way. From the moment you walk through the doors, you are greeted with a feeling of opulence; marble floors, high ceilings and a wonderful mix of art-deco and Louis XVI style in classic, muted colours. Local contemporary artwork - tapestries, paintings and sculptures, adorn the common spaces, making up one of the largest and most important privately-owned collections in the country. Comfy sofas, spectacular flower arrangements and a clubby bar offer an all-encompassing experience. The back of the hotel boasts huge terraces looking out towards the park. Perfect for enjoying the warm, Autumn sunshine. An art-deco theme runs through the hotel to the beautifully-appointed guest rooms, most of which have generous balconies from which the views, especially the sunrise and sunset over Lisbon, are nothing less than spectacular. Our interconnecting park view rooms were the epitome of stylish, serene luxury. Deep, pile carpet in an eye-catching geometric 50’s pattern, velvets and teals, and electric curtains. Of course, there are all the mod

cons too - large flat screen TV’s, charging points by the beds and Nespresso machine, Bulgari toiletries replenished daily in the huge, cream marble and chrome bathrooms, complete with oversized bathtubs and walk-in showers. Arriving back after long days of sightseeing was a pure joy. These rooms are so much more than functional. They feel like the best a home could be. Most nights we settled in watching movies and let dinner come to us! Kosher food is available on request. The weather in October this year hit 26 degrees most days with clear blue skies abound. Escaping the dreary weather in London and sitting by the stunning, new outdoor, palm tree-flanked pool, it felt hard to leave the hotel. Facilities here are second to none. There’s a modern, indoor pool attached to the spa, floor to ceiling windows looking out to the park beyond, the SPA itself, where you can sauna, steam or ice and on the rooftop you will find a fitness centre to rival the best in class. The cherry on the cake comes in the form of an outdoor running track with a view and an outdoor gym. Nothing has been forgotten. The most avid sports person can train hard here, in luxury. From one on one pilates, yoga or boxing sessions to state of the art equipment set across a series of modern, glass-walled, gym studios, this is state of the art.


The day that we arrived, frazzled from a heavy work week - not that I needed an excuse(!), I booked myself in for the ESPA Holistic Total Body Care treatment. Leaving the kids behind with their Daddy, I rushed out of the room in my fluffy bathrobe as fast as I could! 80 minutes of pure bliss; cleansed, polished, showered and massaged with the ESPA signature oils, off I drifted into a state of utopia. Some spa treatments simply pay lip service to fancy descriptions but this one delivered in spades and I’m no easy customer. Rejuvenated and ready to go, we hit Lisbon and it’s many sights. The hotel concierge provided us with an electronic guide via email and off we went. First stop, Bairro Alto, the artist’s quarter dating back to the 1500’s. Here you will find its hilly streets, bohemian boutiques and the Bica funicular, the oldest in Lisbon. Be prepared to walk but for your efforts you will be rewarded with vivid street art and majestic views to the river. The centre of Lisbon is divided into several neighbourhoods. Each with its own distinct essence. Baixa is the most central. Completely rebuilt after an earthquake in the eighteenth century, it is packed with unusual and unique stores, hat shops and shoe shops, haberdashery stores that have a feeling of yesteryear and the iconic Marquis of Pombal Square. Between Bairro

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New Outdoor Pool - An Oasis in the City

Alto and Baixa lies Chiado. The Montmartre of Lisbon. Full of cafes, theatres and museums. On the recommendation of the concierge we took a tuk tuk tour. These have become extremely popular in Lisbon, all are safe with seatbelts and obligatory licensing, but pick wisely because some tour guides are better than others. By chance we came across Ella. ( Having lived in Dublin, her English was perfect and her knowledge of the city, it’s history and monuments coupled with a true passion for the job made her one-hour tour the highlight of our trip. She whisked us up to the enchanting Alfama; the city’s medieval

Running Track with a View

district, once inhabited by the Romans, with its narrow streets and village-like charm to the castle, Sé Cathedral and beyond, up to the Portas do Sol viewpoint. Breathtaking views of terracotta roofs and the sparkling river beyond. Another day we headed to Belem, directly on the waterfront. Here you’ll find some of Lisbon’s most important museums and galleries. Wide-open boulevards sit beside the Tagus river. Not only is Belem the site of maritime legends but also an important part of Lisbon’s modern cultural offering. Explore the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology and the Cultural Centre of Belem, then head to the Mosteiro dos Geronimos where Vasco

da Gama is buried. It’s beauty dates back to 1501, when it took almost a century to complete. For the children and the adults alike, we also spent one incredible afternoon at the Oceanario, totally immersed in it’s all encompassing underwater world. It’s the second largest aquarium in Europe, set over two floors; everything rotates around one vast, central aquarium. From the upper floor, view the sea creatures that live closer to the surface, then head down to the depths to see the deep sea creatures. It houses over 450 species, including sharks, stingrays, manta rays and even glowing jellyfish. With an emphasis on education and sustainability, it’s an unmissable



experience and well worth the ten-minute taxi ride from the city centre. We also spent one morning out of the city completely, as well as out of my comfort-zone and took the children to the treetop adventure at Adventure Park. (www.// Completing the circuit, under the cool canopy of the forest was an exhilarating experience. Once I had been coaxed off the first platform - my head for heights is terrible - it was full steam ahead, the children, off in front without a care in the world. I certainly felt the adrenaline rush and a huge sense of accomplishment as I whizzed down the zip-line at the end. The experience is impeccably run and a qualified team-member is with you every step of the way. Harnessed up, you feel very safe indeed and there are three circuits of varying difficulty, so something for everyone. Back with our feet upon the ground, they called us a taxi that arrived within minutes and we were back in Lisbon proper, fifteen minutes later. Ready to hit some more sights. Lisbon is a true treasure trove with an abundance to offer every taste and generation. Five days is really not enough time to truly appreciate it. One thing that you can be sure of is that the Four Seasons Hotel Ritz is the perfect base from which to start.




3 MARCH 2022

Looking for answers? Send your question to VISITING GRAVESITES OF THE RIGHTEOUS Dear Rabbi You recently suggested to someone visiting New York that they should go to the Ohel in Queens, the burial place of the Lubavthcer Rebbe. I am all in favour of religion but really have an issue with all this hocus pocus stuff of praying to righteous people who are no longer alive. Besides, isn’t it enough to pray to G-d? Bradley Dear Bradley I don’t know how old you are or whether you still have your parents. But surely you are familiar with the idea of people visiting the gravesite of loved ones. Moreover, most people do that before the High Holidays – and Jewish law actually recommends it. Moreover still, tens of thousands of people go to the tomb of Rachel of the Cave of Machpela in Israel. What’s up with that? Isn’t enough to just talk to G-d? Obviously, the point is that great men and women can be “intercedents” on our behalf. It is not a case of praying to them. It is more a matter of praying at their gravesite such that they can help put in a word for us. Or to put it differently, they can help carry our prayers higher than we might be able to on our own. The point is that the relationship between loved ones is chiefly of a spiritual nature more so than that of a physical nature. Thus even as the spiritual may be removed from our midst that spiritual bond remains intact for all eternity. For the record this custom is

sourced in many places and has been common Jewish practise for millennia. There are few burial places if any that are frequented by as many walks of Jewish (and indeed non-Jewish) life as the burial place of the Lubavither Rebbe. Rabbi Moshe Wolson, who is not Chabad; he is the spiritual dean of the famous Yeshiva Torah Voda’as actually said, “The Talmud tells us that all prayers in Israel are channelled through the Cave of Machpela and from there up to heaven. In the Diaspora, all prayers are channelled through the Ohel and from there up to heaven. So, all things being equal, I think it was a good call to recommend to the letter writer to visit the Ohel. If ever you visit New York I recommend the same for you.

VISITING A CLAIRVOYANT Dear Rabbi What is the halachic position regarding clairvoyance and speaking with the dead through this type of medium? Is this something that a Jew should be involved with and if not, why not? Is it classed as black magic? Can someone really communicate with the dead or is it all just make-belief? Should the information obtained be taken seriously? Sami Dear Sami Moshe and Chaim played tennis together for years. The one thing they always argued about was whether they played tennis in heaven. It was agreed whoever

died first, the other should try to make contact and he will report on the matter to finally resolve the dispute. Moshe dies and Chaim goes to the clairvoyant. Soon enough Moshe is summoned. “Nu?” Asked Chaim – “do they or don’t they play tennis in heaven?” “Good news and bad news,” says Moshe. “The good news is, you were right all along. They do play tennis in heaven. The bad news is – you’re playing centre court next Friday!” Yes, there is substance to the notion of being able to communicate with loved ones in the world beyond (see above). There are numerous such stories told whether in the Talmud or elsewhere. However that is when the deceased makes contact. For you to do so is a Biblical prohibition – which by virtue of such an ordinance reflects the reality of it. The most obvious reason for this is because to summon a spirit (soul) of someone, usually involves employing what you call black magic and what mysticism would define as evil energy drawn from the negative forces above – otherwise known as sitra achara or ‘other side.’ That effectively disrupts the serenity of the soul – it disturbs the peace of the dead quite literally which is fundamentally wrong. Either way you have to ask yourself, how do you know you are actually speaking to them and what that quack in the middle, rolling his head, and staring into some ball is telling you, is really true? Ever heard how they say to you, “I see some tragedy in your life…” and when seeing your strange facial expression, they add, “a long time ago…” and when you start to look a little


more inquisitive they’ll say, “A loss of a dog . . .” and when it is obvious you never owned a dog they try, “cat, doll, lollipop,” and when you suddenly show a flicker of light, they say, “yes that’s it, you once lost a lollipop. It was at home…(nope)…’er Chur...

(then he sees the yarmulke)…uh Synagogue. You lost a lollipop in Synagogue and you went crying to your father.” Bingo! Only your Dad could have known that so he must have made contact! Tell your friend to read “Confessions of a Clairvoyant!” Steer clear.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:





Torah from Israel

3 MARCH 2022

Pekudei: We Didn’t Start the Fire… in 1948 BY RABBI MOSHE TARAGIN

Some memories never fade. About thirty-five years ago, as a young talmid in Yeshivat Har Etzion/The Gush I witnessed a heated argument which would recast my view of Jewish history. This quarrel erupted over the Friday night Shabbat table, with claims and counterclaims being loudly hurled across the student dining room. Here is background to that episode. Every Friday night, our revered Rosh Yeshiva delivered a speech amplifying bold and broad religious ideas from that week’s parsha. That shabbat, parshat Pekudei, my Rebbe, Harav Yehuda Amital- the pioneer of the modern hesder movement- discussed the peculiar conclusion to the parsha. Each of the five books of the torah was nicknamed by Chazal. Sefer Shemot was dubbed as the sefer ha’ge’ulah or the book of redemption. It begins with a sad scene of suppressed slaves mired in centuries of poverty and absent of hope and of future. Stunningly, they are liberated from this tunnel of despair and begin their march to the promised land. Along the journey, they betray their loyalties to Hashem. Fortunately, through the heroic intervention of Moshe, their fearless leader, they are granted absolution. To signal the rehabilitation of this great love between Hashem and His people, a mishkan is constructed to house the divine presence. The sefer and the saga of redemption concludes, as the presence of Hashem descends into the human realm. When a human structure is suffused with the presence of Hashem the book of redemption culminates. Isn’t it peculiar that the book of redemption concludes outside the land of Israelthe epicenter of redemption? Evidently, redemption can be realized outside the land of Israel. Evidently, redemption occurs anytime the divine presence descends into our world- even if that rendezvous occurs outside of Israel. Redemption is geographically independent. The very thought that redemption existed independent of the land of Israel, infuriated many Israeli talmidim who vociferously voiced their disapproval. They had been trained to equate redemption with the land of Israel. This felt heretical. That evening, hearing Rav Amital disassociate redemption from land, revolutionized my own view of redemption and of Jewish history. Redemption shapes our overall view of history. By reformulating redemptive consciousness, Rav Amital was reconstituting my long view” of Jewish history. History has a genesis and a terminus. It begins with creation and concludes with utopia. The process leading from the

“inception” of creation to the terminus is called redemption. The world is constantly surging toward a better reality and human behavior can accelerate or delay that redemptive process. We live in “vivid redemptive history” not in empty and colorless “time”. The full and final redemption of history only occurs when we finally resettle our lost homeland. As the Jews become realigned with their home and their holy city, universal and final redemption climaxes, as all humanity achieves prosperity and universal welfare. The final chapter of redemption is carved into the land of Israel. Historical redemption, however, is a gradual “process” rather than a “quantum leap” or an immediate overhaul. Redemption evolves progressively, and any advance of the divine presence in this world contributes to the overall redemptive arc. The first chapter of redemption- the book of Shemotconcludes in a desert, as we embraced Hashem’s presence. Redemption advances any time any individual embraces G-d. Is our return to the modern state of Israel redemptive? Certainly. But it follows in the wake of thousands of years of gradual redemptive experience. For thousands of years, Jews labored to bring Hashem into this world. Every mitzvah and every moral act, every epic moment of martyrdom and every quiet moment of moral courage, drew Him into our world and silently incremented redemption. The process has been developing for centuries. We often refer to the state of Israel as “reishit tzemichat ge’ulateinu” or the beginning of the redemptive “flowering”. The flowering didn’t begin in 1948. The process actually began to bud in 70 CE, when the last Jew left the demolished city of Yerushalayim and performed the first act of faith. That act amplified Hashem’s presence in a very dark world and, since that moment, every page of Torah studied, every mitzvah performed, and every act of charity extended has continually drawn Hashem into our world and redeemed it. The process of redemption has been ebbing for centuries. It erupted in 1948 but it began well beforehand. Redemption streams through history. In 1948, history dramatically shifted, and redemption radically accelerated. The redemptive experience was no longer limited to inaudible acts of faith and behindthe-scenes religious commitment but was manifest in dramatic historical events. Redemption moved from the backstage to the front stage. It no longer occurred purely on a metaphysical level but unfolded in plain view- on the stage of history. Redemption is now expressed in bricks and mortar, homes and communities, social infrastructure and

For the first time in two thousand years, Hashem’s presence is clearly manifest and His love for our people unmistakable. agricultural reconstitution. No longer are we merely laying invisible groundwork for an eventual return. We are actively building the world which will greet Moshiach. Redemption didn’t begin in 1948, but it certainly shifted into high gear. We have been chosen to live through this great shift. For the first time in two thousand years, Hashem’s presence is clearly manifest and His love for our people unmistakable. Living through historical shifts tempts us to dismiss everything which occurred before the shift. Early secular Zionists were ashamed of the image of a weak and defenseless “diaspora Jew” who had been endlessly beaten and persecuted with impunity. In place of that embarrassing image of the feeble pre-1948 Jew, they mounted a new image of a strong and brave Jew who valiantly defended his land. Everything before 1948 was swept aside as “pre-history”. The two thousand years of exile had little meaning or relevance for the modern era – after the great shift. Religious Jews obviously vehemently reject this dismissive view of the past two thousand years of Jewish history. It is imperative to delicately calibrate between the rich traditions of pre-1948 and the renewed religious life after “the shift”. So much of our modern world feels new. We have new places to pray and new dreams to pray for. We have reclaimed “lost mitzvoth”,


while opening new horizons for religious experience. We no longer imagine religion in purely individual or even communal terms. We think nationally: how to inspirit an entire nation – many of whom are not yet religious- with religious meaning. We are recapturing lost traditions: of politics, policing and serving in a Jewish army. For religious people, everything after 1948 feels new and fresh. Israel has revitalized and expanded our religious identity. However, all this renewal is a ‘continuation’ not an upheaval. Our Zionist heroes are not only Herzyl and Ben Gurion but Rebbi Akiva, the Rambam and the Vilna Gaon, as well as every Jew who preserved Jewish identity and protected Jewish faith. Without their quiet redemptive faith, we could never have experienced this historical shift. The traditions and faith of the past two thousand years have produced the new world we inhabit. If we sever from those traditions, we lose our warrant for this new era. We didn’t start the fire. But it is clearly blazing like never before. Our world is of light and of future. The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/ Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University as well as a masters degree in English literature from the City University of New York.



The Torah path to finding your Unique purpose and passion

life trying to be better than other people instead of becoming our true selves. This leads to burnout and self-hate. As long as we are making progress and becoming better than we were yesterday, we are succeeding. What other people are or aren’t doing should hold little significance for how we feel about or view ourselves. No one else has our unique package, so their progress or success should have no bearing on our own.


Have you ever struggled to find your unique passion in life? Have you ever felt like you didn’t have a clear purpose? We are often told that we are unique and special. But sometimes we struggle to experience our individuality, feeling almost lost in the crowd. If you’ve ever walked the streets of a crowded city, surrounded by thousands of people walking in different directions, you may have felt almost invisible. We live on a planet with over seven billion people; Earth itself is a speck in the universe. If our planet is so infinitesimally small relative to the universe, and within our planet, each of us is only one of more than seven billion people, how are we supposed to feel special and unique? So many of my clients struggle to be genuine, to discover who they really are, and to live lives of passion and purpose. With social, financial, and other pressures weighing us down, we often get trapped living inside a shell, stuck and immobilized, unable to find our unique path in life. We struggle to develop ambition and aspirations to become more, because we feel stuck, empty, and aimless. We watch our potential sit unused, but we don’t know where to channel it. However, there are a few simple keys that can help us unlock our dormant potential and develop drive and passion to achieve our unique purpose. Before beginning the journey towards self-mastery, towards unlocking our dormant potential, we need to understand the secret behind all self-development: Hashem did not put us in this world to create ourselves; He put us here to discover who we truly are. Each and every one of us is unique and equipped with a special blend of capabilities to live our ultimate lives and make our own unique contribution to the world. In this article, we’re going to begin developing some of the fundamental tools and principles that will help you find your uniqueness, cultivate your passion, and ultimately, discover your purpose.


You are unique. No one else in the history of the world has your unique combination of DNA, your specific family, your mosaic of internal and external influences. As the Ramchal explains, you were born at a specific time in history, with a specific set of capabilities, and a very unique purpose that only you can fulfill. The key to learning and growing is not only about the time and energy you invest; it’s about discovering “how” you learn, “how” you grow, and “how”

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you process. As simple as it sounds, all of growth is about one simple skill: self-awareness.


We need to discover how we work, what drives us, and how we learn best. I remember teaching myself how to play guitar and piano. After much trial and error, I realized that I learn best through modeling success and personalizing it to my specific taste. I immersed myself in the musical masterpieces of the very best guitarists and pianists I could find, worked to understand every single thing they were doing, down to the smallest detail, and practiced day and night until I could do it perfectly. Then, I began using these skills to develop my own creations, ultimately writing my own music. I used this same model for developing and giving shiurim. I began by immersing myself in the works and ideas of the greatest Torah minds, both of our generation and of our tremendous mesorah (tradition). I spent years learning Torah with my rebbeim, reading and listening to endless shiurim, and thinking about all aspects of Torah thought and practice. At first, when I gave shiurim, I simply repeated exactly what I had heard from my rebbeim, keeping to their exact structure, word-choice, and formulation. After years of learning, I finally understood the inner system of Torah wisdom enough to create my own shiurim and to bring in additional Torah sources that added different vantage points to the topics in discussion. I also used this same model for building my business, for becoming a professional speaker, and for just about every other passion and skill that I have. Once you understand how you learn, you can spend the rest of your life

developing and unlocking your greatest self. So spend some time thinking about how you learn best. Do you prefer in-person learning or online learning? Do you prefer learning through video, audio, or written format? Do you enjoy interactive learning, or do you prefer processing and practicing by yourself, at your own pace?


The world is a competitive place. In western culture, and the capitalistic society we live in, competition is the pulse of life itself. If you’re not better than the other applicant, you won’t get the job. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve tried or how much you’ve grown to get here; what’s valued most in the workplace is results and performance. Our inner world, our personal dreams, and our unique passions and goals can easily be crushed by such a reality and its unbounded force. Furthermore, we can easily spend our entire lives comparing ourselves to other people, competing against them; we can easily find ourselves fighting for our selfworth, trying to beat everyone else. But the key to self-worth is to compare yourself to one person and one person only: your past self. Self-worth comes from becoming the very best version of ourselves, from the realization that we are heading on the journey towards our greatness and fulfilling our purpose. As such, there is no need or place for external competition when it comes to our self-worth. We aren’t here to be better than anyone (or everyone) else. We’re here to become the very best version of ourselves and achieve our personal, unique purpose. When we compare ourselves to others, it only leads to depression; we end up giving up or falling apart. Or worse, we can spend our entire


Once we accept the premise that we are each unique, and that we are on our own individual path to greatness, we must begin the journey of self-awareness and self-exploration, trying our best to discover what “awesome package” Hashem created us with. Hashem equips each of us with a unique package containing everything we need to fulfill our unique potential; Your unique package could contain empathy, intellectual curiosity, people skills, love of halacha, love of mussar, mathematical gifts, and any number of other skills, talents, or inclinations. Discovering our unique package allows us to understand what we can and should become. Here’s the best way to approach this wonderful and exciting stage:


The first stage is experimenting. Many of us walk around without any idea who we are, what we are capable of, and what we were designed to do. We need to devote a significant amount of time to trying out various areas of life in order to discover what’s lying within us, ready to be developed and actualized. Each of us has a unique chelek (portion) in Torah; what area of Torah do you connect with most? Spend time learning Tanach, Mishna, Gemara, Machshava, Jewish History, and other more specific areas of Torah to see what areas resonate with you. What hobbies, skills, and talents do you have? What have you always wanted to try, but never found the time, energy, or courage to explore? What areas of science, psychology, and general wisdom are you curious about? For example, I would have never known that Hashem gave me the ability to play and even write music had I not spend years exploring and experimenting, trying to discover what lay dormant inside of me. The same is true for all of us. There is nothing as amazing as the smile I see on my clients’ faces when they begin discovering who they uniquely are and what they are truly capable of becoming. If you enjoyed this article and want more, then visit my website (ShmuelReichman. com) and learn more about Self-Mastery Academy, my online course. Join our vibrant community of hundreds of people striving to become their greatest selves.



3 MARCH 2022

Weekly Dvar Torah F R O M E R E TZ Y I S R A E L


This week we end the journey of the Book of Exodus – 40 chapters, 12 parashot, 1209 verses. The following is a summary of what we can learn from this journey: 1. We became a nation. The first person to reveal this secret to us is the evil Pharaoh who announces to his people: “Here is a nation!” Until then, we may have felt part of a large family or a group of tribes, but Pharoah, like many of our enemies throughout history, reminded us that we are a special and uniquely united nation. From Hezbollah to Hitler and the antisemitism in America today, in their fight against us, our enemies know very well that we are all united as one nation. 2. A leader doesn’t have to be charismatic. Moshe Rabbeinu, on the stage of history, describes himself as a stutterer,


“slow of speech and of a slow tongue and tongue-tied”. In today’s world, would we choose such a leader? We are told that Pharaoh considers himself almost a G-d who doesn’t admit to needing to relieve himself like other humans, but does so in secret in the River Nile. Then we have Moshe Rabbeinu who isn’t ashamed of his weaknesses and limitations, and because of this he is suited to become such a powerful leader. Our inner qualities are much more important than our external facade. If only we’d remember that at all times. 3. The Exodus from Egypt was known worldwide. It says in the book Netivot Shalom, “man was placed in the world to strive to take himself out of Egypt”. The Exodus was not only a historic event but also an ongoing mission. The message here is that we all constantly need to strive to leave ‘slavery’ for

Sidra Summary

‘freedom’ – to be subservient only to G-d and Torah, and not to any other ‘Egypt’. 4. The Giving of the Torah was the second event recognized globally. After we understood the importance of freedom, we learnt how important it was to fill this freedom with meaning. We didn’t leave Egypt just for the fun of wandering in the desert without any responsibilities, but in order to receive the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. Viktor Frankl said that next to the Statue of Liberty, there should also be placed a Statue of Responsibility. The Exodus from Egypt is the Statue of Liberty, the Giving of the Torah is the Statue of Responsibility. We fulfill the purpose of freedom with eternal messages: I am the L-rd your G-d, you shall not murder, remember the Sabbath day, and many more. 5. The Mishkan (Tabernacle) – this

world needs our active mitzvot. This week’s portion, Pekudei, is not the first parasha to talk about the Mishkan. The Book of Exodus contains many verses regarding the building of the spiritual center of the nation in the wilderness. The ultimate aim was not the Exodus from Egypt and the receiving of ‘gifts’ (the splitting of the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, Manna from Heaven, the water well) but to receive the most precious and important gift – responsibility. To switch from being passive participants to active ones. The heart of the Jewish people is the same today as it always was – to fulfill G-d’s commandments and to build a ‘mishkan’ in every place in this world – in our heart, in our house, in our communities and of course, ultimately, in the Land of Israel. Chazak, Chazak v’Nitchazek!

Sivan Rahav Meir is a popular Israeli media personality and World Mizrachi’s Scholar-in-Residence.

“From the purple, turquoise and scarlet wool they made plaited garments to serve in the Sanctuary" (Shemot 39:1).

item made is the breastplate (choshen), containing 12 different types of precious stones (avnei miluim).

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 39:22-32

1ST ALIYA (KOHEN) – 38:21-39:1

The Torah lists the overall weight of gold, silver and copper used in building the Mishkan. The amount of half-shekel silver coins donated form the basis of a census of 603,550 males above the age of 20. The coverings for the Mishkan’s furnishings, used to guard them during the nation’s journeys, are made of turquoise, purple and scarlet wool.

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 39:2-21

The priestly garments are made, starting with the ephod, worn over Aharon’s tunic and robe. It has two shoulder straps (ketefot) and a belt (cheshev) attached. A precious onyx stone (shoham) is placed on each shoulder strap. The next

The turquoise robe (me’il) is made. Golden bells (pa’amonim) are placed between multi-coloured woollen pomegranate shapes (rimonim) hanging from the bottom hem. A knitted tunic (ketonet) with a grid-like pattern, a linen turban (mitznefet), linen trousers (michnasayim) and an embroidered sash (avnet) are made for every Kohen to wear. The pure gold band (tzitz) is made, to be placed on Aharon’s forehead. The work of the Mishkan is finished, executed by the nation exactly as G-d had instructed Moshe.

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 39:33-43

All of the structural parts of the Mishkan and its furnishings are brought to Moshe, as well as the priestly garments. Moshe inspects all the work and blesses the workers. Point to Consider: What blessing did Moshe give to the workers? (see Rashi to 39:43)

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 40:1-16

G-d tells Moshe to set up the Mishkan on

Rosh Chodesh Nisan, to anoint its vessels with oil and to inaugurate Aharon and his sons.

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 40:17-27

Moshe sets up the Mishkan as commanded by G-d and puts all of the furnishings in their correct place. He brings an incense offering on the golden altar (mizbeach ha’zahav).

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 40:28-38

Moshe then brings an elevation offering (olah) and a flour offering (mincha). A


heavenly cloud descends upon the Mishkan. When it lifts, the people are allowed to journey on.


Taken from the Book of Kings, the haftarah relates the completion of the Beit Hamikdash under the leadership of King Shlomo (Solomon), based on the preparations made by his father King David. A thick cloud fills the “House of G-d”, indicating that it has become a dwelling place for the Divine presence.



3 MARCH 2022

Pekudei This week, we go through everything that Klal Yisrael donated and how every bit of it was used. We run through what the Mishkan looks like now it’s real and recap the bigdei kehunah, the clothing of the cohen. Then Moshe sets up the Mishkan 7 times! Each time he takes it down bcause that’s what the Mishkan is for, it’s the little travel version of the Beis Hamikdosh. So Moshe demonstrates how to put it up and take it down 7 times before leaving it up the 8th time. The spirit of Hashem, the shechinah fills the Mishkan to the point that even Moshe himself cannot enter, he cannot bear its intensity. And yet, when it came to sinai, matan torah, Moshe strlled into the cloud to greet G-d.Our little man made tent can pull down sso much holiness!. This, after Kla Yisrael did the chet haeigel, the sin of the golden calf. the worst sin in history. Isn’t teshuvah amazing?!

Tangram Challenge! Using all the shapes on the left can you make the number 5 shape on the right?


Pekudei Word Seach








































































































































3 MARCH 2022



t was Monday morning and Rabbi Friedman was going through the class register. “Avrumi…ah yes, his mother let us know he is unwell today with a fever. Such a shame, it sounds like he will be off for the whole week. I am sure you boys will make sure to check in on him and please don’t forget to let him know what we have been studying this week so he won’t get too behind.” The boys murmured in agreement and Rabbi Friedman continued down the register. After a day full of kodesh and chol subjects, Chaim went home thinking of all the homework he would need to do. Then he remembered what the teacher had asked regarding Avrumi. I’ll do it tomorrow, Chaim thought, I have too much to do tonight finishing my own homework. Elazar remembered on Tuesday at bed time. He had meant to get a Refuah Shelaima card for Avrumi from Kosher Nation after school, but he had forgotten. He would get it tomorrow, he thought as he turned over in bed, quickly falling asleep. David had remembered during the school day on Wednesday that someone needed to update Avrumi on what they were learning in class. David thought about taking notes, but then decided that someone else more studious than him would probably be doing it so he didn’t need to. On Thursday afternoon on the way home

It’s Up to You from school Tzvi remembered that he needed to call Avrumi to wish him better and update him on all they had learnt that week so far. He remembered as he got in the door, but his mother called him to supper and he forgot. Friday morning arrived and at the beginning of their first class of the day Rabbi

Word Wheel The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

t n i

Use this area to write the words you have found.

a a



Friedman stood up in front of the class looking more serious than normal. “Last night I spoke to Avrumi and Avrumi’s parents.” Some of the boys in the class started shifting nervously in their seats as they started to guess what their teacher might be about to say.

“Unfortunately, it seems not one boy in the class did what I asked and called Avrumi to update him on what we had learnt this week. Not only that, but no-one called to wish him better or give him a card. I was saddened to hear this from a class in our school. It is such a shame you missed out on such a golden opportunity to fulfil the mitzvah of bikur cholim. In this week’s sedrah Rashi says that because Bezalel dedicated himself to the making of the Aron HaKodesh, it bears his name. Hashem instructed everyone to help make the Aron, but it appears Bezalel did it mostly on his own. What can we learn from here? That when there is a mitzvah to do, we don’t assume others will be doing it, even if they are all meant to be doing it. For example, if your mother asks you and your siblings to tidy up, don’t assume that they will do it. You need to take responsibility and act as if you are the only person who can do it. This applies to all the mitzvos.” David raised his hand and said “I’m really sorry, can I stay inside during break and make Avrumi a card to give him before Shabbos?” “That’s a great idea,” replied Rabbi Friedman. “I’d like to help,” said Chaim. “Me too,” said Ari eagerly. Rabbi Friedman smiled, baruch Hashem, his class seemed to have learnt their lesson.

l o

Last week’s words: Here are some words you may have found from last week - you may have found more! aid ail air ale and are ear era

lad lea rad ran aide area aria arid

dale dare darn deal dean dear dial earl

earn idea ilea lade laid lain lair land

lane lard lead lean liar lira nail near

raid rail rain rand read real rial aider

ailed aired alder alien annal areal arena dinar


drain eland ideal inane laden laird learn nadir

naiad renal aerial anneal denial derail inaner inland

laired lander linear nailed nailer radial radian railed

rained redial relaid adrenal alanine annelid adrenalin



3 MARCH 2022

Q: How do you know if there’s an elephant under your bed? A: Your head hits the ceiling!

Q: What do you call a cow with no legs? A: Ground beef! Q: What do you call a sheep that knows karate? A: A lamb chop!

(Answers at the bottom of page upside down)

1. What is hard to find, easy to lose, is worth more than gold but costs less than a penny?

2. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

Q: Why are ghosts bad liars? A: Because you can see right through them!

3. I am a seed with three letters in my name, take two away and I still sound the same. What am I?

3) A pea 1. A friend

2) A Penny

1. Bend over backwards 2. Tattoo 3. Excuse me


4. Be seeing you 5. In complete control 6. A big misunderstanding


3 MARCH 2022


Dried Cranberry & Chick pea fried Rice This is my version of jewelled rice that is perfect as part of a vegetarian Purim feast. Preparation Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 20 minutes Serves: 4-5

Another delicious recipe from Denise Phillips For more recipes and inspiration visit my website:

Ingredients 250g cooked basmati rice 4 teaspoons black onion seeds or nigella seeds 2 tablespoon coriander seeds -crushed ~ 4 tablespoons desiccated coconut - roasted 100g flaked almonds – roasted ~ 75g dried cranberries – soaked in boiling water and drained 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 large red onion – peeled and thinly sliced 4 garlic cloves – peeled and finely chopped 400g tin chick peas – drained and rinsed Small bunch each of parsley, dill and coriander Garnish: 2 lemons – cut into wedges Method 1) Combine the black onion seeds and coriander seeds together and crush either with a rolling pin or pestle and mortar. 2) Preheat the oven to 200C/400 F/ gas mark 6. 3) Place the desiccated coconut, almonds and spices on a baking tray and toast until golden. This takes about 5 minutes so do put a timer on!

4) Remove and set aside. 5) Heat a frying pan with the olive oil and sauté the onions until crisp. Add the garlic and cook for a further minute. Add the left over/ cooked rice, chick peas and dried cranberries. 6) Heat thoroughly, mixing well and stir in the spices, almonds and coconut. 7) Stir in the chopped herbs and garnish with lemon wedges.

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13 DECEMBER 2018 3 MARCH 2022





Kepa clanger hands Klopp Cup Sixteen-goal Lions

rout Scrabble in Cup Sky Sports: “It was amazing, (it’s) very special to win trophies at this Liverpool won an enthralling Carfootball club. Always difficult when abao Cup final 11-10 on penalties it goes to penalties. We have used against Chelsea. all the squad, academy, first team, Jurgen Klopp’s number two ‘keepall chipped in which makes it really er Caoimhin Kelleher clinically put special.” his team 11-10 ahead in the shootAfter celebrating a first domestic out before Blues substitute keeper cup final win for a decade Liverpool Kepa Arrizabalaga will attempt to close the gap again BY DAVID SAFFER blazed over the crossbar to hand the trophy to the on Premier League pacesetters ManReds Mogilner followingscored a 120-minute chester City who are six points ahead Reiss six goalsgoalas Maccabi less thriller at Wembley saw four following a 1-0 win against Everton London Lions thumpedthat Scrabble A in the disallowed goals including three forCup. at Goodison Park. second round of the Cyril Anekstein Phil Foden scored the all-imporThomas Tuchel’s side.side racked up a 16-0 The Premier League Chelsea boss’ last gasp decision toKenley tant 78th minute winner but Frank win with Daniel Green and Michael PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK Jordan Henderson led Liverpool to cup glory bringbagging on penalty specialist for DaLampard’s side had a penalty conboth a hat-trick. EdKepa Brafman, manDinkin, of the and match Edouard Mendy troversially ruled out when Rodri vid Adam Hassanali complet- having an effort cleared off the line before ultimately backfired. Tuchel’s ed the rout in a mismatch of a tie.sentiment VAR controversially ruled out a Joel Matip looked to have handled. was understandable as Kepainhad goal goal. Mendy stopped two Luis Diaz efforts The battle for Champions League spots is Lions could have scored thekept opening in earlierofrounds, butbut Mendy madethe a then brilliantly denied Virgil van Dijk in hotting up with West Ham closing the gap minute the clash soonhad opened string ofand saves to deny Liverpool during stoppage time. Into extra time and Kelleher on Manchester United after a 1-0 win over scoring led 9-0 by half time. the Thgame. e Division One team, though out- saved from Romelu Lukaku before Lukaku Wolves courtesy of a Tomas Soucek strike. Matchbattled winner Kelleher, in for regular and Kai Havertz, for a second time, had The Reds dropped points at home to Watclassed, away to the end. Reds keeper Alisson Becker, ford. Arsenal, who didn’t have a game due Lions boss was lost for wordsdeservedly at full time efforts chalked off for offside. had his daythe in display the limelight enjoyed a Klopp told Sky Sports: “I am happy for to the cup final, are level on points with such was from and his team who the people to celebrate something like this. the Hammers and also have three games fine game goal. to the opposition. gave every in respect A terrific saw Kelleher deny “I’m not open really game sure there’s anything to Chelsea are incredibly strong, we matched in hand on both clubs. Christian a point blanktosave The Gunners have played a game fewer say, we arePulisic happy with to make it through the each other.” in the first half Mendy saved from Kelleher described his winning penalty than north London rivals Tottenham Hotnext round of thebefore cup,” he commented. Naby KeitaUnited and Sadio on3-1 the half as “more hit and hope”. He told Sky Sports, spur, who bounced back to winning ways Hendon SportsMane ran out victors hour. Chelsea’s Mount missed from “I got close to a few but all the penalties with a 4-0 triumph against Leeds United against LeagueMason One outfi t North London Maccabi London Lions thankfully we were close range just before half time then struck 16-goal were very high quality, at Elland Road. Raiders. a post on the resumption. Matt Doherty, Dejan Kulusevski and able to win.” The Premier side led early in the second Liverpool also went close, Mo Liverpool skipper Jordan Henderson told Harry Kane’s settled the contest inside 30 half only for Raiders to equalise but Salah struck must-win game, ” commented Galaxy playtwo late goals to book a place in round er-manager Luke Lewis. three of the competition. “We sat back and allowed Oakwood the Hendon now turn their attentions to the ball, given the one-man advantage and league as they travel to Oakwood A for a looked to hit them on the counter attack crucial top of the table clash on Sunday with pace. (10am). “Both goals came down the right-hand Daniel Kristall’s team stunned the league side. Leigh crossed the first one into Cohen leaders last month when they won 2-0, a to finish, before slotting home himself. Up BY DAVID SAFFER Club in an all-Premier clash. HMH boss Avi Goldberg was delighted victory would move them to within a point to firstde weChigwell go.” Giantkillers NWL Azzurri thumped PreAkiva SolomanTwo and Rocky Spitzer scored of Hendon with a match in hand. Th e Division title race also took with a sixth successive home triumph as his mier outfit Faithfold White 5-1 inofthe third ain atwist 2-1 win. side closed the” gap pointsFortune against Elsewhere in the latest round fixtures, with league leaders Herstwood circumstances, saidto nine delighted “We weren’t at our best full boss round ofNorth the Peter Morrison Trophy. league favourites Hendon. 10-man London Galaxy made it a Vale going downquite to a 2-1 defeat atbut Temple Simon Linden. credit to Chigwell,” said Hendon’s Dave The Division Oneinside cameDivision up trumps Adam Abadi struck twice for HMH. three-way title race the only One Fortune. “We had a number of players out,Alex Rewith Danny Miracco, Ollie Miracco, Aron were downa to the more bare buck Mossgot hit injured, the target Clark Norton also clash of the day after defeating Oakwood B. Garbacz. Faithfold“They B have played game soand I couldn’t have asked Gale, Zak Jackson and bonesVale butbut gavemoved us a real scare. are win safely found thefrom net on hisplayers. return We to the side fol-a Jamie Murray saw redSolly earlyBradley on but hitting Galaxy than level withWe a 5-3 at any more the wish Ben the target ingoals a memorable win for the club. in the hat though for the next round which speedy lowing recovery. a long-term injury. rallied with from Josh Cohen and Ja- North London Raiders Masters. “It was wasacomfortable win in a game we “I’m really happy with performance and is Jacob all that counts and twice the treble is still on.” cob Leigh to record an important 2-1 away Kalms struck for Fortune who “It proper old school performance, result,” said coach Matt Spelman. “We’ve scored In other ties Manchester Maccabi routed dominated,” commented Goldberg. win. through leading scorer James Mil- we battled and defended for the 90 minutes got a good record againstJewish Premier sides, Geez Park Rangers 7-1, Vets over- and In took Division Temple Fortune enjoyed Galaxy head Redbridge Care A in letwith his 17th goal of theMSFL season. ourOne, chances. Experience proved wanted and after progress in the came a fine 3-2winner. win over place Mill the tableto byextend just oneitpoint 10 matches, The Stoke resultSalmon was all 2-0. the more remarkable to be the It’s athird big win, one we Hill will cup. The boys worked hardfive andpoints put inbea asThe Division pacesetters now turn Dons.and Danny Sherman, third place Fairlop FC are Temple wereOne down to 11 players with enjoy we hope to buildAllon on it Hershkon in 2019.” real shift, playing quality football all over ‘keeper their attentions to wrapping up athe title. and for the hind with two games in hand. Ben Rebuck dislocating shoulder HeConor added,Brand “This scored win marks 50 victors. years as a the pitch. Bring on the round.” fromup. the cup action HMH eased football Hampstead Ducks bottom Rafi Bloom scored fornext Oakwood. in Away the warm club and willthumped be one Nigel Kyteclub and Treble Hendon United Sports a 4-1 Premier League win homethe to everyone Straw Hatassociated Pirates 8-1. Ariel a “It waschasing a fantastic performance in a to“Th is was a fantastic winatgiven with theRahamim club fromhit day did not need their ‘A’ game to despatch Maccabi London FC. hat trick, Jono Gaon and Josh Bloom bagged BY DAVID SAFFER

minutes. Son Heung-min completed the scoring in the second half to the delight of head coach Antonio Conte. Leeds boss Marcelo Bielsa was sacked after the game with his side two points above the relegation zone. Bielsa’s near four-year tenure at the club brought the club back into the top flight after a 16-year absence and his departure was the “toughest decision” for club chairman Andrea Radrizzani. “With Marcelo as our head coach, we had three incredible campaigns and the good times returned to Elland Road,” he said in a statement. “He changed the culture of the club and brought a winning mentality to us all.” Radrizzani added: “I have to act in the best interest of the club and I believe a change is required now in order to secure our Premier League status.” Newcastle United look to be pulling clear in an intriguing relegation scrap and enjoyed a 2-0 win at Brentford who had Josh Dasilva sent off amidst a poor run of form. Burnley drew 1-1 at Crystal Palace but lost 2-0 to Leicester City, James Maddison and Jamie Vardy hitting late goals at Turf Moor on Tuesday night. The Clarets remain in the drop zone with Watford and Norwich, who lost 2-0 at Southampton. With eight points separating the bottom PHOTO: DAVID seven clubs the relegation battle willSAFFER be nerve jangling for fans of teams involved at the wrong end of the table.

“It was a proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90 minutes and took our chances. Experience proved to be the winner.” a brace, Daniel Hardoon also scored. “They

Azzuri hit five to stun Faithfold in Cup


had no answer to our attacking formation andwill wayenjoy. we marshalled the game,” said one ” Jacob of the Ducks. Vale Summerfield boss Jacob Emanuel was quick to London Athletico moved his alongside wish Rebuck well following injury. Division Two leaders witheveryone a resound“First and most Rangers importantly, at ing 7-0 winlike against Vale would to wishQarabagel. the FortuneRangers ‘keeper title favourites having played two aremain quick recovery, we hope to see him back lessthe games. on football pitch as soon as possible,” he Zacki Doumou hit four goals, Jake said. Downes (2) and Jason Burns also scored. As for the defeat, Emanuel commented, place Bocahow Chillers out you 4-1 “ItThird doesn’t matter big aran squad winners Temple Fortune, James Belchak have, youatcan never account for unavailhittingor a hat-trick. ability injury. Only five of today’s team Real in Madreidel Oakwood played our recentwon win 3-2 overatFC Team, a Town, Jewish delack of Redbridge togetherness and Care poor White individual feated Camden City 2-0.

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