Charity Number 1164762
5 NOVEMBER 2020/18 CHESHVAN 5781
Brought to justice. For five years, Campaign Against Antisemitism has pursued justice. • Equality and Human Rights Commission demands Labour creates independent disciplinary process
• Damning report is based on years of
evidence and argument from Campaign Against Antisemitism, which referred Labour to EHRC for investigation
• Our community is finally vindicated • Sir Keir Starmer suspends Jeremy Corbyn over his denial in response to EHRC’s report and following a complaint from Campaign Against Antisemitism
• 32 other senior Labour figures under
investigation including 14 sitting MPs
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Charity Number 1164762
5 NOVEMBER 2020/18 CHESHVAN 5781
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ISRAEL ANXIETY OVER US ELECTION BY DAVID SAFFER Israelis are anxiously awaiting the result of the US Presidential election which is on a knife-edge and could be heading to the Supreme Court. Democrat nominee Joe Biden heads US President Donald Trump 264-214 in the electoral college vote (at the time of going to press). Both are aiming to reach 270 votes. Results in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will determine the victor in an acrimonious race to the White House. Most Israelis back Trump due to
his notable moves during his term in office including the historic US Embassy move to Jerusalem and recent accords with Bahrain, the UAE and Sudan. A recent survey had 83% of orthodox Jews voting for Trump with only 13% favouring Biden. And their viewpoint was illustrated in an interview with Arab American News last weekend after Democrat vice president candidate Kamala Harris reportedly confirmed a Biden administration would reverse Trump policies on CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK
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Call for football clubs to adopt IHRA anti-Semitism definition
Israel ‘qualitative military edge’ assured
BY SIMCHA ABIR Israel will not oppose the United States supplying F-35 stealth fighter jets to the UAE after assurances they will maintain qualitative military edge in the region. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the announcement after discussions with US Secretary of Defence Mark Esper and Defence Minister Benny Gantz last Sunday. Esper and Gantz held meetings with Israel’s main weapons manufacturers including the Ministry of Defence’s Directorate of Defence Research and Development at Ben-Gurion Airport. Esper also held meetings with IDF Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi and senior officers. “We have received more than security, the American pledge to maintain Israel’s military qualitative edge,” Netanyahu reportedly confirmed at a press conference. “I think this is an important achievement for the State of Israel. We also know that we all face a common threat, and understand this well. It’s important that the security establishment has received a pledge from the US to maintain our edge in the region and in general.” Gantz said both sides discussed “critical
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US Secretary of Defence Mark Esper
components of security cooperation” regarding in the Middle East. It was also “imperative to maintain regional security and stability” in confronting Iran,” he noted. Whilst Esper was in Israel, the White House notified Congress it proposes to sell F-35s to the UAE, the same number Israel had ordered. The latest development followed Netanyahu releasing a statement that Israel would not oppose US regarding F-35s with the UAE last week. The F35s announcement followed weeks of media speculation regarding Israel’s military edge after the landmark accord with the UAE. The Knesset approved Israel’s accord with the UAE last month. “This is a day with few like it in the history of the country,” Netanyahu reportedly said at the time. Israel hosted a UAE delegation following National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat visit to the UAE.
World envoys and coordinators on anti-Semitism have called on professional football clubs to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s universal definition of anti-Semitism. Lord John Mann, the UK’s Independent Adviser on Anti-Semitism, has initiated the drive “to strengthen the resolve of the Jewish community and support the international work on combating anti-Semitism in football”. Chelsea, West Ham United, Bournemouth and Borussia Dortmund, Lord Mann’s letter notes, have already adopted the internationally accepted definition of anti-Semitism as a “statement of their values”. Other national and international clubs have agreed to do so this autumn. The 14-strong group explained, “There has been a rise in anti-Semitism around the world, which has only been exacerbated by the spread of the Coronavirus. Anti-Semitic conspiracies have been used on posters at rallies where protesters have been demonstrating against government restrictions and for the reopening of their countries. Combating the rise of anti-Semitism is an ever- important priority. “Clubs so far have adopted this definition of anti-Semitism as a statement of their values. It not only sets clear guidelines, but also acts as a specific reference point for employees, stewards, and fans on what is antisemitism. It is a working definition, not a legal definition, meaning its whole purpose is to raise awareness and to be of practical assistance in addressing any incident of antisemitism and in preventing future incidents. “Its adoption will of course send out a very strong message about your club’s ethos that will be very warmly received by local and global Jewish communities and especially Jewish football supporters and employees. This message is key for all citizens and football lovers, as antisemitism and all forms of racism and xenophobia constitute an attack on democracy and is contrary to our values of human rights, equality, freedom, respect of human dignity, regardless of identity, origin or belief.” Mann told The Guardian, “What we found with Chelsea is the reach of football is far bigger than other institutions in civil
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Lord John Mann
society. If a fan sat at home with his club all over his Facebook and Twitter persona is spewing out anti-Semitism, then if the club challenges it that’s dramatically more powerful. “If the club gives a message of ‘These aren’t our values’ and invites the individual in for some education, most people would accept the invitation. We’re getting to people who, perhaps because of their ignorance, are creating distress. It pulls away the majority of people who, when anti-Semitism is explained to them, don’t want to repeat what they’ve said.” Signatories include Lord Mann, Dr Felix Klein, Elan S. Carr, Prof. Milena Santerini, Ambassador Michaela Küchler, Katharina von Schnurbein, Ahmed Shaheed, Rabbi Andrew Baker, Ambassador Alexandru Victor Micula, Szabolcs Takács, Ambassador Jovan Tegovski, Dr. Ringo Ringvee, Dr. Efstathios C. Lianos Liantis and Frédéric Potier. The IHRA was founded in 1998 and adopted a working definition of anti-Semitism in 2016. It has been formally adopted by the Governments of over 30 countries including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Hungary, United States and European Parliament.
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6 NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Palestine and Middle East including restoring aid to Palestinians that Trump axed due to it being used for terror purposes. “We are committed to a two-state solution, and we will oppose any (Israeli) unilateral steps that undermine that goal,” she said. “We will also oppose annexation and settlement expansion.” Harris backed a reversal of Trump’s moves to reopen the US consulate in East Jerusalem and reopening of a PLO office in Washington closed in 2018 as Trump’s deal of the century peace plan was coming together. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised Trump's Middle east policy prior to the vote but ‘politically’ avoided noting a preference for the election. However, Israel’s leader did tell reporters that US support was "one of the foundations of the American-Israeli alliance and had “never been stronger". Netanyahu noted the US perspective on Iran, the Golan Heights, recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and recent USbacked Arab accords. "I can only hope that this policy will continue in the coming years," he said. Whilst most Israelis back Trump, US polls indicate American Jews back Biden, who has more routes to triumph. Trump’s path is tight as he needs to win at four of the remaining battleground states. Biden leads in Wisconsin, Trump heads the others but millions of votes are yet to
TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 counted in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. A result may be forthcoming by Friday. Trump craves a second term in office and declared victory in the early hours of Wednesday whilst accusing the Democrats of electoral fraud whilst Biden moderated his comments. “A very sad group of people is trying to disenfranchise that group of people (who voted), and we won’t stand for it. We will not stand for it,” Trump said. He added, “This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election. So our goal now is to ensure the integrity. We’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop. We don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 o’clock in the morning and add them to the list, OK?. “We will win this, and as far as I’m concerned, we already have.” Trump tweeted before his speech, “We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!” Biden noted, “It’s not my place or Donald Trump’s place to call who wins this election, that’s the decision of the American people.” Many pundits and polls prior to Tuesday had Biden holding up to a 10-point lead. A comfortable Biden win was predicted or narrow Trump triumph though battleground states were key. Results so far illustrate that Trump has defied the pollsters, as he did in 2016 when he defeated Hilary Clinton. The final chapter has yet to be written.
Faith leaders call for Boris to allow public worship Faith communities on the government Places of Worship Taskforce have appealed to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to allow public worship that is compliant with existing COVID-19 secure guidance to continue. The group have “profound concerns” at lockdown measures that came into force today. Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis is among 11 signatories including Cardinal Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster and Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury to have collaborated with Ministers and government officials to ensure worship is accommodated on the basis of health and safety requirements backed by quality scientific and medical evidence. “Given the significant work we have already done, we consider there to be, now, no scientific justification for the wholesale suspension of public worship,” they noted in a letter to Johnson. “We strongly disagree with the decision to suspend public worship during this time,” the group added. Rt Hon Boris Johnson, PC, MP The Prime Minister 10 Downing Street London SW1A 0AA
Explaining in detail their viewpoint, the group noted that worshipping together was core to their identity. Citing the health and wellbeing of faith community members until a vaccine is found, they concluded, “Scientific evidence shows that social solidarity and connectedness are key to people maintaining motivation to comply with COVID secure measures and to maintain good mental health. And there is good scientific evidence of the importance of faith and faith communities for positive mental health and coping. “There is no scientific rationale for suspension of public worship where it is compliant with the guidance that we have worked jointly with government to establish. “Government is making decisions about what aspects of our life during this period of restrictions are essential. We have demonstrated that continuation of public worship is essential. We call on government to recognise and support this, and enable us to continue to worship safely, as part of the essential fabric of the nation.”
Copy: Rt Hon Robert Jenrick, MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Lord Stephen Greenhalgh, Minister of State Dear Prime Minister
We write as leaders of faith communities represented on the government Places of Worship Taskforce to raise our profound concerns at the forthcoming restriction measures to be introduced in England on Thursday 5th November 2020.
Since the Covid-19 virus first emerged, faith communities across the country have been acutely aware of the tragic consequences for people everywhere and of the intractable dilemmas which the government has had to negotiate. Our thoughts and prayers have been with the Cabinet, Parliament and all who advise them, and above all with those who have died or are bereaved, unemployed or unbearably stressed by the virus and its consequences.
Public Worship is covid-19 secure
In the last six months we have collaborated closely with Ministers and officials to keep people safe. We worked together to establish two principles of co-operation:
1. Ensuring a balance between the government providing health and safety requirements, and faith communities subsequently determining theological aspects of what forms of worship/activity could be accommodated within this. Many of us have gone above and beyond the former and safely implemented the latter. In this way, the fine and desired balance has been maintained.
Shuls set to shut in second lockdown BY ADAM MOSES Synagogue services cease today following Boris Johnson’s announcement on a second lockdown last Saturday. Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis backed the move in a message to the Jewish community and the United Synagogue is following government guidelines. During the latest lockdown, changes affect shuls and community buildings. In-person shul services and community off-site minyanim are not permitted to take place. The US will be sharing details on ways to remember loved ones and for daily prayers to rabbis around communities. No in-person programming such as youth, children’s and family programming, cheder and educational events is permitted to take place but can be online. Nurseries based in shul buildings are permitted to remain open, in line with government guidance. Essential voluntary and Chesed activity can also continue to take place. Funerals are permitted with a maximum attendance of 30 people. Only
close friends and family should attend. Stone settings can continue with up to
15 people in attendance. Anyone working is not included in these numbers. Social distancing must be maintained between people who do not live together or share a support bubble. In terms of ‘lifecycle’ events, weddings are not permitted unless in exceptional circumstances. In-person Bar and Bat mitzvah ceremonies are also postponed. If a shul does not facilitate virtual B’nei Mitzvah celebrations families should contact the US for ideas to mark milestones online. Shiva houses can no longer take place in person and must instead move online. A Rabbi or Rebbetzen cannot visit. Again, the US offers advice on how to offer support online. As for supporting a vulnerable member, government guidance permits volunteers to help people. Programmes can continue following strict social distancing rules. “Over recent months, during times of unprecedented challenge, I have been inspired by our remarkable Rabbis, Rebbetzens, lay leaders, staff and communities as you maintained the vitality of our Synagogues through regular services, events and programmes,” noted Chief Rabbi Mirvis in a
message to communities. “Public health professionals and government officials have recognised your determined commitment to protecting the sanctity of life before all else, in what has been a true Kiddush Hashem. “I have no doubt therefore that, whilst you will share my sense of profound pain, following the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday, that places of worship must once again close for congregational prayer, you will also share my desire to take whatever further action is necessary to prevent the spread of Covid-19. “It is my fervent prayer that our shuls will very soon be able to safely re-open once again. May the Almighty bless all of humankind with healing and a speedy end to the pandemic and all the suffering that it has brought in its wake.” “This is an extremely painful exercise for us to be undertaking for the second time,” noted a US statement by Steven Wilson, Jo Grose and Rabbi Nicky Liss. “We are aware of the hurt this will cause our community members who will lose the comfort of communal prayer and seeing friendly faces, mourners who will lose the opportunity to say kaddish and families who will need to postpone those weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs that they have been planning for so long. We share this pain.”
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Labour faces “long journey” after damning EHRC report
Keir Starmer
BY DAVID SAFFER Labour faces a “long journey” to win back the trust of British Jewry following the publication of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission report into anti-Semitism in the Party last week. And the Board of Deputies and Campaign Against Anti-Semitism will not rest until Labour leader Keir Starmer makes good on his promises to rid the party of institutional anti-Semitism. Following investigations, the human rights watchdog, in a damning summary, found ‘a clear breakdown of trust between the Labour Party, many of its members and the Jewish community.’ In a TV address, Starmer found this point “most telling” and the report’s conclusions were “clear and stark”. Labour’s leader accepted the report in full. There had been “serious failings” in leadership, processes and culture in dealing with anti-Semitism within the Party, “specific examples” of unlawful harassment and unlawful indirect discrimination, “clear examples” of political interference from the leaders’ office in anti-Semitism cases aside from an inadequate process for handling anti-Semitism complaints. Starmer also acknowledged there had been a failure to deliver adequate training and repeated failures to implement recommendations of previous anti-Semitism. Starmer vowed to implement the report’s recommendations, establish an independent complaints process in the New
“It is a day of shame for the Labour Party. We have failed Jewish people, our members, our supporters and the British public.” Year and change Labour’s culture. “It is a day of shame for the Labour Party,” he said. “We have failed Jewish people, our members, our supporters and the British public. Starmer promised to act. “Never again will we fail to tackle anti-Semitism and never again will we lose your trust,” he noted. Starmer had a stark warning for anti-Semites. “Under my leadership, zero-tolerance of anti-Semitism will mean precisely that.” he noted. “If you’re anti-Semitic, you should be nowhere near this Party and we’ll make sure you’re not. “ He concluded, “Labour will act decisively against anti-Semitism in all its forms. We will repair the breach. I know it will take time and hard work but when I stood for leader of this Party, I was clear that my first priority would be to root out anti-Semitism and rebuild trust. “We have made progress but I will only consider it a success when those members who left our Party because of anti-Semitism feel safe to return. And when we no
longer hear the words “Labour” and “anti-Semitism” in the same sentence.” Reacting to the report, Corbyn stated the scale of anti-Semitism in the party had been “dramatically overstated for political reasons”. Starmer duly suspended the former leader pending investigation. Corbyn also had the whip removed from the Parliamentary Labour Party. CAA has submitted complaints against Corbyn, Diane Abbott and 14 other sitting MPs to account for their deeds for putting Britain’s Jews in fear for their future being publicised. A week on from last week’s landmark EHRC damning report slating the Labour party both the Board and CAA are clear on the way ahead. “If there is going to be change, it is going to be a long time,” said the Board’s President, Marie van de Zyl, who appeared on BBC Question Time after the report was published. “This is the beginning of a long journey. “(Keir) Starmer sent me a heartfelt apology the day he was elected. We have had
a number of meetings and he knows that he will be measured on his actions, not words. He has said the right things so far but we have to see action. And this is no easy task. It’s going to take a long time. To get action there has to be a change in the culture of the party, and culture is something that is very difficult to change. I think it will be at least a 10-year journey.” Ms van de Zyl added, “People are asking, how can you have confidence Labour are going to put this right when there are large numbers of people still involved in the party named in relation to anti-Semitism? We are assured by the new leadership that he (Starmer) is going to take it seriously. The suspension of (Jeremy) Corbyn, which the Board welcomed, is a demonstration of that. “We have to hold Labour to their promises, they have to sort it out. But we need certain things to happen by December 10th, Labour has to implement an action plan. One of the points we asked from our 10 pledges is for an independent disciplinary body to actually hear disciplinary cases so they are transparent, the public
5 NOVEMBER 2020 can have confidence and they are capable of being audited. “What has to be built is trust, clearly Labour have to demonstrate they are worthy to have that trust, which is not the case at the moment.” As for the EHRC report, Ms van de Zyl noted, “It is absolutely right that it was a damning verdict on what Labour and Corbyn did to the Jewish community. It clearly demonstrates why British Jews were distressed after they complained about anti-Semitism. We had to defend ourselves and were prepared to do so. “Corbyn is a man who brought anti-Semitism from the very margins of society right into the heart of Labour, the opposition party. It doesn’t get any worse than that. It’s a disgrace the report has made unlawful findings of harassment and victimisation against the Labour Party. Again, it doesn’t get any worse than that. Every time you hear something, you think, it cannot get any worse but it does.” She added, “People said all the way through that anti-Semitism has been weaponised. How wrong that viewpoint is. Ignoring the huge hurt and distress this episode has caused the Jewish community, surveys revealed that if Corbyn was elected, around 40 percent of Jews would leave the country. “But this is not just about him, this is about the culture of the Labour Party. It’s not enough to say, Corbyn is not the leader anymore. It’s much deeper than that because anti-Semitism has taken root deep inside the party. And it’s for (Keir) Starmer
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Gideon Falter
to resolve it.” Looking back a week on, CAA chief executive Gideon Falter offered a stinging rebuke. “Mr Corbyn and those around him forced the British Jewish community to question their future in this country,” he said. “They institutionalised anti-Semitism in the once fiercely anti-racist Labour Party. Our motto is from the Torah: ‘Tzedek, tzedek, tirdof, Justice, justice, you shall pursue’. For five years, Campaign Against Antisemitism has pursued justice. “The EHRC’s damning report is based on years of evidence and argument from Campaign Against Antisemitism, which was the complainant in the EHRC’s investigation. (Sir Keir) Starmer suspended Mr Corbyn over his denial in response to
Marie van der Zyl
EHRC’s report and following a complaint from us against him and 32 other senior Labour figures, including 14 sitting MPs. “Sir Keir must now implement the EHRC’s recommendations and investigate the complaints that we have submitted. The early signs are promising, but we and our lawyers are closely tracking developments. Those who put British Jews in fear must be held to account, and the Labour Party must be reformed so that this can never happen again.” Shortly after the report was released, Falter said the EHRC’s report “utterly vindicates” Britain’s Jews. “The debate is over,” he noted. “Under Corbyn’s leadership, the party became institutionally anti-Semitic”. The Board, Jewish Leadership Council
and Community Security Trust issued a joint statement. “Corbyn will rightly be blamed for what he has done to Jews and Labour, but the truth is more disturbing, as he was little more than a figurehead for old and new anti-Jewish attitudes,” Ms van der Zyl, BoD, Jonathan Goldstein, JLC and Mark Gardner CST, noted. “All of this was enabled by those who deliberately turned a blind eye. “Now, the task of cleaning out the problem lies with the current leadership. We welcome the start that (Keir) Starmer has made, but the scale of the challenge that lies ahead should not be underestimated. “We will continue to give our support to all who work to drive racism out of our politics and out of our society.”
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Businesses and schools begin to reopen across Israel BY DAVID SAFFER Israeli businesses and schools have begun to reopen as coronavirus cases fall across the country. It’s early days but optimism is growing that a second spike is past its peak. Latest Health Ministry data reported 676 new cases, 372 patients in serious condition and 170 on ventilators. Fatalities are 2,592. Pupils in years 1-4 are back in classes following a six-week lockdown under strict rotas. Small businesses including “one-on-one” treatments at barbershops, nature reserves and national parks open to the public. Synagogues are open with a maximum of 10 people indoors and 20 outside. Weddings and other simchas are allowed under similar measures. Other businesses including street shops, remain shut despite the consternation of economy experts. Finance Minister Israel Katz called on the government to act. “It is time to make a decision and open street shops this Tuesday,” Katz noted on social media. “The need exists and is justified as infections also decline. The Health Ministry’s insistence is unnecessary, baseless and leads to anarchy and a lack of supervision, which will only increase infection. We must locate other sources of infection and enforce (regulations) there.” Craft and Industry Association CEO Ravit Gross welcomed the reopening of barbershops and salons but reportedly lamented the lockdown fatally damaged other businesses as they would not survive. “I am listening to the pain of the business owners,” he noted. “They are sitting at home trying to find a way, businesses will not survive another lockdown. We ask the state to keep small businesses open, they will not survive.” Ministers have voiced caution to follow regulations as the battle to keep the pandemic under control continues. To that end, MKs have increased fines for opening educational institutions breaching health regulations to NIS 10,000. The Coronavirus Cabinet wanted to double the figure but ultra-Orthodox MKs protested. United Torah Judaism party leaders Yaakov Litzman and Moshe Gafni warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu they would oppose the move in the Knesset. “We have informed the Prime Minister that we oppose the increase of fines, which are already high considering the lack of solutions for citizens and merchants,” Litzman and Gafni reportedly said in a statement. “If the proposal is tabled for Knesset’s approval, the faction members will vote against it in every possible forum, in the committees and in the Knesset plenum.” Clinical trials, meantime, have begun on a
Israel returning to normality
coronavirus vaccine developed at the Israel Institute for Biological Research at Chaim Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer. Israelis aged 18-55 are reportedly expected to participate in the first phase. Netanyahu thanked the IIBR team and vowed to continue support. “We will provide budgets, you will provide the regulation, what is necessary, not more, but we will advance this unique thing,” he said. “The main thing that needs to be understood (is) there are vaccines. We will obtain vaccines for the citizens of Israel, from local production and also from imports, but afterwards, I have already ordered that an enterprise for the permanent production of vaccines be established in the State of Israel.” He added, “This enterprise will not be on a for-profit basis, it will be a supported agency, so that we have this capability, just as we do with F-16 squadrons or any other thing that is essential for our national security. “Therefore, we will pass through another stage, not only in developing scientific capabilities but in developing industrial capabilities, so that Israel will have among the most advanced production capabilities in the world. “We are a great country in spirit and in
deed but we a small country. However, we have abilities in certain areas that only a handful of countries have, in cyber for example, and in other fields. We will have such a capability in the production of vaccines as well. With G-d’s help, we will do and we will succeed.” The institute, overseen by the Defence Ministry, began animal trials in March. Director General Shmuel Shapira said a third phase of trials would occur in a country with a high infection rate. Eighty volunteers will participate rising to 960 people next month. If successful, a third stage with 30,000 volunteers is scheduled for April/May. If all goes to plan, a vaccine could be available by the end of summer 2021. The Home Front Command is offering tests in shopping centres, high-tech companies, public organisations and large institutions to encourage more tests from citizens. This is seen as key to success in beating the deadly virus as there is concern at the number of Israelis not voluntarily being tested. Prof. Ran Balicer, founding director of Clalit Research Institute and a senior advisor to the coronavirus cabinet, warned the infection rate had stopped its nationwide decline on Tuesday. And a reason was down to the number of tests. “I think it is necessary to open a small
business, according to health guidelines of course, and the second very important thing is a differential policy in areas with high morbidity,” Prof. Balicer reportedly explained. “It is of course important to continue to follow the rules at all times, this includes social distancing, wearing masks and banning crowded events.” “The government must follow the phased exit out of lockdown restrictions decided upon, and not cut corners. No hard working citizen should have to choose between health and economics.” Politicians are discussing making tests mandatory for employees returning to work from unpaid leave. “One of the things that bothers us is that we do not know about covert infections due to a lack of testing,” Col. Ariel Blitz, Home Front Command Dan district commander, reportedly said. “We talk a lot with the authorities on how to encourage the public to get tested in an effort to cut the chain of infection. Only if we reach the population ourselves, we will locate the individuals who walk around with coronavirus and spread it without knowing it.” To this end, ‘coronavirus units’ will be in 37 different municipalities next week in northern, central and southern Israel. More towns will be added. Various military brigades will assist in the process.
We must keep on protecting each other.
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WJC condemns Vienna and Nice attacks BY LEAH WAXLER World Jewish Congress has called for justice in condemning terror attacks in Vienna and Paris. News on the Austria incident is still emerging but a manhunt is ongoing after an Islamic State “sympathiser” murdered four people and wounded 23 on Monday night. “Our thoughts are with the victims of the horrific attack in Vienna and with all Austrian citizens.” noted a statement. “Sadly, what we are witnessing has become all too common. “Over the past month, we’ve seen a disturbing rise in extremist Islamist violence on the streets of Europe. Moreover, it appears that a number of these recent deadly attacks have targeted places of worship. No one should live in fear as they practise their religion or live their daily lives.” A spokesman added, “The attack began outside of a synagogue. It is horrifying to think what might have been if the building wasn’t empty and locked.” WJC blasted last week’s attack near the Basilica of Notre-Dame de L’Assomption in Nice where an attacker stabbed three people to death. French officials believe the attack was inspired by radical Islamist ideology. The French antiterrorism prosecutor has opened an investigation. The assault follows the murder of French high school teacher Samuel Paty. WJC President Ronald S. Lauder noted, “This attack, targeting a place of worship, goes against all the values of liberté, égalité et fraternité that the French Republic represents. I express my sincere condolences to the families who lost their loved ones and to the Niçois Catholic community. WJC stands in solidarity with the people of France and the Representative Council of Jews of France (CRIF).” Lauder added, “As Jews, we unfortunately know only too well what it feels to be unsafe in our places of worship. All worshippers must be able to practise their religion freely without fearing for their lives in their houses of prayer.” In other news, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres is to receive WJC’s highest honour, the Theodor Herzl Award on Monday. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will pay tribute to Guterres. Established in 2012, the award recognises outstanding individuals who work to promote Herzl’s ideals through international support for Israel and enhanced understanding of Jewish history, culture, and peoplehood. Zubin Mehta, music director emeritus of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, will
The drama unfolds in Vienna earlier this week
Israeli and Sudanese representatives are set to discuss agriculture, technology, aviation, migration and trade. be presented with the WJC’s fifth Teddy Kollek Award for Advancement of Jewish Culture. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s award will be presented during a virtual gala. Elsewhere, WJC has welcomed Israel and Sudan normalising relations. Lauder noted the role played by US President Donald Trump and his administration in facilitating “another important step” toward a new Middle East. “Sudan has undergone a profound transformation over the past few years, from a haven for terrorists to a constructive member of the family of nations,” he reportedly commented. “This transformation is the result of the determination and fortitude of Sudanese citizens, who are now laying the groundwork for a future in which their country will enjoy the blessing of peace and prosperity.” Lauder added, “The forthcoming establishment of bilateral Sudanese-Israeli ties, following on the heels of Israel’s agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, is emblematic of shifting societal attitudes towards Israel and towards Jews in the region.” Lauder is hopeful more Arab and Muslim
governments will follow the Sudan’s lead shown and pursue peace. WJC’s president appreciated Sudan’s Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments Nasr Al-Din Mafrah embracing the former Jewish community of Sudan’s history. “WJC is ready to work with the Sudanese government to weave Jewish voices and experiences into Sudan’s already rich and diverse cultural tapestry,” he noted. In other WJC news, Lauder welcomed social media giant TikTok’s taking “concrete action” regarding the spread of anti-Semitism and other hateful ideologies on its platform. “Our younger generations are getting their knowledge and information from users on these platforms, and spend so much time on them, which further puts the onus on social media companies to protect their users from hate directed against them, and to ensure they are not being used to spread blatant misinformation,” he reportedly explained. “As TikTok mentioned in their announcement, eliminating hate from TikTok ‘is a tall mountain to climb.’ I’m not sure we will ever reach the peak, but we must not rest on our way
there. We look forward to learning more about these changes and to working with TikTok to ensure their proper implementation on the platform.” WJC has communicated with TikTok over anti-Semitic and Holocaust-mocking videos on its platform. WJC, meantime, has joined with House of Representatives members, the American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (AAJLJ) and Hadassah in a Supreme Court case involving property purchased by Nazi agents from German Jews in 1935. Descendants are seeking, under the 2016 Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act, restitution from the German government for the medieval art Guelph Treasure collection. Each case claims the sale constitutes part of the Nazi genocide of the Jewish people which falls within US jurisdiction and should not be dismissed under foreign sovereign immunities legislation. Reps. Jim Banks, Steve Chabot, Josh Gottheimer, Brian Fitzpatrick and Debbie Wasserman Schultz are part of a group of politicians arguing previous legislation grants Jewish families the right to sue contrary to the German government position. Orthodox organisations, including the National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs, National Council of Young Israel, Union of Orthodox Rabbis, Rabbinical Alliance of America and Rabbinical Council of America are concerned about the case.
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Global horror at Vienna terror attack BY BELLA WAXLER Global politicians and Jewish leaders have reacted with horror to Monday night’s terror attack in Vienna. Four people died and 23 others were wounded when a gunman attacked restaurants and bars next to a synagogue in the city centre. Jewish youngsters were advised not to attend school the following day as it was unclear if the synagogue was targeted. 20-year-old killer, Islamist terrorist Kujtim Fejzulai shot dead by police, was armed with an automatic weapon, pistol, machete and fake explosive belt. Fejzulai was jailed for 22 months in April 2019 after trying to travel to Syria to join ISIS. Freed eight months ago, Fejzulai held Austrian and Macedonian citizenship. It has emerged Austrian authorities were aware “suspects from Austria” attempted to buy ammunition in Slovakia in the summer. The incident follows recent knife attacks in Paris and Nice. Swiss police have arrested two people, 14 were detained in Austria linked to Fejzulai. Deadly attacks have taken place in Paris, London, Berlin, Nice and Brussels in recent years.
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz called on the European Union to realise how dangerous ‘political Islam’ is for freedom and a European way of life. “It is the hardest day for Austria in many years,” Interior Minister Karl Nehammer told a news conference. “Austria for more than 75 years has been a strong democracy, a mature democracy, a country whose identity is marked by values and basic rights, with freedom of expression, rule of law, but also tolerance in human coexistence.” President Emmanuel Macron of France, added, “This is our Europe. Our enemies must know with whom they are dealing. We will not retreat.” US President Donald Trump commented, “These evil attacks against innocent people must stop.” Democratic candidate Joe Biden condemned a “horrific terrorist attack,” adding, “We must all stand united against hate and violence.” Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, Conference of European Rabbis president noted his shock at the deadly attack. “This cowardly act of terror is an attack on all people in Europe, our values and way of life. We must no longer tolerate this terror,” he said. “The Islamist-motivated series of attacks in recent weeks shows us
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz
that we need a new religious policy in Europe that also includes the security aspect and enables European states to remove the breeding ground for this religious extremism both online and offline. It is important to know what is being preached in mosques and other places of worship over here, by whom they are financed, what foreign influences are promoting such terrible deeds and how social media
serves as a vehicle for this.” He added, “We need much more control and transparency. Religious leaders must be trained and certified here in Europe. They must show their loyalty to the laws that apply here. They must commit themselves to peace and tolerance and convey this to their communities in order to prevent religious fanaticism. The task now is to enable Europe to remove the breeding ground for this religious extremism.” The Wiesenthal Centre denounced the attack. “The Centre regards Vienna as the homebase of its mentor, Simon Wiesenthal, who was there targeted several times including a bombing,” stated Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations. “We stand in solidarity with the families of the civilian victims and police casualties, the Viennese Jewish community and current Austrian government as a true friend of Israel.” Police, security services and Government have raised the official national threat level to “severe” here in the UK within 24 hours. Board of Deputies President Marie van der Zyl reacted to the decision. “We will all need to be extra vigilant around schools, communal buildings and synagogues while they are still open”, she said.
SUNDAY 15TH NOVEMBER AT 2.30PM on We will always remember the sacrifice and dedication of our ex Servicemen and Women and this year due to the Covid pandemic the ceremony will take place in a poignant Remembrance Service online, rather than at The Cenotaph. Join us in Remembrance. AJEX SHABBAT 14th NOVEMBER
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Bibi blasts ‘political incitement’ on Rabin anniversary BY ADAM MOSES Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted ‘political incitement’ in a speech marking the 25th anniversary of the Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination at the Knesset. Memorial services were cut this year due to coronavirus. But at the Knesset event attended by top politicians, Netanyahu claimed there was “explicit incitement” in calls to assassinate his family. “As long as the social networks allow freedom of expression for those whose voices are silenced in the media, they make an important contribution to democracy,” he reportedly said. “But even on social networks, we must make sure not to cross red lines, there must be no incitement to murder and violence from any side.” Anti-government demonstrations coincided with the anniversary outside Netanyahu’s Jerusalem residence and Tel Aviv’s Municipality building. But commemorations to recall Rabin dominated. And in a poignant moment, 25,000 memorial candles were lit to commemorate the former Israeli leader in Tel Aviv. Participants sang songs before observing a moment of remembrance. Defence Minister Benny Gantz attended a state memorial service that took place at President Reuven Rivlin Residence in Jerusalem. Rivlin described the murder of Rabin as a “political assassination” during the ceremony. “The despicable assassin of the Prime Minister thought he had legitimacy to eliminate the existence of sharp and deep political disagreement,” noted Rabin. “I was on the opposite side of the political debate. Like me there were many others. And most of us, convinced to the bone of the righteousness of our way, could not imagine for a moment the horror scenario we would come to in this ideological struggle.” Elsewhere, Israel Defence Forces Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi sent a letter to soldiers, honouring Rabin. “Turmoil and the sense of grief reached every house in the country following the murder,” Kochavi said. Volunteers participated in a 25th anniversary project, “I remember, friend,” offering information to various age groups at Tel Aviv’s Municipal building. Rabin’s murder represents a “distant history for our youth”, Ron Huldai, Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yaffo reportedly said. “Some of them sadly do not even know who Rabin was, nor his ways, love for the Land of Israel, dedication to the Zionist idea and, of course, striving for peace. It is of great importance to tell the story that unfolded on November 4 (1995) to the younger generation.” Huldai added that there was no more appropriate location for lessons where an evil attacker (Yigal Amir) took the law “into his own hand, and influenced the course of
history”. “Thousands of people pass by the memorial every day, yet unfortunately, many do not even know what happened at the foot of the municipal building,” Eytan Schwartz, director of media and communications for the municipality reportedly said. “This is exactly what this project is doing, informing the public that does not know the story of the murder, the rift that it created within the population and the danger that it posed to Israeli democracy. “No less important, it emphasises the place of Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality and the square below as fortresses of democracy in Israel,” he added. Arthur Stark, William Daroff and Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organisations issued a statement to commemorate the anniversary of the “global statesman,
History’ saw the esteemed journalist interview Rabin’s bodyguard, his closest political adviser who was with him as he died and grand-daughter whose eulogy moved the world. All are unified in a belief that the killer, Jewish extremist Yigal Amir, achieved his aims, stopping peace between Israel and the Palestinians, making it the most successful assassination in history. Elsewhere, JW3 held an online event marking the 25th anniversary of the assassination. The ceremony focussed on Rabin’s assassination from different perspectives, through the eyes of the Israeli media, Israeli youth and UK Jewish community. The event was organised by the Tzofim (Israeli Scouts), the Israeli House and Jewish Agency Shinshinim. Genesis Philanthropy Group sponsored the event.
Jewish Legacy ‘will’ initiative Legacy Awareness Month and Jewish Legacy is working with a panel of solicitors offering to draft free wills to the Jewish community this month. Jewish Legacy has a strong online presence and is working with Jewish bakeries, restaurants, synagogues and newspapers to spread the message. Legacy income is the biggest source of unrestricted funds for the Jewish community. Only one in four members of the community leave a charitable legacy. Jewish Legacy works with over 40 Jewish charities promoting wills for the benefit of the Jewish community. Details:
Trudeau condemns “hateful” act Ottawa Police are seeking a man who carved “an anti-Semitic symbol” onto the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial. Canadian premier Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has condemned the “hateful act” as “completely unacceptable” and called on any witnesses to contact police. Canada’s Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan described the desecration as “despicable”. “The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier represents the gallantry and the sacrifices of all those who fought for our freedom,” he added. Police have issued a description of the suspect. The graffiti was removed within 24 hours.
The Rabin Memorial, Rabin Square in Tel Aviv
soldier for Israel and Nobel laureate”. “As the first native-born Israeli prime minister of the Jewish State, Rabin was a transitional figure who dedicated his life to the establishment of the State of Israel and the cause of Zionism, they noted. “A quarter century after his life was tragically cut short, in death he has become a symbol of the hope for true and lasting peace in the Middle East. He would surely be encouraged by the immense progress made in recent months toward peace and reconciliation between Israel and her former foes. “As Prime Minister Rabin said at the White House after signing the first Oslo Accords, ‘Let us pray that a day will come when we all will say: Farewell to the arms.’ May we see his fervent prayers answered in our time.” In the UK, esteemed journalist Jonathan Freedland marked the anniversary with a special programme on BBC Radio 4 this week. ‘The Most Successful Assassination in
Born in Jerusalem in 1922, Rabin fought during Israel’s War of Independence and commanded the Israeli military during the 1967 war. Twice serving as Prime Minister, he signed a peace agreement with Jordan and the Oslo Accords with the Palestinian Authority. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for his efforts in the Israel-Palestinian peace deal, Rabin shared the accolade with PLO leader Yassir Arafat and Shimon Perez, then Israel’s Foreign Affairs Minister. By 1995, Rabin was preparing to handover territory in the West Bank and Gaza. On November 4, Rabin addressed a peace rally at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv in support of the Oslo Accords, joining in with the crowd as they sang Shir l’Shalom. As he left the stage, Amir fired two bullets into his back. The Kings of Israel Square was renamed Rabin Square after his death. World leaders attended his state funeral at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Rabin was replaced within months by Netanyahu.
PA to pay NIS 13m to family of suicide bombing The Palestinian Authority must pay NIS 13m compensation to the family of Tzipi and Gadi Shemesh murdered in a suicide bombing in Jerusalem in 2002. Muhammad Hashika detonated his explosive belt on King George Street. The explosion killed Tzipi and wounded Gadi who died later in the day. Yitzhak Cohen from Modiin was also killed in the terror attack. Eighty people were wounded. The Shemesh family filed a lawsuit against the PA and PLO in 2004, claiming the attackers were Palestinian terrorist organisations members. PA’s policy allowed the killing of Israeli civilians. PA’s assertions that the family’s claims raised historical questions not relevant in court were dismissed by Jerusalem’s District Court. Hashika was arrested by the PA but released to carry out the attack. Materials came from the office of the PA’s head of General Intelligence Service Tawfiq Tirawi. Fatah official Hussein a-Sheikh was guilty of complicity in the attack.
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Community vigilance following the Vienna and Paris tragedies BY MARK GARDNER On Monday night, the reasons for my work at CST (Community Security Trust) became very sadly obvious. Yet again, news was breaking that Jews had been attacked by terrorists, this time in Vienna. I am writing this article 36 hours after the attack. We still have not been officially told if the attack was against the shul. Nothing is clear. Sadly, what happened on Monday night was not new for me. I have been in this situation before. I think we all have. You hear the first bits of information and try to work out rumour from fact, speculation from truth. In my work as Chief Executive at CST, I am charged with the responsibility of protecting British Jews. So, when news broke of gunshots and explosions at one of Vienna’s main synagogues, my heart sank as our CST team moved immediately into action. Our researchers began trying to sort out
the facts from the rumours, but also had to see what our enemies were saying and doing. To be blunt, if our enemies believed it to be an attack against Jews, then that is the only thing that really matters: because it excites them and motivates them to copy what they think has happened. Our security team began contacting volunteers, police, commercial security guarding companies and Jewish communal locations, urging that security be properly implemented and asking what help was needed to make that happen. We organised and started patrols above and beyond our usual security work (which is anyway very extensive even in more normal times). Then, late on Tuesday afternoon, the Police, security services and Government raised the official national threat level to “severe”. This is very important and means that they consider a terror attack to be highly likely. Of course, CST will be doing everything we can to support our Jewish communities at this time: that is our role in facilitating and protecting Jewish life. We are proud to
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do it and ask for your cooperation. What happened in Vienna comes after very recent terrorism in France and coincides with Covid-19 lockdowns. There has been a sudden and very serious rise in tension and rhetoric from both Jihadis and from the far Right. It takes very little for such behaviour to become a spiral of violence, that may happen in any place and can move from one target to another. This, more than any other reason, is probably why the official threat level was raised. The attacks in Vienna began around 8pm, with restaurants and bars
To be blunt, if our enemies believed it to be an attack against Jews, then that is the only thing that really matters.
immediately next to the synagogue being attacked. The synagogue was closed for the night and reports state that a police officer was shot outside it. At the very least, the attack was at the synagogue and in an area associated with Jews. Whether the attack was primarily upon the synagogue remains to be seen, but this should not cloud CST’s response, nor that of our community. As I have said above, the synagogue has featured extensively in media coverage of the attacks, so this is what will stick in the minds of antisemites and potential future terrorists. This simple fact, more than anything else, explains why CST and our Jewish community need to respond very seriously to what has happened in Vienna. Our focus is only ever on protecting our Jewish communities from antisemitism and terrorism. This mission continues, despite the complications caused by Covid-19 and associated lockdown restrictions. Mark Gardner is Chief Executive of CST
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THANK YOU JACQUELINE CURZON Dear Editor, First of all thank you for your very interesting weekly publication. The articles both secular and religious make for very good reading. However my main reason for writing to you is to express my gratitude to Jacqueline Curzon for her weekly article From The Front Line... As a gentleman in his mid sixties, who is living with a diagnosis these past months of incurable cancer, I find her article very inspirational, Although I have spiritual and medical help from many sources, coupled with the love of my family and friends, Jacqueline provides me with faith ,hope and I journey along the path of never ending consultations, treatment and scans in order to carry on living with this terrible disease which has turned my life and circumstances upside down. Jacqueline I pray to Hashem everyday for you to have a refua shlema and be granted many more years with your family . Best Wishes.
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Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox primary school year 6 pupils are now selling Poppies at break time in the school playground
CEL WIT EBRA TIN NORH G WO OD With you at Norwood’s side, together we can achieve so much more. Avraham Hassan, Adina Fulda and Talya Ariel with the Poppies
Gibraltarian Jewish soldiers recorded on digital record Two officers of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment have been working with online portal, We Were There Too, which records and commemorates members of the Jewish Community throughout the war years, 1914-1918. Honorary Colonel of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment, Colonel Francis Brancato, provided the historical information for the digital archive, which was then edited by Colonel Martin Newman, Colonel of The Gibraltar Cadet Force. The digital platform, supported by the National Heritage Fund, was launched originally in London in 2016 but was expanded two years later to cover the North West of England. The project manager is Manchester based Rodney Ross. He explained: “We Were There Too will ensure that all stories of Jews from the regions we are covering, who served the country in disproportionately high numbers, are enshrined in history for future generations. “As Gibraltar has so many connections with Manchester, through the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish Community and links with Bevis Marks Synagogue in London, we wanted to include the extraordinary contribution made by Gibraltarian Jews in our archive.” The project relies on volunteers, individuals and groups from schools and informal educational organisations who work alongside a professional team to collect and record the material housed on the site. These volunteers are provided with training in research and handling historical material and the appropriate technology. The project is also supported by a range of religious and secular Jewish
organisations and has drawn the interest of military historians throughout the UK. Rodney Ross said: “We know many more Gibraltarians served either with The Gibraltar Volunteer Corps or British Units and we would welcome any information that families can provide so we can record their history on our platform. As the site continually develops by stealth and research we are looking for more information about Jews who served. It has been an attractive project for many school and youth groups.” Colonel Newman, who is also a vice president of AJEX The Jewish Military Association UK has been involved with WWTT since the start. He concluded: “We Were There Too is about remembrance and education. With increasing incidents of anti-Semitism in the UK WWTT demonstrates the contribution by British Jewry in defence of and loyalty to our country. Gibraltar has a great story to tell and we are grateful to Colonel Francis who is presently documenting the history of Gibraltarians at war.” In keeping with Jewish tradition, the platform will allow visitors to permanently memorialise their family members who served so their passing can be commemorated annually. Colonel Newman said: “As we approach a Remembrance Day with a difference and local services being cancelled because of the pandemic, it is more important than ever to help to promote the message of Remembrance for all those, including a disproportionate number from our community, who fell fighting for this country. We must not forget them.”
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JEWEL has its busiest few months to date The Jewel Foundation has seen a huge increase in the demand for its services over the last few months. Jewel’s employment, training and business support service has embarked on a range of projects to support the Manchester Kehilla and beyond through these challenging times. Although their centre is closed to the public all Jewel services have continued remotely. Through partnerships with local colleges they have been able to offer online courses in varied topics such as Microsoft Office at 3 levels (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced), Accounting for Business delivered through Sage University, and Adult Social Care. To date 115 people have enrolled in these courses. Jewel’s “Get Digital” project funded through the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by the National Lottery Community Fund, has enabled people with no digital skills to access these online courses and also connect with family and friends through filtered and managed devices. In addition, Jewel are starting a range of “routes into employment” workshops with large employers such as NHS, Greater
Manchester Police and Metrolink. These workshops will be an opportunity for people to hear about how they can access these opportunities and gain the necessary skills and qualifications alongside their employment. Interest in these workshops has been huge with participants registered from across the UK. Jewel have also partnered with Salford Council and the DWP to ensure residents aged 18 – 24 who are unemployed can enrol on the Government’s Kickstart programme and have a wide range of employers willing to offer a 6-month job placement. These projects complement the existing activities of JEWEL, mainly careers advice, skills assessments, job placements and a range of workshops such as CV writing, interview techniques and job searching. Plans for the coming month include advancing the business support that Jewel offers to both existing businesses and startups to ensure they have a robust business plan to see them through the challenges of Covid19. For further information about Jewel’s services please call 0161 798 2123 or email office@
Joe Flacks, 85, Greater Manchester and District Chairman of AJEX, was asked by Bury Council to place a wreath at the Prestwich Cenotaph on Saturday. Mr Flacks explained that as it was the Jewish Sabbath he couldn’t lay the wreath, so Bury Council brought the wreath laying ceremony forward to Friday lunchtime. Mr Flacks is a long time member of the Holy Law Shul, Prestwich.
Carl Goldberg, Joe Flacks and Cllr Richard Gold at the Prestwich Cenotaph
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JW3 holds ‘Black Mitzvah Party’
JW3 to end Black History Month with a ‘Black Mitzvah Party’
JW3 has concluded Black History Month with a ‘Black Mitzvah Party’. The Black Jewish identity online event hosted by Lara Monroe gave a platform to prominent Black Jewish voices in the British and international Jewish community. Each contributor responded to the question, “If you could give your Bar or Bat Mitzvah speech today, what would you say?”. Audience members joined an exploration of what it meant to ‘come of age’ as a Black Jewish person today in JW3’s socially distanced theatre with viewers watching remotely via livestream. Contributors included rapper Nissim Black from Jerusalem, songwriter Autumn Rowe in Los Angeles and Yiddish singer Anthony Russell in Oregon. Rebekah Murrell and academic C. Gerod Harris were live at JW3. “JW3’s Black Mitzvah Party is only the
beginning of our collective work to highlight the diverse Black voices in our community,” noted Deborah Vogt, JW3 Performance Programmer. “It was an honour to share our space with such an incredible group of Black Jewish artists. “JW3 will continue to provide a platform for diverse Black voices in any way we can.” JW3 took the lead in communal conversation. Online panel, ‘Black Lives Matter Everywhere’, has been viewed by over 10,000 people. Speaking ahead of the event, JW3’s Director of Programming Rachel Grunwald said, “The Black Lives Matter movement challenged us all to ask what solidarity meant to the UK Jewish community. “Our work in education and our commitment to represent the full diversity of our community continues long beyond Black History Month.”
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GIFT goes green! GIFT’s newest initiative ‘Go Green’ saw volunteers this week taking care of the environment around them. GIFT’s litter-picking project encourages families not only to clean up their local areas, but also teaching the younger generation an important message about how they treat the world. On Sunday, the group of GIFT volunteers started in local parks and branched off to pick litter in surrounding streets. Many cars passing sounded their horns and voiced appreciation to the young volunteers. Despite the rain, everyone had a great time and In the spirit of friendly competition, a prize was awarded to those who collected the most litter. Shoshana, 12 from Hasmonean Girls’ School said ‘I knew I’d be doing something good but had no idea how much fun it would end up being....I will definitely think twice before I throw an empty crisp packet or drink can on the street now’. GIFT’s Shira Joseph, who spearheaded the initiative, said “This project is such a great way to give back to the community. All the equipment provided by Barnet Council means we can carry out this volunteering opportunity in a safe and effective way. We hope to continue this project with individual households during lockdown.” For more information or to volunteer your time contact
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Mitzvah Day, the UK’s biggest faith-based day of social action, is planning for an entire ‘Month of Mitzvahs’ throughout November in order to focus on two major crises in society – food poverty and loneliness. With both crises already exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, the imminent lockdown across England meant that the usual Mitzvah Day activities – set for Sunday 15 November – just wouldn’t be enough. The planned month continues the #EveryMitzvahMatters interfaith volunteering scheme that Mitzvah Day launched during the last lockdown in order to highlight how even the smallest every day acts of kindness can be transformative for both the receiver and the giver, especially during these exceptional times. Mitzvah Day chair Laura Marks said: “Whilst we normally look forward to the activities and excitement of Mitzvah Day, this year we realised we need to do more. With food poverty and loneliness hitting record levels in our pandemic and pain-stricken world, not only does Every Mitzvah Matter – it’s vital. “I’m overwhelmed by how many acts of kindness are taking place to address these crises and am excited to highlight the generous, thoughtful and targeted volunteering projects, across faiths and backgrounds, taking place during this month of lockdown, all real Mitzvahs.” More than 250 faith communities, organisations and businesses are expected to take part in the Month of Mitzvahs, along with 40 schools/nurseries and potentially thousands of individuals and family groups. Many will be collecting for their local foodbanks. During the last lockdown the demands on foodbanks increased exponentially and they are sure to do so again this time, especially in the lead up to Christmas. That’s why Mitzvah Day volunteers across the country will be getting in touch with their local foodbank, finding out what they need and then collecting it – often inviting the whole street or community to get involved. Another popular project will be checking
in on isolated neighbours, family members or care home residents – whether making Zoom calls, writing cards, recording videos or shopping for groceries and picking up prescriptions for those who have to shield. All activities will strictly follow current Government guidelines. Mitzvah Day is working alongside the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government to compile a list of what is and isn’t possible under the guidelines. Projects that have taken place already include all the households in a road in Hillingdon collecting for the Hillingdon Crisis Support foodbank and Newcastle United Hebrew Congregation making parcels and ‘pamper packs’ for the Newcastle West End Foodbank. Meanwhile Jews, Christians and Muslims in Borehamwood are preparing an online event to welcome the new mosque on Maxwell Road, which will include donating items to Gratitude – a charity that fights hunger and food waste by redistributing food that can’t be sold in shops because of packaging errors or overproduction. Mitzvah Day chief executive Georgina Bye said: “We have seen throughout this Covid-19 pandemic how faith communities and individuals from all backgrounds have come together to support local needs. As we enter into further restrictions, we invite everyone to fill lockdown with kindness. “Small acts of kindness – like checking on isolated neighbours and supporting our local foodbanks – can make a real difference and ensure that physical and emotional wellbeing are both at the forefront. “We have a responsibility to care for the most vulnerable in our society and now more than ever we can all make sure that #EveryMitzvahMatters as we fill this month of lockdown with Mitzvahs.” Anyone wishing to take part in the Month of Mitzvahs, should contact info@mitzvahday. or follow Mitzvah Day on Twitter, Facebook and now Instagram.
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NURSERY ADMISSIONS 2021 Bnos Beis Yaakov Primary School invites prospective parents of children entering Nursery in September 2021 (for girls born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018) to visit our school and meet the Headteacher. Come and experience our renowned warm and friendly atmosphere, meet our dedicated staff and watch our pupils as they learn with enthusiasm. For security purposes, and to ensure compliance with our Covid-19 arrangements, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment. To request an application form please email Headteacher: Rabbi N Lieberman MA
Head of Chol: Mrs G Aronovitz Deputy Head of Kodesh: Mrs J Kirsch
Vaad Hachinuch: Dayan C Ehrentreu שליט"א, Dayan S Simons שליט"א
Honorary Life President: Mr E Perl MBE
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From the front line… BY JACQUELINE CURZON Many years ago I watched a comedy film called Groundhog Day, where the lead character wakes up every morning, not just with a sense of deja vu, but is compelled to re-run his day like all the ones before. It is a Faustian nightmare he is unable to escape, and we as a country, are now stepping into our Groundhog Lockdown, where we've done this once before, and despite best assurances we would avoid it, the scientists have persuaded the PM to lock us up for at least another 4 weeks. It's time to say, Goodbye, Economy! I was so relieved when my daughter was finally able to return to gymJacqueline Curzon nastics after a seven month break, and now she’s had three sessions, PHOTO: LARA MINSKY PHOTOGRAPHY they’re shutting up shop, again. Her twin had only just returned to the rigorous Russian ballet, and that too, seems over. Our schools were given a promise they would stay open, and the NEU is now demanding schools close for the month to protect their members. As if that wasn't bad enough they are also working on a generous {or mean} assesschamping for a 'week-on, week-off' ment made by teachers, halfway through structure from lockdown end until a vaccine is rolled out. Do the union jackals not the year? Some children will consistently underperform throughout the year, but realise the havoc this would wreak on our rise to the challenge in exams, and some working society? If we took the same tack will do beautifully in their written assessin hospitals - closed them for a month, or ments and then perhaps struggle under staff worked only alternative weeks, we exam pressure. So, the reality is that both would see dead bodies lining the streets. the mocks and public exams are vital, and Essential occupations - as in wartime for the Education Department to even have to continue, and our children have already been penalised excessively, which consider embargoing formal exams two is unforgivable, and must not be repeated. years running, would be a disaster. On a cheerier note now, aspiring lawyers will Bojo needs to stand up to those pesky no longer be compelled to do a law degree unions, like his predecessor Maggie, and or conversion course to become fully simply grow a handbag. qualified, thanks to a change in legal reOfqual, the exam regulator, has been form which will allow students straight out warned that should we allow the same of college to complete a law apprenticehigh proportion of pupils to be given top ship. The Solicitors Qualifying Exam has grades next year, it risks ’baking in’ grade worked for several years to remove this inflation. A source at the watchdog said prerequisite, which will facilitate ‘earning ‘the one thing we want to avoid if posand learning’ straight away. sible, is that everyone must have prizes’ I’m hoping over in the medical wing, approach, which we saw this summer. I that us cancer patients won’t be let down know in days of old, in children’s races at for a second time. Professor Martin school there was always a winner, usually Marshall, chairman of the Royal College of hard-fought and oft contested by comGPs, said 'family doctors were now dealing petitive parents. But over my 20 years as a parent I’ve noticed us go from one winner, with a 30% rise in specialist referrals after to extra prizes for the 'second winner,' and government messaging drove everyone away during the first wave of the pandemthe 'third winner,' and we then gravitated to EVERYONE getting a medal for running: ic.' He added his colleagues were increasingly likely to encounter patients with subtext - winning becomes meaningless cancer, and warned of the risk of virtual if there is no hierarchy, which is a totally consultations, after face-to-face appointfalse premise for our children to take into ments fell to just over 10% at the start of real life. Back to exams though…. Gavin the pandemic. ‘Protect the NHS,’ he says, Williamson insisted initially that end-ofyear exams would go ahead, although only was (retrospectively) a very unhelpful message. Hands, Face and Space may be a few days later he was hinting it was possible that GCSEs and A-levels might still be the current mantra, {which reminds me of the music hall song Hands, Knees and cancelled. I have to ask yet again why it’s Bumps-a-daisy (1936)}, but unrelenting impossible to adequately space children social restrictions will have wide reaching out in an exam hall and allow them to consequences. In a pioneering piece of complete their formal exams, rather than
medical news this week, Jan Ritson (71), had an eight inch section of her shin bone removed, taken for radiotherapy at a different hospital and then re-inserted before she woke up from surgery. The procedure - carried out in Scotland - was the first of its kind, and surgeons said without this radical procedure they would have had to amputate her leg to treat the sarcoma. Mrs Ritson said it was like ‘something out of science fiction,’ watching it later on playback. Her surgery was led by Ashish Mahendra, consultant orthopaedic surgeon at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, who had used the technique before. Nipping over to the USA for a minute, we must hold our breath for another day or so, to see how the 'hottest presidential contest' in a generation pans out. Both sides are claiming victory, but one individual is ultimately going home with his OAP bus pass to sit and commiserate by the fire. More on this next week. Elsewhere in the UK political canvas, I note the Scots intrinsic dislike of Boris Johnson is reportedly fuelling their demand for another referendum. I believe Nicola Sturgeon is using the 'R' question to mask her own failures, by dragging Scotland into a referendum based - essentially - on an ‘outside’ issue, i.e. about Boris Johnson who they can mutually lambast, rather than pausing for self reflection or public scrutiny of her questionable performance as First Minister. A survey conducted last month by JL Partners found 56% of Scottish voters support separation, and stated the most persuasive argument for independence was that ‘Boris Johnson is not the leader I want to have for my country.’ Boo-hoo! I’m sure there are many in Westminster who think they might have made a better PM, but heck, we live in a democracy and that’s the way the cookie crumbled. Additional factors for the independence vote included Brexit and the UK Government’s handling of the pandemic. The most persuasive argument FOR staying in the UK amongst the swing voters was ‘that an independent Scotland is a step into the unknown.’ You betcha!! Nicola would rather run with the devil she doesn’t know, as long as she maintains her p(a)lace at Holyrood. A UK Government spokesman said ‘we’ve always been clear. Scotland had a once-in-a-generation independence referendum in 2014, and they voted to remain in the UK.’ In my book Ms Sturgeon is the bad congregant who, if she doesn’t get the answer she wants from her rabbi, will just keep asking another and another, till she gets the answer she is looking for. Thus, I believe they are heading into further unemployment, and an economic abyss which, combined with their miserable weather, will make for a real winter of discontent. Down in London, a Romanian couple
Sean Connery was not only a consummate actor, but also our greatest Scottish export.
managed to switch a £67,000 Royal Offshore Oak gold watch for a fake, in a daring robbery at Harrods in September. The switch was discovered quickly and they were timeously intercepted at Dover. Who would need such an impressive and valuable timepiece, one has to ask, unless you are a king, queen, or at least On Her Majesty's Secret Service? Which brings me to nicely round off this week; it would be disrespectful not to mention the passing of an absolute legend - Sir Sean Connery, who has died aged 90. For a man who left school at 14, the son of a lorry driver and a cleaner, to be then knighted by the Queen (2000), shows how far he had travelled through a galaxy of stardom, ultimately shooting to meteoric fame after being cast as the sophisticated James Bond. His rather inauspicious film debut was actually in Lilacs in the Spring (1954), after which he was cast as an unknown - and unlikely - James Bond in Dr No (1962). His Bond starting salary of £15,000 reflected his non-star persona, but he weaved his raw charisma and magic, showing as he developed his magnificent acting style over 5 movies as the ultimate spy hero. These films included From Russia with Love (1963), Goldfinger (1964), Thunderball (1965), with him finally starring in You Only Live Twice (1967), at which point he felt he had been stereotyped enough and moved on. He accepted an invitation to resume his Bond persona in Diamonds Are Forever (1971) for ‘old times sake,’ and for a dazzling $1.25 million fee. Successive and intermediate Bonds proved much less popular, until Roger Moore took over the role in the 1970s, although in an error of judgement, Connery drifted back into spy mode one final time in Never Say Never Again (1983), after which he then said, ‘never again!’ Following his Bond journey, he appeared with an all-star cast in Murder on the Orient Express (1974), A Bridge Too Far (1977), and co-starred with Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989). My favourite film though was with Alec Baldwin in The Hunt for Red October (1990), a top-drawer thriller where Connery played a renegade Soviet submarine commander. As I have always enjoyed all things Russian, I am considering including Murmansk [the Soviet peninsula on the edge of Barents Sea] on my travel itinerary, if it’s not too remote to reach in winter. Stay tuned for updates on the Siberian winter wonderland I’m hoping to visit. Brrrrrilliant! Mr Connery, you’ve shaken and stirred our imaginations for 60 years, and were a Premium Bond. You will be remembered forever. Love Jacqueline x To follow Jacqueline’s journey blog {Yocheved bas Sara} please go to
THE ISRAEL PROPERTY BUYERS GUIDE Welcome to the guide to buying a property in Israel. We passionately think that buying a home in Israel is exciting, fulfilling, and perhaps Zionistic adventure. We’re here to help. By Nathan Perez, Head of Israel Desk at For more information on buying a property in Israel check out our free in-depth guide
The Legal Angle
The Mortgage
There are many nuggets in this category, as legal representation for property purchase is absolutely key in Israel. There is no “standard” transaction and having someone experienced in your corner batting for your interests is extremely valuable. The local market is culturally, and structurally unique, and we find that time and again foreign clients need to adjust their mindset and expectations to optimize their acquisition in Israel. Having the right legal advice is the best catalyst for a successful acquisition.
The most common mistake foreign clients usually make is to compare the real estate and mortgage industry between their home country and Israel. There are similarities but also huge differences. For example, a mortgage refusal in Israel is usually not considered as a reason to cancel a real estate deal.
The Basics: Counting Rooms Understanding Exchange Rates The three major types of transactions: Unfortunately there have been cases where clients have flown in to see a pre-prepared list of properties, only to discover that in Israel the living room is also counted as a room, and hence what they thought were a list of 4 bedroom properties, was actually a list of 3 bedroom (plus living room) properties. Also, “finished to a very high level” often means something different in Israel than in New York, London or Amsterdam. The standards and norms of where the customer is coming from will play a huge part in preparing a list of suitable properties.
MAY 2020
JUN 2020
JUL 2020
LOW – 4.1809
£500,000 2,090,450
HIGH – 4.4134
£500,000 2,206,700
Think about this for a moment. A mere 4% shift in the currency exchange rates on a £500,000 property can at best, make the difference in the choice of furniture, and at worst, mean your dream home is no longer within budget. From key macro-driven interest rate decisions to political earthquakes like Donald Trump and Brexit, keeping abreast of market movements is essential. We help you navigate and budget every step of the way and ensure that the market fluctuations don’t get in the way of a once in a lifetime adventure. Locking in a rate today can give you peace of mind when purchasing your dream home in Israel. Take the example of the Morris family who is buying a house in Netanya and are required to make their final balance transfer in a month and a half. The current GBPILS exchange rate is attractive, within budget and the family decides they are eager to guarantee the Sterling cost of their property abroad. Non-Bank Foreign Exchange specialists will allow you to fix the GBP to ILS exchange rate now, giving you the comfort of knowing the exact cost of your property, regardless of what happens with fluctuations in the exchange rate. Forward contracts are the perfect method of budgeting and staying in control.
1. An existing property The agreement will be with the current owner. The terms of payment are to be negotiated. A common transaction would be one where there are 3 – 4 equal payments from signature to completion.
2. New property under construction The agreement will be with the developer. Payments terms will be spread over the construction phase. The down payment could be up to 25% with 10% left for hand over and the balance of 65% payable in equal quarterly payments throughout the process of construction.
3. Rights to erect a new property in a “Purchasers’ Group” Namely a number of parties who cooperate together to buy and develop a property, and then contracting themselves, as a group, with third parties to construct the development. The group will usually pay for the purchase of the land upfront, construction costs will be paid over the building phase in accordance with terms agreed by the group members in a cooperation agreement between them.
A range of currency options First and foremost recognize that the mortgage options are larger and more complex in Israel than in the rest of the world. Foreign buyers are able to take advantage of a range of mortgages in different currencies, including Israeli Shekel, Euro, US Dollar, and British Pound.
Mortgage provider options Prices between different lending banks very much depend on the clientele they target. It will usually vary according to the client profile and lender’s risk appetite. Be aware interest rates are currently higher in Israel than in Europe or North America for different reasons such as the cost of funds to the banks, the level of competition in the mortgage market and finally the disequilibrium between supply and demand of real estate and mortgages.
Factor In Total Costs Be aware of the additional expenses for a real estate purchase, including amongst others: Legal fees, Bank Arrangement Fees, Surveyor, Title registration, Purchase Taxes, Estate Agent, etc. Depending on your status, a good rule of thumb is to expect additional unanticipated costs of 10-15% of the purchase price. To conclude, never stretch yourself to the limit based on the purchase price alone, given all the additional payments that need to be made.
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Creamy Celeriac Soup with Hazelnut Topping Another delicious recipe from Denise Phillips For more recipes and inspiration visit my website:
This is a delicious vegetable soup with a nutty topping. It is a filling winter warmer – perfect for our colder dark evenings. Celeriac is a knobbly celery flavoured root vegetable that is available from September to late April. It does oxidize quickly so if you are using it as a salad do seal with lemon juice or vinegar. Celeriac is high in fibre and a good source of vitamins B6, C and K. It also contains important minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time 40 minutes Serves: 6 to 8 Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 500g celeriac – peeled and roughly chopped 2 white onions – peeled and roughly chopped 2 leeks – trimmed and roughly chopped 100g blanched hazelnuts 1 litre vegetable stock 200ml hazelnut milk or coconut milk or regular milk Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper For Hazelnut & Sage Topping 75g blanched toasted hazelnuts 3 tablespoons fresh sage – leaves only – finely chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil
Method 1) Heat the olive oil in a deep saucepan. Add the celeriac, onions, leeks and hazelnuts. Sauté for about 10 minutes. 2) Add the stock, hazelnut milk or coconut milk, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes. 3) For the topping, toast the hazelnuts by placing on an oven tray. Roast for 10 minutes or until golden at 200C. Remove and set aside. 4) Finely chop the hazelnuts, add the sage and mix with the olive oil. Season and set aside. 5) Liquidise the soup or use a stick blender to puree. Return the soup to the saucepan and reheat. To serve: Ladle the soup into warmed bowls and complete with a drizzle of hazelnut topping.
Superior Soups BY DENISE PHILLIPS Now the weather has turned autumnal, a bowl of hot soup is comforting, healthy and an easy option to add extra nutrition and fibre especially if you are not feeling too well. In my opinion you can never have too many soup recipes, but what I would like to share are ways to elevate their appearance and make them look more impressive. The basic rule of garnishes is to keep it simple, keep it fresh and keep it relevant. So, for example if your soup is a black bean chilli soup, appropriate toppings would include chopped avocado, crispy tortilla chips, whole black beans and finely chopped chilli. It’s all about colour, texture and reinforcing the cuisine or existing flavours so that it looks and tastes connected. Enhance and enrich your favourite soup with some of the following ideas. • Fresh raw vegetables and herb toppings include parsley, basil, dill, spring onions, finely
chopped chilli, diced avocado, chopped peppers, finely chopped cucumber, spiralized courgettes, carrots or olives work well. • Cooked vegetables such as caramelized onions, roasted peppers, potato wedges, potato chips, crispy Brussel sprouts, butternut squash/ pumpkin cubes • Flavoured oils – a drizzle of truffle oil is amazing on sweet potato and butternut squash soup. Other flavoured oils like basil and chilli oil are excellent choices too. • Pesto options – sundried tomato, olive tapenade and classic basil pesto are delicious add ons • Chopped egg, chopped nuts
(roasted pecans, hazelnuts, pine nuts, whole or slivered almonds) • Dairy additions – grated cheese of all types (blue cheese, parmesan, cheddar, feta), sour cream, crème fraiche • Fruits – pomegranates, chopped pear or baked apple rings, dried roasted coconut work beautifully. • Roasted chickpeas, bread sticks, pita bread chips, oven roasted edamame, bagel chips, tomato crostini, fried tofu work too • Seeds and spices to include pumpkin seeds, toasted sesame seeds, paprika, chilli flakes, crushed roasted coriander / cumin seeds or use a dukka mix. • Toasted seaweed/ nori, tortilla chips, croutons or chopped mini meatballs, chopped kabanas (smoked cooked sausage) The right topping can make a humble soup a main course. My recipe for a spaghetti supper
soup is a good example of this ( see And don’t underestimate how a squeeze of lemon or lime or a good sprinkling of salt or a flavoured pepper can take your soup to a different level. These are just a few of so many options. The days of a ‘naked soup’ I feel are over!
On line cookery classes: A fun & interactive way to celebrate with work colleagues or clients Always a great culinary success An opportunity to connect with everyone online regardless of their food experience. A way of encouraging departments to mix in a foodie competitive way.
Ready, Steady, Cook Bespoke events, all dietary requirements Call Denise on 01923 826180 or
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Looking for answers? Send your question to TO SAY OR NOT TO SAY
Dear Rabbi Can I ask about the sentence in the Aleinu prayer which I never saw or heard in prayers years ago but have heard it being said in some shuls more recently? The one about the other nations “bowing to vanity and emptiness and praying to a god who does not help.” It is not printed in some prayer books, in others it is in brackets and in others it is printed as a regular part of the prayer. It doesn’t seem to be the right thing to say at all, but I wondered why there is the variation in practice and your opinion on what should be done? Shelley Dear Shelley The Aleinu prayer is one of the oldest prayers which we recite at the end of every service. According to the earliest codifiers this was compiled by Joshua when he conquered Jericho (Rav Hai Gaon, Teshuvas HaGeonim 44). It was adopted by the Men of the Great Assembly who structured our prayers, to be incorporated into the Rosh Hashanah service, as we indeed recite it during the Musaf – and bow in the middle of it during the repetition. At a later stage it become incorporated into the daily prayer service. The reason we end with this prayer, according to Halacha, is “in order to strengthen our resolve and faith in G-d and not to fall prey to idolatry.” The point being, as we end our prayers and are about to step out of Synagogue into the world, there are any number of temptations and allures which are anathema to Jewish mores and values. To
that end, the words in the prayer, which everyone says are: “that He did not make us like the nations of the world and did not emplace us like the families of the earth…” The original follow on from those words were, “for they bow to vanity and emptiness…” which is actually taken from Isaiah (45:20). That addendum which you don’t think is the right thing to say, is no more “offensive” as you might perceive it then the preceding lines which everyone says. It has to be seen and understood in context of the bigger picture. As we are about to step out of the holy ambience of the prayer service and into a world that worships vanity and emptiness, we are inculcating ourselves to be protected from this. The reality is that this was always included in the prayer until around 600 years ago when a baptised Jew insisted this was intended as a slander to the church, proving the point that the Hebrew word for emptiness, “rik” has the same numerical value as yaishu which is the name of their messiah. Even as the point was refuted time and again, it was always used as an excuse to vent against the Jews. Thus many prayer books dropped it, some reinstated it and others leave it in brackets which I suppose is a way of leaving it optional. You should follow your chosen custom or that of your synagogue.
Dear Rabbi, I have a dilemma over “free will”. On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we say repentance, prayer and charity can change
Pirkei Avot In this weeks Mishnah, we see the famous Shammai, lend his powerful voice to his colleague Hillel’s advice over the last two weeks. In a well known and much studied statement, he urges us to ‘make a fixed time for Torah study, say little but do a lot and to receive everyone with a cheerful face.’ Regarding fixed time for Torah study, there are many people who
the outcome. However, this would imply that the Almighty has given us the choice what to do and to change the outcome. This would then imply He does not know what we will do until we do it and will then decide the consequences. This would surely mean that He has not pre decided anything and can then change His mind. I was always taught that everything is predestined and The Almighty knows everything, so how do I reconcile this? Last week you discussed saying tehillim for those who are sick. However, that would also mean that he can change His mind based on our prayers, but He would have known we were going to pray for the sick in the first place. I am hungry and walk past a non-kosher bakery. Whether I decide to go in or not, I thought was already pre destined. I am getting very confused. Steve Dear Steve First, when a fortune teller looks into a crystal ball and knows that I am going to leave her tent and turn left, bumping into a tree, her knowledge of what I am going to do is not what makes me do it. Similarly, G-d’s foreknowledge of me doing something is not what actually makes me do it. That’s still my free choice. Second, have you ever wondered why our matriarchs didn’t have children until after many years? In the words of our Sages: “The prayers of our matriarchs are beloved before G-d.” What that means is, G-d didn’t decide at one point that they wouldn’t have children and then through
their prayers changed His mind. They were all destined to have children from the outset – but that was contingent upon their prayers. G-d loves their prayers for all sorts of reasons – and so seeks to illicit these prayers from them after which they will be given what was always intended for them. Before G-d everything is there potentially. Everything is preconceived to become actualised and revealed at the proper time. In which case, G-d provides already from the beginning, that a real change below can evoke what seems like a change above. Above, there are so to speak, any number of possibilities and states of potential decrees, reflecting different possibilities
Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:
In loving memory of Simon Ben-Shushan z”l Passed away on 23rd Cheshvan 1997 aged 22 years. learn Torah haphazardly, a bit here, a bit there. Of course all Torah learning is amazing and according to the Elu Devarim Mishnah we say each day, it is equal to all other mitzvot. However when one creates a fixed time to learn, often the learning will be more powerful and last far longer. Daf Hayomi is a classic example of this. (Check out ‘’) There are many people out there
who talk up a good game, promising much without often achieving anything. The true Tzadik however plays a more humble game like Avraham Avinu, who this week tells the three angels that he will ‘fetch a morsel of bread,’ but yet returns with a feast! Finally, we should try and walk around with a smile on our face. Even if it is hard it can still make the world feel like a better place. Amen.
and states of man; both on an individual as well as communal basis. Man’s present state determines the applicable possibility to become realised. By way of example, before G-d there is a Yitzchak Schochet A, a Yitzchak Schochet B, Yitzchak Schochet C etc. And relative to each of these dispositions is a predetermined end result. So if I act in accordance with Yitzchak Schochet A then there is already a predetermined end result in accordance with that mode. If I switch and act in accordance with Yitzchak Schochet C then there is a different end result awaiting me. So any change is really in effect a change in man, not in G-d. I hope that resolves your confusion.
Mishna 15
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Corona Diary #19
Should We Wonder About G-d? BY RABBI MOSHE TARAGIN Humanity had turned the corner: after two thousand years of barbarism and heresy Avraham discovered God and launched a revolution of religious consciousness. One metropolis, however, remained unyielding, stuck in a backward state of religious indifference and immoral conduct. Sadly, G-d decided to erase these cities from land which serves as the platform for religious instruction. Having designated Avraham as the custodian of humanity, it was only fitting that he be duly informed of these plans, prior to their implementation. Upon hearing the devastating news, Avraham begins to wonder. Could a moral G-d raze an entire city including innocents? Shouldn’t local righteous people shield the general population from ruin? Avraham challenges Divine justice with words which, had they been uttered by any other human being, would have been sacrilegious heresy. Avraham’s response to the Sedom decision is diametrically opposed to his response to the akeidah challenge. Having waited close to one hundred years for Yitzchak, his successor, Avraham was instructed to sacrifice his own child. This perplexing mandate doesn’t just compromise Avraham’s future, but it also contradicts the entire moral system which he stood for. He spent his entire lifetime persuading humanity that God wasn’t a grotesque figure who celebrated human suffering and sacrifice. This brutal act would subvert his lifetime’s mission- and yet Avraham quietly and heroically submits. Why does Avraham challenge the death sentence for Sedom, yet he surrenders to the akeidah without protest? Part of the difference is the sweep and impact of G-d’s decision. Though it alters religious history, the akeidah is primarily a personal event - and the response to a Divine mystery which affects personal life should be acquiescence. Avraham’s silence upon this mountain foreshadows Aharon’s heroic silence in the face of his own personal tragedy. His two children were incinerated as they celebrated the inauguration the mishkan. Does their sin justify the harsh punishment? Shouldn’t they have been given a “pass” on this celebratory day? Both Avraham and Aharon are stony silent in the face of a Divine mystery which tests them in their personal lives. By contrast, the sentence of Sedom imperils an entire population, and a tragedy of this magnitude justifiably elicits both Avraham’s response and his rallying to their cause. Collective and large-scale suffering warrants human questioning in a way that
personal tragedy may not. It is one thing for Avraham to wonder about perceived Divine injustice when millions of lives are at stake. It is quite another to actively question G-d about a personal command which he may not fully grasp. However, even when facing personal challenges, for some, constructive probing of G-d’s motives is a healthy part of religious life. There are two different, but equally valid, responses to Divine decisions which appear to challenge human logic or human conventions of morality. Sometimes, silent submission feels more pious and more reverent: the ability to completely suppress human logic and blindly trust a Higher wisdom which lies beyond human perception, augments our sense of being a servant of G-d. Awed by Divine majesty and cognizant of our own frailty, we submit to the eternal and sweeping wisdom which we can’t grasp. During Yom Kippur we confess ‘al chet she’chatanu lifanecha b’timhon leivav- addressing the sin of doubting G-d and aimlessly questioning religion; we seek to atone for the sin of excess speculation and purposeless wondering about G-d. Absolute surrender often reflects passionate and powerful commitment. However, sometimes our relationship with G-d is actually strengthened through respectful wondering or questioning. Questioning and studying G-d’s decisions reflects the fact that our relationship with G-d is precious and worth investing in: we don’t question decisions of those we care little about. Talmudic study is predicated upon assertive questioning of great scholars who we respect and whose positions we seek to better understand by lodging emphatic questions. Similarly, probing G-d’s decisions can sometimes be a ‘labour of love’ and an effort to heighten our relationship with Him. Personally I remember living through the second intifada a few years after I made aliyah. It was so disturbing to me that a process which I saw as Divinely driven -d and to which I dedicated my life was tainted by such cruel tragedies. I tried to process this asymmetry and obviously didn’t emerge with solid solutions. However, the process itself deepened my faith and reinforced my commitment to living in Israel. What are the pre-conditions necessary for raising questions about Divine decisions? Firstly, the process must be approached with extreme intellectual humility. Prior to challenging this Sedom decree, Avraham famously acknowledges that he is dirt and dust. Sadly, oftentimes, people challenge Divine decisions out of arrogance rather than sincerely probing to discover deeper truths. Accepting the limits of human
Avraham’s response to the Sedom decision is diametrically opposed to his response to the akeidah challenge. wisdom and acknowledging our personal ineptitudes is absolutely crucial to “frame” the process of trying to better understand G-d. Essentially, we aren’t questioning the ways of G-d but rather trying to find a human voice to help us process Divine decisions at a personal level. Though we are not able to understand G-d’s ways, we can earnestly search for a manner to live with decisions which trouble our imagination. This process – if conducted earnestly and humbly- can help us personalize our relationship with G-d. Secondly, if we are unsettled by a Divine decision, do we question or do we also pray? Avraham doesn’t just challenge G-d’s decision, but prays for the rescue of the citizens of Sedom. His wondering isn’t driven by abstract philosophical questioning, but out of a profound concern for the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Additionally, he is genuinely concerned about the Divine image in his world. He had laboured to project the Divine image as merciful and caring, and he worries that indiscriminate death to an entire population would cast G-d as reckless and random- G-d forbid. His prayers and negotiations indicate that he isn’t engaging in detached philosophical sophistry but is struggling to protect the values and ideas which G-d has entrusted him with. Is our questioning accompanied by sincere prayer? Or do we just question in a detached or dispassionate manner? Finally, we can’t condition our relationship with G-d upon the questioning process. For Avraham, the outcome of the
inquiry will not impact his reverence of, or relationship with, G-d. Tellingly, he wakes up the very next day, viewing a plume of smoke above Sedom and davens in the very same “place” that he had previously davened. Though the destruction of Sedom saddens him and his prayers weren’t answered, his relationship with G-d remains stout and unfailing. To summarize: often our most devout moments emerge when we mute our questions and submit to G-d. Other times our probing actually deepens our commitment to the relationship. It would appear that there are three preconditions for Man to raise a question of G-d: humility, prayer and unconditional commitment to the relationship. Though this issue lies at the heart of religious identity, it is even more relevant during the current Corona crisis in which the ways of G-d seem confusing to Man. We are living through a dark period surrounded by suffering and death. Believers understand that G-d has motives and that no event of this magnitude can be random. For some, unconditional submission strengthens their faith while, for others, pious probing of the situation will reinforce their commitment. We pray that our faith never wavers. Rabbi Moshe Taragin is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University as well as a masters degree in English literature from the City University of New York.
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Weekly Dvar Torah F RO M ERETZ Y I S R A E L
The Challenge of Land & Children – Plowing the Field of G-d BY RABBANIT SHANI TARAGIN Avraham Avinu received two promises from G-d – of land, and of children who are to become a great nation. After promises and prayers, Avraham and Sarah, at last, have a child. And then, “After these things, G-d tested Avraham.” Avraham is called upon by G-d with the same words of the initial command of “Lech-lecha” wherein he sacrificed his past for the promise of future nationhood. This time, however, G-d commands Avraham to sacrifice his entire future – his beloved son, Yitzchak, without any promise or explanation! The Midrash Tanchuma presents three possible answers as to why G-d tests the righteous: Said Rabbi Yonah – flax, the more you pound it, the more it improves… Said Rabbi Yehudah bar Shalom -a potter does not tap on a weak vessel or jar, lest it break. On what does he tap? On a strong vessel… Said Rabbi Elazar – this can be compared to a farmer who has two cows, one
strong and one weak. On which one does he place the yoke? Is it not on the one that is strong? The opinions of Rabbi Yonah and Rabbi Yehudah explain a “test/challenge” as an opportunity for man to strengthen or demonstrate his latent virtues, whereas Rabbi Elazar provides a third metaphor – a farmer placing a yoke on a cow to plow his field. In order to achieve the desired result, he chooses the animal most suited for the task. G-d has lessons to teach humanity and entrusts this task to the most suited role models. The nature of the lesson of the Akeidah has been debated through the centuries but throughout the parsha a common theme prevails: one must be prepared to sacrifice everything – his past and his future, for his love and fear of G-d. This lesson may be highlighted through the harsh terminology employed by the Rashbam who explains the word “nissa” (tested/challenged) through the juxtaposition of narratives. Witnessing Avraham’s remarkable success through the help of G-d, Avimelech requests an oath from
Avraham to allow for his descendants to live in the southwestern region of the land. Avraham concedes to the oath and thereby names the region, “Be’er Shava” – the well of the oath. Immediately following this narrative, we are told that “G-d tested Avraham.” The Rashbam explains that this test came as a punishment for Avraham for not demonstrating proper values: Avraham thought that the time had come to witness the fulfillment of the promises and covenants of land and children. After all – Yitzchak was promised as his progeny, and he was successful in the land, even seen as a future “landlord.” But G-d chose Avraham to demonstrate sacrifice, not complacency; G-d wanted to teach through Avraham and his descendants that the Land of Israel should not be taken for granted and easily negotiated for promises of peace. If so, one may have to pay the heavy price of child sacrifice, for the future of our children is also in the hands of G-d. Following his willingness to sacrifice Yitzchak for fear of G-d, an angel
reaffirmed the Divine promises of Land and Children through an unconditional oath, a “shevuah.” The Torah emphasizes that he returned to Be’er Shava, alluding to his change of heart and redefinition of the oath for which the area was named. Avraham returned to redefine the shevuah – not as the oath with Avimelech, but with an oath of G-d from Har HoMoriah reverberating in his consciousness. Avraham will have a land and countless children. But they will not happen suddenly or easily, or without human effort. The Divine promises will demand commitment and sacrifice from Avraham and his descendants, to persevere with faith even in the most difficult of times. G-d’s promises and covenant challenge us to plow His field and write history together!
Rabbanit Shani Taragin is educational director of World Mizrachi and teaches at Matan and other educational institutions in Israel.
How to Face Evil RABBI GOODMAN Usually, when facing an exasperating obstacle, human nature’s knee-jerk “solution” is to completely obliterate it. Whether a bothersome fly or a nasty person wreaking havoc in someone’s life, extermination is often the preferred course of action. As with every human characteristic, presumably we can harness man’s destructive instinct for the good. As a Nation charged with the mission to reveal Hashem’s presence in the world, one would assume that the purge of evil would be number one on our agenda. However, we see from Avraham Avinu’s conduct in this week’s Parsha that annihilation is not a Jewish concept. S’dom and its surrounding cities were saturated with evil and represented the antithesis of everything for which Avraham stood. Nevertheless, when Hashem informed Avraham of His intention to destroy S’dom and Co., rather than rejoice in this wonderful news and revel in its prospects, Avraham begged Hashem to spare them
and did everything in his power to save them. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (1895-1986) explains that Avraham’s superhuman reaction stemmed from the Torah’s prescribed trait of Chessed – unconditional kindness - which Avraham had spent many years working hard to acquire. Therefore, rather than feeling hatred and animosity towards the people of S’dom, Avraham felt compassion and concern and beseeched Hashem to grant them another chance to mend their ways. Avraham felt that even ten righteous people were enough to provide the necessary light to banish the darkness and return the people to the true path.
When we find ourselves up against difficult people and difficult situations, destruction is not the way forward. Nowhere does the Torah command us to eradicate evil for the sake of our safety and well-being (although the Torah does command us in Devarim (13:6) to “Destroy evil,” that is not because of our safety and well-being, rather because such evil must not exist in the world.) Hashem is quite capable of removing those people He does not want around, even without our help. Instead, we must ask Hashem to help them forsake their misguided ways and bring them back to the truth. Not only will this help to improve their lives and future, but it will also immunize
As with every human characteristic, presumably we can harness man’s destructive instinct for the good. THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM
us against the hurt they try to cause us, and leave us feeling secure, happy, and fulfilled. A project of My Dvar Torah, Torah Bite is your resource for a short, dynamic, and meaningful Dvar Torah to share at the Shabbos table. Originally from London, Rabbi Ben Goodman has spent 20 years in Jerusalem, teaching and inspiring students from all backgrounds and from all over the world. He is the director of My Dvar Torah, providing tailor-made Divrei Torah for all occasions. He encourages feedback & ideas:
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The “Akedah” (Binding of Isaac) is a test of Avraham (Gen. 22:1). G-d knows He can rely on Avraham, like a potter who knows that his best pots will hold water and not crumble or crack. So when Avraham is told to take his beloved son and offer the lad as a sacrifice, he says “Hineni” – “Here I am”. Everyone acclaims Avraham’s faith but they are puzzled at why G-d stops the patriarch and won’t let him complete his act of obedience. The explanation has to do with the nature of faith. It has been said that what faith requires is not obedience but commitment. What G-d wants to test is not whether Avraham will carry the act through but whether he is willing to do so. Avraham cannot know whether G-d will expect the act to be completed. But what faith requires is willingness – “I would if I had to!”
The three patriarchs are often mentioned in one breath. At the opening of the “Amidah” we praise “the-G-d-of-Avraham-the-Gd-of-Isaac-and-the-G-d-of-Jacob”. Yet Isaac is often the poor man out.
At crucial moments G-d calls to Avraham and Jacob by doubling their names – “Avraham! Avraham! Jacob! Jacob!” Isaac is not doubled, perhaps because he is less dynamic than his father or son, and he is the bridge between two stronger personalities. As an imitator, he “dug anew the water wells which had been dug in the days of his father Avraham” (Gen. 26:18). Though the “Akedah” is the Binding of Isaac, its focus is on Avraham (Gen. 22:1). Though it is Isaac whose life is in danger, his role seems to be subsidiary. He goes along with Avraham (Gen. 22:6, 8) but he is dominated by his father.
The story of the “Akedah” (Binding of Isaac) evoked a great range of Midrashim, even on the verse, “And Avraham rose early in the morning, saddled his ass and
took his two young men with him” (Gen. 22:3). Who were the two young men? The Midrash believes them to be Avraham’s older son Ishmael and his servant Eliezer. The two of them were told to stay behind at a certain distance while Avraham and Isaac went on up the mountain. According to Pir’kei d’Rabbi Eliezer, there ensued a conversation as to what was likely to happen when Avraham came back from sacrificing Isaac, in particular who would now inherit the patriarch’s estate. Ishmael was quite sure he would inherit everything, whilst Eliezer replied, “You were driven out of your father’s home, but I was his loyal servant even before you were born. There is no question but that I will be the one to inherit!” But a voice came from On High and said, “Neither of you will
G-d knows He can rely on Abraham, like a potter who knows that his best pots will hold water and not crumble or crack.
inherit; the heir will be the rightful owner of the inheritance.” On one level this may be taken as a prophecy that Isaac would not be sacrificed but would come back with his father and in due course be the heir. On another level the story has a message that looks beyond the immediate events to the distant future. When other nations lay claim to the Land of Israel and assert that it is theirs, the Heavenly message is, “The Land of Israel is for the People of Israel. The inheritance is for the rightful owner!” Rabbi Apple served for 32 years as the chief minister of the Great Synagogue, Sydney, Australia’s oldest congregation. He is now retired and lives in Jerusalem. Rabbi Apple blogs at
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We now move on to the topic of Tochen which literally means grinding and is one of the 39 Melachos forbidden on Shabbat. The main Torah prohibition of grinding applies to crushing something like spices with a utensil designed for the process. However, if one does it employing two unsual methods, the Sages of the Talmud permitted it. If one does it using only one unusual manner it is still Rabbinical forbidden. The exact definition of grinding as opposed to chopping is difficult to provide and the Halachic authorities therefore recommend applying a stringent approach as will be explained in a future column.
It is important to note that the vast section of Halacha of what type of healing is forbidden on Shabbat is based on the Tochen prohibition as the preparation of remedies would most often involve some form of crushing materials. There are various general rules applying to Tochen such as: With regards to grinding foods, the prohibition only applies to foods that grow from the ground. This means that meat, eggs, fish and hard cheese are permissible to grind but not with a grinding utensil. One does not transgress by grinding a previously ground food such as turning bread or matzah into crumbs since the flour used to make the bread was ground. The same applies to chocolate and coffee. One can only chop vegetables or fruit to small pieces if they do so in close proximity to the time they intend to use them. One may only engage in Tochen activity (when permissible) if they do so in halachically-recognised unusual manner. One must also be mindful of Tochen when mashing foods such as potato and banana. More on this in a future column. It is forbidden to use utensils that are designed to ease the grinding activity such as a grater.
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Vayera Parshat Vayeira contains various exciting stories, all with lessons for us. We learn of Avraham our forefather, who sat out in the heat of the day, even though he had just had a Brit Mila at a very old age, in order to welcome guests. He brought them in, fed them and then listened as they shared the great news that Sarah his wife was finally going to have a child! Wow! The guests then continued to Sodom, where they warned Avraham’s nephew Lot that the city was about to be overturned. Lot escapes as the city is destroyed, and his wife turns into a pillar of salt! Sarah gives birth to her miracle baby who they name Yitzchak. When they see that their older son Yishmael is not a good influence on Yitzchak they send Yishmael away together with his mother. Finally Avraham passes one of the greatest of all tests in history - he is willing to offer up his son as a sacrifice to G-d which he almost did, but at the last minute he was told to stop. He had passed! We his children and grandchildren try our best to follow the will of Hashem even when difficult!
Vayera Word Search
Tangram Challenge!
Using all the shapes on the left can you make the kicking horse and garage shape on the right?
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In a nutshell Parshat Vayeira is full of emotion and healing. Our beloved ansector Avraham is recovering from his Brit Mila and is visited by 3 men. These men are disguised as travellers but are in fact angels. One of them informs Avraham that one year later Avraham and Sarah would be parents of a boy! Sarah found the proposition hilarious and said how on earth would my husband (and I) become parents at this age. Nonetheless G-d plans even when (wo)man laughs and towards the end of the Sidra that is exactly what happens - she gave birth to boy! In the meantime though, it’s time for fire and fury. The wickedness of Sodom has reached beyond its limit and despite Avraham praying he realises that the city has barely any merit. Two of the three angels who had visited Avraham travelled on to Sodom where they were invited in by the only person daring to do so - Lot. When the people of Sodom realised who Lot’s guests
were, they surrounded his house and demanded that the guests be sent to them. The angels turned the hooligans blind and warned Lot and his family to leave the city asap! Lots’ sons-in-law found it funny, but G-d’s plans work out even when men laugh, and the city met its fiery end. Lots daughters become the ansectors of the Amon and Moabite nations which by a long stretch of time will be the forebear of King David himself! Now, as we said Avraham and Sarah were overjoyed when at age 100 and 90 respectively they became parents finally! As time went on, Sarah realised that Yishmoel was a terrible influence on Yitzchok he was “joking around” with him and Sarah suggested that they banish the older lad from the house. When Avraham hesitates, Hashem tells him to listen to Sarah, send away the lad and his mother and be mindful that the main child is Yitzchok. When they were travelling the child feels ill and the
Word Wheel
Use this area to write the words you have found.
The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.
mother places him in a bush to relax. She weeps and by a miracle, water appears and she is told by an angel of the boy’s powerful future. Finally, the Sidra closes with the story of the Akeida. G-d tells Avraham to take his son and offer him up as a sacrifice. Imagine how hard this might have been for a regular person. But Avraham was far from that. He gets up early and walks with his 37 year old son and together they approach the Mount Moriah. Avraham ties his son and is about to carry out the instruction, when he hears the voice saying “Don’t stretch out your hand against your son!” Instead, a ram is offered up and that is one of the reasons we blow a ram’s horn (Shofar) on Rosh Hashana, to remember and bring to the front of G-d’s “memory” (as it were) the dedication of Avraham and his descendants to Him. Finally we learn of the birth of Rivka who, next week, we will see who she merited to marry!
t o
t u
a n
Last week’s words: Here are some words you may have found from last week - you may have found more! alp ape apt lap pad pal par pat pea pet rap
sap spa tap aped apes deep laps leap pads pale pals
pare pars part past pate pats peal pear peas peat peel
peer pelt pest plat plea rasp reap seep slap spat sped
step tape taps trap adept drape lapse leaps leapt leper pared
pares parse parts paste pater pates peals pearl pears peats pedal
peels peers pelts petal peter plate plead pleas pleat reaps repel
sepal septa sleep slept spade spare spate spear speed spelt splat
sprat spree steep strap taped taper tapes traps adepts asleep depart
drapes elapse lapsed leaped leaper lepers parsed parted pasted pastel pealed
pearls pedals pedlar pelted pelter peseta pester pestle petals petard peters
petrel plated plater plates pleads please pleats prated prates preset rasped
reaped repeal repeat repels spared spread staple tapers departs elapsed pedlars
plaster platers pleader pleased pleaser pleated pleater relapse repeals repeats speared
stapled stapler tapered pedestal relates relapsed plastered
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Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A: A gummy bear!
Q: What do you call a fake noodle? A: An impasta!
Q: What is a witch’s favourite subject in school? A: Spelling!
(Answers at the bottom of page upside down)
1.It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?
3. If you don’t keep me, I’ll break. What am I?
Q: What musical instrument is found in the bathroom? A: A tuba toothpaste.
2. You’re running a race and at the very end, you pass the person in 2nd place. What place did you finish the race in?
3) A promise.
2) Second. 1. Your name.
1. Flip flop 2. Cross purposes 3. Eye liner
4. Good for nothing 5. Incoming message 6. Condescending
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Leicester and Sixteen-goal Lions Spurs into rout Scrabble in Cup top three BY DAVID SAFFER
BY DAVID SAFFER Reiss Mogilner scored six goals as Maccabi London Lions thumped Scrabble A in the The Premier is shaping up toCup. be an second roundLeague of the Cyril Anekstein intriguing titleLeague race. side racked up a 16-0 The Premier Defending champions lead win with Daniel Green and Liverpool Michael Kenley the way aftera hat-trick. seven games but Jurgen both bagging Ed Brafman, DaKlopp’s sideand are Adam only just ahead ofcompletLeicesvid Dinkin, Hassanali ter the City and Hotspur ed rout in aTottenham mismatch of a tie. with a clutch teamshave within striking distance. Lionsofcould scored in the opening Entertaining it certainly is opened and as the minute of the clash but soon countryand goes lockdown scoring ledinto 9-0 by half there will plenty ofOne action to enjoy the ThebeDivision team, thoughin outcoming weeks fronttoofthe the TV screens. classed, battledin away end. Liverpool from Lions boss came was lost for behind words attofulldefeat time Brighton a patched-up defence such was 2-1 the with display from his team who and that to beto a the worry for contenders gave everyhas respect opposition. to“I’m theirnot crown. really sure there’s anything to With Virgil vantoDijk, Matiptoand say, we are happy make Joel it through the Fabinho allof out injured, Reds laboured next round the cup,” hethe commented. toHendon victory at Anfield. Butran Diogo Jotavictors came United Sports out 3-1 off the bench graboutfi thet headlines after against LeaguetoOne North London Mo Salah’s clinical penalty had cancelled Raiders. out Fornals’ strikeinfrom a woeThPablo e Premier sideearly led early the second ful clearance by Joe Gomez. half only for Raiders to equalise but struck Thelate Reds wintoequalled club record 63 two goals book aaplace in round leagueofgames unbeaten at Anfield set by three the competition. Bob Paisley’s legendary side. Hendon now turn their attentions to the Leicester’s Jamie Vardy is back to his besta league as they travel to Oakwood A for and scored Foxes crucial goal in crucial top The of the table clashthird on Sunday a clinical 4-1 win against Leeds United at (10am). Elland Road on Monday night. the league Daniel Kristall’s team stunned Vardy last set month up Harvey Barnes thea leaders when they wonfor2-0, opener would and was involved YouriaTielevictory move them toinwithin point mans first goal Dallas’ cross of Hendon with before a matchStuart in hand. fortuitously Leeds in of the game Elsewhere got in the latestback round fixtures, just afterNorth half time. Tielemans 10-man London Galaxyslotted made in it a stoppage time penalty. three-way title race in the only Division One Patrick closeOakwood for Leeds clash of theBamford day afterwent defeating B. and Pablo Hernadez hitearly the on woodwork at Jamie Murray saw red but Galaxy 2-1 butwith Marcelo side can have no rallied goalsBielsa’s from Josh Cohen and Jacomplaints thisan home defeat.2-1 away cob Leigh towith record important Gareth Bale nodded home his first goal win. since a loan signing to hisJewish former club Galaxy head Redbridge Care A as in Josetable Mourinho’s moved third the by just oneside point after 10into matches, place place behind Klopp’s third Fairlop FCchamps. are five points beHarry fired in home a penalty, his hind withKane two games hand. 149th Premier League goal, after VAR Rafi Bloom scored for Oakwood. ruled Adam Lallana performance had fouled inthea “It was a fantastic
England captain. VAR was in action again as the visitors controversially equalised through Tariq Lamptey before Bale took centre stage from a Sergio Reguilon cross. For Bale, the goal ended a turbulent time at Real Madrid where he had been sidelined by head coach Zinedine Zidane. Mourinho is well aware his side have to shore up its defensive, but with a fully fit Bale, Tottenham are in with shout at honours. Early season pacesetters Everton, who grabbed a late goal from Dominic Calvert-Lewin, went down to another defeat as a Callum Wilson braced earned Newcastle United a fine home triumph. Carlo Ancelotti’s side are fourth while the Geordies are just outside the top half of the table. Southampton and Wolves are level on points with the Goodison Park club after 16-goallatest Maccabi London Lions their wins. Saints enjoyed arguably the best result of the weekend with a stunning performance must-win game, ” commented Galaxy playat Aston Villa. er-manager Luke Lewis. It seems a long time ago that Villa “We sat back and allowed Oakwood the thumped leaders Liverpool 7-2,and but ball, givenleague the one-man advantage after being outclassed lastattack time looked to hit them on by theLeeds counter out atpace. home, Ralph Hasenhuttl’s side were with just as impressive in this win. “Both goals came down the right-hand Indeed, visitors 4-0 to theCohen good side. Leighthe crossed thewere first one into before thebefore hourslotting having home been three-up at to finish, himself. Up thefibreak. to rst we go.” James Ward-Prowse set up Jannik Th e Division Two title race also Vesttook ergaard nod homeleaders the opening goal a twist to with league Herstwood before slotting in atwo free-kicks past Vale going down to 2-1 defeat at Temple Emiliano Fortune. Martinez. England striker Danny Ings made itB 4-0 with a superb effortmore beFaithfold have played a game fore Smith’s onewin back than Dean Vale but movedVilla levelpulled with a 5-3 at through defender Tyrone Mings prior to North London Raiders Masters. injury goals from Ollie and Jacobtime Kalms struck twice for Watkins Fortune who Jack Grealish toleading save face in terms the scored through scorer JamesofMilresult. letwith his 17th goal of the season. Nuno Espirito continued The result wasSanto’s all the Wolves more remarkable an impressive start withtoa comfortable 2-0 as Temple were down 11 players with win against at Molineux. ‘keeper Ben Crystal RebuckPalace dislocating a shoulder sensation inTeen the warm up. Rayan Ait-Nouri opened the 18th minute withthea “Thscoring is was ina the fantastic win given
Mo Salah scored a clinical penalty against West Ham
clinical strike before Portuguese winger Daniel Podence settled the match before the half hour. Roy Hodgson’s Palace were left to rue a penalty appeal when Wilfried Zaha went down. Referee Martin Atkinson dismissed Palace’s Luka Milivojevic after reviewing an incident on the pitchside monitor four minutes from time. Chelsea appear to be resolving early-season defensive frailties and sit within a point of the Champions League spots. Blues boss Frank Lampard was delighted with a latest win, 3-0 at Burnley at Turf Moor. Tammy Abraham opened the scoring in the 26th minute, Kurt Zouma connected with a Mason Mount corner just after the hour before Timo Werner side-footed home to settle the clash on 70 minutes. These are troubling times for Burnley’s Sean Dyche as his team search for a first league win. ” said delighted Fortune circumstances, OffSimon the field, talk of a £200m takeover boss Linden. deal but Dyche needsout, to find “Wecontinues, had a number of players Reabuck waygot of injured, changing headlines his so the I couldn’t havefor asked faltering whoplayers. have been so tough any moreteam from the We wish Ben a to beat,recovery. especially at home, in recent seaspeedy sons, despite having smallest transfer “It was a proper old the school performance, budget. we battled and defended for the 90 minutes Burnley have a matchExperience in hand over opand took our chances. proved ponents the wrong of the table but to be theat winner. It’s a end big win, one we will that a we short trip Manchester City, enjoyisand hope to to build on it in 2019. ” who Sheffield United He edged added,past “Thislowly win marks 50 years asata Bramall Lane courtesy of aNigel KyleKyte Walker football club and will be one and long-range effort on histhe100th Premier everyone associated with club from day
Leicester’s Youri Tieleman scored twice against Leeds United
League appearance for the club. Pep Guardiola’s team are 10th but by the end of the month could be top as they face Liverpool on Sunday in a ‘battle of the giants’ and then travel to Tottenham before the Burnley encounter. The Blades winless form, meantime, will be severely tested when they travel to Stamford Bridge this weekend before a run that could define their season against sides not occupying the top spots. PHOTO: DAVID SAFFER Just above City presently are Arsenal and Mikel Arteta’s side have yet to draw a game. The Gunners rarely looked in trouble as they picked up a deserved win against Manchester United courtesy of a Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang 69th minute penalty after Paul Pogba fouled Hector Bellerin. Arsenal’s first Premier win at Old Trafford since 2006 was built on a solid defensive foundation that showed up Ole Gunnar’s Solksjaer’s team who have not won at home in the league and remain in 15th place onenjoy. seven” points. one will United travel to Emanuel Everton this Vale boss Jacob was weekend quick to where a defeat will ratchet up pressure wish Rebuck well following histhe injury. even more their beleaguered boss with “First andon most importantly, everyone at Mauricio in the‘keeper wings Vale wouldPochettino like to wishwaiting the Fortune for a top-flight return. a quick recovery, we hope to see him back moved of the relegation onFulham the football pitchout as soon as possible, ” he spots said. with a Bobby De Cordova-Reid headerAs and wonderstrike against West forOla theAina defeat, Emanuel commented, Brom. “It doesn’t matter how big a squad you Westyou Brom, Sheffield and Burnley ochave, can never account for unavailcupy dreaded bottom ability the or injury. Only five of three today’splaces team and areinthe only clubs stillover searching for a played our recent win FC Team, league lack of win. togetherness and poor individual
“It was a proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90 minutes and took our chances. Experience proved to be the winner.”
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Maccabi top Premier before lockdown with Perkins header
HMH go close to opening the scoring against Maccabi
BY DAVID SAFFER Mikey Perkins second half header settled the Premier Division’s top of the table clash between Maccabi London FC and HMH at Rowley Lane. A high-quality match saw Max Kyte’s team move six points clear of HMH before the latest lockdown, which ends ‘grassroots’ football until December. HMH bossed the first half but were denied the lead by a harsh call from the linesman. Maccabi had a penalty shout turned down on the resumption before Perkins nodded home Benji Weinberger’s whipped free kick. The visitors upped the pressure but could not breach a Maccabi defence well marshalled by ‘keeper Nathan Bloohn. Weinberger deflected a late free kick onto the post as Maccabi held on for the win. “It was hands down the toughest game we have had this year,” said Kyte. “We know how good HMH are on the ball, so focussed more on them than our attacking play. We didn’t create many opportunities as HMH’s biggest strength is an ability to score goals.” Kyte added, “We’ve had a solid start but it’s only been five games. We have Oakwood and Hendon to play who are both picking up momentum.” HMH boss Avi Goldberg noted, “Disappointing our open play did not result in goals particularly in the first half when at times we were unplayable but credit to Lions who are a well organised team with a ‘keeper on form and who are difficult to
HMH fail to break through the Maccabi defence
break down.” Sharpshooter Jordan Marks hit four second half goals as North London Raiders moved into third place with a 6-1 win against bottom club Faithfold White. Nyv Bogaire and Jordan Nathan also scored in a thumping win. Fairlop are a point back from Raiders after edging a five-goal thriller at Faithfold Blue. Daniel Beany, Bradley Gayer and Ryan Cole struck the goals in a 3-2 win. Faithfold’s skipper Johann Jordi and Dan Orgel scored for the hosts. The result could have gone either way as Fairlop’s 17-year-old goalkeeper, Matthew Pincus, on his 11-aside debut, made a stunning save at 2-2 then two more at 3-2
to preserve the lead. Faithfold opened the scoring with a Jordi header but Fairlop hit back through Beany before Gayer’s free kick looped in at the far post. Orgel levelled the scores before a breakaway goal by Cole. “Today wasn’t pretty, but I’m delighted to come away with the points on a terrible pitch,” said Fairlop’s Jake Sanders. “The boys stuck together and defended brilliantly late in the game.” “Steve Murad made some great saves but in the closing 10 minutes Fairlop’s keeper and their defenders were outstanding,” noted Faithfold’s Ray Abrahams. “We peppered their goal late on but it wasn’t our day. We deserved something so to come away with nothing is very hard to take.”
Jewdinese came from behind to draw 1-1 at North London Galaxy. Galaxy led in the first half through a Jordan Grundman effort but missed a penalty on the stroke of half-time before a fantastic James Ross finish 15 minutes from time earned a draw for the visitors. “Both teams were very strong in the challenge and battled until the end,” said ‘Nese manager Darren Lawrence. “We worked hard in the second half and deserved the equaliser.” Borussia Barnet kept up a perfect start in Division One by thumping Temple Fortune 6-1 in a one-sided clash. Mitchell Gerber hit a hat-trick, Adam Bowman Oron Sheldon and James Doffman also hit the target. Borussia are eight points clear after a handful of games. Club de Chigwell pulled off an impressive 4-1 win against second placed London Bears. Jamie Rones set up Max Aston for the opening goal, Joe Klein then split the Bears defence to put Aaron Spalter through to score. Leading 2-1 at the break, Jake Sugar found Rones to slot home before Stanley Offord glided past four opponents before firing into the bottom corner. CdC boss Joshua Dobias praised a professional performance from his team. “Offord controlled the midfield and deserved his goal and when you’ve got someone like Rones up top, we will always have goals in the team.” NWL Azzurri and Stoke Salmon lead the way in Division Two after comfortable wins. Azzurri routed Faithfold White 8-1 and top the table on goal difference. Ben Rosen hit a hat-trick and Zak Jackson a brace in a resounding triumph. Josh Racke, Danny Miracco and Oscar Green completed the scoring. “It was a brilliant performance from the boys,” said Azzurri skipper Jack Mendoza. “Every player played a part in that victory. We pressed as a team and created chance after chance. It could’ve been more than eight if it wasn’t for some fantastic saves from their ‘keeper.” Stoke eased to a 3-0 away win at Redbridge Jewish Care courtesy of Harry Goldsmith, Scott Gurvitz, with a half volley into the top corner from outside the box, and David Flax. Jamie Weiner noted, “A huge win in true ‘Sunday League’ conditions.” Hampstead Ducks shared the spoils in an epic eight-goal thriller against SPEC. Honours were even in a classic match that ended 4-4. The Ducks led 3-0 though a Yoav Kestenbaum brace and Joe Metliss strike before Spec hit back to lead 4-3 with goals from
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Maccabi’s resolute defence denies HMH a goal
Battle for possession between Maccabi and HMH
Maccabi’s keeper stands firm against HMH
Adam Joselyn, Ricky Lawrence (2) and Josh Green in a sensational 15-minute attacking spell. Joel Barnett got a deserved last-minute equaliser for the draw. Spec player-boss Lawrence commented, “It was a great game. There was drama throughout from two sides. It was a pleasure to be involved in. Credit must go to both sides.” Ducks’ boss Jacob Summerfield noted, “A brilliant game of football played in great
spirits. Both teams have defined ways of playing football that led to leaky defending but there was fantastic attacking play. We were pleased to get a draw but should have won it. It was one of the few games of football where I cannot believe we’ve not won and lost it!” Straw Hat Pirates goalkeeper Cael Persaud scored a wonder goal with his first kick for the club, an almighty clearance from the edge of his own box, in a 4-0 win against West Hendon Wallabies.
Maccabi go close to scoring against HMH
Pirates completed the win with goals from Ben Mandell, Josh Brennan and Tom Doron. Pirates boss, Samuel Assil noted, “Great to get a first win. New signings have improved the atmosphere around the club. Hendon United Sports moved into the second round of the Cyril Anekstein Cup with a 5-0 win against Mill Hill Dons. Chaim Korman, Avi Korman, Josh Harris, Rocky Spitzer, Dovi Fehler scored for the Premier side.
Hendon’s new boss, David Garbacz, commented, “We beat a well organised team quite comprehensively but all credit to Dons for fighting to the end. We scored great goals, created numerous chances and best of all kept a deserved clean sheet.” Dons boss, Brandon Hamme noted, “We can hold our heads high. We lost to a very strong side who punished our mistakes in the first half. We grew into the game and there are positives to take from the second half.”
MJSL news Reich Masters defeated Broughton Park Rangers for a deserved first win of the season. The defeat was BPR’s second loss as they remain in third place.
Manchester Maccabi 3rd head the table ahead of Jewventus. Fixtures will be revised after a new lockdown comes into force.
Action from Reich Masters 3-2 win against Broughton Park Rangers
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With one voice, we demanded justice. Campaign Against Antisemitism referred the Labour Party to the EHRC because Jew-hatred under Corbyn was out of control. In 2015, a backbench MP named Jeremy Corbyn stood to become leader of the Labour Party. We saw him for what he was. Campaign Against Antisemitism has been at the forefront of exposing Labour’s antisemitism in the media ever since. For years we uncovered evidence and spoke out. In 2016, following the Chakrabarti whitewash, we were the first to declare Labour institutionally antisemitic. As we exposed Mr Corbyn’s past, in 2018 we became the only organisation to call him an antisemite. We demanded justice on the front pages and demonstrated in our thousands. But there was no justice. We were told that holding Labour to account legally would be impossible. We disagreed. In 2018, Campaign Against Antisemitism referred the Labour Party to the Equality and Human Rights Commission and became the complainant in its unprecedented statutory investigation. The Jewish Labour Movement and Labour Against Antisemitism Ltd made further submissions which supported our referral. Over many months, Campaign Against Antisemitism’s investigators and lawyers submitted hundreds of pages of evidence and argument to the EHRC in pursuit of justice.
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