The Jewish Weekly Issue 256 - November 10th

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London 16:02 17:06

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Leeds 15:56 17:10

liverpool 16:03 17:17

Bournemouth 16:08 17:18

Antwerp 16:41 17:52 Birmingham 16:02 17:15

Gateshead 15:52 17:08

Shalom Sofer z”l, 63, has died from injuries sustained in a West Bank stabbing attack last month. Shalom had left hospital but died a few days later.The IDF captured the Palestinian terrorist after a manhunt.

The family of Alta Fixsler marked the first yahrzeit of her tragic death on Monday (12 Cheshvan).

Alta fought heroically during an extensive legal battle over her medical treatment before passing away after palliative care at a Manchester hospice on the 19th October 2021.

The two-year-old suffered a serious brain injury at birth in December 2018 but miracu lously survived. Hopes she may come home hit complications and the hospital advised remov al of support but Alta’s parents demanded private support at home or abroad, both viable. A fundraising campaign took place for Alta’s care while her family took her case to courts and Gov ernments around the world.

Israel President Reuven Rivlin and Health Minister Yuli Edelstein joined the quest for Alta to be treated in Israel in preference to palliative care. And 10 US Senators, including Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, wrote to US Presi dent Joe Biden to advocate to Prime Minister Boris Johnson on behalf of the Fixsler family.

Alta, an American citizen, was cared for at

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.

Over 41,000 people responded to a Jewish Weekly petition launched to allow a leave of appeal to enable Alta to be treated by an Israeli or American hospital.

When Justice Alistair MacDonald ruled life-sustaining treatment should be with drawn, Alta’s family wanted her to be trans ferred to an Israel or an American hospital

go to Chai for the big * Care is at the heart of everything we do. We are providing face-to-face counselling, therapies and complementary therapies at Chai centres across the UK. This is in addition to all the specialised support and care that we continue to offer our clients through telephone, Skype & Zoom.

Members of Jewish Care’s Holocaust Survivors’ Centre at the Michael Sobell Jewish Community Centre lit candles to remember and commemorate those who lost their lives during Kristallnacht.

care on religious and ethical grounds.

With time running out to save Alta, Rivlin appealed to Prince Charles to help Alta’s parents’ request.

Edelstein appealed to Health Secretary Matt Hancock on the family’s behalf.

According to Israeli law where parents oppose ces sation of medical treatment leading to a child’s death and life expectancy exceeds six months, medical treatment must not cease.

Tragically, all efforts failed. Her life support was turned off after the UK High Court ruled earlier in 2021 that it was in her “best interests” as she had “no prospect of recovery.”

It was reported that Alta’s parents kissed her as she was taken off life machine with a minyan reciting prayers surrounded her bed. Alta reportedly survived 90 minutes before she died.

The Jewish Weekly wishes the Fixsler family a long life and only simchas in the future. To read more about Alta’s inspiring story and see how people are capable of doing so much more for sick children around the world, go online at:

10 NOVEMBER 2022/16 CHESHVAN 5783 @TheJewishWeekly 256 020 8203 2111 1 Sentinel Square, Brent Street NW4 2EL 1 Sentinel Square, Brent Street NW4 2EL CONTACT ROUNDTREE REAL ESTATE TODAY SALES LETTINGS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INVESTMENTS FREE THE LARGEST CIRCULATED JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN THE UK! First yahrzeit for Alta Chai Lifeline Cancer Care Registered Charity No. 1078956 Call 0808 808 4567 or visit
Isa Brysh, a member of Jewish Care Holocaust Survivors’ Centre at their Kristallnacht commemoration Shalom Sofer z”l The Fixsler family PHOTO: COURTESY

Herzog holds meetings for 25th Knessett

President Isaac Herzog has begun meet ings with political party’s after receiving the official results of the elections to Is rael’s 25th Knesset.

He is expected to officially ask Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government although the former Prime Minister started the challenging task of negotiations with coalition partners last Sunday.

Netanyahu will have 28 days to form a working coalition according to legisla tion. If an extension is required, Herzog can grant an extension up to 14 days.

Herzog met Likud, Yesh Atid, National Unity and Shas representatives yester day. He will meet United Torah Judaism, Religious Zionism, Yisrael Beitenu, Jew ish Power, Hadash-Ta’al and Ra’am today followed by Labor and Noam tomorrow.

World leaders including Prime Min ister Rishi Sunak, President Emmanuel Macron and President Volodymyr Zelen sky have offered congratulations to Net anyahu over the past week.

US President Joe Biden reportedly told Netanyahu: “We will make histo ry together. My commitment to Israel is unquestionable.”

Netanyahu told Biden: “We will bring more historic peace agreements, it is within reach. My commitment to our alliance and

our relationship is stronger than ever.”

Religious Zionists’ Bezalel Smotrich and Jewish Power’s Itamar Ben Gvir will nego tiate together and are seeking to make “re forms to the justice system and strengthen Jewish identity” according to Bicom.

It is hoped Shas leader Aryeh Deri will be a moderating factor in Netanyahu’s new government.

Lapid and Gantz have stated they will not to serve under Netanyahu because of ongoing fraud charges that he has denied.

Lapid said at a memorial event for Yitzhad Rabin there was “no scenario” where his party would join a Netanyahu coalition. “The government I am leading has lost the elections,” he said. “There is no way we will enter the incoming government.”

The National Unity part have also scotched rumours about joining a Ne tanyahu coalition. The party stated last week: “Israel is facing many challeng es, and the new government, which is reliant on extreme political elements, will have to deal with them. We respect the decision of voters and once a new government is sworn in we will serve in the opposition in a responsible manner, while building an alternative leadership for the country.”

The Central Elections Committee pub lished the final tally of votes last Thursday.

Netanyahu’s right-wing bloc has a ma jority 64 seats in the new Knesset.

The final count has Likud with 32 MKs ahead of Lapid’s Yesh Atid on 24 and the Religious Zionist Party with 14. Benny Gantz’s National Unity Party has 12 seats, Shas 11, UTJ 7, Yisrael Beiteinu 6, Ra’am 5, Hadash-Ta’al 5 and Labor 4.

Far-left Meretz party is out of the Knesset for the first time in three decades.

Netanyahu will extend his 15-year record breaking run as PM. He was ousted last year.

2 NEWS 10 NOVEMBER 2022TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 04 News 15 Opinion 16 Games 18 Community 26 Feature 28 Cookery 30 Judaism 36 Kids 38 Youth The Jewish Weekly London tel. 0203 906 8488 Manchester tel. 0161 804 1321 DISTRIBUTED IN: UNITED KINGDOM: LONDON, MANCHESTER, LEEDS, BOURNEMOUTH, GATESHEAD, BIRMINGHAM, LIVERPOOL BELGIUM: ANTWERP WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEKThe Jewish Weekly London tel. 0203 906 8488 Manchester tel. 0161 804 1321 בקעי תיב Executive Principal: Rabbi N. Wilson ד''סב BEIS YAAKOV JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY 69 Broom Lane Salford M7 4FF• Tel 0161 708 8220•Fax 0161 708 9968•Email Headteacher: Mr B Myers Headteachers: (Quality of Education) Mrs T Reznick (Pastoral) JOB VACANCIES To inspire our students and enable them to maintain high standards in their learning and personal development, we are looking to appoint dedicated and professional teachers to the following roles: Maths Teacher KS3 & KS4 (P/T) Science Teacher KS3 and KS4 (P/T) Head of Department: English (F/T) Start date: Immediate Salary scale: Commensurate with experience If you are: • able to model the Beis Yaakov ethos • enthusiastic and passionate about teaching • experienced at teaching and delivering national curriculum subjects • hard working and a good team player We would love to hear from you. We can offer you: • A well resourced school • Training and professional development • Good remuneration and terms For a full job description and an application pack, please contact the school office on 0161 708 8220 or email Closing date for applications: Monday, November 28, 2022 The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its children and we expect all stakeholders to share this commitment. All roles will be subject to an enhanced DBS Check. The school is committed to equal opportunity. Learnmishnah4u I am available to learn Shisha Sidrei Mishnah or any Mesechta, Leilui Nishmas someone to be completed by the yarzheit. Completion of: One Mesechta £50 Shisha Sidrei Mishna £3150 Available for short notice shloshim etc for extra fee Please contact Shraggi Engelstein Tel: 07731371382
Central Elections Committee Chairman Justice Yitzhak Amit with President Herzog
Letters 24 Judaism 34 Family Fun 36 Sport 40 Expert Advice
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Chief makes historic addressOfcom criticises BBC over coverage of antisemitic incident

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has delivered an historic address to the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace this week.

Ofcom has warned the BBC of a “serious editorial misjudgement” over its coverage of an antisemitic incident on Oxford Street last Chanukah.

The disturbing attack on a group of Jewish teenagers celebrating the festival was pub lished online and broadcast on December 2, 2021. BBC failures, Ofcom ruled, caused ‘significant distress and anxiety’ to victims of the attack and the wider Jewish community.

The judgement justified formal complaints by Jewish organisations.

Although the BBC did not ‘techni cally breach’ the Broadcasting Code, Ofcom outlined the body’s ‘editorial misjudgement’ by not reporting on air ‘disputed claims’ to the news broadcasted once evidence materialised.

A Campaign Against Antisemitism spokesperson said Ofcom had seen that the BBC reportage failed to meet basic editorial standards but the BBC’s stonewalling was what British Jews expected.

A summary of Ofcom’s decision has been published online. The article and news broadcast were deemed not ‘accurate’ or ‘impartial’.

Issues arose due to the BBC’s interpretation

of an audio recording from inside the teens’ bus. The BBC failed to acknowledge quick ly a dispute that alleged anti-Muslim slurs were a ‘Hebrew phrase’.

In Ofcom’s Opinion, the BBC’s failure to update an online article for almost eight weeks was ‘significant and concerning’. If the BBC had amended the article sooner it would have helped resolve complainant issues raised. The focus would have been on the incident not BBC reporting.

Jewish organisation complaints over the coverage. Hundreds attended CAA’s ‘BBC News: Stop Blaming Jews!’ rally.

Lord Grade and Dame Maureen Lipman backed the event. The former BBC chair man described the rapportage as “shoddy journalism”, Dame Maureen encouraged people to attend.

Crowd chants included “BBC News where’s the proof! BBC News tell the truth!”

Long-time BBC broadcaster Rabbi YY Rubinstein resigned over the hate attack.

This is the first official visit by the Chief Rabbi’s office’s in its history to an Arab state.

Chief Rabbi Mirvis hailed the political leaders behind the successful Abraham Ac cords who ‘reached for the stars’ to achieve peace. “All of us here are children of Abra ham, our father.” he said.

The Chief Rabbi will hold talks with dig nitaries during his stay in the United Arab Emirates.

Ofcom are reviewing how the BBC has addressed complaints handling and trans parency issues raised by the case.

Video footage almost a year ago showed a group of men allegedly making Hitler sa lutes, spitting, striking windows and threat ening a private bus-load of Jewish teens.

Teenage passengers dancing in the street were forced to go back onto their private bus.

A rally took place outside Broadcasting House after the BBC failed to respond to

With little progress made CAA con tacted then Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries who wrote last January to the BBC’s Director General noting the distress caused to those involved and wider Jewish community. Dorries ex pressed dismay that the row had dragged on and called for the BBC to resolve the issue or Ofcom intervene.

The Board of Deputies slated the BBC over “deeply irresponsible journalism”, called for correction of the report, an apology to victims and training to improve the BBC’s ability to cover the Jewish community with “accuracy, understanding and respect”.

CAA labelled the incident “outrageous”, called for action and offered to provide an tisemitism training.


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Around 500 delegates from 60 different countries around the world attended the three-day event. The theme this year is ‘Global Conflict & Universal Peace: Urgent Needs & Opportunities for Partnerships’.

The Peace Forum is important in the Is lamic world to discuss humanitarian issues, intellectual and religious conflicts in Mus lim societies, the forum's official website states.

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Coexistence between Muslim societies, interfaith values, spreading the message of peace and role of the UAE are key fo rum objectives. It started in 2014 under the chairmanship of H.E. Shaykh Abdullah bin Bayyah, and the patronage of then UAE Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Zayed.

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Election 2022 News

James has been covering Israeli Elections since the eight ies and has extensive knowledge of the many parties, candidates, proportional representation system and how coalition agreements and governments are formed. He gives his insights to a number of news networks includ ing LBC Radio, i24 Israel, Sky News, France 24, GB News, Talk TV, Daily Mail and Daily Express.


It has taken five elections in just over three and a half years and almost continuous cam paigning, before a final knockout came. In the end the polls were fairly accurate showing a very close race with a seat or two either side of 60-60. But if a party fell below the electorate threshold, that would make the difference.

Labor, Meretz, Bayit Yehudi and Balad were extremely close to that edge and the result showed only Labor made it across. This is why the right-wing bloc won with 64 seats despite there being only about 30,000 votes between the two camps. This and voter turn out secured the victory for Netanyahu’s bloc. The election was never about getting large numbers of voters switching sides. It was about mobilizing the persuaded, rather than convincing the undecided to come out.

The last election was just before Pesach (Passover) where the priority for many was Chag (festival) preparations. This time voter turnout jumped from 67% in March 2021 to 71%.

Cities such as Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Kfar Saba, Hod Hasharon and Ra’anana which are left leaning saw turnout figures virtually un changed from 2021. Cities like Jerusalem, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheva, Kiryat Gat, Afula and Tiberias which lean towards the right all saw turnout rates increase by be tween 3% and 7% points.

According to data from Number 10 Strate gies, an international strategic, research and communications consultancy in Israel, in 2021, 2.22 million Israelis cast their votes for parties opposed to Netanyahu, as opposed

respectful of all parties in the bloc. “But Gantz went on about an imagi nary government that he may form.”

to 2.13 million for pro-Netanyahu parties.

This time, the anti-Bibi bloc grew its vote by 5%, to 2.33 million, but the Bibi camp grew by 11%, to 2.36 million. That’s another 230,000 votes to the Netanyahu bloc, while the other side added half as many.

The Charedi vote on the right also in creased by 19% while the left (Yesh Atid, National Unity, Labor and Meretz) saw a 1% decrease in their number of voters despite the increase of eligible voters by 200,000.

After weeks of talk about Arab turnout, in the end the Arab citizens turned out in large numbers, with the vote for Arab parties in creasing by 35 percent. However, it did not make up for the drop-off of voters from the centre to left.

Efforts to form a government have now tak en place and Likud MK Yariv Levin has been appointed by Netanyahu to head the nego tiating team. Itamar Ben Gvir has requested the Public Security Ministry with expanded

responsibilities, Education or Transportation and other minor Portfolios.

In keeping with its tradition, Degal HaTo rah which is the Litvac faction within United Torah Judaism will not ask for any Ministry but instead, requested other forms of power like Committee Chairs and Deputy Ministe rial posts.

Netanyahu may keep Defence, Tourism, Agriculture and Science for himself in order to create options to expand his coalition at a later date.

Likud MK David Amsalem wants the Jus tice Ministry or Knesset Speaker, but Likud MK Danny Dannon has insisted he wants the Knesset Speaker position.

The Likud and their 3 coalition partners have agreed to cancel three bills initiated by the previous government: The tax on dis posable cups and plates, the tax on sweet drinks and a cancellation of the reform of the Kashrut licensing requirements.

During the campaign, Netanyahu built his bloc with four parties, each with a sur plus-vote-sharing agreement. He merci lessly attacked Bayit Yehudi led by Ayelet Shaked to ensure it hardly got enough votes to matter. In the end only around 56,000 votes or 1.5 seats were lost.

The left, also known as the anti-Netanya hu camp, had 4 parties hovering just above the threshold and another, Balad just be low. There was always a strong chance that wasted votes would prove costly.

In the end, Meretz fell about 3,800 votes short of the threshold, and approximately 151,000 Meretz votes counted for nothing. Labor just made it across the line.

This triggered a wave of attacks, and each side blamed the other for the bloc’s fail ure. A senior Yesh Atid official said “Benny Gantz fought Lapid instead of Netanyahu. “He failed to win another two seats from the right and he is responsible for the loss.”

The official continued, “Instead of co operating with Lapid, Gantz was obsessed with himself, whereas Prime Minister Lap id mounted a positive campaign and was

Sources in Gantz’s party, National Unity, said “Lapid failed to manage the bloc. “We could have secured 6159 in our favour, but Lapid did not act to get the Arab parties to run together nor Labor and Meretz to merge. “He also did not obtain surplus votes agreements between all the parties.”

Labor was once the governing par ty of David Ben Gurion, Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir and Yitzhak Rabin but last week they only received 4 seats, because they did not have answers or solutions for the state. Instead, they focused their campaign on criticising the right with unnecessary rhetoric and childish name calling while Labor leader Merav Michaeli spoke about the importance of transpor tation on Shabbat and people being able to choose whether they are male or female or both.

This is not the way to run an elec tion campaign in Israel with security, crime and the cost of living being major issues for much of the public.

In her defence, Michaeli launched a fierce attack against Lapid for “thinking about himself especially on election day.” She accused Lapid of taking essential votes from Labor and Meretz in order to reach nearly as many seats as Likud. But in doing so, Lapid pushed Meretz over the edge.

Yair Golan who lost the Meretz leader ship race to Zahava Gaon said “Meretz has reached the end of the road. “As a political party, I am sceptical about Meretz ever coming back.”

In an interview with Kan, former Meretz leader Yossi Beilin said “many of my friends

voted for Lapid and Gantz who are also on the left. “Only Gideon Sa’ar and Ze’ev Elkin are the hawks in their bloc.” Beilin also blamed Merav Michaeli for the Netanyahu victory saying she should have merged with Meretz.

The far left wing party was in the last government for the first time in 20 years, yet Meretz chose not to highlight their achievements in government. They simply criticised the other side.

Meretz dropped under the threshold by around 0.2%, which is beyond the accuracy of any poll. This in turn boost ed the other parties, as the Meretz vote gets allocated elsewhere.

Had Meretz gained those extra 3,800 votes, the Netanyahu bloc would have won 61, or more likely, 62, seats, which is not far off the polling average.

The other party not to cross the threshold was the Arab Balad, which ended up with 2.9 percent or about 15,000 votes short. This means that while the Arab parties won a com bined 511,000 votes, virtually the same as Religious Zionists, they end ed up with just ten seats. Ultimately, the 130,000 increase in the Arab vote since the last election, and the successful effort to increase their turnout, was largely meaningless.

In total, the anti-Bibi bloc wasted 289,000 votes, worth around seven seats – the dif ference between a very close election and a resounding defeat.

Where the left bloc went wrong Exclusively covering the election for The Jewish Weekly is JAMES MARLOW with the MARLOW REPORT
the election was won



The President then began to consult with representatives of all the factions and hear their recommendations on who should be assigned the task of forming a government. This will be completed by Friday 11 November at midday.

Once the President assigns the task of forming a government to a Knesset member, that person will have 28 days to form a new government, in accordance with the law. If extra time is required, the President will have the authority to grant an extension of up to 14 more days.

TUESDAY 15 NOVEMBER: The Knesset is sworn-in and each member takes their seat.

Soon after Itamar Ben Gvir is expected to withdrew his Otzma Yehudit faction from the Religious Zionists party and sit in the Knesset as a separate right-wing party. But both leaders have agreed not to enter the government without the other.

Writing an opinion piece on the front page of the Israeli daily newspaper Yisrael Hayom last Monday, Itamar Ben Gvir, 46 years old, explained “I’ve grown up. “I’ve moderated my views and I understand that life is more complicated.”

In his article entitled ‘Letter to my Brethren on the Left’, Ben Gvir said he would tackle crime in the Arab sector which past governments had ignored.

Once a member of the outlawed Kach movement, Ben Gvir holds a criminal conviction for anti-Arab incitement when he was wearing a badge aged 16 which said ‘death to Arabs’. He was also convicted for heckling at a gay parade.

He wrote that he and liberals agree on ninety percent of issues and that he would not seek to impose his religious beliefs on the public nor curb any freedom of expression. On the LGBT matter, Ben Gvir wrote “Even if I am not keen on the gay pride event, I will ensure that there will always be protection for the men and women marching.”

Fellow Religious Zionist MK Orit Strook said earli er this week that “Leftists, Arabs and members of the LGBT community should not fear the far-right. “We are not going to hammer anyone. “We will serve all citizens including those who do not think like we do and those who lifestyles are different.”

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER: President Isaac Herzog received the official results of the elections for the Twenty-Fifth from the Chairman of the Central Elections committee, Justice Yitzhak Amit.
TIMETABLE: OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS 2022 NAME OF PARTY HEADED BY SEATS IN MARCH 2021 RESULTS NOVEMBER 2022 LIKUD Binyamin Netanyahu 30 32 YESH ATID Yair Lapid 17 24 RELIGIOUS ZIONISTS (3 Parties) Betzalel Smotrich & Itamar Ben-Gvir 6 14 NATIONAL UNITY (Previously Blue and White) Benny Gantz 8 12 SHAS Aryeh Deri 9 11 UNITED TORAH JUDAISM Yitzhak Goldenkopf & Moshe Gafni 7 7 YISRAEL BEITENU Avigdor Liberman 7 6 RA’AM (Arab Islamic Party) Mansour Abbas 4 5 HADASH & TA’AL (Two Arab Parties) Ayman Odeh & Ahmed Tibi 6 5 LABOR Merav Michaeli 7 4 MERETZ Zahava Gaon 6 0 BAYIT YEHUDI Ayelet Shaked 7 (But one MK became independent) 0 BALAD (Arab)
with Hadash + Ta’al) Sami Abou Shahadeh 0 NEW HOPE (Merged with National Unity) Gideon Sa’ar 6 TOTAL NUMBER OF KNESSET SEATS 120 Who is Itamar Ben Gvir

Sunak and Herzog meet at COP 27

World leaders gathered this week to combat the threat of climate change at COP27 in Egypt.

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres offered a stark warning to delegates at the opening of the conference.

He said: “Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing, global temperatures keep rising and our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irre versible. We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator.”

Guterres told the watching world that ‘climate’ was the central challenge of our century.

“It is unacceptable, outrageous and self-defeating to put it on the back burn er,” he noted, adding that many of today’s conflicts were linked with growing climate chaos.

Regarding a 1.5 degree goal, Guterres said it was getting dangerously close to the point of no return. “All G20 countries must accel erate their transition now, in this decade,” he implored.

And he called on developed countries to take the lead though emerging economies were critical to ‘bending the global emis sions curve’.

Guterres added that the two largest econ omies, the US and China, had a particular

responsibility to join efforts to make this Pact a reality as it was the only hope of meeting climate goals.

He concluded on a positive sounding: “The good news is that we know what to do and we have the financial and technological tools to get the job done. It is time for nations to come together for implementation. It is

time for international solidarity across the board.”

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met Pres ident Isaac Herzog for the first time in Sharm-el-Sheikh.

The leaders discussed joint economic climate ventures, security challenges and maintaining regional stability.

Herzog said: “Sunak is a great friend of Israel. The United Kingdom and Israel have an incredible relationship, which has devel oped throughout the years. We have so much to speak about.”

Sunak welcomed the Israeli leader’s com ments, he said: “Israel is one of our closest friends, our closest allies, there is an enor mous amount for us to continue working on together.”

Addressing COP 27 delegates, Herzog warned that the Middle East was on the brink of ‘catastrophe’.

But he reiterated the State of Israel’s Glas gow commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions and transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy by 2050.

Herzog said he would spearhead the de velopment of a ‘Renewable Middle East’ that would be a regional ecosystem of sustainable peace.

He explained: “In the foreseeable future the solar energy produced in the deserts of the Middle East will be available for export to Europe, Asia, and Africa. Israel and Greece are already working on electricity connec tors to supply green electricity from Israel to Europe.

“The entire Middle East, all Middle Eastern nations, abundant with sun and technology, will have the ability to connect the rest of the world to a magnificent source of renewable energy.

“In a region undergoing accelerated deser tification, Israel also has the capability and know-how to deflect severe water shortages and to offer solutions to food insecurity.”

Herzog said Israel was eager to share its ex pertise and called on all nations, particularly its neighbours to pull together.

“This state of emergency demands we

work together, not tomorrow but today,” he said. “Let us turn the climate emergency into an opportunity to address 20th-centu ry conflicts, thereby advancing desperately needed 21st-first-century collaborations. Let us leverage vital regional partnerships as a path towards inclusivity, stability and prosperity.”

Sunak said government spending to com bat climate change was the right thing to do, from an environmental, moral and econom ic perspective.

And EU leaders vowed to make cuts. French President Emmanuel Macron said the world must not lose focus on climate change. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed to stop using fossil fuels, “no ifs or buts!’ “There must not be a global renais sance of fossil fuels,” he said.

Italy's right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said Italy remained “strongly com mitted” to pursuing a decarbonisation path way in line with the Paris Agreement.

Observing leaders of Arab countries with an Israeli minister was a welcome sight.

Herzog inaugurated the first Israel pavilion at a COP summit showcasing Israeli tech nologies in various areas including water, agriculture, weather, renewable energy and forest protection.

“Crises create opportunities,” he noted. “We have seen an example of Israel’s ideas, genius, capabilities and inventions. Israel is committed to the global fight against climate change.”

Environmental Minister Tamar Zandberg added: “We have come here to present our achievements, looking forward to the inno vative technologies that will place Israel on the forefront.” She added: “The next govern ment must continue with this, because this is literally an existential crisis.”

Technology Minister Orit Farkash-Haco hen commented: “The way to confront cli mate challenges and meet the targets the Government has set for reducing green house gas emissions is by means of using technologies and harnessing Israeli entre preneurship, innovation and hi-tech.”

President Isaac Herzog meets Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at COP27 PHOTO: GPO

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Brandenburg Minister-President Dietmar Woidke has called for a ‘decisive stand’ against any form of antisemitism on the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht.

Speaking in Postdam, Woidke recalled the horrific events of the 9th November 1938 when synagogues were burnt down, Jewish businesses attacked and some 100 Jews mur dered on the ‘Night of Broken Glass’.

“Nowhere and never must there be toler ance for anti-Semitism,” he said. “This is an important, central lesson from history.

“The planned disenfranchise ment and persecution of the Jews during the National Socialist re gime of terror began immediately with Hitler's assumption of power in 1933 and reached another terrible climax which was visible to all the world. Synagogues burned, Jews were mis treated, hunted down and murdered. We are still ashamed today that all this could happen in front of the eyes and partly with the approval of

the population. For the Nazis, the pogrom night was a further step on the way to the Holocaust, which killed almost six million European Jews. We must never forget that!”

Woidke said that over eight decades on it was encouraging that a new synagogue centre was being built in Potsdam and that Jewish communities were developing in Brandenburg.

“Jewish life and the Jewish faith belong at the heart of our society,” he noted.

Culture Minister Manja Schule will rep resent the state government at a memorial event at Unity Square in Potsdam to mark the anniversary of the Nazi pogrom.

She said: “Anti-Semitism is still a bitter reality for Jews living in Ger many. Not only, but especially on the day on which we commemorate the victims of the pogrom night and the Shoah. We say clearly, anyone who sympathises with anti-Semitism or puts it into perspective places themselves outside of our cosmopolitan, lib eral society! The fight against anti-Semi tism is also a fight for enlightenment and needs our full

commitment. It is a task for society as a whole and for all state institutions. Jews should feel safe in our country and be cer tain of our unlimited solidarity.”

Germany recalls the victims of Kristall nacht annually. The commemoration comes two years after the Halle terror attack shoot ing where a 27-year-old neo-Nazi killed two people at a synagogue.

In November 1938, rioters ransacked Jew ish homes, hospitals and schools, around 100 Jews were murdered, 267 synagogues were burnt down across Germany and Aus tria while 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses destroyed.

The Nazis regime deported 30,000 Jews to concentration camps.

World Jewish Relief, formerly known as The Central British Fund for German Jewry (CBF), was instrumental in organising the rescue of children from Nazi Europe.

Immediately after Kristallnacht, CBF founders Lionel De Rothschild and Chaim Weizmann, together with a small delega tion of prominent British Jews comprising Lord Samuel, Lord Bearsted, Chief Rabbi Dr Joseph Hertz and Neville Laski, met with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to ap peal for his help in rescuing children from the Nazis by bringing them to Britain.

They proposed financial support,

education and training and asked that the need for German travel documents and British visas be waived in order to expedite the mission.

Chamberlain wasn’t keen initially, how ever, Home Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare, himself a Quaker, raised it in Cabinet where Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, backed it, believing this positive action could bring America on board as allies against the Nazis.

On November 21 1938, the matter came before Parliament and an agreement passed for an unlimited number of child refugees to be given temporary refuge in Britain so long as there was no recourse to public funds. A special travel permit would be issued to eliminate the need for formal documents.

With funding from the CBF, the Children’s Inter-Aid Committee and The Society of Friends (Quakers) swung into action and on December 2nd, the first trainload of 200 children arrived at Harwich.

The Movement for the Care of Children from Germany (MCCG) oversaw the rescue effort.

The Jewish Refugee Committee, a branch of the CBF, were to take children over the age of 16 and help them gain training and em ployment whilst the MCCG placed younger children with families.

Between December 1938 and September 1939, 10,000 children were brought to safety. After the war, MCCG was absorbed into the Jewish Refugee Committee who took care of ongoing welfare needs of the Kinder transport children. WJR has digitised histor ic records including thousands of individ ual case files for children who came on the Kindertransport.

calls for a ‘decisive stand’ on Kristallnacht anniversary
Brandenburg MinisterPresident Dietmar Woidke
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Resource help for retirees

The number of retirees returning to work is increasing due to the cost of living crisis.

Resource, the employment organisation helping people into work, is advising indi viduals in this situation. Over 15% of clients are currently over the age of 60.

The economic climate has seen retirees heading back to work, reversing a post-pan demic trend for the over 50s to leave the workforce to achieve a better quality of life. Chief executive Victoria Sterman is well aware of the challenges.

“The cost of living crisis, coupled with the ability to work more flexibly, has led many to return to work,” she explained. “Typical ly, it becomes progressively harder to se cure a job with increasing age, as a result of competition from younger people, as well as age discrimination from employers.”

According to the Office for National Sta tistics people over 65 years of age working or looking for work approached a record 1.5m during the summer. The total number over 50 is over 10m.

Workers aged 50 to 64 have been leav ing the UK workforce to retire but more over-65s are re-entering the workforce. This number is reportedly growing and they want new opportunities.

Reasons are varied but include a need to boost retirement funds due to the current

economic cost of living issues. This trend is set to continue.

Statistics globally illustrate that employ ees are working longer, figures are growing beyond the traditional age of retirement.

In the United States, the Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates that by 2024 a quarter of the workforce will be over 55, of these,

a third will be 65 or over. And according to the 2022 Global Benefits Attitudes Survey around 36% of US workers aged 50 or older expect to work until the age 70 or over, or will not retire. The UK workforce is believed to follow a similar pattern.

There has been criticism worldwide of employers not offering an environment to keep older workers or acknowledging the importance of recruiting this age group when life skills are beneficial.

Resource has adapted its services to meet a growing demand for this area of the workforce. Additional volunteers have been recruited to augment its capacity to smooth the journey back into work for the over 60s.

The Jewish employment charity currently supports 1,000 people a year from all back grounds including individuals unemployed or returning to work, full or part time, grad uates and school leavers.

Over 70% of service users complete a sixmonth programme with over 95% leaving with increased self-belief.

Resource provides people seeking em ployment with tailored advice, mentoring, networking and training.

Sessions are face-to-face or remote. Seminars, IT training programmes, mock interviews and networking opportunities for service users are available. Resource: 0208 3464000.

Adidas forecast cut after Ye furore

Adidas has halved its earnings forecast after terminating its partnership with Kanye West’s Yeezy brand last month. The company ended its business relationship with rapper Ye over persistent antisemitic rantings.

Adidas was universally praised after a “thorough review” and backlash against Ye from A-list celebrities on social media.

Adidas projects a net income of around 250 million euros down from a target 500 million euros.

The figure differs from a preliminary amount published on October 20 due to ‘negative tax’ implications related to the Ye decision. Adidas noted that the negative tax effect will be fully compensated in Q4.

Adidas CFO Harm Ohlmeyer is “encour aged” by “noticeable” enthusiasm ahead of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar this month.

Ye was suspended from Twitter and In stagram over antisemitic posts. He offered to buy social network Parler following the suspension.

Ye made references on “Jewish business secrets”, “Jewish Zionists”, “Jewish media”, “Jewish underground media mafia” and made inappropriate Holocaust comments.

His ex-wife, Kim Kardashian, tweeted: “I stand together with the Jewish community.”

High profile businesses to end a relation ship were Balenciaga fashion house, Crea tive Artists Agency and JPMorganChase. The MRC film studio ended a documentary on Ye. US fashion chain Gap has also removed products from the Yeezy Gap range.

10 NOVEMBER 2022 NEWS 13TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488
Resouce CEO, Victoria Sterman

Calls for unity at Rabin memorial

Israeli politicians called for unity at commemoration events for Yitzhak and Leah Rabin at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on Sunday.

The former PM was assassinated by far-right extremist Yigal Amir on November 4, 1995.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid said Israel had emerged from elections “divided, angry and threatening to split into 'us and them'.” But there was no ‘us and them, only us’.

He explained: “Rabin's murder was an attempt at assassinating the very notion of us living together. It is our job to heal them every day anew.”

Noting “deep differences” of opin ion between religious, secular, rightwing, left-wing and centrist Israelis, Lapid said everyone had a “shared” responsibility.

“The IDF, police, legal system and bible is all of ours,” he explained. “The absolute majority of Israelis want a Judaism that unites us, not a Judaism that is a political tool and certainly not a Ju daism that is an endorsement of violence.”

Lapid added: “We can still change direc tion. Reality is not an inevitable result of demographics or geography, it is a result of the choices and decisions we make.”

Lapid said the ceremony was a reminder that democracy was sanctified in blood.

He noted: “Rabin was murdered by someone who violent incitement made believe that he need not accept the vot ers’ decision. It would be a blow to Rabin's

memory and the memory of all those immortalised here on this mountain, if we continue with this destructive addiction to the division of ‘us and them.’”

Lapid said Israelis owed it to Rabin not to give up. “I am not ready for this country to collapse due to in fighting and hatred, because it ends with three gunshots, it ends here,” he noted.

Lapid concluded: “What we must learn from Rabin's life and death is that loving our homeland is first and foremost loving those who live to gether with you in that homeland.”

Prime Minister-elect Benjamin Ne tanyahu did not attend the ceremony.

Speaking later in Parliament, he said political camps must work to gether. Netanyahu called on MKs to unite and serve the people of Israel.

He explained: “We have profound disagreements on several issues, which need to be addressed with re sponsibility and consideration. It’s okay to argue, we don’t need to agree on everything, but at the same time, we do need to know what to agree on.”

Netanyahu said he did not hide his dif ferences from Rabin.

“I warned of the dangers inherent in handing over land to the Palestinians, I was loyal to my truth and belief, as Rabin was loyal to his," he recalled, referencing the Oslo Accords.

President Isaac Herzog appealed for po litical leaders to lower the ‘fiery rhetoric’ of election cycle.

He said: “Rabin was able to make deci sions and take responsibility. That is the role of a public leader from both sides of the political aisle. I implore you, we've attacked enough, fought enough, and barraged each other enough.”

Herzog added: “It is okay to profoundly disagree but to do it respectfully, with the understanding that we are all part of one

whole, that no one is going anywhere.”

Addressing Lapid’s losing bloc in the election, he noted: “Election results must be respected. Continue letting your voice be heard and fight for your stances, as in any healthy democracy.”

Turning to the Diaspora, Herzog added: “We are all committed to the fate of the State of Israel, we are all committed to its basic existence as a Jewish and democratic state that upholds the rule of law, human and civil rights, and respect for all minority groups within it.”

He continued: “In the life of a nation and the history of a people, 27 years pass by in a blink of an eye. However, in the case of Ra bin's assassination, these 27 years feel like an eternity. How much have we learned since, as a nation and as individuals."

Herzog appealed to the next generation attending the ceremony: “Your mission is to rebuild Israeli society, all parts of it. Ask to learn the opinion of the other, listen to one another's ways of life and beliefs, argue but resist violent language that disregards the other even if he thinks differently from you or belongs to a different political camp. Don't be intimidated by disagreements and indifferences. I urge you to build and provide us the exemplary society Israel deserves.”

Defence Minister Benny Gantz joined leaders in recalling the atmosphere build ing to Rabin's assassination.

Gantz said there was a connection be tween words and deeds. “In the end, words lead to actions,” he warned. “They have led to actions in the past and will lead to them in the future.”

Israeli politicians, meantime, criticised Religious Zionist party leader, Bezalel Smo trich, for holding Shin Bet security service responsible for the assassination of Rabin.

Criticism has come from outgoing MKs and those expected to join Netanyahu's right-wing coalition.

Smotrich was at a Knesset session hon ouring Rabin.

Holocaust memorial debate

Over 100 people attended the first public debate on the proposed Holocaust Memo rial and Learning Centre in Victoria Tower Gardens near Parliament.

The National Jewish Assembly hosted the zoom debate.

A digital poll on the proposal was taken before speeches and at the conclusion of the event.

The first poll indicated 16% in favour, 62% opposed and 22% undecided. The second poll found 12% in favour, 82% opposed and 6% undecided.

Baroness Ruth Deech spoke about her concerns regarding the proposed centre.

A Save the Victoria Tower Gardens spokesperson said the debate undermined government claims that the proposal had

“overwhelming Jewish community sup port”. They were heartened that many peo ple concluded it was a “flawed proposal” and hoped the government and MPs take note.

NJA chairman Gary Mond, who facil itated the event, said: “From the voting figures, it was clear there was substantial opposition to the current plans. A key point was that most, even those who were not necessarily opposed to the memorial, felt that more debate and consultation was needed, especially as there was a profound belief that the concerns expressed were not being heard.”

NJA has received positive feedback. Sev eral participants noted concern that the Board of Deputies had failed to consult on the subject with its own deputies or wider Jewish community.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid at the State Memorial Ceremony for Yitzhak and Leah Rabin at Mt. Herzl PHOTO: GPO

Love for Israel must be unconditional

One of the by-products of the arguments now flaring in the diaspora over the victory in the Israeli elections of Benjamin Netanyahu and the strong result of the Religious Zionists is that we are now witnessing the tragic decline of unconditional love for Israel among the Jewish communities in the diaspora. For too many of us, love for Israel has become dependent on the political nature of its government and the agenda it pursues.

Growing up in north west London in the 1960s and 1970s, it was almost unheard of to encounter anyone whose view on Israel depended on its actions or politics. A profound sense of absolute Zionism was completely accepted. My first experience of this only “conditional love” for Israel came on the evening of 29 May 1996, when I sat in a very crowded school hall, somewhere in North London, listening to the panel of Israel experts who were discussing the Israeli general election that had taken place that day. The contenders for directly-elected prime minister were

the then incumbent, Labor’s Shimon Peres, and his (then) young Likud chal lenger, Benjamin Netanyahu. The exit poll revealed – as it turned out, wrongly – that Peres had won. Almost immediately, a young man in the audience stood up and

for the state of Israel too. I often wonder what that young man really decided to do when, some hours later, Netanyahu’s narrow victory was confirmed.

The significance to me of this incident was that it demonstrated that a Jew’s love

party whose leaders might conceivably become government ministers. The abuse of proportionality here is incredible. Nor should one underestimate the general acceptance in Israel of Ben Gvir and Smotrich. This has been demonstrat ed twice this year. When the Board of Deputies condemned Smotrich when he visited the UK, telling him to go home in a manner which quite frankly stained Brit ish Jewry, it wasn’t simply a question of in sulting Religious Zionist voters. The Board was also condemned by both the much larger Likud party and then the President of Israel himself, whose own views are left-leaning. At the recent election, it is also fair to say that tolerance, although not support, for Ben Gvir and Smotrich was demonstrated by Likud voters, who will have realised that a coalition with the Religious Zionists might be a very strong possibility if Likud won, and similarly by Shas and UTJ voters.

expressed his massive relief, explaining that his aliya, scheduled for the following month, could now proceed. Had Netanya hu won, he explained, not only would his aliya be cancelled but his entire support

for Israel can sometimes be determined, not by his or her love for Judaism, the burning passion that Israel is our ultimate homeland, the profound sense of be longing to “Am Israel”, nor Israel’s role as a home of last resort should the world be engulfed in Jew-hatred, but rather by the modern state’s political direction. While relatively new in 1996, today it can be said that our community is split between those such as myself whose love for Israel will never be affected by politics or events, and others who are ready to drop support for Israel if a government not to their liking is elected, or if it adopts policies to which they are opposed.

Let us suppose that the Israeli elec torate had voted differently, with the left wing Meretz getting 32 seats and the anti-Zionist Balad 14 seats, looking to form a government with other left of centre parties. As someone who is polit ically right of centre, this would depress me enormously, yet I would confine my comments to private conversations with friends. I would never use this as justifi cation to speak out in public in any way that could disadvantage Israel, unlike today’s political commentators, who put their left-leaning ideologies before Israel’s democratic decisions.

It is nothing short of astounding, as well as seriously politically divisive, for another Jewish newspaper to head up their leading article on the election by the expression “our worst fears”. Let’s put this in context. Such an expression might be justified if it became known that Iran had developed a nuclear weapon that could destroy Israel in seconds or, G-d forbid, used it. It might also be fair if a pandemic wiped out vast swathes of the Israeli population, or if some gargantuan economic disaster befell the country. Yet what has happened? The Israeli electorate have decided to give sig nificant support to a controversial political

Another example of the rise of “condi tional love” came in the Board of Deputies announcement. It literally oozes this virus. The Board writes “We are gravely concerned that the potential government will likely include individuals whose stated views and actions are in contrast to the tolerant and inclusive values of our community”. So the Board is concerned about the outcome of Israeli democracy? Is it any of the Board’s business? And then it goes on to say “We look forward to con tinue working with those in the new Israeli government and in civil society who seek to advance peace, security, prosperity and fairness.” This is code for saying that the Board will not work with (which presum ably means will not even meet) any Israeli government ministers who in the Board’s judgement might not adhere to one or more of these four criteria. This is totally the wrong approach, and reduces the relevance of the British Jewish community to Israel.

Of course, those expressing “conditional love” will say that they are acting in Israel’s best interests. They are not. First, it is for the Israeli electorate to decide what is in Israel’s best interests. Indeed, the 22% Arab population of Israel are infinitely more important in this consideration than diaspora Jews. Second, by being prepared to oppose Israel, or at any rate not support her, they are giving succour and assis tance to the Jew-haters in our society. We must never forget that antisemites do not differentiate between criticism of Israel and criticism of Israeli policy.

In summary, going forward we need to do all that we can to maximise “uncon ditional love” for Israel, whether it be in schools, university societies, youth groups and all Jewish communal organisations and – not least – in the Jewish press.

this newspaper
opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
Gary Mond is Chairman of the National Jewish Assembly.
We must never
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forget that antisemites do not differentiate between criticism of Israel and criticism of Israeli policy.

‘Kol Yisrael Areivin Zeh BaZeh’. All Israel are guarantors for each other. These are well known words in our re ligion from the Talmud. They are powerful words too.

The word for guarantorship here, ‘arvut’, appears in the Torah when Jacob’s son Judah intends to go and take the place of his brother Benjamin, who is being requested by the disguised Joseph to be brought up to Egypt and placed in prison.

Judah clearly states “I will be a guaran tor for him”. In other words, I will stand in his place and take the suffering that will be dealt to my brother. This requires a great deal of empathy, a feeling which is natural for family and also for brethren of religion or nation.

Of course, there is a down side to empathy. As Rutger Bregman says in his fascinating book ‘Humankind’, empathy can be exclusive and directed. I will show empathy to some, and not in any way to others. Those of my people may deserve empathy. Others not.

The developing damage to our climate is going to stretch us, and our empathy, beyond the bounds of our nationhood.

We are seeing the effects locally through extreme weather, fires and floods. But rising temperatures and rising sea levels are having devastating consequences across the world at the moment, bidding us to consider how what we do here, can help or drastically hinder the wellbeing of people in other parts of the world, let along our own country.

As the COP27 climate summit is under way, I’ve had a chance to reflect on attend ing COP26 last year in Glasgow as part of a delegation from EcoSynagogue – of which more than 55 communities are now signed up – and the Board of Deputies who partners with us.

At COP26, after a full day at the Eco Synagogue stall, I went to take a selfie picture at the big sign at the entrance to the centre. As I was doing this, I noticed a large entourage come my way and clearly someone important was at the heart of it. I found out that this was the elected President of the UN, Abdullah Shahid, who had recently been Foreign Minister of the Maldives. He had been on TV the night before, explaining that his country was

becoming inundated with rising sea levels and may in the future sink underwater. The Maldives has a population of about half a million.

So should I as a Jew care about the Maldives?

Well firstly, we know that it will not only be hotter climates that will suffer. We are seeing extreme weather already blight our own country. This is a crisis that we all across the world are facing. But this also made me think of the metaphor given to us by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in the Midrash. He understands the concept of ‘guarantorship’ like a boat where one passenger is drilling a hole underneath

his seat. Others reprimand him for this, whereupon he retorts that it is his seat, so he can do what he wants with it.

This metaphor helps us understand our responsibility for each other as a Jewish nation. But it is impossible not to extend this beyond our people, in the context of our present, unfolding climate crisis. We cannot say – leave us alone to do our thing, and you, the nations of the world, get on with the policies you think will protect Hashem’s world. We are all, in this world, part of the problem and equally part of the solution.

This Shabbat is EcoShabbat across the United Kingdom. Let us take this time to consider our role as individuals and communities. One starting place could be the EcoSynagogue audit tool, that all com munities can use join the journey to make their synagogue a more sustainable one.

Now is the perfect time to reflect on whether what we do helps our world, or is destructive for it. Because, in this world, we are all guarantors for each other.

Rabbi David Mason is a member of the EcoSynagogue Rabbinic Team. For more info, resources and ideas please visit www.

The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper
AJEX ANNUAL REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY AND PARADE SUNDAY 20TH NOVEMBER 2022 Gather at Horse Guards Parade 1pm. Final Form up 1.45pm. AJEX Charitable Foundation Registered Charity No: 1082148 T 020 8202 2323 E RonShelleyMBEwithJFSCadet The AJEX Annual Remembrance Parade & Ceremony will take place at The Cenotaph on Sunday 20th November 2022. Our theme for Remembrance this year is ‘CONNECTION’ and we invite people of all ages across the community, to participate and help in connecting the generations. This is a moving opportunity to honour and remember the thousands of Jewish Servicemen and Women who fought and served for our freedom. We will, at this especially poignant time, honour and remember the late HM Queen Elizabeth II and all she did as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Book your ticket to participate now at No ticket is required to spectate so please save the date. WE WILL REMEMBER. DEADLINE FOR REGISTERING TO MARCH: THIS FRIDAY
We are all, in this world, part of the problem and equally part of the solution.

Lead Qh

West led the queen of hearts. Declarer counted only eight winners and put into action a plan to make a second trick in clubs. Declarer’s idea was to strip East of his non-clubs and then endplay him in clubs. Assuming that East held all seven of the missing clubs, this would always work if East had at most two spades, at most three hearts, and thus at least one diamond.

After allowing the queen of hearts to hold, declarer took the heart continuation with dummy’s king and put the next part of his plan into action by ducking a spade. West overtook East’s queen of spades with his king and continued hearts with the jack. After winning with the ace of hearts, declarer cashed the three high diamonds and the ace of spades.

Declarer was now in safe territory as East was marked with an original distribution of 1:2:3:7 and had only clubs remaining. So now declarer played a diamond to the king to lead dummy’s jack of clubs. East covered this with the queen and declarer followed with the five. East had to lead a club and that ensured that dummy’s ten of clubs would be declarer’s extra trick.

made a spade,

East Vuln: N/S
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two hearts, four diamonds and two clubs for
nine tricks. W N E S End 3c 3NT Bridge
Games N S W E Q 9 4 8 4 3 K Q 9 8 7 4 3 s h d c K J 9 5 4 Q J 10 8 7 5 10 7 s h d c 10 7 6 3 K 2 K Q 6 5 J 10 2 s h d c A 8 2 A 6 3 A J 9 2 A 6 5 s h d c FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT DOV NEWMARK: 0800-075-7200 CONSIDERING ALIYAH? Join hundreds of British Olim making their Aliyah dream a reality. WORKING IN COOPERATION TO BUILD A STRONGER ISRAEL THROUGH ALIYAH Every one of us, together HAROLD SCHOGGER’S BRIDGE FREE TASTERS IN EDGWARE ON WEDNESDAY 11TH JANUARY 2PM AND 8 PM BEGINNERS’ COURSES IN EDGWARE (10 WEEKS) START WEDNESDAY 18TH JANUARY 2PM AND 8 PM INTERMEDIATES COURSES IN EDGWARE (10 WEEKS) START TUESDAY 17TH JANUARY 2PM AND 8PM GUARANTEED SUCCESS! PHONE 0208 905 3877 NOW OR EMAIL SCHOGGER@HAROLDSCHOGGER.COM בקעי תיב Executive Principal: Rabbi N. Wilson ד''סב BEIS YAAKOV JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY 69 Broom Lane Salford M7 4FF• Tel 0161 708 8220•Fax 0161 708 9968•Email Headteacher: Mr B Myers Headteachers: Mr Myers (Quality of Education) Mrs T Reznick (Pastoral) JOB VACANCIES (MATERNITY COVER) To inspire our students and enable them to maintain high standards in their learning and personal development, we are looking to appoint dedicated and professional teachers to the following roles: English Teacher KS3 & KS4 (F/T) Start date: January 2023 Computing - KS3 Y9 (P/T) Start date: Immediate Salary scale: Commensurate with experience If you are: • able to model the Beis Yaakov ethos • enthusiastic and passionate about teaching • experienced at teaching and delivering national curriculum subjects • hard working and a good team player We would love to hear from you. We can offer you: • A well resourced school • Training and professional development • Good remuneration and terms For a full job description and an application pack, please contact the school office on 0161 708 8220 or email Closing date for applications: Monday, November 28, 2022 The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its children and we expect all stakeholders to share this commitment. All roles will be subject to an enhanced DBS Check. The school is committed to equal opportunity.
With Harold Schogger

Fun times at Menorah

Pupils wore authentic African costumes and played a range of African instruments.

They saw a range of African artefacts and learnt about natural materials used to make instruments.

Sean climbs Mount Snowdon for Camp Simcha

Teenager Sean Young has raised over £3,000 for Camp Simcha by scaling the heights of Mount Snowdon.

The London schoolboy climbed one of Britain’s highest peaks as part of his barmitz vah celebrations.

His efforts for the charity will support UK families with seriously ill children.

Sean spent five and a half hours trekking to the top of Wales’ highest mountain that stands at 1,085 metres. It is the highest point in the British Isles outside of the Scottish Highlands.

Donations have flooded in to Sean’s online fundraising page after he completed the chal lenge alongside his father James, 51.

Explaining his motivation, Sean, who at tends UCS in Hampstead, said: “I have had a wonderful childhood and want to raise money for children, who have not had it so easy. Camp Simcha does so much good, gives children support, some amazing adventures, summer camps and fulfils dreams.”

Sean’s older siblings have supported Camp Simcha at this milestone time but he is the first to have undertaken this challenge.

“The idea came about two months ago,”

said James. “I’m Swiss so I like mountains. So, we looked up what the highest moun tains in Britain are and came up with Mount Snowdon.”

Sean enjoys tennis, basketball, football and skiing but had never undertaken this kind of feat.

James said: “It was challenging on the way up but we were lucky to have blue skies, which made it enjoyable and a good way to spend time together raising money for Camp Simcha.”

The family, members of Brondesbury Park synagogue, have long been supporters of the charity.

“We have been connected for a long time,” said James, who works in real estate. “One of the reasons is that my nephew has muscular dystrophy and he and his family were sup ported by Camp Simcha and he went twice to camp in America.

“It’s a great charity and one that really makes a difference to children and their families.”

Details: seanleviyoung

Dein entertains Central crowd

Former Arsenal and Football Association vice chairman David Dein addressed an audience of approximately 50 people at the Central Synagogue Hallam Street on Sunday.

Dein, author of “Calling the Shots”, was promoting his new book and talked about lessons to be learned from his career in the football world and football generally.

Jonathan Metliss posed questions on various topics including Dein’s achieve ments and regrets, football now and 1953 when he attended his first game, goal line technology and VAR, the impact on the changing room of a football manager, the current nature of ownership of Premier League clubs and the forthcoming World Cup in Qatar.

Dein answered questions from the floor and spoke about his charity that twins foot ball clubs with their local prison. Rabbi

‘Talks of Interest’ is promoted and held at Central Synagogue.

Sean Young after completing his challenge Barry Lerer made closing remarks and gave a vote of thanks. Menorah Foundation welcomed Emily Ben-Ze’ev from “Emily’s Adventures in Wonderland “ for a session for Black His tory month. Jonathan Metliss and David Dein Having fun at Menorah Year 6 Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary school pupils selling Poppies to fellow pupils at breaktime PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL Matti, Gavriel and Mendy selling Poppies

Professor delivers Chai memorial lecture

Professor Jonathan Ledermann delivered Chai’s 32nd annual Natalie Shipman Memorial Lecture.

Around 200 people tuned in to listen to the keynote speak er’s fascinating topic ‘How BRCA Gene Mutations are Spearheading Ovarian Cancer Treatment’.

Professor Ledermann has been involved with Chai from its early years. He explained that the two most important cancers associated with BRCA related risk are breast and ovarian. In the presence of a BRCA gene mutation, the risk increases substantially.

The esteemed professor not ed that other cancers such as pancreatic or prostate are also more commonly associated with BRCA mutations. And he said that BRCA mutations are present in approximately 1 in 400 people, however among Ashkenazis, 1 in 40 (about 2%) have a BRCA mutation.

He explained: “BRCA muta tions have really opened up a completely new area of ovarian cancer treatment. They’ve taught us a lot about the biology of ovarian cancer and are teaching us about how important it is to target DNA repair and how crucial that


Sem Fair

Over 200 students from schools across Lon don attended this year’s Yeshiva and Sem Fair. Organised by Mizrachi UK, along with UJIA and Masa, the event was hosted at JFS and attracted over 200 sixth form students who were able to speak to staff and alumni from educational institutions and gap year programmes in Israel.

Midreshet Harova, Yeshivat HaKotel, Yeshivat Har Etzion, Midreshet Amit and Bnei Akiva UK’s Hachshara programme participated.

Prospective student Rivka Cohen said: “It has been so helpful to be able to speak with representatives from different seminaries in person, it has really helped me to compare

all the different options and make a deci sion about where to spend my gap year.”

Sammy Gold, a parent of a year 13 student added: “I was able to connect with other parents and professionals and now feel more confident about sending my child to Yeshiva for the year.”

David Reuben, Mizrachi UK Head of Programming, commented, “Spending a year in Yeshiva or Seminary is a pivotal moment in a young person’s life and lays the foundation for their years in university and beyond.

“It is a privilege for Mizrachi UK to be able to support students in the community through this period.”

is in terms of getting on top of tumour growth.”

The focus of the lecture was to describe how a class of drugs, called PARP inhibitors, have been developed to target ovarian tumours with a BRCA mutation. Studying the action of these drugs has greatly ex panded knowledge about how to target tumour cells opening the way for newer therapies.

There have been significant improvements in the treatment of women with BRCA muta tions using PARP inhibitors. Knowledge about the biology of BRCA and PARP inhibitors has led to their use in some women without BRCA muta tions. Some of these women also benefit from PARP inhib itor therapy, and these drugs are now commonly used in the treatment of ovarian cancer.

Professor Ledermann pre sented encouraging results of clinical trials but emphasised that more research is needed to understand why PARP in hibitors work less well in some women.

He added that there was little doubt the introduction of PARP inhibitors has had

a big impact on the lives of women with ovarian cancer.

The lecture was followed by a Q&A. Feed back has been positive.

Chai Chairman, Louise Hager gave an update on Chai during the past year.

She explained: “We are back and fully operational in all our centres which has given our clients tremendous pleasure. Continuing to provide support to all our clients via phone and zoom was a steep learning curve. One positive outcome is that clients can choose to join online from anywhere in the UK and abroad, allowing us to support many more people. In the past year alone, we have had just over 950 new clients needing to turn to Chai.”

Dr Adrian Tookman, Chairman of Chai’s Medical Advisory Panel, said it was won derful to work with leaders in the field who can deliver lectures.

Professor Lederman is Professor of Med ical Oncology, Clinical Director at UCL Cancer Institute.

Natalie, daughter of Susan Shipman, Chai’s founder president, helped inspire Chai’s inception over 30 years ago. She was diagnosed with cancer when she was two years old and passed away from a brain tumour just before her eighth birthday.

Memorial lecture: com/watch?v=Go-MrjlK0Rk&t=3s

Natalie Shipman a”h
בקעי תיב Executive Principa : Rabbi N. Wilson ד''סב BEIS YAAKOV JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY 69 Broom Lane Salford M7 4FF• Tel 0161 708 8220•Fax 0161 708 9968•Email Headteachers: Mr B Myers (Quality of Education) Mrs T Reznick (Pastoral) JOB VACANCIES To inspire our students and enable them to maintain high standards in their learning and personal development, we are looking to appoint a dedicated and professional teacher to the following role: Art Teacher KS4 (P/T) Start date: January 2023 Salary scale: Commensurate with experience If you are: • able to model the Beis Yaakov ethos • enthusiastic and passionate about teaching • experienced at teaching and delivering national curriculum subjects • hard working and a good team player We would love to hear from you. We can offer you: • A well resourced school • Training and professional development • Good remuneration and terms
a full job description and an application pack, please contact the school office on 0161 708 8220 or email Closing date for applications: Monday, November 28, 2022
school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its children and we expect all stakeholders to share this commitment. All roles will be subject to an enhanced DBS Check.
school is committed to
The Yeshiva & Sem Fair

Jesner Foundation’s partnership with GIFT

Hasmonean boys attend Windsor Castle minyan


GIFT has partnered with The Yoni Jesner Foundation.

Yoni’s mother Marsha Gladstone ap proached GIFT to partner the foundation that she set up.

Marsha strongly believes GIFT’s core values and mission of inspiring and en abling lifelong giving, were a perfect fit for the Yoni Jesner Awards Scheme. She was greatly impacted by how GIFT’s ethos aligned with her son Yoni’s purpose of social responsibility and giving.

As the awards are evolving GIFT’s in volvement will encourage children to volunteer and acquire a deeper under standing of the value of actions through dynamic educational programmes.

Marsha explained: “Yoni knew from a young age that there wasn’t enough awareness about selfless giving. There is a bigger purpose of how to lead your life.

This is more than simply the completion of volunteering hours; it’s about making giving part of people’s lives.”

GIFT will work this year with JLGB through its evolve system for young men and women to track volunteering hours.

GIFT plans to incorporate the values that Yoni embodied alongside volunteer work.

Michelle Barnett, GIFT founding direc tor, is honoured to be working with the foundation and embracing Yoni’s passion and commitment to the community. She wants to inspire people to have a feeling of responsibility and understand the value of giving as it will keep Yoni’s memory alive.

GIFT and JLGB will be working with high schools on The Yoni Jesner Awards’ launch to Year 8 students over the next month.




Marsha Gladstone with GIFT’s Michelle Barnett Hasmonean High School for Boys was invited to help make a minyan for Rab bi Yitzchak Yosef, Chief Rabbi of Israel at Windsor Castle. 40 of Hasmonean’s staff and students went behind the scenes to help make a minyan for esteemed guests of King Charles III. Golker, Menahel of Hasmonean said: “It was a real privilege and wonderful experience for the boys to daven and hear shiurim from the Chief Rabbi and to be invit ed to a place of such significance and history.” from years 9 and 10 along with the sixth form leadership team were select ed to take part. Hasmonean boys with Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef at Windsor Castle The Winter Ovos Uvonim programme of Fathers and Sons began on Motzei Shabbos PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL Ovos Uvonim at Machzekei Hadass

The Geshmack of the Daf across the UK


The completion of Masechta Kesubos in the current Daf Yomi cycle was celebrated last week by almost one thousand participants of R’ Eli Stefansky’s Merkaz Daf Yomi (MDY) programme in London and Man chester. The gala events in both towns were an unprecedented success, attracting many MDY shiur members from abroad and an audience from all elements of the whole community.

History is full of personalities who have been inspired to bring about a revolution that has eventually changed the whole world. Reb Eli Stefansky shlit”a is one of those individuals. He established Merkaz Daf Yomi that has truly revolutionised the learning of gemoro for many thousands of Yidden across the globe.

Reb Stefansky – or Reb Eli, as he is affec tionately known to all members of MDY –was brought up in the environs of Ponovez Yeshivah. His father had a kevius learning with Rav Shach zt”l. Reb Eli developed into a consummate talmid chacham. Even when he went into the business world and moved to the States, his life was centred on his learning. Reb Eli started a Daf Yomi shi ur in Chicago that continued for two cycles. His style became very popular, as he had the ability to present the most complicated sugyos in a simple to understand format using charts and visual aids. Eight years ago, when he eventually decided to move back to Eretz Yisroel, it was suggested that he restart the Daf Yomi shiur there.

The suggestion inspired Reb Eli to start the very next day. The Daf Yomi schedule was in the middle of a difficult sugya in Masechta Avoda Zara. This did not de ter Reb Eli. He did not wait for the next Masechta, or even the next sugya. Later, this became his rallying call to those who were considering joining Daf Yomi – seize the moment and use the inspiration to jump in now and do not put the decision off. The shiur started in a tiny beis hamedrash with a small group of participants.

The crucial turning point came, when Rabbi Bernhard David of Manchester was a visitor to Eretz Yisroel and attended the shiur. He was so impressed with the shiur, that he asked Reb Eli to arrange live streaming of the shiur. Reb Eli accepted the challenge, and on his return to Manchester, Rabbi David gathered together the first small group of regular participants joining the shiur online.

The present fourteenth cycle of Daf Yomi began with much fanfare in January 2020. Reb Eli took the opportunity to expand his shiur. MDY became a reality, with its own premises. Flyers advertising the daily shiur were given out at the huge Siyum Hashas held in Binyanei Ha’uma. Hashem was pre paring the cure before bringing the afflic tion. Very shortly afterwards, the world was engulfed by the Covid-19 pandemic. When many countries adopted strict lock-down rules, hundreds of Daf Yomi learners were left without a face-to-face shiur. For many of them, MDY filled the gap admirably. A large-scale advertising campaign helped to boost MDY membership, making it into possibly the largest shiur in the world. The statistics are truly awe inspiring. There are now over 15,000 daily participants online,

besides users of many other mediums and worldwide platforms that disseminate Torah shiurim.

There are various factors that have contributed to the success of MDY. One of them is the extremely generous offer by several shiur members worldwide to supply a free Artscroll or Oz V’hadar gemoro to anyone joining the shiur. More than 1,400 free gemoros have been claimed in the UK alone. But far and above any other reason, is the popularity of Reb Eli himself.

Despite its huge size, MDY has retained its personal touch. All the participants feel involved like members of one family, even though they may be thousands of miles apart. The unique shiur delivered by Reb Eli touches all of them and has attracted members from every strand of the colour ful spectrum that makes up Klal Yisroel. Ashkenaz, Sefardi. Litvish, Chassidish, Modern Orthodox, kippa seruga, young and old all blend harmoniously together.

Reb Eli has an amazing memory for stories and anecdotes that he uses to highlight a point. During the shiur, he is not averse to making everyone laugh, with a millsa d’bedichusa. Even though they have not met Reb Eli in person, participants feel very much part of the shiur family. So, when it was announced that Reb Eli would actually be present in England for the Siyumim on Masechta Kesubos, there was an immedi ate and overwhelming demand for places.

Reb Eli flew into England, and was met in Luton airport on Monday evening. He was immediately escorted to Golders Green to deliver his famous Daf Yomi shiur. His schedule was to visit London first and then continue to Manchester. The daf yomi shiur took place in Beis Hamedrash Knesset Yechezkel, to a packed audience of over 400 people which reflected an incredible inter est given that details of this public shiur had only been announced 5 days beforehand.

In both London and Manchester, Reb Eli commenced with his famous signature welcome, as he says with much feeling, “Good morning Rabbosai… Ah!” The re sponse from the crowded beis hamedrash in both London and Manchester was so overwhelming that Reb Eli commented that it was the most enthusiastic reception he had ever received. In both towns, there was time given to meet and greet Reb Eli. The warmth and excitement that this generated demonstrated clearly the feeling that MDY is one big family.

After the shiur on Monday night, the crowd were able to ask questions to Reb Eli. When he was asked what made him start giving shiur, Reb Eli revealed that it had originally been his chavrusa that had sug gested he give a small public shiur, includ ing his famous 8-minute Daf review and how with siyato dishmaya, the shiur had grown to its current size. Reb Eli quoted Rav Meir Shapiro zt”l, whose yahrzeit was on the same night as the shiur as the paradigm of how one person who felt a responsibility to help others changed the world and he encouraged each person to take this to heart so as to help Klal Yisroel. Reb Eli was asked how much time he devotes to preparing the daf. He explained that whilst it depends on the sugya, he now spends most of his day immersed in the daf.

Very shortly after tickets went on sale for the London Gala Siyum, it was clear to the MDY London Committee that they would

to bring about a revolution that has eventually changed the whole world. Reb Eli Stefansky shlit”a is one of those individuals. He established Merkaz Daf Yomi that has truly revolutionised the learning of gemoro for many thousands of Yidden across the globe.
History is full of
who have been inspired

need a much larger venue than initially planned. The Gala Siyum was held on Tuesday evening in the prestigious Meridi an Grand, in the presence of over 500 peo ple. The MDY logo was projected onto the side of the venue and could be seen from afar. The guests included over thirty MDY members who flew in from Eretz Yisroel and America, to be present at the Siyum. Whilst the men heard the daf shiur from Reb Eli and davened ma’ariv, the ladies had their own programme led by Rebbetzin Yael Hamer who gave an inspirational talk, appropriately entitled “Our Chelek in Torah.”

The Grand Ballroom where the Siyum took place was exquisitely decorated, under glittering chandeliers and decorated walls The tables were laid royally as befits the great simcha. The high class banquet was provided by Litke Catering. Each guest had a memento on his place. Even the wine bottles carried the MDY logo.

Reb Eli completed Maseches Kesubos and then spoke passionately about how each person should consider moving out of their “comfort zone” to strive to achieve a higher level of learning and commitment to Yiddishkeit. Nesanel Gantz of the Ami Magazine and an MDY member had flown in from America and was called to say the Hadran which was followed by Kaddish, by Dovid Sharman. The extended rekidah that followed the Siyum was an expression

of the pure joy of each individual, joining together with all the other members of the MDY family. Everyone was swept up in the simcha that continued unabated for half an hour. The memorable music at the Siyum was provided by Asaf Flumendorf and his band together with Shayale Glick, Shloimi Meisler and the Neginah choir. Whilst the feeling of simcha throughout the evening was palpable, this feeling was most felt when the band played the MDY signature niggun, “It’s geshmack to do the daf!”.

During the seudas mitzva that followed, two short droshos were given by Motty Friesel and Shimon Cohen. They both described the effect that MDY had made on their lives, to change their whole daily routine and their outlook on life. Ari Davis presented Reb Eli with a Book of Apprecia tion, containing messages of hakaras hatov from all MDY members as well as a plaque containing the Tefillah for Hatzlacha from the Sheloh Hakadosh. Rabbi Noam Fix, an MDY member from Eretz Yisroel gave Reb Eli a unique reminder of the Siyum on Kesubos. He presented him with a kesub ah-style record of many of the memorable quotes from Reb Eli’s shiurim during the recent masechta.

After bensching, everybody joined in more dancing until late into the night. The following day Reb Eli travelled northwards to Manchester.

The Manchester Gala shiur and siyum

took place on Wednesday evening in Stene court Shul and hall. In many aspects, the occasion was similar to the London event. After all, they are all members of the same MDY family. But Manchester had its own unique elements. A large banner displayed in the shul proclaimed, “It all started here!”

This referred to the first small Manchester group that was forerunner of the thousands of MDY members who learn today. This was the first visit of Reb Eli to the place where it had all begun. Meeting those first members face-to-face was quite an emo tional occasion. Reb Eli mentioned most of them by name, evoking much applause and cheering. Members of MDY may be separated by physical distance, but they are linked into one family. It was indeed a poignant moment when Reb Eli broke off during the shiur to sing with everybody Acheinu Kol Beis Yisroel, just as he had done in London two nights previously.

More than 300 men and bachurim sat down to the seudas mitzva, beautifully catered by Yoeli Wreschner World Cuisine. The chairman was Rabbi Dovid Lewis, who invited Mr Avrohom Boruch Wreschner to say the Hadran on Masechta Kesubos. The rekidah that followed was both inspiring and uplifting to see such a wide range of people joining together in sincere simcha shel mitzva.

In his words of chizuk, Reb Eli referred to the theme of his slogan – “It’s not about

the Daf – It’s about the Yomi!.” Again, Reb Eli noted how we need to leave our comfort zone and be prepared to seize the moment of inspiration when it is given to us.

Special thanks were given to Yisroel Ko rnbluth, Zevi Sinitzky and Shimi Liefman for organising the siyum. Presentations were made to Rabbi Bernhard David and Yossi Dahari as pioneers of the Manchester chabura. Reb Eli was presented with a cus tom MDY-themed plaque with the tefillah to be said before and after learning.

A song was composed especially for the siyum by Leiby Pomerantz which was performed by Avrumi Halpern and the Sameach choir. The crowd were inspired by 14 year old Abie Liefman who learns the daf with MDY who wrote his own passion ate drosho and Guy Levine who received a standing ovation from the crowd as he described how Reb Eli’s shiur had changed his life and that of his family. He told the audience how he turns up the “Good morning Rabbosai” on his computer when he listens to the shiur at home as he wants his children to know that this is a house where we learn and we live Torah values.

All the guests left the Siyumim in both London and Manchester strengthened and inspired to continue their journey. The revolution continues. Since the siyumim, more than 100 men have signed up to learn. It really is geshmack to do the daf! To join the shiur,

D SUPPLEMENT 10 NOVEMBER 2022TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM to experience a sweetness in Torah and to get your free gemoro, go to

Community answers

Community members attended Holocaust survivor Maja Bagley’s funeral last week.

The United Synagogue Burial Society organised the levaya of Maja, 103, who es caped the Nazis in 1938.

“We thank everyone who came, and everyone who spread the word on social media to ensure we had a minyan,” the US said in a statement. “It shows the positive power of social media and the importance of community. It was also fitting that someone who had to flee the Nazis because of her Jewish identity was laid to rest surrounded by the Jewish community.”

Maja was born on July 16, 1919. She fled Nazi Germany for New Zealand with her parents and younger brother, trained to be a photographer and worked in various studios.

Maja used a large Victorian camera with glass negatives and focused mainly on tradi tional portraiture. She also developed prints in her darkroom at home. Maja undertook a role at the Auckland Star newspaper as a photographer in the 1940s.

But the New Zealand authorities consid ered Maja an “enemy alien” despite being a Jewish refugee and confiscated her camera. She married and raised a family and

remembered how despite her experiences, her love for photography never wavered and continued to take photographs as a hobby, even teaching herself how to take them on her granddaughter’s iPhone.

“Maja was by all accounts an extraordi nary woman and it was the Burial Society’s sacred duty to conduct her levaya,” the US noted.

Tribe Poland trip

Norwood raises £2.1m for vital services

Over 50 students participated in a five-day trip to Poland with Tribe.

This was their largest group size since before the pandemic.

Participants from years 12 and 13 learnt about Jewish life before the Nazi invasion of Poland.

Rebbetzen Freda Kaplan was the main educator. The group visited the Warsaw Jewish cemetery, Yeshivat Chachmei Lub lin, Lezjansk and the Warsaw Ghetto.

Concentration camps included Belzec, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Participants spent an uplifting Shabbat in Krakow where they went on a walking tour of the old Jewish Quarter, Kaziemeirz, and visited Schindler’s Factory. Over Shabbat, the group had the opportunity to reflect on their own Jewish heritage and future plans.

Lara Bassalian, 17, from Finchley United Synagogue, said: “The trip was eye-opening and inspiring. My understanding of the Holocaust has been enriched. I really loved the sense of togetherness and unity despite the loss and sadness we each felt.”

Noah Zemmel, 16, from Hampstead Gar den Suburb Synagogue, added: “I discov ered so much about myself and my Juda ism. I think it’s something that everybody should do whether they are Jewish or not.”

Anna Coleman, Tribe’s Senior Opera tions Manager, noted: “This trip was an important opportunity for the students to learn about the atrocities of the Holocaust as well as discovering more about their Jewish heritage. This moving experience really helps participants to explore their Jewish identities and roots.”

Norwood has raised £2.1m in a 36-hour online fundraising drive as part of its #We NeedNorwood campaign.

The fundraiser, which exceeded its £2m target, replaced its annual dinner ensuring a cross-section of donors could participate against the backdrop of the cost-of-living crisis.

The campaign showcased individuals with a range of learning disabilities, special educational needs and autism for whom Norwood has provided a lifeline, as well as support and counselling for their families as a whole. Funds will be directed to where they are most needed.

A Norwood poll of the Jewish communi ty found almost a quarter of respondents thought they or a family member would need to access support services within three years.

Chair of Trustees Neville Kahn explained

the need to raise funds on a large scale. He said: “In recent years the need for Nor wood’s vital services has grown. One in four members of our community need our services. The way in which individuals across our community depend on us has also changed. Norwood continues to adapt to meet those needs, so we can continue to be a safety net.”

Speaking at the close of the campaign, Kahn was gratified by support.

He said: “We are a community charity and exist to serve the community’s needs, but when we needed our community they supported us to reach our fundraising target in very challenging times. It’s never been more important for the community to come together to ensure our organisations are empowered to continue to assist our most vulnerable members, now and in the future.”

US call for Maja
Celebrating Norwood’s campaign Maja celebrating her 102nd birthday Tribe’s Poland trip
Mr Rodney Ross from “We were there too’’ telling of Jewish soldiers who fought in WWI at Broughton Jewish Primary School’s Remembrance assembly.
PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL Mr Rodney Ross speaks to Broughton Jewish about Jews who faught in WWI


Looking for answers? Send your question to


Dear Rabbi Schochet; I am utterly appalled at the ‘advice’ you gave ‘Andrew’ re: Wanted: Orthodox Rabbi for Non- Orthodox wedding. You replied ‘the best advice I can give is - dump her ‘.

If that is your best advice then sorry to sound rude but I would perhaps think you are not a wise person and should not be dishing out advice to anyone! Now im agine being on the receiving end of your advice. While I am not suggesting words should be sugar coated I would suggest you re member words can be weapons. Your ‘advice’ to ‘Andrew’ will either push him away from Judaism or towards her more or push him into mental anguish. Do you know this person? Do you know if he is in fragile men tal health?

For the record, I married out. It was not exactly what I want ed. However I never met The Jewish One. I met Jewish Men who dumped me as I would not sleep with them before marriage. I met Jewish Men who dumped me because I am not religious enough. In the meantime the clock was going tic-tok. To cut a long story short I wanted to be a mother but not a single mother. As it turned out I had spent years not realising I had cancer before I even met my now husband and I will never be a mother. It was only found after I had it for 5 years.

Now there are all sorts of arguments and debates we could have on The Topic of Marrying Out but what I wish to stress to you is think before you advise. You didn’t take a moment to ex

plain why it wouldn’t be possible for an Orthodox Rabbi to marry them. (You managed to write a lot about Jewish view on assisted suicide though!!)

‘Dump her’ is frankly lazy advice. So your advice either pushed him further to her or to a mental breakdown. I would not like that on my conscience.


Dear Mel

I didn’t have to wait to get up to the part where you mention being married out, before real ising that you were married out. I wouldn’t expect anything dif ferent from you. I appreciate you were triggered by what I wrote as it spoke to you personally. I am sorry about your cancer and hope that you are completely healed now. I also fail to see the relevance in your mentioning it in the context of this discus sion if only to perhaps to play on emotions. To be sure, facts don’t care about emotions. The fact is that a Jew marrying out is wrong and there is no debate to be had on the matter, much as you obviously think otherwise.

To be sure, I did think before I responded. Three times over. And that was the most sensible and impacting approach I came up with. Would it have made you happier if I would have been nicer and rather than “dump her” I would have said, “kindly extricate yourself from her life.”

I doubt it.

I didn’t bother explaining to him the “why” because it must be obvious to him why he can’t have an Orthodox Rabbi, just as it was obvious to you and any one else with an iota of sense. I definitely do not know the

person, but he does know me if only because he obviously reads my column. And knowing me he would know that writing to me, an Orthodox Rabbi, asking for advice on how to get an Orthodox Rabbi to rubberstamp a sham marriage, well he should have, would have anticipated nothing less. Wishing you only the best of health in your future.


Dear Rabbi

Job said, “Man was born to toil.” Why must we toil in this world rather than G-d looking after it and taking care of it? It requires much less effort on His part.


Dear Ronda

A story is told about a small synagogue in town, which had a garden that had become completely overgrown. Years of neglect had turned it into a jungle of bushes, and weeds. Among the members of the con gregation was a man who was quite a talented gardener. The sight of the overgrowth bothered him so he finally decided to do something about it. He put on his gardening gloves and began pulling weeds, removing bushes, tilled the earth, planted grass, transplanted flowers, and over several days, the garden started to look really lovely. He worked up to the last minute before Friday services, and was on his hands and knees in the gar den, finishing up, as the Rabbi walked by. Looking around appreciably, the Rabbi said “My word isn’t it amazing what man can accomplish with the help from G-d!” The gardener stood up, brushed of his hands,

and responded. “With all due respect, Rabbi, you should have seen this place when G-d had it all to Himself!”

Obviously, the gardener was trying to point out that it was his actions that brought about the beauty before them. And, just as obviously, the Rabbi was trying to point out that without G-d to cause seeds to germinate, grass to grow, flowers to sprout, and beautiful colours to come forth, all of the work the gardener had done would have been for naught.

birthplace and step out into the world, to transform it. When the Jews experienced their Exodus, G-d commanded that they travel into the Sea before He split it. G-d will do “His job” as long as we do “our job.”

He used to say: more precious is one hour in repent ance and good deeds in this world, than all the life of the world to come; And more precious is one hour of the tranquility of the world to come, than all the life of this …

A few of the commentators wonder why repentance is linked to time, what the connection is? One answer given by the Bartenura is that once a person has died, repentance and good deeds are too late, as the purpose

of the next world is primarily to enjoy the fruits of our labour; it’s olam hazeh where we must perform good deeds and repent.

We saw two weeks ago how this world is but a corridor to the next world. This world is where we prepare for olam haba, where we ‘earn our corn’ so to speak. Easy repentance is only availa ble down here in this world, once you get upstairs it becomes a lot harder.

This is the concept of what we call in Jewish philosophy, hishtadlut - loosely translated as “requisite effort.” Through out the course of history, G-d effectively demanded of man kind hishtadlut. Already at the beginning of time we are told that G-d created the world but then sent man out into it to work it and safeguard it. G-d’s instruc tion to Abraham was to leave his

This responsibility of hishtad lut extends itself to every sphere of living. You want G-d to keep you healthy, that’s fine. But you have to keep yourself fit as well. You want G-d to provide for you, that’s OK. But you have to go out and earn a living. You want G-d to give you nachas from your children, that’s perfectly accept able. But you have to be willing and prepared to invest time and values into their lives. You want your relationships to work, you have to make it happen. How much hishtadlut one is required to do can already be a matter of debate. But what is not up for debate is that whatever hishtad lut entails, one is obligated to do and invest oneself. Follow Rabbi Schochet at:

I have read a book about ‘Dybuks,’ which talk about experiences of people who died and were unfortunately not good enough to go straight to Gehinom never mind

to Gan Eden. Their experiences were fascinating to read about and the book is well worth a buy, featuring Dybuks who were helped by famous personalities in cluding Reb Chaim Vittal and the Chofetz Chaim amongst others. They testified the types of punishment their souls under went, including wandering the world for hundreds of years chased by evil angels, and having to constantly relive and regret their sins. Eventually many of them were purged, but it’s definitely easier down here to do Te shuva. Let us hope we can take this week’s Mishnah to heart and repent before it’s too late.

Pirkei Avot Perek 4: Mishna 17Refuah sheleima for Libbie bat Chaya Lea Rachel םיִבוֹט םיִשֲׂעַמוּ הָבוּשְׁתִבּ תַחַא הָעָשׁ הָפָי ,רֵמוֹא הָיָה אוּה לֶשׁ תַחַא הָעָשׁ הָפָיְו .אָבַּה םָלוֹעָה יֵיַּח לָכִּמ ,הֶזַּה םָלוֹעָבּ … םָלוֹעָה יֵיַּח לָכִּמ ,אָבַּה םָלוֹעָבּ ַחוּר תַרוֹק
Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:

Why Are there Two Sets of Luchos?

The Luchos are an expression of the oneness of Torah and the root of our connection to Hashem in this world. As we previously mentioned, Rashi explains that the Aseres Hadibros include the rest of the mitzvos within them (Shemos 24:12). These Ten Commandments are the fundamental root mitzvos, and the other 603 mitzvos emanate from these ten root categories. An obvious question then arises: Why are the dibros split into two separate groups, the right side and the left side? Why fragment the ultimate expression of oneness into two separate pieces?


The commentators explain that while the mitzvos on the right side of the Luchos are bein adam laMakom (commandments between man and G-d), the mitzvos on the left side are bein adam le’chaveiro (between man and his fellow man). There are layers of meaning behind this division. The simplest lesson is that it is fundamen tally important to both treat our fellow man properly and to serve Hashem; both hold extreme value. One should not view mitzvos bein adam le’chaveiro as purely a means to connect with Hashem; when engaged in a mitzvah bein adam le’chavei ro, one should see the infinite value of every human being and treat them with the dignity they deserve. When one visits the sick, gives charity, or helps one in need, this is not merely the fulfillment of Hashem’s mitzvah; this is also an opportunity to help and connect with another person. The deeper meaning of this parallel is that each and every human being is created b’tzelem Elokim, as an extension and expression of Hashem in this world. While mitzvos bein adam laMakom guide us along our individual journey back to Hashem, the mitzvos bein adam le’chaveiro inspire within us the understanding that we are part of a collective, higher, intercon nected self — Klal Yisrael — and that we, as a united nation and whole, are a reflection of Hashem in this world.


While the general juxtaposition of the mitz vos on the right and left sides of the Luchos carries fundamental significance, there is a powerful connection between the specific commandments on each side as well. Each individual dibrah on the right parallels the corresponding dibrah on the left. Together, they make up a unified whole of connec tion to both Hashem and one’s fellow man. Let us explore these connections in detail.


The first dibrah is “Anochi Hashem Eloke cha — I am Hashem your G-d,” (Shemos 20:2) the statement that establishes

Hashem as the life-force of the world, the Source of reality. This statement requires us to recognize this fundamental truth and commit to living a life faithful to it. The first dibrah on the left side of the Luchos, which parallels the dibrah of Anochi Hashem Elokecha, is “lo sirtzach,” (Shemos 20:13) the prohibition against murder. Hashem created each and every human being with a chelek Elokah mi’maal (a spark of G-dliness from above), and killing another human being eliminates that spark from the world. Anochi Hashem expresses the ultimate source of life and existence, while murder is the ultimate shattering of existence.

Furthermore, the ability to take away life belongs only to the one who gives life. Murdering another person claims the power and authority to eliminate a person’s life, essentially claiming: “I am Hashem, the controller of life.” Accordingly, murder directly contradicts the truth of Anochi Hashem Elokecha — that Hashem alone is the Source of this world and everything in it.


Once the primary principle of Anochi Hashem is established, the logical next step is ensuring that we are faithful to that truth. Many think of idolatry as the worship of statues and inanimate objects. How ever, any intelligent person can see that a piece of wood or stone carved out by a human being could not possibly hold any power. The deeper understanding behind the worship of idolatry, as the Rambam (Mishneh Torah, Avodah Zarah, perek 1), Ramchal (Ramchal, Derech Hashem. See 2:7, 3:3:5), and many others explain is the worshiping of intermedi aries instead of sourcing yourself back to Hashem Himself. Hashem created the world in such a way that there are levels of reality. Hashem is the ultimate source, and the intermediaries receive energy from Him and then manifest it into the world. Avodah zarah is when you don’t recognize Hashem as the source but rather trace things back only as far as the intermediaries. The statues that idolators “worship” are merely tangible representations of the higher forces they serve. Worshiping avodah zarah is betray ing our true source for the intermediaries, the ultimate unfaithfulness to Hashem. Matan Torah established our marriage to Hashem, and idolatry is the betrayal of the commitment and connection of that marriage.

The prohibition against adultery is the corresponding dibrah on the left. Adultery is unfaithfulness in marriage, betraying the trust and loyalty integral to a relationship. Any illicit relationship is a breakdown of what a proper relationship represents; therefore, avodah zarah and adultery are inherently connected.


The third dibrah is the prohibition against uttering Hashem’s name in vain, while the

eighth, corresponding dibrah — lo signov — is the prohibition against kidnapping (a form of stealing). The practical connection between the two is explained in the Mechil ta, which states that one who kidnaps will then have to swear falsely to cover up his tracks.

Additionally, both kidnapping and utter ing Hashem’s name in vain are a misuse of something that one does not own. One has no right to use Hashem’s name in vain, as it does not belong to them and they have no permission to use it. Similarly, kidnapping someone is a form of stealing, of taking something that does not belong to them.

There is a deeper connection between the two as well. When one testifies in court, he must swear using Hashem’s name. This is not merely a practical requirement, but also a reflection of the essence of Hashem’s name. Hashem’s name represents objective truth — the Gemara states that Hashem’s “signature” is emes (Shabbos 55b), as Hashem is truth. When one swears falsely or uses Hashem’s name in vain, he places Hashem’s name in the context of that which is false or meaningless, connecting Hashem to those falsehoods. This takes that which is transcendent and corrupts it, displacing it from its lofty, proper place.

When one kidnaps someone, he does the same. He takes a person who was created b’tzelem Elokim and displaces him, remov ing him from his proper status and place in the world, treating him as an object. Just as displacing Hashem’s name from its proper lofty place shows a complete lack of respect for Hashem’s greatness (Ibn Ezra, Vayikra 19:12), kidnapping shows a complete disregard for humanity’s greatness.


The fourth dibrah on the right side of the Luchos is the commandment to remember and guard Shabbos, while the fourth dibrah on the left side is the prohibition against false testimony in court.

The parallel between these two dibros is the use of testimony and speech. Shabbos is when we testify that Hashem created and runs the world, realigning and reconnect ing ourselves to this truth and correcting any false perceptions that we may have developed throughout the week. False testimony is a corruption of this principle, using testimony to distort the truth. It is interesting that lying can only occur in this world, where hiddenness and deceit exist. In this world, one has the ability to pretend that something that exists does not exist, and vice versa. In Olam Haba, howev er, everything is transparent and clear; lying is impossible, and truth permeates everything. This is why the Gemara com pares Shabbos to Olam Haba (Berachos 57a). Shabbos connects us to the ultimate truth, to our ultimate destination, to a state of absolute clarity. It connects us back to creation, and simultaneously, toward our ultimate destination. Even deeper, though, it also connects you to who you are right now, allowing you to fully experience who you have become, to fully experience your own internal truth.

Another parallel between Shabbos and false testimony is the concept of connec tion. Shabbos connects all aspects of life together. It is a time when the spiritual is closer to the physical, when the soul is more connected to the body (which is the principle of neshamah yeseirah). Shabbos is also when Hashem and Klal Yisrael connect on a deeper level, and when Klal Yisrael connects most deeply with each other. Lying, however, achieves the oppo site. It uses speech to create disconnection. While speech is the mechanism of express ing internal truth outwards, lying is a ma nipulation and misuse of the very purpose of speech. Speech gives a person the ability to express his inner world, to genuinely connect with other people through sharing inner consciousness, expressed outwards through speech. When a person shares a lie, the other person thinks that he has con nected with you, that he knows something from within your inner world, that you have bequeathed a piece of your very self to him. In truth, however, all he has is the lie you have fed him.

Interestingly, the Hebrew word for con nection is “kesher,” and, not coincidental ly, the Hebrew word for a lie is “sheker” — the exact same letters but scrambled. Falsehood is a corruption of what could have been genuine connection. Sheker, falsehood, is taking the potential for con nection and perverting it into disconnect and falsehood. While the listener thinks he is connecting to you, nothing could be further from the truth.

In our next article, we will delve deeper into this topic and try to understand the deep and unique connection between the last pair of dibros, kibud av va’eim and lo sachmod. In the meantime, may we be inspired to fully embrace the inner depth of the Aseres Hadibros and bring that Torah depth into our lives and use it to fundamentally transform our avodas Hashem.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website: Shmuel


Fortune or Misfortune? Weekly Dvar Torah

Our forefather Avraham was not only a person of tremendous belief and a person of exceptional action, but also someone who amassed immense wealth. Consider ing the fact that Avraham was the recipi ent of Hashem’s blessings for success and the beneficiary of His guidance and pro tection, this should come as no surprise to us. However, when tracking Avraham’s climb to great prosperity, it is of value to note that he did not accept every opportu nity to add to his fortune.

In this week’s parasha, Avraham receives “flock and cattle and servants and maidservants”, in addition to “one thousand silver pieces” from Avimelech (Bereishit 20:14–16). Prior to receiving these gifts, he was far from impoverished.

In last week’s parasha, he received “flock and cattle and donkeys and servants and maidservants and she-donkeys and camels” from Pharaoh (Bereishit 12:16),


and was described as departing Egypt, “very heavy, with cattle, with silver, and with gold” (Bereishit 13:2).

Avraham seems entirely comfortable allowing his personal fortune to grow from the gifts of Pharaoh and Avimelech. Yet, when it came to the negotiations following the war between the four kings and the five kings in last week’s parasha, Avram appears to adopt a very different approach to accepting wealth from others. Notwithstanding the King of Sedom’s significant offer to give Avram all the spoils of war, Avram raised his hand to Hashem and vowed not to take anything at all, “from a thread to a shoe-lace”, lest the king of Sedom be able to claim that it was he that made Avram wealthy (Bere ishit 14:23–24).

Rashi (Bereishit 14:23) explains that the source of Avram’s concern was that he had been blessed by Hashem, so that Hashem would make him prosperous, which is why he rejected the opportunity to take

Vayera Sidra Summary

welcomes them into his house. The locals protest against Lot’s hospitality and try to break down the door. Lot offers his daughters in return for the guests’ safety. G-d strikes the townsfolk with blindness. The ‘men’ tell Lot to flee with his family.



riches from the king of Sedom, which could potentially send the wrong message as to the true source of his wealth.

Whilst Avram’s actions in this episode were most noble and praiseworthy, they raise a question about the other occasions when he did not express similar concerns. Why was he so determined not to receive wealth from Sedom, yet perfectly com fortable receiving wealth from Pharaoh and from Avimelech?

Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l explained this seeming inconsistency with a power ful message. Based on the proverb, “The blessing of Hashem will make wealthy, and it will not add sadness with it” (Mish lei 10:22), Rav Kamenetsky explained that Avraham knew that the wealth offered by Sedom could not possibly be from the intended blessing of Hashem, for it was a fortune that came as a result of the misfortune of others. In the episodes of Pharaoh and Avimelech, their financial gifts to Avraham did not come at anyone

else’s expense. In such situations, Avra ham could confidently and comfortably receive Hashem’s blessings through these messengers and circumstances. However, when Avraham sensed that the wealth he was being offered would cause pain and suffering to others, he raised his hand and refused to accept the slightest gift, “from a thread to a shoe-lace”.

When recently reciting the prayer for rain, we asked Hashem that the rainfall should be “for blessing and not for curse, for life and not for death, for plenty and not for scarcity”. Though they may seem tautologous, these prayers reflect the reality that Avraham was keen to avoid, for one person’s blessing could at the very same time be another person’s curse. What enhances the lives of some could be simultaneously detrimental to the lives of others.

May we be showered with blessings from Hashem, and may our good fortune never be the source of misfortune for others.


Shortly after Avraham’s brit milah (cir cumcision), G-d appears to him in Elonei Mamre. Avraham greets three ‘men’ (in fact, angels – see Rashi) and serves them a fine meal. One of them tells Avraham that Sarah will have a baby boy in a year’s time. Sarah overhears and laughs in disbelief.



G-d reveals to Avraham His plan to de stroy the wicked city of Sedom. Avraham pleads with G-d to spare the city, in the merit of any righteous people who might live there. However, there are not even ten righteous people living there.



Two of the men (angels) arrive in Sedom to rescue Lot, Avraham’s nephew. Lot

G-d rains down sulphur and fire from the heavens, overturning Sedom and its neighbouring cities. Lot’s wife turns to look back and becomes a pillar of salt. Lot hides in a cave with his two daughters. On consecutive nights, fearing that they are the last humans left, Lot’s daughters get him drunk and each conceives a child from him.

Avraham moves to Gerar in the Negev. The local ruler Avimelech takes away Sarah, whom Avraham claims is his sister. G-d appears to Avimelech, warning him not to touch Sarah. Avimelech confronts Avraham, who defends his non-disclo sure. Sarah gives birth to Yitzchak (Isaac), who has a brit milah on his eighth day. Point to Consider: Which of Lot’s two daughters is considered in a more negative light? (see Rashi to 19:37)


ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 21:5-21

Sarah sees the negative effect that Avra ham’s wayward first son, Yishmael, could

have on Yitzchak. She tells Avraham to send away Yishmael and his mother Hagar. They travel in the desert and Yishmael nearly dies of thirst. An angel appears, telling Hagar that a great nation will come from Yishmael. G-d opens Hagar’s eyes and she sees a well of water.

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 21:22-33

Avraham makes a peace pact with Avime lech, establishing Avraham’s rights to the wells he had already dug.

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 22:1-24

G-d tells Avraham to bring Yitzchak as an offering. Having previously been told by G-d that Yitzchak would be his heir, and having always encouraged Avraham’s acts

of compassion and kindness, this Divine instruction defies logic. Nevertheless, Avraham obeys, showing his uncondi tional devotion to G-d, regardless of his logical understanding. As Avraham raises the knife, an angel appears, telling him not to touch Yitzchak, presenting instead a ram to sacrifice. Avraham is praised for his faith. Avraham is told about the birth of Rivkah, Yitzchak’s future wife.


The haftarah includes the moving story of the prophet Elisha’s miraculous resusci tation of a young boy who had been born to the Shunamite lady who used to host Elisha in her house. Elisha had originally prophesied the birth of the boy.

Rabbi Danny Mirvis is Deputy CEO of World Mizrachi, and Rabbi of Ohel Moshe Synagogue in Herzliya Pituach.
“And Avraham raised his eyes and saw – behold, a ram! –afterwards, caught in the thicket by its horns” (Bereishit 22:13)

Torah from Israel

Vayera: The Law of G-d and the Heart of Man

Everything was at stake. From Avraham’s love for his son to his reputation as a man of G-d- it was all on the line. At the tail end of his career, the first person to discover Hashem was summoned to the ultimate religious trial. Would this courageous pioneer forfeit everything he had accomplished, both personally and professionally, to obey an incomprehen sible divine command? Could he pull the trigger and sacrifice his own son acting upon an instruction delivered by a G-d he believed in, but had never actually seen. Everything was at stake atop that windswept mountain during the binding of Isaac.

Though his internal conscience could not decipher this unusual command, Avraham willingly submitted. During his three-day travel to the mountain, he struggled to reconcile this puzzling demand with his own moral instinct. Unable to understand this frightful request, Avraham suspended his own moral conscience in favor of the divine will. In doing so, he passed the basic test of religion and carved a template for our own religious experiences.


As Hashem is compassionate and desires human prosperity, His will is synchro nous with human interest. Studying His word and obeying His will improves both our personal lives and the overall human condition. Religion isn’t meant to stifle or suppress human experience, but to empower and enhance it. There is no clash between the divine will and the human heart. It may not be immediately obvious, but every divine instruction im proves the human experience. Hashem isn’t arbitrary and doesn’t issue vacant or purposeless commands. As we mature religiously, we discover deeper under standings of this overlap between religion and human benefit. There is no conflict between the human heart and the divine temple. Hashem created each and they coincide.

However, everyone, at some point, arrives at that mountain and experienc es an akeidah moment, in which they cannot decipher the mystery of the divine will. At some point, we all face the Avra ham challenge: can we suspend human reason, silently obey the divine mystery and submit to the will of a higher being? Avraham programmed that ability within every Jew, and we have been faithfully perpetuating his legacy ever since. As much as we endeavor to reconcile

religion with human interest, we always fall short. At that stage, when we are riddled by Hashem’s indecipherable will, our obedience and submission kick in to ensure durable religious commitment even absent of human understanding. Faith is part reason, and part trust.


Yet, for all his submission to divine instructions, Avraham isn’t portrayed as a hollowed out and unemotional autom aton. In theory, the most efficient way for him to kill his son would be to take his

to Hashem to rescind the harsh decree. Even though Avraham knew that fulfill ment of this command would reshape re ligious history, he still desperately pleads for a way out. To do any less would have rendered him a monster. He realizes that, in the end, if the decree isn’t repealed, he will have no choice but to obey Hashem’s instructions. However, he continues to pray for a reversal, hoping that he could avoid this fearsome challenge. There is absolutely no contradiction between his readiness to execute divine will and his praying to avoid that test. Bending his will

Hashem expected no less. He desired a kind and sympathetic father standing upon a mountain, rather than a cold manikin emptied of the noble impulses which Hashem Himself implanted. Avraham’s heroism consisted not only in his submission to Hashem, but also in his preservation of his humanity.


Hashem delivered two “guidance sys tems” by which we live our lives. One is a religious system, a list of command ments, a roster of 613 do’s and don’ts distilled within the Torah. Additionally, He vested us with common sense and moral intuition, a sense of right and wrong which provide a navigational compass. In the rare cases in which these systems appear to clash, faith demands submitting the human heart to divine code. However, these akeidah-like cases are very rare.

More often, the divine law and the pure human heart complement each other. Even if a decision isn’t directly legislated by the Torah, it should still be inspected based upon moral conscience. When we listen to our inner virtue we are listen ing to a divine whisper, even if it isn’t a divinely articulated commandment.

emotions out of the equation, numb his feelings, objectify his son and act dis passionately. By muffling his emotions, Avraham can dispense this terrifying act which his conscience rails against.

Yet, Avraham is portrayed as a loving father, not an indifferent robot or a crazed fanatic. The torah’s description of the akeidah contains ten terms which derive from the word ‘av’, denoting a father, or from the term ‘ben’, denoting a son. These terms are completely redundant, as we are well aware that Yitzchak is Avraham’s son. The recurring references to a father and son underscore that neither father nor son abdicated their affection for one another, even as they proceeded toward the unimaginable. They retained their hu manity and deepened their relationship, even though they chose to prioritize the will of Hashem over human instinct.

Likewise, the midrash reports that until the very last minute, Avraham prayed

to Hashem’s will isn’t meant to eviscer ate his natural human feelings for his beloved son.

Finally, the midrash describes the actual moment in which the sacrifice “almost occurred”. Isaac is tightly bound, as his father raises the knife to perform the sacrifice. Tears flow down the father’s cheeks as he recognizes this to be his final goodbye to his son. Even though Avraham’s heart is overjoyed at obeying the divine command he still sobs at the thought of killing his son.


Hashem fashioned our hearts into mul ti-chambered organs because He expects us to simultaneously sense multiple, and often clashing, emotions. On that day Avraham’s heart was suffused with both joy and sadness. He submitted his decision to divine authority, but pre served his humanity and his conscience.

Thankfully our world is benefiting from a religious surge, as Torah study and Halacha observance are each on the rise. We have access to more Torah knowl edge and greater familiarity with the first system of Hashem’s law than in the past. Sometimes though, the emphasis upon halacha mutes our inner voice of human conscience and morality. Many of life’s decisions lie outside the purview of halacha, but must still be shaped by com mon sense and moral intuition. These moral instincts were planted by Hashem, and we should listen to their murmur.

Hashem speaks to us through His torah, but he quietly whispers to us through our conscience. Religion moves in stereo.

The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzi on/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University, as well as a master’s degree in English literature from the City University of New York.


Va yera

Avraham has just done bris milah on himself at 99 years old!! And he isn’t lying in bed, he’s desperate for guests to help! Hashem decides to pay a visit to Avraham. This teaches us the importance of the Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim, (visiting the sick). He sees how Avraham yearns for guests, so He sends three Malachim (angels) in shepherd clothing walking down the road. Avraham is so excited to see guests that he interrupts his conversation with Hashem and runs out to greet them. Avraham invites the three strangers to his tent for a meal. Then one angel tells Avraham that next year Sarah will give him a son Yitzchak.

The other two angels are here to destroy Sodom, the wicked, evil place that Lot lives. First of all, in Sodom you’re not allowed to give food to poor people. You’re not allowed to invite strangers into your home. If a stranger comes to town, they rob and beat him. If a rich guy comes into the city, the people push a wall down on him, kill him and then steal his money. If two people get into a fight and one ends up bleeding, the bleeder has to pay a doctor’s fee for the privilege!!

Hashem tells Avraham that the souls of those murdered in Sodom are crying out for revenge. But Avraham, a person with great compassion, still can’t deal with a whole city being destroyed. Where Noach failed, Avraham succeeds. He begs Hashem for mercy. Who knows, maybe they’ll do Tshuva! (repent).but they are too far gone. So the angels set off to Sodom, Lot brings them home but his sneaky wife tells all the neighbours, “I need salt for my husbands guests.” An angry mob shows up demanding the guests so they can kill them, the melachim strike them blind but in their crazed fervour they keep on trying! The melachim drag Lot reluctantly away from his money, warning the family not to look back. Mrs Lot does and becomes a pillar of – salt.

After Sodom is destroyed, Avraham moves to find more travellers to teach. He goes to Gerrar. . Avraham decides to play sister and brother again. Sure enough, word gets back to King Avimelech that the beautiful Sarah has just entered his kingdom. Avimelech orders her to be brought to the palace. Once again Sarah turns to Hashem for protection. And once again Hashem hits a royal household with plagues. Hashem speaks to Avimelech in a dream. He warns Avimelech to let Sarah go because she is a married woman.

Sarah has Yitzchak/Isaac and everyone is thrilled.

2 years later, the bliss is interrupted. Yishmael is wicked and Sarah wants his influence stopped . Hashem tells Avraham to listen to her and he sends them away, back to Egypt on a donkey. However on the way, yishmael falls ill and Hagar leaves him to die, they both pray and Hashem saves Yishmael.

Hashem waits 38 years to implement the plan! One night, Hashem appears to Avraham in a dream. He commands Avraham to “sacrifice your only son, the son you love, Yitzchok,” on Har Hamoriah (Mt. Moriah).

First Hashem promises to make Avraham into a great nation; Then Avraham has to wait 99 years for a child; Finally a son is born to him then Hashem tells Avraham to sacrifice him! And yet - Avraham trusts in Hashem and never questions the instructions.

As a matter of fact, Avraham doesn’t waste a moment. He wakes up early the next morning and heads right for the stables where he saddles his own donkey. They make it to the mountain and Isaac lies back, accepting, Avraham raises the knife and … Hashem telss him to STOP at the very last second. Wow.

Tangram Challenge!

Using all the shapes on the left can you make the giraffe shape on the right?

10 NOVEMBER 2022 FAMILY FUN 35TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM (Answers at the bottom of page upside down) 2)Fog!  1. I turn around once. What is out will not get in. I turn around again. What is in will not get out. What am I? Q. Why did the apple run away? A. Because the banana split! Q. What can you give and keep at the same time? A. A cold! Q. What’s a shark’s favorite sandwich? A. Peanut butter and jellyfish! 2. The more there is the less you see. What is it? 3)Thosethat cameafterT 3. What letters of the alphabet come too late for supper? 1.Akey! Q: What did the mummy cow say to the baby cow? A: “It’s pasture bedtime.” 1.Shortendofthestick 2.Lowfatmilk 3.Thereisnoiinteam 4.He’soutofhisdepth 5.Toomuchmakeup 6.Toofunnyforwords

Word Wheel

it seriously.

The stage features eight Europa League runners-up against third place sides from Champions League groups. Other ties are Juventus vs Nantes, Sporting Lisbon vs Midtjylland, Shakhtar Donetsk vs Rennes, Ajax vs Union Berlin, Bayer Leverkusen vss Monaco, Sevilla v PSV Eindhoven, FC Salzburg vs Roma. The first legs are on 16 February, second legs 23 February.

Play off winners go into the last-16, which includes Premier League leaders Arsenal.

In the Premier League, the Gunners secured a hard fought win at Chelsea last Sunday.

Gabriel scored the only goal of a state ment victory that saw manager Mikel Arteta accept that his side are in the title shake up after 11 wins in 13 games.

courtesy of a last-ditch penalty of sharp shooter Erling Haaland.

Arteta’s team travel to lowly Wolves while City host Brentford in the final round of fixtures this weekend before the World Cup. It would be a shock if either side slips up. Newcastle United continue to impress and now sit in the lofty position of third spot after easing to a 4-1 win at Southampton. Saints sacked manager Ralph Hasenhuttl on Monday.

Eddie Howe’s Newcastle leapfrogged fourth place Tottenham Hotspur who lost 2-1 at home against inconsistent Liverpool who got back to winning ways.

Dinkin, and Adam Hassanali completed the rout in a mismatch of a tie.

Lions could have scored in the opening minute of the clash but soon opened the scoring and led 9-0 by half time.

The Division One team, though outclassed, battled away to the end.

Lions boss was lost for words at full time such was the display from his team who gave every respect to the opposition.

Real Madrid face Liverpool in the UEFA Champions League last 16 when it resumes in February next year.

“I’m not really sure there’s anything to say, we are happy to make it through to the next round of the cup,” he commented.

Hendon United Sports ran out 3-1 victors against League One outfit North London Raiders.

It’s a dream draw for neutrals. The 14time winners defeated Jurgen Klopp’s Reds in the Paris final last season.

The Premier side led early in the second half only for Raiders to equalise but struck two late goals to book a place in round three of the competition.

Manchester City are however favourites to win the trophy following the draw this week.

Hendon now turn their attentions to the league as they travel to Oakwood A for a crucial top of the table clash on Sunday (10am).

must-win game,” commented Galaxy player-manager Luke Lewis.

“We sat back and allowed Oakwood the ball, given the one-man advantage and looked to hit them on the counter attack with pace.

The tie of the round though could well be Paris St-Germain vs Bayern Munich when PSG’s strike force of Mbappe, Messi and Neymar will look to cause a shock and advance to the quarterfinals.

Other ties are Club Bruges vs Benfica, Frankfurt vs Napoli and Inter Milan vs Porto.

Arsenal are two points clear of Guardio la’s 10-man City who defeated Fulham 2-1

Manchester United went down to a sur prising 3-1 loss at struggling Aston Villa who moved three points clear of the relegation places with a terrific winning start for man ager Unai Emery.

As the World Cup mid-season break looms just six points separate Newcastle from seventh-place Chelsea. The same points dif ference splits the lower half of the table with Saints, Wolves and Nottingham Forest prop ping up the table.

Pep Guardiola’s side play RB Leipzig as he attempts to guide his charges to the one competition to elude him since taking the helm at The Etihad.

Daniel Kristall’s team stunned the league leaders last month when they won 2-0, a victory would move them to within a point of Hendon with a match in hand.

Elsewhere in the latest round of fixtures, 10-man North London Galaxy made it a three-way title race in the only Division One clash of the day after defeating Oakwood B.

“Both goals came down the right-hand side. Leigh crossed the first one into Cohen to finish, before slotting home himself. Up to first we go.”

The Division Two title race also took a twist with league leaders Herstwood Vale going down to a 2-1 defeat at Temple Fortune.

Last-16 first legs take place 1415 and 21-22 February, second legs are 7-8 and 14-15 March.

Staying in the Premier League is paramount. Hasenhuttl is the fifth boss sacked this season.

Jamie Murray saw red early on but Galaxy rallied with goals from Josh Cohen and Jacob Leigh to record an important 2-1 away win.

Domestically, City have won every hon our but they have yet to land the top Euro pean crown.

Faithfold B have played a game more than Vale but moved level with a 5-3 win at North London Raiders Masters.

Jacob Kalms struck twice for Fortune who scored through leading scorer James Milletwith his 17th goal of the season.

Tottenham will relish a clash with AC Mi lan whilst Chelsea face Borussia Dortmund.

Galaxy head Redbridge Jewish Care A in the table by just one point after 10 matches, third place Fairlop FC are five points behind with two games in hand.

Rafi Bloom scored for Oakwood.

“It was a fantastic performance in a

The result was all the more remarkable as Temple were down to 11 players with ‘keeper Ben Rebuck dislocating a shoulder in the warm up.

“This was a fantastic win given the

circumstances,” said delighted Fortune boss Simon Linden.

“We had a number of players out, Rebuck got injured, so I couldn’t have asked any more from the players. We wish Ben a speedy recovery.

Manchester United are in the standout Europa League tie of the knockout play-offs as they play Barcelona.

“It was a proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90

Neither side has an aspiration to be in the tournament but it is a route back into the elite com petition next season so are taking

Scott Parker, Bruno Lage, Thomas Tuchel and Steven Gerrard have been dismissed by Bournemouth, Wolves, Chelsea and Villa respectively. More will almost inevitably follow when the league resumes during the festive period.

The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.
Last week’s words: Here are some words you may have found from last week - you may have found more! Use this area to write the words you have found. add ado aft and ant art awn dad fad fan far fat oaf oar oat rad ran rat raw tan tar wad wan war dado daft darn dart dawn dona drat draw fawn fora raft rand rant road roan rota tarn taro toad wand want ward warn wart woad adorn draft drawn dwarf radon dotard onward toward downdraft
e i
h i
Mogilner scored six goals as Maccabi London Lions thumped Scrabble A in the second round of the Cyril Anekstein Cup.
Premier League side racked up a 16-0 win with Daniel Green and Michael Kenley both bagging a hat-trick. Ed Brafman, David
Sixteen-goal Lions rout Scrabble in Cup
proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90 minutes and took our chances. Experience
the winner.” 16-goal Maccabi London Lions Defending champs Real draw Liverpool in last 16
minutes and took our chances. Experience proved to be the winner. It’s a big win, one we will enjoy and we hope to build on it in 2019.” He added, “This win marks 50 years as a football club and will be one Nigel Kyte and everyone associated with the club from day
will enjoy.” Vale boss Jacob Emanuel was quick to wish Rebuck well following his injury. “First and most importantly, everyone at Vale would like to wish the Fortune ‘keeper a quick recovery, we hope to see him back on the football pitch as soon as possible,” he said. As for the defeat, Emanuel commented, “It doesn’t matter how big a squad you have, you can never account for unavailability or injury. Only five of today’s team played in our recent win over FC Team, a lack of togetherness and poor individual
proved to be
the last 16
Defending champs Real Madrid face Liverpool in
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Hasmonean MAT seeks an exceptional leader to join as the Headteacher of the Boys’ School to make a crucial contribution to the continued success of the school.

This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced educationalist and leader to help a high performing organisation seize the opportunities and meet the challenges of a rapidly changing local and national educational landscape.

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Shortlisted candidates will have formal interviews which will take place on the week commencing Monday 12th December 2022.

Applicants are asked to provide daytime and evening contact details.

We reserve the right to close these vacancies early should we receive an overwhelming response. Hasmonean MAT is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

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I am often asked why shipping costs have risen so much in the last year. There is no simple answer to this. There are several compo nents to the increases.

1. The cost of packing materials: – cardboard has risen in price from the day the pandemic started. Cartons are historically made largely from recycled paper and board and manufacturers gave the reason for increases as being due to people not recycling during the pandemic. The truth, I think, is that just a few large companies con trol the world market for board and they use that to their financial advantage!

2. The cost of sea freight: - This was not affected by the pandemic but shipping lines chose to place vessels into dry dock and then share the available space remaining with other shipping lines so as to maximise returns. Those partnerships are now falling apart and I hope to see freight rates reduce over the next 12 months.

3. Fuel: - Ships use a lot of fuel and the war in The Ukraine has increased the propor tion of shipping charges that relate to fuel costs. Again, we watch for changes.

4. Container haulage: - There is no doubt that Brexit sent a lot of drivers home to the EU causing a shortage in the UK along with a shortage of containers due to the pandemic’s demand on PPE from the far east and the backlogs in shipping that this caused. This situation is, however, improving.

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LSJS Education Page

Innovation and the future of Jewish Education

Jewish education in the UK is at a critical juncture. Resources are tighter than ever before. Government funding for training teachers has reduced dramatically. And yet we must do more than ever.

Emerging from the Covid pandemic we identified a need to take stock, learn and plan for the future. To do so LSJS and UJIA brought together over 70 education al leaders from across the community and from different parts of the sector: schools, shuls, youth movements and supporting organisations to address the acute challenges facing the sector in a collaborative way and with joined up thinking.

Covid brought many issues into sharp focus. Young people are no longer the same as they were. Their mental and emotional needs are different and their

learning needs must be respected. We must put them at the centre of our educational approach and be led by their questions and how they make sense of the world, not by what we want to teach. We must support and educate them in all their diversity and include them wher ever they are. We must invest in Jewish experiences that speak to our young people, finding ways to refresh and renew them. We must harness the opportunities that technology provide in order to do this to the full.

We must invest in families so that

they can support their children’s Jewish journeys and so they can grow together. Schools must be supported but not relied upon for all Jewish input. The family is such a vital educational unit and parents so often do not have the tools they need. In many cases Covid gave them a taster of being part of their children’s education and we must retain the positive aspects of that whilst investing in what they need as parents.

It is clear that we must find efficien cies and utilise our resources across the sector. Working more collaboratively

and breaking down silos can bring some efficiencies. But we must recognise the tremendous strain that teachers are under, the heroic work being done day in day out to educate and inspire our children both inside the classroom and across other informal settings. They are inspiring role models and have enormous influence and impact but we must find ways to show them that they are valued. We must invest in Jewish education to ensure it is fit for purpose for our grand children. We must build on the passion and expertise that exists, inject new energy and ideas and futureproof it.

LSJS offers a range of routes to become a qualified teacher as well as degrees in Jewish Education and a vibrant adult education programme. Visit www.lsjs. for more information on all courses and events.

For more information on how you can be featured as the Teacher of the Week please contact Teacher of the week
Primary School Music Lead and Class Teacher Where did you train? LSJS What is the best part of your job? The best part of my job is seeing the power of education to improve pupils’ lives and making others smile! Book online at or call +4420 8203 6427 Monday 14 Nov 8-9:30pm (UK) In-person & online Becoming the Person He Was with Rabbi Shlomo Levin in conversation with Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum Marking the second yahrzeit of Rabbi Sacks What makes us who we are? In this unique event, we will learn about some of the personalities, events and experiences that influenced Rabbi Sacks, and what it takes to become a great Jewish leader. In partnership with South Hampstead Synagogue We must invest in Jewish education to ensure it is fit for purpose for our grandchildren.
Beis Yaakov

Chomesh L’Chinuch, together with Achisomoch,

31 NW London Schools

are very challenging, and significant gaps remain.

Boruch Chaim Joseph, Governor, Pardes House Grammar School said, “Chomesh L’Chinuch has focused the wider Kehilla on supporting our Mosdos HaChinuch. At Pardes House Grammar School we are ex tremely grateful for the funds raised through the CLC initiative”

At its annual distribution event this past Sunday, the North-West London “Chomesh L’Chinuch” Community Initiative distributed £255,000 to 31 local Jewish schools repre senting over 8,086 pupils. This brings the total amount collected and distributed to our local schools by Chomesh L’Chinuch to over £1,500,000.

This year’s event was special, as for the first time, Chomesh L’Chinuch partnered with Achisomoch, the leading NW London Charity ‘Bank’, which likewise supports chinuch origanisations including NW London schools. As one of its bi-annual distributions, Achisomoch distributed at this event £105,000, bringing the total amount distributed to NW London Schools at this event to £360,000.

The packed event was held at the Miriam Rachel Wohl Hall at Golders Green Beth Hamedrash and was attended by the Rab bonim and representatives of the Kehillos which have adopted Chomesh L’Chinuch: Golders Green Beth Hamedrash, Hendon Adass, Beis Yisroel, Beis Shmuel, Edgware Adath and Beis Yissochor Dov. Also present were the governors, menahalim and dele gates of the local Jewish schools.

Unfortunately, our local Moisdos HaChi nuch continuously struggle to cover their sig nificant annual budgets, and especially now, they find themselves facing overwhelming challenges. Significant rises in inflation and energy have impacted our schools in two ways. Firstly, by increasing school costs, both for staff and expenses, and secondly, making it more difficult to collect fees from parents whose disposable income has significantly diminished. Schools are anticipating their shortfall to increase over the coming year by several million pounds. Our schools need our help more than ever.

Chomesh L’Chinuch was set up as an innovative shul-based solution to this communal problem. Shul members are encouraged to prioritise and allocate one-fifth (a ‘Chomesh’) of their Tzedokah distributions to the local schools attended by the children of their Shul. Members are not expected to increase their already generous Tzedokah distributions, rather to allocate an

appropriate percentage to local chinuch.

Dayan Dovid Dunner, Rov of Beis Hame drash Beis Yisroel opened the event with a clear and powerful message to the governors and school askonim in the audience offering warm words of praise and encouragement for their significant contribution of their personal time for our communal institutions. Illustrating his message with a couple of pertinent anecdotes, and based on various halachic sources, he pointed out that the time they spend on facilitating Limud HaTo rah is considered as if it was spent immersed in Torah study itself.

Mr Eli Katz, joint founder of Chomesh L’Chinuch, explained the background of the initiative and praised the unstinting dedi cation of the school Chairs and Governors. He provided detailed statistics regarding the financial challenges faced by the local Jewish schools highlighting the substantial shortfalls amongst our local primary and secondary schools with a current annual shortfall of over £9.8 Million.

“Based on our research, 60% of NW London Donors give much less than 10% of their overall tzedokah donations to our local schools; this demonstrates that the Kehilla can fully fund the financial shortfall in our schools, but only if it correctly prioritises the chinuch of our children, the foundation of our Kehillo,” highlighted Katz.

To help the schools with fee collections, especially for state aided voluntary con tributions, Katz highlighted several recent initiatives undertaken by local schools, which have seen significant improvements in parent’s contributions, while compliant with relevant charity guidelines. “Sharing of best practices and smart initiatives between our schools is a worthwhile endeavour as it helps improve the financial position of our schools,” said Katz.

He reiterated the rallying cry to other Shuls, urging school governors and shul committee members to engage with their local Shul Rov, Gabboim and Askonim to encourage their Shul to join the Chomesh L’Chinuch initiative to help it reach the initial goal of raising £1,000,000 per annum.

This year, Chomesh L’Chinuch were

privileged to be joined by Achisomoch who likewise distributed their grants to the local schools. Achisomoch Aid Company (AAC) gives all its ‘profits’ back into the community and much of it is donated to schools in NW London. This year these schools received from AAC £233K with £105K distributed at this event. Across the year, AAC has support ed educational organisations across the UK with £850K, and in total over the past five years AAC has distributed nearly £4 Million.

Yitzchok Katz, Co-Founder and Chairman of Achisomoch and guest speaker at the event, said, “We are delighted that millions of pounds have been donated by AAC to local schools over the last years. Our partnership with Chomesh L’Chinuch helps in a major way to reduce the critical shortfall in the funding of Jewish Education. We also derive much satisfaction to hear from our clients the way in which AAC makes it so easy and efficient to donate to charity.”

Mr. Y. Katz took the opportunity to announce an initiative especially for schools that will enable them to substantially increase the amount of Achisomoch grant money they receive. He added, “The recently enhanced AAC referral program (also known as split commission) has resulted in some charities earning over £10,000/year from the initiative. This program is now available to all NW London schools.”

Mr Emanuel Meyer, joint founder of Chomesh L’Chinuch, then oversaw the distribution of the grant cheques to each school. The Rabbonim of the CLC Shuls were honoured with presenting the cheques to the school delegates, on behalf of their Shul members who have generously donated to Chomesh L’Chinuch.

The School Governors attending the event were full of praise and gratitude for Chomesh L’Chinuch’s initiative. They also pointed out how nearly every Jewish school in NW Lon don and beyond, with its substantial Kodesh programme, has a significant financial shortfall. A first class and successful Kodesh curriculum for the chinuch of our children, necessitates fund-raising from voluntary donations and the general community. In many schools these fund-raising efforts

Mr Gary Swabel, Chairman of Trustees, Hasmonean High School commented; “On behalf of the pupils of Hasmonean, its staff team and the board of governors I would like to thank Chomesh L’Chinuch for the tremendous work that it does in raising much needed funds for our schools. They are essential in enabling Hasmonean to contin ue its work building the bedrock of Anglo Jewry, ensuring the community’s continuity for future generations.”

Moishe Frenkel, Governor, Beis Yaakov Primary School said, “BYPS would like to thank Chomesh L’Chinuch for the awareness it has raised for the importance of supporting our educational institutions. We are extreme ly grateful for the sizeable donation received through this initiative and we encourage the wider Kehilla to sign up to CLC to ensure that our moisdos can continue to grow and flourish.”

Nosson Spitzer, Finance Governor, Me norah Grammar School: wrote “Chomesh L’Chinuch is an initiative that the Northwest London Kehilla can be extremely proud of. The financial difficulties our schools face daily are only increasing. Chomesh L’Chinuch helps alleviate those challenges, both with their financial aid and practical guidance and advice. We encourage the Northwest London communities who have not yet joined Chomesh L’Chinuch, to do so for the sake of our children’s present and future”

Mr Moshe Reifer, Governor, Torah Vodaas Primary School: “We remain most proud to belong to a Kehilla that recognises its communal responsibility to its schools. The founders of Chomesh L’Chinuch deserve the highest praise for their vision in establishing an initiative which has significantly bene fited Torah Vodaas, amongst other schools. We are extremely grateful to all the donors in the respective Chomesh L’Chinuch shuls and wish the project much Hatzlocho and growth in future years.”

Mr Benzi Adler, Governor, Menorah High School for Girls: “Particularly in these trying times, the focus by Chomesh L’Chinuch on helping our local moisdos is particularly valued and appreciated. We therefore are grateful to the Chomesh L’Chinuch donors for a welcome financial boost in helping us to bridge our deficit and enables us to continue to provide vital support for our students and staff.”

Any local Kehilloh looking to launch the Chomesh L’Chinuch initiative are encouraged to contact Chomesh L’Chinuch at

distributes £360,000
Fundraising success for Chomesh L’Chinuch and Achisomoch PHOTO: AVI YODAIKEN
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