This week sees the publication of the 250th edition of this paper. A remarkable achievement given the rising costs of production and of course the pandemic which caused so many businesses to fail.
My contribution to the paper started 18 months ago and allowing for holidays I can fairly claim to have been involved for a quarter of the life of the paper. Reviewing that period and my articles a number of things come to mind. To begin with my disappointment with the communal lead ership or rather lack of it comes through loud and clear. The continued Jew hate barely disguised as criticism against Israel has been relentless as has the bickering amongst ourselves.
I confess to being a little guilty of an introspective approach, though in my defence, my complaints arose only when seriously provoked. What I have noticed though, is that the arguing amongst our selves is doing us no good at all. So much energy has been put into one group yelling at another, instead of concentrating on our
real enemies, or even on Israel’s successes, such as increased trade with the UK and of course the Abraham Accords.
So what does the future hold for the next 250 editions? Difficult to say in view of the wholly unexpected events caused by the pandemic. The acronym WFH – working from home – is now in our daily lexicon and reliance on Teams and Zoom is still high so that face to face meetings are fewer than they were in 2019. Perhaps we will see a rise in communal events being in person, though judging by the number of invitations I receive to online events, maybe not.
I believe I can predict with some cer tainty that the power of social media will be consolidated and grow. The impact upon us as a community has been felt for some time now, and we need to be pre pared for this to increase. The anti-Israel
rhetoric of Twitter and other platforms will continue to be spewed out and if we are to succeed at all in combatting this, we need to be looking outwards, not in.
One thing about the Jewish Weekly which does stand out is that it speaks for an otherwise low-key part of the Jewish Community. There are many groups which claim to speak for one section or other. Some of these claims are justified, others just risible. The Jewish Weekly though does reflect the views of a large number of us. It is not an alternative view, it is a mainstream view and one which sadly has not been promoted well at all in the past. This paper has helped to change this and perhaps in future editions we might see a campaign against the unacceptable approach of some charities towards Israel.
Only today I see that a search of the
Christian Aid website against the phrase ‘occupied Palestinian territory’ gives 70 results, yet a search against the word ‘Ha mas’ reveals no results whatsoever. Whilst this is a basic approach it does tell us so much about the approach of this charity. How Christian Aid can demonstrate such bias and remain a charity might be a suita ble subject for this paper to investigate, as well as the charitable sector generally and whether or not the Charity Commission is up to the task.
There is one more thing or more accurately a person that comes to mind as I look back at the last 18 months of my contribution to the paper – the editor Yossi Saunders. In my dealings with Yossi since April of last year he has been an easy person to deal with, no mean feat with weekly deadlines. Thank you Yossi for that, and above all for allowing me to share my views with your readers. May the paper go from strength to strength.
Robert Festenstein is a practising solicitor and has been the principal of his Salford based firm for over 20 years. He has fought BDS motions to the Court of Appeal and is President of the Zionist Central Council in Manchester which serves to protect and defend the democratic State of Israel.
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MARCH 2017 Boeing 767 plummets 20,000 feet on Poland pilgrimage trip. Jewish Women’s Aid launch ‘Safer Dating’ initi ative. FIFA may suspend Israel over ‘West Bank’ teams in league.
APRIL 2017 Labour Party blasted over Ken Livingstone linking Adolf Hitler to Zionism. Jewish charities £160K bonanza from London Marathon. ‘David’s Sling’ incorporated to IDF operations.
MAY 2017 UKIP’s Paddy Singh tweets about “Nazi Jews’. UNESCO reject Jerusalem as Israel capital. World leaders condemn Manchester terror attack.
JUNE 2017 London Bridge terror attack. Manchester’s JS restaurant firebombed. Kay’s in Golders Green fire. Pro-Israel Westminster event cancelled over terror attack fears. Israel tennis star Dudi Sela 22nd title.
JULY 2017 20th Maccabiah Games. Naren dra Modi first Indian Prime Minister to visit Israel. Former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert released from prison over corruption. El AL launch Boeing Dream liner 787s. Duke and Duchess of Cam bridge visit Stutthof concentration camp.
AUGUST 2017 Chelsea antisemitic chants against Tottenham Hotspur. Worst floods in 100 years hit Houston’s Jewish popu lation. Jewish leaders slam Labour Party over antisemitism.
SEPTEMBER 2017 Institute for Jewish Policy Research UK antisemitism analysis. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn accused of antisemitism. Prime Minister Bibi Netan yahu refuses to quit over fraud charges. World Jewish Relief launches appeal after Mexico earthquake.
OCTOBER 2017 Monarch Airlines collapse hits Jewish holidaymakers to Israel over Succot. Italian police investigate SS Lazio over antisemitic slogans at Stadio Olimpico.
NOVEMBER 2017 Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu attends Balfour Declaration Centenary. IDF destroy Gaza terror tun nels. International Development Secre tary Priti Patel resigns over Israel holiday. Mazel Tov to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on engagement.
DECEMBER 2017 President Donald Trump declares Jerusalem capital of Israel.
Flatbush Jewish community in Brooklyn mourn house fire deaths. Austria returns far-right Freedom Party to power.
JANUARY 2018 Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet ‘crowdfunding appeal’ after Vijay Patel murder. Wycombe Wanderers footballer Joe Jacobson Kick It Out ambassador. Terror attack kills Rabbi Raziel Shevach in Israel. Mumbai massacre survivor Moshe Holtzberg attends tribute to parents.
FEBRUARY 2018 El Al economy tickets for UK. Israel-UK trade record high. Poland law bans ‘Polish nation crimes’ during Holocaust. Poland Chief Rabbi Michael Shudrich battles to amend Animal Rights Bill. Iceland’s Parliament considers circumcision legislation for U18s.
MARCH 2018 Coroner Mary Hassell slammed over Jewish burials. ‘Bookkeep er of Auschwitz’ Oskar Groening dies be fore jail. ‘Enough is Enough’ antisemitism rally at Westminster. Holocaust survivor Mireile Knoll murder arrests.
APRIL 2018 Mazel Tov to Duke and Duch ess of Cambridge on third child. Jewish
leaders blast Jeremy Corbyn meeting. March of the Living commemoration in Poland.
MAY 2018 High Court rules against coroner Mary Hassell. Marie van der Zyl elected Board of Deputies president. Anti-Semitic blogger Alison Chabloz convicted. Presi dent Donald Trump walks away from Iran nuclear deal. Brit Mila tops Riga Europe an conference agenda.
JUNE 2018 Al-Quds rally calls for oblite ration of Israel. Holocaust survivor Ben Helfgott knighted. Wizz Air direct flights to Eilat. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu meets Prime Minister Theresa May at Downing Street. Argentina pull out of World Cup warm up vs Israel. Prince William historic Israel tour.
JULY 2018 JFS bans pupils using mobile phones over mental health. Labour Party governing body rejects IHRA definition. Law bars entry to Israel for men refusing Get. Israel SpaceIL announces un manned spacecraft to moon.
AUGUST 2018 Lord Sacks labels Jeremy
Corbyn an antisemite. Israel athletes win gold at European Championships. West Bank settlements get 1,000 housing units. President Donald Trump cuts Palestini ans $200m bilateral aid.
SEPTEMBER 2018 ‘Israel is a racist endeav our’ posters at TFL bus stops. Yom Kippur terror incidents in Israel. Tributes to MDA UK’s Eli Benson.
OCTOBER 2018 World Jewish Relief launch ‘Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami’ ap peal. US $38 billion 10-year Israel defence deal. Israel renews 25-year peace treaty with Lebanon. Tributes to communal leader Jo Wagerman.
NOVEMBER 2018 Neo-Nazi National Action members jailed. Worst antisemitic attack in US history at Tree of Life Congregation, Pittsburgh. 80th anniversary of Krisstall nacht and Kindertransport.
DECEMBER 2018 Israel launches Operation Northern Sheila to destroy Hezbollah terror tunnels. Domestic violence rally in Tel Aviv. Australia accept Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
JANUARY 2019 Auschwitz-Birkenau Holocaust victims buried at Bushey New Cemetery. Monty Python star John Cleese one-man show in Israel. US and Israel pull out of UNESCO. Malaysia stripped of hosting Para Swimming championships over Israeli athletes ban.
FEBRUARY 2019 CST record antisemitic in cidents. Labour MPs resign over “institu tional antisemitism”. Israel moon mission from Cape Canaveral.
MARCH 2019 Israeli victims in Ethiopian Airlines plane crash. Ramon Interna tional Airport opens in Eilat. President Trump backs Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights. Tributes to Mossad agent Rafi Eitan behind Adolf Eichmann 1960 capture.
APRIL 2019 Israeli swimmers to compete at World Para Swimming championships. Yellow Candle Project record numbers. Tributes to Skulener Rebbe Hagoan HaRav Yisroel Avroham Portugal. Bibi Netanyahu wins historic fifth term. Airbnb reverses decision settlement homes listings.
MAY 2019 Mazel Tov to Duke and Duchess of Sussex on birth of son. Prime Minister Theresa May tributes after resignation.
Israel hosts Eurovision Song contest. Hol ocaust victims discovered at Brest excava tion site. Tributes to Kaliver Rebbe, Rac Menachem Mendel Taub. Bild newspaper calls on readers to wear ‘cut-out’ kippa.
Israel backs President Donald Trump ‘deal of century’ peace plan.
FEBRUARY 2020 Government to rule on national Holocaust Centre in Westmin ster. Points-based immigration model could hit Britain’s Jewish community. Holocaust-themed carnival in Spain. WJC blast Amazon over online Nazi propaganda.
MARCH 2020 Global pandemic lock down. Plaid nityLeedsantisemitismCymrutweets.Jewishcommumournsdeathof Dayan Yehuda Refson. UK kosher stores urge communities not to panic over Pesach food supplies.
government resigns. Zero UK community Covid-19 deaths. Chabad honour Cov id-19 fatalities around the world.
SEPTEMBER 2020 Jewish pupils return to school. Government ‘green light’ to High Holy Days. Israel, UAE and Bahrain peace treaty at White House. Tributes to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
OCTOBER 2020 Israel’s lockdown over High Holy Days to Simchat Torah extended. Facebook updates hate speech policy. Thousands mourn Pittsburger Rebbe, Rabbi Mordechai Yissachar Leifer. Israel and Sudan agree accord.
Manchester United star Marcus Rashford free meals benefit Jewish schools. CAA welcome Baroness Tonge stepping down from House of Lords but slam investiga tion into Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner. US TV’s NBC anti-Jewish joke. Tributes to former US Secretary of State George P Schultz.
JUNE 2019 Tributes to First Lady Nechama Rivlin and Sobibor survivor Semyon Ros enfeld. Talk Sport sack George Galloway. 90th anniversary of Anne Frank birth. Polish FA honours footballer Jozef Klotz murdered by Nazis. Trafficking of Nazi gold in Venezuela. CAA call for retraction of P.G. Wodehouse accolade. Ehud Barak establishes new party.
JULY 2019 Home Secretary Sajid Javid visits Israel. BBC’s Panorama expose Labour Party antisemitism. Prime Minister Theresa May attacks Jeremy Corbyn over antisemitism at PMQs. Boris Johnson wins Conservative leadership election.
AUGUST 2019 FBI enables stolen Nazi art return to family. El Paso, Texas and Day ton, Ohio murders. Historians dismiss Hitler Jewish heritage claims. Tottenham Hotspur consult fans over Y-word.
SEPTEMBER 2019 Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu at Downing Street. Kashrut ban extended in Belgium. WJC calls on Russia to adopt IHRA. California passes ‘Mezuzah Bill’. Prime Minister Netanyahu fails to form coalition.
OCTOBER 2019 15 million Jews worldwide. Largest Nazi haul discovered in Argenti na. Halle synagogue Yom Kippur terror attack. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu corruption charges begin.
NOVEMBER 2019 Tony Blair blasts antisem itism in Labour Party. Ceasefire between Islamic Jihad and Israel. Jeremy Corbyn accused of lying on ITV election debate with Boris Johnson. UJS slam Warwick University lecturer over antisemitism.
DECEMBER 2019 Jeremy Corbyn apol ogy over antisemitism on ITV’s This Morning. German government bans Hezbollah. Amazon withdraws Auschwitz-themed gifts. Chasidic Jews among dead in New Jersey gun attack. Chancellor Angela Merkel historic visit to Auschwitz-Berkenau.
JANUARY 2020 US targeted killing of Iranian Quds Force commander General Qesem Soleimani. Auschwitz-Berkenau 75th anniversary. Duke and Duchess of Cambridge honour Holocaust victims.
APRIL 2020 Keir Starmer elected Labour Party leader. Bibi Netanyahu and Benny Gantz form ‘unity’ coalition government. Aliyah surge despite pandemic as Israel tops 9 million population.
MAY 2020 Wizz Air resumes flights to Tel Aviv. Natan Sharansky donates 2020 Genesis Prize. El Al gets $400m financial bailout. Bibi Netanyahu begins historic fifth term in Knesset.
JUNE 2020 Ambassador Mark Regev defends Israel’s West Bank annexation plans. Tzipi Hotovely to succeed Regev as UK ambassador. Neo-Nazis jailed at Birmingham Crown Court.
JULY 2020 Synagogues in UK reopen with Covid-19 restrictions. Tributes to US comic Carl Reiner, illustrator Milton Glaser and civil rights leader John Lewis. YouTube cuts extremist channels as Facebook and Twitter ban rapper Wiley. Board of Deputies slam China over Uyghurs.
AUGUST 2020 Israel offers Beirut human itarian aid after explosion. Lebanon’s
NOVEMBER 2020 Outrage after pub lication of EHRC report. CAA call for Jeremy Corbyn to be expelled after Keir Starmer with draws whip. World leaders condemn Vienna and Nice terror attacks. Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump in US elec tion. Global tributes to Rabbi Lord Sacks.
DECEMBER 2020 Britain approves Covid-19 vaccination campaign. Israel agrees accord with Morocco. CST reveal anti semitism at British universities.
JANUARY 2021 Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces third lockdown. Pro-Trump rioters storm US Capital. Donald Trump first US president to face impeachment. Biden inaugurated US President. Israel Charedi communities attacks condemned. Convicted spy Jona than Pollard returns to Israel.
FEBRUARY 2021 Pope Francis meets Hol ocaust survivor Edith Bruck at Vatican.
MARCH 2021 Frontier Airlines eject or thodox couple. Israel slams ICC ‘war crimes’ decision in Palestinian territories. Discovery of Dead Sea Scroll fragments in Judean desert. Chabad new Haggadah.
APRIL 2021 Prince Philip, Duke of Edin burgh death. Zaka co-founder Yehuda Meshi-Zahav attempts suicide. Ambas sador Tzipi Hotovely stands firm on BBC Newsnight. Board of Deputies’ Racial Inclusivity report. 60th anniversary Adolf Eichmann trial. Sudan repeal 1958 bill against Israel. Mount Meron Lag B’Omer stampede. IDF blast Hamas after 1,200 missiles at Israel.
MAY 2021 AJEX and JMA mark 75th anniversary of 43 Group. Met Police
investigate officers at Pro-Palestine rally. Italian cable car tragedy kills five Israelis. European Beth Din aligns with Israeli Chief Rabbinate. Dame Maureen Lipman quits Equity over Israel stance. Tributes to Yad Vashem’s Dr Yitzhak ‘Tolka’ Arad.
JUNE 2021 Alta Fixler medical case. Bu dapest’s Rumbach Street Synagogue de stroyed by Nazis reopens. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Defence Minister Yair Lapid coalition. First British group visits Israel since pandemic. Jewish residents in Florida apartment block disaster.
JULY 2021 Israel travel restriction chaos. JPR pandemic UK data. Isaac Herzog 11th President of Israel. Tributes to comic Jackie Mason. Mir Yeshiva students killed in Ukraine aircraft crash. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg targeted in antisemitic jibe. Team Israel baseball qualifies for Tokyo Olympics. AAD and BoD back England EURO 2020 player abuse in final vs Italy.
AUGUST 2021 Israel, US and UK blame Iran for oil tanker attack. CAA demand talkSPORT apology over antisemitic comment. Scottish First Minister Nicola
Sturgeon vows to fight antisemitism. Israel, US and UK leaders slam Poland restitution bill.
SEPTEMBER 2021 UK’s oldest shul, Bevis Marks Synagogue, under threat. Mount Meron stampede inquiry. Nazi memora bilia on sale at Wessex Auction Rooms. Israel 10m population by 2024.
OCTOBER 2021 El Al in acquisition talks with Arkia. Nazi Stutthof concentration camp secretary Irmgard Furchner on trial. Israel approves climate change revo lution at Glasgow COP26 summit.
NOVEMBER 2021 Greek Supreme Court bans shechita. West Ham fans blasted over antisemitism. Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely heckled by anti-Israel protes tors. Oxford University in Mosley dona tion outrage. Norwood welcomes Down Syndrome Bill. United Synagogue 150th anniversary.
DECEMBER 2021 Anne Frank memorial among global antisemitic attacks. Man convicted over antisemitic letters to Lord Sugar. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett first
Israeli leader to visit UAE. Stamford Hill boy briefly abducted by gang. Leaders propose action plan after incidents.
JANUARY 2022 Tributes to former Israel First Lady Aura Herzog. AJEX appoint Staff Sergeant Dan Fox national chair man. Jewish community alert after “terror attack” on Texas synagogue. IDF friendly fire tragedy. Everton ban fan over antisemitism. Compensation plan for Mount Meron victims. UN General Assembly resolution on Holocaust denial and distortion.
FEBRUARY 2022 Amnesty International UK slam Israel “apartheid state”. Tributes to Supreme Court Chief Justice Miriam Naor. Met Police apology for officers Auschwitz-Birkenau jokes. Whoopi Goldberg Holocaust comments on ABC blasted. Secretary of State for Education Nadhim Zahawi antisemitism summit. Israel astronaut Etyan Stibbe blasts off to International Space Station.
MARCH 2022 President Vladimir Putin slammed over Ukraine war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addresses House of Commons and Knesset. Chan cellor Olaf Scholz visits Yad Vashem. Tributes to Rebbetzin ‘Bubby’ Hecht, Kibbutznik Hayanka Gilad, IAF pilot Har old “Smoky” Simon and Rabbi Shmarya hu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky of Bnai Brak. Shechita UK back Animal Welfare Bill. Israel, US, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Egypt attend Negev Summit.
APRIL 2022 Terror attacks in Be’er Sheva, Bnei Brak, Hadera and Tel Aviv. Isra el-UAE free trade deal. Holocaust histori an Deborah E. Lipstadt appointed Special Envoy for Antisemitism.
MAY 2022 120th anniversary of The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson’s birth. Emmanuel Macron defeats far-right
Marine Le Pen in French elections. Shin Bet investigate death threats to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett family. Coun cilors back Board of Deputies Jewish Manifesto. Board ends Covid-19 mortality update. National Jewish Assembly UK launch.
JUNE 2022 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Jewish charities publish orthodox siddur in Learning Disability Week. Sachsen hausen death camp guard Josef Schutz jailed by German court. Tributes to Beth Shalom co-founder Marina Smith. Yad Vashem chairman Dani Dayan meets Pope Francis at Vatican. Theresa Villiers calls for ban on antisemitism in football at Parliament.
JULY 2022 Prime Minister Yair Lapid is Israel's 14th Prime Minister. Independ ence Day parade shooting in Chicago. Labour leader Keir Starmer campaign video in Berlin criticised. Search contin ues for Israeli teenager Moishe Klein erman. President Isaac Herzog awards Israel Presidential Medal to President Joe Biden.
AUGUST 2022 Conservative leader can didates Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss back UK-Israel relationship. Israel and PIJ Islamic Jihad ceasefire holds after ‘Break ing Dawn’ operation. Maccabi Haifa in UEFA Champions League.
SEPTEMBER 2022 125th anniversary of First Zionist Congress in Basel. Tributes to former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Liz Truss new Prime Minister. 50th anniversary of Israelis murdered at Munich Olympics. NUS president sus pended over antisemitism. World mourns death of HM Queen Elizabeth II. King Charles III proclaimed new monarch.
The late HM Queen Elizabeth II A Deserted Ben Gurion airport Prime Minister Yair LapidThe Jewish Weekly’s DAVID SAFFER met with Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely at the Israeli Embassy to discuss the past 12 months and look ahead to 2023 when the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel will be marked.
the Shoah publicly, such as opening Brit ain’s first Holocaust memorial.”
Israel’s envoy wished the King “every strength and guidance” upon his accession to the throne.
The forthcoming year for Ambassador Hotovely will be one to remember as it includes the 75th anniversary since the State of Israel was founded. Before that monumental occasion there will be com munal and diplomatic meetings aplenty. When it comes to politics, diplomacy is anPrimeessential.Minister Liz Truss officially ac cepted the post just two days before the Queen’sIsrael’sdeath.envoy is well aware of the new British leader from past cabinet posts as Secretary of State for International Trade then Foreign Secretary in Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s tenure.
“She has brought new spirit to the of fice about the Middle East and Israel,” said Ambassador Hotovely. “She also stated that Israel is a very close ally of the United Kingdom and wants to create close co-op eration. We cooperate on security, but the Prime Minister wants to take it to a new level and this was before the strategic part nership agreement signed when Yair Lapid was our Foreign Minister.”
She added, “One of the things being planned was a visit to Israel. Now we want her to come as Prime Minister to Jerusa lem. Hopefully she will be the first to visit since David Cameron in 2014. We are look ing forward to arranging an official visit, hopefullyAmbassadorsoon.”Hotovely praised the Prime Minister for speaking about the British Em bassy potentially moving to Jerusalem.
UK Ambassador to Israel Tzipi Hotovely’s tenure could not have come at a more his toric time following the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II and proclamation of King Charles AmbassadorIII.Hotovely offered a heart felt tribute to the Queen expressing Isra el’s solidarity with the British people and sympathy to the people of the Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies and Commonwealth.“ThelateQueen was a beacon of hope and a symbol of unity to many,” she said. “Adored and respected the world over, she was kind hearted and showed great warmth and charm. Having met her, I know that she also possessed remarkable wisdom,
bolstered by her astonishing seventy years on the throne. As Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, she was the embodiment of true majesty. She showed unique leadership and will be missed all around the world.”
The Ambassador added, “A friend of the Jewish community, the late Queen cham pioned lessons of the past, notably through her private dialogues with Holocaust survi vors. She also did much to commemorate
“It is the best thing that could happen,” she said. “It would send a strong signal and we will do all we can to ensure that happens.”Israel’senvoy praised the former British Prime Minister. She said, “Boris Johnson was a great friend of Israel, we enjoyed very much working with him and his team. Dur ing the pandemic, he spoke about Israel being on the front line. And when he met Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at COP26, again he spoke about the ‘Israeli spirt’. We have been blessed with great bilateral rela tions from the British government.”
European relations for Israel are impor tant. This month saw commemorations 50 years after the 1972 Munich Olympics
“A friend of the Jewish community, the late Queen championed lessons of the past, notably through her private dialogues with Holocaust survivors. She also did much to commemorate the Shoah publicly, such as opening Britain’s first Holocaust memorial.”Ambassador Hotovely and Lily Ebert at a ‘Zikaron Basalon’ event
when Palestinian Black September terror ists murdered 11 members of Israel’s dele gation earlier this month. A remembrance service took place in Berlin and also in the UnitedAmbassadorKingdom.Hotovely praised Germany accepting responsibility for not securing the hostages release.
“The widows of the athletes were pleased the British government remembered this tragic, horrific, historical event,” she said. “It was an important moment but we need to remember what happened. I met the Munich athletes’ wives as Deputy Foreign Minister and they felt European minds did not understand this type of terror ism threatens all of the West. They were shocked that victims were becoming the people blamed. Justice was made, not by giving compensation, but by taking responsibility. The fact that Parliament made such a meaningful ceremony was veryRegardingimportant.”Iran’s nuclear aspirations, Ambassador Hotovely was clear about Israel’s“Fromposition.ourpoint of view, it is a very bad deal,” she said. “We have told British and Washington embassy officials in a very clear voice there is no supervision, they are politicising the IAEA.
“Iran wants to get nuclear weapons. A re port has stated Iran have enriched enough uranium to create a bomb. According to our intelligence its more than that. Iran is close to being a threshold nuclear coun try. This is the time to stop Iran with more sanctions, not with a bad agreement that paves Iran’s way to nuclear weapons.
“People need to understand, many do, but more need to, that Iran is a threat to the western community. To America as much as London, all Europe, it’s not just a Middle East threat. They have missiles that can get to Israel. When they are working on longer distance missiles, it’s not about reaching Israel, it’s to get further. Everyone is targeted. This is why Israel keeps saying to our friends, to public opinion, to the me dia, we will always have freedom of action when it comes to our security.”
The Abraham Accords signed by the United States, Israel, United Arab Emir ates and Bahrain in 2020 has been an un precedented success. Will more countries continue this trend?
“We have just celebrated two years of this historic agreement,” Ambassador Hotovely said. “The speed relations are growing is unbelievable. Great things are happening. But to extend the ‘circle of peace’ we need more patience. The Accords did not hap pen overnight. There were intensive, close relations. Patience is good but the trend is clear and I really hope more countries join.”Interms of the relationship between Is rael and the Palestinians, she noted, “I’m afraid we must wait for a leadership that recognises Israel as a Jewish state.”
Ambassador Hotovely added, “For many years there was incitement and a lot of hatred. I don't think you can change the opinion of young people when they are taught to hate Israelis. When I was at nurs ery and kindergarten we were taught songs about peace, we were shown how peace is a wonderful thing. Every Israeli mother says I hope my son and daughter won’t have to go into the army. The mindset is
so pro-peace in Israel. But when you see the other side, textbooks that demonise the Israeli people. The problem goes back to education. If there is not pro-peace ed ucation you end up with a hate mentality.”
Away from Middle East challenges, Is rael’s emissary has enjoyed a memorable year where she has met many Jewish com munities around the country.
This followed a frustrating time because of the pandemic when meetings were online.Sheobserved,
“The Jewish community is really active, it’s unbelievable. In es tablished charities this is normal but also young people are getting together. The biggest thing for me this year has been a chance to meet everyone, be able to attend synagogue again and feel connected.
“In the coming year my biggest target is the younger generation. I will visit as many high schools as possible in London but elsewhere as well. I visited Manches ter last year and hope to do so again. I’ve also plans to visit Leeds. I’m here to meet Jewish communities and speak with the next generation. For people my age and
older, it’s clear what Israel is fighting for. They understand the Israeli story of Jewish people getting back their homeland. But for many young people it’s not the same, that is the case also at universities.”
The role of ambassador can be chal lenging, especially at a university with an anti-Israel faction.
Last November, there was appalling footage of Ambassador Hotovely outside London School of Economics facing jeers, boos and shouts of "shame on you" from pro-Palestinian demonstrators before be ing spirited away by a diplomatic car whilst a police contingent stopped demonstra tors approaching the vehicle.
Praise came from communal and po litical quarters for not being intimidated by some 150 “aggressive and threatening” anti-Israel protesters outside the venue.
Israel’s emissary was speaking at a student union debating society forum ti tled the ‘New Era in the Middle East’. The 90-minute meeting took place with no dis ruption nor evacuation before disturbing scenes.Foreign Minister Lapid praised his
envoy’s fortitude, former Home Secretary Priti Patel and Jewish leaders condemned theAsprotests.forthe Ambassador, she tweeted, "I will not be intimidated. I will continue to share the Israeli story and hold open dialogue with all parts of British society."
Looking back at the LSE event, it bene fited the ambassador as the episode drew a huge media reaction.
“Everyone heard about it,” Ambassador Hotovely reflected. “It was a lemon that turned into lemonade! Students were very excited to support the position of Israel, they wanted us to bring its vision to cam pus. I got support from the British gov ernment, I then went to Oxford and Cam bridge Unions, London Business School. I went around the country delivering our story and was very open to questions, chal lenging questions. This is the only way, you have to address issues. And campus is a huge challenge but we have many activists that want us to come and we will.”
She added, “In order to be an activist on campus, you must have education in pri mary and secondary schools. It’s not born overnight. When you walk onto a campus and see anti-Israel propaganda you need to have a deep knowledge, understanding and connection to Israel. This is why I will be visiting as many secondary schools as possible in the coming year.”
Looking back on the past 12 months, Ambassador Hotovely said, “The com munity here is wonderful. We have made many friends this year which has made my service so meaningful.”
As for selecting some highs, she noted, “There have been so many. The proscrip tion of the political branch of Hamas was a decision of the British government. That was really important then the strategic partnership agreement and announce ment of a new trade deal. That are three bigAndhighlights.”looking to the coming 12 months, aside from meeting even more of the community, Ambassador Hotovely is looking forward to the forthcoming 75th independence celebrations of the State of SheIsrael.said, “With cooperation from big Jewish organisations there will be a month of celebrations in London. We’ll be engag ing with young people and reaching out to the British people to join us in celebrating. Events will be based on culture and other areas. There will be many special events.”
The past 12 months have been notewor thy, the coming period will be very busy and rewarding for Israel’s first female am bassador to the UK in a historic posting.
Many of us in the UK had the privilege to meet one of the Giborei Koach farmers during this past year of Shemita. What does the support of British and indeed Diaspora Jewry mean to them?
Besides for the financial reassurance our support has granted these heroes, there was also the emotional chizuk that was provided when they saw how Diaspora Jewry enthusiastically greeted them, both on the farmers’ visits abroad and when their supporters visited their fields. As with every challenge a human being faces, one has their ups and downs and for farmers voluntarily forgoing a year’s income without knowledge of how their expenses will be covered, our support has been their fuel.
How much was Keren Hashviis aiming to raise this year - globally and in the UK specifically?
Worldwide the goal was $67 million dollars and in the UK, £3 million.
How much has been raised?
Of the worldwide goal we are $8 million short, whereas in the UK there is still a deficit of £800,000.00. This represents a shortfall of around 10% worldwide.
Can you remind us briefly, what the vast amount of funding is needed for?
The highly impressive amount raised thus far (almost $60 million dollars worldwide including £2.2 million in the UK alone) covers approximately 40% of the farmers’ business expenses during Shemita. This means a further 60% of this amount is required simply to cover their regular business expenses, including rent or mortgage payments for their field, coun cil tax, maintenance, equipment hire and (within parameters of Halacha) retaining a certain number of workers on their field. This is not considering their regular living expenses for themselves and for their families.
Was the opportunity to partner with a farmer well received?
Did the partners get the chance to visit the fields? Many hundreds partnered with farmers with a Halachically-binding Shtar. Those who were able to, paid a visit to the farms in person. Others kept in touch over the telephone or the like. This way, a personal relationship with the farmers was developed.
The recent adverts seemed to suggest that some farmers may give up only weeks before the end of the Shemita year. It is thankfully rare for a farmer to actually break their commitment to Shemita during the year.
We are only aware of one such case and this involved a major supplier of produce to hotels who had already sustained colossal losses during Covid. One must also remember that there is usually a rush to plant this time of the year before the rain season (hopefully) starts in Eretz
Yisroel. For a Shomer Torah, there is Yom Tov to take into consideration too, so each passing day at this time of the year would usually be seen as a crucial time for planting.
Can you remind us of some further examples of the astounding Mesiras Nefesh of the Shomrei Shevi’is farmers?
One must be aware that a Shomer Sheviis does not only (appear to) lose out on one year’s produce. If, for example, he has a contract with a major supermarket and terminates the contract by informing his client that he will have nothing to supply for a year, his client will likely walk away from him for good. This means not only is the current year’s income lost, he may stand to lose for several years on.
Klal Yisroel suffered the passing of the Sar HaTorah HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l during the Shemita year.
We are all aware of how close he held this Mitzvah to his great heart. Indeed, Rav Chaim zt”l held this Mitzvah extremely dear to him, as is well-known. He also purchased a Shutfus in several fields. the year of Shemita draws to a close, two askonim of Keren Hashviis UK have been reflecting on a year of unprecedented sacrifice displayed by farmers in Eretz Yisroel as well as remarkable levels of generosity and affection sent from abroad.
Interestingly, once the year of previous Shemitah years drew to a close, Rav Chaim would rarely discuss the topic.
How long after Rosh Hashanah 5783 will it take the farmers to get back on their own feet?
The fastest-growing common vegetable is the cucumber. Even for farmers who pro duce cucumbers, it takes approximately 30 days from plantation to harvest. Not all farmers can plant cucumbers though, as there would obviously be an oversupply.
On average, it will take until Tu Bishvat for farmers to reap some profit from their produce. To properly get back on track will probably take the best part of a year.
Many people reported seeing Yeshuos in their own lives after contributing to Keren Hashviis.
Space would not allow for the dozens of stories which we have been made aware
of. Booklets have been produced in various Kehillos in the UK and individu als have shared their stories of Brochos, whether in Shidduchim, Parnassa or health matters.
What was unique about this year’s observance of Shemita compared with previous Shemita years?
It was the first time since Churban HaBayis that 51% of Jewish-owned land rested during Shemita. It is an astounding amount of land when one considers that this is double compared with last time, only seven years ago. Chazal taught us the concept of “Rubo KeKulo” - that a ma jority may be considered as the entirety. We sincerely hope that Hashem will look favourably on this achievement and fulfil our Tefillos for, “Meloch al Kol Ha’Olam Kulo”.
Aside from rallying dozens of shuls throughout the UK to
the remarkable success of this year’s campaign (though it is not yet over) were the kids’ programmes a success?
Baruch Hashem they were a huge suc cess. Boys and girls across England rallied to the cause, with tens of thousands of pounds raised through the efforts of thousands of children Bli Ayin Hora. The winners of the raffles have been visiting the farmers to see first hand what their efforts were for.
Did we have any Shemita stories on the fields in Eretz Yisroel?
One farmer informed us personally that, due to Shemita, a major client of his (an international supermarket) informed him they would be terminating their contract. In doing so, they offered to settle the full amount owed to him. Not long after, this supermarket entered liquidation, with many creditors remaining - besides for this Shomer Sheviis who had been paid in full. Another story that came to our attention occurred up north, in a place called Yesod HaMa’aloh. On this Yishuv there was a freak storm and many orchards of soft fruit were destroyed. Besides for those belonging to Shomrei Shevi’is, who, quite remarkably, were left with their produce intact.
What types of activities did the farmers engage in during this year?
Those who were able to, studied Torah or attended Shiurim. Others travelled across
the globe to visit and encourage com munities, not only to the UK and USA, but across Europe and South America too. Only last week we had a farmer visit communities in Brazil.
Would you say that encouraging non-frum farmers to observe Shemita has served as a springboard to their gradual return to Yiddishkeit?
Undoubtedly so. In November we had the opportunity to meet a formerly non-observant farmer. This man owns a factory of well-known brands of green vegetables. How he was convinced to keep Shemita must itself be a story, but that amazing commitment led to more Mitzvos too. One of the Avrei chim of Keren Hashviis offered to learn with him during Shemita and, in this Shemita year, the farmer has complet ed Masechtos and is now a Shomer Shabbos too. On Erev Pesach this year, he phoned Harav Binyomin Cohen, the CEO in Eretz Yisroel with a request for guidance on how to run a Pesach Seder. Harav Cohen told the farmer that he would be more than welcome to join his family Seder. The farmer was insistent, however, on being taught how to lead a Seder, explaining that his elderly mother was in her 90’s and that it would mean everything to her to spend a Pesach Seder led by her son, who - through observing the Mitzvah of Shemita, had found his way back to avinu Shebashamayim.
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Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming SoonInsp I red by t R aditional symbolic foods (s I man I m)
Gourds cover a multitude of delicious vegetables, from autumnal pumpkins, to courgettes and squashes, so this Siman is one you can enjoy in many forms. In ancient Aramaic, the word for gourds is ‘Karaa’, which in Hebrew can be read either as ‘Kara’a’ – to rip apart, or as ‘Kara’, to announce. As we dive into these delicious stuffed courgettes, we request that the evil decrees against us be ripped up and that our good deeds be announced to Hashem instead.
10–12 large Courgettes halved (We used 6 green and 6 yellow)
1 Onion ribboned
FoR tHe saUCe
1 Onion diced and lightly salted
3 cloves Garlic
2 tsp Dried Mint Salt and Pepper
1 tsp Ground Coriander
2 tsp Dried Parsley
1 tbsp Oil 800g (2 cans) Chopped Tomatoes 400ml Water
FoR tHe HasHU stUfFinG
1 Brown Onion finely diced and salted
½ cup Long Grain Rice soaked in cold water for 30 min
450g Minced Beef or Lamb
1 tsp Ground Cumin
½ tsp Ground Coriander
½ tsp Turmeric
½ tsp Allspice
¼ tsp Onion Powder
¼ tsp Garlic Powder
¼ tsp Ground Cinnamon
¼ tsp Black Pepper
prep tIme: appRox 1 HouR | cookInG tIme: appRox 2 HouRs GoUrd
1. Soak the rice for the stuffing in cold water for at least 30 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, halve and core the courgettes, ideally keeping the ends intact. This is easiest with a specialist corer, but it can be done with a grapefruit spoon, or an apple corer and a teaspoon. You want to create a hollow inside the courgette with a wall of around 5mm.
3. Layer ribbons of onion on the base of a deep, heavy-bottomed and lidded casserole dish big enough to hold all the courgettes.
4. Drain the rice.
5. In a bowl, mix together all the stuffing ingredients, then loosely fill each courgette and place in the casserole dish, on top of the layer of onions. We placed ours upright, tightly packed together and open end up, creating a visually stunning way to serve the courgettes straight from the pot. A more traditional approach is to layer the courgettes flat, and weigh them down with a heavy heat-proof plate during cooking.
6. Once all the courgettes have been stuffed,cover the pan and refrigerate.
7. Into a saucepan add 1 tbsp oil and warm over medium heat.
8. Add diced, salted onion to the pan and fry until translucent (3–5 mins).
9. Add garlic and dried herbs, stir together for 2–3 minutes, then add 800g chopped tomatoes and 400ml water. Simmer for 10–15 minutes.
10. Remove the casserole dish from the fridge and top the courgettes with the sauce. If using a plate to weigh down the courgettes, place that on top.
11. Cover the pan and cook on the stove for 1 hour.
12. Remove from the stove, then place in a preheated oven at 200°C/180°C fan (Gas Mark 6/400°F) for 30–40 minutes until sauce has thickened, then serve.
This dish can be frozen and reheated.
You will have noticed that many of the Simanim are chosen because of the significance of their Hebrew meaning. However, pomegranates are a Siman because of their physicality - a regal, crown-topped globe, with a multitude of seeds inside. We ask Hashem to bless us with a year filled with as many merits as there are seeds.
Dates, conversely, are another play on words.
The Hebrew word ‘Tamar’ is related to ‘Tam’, meaning ‘to end’. We ask Hashem to bless us with an end to adversity. Dates are also one of the ‘seven species’ of the Holy Land, specifically referred to in Torah, and it is extremely likely that the ‘D’vash’ (honey) referred to when speaking of ‘a land flowing with milk and honey’ was date honey (silan).
We have combined pomegranate molasses and date syrup to create a sweet and slightly tangy glaze for our chicken wings. This glaze would also work well on beef short ribs or to coat sautéed whole mushrooms. tIme: 5 mIns | cookInG tIme: 1 HouR
1. Preheat oven at 200°C/180°C fan (Gas Mark 6/400°F)
2. Place wings in an ovenproof dish.
3. Pour over 1 tbsp oil and add salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder. Mix to combine.
4. Cook for 35 mins covered, then uncover, turn and roast for 10 mins uncovered. Meanwhile, make the sticky glaze.
5. In a saucepan, combine date syrup, pomegranate molasses and a generous amount of salt and pepper, bring to the boil and lower heat to a simmer.
6. In a cup, add 1 tbsp of cornflour to 1½ tbsp cold water and dissolve.
7. Pour in to the simmering glaze mixture.
8. Continue cooking for 3–5 minutes, stirring constantly and ensuring the glaze doesn’t catch on the bottom of the pan. The mixture will bubble and thicken.
9. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the glaze to cool and thicken further.
10. Pour half the sauce onto the wings and return to the oven for 5 to 10 mins.
11. Warm the remaining sauce, remove the wings from the oven and coat with the glaze.
12. Plate, serve and enjoy.
For more recipes and inspiration visit my website: www.jewishcookery.com
Freekah is a super grain, a wheat that is harvested whilst still young and green. It is roasted over an open fire; the inside grain is firm, slightly chewy and has its own distinct nutty and smoky flavour. It has been a staple grain in Middle Eastern diets for centuries but is now having an international revival. Loaded with nutrients, high in fibre and protein and low in fat, in fact superior to quinoa, but of course not suitable if you are gluten free!
Use bulgur wheat as a tasty alternative to freekeh if you can’t find it! This is a colourful healthy vegan salad suitable to enhance any main course and enjoy as it is. The dukkah recipe makes more than you need but it’s delicious on salads, as a topping for soup, stews and all grains.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 40 minutes
Serves: 6
500g Chantenay carrots –(or regular carrots cut into 6cm batons) not peeled but trimmed
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 teaspoon cumin seeds
3 teaspoon ground cinnamon
250g Freekah plus 2 tablespoons vegetable stock powder
4 tablespoons flat-leaf parsleyroughly torn
2 tablespoons dukkah – you can buy or make
½ lemon juiced 2 tablespoons tahini
150ml non-dairy coconut yoghurt
1 tablespoon maple syrup
Simanim which literally means signs or indicators are incorporated into the Rosh Hashanah family meal in the form of a seder. It is now quite popular – years ago it was only followed by the very orthodox and primarily with the Sephardic community. Using fish, fruits, and vegetables mean good omens for the forthcoming New Year are wished for. The main ten simanim are apples and honey, dates, gourds, pomegranates, fish, fish head, leeks, black-eyed beans, beetroot, and carrots.
This is called a seder ‘yehi ratzon’, ‘may it be G-d’s will’ because we ask G-d to guide us and provide us with bounty, strength, and peace for the year ahead. Many of the foods are blessed with puns on their Hebrew names Apples and Honey; I have made apple and honey chal lah, apple and honey cake, chicken stew with dried apple rings and sweetened with honey. Salads, biscuits, baked apples, cupcakes and muffins are some tasty combinations that the family would enjoy.
1. Dates; the word for end in Hebrew ‘tam’ sounds like tamar, the Hebrew word for date meaning to be consumed and finished. Stuffed dates can be passed around. Date cous cous salads, date honey cake, dried dates with roast lamb is delicious or fresh date salads work well.
2. Gourds; from a corruption of the word Krah, the Hebrew word for gourd means to rip up and proclaim. They have a tough skin – this is symbolically referred to as how G-d takes care of us. Pumpkins, but ternut squash roasted into wedges with cinnamon and honey, salads, stuffed squash with quinoa, bulghur wheat or rice is a tasty vegetarian dish, soups and puree are also a great family favourite.
Dukkah Ingredients
2 tablespoons sesame seeds – toasted 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds 2 tablespoons pumpkins seeds 2 tablespoons hazelnuts – toasted 2 tablespoons cumin seeds
2 tablespoons coriander seeds
1 tablespoon turmeric 1 tablespoon paprika 1 teaspoon salt
To make the dukkah –put all the ingredients into the food processor and whizz to produce a powder like consistency. Store in an airtight container for up to 3 months.
1. Heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6.
2. In a bowl, toss the carrots with olive oil, cumin seeds, cinna mon and some seasoning.
3. Roast on a baking tray for 20-30 minutes until cooked through and golden at the edges.
4. Place the grains in a saucepan. Add 500ml water and stock powder.
5. Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off and leave for 10 minutes to complete the cooking.
6. In a food processor, add the lemon juice, tahini, yogurt, season and whizz.
To serve, stir half the dressing through the cooked grains, parsley and half the carrots.
Top with the remaining carrots, sprinkle with the dukkah and drizzle over the rest of the dressing.
3. Pomegranates; the number of (supposed) 613 seeds inside each fruit symboli cally represent the number of mitzvot in the Torah. They serve as symbols of arepositivefertility.fruitfulnessrighteousness,andAdeliciousomentheyagreataddition to chicken stews, salad, tabblouleh, cakes, rice dishes and or even on your morning porridge.
4. Fish; it is symbolically perceived as a fertility omenwe should be as fruitful as the number of fish in the sea. Also, since fish are underwater, the evil eye cannot penetrate the depths; we wish to be free of any negative times. Fish of any variety is good to use but Salmon – a popular favourite works well! But also smoked salmon makes delicious salads, pates, bakes, tacos, fish spaghetti dishes are great too!
5. Fish Head; symbolically we want to be the head and not the
tail, referring to the omen of lead ership -lead from the front with vision, purpose and by example. Fish heads are not necessarily the most ‘eye catching’ ingredient on the table but this has a deep meaning.
6. Leeks; in the blessing we ask for usbeemiesagainstprotectionourenthatthey‘cutoff’fromintheyearahead.
The year of Covid 19 has been the enemy for many. Enjoy leeks as a soup, sau téed as the base for fish, roasted with potatoes, bakes and gratins or with eggs in a frittata.
7. Black eyed beans; or fenu greek is reminiscent of the word yirbu to increase. These foods symbolize the hope for a fruitful year filled with merit. Vegetable stews, purees, salsa and salads are a good way to use them.
8. Beetroot; known as ‘silka’ related to the word ‘siluk’, mean ing removal. Beetroot is a real
superfood and I love it in salads, soups, latkes, roasted and added to humus, risotto and with potato salad.
9. Carrots; eating them at Rosh Hashanah is meant to express our desire that G-d will nullify any negative decrees against us. The Yiddish word for carrots and more (‘merren’) are similar – we ask for a prosperous year. Also, when you cut carrots into rounds they look like coins! Carrots in cakes, baby carrots roasted whole with herbs, soups or cooked with rice into a pilaf are perfect at this time of year.
Enjoy eating with meaning and purpose. May your Rosh Hashan ah blessings be overflowing.
L’shana Tova Denise