The jewish weekly 044

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£50M TO ENHANCE COMMUNITY 15 March 2018/ 28 Adar 5778

@TheJewishWeekly 044


A new Green Paper aims to enhance everyday life for Jewish communities. Proposals in the Integrated Communities Strategy include the promotion of ‘British values’ in education to help underpin society. School children will learn values including fairness, tolerance and respect. The paper also aims to tackle hate crime and encourage greater reporting of incidents. Communities Secretary Sajid Javid set out the £50 million plan for a more ‘united Britain’ yesterday. Initiatives will improve English language skills, increase opportunities for women in the workplace and enhance “meaningful” discussions between young people. There will be an exploration

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of law reforms on marriage and religious weddings. And training will be provided to faith leaders in understanding British culture and shared values. Reacting to the paper, Board of Deputies President Jonathan Arkush said: “The Jewish community has a long-record of positive integration. “We have been in frequent dialogue with the Government on the development of the strategy and we look forward to sharing the Jewish community’s experience of how minority communities can preserve our identities while being fully integrated and contributing members of British society.” Following the launch, Mr Javid commented: “Britain can rightly claim to be one of the most successful diverse societies in the world Communities Secretary. But we cannot ignore the fact that in too


Ed Balls, Gerald Ronson, Yvette Cooper MP and Lloyd Dorfman PHOTO CREDIT: FLIXNPIX

many parts of our country, communities are divided, preventing people from taking full advantage

of the opportunities that living in CONTINUED ON PAGE 3


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Jewish communities will continue “positive” integration says Board CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 modern Britain offers. “Successive governments have refused to deal with the integration challenges we face head on, preferring to let people muddle along and live isolated and separated lives. “We will put an end to this through our new strategy which will create a country that works for everyone, whatever their background and wherever they come from. “Integration challenges are not uniform throughout the country, with different areas and

communities having varying needs.” Education Secretary Damian Hinds added: “We want to make sure that all children learn the values that underpin our society, including fairness, tolerance and respect. These are values that help knit our communities together, which is why education is at the heart of this strategy. “It’s also important that children are taught in a safe environment and that we can act quickly if children are at risk or being encouraged to undermine these values. “Together, with Ofsted and

It was the Jews who highjacked the American election The Jews could have been behind interference in the 2016 US presidential election, President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with American broadcaster NBC News. The Russian leader pointed out that he “could not care less” about indictments issued by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller who accused Russian nationals and companies of election interference. Putin stated that “they do not represent the interests of the Russian state” and are unrelated to the Kremlin. “Maybe they’re not even Russians,” said Putin. “Maybe they’re Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews, just with Russian citizenship, even that needs to be checked.” Zionist Union (Labour) Member of Knesset Nachman Shai said in response, “This is the worst form of anti-Semitism.” “[Putin’s] comments demonstrate that nothing has changed in the perception of Jews as those responsible for the world’s evil.” He went on to say that a strong response is required from the Israeli government. His colleague MK Ksenia Svetlova who was born in Moscow

15 MARCH 2018


being making Aliyah in 1991 at age 14 went even further. “Maybe the Jews interfered in the American elections, maybe the Jews control the world, maybe Jews slaughtered the Jews in Poland. For all those allegations, there is one origin Jew-hatred,” she said. President Donald Trump has said that there was interference by Russia and probably by other countries in the 2016 election, “and the United States would counteract any attempt at meddling in the November 2018 midterm elections.” Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), commented: “As the Russian government faces expanding evidence and new questions about possible meddling in U.S. elections, President Putin bizarrely has resorted to the blame game by pointing the finger at Jews and other minorities in his country. “It is deeply disturbing to see the Russian president giving new life to classic anti-Semitic stereotypes that have plagued his country for hundreds of years, with a comment that sounds as if it was ripped from the pages of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” “We live in a moment when anti-Semitic violence is on the rise and words can have profound consequences, particularly when spoken by public figures or elected officials like President Putin. “We hope he swiftly clarifies his words before they cause further damage to those communities he has singled out.”

communities across the country, we will build on the work already underway to achieve this.” The initiative follows a report for the Ministry by Dame Louise Casey’s in 2016 highlighting the number of communities divided by race, faith or socio-economic lines. The strategy aims to ensure children receive an education preparing them for life in modern Britain and a means to form lasting relationships with people from different backgrounds, British Values will be spread across school curriculum’s. There is a call on national and local government leaders, businesses and civil society to ensure services have a strong focus on integration. And recent migrants will receive help to integrate into communities. A 12-week consultation debate on the strategy has begun to find the most effective ways to address integration challenges.

Jewish Care 25th anniversary breakfast club raises £40,000 BY DAVID SAFFER Evening Standard Editor George Osborne took time out of his busy schedule to take part in a ‘question and answer’ session at Jewish Care’s 25th Anniversary Business Group Breakfast on Monday. The former Chancellor took questions from James Harding on issues including Brexit, Russia and Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn. Addressing guests, he praised the organisation. “Jewish Care does fantastic work and am pleased to be supporting you again,” he said. Second speaker, Metro Bank Founder and Chairman Vernon W

Hill told guests why they should shift bank accounts and commented on his friend US president Donald Trump. “Don’t pay much attention to what he says pay attention to what he does,” he said. Mr Hill left guests with a copy of his book on how to become a disruptor in business. Lord Leigh, Business Breakfast Group Chair gave a vote of thanks. “We have hosted 88 breakfasts raising a staggering £3 million to support the tremendous work of Jewish Care,” he noted. Metro Bank sponsored the event, which raised 40,000 to support Jewish Care’s work in the community.

Simon Morris, Jewish Care chief executive, James Harding, George Osborne, Vernon Hill, Stephen Zimmerman and Lord Leigh

‘Bookkeeper of Auschwitz’ dies before serving jail term BY ADAM MOSES Nazi death camp guard Oskar Groening has died before serving a four-year prison sentence due to a series of appeals on grounds of ill health. Hannover prosecutor Kathrin Soefker confirmed the 96-yearold’s death in hospital this week after German weekly Der Spiegel broke the story online, though prison authorities were awaiting a death certificate, last Friday. Groening, dubbed the “Bookkeeper of Auschwitz”, was convicted of being an accessory to murdering 300,000 Jews in Lueneburg in 2015. Though there was no evidence of direct involvement in killings, Groening was guilty of supporting the mass murder of Jews by his actions. The former SS guard was accused of counting cash and sorting

valuables from Jewish arrivals’ luggage at the death camp prior to sending them on to Nazi headquarters in Berlin to help find the war effort. His role earned him his Auschwitz ‘title’. During his trial, Groening admitted he witnessed individual atrocities and mass killings at the camp. Though accepting he was “morally complicit” he contended he was not ‘legally’ guilty. Following the war, Groening escaped capture and worked as an accountant in a factory. His war crimes only came to light in the 1980s. Karen Pollock MBE, Holocaust Educational Trust chief executive, said: “The trial and conviction of Oskar Groening sent an unequivocal message that the Bookkeeper of Auschwitz assisted in and facilitated the murder of 300,000

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Jewish men, women and children. “This should never be forgotten. “While Groening was able to live his life until the ripe old age of 96, the same was not afforded to his victims.” Simon Wiesenthal Center Nazi hunter, Efraim Zuroff, lamented Groening’s conviction didn’t result in a “symbolic justice” for Auschwitz victims. In 2011, John Demjanjuk became the first person in Germany convicted for serving as a guard at a death camp without evidence of involvement in atrocities. Demjanjuk was stationed at the notorious Sobibor Camp and died before an appeal could be heard. Five years later, former SS officer Reinhold Hanning was convicted on 170,000 counts of accessory to murder for his role as an Auschwitz guard. He died before beginning a five-year-sentence. WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 02 News 08 Israel News 10 Letters 12 Community News 20 Judaism 28 Business 30 Sports

32 Kids 36 Youth 40 Women 42 Nutrition 43 Travel 44 Food 46 Classifieds

15 MARCH 2018



Pressure mounts on Polish Holocaust Law BY ADAM MOSES

Global and communal pressure is mounting on Poland’s politicians and judiciary over its controversial Holocaust Law. UK Jewish communal leaders met with Polish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bartosz Cichocki, and Polish Ambassador Arkady Rzegocki to convey community concerns regarding legislation that outlaws references to Poles in killing Jews during the Holocaust. The law also forbids use of the term “Polish death camp” in

Polish Ambassador, Arkady Rzegocki

describing death camps where Jews and others were murdered in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II. The potential legislation has angered not only Holocaust survivors but also historians, politicians and community leaders around the world as it is seen as an attempt to whitewash the complicity of Poles responsible for the deaths of Jews during the Shoah. The law is awaiting ratification in Poland’s constitutional court and calls for up to three-year prison terms for violators. Board of Deputies President Jonathan Arkush led a delegation that included representatives of the Jewish Leadership Council, Holocaust Educational Trust and B’nai Brith UK. “We set out for the Minister the strong arguments against the law and our total dismay against the storm of anti-Semitic reaction it had created in Poland,” said BoD chief Mr Arkush, speaking on behalf of the delegation. “It runs the strong risk of enforcing a distorted view of history and chilling debate on the destruction of Polish Jewry.”

The Israeli government, European Jewish Congress, World Jewish Congress and international Jewish bodies have lambasted the proposed law. But there is some optimism because President Andrzej Duda seems to have accepted the timing of his country’s controversial law was mistaken following an interview published in Polish newspaper Dziennik Gazeta Prawna on Monday. “It was wrong that the (new law) was adopted on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day,”. “It is difficult for me to understand what motivated legislators to act this way.” Duda criticised the ‘general language’ of the legislation and intimated a possible amendment to reflect what he terms as “acts committed with criminal intention.” And in a further twist of applying pressure, hundreds of Poles, who feel targeted by a new wave of anti-Semitism, attended a rally in Warsaw at Gdanski train station to express solidarity with Jews who perished in the Holocaust last Sunday. Speakers denounced the Polish


government where an open letter from 100 civil society organisations was read in Polish, Hebrew and English The translation noted: ‘Know that we are here. Together with us are millions of Poles who think and feel as we do in objecting to the obscene and absurd law parliament passed objecting to a false rewriting of history by the current government calling out ‘Not in our name!’ The rally follows on from Christian Poles, who helped Jews during the Holocaust, calling upon Polish and Israeli authorities to reconcile their differences. Fifty Poles, the last survivors of 6,700 Poles recognised by Yad Vashem as “Righteous Among the Nations” gentiles, signed an open letter calling for a future based on “friendship, solidarity and truth” which was sent to the Polish and Israeli governments and parliaments. Whilst Polish politicians insist legislation will be used only against those who only defame Poland, cracks are building. Meetings between United States and Polish officials have taken place in Washington

and Warsaw, but Poland’s Foreign Minister, Jacek Czaputowicz, has acknowledged “strained relations” with the U.S. surrounding the law. Polish news portal reported an internal Foreign Ministry document last month revealed President Donald Trump would not meet Duda or his senior ministers until the law was resolved. “It would be good if meetings at the highest level could take place in an atmosphere when these issues are resolved,” Czaputowicz reportedly said this week. The next step firmly sits with the Polish courts to find a resolution.

Polish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bartosz Cichocki


15 MARCH 2018


NEWS IN BRIEF Shock as Corbyn joined Likud Herut UK life anti-Semitic social media group

President dies

BY JAMES MARLOW Investigative reporter David Collier discovered that Jeremy Corbyn was exchanging messages in a social media group where known Anti-Semites, Holocaust Deniers and White Supremacists were present. Although the Labour leader admitted he was a member of the private Facebook group which centred around “Palestine,” Corbyn denied he ever saw any racist or anti-Semitic posts. But the Labour party was reported to be investigating claims that abusive messages about Jewish people were rampant on the forum. Enfield North Labour MP Joan Ryan, who is also Chair of Labour Friends of Israel wrote to Corbyn on 9 March expressing concern he was a member of the group “where neo-Nazi material and Holocaust denial was widespread.” She continued, “Given the frequency and ferocity of anti-Jewish hatred in the group, I am sure you can understand the abhorrence of many at your membership of the group.” Mr Collier infiltrated the forum and watched for weeks throughout the night what he described was “hard-core anti-Semites wretched in their political ideologies that gather together to pretend it is about

Jeremy Corbyn

the Palestinians and not the Jews.” The Facebook group is called ‘Palestine Live’ and its members include Jenny Tonge, David Ward, Paul Eisen, Gilad Atzmon, Labour MP for Norwich South, Clive Lewis and other. Corbyn was in the group in late 2014 and may have joined a year earlier. He remained until shortly after becoming leader. MP Ryan was particular angry over Corbyn organising an event on behalf of the administrator of the ‘Palestine Live’ group, Elleanne Green saying, “despite the fact that she regularly posted explicitly anti-Semitic material.” In addition, Joan Ryan pointed out that “The speaker at the event

was Max Blumental, who has compared Israel to Nazi Germany and to ISIS, and he was preceded by James Thring, a far-right activist who believes the world is controlled by Jewish elders”. David Collier said “I quantified the level of anti-Semitism within the group by analysing all those who shared posts over a two-week period during February 2018. The level was 64%. When I extracted the Jewish anti-Zionists, the level rose to 73%. Nobody should be able to spend any time at all in that group, without understanding the twisted anti-Semitism that drives so much of the activity.”

It was also widely reported that Jeremy Corbyn had asked Jon Lansman not to stand after he was recently elected to Labour’s National Executive Committee. But Mr Lansman was subjected to repeated abuse on twitter and facebook with much of it focusing on his Jewish background. However, this writer has seen several of the messages and on many occasions, the word “Jew” was substituted for

the word “Zionist,” even though Lansman is very supportive of the Palestinian narrative and extremely critical of Israel and the Labour Friends of Israel. The move by Lansman to withdraw his candidacy will likely pave the way for the Unite Union backed-candidate, Jennie Formby to win the party’s top official job and take over from Iain McNicol who is seen by Momentum supporters as not being far-left enough. But Lansman is opposed to Jennie Formby, even though she is believed to be Corbyn’s favoured candidate. Jon Lansman is now concerned that the culture of “command and control” is going to be a dangerous move. Lansman’s decision to stand against Unite’s Ms Formby, exposed huge tensions between allies of Jeremy Corbyn and his own Momentum vision for Labour as a social movement led by its members, rather than being led by the trade unions. But reports say Corbyn

News of the passing of Eric Graus passing away on Monday morning aged 91 was greeted with deep sadness. Eric was a champion of the Zionist movement in the UK but perhaps he was best known for his work in the seventies highlighting Soviet Jewry and the long prison sentences they received for simply wishing to emigrate to Israel. His struggles of that era are well documented in the ‘Days of Action’ Eric Graus book compiled by his friend and comrade-in-arms, Joe Gellert who now lives in Netanya. But one of Eric’s greatest joys was when Menachem Begin finally came to power as Prime Minister in 1977 after being in opposition since the birth of the modern state. Eric remembers with pride when the Likud leader made his first official visit to England and the many dinners he spent with not just Menachem Begin, but Prime Ministers Yitzhak Shamir and Binyamin Netanyahu. This writer was present with Eric on the night Binyamin Netanyahu was elected Prime Minister for the first time in 1996. There will be a full obituary on Eric Graus z”l in next week’s edition.

Malvyn Benjamin, Eric Graus, Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Chief Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits

Labour infighting continues to split party BY JAMES MARLOW

As political parties prepare for local elections across England, the brains behind the far-left Momentum group which catapulted Jeremy Corbyn to his leadership role, Jon Lansman, withdrew his candidacy to become General Secretary of the Labour Party after being subjected to anti-Semitic abuse on social media.

Jon Lansman


telephoned Lansman and explained how the disagreement could split the far-left vote and cause further tension within the Labour party. The founder of Momentum said in a twitter message that now more candidates were coming forward but nevertheless would support whoever was chosen to replace Iain McNicol. However, Lansman stressed his desire for Labour’s ways to change. “We must draw a clear line between our renewed and reinvigorated mass-membership party and previous eras of command and control – where the views of members and affiliates alike were too often ignored, party conference overruled and the NEC disrespected.” The shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, also supports Formby to replace McNicol in an accelerated process that will see the successor chosen by 20 March. Some in Labour believe the process is being stage-managed as Ms Formby is a former political

director of the Unite Trade Union and its boss, Len McCluskey, is one of Corbyn’s strongest supporters. Elsewhere Shadow work and pensions secretary, Debbie Abrahams, was asked to step aside from her role over “work-based complaints,” but she refused until she knew more about the nature of the allegations. The Labour Party released a statement, saying: “Debbie Abrahams has stood aside from her role while the Labour Party investigates an employment issue,” but Ms Abrahams hit back with her own complaints accusing the Labour leader’s office of “aggressive” and “intimidating” behaviour. The local elections are scheduled to be held on Thursday 3 May within England. They will include all 32 London boroughs, 34 metropolitan boroughs, 68 district / borough councils and 17 unitary authorities. There will also be direct elections for the Mayoralties of Hackney, Lewisham, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Watford.

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15 MARCH 2018



Physicist Stephen Hawking dies aged 73 Professor Stephen Hawking died of cardiac arrest on Wednesday, aged 73. Hawking, who visited Israel on a handful of occasions, was criticised for supporting Palestinians and backing an academic boycott of Israel in 2013 by pulling out of the fifth annual Israeli Presidential Conference in Jerusalem hosted by President Shimon Peres. “Never has a scientist of this stature boycotted Israel,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor at the time. Conference chairman Israel Maimon described Hawking’s decision was “outrageous” and encourages the extremists” in Haaretz.

Stephen Hawking

JLC and UJIA launch Yom Ha’Atzmaut community fund BY LEAH WAXLER The Jewish Leadership Council and UJIA are offering grants up to £500 to mark Israel’s 70th birthday for Yom Ha’Atzmaut events this year. The communal activity fund will benefit synagogues, youth groups, schools and other Jewish communal organisations planning to mark the occasion. Applications on a ‘first come

first served’ basis can be submitted until 30th March. “Yom Ha’Aatzmaut is a great chance for our community to celebrate its connection to Israel,” said Simon Johnson, JLC chief executive. “The community fund will help ensure there are opportunities to mark the occasion all over the country.” Michael Wegier, UJIA chief executive added: “It is very

CST held their annual dinner last Wednesday evening at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Mayfair. Distinguished guests included Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev, Communities Secretary Sajid Javid MP, Ed Balls, Sir Eric Pickles - UK Special Envoy on Post Holocaust Issues, and David Lammy MP among others. The keynote speaker was Home Secretary Amber Rudd MP who was introduced by CST Deputy Chair Lloyd Dorfman CBE, and the appeal was made by CST Chair Gerald Ronson CBE.

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The Board of Deputies and Jewish Leadership Council launches a paper outlining the opportunities and challenges Brexit presents to the Jewish community at Westminster on Monday. Daniel Hannan MEP and Lord Adonis will discuss issues at the event. Key issues include assurances that financial sanctions are not lifted on anti-Semitic terror groups, trade with Israel and issues concerning kosher meat.

Lord Adonis



Board and JLC launch Brexit paper on impact for Jewish community

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15 MARCH 2018


June Election looms BY JAMES MARLOW

It is still unclear whether there will be an early Israel general election over a coalition disagreement regarding strictly Orthodox military enlistment. But one thing is certain – if there is, it will likely be the dirtiest election in history and there have been some real ugly ones in the past. The opposition parties will claim that Netanyahu is corrupt and is destroying the country. The Likud will say that security can only be guaranteed with a government led by Bibi and that containing Iran is essential. While in a bid to gain more Knesset seats, Naftali Bennet’s Bayit Yehudi party will condemn the Likud for not agreeing to apply Israeli law in the main Jewish community blocs in Judea and Samaria. The overwhelming majority of the press will continue to mudsling against the Prime Minister while all pollsters will put the Likud on more seats than any other party - proving once again that the public refuse to be influenced by police leaks or the press. The Likud will attack the media and police. The Left will slam

Netanyahu, his wife and son and call him an opponent of peace, Arabs and basic freedoms. Everything will be fair game and nothing will be off limits as the politicians from across the spectrum will try to divide and spread false allegations. They will separate the religious from the secular and the settlers from those who live in and around Tel Aviv and all of this could bring serious long-term damage to Israeli society. But the problem is the Israeli press generally do not push the politicians on what they would do if they were in power, unlike in the UK where top journalist take-apart those wishing to lead and really scrutinise their financial figures and ideas one by one. The coalition crisis is over Defence Minister Avigdor Liberman and his secular Yisrael Beytenu party against a three-part bill issued by the strictly Orthodox United Torah Judaism (UTJ) party, avoiding army service in favour of full time Yeshiva Torah learning. But Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon who heads the Kulanu party is eager to get approval for the 2019 state budget which means all coalition parties have to vote together

as the government only has a 5-seat majority. UTJ says it will refuse to vote for the budget if their bill is not approved and Lieberman says he and his party will quit the government if the 3-part bill is approved. Meanwhile Kahlon says he will pull his Kulanu party out of the coalition if the bill is not passed by early next week. Zionist Union support holding elections which were not due until 2019 even though they have poor showings in the polls. Yesh Atid is likely to be a winner if there is an early election as Lapid is likely to double his seats but according to the polls will still struggle to put together a coalition. Ahmed Tibi pointed out that Ramadan is May 15 to June 14 so having an election on June 26 which is the date being suggested would be unfair to Muslims, although few know why. But strangely enough, the supreme court would likely agree. On the other hand, Bayit Yehudi, Kulanu and Shas have hinted they do not want elections in June which will be just one month after Shavuot. Then there is the historic summer

Israel election analyst James Marlow compiles the polls based on various surveys conducted and commissioned by Professor Camille Fuchs, Rafi Smith Research and Dr Mina Tzemach all at various times visit in March 2018. Twenty-five separate political parties ran in the 2015 o election f but only ten received the minimum 3.25% threshold in order to enter the Knesset. The turnout in 2015 was 72.3% - a record high since 1999 and more than 4% higher than 2013.


Binyamin Netanyahu



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Moshe Kahlon



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Prince William. One thing is for sure; an election is coming and when it does, it will either solidify Netanyahu’s leadership like no Israeli politician before

him or turn a page in history with Netanyahu removed from office and new politician elected to lead the country.

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15 MARCH 2018


Letters to the Editor

Send in your comments to

Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach ZT’L


Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

I write in response to your article about the unfortunate passing of Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach zt’l.

I would like to congratulate you and your team for last week’s paper and your one year anniversary edition.

Rav Auerbach was well known as one of the leading Torah lights of our generation. He was one of the ‘Roshei Yehiva of Roshei Yeshivos,’ and his influence on others in terms of growth in Torah spread far and wide; well beyond the immediate circle of his own Yeshiva. He displayed amazing derech eretz, particularly for orphans and widows. Vast sums of tzedoka money passed through his charity, helping many people who were struggling financially. He also displayed a great love of Torah learning, in spite of difficult personal circumstances. Given all of this, I was surprised to read what your newspaper had published by way of an obituary. You seemed to focus more on politics as opposed to his ahavas (love of) Torah and love of Jews of all stripes. Perhaps in future your newspaper could use its influence to be more balanced; to point out the great achievements that those who have passed on have accomplished, paying particular attention to deeds and traits that we too can learn from.

The Jewish Weekly has made a huge difference to the Jewish community in the UK. It is a paper that can be read by all generations and it is thoroughly enjoyed by all members of my family. Wishing you and your team continued success. Kind regards, Mrs Y Grunfeld N16

Yours sincerely, Yaakov Opat Hendon

Please note: The views of the letters do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Letters may be edited and publication is at the discretion of the editor.

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15 MARCH 2018


Deputy Mayor of London Visits JVN Offices Matthew Ryder, the Deputy Mayor of London for Social Integration, Social Mobility and Community Engagement met JVN staff and volunteers to understand how the leading faith-based volunteering organisation was complementing the Mayor’s new social integration strategy, part of which is to ensure a tool is available for people to mobilise around social action in the community. In anticipation of informing JVN about his work, he was both surprised and delighted that the charity seemed to be very closely aligned with his plans. He noted that “JVN is the model for other organisations and are the future of volunteering for London because they have a unique product.” Matthew clearly recognised that faith communities knew their members better than most and understood the values inherent in volunteering. He had grown up in the Barnet area where his mother had

been a volunteer in the CAB and he has always valued the important of volunteering in his family life. When asked about funding for volunteering and mental health projects, he agreed that a lot of words had been spoken but there were limited funds. The Deputy Mayor, who was accompanied by members of Team London, praised the work of the JVN, particularly in the interfaith arena. He was made aware that JVN had helped and supported Caritas Westminster to develop its website and is currently working with The Faith Forum for London and some Muslim organisations to establish a Muslim Volunteering Network. He commented, “JVN builds bridges with other faith communities and it’s fantastic how we share expertise.” Matthew believes that this cross-fertilisation of ideas, together with the sharing of good practice, were key components for cohesion

Matthew Ryder at JVN offices

and offered opportunity for more engagement in community life. He said about volunteering that it was “a silver bullet to cut through difficulties when people say things can’t be done,” and was looking forward to spreading the message about what JVN does and take it back to City Hall. “We need a community-based

Hasmonean students cooks for GIFT Year 12 Hasmonean boys spent the morning cooking meals for families supported by GIFT. This is part of a new Hasmonean GIFT sixth form programme which combines education about giving and chessed, with hands-on practical help. The group have visited Jewish Care homes, St Joseph Pastoral Centre and have volunteered at the GIFT warehouse. GIFT have also run a number of classes including; self-awareness training and learning the Torah perspective on giving and taking. Rabbi Birnbaum from the Hasmonean Beis explained “The sessions with GIFT have really galvanised the learning of our boys. The in-school talks together with the external trips have been superbly delivered and really help bring Jewish education to life” GIFT’s twin objectives are teaching young people to give and helping those in need. GIFT supports over 2000 people weekly with food parcels and practical help. For more information about their services or to donate contact GIFT on 0208 457 4429 or email

privileged to receive such a visit which was both informative and supporting of our work and we’re looking forward to an ever closer relationship with the Mayor’s office in the coming year.”

Paperweight Trust holds induction for new caseworkers

The Paperweight Trust recently held an induction for 16 new caseworkers living across London. This is a great boost to their rapidly growing team, to help meet the ever increasing demands on their organisation. Gift volunteers get cooking

Dedicated Kisharon supporter Adrian Jacobs runs the Jerusalem half marathon for a fourth time Longtime Kisharon supporter Adrian Jacobs last week ran the Jerusalem half marathon in aid of Kisharon’s work in providing education, support and opportunities for Jewish children and adults with learning difficulties. This was the fourth time Adrian had completed the marathon in support of Kisharon, completing the course – said to be one of the world’s most challenging – in 2 hours 38 minutes, two minutes faster than the time he registered

organisation to understand and connect with – which other orgs may not be able to do. JVN is valuable to Barnet and across London.” JVN is grateful for the support of Team London and will seek to enhance that relationship over the next few months. Leonie Lewis MBE, Director of JVN, said “We were

last year. donate can continue to do so via Of his choice of “incredible” this link: https://www.justgiving. charity, Adrian said he felt a com/fundraising/adrian-jacobs4 “strong connection” to their vision to provide the same opportunities for people with learning difficulties as their peers. “Kisharon supports each unique person so they can progress, achieve independence, enjoy life and be included in the communities in which they live”, he added. Adrian has almost achieved the new fundraising target he set himself of £7,500. Anyone wishing to


Arkush calls on Government to honour commitment to Dubs Amendment Board of Deputies President Jonathan Arkush has called on the Government plan to honour its commitment to the Dubs Amendment, and allow 3,000 vulnerable Syrian children settle here. In a piece in the Sunday Express, Jonathan wrote: “Lord Alf Dubs was one of the Jewish children brought to Britain on the Kindertransport. He has used his position to raise awareness of the current plight of child refugees, particularly those from Syria. Lord Dubs’ proposal, accepted by the British

government in May 2016, committed Britain to help unaccompanied children come to live safely in the UK. “Lord Dubs and his supporters had hoped that the UK would help 3,000 of the most vulnerable children. However, after two years, fewer than 250 children have so far been brought to Britain under the scheme. Now the government plans to end the entire Dubs scheme, which seems like a huge missed opportunity.”

Memorial garden opens in Golders Green The Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Brian Salinger, and Councillor Dean Cohen, took part in a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Tuesday, 13 March 2018 to open a memorial garden for Sir Nicholas Winton at Princes Park, Golders Green. Sir Nicholas Winton was a British humanitarian, who organised the evacuation of 669 children prior to the start of the Second World War. Most of the children were Jewish, and from Czechoslovakia, with the evacuation taking place on the eve of the Second World War. In an operation later known as the Czech Kindertransport, Sir Nicholas found homes for the children and arranged for their safe passage to Britain. In honour of Sir Nicholas Winton’s memory, the Mayor of Barnet and Councillor Cohen were joined by pupils from Menorah

15 MARCH 2018


Primary School and Wessex Gardens Primary School. The Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Brian Salinger, said, “We are delighted to honour the extraordinary life and achievements of the late Sir Nicholas Winton. It is particularly fitting as we have a large number of children from the Jewish community living in Barnet who can be inspired by this man’s great heroism.” Councillor Dean Cohen, Chairman of the Environment Committee, said “Sir Nicholas Winton was a man of extreme courage who displayed immense bravery during the Second World War, saving hundreds of Jewish children. I am proud that the legacy of such an incredible humanitarian has been marked in this special way.”

The Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Brian Salinger, Councillor Dean Cohen, Avi Yodaiken and pupils from Meorah Primary school and Wessex Gardens Primary School at the ribon cutting

Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu receives Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany

In a moving ceremony, Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu was awarded Germany’s only federal decoration, the Federal Order of Merit. The award recognises the crucial role that Dayan Ehrentreu has played in rebuilding traditional Jewish life in Germany in his role as Director of the Rabbinical Seminary of Berlin. The award was presented to Dayan Ehrentreu in a formal ceremony in the Foreign Office in Berlin last week. Rabbi Josh Spinner, Executive Vice- President and CEO of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, addressed the audience, followed by Dr Josef Schuster, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. Sigmar Gabriel, Minister for Foreign Affairs presented the award to Dayan Ehrentreu. Reflecting on his receipt of the Order of Merit, Dayan Ehrentreu addressed the audience: “Torah Judaism is deep rooted in Germany. More than 1,000 years ago great Torah scholars lived in Germany, scholars whose teachings we still learn today. These rabbinical scholars and leaders came from all over Germany, Ladenburg, Mainz, Worms, Speyer, Hamburg, Saltsburg, and this tradition of Torah Judaism which existed in Germany for over a thousand years has now returned back once again. “Therefore, I salute with admiration the

Federal Republic of Germany, who by presenting this Order of Merit have expressed their recognition of the outstanding achievements of this new community and its institutions, and at the same time, recognise that it is a contribution to Germany itself. My involvement in this whole project is small, compared to the selfless efforts of all those who gave their heart and soul to bringing success to this project. I therefore, with feelings of honour and feelings of humility, accept this order of merit, but I do so not only for myself, but I do so also as their representative.”

The Dayan standing with Foreign Minister

My mother got the best end-of-life care possible at Heathlands Village.


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15 MARCH 2018


Chai Clients take centre stage at ‘Chai Fashion with Averyl’ raising over £90,000 Last week, more than 350 ladies watched Chai clients light up the runway at the much anticipated ‘Chai Fashion with Averyl’ at Finchley Synagogue. The spectacular event which has so far raised over £90,000 will ensure that Chai is able to provide its expertise and care to any member of the Jewish community affected by a cancer diagnosis. The fashion show was a huge success, showcasing the stunning Spring/Summer ’18 collection from Averyl’s emporium on Finchley Road. The fabulous runway show had everyone on up on their feet dancing, as the enthusiasm was infectious! A delicious and beautifully presented lunch was then served by Food Story and their wonderful team. After lunch, guests had a chance to hear from Chai client, Katherine Lennard, who spoke about how Chai helped her through her cancer journey, she said: “It was December 2010 - I remember clearly it was the first time I came in to Chai in Hendon. Almost exactly a year before, I had been diagnosed with a very rare form of Cancer of the Neuro Endocrine system otherwise known as Neuro Endocrine Tumours or NETS. The primary small tumour was in my lung but there were 5

larger tumours in my liver. I had been shocked, horrified to hear that all the tumours were malignant. It was terminal. The best option, I had been told, was surgery - but I was not eligible because of the size of the tumours. You can imagine the devastation that I and my family felt. In that split second our lives had changed forever. A couple of friends had mentioned Chai to me early on but it took me a whole year to pick up the phone and make that first, very difficult call for help. I was exhausted by then having had 3 rounds of Chemotherapy which had failed to stabilise or shrink my tumours. This was followed by 3 rounds of hugely powerful intravenous nuclear medicine. So here I was, feeling exhausted and short on hope sitting in Chai’s surprisingly bright, modern and stylishly decorated reception. At first, I started to see a highly qualified counsellor once a week. At last I could unburden myself, benefiting from the wisdom of a professional. It was so much easier to talk freely about my disease without causing stress to family or friends - knowing that I was in a completely safe and, most crucially, a confidential place. I continue to do so 7 years on. And when I was unwell or in

hospital Chai came to me. It was so comforting to have that support followed through to home or in hospital. Supporting me when I most needed the help. We also had family therapy. For that I had to drag my reluctant teenage boys along. But to my great surprise, following this meeting, my then 16 year old son asked to see a counsellor. The fact that Chai gained not only the trust of my son, but also many other youngsters speaks volumes about their experience and care. Amazingly, in 2011 my tumours stabilised and reduced enough in size for surgery. Since these surgeries I have had other interventions non-stop for over 6 years. And Chai has been there with me every step of the way. I loved the art and jewellery classes and I always left feeling enriched and enlivened. I was formulating a new life with my beloved Chai guiding me and always at my side. I also benefitted from aromatherapy, reflexology and healing. There are also many other complementary therapies and medical services that I have used, including appointments with a Palliative Care Consultant. As my health has deteriorated and the cancer treatments leaving me with many side effects, this has been of fantastic

Chai Chief Executive Lisa Steele, Averyl Trup, Chai Chairman Louise Hager

benefit to me. In time Chai actually gave me everything that I needed but more than just the practical. Step by step, hand in hand, I felt alive again. My life had a sense of fun and purpose. Many of us are still living with Cancer. I live day by day, I take powerful and toxic chemo tablets two weeks out of four. This is what is now keeping me alive. Chai enables me to find meaning and to live my new life with quality, respect, dignity and most of all love.”

Nightingale House leads the way in Nutrition and Hydration Leading South London residential care home Nightingale House has embarked on a week-long programme of activities to mark the global Nutrition and Hydration Week. The leading care home for members of London’s Jewish community is setting the tone for other care homes, hospitals and care facilities, with a series of innovative and educational sessions to promote the importance of good nutrition and hydration. The aim of Nutrition and Hydration week is to focus energy, activity and engagement in promoting nutrition & hydration as an integral part of residents’ lives. The week’s activities form part of Nightingale Hammerson’s wider “Nutrition and Hydration Advocates” work, a forum made up of carers and nurses who meet regularly to share ideas about different ways of encouraging better nutrition for residents. Each specialist unit in Nightingale House has dedicated one day to celebrate with residents, staff, volunteers and relatives, with a series of creative

activities promoting the importance of good nutrition, including ‘Cirque Du Fruit’ and ‘Smoothie afternoon’. Children from on-site nursery, Apples and Honey Nightingale, will join the activities as they learn to interact with the healthy foods alongside Nightingale House residents, as part of their daily intergenerational activities programme. The programme will culminate in a Nutrition and Hydration Fair, with a multidisciplinary team working together to promote the importance of good nutrition and hydration. Staff from Nightingale House as well as health professionals and Community Dieticians from St. Georges Hospital and Dysphagia representatives from Nestle Health Science UK will deliver specialist sessions on topics such as ‘Swallowing Awareness’ and ‘Tissue Viability’. Interactive activities allowed residents to blend their own smoothie through a Urban Smoothie Bike Ltd, whereby the action of pedalling powers a fruit blender. Reflecting on the initiative,

Enjoying the smoothie afternoon

Tiffany Barron Gutierrez, Dietetic Assistant Practitioner, Nightingale Hammerson, said: “Nightingale House’s Nutrition and Hydration Week programme is part of our commitment to promoting the holistic wellbeing of our residents. Good nutrition and hydration is integral to care of older people, and mealtimes are also a great way to promote positive social interaction and


companionship for our residents. Many of our residents can lose their appetite and sense of thirst, as a natural result of the ageing process, which can cause acute conditions. Programmes such as these are vital to engage our residents in taking care of their nutritional needs, as well as being educational.”

Chai’s Chairman, Louise Hager, said: ‘Averyl’s loyal commitment means so much to us all! Her enthusiasm and attention to detail mirrors Chai’s ethos, to provide a service that is a combination of expertise but always delivered from the heart. The money raised from ‘Chai Fashion with Avery’l will enable us to continue to be the trusted and constant compass to all those who turn to us.”


Stamford Hill CST meeting a success

30 representatives from 40 of the Stamford Hill kehilla’s schools attended a highly successful CST meeting last night at Yesodey HaTorah Junior School. This is part of CST’s strengthening engagement with the kehilla, especially regarding security for schools. The evening was organised by our representative within the kehilla and different CST staff presented on their areas of expertise, namely our Security Enhancement Project that gives money for security upgrades from fencing to CCTVs (over £11 million donated across the UK since 2006, £1.4 million of which has gone to the kehilla); security and emergency procedures advice; and information regarding CST’s continuing overseeing of the £13.4 million Home Office grant for security guards at Jewish schools and other locations.

15 MARCH 2018

Extension to the North West London Eruv goes live A community project six years in the making came to fruition this week. Golders Green United Synagogue is celebrating the launch of an extension to the North West London Eruv. The extension, which is now live, covers the Golders Green Estate west of the A41 and leads down to Cricklewood. Additionally, the area will link the communities served by the North West London Eruv and the proposed Brondesbury Park Shul Eruv covering Cricklewood, Willesden and Brondesbury Park. Penina Bowman, a member of Golders Green Synagogue, spearheaded the project from its inception and was invited by the shul’s Rabbi, Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski, to perform the ‘eruv chatzeirot’ ceremony last week to formally consecrate the new eruv. Penina has been supported throughout by Rabbi Belovski, the London Beth Din, Edward Black, the Chair of the North West London Eruv Committee, architect Daniel Rosenfelder and the Shul’s Eruv Extension Committee comprising Golders Green Synagogue members Mike Posen, Myrna Jacobs and Jonathan Davies. Penina Bowman said: “Everyone involved in extending the eruv is

Penina Bowman performs the eruvei chatzeirot ceremony with Rabbi Belovski

deeply committed to supporting Shabbat observance for the broadest range of ages and backgrounds. Much of the housing near our Shul falls outside the North West London Eruv and so extending it will serve the current members living in the area but also make more housing available for families with young children who would like to live near our warm and welcoming shul and the excellent Rimon Primary School. I hope it will attract new members to Golders Green shul and make Shabbat more fun for those of who live here at the moment as well as making our shul more accessible for our members and guests who use wheelchairs.” Rabbi Harvey Belovski said: “The long-awaited opening of our Eruv Extension places Golders

Green Synagogue at the centre of an enlarged Shabbat-friendly area. The expanded area offers housing to suit a wider range of budgets with access to high-quality transport links just a few minutes from excellent Jewish amenities. The eruv will boost our expanding community, encouraging new families of all ages and backgrounds to move to the area. Special thanks are due to Penina Bowman, who devised and drove the project to its conclusion. It is a matter of pride for our community that Penina accepted my invitation to perform the ceremony to formally bring the new Eruv into existence before its inaugural Shabbat.” Costs have been met by members of Golders Green United Synagogue and other supporters.

Seed Gala Dinner: Inspired by Our Children Over 500 guests packed out the Seed Gala Dinner on Sunday 11th March to support the work of the organisation in inspiring Jewish families. The Biennial gala dinner at London’s Royal Lancaster Hotel raised over £0.5 million for Seed’s unique range of family education programmes. The dinner, hosted by Sharon and Jonathan Goldstein, was opened by six children whose families have been impacted by Seed. This was followed by a welcome address from Seed’s National Director, Rabbi Joey Grunfeld, who focused on the theme of the dinner - ‘Generation to Generation - Inspired by our Children’. He said: “Tonight is all about the ways in which children coming home excited from their Jewish schools motivate parents to lead a richer and more meaningful Jewish life. Seed helps parents to answer their children’s questions and to create a home infused with Jewish knowledge and values.” In a video address, Rabbi Malcolm Herman, Seed’s Associate National Director, moved the audience with his reference to the way in which children open our eyes to



Jonathan Goldstein, Malcolm Hoenlein and Rabbi Joey Grunfeld

a world of sincerity and openness, without cynicism. He emphasised how it is our responsibility to create a home environment that nurtures this, and that will be strong enough to outlast us. The keynote speaker, Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, received a standing ovation. Drawing on his extensive first-hand experience he described the “state of flux” that the world and particularly the Middle East is currently undergoing. Mr. Hoenlein emphasised that in these challenging times, the key to the future of the Jewish people lies in learning the lessons of our past - a task that Seed accomplishes by providing Jewish education.

Rabbi Grunfeld said: “We were honoured that Mr Hoenlein agreed to speak at our dinner. He showed tremendous understanding of the crucial work Seed does and its importance in the future of the Jewish community. His mixture of humour and insights from across the Atlantic were so important for us all to hear. We thank every single person who attended tonight’s event and is helping Seed to continue provide top-class family education.” Seed Manchester also held a very successful gala dinner two weeks ago with guest speaker Rabbi YY Jacobson of Monsey New York, attended by over 400 guests. Rabbi Jacobson emphasised how the energy and vitality of any culture nation is dependent on the way it focuses on its youth.


Help Emunah to break the cycle of the 10 Modern Plagues Children’s charity Emunah has launched a hard-hitting Pesach appeal which focuses on the 10 modern plagues affecting vulnerable children and families in Israel. The campaign highlights how Emunah’s services help to break the cycle of hunger, neglect, poverty, abandonment, serious illness, alcoholism, physical abuse, sexual abuse, drug addiction and bereavement. The charity is hoping to raise in excess of £30,000. British Emunah director Deborah Nathan said: “The campaign is a stark reminder that a child brought up with poverty, neglect or abuse may not know anything different. For them this is just ‘normal’. This Pesach, a donation large or small will help Emunah to break the cycle of these 10 modern plagues.

Learning about the 10 plagues at an Emunah Day Care Centre in Israel

“For £100, we can provide meals for a hungry child for a month while £30 helps Emunah to buy clothes and shoes… Sponsoring an at-risk child to attend an Emunah day care centre for a year costs £1200.” Across Israel, Emunah has a network of 200 centres of which 37 are supported by British Emunah. See

Noam Primary at Choice Care Home

Boys of Years Five and Six in Noam Primary School, went to Choice Care Home, previously Edinburgh House, in Wembley, where they entertained and then spent time talking to the residents.

Belmont Charity Supper Quiz Over 150 people attended Functions at Belmont’s annual supper quiz last Sunday. Entertaining questions and tasty food made for a very enjoyable evening and raised valuable funds for the Shul. It is F@B’s custom to donate a percentage of the takings to a chosen charity - often a small local one. This year the committee selected “Evie’s Night Owls” a new charity set up

Enjoying the evening

under the Camp Simcha umbrella by Sam and Lee Bladon in memory of their daughter Evie who passed away aged 3. It will provide night respite care for families of critically ill children, something not available to many families at present. Sam spoke movingly of their beautiful daughter and as always the Belmont community were generous in their support.


15 MARCH 2018


Manchester’s JS Kosher Takeaway re-opens after arson attack last June

Fire bomb damage at JS Kosher Restaurant, Prestwich last June

Yehuda Borr 16,the JS first customer, munching into a Burger

First Mezzuzot at JS Restaurant after being fire bombed last June

The staff busy at work

Yavneh Girls perform The Sound of Music

The cast of The Sound of Music on Sunday evening on the King David High school stage, packed with mum’s, sisters, aunts, friends and lady teachers. PHOTO CREDIT: LAWRENCE PURCELL

Impromptu performance by Chazan and Choir of Whitefield Shul Formed in 2002 by Chazan of the community on Sunday recognised by a fellow pasYossi Muller, the twelvestrong choir has earned an enviable reputation in the Manchester Jewish Community with their performances at communal events, other synagogues, and in concert – ably conducted by musical director, Tim Dempsey. The programme included well-loved tunes taken from Shabbat morning and YomTov services, as well as some surprise items. The event took place in the Saint Louis Forum in aid of a new community facility. Chazan Muller is the cantor of the prestigious Whitefield Shul in Manchester. He and the Whitefield Shul Choir performed a concert in Saint Louis, France, at the invitation

March 11th 2018. The concert was received with rapturous applause by the 200 strong audience in Saint Louis. Whilst travelling on an early morning Jet2 flight to the event, the Chazan was

senger who urged him and the choir to sing on board. After encouragement by the cabin staff, and to the delight of other travellers the Chazan and choir performed Adon Olam to the tune of Bizet’s Pearlfisher’s Suite

The Whitefield Choir give an impromptu performance on the Jet2 flight en route to sing for the community in Saint Louis, France


Police standing guard outside the JS Kosher Restaurant in Prestwich

Mazel Tov at JS Restaurant after 1st Mezzuzot put up

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Shabbat ends

London Jerusalem

20Volume JUDAISM  30 No. 26

15 MARCH 2018



Artscroll p.544 | Hertz p.429 | Soncino p.540 |

6.55pm 6.25pm

Shevi’i p.890 Shevi’i p.695 Shevi’i p.944

| Maftir p.348 | | Maftir p.253 | | Maftir p.386 |

Parshat Vayikra

Haftarah p.1218 Haftarah p.1001 Haftarah p.1195

Parashat Hachodesh. Shabbat Rosh Chodesh.

In loving memory of Yaakov Yehoshua ben Ephraim Hirsch

In loving memory of Yaakov Yehoshua ben Ephraim Hirsch “He called to Moshe, and G-d spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying: ‘Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them: When a man among you brings an offering to G-d: from animals – from the cattle or from the flock shall you bring you bring your offering’” (Vayikra 1:1-2).

The Right Intentions

by Rabbi Shlomo Odze, Associate Rabbi, South Hampstead United Synagogue Perhaps this is the meaning behind the statement from the Rabbis quoted by Rashi. Those who brought a cheaper bird offering may have liked to offer up an animal, but did not have the financial means. Since, through no fault of their own, they were unable to donate more, it is still pleasing to G-d and they receive reward for their thoughts and intentions, as if they had actually brought more. Yet at the same time, to make their offering Rashi (d. 1105) notes that the phrase used here -“a pleasing fragrance to G-d” - is also used in pleasing to G-d, they must make sure to direct verse 9 regarding animal offerings. He cites the their heart to Heaven and thus gain the extra metzora would also bring three animal offerings 1st Aliya(Menachot (Kohen) – 110a) Vayikra 12:1-23 Talmud which says that this reward. and three meal offerings. After childbirth, a lady would wait several weeks similarity teaches that whether one offers more (a before bringing an elevation and a Often Point Consider:forwhat is theissignificance of the thetobarometer success results-based. four-legged animal) or less (aoffering bird), it(olah) is equally is wood, commonly not recognised rewarded(see cedar crimson thread andorhyssop? sin offeringto(chatat). completed pleasing G-d, This provided that her the post-birth person Effort its own sake. The praise of the person who to 14:4) bringing the offering directs his/her heart to forRashi purification process. to do –more raises important Heaven. God told Moshe and Aharon that someone who genuinely 5th Aliyawants (Chamishi) 14:21-32 wecould minimalist or maximalist? had the appearance of a particular type of skin questions. A metzoraArewho not afford three animal What is our thought process when approaching disease (tzara’at) would more have or to less show the white In what way is an offering pleasing to offerings could instead bring one animal offering, Are we trying to get away with the blemish to a Kohen. The Kohen would evaluate mitzvot? G-d? one meal and two birds. minimum or offering can we genuinely not offer more? and decide if the affliction was clearly tzara’at, 6th Aliya (Shishi) – 14:33-15:15 thus rendering the person impure (tameh). If the The Talmud (Berachot 6a) quotes a verse from the Tzara’at alsohas affected houses. The everyone the opportunity andhouse abilityowner to case wasprophet unclear, Malachi: the Kohen“And would Biblical a quarantine book of Not would report the suspicious signs to a Kohen. The “offer” more. If we do not, and we think about and the person in awas house for seven days, which remembrance written before Himafter for those house would be evacuated before the Kohen’s feel this at the time, we are rewarded as if we the re-inspect afflicted area and whoKohen fearedwould G-d and for thosethe who thought of His arrival.had If the Kohen saw a deep green or deep red actually done more. name” (3:16). Thethe Talmud lesson declare whether persondraws was atameh orfrom tahor ‘affliction’, he would order the house to be this verse, that if a person thought about doing a (pure). quarantined for a week. He would then re-inspect mitzvah but, through no fault of their own, was Question: what were the three types of blemish the house. If the affliction had spread, the infected unable to fulfil it, G-d considers it as if they had called? (13:2) Answer on bottom of page 6. stones would be removed and replaced. If the actually performed the mitzvah and they are 2nd Aliya (Levi) – 13:24-39 affliction nevertheless returned, the house would written in the ‘book of remembrance’ for it. Given Itthat wasinalso possible for was tzara’at to their develop from practice nothing done, reward is a be demolished. However, if replacing the stones burn. erupt on the scalp or on the solved the problem, the Kohen would declare the for theTzara’at thoughtcould and intention. house tahor (pure). beard area, causing a loss of hair. The Torah lists specific discharges that would 3rd Aliyamake (Shlishi) 13:40-54 that such a person It would sense– therefore, cause a man to be considered tameh, and details receives the reward intentions were Aonly slightly different form ifoftheir tzara’at is detailed, pure, caused for the aright However theyA the purification procedure. which morereasons. substantial loss ofif hair. intended (one to dowho the mitzvah for the wrong reasons, metzora has been contaminated with 7th Aliya (Shevi’i) – 15:16-33 their thoughts intentions wouldand nothad beto A similar set of laws is listed for a lady who has tzara’at) was sentand outside of the camp deserving of garments reward. This is implied from the final specific discharges, as well as the laws of niddah tear his/her (see p4 article). Tzara’at wordsalso of the verseclothing. which state that those garment written could infect A suspected (menstruation), which form the basis of the laws down will be those who “thought of His Name” was quarantined before the Kohen made a of family purity. i.e. they acted for the right reasons, for His decision about whether it was tameh. If it was Name’s sake. Haftarah declared tameh, the garment was burnt. From the Book of Melachim (Kings II), the haftarah 4th Aliya (Revi’i) – 13:55-14:20 takes places upon the background of the long The Torah details the process through which a siege and ensuing famine of the Shomron area 3 In memory of Mordechai Avraham ben Nechemia metzora purified himself/herself after the period (Samria) by the King of Aram. Four metzora’im of isolation and the healing of the affliction. This were put outside the city gates because of their involved a Kohen taking two birds, cedar wood, affliction. They discovered and reported that the a crimson thread and hyssop. The Kohen would Arameans had actually left their camp, which slaughter one of the birds and – using the wood, thread and hyssop together in a bundle – sprinkle allowed the Jews to plunder the camp and thus In of Mordechai ben Nechemia its memory blood seven times onAvraham the metzora. The end their famine. After detailing the various burnt bird offerings brought in the Temple, the Torah states: “It is a burnt offering, a fire offering [with] a pleasing fragrance to G-d” (Vayikra 1:17).

Sidrah Summary: Tazria-Metzorah

Sidrah Summary: Vayikra Sidrah Summary: Vayikra

"He called to Moshe, and G-d spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying: 'Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them: When a man among you brings an offering to G-d: from animals – from the cattle accidental A Kohen Gadol who Aliya – Vayikra 1:1-13 or1st from the(Kohen) flock shall you bring you bring your offering'" (Vayikratransgressions. 1:1-2). accidentally contravened specific serious The Book of Vayikra starts by detailing the olah (elevation) offering. One who brought an offering had to lay their hands upon it (semicha). The shechita (slaughter) of the animal could be done by a nonKohen, but the processes thereafter (catching the blood and sprinkling it on the altar) were performed only by the Kohanim. The olah offering was cut up and all of the pieces were burned on the mizbeach (altar). The verses detail an olah offering brought from cattle, sheep or goats. Point to Consider: What is being hinted at by the

Torah referring to one who brings an offering as "adam" (Mda)? (See Rashi to 1:2) 2nd Aliya (Levi) – 1:14-2:6 The Torah now details the laws of an olah offering brought from fowl. The process of killing the fowl differed from an animal offering; notably, the Kohen used his fingernail (melika) instead of a knife. It was also possible to bring an offering from fine flour (mincha), a handful of which was mixed with oil and thrown onto the altar’s fire by the Kohanim. The rest was baked and eaten by the Kohanim. Question: What else was added to the fine flour mincha offering apart from oil? (2:1) Answer on bottom of next page. 3rd Aliya (Shlishi) – 2:7-16 Several voluntary meal offerings are listed, some baked, some fried. These offerings had to be unleavened. Every offering – whether animal, fowl or flour – had salt added to it. The Torah states the laws of the parched Omer offering, which was brought on 16 Nisan (Rashi). 4th Aliya (Revi’i) – 3:1-17 A voluntary peace offering (shelamim) could be brought from cattle, sheep or goats. Only parts of it were burned on the mizbeach – other parts were eaten by the Kohanim and by the owner who brought the offering (see Rashi). 5th Aliya (Chamishi) – 4:1-26 Sin offerings (chata’ot) were obligated for various

prohibitions had to bring a bull, parts of which were burned on the mizbeach; the rest were burned outside the camp. A similar process had to be done if the High Court’s (Sanhedrin) ruling caused an accidental transgression by the common people. If a king (referred to here as Nasi) accidentally transgressed certain mitzvot, he had to bring a male goat.

6th Aliya (Shishi) – 4:27-5:26 The variable offering (korban oleh veyored) catered for the means of the person who brought it – it could be an animal, birds or flour. This offering was brought by someone who intentionally refused to testify as a witness or who made a false oath. It was also brought by one who accidentally entered parts of the Beit Hamikdash (Temple) or touched sanctified objects when in a state of ritual impurity. An individual who unintentionally derived benefit from sanctified objects had to bring a male ram as a guilt offering (asham), as well as paying for the ‘damage’ and adding an additional fifth to the cost. An asham was also brought by someone who was not sure whether he or she had inadvertently committed the type of sin for which one would normally bring a chatat. 7th Aliya (Shevi’i) – Bemidbar 28:9-15 The reading for Shabbat Rosh Chodesh is taken from parashat Pinchas and details the Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh musaf offerings in the Temple. Maftir (Shemot 12:1-20) The special reading for Shabbat Hachodesh is taken from parashat Bo, declaring Nissan as the first of the months and introducing the Jewish calendar and the laws of Pesach.


Haftarah The haftarah for Shabbat Hachodesh is from Yechezkel (Ezekiel), detailing the different weekly, monthly and festive offerings that the prince (Nasi) will be obligated to bring in the Third Temple.


United Synagogue Daf Hashavua Produced by US Living & Learning together with the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue Editor: Rabbi Chaim Gross Editor-in-Chief: Rabbi Baruch Davis Editorial Team: Ilana Epstein, Michael Laitner, Sharon Radley Available also via email US website ©United Synagogue To sponsor Daf Hashavua please contact Loraine Young on 020 8343 5653, or

Produced by US Living & Learning together with the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue Editor: Rabbi Chaim Gross Editor-in-Chief: Rabbi Baruch Davis Editorial Team: Ilana Epstein, Michael Laitner, Sharon Radley

15 MARCH 2018



Bein Adam Lechaveiro Part 29: The Ramban’s Letter (Igeret HaRamban) III Solutions in Nobel Humility Humility Solutions in the the Sidrah: Sidrah: by Rabbi Daniel Fine, Community Rabbi, Stanmore & by Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum, Hadley Wood Jewish Community by Rabbi Yoniin Birnbaum, Hadley Nobel Humility Community Solutions the Sidrah: Canons Park United by Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum, HadleySynagogue Wood Jewish Community so, then then the theplacement placementofofthe thesmall smallaleph alephatatthe the InIn 1966, 1966, Shmuel Shmuel Yosef If so, of Vayikra particular perfect Agnon wasShmuel awarded beginning ofplacement Vayikraininof particular makes perfect Agnon was awarded the Ifbeginning so, then the the smallmakes aleph at the In 1966, Yosef Nobel Prize Prize for Literaturethe sense. name for ofofVayikra Nobel Literature for beginning sense. Another Another name forthe thebook book Vayikraisis of Vayikra in particular makes perfect Agnon was for awarded his“profoundly “profoundly characteristic Torat Kohanim, meaning the ofof is the his characteristic Torat Another Kohanim, meaning the ‘Laws ‘Laws the Nobel Prize for Literature for sense. name for the book of Vayikra narrative art with with motifs from Torat Kohanim’. ItIt contains many are narrative art motifs Kohanim’. contains many topics which are his “profoundly characteristic Kohanim, meaning the topics ‘Lawswhich of the thelife lifeof ofart thewith Jewish challenging perplexing understand. the the Jewish people”. challenging and perplexing understand. Many narrative motifs from Kohanim’. It and contains manytoto topics which Many are Disability, not dependency. Following the people”. awards challenging of contained ininthis around the life of the Jewish Following the awards perplexing toBook understand. of the the laws lawsand contained this Bookrevolve revolveMany around service, and would have been ceremony, he he was asked asked if ofthe At 18 Hayley faced a diagnosis that Following the awardsif the Temple laws contained in this Book revolve around the Temple service, and would have been ceremony, was performed only few. there would sit sit behind behind desk andasked scribble Temple by service, and would have been ceremony, he was if the led to her being unable to do some performed by onlyaaselect select few.Therefore, Therefore, there hehe would aa desk and scribble is to emphasise humility required something down onaapiece piece of paper, paper, so that he he performed a selectthe few. Therefore, thereinin he would down sit behind a desk and so scribble is aa need needby toonly emphasise the humility required something on of that of the simplest of everyday tasks for to correctly approach the ofofthese couldbe bephotographed photographed his writingso‘position’. ‘position’. a need emphasise the humility required in something down on a piece of paper, that he isorder order to to correctly approach thestudy study these could inin his writing herself. Her Jewish Blind & Disabled passages. Before questioning rationale and Agnonbe agreed; the photo photo was duly ‘position’. taken and and order to correctly thetheir study of these could photographed in his writing passages. Beforeapproach questioning their rationale and Agnon agreed; the was duly taken mobility apartment with its 24/7 on understanding their intricacies, developing an circulated around the world. After thetaken assembled Before their questioning their rationale and an Agnon agreed; the photo was duly and passages. understanding intricacies, developing circulated around the world. After the assembled site support has given her back her appropriate sense of awe for the Divine Word is party had left, someone decided out of curiosity understanding their intricacies, developing an circulated around the world. After the assembled party had left, someone decided out of curiosity appropriate sense of awe for the Divine Word is vital independence. to look at left, whatsomeone Agnon had actually written during appropriate essential. sense of awe for the Divine Word is party had decided out of curiosity to look at what Agnon had actually written during essential. that moment of fame.had On actually the paper he saw five essential. to look at what Agnon written during that moment of fame. On the paper he saw five To FinD ouT more abouT how we words taken from High Holyday prayers: that moment fame.the the paper he saw five Shmuel Yosef Agnon’s choice of words that day words taken of from theOnHigh Holyday prayers: Shmuel Yosef Agnon’s choice of words that day give The giFT oF inDepenDence or To “Man istaken founded in dust and ends in dust”. words from the High Holyday prayers: Shmuel was noYosef coincidence. The greater the honour Agnon’s choice of words that day “Man is founded in dust and ends in dust”. make a DonaTion visiT was no coincidence. The greater the honour “Man is founded in dust and ends in dust”. bestowed, the greater importance of the was no coincidence. Thethe greater the honour or call 020 8371 6611 bestowed, the greater the importance of the This week’s sidrah opens with the word honouree the having the the humility to remember greater importance of the This week’s sidrah opens with the word bestowed, honouree having the humility to remember This week’s sidrah opens with the word “vayikra” (arqyv), meaning “He [G-d] called [to honouree his/her humble In a similar vein, when havingorigins. the humility to remember “vayikra” meaning “He [G-d] called called [to faced his/herwith humble origins. In a similar vein,inwhen the most challenging passages the Moshe]”.(arqyv), The letter aleph (a) is written a smaller “vayikra” (arqyv), meaning “He [G-d] in [to his/her humble origins. In a similar vein, when faced with the most challenging passages in Moshe]”. The letter aleph (a) is written in a smaller size than the rest of the word. According to the Torah, having the humility to remember it the is with the most challenging passagesthat in the Moshe]”. The letter aleph (a) is written in a smaller faced size than of the theletter word. Accordingthe the Torah, having the humility to remember that it is Midrash, therest smaller represents fact size than the the rest of word. According totothe the word of the G-dhumility Himselfto becomes Torah, having rememberever that more it is Midrash, the smaller letterit represents represents theiffact fact theword wordofofG-d G-dHimself Himself becomes ever more that Moshe not want to appear the as G-d the Midrash, thedid smaller letter becomes ever more necessary. not want towhich appear asififmake G-d necessary. that that Moshe did not want itit to appear as G-d hadMoshe called did directly to him, might necessary. had to him, him, which Instead, might make make had called directly to which might himcalled seem directly excessively significant. in his him seem significant. Instead, his him seemheexcessively excessively ininhis humility, asked G-d significant. to write theInstead, word without humility, he G-d to toit write write the word word without humility, he asked asked G-d the without an aleph, so that would almost read Preparing for Pesach III: The Chametz Hunt an aleph, so meaning would almost [upon read that itit "He would almost read an aleph,(rqyv), "vayikar" happened by Rabbi Shmuli Sagal, Sutton & District United Synagogue him]". As a meaning form of "He compromise, the[upon letter "vayikar" (rqyv), "He happened [upon "vayikar" (rqyv), meaning happened him]". As a form but of compromise, compromise, theletter letter him]". As retained, of the aleph was in a reduced form. aleph was was retained, retained, but aleph but in in aa reduced reducedform. form. Pesach is a story of two simple flour and water into a puffed-up loaf of G-d speaks to Moshe hundreds of times halves. There is the pre- bread, instead of the flat cracker-like matzah it G-d speaks the to Torah. Moshe hundreds ofof times throughout therefore, is it G-d speaks Moshe Why, hundreds times Pesach period, when we do would otherwise become. So, too, the evil throughout Why, isis itit specifically at opening of thetherefore, Book of Vayikra throughout thetheTorah. Torah. Why, therefore, our utmost to rid our houses inclination fuels our ego and physical drives, specifically at the the opening of ofofVayikra that this dialogue is recorded as having taken of chametz. Then there is the making us more selfish and crass than we specifically at opening of the theBook Book Vayikra that thisand dialogue is as place, symbolically represented in thistaken way? festival itself, which is all would ‘naturally’ be. On Pesach, when we that this dialogue is recorded recorded as having having taken place, andthis symbolically way? Perhaps Midrash represented is intended inin tothis highlight about matzah. In truth, calling celebrate G-d intervening to save the enslaved, place, and symbolically represented this way? Perhaps this Midrash Midrash is the sensitivity required in order to to highlight properly it ‘two halves’ is actually lowly Israelites and take them as His own, there is Perhaps this is intended intended to highlight the sensitivity required in to understand therequired Torah. Without approaching it being generous to Pesach itself, as many no place for ego. For one week in the year, we keep the sensitivity in order order to properly properly understand the Torah. Torah. approaching with the requisite senseWithout of humility and awe, itas understand the Without approaching it people spend more time and energy getting rid away from chametz and our inflated sense of self, with the did, requisite sense of humility and awe, asto of the chametz than they do eating matzah. Why to make more space for G-d in our lives. Moshe it is impossible to even with the requisite sense of humility and begin awe, as Moshe did, it is impossible to even begin to is there so much fuss about chametz? understand contents. Moshe did, its it is impossible to even begin to understand its contents. understand its contents. There is a custom to put out ten pieces of Shmuel Yosef Agnon Removing chametz not Agnon a regular mitzvah. In chametz on the night of Erev Pesach for bedikat Shmuel is Yosef Shmuel Yosef Agnon fact, the Sefer HaChinuch (Book of Mitzvah chametz, the search for chametz. The reason for 4 In memory of Tzemach ben Yisrael is to satisfy the opinion that there is a Education, 13th century) lists five separate this 4 In memory of Tzemach ben Yisrael positive commandment to actively get rid of commandments regarding chametz, including Inmemory memory Tzemach Yisrael 4 In of of Tzemach benben Yisrael not even owning chametz on Pesach. Chametz chametz on the eve of Pesach. This is in also carries a very stringent punishment, more contrast with the opinion that that one should severe than most other forbidden foods. simply not have any chametz left by the time Preparing for Pesach III: The Chametz Hunt Furthermore, what by Rabbi Shmuli Sagal, Sutton & District United Synagogue makes chametz particularly Pesach commences (see Talmud Pesachim unique, and perhaps a factor in its stringency, is 21a). that it is only forbidden for eight days a year. Generally, outlawed the Torahloaf areof Applying our deeper understanding of chametz, we flour foods and water into abypuffed-up Pesach is a story of two simple intrinsically problematic and are never allowed. halves. There is the pre- bread, instead of the flat cracker-like matzah it can explain this dispute as reflective of how one Chametz holds thebecome. peculiar So, position being otherwise too, ofthe evil should approach the fight with our yetzer harah. Pesach period, when we do would objectionable for only one week a year. our utmost to rid our houses inclination fuels our ego and physical drives, According to the latter opinion, as long as we


of chametz. Then there is the festival itself, which is all about matzah. In truth, calling it ‘two halves’ is actually being generous to Pesach itself, as many people spend more time and energy getting rid of the chametz than they do eating matzah. Why is there so much fuss about chametz? Removing chametz is not a regular mitzvah. In fact, the Sefer HaChinuch (Book of Mitzvah Education, 13th century) lists five separate commandments regarding chametz, including not even owning chametz on Pesach. Chametz also carries a very stringent punishment, more severe than most other forbidden foods. Furthermore, what makes chametz particularly unique, and perhaps a factor in its stringency, is that it is only forbidden for eight days a year. Generally, foods outlawed by the Torah are intrinsically problematic and are never allowed. Chametz holds the peculiar position of being objectionable for only one week a year.

making us more selfish and crass than we are not adversely affected, we can innocently would ‘naturally’ be. given On Pesach, when we continue on. However, according to the opinion A primary suggestion for the prohibition celebrate G-d intervening to us save the events enslaved, of chametz is that it reminds of the of that we actively place chametz pieces in order lowly Israelitesspecifically and take them as Hisatown, the Exodus, the speed whichthere theyis to seek them out, similarly we must be no place for Such ego. For in the year, keep constantly self-searching. The pursuit of selfoccurred. wasone theweek swiftness of theweflight away from chametz inflated self, refinement never simply runs its course. to freedom, that and the our dough the sense Jews of were topreparing make more space G-dtime in ourtolives. did not for have rise (Shemot 12:39). We strive to have faith that G-d can liberate from anyto predicament a ‘blinkof There is us a custom put out tenin pieces of an eye’. Pesach, celebrate that chametz on theOn night of Erevwe Pesach for bedikat miraculous and hasty salvation, by eating chametz, the search for chametz. The reason for matzah abstaining from even hintisof a this is toand satisfy the opinion thatany there chametz.commandment to actively get rid of positive chametz on the eve of Pesach. This is in contrast the opinion thatin that one should There is with a deeper symbolism abstaining from simply not The have any chametz by refers the time chametz. Talmud (Berachotleft 17a) to Pesach commences (see Talmud Pesachim the yetzer harah, evil inclination, as being like 21a). “yeast in a leavened dough”. Yeast transforms

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Continued on next page Applying our deeper understanding of chametz, we In memory Moshe ben Avraham Zarach can explainofthis dispute as reflective of how one should approach the fight with our yetzer harah. According to the latter opinion, as long as we


Preparing for Pesach III: T

by Rabbi Shmuli Sagal, Sutton & D

Pesach is a story o halves. There is the Pesach period, when w our utmost to rid our h of chametz. Then there festival itself, which about matzah. In truth, c it ‘two halves’ is ac being generous to Pesach itself, as people spend more time and energy gett of the chametz than they do eating matza is there so much fuss about chametz?

JNF UK is proud to invite you to witness the extraordinary world premiere of music written in Nazi concentration camps Italian musicologist Francesco Lotoro has made it his life’s work to track down and orchestrate music composed by prisoners in Nazi concentration camps, salvaging over 8,000 musical works from around the world.

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Removing chametz is not a regular mitz fact, the Sefer HaChinuch (Book of M Education, 13th century) lists five se commandments regarding chametz, inc not even owning chametz on Pesach. Ch also carries a very stringent punishment severe than most other forbidden Furthermore, what makes chametz parti unique, and perhaps a factor in its stringe that it is only forbidden for eight days Generally, foods outlawed by the Tora intrinsically problematic and are never al Chametz holds the peculiar position of objectionable for only one week a year.

A primary suggestion given for the proh of chametz is that it reminds us of the ev the Exodus, specifically the speed at whic occurred. Such was the swiftness of the to freedom, that the dough the Jews preparing did not have time to rise (S 12:39). We strive to have faith that G liberate us from any predicament in a of an eye’. On Pesach, we celebrat miraculous and hasty salvation, by matzah and abstaining from even any chametz.

There is a deeper symbolism in abstainin chametz. The Talmud (Berachot 17a) re the yetzer harah, evil inclination, as bein “yeast in a leavened dough”. Yeast trans

In memory of Moshe ben Avraham Zarach

not even owning chametz on Pesach. Chametz also carries a very stringent punishment, more severe than most other forbidden foods. Furthermore, what makes chametz particularly The Chametz Hunt 15 MARCH 2018 unique,Synagogue and perhaps a factor in its stringency, is District United that it is only forbidden for eight days a year. Generally, foods outlawed by the Torah are simple flourproblematic and water into puffed-up loaf of of two intrinsically and aare never allowed. bread, instead flat cracker-like it e pre- Chametz holds of thethepeculiar position matzah of being would otherwise become. So,a year. too, the evil we do objectionable for only one week

houses is the is all calling ctually many ting rid ah. Why

vah. In Mitzvah eparate cluding hametz t, more foods. icularly ency, is a year. ah are llowed. f being

hibition vents of ch they e flight s were Shemot G-d can a ‘blink te that eating hint of

inclination fuels our ego and physical drives, making us more selfish and crass than we Awould primary suggestion for the prohibition ‘naturally’ be. given On Pesach, when we ofcelebrate chametzG-d is that it reminds of the of intervening to us save the events enslaved, the Exodus, specifically the speed which they lowly Israelites and take them as Hisatown, there is occurred. Such theweek swiftness of the no place for ego. was For one in the year, weflight keep away from chametz and dough our inflated self, to freedom, that the the sense Jewsofwere to make more for G-dtime in ourtolives. preparing didspace not have rise (Shemot

chametz on the eve of Pesach. This is in contrast with the opinion that that one should simply not have any chametz left by the time Pesach commences (see Talmud Pesachim THE JEWISH 21a). Applying our deeper understanding of chametz, we can explain this dispute as reflective of how one should approach the fight with our yetzer harah. According to the latter opinion, as long as we are not adversely affected, we can innocently continue on. However, according to the opinion that we actively place chametz pieces in order to seek them out, similarly we must be constantly self-searching. The pursuit of selfrefinement never simply runs its course.

12:39). We strive to have faith that G-d can liberate anytopredicament a ‘blink There isusa from custom put out ten inpieces of ofchametz an eye’. Onnight Pesach, celebrate that on the of Erevwe Pesach for bedikat chametz, theand search for chametz. The by reason for miraculous hasty salvation, eating this is and to satisfy the opinion that any there matzah abstaining from even hintis ofa positive commandment to actively get rid of chametz.

chametz on the eve of Pesach. This is in contrast with the opinion that that one should There a deeper symbolism abstaining simplyis not have any chametzin left by the from time chametz. Talmud (Berachot 17a) Pesachim refers to Pesach The commences (see Talmud the yetzer harah, evil inclination, as being like 21a).

“yeast in a leavened dough”. Yeast transforms

Applying our deeper understanding of chametz, we can explain this dispute as reflective of how one Inshould memory of Moshethe benfight Avraham Zarach approach with our yetzer harah. According to the latter opinion, as long as we are not adversely affected, we can innocently In memory of Moshe ben Avraham Zarach continue on. However, according to the opinion that we actively place chametz pieces in order to seek them out, similarly we must be constantly self-searching. The pursuit of selfrefinement never simply runs its course.


Insights into Jewish History Part 100: The Final Years of Queen Shlomtzion by Rebbetzen Ilana Epstein, Cockfosters & N Southgate United Synagogue; Head of Project Development, US Living & Learning

If you find yourself in Jerusalem on the popular Mamilla pedestrian shopping road, stand at its very end, ng from furthest away from the Old efers to City and look north west, ng like you will see one end of sforms Shlomtzion HaMalka street. Unlike Queen Esther of the Purim story, Shlomtzion’s life was not filled with miracles, overt5 or hidden, yet we remember her until today thanks to this road, which thrives with life and activity in the centre of Jerusalem. Under her stewardship, for a few short years during the Second Temple period, there was relief from the almost constant sectarian warfare that had defined this period. Yet as Shlomtzion was weakened by old age, her two sons, Hyrkanus II and Aristobulus II, stood to inherit the throne of Judea. Their enmity and power struggle with one another was a foreshadowing of the dark days ahead that preceded the destruction of the Temple. Aristobulus was angry that his elder brother Hyrkanus had been named High Priest and was likely to inherit the crown after his mother’s death. He approached his mother with leading Sadducees, and delivered an ultimatum with three alternatives: 1. Shlomtzion should take the government away from the traditional sages (Pharisees) and put the Sadducees back in a position of power. 2. Aristobulus and the Sadducees would go to Aretas the Arabian and, with the help of an Arabian army, go to war against the Pharisees. 3. Shlomtzion should deliver all the fortresses of Judea into the hands of the Sadducees and appoint Aristobulus the General of the army. Shlomtzion knew that Aristobulus’ threats were not empty, that in his bid for power he was prepared to ally with Judea’s enemies. At this

point those enemies were the Arabians; a few years later he would court the Romans in his desire for unbridled control. These enemies would use the fraternal friction not only to enslave the nation, but to destroy the Temple and ultimately drive the people into the exile we still find ourselves in today. Alone in her palace, Shlomtzion did not know how to move forward. Though none of the alternatives seemed good, she chose what she felt would be the least detrimental to the security of the people. She handed over 22 of the 25 fortresses of Judea to the Sadducees, retaining for the Pharisees the three fortresses with the most accumulated wealth. She was also coerced into making Aristobulus the head of the Judean army. In this new position as head of the army, with the accumulated wealth and protected position of the 22 fortresses, Aristobulus declared himself king. Shlomtzion advised those people still loyal to her to build up their own army and defend themselves from the coming onslaught of Aristobulus. However, the Nasi (Prince) and the Av Beit Din – Shemaya and Avtalion – foresaw civil war if they were to resist Aristobulus. At the same time, they recognised the imminent peril of the Roman threat knocking at their door, so they chose to not fight. At the age of 73, Shlomtzion died. With her death, the last remaining period of spiritual and physical prosperity in Judea during the Second Temple period ended. We would like to thank Rebbetzen Ilana Epstein for this extremely informative and engaging series. She will resume in the future with a new series, picking up from this point in Second Temple history.

Answer: frankincense In memory of Frida Mirel bat Chaim Simcha

In memory of Frida Mirel bat Chaim Simcha






15 MARCH 2018


Parasha Sheet

man is challenged with the investiture of highest religious acts possible, transcend- ed it to feed this poor man. She screamed, “How dare you give that ring, it was worth holiness into each of these central do- ing other acts of sanctification. Therefore, when Moshe underscores the so much money!” mains. Upon hearing this, the Rebbe ran out immediately before the To receive this via email or for sponsorship opportunities please email us Both of these realms are significant, laws of Shabbat but what happens when a choice between launching of the construction of the Mish- after the poor the man. As he approached, kan, he reminds the people to remember the poor man looked back and, seeing the must be made? week’s Parsha Sheet is sponsored them Lirfuat David Ben Margalit Betoch Shaar Cholei Yisrael. To receive this via email or for sponsorship opportunities please email us The Torah teaches us that the sanctifi- their priorities. As monumentally historic as Rebbe coming close, decided to run for it. To receive this via email or for sponsorship opportunities please email us This week’s Parsha Sheet is sponsored Lirfuat David Ben Margalit Betoch Shaar Cholei Yisrael. The Rebbe ran faster and eventually, althe launching of the Mishkan may be, as cation of time reigns supreme. This week’s Parsha Sheet is sponsored Lirfuat David Ben Margalit Betoch Shaar Cholei Yisrael. though out of breath, managed to catch up overwhelmingly important as the Mishkan That is why the observance of Shabbat RABBI JONATHAN TAWIL the Temple, the land of Israel and the city of > MAZAL TOV TO supersedes the construction of the Sanc- and all of its symbolism will be across the with the poor man. RABBI JONATHAN TAWIL Jerusalem). Through of G-d’s the Temple, the land the of observance Israel and the city laws, of Lindsey & Micky > MAZAL TOV TO Evian man is challenged withobservance the investiture of holiness Jerusalem). Through the of G-d’s laws, on the&birth of their baby girl Lindsey Micky Evian the Temple, the intoiseach of thesewith central domains. of holiness “Please don’t take away the ring,” of Israel and the city of face of history, even more precious to G-d man challenged the investiture DIRECTOR on the birth of their baby Shmuelgirl Elkouby into each of these central domains. DIRECTOR Both of these realms are significant, but what on the birth of his grandson a son to Yonatan and Sara Through the observance of G-d’s laws, TAL Shmuel Elkouby Jerusalem). begged the poor man. is the dedication of our own moments of Man is convinced that to extend his powhappens whenrealms a choice Both of these are between significant,them but must what be on the birth of his grandson a son to Yonatan and Sara TAL Lindsey & Micky Evian made? when a choice between them must be happens is challenged with the investiture of holiness THEman WEEKLY QUOTE Reb Shmelke made? time to His service. er over the world he must occupy more and on the birth of their baby lifted girl his hands and, still The Torah teaches us that the sanctification of THE WEEKLY QUOTEmore “A person accomplishes timeTorah reignsteaches supreme. The us that the sanctification of into each of these central domains. panting, replied: “I have just learned that The Gemara (Shabbat 10a) teaches: more space through his constructions and “A person accomplishes time reigns supreme. with patience than all more the anger That is why the observance of Shabbat supersedes with patience than all the anger in the world” That why the observance of Shabbat supersedes Shmuel Elkouby the isconstruction of the Sanctuary. the ring I gave you is worth a lot of money. “One who gives a gift to another must tell creations. Hashem, however, is more conin the world” G-D’S GIFT! the construction of the Sanctuary. G-D’S GIFT!reminds the people he to remember their Reb Shmelke lifted his hands and, still panting, was used to giving charity, but this time he >priorities. UPCOMING EVENTSof Rebbe Man is convinced that to extend his power over Both these realms are signifi cant, but what As the curtain rises on Parshat Vayakhel, Moshe on the birth of his grandson a son to Yonatan and Sara > UPCOMING EVENTS Make sure you don’t sell it for cheap!” him.” Thus, Hashem said to Moshe, “I have cerned with time than space. The fi rst time Man convinced to extend the is world he mustthat occupy morehis andpower moreover space As the curtain on in Parshat assembles the rises nation order Vayakhel, to conveyMoshe G-d’s • YOUNG MARRIED COUPLES world his he must occupy more and more space through constructions and creations. Hashem, assembles the nation in order toconstruction convey G-d’sof the • YOUNG MARRIEDhappens COUPLES commandments concerning the whenwas choice them must be PROGRAM - FIRST could not seem to fiword ndcharity, any cash home. through hisisconstructions and creations. Hashem, As monumentally historic as the launching of theAID Rebbe replied: “Ilifted have just learned ringIt’sI gave however, moreremember concerned with time than space. The same is truethat aboutthe Shabbat. a commandments concerning the construction of atime good he present inReb My storehouse, its his thea Torah uses the Kadosh isbut notat to the Mishkan Sanctuary). PROGRAM - FIRST AID he (thereminds the people to their 21ST priorities. Shmelkeand hands and, still panting, used tobetween giving this 21ST MARCH however, more concerned The firstis time the Torah with usestime the than wordspace. Kadosh the Mishkan (the Sanctuary). MARCH The not first totime the Torah uses the word Kadosh made? describe something physical, as would Suddenly, however, he opens his remarks with the isisnot very special time, but if we are not aware of name is `Shabbat.’ I want to give it to the describe something physical, as would be to describe something physical, as would Suddenly, however, concerning he opens hisShabbat: remarks with the Mishkan may be,behistoric as overwhelmingly important be expected, but to describe the non-physical, following you“Iishave worthjust a lot of money. Make you don’t could not seem to find any cash at home. Asdirectives monumentally the launching of the replied: learned that the ringsure I gave expected, to as describe the word non-physical, following directives concerning Shabbat: namely time.but Hashem uses the Kadosh to namely time. Hashem uses the word Kadosh to Jewish people; go and inform them (Lech its beauty and power, we will miss the opexpected, but for to describe theand non-physAfter searching a while realising the plight describe the seventh day, His day of rest. In fact, “Six days work may be done and the seventh day describe the seventh day, His day of rest. In fact, “Six days work may be done and the seventh day no as physical being of is described Kadosh until shall as be holy for you, a Shabbat, a day of complete the Mishkan all itsas asKadosh symbolism will The be Torah teaches us that the sanctification of be,and overwhelmingly important no physical being is described until shall Mishkan be holy for you, a Shabbat,may a day of complete it fora cheap!” you issell worth lot of money. Make sure you don’t BneiYisrael Yisraelarearetold toldthat that they will be to Hashem rest for G-d; whoever does work (melacha) on that Bnei portunity. We will end up selling it for cheap. ical,poor namelyman, Hashem uses thelooked word Lehodiam)!” they will be to Hashem rest for G-d; whoever does work (melacha) on that of this the Rebbe AmKadosh Kadoshatat Har Sinai. Only after downfall day You shall shall kindle kindleno nofifirere ananAm “A person accomplishes more After searching fortime. a while and realising thethrough plight his Har Sinai. Only after thethe downfall day shall shall be be put put to to death. death. You time reigns supreme. withhistory, thesin sinofofthethe Golden Calf issymbolism an object – the ininany of on the Shabbat Shabbat day.” of across the face even more precious to with the Golden Calf is an object – the as the Mishkan and all of its will be any of your your dwellings dwellings on the day.” Shabbat is the sanctifi cation of time. It is This last part is very interesting as we Kadosh to describe the seventh day, His sell with it for patience cheap!” than all the anger DVAR TORAH Mishkan– –referred referredto toasas Kadosh. object DVAR TORAH P1 P1 Mishkan Kadosh. ButBut thatthat object wife’s drawer and found a beautiful ring. He Moshe’s in assembling assembling the the nation nation was wasused usedforforthethesole solepurpose purposeof of housing of this poor man, the Rebbe looked through his Moshe’s clear clear purpose purpose in G-d’sG-d’s Gift! Gift! housing thethe RABBI JONATHAN TAWIL atat the beginning of the Parsha is to launch the a time when we are able to stop and bespecial and don’t seem to fi nd by any other mitzvah this day of rest. In fact, no physical being is Shechina. Thus, even the Mishkan was not holy The same is true about Shabbat. It’s a very RABBI TAWIL the beginningis of thethe Parsha isdedication to launch theofShechina. Thus, even the Mishkan wasmore not holy G-d of our own moments ofJONATHAN time across the face history, even precious toThat is why the observance of Shabbat supersedes construction Mishkan. Why, Why, then, then, does does ininand andofofitself. itself.It Itwas washoly holy because it provided construction of of the the Mishkan. because it provided a a in the world” promptly gave it to the beggar and wished him Moshe the subject subject ofofShabbat? Shabbat? wife’s drawer and found a beautiful ring. He placeforforthe theShechina Shechina occupy. Moshe abruptly abruptly insert insert the place to to occupy. enjoy the moment. A time out from our busy idea that G-d tells Moshe that he must go described as Kadosh until Bnei Yisrael are DVAR TORAH TORAH P2 P2 The same trueif about It’s of a very specialand the construction of the Sanctuary. G-d the dedication ofmostprecious our own moments ofDVAR time time,isbut we areShabbat. not aware its beauty A Leader’s Hisisthe service. A Leader’s Sins Sins Rashi verbalizes most immediate immediate halachic The Thesingle singlemost precious and tenuous commodity Rashito verbalizes most halachic and tenuous commodity DAVID GARSON DAVID GARSON schedule. A gift from G-d. and inform them. told that they will be tocame Hashem anand Am Kalesson the encounter encounter between between wewepossess promptly gave it to the beggar wished him well. When his wife home, she asked how lesson learned learned from the possessininlifelifeis istime. time.OurOurmoments moments areare Shabbat the Sanctuary: “[Moshe] prefaced prefaced limited; Shabbat and Sanctuary: “[Moshe] limited;each eachmoment moment exists…and before know exists…and before we we know time, but if we are not aware of itsthe beauty toandHis service. commandments concerning work ofof the the Vayakhel, thecurtain commandments concerning work it,it,that thatmoment momentis isgone. gone. If one takes letters and in the word What is the deeper meaning? doshwas at Harand Only his after therealised downfall Rashi verbalizes the most immediate As thethe rises onthetheParshat OUROUR CHACHAMIM P3his CHACHAMIM P3 When Man iswell. convinced that toSinai. extend power overasked his wife came home, she how Mishkan with with a warning concerning Mishkan concerning Shabbat Shabbat––toto day soon after that her ring As the curtain rises on Parshat Vayakhel, Moshe RABBI MOSHE IDAN OF JERBA RABBI MOSHE IDAN OF JERBA There could be no greater expression of our belief There could be no greater expression of our belief convey [that work within the Mishkan] does not [that the Mishkan] does not The Gemara (Shabbat 10a) teaches: “One who power, we will miss the opportunity. We will “Rosh”headand replaces each letter withend Once, a poor man came begging to the with the sin of the Golden Calf is an object halachic lesson learned from the encounMosheconvey assembles the nation in order to ininand thethe dedication of of supersede Shabbat.” Shabbat.” andour ourloyalty loyaltyto toG-d G-dthan than dedication supersede the world he must more and realised more hisP3was day wasoccupy andHe soon after that her ring• YOUNG some moments specifi cally to His assembles thereason nation in order to convey G-d’sHALACHOT MARRIED COUPLES someofofour ourlimited limited moments specifi cally to His missing. explained thatspace he hadhouse donated it power, ButG-d’s there seemscommandments to be another distinct for service. The sanctifi cation of of time – the dedication HALACHOT P3 The Gemara (Shabbat 10a) teaches: “One who we will miss the opportunity. We will end there seems to be another distinct reason for service. The sanctifi cation time – the dedication the letter that follows immediately after it in of Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg – the Mishkan – referred to as Kadosh. But ter between Shabbat and the Sanctuary: conveyBut concerning gives aimportantgift toconcerning another must him.”ofCombing Thus, Hair on Shabbat through his missing. constructions and creations. Hashem, up selling it for cheap. theinterruption interruption of this this important Mitzvah. Combing Hair on Shabbat ofoftime with G-dG-d – istell the of Mitzvah. timesolely solelytotoourourrelationship relationship with –one is one commandments the construction RABBI ELI MANSOUR was He explained that he had donated it RABBI ELI MANSOUR ofofthe acts possible, transcending thehighest highestreligious religious acts possible, transcending to feed this poor man. She screamed, “How dare PROGRAM FIRST AID the Hebrew alphabet, the result is the word Shabbat and the Sanctuary represent two (1726-1778). The Rebbe was used to givthat object was used for the sole purpose “[Moshe] prefaced the commandments the construction of the Mishkan (the Sancother Shabbat and the Sanctuary two another gives a sanctifi giftrepresent to must him.” Thus,however, is more concerned with time than space. otheracts actsofofsanctifi sanctifi cation. up selling it for cheap. different realmsMishkan of potential potential said within Hashem Moshe, “Ication. havethetell alawsgood present in to feed the (the Sanctuary). different realms of sanctification cationto within Jewish tradition: tradition: the the sanctifi poorthe man. She screamed, “How dare21ST of of MARCH KidK’sid’s sanctification cation ofof time time (e.g., (e.g., Therefore, Therefore,when whenMoshe Mosheunderscores underscores the laws ing charity, but this time he could not seem “Shabbat.” The head (Rosh) of our faith and Q&Athe ANDAND CARTOON P4you ofthis housing Shechina. Thus, even themuch concerning the work of Mishkan with a tuary).Jewish give that ring, it was worth so money!” Q&A CARTOON P4 e The fi rst time the Torah uses the word Kadosh Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and the festivals) and Shabbat immediately before the launching of the m Ti e Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh andsaid the festivals) Shabbat immediately before the launching of the Hashem toandMoshe, “IMishkan, have a good present in Tim Shabbat is the week sanctifi cation of time. It is a time  is `Shabbat.’ the My sanctification of space (e.g., the Mishkan,and storehouse, itsofrename I want the sanctifi cation of space (e.g., the Mishkan, construction construction ofthe theMishkan, is Shabbat. Keep it and it will keep to fi nd any cash at home. Mishkan was not holy in and of itself. It was warning concerning Shabbat – to convey you give that ring, it was worth so much money!” Suddenly, however, he opens his is not to describe something physical, as would Suddenly, however, heDivrei opens hisSheimot remarks with This newsletter contains Torah and may contain - Please dispose of accordinglythe Shabbat is the sanctifi cation of time. It is a time This newsletter containsits Divrei Torah and may contain Sheimot - Please dispose of accordinglyI want My storehouse, and name is `Shabbat.’ werealisare able you! to stop and be and enjoy the searching for awhen while and because it provided place for ran the outAfter [that workand withininform the Mishkan] not Upon su- holy marks with the following concernto give it directives todirectives the Jewish people; go them bedoes expected, but to describe the hearing this, the anon-physical, Rebbe after the when following concerning Shabbat: we able to stop and be enjoy the to giveLehodiam)!” it to the Jewish people; go and inform themnamelyUpon ■ Shabbat ing thethe plight of this poor man,are the Rebbe Shechina to occupy. persede Shabbat.” ing Shabbat: this, Rebbe ran out after time. Hashem uses the word Kadosh to the A time out fromShalom ourand busy schedule. A (Lech poorhearing the man. Asthe he approached, poor manhis wife’smoment. looked through drawer and found The single most precious and tenuous But there seems to be another distinct “Six days work may be done and the sevmoment. A time out from our busy schedule. A describe thethe seventh day, His day of rest. In fact, “Six days work may be done and the seventh day (Lech Lehodiam)!” poor man. As he approached, the poor man gift fromit G-d. looked back and, seeing the Rebbe close, 1 a beautiful ring. He promptly commodity we possess in life is time. Our coming interruption of no this physical important enth day shall shall bebeholy for for you,you, a Shabbat, a reason 1 being isand, described as Kadosh until holy a Shabbat, a dayforofthecomplete gift from gave G-d. to the looked back seeing the Rebbe coming close, This last part is very interesting as we don’t seem beggar and wished him well. When his wife moments are limited; each moment exMitzvah. day of complete rest for G-d; whoever does decided to that run they for it.will be to Hashem are told rest for whoever work (melacha) on thatseemBnei Yisrael This lastG-d; part is verydoes interesting as we don’t decided to run for it. came home, she asked how his day wasthe letters in the word “Rosh”- headists…and before we know it, that moment to fi nd by any other mitzvah this idea that G-d tells Shabbat and the Sanctuary represent work (melacha) on that day shall be put to If one takes Am Kadosh at Har Sinai. Only after the downfall day shall be put to death. You shall kindle no fire to findkindle by any other mitzvah thisdifferent idea that G-d tellsan If one takes the letters in the word “Rosh”- headand soon after realised that her ring was is gone. two realms of potential sanctifi cadeath. You shall no fi re in any of your with the The sin ofRebbe the Golden is anand object – the in any ofthat yourhe dwellings on the ran Calf faster eventually, although Moshe must go andShabbat inform day.” them. and replaces each letter with the letter that follows The Rebbe ran faster and eventually, although that he inform missing. He explained that he had donatDVAR TORAH P1 that follows There could be no greater expression of within them. Jewish tradition: the sanctifi caand replaces each letter with the letter dwellingsMoshe on the Shabbat day.”must go andtion Mishkan out – referred to as managed Kadosh. Buttothat object of breath, catch up with the poor immediately after it in the Hebrew alphabet, the our belief in and our loyalty to G-d than the tion of time (e.g., Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh Moshe’s clear purpose in assembling Moshe’s clear purpose in assembling the nation out offorbreath, managed up with G-d’s Gift! after it in the Hebrew alphabet, was used the sole purpose toofcatch housing the the poor immediately the What is the deeper meaning? man. RABBI JONATHAN TAWIL dedication of some of our limited moments and the festivals) and the sanctifi cation of the nationWhat at the beginning of the Parsha is at the isbeginning of the Parsha is to launch the the deeper meaning? Shechina. the word “Shabbat.” The (Rosh) head (Rosh) of man.Thus, even the Mishkan was not holy resultresult is theisword “Shabbat.” The head of callyholy to His service. it Theprovided sanctifica-a the Mishkan to launchconstruction the constructionofof the theMishkan. Why,(e.g., then, does theinTemple, and ofthe itself.specifi It was because our faith and week is Shabbat. and it will Once, aaabruptly poor man came begging the house ofJerusalem). faith and week is Shabbat. Keep itKeep and itit will “Please take away ring,” begged tion ofdon’t timetake the dedication time solely landofof Shabbat? Israel andhouse the cityof ofplace Why, then, does Moshe abruptly insert Moshe insert thethe subject for the Shechina to– occupy. Once, poor man came begging totothe “Please don’t away theof the ring,” begged the the our DVAR TORAH P2 our relationship with G-d – is one of the Through the observance of subject ofRabbi Shabbat? poor toman. Shmelke of Nikolsburg (1726-1778). TheG-d’s laws, keep you! ■ Shabbat Shalom


THE CTHE O M M UU NNIITTYY C O M M PP aa rr a sha Sheet asha Sheet








poormost man.precious and tenuous commodity Rabbi Shmelke of (1726-1778). Rashi verbalizes theNikolsburg most immediate halachic TheThe single lesson learned from the encounter between Shabbat and the Sanctuary: “[Moshe] prefaced DAVID GARSON concerning TSUR YISRAEL the commandments the work of the Mishkan with a warning concerning Shabbat – to convey [that work within the Mishkan] does not supersede Shabbat.”


we possess in life is time. Our moments are limited; each moment exists…and before we know it, that moment is gone.

For more info contact keepA Leader’s you! ■SinsShabbat Shalom DAVID GARSON

OUR CHACHAMIM P3 RABBI MOSHE IDAN OF JERBA There could be committed noWhy greater expression ofGemara ourGemara belief Acapable “praiseworthy generation” appreciates himself. Why does focus onnoAlonger“praiseworthy generation” appreciates himself. thethe on Nowadays we do not have korbanot, but respect and is of leadadoes sin inadvertently, would bring focus in and our loyalty to G-dwithout thanhesitation. the dedication ofa ership. Hence, a Nassi may refrain from the concepts that arise from this topic are his korban However, thethe generation andcally not not just the the Nassi generation and Nassi that that its leaders are great individuals, but arebut are its leaders are great individuals, some praising of praising our limited moments specifi Hisjust publicising his imperfection with his sac- still relevant. The notion that our leaders Nassi may not have acted likewise. to Why? HALACHOT P3 But there seems to be another distinct reason for service.forThe cationa korban of timewas – the dedication hissanctifi offering? for his offering? are so quickly their lose respect Bringing a public endeav- rifice, lest he be stigmatised, human beings too, fallible likedismissed everyone else.great-else. human beings too, fallible like from everyone Combing Hair on Shabbat the interruption of this important Mitzvah. of time solely toour, ourtaking relationship withcourtyard G-d – isofone place in the the and possibly his leadership position too. ness due to any error that they may have RABBI ELI MANSOUR of the highest religious acts possible, transcending praiseworthy oneis that A praiseworthy generation that indoes committed, isisrejected byone the does Gemara appreciatesgeneration Beit Hamikdash. A Nassi may have been A “praiseworthy Ageneration” Rabbi Reuven Leuchter offers the following Shabbat and the Sanctuary represent two Reuven offers other actsRabbi of sanctifi cation. its leaders are great individuals, but Horayot. reluctant to own Leuchter up to his mistake in suchthethatfollowing not perceive the leadership role asrole embodying different realms of potential sanctification within as that embodying answer.anThe average Jew living in the times must be noted however, certain human beings too, not fallibleperceive like every- the Itleadership open fashion, for the following reason. The average Jew living inarethe times ’s Jewish tradition: the sanctification of time (e.g., Therefore,answer. when There Moshe underscores the laws of d sins, varying in their severity and occurgeneration is one is a common tendency for peo- one else.KAipraiseworthy Q&A ANDperfection CARTOON P4 infallibility. and and infallibility. This complete perfection This of of thethe Beit Hamikdash who committed a sina im ecomplete Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and the festivals) and Shabbat immediately before the launching ofcommitted the Hamikdash notsin perceive the leadership role rence, may justifiably put into question ple Beit to attribute perfection andwho infallibility to that doesT  the sanctification of space (e.g., the Mishkan, construction of the Mishkan, creates a climate that allows a Nassi to publicly inadvertently, would bring hisperfection korban without role (see Gemara to Shabbat as embodying perfection and in- a leader’s their leader. Expecting complete a climate that allows a Nassi publicly inadvertently, would bring his korban withoutcompletecreates 55b-56b). fallibility. This creates a climate that allows can have an adverse effect. This approach admit his mistake and bring an offering. He hesitation. However, a Nassi may not have This newsletter contains Divrei Torah and mayHowever, contain Sheimot Please dispose accordingly admit hisand mistake an offering. hesitation. a -Nassi maya ofNassi not May and we be bring able to acknowledge that He tohave publicly admit his mistake may cause one to be intolerant of even A LEADER’S SINS acted likewise. Why? A LEADER’S SINS need not fear his role will be jeopardised, making an error does not necessarily indibring an offering. He need not fear his role an inadvertent mistake, since it is viewed A LEADER’S SINS acted likewise. Why? need not fear his role will be jeopardised, “If a leader [“Nassi”] sins unintentionally who comments on this Pasuk: “Praisewor- as inconsistent with the leadership role. will be jeopardised, and will retain his re- cate an inability to lead. and will retain his respect and leadership. A Shabbat Shalom. and ■ generation which and commits one of all G-d’s command- thy is the generation whose Nassi brings Consequently, if a Nassi would offer his spect and leadership. Aand will retain his respect leadership. A Bringing a korban was a public endeavour, “If amay leader [“Nassi”]incursins anunintentionally creates such an environment is singled out creates such an environment sacrifice inkorban the public forum for a his unintenoffering to atone for and his sin.” ments, which not be committed, Bringing a was public endeavour, generation which “If(Perek a leader [“Nassi”] sins unintentionally and ques- tional which creates such an environment place the courtyard of the Beit as it ensuresgeneration for praise, a Nassi will not sin, itinis possible that his generation Ben Yehoyada (Ben Ish Chai)taking ring guilt.” 4, Pasuk commits one22)of all G-d’sThe commandments, taking place inthatthe courtyard ofhesitate the in Beit is his singled out for praise, as it ensures a Nassi commits alltheG-d’s commandments, rectifying mistake. would conclude he is not worthy of tions the Gemara’s attribution of praise to The Gemara (Horayotone 10a) of defines Hamikdash. A Nassi may have been reluctant is singled out for praise, as it ensures a Nassi which tomay notPasuk, be committed, incurring guilt.” generation, rather than justHamikdash. the leader referred in this as the the Nassi’s A Nassi may have been reluctant will not hesitate in rectifying his mistake. which may not be committed, incurring guilt.” own up to his mistake in such an open King. The Pesukim4,proceed to discuss (Perek Pasuk 22) the Nassi himself. Why does the Gemaratofocus will not hesitate in rectifying 1his mistake. to own up to his mistake in such an open on praising the generation and not just the procedure a Nassi must follow if he trans(Perek 4, Pasuk 22) fashion, for the following reason. gresses a sin inadvertently. He must bring Nassi for his offering? fashion, for the following reason. Nowadays we do not have korbanot, but the The (“chatat”) Gemara (Horayot 10a) defi theLeuchter leaderoffers the folRabbines Reuven a sin offering for his mistaken sin. Nowadays we do not have korbanot, but the The Gemara 10a) defianswer. nesKing. the concepts that arise from this topic are still lowing The leader average living is a common tendency for people to The Gemara in Horayot (10b) the referred to in(Horayot thiscitesPasuk, as the The JewThere statement of Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai in the times of the Beit Hamikdash who concepts that arise fromleaders this topic are still There isperfection a common referred in thistoPasuk, theprocedure King. The attribute andtendency infallibilityfortopeople their to relevant. The notion that our are so Pesukim toproceed discussasthe attribute perfection and infallibility to their relevant. The notion thatgreatness our leaders leader. Expecting complete perfection can have Pesukim proceed the procedure quickly dismissed from their dueare so a Nassi must followtoif discuss he transgresses a sin Expecting complete perfection can have adverse effect. This approach may cause quickly dismissed greatness ainadvertently. Nassi must He follow if he transgresses a sin anleader. THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM must bring a sin offering to any error that they mayfrom havetheir committed, is due an adverse effect. This approach may cause inadvertently. Hemistaken must bring to any errorGemara that they may have committed, is (“chatat”) for his sin. a sin offering one to be intolerant of even an inadvertent rejected by the in Horayot.


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ASK THE RABBI Looking for answers? Send your question to Non-Jewish girlfriends. Dear Rabbi, Many times I have read your replies with amusement and sometimes I get angry. I thought your recent replies concerning non-Jewish girlfriends to be very unfair. We cannot control who we fall in love with and if one’s parents are happy to go along with it then that is all that matters. Why do you talk about non-Jewish people like they are second class citizens? I did not know that Jewish girls came with a guarantee that they will be good wives. Marilyn Dear Marilyn, The good news is Jewish girls do come with guarantees: “If this wife is not to your absolute satisfaction we will offer a full refund, no questions asked. Your statutory


In this week’s Psalm, the sons of Korach vividly portray the recurring oppressions and persecution of exile, which have sadly plagued our history, and in addition they pray that the nation of Israel will always find the strength to endure and survive all the trials and tribulations it faces over time. They mention how G-d drove out the other nations from the land of Israel and ‘Implanted’ the Jewish people there instead. Throughout our great history, we have won many battles against nations more mighty then us, as is well documented across the Tanach. Our Psalm goes on to remind us that it was clearly not due to our prowess with the sword or our own arms, but rather it was all from Heaven, with Hashem’s hand clearly showing the way alongside unprecedented miracles. From the time that we left the terrible servitude and

15 MARCH 2018


rights will not be affected.” The bad news is it’s only valid for 30 days. After that - too late. (Calm down ladies. Have a sense of humour). Advising a Jew not to marry a non-Jew is not labelling the nonJew a as second class citizen. If, as a doctor, I was to advise an overweight person to avoid carbs, am I discriminating against carbs or concerning myself with the health and well-being of the individual. Similarly, it’s not about the nonJew. It’s simply the fact that it’s not spiritually healthy for the Jew. You cannot and will not experience wedded bliss, for she cannot possibly be your soulmate. To use your own argument, if you can’t help who you fall in love with, why do you insist that the parents have to be happy to go along with it? Who cares whether the parents are on board or not? Unless of course you feel that love notwithstanding, to not upset the parents is still important. Well the

Psalm 44 backbreaking slavery in Egypt, complete with all the many wonders and wonders, and miracles and miracles at the famous song goes, through to the crossing of the Red Sea, the crossing of the river Jordan, the miraculous events at the city of Jerico, where the wall simply sunk into the ground, and many other such miracles, the hand of Hashem is clearly evident throughout. As we look back on our own more recent history, we must not make the same mistake of trusting in ourselves. Yes we should take great pride in our own military might and tremendous achievements on the world scene, but we must remember that it is always Hashem who guides each war to its conclusion, and you only need to think about how the miraculous way that Israel has been reborn over the last 70 years to see that Hashem really does run the world.

same would apply to your “Supreme Parent.” Traditional duties of a woman. Dear Rabbi, As a Jewish woman, I do not feel that I wish to raise a family, or complete the traditional duties of a woman within the religion. How can I balance this whilst still being able to get involved? Karen Dear Karen, What you really need to consider here is why you are reluctant to have a family? When something so intrinsic to the very nature of a woman is not obvious to you there usually is a contributing factor, often associated with your own childhood. If you search deep and determine this is the case then you ought to consider seeking more

This tehillim is for Jessica Chaya bat Gisele Simcha

To sponsor a Tehillim for £36 call 0203 906 8488 or email office@thejewishweekly. com

guidance for this. Either way that shouldn’t prevent you from getting involved in the community. Admittedly much of synagogue and a lot of general community life caters primarily to the family and too many still have their heads deep in the sand about the ever increasing single status population. Perhaps that’s your starting point. Get involved in creating a more popular scene for people who for one reason or another are on their own and would like to find a place within the community. Can my daughter get her naval pierced? Dear Rabbi, My 15-year-old daughter is pestering me to allow her to get her naval pierced. I am extremely cautious about her getting this done and wondered what the traditional Jewish view is?

guage of love because when issues like this arise it provides a real opportunity to establish open communication with your child which will encourage a mutual trust and enhance a closer bond going forward. I can’t afford to keep an entirely kosher Pesach.


Dear Rabbi,

Dear Adele,

It simply is not financially feasible for me to keep an entirely kosher Pesach. As a Jew who wishes to strictly observe the laws of my religion, how might I go about addressing this issue?

The traditional Jewish view is that though I might have shares in Barclays, believe it or not they don’t call me to consult before making decisions big or small. Similarly your kids should not be stake holders in critical decisions made about their upbringing. There was a time when four magic words were enough to ensure that parental authority was readily adhered to: “Because I said so!” I know today’s generation is different - I’ve got several of my own to remind me of that. So you do need to encourage some further discussion with her to determine why she is suddenly so keen to do it. Is it peer pressure? You can tell her that success in life is contingent on being yourself and doing your own thing, not following the pack. More precisely, you can explain that from a Jewish perspective her body is precious and just as she looks after herself in so many other ways, in G-d’s view, she has to care for her body by ensuring not to put unnecessary holes in it. When dealing with the modern day teenager, always use the lan-

Simone Dear Simone, I fully admire your tenacity in wanting to do the right thing. Pesach can be quite expensive and there are funds that provide for those who cannot otherwise afford to do things on their own. There are also some shops that sell things cheaper than others, made available especially for those who require. And some communities arrange bulk orders at discount prices or indeed help for their members who require. I know pride is a real issue when it comes to these things, but sometimes we have to forgo that if we are determined to do the right thing. So get in touch with your local Rabbi (or email me privately) to point you in the right direction. I think it’s a wonderful testament to our community that we are able to facilitate this for others.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook: THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM


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15 MARCH 2018


CURRENCY US DOLLAR.......... 1.39


EURO............................... 1.13




SHEKEL....................... 4.76



Your ISA allowance: Don’t lose it. Use it !

The Writer is the owner and Managing Director of Alpha Wealth Management Limited. Drawing on over twenty years’ experience in financial services, Marc helps private clients, businesses, charities, and trusts optimize their finances. He is a Chartered Financial Planner providing ‘Independent’ financial advice. Prior to being a financial adviser, Marc was a Director at several global investment banks, providing investment advice to Europe’s leading institutional investment and pension fund managers. For advice on inheritance, investment, protection, or retirement planning, please contact Marc on 020 8203 6920 or 07866 503 898 or

For the vast majority of people with money to invest, fully utilising your annual Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) should be your first priority in managing your personal finances. With just two and a half weeks to go have you taken advantage of the allowance ? The catch with the annual ISA allowance is that if you don’t use it, you lose it. From 6th April, 2017, the annual ISA allowance rose to £20000. The personal tax year runs from 6th April to the 5th April. So you will need to have paid in money to the ISA on or before the 5th April 2018. For the 2018/19 tax year the ISA allowance remains at £20000. Will the Chancellor’s new tax breaks leave Cash ISAs out in the cold? Cash savings rates aren’t exactly

setting the world on fire at the moment – only one account can provide an inflation-beating return, after all – so despite recent signs of life in some sectors, many savers are looking for alternative ways to boost their returns. For some, stocks & shares ISAs could be a great option, particularly given that they’re currently delivering the strongest performance in years. The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) has taken a look at what someone could have earned if they’d invested the maximum ISA allowance every year since ISAs were first introduced in 1999. Without any interest, they would now have a pot of £186,560 simply from saving the maximum every year. If someone had invested a lump sum in the average investment company through a stocks & shares ISA every year, they would now have a pot of £436,894. This means a whopping £250,334 gained in growth and interest over less than 20 years! If they had added some money every month to reach the yearly total, they would still have an impressive £414,941 – still more than double their own money and only 5% less than if they’d made lump sum investments. Lump sum investment company ISA investments tend to outperform regular monthly investing because there is more money invested and working away from day one. However, regular investment may be more suitable for investors who do not want to worry about the right time to invest. Regular investing allows investors to buy more shares when prices are low and less shares when prices are high, which helps smooth out the highs and lows of markets. Of course, investing in the stock market does come with certain risks. There’s no way to guarantee that you’ll be able to achieve the average investment performance, and you might even end up with less than you put in if you (or your investment manager) invest your

funds in the wrong places. Discarded wrapper? At a time when rates remain among the lowest yet seen, the new savings allowance of £1000 or £500 looks set to counter many of the arguments for saving into a Cash ISA. That said, if and when rates do eventually start to rise, the amount that can be saved tax-free through the Personal Savings Allowance will reduce, whereas in a Cash ISA the interest will remain free of tax regardless of the amount deposited. However, interest rates are set to remain low for an extended period, and some commentators even forecast that rates could fall further. That means the majority of savers are likely to have a long wait before they have to give an account to the taxman for the interest paid on their regular savings and current accounts. Is a stocks and shares ISA an option worth considering ? For those with a longer-term outlook, the case for sheltering money in a Stocks & Shares ISA before the end of the tax year is much clearer, presenting the opportunity to invest for the future with no more tax to


pay on income or capital gains. If you are seeking capital growth and are comfortable with the possibility of losing some or all of your capital, investing in single shares is a high-risk approach that can pay off. However, collective investments are often a more appropriate choice, particularly if your ISA investment constitutes a significant proportion of your overall savings. Collective investments By investing in a collective investment, you are accessing not one or two but many different companies or holdings. This is commonly achieved by investing in unit trusts or Oeic funds. Known as ‘diversification’, this approach ensures you avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Collective schemes offer access to a whole range of different investments. Some will offer a ‘one-stop shop’ investment into a number of different asset classes, such as equities, bonds and property. Others will focus on just one area, which could be anything from large UK companies’ right through to Japanese bonds. For most people, knowing which funds to invest in and when, as well as knowing when to sell them is something that is best left to

professionals. That’s because aside from perhaps not having the skills with which to analyse the funds, most people lack the time or inclination to continually manage their portfolios. Unless a portfolio is constantly reviewed, there is a risk it will underperform and that this will go unnoticed. For those who have already built up significant ISA funds, ask yourself how are the investment managers you have managing your investments performing? Is the asset mix, geographic spread or fund choice still right for you ? Are you happy with the service you’re receiving from your adviser ? A thorough review of an ISA portfolio by a competent wealth manager can ensure that your investments are kept on track towards helping you achieve your immediate or future financial goals. The value of an ISA will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than was invested. An investment in a Stocks & Shares ISA will not provide the same security of capital associated with a Cash ISA. The favourable tax treatment of ISAs may not be maintained in the future and is subject to changes in legislation.


15 MARCH 2018





Raiders triumph against Fairlop in penalty shoot-out drama BY DAVID SAFFER

North London Raiders A defeated Fairlop FC 4-3 in a penalty shoot-out following a 2-2 draw after extra time in the Peter Morrison Cup quarterfinals. Alex Moss and Ben Joseph hit the target for Raiders with Bradley Gayer scoring a brace for Fairlop in normal time. Moss, Joseph, Jonny Kay and Joe Cohen converted from the spot for Raiders in the penalty drama. “When it goes to penalties anything can happen and I’m delighted we managed to win that lottery. “Fairlop were excellent opponents and I can see how and why they got to this stage of the competition,” said Raiders manager Dan Shafron. “Our boys were well aware not to take them lightly, the game was played with mutual respect, great intensity and a lot of desire. “Fairlop are a great group of boys and I’m sure if they play like they did today, they’ll go on to win their league and have plenty more success moving forward.” “Congratulations to Raiders, the game was a fantastic advert for Jewish football,” said Fairlop

player-manager Aaron Dias. “They have quality players especially in central midfield, I wouldn’t be surprised if they retained the trophy. “Once again we went toe-to-toe with one of the giants from the top division, it was a tough battle and I couldn’t have asked anything more from our players. “There was too many good performances to mention, but two players put their hands up and wanted a penalty, unfortunately both failed to convert. “At Fairlop we win and lose as a team, I can’t speak highly enough of the players work rate and commitment throughout the game. “We’re gutted to be out the cup but have no time to feel sorry for ourselves. The league was always the priority this season.” Hendon United Sports top the Premier League again after a 10goal thriller against Redbridge Jewish Care A. Zac Lewis scored a hat-trick as the league leaders enjoyed a thrilling 6-4 win. Dovi Fehler, Moses Seitler and Ari Last also scored for Hendon who are two points clear of

Oakwood A in the battle for the title. The two face a crunch game that could all but settle the destiny of the title on Sunday. “It was a very important win in our pursuit for the league title,” said player-boss Greg Corin. “Today we utilised our superb attacking talent to get a vital win. “Although there were only two goals difference in the score line, I think Hendon deserved the win. We can’t wait to face Oakwood which is a real six pointer.” Corin added: “There are plenty of fantastic individuals in this Hendon team but we are working hard as a team which is really pleasing. Going forward we want to keep our defence much tighter and continue to let our forward talent flourish. “It’s now for the team to keep consistency and work rate high and ensure when we’re in possession we play our exciting brand of football.” Calvin and Kier Dickson, Elliot Black and Russell Goldstein scored the hosts. North London Raiders B continued their Division One promotion push with a 5-2 win at Redbridge Jewish Care C. Jake Gilbert (2), Elliot Espinoza, Ben Cherkas and Josh Green hit the target for the victors. Raiders took the lead when Jake Gilbert finished emphatically. Moments later, Gilbert lashed home a shot from a Leader corner but failed to secure a 10-minute hat-trick when through on


goal. Elliot headed home Matt Leader’s free kick after half time, then Ben Cherkas, making his first appearance of the season, fired in from close range after David Dinkin’s shot was blocked. With Raiders down to 10 men following an injury to Dinkin, Redbridge grabbed a consolation goal, but Josh Green grabbed a deserved goal before the hosts bundled home a second goal in injury time. “We’ve scored five goals away from home, it was an outstanding performance,” said Raiders manager Doron Salomon. “We played a third of the game with 10 men. It was a brilliant effort, I could nominate everyone for team of the week. “After Faithfold secured the title last week it would have been easy for us to take our foot off but we want to finish as high as we can and will take the same approach in our final league game next week.” Sam Leader hit two goals as Division Two league leaders Bayern Mincha defeated Catford & Bromley 2-0. “We were down to 12 players with injuries and late pull outs while Catford were a new look side from two weeks ago, but it turned out to be a comfortable win,” said Mincha manager Alon Pinhas. “Overall, it was a good performance with us having two more ‘cup finals’ to play. “We wish Catford best of luck for the rest of their campaign.” Zach Cohen hit four goals for Mill Hill Dons in a terrific 6-4 win at FC Team. The visitors came from behind on three occasions in a 10-goal classic. Zach Cohen headed home a Jamie Nagioff cross on 11 minutes to equalise, and after FC edged

ahead again, Cohen nodded in a Josh Cinna cross. FC went into the break 3-2 ahead only for Adam Isaacs to tuck the ball home level for a third equaliser on the hour. Dons finally edged ahead when Adam Morrow found Harry Moss who finished superbly from just outside the box on 80 minutes. Cohen fired home a 25-yard free kick to seal the points despite FC grabbing a fourth goal. “This could be a huge result come the end of the season,” said Dons boss Brandon Hamme. “It was another solid performance from the boys particularly in the second half. We will take all the positives of this game onto the next game.” FC Team scored through Mitch Young (2), Eddie Sternberg and an own goal. Player-manager Young said: “We bossed the first half and deservedly went in at half-time in front. “Some of our attacking play was sensational and they couldn’t cope with our front three. “The second half we tired and with no substitutes, their fitness shone through and they deservedly won.” Young felt that the referee got two game-changing decisions wrong that affected the final result. “Their equaliser was offside and we equalised in the last minute with the ball clearly over the line and he did not see that,” he said.” Young added: “It was a shame we had so many players missing but well done to them. Our sole focus is on retaining the Barry Goldstein Cup.” North London Raiders C won 2-1 at Temple Fortune.

15 MARCH 2018

Manchester Maccabi Yellow v South Manchester Sports 2nd



Sedgley Park Celtic v South Manchester Sports 1st in the Harold Feldman quarter ďŹ nals

Manchester Macabbi Yellow v South Manchester Sports 2nd....Brookland

Leeds Maccabi v Liverpool Haroldeans, in the Harold Feldman Trophy Semi-Final

Leeds Macabbi v Liverpool Haroldeans,at Frederick Road, Salford

A shot on goal

Eye on the ball

A trip and a fowl?


Fixtures for Sunday 18th March



15 MARCH 2018


Parshat Vayikra Now that the Mishkan has been built and completed, Hashem speaks to Moshe in the Mishkan.

Spot the difference Can you spot the nine differences below:

Hashem tells him of the korbanot - the sacrifices that were an important part of the service in the Mishkan. We learn about various types of korbanot which were always brought with salt. Did you know that this is the reason why we dip Challah into salt? One must offer a Korbon (Sacrifice) for the following reasons: 1. If someone accidentally uses something that’s supposed to be for the Mishkan. 2. If someone thinks he may have sinned but he is not sure. 3. If someone swears falsely while trying to cheat somebody. These days we do not offer Korbanot and will only do so when we rebuild the Beit Hamikdash (Temple) . Today instead of fering korbanot we daven (pray) to Hashem . Everyday when we daven to Hashem we must:



1. Praise Hashem 2. Request something from Hashem 3. Thank Hashem

Arts and Crafts Wine Glass

Pesach is almost here so it’s time to decorate your wine glass for the seder.

You will need • • •

Plastic wine glass Sticky gems Optional: markers, stickers

Method 1. Buy a plastic wine glass. (Most Kosher shops sell these at this time of year. 2. Decorate with gems. (You can also use markers and stickers of your choice to add to your decoration).


15 MARCH 2018



Gluten free Banana Pancakes Ingredients: • • • • • •



1 medium banana 1 egg 20g ground almonds 1/8 tsp baking powder Oil, for frying Optional: Sliced bananas, maple syrup and confectioners sugar

These pancakes are delicious all year round and great for Pesach!


1. Blend all the ingredients except the oil, until very smooth and frothy. The batter will be quite runny. 2. Heat the oil in a heavy frying pan, and drop tablespoons of the mixture into the pan. Fry for a minute or two, until browning at the edges, and bubbling on the top. Flip over, and fry for a further minute or so on the other side. 3. Drain for a moment on absorbent paper, then serve with sliced bananas, syrup and confectioners sugar. Yum!

Did you know?

It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. (try it!)

Fun Facts It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different.

Frogs can see forwards, sideways and upwards all at the same time. They never close their eyes, even when they sleep.

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. A shark is the only known fish that can blink with both eyes.

A shrimp’s heart is in its head.

If you sneeze too hard, you could fracture a rib.


34 KIDS 



15 MARCH 2018


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15 MARCH 2018

Parshat Vayikra In a Nutshell In this weeks Parsha we begin the third book of the Torah - Vayikra. Hashem speaks to Moshe from the Ohel Moed (Tent of Meeting), and tells him the laws of the korbanot. The Korbanot were the animal and meal offerings brought to Hashem in the Mishkan (Sanctuary). These included: • The “ascending offering” (olah) that is raised to Hashem by the fire atop the altar. • Five varieties of “meal offering” (minchah) prepared with fine flour, olive oil and frankincense.

• The “peace offering” (shelamim), whose meat was eaten by the one bringing the offering, after parts are burned on the altar and parts are given to the kohanim (priests). • The different types of “sin offering” (chatat) brought to atone for transgressions committed erroneously by the Kohen Gadol (High Priest), the entire community, the king or the ordinary Jew. • The “guilt offering” (asham) brought by one who has misappropriated property of the Sanctuary, who is in doubt as to whether he transgressed

a divine prohibition, or who has committed a “betrayal against Hashem” by swearing falsely to defraud a fellow man. There are many laws and intricate rules regarding the korbanot, but one rule applied to all: Every sacrifice was brought with salt. This is the reason we dip bread into salt.

Change just one letter in the words below to change the bottom word to the top. Each word at each stage of the ladder must be a real word.

Did You Know? When G-d called Moses to enter the Mishkan for the first time, the verse states: “Vayikra el Moshe” - “And G-d called to Moshe” The word vayikra is written with a small aleph, and the Baal HaTurim, in his commentary to this verse, says that Moshe wrote this aleph smaller than the other letters, out of humility. Although Moshe was singled out among all of the Jews and chosen to directly communicate with G-d, he minimized the importance of this by writing the word as if it said vayikar— “and G-d happened upon Moses”

Solve this tricky maths puzzle below: Move the rings below until the configuration show on the right is achieved in a minimum of moves.


15 MARCH 2018



News Bites ‘SUPER MONSTER WOLF’ A SUCCESS IN JAPAN FARMING TRIALS A robot wolf designed to July. protect farms has proved to be When it detects an such a success in trials that it approaching animal, its is going into mass production eyes light up and it starts to howl, Asahi TV says. Its next month. The “Super Monster Wolf ” manufacturers say the robot is a 65cm-long, 50cm- wolf uses solar-rechargeable tall robot animal covered batteries and has a range of with realistic-looking fur, howl noises so that animal featuring huge white fangs threats don’t get used to it. and flashing red eyes, Asahi Now, the robot wolf is going into mass production, with Television reports. It’s been designed to keep units costing about 514,000 wild boar away from rice yen (£3,480) each, but there and chestnut crops, and was are options for farmers to pay deployed on a trial basis a far cheaper monthly lease near Kisarazu City in Japan’s on a wolf instead. eastern Chiba prefecture last

FIRST UK POLAR BEAR CUB IN 25 YEARS EMERGES FROM DEN The first polar bear cub to be born in the UK for 25 years has emerged at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s Highland Wildlife Park at Kincraig. The cub was born in December and is expected to be reopened to park visitors later this month. The first image of the cub is from footage filmed by STV Productions for a documentary.

SELF-FLYING AIR TAXI LIFTS OFF IN NEW ZEALAND A firm funded by Google founder Larry Page has unveiled an electric, self-flying air taxi that can travel at up to 180 km/h (110mph). It can do 100 km on a single charge, and it takes off and lands vertically. bined with human oversight”, credentials. The firm said it It will eventually be avail- it added. The aircraft has is now working “construcable to customers as a ser- been developed in New Zea- tively” with aviation regulavice “similar to an airline or land, where the government tory authorities but declined a rideshare”. It operates using said it welcomed the project to put a date on when Cora “self-flying software com- because of its environmental might start work.

Dear Agony Uncle Joey,


AGONY AUNT MIA AND AGONY UNCLE JOEY The Jewish Weekly’s Teen Agony Aunt and Agony Uncle are here to help with all your questions, problems and difficulties. Just write your letter to or Disclaimer: All letters that are published may be edited. All letters are kept confidential and names can be changed for confidentiality upon request.

Our mum is making seder for a big crowd this year. Both sets of our grandparents will be there, some aunts and uncles and my cousins who are mostly primary age school children. My brother and I who are the oldest grandchildren have offered to organise some fun games like bingo etc for the night to which we’re really looking forward to. Do you have any tips that could enhance the seder and make it a really enjoyable one!

• Give out little pieces of chocolate or sweets everytime a child asks a good question, reads from the Hagaddah or answers a question. • Elderly people enjoy telling stories from their childhood. Try engage with them as much as possible and get them to share their past. The younger children will love to hear from them too! • Create little goodie bags and put them next to each childs seat. Put a little bit of nosh inside and small toys to keep them occupied during the slower parts of the seder.

Daniel and Effy

• Decorate the table and room. You can prepare with jelly fish inside representing the blood, squishy frogs out on the table. Big balls of foil tin hanging from the ceiling or marshmallows to represent hail. Masks for the wild animals and anything else you can thing of to make it more interactive.

Hi guys,

• Sing plenty of songs. This will really get the ruach in the air and both the youth and the elderly will enjoy!

Mnay thanks,

Sounds exciting! Here are my personal favourite few tips: • Have place cards set out around the table, so everyone finds their seat quickly. You can write these in Egyptian hieroglyphics which can be easily googled. I would personally recommend parents to sit next to their own children to help them follow and then for the meal they can move closer to their cousins if they so wish.


Good Luck and hope it all goes well! Joey


15 MARCH 2018


Knock, knock Who’s there Nobel Nobel who? No bell, that’s why I knocked!

Knock, knock Who’s There? Ashe Ashe who? Bless you! (Answers at the bottom of page upside down)

Q: What do you call an underwater spy? A: James Pond!

1. What is a 4 letter word, sometimes a 9 letter word, and never is a 5 letter word.

3. Take off my skin and I won’t cry, but you will. What Am I?

Q: What do lawyers wear to court?

2. A construction worker fell off a 100 foot ladder but didn’t die. How is that possible?

A: Lawsuits!

2. He fell off the bottom rung.

1. The riddle is only a statement.

3. An onion

1. Dark horse 2. A large overdraft 3. Back door 4. An inside job 5.Uphill struggle 6.Upset tummy


15 MARCH 2018



Up, up and away


BY CHAYA SANDLER Now Callie and the eccentric numismatics have the coin and they are on the way to meet the Jamaicans/ Russians. The future of the British economy and Phoebe’s life depend on this meeting. As usual, they have no plan.

We pulled through the dark, ominous gates. The villa was huge and beautiful. An old man in sunglasses and a dark dressing gown was drinking a glass of vodka as he watched us from the steps. Flanked by two suited, gun toting henchmen, he was the classic clichéd villain. He motioned us over with his glass and then stepped inside. He sat expansively in an upholstered chair by a mahogany table, he spread his hands wide, “my friends, what can I do for you, eh?” I stood bravely in the middle with my hands in the middle. I may have looked like a petulant child, true. But I think the raw fury in my eyes was enough to convince him that I meant business. Or maybe it increased the tantruming toddler effect. Whatever. The other spread out around me. Don stepped to my left, adopting a strong stance, one hand resting suggestively on a bulging pocket. Not that the banana would do us much good. But still. Aurora actually leered, she looked like a witch. She kept rubbing her hands together and mumbling to herself. Gruoch nervously tittered as she peered from one guard to the other and biting her nails. Abe stood awkwardly and kept pushing his glasses up and occasionally sniffing. Must have caught Aurora’s cold.... oh and did I mention his attempted smile. It looked like he had just tasted spoiled milk. So we, er didn’t exactly make a fearsome bunch. The Russian smiled at us as if he had us exactly where he wanted us, which I guess he did. When we didn’t respond, he leaned

forward, dropped the smile and lowered his voice. “You have something I want. I have something you want.” He paused, “or rather, someone... I suggest a deal.” At this point I was ready to strangle the guy. But I held myself back and met his gaze with a level glare of my own. As coolly as I could muster, I put ice into my trembling, melted heart and said frostily, “first return the girl. When we see she is unharmed then we’ll talk.” He smirked and chuckled softly. Without turning his head, he waved a couple of his fingers gently at one of the men behind him. We didn’t break eye contact for the next few minutes. My heart was beating out a steady war cry. I could feel the blood pulsing through my head, my arms which were leaning on the table. I could feel the sweat trickling down my spine. Eventually Phoebe came in. She was OK! I moved towards her, instinctively. But the Russian held up his hand. “Sit.” I sat. He relaxed into the chair slowly. “Alright. Now we talk. Show me the coin.” I looked at Don. He looked back. He nodded slowly. Aurora gasped and gently moaned. Gruoch bit her lip. Abe began playing with his lip and making annoying noises that echoed in the tension. I pulled open my jacket and slowly withdrew the coin. I held it up and it caught the light, sparkling like a diamond. The Russian’s eyes’ gleamed and he leaned forward inadvertently. He made a grabbing motion with his hand but pulled it back half way. He restrained his obvious impatience and lowered himself deliberately back into his seat. His eyes’ were

bulging, his lips parted slightly, his tongue playing on his front teeth like a vampire. “Get Randal.” He almost growled, never taking his eyes from the coin. We waited as another guard strode away. Abe once again broke the silence, “anyone want a cough sweet?” No-one moved. We were frozen in our battle places. Aurora was rocking herself on the floor, moaning and muttering softly and sharply. Randal turned out to be a slight, brown haired, freckled teen in jeans and a red hoody with a black shirt. “Randal!” “Phoebe! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for any of this.” He started crying. The Russian stood up. “Well my friends, this has been fun. And now, you will die. I shall leave with my coin and the integrity of the British currency and you shall stay here in the flower garden. Or shall I say, under it.” The Jamaican suddenly appeared. All holding guns. Suddenly, the glass patio shattered and we all ducked as bullets smashed into the mahogany walls. MI5 burst through the doors and the air filled with bullets. I dived under the table and bumped straight into Phoebe. “Phoebe!” We could barely here over the noise of the gun fight around us but we embraced. “I’m so glad you’re OK.” “Oh me too, Callie... I’m so sorry.” “What’s going on?! What’s with you and Randal??” “He’s my cousin. He’s... he’s a good person Callie, you gotta believe me.” We clung tight to each other as someone thumped onto the table


above us. “Callie, he was only trying to help. He’d discovered what the Jamaicans and the Russians were trying to do but they found him. They framed him and kidnapped him. Oh Callie it was awful, that’s why I couldn’t let them take that coin. I just couldn’t. When I found it... I was so happy and the curator had agreed to let me have it and then they came and then, oh...” She leaned into me and sobbed. I held he tight as we fiercely grabbed onto each other. She was squeezing my arms so tight it hurt but I was holding her just as strong. The room fell deathly silent. Literally.... The MI5 agents helped us up. Gruoch, Aurora and Abe got up from the floor as well. Don was standing in the middle of the agents as if he was one of th -wait, I looked at him. He winked at me. The agents were harassing Randal. Phoebe walked up to them and began passionately arguing. I collapsed onto a chair. It had been a long week. Eventually, Phoebe came back triumphantly. “It’s all sorted.” I looked at her tiredly. “Let’s go home.” THE END NEXT WEEK: The Princess and the pirates, treasure and trouble, swords and suspects, betrayal and new beginnings! New serial starting, don’t miss it....


15 MARCH 2018


W oman of W orth ‫ֵֽא ׁ ֶשת ַֽחיִ ל ִמי יִ ְמ ָצא‬ much more independent and know their own mind much more, which means that their expectations are different when it comes to dating and finding an ideal partner. Many are not looking to settle down at such a young age and prefer to study, travel or even work, before they start thinking about marriage. For men, they often wait until they are more established before thinking about settling down, and may sometimes have fixed Kathryn Brown ideas about what they are looking Many people within the Jewish for, or what they are attracted community often require the to, which can sometimes be services of a shadchan when it unrealistic.” comes to finding that someone Traditionally shadchans special. Kathryn Brown has been have been used mainly by the helping people make connections Orthodox community as a way for many years. She first got into to find a partner, but more and doing this quite by chance, but more less observant men and has always felt compelled to women have also begun to seek try and help people as much as this kind of help in order to find a possible, and considers it very match. Kathryn is happy to help much a mitzvah to help people those from across the religious in this way. Since retiring from spectrum and will always try to her job in 2016, she has been help anyone who contacts her, able to devote much more of her however long it takes. Kathryn time to helping singles to meet really wants to be able to help one another. women, especially older women Being able to find a suitable that may be looking for their partner for someone can often perfect partner, and works be tricky, as some can be what to overcome the taboos that Kathryn calls ‘selective’ in often surround the world of what they may be looking for. shadchans. She adds, “In today’s She explains, “Women within world there are so few places to this modern generation are meet people, I think that it is a


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terrible shame not to explore every avenue. I like to think of myself as a facilitator, or even as an extension of a person’s own family or friendship circle with the hope of being able to help them.” Initial contact is often made by friends or relatives of the single person as that person may be reticent to take the first step themselves. If someone passes on details to her, Kathryn will initially contact them via What’s App to get more details including photographs, and a personal resume that gives a better idea of their background and what they are looking for. Kathryn will then arrange a face-to-face meeting if possible, although she is happy to have discussions over the phone or via Skype if more convenient. This helps her to create a profile of the person, and a better understanding of them, which helps when trying to make a match. Kathryn keeps details of all the people that she has spoken to on record, and uses these to try to find suitable matches. She also may reach out to others in her network who may be able to share contacts and potential matches. There are also specific closed groups that connect with other shadchans from other areas. “I belong to four groups made up

of wonderful people who give so much time to help singles. There are many shadchans within the community who work tirelessly to try and help those who are looking for a partner. Team work is very important to reach the wider singles community, and I feel that my involvement is just a small part of this.” There is often quite a lot of work involved in creating these matches, but Kathryn does not take any kind of payment for the help that she gives, and considers it a positive way to help others to gain happiness. So far, Kathryn has been instrumental in arranging five shidduchim directly. Discussions to identify suitable matches but may not directly be involved in what happens thereafter. She adds, “It can sometimes be quite timeconsuming, but I love being able to help people in this way. Interacting with people, and getting to know them and find out their ideas and thoughts.” She has also previously volunteered for MIND, a mental health care organisation, and whilst there did some training which she found very interesting, and helped develop her interest in this field. She feels that her training has helped her to be able to connect and understand people and has also helped within her role as a N on shadchan to gain a better ba vel understanding of some c ck ro single preferences. “The in B st ou training showed me that oc bo k us everyone has something to offer someone else, and personal growth never ends. Therefore everyone has choices and that deserves respect, regardless of which place they are in at any given time. It also taught me that it is important to listen carefully to what people say and try to be true to them. That is actually a very difficult thing to do.” Kathryn also helps those dealing with difficult situations who may need additional


help or support. She does not consider herself a counsellor, but more of a friendly ear, or a shoulder to cry on when people need to just talk or a mentor to help them work out what their next step could be. She first started helping when someone that she knew was in distress and contacted her. Kathryn tried to keep her spirits up and helped her to cope with her situation so that she could work towards being in a better place. Other people then started to contact Kathryn, and she now helps 2 -3 people at a time on an individual basis. Kathryn explains, “I try to lead people to the point that they can identify that they do have choices, even though they may be struggling to recognise what they are.” Along with her husband, Kathryn has also previously been involved in the Jewish Marriage Education Council (JMEC). They helped run courses locally for engaged couples to introduce them to the Jewish take on what helps to make a strong working Jewish marriage, and a strong home environment. It also introduced the opportunity for couples to talk to one another and other couples in order to debate their own thoughts and ideas, as well as creating a social environment. It seems that throughout her career, Kathryn has been involved in helping people, whether at work, as a shadchan or volunteering, and that this is very important to her. As she explains, “I am a very peopleorientated person, and some have said to me that helping people is almost instinctive to me, which I guess is true to some extent. I really enjoy being able to support others is central to everything I do.” If you would like to nominate a ‘Woman Of Worth’ to be featured on this page then please email micaela@

15 MARCH 2018

BATSHEVA BLACKSTON – LITTLEBUDDS Ever since she was a young girl, Batsheva Blackston had dreamed of running her own business, but it was not until she moved from London to Manchester with her husband Ben, and gave birth to her son, that she began to make this dream a reality. As a new mother, she was keen to find something that would fit around her family. Having always had a passion for shoes, she started researching designs online for baby shoes and began adding her own details to them, which led to her creating her business, ‘Littlebudds’, selling handmade shoes and booties.



Littlebudds products are all personally hand crocheted by Batsheva herself, and come in a range of cute designs. She currently has styles including ‘baby loafers’ and ‘baby Ugg-style boots’, and is able to tailor make the products to match particular outfits or colours. The designs are fashionable, comfortable and keep baby’s feet snug and warm. The shoes are what she describes as ‘crib shoes’ and are suitable for babies from 0 to 12 months, depending on the design. All the materials and fabrics used have been washed and tested prior to use. Depending on the style of the shoe, the material she uses include 100% pure cotton, soft acrylic and even organic bamboo thread, all of which are suitable for young babies’ skin. She also uses wool for some designs but always recommends that babies with sensitive skin wear these with cotton socks. All of her products are completely washable, and she suggests that they are cold-washed and air-dried to avoid damage or shrinkage. Since launching in February of this year, she has had a really positive response from people, and has been overwhelmed by the lovely comments and feedback she has received from customers and friends. The prices for products start from £18 plus delivery, and can be bought directly from her website. Alternatively, they can be purchased through Etsy, an online craft e-shop. The products can be delivered throughout the UK within 10 working days. Each pair

comes beautifully gift wrapped in a branded Littlebudds box and can be delivered to anywhere in the UK within two working days of completion. As she explains, “In my family, the gifts that were the most special were the ones where time and effort had gone into making them. I wanted to create beautifully-packaged, thoughtful gifts that will give a big fuzzy glow of warm happiness to both the giver and receiver. You can even use these long after they’ve been outgrown to decorate the nursery, as a keepsake!” Batsheva hopes to develop her

range to include more designs that are suitable for different seasons, and enjoys coming up with new styles. She explains “I want to be able to be able to create mini replicas of any styles that adults wear, which can work throughout the seasons.” Although Batsheva did not have any experience of running a business prior to setting up Littlebudds, she has really enjoyed the chance to learn new things and she is keen to continue to learn more as the business grows. “I feel that I have learnt a lot already, even though I have only really just started. It hasn’t been easy, but it is amazing how much you can learn from YouTube!” Batsheva has also become aware of the importance of a social presence when it comes to running a business, and she has a Facebook page, where she shares latest offers, news and competitions, as well as Instagram ( and Twitter (littlebudds_uk) As well as the range of Littlebudds products, Batsheva has also started a blog, which is also featured on her website. Readers are able to engage in many different topics and issues relevant to parents and children. She explains, “I want to create a community for other parents so that we can help each other and share stories, thoughts and experiences.” Having completed a psychology degree at City University London whilst pregnant with her first baby, she is currently studying for her MSc in Counselling and Psychotherapy and hopes to eventually become a counsellor. She hopes that having established her business, it will be possible to continue running it whilst doing her studies and looking after her family. “Being able to work from home is amazing and allows me to the flexibility to

spend quality time with my husband and son.” Batsheva feels she is part of a new wave of working mothers whom she refers to as ‘mumpreneurs’ who want to have their own business as well as have a family, and she believes that Littlebudds allows her to strike the right balance. For anyone that might be thinking of starting their own business from home, Batsheva would encourage them to take the leap and go for it. “It may sound like a cliché, but I would say that if you have a dream, you should definitely give it a go. You need to be really determined, motivated and learn to overcome the challenges that you may face. I am really glad that I have started Littlebudds and am looking forward to where it can go.” Batsheva would like to offer all Jewish Weekly readers a special reader’s discount. Order before Pesach to receive a 20% discount on all purchases, using the coupon code JWEEKLY20. To make an order, please contact Littlebudds via website,, via email or phone 07510 188 586. Please also like and share her Facebook page @littlebuddsUK. Do you know anyone who specialises in an area of female expertise and would like to be featured on this page? Let us know by emailing

TIPS AND TRICKS – PESACH PREP A TO Z (PART 1) Jewish Weekly aims to source the most genius, time saving and useful hacks for you every week, so watch this space! Preparing for Pesach can be a bit of a headache, but with this three part A-Z list, all about the eggs, so stock up! hopefully this year will be hassle-free: Freezer – Start using up as much as possible from your freezer, and throw away anything that may have been there for a while. Arranging sale of chametz – make your life easier by doing this early. Go away – For some this is the best tip of all!! Bin bags – Make sure you have a lot of these - for everything!! Haggadahs – Protect your haggadahs from spilt wine or a stray bit of charoseth Checklist – Write a list on your phone so you can refer to it when you are out by covering them in clear plastic or wrapping paper. and about. Dinner – Meals can be tricky during Pesach. If you are super organised then you can make and freeze stuff beforehand, but if not start planning simple, quick If you have any questions or you have a top tip you want to share, please contact us on and easy dinners that will keep everyone (including you) happy. Your question might be someone else’s solution! Eggs – Whether boiling them for the Seder or using them for cooking, Pesach is THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM




Don’t be hungry

The benefits of being a normal and healthy weight are countless. If your weight is in the healthy range and isn’t more than 5 kilograms over what you weighed when you turned 21 years old, focus on maintaining that weight by watching what you eat and exercising. Because most adults between the ages of 18 and 49 gain one half to one kilo each year, stopping and preventing weight gain should be a priority. If you have gained more than 10 kilo as your age has increased the chances of developing one or more chronic diseases are greatly increased including: • Cardiovascular disease • Heart attack • Stroke • Diabetes • Cancer • Arthritis • Gallstones

• Asthma • Cataracts • Infertility • Snoring • Sleep apnea Of course, going about weight loss the proper way, and not “dieting” is essential to keeping your weight off. One of the downfalls of dieting is that many fad diets or calorie restrictive diets can leave a person feeling hungry. Hunger and deprivation are known to sabotage any weight loss effort. One of the iron-clad rules in my clinic that my staff of dieticians follow, is to make sure that people aren’t hungry. If clients complain that they are, we adjust their programme so they aren’t. One of the reasons that we advise our clients to eat small meals and snacks 5-6 times per day, is specifically so they don’t feel hunger. Nevertheless, some people do feel hunger even when they really aren’t physiologically hungry.

This was the case of Mindy, age 44, who came to us for weight loss a few months ago. Mindy received a food plan that should have allowed her to lose weight and at the same time feel satiated. At the 4th session her weight had not dropped. It wasn’t going up which had been the case, but according to our calculations, it should have been going down. Even though her choices were healthy, her food logs indicated that she was eating too much. When I pointed this out, her response was that she can’t help it, she’s hungry. What is real hunger as opposed to eating for desire, cravings and emotions? Real hunger occurs when your stomach is empty and there is a gnawing feeling in the pit of your empty stomach. Non-hunger is the desire to eat when your stomach isn’t empty. People eat for all kinds of reasons outside of hunger. People use food for comfort

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when upset. Sometimes when we are tired we eat in an effort to stay awake. And more often than not, when you are on a new weight loss programme, you have to get used to not eating as much as you did. It really can just be a matter of habit. If you’ve been eating 3 grilled breasts of chicken at meals, then cutting that portion in half (1 ½) becomes difficult. So whenever you eat, whether planned meals and snacks or otherwise, ask yourself every time—Am I really hungry or am I eating for the wrong reasons? Remember that the only problem food solves is hunger. It won’t solve your other worries and stresses and it might very well exacerbate them. Eat small meals more often: Plan out your day with 3 moderate size meals and 2 or 3 snacks. Eating in only 2 or 3 sittings can cause overeating. You can come into those meals hungry and will over-consume. In addition, eating a lot at one sitting over a long period of time will cause insulin spikes which in turn will not only lead to type two diabetes but also will cause hunger. By spacing out your meals correctly with portion control, you won’t be hungry. Not an emergency: People fear being hungry but there is no emergency. Hunger passes! Everyone reading this has fasted on Yom Kippur. Sometime mid-morning or toward noon you get a hunger pang. You feel hunger but then it goes away. We try never to be hungry but sometimes it happens. You were on the road and got home late or didn’t prepare your food to take with you. Try to drink some water and eat when you get home. Just be careful NOT to overeat. An important 20 minutes: Hunger and Satiation are controlled by two hormones; ghrelin and leptin. Leptin is a hormone, made by fat cells, that decreases your appetite. Ghrelin is a hormone that increases appetite, and also plays a role in body weight. One of the biggest problems that we have discovered that leptin is delayed in kicking in to tell you that you are indeed full. It now takes about 20 minutes for that to happen. Here are some tips to fight being hungry and be successful in your weight loss quest:

15 MARCH 2018

• Plan your 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks in advance. Plan what to eat and when to eat • Leave the kitchen or dining room when your meal is done and wait 20 minutes even if hungry. After the 20 minutes, you should not feel hungry. • Your “hunger” may be boredom or emotions. Occupy yourself otherwise and remember that eating will not solve any problem other than hunger—it may, however cause many new problems. • Drink water before each meal and snack and after each meal. • Free yourself from the fear of hunger and remember that it passes—nothing terrible will happen and keep Yom Kippur in mind. Mindy followed most of these tips. We even worked on ways for her to distract herself, particularly in the evenings when it was clear that she was raiding the food closet and refrigerator out of boredom. Instead, we had her use those times to catch up on her correspondence, read and make her daily calls to her married children. Keeping hunger under control will “add hours to our day, days to your year and years to our life”.

Alan Freishtat is an A.C.E. certified personal trainer and a behavioural change and wellness coach with over 19 years of professional experience. Alan is the creator and director of the “10 Weeks to Health” programme for weight loss and is available for private coaching sessions, consultations, assessments and personalised workout programmes both in his office and by telephone or Skype. Alan also lectures and gives seminars and workshops. Contact Alan on 02-651-8502 or 050-555-7175, or email For more information visit

15 MARCH 2018



Travel News Roundup

Travel News Roundup is brought to you by Malcolm Ginsberg, Editor in Chief of Business Travel News ( He is a member of the International Travel Writers Alliance, a noted analyst on aviation matters and is seen from time to time on TV and heard on the radio. He is always pleased to hear from tour operators and travel agents who have packages that might interest Jewish Weekly readers. Jewish Weekly’s travel editor Malcolm Ginsberg is currently cruising on Norwegian Jewel from Sydney to Singapore via Indonesia. There is kosher food available supplied by Sterling of Miami, and a fine vegetarian selection with the maître d’ only too happy to show guests the preparation. Here he reflects by wifi on what has been an interesting 12 months since the launch of the newspaper in terms of holiday destinations and in particular Israel. “2017 will go down as a great year for air travel to Israel, tinged with the end for Monarch, the demise of El Al’s budget airline UP, and the failure of Eilat’s Ramon International Airport to open. This is balanced by Wizz introducing Ben Gurion flights from Luton and a suggestion that Eilat City Airport will close sometime this summer, the domestic services transferred to Ramon with European nonstop points introduced for the winter season from the end of October. Once the new airport is established there is little doubt that Eilat will boom. At Ben Gurion all ‘low-cost’ flights were moved into the refurbished Terminal One for outgoing flights only. Prices to Israel remained very competitive with El Al introducing the brand-new Boeing 787 Dreamliner for some of its Heathrow services and moving into its own King David Lounge in Terminal Four, the building without doubt the best departure/ arrival point at Heathrow. BA has the 777 on some flights and both offer Business Class. EasyJet remains the

The beautiful Dead Sea

largest ex-UK operator to Israel and only behind El Al in its offerings from Ben Gurion.” New Broadwalk at the Dead Sea Just in time for the Passover holidays, a new, stonewalled 4k boardwalk and free, accessible public beaches with full facilities have opened in the hotels area of the Dead Sea. The promenade will eventually extend another 10km, to include a total of 16 public beaches, connecting Ein Bokek and Hamei Zohar, along the southern part of the inland sea. This is part of a major new leisure and hotel complex that is planned for the region. Visitors to the Dead Sea – the lowest place on earth and the world’s largest natural spa known for its unique wellness properties since Biblical times – can now enjoy full access to wide, sandy beaches, walking, jogging, cycling or even taking a Segway along the entire length of the new boardwalk. The new beaches are all free to the public, with facilities that include beach chairs, showers, canopies, sports equipment, children’s playgrounds and more. The beaches are accessible for the disabled, with special wheelchairs and trails that can take visitors right into the waters of the Dead Sea. Special illumination allows tourists and visitors to walk the boardwalk at night, while at the same time enjoying the very special atmosphere at the Dead Sea. Publica Isrotel Isrotel, one of Israel’s leading hotel chains, has announced the opening of Publica Isrotel at Herzliya, initiating what is in marketing terms a new genre within their extensive portfolio of hotels by targeting the jet setting millennial market. The opening also marks the arrival of Marriott’s distinguished Autograph Collection to Israel, with Publica joining the ranks

of some of the world’s most unique boutique hotels, each of which was handpicked due to its distinctive personality, the thoughtfulness of its design, and its connection with the surrounding locale. The 159-room property is planned to not only serve the holiday market but also the high-tech centre that Herzliya has become akin to the United States’ Silicon Valley. A hub for startups and industry, the town embodies an entrepreneurial spirit that the millennial generation flocks to. Publica Isrotel is expected to serve as the

city’s newest gathering place, offering a variety of distinct spaces that merge business and pleasure, achievement and entertainment, and work and wellness. Serving as the brand’s first-ever “people meet people” concept hotel, it will introduce something entirely new to the Israeli hospitality market: a prestigious members only club, the City Club. Accessible only to hotel guests and local residents (locals pay a membership fee of $115/month), the City Club offers enriching programming, from fitness classes to live entertainment and special events, where members can mix, mingle, and conduct business. “Publica will appeal to a rising and dominant market segment – the millennials – who are savvy travellers seeking exceptional experiences that blend business and pleasure,” said Lior Raviv, Chief Executive Officer of Isrotel Hotel Group. “Our core values are to be innovative, and to pioneer new hospitality trends in Israel, and I feel confident that is what we have done with Publica.” On the sixth floor sits Publica’s Shared Workspace, a full-service facility equipped with multifunctional

seating arrangements, soundproof phone booths, free Wi-Fi, and complimentary coffee and beer on tap. One floor up, a seasonal rooftop swimming pool and Pool Bar overlooking the sea can be found for those who prefer to close their deals poolside. The Stage, located on the hotel’s ground floor, grants City Club members access to live music, lectures and workshops. The Fitness Centre stands in stark contrast to the typically basement-bound hotel gym. A state-of-the-art facility, the bright and spacious centre boasts modern equipment, upscale locker rooms, a sauna, and even a boxing arena that is home to a private boxing club. A variety of classes for all styles of gym-goers are also available, including yoga, beach running, spinning and Tai Chi. The public spaces also act as a platform for contemporary Israeli art, presenting ever-changing exhibitions alongside works that have been acquired for the hotel’s permanent collection. publica-isrotel

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Pesach Supplement


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20 min Prep Time 55 min Cook Time 75 min Duration 4 Servings INSTRUCTIONS • • • • •

1 whole chicken • 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt • 1/2 teaspoon white pepper • 2-3 fennel bulbs 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil,•


1 medium onion • 3 or 4 garlic cloves, smashed • ½ lemon, cut into 2 wedges vertically 1 1/2 teaspoons minced • ginger •

1 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon saffron threads, crumbled handful of parsley and/ or corriander sprigs, tied into a bouquet 1 or 2 handfuls of green olives 1 preserved lemon, quartered and

1. Preheat oven to 230°C. 2. Place chicken on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut the skin connecting the legs to the body. Splay the thighs open until you feel the joint pop on each side. Sprinkle the chicken inside and out with salt and pepper. Let it rest uncovered at room temperature while oven heats. 3. Meanwhile, prepare the fennel. Peel off the outer layer or two from the bulbs, and cut off the thickest part (but not all) of the base, then cut into quarters. 4. In a small bowl, mix the ginger, turmeric, and saffron with ½ cup water and ½ cup wine, set aside. 5. Pour 1 tablespoon oil into the base of a 6 quart Dutch oven. Place it on the stove over high heat. Once hot carefully transfer the chicken, breast-side up, to the pot and brown on both sides. Remove chicken and set aside. 6. Add the onions, fennel, and garlic and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss until lightly browned. 7. Push the vegetables to the side of the pot and place the chicken in the center. 8. Put 2 lemon wedges inside the chicken breast cavity. Pour ginger mixture over chicken and add preserved lemon and olives. 9. Cover the pot and place in the oven for 55 minutes. Keep warm until ready to serve. Serve out of the pot.

15 MARCH 2018



15 min Prep Time 10 min Cook Time 25 min Duration 8 Serving

• • • • • • •

220g flour 12g baking powder 2g salt 70g softened butter 1 egg 20g crème fraîche 100g milk (80g for dough, 20g for brushing) • 50g confectioners sugar • Lemon zest • 25g white raisins

PREPARATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Preheat oven to 160 C. Mix flour, baking powder and salt. Mix softened butter with flour mixture. Add half an egg, crème fraîche, 80g milk and mix well. Add sugar and lemon zest, mix well until dough is smooth. Divide dough into two halves and add raisins to one half. Roll dough until 4cm thick, use cutter to form 6cm circles. Mix remaining egg, 20g milk, pinch of sugar and brush tops. Bake for 10 minutes in preheated oven at 325 F. Garnish with a sprinkle of powdered sugar and enjoy!


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