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of Josephians prefer SOAR classes during the high heat index

St.JosephSchoolofGagalanginwelcomeslearnersbackto schoolforafullyearofface-to-facelearningmodalityafter nearly3yearsofonlineset-upduetothepandemic,lastAugust 7,2023.

Asthenewacademicyearunfolded;theschoolyearcommenced witha3-day,face-to-facestudentorientationprogram,eachday beginningwiththetraditionalJosephianmorningassembly,facilitated bytheirnewclassadvisersintheassignedclassroomspersection

Thestudentswereorientedduringthe3daysaboutthenewsets ofrules,officialuniforms,andthenewandimprovedstudent handbook.


--administrators,facultymembers,teachingandnon-teaching personnel,andthegeneralservicesstaff

Theformalcommencementofregularclasseswasofficially heraldedonAugust14,withmorethanathousandyoung intellectuals,markingtheactualbeginningofJosephians’new academicjourney

LastAugust2020,5monthsafterthenationwideclasssuspension duetotheCOVID-19outbreak,SJSswitchedtheirmodalitytoonline classes

SJSthenstartedtheacademicyear2022-2023withanonline modality,andthenlaterswitchedtoface-to-faceclassesduringthe 2ndquarterinNovember.


RCAMESschools gatherforinter-school competitions

Variousschoolsofthe 'RomanCatholicArchdioceseof ManilaEducationalSystem,’ includingtheSt.JosephSchoolof Gagalangin,attendedthe RCAMESAcademicFestforthe AcademicYear2023-2024that launchedonFriday,January12,at PacoCatholicSchool

Theeventstartedat7:00am witharegistration,followedbyan hour-longmass,openingremarks byFr MaxellLowellC Aranilla, SchoolDirectorofRCAMES Clusters1&7,andanoverviewof theeventdetailedbyMrs Ma ChristinaE Nicholas;theEvent Chair

Thefestthenproceededtothe contestproper,whichlastedat leastsix(6)hours.

Beforethecontestended,SJS managedtosecuremedalsfrom differentcompetitions.Forthe elementarylevel,JaydenMavis Santoswonabronzemedalfor Storytelling KinderLevel,Zoe IsabelleMenenciowonabronze

medalforStorytelling Grade1 Level,CeireAyannaOmelawon silvermedalforStorytelling Grade2Level,XyvielJohnPerales ofGrade5wonsilvermedalfor theDeclamationcontest,andlastly, theGradeSchoolBibleQuizBee teamwhichincludes:Rafael CeldrickRonquillo,MaryAimee KyreneLim,andMichelEkimDela Cruz,wonbronzemedal.

FortheJuniorHighSchool Level,RafaelMontiMagpayo, QelcyAngelicMazeRufo,Aaliyah ColeenRomero,andAaronDaryll Borbewonsilvermedalsinthe Biblequizbeecontest. Andfinally,thestudent representativesfromSenior HighSchoolbaggedthegold medalforparticipatinginthe 'SabayangPagbigkas.’

Theeventconcludedwithclosing remarksbyFr.NolanA.Que,the ChairCommitteeonCurriculum& Instruction,andtheSchoolDirector ofRCAMESClusters5&6

SJStransitionstoRISE duetotranspostrike


Inresponsetothetwo-day strikeledbytransportgroups PISTONandManibela,SJShas shiftedtoonlineclasses,also knownasReal-TimeInstructional SupportandEngagement(RISE), fromApril15to16,2024,as declaredbytheschooldirectorand principal,Fr NolanA Queto minimizetheimpactofthe transportstrikeontheacademic performanceofstudentswhilealso ensuringtheirsafetythroughout thisperiod

UnderthePublicUtilityVehicle ModernizationProgram(PUVMP), thedecisionwasmadeafter PresidentFerdinandMarcosJr authorizedthejeepney consolidationdeadlineofApril30 Forthecourseoftheprogram, individualjeepneyoperatorsmust joinacooperativeorbusinessand replacetheiroldvehicleswith "modernjeepneys"within27 months

Thetransportstrike,whichis opposingthePUVMP'sjeepney consolidationdeadline,hascreated considerabledelaysinthe transportationsector,notablyfor studentsandfacultymembersin Tondowhorelyonpublic transportationlikejeepneysfor theirdailycommute

FrancesaTinampay,aGrade 11studentwhoreliesonjeepneys ashermainmodeof transportationwhentravellingto SJS,sharedherinsightsregarding thesuspension

“I'minfavoroftheRISEtransition sincejeepneysaremyonlymodeof transportation,andithelpslimitmy exposuretothehighheatindex,” Tinampaystated Eventhoughthedebateover PUVMP’scontinuesbetween transportationorganizationsand governmentofficial thattheeducationa demonstratesitsco studentachieveme ofadaptationindiff


SCB joins the season of giving

WithChristmasbeingthe seasonofgiving,St Joseph Schooljoinsbystartingits donationdriveonDecember14, Thursday;adaypriortothe Christmaspartyofeachsection anditsChristmasvacationshortly after

Theeventwashandledbythe SJS’StudentCounselingBody,by distributingeachproducttoits supposedspacetowhich everythingwasoverseenby severalSJSPersonnels

Eachofficerinvolvedwiththe donationdrivesceneisseen havingtheirshareofpartsin volunteeringtohelpdividethe goodsintoitsbags.

JuniorHighSchool studentsontheotherhand hadtheirmassintheChapelto commemoratethecelebration ofsuchanevent

Afewdayslater,the packedgoodswerethengiven anddeliveredtothoseinneed asSJSpersonnelandSJSSCB handedthemeachpersonally

Thenextday,SJSstudents celebratedtheChristmasparty ineachoftheirownrespective classroomswitheverysection beingentertainedandhaving funasitwasonlyafewdays priorthestudentshadtheir examweek


LastSeptember25,thenew batchoftheStudent CoordinatingBodyofSt Joseph SchoolofGagalanginwas introduced

Thefilingofcandidacyforthe SCBstartedonAugust25and continueduntilAugust31,which wasthenfollowedbytheofficial voteresultsreleasedonthe Facebookpageoftheorganization, comprisingoftheexecutives PresidentGabrielLeonard Mendozawith489votes(SLAY), HSVicePresidentLorenzaJomille Trinidadwith447votes(SLAY),GS VicePresidentPaulKenzo Cincollagaswith108votes(SLAY), SecretaryKayzieGarielMesina with483votes(PLEDGE),Treasurer SeanGabrielSorianowith462 votes(SLAY),AuditorAlexandra Antenorwith580votes(SLAY), PRO-InternalPamelaAnne Fortunowith658votes(SLAY), andPRO-ExternalKrystinnZaiilyn DeGuzmanwith754votes(SLAY)

Theappointedbatchof representativesismadeupofthe following Grade12

RepresentativeKclaine Guimbardawith81votes (PLEDGE),Grade11Representative KaellaReignMortegawith103 votes(SLAY),Grade10

RepresentativeJeremiahAlfonso with97votes(SLAY),Grade9 RepresentativeMariusAndrei Santoswith57votes(SLAY),Grade 8RepresentativeAyeshaRayne Rosariowith59votes(PLEDGE), Grade7RepresentativeJillianDana Alquirozwith30votes(ROYALE), Grade6RepresentativesClyden Malagueno(PLEDGE)andVon CheskaMagpayo(SLAY)withatie of29votes,Grade5

RepresentativeZarinaMontess Anzureswith50votes(SLAY),and Grade4RepresentativeZoeBlair Colladowith19votes(SLAY)

Thethenaspiringstudent councilswerecomposedof3 parties

Josephiansjoin ACN’srosaryevent

OnOctober18,2023,at9:00a.m.,following St JosephSchool’sRosaryMonth,Josephiansof allgradelevelsjoinedthe“MillionChildren PrayingtheRosary”projectorganizedbyTheAidto TheChurchInNeedPhilippines Josephians,togetherwiththehelpoftheirclass advisers,simultaneouslyjoinedtheliveevent,which washeldattheImmaculateConceptionCathedralin PasigCity,andrecordedviaACNPhilippines’ FacebookLive

Withtheirrosariesathand,Josephiansrecited prayers,sangMarianchants,andprayedtherosary duringtheentiretyoftheevent

Thesaideventaimstoaskfortheintercession ofMarythroughthechildren’sunityofprayingthe rosary,whichaskstobringpeace,unity,and protectiontoChristianswhoarevastlyaffectedby terroristattacksandsuch

TheACNorganizationchosethe18thof Octoberasitsday,foritisalsothefeastofSaintLuke theEvangelist,whichissaidtohaveaclose relationshipwithMary

--thePLEDGE(ProgressiveLeaders forExcellenceandDynamic GovernanceforEveryone)Partylist, theROYALE(Responsible OutstandingYoungAchievers LeadingwithEmpowerment) Partylist,andtheSLAY(Student LuminousLeaderandAmbitious AssociationforYouth)Partylist Thecampaignperiodofthe candidatesbeganonSeptember 16andendedonthedayofthe MitingdeAvance TheMDAwasheldon September20,takingplaceinthe classroomofGrade7-St Peterina Hyflexset-up;alladvisersofeach sectionfromGrades4to12were requiredtoentertheGoogleMeet linkwheretheMDAoccurred FollowingtheMDA,theSCB electionensuedattheInformation andCommunicationsTechnology (ICT)computerlaboratoryon September21and22,with Josephianscastingtheirvotes throughGoogleForms

SJSconductsfirst earthquakedrill

Inanefforttoensurethesafetyand preparednessofitsstudentsandpersonnelfor unforeseencircumstances,St JosephSchool conducteditsfirstearthquakedrillfortheschool year2023-2024,lastDecember6,ataround8:50 am

WiththeaidofPolicePrecinct1,headedby Pcpt GaryO Mendoza,aswellastheKagawadand TanodsofBarangay179headedbychairwomanLily Desalesa,theschoolwasabletoexecutethedrill

Thedefault‘Duck,Cover,andHold’procedureis firstperformedbyeveryoneinaspecificfacilityofthe schoolwheretheyare,andoncethesirenstops,the studentsquicklyformalineaccordingtotheirgrade levelandsectioninpreparationtoevacuate

Soon,theschoolpersonnelguidedthemas theywentoutside,andeveryonesettleddownina portionofthestreetofJuanLuna,whichservedas the‘evacuationarea’aftertheyexitedtheschool grounds

Thesaidpurposeoftheexerciseistoeducate studentsaboutproperresponseprotocolsduringan earthquakeemergency

WiththeguidanceofMrs CamilleNicaTrinidadMAEd,the newbatchofgoverningstudents assumedtheirrespectiveroleson thesamedayofthe announcement

AlongwiththeParent CoordinatingBody,theOathTakingCeremonyoftheelected officersoccurredaftertheFirst FridayMassonJanuary5atSt JosephParish


LitratongPagsasanay MgamanunulatnasinaSulit,Fernandez,Tuazon,De Guzman,atLirioangnakatayosaharapngHenrySySr HallngPamantasanngDeLaSalleManilanangdumalo silasaBayLayn2024

Diadem,sumabaksa Baylayn2024

Ginanapnoongika-6ng AbrilsaPamantasanngDe LaSalleManilaangBayLayn 2024,namaytemang "Sensasyonalismosa Pamamahayag:Etikaat LimitasyonngPaghahatidng Balita",kasamaangmgakalahok mulasaiba'tibangpamantasanat paaralannainimibitangAng PahayagangPlaridelupang lumahoksaBayLayn2024.

SilaKirstinAleezaLiriong Grade8St Catherine,ArchRenzo DeGuzmanngGrade8St Margaret,MariahJessicaSulitng Grade9St LorenzoRuiz, MargarethGailFernandezng Grade9St LorenzoRuiz,atBianca LaudelleR TuazonngGrade10St Augustine,kasamanarinang kanilangmgatagapayonasinaBb ArizzaBiancaBernardoatBb Ara MarieJadlong,angmgamanunulat ng JosephianDiademangdumalo upangmakilahoksanasabing worksyapatkompetisyon

Nagkaroonngtinatawagna "BigTalk"mulasadalawang guestspeakernasinaJoyceBabe Pañares,ManagingEditorng ManilaStandardatJob Manahan,NewsReporterng ABS-CBN.Naghayagang dalawangspeakerukolsa kanilangmgakaalamanat kasanayansapagigingtagapahayagatkunganongabaang “Sensationalism”,kahalagahanng katotohanansapagigingisang estudyantengmamamahayag Sapagtataposng“Bigtalk” aynagkaroonngmaikling"Q&A portion"upangmagbigayng orassamgakatanunganat paglilinawngmgaestudyanteng mamamahayag,sumunoday ginanapangpagbibigayng parangalngmgananalosa patimpalak

Nag-uwingsamu'tsaring kaalamanatkarangalanang bawatmamamahayagna dumalosaBayLayn2024

G6Josephiansshow faithonretreat

St.JosephSchoolhasheldaclassretreatforGrade6 JosephiansatMariaAntoniaParisRetreatHouse,Quezon City,inthemonthofSeptember2023.

Grade6JosephiansfromtheclassesofSt.Joseph HusbandofMaryandSt.PedroCalungsodhadtheirretreat andspentoneandahalfdaysfocusingonactivitiesfocused ontheirfaithandCatholiclife.

Grade6studentsparticipatedintheactivitiesof attendingmass,confession,andgroupgamesoractivitiesthat letthemfreelyexpressthemselvesandworktogetherto promotefellowship

Thespiritualretreatheldin2023servesasaguideforthe Josephianswhowillbegraduatingin2024

SJShasalwaysincorporatedreligionandfaithinits curriculum,thus,theannualretreathappenstoevery Josephiansabouttograduate

G12Josephiansjoin retreatbeforegraduating



JosephiansjoinedtheirfinalretreatatSt Michaelthe ArchangelRetreatHouse,Antipolo,inNovember2023

AllstrandsandsectionsofGrade12spentoneandahalf daysdoingdifferentactivitiesthatareallaboutprayersand reflections,awayfromtheiracademicresponsibilitiesandon theirgadgets

Withthehelpofthepriests,whopreachedabout deepeningone'sfaithandloveforGod,theGrade12students hadreligiousactivitiessuchasattendingmass,confessing, burningpapersthatcontainedtheirunconfessedsins,lighting upcandlesorusingflamelesscandles,andmarchingor dancingaroundthefountain

ThespiritualretreatheldisthefinalactofguidanceofSt JosephSchoolhastoofferforGrade12Josephiansasthey embarkontheirjourneyandfacenewchallenges

EnglishDept.opens EnglishMonthCelebration

St JosephSchoolandthe campus’EnglishDepartment helditsannualcelebrationof EnglishMonthwiththetheme “JOSEPHIANS:BridgingCultures andKeepingtheFaithasGlobally CompetitiveStudents”in November

Inanofficialpostpublished ontheFacebookpageofSJS,the month-longcelebrationhostsa widearrayofcompetitionsand eventswhereinJosephianscan showcasetheirskills

Thecelebrationcontained conteststhathighlightedthe languageandEnglishproficiencyof students,suchcontestswere: CreativeStorytellingforKinderto Grade3students,Declamationfor Grades4to8,MovieSongSinging ContestforGrades9to10,and lastlytheExtemporaneousSpeech fortheSeniorHighSchoollevel Eachcontestcontained differentmechanicsanddifficulties, varyingfromgradelevel

OnFebruary8,Josephians' JuniorandSeniorPromenade tookplaceattheManilaHotel, MaynilaBallroom

Theprogramstartedas studentsarrivedintheirgownsand suitsattheentranceoftheMaynila Ballroom,withopeningremarks fromthePrincipalandtheSchool DirectorofRCAMESClusters5&6, Fr NolanA Que

Thiswasfollowedbythe TurnoverCeremony,ledby StudentCoordinatingBody PresidentGabrielMendozaand StudentCoordinatingBodyAuditor AlexandraAntenor

Ahighlightoftheeveningwas thecotillionofGrade10students, accompaniedbytheirpartners, whichwasthenfollowedbyasocial danceperformedbyGrade12 students.

Afterthedanceintermissions, Fr.NicanorA.CelianoJr.,MAED,the AssistantSchoolDirector,initiated theceremonialtoast,followingthis, theManilaHotelcrewsbeganto servefoodtoJosephians Asthenightcametoaclose, theybidfarewelltothe promenade,carryingmemories andexperiencesfromtheir academicjourneys


Josephiansventureinto learningtripsthruEFLL

Fortheschoolyear20232024,studentsandteaching personnelwentintoan ‘EducationforLifelongLearning’, whereintheytraveledtovarious locations,startingonthe18thof Octoberuntilthe1stofDecember

LearnersfromEarly ChildhoodEducationtoGrade3 werethefirsttoexperienceEFLL, withtheirfirstdestinationon BarasoainChurchinthe municipalityofMalolos,Hansa CreationInc,ZoocobiaFunZoo, ClarkMuseumandthelast destinationbeingAirForceCity Parkintheverysameprovince October20,2dayslaterafter thefirstbatch,thenextonthe expeditionwasGrades4to6 learners,withatourthatstartedat BarasoainChurchMuseumin Malolos,followedbyDinoIsland, Insectlandia,andendedwithavisit totheWondersoftheWorld.

Meanwhile,Grades7and8 hadtheirEFLLalmostamonth-

-lateronthe14thofNovember, withtheirtripstartingatSan GuillermoChurchinPampanga, complementedbythenext location,SubicBay Thefourthbatch,Grade9 andGrade10spentthefirstfew hoursattheBarasoainChurch, thenSitioAntonioWaterParkin Pandi

Forthelastbatch,thesenior highschoolhadtheirEFLLonthe 1stofDecember,withthe BarasoainChurchinMalolosasthe startingpoint,whichwasthen followedbyaswimmingtripatLola CorazonLeisureFarminCandaba Onceeveryacademicyear, anEducationforLifeLongLong Learningoccursforstudentsto havefun,relaxate,andenjoytheir educationaldevelopment,it evolveslearnerswithallthe learningsandreflectionsthey accumulatetravelingfromone placetoanother.


Angproyektong “The WorldshipOrchestra”ay bumisitasaPaaralanngSanJose at ginanapnoongika-7ng Marso,alaunanghapon.

ItoayisinagawaniMr HiroyukiOkhama,isinaayosniMr GabrielCayetano,at pinamumunuanniMr Akio Nozawa

Angmgamag-aaralngika-12 baitangngSanJoseangnakasaksi sakanilangpagtatanghal

Angmgatagapalabasmula saJapanayikinatuwaangkanilang pagbisitasapaaralangSanJose sapagkatnasaksihannilanaang mgatagapakinigaynasasabiksa kanilangtugtugin.


SJSconductsfoodfest, BuwanngWika

-pagtatanghal,angmgamag-aaral ngika-12baitangaynagbatidng pasasalamatsagrupodahilsa pagbisitanitoatpagbibigayng pagkakataonnamapakingganang kanilangtugtugin

Pinasalamatandinng paaralangSanJoseangThe WorldshipOrchestrasapagbisita, pakikisalamuha,atpagbibigayng kasiyahansamgamag-aaralng paaralan

AngWorldshipOrchestraay isangproyektongWorldship,isang organisasyongitinatagsaTokyo noong2014.

IsasalayuninngWSOayang mabigyanngplatapormaangmga batangmayroongtalentosa laranganngmusika

SJSopensdoorsfor enrollment

Justthisyear2024,St. JosephSchoolprovidedanOpen HouseTourfortheselected studentsofLakanDulaHigh School;Aroundthe21stof February,Grade10LakanDulans wereabletofacilitatetheschoolfor acertainamountoftime

OnMarch5ontheother hand,learnersaroundtheareaof SJSwereapplyingforearly registrations,onesuchwasan upcomingstudentfromE RodriguezJr JuniorHighSchool, namelyMargauxSaga,when-

-askedwhysheenrolledatSJS,she answeredthatshortdistance locationfromherhomeandlow tuitionfeecanprovidetheproper curriculumfortheHUMSSstrand sheisafterfor.

Registrationandadmission arestillongoinguptothisdate, however,slotswillbelimitedas timeprogresseswhichiswhy manyoftheadministratorsand personnelbelieveitwouldbe betterifthestudentsareadmitted earlier

Inlessthan2weeksafter theOrientationWeekforthe Face-to-Faceclasses,Saint JosephSchoolgatheredanevent calledFoodFestivalwhich happenedlastSeptember11 Thejudgesofthesaidevent witnessedvariousdesignsasthe competitionstarted;thewinners werethenannouncedonthevery samedayaround2hourslatervia GoogleMeet

Ontheseniorhighschool department,thefollowingpaired sectionsGrade11STEMAand Grade11STEMBwonSecond RunnerUpamongotherstrands andsectionsastheyrepresented theSOCCKSARGENRegion,Grade 12STEMAandGrade12STEMB wontheFirstRunnerUp,while Grade12HUMSSandGrade12 ABM,ontheotherhand,wasthe Championforthewhole competitionwhereinthey representedtheEasternVisayas Thisoccasionistocelebrate theBuwanngWikathatthe studentsfailedtoadvanceasitis onlythebeginningoftheacademic year


SJS launches

G10 research congress


St JosephSchool'sGrade 10ResearchCongresswas conductedviaGoogleMeetlast April30,aTuesday,whileits awardinghappenedonadifferent day,May2,aThursday,inthe school'sAudio-VisualRoom

Thecongresswasorganized intothreedifferentlinks,eachlink hadspecificsections,panelists, emcees,andaudiences;Link1 consistedof10-St Alphonsus studentsasresearchers,Ms PrincessColeenGresolaandMs LeijhHanneyY Alianzaasthe panelists,Mr MikeLourenceBugosandMs QueenieHeartSyasthe emcees,and9-St Janewasthe audience;Link2,ontheother hand,had10-St Augustine studentsasresearchers,Ms Ara MarieJadlongandMs.Verlona Seraspeasthepanelists,Mr.Crass SambaleandMs.MikaellaDela Cruzastheemcees,and9-St. Ignatiusastheaudience;Lastly,-

-Link3hosted10-St Francis studentsasresearchers,Ms EdessaIllustrisimoandMs Arizza BiancaBernardoasthepanelists, Ms LeannQuerubinandMs Giane Ritagaastheemcees,and9-San Lorenzoastheaudience;each sessionsimultaneouslystartedat 8:30am

Eachgrouphada presentationofnolongerthan20 minutes,whilequestionsfromthe panelistswereonlygivenafterthe endofeachpresentation

Theawardingforthe congresshappenedthenextday, withtwoawardsbeinghandedout toresearchers,TheBestin ResearchPresentation,andBestin Research

Thefollowinggroups managedtoreceivetheawardsfor BestinResearchPresentation: GroupofBryellaSurla,Gabrielle Victoria,SophiaMullet,Gabriel Villaroel,andKielOtsukafrom10-

-St Augustine,fortheirstudytitled "TheBiodiversityof Microorganismsinthe FreshwaterofGagalangin, Tondo,Manila";Alexandra Antenor,JessicaDelaDingco, ArianneMagcamit,andSean Sorianofrom10-St Alphonsusfor theirstudy"TheComparisonof LongevityofLocaland InternationalWoodyNote PerfumeBrandsonStudents"; andlastly,thegroupfrom10-St Francis,whichconsistsofGabrielle Humarang,GianPaguia,Jaedien Acosta,JudeeLarino,andRhianne Candido,fortheirstudy "InvestigatingtheUsage,and BenefitsofDIYUnmannedAerial VehiclesforGrade10Students".

-theirresearchabout"Assessing theEffectivenessofCoconut MilkandRiceMilkasNatural HairTreatment";Jeremiah Alfonso,ZhyrelAranilla,Shannia Orine,andPierceSongcoof10-St Alphonsusfortheir"Investigation ofFactorsAffectingthe PerformanceofSelectedEaude ParfumScents";andfinally,10-St Francis'AshleyDate,MaricarRose, AnaTan,JustinFajardo,and MarcusYufortheirstudy"Bitter GingerasanAlternativefor ShampoosandConditioners".

Diadem ends A.Y. with year-end party

LastMay10,TheJosephian DiademcelebrateditsYear-End Partytocommemoratetheend oftheacademicyear2023-2024. Theeventstartedwithan openingprayerandopening remarksbyclubadvisersMs.Arizza BernardoandMs.AraJadlong, whileEditor-in-ChiefMiguelFranco SagaandPRO InternalMaria SophaLamweretheoneswho preparedandledtheprogram

Theprogramconsistedof twogamescalled’25Words’and ‘SpellingBhie’,andafeastwherein-

-thescribesatemealspreparedby theadvisers

Beforeconcludingtheparty, theclubadvisers,alongsidethe E.I.C.,VicePresidentBiancaTuazon, andP.R.O.ExternalBryellaSurla, handedoutcertificatesthat recognizedwritersthatcompleted eachterm;theevent’sgame winnerswerealsoawardedduring therecognition

Theyear-endparty,whichis partofeveryclub’scurriculum,was alsocelebratedbyothercampus clubsandorganizations

TheBestinResearchaward wasgiventothefollowinggroups: RainPedroche,MirahSilvano, MaechaellaEvangelista,Clarence Valerio,RalphGalag,andKhernel Magnayeof10-St.Augustinefor-

Thesaidcongressaimedto trainJosephianstohelpcreate betterandmoremeaningful researchpapersfortheirupcoming seniorhighschooljourney

Theresearchcongressisa partoftheschool'scurriculumfor grade10andisapartofapartial fulfillmentforthesubjectsof EnglishandScience.

‘RomanCatholicArchbishopofManilaEducational System’Clusters5&6SchoolDirectorRev.Fr.NolanQue andthestudents,teachers,andnon-teachingpersonnel fromtheclustersconductedtheiryear-enddonationdrive heldlastMay9,2024.

Throughpartnershipsindifferentmedicalinstitutionssuch asSanLazaroHospital,HospiciodeSanJose,Missionariesofthe Poor,GatAndresBonifacioMemorialMedicalCenter,Tondo MedicalCenter,andOspitalngTondo,theparticipantswereable tosharedonations

Theschoolsthatparticipatedinthedonationdrivewere schoolsthatareunderclusters5and6,whichincludeSt Joseph SchoolofGagalangin,HolyChildCatholicSchool,EspirituSanto ParochialSchool,ManilaCathedralSchool,SanPabloApostol LearningCenter,andSanRafaelParochialSchool

SJS commences Lent with Ash Wed masses

TheJospehiancommunity gatheredatSt.JosephParishto markthebeginningofLentwith theobservanceofAsh WednesdayheldlastFebruary14, 2024,byholdingtwomasses presidedoverbyRev Fr Tom CalingasanandRev Fr Nicanor CelianoJr toensurethatall studentsandfacultycould participateinthissolemnoccasion markingthebeginningofLent Set A,scheduledfrom7:10am to 10:30am,involvedGrades3,4,8, 9,and11,whileSetB,runningfrom 8:30am to12:00pm,included Grades5,6,7,10,and12.

Throughoutbothmasses,the schoolcommunitycametogether forprayer,reflection,and contemplation,withanemphasis onthethreepillarsofLent:prayer, fasting,andalmsgiving


-studentsandfacultytostrengthen theirspiritualpracticesanddoacts ofkindness,emphasizingthe significanceofabstinenceand growingclosertoGodduringthis holyseason

Followingthehomily,the congregationtookpartinthe impositionofashes,asymbolic ritualthatremindspeopleoftheir mortalityandtheneedfor repentance

Studentsandfaculty membersapproachedthealtar andreceivedtheashesontheir foreheads,accompaniedbythe traditionalwords,"Rememberthat youaredust,andtodustyoushall return"

AstheMassconcluded,the Josephiancommunitywas expectedtoleavetheparishwitha missiontoliveouttheChristian valuesthroughoutLent.

SJS isinagawa ang pagsusunog ng palaspas


SaarawngPebrero13, naganapangpagsusunogng palaspassapaaralangSanJose ngGagalanginnapinamunuanng direktorngpaaralannasiPadre NolanA Que,kasamaangmga panguloatpangalawangpangulo ngklasemulasaantasngmataas napaaralanngJunioratSenior Bagoangpagsusunogng mgapalaspas,pagkaratingni PadreNolansapaaralanay sinimulanmunaitosamisang pagbabasbasngmgapalaspas Sinimulanangmisasa pagbabasangtalatasabibliya-

atnatapossapagdarasalbagosimulanangpagsusunog Pagkataposdasalanat basbasanangmgapalaspas, sinilabannaniPadreNolanang mgaitogamitangangkandilana kulaylila Nangmagsimulanaitong masunogatmagingabo,naghintay munanangpanandalianangmga mag-aaralbagosilapumanikmuli sakanilangmgasilid-aralan Kinabukasan,ginamitang mgaabomulasasinunognamga palaspas samisangMiyerkulesng Abo

Takoyucky?Aseriouscase oftomfoolery


Withvariousmarketing strategiesboominginthis currenteraofmodern technology,surelytheywilldo anythingjusttogainattention fromthepublic,especiallynow thatitismuchmoreconvenient topublishtheirmarketonthe internet.

However, the well-known April Fools’ Day has passed recently, and these businesses seem to be utilizing the day’s potential to its fullest One that stood out the most is the infamous now deleted marketing stunt of a local Takoyaki brand, which claims to reward 100,000 PHP to anyone tattooing the business’ logo on their forehead A post that might come off as a silly joke, but once you think of it thoroughly, the consequences can be worrisome

Unfortunately for Ramil Albano, a father willing to take the risk for his son, seemed to have taken the post seriously and had tattooed the food chain’s logo on his forehead Albano’s picture with the tattoo quickly circulated online, gathering mixed reactions from the netizens, and even rewards from other businesses who took pity on him

But with keen-eyed observers on the internet, it was not that long before someone discovered that Albano was an accomplice of the brand’s owner, Carl Quion Netizens speculated that the whole stunt was just a part of a big ‘marketing strategy’ In a video he released on April 6, Quion has officially confirmed the authenticity of the stunt According to Quion, it took him a year to cultivate this plan But was it really a plan if it was not well thought of?

Would a sane person agree with the idea of a man having a curse word evidently tattooed on his forehead?

His scheme which was once filled with compassion and humanity, now turned into a stirring pot filled with rage and betrayal

Quion might have thought that he was a ‘mastermind’ but his funny little trick is distasteful, particularly for someone who depicts himself as an entrepreneur A true mastermind would've used a better and much suitable plan, rather than deceiving the public just to try to save his takoyaki from the verge of being a flop

His strategy was a complete act of deception and exploitation not only for the fatherly love of Abano but also for the businesses that offered financial support.

Though it might seem like it has been already resolved, the question remains. The concerns regarding the intensity of some marketing ideas may have been going over the boundaries of ethics The overall issue raises the effects it has on other entrepreneurs, some might adhere to correct ethics and values, but some might follow the steps of Quion, and use marketing strategies as an excuse from consequences and even use these tactics as a form to manipulate people and create an act of deceitfulness

It can not be denied that this whole dispute has reached various audiences, some evoked hatred, while others supported Quion’s idea But was it really that-

Quionmighthave thoughtthathewas a‘mastermind’but hisfunnylittle trickisdistasteful, particularlyfor someonewho depictshimselfasan entrepreneur. “

-necessary? Was it really needed to go that far just to create a name for his brand? It must not be forgotten that his actions not only created a consequence for Albano but also impacted the people and the business industry negatively His stunt just turned into a catalyst, which in turn can influence a plethora of entrepreneurs that may continue his actions, and one day be evident once again on social media

With these acts continuing to push through on the internet, it should be recommended that there will be improvement in laws regarding this matter. Government agencies such as the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) should enforce laws that would ensure that these entrepreneurs will abide by the ethics needed for someone to be able to build a business Consequences must be strictly followed so that no one can exploit the poor and public once again

Perhaps, rather than using someone to be part of a negative marketing stunt, entrepreneurs should instead stick to factual marketing, and give their customers the treatment that they like Rather than focusing on the clamor and noise that a stunt will receive, the benefits of an action to the public must be the one priority Social media has already drastically improved, so why not we improve our tactics as well and leave behind this malicious marketing?

Carl Quion tried to build a name for his business, but it became tainted solely because of this stunt Instead of being proud of it as it is a local brand and Filipino-made, we can only be constantly reminded that we have already reached an era wherein some people will go to extreme lengths just to access popularity and fame

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Urbanization:TheNew PoisontotheSociety


Urbanizationisthegradual movefromtheoldtothenew. Modernizationandurbanization havebenefitedsocietyina varietyofways.Theyhave raisedlivingstandards, upgradedinfrastructure,and stimulatedeconomicgrowth It manifests itself in a variety of ways, but it is always visible through infrastructure Land must be bought and straightened to be ready for development to create these facilities, damaging numerous fields and sources of revenue for farmers Urbanization, or the rapid growth and expansion of cities, has become a toxic substance that has entered civilization, causing a series of negative consequences that endanger human life It looks to be destroying the natural beauty and harmony that once defined our world, in the same way that pesticides are used to control dangerous insects

Rapid urbanization has led to congested cities and insufficient infrastructure, causing traffic congestion, pollution, and limited access to essential services Immigrant inflows have worsened poverty and inequality, with housing shortages and resource rivalry increasing living conditions Infrastructure stresses have reached breaking points, resulting in social inequity and marginalization As cities grow, wealth and poverty contrasts become more apparent, with slums forming on the outskirts of cities Urbanization worsens environmental issues by causing deforestation, carbon emissions, and air pollution. It also leads to cultural degradation, as traditional Filipino values are replaced by Western standards, affecting the unique Filipino identity. Increased consumerism contributes to materialistic mindsets, deteriorating social cohesiveness, and communal spirit

Both practices come at a cost Pesticides not only kill pests but also harm beneficial insects, birds, and even humans through their toxic residues Similarly, urbanization damages natural animal habitats and alters ecosystems It causes biodiversity loss, increased pollution, and encroachment on agriculture Just as pesticides hurt not only their intended targets but also innocent bystanders in their route, urbanization affects both those who actively engage in it and those who are forced to live with its repercussions Increased industrial activity and transportation networks are polluting our air and water supplies, causing serious health problems for both humans and wildlife

Slater Young’s controversial

The Rise at Monterrazas project as a sustainable development project, which includes greenery and a mountain-facing structure, is commended for its low environmental effect, but experts worry that it may trigger deforestation, erosion, and landslides A lot of critics argued that The Rise at Monterrazas' claims of sustainability are absurd given the massive excavation and change of the natural landscape Young agreed to collaborate with urban development specialists and environmental organizations to guarantee environmental responsibility

Skeptics claim that these promises frequently fall short because of development expenses and commercial margins This project serves as a reminder that urbanization must come with sustainability and agricultural preservation, not just for marketing purposes

As much as the Philippines requires it, such modernization is not an option for us Filipinos We are organic farmers; our land is not used for commercial purposes Modernization must be a fertilizer, not a poison It must contribute to economic progress rather than hinder it It must maintain the old while also propagating the new

While modernization and urbanization may seem like progress on the surface, they have become poison and pesticides that are slowly destroying our society When a pest infests a field, farmers usually catch the pests and sell them for a profit Some incorporate them into their meals and make them into delicacies, while others nurture them and use them to their advantage. Similarly, we must use modernization to our advantage. Building roads, for example, allows for faster delivery of necessities such as grains and vegetables, reducing travel time and the risk of food spoiling This modernization may also be used to change mechanized farming into a modernized one Agriculture gave birth to civilizations; without it, we would perish Allow modernization to be our fertilizer rather than our pesticide

AsmuchasthePhilippinesrequiresit, suchmodernizationisnotanoption forusFilipinos.Weareorganic farmers;ourlandisnotusedfor commercialpurposes.

The21stCentury GoldenEra

HisExcellencyFerdinand "Bongbong"R Marcos,Jr has swornquiteafewtimesthata kiloofricewouldbeboughtat themarketwithjustanamount of₱20 duringhiscampaignfor the2022generalelection;and duringafewinterviewswhich occurredlastMarch, September,andOctober2023

Now, almost 2 years into his administration, there are still many who attempt to defend the claim that the President’s statements are only expressions of intent, rather than genuine promises In January 2024, however, prices for products increased gradually for the fourth consecutive month while food prices remained stable As rice is a staple food in the Philippines, rising domestic prices have resulted from both weather-related issues and global rice prices, making this decrease difficult to see

The inflation rate in January decreased to 2 8%, according to the data released by the Philippine Statistics Authority on February 6 This is comfortably within the government's target range of 2% to 4%. In comparison to the 3.9% reported in December 2023 and the 8.7% recorded in January 2023, the most recent result is lower. In a briefing, National Statistician Dennis Mapa stated that the housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuels (from 1 5% to 0 7%); food and non-alcoholic drinks (from 5 4% in December 2023 to 3 5% in January 2024); and transportation (from 0 4% to -0 3%) were the primary causes of the slowdown

Filipinos continue to ‘feel the pain’ of inflation despite the recent data results being much lower than the previous ones All prices of products and services have constantly risen during the past 2 years As of January, the minimum fare for traditional and modern jeepneys is P13 and P15, respectively

The price increase for traditional jeepneys was implemented last October, just a year apart from when the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board granted the fare hike of the same transportation from ₱11 to ₱12 in 2022 The fare for modernized jeepneys at the same time went from ₱13 to ₱14

On the other hand, the minimum fare for sedan-type ride-hailing services will be ₱45 to ₱40

According to Mapa, the surge in oil prices and the 3 6% inflation in passenger travel are to blame for the sharp spike in transport costs' inflation rates Petrol had an inflation rate of 0 8% and diesel had a rate of -0 1%; these two factors combined to drive the inflation of transportation costs upward

Criticisms were constantly up to this day, to be frank thrown against Marcos for how his administration handled this issue In his second State Of the Nation Address last year, netizens pointed out that the data he presented was ‘inaccurate’ and ‘lacking’ Among these was his claim that the prices of basic goods have decreased due to his Kadiwa stores, which is a project he launched as the coinciding secretary of the Department of Agriculture Filipino netizens, upon knowing this, begged to differ "Nakita natin ang pagbaba ng presyo ng mga bilihin" Jusko, saan ang pagbaba, sa baba ni sis?,” writer Jerry Grácio, who was one of them, commented University of the Philippines statistician Peter Cayton also said that the Kadiwa project does not pass the standard for price monitoring as it is an irregular facility and therefore does not resolve the inflation crisis of the Philippines

The administration m carry out ways that are mo ‘strategic’ to be able to furth minimize the inflation rate country To improve food s and lessen price changes, t must give full support to th agricultural sector and dom food chains so that these w able to grow well and rema strong In line with this, lan consolidation, improving fa access to financing, introdu modern farming as well as innovation through techno and supply chain improvem would all be advantageous constant usage of the polic or the combined fiscal and monetary policy too, wo the government to equitab on excessive price growth greater extent

Even with this state affairs, inflation in our coun still happen in the future, a have no idea when it will ce are uncertain about what t Philippines would go throu the remaining three years the rule of President Bongb Marcos. The Philippines ha already seen misleading pr


hasalreadyseenmisleading promisesthatwerenevercarriedout; instead,thepopulacewasfacedwitha sharpriseingoodscosts.

In addition, not all Filipinos can benefit from it because not everyone has access to it, and not all products have their prices decreased for that reason Additionally, as Kadiwa stores are the only ones offering low pricing, we can observe that the prices are not consistent across the board when it comes to products from markets, grocery stores, and other establishments Given the current circumstances facing Filipino citizens, Marcos has failed to win over the community This is not limited to the negative feedback he received after making his remarks; rather, it also stems from the President's consistent reluctance to lower prices rather, they have continued to rise

-that were never carried ou instead, the populace was with a sharp rise in goods c

Inflation is one of the contributing to the Philippi progressively delayed development process Alth the Philippines is well-know having an abundance of na resources, the exorbitant c these resources prevents m its residents from having a what they require for daily There is always uncertainty the future, as days, weeks, and years go by Over the n three years of the reign of Ferdinand Marcos Jr , the Philippines has encountere foreseeable issues, but we know what the country wil become


Weliveinatimewhere Diplomasareconsideredasa prizedpossession,butthe measureofsuccessliesinone’s ownDiskarte “Ano ba ang mas mahalaga, Diploma o Diskarte?” This question is not an ordinary, light, and easy one any answers given to this reflect the personal experiences and beliefs of people The media is buzzing with the “diploma vs diskarte” debate that opened doors to various ideologies, opinions, and perspectives

Since this discussion has been opened, it has garnered thousands of reactions and comments on social media that resulted in different takes on the topic, which mostly sounded like this; “Masmahalagangmadiskartekasabuhaykasi‘yang diploma?Papellang‘yan Hindika ma-itataguyodniyan”,“Sikapin mongmag-kadiplomakakasi hindikatatanggapinsamga magagandangtrabahokungwala kangnatapos”. While both arguments convey a good point, the question remains unanswered as every response just opens a new discourse It is true that success isn’t solely determined by academic achievements such as-

-diplomas; it can also be about how well you adapt and apply your knowledge to new and realistic situations On the other hand, being ma-diskarte cannot totally land you on the job In a competitive market, a diploma can be a critical differentiating factor Without a diploma, individuals may find it difficult and at a disadvantage when competing for the desired job opportunity or even career advancement

‘Educationisthepassport tothefuture,fortomorrow belongstothosewhoprepare forit ’

As a student, a diploma will remain an important part of our academic journey After all, it is quite obvious that education is the first step towards reaching our dreams Do you want to be a doctor? Take the course Medicine Oh, you’re interested in becoming a Lawyer? You first have to have a degree to take the Bar Exam, which you can only do by having a Diploma In a typical job interview, it is expected that the more credentials you have, the higher your chances are in getting the job A diploma is one of the key-



-elements to success Although it is established that a diploma can take you a long way, it is also crucial to understand that it is hard to obtain Not many people have the means and the opportunities to pursue their desired profession with many factors to consider such as a lack of financial support This being said, most people who failed to obtain their diplomas often goes for Diskarte, as their only option

‘Daigngma-diskarteang maydiploma!’

The media frequently depicts the inspiring tales of individuals who still managed to pursue their dreams and become something big and successful in the industry but fail to show the reality of pursuing it We’re told stories of those who didn’t get to finish their education and obtain their diplomas, those who faced a lot of setbacks and obstacles, yet managed to still become something or even rise to the top But what’s often overlooked or failed to be included is the safety net these people have and the ability to fail and then try again These talented people were able to climb to the top because they had the privilege of another chance, something that not all can be in possession of They had the advantage of taking risks and continuing to pursue their passion without the fear of failure being the end of their journey In every-

-success story, there are countless untold tales of individuals who faced the same challenges but lacked the resources to try again, which means for them, one failure means a dead end

As the discourse continues, it has become evident that A Diploma alone cannot make you successful and Diskarte alone cannot guarantee success

Now to answer the question, “Diploma o Diskarte?” TheanswershouldbeDiploma ATDiskarte. They should go hand in hand, with the first one being knowledge, guidance, and understanding while the second one is application, adaptability, and resourcefulness Education is a lifelong journey, a continuous learning process that refines an individual’s skills while developing the diskarte part through handson experiences.

One without the other remains an unfinished journey. It is a powerful combination that will lead us to where we want to be

‘Masmadalingdumiskarte kapagmaydiploma ’

Newsfromthecaseof Killuahadbeenahugeshockto theFilipinos,resultinginabig socialmediaoutrageoverthe goldenretrieverwhichwas beatentodeathbyamaninthe Philippines It then became viral, causing social media users to claim justice by using the hashtag #JusticeForKillua, and the angry Filipino netizens dominated social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter

The hashtag ‘#JusticeForKillua’ became such a hit that even some well-known Filipinos have been giving support Celebrities could use their big platforms to spread awareness Their statements can possibly make a big impact on netizen’s opinions and point of views

Due to the opinions of the netizens on social media after the CCTV footage was shown, the perpetrator tried to clear his name by providing a statement as the suspect’s statement did not match the occurrence in the footage He stated that Killua was the one who was chasing him But as the footage shows, it was him who was running towards Killua while holding a piece of wood that he allegedly used to repeatedly hit the dog

Nevertheless, the suspect had claimed that what he had Philippine Animal Welfare Society-

1.86% of the 54 82 million total population of Filipinos aged 25 years old and over has no grade completed

-their neighborhood from getting hurt; he had claimed that even he, himself had gotten bitten, and that the dog was out of control, and he had no choice but to kill it. In recent reports, it has been revealed that Killua is positive for rabies However, it still has no excuses for the cruelty it has experienced With further investigations, the Philippine Animal Welfare Society stated that “TherewasnoreasonforKillua tobekilledinthemannerashe wasnotharminganyone ”

The animal cruelty story of Killua is an incident that happens frequently to different animals

Many netizens had been giving support to Killua’s case that the owner decided to sue the person who murdered Killua

In Killua’s tragic fate, animals deserve to be taken care of and to be loved, whether it be a Golden retriever, Shih Tzu, or even an Aspin, all breeds deserve to be loved If somehow what the suspect said about defending his neighbors were true, he should’ve contacted the barangay officials rather than killing Killua Dogs are not adopted just to guard houses, they are adopted to live a happy and comfortable life because they deserve to Animals unreasonably deserve justice, their lives are just as important as humans

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The‘Golden’Rule: BoycottingintheLightof PalestinianGenocide

Conflictsbetweencountries thereasongenerallybeingapolitical one arenotnewtoeveryone, consideringithasbeengoingonfora longtime However, is it still reasonable to abide by ignorance when what is beyond the administration is already being involved than is supposed to be to the extent of thousands of individuals close to being entirely wiped out in the human race?

Islamist political and military movement Harakat al-Muqawama alIslamiya, known by its acronym Hamas, governed particular parts of Gaza City They have been recognized as a terrorist group for their attacks against Israel by several government organizations, including the United States and the European Union Its ambush on the southern part of Israel last October 7, 2023, caused the latter to formally declare war on Gaza the next day

While it is not right for Hamas to launch an attack against Israel it is also invalid for Israel to invade Palestine, execute military operations as well as constantly perform aerial and ground attacks which immensely affect and kill Palestinians in the process up to this day In light of the crisis, several movements are continuously held Protests occurred in specific parts of the world, the demonstration in New York City last November being one This rally called for a boycott of Starbucks, a global coffeehouse chain, for supporting Israel’s military campaign in Gaza Boycotting is believed to be an effective strategy of ‘protest’, which is done by either refusing to purchase a particular product or supporting a specific commercial McDonald's, Burger King Disney Amazon Puma HP and Caltex are among establishments that have a correlation with Israel alongside Starbucks These, however, are not simply being boycotted for that reason

The main reason why we, consumers, are being encouraged to boycott particular enterprises which includes what was mentioned earlier is that they profit from the genocide of the Palestinian people Genocide, as defined by the United Nations Genocide Convention "is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group " At least 83,591 Palestinians from both the West Bank and Gaza Strip had been injured, based on the latest data from Al Jazeera's live tracker on May 12 Meanwhile, the recorded death toll has surpassed 35,400 since October to which the majority of these are children and women Additionally, more than 10,000 Gazans are reported to be missing More than 1 million Palestinians are overall displaced in Gaza Businesses, especially those that have confirmed records of involvement in Israeli apartheid Texaco Puma Siemens, SodaStream, Caltex, HP, Carrefour AXA Ahava and RE/MAX are urged to be boycotted completely as per the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Other institutions, to add, are either targeted to ‘pressure’ governments, institutions, investment funds, and city councils to exclude from procurement contracts and investments and to divest from as many complicit companies to actively call for pressure campaigns, or to support them due to the brands’ complicity in Israel’s genocide and apartheid against Palestinians even if they did not initiate these campaigns I strongly believe that these companies should still be boycotted either way for their relation to Israel

Regardless of how big or small the gainof one will be, it does not change the fact that they are benefitting from genocide It is unsettling to purchase their products all while knowing that a

CrabMentalityor CopyrightInfringement?

WiththeriseoftheFilipino musicindustry,various independentandlabeledartists areviewedandscrutinizedby thepublicmedia From Lola Amour, Rob Daniel, to Hev Abi, Filipino artists have been popping up for a while now As they perform with distinctiveness, other artists find it difficult to do the same

‘Selos’, a song by Filipino Moro Singer, Shaira, has been making some rounds around the mass for the past few weeks With the upbeat rhythm to its relatable lyrics, the community can’t help but be entertained by the song With millions, if not tens of millions Filipinos appreciating the music made by the Moro artist, it is not uncommon that foreign individuals dig into her song However, under the hype that the-

-Queen of Bangsamoro Pop received, underlying issues have been making their way.

Lenka, an Australian artist, has heard of the song and its familiarity to her It was reached by a concerned Filipino who raised concern to Lenka This however is not only by familiarity but of extreme similarity to one of her artistic songs, Trouble is a friend

The production label of Lenka, the original artist, then reached out to the Filipino music industry to remove the song Selos from all platforms on March 19, 2024 It was outright plagiarism and copyright infringement The Australian record label could sue AHS Production - the record label of the Filipino Moro singer Instead, both parties agreed that Selos, the song of Shaira, would be released as a cover license in lieu

-portion of it would be used to take thelives of innocent people let alone condoning it

Israel’s long list of crimes aided by certain Western countries honorablymentioning the United States and the United Kingdom done against Palestine did not begin in October; unfortunately, this is what a lot of us thought it to be Plans to make Palestine into a Jewish homeland began in 1799, which came true to life through the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine in November 1947 The ArabIsraeli War in 1948 marked the beginning of Palestine and Israel’s occurring conflict which was followed by the 1967 Six-Day War, the First Intifada in December 1987, the Second Intifada from September 2000 to February 2005, Operation Rainbow from May to June 2004, Operation Summer Rains as well as Operation Autumn Clouds from June to November 2006, Operation Cast Lead from December 2008 to January 2009 Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012 Operation Protective Edge from July to August 2014, Operation Guardian of the Walls in May 2021, and the ongoing genocide since October 2023

Israel claims that their ongoing operation is a "defense" from what Hamas committed However, with solid evidence of their history of crimes along with their constant ambush despite Hamas agreement to their ceasefire, that is ultimately hard to believe They have labeled every act, statement, or movement that, in any way, criticizes or opposes their stand as "anti-semitism " It is such an irony when they have been discriminating against Palestinians simply because of their existence as humans and are driven by this fact to create conflicts with them A recent CNN report showed that they had detained Palestinians in the Sde Teiman military base in the Negev desert, Israel which-

-now serves as a 'detention camp' as well

The media organization managedto obtain photographs of detained Palestinians who were wearing uniformed tracksuits, taken outside of the facility judging from the barbed-wire fences that surrounded the hostages It is impossible not to correlate it to the Holocaust, where six million Jews were systematically tortured and slaughtered by Nazi Germany along with its confederators during World War II The hypocrisy is ultimately evident, considering how Israel is becoming more vehement in violating the human rights of Palestinians in any possible form despite having a history of its people going through the same thing which, as well, is vile in how they are taking advantage of the occurrence

The death toll of Palestinians continues to rise as Israel’s attacks remain constant Even without having to look at the exact data, the fact that it happened and continues to increase is beyond alarming Palestinians too who had to remain in their motherland continue to suffer as they go through starvation and dehydration; deal with the terrific gunshots and bombs which either badly injure or result in the death of a large number of Palestinians every single day; as well as continuously find any possible form of refuge which is far-fetched for the Israel Defense Forces are now attacking the entire Gaza Strip; every life of a citizen is at threat no single individual could have a peaceful slumber by the scope that death could be knocking at their doors anytime soon

The imperialism, discrimination, tyranny, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians that has taken place repeatedly must be put to a permanent halt Each support for the movement is vital in pushing through the freedom, justice, and equality they have been deprived of for a long time

Following the copyright claim, although the issue has been discussed by both involved factions, the public in general was divided into two It created a media sensation regarding the importance of acknowledging intellectual properties Some pointed out it was because of the Filipino snitch bringing down fellow Filipinos even for no benefit It was out of pure spite and crab mentality after all, others however firmly believe that it was the just and right move to Telltale as it was never under the AHS Production Rather, they stole someone else’s intellectual property and had the audacity to flaunt it nationwide While both sides were battling on which movement was morally correct and justified, the affair subsided long ago Still, this incident will forever be engraved-

-through the involved parties and its listeners.

Whilst being objective, I stand together to the side that showed great importance in intellectual property Nothing can justify stealing someone else’s works and naming them after your own, especially if it was an outright robbery of art Artistic pieces should be given the proper acknowledgment and importance as it is purely out of innovativeness It will be difficult to trust one’s identity and individuality after being accused of such, especially when one is proven to be doing so This is only a lesson to Shaira and others and is only the beginning of their music career Hopefully, such a case won't happen ever again as it ruins and creates cracks in artistic movements


“Walakabangutangna loob?”

Thisquestion,whichhas reverberatedthrough generationsofFilipinofamilies, demonstratestheweightof "utangnaloob,"aculturaltrait thathasbothformedand confinedus AsIreflectupon otherpeople’sexperiences,I can'thelpbutwonder:when doesgratitudebecomean emotionalobligationthatwe areforcedtorepay?

In Filipino culture, the notion of "utang na loob" is profoundly embedded in human interactions, particularly among families This cultural trait, which is often translated as "debt of gratitude," reflects a sense of obligation to return favors, help, or compassion It raises questions regarding the line that separates gratitude from personal autonomy even as it fosters a strong sense of community and solidarity

"Utang na loob" has historically functioned as a social mechanism to preserve harmony and provide mutual assistance among members of the community It is frequently associated with the idea of respect and regard for elders or other authoritative figures in a familial setting Children, for example, can feel a lifetime duty to their parents for all the efforts they made to raise them, but siblings or other family members might participate in a complex web of mutual favors and reciprocity.

On one side, "utang na loob" can foster a sense of connection, loyalty, and empathy among family members It fosters a culture of generosity and compassion, encouraging people to be-

muse &views


ObligationorManipulation? TheToxicPowerPlayof "UtangnaLoob"

-sensitive to the needs of others and provide assistance without reservation This reciprocation deepens family relationships, forming a safety net of emotional and practical support

In the short term, this refers to acts of kindness, assistance, and favors that must be returned; this is an unwritten norm that notably applies to family members But underneath its good intentions is a darker side that demands attention. The negative side of "utang na loob" is its ability to instill guilt, manipulation, and toxic power relations. When commitments become oppressive, they can hinder personal development and freedom, locking people in a never-ending cycle of debt This can lead to resentment, damaged relationships, and, in severe situations, a loss of selfesteem

This trait frequently seems like an invisible yoke around someone’s neck, dragging down with shame and responsibility It was an emotional load that made me wonder where appreciation ended and manipulation began

While it is important to show gratitude and appreciate the help we have received, it should never come at the expense of our mental health and personal liberty

The pressure to repay this imagined obligation may be overpowering, causing resentment and resentment that eventually harms our relationships It is critical to recognize the possible dangers of "utang na loob" and seek to promote healthy communication habits within our family By setting clear limits and revising expectations, we may foster love and support without imposing excessive demands or-

Businang walangtunog

Nagingusap-usapanng mgaPilipinoangpagdeklarang jeepneyphaseoutnakungsaan anglumangjeepneyaypalitan ngmasmoderno. Maraming nag protesta laban sa jeepney phaseout lalo na ang mga tsuper o ang mga jeepney drivers upang ipaglaban ang kanilang kabuhayan. Naging trending din ito sa iba’t ibang social media platforms gamit ang #NoToJeepneyPhaseout

Isa sa programa ng Jeepney Phaseout ay ang pagsusubok na imodernize o gawing makabago ang mga yunit ng mga jeepney Ang mga lumang jeepney ay-


Parental support throughout our early years is priceless and should be valued However, when this support is used for manipulation and control, it tarnishes the spirit of "utang na loob" and tensions in family connections Giving back to our parents should be a gesture of love, not a forced obligation that binds us to their standards

Parents are responsible for giving their children the greatest life possible. Their sacrifices, motivated by genuine love, should not be used as emotional weapons to generate a lifetime of debt. It is critical to remember that parents' love and care are a decision they make when they decide to have a child

There is nothing wrong with giving back to our parents, as long as it comes from a genuine desire and appreciation By creating an environment in which voluntary acts of love are encouraged, we may change the emphasis from duty to gratitude This balanced technique preserves the essence of "utang na loob" while removing its harmful components

Yes, our families have shaped who we are now Our parents' sacrifices, our siblings' support, and our relatives' efforts have all contributed to our achievement However, when the act of giving back becomes a forced necessity rather than a sincere gesture, the distinction between love and manipulation becomes dangerously muddled

It's time to confront this deeply established belief and build a healthy future for our family We must acknowledge the potential poison of "utang na loob"; strive to create relationships based-

-on mutual respect, trust, and understanding

As societal dynamics shift and traditional family structures adjust to new circumstances, we must rethink the function of "utang na loob" in contemporary Filipino families Maintaining a balance between our cultural beliefs and individual needs necessitates open communication, empathy, and mutual understanding By cultivating gratitude without imposing unreasonable expectations, we can create better relationships that honour our connectivity while still allowing for personal growth and independence It's time to break free from the bonds of toxic family relations By adopting a healthy attitude towards appreciation and duty, we may foster relationships based on love, respect, and mutual understanding

When the act of giving back becomes a forced necessity rather than a sincere gesture, the distinction between love and manipulation becomes dangerously muddled.

-papalitan na sapagkat hindi na ito pwede dahil sa tagal o edad nito Hindi na rin ito bagay dahil sa mausok at sira na ang ilang mga parte at makina Ani ng iba, ang mga lumang jeepney ay maaring dumagdag lamang sa polusyon sa Pilipinas dahil sa maruming usok na ibinubuga nito.

Ayon naman kay Sen. Chiz Escudero, hindi masama ang luma basta ito ay tumatakbo Hindi raw mali na matagal na basta maayos ang pagkakagawa nito at hindi tamang talikuran na lamang ang ating kultura Maraming hindi sang-ayon sa patakaran na ito, lalo na ang mga tsuper, dahil ito ang-

-kanilang kabuhayan Bukod dito, masyadong mataas ang presyo ng e-jeep o ang modernized jeep at hindi ito kaya pang bilhin ng ilang mga tsuper Mahihirapan talaga ang mga jeepney drivers kung ganito ang magiging patakaran dahil wala silang mapagkakakitaan upang matustusan ang kanilang pangangailangan. Maraming nahihirapan dahil sa pagbabago na nais ng gobyerno kaya marami pa rin ang nagpoprotesta laban sa patakarang ito Ngunit ano mang protesta o busina man ang gawin nila, walang gustong makinig dahil sarado ang tainga ng gobyerno sa

-ganitong mga bagay

Sa pagbabagong ninanais nila, maaring mawalan ng pangarap ang binubuhay ng mga tsuper na tatanggalan nila ng trabaho. Hindi biro ang pagbabago na gusto nila dahil maraming magugutom at mawawalan ng hanapbuhay, lalo na’t hindi naman nila kayang bumili ng e-jeep na inirerekomenda ng gobyerno Huwag sana nila balewalain ang hinaing ng mga tao ukol dito lalo na’t marami ang mahihirapan

’Wag sana kalimutan na parte pa rin ito ng kultura at ating nakasanayang mga Pilipino


OurLadyofManaoagisa titlegiventoMaryveneratedin Manaoag,Pangasinan,herein thePhilippines The history of this title dates back to the early 1600s, when a farmer experienced an apparition of the Virgin Mary, where she held a rosary in her left hand and the Child Jesus in her right This image was portrayed by MhycaelaKirbyLicuanan,a studentfrom11-ABM Her depiction of Our Lady of Manaoag’s imagery is seen with the Holy Rosary on both hands and the Child Jesus on the right Compared to her portrayal, it can be considered identical Though there are slight differences, the clear implication of this specific title still overrides it

OurLadyofLourdesisa titlegiventotheBlessedVirgin MarybyRomanCatholicsto honorherapparitioninLourdes, France Bernadette encountered a vision near the Grotto of Massabielle in 1858 Laura AaliyahLachicaMarasiganof12HUMSS portrayed the image perfectly as she captured the essence and aura of Mary herself Aside from her perfect image portrayal, Laura successfully delivered during the event She wore an all white dress with a blue belt wrapped around her waist, a white veil, a crown, and a rosary Her image depicted the same seen figure of Mary when she revealed her identity to Bernadette Needless to say, she was a perfect ka-look-alike of Our Lady of Lourdes

OurLadyofAntipolo,also knownasOurLadyofPeaceand GoodVoyageisavenerated imageoftheBlessedVirgin MaryinthePhilippines Its shrine is located in the Antipolo Cathedral in the mountains of Sierra Madre This well-known image was portrayed by LorrainePerezfrom 11-HUMSSA The combination and details of her portrayal in terms of accuracy are seamless Let alone her overall persona matching the image’s own She is truly a perfect match for the portrayal of this image specifically because of her adequate and graceful approach to matching the image

OurLadyofGuadalupewasan apparitionofMarythatshowedupin Mexico This Marian apparition portrays a vital symbolism in Mexican culture

During the campus event, Shanliah SnowBasasof12-STEMA embraced the whole persona of the Lady in Guadalupe With her shiny yet deep azure cloak and a scarlet frock that resembles a native pattern, Shanliah managed to attract the spotlight towards her Not only that, but her backdrop, filled with flower embellishments, also added to her section’s ensemble Throughout the event, it was blatant that Shanliah and Mary had an astonishing resemblance; she perfectly executed the gracefulness that Our Lady of Guadalupe possesses

NuestraSeñoradelRosario deLaNaval mostcommonly knownasOurLadyofLaNaval isareveredstatueoftheVirgin Mary. According to stories, a naval captain asked Our Lady of the Holy Rosary’s guidance to lead them to their victory In the event, Princess NathalieGeresfrom11-STEMA, portrayed Our Lady of La Naval Her representation bore clear allusions to La Naval’s likeness She wore a same color flowy robe, a well-crafted recreation of Mary’s crown, a golden-beaded rosary, and held Child Jesus in her arms, same as La Naval’s statues. The portrayal was executed with exquisite grace which ultimately lead her to clinch the title of event Champion

A Devotion ofPurity



Miraculous,atermused bymanywhentheHolyMary conceivedtheSonofGod,Jesus Christ.Everyaveragehuman being,frombirthtodeath,is alwaysseenashavingsinned fromtheirwrongdoings.

Although the sins were shared and were not personal, it still paints one as a dirty being Yet, only one has the exception to such a thing One, that is the Blessed Virgin Mary; Holy Mary has ever been seen as a sinless human being

Mary was regarded as the most perfect fruit of redemption since she was completely cleansed of the stain of original sin and remained sinless throughout her life Mary, Jesus' mother, was conceived without original sin, making her an impeccably pure vessel for carrying Jesus God in human form into the world

This is the definition of the commemoration of a significant feast that highlights the purity of-

-the Virgin Mary the celebration of the Immaculate Conception

The term "Immaculate Conception" typically refers to a doctrine in the Roman Catholic Church that states Mary, Jesus' mother, was conceived without original sin Not to be confused with Jesus’ conception, the Immaculate Conception holds that Mary was the one abstained from the original sin the moment the conception of Mary happened inside St Anne, her mother’s womb

Simply put, this doctrine signifies that Mary was sinless or pure right from the moment she was conceived

-all stain of original sin.” The observance of this feast was solemnized by Pope Clement XI on the 6th of December, 1708

Pope Pius IX formally stated the concept on December 8, 1854, in his papal bull "Ineabilis Deus " The Immaculate Conception is a unique Catholic Church belief that stresses Mary's specific role in God's plan for redemption It does not allude to Jesus' conception, but rather to Mary's conception

OurLadyofPeñafranciaisa Marianimagethatisreveredin theMinorBasilicaofOurLadyof PeñafranciainNaga,Camarines Sur During the ‘Parade of Saints’, MaryDominiqueGuzmanfrom 11-STEMB portrayed Peñafrancia The costume, which was adorned with golden pieces, was indeed glamorous, and it perfectly complimented her face She resembles the face of the tanskinned Mary, which makes it so perfect, particularly in her headdress Overall, she portrayed the Virgin heavenly Her portrayal of Our Lady of Peñafrancia during the event, was evidently glamorous Her costume and notable resemblance symbolizes the presence of Peñafrancia

As the dogma of the Immaculate Conception states that, "from the first moment of her conception, the Blessed Virgin Mary was, by the singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, and in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of Mankind, kept free from-

The Immaculate Conception is a sign of triumph, not of her own, but of the Cross and grace This feast takes a special place in many catholic’s hearts not only as a remembrance, but also as a devotion to the Blessed Virgin herself



Iwascompletelycaptivatedby thispowerfulstoryofthreeFilipino Catholicpriests–FathersGomez, Burgos,andZamora– who stood up against the oppressive Spanish colonial regime in the 19th century The three lead actors – Cedrick Juan, Enchong Dee, and Mariano Gomez – deliver absolutely mesmerizing performances in their portrayals of these courageous men Their on-screen chemistry bond and shared purpose drove these priests to risk everything in their fight for justice and freedom

The film documents the personal stories and political activism of the three Catholic priests, that courageously stood up against the oppressive Spanish colonial rule and fought for the rights and freedoms of the Filipino people

In the film, the Spanish authorities were intent on conquering and dominating the Philippines. This motivated the three priests to risk their lives in the struggle for the liberty of their fellow Filipinos.

In the scene where the GomBurZa were having their execution on February 17, 1872, it made me cry because it made me realize that even though they did nothing wrong and just wanted to have freedom with their fellow Filipinos, there were people who were going to pull them down in order to be safe and have freedom for themselves It's sad because that's how it works – you need to sacrifice your life for your fellow Filipinos and that's what the GomBurZa did

We should have peace and choose the right thing to do for our country, the Philippines We should fight for what is right and not what is wrong Viva Los Filipinos!

MeetMemaboxd,TheJosephian Diadem’sofficialmoviereviewing platform! Delve into this page to read movie reviews made by our scribes!


EveryYear,theCapitolofPanem picksamaleandfemaletributefrom the12districtstocompeteinanevent wheretheyfightfortheirlifeuntilone remainsstanding The tribute of District 12, Katniss Everdeen has only her hunting skills and instinct to rely on in surviving in an arena with limited resources while other tributes are determined to eliminate one another, to ensure their victory as the sole survivor

The Movie “The Hunger Games” was directed by Gary Ross and was released back in March 2012 This movie was adapted from the book “The Hunger Games” written by Suzzane Collins The movie aimed to send the message of how violence is used both to control and entertain others

The setting is so mind-blowing, especially the Arena! Since the concept of the game is survival the details of the Arena where the players would play showed details of an open jungle where calamities and phenomenons are bound to happen while it’s being controlled by its game makers As an action movie fan, the setting has contributed to it too The characters have to learn how to survive and fight in the jungle There's even day or night!

The Hunger Games was packed with action, drama, and a splash of romance, which is what made it so appealing to the audience Not only that, it also captured sensitive topics, such as social inequality and political corruption, without it being over the top It seems like they've shown Marxist approach because the plot itself depicts the power of the capitol over the districts


Haveyoueverbeeninan unshakablefriendship? A friendship that happens between two individuals, as if they are sisters from birth? Well, if you said yes to those questions, this movie might be up to par Becky and Badette were once best friends and dreamed of becoming famous together, but obstacles in life forced them to take other paths and end up working as high-rise cleaners and food hustlers to make ends meet

Their unshakable relationship, however, served as a continual reminder of their shared ambitions While on break, Becky and Badette sell packed foods and their house specialty, fried chicken, to have at least some extra income Fortunately, the two got invited to join a prestige high school reunion

They felt a glimmer of hope when they received the invitation They dressed in their craziest ensembles and set out with a sense of naivete and nostalgia, seeing themselves as the stars they had always known they were meant to be But as the party progressed, the two beshies did a drunken rant that was caught on camera by a cracking-up observer

The video gained widespread attention after becoming viral and grabbing attention on social media like wildfire This led to the revealing of longheld truths, which challenged their friendship

Even with the tremendous events these beshies have faced, they still managed to be the Becky and Badette we know and love Their friendship is definitely one of a kind, but in some moments, they can still be relatable in some sort of way Just like Becky’s crispy manok, their friendship is truly something that is so kapanapanabik!

bryellasurla biancatuazon
queenmercado leiraescolles

WhenWe WereYoung

Whenwewereyoung,wewere carefreeandunworriedofwhatthe futureholdsus. Sometimes we would even say, we want to grow up sooner and experience the lives of adulthood With the scope of us as children, it was all oh-so-fun and oh-so-good, we were happy-go-lucky after all

When we were young, relaxation and enjoyment kept us going Yet, at the end we would also learn it isn’t like that always. As we grow up, everything changes and sometimes it would be for the better, at times it would be for the worse. That was the theme of this film made by HUMSS A - Our Lady of Antipolo.

‘When we were Young’ focused on the bond the group of students formed as they complete and carry out their thesis project

That timeline was portrayed as the moment they were young Fun and amusement can be seen all throughout the movie until the climax happened This film, directed by Dustin Yeban, is quite relatable to students Personally, I really enjoyed watching it It made me reminisce of the times we also had our projects every single grade level and how much time has passed Truly, it was when I was young

The storyline hit me deep, especially with how sometimes we would feel unheard as followers and sometimes how we would feel ignored as leaders It made me reflect on how we all have our responsibilities and we cannot just ghost people for the sake of our own peace; as we also have accountability as a social being here in our community

Overall, this film was one of the movies I enjoyed in the Film Cuts competition While some would overweigh the other, the relatability factor of this short movie hits deep in the feels I believe if I were to be one of the judges, it would have that honorable mention as it correlates immensely to the experience of students

Inthefilm,astudentnamed Celestefallsasleepandhadadream abouthowsheandherfriendsare bulliedbyanothergroupoffriendsdue tothemergingoftheirclassesfrom QuezonandAguinaldo Initially, their lives were normal, with no issues All they wanted was to study and be normal students; they are just teenagers who wanted to live their dream

However, when negative influences started to approached Celeste, she changed and started bullying her own friends without considering their feelings She turned her backs on her friends and decided that she wanted to be with a different group She changed herself in order to fit in with Laura's circle

Celeste loses her scholarship and her friends because of the bad decisions that she made The principal called her to the office because they found out about her cheating allegations The friends that she had since the very beginning Giselle and Kathryn left her because of what she had become After she realized it, she went to church and asked for forgiveness and guidance from God

In the end, Celeste was puzzled, was it just a dream or did it really happened, what are the scenarios that she encountered, was it real or just her imagination?

Celeste's story teaches important lessons about friendship, self-reflection, social pressure, the consequences of one's behavior, and reality versus dream. It highlights the value of true friendships, the dangers of living up to norms of society, and the results of decisions made

Celeste's actions demonstrate the consequences of abandoning moral principles when they cause her to lose her friendships and scholarship The plot also emphasizes the value of mindfulness and seeing how decisions affect one's own life

In simple terms, it points out the significance of remaining loyal to yourself and appreciating genuine connections

Thefilmstartedwitharegular schoolsetting,wherethestudentsare gatheredupintheclassrooms Later that same day, Elle went to the bathroom only to hear a rumor about her using connections to be able to gain higher grades The next day, the school announced about them having an activity about their peers With the activity, Elle was able to reconcile with the two students who are also known as the "Mean girls" who started the "rumor" Her friend, Sandra, entered the room and gave Elle a yarn, a special one! As both of them held hands after Sandra was also able to reconcile with her mother after having an argument in the beginning of the film At the end, we can see the two having their date at the National Museum of Natural History

The film talks about prioritizing students' mental health Some parts of the film showed the importance of one's mental health and how words can deeply affect someone Also, the production team wanted to send the message “Through Love Wins” as said by one of the directors, Aaron Borbe

The cinematography of the film was definitely eye-catching It highlighted the moments of sadness and of course made the “Kilig” moments more exciting

The film itself is overflowing with messages and lessons. We can see that the two were struggling in their own ways which depict the different struggles of each student. Sandra had troubles at home while Elle had problems with her peers The two of them found comfort and safety in each other's arms

With the film itself, which was produced under “The Aaron's Project” (TAP), St Francis De Sales bagged the award as the Champion of the Film Cuts Film making contest of the Student Coordinating Body (SCB) Well deserved for an outstanding film!

OnceUpona Cosplay


Yourfacesoundsfamiliar?MorelikeJosephians' facessoundfamiliar!

Last November 30, St Joseph School’s Student Coordinating Body led the much-anticipated event, "Once Upon a Cosplay " The air was electric with excitement as students were given the chance to celebrate their love for characters from movies, TV series, and anime

The event was meticulously planned and executed, with clear guidelines ensuring an array of vibrant and diverse representations The result was a breathtaking parade of costumes and performances that dazzled the audience and judges alike

In the Junior High School category, the competition was fierce, but three groups emerged victorious 7-St.James securedsecondplace with their enchanting performance inspired by "Encanto." Their vivid costumes and spirited portrayal of the beloved characters left a lasting impression to everyone. Thefirstplacewasclaimed by7-St Bartholomew, whose creative and heartwarming interpretation of "Coco" won over the judges However, it was the studentsof8-St Margaret whotookhomethechampionship title with their mesmerizing rendition of "Wednesday," capturing the eerie charm and wit of the TV series

The Senior High School category was equally impressive, showcasing the students' deep passion for anime 11STEM B earned second place with their poignant tribute to "Grave of the Fireflies," a performance that was both emotionally moving and visually-

-stunning 11-STEMA thrilled the audience with their dynamic and highenergy portrayal of characters from "Chainsaw Man," securingthemthe firstplace.ThechampionoftheSHS categorywas12-HUMSS, whose exquisite and elaborate depiction of "Heaven Official's Blessing" stood out for its attention to detail and artistic excellence, earning them the highest honor

"Once Upon a Cosplay" was more than just a contest; it showcased Josephians’ different types of creativity, teamwork, and the students’ skills for storytelling The event highlighted the

Fashion's Paintbrush

Haveyoueverwitnesseda masterpiecebeingpaintedrightbefore youreyes?

In a mesmerizing fusion of past, present, and future, the Manotoc Court was transformed into a canvas of fashion and creativity on December 11, headed by Ms Arizza Bianca Bernardo and Ms Armalyn Cajayon Grade 11 students took part in a Personality Development fashion runway event, with the theme "Future Nostalgia: Looking Back and Celebrating the Now in Pursuit of Change " The young style visionaries skillfully showcased their unique style stories on catwalks, using their creative minds as paintbrushes to captivate the audience with each step

As Grade 11 students from different strands enthusiastically awaited their opportunity to display their inner fashion selves, the atmosphere buzzed with expectation Selected students from each section hosted the event, which was a demonstration of the value of fashion as an instrument for self-expression and personal development The runway event offered an opportunity for these aspiring fashion icons to expose themselves to the public, complete with their beautiful and fashionable clothes

The first portion of the event focused on casual wear, with students beautifully strutting down the runway, radiating confidence and charisma Their introductions formed a vivid image of-


-their characters, with each one adding a brushstroke to the overall artwork. Like skilled artists wielding a paintbrush, these young individuals used fashion as their medium to express themselves on the runway

The second half of the program transported the audience to a bygone era, with students dressed in colorful retro clothes that blurred the borders between past and present Their outfits were like vibrant colors blending together to form a stunning work of art This nostalgic trip through time provided the ideal opportunity for students to demonstrate their artistic abilities and appreciate the beauty of timeless attire

As the event came to an end, two outstanding winners were named from each section one for their casual ensemble and the other for their throwback style The event recognized not just the winners, but also the innovation and energy of all participants, each of whom is an important part of the everchanging fashion world

The runway show was more than simply fashion; it was also about selfexpression and celebrating development These Grade 11 students poured their love into every stroll they made, much like a painter does with their work Ultimately, they astonished us all with their creative talent and inventiveness, demonstrating that fashion can be a powerful paintbrush in the hands of these young artists




Welcomethenewmonth byattendingtheFirstFriday

Mass. Praying, repenting, and confessing are the principal things that we can do to greet a new month to look forward to

We, Josephians, celebrate the first Friday Mass in the St. Joseph Parish every month. Often led by Rev. Fr. Nolan Que or Rev. Fr. Nicanor Celiano Jr. In this type of mass, there are different offerings that Josephians bring such as soaps, canned foods, water, etc that were given to charities and homeless people Attending it is a vital thing we do, we don’t celebrate this mass like the normal one, we celebrate it in Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

St Margaret Mary Alocoque, a-

-French nun in the 17th century, saw several visions of the Son Jesus indicated his wish for the people to receive the Holy Eucharist on every First Friday of the month as a gesture of compensation to his Sacred Heart since Jesus died for us and won eternal lifeline on a Friday. “I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life,” one of the promises of Jesus to whoever will devote to his Sacred Heart.

Every month, we attend First Friday Mass, which gives us new hope It is an opportunity to reflect and confess the wrongdoing that we committed To remind us that in every battle that will come, the Lord will guide us in every second, step, and month of our life





love,wegive,webringjoy,andwegoto Joseph.

Josephians have always integrated various values and morals into their hearts. Characteristics seen from Josephians are usually hospitable, disciplined, intelligent, ethical, and many more. However, one of the main values that they have always executed is the charitable goodness they accumulated at the school

Every academic year, Josephians would always reach out to those in need by performing donation drives, lost and found areas, and outreach programs This is common within the school grounds as even the personnel and staff demonstrate such principles

One of the ways of Josephians showing their love is by organizing outreach programs, thus, last February 24, A Feb-ibig Program, led by the Student Coordinating Body, was conducted and in partnership with the Sangguniang Kabataan of Brgy 181, Zone 16, Tondo, Manila

We, Josephians, express gratitude for life's blessings through acts of kindness, be it donating to noble causes or actively aiding our communities Thus, igniting a chain reaction of empathy and affection that goes beyond religious bounds

Rooted in the value of Service for the Church and Society, one of our school's core values, we nurture our students to become steadfast agents of God's love

Another one that stood out was the recent outreach programs one of the senior high school students performed On the 20th of April, Josephians from the 11th Grade batch had their outreach program near SJS At Barangay 182’s-

-Basketball Court, Josephians had their time and dime to spend enjoying the smiles of small children

The outreach program occurred with the theme of “Fostering Health with God’s Little Creations,” the students from 11-STEM B had their feeding and outrea program. With the guidance of Sir Chino Carandang, their Christian Living Education teacher, Hon Joeffrey Zapata the chairman of Barangay 182, and Hon Josue Pio Flores, the SK chairman of Barangay 182, the Josephians continued on spreading love and laughter in the presence of the little ones

The same kind of charity work was also seen with the Josephians of 11-ABM In partnership with the Sangguniang Kabataan of Barangay 185, Zone 16, District II, Manila City, the students from 11-ABM had their share of sharing and giving with the youth of the said community

Supposedly as a performance tas Josephians learned and reflected on ma lessons on that fateful day The joy of giving was once again observed by the S students and those children they were spending hours with Yet, those momen felt like a lifetime worth of morals, learn by the individuals involved

Truly, the importance and significance of charity was observed Mo of the Josephians there pondered on the same concept over and over again even days after the event Giving is better than receiving as when you give it lightens and comforts your heart and hope for the world When you lose hope with everything, the smiles you caused to others just by giving can give you reasons to continue on This is what the Josephians felt every time they gave, love and harmony would undeniably stand out

Love of the Century Standard Labeled as Superficial:

Generationbygeneration, theapproachtoshowinglove differs However,whatseemed commonbetweenallislove doesnotconquer Atleast,at timesitdoesnotwin This has been common from all time frames The recent generations however have been vocal about standards and their ideal type Specifically, GenZ and Millenials are not letting others control their decisions as rationality and resolution can be observed from it all

What was perceived as superlative by fellow generations is caused by disgust and disgrace by the older individuals Loving nowadays seems so difficult as to love is to find the perfect and ideal partner for one Something that the minority cannot grasp, as is there even such a thing?

Baby Boomers around 19461964 and Gen X, around 19651980 are generations ranging from the age 80s to 40s have been viewing the younger generations superficially with love Love seems to come and leave easily

In the Philippines, several celebrities have been ending their relationship with one another. A 10-15 years relationship was gone in just a minute and even a supposed wedding, was canceled when called That is how the public media viewed love nowadays, it comes when you try to find it and leaves immediately when things go awry

One of the examples is between Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla, a love team who's also truly together off cams After 11 years of being together and loving each other, on November 30, 2023, they broke up While the reason remained anonymous, the fans of Kathniel's love team left devastated and everyone was shocked by such flabbergasting news

Another one is about Bea Alonzo and Dominique Roque, a couple of 3 years who were about to tie the knot this 2024 broke up The discussion of their marriage by the media suddenly became a-

-frenzied speculation on why they broke up

Pandemic breakup became a trend shortly after, the mass belief that being in a relationship amid the pandemic is a curse The majority of the couples would eventually break up and end their relationship

This type of love has been observed by everyone and as depressing as it is, it makes being vulnerable difficult for those affected by it The mere thought of leaving yourself vulnerable to someone whom you would end up losing is hard

Personally, loving itself is difficult as everyone around made it seem that to love is to hurt The pain was seen as the prerequisite of love and at some point, hating is much easier than loving However, many forgot too that love was never easy to begin with If it was easy, it was never love to begin with and if it was easy and you believe that it is love, then you are yet to face the struggle of loving Loving according to novels and fiction is usually romantic and full of butterflies and happiness. While to some degree it is certain, it can be mistaken by many. Love is not just coordinated by positive emotions and such but also carries a heavy burden of negativity.

The real measurement of love only depends on the level of commitment one has Is one to love undying and unbounded or are there conditions to meet before you say you love someone?

To love is to stay even if it hurts However, at certain times this is not applicable as love is with both sides Abusing love is not love, cheating while in love is not love, and hurting your partner and believing it was for love, will never be love I advise those who are facing such problems as you are reading this, to leave Leave with the much-needed respect and dignity for yourself and your partner

Breakup is commonly seen as a bad thing but if it was meant to happen, it will happen When it happens, face it bravely no matter how much pain you will go through Cry through it, weep and grieve for it, and then, prioritize yourself Love yourself and create a standard that you want your partner to have, if you still want to love; never repeat the same mistake twice

Breakup can also be a connotation of a good thing To start anew and love again; to love yourself, and your family, and maybe even focus on your religion Whoever is reading this, always remember that.

Focusing back on the discussion, as the breakup pandemic becomes a trend that everyone is afraid to experience, the frenzy over it made loving superficial That no matter what happens, the ending will always be the denouement

I believe that this is not the case The mere difference between loving now and before is not-

-everyone will be aware of when you’re in love, when you’re hurt, and when you feel any other emotions Unlike before where what happens remains private, this time even your vulnerability can be observed by irrelevant individuals

This is why I highly recommend keeping everything private and just surprising them when the right time comes No one should rush to love as love takes time The older generations see the GenZ and Millenials’ ideal love as superficial but I believe it is not their place to say so As when they were at their time around our age, isn’t love also difficult to keep?

Let me rephrase my earlier statement, loving nowadays is difficult not because of the standards and boundaries made by our generation Loving was always hard, we the younger individuals have just been more vocal about it Unlike before love is a matter kept behind doors, now we inquire about others’ experience of loving and apply it to ourselves to avoid hurt

We are social beings, we are bound to do such a movement and it shouldn't be seen as a disgraceful affair. Much more loving, to fully depend on someone else and have that person with you, as your other half, whole, as your partner for the rest of your lifetime is a grave decision to make Time changes and now, older individuals shouldn’t control how the younger love

Overall, loving is fine but there are limitations Keep some to yourself to not wound yourself if ever negative things were to happen Breakup happens, it's fine, embrace it and learn from it Don’t let such a hurdle stop you from loving and never think that to love is to always have pain, it comes and goes Always remember that if ever you struggle to love others and even yourself, the author loves you and is proud that you have come so far Nonetheless, the author is waiting for you to be free from shackles and is excited to see you succeed




“Certainly,hereisanarticle regardingtheeffectsof CHAT-GPTwithschool cheating.”

AsthealtruisticyethightechTonyStarkunveiledhis heroismbysacrificinghimself forthewholeuniverseasIron Man,thisalsodemonstrates howremarkable accomplishmentsbyhumans maybefacilitatedbycomplex andadvancedroboticsand technology. Their charming adventures explore the area where futuristic technology piques people's interest

In the same vein, the "Amusement Park" concept won several awards in the World Robot Games Philippines (WRG-PH) Mini Incredible Machines category last November 26, 2023, made by Krystinn Zaiilyn De Guzman, William Tey Lagman, Julian Cheng, Nathalie Kyric Napoles, and Joseph Ethan Lim, headed by their coach Mr Esmeraldo Guimbarda Their outstanding effort won both the People's Choice Award third runner-up and the WRG-PH Mini Incredible Machines second runner-up title

The Amusement Park proposal has four major attractions: a ferris wheel, a flying carousel, a carousel, and a plane ride The students built these rides with simple materials such as cardboard, popsicle sticks, paper, rope, sticks, marbles, and paint What distinguishes their idea is how they made the rides move by combining two small computers, a microbit board and an ATX2 board, with a button sensor, distance sensor, light sensor, and IR sensor

The aim is to create this amusement park where once one ride begins, the others will automatically start using various sensors, resulting in a chain reaction A completely linked amusement park operates with four boards and four sensors. The target causes the microbit board-

-trigger the Ferris wheel after a 3second countdown The Ferriswheel cabin activates the distance sensor, which sends a signal to the ATX2 board, initiating the plane ride The plane ride's LED illumination causes the light sensor, signalling the microbit to begin the flying carousel within 3 seconds. When the flying carousel reaches a particular height, the IR sensor transmits a signal to the ATX2 board, which starts the carousel operation after a 3second countdown

The team, led by coach Mr Esmeraldo Guimbarda, designed an amusement park ride idea based on YouTube tutorials They made changes to save time and materials while yet retaining the ride's spirit One key problem was adjusting the project's functioning to match the judges' expectations Initially, they created a system powered by a single microbit board, with each ride functioning separately (no chain reaction) To achieve the desired automatic and interconnected functionality, the team added three extra boards and four sensors, resulting in a more integrated and automated system that demonstrated their agility and technical skill

The project began on September 25th, 2023, and ended on November 11th, 2023 It took around 80 hours to complete The team worked around 2 hours every day, six days a week, for a total of seven weeks, demonstrating their everlasting passion and determination

As St Joseph School celebrates its astounding successes in the competition, one can't help but draw comparisons between its students' inventive spirit and Iron Man's revolutionary innovations.

Theapplicationof Artificialintelligence(AI)in educationisgrowingrapidly. Thus, it should come as no surprise that ChatGPT, a chatbot created by OpenAI in November 2022, has become well-known throughout the world

Many learners are starting to rely on ChatGPT as a trustworthy source due to its extensive accessibility and capacity to provide human-like answers It helps them with their homework and activities; when students type a question for an assignment on ChaGPT, the latter responds with examples and explanations This application also assists pupils in their exam preparations, giving them summarized lectures and key terms It may offer practice questions to support students in identifying their areas of strength and weakness related to the-

-subject matter

But despite its advantages to students, a lot of teachers think that using ChatGPT for writing assignments will just encourage plagiarism and cheating. Since ChatGPT produces results quickly, it will hinder students’ capacity to think critically, brainstorming, and creative problem-solving

Considering more students are using ChatGPT and other AI tools for their assignments, some educators are becoming more attentive to academic dishonesty

These instances suggest that there should be more rules limiting the usage of AI Teachers and parents should work together Educators should be strict in implementing school policies, especially the use of technology inside school premises To ensure that the children sustain the rigor of usage of technology at home -

-Parents should engage with their children, having a healthy discussion and taking an interest in each other's daily activities, which will enhance their children's criticalthinking skills and creative storytelling Technology companies should also develop enhanced A I detecting tools so that teachers and professors are able to quickly recognize pupils whose work is completed using A I or Artificial Intelligence

The rapid pace of social change is natural, particularly given the growing influence of technology To work more effectively, especially for students, we need to understand how to adapt to new technologies like artificial intelligence and apply them adequately Nevertheless, we must all be mindful of the limitations of where AI is applicable to use



Withinnovativenesslinkedwith technology,moreandmoreuseful andcreativeproductsandinventions havebeenrisingtofame One of the examples is Electric Bicycles, more commonly known as E-Bikes E-bikes have been around since the 1800s however, recent twists and turns h been added to such transportation which made the mass media thrille the better change E-bikes have been circulating local public attention ever since th established their grounds here in t Philippines It was first viewed posi A convenient and easy mode of transportation without the need to with others The media loved the c E-bikes made as it is very favorable especially to elders and those with disabilities to travel However, such positive judgments did not last lon

“E-Bike to heaven,” a phrase would usually hear every time I int with someone and converse abou Electric Bicycles It seemed that as bikes don't require driver’s licenses license plates, many drivers would them Some would even use it on highways and public roads where speed is-


SJS Robot Achieves 6 ITCUP 202


-inexplicably fast. As convenient as it is, it is also dangerous not only for themselves but also for other drivers. In my experience, I have witnessed a few times certain E-bike drivers operating in the middle of the road Not l i i i ffi

OnFebruary3, 2024,theSJSRobotics Teamexhibitedtheir expertiseattheITCUP 2024competitionheld atMapuaUniversityin Intramuros, led by William Tey Y Lagman, Kyrstinn Zaiilyn D De Guzman, and Honey

Claude D Llamelo, as well as their coach, Mr Esmeraldo Guimbarda, the team placed 6th overall out of over 50 competing teams from across the country

The SJS Robotics Team wanted to design a robot that could move seamlessly regardless of the number of implanted codes, focusing on simplicity and precision

T Robotics project c robots t operate intercha the cont from the Mindsto custom tailored competi Th controlle Mindsto and NXT

Drawing the prev champio team up design a an innov Th underw training

illus by:

Ang init ha! Aglobally progressingissue

Recentissueshavebeen circulatingabouttheincreasein theheatindexinthe

Philippines. The scorching rise of temperature has brought danger and harm to the home country and its citizens Classified as a danger zone, certain areas of the Philippines have been exposed to temperatures around 40-45°C What was usually perceived as normal, now has significant effects on the environment and its people

Heat index according to the New York Times is defined as the measurement of how hot an individual feels It is the combination of the temperature, humidity, or the atmosphere’s air moisture and other contributors to the increased heat.

Such high temperatures are usually experienced by Filipinos around this time, as it is the dry season The dry season is caused by the periodic weather patterns where the tropical belt is dominated by temperate to extreme climates The difference this year from the rest is the increased heat experienced by the citizens of the country It increases the possibility of heatstroke,-

-sunburns, rashes, muscle cramps, and heat exhaustion In addition, negative effects may also be observed with the environment as climate change is visible from the repercussions extreme heat causes us

The extreme heat has affected the nation immensely

Due to the high heat index, relative to the increasing temperature, Filipinos all around the world have greatly adjusted for their safety

The Department of Education has also modified the schedules of students as they cannot address the needs of the learners and staff, specifically on the equipment and materials required to battle the heat and the masterclasses that learners will face to go back home.

DepED has released an advisory and used precautionary measures to ensure the safety of the students and teaching and nonteaching personnel

Experts believe that the increasing heat index is due to not only climate change but also the lack of natural cooling capacities

The trees are known as the passive cooler of a territory where it was then compared by Wageningen University and Research that one

tree is equivalent to ten air conditioners Trees are dire in cities which led to the urban heat island effect This phenomenon explains that urban cities are likely to experience higher and warmer temperatures than those in the countryside due to human activities This occurrence has long been observed and yet no proper actions have been made yet The blazing heat has affected all sectors nationwide and this grave event is killing opportunities and hurting everyone

In conclusion, unlike before when Filipinos could still stay for a while and bask in the sun, nowadays the scorching temperature can cause extreme effects on an individual’s health. Precautionary measures are recommended; namely, the usage of umbrellas, and sunscreens, less exposure to heat, and hydration advised by medical experts The high index heat is after all the result of long-term human activities that thinned the ozone layer Reforestation in addition is greatly suggested to lessen the possibility of high heat index in the future and cool down the areas impacted by the climate


Natamo naman nina Miguel

AngUnibersidadng Pilipinasaynag-takdang kumpetisyonparasaNAW2024 noongika-24ngPebrero

Ilang mga piling estudyante ng paaralang San Jose (SJS) ang lumahok sa mga kompetisyon na tinaguriang Big Bang: Astronomy Quiz Show at Take off: Water Rocket Launching Competition Nakamit ng mga estudyanteng sina Joseph Ethan Lim at Nathalie Kyric L Napoles ang1strunnerupsaUP AstroSocWaterBottleRocket (TakeOff)–DistanceCategory

Franco A Saga, Shaun Kimberly G DeLima, at Achilles Joaquin Senas ang12thplacesaAstrosoc–AstronomyQuizBee(BigBang) Taon-taon ipinagdiriwang ng UP ang National Astronomy Week at naglulusong ng iba’t ibang kompetisyon na maaaring daluhan ng mga estudyante mula sa iba’t ibang paaralan Ang pagdiriwang nito ng UP ay naglalayong isulong ang pagaaral ng astronomiya sa pamamaraan ng mga palaro, palabas, at mga workshop

Inlinewithrecentevents, thePhilippineNational ChemistryOlympiadorganized itsyearlyone-dayinter-high schoolchemistryquizbee that was held on February 17, 2024, at CS Admin Auditorium, National Science Complex, University of the Philippines Diliman

St Joseph School of Gagalangin is one of the schools who had been invited to participate in this year’s Chemistry quiz bee along with other schools in the Philippines

Senior High School students

Johann Christian E Lipio, Maria Beatriz F Torres, and Maria Sophia D Lamfrom11-STEMwerethe followingstudentswhowere-

composed of a written elimination round and an oral final round The top twelve highest scores for the elimination round will qualify for the final round

Though the following students did not succeed in the finals, the team believed that this was just the start of their scientific journey

The official registration period of the PNCO started on January 20 and ended on February 16

As for the top 5 winners of the final round during the event, they represented the NCR for the PNCO 2024 on April 6


SJS kicks off Intrams 2024


Themuch-awaited openingofthe intramuralsforthe schoolyear2023-2024 hasofficiallybegun, whichtookplacelast January26,2024,atthe ManotocCourt The morning began with a vibrant parade featuring students of all levels walking proudly outside the school grounds dressed in their different team colors, led by their respective banners, displaying their zeal and camaraderie The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as onlookers cheered and applauded

Following the parade, the formal opening of the intramurals commenced, hosted by Mrs Camille Nica Trinidad, emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork in fostering a healthy competitive spirit among students. Fr. Nolan A Que presided over the ceremony, giving his opening remarks and formally opening the intramurals The torchlighting ceremony by representatives from each grade level was the focus of this event This symbolic deed demonstrated their dedication to excellence and fair play throughout the intramural competitions

To kick off the formal opening ceremony, various groups of students-

-from grade school to senior high school showcased their talents through enthralling dance performances

Furthermore, contestants for Mr and Ms Intrams were introduced The participants oozed confidence and grace as they walked down the stage, leaving everyone eager for what comes next in this competition

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the highly anticipated yell competition in which teams from grade school to senior high battled to demonstrate their vocal power and team spirit The crowd cheered as each side took turns delivering strong yells that rang across Manotoc Court

Overall, the opening ceremony was a success, demonstrating the school's dedication to holistic development and healthy competition among students and laying the groundwork for an exciting series of activities. May this event serve as an opportunity for students to demonstrate their abilities, make lasting connections, and create experiences that will be treasured for years to come

I N T R A M 2 0 2 4


SJShelditsannual lastIntramuralsevent lastMarch29,2024,with thetheme"SportsforAll: NurturingResponsible Josephianswith Sportsmanship, Camaraderie,and Rapport” held at the Manotoc Court, which featured the highly anticipated Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2024 competition, hosted by Ms. Camille Nica Trinidad, in which students from various grade levels demonstrated their talents and commitment to sportsmanship

The event began with introductions of grade school and junior high competitors, followed by dancing performances and a sports attire presentation displaying their fashion sense

The morning session ended with a question-and-answer session, followed by the presentation of prizes to Best in Sports Attire,-

-in Sports Attire, Mr and Ms Photogenic, and-the top three Mr and Ms Intramurals 2024

The second half of the day featured senior high school students participating in the event where contestants from different sections competed in the same categories as younger competitors.

The program followed the same style as the morning session, beginning with participant introductions and progressing to dance performances and sports gear

The competition concluded with a questionand-answer session, with prizes given to the winners of Best in Sports Attire, Mr and Ms Photogenic, and the top three Mr and Ms Intramurals 2024

Mr and Ms Intramurals 2024 displayed students' athletic abilities while encouraging sportsmanship, togetherness, and rapport to promote an active school community


Falcons wings off as volleyball champion

Asthefinalgamesforthe boys’volleyballstartedatSt. JosephSchool'sManotoccoveredcourtonTuesday, February27,theBlazingKnights andFalconplayedoffthebest gameamongtherestforthe day.


-finals with a settling set score of 3-1

Blazing Knights’ spiker, Dirk Tesio, unleashed powerful spikes, but the Falcons had their defense held firm, repeatedly blocking Tesio’s attempts

KryptoniteinIntrams volleyballmatch

Duringacheer-filledcrowd fromtheentiretyofManotoc Court,thePanthersfinally smashedKryptoniteinthefinal volleyballgirls'matchwithan intensescoreof3-1,last February26

With enhanced and much more strategic gameplay compared to their previous games, the Panthers have successfully managed to take the first game to their advantage as they did a remarkable row of attacks that threw out Kryptonite

The second game lasted much longer due to the passion and rage of both teams, but nevertheless, the Panthers managed to grab the round in their possession because of the consecutive smashes done by the Tagle twins

With the intensity of the game remaining as high as it was, Kryptonite’s open spiker, Kassandra Diala, managed to last-

-longer in the service area, which led the team to throw frequent attacks and blocks during the third set, then led them to finish the set with 15-25 and made them gain a point against the Panthers, turning the official score from 2-0 to 2-1

But the Panthers did not let Kryptonite over-rejoice, because as the fourth set started, the crowd witnessed the most intense round throughout the whole game

With attacks launching from left to right, it was evident that no one from either team wanted to give up, but the Panthers, with an amped-up support system from the crowd, managed to finally end the game with a close score of 2225, turning the official score to 3-1

After their victory, the Panthers then received their awards as the game’s champion, while Kryptonite as the 1st runnerup during the Intramurals 2024 awarding last March 11

With both teams setting each point with powerful spikes and a strict defense, Blazing Knights and the Falcons would simultaneously score only heating the atmosphere and setting greater tension for the supporters and audience of the team.

As everyone intensified each moment, so was the pressure for both teams; the match lasted for at least 2 subject periods including the lunch break which, only made the audience grow bigger

In addition, the crazed and dominant attacks of Angelo Rein Depollo from the Falcons truly led the win of the team for the game; it was an unavoidable rising point that helped the Falcons cut the ball to the chase and take the win for the day

Due to the final game's results, the Falcons secured their place as the 2024 Intramural Volleyball Boys champions. After their victorious match, the Falcons then aced their recognition as the game’s champion, while Blazing Knights became the 1st runner-up during the Intramurals 2024 awarding last March 11

However, when something began then so it must end; at the end, the Falcons finally turned off Blazing Knights’ flames as they won the championship during the -tournament was claimed by X DRAGONLOVERTEAMKILLER X X, composed of Cean Renzo Briones, Chris Riel Briones, Lourd Jillian Bondoc, Gabriel Polido, Chayle Arhon Manimtim, and Joshua Caleb Reyes They exhibited skill, passion for the game, and teamwork to emerge victorious in the competition and secure the championship

St JosephSchool's StudentCoordinatingBody organizedatournamentforits studentsfeaturingtwogames: Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and Call of Duty Both games require strategy and skill, but they differ in gameplay

Josephians battle out on online games

In Mobile Legends, there are 5 players in a team, The"Palubog Esports"team, consisting of Nash Mariño, Jhanelle Cruz, Lander Carillo, Emilrico DelosReyes, Cyrus Leal, and Khrys Burj Dela Cruz, showcased their prowess, skill, and intelligence to clinch the championship in the tournament

In Call of Duty, similarly with 5 players, they use soldiers armed with guns to eliminate opponents The championship in the said-

In playing esports, there are many opportunities such as earning from it and even becoming a pro player, but there are also negative effects like mental health issues and lack of sleep Nonetheless, these games still bring us joy, serving as entertainment and a way to pass the time


ScantheQRCodeto accessSJS’FB enroll na sa sjs!



Certificate of Good Moral Character from the school last attended duly signed by the School Principal Birth Certificate PSA former NSO Baptismal Certificate ESC/QVR Certificate (for incoming JHS students)

Report Card (Form 138) with Learner Reference Number (LRN) duly signed/certified true copy by the School Principal

2 pcs recent ID Pictures (passport size) Certificate of Completion (for incoming SHS students)


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