The Jungle Drums March 2013

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Mums the Word. March 10th.

Out and About in Tenerife

Info On Renting Your Property

March 2013 - Edition 105

March 2013

The Jungle Drums

Inside this month’s magazine Mums the Word Info on Mothers Day p4

Everyones a little bit Irish! Info on St Patricks p5

Legal Jargon Renting your property p6


Inspektar Gadget All the newest gizmos and gadgets p9

Health Reap the benefits of a healthy breakfast p10

Food Fix Casserole dishes p14

Have you got a story? Why not share it with us, or just tell us what you think Call 965 99 66 66 or email

Out and About Tenerife p16

Lighting up the skies Valencian Fallas


Motoring Seat Mii


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A right roaring read!


March 2013

The Jungle Drums

By Heidi Wardman

Its come around again…that special day when you can secure your place in Mother’s good books and make sure she keeps those delicious Sunday Lunches coming. But what is the real reason why we celebrate Mother’s Day? Mother's Day is celebrated at various times of the year, in countries all over the world. In the UK it is more formerly known as “Mothering Sunday” and celebrated as a Christian holiday on the 4th Sunday in Lent. Therefore, the actual date changes every year in line with the Gregorian calendar, and could lie anywhere between March and April. This year, Mothering Sunday falls on March 10, so make a note in the diary now- you know that she will have! The earliest version of Mother’s Day dates back to the annual spring festival which the ancient Greeks dedicated to Rhea, the mother of many gods, and offerings which ancient Romans made to their honourable Mother of Gods, Cybele. This gave way to several variations of the tradition, each intended to honour all Mum’s and everything that they do for their kids.

Mother’s Day was originally founded in the United States, almost 150 years ago, by a lady called Anna Jarvis, after she organised an event to raise awareness of poor health conditions in her community, which she believed should be advocated by Mother’s. She christened the occasion “Mother's Work Day”. Boston Poet and Author of the lyrics to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," Julia Ward Howe, organised another demonstration, fifteen years later, which encouraged all mother’s to join a rally for peace, as she considered that it was they who suffered the loss of human life more severely than others. These special dedications to Mum’s continued after Anna Jarvis’ death in 1905, when her daughter, also named Anna, vowed to continue her Mother’s work. Her campaign was centred on a Sunday school lesson that her mother had taught, when she had commented that "I hope and pray that someone, sometime, will found a memorial mother's day. There are many days for men, but none for mothers." Young Anna voiced her request for the creation of a special day to honour Mother’s in front of several entrepreneurs, Politicians and even Presidents Taft and Roosevelt, encouraging them to support her stand. In 1914, Anna’s efforts finally bore fruit, when President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill declaring Mother's Day as a national holiday. People began to celebrate by sending letters of thanks to their Mother’s, which was later replaced with the exchange of cards, gifts and flowers. However, in spite of the holiday being well-received by the general public, Anna was infuriated by their actions, complaining that the real sentiments of the day had been compromised in favour of commercial interests. She was so disillusioned that she filed a lawsuit to ban a Mother's Day festival in 1923, and was once detained for disturbing the peace at a convention selling carnations for a war mother's group. Anna died in 1948, and is documented to have declared that she wished she had never founded the Mother’s Day tradition. However, Mother’s Day continues to be celebrated on the second Sunday of May each year, throughout the US.

Mothering Sunday emerged in the UK, when the young servants of grand estates were given the day off work to visit their families and usually attend their designated “Mother Church” together. They would traditionally pick flowers on their way home and present them to their Mother’s by way of a gift, which later gave way to all manner of presents which are now exchanged on Mother’s Day. The tradition lost its popularity across the UK, Ireland and the rest of Europe during the 1920’s and the start of the Industrial Revolution, but was resurrected under the influence of American and Canadian soldiers serving abroad during World War II. This has meant that Mothering Sunday celebrations are now more in line with the Mother’s Day traditions originally observed in the US, losing some of the religious roots and becoming more of a family tradition.

Today these two anniversaries are often thought to be one and the same. However, Mothering Sunday is still observed for its original intentions in some churches, with special attention being paid to Mary, the mother of Christ. Meanwhile, manufacturer’s and retailers throughout the world have continued to recognise the commercial benefits of Mother’s Day and cashed in on the opportunity to sell more greetings cards and gifts, so that by the 1950’s Mothering Sunday was also respected as an official British Holiday. The UK chose to retain the original Mothering Sunday date, whilst in other countries the date was altered to coincide with other anniversaries, such as Virgin Mary day in Catholic countries; or the date in which women participated in a ferocious battle in Bolivia. Certain ancient Mothering Sunday traditions have since been restored, such as eating cakes or buns on that day. In the UK, Simnel cake is one treat that is traditionally associated with Mothering Sunday and Easter, whilst many people would bake "Mothering Buns", coated with pink or white icing and hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top. In northern parts of England and Scotland, people would eat "Carlings", which are flattened patties made of steeped peas and fried in butter. Who ran to help me when I fell, And would some pretty story tell, Or kiss the place to make it well? My mother. ~Ann Taylor



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

The Jungle Drums

We are all familiar with the St Patrick’s Day traditions of parading through the streets wearing green silly hats, all fuelled with plentyof Guinness and Irish coddle. But aside from bringing lots of laughs, what are these frivolities all about? Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and gained the honour for allegedly bringing Christianity to the Emerald Isle. He was born to a wealthy family in Roman Britain during the fourth century. His Father was a Deacon and Grandfather a Priest in a Christian Church. St Patrick was kidnapped by Irish raiders and brought to Ireland as a slave at the age of 16, when he is believed to have been held somewhere on the west coast of Ireland. He eventually escaped, when according to his spiritual autobiography; God appeared to him in a dream urging him to flee to the coast, where an awaiting ship would return him safely to the UK. Celebrations - Today, the anniversary The Shamrock - In 432, St Patrick claims of St Patrick’s death is a national holiday in that he was recalled to Ireland to work as a Ireland, and observed in countries across Bishop, and spread Christianity to the natives. the globe as a celebration of everything The shamrock became the national flower of Irish. Its wide recognition is thought to be Ireland, as legend has it that he would use the due to Irish settlers, who took their tradileaf to explain the Christian doctrine of the tions and celebrations to their new homes, Holy Trinity to the Irish pagans. Whilst evishared them with new friends and made St dence suggests that St Patrick was not the first Patrick’s Day one of the most popular fiesto introduce the religion to Ireland, it is him tas in the world today. Most businesses in Ireland remain closed on who is believed to have come face to face with March 17; and as it is regarded as a religious holiday, many people atthe Druids on the Hill of Tara, and put an end to their pagan rites. The tend mass, where prayers are offered to missionaries worldwide. The setale reveals that he converted the Princes, warrior chiefs and thousands rious stuff is soon replaced by the real party, with big cities and small of their subjects, baptizing them into the Christian Religion and cleansing villages alike organising wild street parades, concerts and plenty of their souls in the "Holy Wells" that carry his name to this date. In some of feasting! Some communities even go so far as to dye their local rivers or his writings from that time, he describes himself as a "most humblestreams green, and many Irish Bars get into the spirit by serving green minded man, pouring forth a continuous paean of thanks to his Maker for beer to their jovial punters. having chosen him as the instrument whereby multitudes who had worDublin - The best place to enjoy St shipped idols and unclean things had become the people of God.” Patrick celebrations simply has to be Snakes - Many of St Patrick’s supporters beDublin, the Capital City of Ireland, where lieve that he was responsible for driving the this year’s activities span from March 14 to snakes out of Ireland. However, sceptics claim 18. This is a particularly important year for that although there are no snakes on the island, the festival, as organisers will host a colosthere probably never were, since Ireland was sal “People’s Parade”, inviting participants separated from the rest of the continent at the from all over the world to join the Irish gathclose of the Ice Age. It is suggested now, that this ering. Over 8,000 visitors, from over 40 different countries, are expected myth was passed down because many old pagan to take part in the event, and really get a feel for what Irish celebrations religions used to worship serpent symbols, and are all about. The procession will take them on a tour through the busy that driving away the snakes was symbolic to the streets of Dublin, passing some of the city’s best known landmarks such ending of pagan activities. St Patrick died thirty as the GPO, Trinity College and Dublin Castle. A special viewing area will years after his return to Ireland on 17 March 461 also be reserved for those who wish to witness the unbelievable sight. AD, and is believed to have been buried in Downpatrick, County Down. Meanwhile, Irish celebrations will also be taking place at Bars and However, some accounts document him as living out his last days in Restaurants up and down the Costa Blanca, and past experience indiGlastonbury, England, and that this was where he was eventually buried. cates that you will not be disappointed if venturing out here! So whether you set out to celebrate all that is good about Ireland and being Irish; or are just proud to be anhonorary Irish person for the day, do it with pride and enjoy the Craic.

By Heidi Wardman




March 2013

The Jungle Drums

Legal Jargon

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What is an eviction? Quick Evictions / Urgent Evictions Professional Business Support have specialists nationwide, our attorneys have over 10 years of experience in evictions. An eviction is a judicial proceeding whose purpose is to evict the tenant residing in the landlord's property because they have : • Failed to pay the rent and / or utilities (water, electricity, gas, etc.) which were established in the lease. • The agreed rental period within the contract has expired, but they refuse to leave • They are occupying a property without legal title to it (without a contract).

• For non-payment of rent and the expiry of the closing date of the contract. Since 2009, the procedure for conducting housing evictions in court is much more agile, the procedure has now become known as "Express Evictions". The "Law 19/2009, of 23 November, building measures and procedural streamlining rental and energy efficiency of buildings" - major reforms were introduced on leases and processes, especially those related to evictions.

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The eviction action is that the landlord intends to regain possession of the property he owns. It is processed through a procedure in which the landlord must prove ownership of the property, and that the tenant is in breach of the lease, if any, but equally the tenant will have to prove that they have any right to occupy the property. The claim is to demand eviction of tenant, but also can claim to the court along with the eviction, that any outstanding rent or utilities are paid, as well as the settlement of the contract for breach of it. The accumulation of actions the lawful judge can take can be: • For non-payment and closing date. • By default and claim the lost incomes. • On expiry of the period and reclaim the debts.



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

The Jungle Drums

Celebrating Easter the SpanishWay! By Heidi Wardman

Whilst Easter is observed throughout the UK, the celebrations in Spain are more elaborate, incorporating so much more than bunnies and chocolate eggs. So what exactly is “Semana Santa?”

nently throughout the week to signify mourning at the death of Jesus Christ, and are taken off to celebrate the resurrection. Contrary to popular belief, these have no connection with the Ku Klux Klan, although it has been suggested that its members witnessed the Semana Santa celebrations, and were so impressed that they decided to reproduce the costume for their movement. The events of Maundy Thursday, as you would expect, adopt a very solemn, silent approach, which is carried into Good Friday with another poignant parade to symbolise the announcement of Jesus’ death and following this, his Holy burial. The resurrection is observed the following day, and is regarded as a time of joy and celebration, which is reflected in the music and merriment featured in the parades. The mass service which takes place on Easter Sunday is a very important part of Semana Santa, and brings the tale to a peaceful close.

Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is the Spanish equivalent of Easter, dating back as far as the 16th century when the Catholic Church vowed to convey the story of Christ’s anguish to the people. In-keeping with Spanish tradition, it was felt that the most effective way of doing this was through a series of street parades, representing scenes from the story of the fall and rise again of Jesus Christ. Tour Operators often claim that the best places to witness the Semana Santa fiestas are in the Andalusia cities of Seville and Malaga, where the parades are at their most extravagant and seem to go on forever. However, it is not always that simple, as people can struggle to find accommodation with hotels taking bookings for the period years in advance. There has also been heavy debate raised from people living in other areas of Spain, who claim that Andalusia's version is not the genuine Semana Santa, and that the most reliable representations are found in the region of Castilla-Leon, particularly Zamora and Valladolid, as well as Salamanca, Avila and Segovia. Toledo is another popular venue to celebrate Semana Santa, and its close proximity to Madrid makes it the ideal location for a day trip. Once you have had your fill of the festivities, you have the option to head back into Madrid and take in some of the sights in the Capital.

Costaleros Whilst different regions have developed their own take on the Semana Santa parades, the basic themes remain the same throughout the country. Each day throughout Holy Week, the various brotherhoods operating in the city will carry heavy floats through the streets, usually terminating at the church or cathedral. Each group will often present two floats, one carrying the image of Christ and the other, his Mother, the Virgin Mary. The images are carried by an elite group of men, known as Costaleros, who regard it as a great honour to be selected and spend several months preparing for the events.

Activities Semana Santa this year commences on March 24, Palm Sunday, and events never really stop until the close of the fiestas, on April 1, Easter Monday. The main processions across Alicante Province will be taking place on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, with each of these illustrating the corresponding phase of Jesus’ life. Music and dancing play an integral part in the festivities, and help to set the mood for the scenes being rolled out. Hooded gowns feature promi-



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March 2013

The Jungle Drums

Cordoba’s Patio Fiesta It is unlikely that any city in Spain has so much going on in the month of May as the delightfully historical city of Cordoba. Probably the most outstanding event being the Patio fair. The Cordoban patio, which traces it’s roots back many centuries to the days of Roman occupation. The Romans liked the good life and comfort was quite high on their list of priorities. As we all know, southern Spain can be very hot during much of the year. The clever Romans found that creating a square between the walls of their home provided welcome shade from the glare of the summer sunshine. To increase a sense of “coolness” fountains were installed and sun shading shrubs and plants grown in these squares. When the Moors arrived in Spain they took up some of these Roman habits. The Moorish obsession with water and fountains meant the addition of quite a few more water features. Steadily over the years the patios of Cordoba have become an important part of the culture of a town which already plays a major role in the history of Spain. Many of today’s patios hide some of the most carefully tended and beautiful floral displays in the world behind closed doors. Then, in the month of May when all



the blooms are at their very best, the people of Cordoba open the doors and gates of their patios to visitors from all over the world. Hundreds of patios containing millions of flowers are suddenly open to view. These range from small private patios to large municipal and corporate ones. This exciting blaze of colour adds to the uniqueness of a city that was once the largest city in the known world and is home to the world renowned Mezquita. A most unusual combination of Mosque and cathedral. The whitewashed houses and cobble streets of the old city sit on the banks of the mighty river Guadlaquivir . It is hard to imagine a place of greater charm. Can you imagine being able to spend time at this fabulous feria, spend a full day in Seville and have a short visit to the town of towers and spires Ecija for only 199€ in a 3* country hotel with half board +ww. Excursions included. Now you can , with an excursion which is offered by David’s Coachtrips 4 days 12-15 May.. Call 9667685910 for more information or to reserve your places.

The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

The Jungle Drums

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The Jungle Drums

March 2013

Reap The Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast

by Heidi Wardman

We have all been told at some point, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So why is it that so many of us still leave the house with an empty stomach each morning? The truth is that as children, we are educated into the habit of eating breakfast everyday, and it can be quite an appealing meal when you think of all of the colourful cereals and tasty toast toppings available today. I personally used to look forward to rifling through the cereal box to grab any toys or stickers which were hidden inside before my Sister beat me to it. However, as we enter our teens, breakfast takes second place to more important things, like having an extra 15 minutes in bed, or time to perfect our clothes, hair and make-up. As adults, breakfast can continue to be a low priority, as we are so busy getting the kids ready for school and doing a million other daily chores, before rushing out to work ourselves. Interestingly, most of those who skip breakfast in the morning claim that it is because they do not have time, or that they are watching their weight. However, this could be the number one reason why you SHOULD stop to eat a healthy breakfast, even if it means less time spent lying in bed!

Glucose First thing in the morning, our body and brain has been without nourishment for an average 10 hours, and probably more than this for children. If you compare your body to a car, this means that it has been without fuel for a long period, and the petrol gauge is showing red. The more often that we re-fuel the better our bodies will function, enabling us to perform at our best- and this is even more important when we start the day. As it is our brain that sends messages to the rest of the body giv-

ing instructions on how and when to react, it is vitally important to supply it with the nourishment that it needs. This includes glucose, or blood sugar, which provides it with the energy required to function, whilst the muscles also need glucose to maintain physical activity. If the body has been subject to long periods without glucose, we are often left feeling tired, irritable and listless, whilst concentration levels are likely to be poor. Low glucose levels can create increased mental tension and stress levels which is also detrimental to health over a prolonged period.

Calories Another drawback from not eating breakfast is that you are more likely to experience hunger pangs during the course of the morning, with low blood sugar levels urging you to grab a “quick fix” to boost energy levels. If you are at work, or rushing about completing other chores,

Health Benefits

The poor, misunderstood “incredible, edible egg”. Over the years, this nutrition powerhouse has acquired a bruised reputation from reports they contribute to raised cholesterol. Like other pieces of information associated with cholesterol, avoiding eggs is off the mark. Eggs stand alone in beneficial elements. Eggs are a great source of protein. Numerous vitamins, including vitamin A, potassium and many B vitamins like folic acid, choline and biotin, are also packed



into this oval-shaped staple. In fact, very few foods share the same diverse nutrient makeup available in a single egg. Many of these are specifically needed for the health of the nerves and the brain. Through the years, all fats have become public enemies, often blamed for an increased risk of heart disease. Eggs fell out of favor and people gravitated toward egg whites as a substitute. In truth, the yolk is where many of the vitamins and nutrients are found.

The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

The Jungle Drums you are more likely to opt for an unhealthy snack such as chocolates, biscuits or cakes, which could be detrimental to your waistline if you are attempting to diet. Some people wrongly assume that skipping breakfast will mean a reduction in their calorie intake for the day, and ultimately result in weight loss. However, if a healthy bowl of cereal is replaced with a packet of crisps come 11:00, then you are not only failing to provide your body with a kick-start to the day, but could also be consuming more calories than if you had taken time to eat breakfast.

Quick Fix The best plan to maintain a healthy body is to eat three square meals, or six smaller meals per day, which should keep you well-fuelled and eliminate the need to snack. However, the act of eating breakfast alone is not enough, as it is its content that is important. Breakfasts with high sugar content, such as Danish pastries and croissants served with sugary tea or coffee, will provide a sharp energy boost, although the sugar will be quickly released into the bloodstream meaning that the benefits are very short-lived. Caffeine also provides a rapid “pick-me-up� and some people cannot even begin to face the day without a few strong shots. The wide-awake feeling it produces is due to an increased production of adrenaline expressing stored glucose supplies to the brain. However, the pancreas reacts by increasing insulin production in order to re-dress the balance, again meaning that the energy output is weak and within hours you are left feeling tired and hungry once again.

Solution The solution is to opt for a filling, nutritious breakfast, packed full of vitamins and nutrients and containing slow energy release ingredients to revitalize your body for longer! Top breakfast choices contain substantial helpings of complex carbohydrates such as oats, wheat, bran and rice, which are ideally served with a small amount of dried fruit and freshly squeezed juice. Each of these foods has a low glycemic Index (GI) enabling the slow release of energy into the bloodstream, and making you feel fuller, and more alert right through until lunch time. Some Nutritionists also advocate the consumption of protein first thing in the morning, as it is known to balance blood glucose levels and aid concentration. Recommended sources which could complete a wholesome breakfast include fish, pulses and eggs. By making sure that YOU and your family eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, you are taking vital steps to improving all manner of mental processes, as well as helping to maintain a healthy weight. So set your alarm to go off 30 minutes earlier than normal tomorrow morning and start your day the right way!

of Eggs

as vitamin A, are better absorbed with fat, making eggs a very good source of vitamin A. Research has documented that eggs do not appear to promote heart disease risk. Diabetics may be one of the only groups that should avoid averaging more than one egg a day, as they might show some increases in cholesterol with higher egg consumption. But even in diabetics, eggs can be very helpful.



The topic of cholesterol has become very confusing. Dietary advice on the subject is often so far off that consumers actually hurt their health by trying to avoid cholesterol. The body needs to achieve a balance when it comes to cholesterol consumption. Fat from healthy sources is vital to the body, while fat from poor choices, such as margarine or foods fried in vegetable oil, are very dangerous. Eggs remain a beneficial source of healthy fat. Many nutrients, such

March 2013

The Jungle Drums

Food for Thought:

The Weird,

The Wonderful and

Downright Disgusting!

By Heidi Wardman

Although most of us like to sample foods from different parts of the world, we may not be quite so keen if we were aware of the ingredients used by certain nations. Whilst Japanese food is becoming increasingly popular the world over, and Japanese Restaurants are posing heavy competition against Chinese and Indian establishments, some people are put off when they learn of some of the obscure and sometimes quite revolting ingredients which they have been known to add to soups, ice cream, and even salads. In fact, some of the most delicious and exotic delicacies in the world actually contain ingredients which if presented in their original state would definitely make the average person gag! We have compiled a list of the top ten weirdest food ingredients, which go to show that the proof of the pudding isn’t always in the eating!

Volcanic Ash A famous Restaurant in Japan is an advocate of using volcanic ash and soil found around plants growing in the Kanto region, which is called “Kuro Tsuchi”. A spokesperson for the Soil Manufacturer “Protoleaf”, Saeko Torii, claims that the bacteria found in the dirt is actually healthy as it is natural and pure, and nothing like the muck which we find on dirty boots and wheels. He defends that once it has been produced, mixed, and modified, the dirt becomes a new substance entirely. However, how we feel about eating it in salad dressing and ice cream is another matter!

Cellulose Do not be deceived into thinking that beavers, rabbits and termites are a unique club when it comes to nibbling on wood. You may not imagine that when you go to a fast food restaurant and order a burger, that you might as well be munching through a wooden plank wedged in a sesame seed bun, and dressed with lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese. However, the processed wood pulp of cellulose, is known to remove excess fats and gristle in meats, as well as boosting fibre content and acting as a stabiliser to thicken the end product. This has made it a god-send for some of the most famous fast food chains in the world, who readily add it to their meat products. Ah well, it makes a change from horse meat….

Tertiary Butylhydroquinone Chemistry is often applied to natural materials to help enhance their strength and versatility, and not only in the construction industry. Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), is a petroleum-based derivative, which can now be found in a variety of dishes from salads to cakes, as well as fried meat used in some fast food favourites like chicken nuggets. We all know that adding petrol to your vehicle’s engine boosts its performance, so just imagine what it can do for you!

L-Cysteine L-cysteine is not an ingredient that you are likely to see written on boxes and packets at your local supermarket. However, as Fast-Food outlets are not obligated to indicate what is added to the food on sale, you would not be aware that baked pies, breads, and other pastries which you often scoff in your lunch hour have this ingredient in them. L-cysteine is also added to breads in order to make them more pliable when being mixed and moulded into the various loaf shapes; and is chemically found on duck feathers and human hair. Indeed, women in some countries actually sell their hair to be manufactured into L-cysteine, and enable them to put bread on the table.



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

The Jungle Drums

Don’t be deceived, this is not a bath sealant or extra potent superglue, but an ingredient commonly added to salad dressing, sauces, cheese and a plethora of other everyday foods. The “Gum” part of the name is given to its thick and sticky property, that when added to liquids, makes them more dense and filling, whilst giving them a gooey appearance. Meanwhile, the “Xanthan” element is derived from its scientific name Xanthomonas campestris, a form of bacteria that is found on rotting vegetables, and more specifically where they have a mouldy, slimy appearance. Yummy!

Lanolin Lanolin is a chemical derived from sheep’s wool. This explains why several creams and lotions containing lanolin have a picture of a sheep on the packaging. You may be able to cope with the thought of applying it to your skin, although now consider that many brands of chewing gum and other chewy sweets contain lanolin. So you are actually masticating on a substance which has been subjected to years of weathering, muck and excretions of sheep sweat prior to it touching your lips.


Most of us have heard the scare stories about gelatine in the past. However, here is a quick reminder in case you weren’t put off the first time! Gelatin is the binding ingredient which is used in a variety of deserts or eaten on its own. Its delicious ingredients are obtained from animal bones, skin, and hide. So next time you tuck into a tasty bowl of jelly and ice cream, or nibble the ear off a gummy bear, spare a thought for the cows, pigs, and horses that made it possible.

Carmine Who would have thought that pink-coloured sweet treats, such as strawberry milkshake, cherryade or raspberry mousse could contain anything remotely nasty? However, rather than munching on sugar and spice and all things nice, your tasty snack actually gets its colour by adding a colouring called cochineal, which is made from crushed and dried beetles. These are then boiled to extract the organic red liquids which are added to a number of red and pink foods, as well as clothes, and even cosmetics.

Skatole We all know that pigs are a tasty source of meat, and the main ingredient of our hangover cure bellybuster breakfast, but there are also certain other foods which contain traces of pig, although not as we know it. Skatole is a flavouring which is used to enhance the taste of strawberries included in ice cream and other cold treats. This, quite worryingly, is a mildly toxic white crystalline organic compound which occurs naturally in animal faeces, mainly pig, and coal tar; and also has a strong faecal odour. Mmm!

Castoreum If the thought of eating spit-roast beaver turns your stomach, try this one for size. Castoreum is the yellowish secretion of the castor sac of the North American beaver, and when combined with the beaver's urine, is commonly used within the perfume industry, as well as being consistently found in vanilla and other selected ice cream flavours. I wonder what they put in chocolate flavour then?

So what are you really eating?!




March 2013

The Jungle Drums

This month we have a collection of casserole dishes to beat them winter blues!

Lamb and Rosemary

Paprika Chicken Casserole

Ingredients 2tbsp olive oil 2 garlic cloves, chopped 1 onion, sliced 1lb lamb, cut into bite-sized chunks

400g tin of tomatoes 6 potatoes, cut into chunks 3 carrots, sliced 1 rosemary sprig, leaves removed and chopped

Method 1. Put the olive oil in a heavy based pan. Add the garlic and onion and soften for 10 minutes. Add the lamb chunks and seal.

2. Pour in the chopped tomatoes, chopped potatoes, carrots, rosemary, and season. 3. Cook on a very low heat in the oven for two hours.

Method 1. Sprinkle the paprika over the chicken portions and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. 2. Heat the oil in a flameproof casserole and fry the chicken portions over a high heat until browned all over. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. 3. Add the onion and garlic to the casserole and fry for 5-6 mins. Stir in the flour and cook for 1 minute then gradually add the stock, tomato puree and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to the boil. 4. Return the chicken to the casserole and add the carrots. Cover and simmer gently for 35 mins, stirring occasionally. Stir in the yellow pepper, beans and tomatoes and cover and simmer for a further 15-20 mins until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are just tender.

Vegetable pepper pot with tomatoes and green beans Ingredients 3tbsp olive oil 2 large onions, roughly sliced 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 large carrot, chopped 1 large parsnip, chopped 1 large potato, chopped

225g prepared squash, diced 600ml vegetable stock 400g can chopped tomatoes Salt Ÿ-½sp ground black pepper 225g flat beans

Method 1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onion, garlic, carrot, parsnip and potato, stirring, for 10 mins. 2. Pour in the stock and add the tomatoes, salt and black pepper to taste. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 20 mins until tender. 3. Meanwhile, top and tail the beans and cut into 5cm lengths. Bring a small saucepan of water to the boil and cook the beans for 4-5 mins until tender. Drain well. 4. Stir the beans into the veg-

etable stew and cook for a further 5 mins to heat through. Taste and season as necessary. 5. To serve, ladle into warm bowls and serve immediately sprinkled with extra black pepper if liked.



Ingredients 1tbsp mild paprika 4 chicken drumsticks 4 chicken thighs Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2tbsp olive oil 1 large onion, peeled and roughly chopped 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed 1tbsp flour 900ml chicken stock

2tbsp tomato puree 2tbsp Worcestershire sauce 4 carrots, peeled and cut into chunks 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks 100g green beans, trimmed and halved 100g baby plum tomatoes

Spicy Creole-style fish stew Ingredients 3tbsp olive oil 1 large onion, chopped 3 garlic cloves, crushed 1 stick celery, chopped 1 large red pepper, deseeded and chopped 2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes 1 bay leaf 150ml dry sherry

1tbsp Worcestershire sauce Tabasco sauce to taste Salt and freshly ground black pepper 450g prepared pumpkin or squash, cut into chunky pieces 450g skinless chunky white fish fillets, cubed Juice of 1 lime Freshly chopped parsley and sliced red chilli to serve

Method 1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and gently fry the onion, garlic, celery and pepper for 5 mins to soften but not brown. 2. Add the tomatoes, bay leaf, sherry and Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce to taste, and plenty of seasoning. Stir in the pumpkin, bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 20 mins. 3. Stir in the fish, re-cover and continue to cook for a further 15 mins until tender and cooked through. Discard the bay leaf and stir in the lime juice. Adjust seasoning if necessary. 4. To serve, ladle into warm serving

bowls and serve immediately sprinkled with parsley and chilli.

The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

The Jungle Drums




March 2013

The Jungle Drums


nd destin u ro r ea y ct fe er p r ou Y


by Sally Bengtsson

Tenerife is the largest of the seven Canary Islands, which form this Atlantic Ocean archipelago. This sun-kissed holiday hotspot, situated closer to Africa (300km away) than to Spain (1,000 km away), welcomes millions of people every year who are looking for relaxation, adventure, good times and fantastic weather! The island of Tenerife measures 130 km long and is 90 km at its widest point. It offers a huge variety of scenery and landscapes, from the golden, sandy beaches in the south to the dramatic lunar landscape of Mount Teide National Park, with pine forests in the north and giant cliffs to the west. Tenerife has something for everyone. The wonderful climate draws people to the island all year round. Whether you are interested in water sports, clubbing, chilling out on the beach, the endemic plant life of the island, discovering hidden gems, exploring typical Canarian villages or taking a cable car to Spain’s highest peak, Teide, you are sure to have a great time. The island’s well loved resorts such as Playa de las Americas, Los Cristianos, La Pineda, Puerto de la Cruz and La Caleta offer everything from peaceful, laid-back relaxation to full on thrills day and night. If you get tired of lying on the beach, find some shade in the exotic green oasis of the Jardín Botánico or make waves in Europe’s biggest water park – Siam Park. In any Spanish destination, there’s always something festive happening. Tenerife is no exception, and though many events are designed with an eye towards the tourist trade, these are essentially local celebrations, some with a long history. Visitors are always welcome to join in. The carnival is one of the best in the whole of Spain, and is often compared to the celebrations in Rio de Janeiro. Puerto de la Cruz is the second largest tourist city on the island with accommodation for around 30,000 tourists. In contrast with the modern resorts of the south, El Puerto has had a great tradition as a place of relaxation since the end of the last century when the spa, which today is the Hotel Casino Tauro, was built. The accommodation offered in Puerto de la Cruz is also different from most of the other places on the islands since hotels predominate over apartments. Holiday makers here come from all over the world, but it is still a favourite amongst Spaniards. The lushness of the gardens and the agreeable atmosphere are very special features of this city, which has lively places to stroll around. In the evening the streets near the Plaza del Charco and the promenade are pleasant places of enjoyment where one can eat at any of the many open air restaurants, all this in a pleasant climate and with the ever present sea. The city houses a number of buildings of great historical and artistic value such as the church of Nuestra Señora de la Peña, la Ermita de San Telmo, el castillo de San Felipe, la casa de la Aduana and the old quay where small fishing boats are still moored.



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

The Jungle Drums waters are lovely and calm; you can play volleyball, take part in aerobic classes if you are feeling active or simply relax in the sunshine. Playa de Las Americas Beach is a tourist Mecca built at the end of the 1960’s. It is adjacent to Los Christianos and the Adeje Coast. The year round sunshine, never-ending night life and calm waters have made these two beach resorts a firm favourite amongst Brits and other Northern Europeans. Massive development has allowed Las Americas to constantly reinvent itself over the years from the heady booze and fun vacations of the 80´s to today’s pedestrian quarters lined with first rate hotels and restaurants. A mix and match setup that appears to appeal to all segments holidaymakers and vacationers alike. With some streets full of British pubs, fish and chips restaurants, pizza parlours and other fast food establishments – it’s like being at home for Brits who are not keen on Spanish food. The island has so much to offer the visitor. Rent a car and travel around this fascinating island. You are sure to find something to take your breath away.



One of the greatest attractions of el Puerto is without doubt the Lago Martianez. This series of seawater pools conceived by the Canary artist Cesar Manrique forms an extraordinary spot for bathing and resting in the sun. Harmonising his architecture with the exotic vegetation of the volcanic coast Cesar Manrique created his most beautiful project. Besides the Lago, Puerto de la Cruz has small beaches of volcanic sand, the best ones being Playa Jardin and Martianez. On the outskirts of the city the botanical gardens and the Loro Park are a must for the nature lovers. The botanical gardens founded in 1788 harbour an enormous number of trees and plants from every corner of the planet thanks to the benign climate of Tenerife. Loro Park is another tropical garden with the largest collection of parrots in the world, a parrot show and an excellent dolphinarium. The bustling capital city of Santa Cruz is located on the eastern tip of Tenerife and is home to one of the most historically important harbours in the Atlantic Ocean. The city rapidly developed in the 19th century, as fleets bound for the Americas would regularly stop here, helping to firmly fix this destination on the world map. Today, it is a vibrant and cosmopolitan hive of activity, full of interesting places to visit, attractive architecture, great shopping and an abundance of excellent restaurants. The harbour is a gateway into mainland Spain and a stop off point for cruise liners travelling to the Caribbean. One great way to explore the city is by taking an open-top bus tour where you can jump on and off, taking in important landmarks en route. Culture is alive and well in Santa Cruz and among the riches on offer are the Auditorio de Tenerife, the Parliament buildings of the Canary Islands, several La Laguna University faculties, not to mention the exciting shopping area in Plaza de España on the seafront, which leads up to Plaza de la Candelaria (Square of Candelaria), where you can buy international brands at tax free prices. In addition, the tourist board is located in the city and here you can collect maps, street plans and other information. Santa Cruz is also home to Playa de las Teresitas, an unspoiled beach that remains resolutely beautiful with palm trees dotted around the large expanse of golden sand. It sits below the lush forests of the Anaga Mountains, which protect the bay from winds. The turquoise

The Jungle Drums

New Movie Reviews A Good Day To Die Hard Description

John McClane travels to Russia to help out his seemingly wayward son, Jack, only to discover that Jack is a CIA operative working to prevent a nuclear-weapons heist.

March 2013

Action / Crime / Thriller Release date: OUT NOW! Critics Reviews The New York Times: “This is what the new global cinema looks like. The special effects sequences are put together with some ingenuity, though the last one (spoiler alert: Mr. Willis drives a truck off the back of a helicopter in Chernobyl) shows signs of sloppy digital overkill. But everything that made the first “Die Hard” memorable.” Digital Spy: “The scale of the action is undeniably jaw-dropping.”

Jungle Drums Rating:

Safe Haven


A young woman with a mysterious past lands in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her.

Drama / Mystery / Romance Release date: OUT NOW! Critics Reviews Criticize This: “Overall the romantic and lightweight thriller Safe Haven isn’t necessarily better or worse than those that came before it, but it rises above its predictability and eye rolling sentimentality thanks to a pair of engaging leads and a director who has done this all before.” Flicks: “The film presents some interesting story threads that aren’t given enough time to develop (especially the distance between Alex’s and his still-grieving son).”

Jungle Drums Rating:

Beautiful Creatures


Ethan longs to escape his small Southern town. He meets a mysterious new girl, Lena. Together, they uncover dark secrets about their respective families, their history and their town.

Drama / Fantasy / Romance Release date: OUT NOW! Critics Reviews Digital Spy: “Beautiful Creatures spins its tale with a little more self-aware humour than Twilight, and beyond that also casts an eye back into America's Deep South history. How often do you see a movie that's finale revolves around a Civil War re-enactment?” The New York Times: “Beautiful Creatures,” its sweet young things and supernatural shenanigans have been marshaled to help fill the box-office void left by the end of the “Harry Potter” and “Twilight” franchises.”



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

Book Reviews Inferno by Dan Brown

In the heart of Italy, Harvard professor of symbology Robert Langdon is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s most enduring and mysterious literary masterpieces . . . Dante’s Inferno. Against this backdrop, Langdon battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him

Entwined With You

GoodRead Readers Reviews “In his international blockbusters The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, and into a landscape of classic art, secret The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown masterpassageways, and futuristic science. fully fused history, art, codes, and symDrawing from Dante’s dark epic bols. In this riveting new thriller, Brown poem, Langdon races to find answers returns to his element and has crafted his highest-stakes novel to date.” and decide whom to trust . . . before the world is irrevocably altered. “It’s the first book that has gotten me excited in AGES!”

GoodRead Readers Reviews by Sylvia Day

From the moment I first met Gideon Cross, I recognized something in him that I needed. Something I couldn’t resist. I saw the dangerous and damaged soul inside–so much like my own. I was drawn to it. I needed him as surely as I needed my heart to beat. No one knows how much he risked for me. How much I’d been threatened, or just how dark and des-

perate the shadow of our pasts would become. Entwined by our secrets, we tried to defy the odds. We made our own rules and surrendered completely to the exquisite power of possession…

“There is such a shortage of functional yet tortured book couples that are completely and utterly in love with each other out there... I NEED MORE GIDEON AND EVA!!!!”

GoodRead Readers Reviews by Lesley Pearse

When Eva Patterson returns home from work one day, a devastating scene awaits her. Her mother, Flora, lies dead in the bath. Beside her is a note saying only: 'Forgive Me'. Until then, Eva always believed her family's life would be comfortable and secure - but Flora's suicide changes everything. And when Eva discovers that in her will Flora left her an artist's studio in London, she realises how lit-

12th Of Never

tle she knows about her mother's past. When Eva visits the now derelict studio, she is shocked to find out that her mother was once a successful artist back in the 1960s. A chance encounter leads her to Phil, who agrees to help her restore the studio, as well as offering her the advice and friendship Eva so badly needs.

“Profoundly meaningful, this delicately interwoven narrative interlaced with such beautiful simplicity will astound.” I am so impressed by bestselling author Lesley Pearce whose work never fails to astonish with its stunning, fluidity of prose and originality. The remarkable effortless ease by which she projects such heartfelt emotion through the pages is quite remarkable, as her characters contain such depth of substance and sincerity.”

GoodRead Readers Reviews by James Patterson

Lindsay Boxer's beautiful baby is born! But after only a week at home with her new daughter, Lindsay is forced to return to work to face two of the biggest cases of her career. A rising star football player for the San Francisco 49ers is the prime suspect in a grisly murder. At the same time, Lindsay is confronted with the strangest story she's ever heard: An eccentric English professor has been having vivid night-

mares about a violent murder and he's convinced is real. Lindsay doesn't believe him, but then a shooting is called in-and it fits the professor's description to the last detail. Lindsay doesn't have much time to stop a terrifying future from unfolding. But all the crimes in the world seem like nothing when Lindsay is suddenly faced with the possibility of the most devastating loss of her life.


“Loved it and now can't wait for the next one. Highly recommend this series to those who like mystery.” “James Patterson will not let his readers down when it comes to the Women's murder club! Be sure to pick this book up if you are a fan of the series!”


Forgive Me

The Jungle Drums

The Jungle Drums

March 2013

Lighting up the Skies at “Las Fallas” By Heidi Wardman

The Valencian Region is famed for many of its traditions and celebrations, one of the most breathtaking of which being the “Las Fallas” fiesta in Benidorm. Las Fallas is a time-honored traditional celebration, which takes place in towns and cities throughout the Valencian Region during March, and was originally founded to honour Jesus’ Guardian, Saint Joseph. The term “falla” refers to both the name of the festival and the striking monuments that are constructed for the purpose of the event. There have been a number of tales regarding the origins of the Fallas, although the general consensus is that they developed during the 15th Century, when the monuments used today evolved from the wooden candleholders or “parots” which were used by Carpenters in their workshops during the winter. As the weather became milder and spring was on its way, the Carpenters would decorate the parots with old clothes or even comical masks imitating local figures, and take them into the street to burn by way of celebration of their patron saint, Joseph. The decorated candleholders became known as “ninots” which in Spanish refers to a doll, ugly figurine or fool; and gradually became more symbolic, taking an ironic view of life and often featuring randomly placed commentaries written in the local Valencian language. The completed models were then attached to a solid base. The tradition of creating artistic fallas boomed throughout the region, and by the 19th century a competition to produce the most original and elaborate falla had been established. In typical Spanish style, protagonists saw this as an opening for another extravagant fiesta, and by 1932 the fallas competition was extended into the “Festival Fallero which is still celebrated today. Fallas de Benidorm While Benidorm is often likened to “Blackpool in the sun”, it also enjoys a rich cultural tapestry, illuminated by a plethora of fabulous festivals, including Las Fallas. In-keeping with the fallas traditions, each neighbourhood across the city and surrounding towns appoints an official committee, the “Casal Faller”, or “Comissió Fallera”, which is responsible for organizing a variety of fundraising dinners and other events leading up to the fiestas. The activities are focused around a giant paella which is dished out to hoards of hungry revelers during a party in the central square. All monies raised are then used to construct the fallas, which are eventually burnt following a series of celebrations rolled out from March 15 to 19. The Fallas de Benidorm of today is a lively PAGE


The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013 The Jungle Drums and vibrant spectacle, featuring wildly colourful statues usually made from wood, papier-mâché and polyurethane. Each Casal Faller generally nominates a theme which is often satirical, ironic or plain rude, and might include caricatures of well-known celebrities or politicians. Effigies Every Casal Faller takes immense pride in and dedicates hours to perfecting its own falla, as the more intricate the design the greater esteem is showered upon not only the committee, but the community as a whole. Among the personalities who have featured in the Fallas de Benidorm in years gone by have been Elton John and David Furnish; who appeared in a falla sporting a London theme, alongside of a London Bobby and rather crooked Big Ben, which it is thought symbolized the less than transparent political affairs of that time. The effigies used in the Benidorm Fallas have been known to tower up to a staggering 20 metres high, almost going into competition with the city’s famous skyscraper hotels, and are placed all along the main Avenida de Mediterráneo, right down as far as Rincón de Loix, and ending with a particularly impressive monument constructed in the Plaza de San Jaime. More than 500 Fallas are usually established throughout the city of Benidorm, including those made by local school children. Festivities Aside from the burning effigies, onlookers are treated to a selection of flamboyant parades featuring the Falleros and Falleras, who dance and sing through the streets of Benidorm’s Poniente and Levante zones, wearing traditional costume and accompanied by lively marching bands. Another highlight of the fallas which is practiced in Benidorm is the offering of flowers by the Comisiones Falleras to the fiesta’s patron, Virgen del Sufragio. This act is known as the “Ofrenda Floral” and usually takes place on March 17 and 18. The act commences with a grand parade, which follows a route from the Parque de Elche, down the Paseo de la Carretera, Virgen del Sufragio, Carmela Martínez, Plaza Mayor and terminating at the Plaza de San Jaime, where an image of the Virgin is created out of thousands of flowers pinned to an arced frame of some 14 metres high, which really must be seen to be believed. This is followed by a marvelous firework display and mass at the San Jaime and Santa Ana Church. On this note, extravagant firework displays or “Mascleta” play a central part in Las Fallas, and are carried out at various times during each day of the festival–breathtaking to watch but certainly not for the faint hearted! Finale The fiestas reach their peak with the spectacular “Nit de Foc” or “Night of Fire”, which takes place in the Plaza de la Hispanidad during the early hours of March 18, and can be seen and heard for miles outside of the city’s boundaries. This is followed by the “Cremà”, with its celebrations taking place in the Plaza Mayor, Els Tolls and Rincón de L´Oix during the following evening. It is on this night that the monuments displayed in each area of the town are set alight and carried through the streets, or left burning until ashen, to mark the coming of spring and new life. The atmosphere on this night is quite electrifying and it has been suggested that no other fiesta in the country comes clear to matching the spirit of Las Fallas. So whether you choose to travel to Valencia, Benidorm or anywhere else in the Community to witness the excitement for yourself, it will be well worth the trip!




The Jungle Drums

March 2013

Opel Mii xx SEAT Mokka - Vibora Negra Edition xx SEAT xx introduce there new city car the Mii, this is the sensational Vibora Negra edition.

V bo a Neg a wh ch means b ack v pe n Span sh s he u ma e e a on o SEAT M xx showcases a comp e e ange o pe sona sa on xx accesso es ava ab e o he ca and ma ks he beg nn ng o a hos o p anned cus om sa on packs




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The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

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Tuning Last Of Sprint - The AutoRetro


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MONTH 4 THIS Cajun - RenaultCars - Dream - Porsche FEATURES Show the Veyrons







- Edition


39 February





- Edition

40 March











MONT THISYears of Fo- 100 Show FEATURES Cartagena Motor Testing Geneva - BSB Diavel Ducati

M600 MONTH - Noble Bike THIS Preview Mission R - Geneva - F1 FEATURES Plates Series

TimeAttack Expensive Most








z e Magazin


THIS- Suzuki GSX-R750 Rally Show - Monte Carlo FEATURES FF - Autosport ’ Rides - Reader’s Ferrari Soon Coming




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The Jungle Drums

March 2013

The SEAT Mii packs plenty of visual punch as it is, but this new range of visual accessories takes it to a new level; The complete Vibora Negra pack is compatible with any Mii, from entry level S to range topping Sport, and comprises: •Black Vibora Negra twin stripes (bonnet, roof and tailgate) •Black Vibora Negra side stripes •Black 14- or 15-inch alloy wheels •Black tailgate spoiler •Black side skirts •Black mirror caps •Black gloss gear knob •Black chequered dashboard decal Each of the above items can be ordered individually, although a 10% discount applies when the pack is ordered complete. The standard SEAT Mii city car is the perfect vehicle for today's urban lifestyle. Quite simply, the SEAT Mii makes life easier - with compelling practicality and exceptional driving fun. The Mii combines SEAT's sporty Mediterranean design with the very best craftsmanship and enormous scope for personalisation. The new SEAT will be offered with all-new 1.0-litre petrol engines of 60 PS and 75 PS outputs. The new Mii is the perfect partner for everyday urban life. It is young and fresh, thought through to the very last detail.




The Jungle Drums

March 2013 BlueMoon Soluons is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. We aim to provide high quality computer services at realisc prices - we specialise in providing services to small businesses and home users

For all your home and business computer needs Welcome to this month’s computer arcle wrien by Richard from BlueMoon Soluons

The “We’re Microsoft” scam... We’ve all heard of it - me probably more than most. Usually I get a call from a concerned reader or customer to tell me that they have just had a “strange phone call” from someone at Microsoft to tell them that their computer is sending out loads of viruses and would they like help in fixing the problem. Of course you say “yes” (who wouldn’t be impressed to receive a phone call from a software company as huge as Microsoft offering to help fix problems with their computer?) Its then that the scam starts. The caller tells you that they should be able to sort it all out for you for just 100 euros or possibly more (amounts vary) and it’s at this stage that reality usually kicks in and you put the phone down and ask friends / relatives / me for clarification as it sounds a bit strange. As I said, we have probably all heard it before, but this week it came home to me with a bit of a bump – it happened to my dear mother–in-law. She is a bit vulnerable at the moment and probably not thinking all that clearly. You see she has a bit more on her mind of late after Ken, her husband of nearly 20 years died not too long back. So I’m afraid she fell for it and rather than thinking clearly and putting down the phone and ringing me she handed over her credit card details to the

Contact Us

b*****s that phoned her (I’m sorry, there is no nice word to describe someone who rings vulnerable people and cons them out of their hard earned money). The alarm bells started to ring after they had “finished” cleaning her computer and even then she didn’t contact me until a day later; then feeling quite embarrassed and upset she rang and said “I think I may have done something silly” – bless her, she had nothing to feel embarrassed about, she had been conned, well and truly and there was nothing that she could do about it. I connected to her computer to find that they had not done anything to remove any virus’s, they had even left the software on that they had installed – MalwareBytes – and after looking at all of its log files I was able to prove that it had not found anything malicious on her computer during any of the scans that they had done! They had left a calling card, however, an infected system file (with the date and time stamp of the time that they were using her computer). So in summary, they had connected to her computer, scanned it for virus’s and found nothing and then installed a virus and left – not what you would really expect from a company trying to help you really! Of course I researched them; they had a web-

•Internet Setup •New PC & Laptop Sales mobile: 655 044 970 •Office Training / Macros Office: 902 906 200 office@bluemoonsolu •Backup Soluons www.bluemoonsolu •Web and Email Hosng •Server Configuraon •An - Virus / Security PAGE


site – and they had charged her £149.95 for what is advertised as 2 years support, however when I contacted their number – 0208 1441 094, a UK number that redirects to an Indian call centre they told me that they couldn’t answer my questions and they would arrange for the engineer in question - Alex Simpson to contact me. Needless to say despite a number of calls, I never managed to speak to Mr Simpson. I contacted her bank and they were unable to refund the money taken from her card, telling me that it was because she had willingly given them her card; my protestations around the fact that she had not received the service that she had paid for fell on deaf ears. The bank even went on to say that this is not uncommon and that usually the scammers set up a Western Union account in the name of the victim using their credit card details and then continue to skim off money over the coming weeks and months – obviously we cancelled the card so no more money could be taken. So….please tell your friends, tell your neighbours, tell anyone that has a computer, if you get contacted by someone claiming to be Microsoft just put the phone down on them, it’s a scam!

•Digital Photos •Repairs & Upgrades •Internet & Email Training •Phone Calls on your PC •Website Design •Internet / Wireless Setup •Low Cost printer inks

The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

The Jungle Drums



March 2013

The Jungle Drums

March 2013

Monthly Caption Competition Sponsored by

Can you think of a witty caption to go with this picture? For a chance to win a “10€ voucher to be spent on cards and gifts” in News Express, send your ideas to or call 966 923 796

Last month’s winner:

Mary from Quesada

“I thought only dogs rolled over and played dead” PAGE


The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

The Jungle Drums

Wordsearch and Suduko

Can you find all the Movie Stars? BACON, (Kevin) BARDEM, (Javier) BLACK, (Jack)  BRIDGES, (Jeff) CAINE, (Michael) CARREY, (Jim) CHAN, (Jackie) CLOONEY, (George) COSTNER, (Kevin) CUSACK, (John) DAMON, (Matt) DANIELS, (Jeff) DEPP, (Johnny) DICAPRIO, (Leonardo) DOUGLAS, (Michael) DUNCAN, (Michael Clarke) FORD, (Harrison) FOXX, (Jamie) GIBSON, (Mel) GOLDBLUM, (Jeff) GRANT, (Hugh) GYLLENHAAL,(Jake)


HACKMAN, (Gene) HARTNETT, (Josh) IRONS, (Jeremy) JACKMAN, (Hugh) JONES, (James Earl) LAW, (Jude) MCCONAUGHEY, (Matthew) MCKELLEN, (Ian) NEESON, (Liam) PESCI, (Joe) PHOENIX, (Joaquin) REEVES, (Keanu) RUSH, (Geoffrey) RUSSELL, (Kurt) SPACEY, (Kevin) STATHAM, (Jason) TRAVOLTA, (John) VOIGHT, (Jon) WAHLBERG, (Mark) WEAVING, (Hugo) WOOD, (Elijah)

2 solution on page 38



March 2013

March 2013

The Jungle Drums

Thinking caps on for this one! Answers in next month’s edition. Across 1/7. Which Irish-born satirist was the author of Gulliver’s Travels, first published in 1726? (8,5) 8. What name is given to ‘an open curve formed by a plane that cuts the base of a right circular cone’? (9) 9/20. What term is usually given to the series of glacial episodes during the Pleistocene period? (3,3) 10. Which word means ‘facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis’? (4) 11. The fibre of which palm native to tropical Africa and Madagascar is used as light cordage and in making hats and baskets? (6) 13. Which word meaning ‘peace’ is used as salutation by Jews at meeting or parting? (6) 14. Which Lancashire dish is a casserole of meat and vegetables with a covering layer of sliced potato? (6) 17. What name is given to the regular estimate of national revenue and expenditure put forward by the Chancellor of the Exchequer? (6) 18. See 12 Down

Solutions to last month’s crossword

Across: 1/24 American Football, 7 Tango, 8 Sassenach, 9 Awn, 10/13 Palm Sunday, 11/6 Geiger counter, 14 Geyser, 17 Goitre, 18 Laos, 20 Ayr, 22 Anschluss, 23 Inman.



20. See 9 22. Derived from the Greek for ‘eye witness’, what name is given to post-mortem examinations used to discover the cause of death? (9) 23. Which term means to go through the procedures to begin use of a computer system? (3,2) 24. Lincoln is the capital of which state of the US? (8) Down 1. What name, given to a holy war undertaken by Muslims against unbelievers, is derived from the Arabic for ‘effort’? (5) 2. What name is given to any of various volatile flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures, used chiefly as solvents? (7) 3. Which village in eastern Ireland was the seat of Irish kings until the sixth century? (4) 4. Which waterproof jacket, typically with a hood, was originally used in polar regions? (6) 5. What is the medical name for the shinbone? (5) 6. Which word means someone who denies the existence of god? (7) 7. Which orange-yellow flavouring, food colouring and dye is made from the dried stigmas of a crocus? (7) 12/18. Which intricate ‘bond’, tied by the king of Phrygia, was cut by the sword of Alexander the Great after he heard that whoever undid it would become ruler of Asia? (7,4) 13. Which cathedral is located within the central City of London, atop Ludgate Hill and northeast of Blackfriars? (2,5) 15. What name is sometimes given to the little fingers, the smallest fingers on a normal human hand? (7) 16. By what family nickname were both Edward VII and George VI known? (6) 17. What name is given to a pale sandy fawn colour? (5) 19. Maria Callas’ final performance was as the title character of which Puccini opera at Covent Garden in London in July 1965? (5) 21. Which device with a small spike or a spiked wheel is worn on a rider’s heel and used for urging a horse forward? (4)

Down: 1 Aesop, 2 Epsilon, 3 Ides, 4 Azalea, 5 Invar, 7 Thuggee, 12 Caliban, 13 Somalia, 15 Scapula, 16 Fresco, 17 Grimm, 19 Sisal, 21 Shot.

The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

The Jungle Drums


Aries 21 March - 19 April


Taurus 20 April - 20 May

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The good news about March is that you’re going to see a shift in your work environment. If you’ve been feeling bored at work, March 2013 is when things are going to change. Even if you’re ready for the change, remember to look at all sides to the story.

Libra 23 September - 23 October When you begin to feel tired in your work life, it’s time to spend more time playing. Look at how much time you spend with friends. Chances are good you’re not getting out enough.


This is the month when a good exercise plan will prevent you from lashing out at others. Try to hit the gym at least a few times a week. And go by yourself

Gemini 21 May - 21 June You might be getting a great opportunity at work, even though it’s not what you expected. Take this opportunity to shine. This will lead to bigger and better things in the near future.

Cancer 22 June - 22 July After a quick start to the year, you might feel you’re in a slump. When this happens, Cancer, remind yourself of what you have been through. Remember that you are worth the time it takes to care for yourself.

Leo 23 July - 22 August Your energy levels are a bit off in March of 2013, Leo. Try to find time to get a few naps so you can bounce back. If you can’t sleep more, try to eat more healthy foods.

Virgo 23 August - 22 September Enjoy some time in the kitchen this month. Try out a few new recipes and new ingredients to see how tasty healthy foods can be. You are creating new habits with these new foods.


Scorpio 24 October - 21 November Your emotions get the better of you this month in relationships. While you know that you have done something wrong, you also need to remember that you can fix it. Just sit and talk with the person to see what can be done.

Sagittarius 22 November - 21 December Thinking about moving, Sagittarius? If you are, this is the time to start looking for a new home. And if you’re not moving, consider changing up your décor.


Capricorn 22 December - 19 January


Aquarius 20 January - 18 February


As you begin to realize that you are opening up to others, you might feel vulnerable. It is in these times that you need to trust yourself to make the best decisions for your life. While it might be a little uncomfortable, showing love to others is the key to giving yourself a happier life

While you might have a lot of strong opinions, diplomacy is best this month. Think about the impact of your words before you speak up. Remember there are two sides to every story, if not more.

Pisces 19 February - 20 March

When you meet someone new, make sure that you let them know that you’re dependable. They need to know that you are loyal because they’ve had a rough time. Cheer them on and let them know they’re special.

You’ve got to be joking u can So yo op pin dr hear a

u do on a tr dance do yo of nd ki t ha W Hip- hop

He got stuck in Orbit!

Who’s there? Cash! Cash who? No thanks, but I’d like some peanuts!

My wife came home the other night and told me to take off her blouse. Then she told me to take off her skirt.

Did you hear about the astronaut who stepped on chewing gum?

Knock Knock!


Knock Knock there? Who's Tank! ho? Tank w e! elcom Your w

You k now you’re a comp uter n erd when know you mo addre re IP s than p ses hone numb ers!

Q: ‘Why do police drive white/blue cars with red/blue lights and a big police sign in the back?’

Then she told me never to wear her clothes again.

What would we get if we threw all books in the ocean? A title wave!

A: ‘So they don’t chase each other..’



re Why a g n li w bo so alleys quiet?

March 2013

The Jungle Drums

Dingbats Can You Solve These?? It Could Be A Famous Phrase Or Saying, It Could Be A Movie, A Song Or A Little More Complex...GOOD LUCK!









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Aswers: 1. A cut above the rest 2. A clerical error 3. A bit of this & a bit of that 4. A big miss under standing 5. A bad spell of weather 6. 4 wheel drive 7. 4 give & 4 get 8. Too little too late 9. 2 Bob 10. Be seeing you 11. Tripod 12. Square meal 13. Spit it out 14. South of the border 15. Slap & tickle 16. Short notice 30



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The Jungle Drums - Tel: 965 99 66 66

March 2013

The Jungle Drums

Music Facts From

1990 1. In the Rolling Stone Magazine's awards, Donny Osmond won the most unwelcome comeback award while Cher won the worst dressed female, and worst video for 'If I Could Turn Back Time'. 2. MTV became available in the Middle East with the launch of MTV Europe in Israel. 3. Michael Jackson was voted artist of the decade at the annual 'Soul Train Awards.' 4. Gloria Estefan broke several bones in her back when her tour bus is involved in an accident. 5. Motley Crue's Tommy Lee was arrested for mooning at the audience during a gig in Augusta. Lee was charged with indecent exposure.

Guess The Artist She was born 30 June 1983.

She rose to fame in late 2002 when she auditioned for a reality television show. She is a member of an all girl group who in 2002 had a Christmas number one with their debut single. In March 2009, she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of Comic Relief.

Have You Guessed Who She Is?




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