The Courier - Edition 228

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Edition 228

Friday 3rd July 2015




he last weekend of June saw temperatures soaring across Spain including the Costa Blanca and Mar Menor with inland highs of 40 degrees Celsius being logged in Murcia City and Orihuela City, though three to four degrees cooler in coastal areas. The heatwave at the start of the week led government officials to warn elderly people and children to remain indoors, with most of Spain’s provinces being put on yellow or orange alert. Forecasters are predicting a comparative respite with average highs of around 30 degrees for this area over the weekend, but central parts of the country like Madrid will hit values of around 37 degrees. Beaches across the region were packed last weekend as the heatwave coincided

with the start of the tourist high season, with the highest temperatures being recorded further inland, including figures of over 40 degrees in the Spanish capital. Despite everybody roasting away, a spokesman for Spain’s national meteorological office, AEMET said:-"These were not usual meteorological phenomena”, The high temperatures brought unexpected problems and drama to travellers around the country. On Monday, more than 200 train passengers were left stranded amidst the sweltering conditions in their carriages with no air-conditioning for more than three hours. The Alicante to Santander service had just left Madrid but had to stop over 90 minutes later "in the middle of nowhere" in Dueñas about halfway through the trip after power supplies were cut during an attempted robbery.

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Authorities said that the attempted cable theft had sparked a fire, forcing train operators to cut voltage to the train's catenary system, which provided power to the train, leaving the passengers gasping for air. Train operator Renfe eventually distributed bottles of water and Coca-Cola to passengers and opened the doors after people "threatened to break the windows". It took the Guardia Civil two hours to arrive to help hand out water and two people had to be taken off the train for medical treatment suffering from heat exhaustion. It was even worse at Madrid airport on Monday, as passengers complained of being trapped on a plane on the tarmac, claiming that they had to endure tempera-

tures of above 50 degrees. The plane was scheduled to fly to Cancun in Mexico but a mechanical fault saw the crew and passengers having to endure an impromptu sauna for 90 minutes as they waited for news and for the craft to be manoeuvred back to the terminal building. It got from bad to worse though with some travellers calling the Guardia Civil for help, after a tow truck which was meant to take the stricken craft back to the terminal failed! Eventually they managed to get into the coolness of the terminal building but were angry about the lack of information given to them. The flight did eventually take off some five hours late, minus four passengers who had enough of their hot experience.

The Courier TV Pull-out 3rd July - 9th July

Starts page 19


Friday 3rd July 2015


966 921 003 E-MAIL WEB HEAD OFFICE C/ Luis Canovas Martinez 03183 Torrevieja Phone: 966 921 003 Email: OPENING HOURS Mon - Fri 1030 to 1600 EDITOR Alex Trelinski PRODUCTION EDITOR James Bone DESIGN ASSOCIATE Nicola Jane Cross ADVERTISING SALES 966 921 003 Sally Los Alcazares, San Javier Tel. 618 391 491 Myra Quesada, Rojales, Torrevieja, San Miguel Tel. 618 583 765 Jean Orihuela Costa Area Tel. 618 898 034 Patrick International Rep 5 Languages Tel. 685 901 265 Writers Mark Nolan Sally Bengtsson Jeanette Erath Alex Trelinski Dave Silver Tony Mayes John McGregor Ivie Davies James Bone Peter Singh ADVERTISING DEADLINE Friday for the following Friday’s Edition.

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Two children were amongst four people found dead on Tuesday in a northern Costa Blanca property, after a mass stabbing which apparently saw the perpetrator, named in local newspapers as 38 year old Carlos Alberto Soler Garcia, set fire to the house at around 10.30am as he took his own life. The fire led to a butano canister explosion in the rural property, in the Villajoyosa municipality, one kilometre from Finestrat and

close to a petrol service area on the AP7 motorway, with a partial collapse of the building interior. Authorities have been trying to piece together exactly what happened, but their understanding is that Soler Garcia may have stabbed his 68 year old mother, and then his seven year son, as well as his 14 year old stepdaughter. Experts discovered that parts of the building had been doused with petrol and that the injuries

sustained by the victims may have come from axes and knives, though the investigation is still ongoing. Some reports suggest that the man at the centre of the tragedy suffered from depression and had attempted to take his life before, and that he was scheduled to sign final divorce papers this week, having moved away from the matrimonial home in the Murcia region village of Guadalupe.


Two Algorfa police officers are set for bravery awards after saving a man who threatened to jump off a bridge by the AP7 roundabout next to the Lo Crispin urbanisation. The individual was sat on the bridge railings with his legs in the air, threatening to commit suicide by jumping some 20 metres down onto the AP7 carriageway. After trying to persuade him to move to safety, the officers moved quickly to save him as he tried to jump. Both policemen were then assaulted by the man with the struggle seeing one of the officers ending up hanging by one arm from the bridge railings, before he pulled himself to


Spanish new car sales rose 23.5 percent year-onyear in June, according to the country’s manufacturers association Anfac. The increase, boosted by the

safety. The man was then restrained and was then taken by ambulance to Torrevieja Hospital. The officers are set to be nominated for special commendations with their boss, Pedro Javier

Bertomeu García, saying that both men didn't hesitate to put their lives on the line to save somebody else. No more details about the man at the centre of the incident have been released.

ing out Benidorm at 29.9 percent, and both places join Elche and Elda as being the four poorest

The number of people who are registered as unemployed in Spain, fell for the fifth straight month in June, although the drop was less than forecast. Jobless claims declined last month by 94,727 or 2.25 percent to 4.12 million, according to the Labour Ministry in Madrid. Although the figures were hailed as positive by municipalities (in terms of the PP government of income) in Alicante Mariano Rajoy, analysts Province according to the warned that the drop in unemployment was not as INE survey.


Torrevieja has the smallest sized households in the whole of Spain, according to figures compiled by the National Statistics Institute (INE). The returns put the size of a Torrevieja household at two point two persons, in contrast to the highest figure of three point two nine people in the North African enclave of Ceuta. Torrevieja also has the highest percentage of one-person households in the country, at 30 percent, just shad-


government-funded PIVE trade-in scheme for old cars, marked 22 straight months of growth and that after a 14 percent annual rise registered in May.

QUEUES SHORTEN strong as expected and that most of the newly employed were on short-term contracts. Unemployment figures in Alicante Province dropped by over four thousand (2.23 percent less) compared to May’s statistics, with the total standing at 185 thousand. Those registered as unemployed in the Murcia region stand at almost 128 thousand, with a fall of nearly three thousand (2.13 percent less) on May’s returns.



Friday 3rd July 2015


LONELY DEATH Cabbies on hold

Spain has upped its terror alert level from medium to high after last Friday's deadly attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait. "Considering the proximity of our country to the places where some of these attacks took place, it has been proposed to raise the anti-terrorist alert" from three out of five, or 'medium', to four or 'high', announced Interior Minister Jorge

Fernandez Diaz. Meanwhile the Guardia Civil officers union, the AUGC, has criticised their bosses for not telling their members what the high level alert means in practical terms. The AUGC said that no new directives or instructions had been issued for officers on the front line. Members of Torrevieja council gathered outside the

town hall last Sunday lunchtime for three minutes of silence in memory of those who lost their lives in Friday’s attacks. Torrevieja mayor, Jose Manuel Dolon, strongly condemned the violence and cruelty of the Islamic terrorists as well as emphasising the need for strong political and moral arguments to continue against such acts of barbarism.


An unconscious man in his seventies was pulled out of the water by fellowbathers at a Los Alcazares area beach last Sunday lunchtime. The incident happened at Las Palmeras beach in Los Narejos, opposite the beach bar, near the High Performance Centre. The man suffered a cardiac arrest and was taken by ambulance to Los

Arcos hospital in San Javier. On the Costa Blanca, a 67 year old man on holiday from Bilbao, wasn’t so fortunate when he died at Santa Pola’s Gran Playa on Tuesday afternoon. The Spanish bather was getting out of the water at about 5.20 pm when he collapsed after complaining of breathing difficulties to his

wife. Cruz Roja and SAMU staff were unable to revive him, and he was pronounced dead, most likely through cardiac arrest, at 6.30 pm. Meanwhile red flags were displayed on Elche area beaches on Wednesday due to the strong Levante winds, with two people having to be rescued from the water at Arenales del Sol.

The body of a British national had to be retrieved from a house on San Fulgencio’s La Marina urbanisation on Wednesday, in the latest in a series of incidents over the last fortnight where non-Spaniards have died in the area without any family or friends apparently checking on their welfare. The Guardia Civil and the local police had to enter the house on Europa Avenue wearing masks because of the strong stench. which was found in a mummified state. San Fulgencio Mayor, Carlos Ramirez, said that the bod-

ies of a British couple were found in a La Marina house recently, and separately that of a younger person, with no relatives or friends looking up on them on a regular basis. He also said that the council were going to pay for the funeral costs of a German who lived in the area and who died months ago, but nobody has been able to track down any of his family members. Ramirez said that the recent incidents contrasted strongly with the much stronger Spanish family units where everybody was much closer to each other with regular contact.

WATCH IT! Three major road safety campaigns are kicking in over the high season from Spain’s road authority, the DGT. As of today (Friday), the location of fifteen hundred mobile radar traps on the country’s secondary roads are being published, in addition to special weeks targeting vehicle condition (from Monday) plus a speed week later this month, and a week in mid-August chasing drink and drugged up drivers. Some 220 people lost their lives on Spanish roads last summer, which see over 80 million journeys in the months of July and August.

Meanwhile figures released on Wednesday showed that the Valencian region, including the Costa Blanca, saw a big rise in motorists being given speeding tickets last year, compared to 2013. 12 million euro of fines were dished out via 63 fixed radar points, a 32 percent rise in revenue as opposed to the previous year. Nationally, almost 130 million euro went into the coffers, a more modest six percent increase compared to the Valencian returns, with no reason given for such a big regional variation.

Taxi drivers across the Valencia region postponed a one-hour walkout last Wednesday morning in protest against the lack of action against unauthorised pirate operators. The drivers decided on the action after saying that nothing was being done to reduce the number of clandestine cabbies, especially those “operating” out of Alicante-Elche airport. Since the election of a new government for the Valencia region, the cabbies now want to hear what the new administration has to say, but have still pencilled in a protest for Saturday August 1st.

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Friday 3rd July 2015


Spanish air traffic controllers have called partial strikes over two weekends in July, which are some of the busiest travel days of the year for holidaymakers. The strikes have been called for July 11th, 12th, 25th and 26th by La Unión Sindical de Controladores Aéreos (USCA). The stoppages will take place between 10am and 1pm on Saturday July 11th and Saturday July 25th and

between 5pm and 8pm on Sunday July 12th and Sunday July 26th. The strike is the second such action in as many months after air traffic controllers took action over four days in June in protest at sanctions handed out to 61 air traffic controllers for shutting down Barcelona’s airspace in 2010. Delays were largely minimal at both Alicante-Elche and San Javier airports.


Three Spaniards, a man and a woman, have been arrested in the Pilar de la Horadada area and charged with stealing 500 kilos of red peppers from a local farm co-operative. A Guardia Civil team from Torrevieja started investi-

gating the disappearance of produce from the farm last autumn, and caught the trio literally red-handed last week when they were discovered with half a ton of stolen peppers that could be traced back to the farm.


A drunk cyclist has been fined one thousand euro for getting on his bike whilst under the influence of alcohol. The man was stopped by police in the town of Ortigueira, on the northwestern coast and found to have an alcohol level of way over 0.25 miligrams per litre. The alcohol limit for drivers in Spain is 0.5 miligrams per litre in their blood and 0.25 miligrams

per litre in their breath. When first breathalysed, the cyclist had a blood alcohol level of 0.50 miligrams per litre, which rose to 0.65 when a second test was carried out 20 minutes later. He’s one of the first in the country to get a bigger fine under tougher traffic restrictions introduced in March, which saw tougher penatlies introduced for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Four Moroccans have been collared by the Guardia Civil in their homes in Almoradi, Catral, and Granja de Rocamora, after allegedly being involved in a stream of violent house robberies in the north-western part of the Murcia region and Albacete. Investigations started back in February, with the Guardia having identified at least 14 crimes that the vicious gang were involved in, describing them

as a dangerous group that would not hesitate to threaten victims with violence. The men, in their twenties, have been charged with a variety of offences including robbery, car theft, forgery, as well as assaulting two police officers during one of the arrests. Two luxury cars, jewellery, and televisions were amongst the items recovered by the Guardia in what was codenamed Operation Rocalmo.


Emergency transfers of water have been authorised to fill up the region’s reservoirs that are suffering the worst of the current drought. In the Segura basin area, the reservoirs are only 58 percent full, compared to 74 percent at the same time

last year. Torremendo’s La Pedrera reservoir is having 20 percent of its capacity transferred to other reservoirs, with the additional resources being used to help farms that been affected by the dry conditions.



Children’s playgrounds in the Rojales area are to be improved at a cost of 43 thousand euro, according to the local council. Work will be carried out at the facilities at Malecón del

Soto and Malecón del Carmen, which will also include the erection of information boards with emergency contact details if an accident should happen at the parks.


Orihuela's new mayor Emilio Bascuñana visited Playa Flamenca Town Hall last Friday to hear about some of the main issues affecting the Orihuela Costa, as well as dropping in on new coastal councillor, Sofia Alvarez, Bascuñana is doing a whirlwind tour of all of the municipalities offices and met with Orihuela Costa department chiefs as well as the local police. Bascuñana said he

planned to make regular visits to Playa Flamenca, and stressed how important it was for the beaches to be cleaned and looked after because of the area's reliance on tourism. Sofia Alvarez had a day earlier picked up five "Q" certificates from the Spanish Institute for Quality Tourism (ICTE) for Punta Prima, Cala Estaca, Cala Capitan, La Glea in Campoamor and Mil Palmeras.

Santa Pola’s medical centre is getting more staff to cope with the extra demand for its services during the summer season. Two extra doctors and three nurses have been drafted in until

the end of the month, along extended hours for the centre’s emergency department. There’s increased staffing for all centres in the Santa Pola, Gran Alacant, and Arenales del Sol areas.


A woman died and 16 others were injured when a motorbike crashed into a bar in Valencia City on Monday night. An eleven-day-old baby was among the injured and a woman in her 70s died when the vehicle ploughed into people eating and drinking on a cafe terrace in the city. The 28 year old biker also suffered injuries in the horrific accident at around 8.30pm. Distressing footage captured the aftermath of the crash with a pram lying on

its side and tables and chairs overturned among the injured. Witnesses screamed at the carnage before rushing to help those lying stricken on the ground. Initial reports claimed the driver has told officers he swerved to avoid a car and was unable to stop the motorbike roaring into the cafe terrace. However, some witnesses have claimed that the biker was pulling 'wheelies' and driving at excessive speed before the smash.


Friday 3rd July 2015


Last Sunday’s air show in celebration of the centenary of the founding of Spain’s first ever hydroplane airbase back in 1915 gave Los Alcazares and Santiago de la Ribera beach goers plenty of thrills and entertainment. The Patrulla Aguila team gave their usual colourful displays of daring manoeuvres, causing shouts of wonder from the enthralled spectators. Other memorable

moments included helicopter drops, as well the acrobatic antics of the Aspa Patrol, which brought gasps as the planes appeared to nose dive towards the water, changing direction at the very last minute! Stalls sold model planes, and local bars and restaurants enjoyed a big influx of tourists, whose thirst needed quenching on what was the hottest weekend of the year.


A technical hitch didn't stop new Torrevieja mayor, Jose Manuel Dolon, from waving the Rainbow flag in support of gays and lesbians on World Pride Day last Friday, the first time ever that the council has taken part in the flag ceremony. An unspecified problem prevented the flag from being flown from the flagpole, but Dolon merely went onto the Town Hall balcony and proudly displayed the emblem, along with support from PSOE councillors Fanny Serrano and Africa CeldrĂĄ, with Serrano saying how much the new Torrevieja government val-

ued such events and the need to promote equality and tolerance. Similar ceremonies took place in Callosa

de Segura and Dolores, whilst Los Montesinos is staging a diversity party tomorrow (Saturday).

thinking of a National Police officer. The agent was based at passport control

and was called in to help the British man who was heading home after a holiday. A number of fellow travellers called for help in the waiting area when a man felt faint, and the officer on seeing the symptoms, immediately got hold of a defibrillator and started giving cardiorespiratory treatment. Ambulance staff arrived on the scene and managed to stabilise the patient before taking him to Los Arcos hospital, adding that the officer's prompt action probably saved the man's life.


A British tourist had his life saved recently at San Javier airport thanks to the quick-


Private rentals have outstripped the number of hotel beds on offer in Spain for the first time, thanks to popular online services such as Airbnb, according to a survey from the Spanish tourism sector body Exceltur. Airbnb and other similar sites listed a total of 2.7 million beds in Spain at the end of 2014, compared to 2.4 million beds available at hotels

and other traditional regulated lodgings, according to the study carried out by audit firm EY for the association. Sites like Airbnb, which lets homeowners rent out their homes for a fee by marketing them online, list around 278,000 properties in Spain. "This is a highly lucrative business which has experienced rampant growth," said Exceltur in a

statement. Spain is the world's most popular tourism destination after the United States and France, according to the Madrid-based United Nations World Tourism Organisation. The country received a record 65 million foreign visitors last year, a 7.1 percent increase over the previous year, with figures for 2015 already set to beat last year's returns.




Friday 3rd July 2015


A six-year-old Spanish boy whose parents refused vaccinations for him has died of diphtheria, the first in the country to contract the disease in 29 years. Officials say the youngster lost his fight for life in a Barcelona hospital. Bianca Pont, spokeswoman for the Vall d'Hebron university hospital, said in a statement that the patient, who had been admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit on May 30, died in the early

hours of last Saturday morning. It was the first case of this infectious disease to be diagnosed in the north-eastern region of Catalonia for 32 years and the first in Spain since 1986. The boy had been a resident of Olot - a small city north of Barcelona and near the border with France - who had not been vaccinated against the disease because his parents had opted against inoculation.


New laws will protect thousands of homeowners across the Spanish Costas whose properties are threatened with demolition after falling foul of planning laws. Last week's vote in Spain's Senate will mean the introduction of legislation to halt all house demolitions until owners have been paid compensation. The change marked the end of a big campaign to stop many expat homeowners threatened with demolition across

the country. It is the second such measure to be introduced this year, with legislation passed by the Senate in March seeing the suspension of the demolition of homes found to be built illegally by unscrupulous developers, until owners have been compensated. That measure was extended last week to include homeowners that were under threat of demolition not because of criminal action but "administrative error".


The Regional Education department of Valencia has agreed with the educational community and will delay the start of the first school term in September. Many workers in the education sector believed that a return to work on the 3rd of September was too soon after they finished at the start

of June, and proposed a delay until the 10th. The Valencian government will meet next week to finalise the dates but now look set to agree that the school year should start on the 10th of September for those in primary education, and two or three days later for those in secondary school.

A Spanish animal rights charity wants a 'Nancy the Dolphin Trainer' doll to be removed from sale, because they claim it "promotes the exploitation of animals". The Associació Cetàcea, a Catalan organisation dedicated to the defence of marine animals, has launched a petition calling on Famosa to recall one of its most popular products. The Nancy doll is sold with a dolphin and important

accessories for looking after dolphins, such as a bucket, a hoop and a handbag. "It represents a step backwards in terms of all those values animal lovers want to pass on to new generations," according to the charity. Famosa, have rubbished claims that the doll is trainer, saying that "Nancy is a carer, not a trainer, and the doll has nothing to do with dolphins being kept captive".



The National Police and Guardia Civil in association with local police forces launched their tourist security plan for the high summer season as of last Wednesday, which will see them stepping up patrols in key tourist areas during the peak tourist season. The Costa Blanca and Mar Menor will be under the

spotlight until the end of September, with the National Police saying they want to offer a fast response to crimes involving domestic and foreign tourists. The security plan will see a greater police presence on the roads, as well as key transport hubs, in addition to hotel and busy beach areas.


The National Police have arrested three Spaniards who ran a company that exploited mainly Bulgarian people who they found in the Orihuela area. They've been charged with crimes of extortion and infringing worker’s rights in

Murcia, Malaga, and Alava, by running a service area toilet cleaning company. The business saw the bosses cream most of their employees minimal wages and tips, with the workers even having to pay for their own cleaning materials.

Dave Silver


Friday 3rd July 2015

WELL, I TOLD YOU I WAS PROPER POORLY! I've not been at all well this week. The doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong with me because Mrs S hadn't bothered to get in touch with him. 'I'm afraid you've made a rod for your own back over the years,' Mrs S told me. 'Rods? Backs? What are you talking about, woman?' I groaned from under the duvet. 'I'll tell you what I'm talking about, man,' she said and then proceeded to tell me what she was talking about. 'Ever since I've known you -- and I daresay even before then -- you've been crawling to the GP each week claiming you're suffering from some weird malady. You've so antagonised our poor medical practitioner that he has developed an allergy to you. 'Every time he sees you he breaks out in a nervous rash and has to go on sick leave. Believe me, by not summoning the doctor to your death bed this week, I have spared not only him but also his frazzled receptionists and his many dependent other patients from needless extra inconvenience and suffering.' I thoroughly digested what Mrs S had said, raised my head slowly from the pillow and asked: 'Excuse me, madam, but does this bus

go to Piccadilly?' 'Stop pretending to be delirious!' snapped Mrs S. 'You've merely got the sniffles.' I slid back under the duvet and mumbled: 'You just don't understand. Some people are vulnerable to certain uncommon illnesses and I happen to be one of them. I believe the whole thing may be linked to high intelligence.' Mrs S sighed. 'Let me list some of the maladies you have succumbed to . . . Green Monkey Disease, Alien Hand Syndrome, Truman Show Delusion and Jargon Aphasia. And that's only over the past four weeks.' 'I can't help checking myself for illness,' I wailed. 'That's not quite right, m'dear,' said Mrs S. 'You can't help checking with Google for illnesses. Although I will acknowledge that you once did genuinely suffer a sudden disorder with an unusual name.' I popped my head out from under the duvet. 'Really?' I inquired, rather intrigued. 'And what was that?' Mrs S stared hard into my eyes. 'Something called Gravity Assisted Concrete Poisoning. It happened when you drank too much at our wedding reception and fell to the pavement as we

left for our honeymoon.' I swiftly dived back under the duvet, had a bit of a think and then popped my head out again. 'You'll miss me when I'm gone,' I croaked.

'Now blow.' I duly obliged and then asked: 'Is it okay if I crawl out of bed later to check the computer and find out exactly what I have got illness-wise?'

'I'd love to test your theory in the immediate future but in the meantime why don't you try to get some sleep,' said Mrs S and she patted me on the bonce. 'I hate that,' I mumbled. 'Hate what?' asked Mrs S. 'I hate being tapped on the head. It's the sort of thing one would do to a child who's poorly.' 'Exactly,' she said, holding a Kleenex to my nose.

Mrs S shook her head in thinly-disguised disgust. 'You really believe that having a slightly-runny nose means you are seriously ill?' 'But it's more than a runny nose,' I argued. 'I feel so yucky and icky.' Mrs S chuckled but there was little love in her laughter. 'Yucky? Icky? You even sound like a child. Now turn over and grab a nap.'

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'Shan't!' I shouted, drumming my heels on the mattress. 'Is there anything I can get you before I file for divorce? asked Mrs S. 'Perhaps a warm drink? An aspirin? A priest?' Women, I thought. Why are they such unsympathetic creatures? I was suffering from God knows what malady but she just didn't care. 'I heard what you're thinking,' said my missus. 'Of course I care but if I start fussing, you'll cease acting like a five-year-old and regress even further to babyhood. And talking of toddlers, if you think having the snuffles constitutes suffering, try giving birth!' And she strode from the bed chamber, slamming the door behind her. Females, I tutted to myself. Why does everything come down to having babies? I mean it's only nine months of a bit of discomfort and then it's all over. What about we men? We have to shave EVERY morning! 'I shall treat that thought with the contempt it deserves!' Mrs S shouted from downstairs. I burrowed deeper under the duvet and retreated into my past. My eyes filled with tears of nostalgia as I recalled my childhood companion Rupert. Oh, how I

needed him now. My fevered brain (now what illness could that be?) rewound 60 years to my small back bedroom in downtown Manchester. Mother is bending over me in my cot. 'Sorry you're feeling sniffly,' she says, patting me on the head. 'But I'm afraid our Rover has caught your cold and I'm sure you'll appreciate that the dog's needs are greater than yours.' And with that, she reaches under my covers and removes my Rupert the Bear hot water bottle. 'You poor thing!' Mrs S yelled sympathetically from downstairs, bringing me back to the present. 'I'll buy you a Spiderman hot water bottle when I go shopping later.' How the hell does she read my mind so well? I pondered. Is she psychic? Is she even Mrs S? Indeed, could she be an alien from another world? And then a thought struck me. I crawled out of bed, stumbled over to the computer and with weak fingers Googled my trustworthy list of rare medical conditions. 'That's it!' I cried. 'I told you I was ill.' Because there it was in black and white. Capgras Delusion: The belief that a loved one has been replaced by an identical imposter.



Friday 3rd July 2015

SENTENCE SERVED A Moroccan man who lives in San Pedro del Pinatar and wanted to join the Islamic State terror group, has been freed by the National Court in Madrid, after being given a seven month jail sentence, and released immediately having already served his time in custody. Nabil Benkaddour (pictured in court last week) was arrested in San Pedro by the Guardia Civil last November and was accused of access-

ing a variety of websites that specialised in terrorism and gave tips on how to make attacks. He also went onto internet sites boasting about terrorist contacts as well as offering his services to IS in Syria, though was unable to get there back in January last year. Benkaddour’s lawyer and prosecutors reached a plea bargain deal which meant he was freed immediately.


Spain still likes to "flash the cash" with a survey suggesting that some 80 per-

cent of transactions in the country are made in real money which means that

only 20 percent of business is conducted by online transfers or by using cards. In contrast, 60 percent of transactions are done electronically in countries like Britain and Germany. Bank figures show 111 billion euro was withdrawn from Spanish ATMs in 2014, with 105 billion spent in cash buys. The government is making moves to stamp down on cash payments exceeding three thousand euro and demanding explanation for transfers of over 10 thousand euro to combat the 'hidden economy.'


Some of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s strongest backers have been accused of helping a Russian criminal gang in Spain. The chairman of Gazprom, Viktor Zubkov,is amongst those accused, along with one of his deputies and two former Russian ministers, all said to have helped the St Petersburg’s Tambov crime syndicate for over a decade, Madrid prosecutors say. A 488 - page document was presented to the courts which outlines a decade of investigations linking offshore Russian organised crime to law-enforcement and policy makers in Moscow. The document

POP DOWN Spain's population dropped for the third year running in 2014, with 46.4 million residents in the country as of the first of January, a drop of 72,335, or 0.16 percent, from the same time last year, according to figures from the National Statistics Institute. The number of births edged up by 0.1 percent last year to 426,303, ending a five-year decline which coincided with the nation's economic downturn. Spain's migratory balance meanwhile was negative last year once again, with 102,000 more people leaving the country than arriving. While 307,000 people moved to Spain last year, 409,000 left the country, mainly foreign residents. Spain's two largest groups of immigrants, Romanians and Moroccans, both shrank. The British community remained Spain's thirdlargest foreign group even though the number of British nationals living in the country fell by 2.02 percent to 303,776. In Alicante Province, 22 thousand registered foreigners left the

official records in 2014, to add to the falls in 2013, though the overall percentage for foreigners in the province is still over 20 percent, with arrivals from North Africa and Latin America compensating for European falls. Meanwhile a survey for the diocese of OrihuelaAlicante, has delved further into local trends and figures. The current registered British population in Alicante Province is 37,493 (down 28.7% on 2013 figures), but

despite this, almost a third of all the British living in Spain are in Alicante province. Most of the British who choose this area to live in are already retired, some with a stable residence and others establishing a second home for part of the year, attracted by the climate and quality of life. The coastal municipalities have 41.6% of the total and are concentrated in Orihuela (13,991), Torrevieja (7,338), Rojales (7,249), and San Fulgencio (3,980).


An ex-President of the Partido Popular in Orihuela

is facing nine years behind bars if prosecutors get their

way. Pepa Ferrando formed a breakaway group that stood in May’s local elections, and now she’s in the spotlight over accusations over a tender handed out to a tourism exhibition, when she was responsible for culture and tourism in the PP administration led by Monica Lorente. Prosecutors accuse Ferrando of knowingly breaking the Public Procurement Act when she allegedly handed out overinflated contracts to a number of companies on the quiet, and outside the normal tendering process.


connects 27 people in the Spanish-based Russian Mafia, with evidence

obtained from thousands of wiretaps, bank transfers and property transactions.

Santa Pola bar and restaurant owners are being threatened with fines of up one thousand euro if they don't stop piling up rubbish

in bins next to outdoor terrace areas. The local council wants to improve the appearance of the key tourist spots in the

municipality and to make sure that businesses make sure that all waste is properly bagged up before it’s disposal.


Friday 3rd July 2015



RENEWAL OF EUROPEAN DRIVING LICENSES EU driving licenses are valid for driving throughout the Spanish territory. The renewal of EU driving licenses requires the holder to undergo psychometric aptitude tests and be legally resident in Spain. WHO NEEDS TO RENEW? The latest EU Directive 2006/126/CE states that holders of EU driving licenses that have expired or are about to expire need to renew their license. Holders of EU driving licenses that are valid indefinitely or for more than 15 years for Group 1 (AM, A1, A2, A, B & BE) or valid for 5 years or more for Group 2 (BTP, C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE) need to renew their license providing they have been legally resident in Spain for 2 years since 19th January 2013. TWO EXAMPLES

Residents and staff at the Savia Residential Home in Villamartin got a wonderful surprise recently when they were presented with a sup-

ply of art materials to use in their occupational therapy department. They were given by Veronica Hughes and Ann George to the home

in tribute to their friend Linda Fletcher, a dementia sufferer, who recently passed away. The Savia home has a number of residents that have various degrees of dementia and something as simple as colouring books and drawing equipment can help sufferers by stimulating the brain, whilst using pens and crayons maintains eye and hand co-ordination. The staff and director were grateful for the generous donation, with Veronica and Ann also making a gift to the Alzheimer’s group in Torrevieja, A.F.A.


A drunk 21 year old driver collided with four people after an all- night session in a Torrevieja night club. Nobody was seriously hurt with the incident taking place just

before 8.00am last Sunday morning by the Galileo club in the city’s Casa Grande industrial estate not far from La Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas. The man apol-

ogised to Guardia Civil officers at the scene, before being taken to Torrevieja Hospital for a check-up along with the four people that he hit.

EU license holders that are valid indefinitely or for more than 15 years, who are legally resident in Spain before or up to 19th January 2013, should renew their driving license from 19th January 2015. EU license holders that are valid indefinitely or for more than 15 years, who are legally resident in Spain since 6th June 2014, should renew their driving license from 6th June 2016. HOW TO RENEW This can be done in the local office of the Spanish Traffic Department, by calling 060 and making an appointment, or online at DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED • Official application form (available from local Spanish Traffic Dept. or download from • Proof of identity and residency • EU driving license. Original and a photocopy • Results from psychometric aptitude tests from recognised and authorised centre • A recent photograph 32mm x 26mm IN THE INTERESTS OF ROAD SAFETY These procedures have been implemented to comply with driving license regulations (Directive 2006/126/CE) in an effort to help increase road safety in general. Countries of the European Union have a single driving license for all 28 members, in a drive to harmonise the more than 110 different types of driving licenses currently in circulation. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Línea Directa please call 902 123 182 More information on Línea Directa online at


Friday 3rd July 2015


625 euro was gratefully received by the Rojalesbased Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre after a special fund-raiser at Benimar’s Route 66 American diner. Rescue centre co-founder Sue Weeding thanked everyone who supported the dinner and raffle which raised the bumper sum, saying the money would go towards the feeding and care of the centre’s horses, ponies and donkeys that have been rescued from abuse and neglect. “It was a very busy day, as my husband Rod had been called out by the police to rescue a horse and later had 700 bales of alfalfa to get off the field,” Sue said. “I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to attend because I broke my wrist a

few weeks ago and can’t drive. But at the last minute, all our volunteers from our La Zenia charity shop came to the rescue. They bought the raffle prizes with their own money and picked me up to make sure I could be there. It was just wonderful and a huge thanks to everyone involved.” The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre relies solely on donations to fund its animal welfare work. As part of its fundraising efforts, Sue said that a ninth charity shop selling second hand clothes, furniture and bric-a-brac will soon open in Dolores. A shop manager and volunteers are needed to run the new outlet, and if you’re interested in helping out, please telephone Sue on 652 021 980.



The Costa Blanca Rawhiders motor cycle club have stepped up to the plate once again by donating some much need money for the third year on the trot to Torrevieja's Alzheimer charity, AFA. 583 euro was handed over to a very happy AFA President Matilde Sanchez who showed club members around the AFA premises and was also offered a chance to ride one of the group’s powerful motor cycles. She said no, but she was still able to enjoy the moment by posing on one, with great authority!


The Stagestruck Theatre Group have been happily giving out the 2,000 euro raised recently from their show, 'An Evening with Stagestruck' (pictured). The money is being shared between San Fulgencio’s Cardenal Belluga Theatre; the local Parent Teacher’s Association (AMPA); the Alzheimer's Association and Age Concern. Meanwhile, the Sleeping Beauty is in

trouble because she hasn’t found her prince! It’s a vital part this autumn’s Stagestruck production of the famous story as their pre-Christmas show takes place at the Cardenal Belluga theatre. So if any gentlemen fit the bill, then please call the show director, Leigh, on 679 679 584, or emai him at leigh.humphries58@gmail.c om


Age Concern, Costa Blanca South is well on the way to raising enough money for a brand new minibus, and they’ve recently got a massive boost, thanks to Help Vega Baja who recently handed over five thousand euro to the bus appeal. Help

President Michele Masson arranged the special cheque presentation to Age Concern President, Maureen Payne, who expressed her grateful thanks to the Help Vega Baja team, with the bus appeal total now standing at just under an amazing 19 thousand euro.

A.C.T.S. is a brand new drama group made up of a mixture of novices and some folk from the now-disbanded Dramatic License. The group meets every Thursday at 6.30pm at the Cafeteria Trasgu, Calle Alicante, Formentera, and would love to meet you if you’ve ever wanted to try

your hand at amateur dramatics, but never had the courage to do so! So, if you would like to appear on stage or help behind the scenes, A.C.T.S. promise you a warm welcome. For more details, just pop along or contact Tony Goddard or emai him atl

Local News & Events


San Pedro Mayor, Visitación Martínez, and Fiesta Queen, Ángela Cárceles officially opened the three day San Pedro del Pinatar livestock fair last

Saturday. The traditional fair dates back to the 18th century, with extensive displays of agricultural materials, as well as livestock presentations.

The streets of San Javier are going to be busy tomorrow night (Saturday July 4th), with the sixth staging of Aidemarche night run and walk, raising money for the Aidemar, which is the association for the integration of the mentally handicapped on the Mar Menor. Over two thousand people are expect-

ed to take part with the entertainment starting at 6.00pm in the town’s Plaza Ayuntamiento, followed by a children’s race at 8.00pm, and then the main event at 9.00pm over eight kilometres, whilst the walkers have a gentler three kilometre route, plus there’s a rollerskating race as well!



The Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity is opening their fourth charity shop in the area on Monday, with premises in Almoradi on Calle Espana, 28. The char-

ity is looking for volunteers to work in the shop between 10.00am and 2.00pm, six days a week. For more details, please call Chris Rodley on 650 695 482.

Friday 3rd July 2015



Friday 3rd July 2015 Check Out:

Peter Singh & Pets



Many people ask me, why we concentrate on looking after sick and severely abused animals, making the point that if we concentrated on the healthy ones, it would work out a lot cheaper in vet bills and other costss for our charity. I am just glad that these people that ask this question are not in charge of the NHS, but who knows, maybe they are? Our house has literally turned into an animal hospital, as we have tablets and treatments for what would seem like every condition animals can have. The reward is obviously when they regain full health, or when a traumatised animal begins to trust you. I swear that one is like winning the lottery, as it is very emotional. Bonnie and Clyde, the two severely abused German Shepherds that I wrote about a fortnight ago, are making steady but slow progress, but that was to be expected. The rehabilitation of these two dogs alone, will in my opinion take at least around one year. They are the biggest challenge we have ever taken on and you never stop learning in our line of work, so I expect they will also have a lot to teach us, in how we work and how we can be more versatile in our approach. We have so many dogs

with Leishmania and this really seems to put off prospective adopters. Why this is, I am not too sure, as it is only two tablets a day, which are very cheap here in Spain. Our lounge, is currently like an animal hotel, with the current residents being 10 kittens, three cats and seven puppies. The cleaning simply never stops. When you have finished, it is time to start again and then we have other areas of the house where other

needy animals that need attention and cleaning. I have never slept so well in my life! When my head hits the pillow, I drift off into sleep within seconds. We would not have it any other way though. The work is an exhausting 20 hours a day, but we have to now really keep an eye on our capacity for animals and how many we currently have. Our limit was only meant to be 15 to 20, but we now have 50 animals in our care, with a weekly vet bill

running into the thousands. Only last Monday, I spent over sixteen hundred euro in one day at the vet. My debit card nearly melted that day, and it was nothing to do with the hot temperaturas! Our luck though has not been great as of late, with our charity website being hacked at a cost of 200 pounds to our charity and we have had to take 15 kittens into our home in the last month as no one else would take them. Each kitten then will cost our charity

250 pounds, to get all the treatments and transport them over to London, to their new forever homes, and on top of all that, our dog vehicle broke down! Meanwhile one of our residents, Paco, who we rescued from a killing station, has developed heart worm and when x -rayed, we found three bullets inside him and he has now developed cancer, where he only has around another three months to live, which we are going to make the best three

months he has ever known. Anything you would be kind enough to donate to our valued and extremely expensive work would be greatly appreciated, as we are trying to look after 50 animals every day, as well cleaning and rehabilitating them, in addition to finding ways of keeping our charity afloat. Please, please donate whatever you can. Even one pound or one euro will help us towards our mission with these traumatised and very ill animals. is a registered charity, where we rehabilitate the most severely abused animals. Our charity registration number is 1157175. If you would be kind enough to donate anything to this special cause you can do by Paypal, sending payment to or to our Nat West charity account, where the sort code is 60-16-03 and the account number is 73754900. Anyone wanting to pay into the Spanish account, can do, where the details are The Spanish account is Cajamurcia bank. Account number 9007006467. IBAN - ES42 0487 0485 7290 0700 6467. BIC - GBMNESMMXXX. When donating via Paypal, can you please choose the option, personal payment or gift. Thank you sincerely.



ANGEL Angel is a six month old pretty and well behaved mixed breed puppy who will be large when fully grown. She along with her sibling were rescued from a campo and for more details on this very pretty girl, please call P.E.P.A. on 650 304 746 or email

Morgan is an adorable nine month old dog with is currently living in a household with lots of other dogs. He is very affectionate and loves having cuddles, as well as loving to play and is very sociable and confident. For more details about Morgan please phone P.E.P.A. on 650 email or 746 304 p.e.p.a.animalcharity@gmail. com

Poppet is a gentle and loving pointer who craves human company. Because she had a bad start in life, she bonds very strongly with her carer and will want to be with you at all times. She loves to go out in the car, enjoys walking and gets on very well with other dogs. Poppet makes an ideal companion who will return the love given to her, 10 times over! Please call 600 845 420 or visit the website,

When Kryton was found in a remote area he was very hungry, very thin and completely exhausted. He is currently with a foster family. He is now 15 months old and Kryton is a playful, energetic medium sized dog who loves being in a home enviPATCHES roment. He would make a great Patches was rescued off the companion so please contact us side of a road when her kittens directly on 966 710 047 or email were only a few hours old. She is a beautifully friendly cat and her kittens are healthy, lively little bundles of fur. They are just some of the kittens currently being cared for by APAH. Please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.

KRYTON BILLY AND BOBBY Brothers Billy (pictured) and Bobby are three years old and have lived in the APAH kennels since they were two months old. They are large dogs, but very

soft and gentle in nature. They have never known a loving home, but very much deserve to find one. To meet them call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.


Trixie is a three year old German Shepherd cross, and her owner is returning to Norway and cannot take Trixie with her. She is chipped, vaccinated and sterilised. Trixie is a great companion, good with other dogs and an excellent guard dog. Call oday: 645 469 253.

Jeanette Erath - Learn Spanish

Where are you reading this? Are you logged onto your computer sat in your lounge? Or maybe you are on a beach flicking through the pages, relaxing in the sun. Wherever you are, I hope that you are interested in learning Spanish or improving the Spanish that you already know. For those of you starting out in this journey, I would like to reiterate something I always tell new students, that this is a marathon not a sprint. That you need to be slightly wary of people who tell you it´s possible to go from not speaking any Spanish to having a conversation in a matter of weeks! Of course it is possible if you only have one specific conversation that you can practise, however for general chat I

believe you need years rather than months and certainly not weeks. What is the best way to keep Spanish in the forefront of your life? For the answer to this question, I would like to remind you of how I opened this article, and one way I ensure my English students keep learning and improving is by giving them copies of The Courier to read, as it gives them something interesting to look at as well as being a good and interesting way to practise. Therefore why don´t you pop to a Spanish town like Guardamar or Orihuela and pick up a free Spanish language paper, then along with your copy of The Courier you can have a flick through, and maybe learn a few new words or at


Friday 3rd July 2015

least keep the ones you have in the front of your mind. This week I want to continue with an important part of learning the language, and one that can mean the difference between being understood and having people ask you to continually repeat yourself. It is also something that will help you understand Spanish speakers better and that can only be a god thing. The point of Spanish I am covering today is pronunciation. The first thing you need to remember is that Spanish is a phonetic language, therefore the words are written as they are said, so the first thing you have to do is learn the sounds of all the letters individually and then how they go together in certain

combinations. There are several ways to do this, probably the easiest is to look online, type something like ´Spanish pronunciation´ into a search engine and see what pages come up, make sure that when you are listening you are only listening to the pronunciation so be in a quiet room and concentrate on the sounds that you are hearing. Then look at the sounds of diphthongs, these occur when an unstressed "i", "u", or "y-ending" appears next to another vowel in the same syllable. Their vowel sounds do not change, but they blend together to form a single syllable, such as the ´ai´ or ´ay´sound in Spanish which make a sound like the English letter ´i´, the ´ei´ or ´ey´ diphthong is pronounced like the ´ay´ sound in the English word day but a little bit shorter. Remember though when there is an accent over the ´i´ the sound is separated. The ´oi´ or ´oy´ diphthong is pronounced as the ´oy´ in boy, and the ´ui´ or ´uy´ diphthong is pronounced as a shorter version of the English word ´we´. One other diphthong to bear in mind is ´au´ which is pronounced as the ´ow´ in owl, unless there is an accent over the u in which case the two letters are pronounced separately. These are of course the rules of pronunciation, however the reality can be

somewhat different. Spain, like the UK has many different accents, and of course we have the inhabitants of the majority of South American countries that speak Spanish along with other areas, therefore there are always different lilts and intonations that you need to bear in mind when you are listening to Spanish. I also always say that Spanish is pronounced clearly with each syllable clearly articulated, however the more you speak with Spanish people the more you will realise that this isn´t the case. There are few areas of Spain where the King’s Spanish is spoken and you have to listen to as much local Spanish as possible to be able to make sense of the accent and form of speaking as they also have slang words and local dialect to contend with. A few of the most common pronunciation quirks are as follows: with the past perfect verb ending the ´d´ is often missed out, for

example rather than say “he comido” you will possibly hear “ he comi´o” or “he hablado” becomes “he habla´o”. Another common mis-pronunciation is with the letter z. Where it should be pronounced as ´th´ sound it is often pronounced as an ´s´ as in cerveza which should be ´ser..veh..tha´ but is often spoken as ´ser veh sa´ So, practise your pronunciation but also listen as much as possible to the local people in your town or area to see how they say their words, do they open their mouths wide like they should or are they almost closed? Do they articulate well or are they too busy eating letters to be easy to understand? Listen to how they say their letters, do they pronounce how they should according to the rule book or are there slight varieties? Use your listening as much as possible to not only improve your vocabulary but also your understanding of the people where you live.


Friday 3rd July 2015

Tony Mayes - About Life

RELIGION HAS A LOT TO ANSWER FOR Just when you think there cannot be anything worse that the so-called Islamic extremists can come up with, then we get something like last week’s attack in Tunisia. It's hard to comprehend what it must be like to be enjoying the sun, sea and sand on a Tunisian beach one moment and the next to see some crazy gunman heading towards you, shooting at and killing anyone and everyone and then spraying bullets in hotel reception areas in a bid to kill those trying to get away from him. But this was not the only atrocity - on the same day came news of a beheading of an employer in France, allegedly killed by his Muslim employee, and the bombing of a Shia Mosque in Kuwait. It's little wonder that the only thing the thousands of holidaymakers in Sousse and other resorts in Tunisia wanted to do, was to get out of the country as quickly as possible. And who could blame them? All this obscene bloodshed has been brought about because of religious hatred. The problem is that 'believers' think that theirs is the only true religion and everyone else is wrong. Christians are just as guilty of that as a believer of any other religion, and how can there ever be any true religious tolerance when you have this blind faith that you are right and everyone else is wrong? The people carrying out these grotesque crimes are not uneducated, in fact they are often well educated and could, no doubt give a very plausible, although twisted, explanation as to why they feel it necessary to kill everyone not of a like mind to them. Similarly, many of the illegal immigrants risking everything to get out of their hellholes for a better life are the educated and those driven with the motivation to try to

better their lot. The very people, in fact, who are needed in their homelands to stay put and try to put their countries back on track. The greater the number of the 'elite' who run away, the more likely it is that their homelands will descend further into chaos. What they should be doing is to enlist in government forces to defeat the extremists trying to wreck their countries. One thing that is certain - and that is that the only people who can put an end to Islamic extremism are Muslims themselves and I´ve seen little evidence of that so far, particularly when you witness one sect of Muslims hell bent on killing another sect, which only strengthens IS aims. Truck drivers are frightened to get out of their lorries because they are not being protected by police or French security services. It is not lorry drivers' fault if they have an unknown illegal on board! As UKIP’s Nigel Farage is now advo-

cating - every lorry and every car entering Britain should be searched, and every illegal should be sent packing. There’s a frightening arms race going on between Russia, America and China that sadly is turning the clock back. Each of those countries is looking to develop missiles and fighter jets that travel more than five times the speed of sound, a speed of 4,000mph - a new hypersonic weapon. The deputy US defence chief said Russia was 'playing with fire' with its nuclear armament programme, and the US was determined to prevent it from gaining a significant military advantage. "Escalation is escalation, and nuclear use would be the ultimate escalation," he said. Scientists at a laboratory in Dayton, Ohio, are within reach of creating weapons able to travel at Mach 5, with one official describing the development as 'game-changing technology'. They have carried out

four test flights of the X-51 WaveRider, its hypersonic vehicle, with one flying more than 230 nautical miles at 4,000mph, whilst the Russians tested their version, Yu-71, in February unsuccessfully. The Russians have been steadily building up stockpiles of important supplies, ammunition, etc, to levels that would support operations' on their border with Ukraine. This world is full of fools! This takes me on to more foolishness - on the part of women. Can you believe that in a survey conducted by a women's magazine, 40% of 7,000 women admitted to considering having boob augmentation. 11% admitted they had names for their boobs, like Paris and Nicky, Starsky and Hutch, or Milo and Otis! 82% admitted to unbuttoning one extra button to look sexier and 21% claim to have flashed a stranger (wasn´t it women who complain that men don´t look at their faces but instead talk to their

breasts?). I've often criticised the bottled water industry for producing a totally unnecessary product which is no better than tap water. Now comes news that Poundland has entered the beauty market with a £1 make-up range and a British newspaper put it to the test last week. A model was made up with high-end cosmetics - with her entire face totting up to an eye-watering £268 and then with the Poundland range. Judges couldn't believe that the Poundland make-up costs 'the same as a bar of chocolate' and they'd opt for it in an emergency situation. However, the more luxurious products created a more flawless finish with real staying power they added. So it should, when it cost £267 more. Top end stores see some gullible women coming. What do they say about some women being high maintenance? It's good news that the decision of the director of public prosecutions, Alison

Saunders, has been overruled in the case of Labour Peer, Lord Janner. He was under investigation over historical child abuse allegations, but, because he has acute dementia, Ms Saunders decided it would not be in the public interest to prosecute. But an independent QC has ruled it would be in the public interest and has recommended her decision be overruled. The former Labour MP will now be prosecuted for 27 allegations of sexual abuse against nine children. Ms Saunders was totally wrong in not bringing this case to court, albeit he would not be able to mount a defence because of his dementia. But at least a jury will now hear the prosecution case and it will have a public airing. If this was a minor matter, Ms Saunders' decision might have been justified, but child sex abuse is an appalling crime and her decision gave all the wrong messages. Ms Saunders decisions have been in the spotlight before - authorising prosecutions against newsmen engaged in cheque book journalism, the majority of which were thrown out of court after millions of pounds was spent on prosecutions. Perhaps her days are numbered? And finally, well done to the English Women's football team who beat Canada on their home ground last weekend to book a place in the World Cup semi-finals. Had England's men got into the semi-finals, it would have been a major main news item, and the broadcasters would have had difficulty deciding whether to put the Tunisian atrocities or an England win as the lead item. For the girls, their achievement is just as big as what the men would have done - but they get only a small fraction of the recognition or acclaim. And that's wrong.

ISSUE 1 - 3RD JULY 2015



Friday 3rd July 2015

Spain offers something to suit all tastes

Spain offers you a life of adventure or a life of leisure

With locations that suit all lifestyle choices, from vibrant beaches like the Costa Blanca, exciting party towns like Barcelona and Ibiza, or the more relaxing and dreamy Balearics, topped off with abundant

sunshine all year round, Spain is the ideal choice for living the dream of a new life abroad. It’s not only lifestyle that factors into these decisions of course, the cost of living also plays a big part, not

only are the costs of day-today life a lot cheaper in most parts of Spain, fuel, travel, and of course house prices offer some of the most financially attractive benefits worldwide. Leaving your friends, fam-

ily and community behind may be one of the common fears before making the leap, but with so many expat communities already thriving in Spain, that is one fear that can instantly be alleviated. A short walk

through many towns and villages will prove this, with everything from the “Full English Breakfast” on offer, shops and bars reminiscent of home, and just about every business imaginable being set up by your fellow countrymen and women who have re-established themselves in their new chosen home. EU residents do not require visas to move permanently to Spain, but within three months of arriving you should secure a personal identity number, the Número de Identidad de Extranjero (which is commonly referred to as the NIE). This is required for all major purchases and is directly linked to a central body to monitor such things as tax etc, but it is also linked to the police computer. If you are stopped having committed a driving offence for example, your NIE will reveal all of your details to the processing officer and you can avoid having to pay an on the spot fine for your wrongdoing. You should also proceed with register-

ing yourself as a resident as soon as you decide you will be settling here. You will still receive your UK state pension providing you inform the Department for Work and Pensions and have paid appropriate national insurance contributions, and it will increase in line with pensions paid in the UK. You may be eligible for other UK benefits, detailed on Gov.UK, providing you meet the criteria. Ironically, this also includes winter fuel payments to older emigrants. Before leaving apply for form S1, which you need to present to a local Spanish doctor's surgery or hospital. You should then be treated on the same basis as a Spanish-born resident. You should also register on your town hall's Padrón, which provides lots of financial benefits to the local authority for investment and growth and provides you with the security and ability to carry out a lot more administrative procedures such as in health or education.

Professional Floor Care

Mike Butler has been restoring and polishing marble and other stone surfaces in Spain for just over seven

left with sharp edges, where tiles have been replaced and left uneven.Mike uses the crystallization system that

years. Working mainly in the Alicante and Murcia regions, Mike has experienced many different problems with stone floors. Problems like acid staining, seepage that comes up through the marble (looks like the film in a kettle), large cracks and holes and also, marble tiles that have been

restores an excellent shine to the marble, and then finishes off with a high speed buff that leaves your floors with a mirror like sheen. The same process is used on stone stairs, furniture, kitchen and bathroom tops, mantles and ledges and if there are deep marks made by acid burns

(chemical or natural) and scratches, these will need to be ground down and polished, and afterwards you wouldn’t know they had been there. Mike is happy to come out and visit your home to give you a demonstration to let you see how your floors will look after crystallization and give you a no obligation quote. Also you can call and he will give you an idea of cost or just call and have a chat with a professional and he can advise you on your best course of action. Many people get used to dull marble and forget how amazing this natural stone can look. Take the plunge and give Mike a call, you have nothing to lose but could gain amazing shinny floors. 691649515 - Day 966721331 Evenings or Email: simplyprofloorcare@hotmail. com. See our advert on page 3 of The Courier.


Friday 3rd July 2015



Friday 3rd July 2015


Showcase - Pinada Beach

The last front line development in La Mata, Torrevieja

The Pinada Beach III project is the last residential development being constructed on one of the last front-line areas in Torrevieja. Built with modern materials and excellent finishes, it is located just 20 meters from the long beach of La Mata and surrounded by a unique natural environment

consisting of pinewood forests, the dunes of La Mata and the environmentally rich and divers area of the Salinas de La Mata, a protected area which plays home to countless birds and other wildlife, some in danger of extinction, hence the area´s protected status.. The stunning properties

have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, with superb sea views, a community pool and recreation area in the solarium as well as underground garages and storage rooms. What´s more, the starting price on this much to be sought after development is just 130,000€, with the value set to immediately increase due to the unique location of the properties, and so not only making an idyllic seaside home, they also perfect for investors. If you would like more information, pictures or to arrange a personal viewing, please contact Liza on 966443381.

Property Booming

>> Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom properties

>> Open plan apartment with stunning sea views

>> Starting price on this development is just 130,000€

The average price of new houses in the Valencia region is continuing to increase. Torrevieja and the surrounding area leading the way in price increases, with a 1.4% increase. Benicassim is still one of the most expensive places for property, averaging at 1,744 euro per square metre. Property in Torrevieja, despite the price increase, is now just 1,186 euro per square metre on average, representing one of the most affordable places to buy or invest. As for the regional capital, Valencia, the average price stands at 2,030 euro per square metre, with the average 90 square metre home now costing 182,700 euro. With a keen eye for a bargain, there are still plenty of properties available at knock down prices, especially in the resale market, it will not take long for prices to increase substantially, making now the best time to buy the best price properties on the market.

Friday 3rd July to Thursday 9th July 2015


Friday 3rd July 2015


TV Pull-out

3rd JULY

00:40 Perspectives 01:20 Holiday Weatherview 00:20 The Bank: A Matter of Life 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Tonight 01:25 BBC News and Debt 04:25 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Breakfast 01:20 Panorama 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 01:50 An Hour to Save Your Life 07:00 Good Morning Britain 11:00 Homes Under the 02:50 The Met: Policing London 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show Hammer 03:50 This Is BBC Two 11:30 This Morning 12:00 Call the Council 04:30 Welcome to the World 11:55 ITV News 12:45 Helicopter Heroes 05:00 David Starkey's Magna 11:59 ITV Local Weather Down Under 12:00 This Morning Carta 13:15 Bargain Hunt 13:30 Loose Women 05:30 The Royal Institution 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 BBC News; Weather Christmas Lectures 14:55 ITV Local Weather 14:45 Wimbledon 2015 06:00 Let's Kick Sum Maths 14:55 ITV Local News 19:00 BBC News 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 15:00 Judge Rinder 19:30 Weather 16:00 Secret Dealers 08:00 Call the Council 19:30 BBC Local News 16:59 ITV Local Weather 08:45 RHS Hampton Court 17:00 Tipping Point 20:00 The One Show Palace Flower Show 18:00 The Chase 20:30 BBC News; Regional 19:00 ITV Local News 09:15 Gardeners' World News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 09:45 Cowboys and Angels 20:30 Would I Lie to You? 20:00 Emmerdale 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 21:00 EastEnders 20:30 Coronation Street 12:00 Daily Politics 21:00 Gino's Italian Escape 21:30 Celebrity MasterChef 12:30 Wimbledon 2015 21:30 Coronation Street 23:00 BBC News 22:00 Doc Martin 23:25 National Lottery Update 21:30 Wimbledon 2Day 23:00 ITV News at Ten and 22:30 Gardeners' World 23:25 BBC Local News; Weather 23:00 RHS Hampton Court Weather 23:30 ITV Local Weather Palace Flower Show 23:35 The Graham Norton 23:30 ITV Local News 23:40 Vicious 23:30 Newsnight Show 00:35 This Week

00:15 Weather

00:05 Scientologists at War 01:05 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 02:00 One Born Every Minute USA 02:55 Kids in Crisis? 03:50 Country House Rescue 04:45 Dispatches 05:15 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 06:10 Deal or No Deal 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 The Last Leg

00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Milkshake! Bop Box 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Stop! Police Interceptors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:15 Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 World War II in Colour 21:00 Conspiracy 22:00 Big Brother 23:30 Big Brother's Bit on the Side

00:00 Celebrity Juice 00:50 Reality Bites 01:30 Two and a Half Men 02:30 Love Island 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 09:10 You've Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 14:15 You've Been Framed! 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 New You've Been Framed! 21:00 The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey

00:35 The Vice 01:35 City Lights 02:30 Judge Judy 02:50 Man About the House 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 On the Buses 07:35 Heartbeat 08:35 The Royal 09:40 Murder, She Wrote 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 A Touch of Frost 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 French Fields 17:50 Doctor at Large 18:20 On the Buses 18:55 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Rosemary & Thyme 22:00 Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Dogs 22:35 Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Dogs 23:00 afterlife

Coronation Street - Trouble for Tracy

Soap Bubble In Emmerdale, trying to hide her heartbreak, Megan realises Jai was with Leyla last night, she darkens as a plan starts to form. Once Jai has left for work, she makes a phone call, grimly determined. Rachel is left encouraged when Megan tells her to be in the pub at dinnertime, hoping it’ll be something which will work in her favour for Archie’s custody case, but she is left confused by the lack of fireworks. However, Megan fills Rachel and Sam in on her long term plan which would put Jai back in his box for good, but are they up for it? In Corrie, Liz has plans for Tony. When Liz and Michelle discover a batch of stolen goods is due to be delivered today, she’s more determined than ever to get her own back. As Tracy unloads his stolen goods, the police arrive. Will Liz’s revenge end in Tracy’s arrest? Back at the pub Liz introduces Leanne to Dan. Both Leanne and Dan hide their shock at seeing each other. What is their history? In Eastenders, no help is at hand for Nancy as she has her seizure. Back at the Masood house, Tamwar tells Shabnam about his problems with Nancy, admitting that it isn't their religion which is stopping him from taking their relationship to the next level. Shabnam convinces Tamwar to be honest with Nancy, so he heads back to The Vic and is shocked to find Nancy unconscious on the floor. As Nancy comes round, she insists that she doesn't need a doctor.

00:00 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Insane Fight Club 02:30 Reggie Yates: Extreme South Africa 03:30 Russell Howard's Good News 04:00 Insane Fight Club 05:00 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Edinburgh Comedy Fest Live 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Russell Howard's Good News

TV Pull-out

Friday 3rd July 2015



4th JULY

00:00 Artsnight

00:25 SunTrap 00:55 Flatliners

00:30 Glastonbury 2015

02:45 Weather for the Week 02:30 Even the Rain Ahead 04:10 Question Time

02:50 BBC News

05:10 Protecting Our Foster

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live


12:30 The Box 07:05 Animal Park 13:00 BBC News; Weather 13:10 Wimbledon 2015

07:35 Formula 1 09:15 Formula 1

19:40 BBC News 19:50 BBC Local News;

10:55 Formula 1

Weather 12:05 Wimbledon 2015 20:00 Prized Apart 21:00 The National Lottery:

13:10 Formula 1 15:30 Wimbledon 2015

Who Dares Wins 21:50 Casualty

21:30 Wimbledon 2Day

22:45 The John Bishop Show 22:30 Top Gear 23:30 National Lottery Update 23:30 BBC News; Weather 23:50 Not Going Out

23:45 Hunt v Lauda: F1's Greatest Racing Rivals

00:10 The Hitcher 01:40 Jackpot247 04:00 Britain's Best Bakery 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge 07:25 Pat & Stan 07:35 Dino Dan 08:00 Canimals 08:15 Sooty 08:30 Super 4 08:45 Fish Hooks 09:00 Young Justice: Invasion 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 12:15 The Jeremy Kyle Show 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:24 ITV Local Weather 13:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 14:25 Surprise Surprise 15:30 1000 Heartbeats 16:25 All Star Family Fortunes 17:10 This Is Lionel Richie 18:15 Catchphrase 19:00 ITV Local News 19:15 ITV News and Weather 19:30 You've Been Framed! 20:00 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:14 ITV Local Weather 23:15 Black Work

00:05 Man Down

00:00 Family Guy

00:15 Celebrity Juice 01:00 Two and a Half Men 01:55 Fake Reaction 02:35 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 02:55 Life's Funniest Moments 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 Emmerdale 09:40 Coronation Street 12:05 Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium 14:00 Along Came Polly 15:40 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 16:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 16:45 Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway 18:05 Despicable Me 20:00 Evan Almighty 22:00 Love Island 23:00 The Break-Up

00:40 Pusher 02:15 Supernatural 03:05 The Hotel 04:00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 04:55 The Renovation Game 05:50 Deal or No Deal 06:40 SuperScrimpers: Top Tips 06:50 Draw It! 07:15 How I Met Your Mother 07:40 How I Met Your Mother 08:05 How I Met Your Mother 08:30 The Grid 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:25 The Simpsons 13:55 Rude(ish) Tube 14:25 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Come Dine with Me 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Walking Through History 21:00 Penelope Keith's Hidden Villages 22:00 GI Joe: Retaliation

00:30 Big Brother 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:20 Jackass 05:45 House Doctor 06:10 House Doctor 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:20 Angelina Ballerina 07:30 Pip Ahoy! 07:45 The Mr Men Show 07:55 Chloe's Closet 08:05 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:15 Make Way for Noddy 08:30 Paw Patrol 08:50 Little Princess 09:00 Wanda and the Alien 09:15 Zack and Quack 09:30 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:45 Jelly Jamm 10:05 LazyTown 10:30 Dora and Friends 11:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:35 Access 11:40 Cowboy Builders 12:40 Cowboy Builders 13:40 Cowboy Builders 14:35 Carry On Cabby 16:25 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 19:10 5 News Weekend 19:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 20:10 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 21:05 Benefits 22:00 Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 23:00 Big Brother

G.I. Joe - Retaliation

00:45 American Dad! 01:05 Family Guy 01:30 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 02:30 People Just Do Nothing 04:30 Russell Howard's Good

TV Choice

Action fans are in for a treat tonight as the pick of the best films on the television is over on Channel 4, with Channing Tatum, Dwayne Johnson, Jonathan Pryce and Bruce Willis staring in sequel, G.I. Joe: Retaliation. The story picks up where the 2009 original left off - with the US president having been replaced by a lookalike, who is in fact Zartan of the world-domination-seeking terrorists Cobra. Only Duke, Roadblock and the rest of the USA's elite GI Joe warriors can stop Cobra. But the 'president' has dispatched them on what's intended to be a one-way mission to Pakistan. Survivors of that deadly trap must then face, among other things, a swarming army of ninjas. But the GI Joes have their own secret weapon: General Joe Cotton; founder of their organisation and owner of a supremely impressive arsenal. Meanwhile, in the continuing filmfest from the mind of J.K. Rowling, in this week´s Harry Potter outing, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on ITV, the ruthless Death Eaters announce the return of their master, Lord Voldemort, with a series of attacks on London. As disaster looms, Professor Dumbledore brings former tutor Horace Slughorn back to Hogwarts so that young wizard Harry Potter can learn from him the secrets of Voldemort's power.

News 05:00 Close 20:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Shanghai Noon 23:45 Russell Howard's Good News

00:05 The Vice 01:10 Wimbledon 02:55 Stephen Tompkinson's Australian Balloon Adventure 03:45 Man About the House 04:40 Emmerdale 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 Where the Heart Is 09:05 A Touch of Frost 11:10 Inspector Morse 15:40 A Touch of Frost 17:50 Columbo: Swan Song 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Foyle's War 23:00 A Touch of Frost


Friday 3rd July 2015


TV Pull-out

5th JULY

00:20 Room 101 - Extra Storage

00:45 Grand Prix 03:25 This Is BBC Two

01:00 The Hot Chick

07:15 Homes Under the

02:40 Weather for the Week Hammer

Ahead 02:45 BBC News

08:15 Big Dreams Small

07:00 Breakfast


10:00 The Andrew Marr Show

09:15 Countryfile

11:00 Sunday Morning Live

10:15 Gardeners' World

12:00 Sunday Politics 10:45 Saturday Kitchen Best

13:15 Formula 1


16:30 Prized Apart 17:30 Escape to the Country

12:15 Weather for the Week

18:00 Songs of Praise


18:35 Nature's Greatest Dancers

12:15 Formula 1 Rewind 13:20 Bargain Hunt

19:35 BBC News 19:50 BBC Local News;

14:20 Athletics


15:20 Live Athletics

20:00 Countryfile

19:00 John Carter

21:00 Fake or Fortune?

21:00 Top Gear

22:00 A Song for Jenny

22:00 Odyssey

23:20 BBC News 23:40 BBC Local News;

22:45 Family Guy


23:25 Family Guy

23:50 Live at the Apollo

23:50 Family Guy

00:15 Burn after Reading 01:55 Jackpot247 04:00 Ejector Seat 04:45 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge 07:25 Pat & Stan 07:35 Dino Dan 07:45 Dino Dan 08:00 Canimals 08:15 Sooty 08:30 Super 4 08:45 Fish Hooks 09:00 Young Justice: Invasion 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 13:30 ITV News and Weather 13:39 ITV Local Weather 13:40 Love Your Garden 14:40 Long Lost Family 15:40 Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang 17:45 Midsomer Murders 19:45 ITV Local Weather 19:45 ITV Local News 19:55 ITV News and Weather 20:15 Catchphrase 21:00 Surprise Surprise 22:00 Black Work 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:19 ITV Local Weather 23:20 Bear Grylls: Mission Survive

00:10 Terminator 2: Judgment

23:00 The Grey

00:00 Wedding Disaster Specials 01:00 Access 01:10 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 House Doctor 05:25 Make It Big 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:20 Angelina Ballerina 07:30 Pip Ahoy! 07:45 The Mr Men Show 07:55 Chloe's Closet 08:05 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:15 Make Way for Noddy 08:25 Paw Patrol 08:40 Mio Mao 08:45 Little Princess 09:00 Wanda and the Alien 09:10 Olly the Little White Van 09:15 Zack and Quack 09:30 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:40 Jelly Jamm 09:55 LazyTown 10:25 Milkshake! Monkey 10:30 Dora and Friends 11:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:35 Access 11:40 Police Interceptors 13:40 Kate & Leopold 15:50 Entrapment 18:05 Hercules 19:45 5 News Weekend 19:50 You, Me and Dupree 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 A Deadly Adoption

00:15 Family Guy 00:40 Family Guy 01:00 Family Guy 01:20 Family Guy 01:40 Family Guy 02:00 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 03:00 Uncle 03:30 Uncle 04:00 Uncle 04:30 Russell Howard's Good News 05:00 Close 20:00 Formula 1 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Shanghai Knights 23:45 Russell Howard's Good News

01:15 The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 01:45 Love Island 02:45 Crazy Beaches 03:10 Crazy Beaches 03:35 Teleshopping 06:35 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:25 Emmerdale 10:05 Coronation Street 12:30 Take Me Out 13:40 Take Me Out - The Gossip 14:25 Love Island 15:30 Mr Bean's Holiday 17:15 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement 19:30 Jurassic Park 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Scary Movie V

01:00 Wire in the Blood 02:30 Wycliffe 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 A Touch of Frost 09:00 Heartbeat 10:00 Heartbeat 11:00 Wycliffe 12:05 Columbo: Swan Song 14:20 Goodbye Mr Chips 16:20 Wycliffe 17:35 The Railway Children 19:50 Inspector Morse 22:00 Joanna Lumley: The Search for Noah's Ark 23:30 The American President

Day 02:45 The Last Leg 03:40 Hollyoaks 05:45 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 06:40 River Cottage Bites 06:55 How I Met Your Mother 08:10 Ginetta GT5 Challenge 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:25 Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast 14:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Location, Location, Location 18:35 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Kevin McCloud's Escape to the Wild 21:00 Amazing Spaces Shed of the Year 22:00 Humans

Black Work Concludes

TV Choice Tonight sees the concluding episode of the three-part thriller Black Work with Sheridan Smith on ITV. When her detective husband Ryan is murdered, PC Jo Gillespie is shocked to discover he was working undercover. When another body is discovered she realises that her husband's killer is still out there - and closer to home than she ever imagined. Jo is left reeling as the secrets she has uncovered prove devastating for her family. She decides to abandon her investigation into Ryan's death out of fear she is endangering her children. However, when another body is discovered, she realises that her husband's murderer is still at large, and it is up to her to see that he is brought to justice. But as she takes up the case again, she does not realise that the killer could be terrifyingly close to home. If you´re looking for a film, Liam Neeson stars in Joe Carnahan's survival thriller The Grey on Channel 4, set in the snowdrifts and seriously sub-zero temperatures of an Alaskan winter. Ottway (Neeson) makes his living culling wolves that get too close to the workers at a remote Alaskan oil rig. The nature of the job, the company he is forced to keep and the isolation have left him feeling suicidally low. However, though psychologically fragile, he decides to catch the plane back to civilisation rather than take his own life. But the flight doesn't make it.

TV Pull-out

Friday 3rd July 2015



6th JULY

00:35 Don't Tell the Bride

00:10 Family Guy

01:35 Weather for the Week 00:30 Match of the Day Live

Ahead 01:40 BBC News

03:30 Countryfile

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Neighbourhood Blues

04:30 Holby City

11:00 Homes Under the 05:30 This Is BBC Two

Hammer 12:00 Call the Council

07:00 Homes Under the

12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Hammer

Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Wimbledon 2015

08:00 Call the Council 08:45 RHS Hampton Court

19:00 BBC News Palace Flower Show

19:30 Weather 19:30 BBC Local News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News; Regional

09:15 Escape to the Continent

News 20:30 Nigel Slater: Eating

10:15 Victoria Derbyshire

Together 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama

12:00 Daily Politics 12:30 Wimbledon 2015

22:00 The Met: Policing 21:30 Wimbledon 2Day

London 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Local News; Weather

22:30 Mock the Week 23:00 Episodes

23:35 A Deadly Warning: Srebrenica Revisited

23:30 Newsnight

00:20 Piers Morgan's Life Stories 01:15 Jackpot247 04:00 Motorsport UK 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Local Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Local Weather 14:55 ITV Local News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Local Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Local News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Vet School 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Vicious 22:30 It's a Funny Old Week with Jason Manford 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV Local Weather 23:30 ITV Local News 23:40 Plebs

01:15 Rude Tube 02:10 The Talented Mr Ripley 04:30 Come Dine with Me 06:45 River Cottage Bites 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:10 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Superfoods: The Real Story 22:00 How to Get a Council House 23:00 Man Down 23:35 Tattoo Fixers

00:45 Assumed Killer 02:30 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 House Doctor 05:25 Make It Big 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Monkey 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 90 Cats and Counting: Cat Crazies 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 The Trail to Hope Rose 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Hiroshima: The Aftermath 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Under the Dome

00:15 Russell Howard's Good News 00:45 Family Guy 01:10 American Dad! 01:30 Family Guy 01:55 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 02:55 Uncle 04:25 Russell Howard's Good News 04:55 Great Movie Mistakes 05:00 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Bad Boy Boxer: The Last Chance 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Bad Education

00:50 Fake Reaction 01:30 Love Island 02:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 02:55 Life's Funniest Moments 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 New You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Ibiza Weekender 23:00 Love Island

01:50 Blue Murder 03:05 Cornwall with Caroline Quentin 03:50 Man About the House 04:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:40 Emmerdale 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 On the Buses 07:35 Heartbeat 08:35 The Royal 09:40 Murder, She Wrote 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 A Touch of Frost 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 French Fields 17:50 Doctor at Large 18:20 On the Buses 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 23:00 The Little House

Eastenders - Stacey is shocked

Soap Bubble In Monday´s Emmerdale, Carly’s dismayed to find the shop flooded, panic rising even more when she tells Bob she forgot to insure the shop. When Brenda complains the builder hasn’t turned up to start work on Gennie’s memorial playground, despite the fact she’s already taken the money out of the bank, Bob starts to eye up the cash. Carly blackmails Val, demanding money or she will tell Eric about the loan, but Val refuses. In Coronation Street, as David and Kylie make an effort to appear the perfect family unit, Callum watches on, both jealous and annoyed. While Kylie gets ready for her drug therapy session, Gemma feigns an emergency Gemma and lures Kylie round to Callum’s flat. As David frets, wondering where Kylie’s got to and worried she’s going to miss her therapy session, Audrey reckons she’s back on the drugs. Callum shows Kylie round his flat, pointing out the fabulous bedroom he’s had kitted out especially for Max. Callum puts pressure on Kylie, telling her that she, Max and Lily should move in with him and they could be a proper family. In Eastenders, Stacey reacts badly when Jean reveals that she is getting married to Ollie tomorrow, questioning her mum about whether she has been taking her medication. Unhappy with this, Jean rushes off and confides in Shirley, who encourages her to try again with Stacey. Soon afterwards, Jean and Shirley interrupt just as Stacey is talking to Martin about her own illness.


Friday 3rd July 2015


TV Pull-out

7th JULY

00:05 Have I Got Old News for 00:15 Weather 00:20 Odyssey You 01:05 Watchdog 00:35 The Graham Norton 02:05 The BBC at War Show 03:05 This Is BBC Two 01:25 Weather for the Week 05:00 Schools - Locomotion: Ahead Dan Snow's History of 01:30 BBC News Railways 07:00 Breakfast 05:40 Schools - Why the 10:15 Neighbourhood Blues Industrial Revolution 11:00 Homes Under the Happened Here Hammer 06:00 Ultimate Brain: Mad Lab 11:30 7/7: The London - Mission Materials Bombings Remembered 06:30 Ultimate Brain: Mad Lab 13:05 Bargain Hunt - It's Alive 14:00 BBC News; Weather 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 14:45 Wimbledon 2015 08:00 Call the Council 19:00 BBC News 08:45 Helicopter Heroes Down 19:30 Weather Under 19:30 BBC Local News 09:15 Japan: Earth's 20:00 The One Show Enchanted Islands 20:30 BBC News; Regional 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire News 11:30 Call the Council 20:30 EastEnders 12:15 Flog It! Travels Around 21:00 Holby City Britain 22:00 The Syndicate 12:30 Daily Politics 23:00 BBC News 13:30 Wimbledon 2015 23:25 National Lottery Update 21:00 Wimbledon 2Day 23:25 BBC Local News; 22:00 The Bank: A Matter of Weather Life and Debt 23:00 Rev 23:35 Imagine: Beware of Mr 23:30 Newsnight Baker

00:10 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 01:00 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:55 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Local Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Local Weather 14:55 ITV Local News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Local Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Local News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones 21:00 Love Your Garden 22:00 Virgin Atlantic: Up in the Air 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV Local Weather 23:30 ITV Local News 23:40 Benidorm

00:40 24 Hours in A&E 01:35 Child Genius 02:30 One Born Every Minute USA 03:20 Mary's Bottom Line 04:15 How Britain Worked 05:10 The Renovation Game 06:05 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:10 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 22:00 Child Genius 23:00 Not Safe For Work 23:50 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:15 The 12-Year-Old Shopaholic, and Other Big Spending Kids 02:10 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Monkey 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Meltdown: Days of Destruction 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 22:00 Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick 23:00 Big Brother

00:00 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Bad Boy Boxer: The Last Chance 02:30 Insane Fight Club 03:30 Bad Education 04:00 Bad Boy Boxer: The Last Chance 04:55 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Russell Howard's Good News

00:00 Celebrity Juice 00:45 Two and a Half Men 01:45 The Vampire Diaries 02:30 Love Island 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Bad Bridesmaid

00:00 01:00 02:00 02:55 03:30 07:00 07:25 07:50 08:55 09:55 10:55 12:15 14:15 15:15 16:20 17:20 17:55 18:25 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:00

Eastenders - Jean and Ollie are husband and wife

Soap Bubble In Emmerdale, Brenda’s upset convinced someone has stolen the memorial money. Meanwhile, Bob asks Carly for the money back, but she insists it’s too late. Bob approaches Val for a loan, but on her refusal is left feeling even worse. Later, Bob discreetly plants money from a payday loan company in Brenda’s apron. But it doesn’t have the desired effect. As when Brenda finds it, knowing she’s already checked her apron, starts doubting her memory. Things are exacerbated when Carly suggests she has been absent minded lately and Val supports the idea. Later Brenda approaches Chas worried her brain tumour is back and wanting Chas to accompany her to the hospital. Confiding that if the tumour has returned, this time she’s going to let nature take its course. In Eastenders, Jean's wedding day has arrived. Martin encourages Stacey not to take the key to the ceremony after Jean's reaction yesterday, but she ignores his suggestion and brings it along to Jean's house. While there, Stacey takes the opportunity to look for anything that it might open. However, when Jean brings up the key, Stacey promises not to talk about it anymore and they make amends. Jean then mentions something in relation to Brian but before Stacey can ask any questions about it, they are interrupted by Shirley and leave for the ceremony.

The Little House The Vice The Royal ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping Doctor at Large On the Buses Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat The Royal Wild at Heart French Fields Doctor at Large Rising Damp Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Wycliffe

TV Pull-out

Friday 3rd July 2015



8th JULY

01:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:15 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Neighbourhood Blues 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:45 Call the Council 12:30 Wimbledon 2015 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:20 Wimbledon 2015 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Weather 19:30 BBC Local News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 The Interceptor 23:00 BBC News 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:25 BBC Local News; Weather 23:35 A Question of Sport

00:15 Weather 00:20 7/7: The London Bombings Remembered 01:05 The Super League Show 01:50 Antiques Roadshow 02:50 Napoleon 03:50 This Is BBC Two 05:00 Schools - Apprentice for a Day 05:40 Schools - Ultimate Brain: Mad Lab - Circle of Life 05:55 Schools - Ultimate Brain: Mad Lab - A Load of Old Rubbish 06:10 Schools: Ten Pieces 06:55 Schools - Wonders of Nature: Grass Cutter Ants Teamwork 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Call the Council 08:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 09:15 See Hear 09:45 Antiques Roadshow Detectives 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 The Budget 2015 16:30 Wimbledon 2015 21:00 Wimbledon 2Day 22:00 Children of the Gaza War 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight

00:40 Murder, She Wrote

23:40 Pop Gold

00:50 Rude Tube 01:45 KOTV Boxing Weekly 02:15 Gillette World Sport 02:40 The Grid 03:05 Ginetta GT5 Challenge 03:35 Gadget Man 04:00 The Renovation Game 04:55 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 05:45 Deal or No Deal 06:35 Draw It! 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Autistic Gardener 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 From Russia with Cash

00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 Benefits 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Monkey 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Trauma Doctors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 FBI: Negotiator 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 My Million Pound Council House 22:00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 23:00 Big Brother

00:00 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 02:30 Bad Boy Boxer: The Last Chance 03:25 Russell Howard's Good News 03:55 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 04:55 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Shanghai Knights 22:50 Great TV Mistakes 23:00 Russell Howard's Good News

00:45 Two and a Half Men 01:45 Love Island 02:40 Life's Funniest Moments 03:05 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 The Cube 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 The Cube 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 New You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 American Pie 2

00:15 01:20 03:05 03:30 07:00 07:25 07:50 08:50 09:55 10:55 12:15 14:10 15:15 16:20 17:20 17:55 18:25 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:00

01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Local Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:15 ITV News 14:55 ITV Local Weather 14:55 ITV Local News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Local Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Local News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The Cube 22:00 Long Lost Family 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV Local Weather 23:30 ITV Local News

Coronation Street - Bev arrives to break the news

Soap Bubble In Emmerdale, Paddy attempts to steer Aaron away from Robert but his plan is ruined, resulting in Robert and Aaron being left together alone. The attraction’s still there between them. Paddy warns Aaron he should stay away from Robert but when Robert suggests a drink Aaron defiantly agrees. Later, the sexual tension is bubbling as Robert and Aaron flirt and end up kissing, lost in their passion. Paddy is shocked when he turns up and finds them together. Later, a frustrated Paddy puts a plan into action as he writes a letter to Chrissie. In our mid-week Corrie, Deirdre’s friends pile into the Rovers for her surprise party. At No.1 Ken readies himself for the big night as Audrey tends to Tracy’s hair. They’re interrupted by a knock at the door. Ken’s surprised to find that it’s Bev but without Deirdre. Clearly upset, Bev breaks the news that Deirdre died this afternoon. Ken, Tracy and Audrey can only look at her in stunned silence as Bev explains how she passed away. In the pub a devastated Liz and Bev break the news that Deirdre has died. Back at home Tracy and Ken break down, unable to contemplate life without Deirdre. When Kylie tells Sarah that Callum is taking her for a ride, and that he tried it on with her yesterday, Sarah’s worried. Confronting Callum, Sarah demands to know if what Kylie said is true. How will Callum respond?

The Vice A Touch of Frost ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping Doctor at Large Rising Damp Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat The Royal Wild at Heart French Fields Doctor at Large Rising Damp Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Blue Murder


Friday 3rd July 2015

TV Pull-out


9th JULY

00:05 The Met: Policing London

00:15 Weather

01:05 Weather for the Week

00:20 The Bank: A Matter of


Life and Debt 01:20 See Hear

01:10 BBC News

01:50 Kate Humble: Living 07:00 Breakfast

with Nomads

10:15 Neighbourhood Blues

02:50 A Song for Jenny

11:00 Homes Under the Hammer

04:10 This Is BBC Two

12:00 Call the Council

05:00 Exploring the House of

12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down



06:00 Schools - Titch and Ted

13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather

Do Maths: Measurements 06:30 Schools - Titch and Ted Do Maths: Fraction

14:45 Wimbledon 2015 19:00 BBC News

07:00 Homes Under the Hammer

19:30 Weather

08:00 Call the Council

19:30 BBC Local News

08:45 Flog It! Trade Secrets

20:00 The One Show

09:15 Natural World

20:30 BBC News; Regional News

10:15 Victoria Derbyshire

20:30 Britain Beneath Your Feet

12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics

21:30 EastEnders

13:30 Wimbledon 2015 22:00 Celebrity MasterChef

21:00 Wimbledon 2Day

23:00 BBC News

22:00 Coast

23:25 BBC Local News; Weather

23:00 Mock the Week

23:35 Question Time

23:30 Newsnight

00:40 Tales from Northumberland with Robson Green 01:10 Jackpot247 03:30 British Touring Car Championship Highlights 04:45 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Local Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Local Weather 14:55 ITV Local News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Local Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Local News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Coronation Street 21:30 Big Box Little Box 22:00 Superhospital 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV Local Weather 23:30 ITV Local News 23:40 The Last Word

00:00 How to Get a Council House

23:00 True Stories

00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Monkey 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Conspiracy 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Lone Rider 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 Benefits 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Person of Interest 23:55 Big Brother's Bit on the Side

00:00 Family Guy 00:50 American Dad! 01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Russell Howard's Good News 02:30 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 03:25 Where Am I Sleeping Tonight? 04:25 Russell Howard's Good News 04:55 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Reggie Yates: Extreme South Africa 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Russell Howard's Good News

01:55 Two and a Half Men 02:20 Love Island 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:10 You've Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 You've Been Framed! 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 The Lost World: Jurassic Park 23:00 Love Island

00:35 01:40 02:40 03:05 03:30 07:00 07:25 08:25 09:25 10:30 11:50 14:05 15:10 16:15 17:20 17:55 18:25 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:00

01:00 Four to the Floor 01:30 One Born Every Minute USA 02:15 Somewhere 03:55 The Renovation Game 04:50 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 05:45 River Cottage Bites 06:00 Deal or No Deal 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Will & Grace 08:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:45 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:15 Frasier 09:45 Frasier 10:15 The Big Bang Theory 10:45 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 Come Dine with Me 12:50 Channel 4 News Summary 12:55 Come Dine with Me 14:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:00 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Grand Designs 22:00 Married at First Sight

Emmerdale - Paddy in Danger

Soap Bubble In Thursday´s hour-long Emmerdale, Paddy has just rescued a calf and is climbing out of a grain pit when he slips back off the ladder hurting his leg, he calls out for help but Andy doesn’t hear. A menacing Robert is lurking and seeing Paddy trapped, unseen he flicks the grain auger on. As the grain starts to flow, filling up the pit with Paddy in it, Paddy screams, unheard for help over the noise of the machine. In Coronation Street, Sarah admits that Callum has dumped her and she intends to move back to Italy. Bethany’s horrified and calls at Callum’s flat, desperate to sort her mum’s love life out so she doesn’t have to return to Italy. Witnessing Gemma arrive with a delivery of drugs, Bethany suggests Callum rekindles his relationship with Sarah and in return she’ll keep quiet about his line of business. Will Callum go along with Bethany or is she in way too deep attempting to blackmail Callum? In Eastenders, Lily's dance recital is taking place today and Stacey is determined to make her the perfect dress for the occasion after spotting Lexi's outfit. Martin is keen to talk to Stacey about yesterday's events, but she angrily insists that she is fine and asks him to leave. Frustrated after the conversation, Stacey tears Lily's dress in two - meaning that she has to pull together another one at the very last minute.

The Vice The Royal Man About the House ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping Rising Damp Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat The Royal Wild at Heart French Fields Doctor at Large Rising Damp Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Foyle's War Blue Murder

TV Pull-out

Friday 3rd July 2015



TV Pull-out - Quizzes

Friday 3rd July 2015

CODE CRACKER Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number. In this week’s puzzle, 13 represents T and 8 represents Z, when these letters have been entered throughout the puzzle, you should have enough information to start guessing words and discovering other letters.



25 Sediment (5)

1 Clever (5) 4 Allegory (5) 8 Foodstuffs (9) 9 Everything (3) 10 High point (4) 11 Nought (7) 12 Head gesture (3) 13 Thought (4) 15 Level (4) 16 Failure (3) 18 Farm vehicle (7) 19 Naked (4) 22 Owed (3) 23 Comrade (9) 24 Bulbous spring-flowering plant (5)

Down 1 Indication (6) 2 Love (5) 3 Journey (4) 4 Acquaintance (6) 5 Infatuated (8) 6 Prevaricating (7) 7 Beat (4) 12 Maritime (8) 14 Language variant (7) 16 Rally support (4,2) 17 Racket sport (6) 18 Clean up (4) 20 Similar (5) 21 Hairless (4)

Last weeks Solution

Across: 1 Cast, 3 Opposite, 9 Examine, 10 Oasis, 11 Poems, 12 Target, 14 Stress, 16 Pardon, 19 Humble, 21 Total, 24 Trial, 25 Insults, 26 Pleasure, 27 Used. Down: 1 Cheapest, 2 Scare, 4 Pretty, 5 Odour, 6 Instead, 7 Ease, 8 Kisses, 13 Enclosed, 15 Routine, 17 Artist, 18 Senior, 20 Bills, 22 Tales, 23 Stop.

Scribble Pad

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

CRYTPIC CLUES Across 7 Risk in tidying up the garden (6) 8 Coating with female and males names (6) 9 They make a hit with golfers (4) 10 In a tizzy? Call Eric, in a pen pushing capacity (8) 11 Dresser for a group of ministers (7) 13 Commence beguine without university egghead (5) 15 Brashest without the wind instrument (5) 17 He'd easy become a bumpkin (7) 20 Parched detour I'd changed (5,3) 21 Undone same line of stitching (4) 23 Everybody in the German city linked to Kennedy (6) 24 Unwilling to produce a piece of rhyme (6)

Down 1 Repaired leak with a vegetable (4) 2 Is saga about a tennis star? (6) 3 Followed journalist after the pamphlet (7) 4 A new enemy for an Arab nation (5) 5 Unfortunately remain a fighting man (6) 6 It's a ‘no-no’ in the photographic business (8) 12 Cultivated Indian city gets rainstorm (8) 14 Same hat, different part of London (4,3)


Complete the crossword grid by using the given words:

3 letter words Ale Apt Arm Boa Dye Era Fir Has Let Men One Pep Set Sin Sly Spa

4 letter words Abed Afar Ages Akin Alar Alas Alga Area Cafe Cape Carp Chit Dele Dope Dose Ease Elan

Euro Hasp Lens Life Lone Myth Pane Peel Pent Play Pray Rang Safe Sard Seas Sect Sent Sled Tire

Toll Tong 5 letter words Ahead Alarm Alone Aorta Caddy Cedar Coach Colds Erica Fleas Morel Panty Poker Preen Range

Rouge Sedge Shady Slang Stale Stash Veldt 6 letter words Emerge Hooded Siesta Splint 8 letter words Derelict Plethora Standing Validate


Improve your Spanish - clues in Spanish, answers in English or vice versa.

16 Bouts of curses (6) 18 She's after a South African's girdles (6) 19 I be so out of sorts in Idaho (5) 22 Organised Laos too (4)

Down STANDARD CLUES 1 Variety of cabbage (4) Across 2 Famous US tennis player 7 Peril (6) (6) 8 Tooth coating (6) 3 Followed (7) 9 Golf ball pegs (4) 4 Arab nation (5) 10 Office job category (8) 5 Of or relating to the sea 11 Cupboard (7) (6) 13 Start (5) 6 Lacking a positive quality 15 Alloy of copper and zinc (8) 12 Pertaining to farmland (5) (8) 17 Country bumpkin (7) 14 Area of London (4,3) 20 Free from moisture (5,3) 16 Bouts (6) 21 Cloth join (4) 18 Waistbands (6) 23 City in Texas (6) 19 Capital of Idaho (5) 24 Disinclined (6) 22 As well (4) Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Lass, 4 Slate, 9 Imitate, 10 Arena, 11 Guest, 12 Elevate, 13 Rasher, 15 Critic, 19 Agitate, 21 Cases, 23 Emits, 24 Airfare, 25 Scene, 26 Sees. Down: 2 Abide, 3 Startle, 4 See red, 5 Abate, 6 Elegant, 7 Linger, 8 Fade, 14 Spirits, 16 Records, 17 Cashew, 18 Beware, 19 Abel, 20 Aisle, 22 Shake.

Across 1 White (6) 4 Lights (5) 8 Suizo (5) 9 Emanar (7) 10 Aeropuerto (7) 11 Dinner (supper) (4) 12 Mar (3) 14 Chiste (4) 15 Silk (4) 18 King (3) 21 Tall (4) 23 Enemy (7) 25 Razones (7) 26 Cobertizos (para animales, herramientas) (5) 27 Floor (of room) (5) 28 Strawberries (6)

Down 1 To be enough (6) 2 Open (7) 3 Cliente (de tienda, bar, restaurante, banco) (8) 4 Plomo (metal) (4) 5 Code (cipher) (5) 6 Balancín (en parque infantil) (6) 7 Nidos (5) 13 Lift (elevator) (8) 16 Conductores (de coches, camiones, autobuses) (7) 17 Fathers (6) 19 Levadura (5) 20 Caballos (animales) (6) 22 Suit (for man) (5) 24 Wolf (4)

TV Pull-out - Quizzes Across 1 What name is often applied to a newspaper having pages half the size of those of the average broadsheet, typically popular in style and dominated by sensational stories? (7) 5 Derived from the Hebrew for ‘gathering’, what name is given to the parliament of modern Israel? (7) 9 Which adjective means ‘of or relating to or resembling an axis of rotation’? (5) 10 What name did James Hilton give to his ‘mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided from a lamasery, enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains’ in his 1933 novel Lost Horizon? (72) 11 Operating from the Elizabethan era until the early 19th century, what name was given to a thief, typically on horseback, who held up travellers at gunpoint in order to rob them? (10) 12 What name is usually given to a male deer, especially an adult male red deer? (4) 13 What collective name is given to the chemically inert elements helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon? (5,5) 16 Which bugle call for lights to be put out in army

quarters, was so named because the signal was originally sounded on a drum? (4) 18 In rugby union, what name is given to a loose scrum formed around a player with the ball off the ground? (4) 19 Thought to be a reference to New York, which fictional city is the home of Superman? (10) 21 Which verb means ‘catch sight of’ or ‘to perceive with the eyes’? (4) 22 Which adjective means ‘stupefied or excited by a chemical substance, especially alcohol’? (10) 26 Which is the capital and largest city of Nepal? (9) 27 The solid part of the Earth’s surface is often referred to as (what) firma? (5) 28 Which word completes the title of the American medieval fantasy television series based on author George R R Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels: Game of (What)? (7) 29 Kuching is the capital of which state of Malaysia, comprising the north-western part of Borneo? (7) Down 1 Formed in Enschede in 1969, which Dutch band is best known for winning the

SUDOKU (Very easy)


Friday 3rd July 2015

Quiz Word

Eurovision Song Contest in 1975 with the song Ding-ADong? (5-2) 2 What name is often applied to expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewellery?

(5) 3 Which two words complete the title of the ITV sitcom set in an NHS ward that starred James Bolam, Peter Bowles, Christopher Strauli as

patients and Richard Wilson as their consultant surgeon: (What) (What) I Laugh? (4,4) 4 By what first name was the singer Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O’Brien better known? Her early hits include: I Only Want to Be with You and I Just Don’t Know What to Do with Myself? (5) 5 Which sluggish, tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat, feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark? (5,4) 6 The U2 guitarist David Howell Evans is more widely known by which stage name? (4) 7 Located on the Mississippi river, adjacent to Minneapolis, what s the capital of the state of Minnesota? (5,4) 8 Chiefly used in riot control to force crowds to disperse, what general name is given to the volatile substance that causes severe irritation to the eyes? (4,3) 14 Which popular children’s television programme shares its name with a flag that indicates that a vessel is ready to set sail? (4,5) 15 Which 880 mile (1,400 km) mountain range extends the length of the Italian peninsula? (9) 17 Bill Elliott and Bobby

Purvis were the members of which vocal duo who were the first act to sign for George Harrison’s Dark Horse Records label? Their only UK Top 20 hit single, released in 1974, was entitled Costafine Town? (8) 18 Also known as the suricate, which small mammal belonging to the mongoose family, lives in all parts of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, in much of the Namib Desert in Namibia and southwestern Angola, and in South Africa? (7) 20 What was the name of the fictional comic strip and comic book character created by Sgt George Baker during World War II? He was a lowly private experiencing some of the absurdities and humiliations of US military life? (3,4) 23 With what type of music would you principally associate the singer/songwriters Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Willie Dixon, Earl Hooker, Slim Harpo and Koko Taylor? (5) 24 Which verb can mean both ‘to cast, hurl, fling through the air’ and ‘to cause one’s voice to appear to come from elsewhere? (5) 25 Muscat is the capital of which country at the eastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula? (4)



Match these words with their Spanish translations then find them in the wordsearch. (Answers below)

movies / tv QUIZ

ANSEWRS: 1. Cagney and Lacey 2. Tara 3. Sean Connery 4. Marlene Dietrich 5. Stuffing birds 6. Woody Allen 7. Wyatt Earp 8. An Actress 9. Bulova Watches 10. Green 11. Hot Rod 12. Tarzan 13. Stewart Granger

Last Week’s Solutions Code Cracker Last weeks Quiz Word Solution Across: 1 Ascot, 4 Home Guard, 9 Doc, 10 Ant, 11 Heathen, 12 Shoe, 13 North Korea, 15 Ibsen, 16 Spare tyre, 17 Badminton, 21 Ellis, 23 Obstetrics, 24 Knot, 27 Leonine, 28 Ewe, 29 Asp, 30 Omelettes, 31 Oldie. Down: 1 Andes, 2 Cyclops, 3 Thaw, 4 Hot Rods, 5 Mahatma, 6 Goalkeeper, 7 Ashtray, 8 Dungarees, 14 AntiSemite, 15 Imbroglio, 18 Dispose, 19 Torment, 20 Nucleus, 22 Lanyard, 25 Tepee, 26 Lego.

la modestia

la amabilidad

la paciencia

la ambición

la puntualidad

la comprensión

la sabiduría

la discreción

la sensatez

la generosidad

la sinceridad

la honestidad

la tolerancia

la humildad

la valentía

la inteligencia Empareja estas palabras - Match the Spanish and English words You will find the answers at the bottom of the quiz. alegría, amabilidad, sabiduría, sensatez,

i.common sense, j.patience, ambición, comprensión, sinceridad,

k.modesty, l.punctuality, discreción, tolerancia, valentía.

m.ambition, n.tolerance, generosidad,

o.generosity, p.wisdom, honestidad, humildad,

a.courage, b.discretion, inteligencia, modestia,

c.friendliness, d.intelligence, paciencia,

e.understanding,, puntualidad,

g.sincerity, h.humility,


Span - Eng



Answers: 1f, 2c, 3m, 4e, 5b, 6o, 7q, 8h, 9d, 10k, 11j, 12l, 13p, 14i, 15g, 16n, 17a.

1. In which cop show did Petrie and Isbecki appear? 2. What was the name of the plantation in movie 'Gone with the Wind'? 3. What actor once had a job as a coffin polisher? 4. What actress said "I acted vulgar, Madonna is vulgar"? 5. What was Norman Bate's hobby in the movie 'Psycho'? 6. Alan Stuart Konigsberg is better known as who? 7. Hugh O'Brian played the lead in which old western series? 8. Dorethy Parker said "Scratch an actor and you will find" what? 9. What product did the first commercial in the USA advertise? 10. What colour is Spock's blood? 11. What was Fonzie's favourite magazine? 12. James H. Pierce was the last silent film actor to play which role? 13. James Leblanche Stewart became famous under what name?

la alegría

Fill It In


On The Box

Friday 3rd July 2015

Shock as Deidre Passes Away

Deirdre Barlow, is set to leave our screens this week, following the death of actress Anne Kirkbride, closing another chapter of historic Coronation Street. Husband Ken is planning a surprise 60th birthday party for Deidre to welcome her home. However, Deidre´s friend, Bev Unwin, with whom she´d been staying, arrives back on the street alone. Ken´s plans for a celebration quickly turn into the opposite, as he finds himself suddenly having to plan his wife´s funeral. Deidre´s family and friends are left devastated, echoing their true life emotions, when the news hits the street. As the residents pay their respects, Ken´s son Peter returns to the street, as Ken, Peter and Tracey spend an evening reminiscing, and dissecting

their family life, speaking lovingly about the legend that was Deirdre Barlow. William Roache spoke of the shock of losing his longterm screen partner, explaining first how Ken reacts, “When something really big happens, you don´t do anything. You are dumbstruck, literally. If it´s something as awful as that, you don´t scream, you don´t shout, you don´t cry, you are literally struck dumb”. There are more revelations as it transpires that Deidre stayed away for so long as she was shocked by Tracey´s actions. That naturally makes Ken angry, “When he hears the real reason she stayed away he gets very angry, because he´s been deprived of the last few weeks and months with the person he loves”. Dealing now with double the emotion, it “gives another

dimension to the funeral”. Of course the funeral doesn´t go smoothly at all, there´s a classic “Barlow” scene with everybody arguing, with the double helping of emotion, Peter initially failing to turn up and Ken struggling with the eulogy, it all makes for a classic piece of television. In the end though, what

unites the Barlow’s is the same thing that has united the cast through these most difficult months, dealing with the grief and the loss of a person they held do close to their hearts, and as the curtains finally close on another street icon, it promises to evoke similar emption in the viewer, as we all bid a fond” ta rah” to Deidre Barlow.

Twists and Turns in Eastenders Apparently, Bobby didn’t kill Lucy! That’s the big summer Eastenders spoiler. The police, who don’t know

about Bobby’s involvement remember, find new evidence and swoop on the Square and arrest some-

one, but who? There are other shockers promised throughout the summer, including the return of one of the original characters, Kathy Beale. Yes, she apparently didn’t die in a car crash in South Africa years ago, he faked the car-based climax, and only Phil Mitchell (ex-husband) knew, because he´s been helping her keep it quiet so she could avoid her estranged husband Gavin, who is hotfooting behind her to

Bring on the Music What music? We hear you cry, why the music of Black Beauty is our reply. As returning to our screens is the iconic black horse. Which? The one from the Lloyds Bank ads, of course! Okay, enough of the poetic license, but we have waivered a Jaffa Cake on you now having the Black Beauty theme going round your head so the stage is set for our little tale of how an advertising agency has brought the black horse of Lloyds Bank back to life on two short stories depicting the strength and support of horses in everyday situations since 1765. Aptly named “horse story”, each of the scenes features the black horse which was symbolic of the brand’s logo for many years, taking its first step as a a foal, then helping a farmer and his wife plough their field, and even pulling a lifeboat. We go to a wedding in

the 1980´s and see a horse drawn carriage and the sporting heroism of a British paralympic show jumper cantering through a forest. Sadly though, the actual music isn´t the Black Beauty theme tune, although it should be in our humble Jaffa Cake betting world, the film actually uses the soundtrack Wings by singersongwriter Birdy The hidden message is not only that the horse has worked tirelessly for 250 years, they´ve worked a lot longer, but the message celebrates the 250th anniversary of Lloyds, “By your side for 250 years”. By the way, the horse as a mascot was briefly revived in 2003, the first time since the 80s, as part of an effort to win back their market share, but as nostalgia is all the rage right now, will the icon stay around? Maybe or maybe not, or maybe “Nay Mr Wilkes”... Oops, wrong show!

Walford already (Just Good Friends star Paul Nicholas). Finally, saying goodbye, Carol Jackson is about to bid farewell to the square, but will she be alive or dead? Actress Lindsey Coulson, who has played Carol since the 90’s, has decided to leave. We don´t know how or why yet, but we do know... Brace yourselves... Dean Gaffney is about to reprise his role as Carol’s son Robbie. Make your own conclusions!



Rochdale lass Anna Friel has done well for herself since she first hit the TV limelight in Brookside with a then controversial lesbian kiss plus the small matter of burying nasty dad Trevor Jordache under the patio! She’s been popping up in shows on both sides of the Atlantic, but hasn’t really found a big hit, despite critical acclaim for her role in the quirky Pushing Daisies, and also for her latest Stateside effort Odyssey, which BBC 2 has just started screening. I think the last time the Beeb bought an American drama was the awful Pan Am nearly four years ago, but they’ve done miles better in getting this

mini-series conspiracy thriller. It all kicks off as a US military unit is killed by private contractors from their own side after getting rid of a top Al Qaeda leader. Anna Friel’s character survives because she went for a leak in the desert and she’s got a memory stick full of nasty stuff linking an American company to funding Al Qaeda. Friel is excellent in this and though you can spot the twists before they happen, it’s entertaining fare, and though it doesn’t have the shock value of say Homeland and 24, it will still nicely do for a summer evening. Meanwhile, Friel is also doing a cracking stiff-upper lip impression of a British World War Two captain in a Norwegian led co-produc-

tion called The Saboteurs which is airing on More 4, and jolly good stuff it is as well: - arguably even better than Odyssey. It’s the story of a bunch of Norwegians

leading attempts to sabotage a heavy water production plant in their country, with the water being used in the Nazi attempts to produce a nuclear bomb. It’s

the first new WW2 TV tale I’ve seen on UK TV since ITV’s awful attempt to update The Colditz Story a decade ago, and it’s an excellent yarn, with loads of goodies and baddies, and clichéd Germans and Brits, but it’s still exciting, with a fair bit of artistic license on the actual story into the bargain, which would get a few historians crying into their beer. We can get too snobbish over TV drama, so here are two recommendations for downloading and box-setting, but keep the youngsters in another room! Banshee, into series three on Sky Atlantic, makes a Quentin Tarantino movie appear to be a Merrie Melodies cartoon, with over the top violence, sex, and

language, but this story of a fake sheriff trying to keep a Pennsylvania town in order is utterly compelling. Likewise, Penny Dreadful, which is coming to the end of its run on Sky Atlantic, is plain bonkers as a group of folk in late-Victorian London fight off their demonic enemies. Again it’s OTT in every aspect, but a super cast makes it worth watching, and I’m delighted to say that like Banshee, it will be back for another run next year. Neither show will win any awards but TV should be about offering some naughty fun and fantasy, and both programmes deliver plenty of that. Mary Whitehouse would have done her nut if was still alive to see them!


Friday 3rd July 2015



Friday 3rd July 2015

The right property at the right price We are well established companies here in Costa Blanca with many years experience in real estate, home improvements and reformation of property and we extend an invitation to new clients at our offices in San Luis and Los Altos whether it is for buying, selling or any of our in-house services in the Torrevieja area. With our services we can offer our clients a full simple buying experience as well as advice and obtaining N.I.E. , help with opening bank accounts, house purchase/ sales and all types of insurance.

For buyers we ensure that the property is free from debt , has all building work,

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deeds prior to completion. Each client has a complete breakdown of costs prior to completion to ensure clarity and understanding of each transaction. In addition we can help with health registration, residencia and translation services free of charge. For sellers we ensure that they are given maximum exposure for their property from our offices, the internet, our many agents and collaborators throughout europe as

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Friday 3rd July 2015



Friday 3rd July 2015


Friday 3rd July 2015





Food & Drink

Friday 3rd July 2015

Are Pickles the cure for social anxiety?

Cupcake Toppers – Imagination Needed!

Eat more fermented foods and have fewer anxiety symptoms

Desserts Whole Wheat Pecan Waffles or Pancakes

Ingredients 1 cup old fashioned oats, 1 cup skim milk, 3/4 cup white whole wheat flour,1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 2 tablespoons pecans, Chopped Pinch salt, 3 tablespoons butter, melted, 1 egg, beaten, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Directions Mix the milk and oats in a large mixing bowl and let rest for 10 mins. Combine the dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl. Add the butter, egg, and vanilla to the oats. Add the dry ingredients to the oatmeal mixture. Scoop 3/4 cup of batter into the center of the waffle iron and close the lid. Cook for about 3 minutes. Tropical Avocado Smoothie Ingredients 1 cup coconut water , 1 avocado, 1 t grated fresh ginger or 1/2 t dried ginger, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 2 T lime juice, 1 cup frozen pineapple. Directions Combine all ingredients except the pineapple in a blender and process until smooth. Add the pineapple and pulse a few times, then process until smooth.

If you're the kind of person who leaves the pickle on the side of the plate after finishing your burger, you may want to reconsider. Research conducted by University of Maryland and published in the Psychiatry Research journal claims to have found a link between pickled foods and social

anxiety. Those that regularly ate pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut and more were found to have reduced 'neuroticism'. The scientists were quite surprised to find that issues of mental health might be tied up in the stomach as well as the mind - calling it the 'mind-gut con-

nection'. "It is likely that the probiotics in the fermented foods are favourably changing the environment in the gut, and changes in the gut in turn influence social anxiety," said psychology professor Matthew Hilimire. "I think that it is absolutely fascinating that the microorganisms in your gut

can influence your mind." Anecdotally, picklebacks have done nothing for my anxiety, but maybe the whiskey's mitigating things, you never know. The team is now examining data to see whether a correlation exists between fermented food intake and autism symptoms.

Who doesn’t like a big piece of cake, from sponge to fruit and everything in between, but if there’s one thing more appealing than a sweet wedge, it’s the delightful little bundle of sweetness we call the cupcake. From the traditional, albeit plain, simple cake, to the more lavish and richly decorated treats, there is something for everyone to enjoy, if they can get their hands on them. Remember the days of cutting out the top to turn into butterfly wings, these days you can get realistic looking butterflies to adorn your cake. Everything from fruit, flowers, characters and more can dress up your little slab of delight, but what about going all the way and creating a world

in miniature, maybe with a scene from a city or town, your favourite TV show of film, or even just a face. One of the most popular characters doing the rounds in the film world at the moment are Minions, and they are so easy to recreate in a cupcake. Many of the characters have eyes that can be recreated with sweets, and simple curves and lines form the rest of the features of the face. Those guides can apply to any character face if you think about it though, you are not restricted to Minions. The only limit to creating the perfect cupcake is your imagination. Whatever you choose as your topping, there’s no doubt it will be a sweet joy to chomp on.

Food & Drink


Friday 3rd July 2015

Foods that burn MORE calories than they contain Celery, cucumber and pork can all help aid weight loss They are the foods most people would shun when hunger pangs strike, reaching for crisps, chocolate or biscuits instead. But for those wanting to lose weight - or lead a healthier lifestyle - there are certain foods that simply while eating burns more calories than they contain. Known as 'negative-calorie' food, tucking into these foods is the perfect way to give in to cravings without being assailed by feelings of

guilt. From celery and cucumber to papaya and asparagus, these are the foods you can eat as much as you like although embarking on a negative-calorie diet is not something that's recommended by health experts and nutritionists. Cucumbers Calorie content:100g contains 16 calories Made mostly of water, a cucumber is also a great source of vitamin C and is known to be able to reduce high levels of inflammation in the body. 'Cucumber contains ascorbic acid and caffeic acid help prevent water retention,' Daisy Connor, nutritionist at NutriCentre, said. Asparagus Calorie content: 100g contains 20 calories A good way to detox (it contains diuretic nutrients that can help remove toxins), eating asparagus can also help boost your metabolic rate. As well as its pound-shedding properties, asparagus is rich in folate which makes it an ideal food for pregnant women. 'As well as being a diuretic asparagus contains antiinflammatory antioxidants,'

said Ms Connor. Lean Pork Not strictly a negative calorie food, lean meats such as pork, turkey and chicken are excellent sources of protein, which make the digestive system work harder, temporarily boosting your resting metabolic rate which in turn helps you burn more calories. Your body takes more energy to digest meat proteins than it does to digest carbohydrates, which is why high-protein diets such as the Atkins are popular. Additionally lean meats are a great source of energy, which means they will keep you fuller for longer, ensuring that you don't eat as much as you would normally. So, while they may contain more calories than celery or cucumbers, they are still a good way to help you burn calories. 'Fat contains more calories per gram than protein does per gram, so trimming all visible fat from meat or choosing lean meat such as chicken makes your meal lower in calories. 'Having more protein in your meal will keep you fuller for longer compared to a mainly carbohydrate meal,' Ms Connor explained.



Friday 3rd July 2015 DR MACHI MANNU Painkillers are one of the most prescribed medications in the world as doctors are very quick to hand them out because they provide quick relief for a wide range of problems. Painkillers can be split into 2 main classes Non-narcotic painkillers and Narcotic Painkillers. Nonnarcotic painkillers such as paracetamol, provide mild to moderate pain relief, and are not associated with addictions. On the other hand, Narcotic painkillers or opi-

Painkillers can cause damage ates, are more potent and can cause drug dependency or addiction problems. Typical examples include codeine and morphine, both of which are derived from heroine. Painkillers however are well known to cause severe damage to the Liver and kidneys - the detoxification organs of the body. Substances that are foreign to the body including all medications, must be broken down by the liver into nontoxic forms, before they can be excreted by the kidneys. To properly eliminate drugs from the body, the liver uses up a lot of resources such as

nutrients, enzymes and other chemical compounds. Drugs such as painkillers are more difficult to eliminate from the body than others because of their toxic nature, and with prolonged use, such drugs put a strain on the detox system of the body. When drugs are not properly processed before excretion, they cause damage to the kidneys. Painkillers have no effect on the cause of pain, and are only prescribed to alleviate pain. Most people taking painkillers for joint problems are convinced it’s their only solution, and because painkillers lose their potency

over time, a higher dose will be required to produce the same level of pain relief. The blood tests that are carried out to monitor the liver and kidneys are ineffective because blood tests in general are slow to reveal the changes that are taking place until it’s too late. Pain killers should only be taken as an emergency, until the cause of a health issue is identified. Contrary to popular belief, joint pain can be easily treated and damaged joints regenerated over time with safer natural remedies. FOR A FULL BODY DIAGNOSTIC SCAN CALL 965071745.

Care when you need it Sun'n'care owner, Raquel Alfonso Garcia is from a professional background in Social Work providing help and support to enable people to retain their dignity and preference to live safely in their own homes. Raquel heads a qualified and professional team of knowledgable Carers with many years of experience in helping people to regain their personal confidence when recovering from temporary or long term health conditions. The services detailed below are to provide an idea of the type of Caring services that can be arranged. Please call us to discuss your requirements. SERVICES OFFERED Nursing Care – Personal Support Care - Accompaniment Service – Social Activities – Domestic & Home Help Service. Tel Office: 965 064 388 or 634 595 088. Calle Los Arcos, No 5, Ciudad Quesada, 03170. Email: Website:



Friday 3rd July 2015

Confused by sunscreen labelling? Many people are not sure what the SPF numbers on bottles of sun lotion actually mean There is huge confusion over the labels on sun creams, and manufacturers should all use the same rating system, says the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. A survey of 2,000 UK revealed alarming results relating to the perception of what the indicators on sun cream products actually mean. Protection against UVA rays is indicated by a "star" rating. Ultraviolet A rays cause skin-ageing and wrinkles. Both UVB and UVA rays from the sun can cause skin cancer. The protection provided by sun creams and lotions against UVB rays, which cause sunburn, is denoted by the SPF or factor on the bottle. But there are also ultraviolet A rays (UVA) to consider too, which penetrate the skin more deeply, causing it to age - but only one in three checked the UVA star rating when buying sunscreen, the survey found. When buying a sun-

screen, you should look for the level of UVA protection (denoted by a UVA star rat-

ing) and UVB protection (denoted by the SPF). The UVA star rating

ranges from nought to five and indicates the percentage of UVA radiation absorbed by the sunscreen in comparison to UVB. How do sunscreens and lotions protect us? 'Complicated' Prof Jayne Lawrence, chief scientist for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, said: "Clearly many consumers do not realise the SPF rating applies only to the amount of protection offered against UVB rays, not UVA rays - both of which can damage the skin and cause skin cancer. "People should not have to pick their way through complicated dual ratings information to understand how sunscreen works and the amount of protection it potentially provides."

Prof Lawrence said it was time for sunscreen manufacturers to provide one easy-to-understand rating, based on a simple description of the total amount of sun protection offered: low, medium, high and very high protection. Only 8% of people surveyed knew that the SPF rating on the product label referred to protection from UVB rays only. And one in four said they did not know what the SPF rating stood for at all. Among those adults with children, 15% admitted that they never checked the factor of the sun cream they used. Cancer Research UK recommends applying two tablespoons of sunscreen every two hours when out

in the sun in the UK. Experts also advise people to stay in the shade between the hours of 11:00 and 15:00 or to cover up when out in direct sunshine between these times. Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation is the main preventable cause of skin cancers - both malignant melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers, Cancer Research UK says in their research. The sun is the main source of natural UV radiation but sun beds also produce artificial UV radiation. A study in the British Journal of Cancer from 2011 estimated that 86% of melanomas in the UK every year are linked to too much exposure to sunlight and sunbed use.


Friday 3rd July 2015

Horoscopes Aries March 21-April 20 A new relationship has the stars behind it in the week ahead, when the celestial action centres on your chart’s zone of adventure and romance. New horizons beckon, so do not let career commitments, or your own doubts, stop you from taking full advantage of the opportunities around you now. Live life to the full. A lot could be at stake.

Taurus April 21-May 21 Everything connected with your home and those you live with is under lucky stars this week, so go along with what occurs and do not let your doubts stand in your way. The Full Moon in the area of your skies that rules your hopes and dreams could make you see how easy it would be to reach a goal that might have seemed beyond your reach.

Gemini May 22-June 21 Discovering something you were unaware of could revolutionise your outlook on a situation that has seemed hard to handle lately, so do not hesitate to ask a question, or to insist that others tell you what you need to know. Unexpected and far-reaching changes in a friendship that preoccupies you are on the horizon, so take decisive action now.

Cancer June 22-July 23 Jupiter and Venus, the Zodiac’s luckiest planets, meet midweek in your chart’s financial sector, so do not let a chance to win the recognition you deserve, or to reach a more secure position, pass you by. Thursday’s annual Full Moon in the area of your skies that rules your love life also marks a major turning point or breakthrough of some kind.

Friday 3rd July 2015


Leo July 24-August 23

Sagittarius November 23-December 21

Wednesday’s meeting in your sign between Venus, the planet of romance, and Jupiter, the Lord of Luck, happens only once a decade, so be flexible and ready to take full advantage of the easygoing and harmonious pattern of the stars this week. An unexpected conversation could make you see your options in a very different light.

Virgo August 24-September 23 You may have no proof, as yet, that you are right about a certain situation, but the planetary pattern in the week ahead suggests you have a sure-fire sense of what is really going on. So do not let your doubts, or advice from friends, undermine your confidence or make you miss a chance to push through changes that you had postponed.

Libra September 24-October 23 An important friendship could soon go from strength to strength, so do not let your recent doubts colour the decisions you make now, or look for problems where there are none. Wednesday’s meeting between optimistic Jupiter and your ruler, Venus, suggests that easy times and blue skies lie ahead, so relax and take each situation as it comes.

Scorpio October 24-November 22 You are at your most creative and full of good ideas this week, so draw up positive new plans and put them into action. The harmonious pattern of the stars also makes it easy to enlist support from those well-placed to help you – do not try to stand alone. A piece of news could throw new light on someone’s feelings later in the week.

Your ruler, Jupiter, joins forces with romantic Venus in the week ahead, helping you to forge a deeper bond with someone about whom you may have felt unsure. Because you are in tune with your real needs and feelings, picking up the messages that others may be sending out is easy. Your intuition is now at its strongest. Trust your judgment.

Capricorn December 22 - January 20 The Full Moon in your sign this week highlights the importance of reaching an agreement with someone close that is based on give and take. Do not hesitate to ask for what you really want this time around. With Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, beaming down on your most important bonds all week, all you need to do is trust your sense of timing.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19 Persuasive, diplomatic Venus helps you to usher in a whole new era in a close relationship this week. You are also at your most intuitive, so back your hunch about the way to handle certain issues that have puzzled you of late. A conversation with a friend or colleague could make you see how easy it would be to reach your current career goal.

Pisces February 20 - March 20 Thursday’s Full Moon in the area of your skies that rules your social life puts your important friendships centre stage, so deal with your career commitments early in the week and keep your options open. A new relationship could take an unexpected turn midweek when romantic Venus makes a powerful link to your ruler, psychic Neptune.



Friday 3rd July 2015

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Friday 3rd July 2015





Ivie Davies on Golf

Friday 3rd July 2015


For those who arrive at the birthplace of golf, St. Andrews, on a sunny Sunday morning, the rules of play are simple. You can pretty much do anything you want on the historic grounds of the Old Course, as long as it does not involve actually hitting a drive or holing a putt! Frisbees are fine. Picnics, too. Locals might tell you that pushing a pram, can get a little challenging on some of the more uneven parts of the course, but if your little one will be soothed by the strong winds whipping in off the North Sea then, well, so be it. Wedding photos on the famed Swilcan Bridge are no problem, either, though guests in formal attire should be advised that they may not fit in with the more casual university students who like to loll about on the 18th fairway. Put another way: All are welcome at the home of golf on a Sunday, except for golfers! “Why is it this way?” Alastair Matheson, was asked as he led a small group of visitors on the daily guided tour of the Old Course in the spring. “Because that’s the way it has always been,” he replied. As with many regulations from a different era, the Sunday slumber for the Old Course is a rule that is simultaneously charming and maddening. For most purists a group that seems to

include a majority of the residents of this town on Scotland’s east coast, the centuries-old edict to refrain from golf on a Sunday is a sacred part of the Old Course’s venerable traditions, which of course will be staging the Open later this month. In a city where good weather means it rained for only half the day, and at a course that most every golfer in the world would dearly love to play, why would anyone ever think it’s a good idea to close on a weekend? An American tourist, who traveled there from Chicago on a golf vacation, paused near the renowned Road Hole bunker alongside the 17th green on a recent Sunday morning. He was on his way to play one of the other courses at St. Andrews, and he grinned

when asked about the Old Course’s weekly hiatus. “This is all a little strange, for sure,” he said, motioning around at the area’s general stillness while watching another man, presumably also a visitor, squat down and appear to closely examine the famous bunker’s grains of sand. “It’s hard to imagine a public course in America closing on a Sunday,” the tourist added. “Usually, that’s when everyone plays, not when nobody plays.” Historians trace the Old Course’s Sunday closure to religious laws dating at least to the 16th century, when some residents of St. Andrews were cited in town criminal logs for playing on the Sabbath. According to Gordon Moir, the director of greens keeping at St. Andrews, it was not until 1941 that the other courses at the complex were opened for play on Sundays. The Old Course, though, has always stayed closed; essentially transforming into bumpy, sand-dotted parkland that attracts an inordinate number of joggers, dogs and, sometimes, joggers with dogs. Several signs warn visitors against “dog fouling” and threaten to fine any offender some £40 if they leave their pet’s bowel

movement in a bunker. Sunday activities on the Old Course over the years have run the full range. A local, said she recalled members of her family laying out their laundry on the course some weeks and added, with a mixture of sheepishness and pride that she and her friends used to participate in an on-course drinking game known as Port Golf when she was attending a university nearby. Alastair Matheson who is 86, and one of four guides handling the daily tours, recalled seeing fishermen spread their nets on the fairways so they could mend them. He shook his head when relating a story about a woman in high heels trying to walk across one of the greens. “That happens more than you would think,” he said. “Then you sometimes see some of the boys out with a football trying to have a proper game before they get chased away.” Matheson said he had never heard of any serious discussion about changing the Sunday rule. He noted that Old Tom Morris, the legendary player and green keeper who revitalized the Old Course in the mid-1800s, was said to have preached, “Even if the golfers don’t need a rest, the course does.” Gordon Moir, who is charged with keeping the course in top shape, heartily endorsed that line of thinking, particularly in a year when the Open will be played on the Old Course. Each Sunday is a full workday for him and his team, with about 20 workers dispatched over the course to

handle tasks from spreading sand to filling divots. Sundays are the chance to tackle more labour-intensive repairs and get a full reading on what the course needs. For a long time, the biggest problem was the number of people who wanted to take pictures next to the flagstick on the 18th green. With the well-known clubhouse standing majestically in the background, the tiny ropes that staff members put up to deter people did little to slow traffic across the putting surface. These days, however, Sunday visitors will find an authentic St. Andrews flagstick stuck in the ground to the side of the green about halfway toward the adjacent first tee. This way, both the ground and everyone’s selfies are preserved.

There are, of course, some exceptions to the Sunday rest. Practice rounds for the Open, for example, are scheduled to begin on July 12th, a Sunday and play will, naturally, be allowed on the following weekend, when the final round is played on Sunday July 19th. There are also a few other tournaments throughout the year when Sunday play is permitted. On a vast majority of weekends, however, this gem of a course separates itself from most of its brethren. Indeed, while the rest of the golf world is on the first tee at dawn or traipsing through a six-hour round at a packed municipal course or trying to squeeze in a quick nine before sunset, the birthplace of it all stays quiet.

Bubba wins again Bubba Watson has proved once again how good he is under playoffpressure. Beating Englishman Paul Casey in extra holes at the Travelers Championship to secure the title for the second time in his career. With an impressive 8foot birdie putt on the second playoff hole, Watson improved on an already stellar winning playoff record, bumping it up to 51. So what’s the 36-yearold’s secret? “It’s just about staying calm,” Watson told reporters afterwards. “That’s what you have to do, you just breathe and walk slower, take some deep breaths and focus on the fact that no matter what you still come in second place.” Although, we’re betting the two-time Masters winner is a lot happier with yesterday’s outcome, which marks Watson’s eighth career victory on the PGA Tour and helps bring the American a lot closer to his end goal. “My whole goal in my career was to get 10 wins,”

he said. “I need two more wins.” As for runner-up Casey he was more than satisfied with his Sunday performance. Telling reporters he accomplished what he set out to do at his first Travelers appearance. “There are always ifs and buts and could haves,” Casey said. “But the goal was to give myself a chance to win, and I did that.” One awesome scene from yesterday’s action involved Watson putting a nosey fan in his place. Watch below as the Travelers Champion shows why he’s on playing side of the ropes!


A blonde man is in the bathroom and his wife shouts: "Did you find the shampoo?" QUESTION He answers, "Yes, but I'm not sure what to do... it's for dry A player, whose ball lies on the putting green, removes casual hair, and I've just wet mine." water from the hole without touching the inside of the hole. Is this permissible?-

A blonde man was driving home, drunk as a skunk. (c) The ball is holed. The reference to the ball being at rest is to Suddenly he has to swerve to avoid a tree, then another, make it clear that if the ball falls below the lip and thereafter and then another. A police car pulls him over, so he tells the bounces out, it is not holed. cop about all the trees in the road. The cop says, "That's ANSWER your air freshener swinging about!" A blonde man spies a letter lying on his doormat. It says on the envelope "DO NOT BEND ". He spends the next two hours trying to figure out how to pick it up.

As the player has not touched the line of putt, he is not in breach of Rule 16-1a. However, the player is in breach of Rule 13-2 which prohibits improving the line of play by removing water. The player incurs a penalty of loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play.

The Courier Sport


Friday 3rd July 2015


Albacete run out the winners of last Saturday’s fourth staging of the Formentera del Segura Rugby 7’s, with nine senior teams taking part in the tournament. Besides Albacete, teams from Lorca, the San Javier Squalos, Orihuela, the Torrevieja

Tigers, Elche, Villena, Lorca, Los Zorros, and the Costa Cobras (playing their first ever competitive fixtures) were represented. The hot day produced some entertaining rugby over eight hours, with Albacete taking the honours

by beating Lorca in the final match, with Elche coming third. The newly formed Cobras saw a victory over Torrevieja, 15-10, in their first pool game, before Albacete showed their class against them and why they were to become the eventual winners, though the Cobras could hold their heads high as most of their squad hadn’t played any kind of rugby before the start of the year. The organisers passed on their thanks to Ventura Fleet for sponsoring the tournament trophies, with the Costa Cobras now having been invited to take part in the Beach 5’s in San Javier on Saturday July 18th. For more details about their training sessions, please call Dutch, on 692 767 242.


The Torrevieja Masters swimmers had a key warm up event last weekend as part of their preparations for this month’s National Championships. Three competitors from the Club Natacion Torrevieja squad took part in the Valencian Regional Championships in Valencia City, with each swimmer being allowed to take part in a maximum of three individual races and relays. Vicki Connolly took bronze in the women's 50m

freestyle missing out on silver by seven hundredths of a second and only missing out on gold by half a second. That disappointment, by her own high standards, seemed to spur her on, as later on the Saturday morning, she stormed on to take gold in the 200m freestyle with a winning margin of 11 seconds. Gold was then the colour for Vicki’s teammates, as Beth Altabas took the 50m butterfly honours, and Paul Matthews

won the men’s 100m freestyle. It start of a real gold mine, as Paul Matthews picked up two more golds in the 50m butterfly and 100m backstroke, whilst Beth struck gold in the 200m individual medley and 200m backstroke, with Vicki Connolly adding a second victory in the final event of the meeting, namely the 400m freestyle, which saw her chip four seconds off her own regional record.


Some of Europe’s top senior tennis players will be making a beeline for the La Manga club this September for the 2015 European Senior Tennis Club Championships, which is staging the event for the fourth successive year. The male and female Super Senior (+55) category tournaments will be held from 13th to 18th September, whilst in the second week, from 21st to 26th September, the male and female Senior (35+) category tournaments will take place. The event is open to 49 federations which belong to Tennis Europe and the competitions are open and free to visitors and fans who want support their favourite teams. At the 2014 champi-

onship 330 players participated, representing 64 teams from countries such as Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium and England. Located in the heart of the La Manga Club resort, the Tennis Centre

boasts some of the best outdoor facilities in Europe, with 28 tennis courts, two paddle tennis courts and a squash court. Tennis Europe has a deal with La Manga to stage the Senior events through till 2017.

friends, with a lighter edge to the after dinner presentations. Howard Yeats was awarded “Diving Expert 2015.” Bryan Jones the “Running Man” award, with Peter Elliot becoming “Fashion Man of the Year” for his psy-

chedelic football kit! Other awards went to Paul Carter as “Goal Hanger” 2015; Baz Walker got the “Who me ref?” award and last but not least for his gentle, kind treatment of his opponents on the pitch, big Harry Richmond from north of the border was awarded the “SEE YOU JIMMY” award for fair play. To his great surprise Monte Stan was given a trophy and some goodies from the players in appreciation for his efforts on their behalf and his work for them. In turn, he thanked everybody especially Howard Yeats and Mike Green for their essential support in making the club so successful and confirming that the Manchester City Community Walking Footballers would be coming over to play them in October.



DAVID DE GEA'S move to Real Madrid has edged closer after Manchester United lowered their valuation of the player to £25m. The Spanish goalkeeper is wanted by Real as a longterm replacement for Iker Casillas. He's keen on a switch, and has snubbed a new £200,000-per-week contract offer from United. And according to Spanish newspaper AS, a switch to the Bernabeu is now close. They claim United have lowered their asking price from £32.5m to £25m. Real have bid £21m for

De Gea, and it is understood they may now up their offer and meet the Premier League club's revised price. Both clubs and the player are eager for a transfer to be completed before United return to pre-season training on Monday. De Gea has already said his goodbyes to staff and players at Old Trafford and is not keen on returning while a deal is still in the offing. A deal for the goalkeeper will not include a potential player swap, with moves for Sergio Ramos and Gareth Bale to be negotiated independently.

Trophies galore were handed out at this week’s first ever end of season dinner for the newly formed Monte Mentals walking football team. The event at the Rincon de Miguel restaurant in Los Montesinos attracted 51 players, partners, and


Friday 3rd July 2015

The Courier Sport



La Liga is challenging Fifa’s decision to switch the 2022 World Cup in Qatar to November-December. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cas) says the Spanish league (LFP) has filed an appeal against the Fifa decision, which would mean the tournament avoids the Qatari summer heat. But a November-December tournament would also force top European leagues like La Liga and the English Premier League to shut down for eight peak weeks and require more summer fixtures. This is the first formal legal challenge to moving the World Cup in Qatar from the traditional June-July slot. The court has not set a hearing date. Fifa’s executive committee approved the change in March, 18 months after requesting a global consultation. La Liga is a member of the European Professional Football Leagues group, which was consulted. Fifa rejected a

proposal by European clubs and leagues to play in MayJune. LFP president, Javier Tebas (pictured), said he had filed the lawsuit “in defence of the interests of the clubs that are contributing to the international teams”. Tebas submitted three independent expert reports to Cas which concluded the LFP would lose 65 million euros by moving the World Cup to the winter. Meanwhile UEFA General

Secretary Gianni Infantino has slammed the move saying La Liga should accept the decision because it was approved by bodies representing European leagues and clubs. Speaking after a UEFA meeting in Prague, Infantino says, "It's a bit sad that people don't accept decisions taken by a vast majority. You cannot take all decisions unanimously because otherwise you would not take any decisions anywhere."


Barcelona have had an 80 million euro offer for Paul Pogba turned down by Juventus, contrary to reports earlier in the week that a deal was almost certain to be struck, with the transfer scheduled to go through in the summer of 2016, because of Barcelona’s transfer ban imposed on them by FIFA. Juventus managing director Beppe Marotta said that no agreement

over the sale of Paul Pogba was reached with Barcelona officials on Wednesday. Albert Soler, a director at Barcelona, and Ariedo Braida, the director of international sport, were initially said to have agreed the terms with Marotta and fellow Juve bigwig Fabio Paratici to bring Pogba to the Nou Camp at their meeting in Milan. However, the latest reports suggest that Juventus are believed to not be keen on selling the player - given Italian midfielder Andrea Pirlo is on the verge of signing for New York City FC this summer, too. Marotta confirmed that a massive offer was lodged by Barcelona, though

Juventus are not looking to sell the player. Marotta said after the meeting: "The mood of the meeting was very good, terrific, but we did not reach an agreement for Pogba with Barca. We received an offer of 80 million euros but I can say that Juve do not want to sell Pogba." Earlier in the week, Barca presidential candidate Joan Laporta told Spanish radio station Cadena Cope that he is the man to bring Pogba to the Nou Camp. Laporta is hoping to return to Barca's top post on July 18th and is one of five candidates in the running to replace Josep Maria Bartomeu, who is standing for re-election.

Long-standing CD Torrevieja fan Gordon Boyne was first in the queue on Tuesday to buy a ticket to join the outfit’s new 200 Club which gives him a chance of seeing the name of his business, Pinada Blinds, on the Torry home and away strips for next season. Torry VicePresident Jeff Scott (pictured to the left of Gordon, with Torry manager Pedreño on the other side), got a good hold on Gordon’s two hundred euro, making sure that the 12 season strong supporter didn’t change his mind! Pinada Blinds advertised in the match day programme all last year and sponsored no less than 15 of the Man of the Match trophy awards at the Vicente

Garcia, as well as backing the Most Improved Player Award at May’s Gala Awards dinner, which all testifies to Gordon’s passion for the club. Torrevieja manager Pedreño was also around on Tuesday to talk about the club’s preparations for the new season. He said he remained in negotiations with a group of players including Rafa Gomez, Adrian and Cristian, all of whom were considering offers elsewhere, though decisions would be made ahead of the start of training on Monday July 13th, which would also feature some British trialists looking to win a spot in the Torrevieja squad. Pedreño added that

getting 2B status was the only objective for him and he was only interested in signing players that could reach that standard. He also reemphasised the importance of the pre-season friendlies against ex-Primera division side Córdoba on Saturday July 18th, and the encounter with ex- English Premier league outfit Hull City the following Friday evening. Any business keen to buy an entry into the 200 Club scheme to try and win a chance at being the principal sponsor of the club and having their name and logo on the shirts, will also get two complimentary season tickets. More details from Jeff Scott on 610 134 068 or via

Getafe have officially signed up former Elche coach Fran Escriba to take charge of their first-team on a three-year contract, the La Liga club announced last Friday. The well-predicted move will see Escriba take over from Pablo Franco, who stepped up from B team coach on a temporary basis after Quique Sanchez Flores quit in February. Escriba, 50, who previously worked as an assistant coach at Getafe, left Elche

last week after they were relegated to the second divi-

sion because of unpaid debts to the tax authorities.



Real Madrid’s Sergio Ramos will not be moving to Manchester United, so said his mother when she was interviewed through her car window on Tuesday! When asked whether she would like to stay in Madrid, she said: "Of course. Madrid has everything."

And Manchester? "No. I don't think we have to go. He loves Spain." The defender's mother is unlikely to put off United in their pursuit - as they ponder another bid having had a €40million offer rejected. Negotiations are set to continue.


Phil Neville is in talks with Valencia but has not been appointed their new assistant manager despite claims on the contrary coming out of the club last weekend. They actually announced Neville’s appointment on

their official website, but he told the BBC that while talks are ongoing, there is a way to go before any deal is done. Neville was a coach at Manchester United under David Moyes and has been working as a televi-

sion pundit. He would replace Scot Ian Cathro, who is set to join Steve McClaren's backroom staff at Newcastle. Valencia boss Nuno has praised Neville's "extensive experience" and "knowledge", adding that he will fit into the team's philosophy. Valencia owner Peter Lim has a stake in Salford City, the nonleague club co-owned by Neville with his former Manchester United team-mates Ryan Giggs, Gary Neville and Paul Scholes. Valencia finished fourth in La Liga last season and will take part in qualifying for this season's Champions League.

John McGregor on Sport

Friday 3rd July 2015


In a move calculated to cause Capital controversy on the Stamford Bridge terraces, faithful Chelsea club goalkeeper Petr Cech has finally made his move north. No, not to Liverpool, or Manchester – or even Birmingham! All would have made sense - but nah, mate, Cech has defected across town to north London neighbours - and major competitors Arsenal. After 11 very successful and respected years at the Bridge, the Czech stopper won 13 trophies with the Blues including one Champions League and four Premier League titles. During his illustrious era at the Bridge, Cech also set a club goalkeeping record of 228 clean sheets in all competitions, beating the great Peter Bonetti’s previous highest total of 208. In another Mata-like move, Jose Mourinho has sold one of his gems off to a competitor, one he needs to beat to retain the title - and that will not go down well with the Chelsea faithful if Cech performs well against the champions. And we won’t have to wait long, as in an ironic twist that football regularly provides, Arsenal's Petr Cech may well face his old club on August 2nd when the two sides meet in the Community Shield at Wembley. At the Emirates frustrated Gooners have mumbled for years about their second-rate goalkeepers, and specifically highlighted Arsene Wenger’s inability and seeming indifference to doing something about it. The signing of Columbian World Cup star David Ospina has not proved the answer, and Wenger's wavering switches last season between goalkeepers Wojciech Szczesny and Ospina is an illustration that both have still fallen

short of the standards necessary for a side wanting to win titles. Wenger has been accused of a reluctance to spend big in the past – but in the brilliant acquisition for £35m of Alexis Sanchez from Barcelona last year, the Frenchman bought a real star. In one magic moment of brilliance at Wembley, the Chilean midfield/striker demonstrated that you get what you pay for, with one of the FA Cup Final's great goals - a swerving, dipping piece of magic that effectively sealed the win over Aston Villa with Arsenal's second goal. So now with this recently added new class installed safely at the Emirates, can the Gunners at last ‘Bridge’ the gap at the top, closing the clear aching void between true Premiership contenders and regular also-rans? If the quality is clearly there in abundance all round the pitch, is this the y e a r for all longsuffering

floundering in the slipstream of the likes of champions Chelsea, Manchester United and Manchester City. Now, with successive FA Cup triumphs to build on and a sound third-placed finish, can the Gunners build on the promise of this season, and deliver a sustained challenge to the top two once again? Wenger himself said: "Of course I think we can

push on. Why not? I feel we have made progress since the start of the season in the way we play, the way we manage our games and in our certainty about our football. We have finished third, won the FA Cup and s i n c e January we have had a huge amount of points. It's a good platform to do

well in the Premier League this year. This is one of the best squads we have had at Arsenal so we should be achieving more. That's two FA Cup wins so the Premier League has to be the

Arsenal fans, the season when the Gunners finally get it right? Wenger has always been the eternal optimist about his team's title ambitions, all through the darkest days when the oncemighty club were left


better next season." But Arsenal's fans may not universally hold the view of that the last season was such a successful one, given that this is a club built on Premier League successes in the early years of the Frenchman’s reign. With a wealth of playing experience behind him and now moving well in the punditry and coaching world (possibly Valencia boundsee opposite page!) Phil Neville was at Wembley to watch Arsenal's win – and he is tipping the Gunners to rival Chelsea next season. “This is a better Arsenal side - from Christmas onwards they were probably the best team in the Premier League… I expect them to challenge Chelsea this s e a s o n . " Rejuvenated goal scorer Theo Walcott made a g o o d point: " W e j u s t need t o start

contunued from back page Jose Mourinho has been strangely quiet so far this close season, has he taken a well-deserved (and welcome) vow of silence? Can we presume he’s happy with what he already has, albeit selling his reserve goalkeeper to rivals Arsenal? Just who he intends to play upfront to support Diego Costa will be interesting - no news may be good/bad news (delete where applicable) on the controversial Columbian Radamel Falcao’s move to the Bridge. On the ageing strikers front Didier Drogba has finally gone for good, Kerry Dixon’s in jail and the Portugese jefe clearly only sees Loic Remy as a timely substitute when goals are needed - but there the Frenchman usually obliges. In the second half of last season Costa was clearly struggling with both injuries and his aggressive temperament; it remains to be seen if master motivator Mourinho has managed to motivate Costa to walk away from trouble. He clearly hadn’t by the time Chelsea had the League won in 2014/5. Man City? Top Prem scorers again last time out with that perennial poacher Sergio Aguerro leaving every-


next target for us." While Sanchez provides the star quality, Walcott once more demonstrated he has the pace to provide flourishes to the biggest occasion. In midfield the best is yet to come from the likes of Aaron Ramsey, Jack Wilshere and Alex OxladeChamberlain, all still relatively young and still developing alongside the experienced class of Santi Cazorla and Mesuit Ozil. Upfront Wenger also now has strength in depth, as he proved in deploying the pace of Walcott as opposed to the power and strength of Olivier Giroud at Wembley, a tactical masterstroke that played such a big part in undermining Villa: the Gunners also have Danny Welbeck to support the impressive striking set up. At the back Arsenal were never troubled by Villa's main threat Christian Benteke at Wembley as Laurent Koscielny and Per Mertesacker had a comfortable 90 minutes, the latter even getting on the scoresheet. This modern Arsenal team has also learned to cope with the stern challenges presented by their closest rivals, a factor which previously proved the Gunners’ undoing when facing real class. Arsene’s men won at Manchester City in the Premier League, beat Manchester United in the FA Cup quarter-final at Old Trafford and thrashed Liverpool 4-1 at Emirates Stadium. In easily vanquishing Villa, the new tough Arsenal carried the mantle of favourites with such ease, hinting further at the growing stature of a team that now contains the all-important quality of the necessary will and strength needed to win key matches: roll on August 2nd!

one behind – again. City are at critical crossroads currently, and second best again is not an option at the mighty Etihad. Is Raheem Sterling the expensive answer to City’s questionable, at times indifferent form? He should suit City then, the England striker can be elusive at times and not just to the opposition. Which Ya Ya Toure will start this time out? The strong, silky superman who can strike superbly from midfield, or the slouchy, sullen star stirring up bother within the Blue ranks via his horrendous agent? Elsewhere throughout the side there is real class, David Silva is close to gold, but the City demands are enormous. Manuel Pelligrini has at best one more season to bring domestic and perhaps more importantly European respect back to the Blue half of Manchester. Just to spice things up on the UK managerial front there are a few top coaches available at the moment - like Jurgen Klopp and Carlos Ancelotti, hovering to add more lines of concern to Pelligrini’s weathered features. At this rate the Chilean will be looking worse than Arsene Wenger if our man Manuel does last the season.


Friday 3rd July 2015

MURRAY EASES THROUGH 34.9M€ MARTINEZ DEAL Andy Murray reached the third round at Wimbledon with a one-sided win over Dutchman Robin Haase. The Scot, seeded third, won 6-1 6-1 6-4 on court one. He will face Italian 25th seed Andreas Seppi or Croatian teenager Borna Coric in round three on Saturday.

Porto confirm that Atletico Madrid have agreed to pay £24.8m to sign their Colombian striker Jackson Martinez. The 28-year-old moved to Porto in 2012, scoring 67 goals in 90 games and finishing as the Primeira Liga's top scorer in each of his three seasons

THE SINS OF THE D E K C A S N O S PEAR SON AT LEICESTER This week’s big news was the sensational sacking of Nigel Pearson by Leicester City’s Thai owners, after the manager’s son James was himself sacked in February after a racist sex tape emerged, along with two other trainees. The issue didn’t go away, but Pearson senior has now. The fact that this season, the highly-experienced

manager miraculously manipulated Leicester out of trouble when anchored very firmly at the bottom of the Prem for months, appears to have finally counted for little in the end. Now the Foxes will face the immediate future without the sound football man who got them there – and kept them up there against all the odds. Nice job for someone – but who?


As The Who triumphantly wound up Glastonbury with one of their classic belters, the Blatter bandwagon bumbles on with the news that we’ve all been had. Sepp Blatter hasn’t resigned at all as the head of FIFA, and intends to Carry On Regardless – Kenneth Williams can play him in the film. But in a male chauvinistic move obviously not interested in chasing future female votes, the armour-skinned FIFA president will not travel to Canada for this Sunday’s Women's World Cup final - for ‘personal reasons’. The 79-year-old Swiss had planned to attend the match in Vancouver, despite FIFA general secretary Jerome Valcke pulling out of the opening ceremony: snubs all round, eh girls? The final will be between the USA and Japan as England’s gallant ladies sadly lost 2 -1 to the latter side, cruelly suffering an own goal in the 90th minute.

WHO WILL WIN THE PREM? With the big Prem kick off just five short weeks away, the footballers are filtering back from their summer holidays and reporting for pre-season training. Who’s your money on to be this season’s Premier League champions? At least in the UK, it’s hopefully not a top two boring race like aqui en Espana, where Barcelona have lately wrested the titles back from Real Madrid with Atletico slipping back from whence they came into the also-ran positions. Back in Britain, fingers crossed it’s going to be more interesting and open. The reason Chelsea won the Prem last year was all down to Jose Mourinho’s brilliant pre-season planning and timely Iberian capture of Diego Costa and Cesc Fabregas, buying los dos from separate Spanish giants. The Blues tore away to rack up the points and when their results began to falter, Chelsea’s great start saw the Blues through to the title. But this time…? Throughout the Prem there’s only really Liverpool who moved dramatically in the market, now with six signings - that’s over half a team. More surprise this week as the Reds have signed Nathaniel Clyne from Southampton for £12.5m – at this rate the Reds will be showcasing seasonably serious stars starting anew at Anfield. Hey, that’s over £250m since Brendan Rodgers took over from Kenny Dalglish. No other club has been anywhere near as bold in

the transfer market, although there has been one or two interesting potential signings (see overleaf for Arsenal’s moves). ‘IF’ Man United can sign the great Real Madrid centre back Sergio Ramos for £28.6m, then that would be a great move. The World and EUFA Cup winning star would be a tremendous asset at Old Trafford, he is built in the Nemanja Vidic mould: United have missed the tough Serbian badly since he left two long years ago. Ramos is tough, uncompromising, a natural leader and someone who would give Louis van Gaal’s side the authority his team lacks at present. The Reds’ defence can be built round Ramos, there’s enough class there already. Whether that includes David de Gea is questionable, as the brilliant United goalkeeper may be going the other way to replace the ageing Igor Casillas who is coming to the end of a great career. Perhaps upfront Robin van Persie’s long successful career may be similarly threatened, and after the Falcao flop and indifferent Angel di Maria season, just where will United’s goals come from this season? Who will be there to support England and United captain Wayne Rooney? Last year’s top Dutch scorer, winger Memphis Depay looks an interesting investment at £31m, an exciting attacking player equipped with everything to make the Dutchman a new hero at the Theatre of Dreams. continued on page 47

THE COURIER No.1 for SPORT! All the action p 44-47

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