The Courier - Edition 229

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Edition 229

Friday 10th July 2015


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British couple are in custody over a fake kidnap plot after the Guardia Civil stormed a villa on the El Raso Urbanisation in Guardamar del Segura. The pair were arrested after photos of a woman allegedly tied to a bed and covered in bruises were sent to her parents in the UK area. The images were accompanied by a demand for five thousand pounds, but after the raid, details of which were released on Monday, the alleged ‘victim’ and her partner were arrested. UK National Crime Agency (NCA) officers were involved in the investigation, codenamed ‘Operation Saxony’, which was being treated as a real kidnap. A spokesman for the Guardia Civil said: “The parents of the woman who was pretending to have been kidnapped ... told police there they had received a series of emails and text messages from their daughter’s supposed kidnapper.” It is alleged the couple behind the fake photos had been in a dispute over their young daughter, who is in the care of her maternal

COMING NEXT WEEK grandparents in Manchester. The woman's parents have custody of their granddaughter because of the child's father's history of violent criminal activity, according to the NCA. Some of the messages included photos which seemed to be of the wife tied up in a bedroom with multiple bruising to her face - but this turned out to have been staged, and the bruises were painted on with make-up. The Guardia spokesman added: “The messages were violent towards the alleged hostage victim and the sender threatened to kill

her unless their daughter was freed and returned to him and a ransom demand of £5,000 paid. The plan was so well-prepared that the family even received photographs of their daughter with bruises on her body which appeared to show she had been physically harmed. The photos showed her held in a room on a bed and the messages that went with them made her family fear for her life and suffer extreme worry.” British police worked out that the couple might be in

El Raso and contacted the Guardia Civil, who then monitored the property before for several hours and saw no movement or anything suspicious happening within the villa. They then forced their way in and “arrested” the kidnapper and freed the “victim”. Later inquiries, together with the couple's contradicting statements, led the Guardia to conclude that the kidnap had been a carefullyplanned set-up. The couple were brought before a Torrevieja judge.

Make sure you don’t miss The Courier next week for the latest Lifestyle+ pullout. We´ll have lot’s of Lifestyle advice and information.


Friday 10th July 2015


966 921 003 E-MAIL WEB HEAD OFFICE C/ Luis Canovas Martinez 03183 Torrevieja Phone: 966 921 003 Email: OPENING HOURS Mon - Fri 1030 to 1600 EDITOR Alex Trelinski PRODUCTION EDITOR James Bone DESIGN ASSOCIATE Nicola Jane Cross ADVERTISING SALES 966 921 003 Sally Los Alcazares, San Javier Tel. 618 391 491 Myra Quesada, Rojales, Torrevieja, San Miguel Tel. 618 583 765 Jean Orihuela Costa Area Tel. 618 898 034 Patrick International Rep 5 Languages Tel. 685 901 265 Writers Mark Nolan Sally Bengtsson Jeanette Erath Alex Trelinski Dave Silver Tony Mayes John McGregor Ivie Davies James Bone Peter Singh ADVERTISING DEADLINE Friday for the following Friday’s Edition.

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Spain is facing its highest terror threat level since 2004 because of the danger posed by jihadists, according to the Interior Minister, Jorge Fernandez Diaz. "We are at the maximum alert level since the attacks of March 11, 2004 in Madrid," said Fernandez Diaz in an interview published Sunday, referring to the train attacks that left 191 dead and nearly

2,000 injured. The minister said he did not want to incite panic, but "the level 4 alert (out of a maximum of 5) corresponds to a reality". The risk is heightened particularly because the head of Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, recently urged the mujahideen to commit attacks in their countries for the one-year anniversary of

the jihadist organisation, said the minister. There has been a lot of activity since on social networks, he said, without giving details. Some 116 people have left Spain to fight alongside IS jihadists, with 16 people registered as having since returned, as well as a Torrevieja-based Moroccan who was arrested on an international warrant recently in Poland.


A Saturday night power cut caused by an Iberdrola transformer fault left some parts of Santa Pola in the dark for almost an hour, with the attractions at Pola Park disabled by the lack of electricity. Rides were stopped in mid-flow, though fortunately the roller-coaster was heading down anyway, whilst some children were left frightened as some of the powered bouncy castles stopped moving as they were inside. Complementary tickets for the Park were handed out to those visitors who had

bought wristbands to get on all of the rides. The blackout kicked in at 11.15 pm, though some parts of Santa Pola were only affected for

a very short time, whilst the main brunt of the disruption seemed to be in the Gran Playa and Playa Lisa areas.

PARA TRAGEDY One man fell to his death as two paragliders collided close to Santa Pola lighthouse on Sunday evening. Reports suggest that the man died when the cables of his glider apparently got intertwined with that of another craft that was also flying by the lighthouse. The pilot fell against the rock face of the cliff, and died shortly afterwards despite still being alive when a medical team arrived. Local police described the victim as North European, whilst the other the man was not seriously injured. The area is a very popular spot for paragliding enthusiasts.



Bathers at Arenales del Sol beach got a shock last Sunday afternoon after a decomposed body was spotted floating just a few metres from the shore. The corpse was clothed and with motorcycle boots

according to eyewitness reports. The body had been in the water for some time, and so far the only thing that the experts have been able to confirm is that it was the corpse of a female.


Last weekend saw a big hike in the number of people using Alicante-Elche airport as the official summer season got going, with a bumper ten percent rise on the same weekend in 2014.

264 thousand passengers used the facilities at El Altet adding to the certainty that 2015 will be a record-breaking year for the airport, to follow on last year’s record returns.



Friday 10th July 2015

SUMMER SIZZLER Temperatures in the Valencia Region were almost seeing the mercury crash out of thermometers last Tuesday, with Xàtiva logging a figure of just short of 46 degrees Celsius in the shade! Further south, Orihuela City hit a year high of just over 42 degrees, whilst Rojales and Torrevieja were over 39 degrees. Murcia City hit over 43 degrees, but the coastal areas of the Mar Menor were at a much more pleasant value of around 36 degrees. Met office says the heatwave will definitely continue until at least this

Sunday (July 12th) but it could go on for longer, with some experts sticking out

their necks by saying it could continue for most of July!


A gang that ripped off over 300 thousand euro through

hacking e-mails and bank account details has been

arrested by the Guardia Civil. 12 individuals led by a couple of Moroccans were detained in Alicante as well as Granada and Mallorca under Operation Transfer. They allegedly targeted businesses across Europe, including an electricity company in Lugo and the Town Hall in the Granada area village of Ferreira, by obtaining bank account details of legitimate businesses and then laundering payments to their own accounts. Besides Spain, other countries that were hit included Austria, Bosnia, Brazil, Germany, and Switzerland.


A 29 year old female driver miraculously avoided death and only suffered minor injuries as her car hit a train bound for Murcia from Alicante last Tuesday afternoon. The incident was at a barrier-free level crossing, though with warning lights and sound alerts, at the village of Media Legua halfway between Redovan and Molins. The car hit one of the train carriages, with the train driver managing to stop within a few metres, and was quoted as saying that it was a miracle that it had not been derailed. The front cabin was damaged

and the train managed to crawl back to the station at Callosa where passengers were taken by bus to complete their journey to Murcia


City. The car driver was taken to the Vega Baja Hospital where her condition was described as “not serious”.

Cabo Roig residents are still waiting for action over what they claim to be the appalling state of the wasteland between Calles Babor and Catalejo. They say that the 11 year problems over rubbish being dumped there have still not been addressed by the council. They say the issue gets worse in the summer months with a vile stench during hot weather, as well as rats and mosquitoes to add to all of the fly-tipping.

Local residents wrote to the ex-Orihuela mayor, Monserrate Guillen, back in April, making the point that the waste ground was hardly giving the right impression of the area for tourists or potential new foreign residents. Meanwhile, The Courier has received a portfolio of photographs showing a variety of sites in the Los Dolses area of the Orihuela Costa that are said not have been cleared of rubbish for a number of weeks.

SCHOOL PUSH Rojales councillors, plus parents and teachers from the ailing Principe de España school have asked the new regional president, Ximo Puig, to be true to his word and to back up his statements when he visited the premises last September and said that the school was in need of emergency repairs. They’ve asked for an urgent meeting

with Puig and his Education Minister to make sure that rebuilding work starts as soon as possible once the winning tender for the project has been announced, with September or October the likeliest start dates. Rojales education councillor, Tatiana Cañizares, said that the rebuilding should be an absolute priority in the regional education budget.

Little Buzz

Honey producers in the Murcia region are in crisis according to a representative of their federation. Spokesman Angel Diaz says that honey production could be down as much as 75 percent due to the excess drought. Meanwhile, local figs could cost a lot more after a main wholesale cooperative based in Albatera, Albafruits, reported a fifty per cent slashing of its production to around 300 thousand tonnes, due to a lack of rain.

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Friday 10th July 2015


About one hundred semi-naked animal rights activists covered in fake blood on Saturday protested against this week’s famous Pamplona bull runs. Activists from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Anima Naturalis, wore fake horns while holding signs reading “Pamplona's streets are

stained with bull's blood" in several languages. "Dozens of bulls suffer injuries while participants follow them, hit them and terrorise them along the route to their death", they said in a statement. Meanwhile several people, including a British tourist, where injured in some of the runs earlier this week.


Foreign investors are snapping up shares in Spanish companies, with shareholders from overseas now controlling 43% of shares listed in Spain. That is the highest level of foreign investment ever seen in Spain and represents a

7% increase since the economic crisis begun in 2007 and is double the amount invested from abroad 20 years ago. In 2014, 64% of share deals were generated outside Spain and overseas sales accounted for 264,000 million.


Last weekend’s high temperatures brought their usual quota of problems around Spain, with one of the areas hit being Cieza, in the northern part of the Murcia region, where 2,500 square metres of land were burnt, with strong gusts of wind making the fire spread swiftly, and jump from one side of the River Segura to the other. The fire brigade received over 25 calls about the blaze, and finally managed to extinguish the flames with the help of a helicopter. Meanwhile, in

the region of Aragon, more than 1,350 residents from five villages were evacuated as a wildfire spread through a pine forest on Sunday. The evacuees, who included residents of a retirement home, were transferred to nearby towns. The fire department in the northeastern region of Catalunya had to deal with a wildfire that broke out in Cardedeu, 40 kilometres north of Barcelona, which destroyed two houses and several cars, although no one was injured.


The work of the Spanish armed forces is going to be commemorated in the La Mata area of Torrevieja all day today (Friday). The event starts at noon, with the hoisting of the Spanish flag in the main square of La Mata, followed by an exhibition of military might for people to explore, visiting and viewing some of the vehicles and equipment that the members of the military use in their protective duties. There will then be a display from Ezapac del Ejército del Aire, a squadron of paratroopers who will be in the air carrying a four by six metre flag in tribute to the country they

serve. Around 200 military personnel will be around to offer first-hand knowledge about their experiences, which may well encourage younger people to consider a career in the military, whether that be in the army, air force or navy, or indeed the Guardia Civil. At 7.30pm, there will be a special tribute to the fallen comrades of the military who have been killed in the line of duty, followed by a mass and awards ceremony, and this will be followed by a concert featuring the Band of the Unidad de Música de la Academia General del Aire de San Javier.


Spain’s hotel sector is attracting record investment with the country’s hotels attracting ‘unprecedented’ levels of interest from buyers at home and overseas, according to financial advisor CBRE. Middle Eastern, Asian and US backers have already been splashing the cash and the total investment is set to reach record

levels. The current recordholding year was 2006 when €1.6 billion was invested in Spain’s hotels. A CBRE spokesman said ‘the industry is on course for its best ever year’. A boost in the country’s economy as well as reinvigorated interest in Spain’s tourist hotspots has been attributed to the boom.

Final approval has been given by the regional coastal authority for the building of a new boardwalk in Torrevieja linking San Roque to Los Náufragos beach (pictured), with work expected to start at the end of this summer.

The project will take some eight months and will go in tandem with irrigation work in the area. The new promenade is one of five developments in the Torrevieja area under the 11.7 million euro Plan de Restitución.




The Mar Menor is proving especially productive this year, with the size of the king prawns being fished out of the natural salt lake giving the impression they are feeding on a super food. If you are lucky enough to try one of these

super prawns, the flavour is described as premium, due to the extra salt in the Mar Menor waters. Apart from prawns, the sea breams (dorados) have also been multiplying, and 10 tonnes of this species have been fished out of the Mar Menor

Work on repairing Torre de la Horadada's beaches that suffered storm damage at the beginning of April has finished with more than 30 thousand cubic metres of

sand being dredged from the harbour entrance and the beach by the sailing school and transferred mainly to the beaches at El Mojón and Villas-Higuericas.

Shark sightings forced the Costa Brava police to close off four beaches last week for a few hours after sightings of various blue sharks. Police in the resort of Pineda del Mar, just north of Barcelona, closed the town’s four beaches on Thursday evening (July 2nd) after lifeguards spotted four small blue sharks in shallow waters. The sharks, which usually inhabit more tropical waters, are generally not dangerous to humans but can cause panic.

The four sharks spotted off Pineda del Mar were "no more than two metres long" according to the La Vanguardia newspaper. Local police closed the beach at around 7.15pm on Thursday evening and lifeguards raised a red flag, indicating that no bathing was allowed. By the Friday morning, the flag had been changed to yellow, indicating that while there was still need for caution, visitors to the beach were now permitted to bathe.


Friday 10th July 2015


‘Vulture’ funds are scavenging for rich pickings among small solar panel plants on the brink of closing down. New Spanish laws are forcing small-sized plant owners to sell up as they can no longer make a profit from the energy they produce. Controversial new regulations now tax solar panel energy producers some 27% of their income. Taking advantage of the change in policy, energy experts are warning of the ‘vulture’ funds buying up the market at a cut price. “We have been harassed by unscrupulous companies looking to benefit from the electricity reform,” says Juan Castro-Gil from the

national solar panel association. “The ‘vulture’ funds persecute us. Many small and medium investments cannot

repay the loans, and are opting to sell their installation in exchange for losing sight of the debt to the bank.”


A British mother separated from her new-born baby by a Spanish hospital has been reunited with her daughter after DNA results finally proved it was hers. Stacie Cottle, 27, has been forced to endure three weeks at the hospital in Torre del Mar, near Malaga, after a paediatrician claimed

the baby she brought in for a check-up could not be hers. But last Tuesday, she was allowed to finally leave the Comarcal de la Axarquia hospital with baby Anzelika for the very first time. Stacie Cottle was visiting her mother's villa when she gave birth to the little girl on June 16th and she went to

the hospital for a check-up the next day. There had been no time to call an ambulance before the birth, with mother and baby both healthy. But when she arrived staff were hostile, told her the baby could not be hers and called police. They seized Anzelika because they claimed that she was too old to be a newborn. An invasive test showed that Miss Cottle, a dental nurse from East London, had recently given birth but doctors insisted on a DNA test to prove maternity, which meant the baby could not leave the building. The case was handed over to the Velez-Malaga courts and the national police, who took DNA tests, with the court ruling this week ending Stacie’s three weeks of what she described as “feeling as a common criminal”.


The British Foreign Office has launched a video campaign telling ex-pats and visitors to Spain to keep an eye out on their passports during the summer high season. More than three thousand British tourists who came to Spain last year reported their reported their passports stolen and the best part of two thousand said they had lost theirs. Stealth crime expert and ‘Man of Steal’ James Freedman has worked with the Foreign Office to create a series of videos that show the techniques used by passport thieves, and offer advice on how to avoid becoming a victim. You can watch them on YouTube at: ravel. James Freedman says: “Pickpockets and thieves

constantly evolve their techniques and tactics. These videos show just a handful of ways that a pickpocket might attempt to steal from you, so remember some basic advice to stay safe.” If your passport is lost or stolen, you can report it to

the Spanish police by calling +34 902 102 112 (a multilingual service). If you need to travel urgently, you can apply for an emergency travel document at the British Consulate (visit or call + 34 917 146 300).




San Fulgencio police officers have been officially thanked by the local council for their part in recent local crime fighting. The Mayor, Carlos Ramirez, acknowl-

edged the work of the officers in helping to gain the arrest of a man who robbed Maya’s Bar on the La Marina urbanisation last month.



Two Torrevieja police officers saved the life of a 12 year old boy who suffered a cardiac arrest after being saved from drowning in a swimming pool. The incident happened on Wednesday lunchtime in a private indoor pool on Calle La Loma in the city, with the officers arriving on the scene discovering the life-


Friday 10th July 2015

less body had been pulled out of the pool by a friend. The officers proceeded to resuscitate the youngster after discovering he did not have a pulse and they brought him around before an ambulance took him to Torrevieja Hospital. The boy, who was on holiday with his parents from Madrid, has a history of heart problems.

Spanish scientists have helped to develop a new breast cancer drug that targets the tumour only and leaves healthy cells alone, drastically reducing the unpleasant side-effects of chemotherapy. It is also thought to prolong the lives – and quality of life – of women suffering metastatic breast cancer to an average of five-and-a-half years. Developed in 68 research centres, based in practically every region in Spain, through the work of 84 investigators and 17 clinical trials on 620 women, the mono-clonal antibody, retailed by Roche under the brand name Kadcyla, is

given intravenously and 'embeds' itself into the tumour, fighting it from the inside. It is given every three weeks for eight or nine months. However, if necessary it can be administered for much longer, because it is not toxic, according to Dr Ana Lluch, head of oncology at Valencia's Hospital Clínico. Lluch, recently voted 'best oncologist in Spain', says the drug is already in use in the Valencian region including the Costa Blanca but 'subject to masses of bureaucracy' and that its availability has not been 'generalised'


Regional public television for the Valencia region could be back this autumn, returning on Friday October 9th, nearly two years after it was closed down by the previous PP government. Canal Nou suffered from large overspending fuelled by expensive sports rights purchases and the old regional administration belatedly tried to slash costs by reducing the workforce in an illegal move that was outlawed by the courts.

The government pulled the plug in November 2013 amidst a huge outcry from the general public, and now the new regional President, Ximo Puig, has said that he will do all in his power to get a new public service on the air by Valencia Day. Puig said that it was essential to have public television to bind the region together, but it would be up to the Parliament to get a new put together quickly to allow this to happen.


A young male was arrested this week in connection with a shooting incident in an amusement arcade located in Santa Coloma de Gramenet arcade near Barcelona on July 1st. Witnesses stated that the man had spent a number of days in the arcade and had lost a considerable amount of money playing on slot machines. The man is said to have returned to the arcade and complained to the manager about his loss, when he suddenly pulled out a gun and

shot the manager in the head. CCTV footage then shows the man trying to commit suicide, but having failed in that attempt, he turned the gun on other customers in the arcade before fleeing the scene,leaving the gun behind. The manager was taken by ambulance to the Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona, where he was said to be in a stable but serious condition. The investigation is continuing into the event.

Dave Silver


Friday 10th July 2015


I have never spoken before of Colin the pub's cleaner because I consider him a total waste of time. 'Now just you hang on a minute, Dave,' complained Colin a few evenings ago. 'This pub is not the biggest that I clean but it takes me the longest time to scrub and mop because you and your mates make by far the most massive mess.' 'No, YOU hang on a minute, Colin,' I said to him. 'Stop lumping together this pub's mess. We each leave individual messes. I happen to know that my mess is tiny compared to the messes that my colleagues deposit.' 'Now just hang on another minute, mate,' protested Colin again. 'No,' I retorted. 'YOU hang on another minute.' 'What are you two yelling about?' asked Dave the barman who had appeared from his office at the back where he had been totting up the pub's previous day's takings. Needless to say, that particular task hadn't taken him long. 'So what's up with you two?' repeated Dave the barman as he washed his hands in the sink behind the bar. The washing of the hands was a necessary hygienic procedure in order to remove the sticky patina of green oxidised film which had transferred to Dave's digits from the rusting bronze coins we pubsters somehow had managed to gouge out from our pockets

to pay for our drinks. To be fair to Dave the barman, he never raised the price of his alcohol. But to be equally fair to us, we pubsters never complained that Dave the barman watered his drinks. But back to my story. Dave the barman dried his hands and asked: 'So what are you six up to?' Colin the cleaner and I looked around mystified. 'But there are only two of us here,' we pointed out. 'I know that,' sighed Dave the barman, 'But I've had to ask the both of you practically the same question THREE times! Here am I trying to attract more customers and there are you two scaring them off by raising your voices. If you must argue, take it outside. 'But on second thoughts,' mein host went on, 'Don't even squabble on the pavement because you'll either frighten away Fag Ash Bill or worse make him choke on his ciggy smoke and thus kill him.' Using all my skills of wellreasoned debate, I pointed an accusing finger at Colin the cleaner. 'HE started it!' I cried. 'Hang on yet another minute, mate,' protested Colin. 'No,' I retorted: 'YOU hang on yet another minute.' Dave the barman jumped onto the counter. 'I swear that if I hear that phrase one more time from either of you I shall hang you both from the highest light fitting for far longer than a minute!'

'Hang on a minute!' shouted a new voice. Dave the barman, Colin the cleaner and me myself looked around. There was nobody else in the pub. 'Down here! Look down here!' came the voice again. So we looked down there and saw that the disembodied voice belonged to none other than the oldest member of our hostelry group. 'Yes, it is truly I,' said Ol' Red Eyes from the floor (literally). 'Although I have been turfed off my stool and usurped as your leader by that Amazonian devil woman Andromeda Arkwright, I reserve the right to make a judgement, namely that Dave Silver is the innocent party in his

altercation with Colin the cleaner. 'And before anyone can accuse me of showing favouritism, let me assure you that I consider the aforementioned Mr Silver just as slimy as the rest of you.' Ol' Red Eyes lifted himself onto one elbow, focused his rheumy peepers on the whisky optic behind the bar, and continued: 'Pour some firewater down my throat and I shall explain how I arrived at my verdict that Mr Silver is guiltless on all charges.' Dave the barman sighed. 'The poor old beggar thinks he's back in the courtroom.' 'But Ol' Red Eyes was never a lawyer or a judge,' I pointed out.

'I know that,' said Dave the barman. 'But he occupied the dock enough times to pick up the legal lingo.' Anyway, for the record, Ol' Red Eyes stated that far from my adversary Colin being a conscientious cleaner, the devious fellow would indeed collect together our pub rubbish but instead of making several trips outside to the skip in the backyard he would flatten a portion of the said garbage and sweep it under the carpet. The truly incriminating part of Ol' Red Eyes' testimony/summing-up was that the section of carpet under which the rubbish was swept was the identical piece on which Ol' Red Eyes slept each night.

It was only when the old codger's 'mattress' reached a height of three feet and thus brought on a nosebleed that Ol' Red Eyes tumbled to Colin the cleaner's lazy deception. 'Case proven!' Dave the barman cried. 'Colin must be taken outside and shot -- or at least be sacked!' 'Stop!' shouted our muchloved (but not by Ol' Red Eyes) new leader Andromeda Arkwright as she strode into the pub. 'Everyone deserves a second chance. I propose that Colin the cleaner be allowed to continue cleaning until he messes up again. Do I have a seconder?' 'Seconded!' cried Colin the cleaner, breathing a huge sigh of relief. Well, readers, there's been no trouble since then apart from a strange incident the other morning when Ol' Red Eyes awoke just before the refuse collectors were due and found that he had spent the night outside in the rubbish skip, buried under a pile of nonrecyclable pub garbage. Now there was no way the old goat could have climbed unaided into the container. Colin the cleaner wasn't saying anything but someone definitely would have had to lift Ol' Red Eyes and plonk him into the skip. Oh, and the reason Colin the cleaner wasn't saying anything was that he hadn't shown up after phoning in sick. Something about a bad back.

All change at Carpet Heaven With the hot and humid weather we are experiencing at the moment, probably the last thing on your mind is cosy rugs and carpets. Well for us in the carpet and rug business it’s exactly what we are thinking about during the summer months. This is the time of year when all the designers bring out their new lines for the following

season, and when us, the retailers, start looking at clearing old stock to make room for the new. Here at Carpet Heaven in Los Montesinos we are now starting to bring in the new rug designs in this years new fashionable designs & colours Have you just bought, or are you trying to sell a

house/apt with old or cracked marble or ceramic tiles? Why not cover your floor with high quality Burmatex carpet tiles, available in a vast range of styles, colours and textures, which will provide warmth, practicality and sound reduction. Another excellent alternative, especially for kitchens and bathrooms

is cushioned vinyl, which also comes in a wide range of wood, marble or stone effects and is non slip and durable. As always we have our extensive range of British “Stainfree For Life” carpets, available for fitting or as large area rugs, still at 2013 prices. Due to the exchange rate increases, these prices

will inevitably have to rise in the new winter season, so get excellent value for money by ordering this summer – (you can order and pay a deposit and pay the balance when fitted in the autumn) - you’ll be glad you did when those cold winter nights return! To make room on the shop floor for our new lines

we will be holding an End Of Line Sale from Wed 1st July 15 until Saturday 18th July 15 when all our rugs will be discounted by 20%. Why wait for the inevitable autumn price increases, buy now at this years prices. We will even store for free until you are ready to collect. Please Note: We are open Mon – Sat 10am – 2pm



Friday 10th July 2015


Survivors and grieving loved ones of the devastating Valencia metro crash nine years ago say they have staged their last-ever demonstration, because they have achieved their aim. The new regional president Ximo Puig who is governing in coalition with econationalists Compromís led by Mónica Oltra, and Podemos, led by Antonio Montiel, has publicly apologised to the Association of Victims of the July 3 Metro (AVM3J) – the first time any

politician has done so since the underground train crash which killed 43 and left 47 seriously injured. Puig has also launched a commission to investigate the causes of the accident. The AVM3J has now held 105 demonstrations since 2006, and dug up what appears to be evidence of a cover-up of inquiries into the reasons for the crash, which also killed the driver, just as Line 1 was pulling into its terminus station. Association leader Beatriz

Garrote says representatives were invited into a full government meeting to speak to all the regional ministers, who expressed their support – and the following day, all of them joined the AVM3J in the city's iconic Plaza de la Virgen during their 105th gathering. “From now on, our tears will be for the loss of our loved ones only, and not because of our frustration and helplessness,” Sra Garrote announced at the end.

Three quarters of Spaniards are against the country's new "gag law", which has brought in a series of measures opponents say hark back to the dark days of dictator Francisco Franco. The new public security law, which came into force at the start of the month, was met with protests around the country, with critics saying that it limits free speech and curbs the right to demonstrate. The poll, carried out by Metroscopia and published in Spanish daily El País on Monday, found that "the socalled gag-law has reached levels of opposition rarely

seen in Spanish politics". A huge majority of Spaniards, 75 percent, oppose the law, which was passed with only the backing of the Partido Popular, but even among the PP's conservative supporters the law remains unpopular, with almost half (44 percent) opposing the law. The law has been controversial since it was first conceived in response to the increase in - mainly peaceful - anti-austerity protests in late 2013 and early 2014. It has received criticism from human rights groups, lawyers’ associations and journalists for muzzling free-

dom of speech. The president of Spain’s General Law Council, Carlos Carnicer, said the law had "kicked the country to the right". The law has brought in a series of fines for public order offences, which range from €30,000 to €600,000. People could be fined up to €600,000 for protesting outside public buildings, while taking photographs of police officers and using social media to instigate protests are also banned. The country’s opposition political parties have pledged to repeal the law if they take power in this autumn’s general election.



A digital screen displaying the faces of some of Britain's most wanted fugitives is being driven around popular expat areas in Spain, including the Costa Blanca. Crimestoppers and the National Crime Agency (NCA) are using the tactic for the first time in an attempt to flush out suspects thought to be hiding in areas such as Benidorm. The 13ft high screen attached to the back of a van broadcasts the faces of 18 men who are being

sought in connection with a range of alleged crimes including rape, drug trafficking and murder. It is touring areas with large British contingents and parking outside nightclubs, bars, supermarkets and restaurants. The campaign is part of Operation Captura, which targets British fugitives believed to be hiding among ex-pat communities in the Spanish Costas. So far 68 out of 86 wanted individuals have been apprehended. Roger Critchell, director of

operations for Crimestoppers, added: "This is something that we have never done before. But we believe that broadcasting these fugitives' faces right in their back yards will not only encourage the public to speak up but show these individuals that there really is nowhere to hide. There will be no avoiding the faces on this screen - they'll be broadcast in all the popular expat areas.”



Friday 10th July 2015


Using a new and pionerring computer system, the health and social service functions of the 17 autonomous regions in Spain will soon be able to share information, if a new draft social care initiative is approved. The system is of particular use to those who travel around the regions and need constant health care, as medical records will now be shared to medics in different areas. During the summer, for example, many inland residents visit the coastal regions for holidays. Whereas those in need of continual care would normally have to carry their medical information with them to

ensure continuity between the different hospitals, now they will be able to benefit from the automated system. Spain´s health minister ,Alfonso Alonso, said that the new draft Social and

Healthcare Assistance Strategy will include the setting up an interface so that any hospital or health centre in the country can read any patient's details, wherever they come from.


The new socialist mayor of Paiporta, Isabel Martin, has filed a complaint with the police stating that she has been receiving death threats after announcing a withdrawal of subsidy from bull fights. Pro-bullfighting commenters flocked to the Facebook page of the town's previous mayor, Vicente Ibor of the Partido Popular, to complain about the decision, singling out the town's new mayor in particular: "Just like she took the

bulls away from us, I will kill her", wrote one commenter, while another threatened to lock her up with a massive "fierce" bull. Ibor had already written on Facebook that Martin and her left-wing political allies' plans were "unacceptable" and that it was like "kidnapping someone in their own home". "We are not going to accept that the radicals without winning the election can prohibit and diminish our traditions," Ibor wrote.

Martin reported the messages to the local police last Thursday, which were then transferred to the Guardia Civil to investigate whether they constituted a crime. New laws came into force this month which gives the authorities more powers to deal with such complaints. The authors of the two posts, as well as four people who liked the comments, were scheduled to testify in court yesterday (Thursday July 9th).


Friday 10th July 2015



Local News & Events


There were horses and carriages aplenty in San Pedro del Pinatar last Sunday in the annual horse and carriage event which was being staged for the

June’s Walk for Life at Playa Flamenca raised a final figure of 13,322 euro for the AECC cancer charity which means that the Maria and The Pink Ladies charity has raised over 220 thousand euro since they got together five years ago. “This is fantastic news” said charity founder Maria Wilson (pictured looking healthy after a tough year of hospital treatment), “and many thanks to all the generous people in the area and all of the efforts of our volunteers”. Meanwhile Bar Kenz in San Luis, Torrevieja have

turned up trumps again for the Pink Ladies, as they raised 1,300 euro thanks to their regulars putting together the money through their race nights and the weekly Saturday card bingo, in addition to donations of loose change. The Melody Makers International Choir and Cantemos! Youth Choir concerts at the end of last month at the Orihuela Costa Resort hotel produced an excellent eleven hundred euro for the Pink Ladies and the AECC, and the Pink Ladies will be announcing details of their End of Summer Ball shortly.


Popular entertainer Woody (pictured) helped to see the coffers get full to overflowing in a recent big fund-raiser for AFA Torrevieja, the local Alzheimer’s Association, staged at El Alto La Dolores in Guardamar. Close to 1,400 euro was raised for AFA, with local President, Matilda Sanchez, overwhelmed at the number of people present as well as their generosity. The restaurant once again donated a cruise as the top prize in the raffle to boost the number of ticket sales, with the venue slated to hold a fund-raiser for the Elche Children’s Home on Wednesday August 5th, with Woody once again leading the entertainment.

The best part of 3,000 euro was raised for the Help at Home Mar Menor charity at their recent annual Rocking in Roda event, which was a sell-out. Local entertainers provided a treat for the 344-strong audience, with the gorgeous weather being the icing on the cake!


The Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity has bought some much-needed equipment thanks to the generosity of the Alicante Province Freemasons, who raised 2,400 euro. In a special ceremony at La Marina last Saturday, the Masons represented by Barrie Mansell, Keith Allcock and John Davy made the formal presentation of a hospital bed, three mattresses and three wheelchairs to charity fundraiser, Tricia Lee.

Meanwhile the charity has said thank you to the “Ladies Who Lunch” group for their very generous donation of 503 euro, which was handed over to Tricia at the group’s fifth anniversary luncheon at La Cosheca Restaurant in Benijofar. “The ladies have worked tirelessly for us and many other charities over the years”, said Tricia, “and their valued support has always been appreciated”.


The Samaritans in Spain have reported a steady rise in calls since they launched their new Freephone number at the beginning of June.

The organisation offers a friendly voice to talk to in times of stress, and of course complete confidentiality is guaranteed.

twelfth time, as part of the summer fiestas. Around 30 traditional carriages made the journey to Playa Villananitos from the Feria del Ganado.


400 plus plastic ducks have a new home having been looked after by the former Torrevieja Costa Lions club members who brought them over to Spain from the UK in 2012 for the country’s first ever duck race! With the Lions club folding this year, a new charity and home was needed for the creatures, and they seem to have found it in the form of S.A.T.S. Animal Rescue! Liesl Cavender who for many years supported the Lions along with her husband Richard, contacted

ex-Lions President, Janette Bennett (pictured with her yellow friends) to enquire if S.A.T.S .could look after the ducks! The former Lions agreed with the suggestion, and they hope that the ducks will quack on as they raise funds in the future for a popular local cause. On their one and only race back in 2012, the ducks raised over 3,500 euro for the Lions who donated all the funds to help a young boy from Formentera del Segura who was in much need of medical treatment.


The Stagestruck Theatre Group have thrown an additional 200 euro into the ever increasing pot to buy a new minibus for Age Concern, Costa Blanca South. The money comes from their recent show in San

Fulgencio, and company members handed over the cheque to Age Concern President, Maureen Payne, who said that the bus fund is now standing close to a very impressive 20,000 euro, thanks to all concerned.

Friday 10th July 2015



Peter Singh & Pets

Friday 10th July 2015 Check Out:



Throughout my career as a dog behaviourist, I have never been interested in the dog training side of things. I don’t get it and I don’t understand it. I have carried out hundreds of home consultations for dogs who are showing problem behaviours and the amount that are perfectly trained, yet still want to bite you, is remarkable. Dog training will not get you a balanced dog. It will simply get you a dog who can follow commands. What you should be looking at is if your dog is balanced. That is the key to a happy and peaceful dog. Are you understanding your dog from their point of view and fulfilling their needs, rather than just shouting commands at them and not understanding them? When I first started studying dogs, I went down the dog training path and it caused havoc to my faithful and beautiful German Shepherd, Billy. We got him to the point where he could sit, lie down, stay, you name it, Billy could do it. But when Billy went through a three month stage of aggression, that was when I realized, I had done something very, very wrong. The police and army work with German Shepherds for a very good reason, because what they can do with their mouth in three seconds is a lot of damage. This is if they are not raised correctly and simply trained and trained to death.

BALANCED AND CALM BILLY I re-looked at everything and it was a very unhappy time, wondering if Billy would attack the next dog we met. Once I started looking into the dog behaviour side of things rather than dog training, this is where it all changed. Billy went back to being the most placid and gentle German Shepherd

you could ever meet. Why did this change happen? Because I was now taking things from a dog’s point of view, rather than a humans point of view, which is dog training. I began to fulfil his real needs and was not bothered anymore, whether he was standing, lying down, or sit-

ting. My only concern was that he was calm and balanced and thankfully he was. So many people shout “Sit” to their dogs and put them under so much unwanted pressure, but what would you rather have, a dog who just stands there and is calm, or a dog who is

sitting, but when they get up they are ready to attack, which is like many of the dogs I have worked with? We also have to look at ourselves and how calm are we. Every day I normally practice spirituality, but since my mum died, a year ago, I have been through a stage in my life where anger has

taken over and not peace. My anger is based on the fact they many people abused my mum when she was alive and they are still on this earth now, sitting back and enjoying life, while my mum is six feet under. I am pleased though that I recognise this emotion in me and I am working hard to get back to my calm, spiritual self. But we do have to be honest with ourselves. Are we calm or not? Honesty will always get you results. Everyone always looks at me and thinks I am bullet proof and always calm, but the truth is, I am not. I am human and have feeling like anyone else and I have never known the severe emotional pain that is attached with losing my one and only best friend, my mum. So how calm we are as people is very important to our dogs. Like me, if you are going through a loss right now, the one thing we must remember is that our loved ones are looking down on us and they would only want one thing for us and that is that we are at peace and not in turmoil, so lets honour our loved ones, human and furry. is my registered charity, where we rehabilitate the most severely abused animals, and do visit the site to learn about our work and also if you can help us out in anyway. It will be much appreciated and thank you in advance.


ROCCO EMILE Emile is a beautiful eight week old podenco pup, who is very intelligent, and likes to be cuddled. He is very good with other dogs and cats and is currently being fostered in a home with other dogs and cats, who he likes to play with. He is very funny to watch and a real little character. For more on this adorable boy please call PEPA on 650 304 746 or email m

KITTENS APAH has lots of kittens of different ages and colours, but all looking for a loving home to make up for such a hard start in life. If you want to meet them, please call 630 422 563.

Rocco was found at the side of a main road scavenging for food; he was very thin, full of ticks and had very inflamed skin, possibly due to his previous living conditions: that was in June of last year. He is now a healthy 10.5 kilos and looking very handsome. Rocco is a happy boy who loves to play; he has been fully vaccinated, micro chipped and castrated and still only a youngster at two years old. If you can give Rocco a special home then call the kennels in Dolores on 966 710 047 or email

SHEEBA Sheeba is a very loving gentle dog for her size, who is very well behaved and is great with other dogs. She would make a wonderful addition to any home, and is very relaxed and wishes she were a small lap dog! For more about Sheeba, please phone PEPA on 650 304 746 or email m

BEN Ben is a 15 month old Rottweiler cross and was found wandering around La Marina Urb. We have placed him in a foster home and he is great with other dogs, cats and children. He is only around 10 kilos and is house trained. Call: 645 469 253.

BENJI Benji is a unique looking dog with a great personality. He was rescued by APAH after being found outside a large Supermarket and deserves a loving home to make up for the callousness of being abandoned. To meet Benji, please call 630 422 563.

Friday 10th July 2015



Patients who miss appointments at doctors' surgeries and hospitals in the UK will be told how much they have cost the NHS, according to health secretary Jeremy Hunt. That’s not good enough! If the government can wage war on parents who take children out of school during term time (quite rightly) and fining them for doing so, then the same treatment should be handed out to people who abuse the NHS. My wife worked in the UK as a nurse and knows only too well how many missed appointments occurred in her surgery, which was over 200 a month. Now multiply that over all the country and the amount is staggering. OK, some missed appointments are genuine unpleasant stuff happens. But the vast majority of missed appointments are from thoughtless, selfish people and it costs the NHS and taxpayers a fortune. That’s because the thoughtless deem the NHS to be a free service, and in their minds it's there to be abused; if they miss an appointment because they have something more pressing in their trivial lives, it doesn't matter because someone else will pay. Yes, that someone else will be someone who is actually working and having to pay tax. So, as far as I'm concerned, charge them, unless they have a cast iron excuse as to why they did not bother to phone the doctor or hospital to explain why they couldn´t attend. There are two important aspects here... firstly the cost of missed appointments, leaving staff hanging around waiting and not caring for another patient. Secondly, it is depriving someone else who genuinely needs help, of an appointment which

Friday 10th July 2015

Tony Mayes - About Life


could have been fitted in. So it is vital that the issue of missed appointments is dealt with and dealt with decisively, and we all know that the only way to make some thoughtless people toe the line is to hit them hard in their pockets. I give a pat on the back to Jeremy Hunt for approving pricing statements on medicine boxes, stating how much it costs the NHS and taxpayers. It gives an important message to patients that their treatment is not for nothing. As a journalist I was called into a person's home who had died to witness the huge accumulation of medicines handed out to the patient.

My wife also knows only too well of patients who are handed out costly drugs to patients which were not taken. It's an utter waste of public money. My father ended up taking a huge assortment of tablets every day - taking one medicine to counteract the side effect of the first and so on. He wouldn't accept that his body was more than capable of looking after itself most of the time...and given the chance to do so. Should parents who take their children out of school during term times to go on family holidays be told the children's places will be taken by other children? A

head teacher at one Kent school thinks so and has warned parents that pupils could lose their school places. However, she has been told by the education authority such action is illegal because the children's education should not be put at risk through the actions of parents. It has opened up the big debate once again some parents simply cannot take time off work during school holiday times while others are excluded from taking meaningful holidays because of sky-high prices during school holiday dates. There must be an answer to this dilemma and, given some measure of goodwill, it could be found. But I can

understand the school head's frustration, when there's a high demand for places at this much soughtafter school. It’s excellent news that the six-year-old cancer sufferer Ashya King, whose disappearance from Southampton Hospital last year sparked an international manhunt, has now been declared cancer free. He has now returned to the UK after his parents received assurances that social services would not be crawling all over them. The boy had had surgery to remove a brain tumour, and his mum and dad wanted him to have proton beam therapy to zap

any remaining tumour. But although this therapy is widely available on the continent, it is not so readily available on the NHS, which meant the parents took Ashya from the hospital against doctors' advice and took him here to Spain where they were arrested after the medics claimed the boy's life was in danger. Ashya subsequently had the required proton beam treatment and all seems well. I hope the doctors have learned a lesson from this sad experience and work with concerned parents rather than provoking a manhunt, claiming the boy's life was in danger being taken out of hospital, when evidence showed the opposite. And the powers that be in the NHS need to ensure that treatments which are available elsewhere in the world and proved to work are available in Britain. Brits deserve nothing less and should ensure that the NHS remains more than fit for purpose. We were in London last weekend to watch the march-past along The Mall by thousands of members of the Salvation Army celebrating the 150th anniversary of the movement. It was a wonderful sight with representatives from all over the world demonstrating the popularity of an organisation which provides so much help and comfort. The Russian contingent was followed by one from Ukraine and in the middle of the march both groups stopped and embraced each-other. It’s a pity that Vladimir Putin, his hawkish generals and those in Ukraine fighting the will of the majority in a country trying to rid itself from the shackles of a major power, were not there to see it and learn from it.

ISSUE 4 - 10TH JULY 2015


Friday 10th July 2015

The truly awesome Hennessey Venom F5 Supercar

You know that saying "when you’re at the top, there’s no other place to go but down?" Yeah, try telling that to Hennessey . The company that already has the fastest production car in the world (Guinness fails to certify it due to its crafty rules) in its stable is shooting for the stars with plans to develop evil in a vehicular form. The Texas-based company calls this evil on wheels the Venom F5. Hennessey boss John Hennessey broke the news to Top Gear, gushing about the possibility of the Venom F5 hitting a top speed no other production car in the

world has been able to attain. "I think something in the 290-mph range will be possible," Hennessey said. The man apparently didn’t misspeak when he said "290 mph," which is all the indication you need to know that Mr. Hennessey has either lost his mind or he is determined to drive Bugatti insane with constant pressure from Texas. The Venom F5 name pretty much says it all. That "F5" nomenclature is a reference to the most powerful classification given to tornadoes, or in the case of the Venom, a destructive output of around 1,400 horse-

power. All these horses are reigned in by a singleclutch, paddle-shift transmission, not the Ricardo, six-speed manual found in the Venom GT. You can, however, opt for the manual, if you like. Start quivering in your boots, Bugatti . It’s better to embrace the inevitable than continue fighting for your cause. Hennessey is planning a whole new set of upgrades for the F5, including all-carbon-fiber bodywork to help keep the curb weight under 2,866 pounds to help enhance its power-to-

weight ratio. By comparison, the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport only returns 630 horsepower per tonne, whereas it appears Hennessey is shooting for 1000 horsepower per tonne. Though the Venom F5 will share a Lotus platform

successfully evolved the Venom GT into the F5, the latter should be able to take the reigns from its cousin as the true kingpin of the supercar world, despite what the Guinness Book of World Records believes. Achieving a top speed of 290 mph is quite literally the

with the Venom GT, they will have different looks. The F5 looks more like the lovechild of the Nissan GTR and a Ferrari. Additionally, Hennessey Hennessey will add aerodynamic components to drop the F5’s coefficient of drag to 0.40 — the Venom GT’s coefficient of drag checks in at 0.44. Sure, it’s a small change, but enough to help the F5 maintain its speed in a down-and-back run at the Kennedy Space Center. Once Hennessey has

fastest way to do that. The company plans to produce 30 examples of the Venom F5, which is just enough to satisfy Guinness’ requirement for the record. Each example will come with a price of somewhere north of the $1.2 million sticker of the Venom GT. Customers lucky enough to secure one of these 30 models should expect to receive their new babies sometime in 2016, so that´s something to look forward to at least.

Motoring + Bugatti Veyron Super Sport In the realm of supercars, there are those that take you by the seat of your pants and toss you around for a wild ride. Those are pretty fun – who are we kidding, those are still awesome – but then you have a completely different animal that grabs you by the soul and shakes you from the inside out. These cars, often dubbed hyper cars, are not pretty and they’re not necessarily comfortable, but rather they are just functional bodies wrapped around massive amounts of power with a few seats to plop down those hind sides brave enough to sit in them. One of the kings of the hyper car world in recent years has been the Bugatti Veyron 16.4. It was already powerful as is, but Bugatti wanted more and created the Veyron 16.4 Super Sport. But don’t sleep on the Veyron SS just yet. It didn’t earn its status in the supercar world by being a pushover. That Veyron SS was capable of reaching a top speed of just a shade under 267 mph, a record that still stands according to Guinness.

Motoring +

Friday 10th July 2015



Friday 10th July 2015

Motoring +

Different Coloured Pedestrian Crossings

Why are some pedestrian crossings different colours? Most people are aware of what we might call a “zebra” crossing, with black and white alternating stripes across the road, but what about the red ones, or blue ones or any other colours? There are two ways of answering the question, and so we will start with the simple and legal one. Article 168 of the Tráfico, Circulación y Seguridad Vial, says... “c) Marca de paso para peatones. Una serie de líneas de gran anchura, dispuestas sobre el pavimento de la calzada en bandas paralelas al eje de ésta y que forman un conjunto transversal a la calzada, indica un paso para peatones, donde los conductores de vehículos o animales deben dejarles paso. NO podrán utilizarse líneas de otros colores que alternen con las blancas.” To explain what that means in as literal way we can, it states that pedestrian crossings are formed of a series of wide lines arranged from the pavement and parallel to the axis thereof, forming a set across the road where drivers of

vehicles or animals must let pedestrians pass. However, in answer to your question about different colours used on crossings, the last phrase, “NO podrán utilizarse líneas de otros colores que alternen con las blancas”, states that you must not use other colours that alternate with the white ones. Therefore, by the legal definition set out in this document, the only colours which should exist on pedestrian crossings are white, and the colour of the road. We can therefore conclude that the use of any other colour for pedestrian crossings should not be allowed. However, the more complex answer comes about when we look at different methods of traffic calming, means to slow down road traffic to create a safer environment for all. Traffic calming is a phrase used to describe a means by which motorists are forced to slow down, thus making the roads safer for all, especially the more vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians. There have been many different studies relating to traffic calming, and proposed methods for highlighting pedestrian crossings better has been the outcome of some of that research. A study in 2014 concluded that the best way to make crossings safer for pedestrians was to “transform these pedestrian passages into eye-grabbing spectacles: a school of colorful fish, a skein of yarn, a skeleton, a row of large-caliber bullets.” It should be noted that the 2014 study was done by an artist rather than a road safety professional, although the impact was successful. By creating a surface which drivers looked out for could improve the awareness of the crossing, but other experts also suggest that these could do more damage than good, as distracting a driver from the vulnerable road users is a recipe for disaster, as drivers look at the crossing and not the people on it or waiting to cross. There have also been more drastic meathods adopted such as placing stickers of children on the road, some appar-

ently displaying signs of having been in a collision with a vehicle, all aimed at alerting drivers of the consequences of their actions should they not slow down for pedestrians. You will see that many of the coloured crossings are on raised humps, again traffic calming measures, but a lot of these humps also don´t fall in with the legal requirements set down by law, and so quite a lot have been removed in recent years. There are many different reasons why crossings are different colours, but as the majority of those which have been marked other than that laid down in law are under the control of local authorities, it is the reasoning for each one of those that is the only answer to the question, as nationally, all we can say it what the law clearly states, “NO podrán utilizarse líneas de otros colores que alternen con las blancas”.

Friday 10th July to Thursday 16th July 2015


TV Pull-out

Friday 10th July 2015

Rookie Nerves

We are about to hit the beat with Lincolnshire Police with another fly-on-the-wall documentary series, this time looking at 24 ordinary people - from a wide variety of backgrounds, who are about to make a life changing decision. They are to become Police Officers. With rare, intimate access to the trainees and their families, the new ITV series “Rookies” reveals what it is like to be dropped into the front line of law enforcement without any experience and how this impacts their loved ones. Filmed over a year this series focuses on the ‘breaking in period’ - the toughest and most emotional part of the training process. As the new recruits venture out onto the streets under the watchful eye of an experienced veteran it is a

baptism of fire. They come face to face with the area’s most violent criminals. In the first episode on Monday, we see 26-year-old Jack Beecroft. Joining up means finally moving out of the family home and away from his worried parents; it also means he’ll be forced to do his own laundry for the first time. We also meet 35-year old Dee Fry, a self-confessed tomboy. Dee wanted to be a police officer since she was a teenager, this for her is a dream come true. We meet 46-year old Mark Barr, a former spectacle maker and one of only six black police officers in Lincolnshire. Mark is posted to Sleaford, one of the more rural parts of the country, serving a large farming community. Lincolnshire is the second

largest county in England, but it has one of the smallest police forces. Recruitment had been banned for some time and so this new intake of 24 officers had to beat off stiff competition from thousands of other applicants. With a wealth of dramatised police programs on TV at the moment it makes a welcome change to see what real front-line policing

means. The officers who vow to protect and serve and meet people at often the worst times of their lives face criticism and abuse on a daily basis, and with budgets continually slashed, they face tougher times ahead. What therefore makes these “Rookies” choose to put themselves in that situation is revealed for the first time in this new exciting show.

World Wheelchair Rugby Challenge Taking place from the 12th to the 16th of October, the BT WWRC15 brings together the World’s best “Murderball” teams and will be broadcast on ITV. ITV4 will show live

evening matches of the hard-hitting sport, with comprehensive coverage of five hours of live broadcasting each day, brought by a team with a wealth of sporting and broadcasting talent

and experience including Presenter Martin Bayfield, the former England and British Lions player, alongside Steve Brown, captain of the GB London 2012 Olympic Wheelchair Rugby team, former England and British Lions player, Ugo Monye, reporter Rachael Latham with commentary team Simon Ward and Mike Spence. Originating in Canada, wheelchair rugby developed from the ‘murderball’ game – created by a group of disabled sportsmen. One of the only full-con-

Pocket xx Slapping You might remember, we were talking advertising nostalgia last week, with the famous black horse of Lloyd´s bank returning to our screens. This week, we have another blast from the past of the world of advertising as Asda have brought back one of their most famous campaigns, the “pocket tap”. However, gone is the accompanying strapline, “That´s Asda price”, replaced with the same slogan used by their American parent company Walmart, “Save Money, Live Better”, not a million miles away from another supermarket´s slogan, “Spend a little, live a lot”, but that´s probably accidental. The revitalization of the campaign was in order to celebrate the supermarket´s 50th

anniversary this year, and, according to the creative producers VCCP, is intended to be a “feel good” ad that celebrates what Asda customers love about shopping with the retailer, showing parents, children, and dogs enjoying everyday moments of life. With an ad account worth 100 million pounds, it is no wonder that the creative team can afford to launch the ad during a prime film spot in the middle of the weekly Harry Potter film, what some industry experts might be questioning is why it costs so much to bring back what was already there. Oh, and in case you find yourself pocket-tapping along to the rhythm of the soundtrack, it´s Oh My Love by American band The Score.

tact disability sports, two teams of four aim to score by carrying the ball across the opposing team’s line. Players compete in specially-designed manual wheelchairs and must meet minimum disability criteria classifiable under the sport classification rules. Wheelchair rugby was first recognised as a full medal sport at the 2000 Paralympic Games in Sydney, Australia. It has since featured at the Paralympic Games in Athens in 2004, Beijing in 2008, and in London 2012.

TRELI ON THE TELLY WITH ALEX TRELINSKI The downside of summer is tv drama as the schedules are almost devoid of original quality British scripted shows during July and the early part of August, and barring the very good Humans on Channel Four, there’s little else to go at. That’s a shame as last summer we did have the excellent The Honourable Englishwoman to keep us going, and believe it or not, a few years ago a little show called Sherlock premiered in the first week of August. In these greater cost conscious days for TV company budgets, it’s clear that this time of the year is a low priority, but thank heavens for a stream of American shows to keep us going, though sadly most of them are only available on the non-mainstream free channels. One of my favourites is The Last Ship, which for my

money was my favourite new “sleeper” US show of last year. It’s mainly action all the way in this yarn created by Michael Bay (of big screen Transformers fame) and it’s really good. A ship’s crew lead the fight to find an antidote to a virus that has killed off most of the world’s population, and the opener of season two on Sky One saw the ship taken over by baddies who want the cure, whilst some of the crew including the captain are on land leading the fight against those same baddies. I won’t go further except to say its good fare with a lot of pace and style, helped by the fact that the series has only 10 episodes in it, which means there isn’t a lot of padding over a conventional 20-plus episode run. Crack a beer and enjoy. The Last Ship comes from the American TNT cable network who have other offer-


ings running elsewhere, two of which are on Fox UK. Firstly, we have the final series of Falling Skies starring ex-ER star Noah Wyle, and exec produced by Steven Spielberg. It’s a tale of Earth folk trying to get rid of unfriendly aliens wanting to take over the planet, and on the whole it has worked well, though even in a 10 episode format, there have been some boring episodes

over the years, but there’s been enough to keep the interest going and Wyle is excellent in the lead role. Earlier in the year, I raved about Murder in the First(on Fox UK) which was co-created by Steven Bochco(of Hill Street Blues and Murder One fame), and featured a homicide investigation and a court case. Fox have rushed series two on air just a fortnight behind the TNT trans-

mission in the States, and though a good looking product, the story at the moment is quite muddled with too much being crammed in, plus not enough focus on the lead characters as in series one. But with this being a Bochco show, I remain confident that everything will come together. I’m going to have some extra time on my hands now that the new service from Channel Five, Spike, has finished running the full 60 episodes of Breaking Bad every weeknight. Hype can lead to disappointment, but nothing could be further from the truth in this utterly engrossing series about a chemistry teacher turned meth dealer. I would honestly put this in the elite category of greatest ever US dramas alongside The West Wing, The Sopranos, Mad Men and the still-in production The Good Wife. The

wonderful story-lining with constant twists, teases and surprises for the viewer made this a joy to behold with Bryan Cranston’s antihero character of Walter White leaving a similar lasting impression alongside the likes of Tony Soprano and Don Draper. You’ll need a strong constitution for some episodes, but this is quite some tale of cat and mouse (with some great laughs as well to balance the drama), and I am empty that it has finished for me. Put Breaking Bad on your TV bucket-list. It’s that brilliant and I’m almost tempted to pledge to refund any of your costs for buying your box sets or downloads if you don’t love it! To keep us BB fans going, I can’t wait to see the spin-off featuring the crooked lawyer Saul Goodman, Better Call Saul, which is currently running on download site, Netflix.

TV Pull-out

Friday 10th July 2015



10th JULY

00:10 Murder, She Wrote 01:05 Jackpot247 01:20 Holiday Weatherview 00:20 Children of the Gaza War 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 01:25 BBC News 01:20 Panorama USA 07:00 Breakfast 01:50 An Hour to Save Your Life 04:40 ITV Nightscreen 10:15 Neighbourhood Blues 02:50 The Met: Policing London 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:00 Homes Under the 07:00 Good Morning Britain 03:50 This Is BBC Two 09:30 Lorraine Hammer 05:00 The Genius of Invention 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:00 Call the Council 05:30 The Genius of Invention 11:30 This Morning 12:45 Helicopter Heroes 06:00 Schools - Little Stargazing 11:55 ITV News and Weather Down Under 12:00 This Morning 06:25 Spooky Science 13:15 Bargain Hunt 13:30 Loose Women 06:55 Wonders of Nature: 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 BBC News; Weather Meerkats - Friendship 14:55 ITV Local News and 14:45 Wimbledon 2015 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer Weather 19:00 BBC News 15:00 Judge Rinder 08:00 Call the Council 19:30 Weather 16:00 Secret Dealers 08:45 Helicopter Heroes Down 19:30 BBC Regional News 16:59 ITV Local Weather Under 17:00 Tipping Point 20:00 The One Show 09:15 Gardeners' World 18:00 The Chase 20:30 BBC News; Regional 19:00 ITV Local News 09:45 Nigel Slater: Eating News 19:30 ITV News and Weather Together 20:30 A Question of Sport 20:00 Emmerdale 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 21:00 EastEnders 20:30 Coronation Street 12:00 BBC News 21:00 Tonight 21:30 Celebrity MasterChef 12:30 Daily Politics 21:30 Coronation Street 23:00 BBC News 22:00 Doc Martin 23:25 National Lottery Update 13:30 Wimbledon 2015 23:00 ITV News at Ten and 21:00 Wimbledon 2Day 23:25 BBC Regional News; Weather 22:00 Gardeners' World Weather 23:30 ITV Local News and 22:30 Spitfire Women 23:35 Frank Skinner: Man in Weather 23:40 Vicious 23:30 Newsnight a Suit 00:35 This Week

00:15 Weather

00:25 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 01:25 Undercover Boss USA 02:15 From Russia with Cash 03:15 Running the Shop 04:10 Dispatches 04:40 Obsessive Compulsive Hoarder: The Big Clear Out 05:40 River Cottage Bites 05:55 Deal or No Deal 06:45 Draw It! 07:10 How I Met Your Mother 07:35 Will & Grace 08:00 Will & Grace 08:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:15 Frasier 09:50 Frasier 10:20 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 Come Dine with Me 12:50 Channel 4 News Summary 12:55 Come Dine with Me 13:25 Come Dine with Me 13:55 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:00 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 The Last Leg

00:55 Access 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Jesse Stone: Benefit of the Doubt 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 Conspiracy 22:00 Big Brother 23:30 Big Brother's Bit on the Side

00:15 Celebrity Juice 01:00 Reality Bites 01:40 Two and a Half Men 02:05 Totally Bonkers Records 02:35 Life's Funniest Moments 03:00 The Hot Desk 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 09:10 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 American Pie 2

00:35 The Vice 01:40 City Lights 02:30 Man About the House 03:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 Rising Damp 07:35 Heartbeat 08:35 The Royal 09:40 Murder, She Wrote 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 A Touch of Frost 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 French Fields 17:50 Doctor at Large 18:20 Rising Damp 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Rosemary & Thyme 22:00 Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Dogs 23:00 afterlife

Coronation Street - Liz takes Dan and his daughter to Dinner

Soap Bubble In Emmerdale, Chrissie’s still suspicious of the note, Robert reminds her of her own cheating. Will the truth over what Robert did surface? Meanwhile, at the hospital Paddy chooses to believe himself the victim of an accident, finding the alternative unthinkable. When Robert visits Paddy, he accidently reveals he was at the farm at the time of the accident. Robert threatens him next time he won’t be so lucky. In Corrie, Ken pushes Bev as to why Deirdre stayed away so long. Bev admits that Deirdre couldn’t face coming back to the street as she was too ashamed when she found out about Tracy’s affair with Tony, knowing how much her daughter had hurt her friend. Oblivious to the tension, Tracy discusses Deirdre’s funeral arrangements whilst Ken seethes. Liz takes Dan and his daughter to the bistro for dinner. Leanne smiles at them through gritted teeth. Tracy unearths a tin in which Deirdre kept her personal effects. In it she discovers a letter from Deirdre describing the kind of funeral she would like. Ken remains quietly bitter towards Tracy. In Eastenders, Nancy tries to find out why Lee was so upset yesterday, but he plays it down. Lee does agree to make a doctor's appointment, but he forces Nancy to keep this a secret from their parents. After some encouragement from Tamwar, Nancy agrees to keep it quiet.

00:00 Family Guy 00:25 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Russell Howard's Good News 02:00 Bad Boy Boxer: The Last Chance 02:55 Reggie Yates: Extreme South Africa 03:55 Don't Tell the Bride 04:55 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 T in the Park 2015 23:00 T in the Park 2015


Friday 10th July 2015

TV Pull-out


11th JULY

00:35 Road Trip

00:00 Artsnight

02:05 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:10 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 The Box 13:00 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 Wimbledon 2015 18:55 Pointless Celebrities 19:45 BBC News 19:55 BBC Regional News; Weather 20:00 Prized Apart 21:00 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 21:55 Casualty 22:45 The John Bishop Show 23:30 National Lottery Update 23:30 BBC News; Weather 23:50 Not Going Out

00:10 Hard Target 01:50 Jackpot247 00:30 Weather 04:00 Britain's Best Bakery 00:35 Arthur Ashe: More Than 04:50 ITV Nightscreen a Champion 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Fort Boyard Ultimate 01:35 London River Challenge 03:00 Question Time 07:25 Pat & Stan 04:00 Protecting Our Foster 07:35 Dino Dan Kids 08:00 Canimals 08:15 Sooty 05:00 This Is BBC Two 08:30 Super 4 06:55 Homes Under the 08:45 Fish Hooks Hammer 09:00 Young Justice: Invasion 07:55 Private's Progress 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 09:30 Wimbledon Classics 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 11:30 Baku European Games 11:20 The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:00 Athletics 13:25 ITV News and Weather 13:00 The Box 13:30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 14:35 Surprise Surprise 13:30 Alex Polizzi: Chefs on 15:30 1000 Heartbeats Trial 16:30 All Star Family 14:30 Talking Pictures Fortunes 15:05 The Mummy 17:15 Tipping Point 18:15 Catchphrase 16:30 Flog It! 19:00 ITV Local News 17:25 Edwardian Farm 19:15 ITV News and Weather 18:25 Gardeners' World 19:30 You've Been Framed! 18:55 Wimbledon 2015 20:00 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 21:00 Wimbledon 2Day 22:45 Black Work 22:00 Mock the Week 23:45 ITV News and Weather 22:30 The Battle of Britain 23:59 ITV Local Weather

22:00 Ted

00:30 Big Brother 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:20 House Doctor 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:15 Milkshake! Bop Box 07:20 Angelina Ballerina 07:35 Pip Ahoy! 07:45 The Mr Men Show 07:55 Milkshake! Monkey 08:00 Chloe's Closet 08:15 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:20 Make Way for Noddy 08:30 Paw Patrol 08:45 Little Princess 09:05 Wanda and the Alien 09:15 Zack and Quack 09:30 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:45 Jelly Jamm 10:05 LazyTown 10:30 Dora and Friends 11:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:35 Access 11:40 Cowboy Builders 13:40 Away All Boats 15:55 To Hell and Back 18:00 5 News Weekend 18:10 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 19:05 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 Transporter: The Series 21:55 Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 22:50 Big Brother 23:50 Wedding Disaster Specials

00:05 Celebrity Juice 00:50 Two and a Half Men 01:50 Fake Reaction 02:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 02:50 Life's Funniest Moments 03:10 Teleshopping 06:40 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 12:25 Catchphrase 13:25 Mr Bean's Holiday 15:10 The Hot Desk 15:25 Totally Bonkers Records 16:25 Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway 17:50 Evan Almighty 19:45 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Scary Movie V

00:00 The Vice 01:15 The American President 03:10 Man About the House 04:05 Judge Judy 04:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:40 Emmerdale 07:00 Man About the House 07:25 Where the Heart Is 09:25 Goodbye Mr Chips 11:35 The Railway Children 13:50 A Touch of Frost 15:50 Lewis 17:55 Columbo: Negative Reaction 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Agatha Christie's Marple

00:05 Man Down 00:40 Jimmy Carr: Being Funny 01:40 Mr Nice 03:45 Supernatural 04:35 The Hotel 05:30 The Renovation Game 06:20 Deal or No Deal 07:20 How I Met Your Mother 07:45 How I Met Your Mother 08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:25 The Simpsons 13:55 Rude(ish) Tube 14:25 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Come Dine with Me 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Walking Through History 21:00 The Secret World of Lego

Ted on Channel 4

01:00 Family Guy 01:25 Family Guy 01:45 American Dad! 02:10 Family Guy 02:30 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 03:30 Insane Fight Club

TV Choice Today´s pick of the family films is the seventh adventure of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, over on ITV. Following Dumbledore's death, Lord Voldemort and his cronies have taken over the Ministry of Magic and are hellbent on killing Harry Potter. The good wizards of the Order of the Phoenix arrive at Harry's home and whisk him to safety, but the Death Eaters are hot on his trail. Meanwhile, for the not so family-friendly film of the day, Channel 4 are showing the very adult comedy, Ted. When lonely Boston kid John Bennett wishes for his teddy bear to come to life, it's to his and the world's surprise that his wish comes true. However, 27 years on, Ted is still best friends with John, and the hardliving soft toy has turned his owner into an immature, weed-smoking slacker. John's exasperated girlfriend Lori thinks it's time for him to grow up and tell Ted to get stuffed. But how will Ted fare in the world alone, and will John finally flourish without his fuzzy friend? While its distinctive central premise is refreshing, Ted will no doubt appeal to fans of Family Guy, with its boisterous, cynical humour and Seth MacFarlane's irrepressible voice work bringing to mind his long-running animated series. However, a gag-packed script, likeable performances and moments of real heart have given Ted a broader appeal that could see him make a rapid return to the big screen.

04:30 Russell Howard's Good News 05:00 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 T in the Park 2015 22:00 T in the Park 2015 23:00 T in the Park 2015

TV Pull-out

Friday 10th July 2015



12th JULY

00:00 QI XL

00:00 State of Play

00:05 Hot Tub Time Machine

00:45 Golf: Scottish Open

02:15 Jackpot247

02:00 The Last Leg

02:25 Weather for the Week

01:45 Dracula

04:00 Ejector Seat

02:55 Hollyoaks


03:05 The Curse of

02:30 BBC News


07:00 Breakfast

04:25 This Is BBC Two

07:25 Pat & Stan

10:00 The Andrew Marr Show

07:30 Homes Under the

07:35 Dino Dan


07:45 Dino Dan

08:35 Ginetta GT5 Challenge

08:30 Countryfile

08:00 Canimals

09:00 Everybody Loves

08:15 Sooty


08:30 Super 4

09:30 Frasier

08:45 Fish Hooks

10:00 Frasier

09:00 Young Justice: Invasion

10:30 Sunday Brunch

00:20 Would I Lie to You? 00:50 The 13th Warrior

11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Sunday Politics

09:30 Gardeners' World

13:15 BBC News 13:25 Weather for the Week

10:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites

Ahead 13:30 Bargain Hunt 14:00 Wimbledon 2015 14:50 Wimbledon 2015 19:00 David Attenborough Meets President Obama

04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge

11:30 The Box

09:25 ITV News

12:00 Wimbledon Classics

09:30 Weekend

14:00 Escape to the Country

10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show

14:45 Holiday of My Lifetime

13:30 ITV News and Weather

with Len Goodman 15:30 Prized Apart

05:05 The Renovation Game 06:00 Secret Eaters 06:55 Draw It! 07:20 How I Met Your Mother

13:30 Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast 14:35 The Big Bang Theory

13:35 Love Your Garden

16:00 The Simpsons

14:35 Long Lost Family

17:35 Location, Location,

19:35 BBC News

15:35 Overboard


16:30 Flog It!

17:45 Midsomer Murders

19:50 BBC Regional News;

18:35 Phil Spencer: Secret

17:20 Songs of Praise

19:40 ITV Local News and



18:00 Natural World


19:30 Channel 4 News

20:00 Countryfile

19:00 Wimbledon 2015

19:55 ITV News and Weather

21:00 Fake or Fortune?

21:15 Dragons' Den

22:00 The Outcast

22:15 Odyssey

23:30 BBC News

23:00 Family Guy

23:50 BBC Regional News; Weather

20:15 Catchphrase 21:00 Surprise Surprise 22:00 Joanna Lumley's Trans-

20:00 Grand Designs 21:00 Amazing Spaces Shed of the Year

Siberian Adventure

22:00 Humans

23:20 Family Guy

23:00 ITV News and Weather

23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does

23:40 Wimbledon 2Day

23:20 Bear Grylls: Mission Survive


00:50 Caught on Camera 01:15 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Police Interceptors 05:50 Make It Big 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:15 Milkshake! Bop Box 07:20 Angelina Ballerina 07:35 Pip Ahoy! 07:45 The Mr Men Show 08:00 Chloe's Closet 08:10 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:20 Make Way for Noddy 08:30 Paw Patrol 08:45 Little Princess 08:55 Wanda and the Alien 09:05 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:15 Zack and Quack 09:30 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:40 Jelly Jamm 09:50 Olly the Little White Van 10:00 LazyTown 10:25 Dora and Friends 10:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30 Access 11:35 Police Interceptors 14:35 Every Which Way but Loose 16:45 Dracula: Dead and Loving It 18:35 Oliver & Company 19:55 5 News Weekend 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 Police Interceptors Unleashed 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Harry Brown

Joanna Lumley´s Trans Siberian Adventure

01:00 Family Guy 01:20 Family Guy 01:40 Family Guy 02:00 Family Guy 02:20 Family Guy 02:45 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 03:45 Bad Boy Boxer: The

TV Choice Today´s TV Choice is Joanna Lumley's Trans-Siberian Adventure, the first in a three-part series on ITV which sees Joanna Lumley travel the 6,400 mile route from Hong Kong to Moscow. It was in 2009 that Joanna first took us on a journey to faraway places, visiting the Northern Lights in Joanna Lumley in the Land of the Northern Lights. In 2010 she took us on a trip through the Nile and later to Greece. This time, Joanna begins her train journey in Hong Kong - which she last visited when she was four - while she has not been to Moscow since 1966 when she was there as a model at the height of the Cold War. In the first episode, she sets off from The Peak above Victoria Harbour, before jumping on the Mass Transit Railway to Shenzhen where she catches the bullet train to Beijing. In China's capital, she discovers that more Rolls Royces are sold there than anywhere else in the world. She visits a bizarre restaurant dedicated to Chairman Mao and encounters an old lady who knew Emperor Puyi's favourite concubine. She then joins the Trans-Siberian, stopping off in Datong and visiting a wild stretch of the Great Wall. From there she travels by overnight train to Mongolia, where she passes through the Gobi desert and visits a local shaman.

Last Chance 04:45 Comedy Feeds 05:00 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 T in the Park 2015 22:00 T in the Park 2015 23:00 T in the Park 2015

00:50 Show 01:15 01:45 02:45 03:20 World 03:45 06:45 07:00 07:10 09:40 12:35 13:50 14:30 15:35 17:20 19:30 Park 22:00 23:15

The Keith Lemon Sketch Crazy Beaches Love Island Fake Reaction Totally Bonkers Guinness Records Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen The Hot Desk Emmerdale Coronation Street Take Me Out Take Me Out - The Gossip Love Island The Flintstones Peter Pan The Lost World: Jurassic Love Island License to Wed

01:00 Wire in the Blood 02:35 Man About the House 03:00 Man About the House 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Man About the House 07:25 A Touch of Frost 09:15 Heartbeat 10:20 Heartbeat 11:20 Wycliffe 12:30 Columbo: Negative Reaction 14:35 A Touch of Frost 16:45 Swallows and Amazons 18:35 By Royal Appointment 19:45 Wycliffe 21:00 Inspector Morse 23:10 Death Becomes Her


Friday 10th July 2015


TV Pull-out

13th JULY

00:00 Live at the Apollo 00:45 Don't Tell the Bride 01:45 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:50 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Right on the Money: Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Call the Council 12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 The Link 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:30 Channel Patrol 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Weather 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News; Regional News 20:30 How Safe Is Your House? 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:30 Mrs Brown's Boys 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News; Weather 23:35 Have I Got Old News for You

00:40 Golf: Scottish Open

00:15 Piers Morgan's Life Stories 01:40 Countryfile 01:10 Jackpot247 02:40 Holby City 04:00 Motorsport UK 03:40 This Is BBC Two 04:50 British Superbike Championship Highlights 07:00 Homes Under the 05:40 ITV Nightscreen Hammer 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 08:00 Call the Council 07:00 Good Morning Britain 08:45 Helicopter Heroes Down 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show Under 11:30 This Morning 09:15 Escape to the Continent 11:55 ITV News and Weather 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 12:00 Athletics 14:30 ITV News and Weather 13:00 Daily Politics 14:55 ITV Local News and 14:00 Golf: Scottish Open Weather 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Rowing World Cup 16:00 Secret Dealers 17:30 Glorious Gardens from 16:59 ITV Local Weather Above 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 ITV Local News 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 ITV News and Weather 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Emmerdale 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Vet School 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Coronation Street 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 Rookies 22:00 Laurence Llewelyn23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather Bowen: Cracking China 23:30 ITV Local News and 23:00 Hair Weather 23:30 Newsnight 23:40 Plebs

23:00 Inside the Ku Klux Klan

00:50 Caught on Camera 02:15 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 House Doctor 05:25 Make It Big 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Bop Box 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Abducted: the Carlina White Story 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Stop! Roadworks Ahead 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Under the Dome

01:05 Fake Reaction 01:50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 02:20 Love Island 03:25 Teleshopping 06:55 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Ibiza Weekender 23:00 Love Island

01:20 Blue Murder 02:45 Cornwall with Caroline Quentin 03:30 Wycliffe 04:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:40 Emmerdale 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 Rising Damp 07:35 Heartbeat 08:35 The Royal 09:40 Murder, She Wrote 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 A Touch of Frost 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 French Fields 17:50 Doctor at Large 18:20 Rising Damp 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 23:00 Unforgiven

00:00 Rude Tube 01:10 Red State 02:40 Secret History 03:35 Come Dine with Me 05:50 River Cottage Bites 06:05 Secret Eaters 07:00 How I Met Your Mother 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Superfoods: The Real Story 22:00 How to Get a Council House

Coronation Street - The Funeral

Soap Bubble In Emmerdale, Bob sells his car to help pay for the plumber, leaving Carly guilty but Ross has an idea. He hands her a set of keys and tells her not to ask questions. Out on a country road, Carly assists Ross in stealing one of Jimmy’s vans by blocking the road with her fake broken down car. When the driver gets out to help her, Ross hits him over the head but will the repercussions far outweigh the reward? In Coronation Street, as Ken and Tracy prepare for Deirdre’s funeral the tension between them is palpable. Tracy does her best to comfort Ken but he shuns her attentions leaving Tracy hurt and taken aback by his sharpness. As the funeral cortege sets off the residents watch, deeply moved. Through the hearse window, Tracy’s shocked to spot Robert Preston in the crowd. In the church, Emily recognises Robert. In Eastenders, Cindy and Liam's prom day has arrived. When Ian refuses to visit Cindy, Bobby decides to take matters into his own hands and invites her over to the Beale house. When Cindy arrives, she is surprised by Ian's kindness towards her - but the atmosphere turns sour when he reveals that Jane has been paying Carol to look after her. Following another argument with her family, Cindy returns to the Butcher house and accuses Liam and Carol of betraying her.

00:30 Family Guy 00:55 Family Guy 01:15 American Dad! 01:40 Family Guy 02:05 Family Guy 02:25 Insane Fight Club 03:25 Bad Boy Boxer: The Last Chance 04:25 Great Movie Mistakes 04:55 Close 20:00 Great Movie Mistakes 20:10 Shanghai Knights 22:00 Teenage Millionaire: The Year I Won the Lottery 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Young, Welsh and Pretty Skint

TV Pull-out

Friday 10th July 2015



14th JULY

00:05 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:50 Things We Lost in the Fire 02:40 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Right on the Money: Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Call the Council 12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 The Link 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:30 Channel Patrol 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Weather 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News; Regional News 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Death in Paradise 23:00 BBC News 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:25 BBC Regional News; Weather 23:35 Imagine

00:15 Weather 00:20 The Women's Football Show 00:50 Odyssey 01:30 Watchdog 02:30 The Bank: A Matter of Life and Debt 03:30 This Is BBC Two 05:00 Schools - Play by Play 05:30 Schools - Body Matters 06:00 Spark 06:25 Lost Lands 06:55 Schools - Wonders of Nature: Polar Bear - Mother and Baby 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Call the Council 08:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 09:15 The £100K House: The Final Fix 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Super League Show 14:45 The A to Z of TV Gardening 14:50 Cash in the Attic 15:35 The Go-Between 17:30 Glorious Gardens from Above 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 The House That £100K Built 22:00 Great Ormond Street 23:00 Hair 23:30 Newsnight

00:10 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 01:05 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:55 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News and Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Local News and Weather 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Local Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Local News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones 21:00 Love Your Garden 22:00 Virgin Atlantic: Up in the Air 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV Local News and Weather 23:40 Benidorm

00:00 Tattoo Fixers 01:05 Married at First Sight 02:00 24 Hours in A&E 02:55 Child Genius 03:50 One Born Every Minute USA 04:45 Mary's Bottom Line 05:40 Secret Eaters 06:30 Draw It! 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:30 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 22:00 Child Genius 23:00 Not Safe For Work 23:50 Career Criminals

00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:15 Police Interceptors Unleashed 02:10 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Bop Box 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Killer Instinct 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 22:00 Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick 23:00 Big Brother

00:05 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Teenage Millionaire: The Year I Won the Lottery 02:30 Young, Welsh and Pretty Skint 03:00 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 04:00 Teenage Millionaire: The Year I Won the Lottery 05:00 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Live at the Apollo 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Russell Howard's Good News

00:00 Celebrity Juice 00:50 Two and a Half Men 01:45 Fake Reaction 02:20 Love Island 03:10 Teleshopping 06:40 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 New You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Bad Bridesmaid

00:00 01:00 02:10 03:00 07:00 07:10 07:35 08:35 09:40 10:40 12:00 14:05 15:10 16:15 17:20 17:50 18:20 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:00

Eastenders - Ian Begs PC Kresge to Find Cindy

Soap Bubble In Emmerdale, Ross gives Carly an envelope of cash, warning her he will tell Bob she was involved if she speaks to Debbie. Diane’s suspicious when she sees Carly handing Bob some cash and Bob’s filled with horror as he calculates the source of Carly’s money. Carly admits to the crime, leaving him in turmoil over what to do. He confides in Diane who urges him to come clean to Brenda. Meanwhile, at the playground Brenda begins her opening speech for Gennie’s memorial, but when Bob arrives and confesses all, Brenda screams at Carly and slaps Val hard but with Brenda fuming, will she let it lie or will she call the police? Awkward after a kiss, Tracy and Jimmy are at home when the police arrive to tell Jimmy one of his vans has been hijacked and the driver is an illegal immigrant. Jimmy who was in the dark over Tracy’s lax recruiting, frets desperately hoping Rakesh will offer him a loophole as this affects his insurance. Jimmy tells her they must stay professional from now on. In Eastenders, tensions run high in Albert Square following Cindy's disappearing act. Ian finds it particularly difficult to cope, breaking down as he speaks to Jane about it. Ian and Martin launch a search for Cindy, but the situation quickly becomes too much for Ian. He heads to the police station but is relieved to find Cindy outside.

Unforgiven The Vice The Royal ITV3 Nightscreen Movies Now Rising Damp Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat The Royal Wild at Heart French Fields Doctor at Large Rising Damp Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Unforgiven


Friday 10th July 2015

TV Pull-out


15th JULY

00:45 The Greatest 02:20 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:25 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Right on the Money: Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Call the Council 12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 The Link 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:30 Channel Patrol 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Weather 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 The Interceptor 23:00 BBC News 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:25 BBC Regional News; Weather 23:35 A Question of Sport

00:15 Weather 00:20 Dragons' Den 01:20 Don't Tell the Bride 02:20 Napoleon 03:20 This Is BBC Two 05:00 Teenage Tommies 05:30 Schools - The Women of World War One 06:00 Who Are We? 06:20 Schools - Ancient Voices 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Call the Council 08:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 09:15 Claimed and Shamed 09:45 Antiques Roadshow Detectives 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 The A to Z of TV Gardening 14:10 Animal Park 15:10 Goodbye, Mr Chips 17:00 Golf: The Open Championship 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 An Evening with Peter Alliss 21:00 Trust Me, I'm a Doctor 22:00 Britain's Forgotten Slave Owners 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight

00:40 Murder, She Wrote 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:45 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Local Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Local News and Weather 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Local Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Local News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 100-Year-Old Drivers Ride Again 22:00 Secret Life of Twins 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV Local News and Weather 23:40 Girls with Autism

00:50 Rude Tube

23:00 Dispatches

00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 My Million Pound Council House 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Show Songs 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 The Wrong Woman 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Trauma Doctors 21:00 Sick Note Skivers Exposed 22:00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 23:00 Big Brother

00:00 Family Guy 00:25 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:05 Family Guy 01:30 Young, Welsh and Pretty Skint 02:00 Live at the Apollo 02:30 Live at the Apollo 03:00 Teenage Millionaire: The Year I Won the Lottery 04:00 Don't Tell the Bride 05:00 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Great Movie Mistakes 21:15 Meet the Parents 23:00 People Just Do Nothing 23:30 Bad Education

00:50 Two and a Half Men 01:45 Love Island 02:40 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:05 Life's Funniest Moments 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 The Cube 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 The Cube 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:30 Celebrity Juice

00:00 01:15 03:05 03:30 07:00 07:20 07:45 08:50 09:50 10:55 12:10 14:05 15:15 16:15 17:15 17:50 18:20 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:00

01:45 KOTV Boxing Weekly 02:10 Gillette World Sport 02:40 Ginetta GT5 Challenge 03:05 How Britain Worked 04:00 The Renovation Game 04:55 Secret Eaters 05:45 Fifteen to One 06:35 Draw It! 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Autistic Gardener 22:00 24 Hours in A&E

Coronation Street - Liz questions Eileen's feelings

Soap Bubble In Emmerdale, Carly’s worried when Bob tells her the police know about her involvement in the fraud and he wants to tell Brenda about Jimmy’s truck. She pleads with him not to but Bob’s torn. When the police arrive, Carly lies, she is Vanessa. Will Carly stick around and face the music or will she scarper and leave Bob and Val to pick up the pieces? In the tear-jerker that is Coronation Street, Ken rages at Tracy, pointing out how her years of appalling behaviour took their toll on Deirdre and she spent her final weeks at Bev’s because she was so ashamed of Tracy’s affair with Tony. Tracy reels. As Ken and Tracy exchange insults, each blaming the other for the grief they caused Deirdre over the years, they’re interrupted by the arrival of Peter. Apologising for missing the funeral, Peter explains his train was delayed. Tracy turns on Peter, accusing him of causing Deirdre many a sleepless night, before railing at Ken and Peter, claiming they’re equally responsible for Deirdre’s death. At Deirdre’s wake, Liz pours everyone a glass and they raise a toast in Deirdre’s memory. After years of hostility, will Audrey and Bev patch up their differences? Liz wonders why Leanne was so hostile towards Dan at the funeral and Liz questions Eileen about her feelings towards Michael.

The Vice A Touch of Frost ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping Judge Judy Rising Damp Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat The Royal Wild at Heart French Fields Doctor at Large Rising Damp Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Blue Murder

TV Pull-out

Friday 10th July 2015



16th JULY

00:05 The Trouble with Mobility Scooters 01:00 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:05 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Right on the Money: Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Call the Council 12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 The Link 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:30 Channel Patrol 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Weather 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News; Regional News 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 DIY SOS 22:00 Celebrity MasterChef 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News; Weather 23:35 Motorway Cops

00:15 Weather 00:20 Great Ormond Street 01:20 The Truth About Your Teeth 02:20 Arthur Ashe: More Than a Champion 03:20 This Is BBC Two 05:00 Armada - 12 Days to Save England 05:30 Schools - Children at Work: Circus 06:00 Schools - In My Shoes: Germany and the Netherlands 07:15 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Call the Council 09:00 Natural World 10:00 Golf: The Open Championship 21:00 Natural World 22:00 Coast 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight

00:45 Festival of Speed 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Ejector Seat 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Local Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Local News and Weather 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Local Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Local News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Superhospital 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV Local News and Weather 23:40 Sports Life Stories

00:00 How to Get a Council House 01:00 Four to the Floor 01:30 Undercover Boss USA 02:20 Amour 04:30 The Moonraker 06:00 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 06:10 Fifteen to One 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Grand Designs 22:00 Married at First Sight 23:00 Sarah Millican: Thoroughly Modern Millican Live

00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Police Interceptors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Secrets of Eden 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 The Holiday Airport: Sun, Sea & Scousers 22:00 Big Brother 23:45 Big Brother's Bit on the Side

00:00 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:10 Family Guy 01:30 People Just Do Nothing 02:00 Bad Education 02:30 Young, Welsh and Pretty Skint 03:00 Insane Fight Club 04:00 Young, Welsh and Pretty Skint 04:30 People Just Do Nothing 05:00 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Reggie Yates: Extreme South Africa 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Russell Howard's Good News

00:15 License to Wed 02:05 Fake Reaction 02:50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:00 Life's Funniest Moments 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Life's Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:10 You've Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 14:45 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Fast and the Furious

00:35 01:45 02:40 03:05 03:30 07:00 07:25 08:20 09:25 10:25 11:50 14:00 15:05 16:10 17:15 17:50 18:20 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:05

Eastenders - The newspaper headline shocks everyone

Soap Bubble In Emmerdale, Pete asks Ross to be an usher and Ross accepts. Debbie’s blood runs cold when Moira reveals she saw her and Ross kiss. Breaking down Debbie confesses the affair has been going on for months and her heart sinks when Moira tells her to make her choice. In Coronation Street, in an attempt to make amends, Tracy sets about making breakfast for Ken and Peter. She then calls in the factory and tries to build bridges with Carla. When Peter drops the bombshell on Simon that he’s got a new job with a charter boat company working in the Caribbean, Simon’s devastated. As Peter heads off to start his new life, Simon takes his anger out on Leanne. Carla suggests another poker night but the lads refuse, telling her to cut her losses and forget it. Carla’s annoyed. In Eastenders, News of a new suspect in the Lucy Beale case has hit the front pages, shocking the residents of Albert Square. Ian struggles to come to terms with the revelation and wonders what to do. He heads off to the restaurant when he feels overwhelmed. Ian takes Sharon's advice on board, telling Jane and Cindy that they need to ask the police about the new evidence rather than running scared. It's not long before the police arrive on the Square, determined to make an arrest...

The Vice The Royal Doctor at Large ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping Rising Damp Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat The Royal Wild at Heart French Fields Doctor at Large Rising Damp Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Endeavour Blue Murder


TV Pull-out - Quizzes

Friday 10th July 2015

CODE CRACKER Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number. In this week’s puzzle, 10 represents B and 19 represents Z, when these letters have been entered throughout the puzzle, you should have enough information to start guessing words and discovering other letters.




1 Meagre (6) 4 Beliefs (6) 9 Pull (7) 10 Criminal (5) 11 Swear (5) 12 Fuss (7) 13 December 31 (3,5,3) 18 Relating to water (7) 20 Venomous snake (5) 22 Disorder (5) 23 Lift (7) 24 Scandinavian country (6) 25 With little weight or force (6)

1 Look for (6) 2 Later on (5) 3 Disaster (7) 5 Dreadful (5) 6 Large city in Israel (3,4) 7 Diverse (6) 8 Accurate timepieces (11) 14 Teach (7) 15 Hide (7) 16 Comic dramatic works (6) 17 Recently (6) 19 Flavour (5) 21 Brag (5)

Last weeks Solution

Across: 1 Smart, 4 Fable, 8 Groceries, 9 All, 10 Apex, 11 Nothing, 12 Nod, 13 Idea, 15 Even, 16 Dud, 18 Tractor, 19 Bare, 22 Due, 23 Companion, 24 Tulip, 25 Dregs. Down: 1 Signal, 2 Adore, 3 Trek, 4 Friend, 5 Besotted, 6 Evasive, 7 Flog, 12 Nautical, 14 Dialect, 16 Drum up, 17 Tennis, 18 Tidy, 20 Alike, 21 Bald.

Scribble Pad

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

CRYTPIC CLUES Across 1 Volcano in South Vietnam (4) 4 Anointed muddled oldie (5) 9 Grieved for Irish mountain range on Donegal Head (7) 10 Familiarise in ancient city quarter (5) 11 The scope of the morning portion (5) 12 Monster taking part in angry phone conversation (7) 13 Repeat about mix-up (6) 15 Soldier workers are big fellows (6) 19 Copy section about low wall (7) 21 Some, unable to help, return to the guesthouse (5) 23 Fodder for one trapped in a labyrinth (5) 24 Love to tell exaggerated lies (7)

25 Having had enough of broken dates (5) 26 A pleasant French resort (4) Down 2 Skim part of the hand (5) 3 See money paid out (7) 4 Ogled a building in later years (3-3) 5 Outsiders changed Italy (5) 6 Hun paid out for French prince (7) 7 I am two and get spoilt (6) 8 Meagre list (4) 14 His rare frolicking badgers (7) 16 Savage made him a nun in person (7) 17 Resold different alloy (6) 18 Kept out of Dorset (6) 19 Very quiet around old Mediaeval pageantry (4) 20 Little Patrick takes the French into the fold (5) 22 Boost from tense icon (5)

STANDARD CLUES 25 Completely full (5) Across 26 Pleasant (4) 1 Largest volcano in Down Europe (4) 2 Digit (5) 4 Added lubrication to (5) 3 Church stipends (7) 9 Grieved (7) 4 Latter years (3-3) 10 Accustom (5) 5 Non-ordained (5) 11 Scope (5) 6 French king’s eldest son 12 Winged monster with the (7) head of an eagle and the 7 Diminish (6) body of a lion (7) 8 Incline (4) 13 Go back over (6) 14 Annoys continually (7) 15 Monsters (6) 16 Bestial (7) 19 Low wall along the edge 17 Fusible alloy (6) of a roof (7) 18 Kept for later use (6) 21 Inn (5) 19 Ceremony (4) 23 Cereal grass (5) 20 Fabric fold (5) 24 Lovers’ relationship (7) 22 Pick-me-up (5) Last weeks Solution Across: 7 Danger, 8 Enamel, 9 Tees, 10 Clerical, 11 Cabinet, 13 Begin, 15 Brass, 17 Hayseed, 20 Dried out, 21 Seam, 23 Dallas, 24 Averse. Down: 1 Kale, 2 Agassi, 3 Tracked, 4 Yemen, 5 Marine, 6 Negative, 12 Agrarian, 14 East Ham, 16 Spells, 18 Sashes, 19 Boise, 22 Also.


Complete the crossword grid by using the given words:

2 letter words At Be Ma Me 3 letter words Act Age Ale Art Ave Bet Coo End Err Has Imp Lee Lei

Low Nit Nun Pam Pan Pat Pig Pot Ran Sax Sly Tee The Ton Try Use Yod 4 letter words Ache Agar

Anew Atop Bale Base Boss Buoy Cons Core Gene Hats Lace Lens Long Mass Mast Mews Pass Path Pent Pins Pose

Reps Sale Sexy Slap Snub Span Star Stew Suss Vast Wane 5 letter words Aerie Alien Dwell Ivory Matte Metre Panda Pause

Scene Spell Three Tiara 6 letter words Balsam Canvas Linnet Newish Pathos Sewing 7 letter words Acetate Collate 8 letter words Pheasant Shredder


Improve your Spanish - clues in Spanish, answers in English or vice versa.

Across 1 Prueba (4) 3 Cepillo (para ropa, dientes, pelo) (5) 8 Atrasos (7) 10 Cerebro (5) 11 Abbot (4) 12 Cycling (8) 14 Four hundred (13) 16 To take a shower (8) 18 Glass (for drinking) (4) 21 Norte (5) 22 Champú (7) 23 Barba (5) 24 Country (nation) (4)

Down 1 Terrace (patio, verandah) (7) 2 Mares (4) 4 Rebels (8) 5 Costuras (puntadas) (5) 6 Pope (4) 7 Cebollas (6) 9 Maletas (para equipaje) (9) 13 Predicador (8) 14 Chain (6) 15 Traps (snares) (7) 17 Meat (5) 19 Smell (odour) (4) 20 Box (4)

TV Pull-out - Quizzes Across 1 According to Greek mythology, what was the name of the nymph who was transformed into a laurel tree to escape the amorous Apollo? (6) 4 What name is sometimes given to a regional dialect of a language, especially French, which is usually considered substandard? (6) 8 What general name is given to knives, forks and spoons used for eating or serving food? (7) 9 What is the name of the largest planet in the solar system, a gas giant that is one of the brightest objects in the night sky? (7) 11 Which city, the centre of a copper-mining and furtrapping region, is the capital of Canada’s Yukon Territory? (10) 12 What first name connects American actor Baldwin, English actor Guinness and Greek-British car designer Issigonis? (4) 13 Which odd looking character, performed by Dave Goelz, is the resident

daredevil performance artiste on The Muppet Show? (5) 14 Often depicted with a trident in his hand, what was the name of Roman god of the sea, water, earthquakes and horses Roman equivalent Neptune? (8) 16 Used to describe a fabric or surface, which adjective means ‘smooth and obvious joins’? (8) 18 What surname connects the American singer, actress and civil rights activist, Lena and the star of the BBC radio comedy programme Beyond Our Ken? (5) 20 Salt Lake City is the capital of which US state, settled in 1847 by Mormons led by Brigham Young? (4) 21 What nickname was given to the Second World War V-1 flying bombs? (10) 23 Which verb means to transfer or delegate (power) to a lower level, especially from central government to local or regional administration? (7) 24 What name for a thick liquid medicine, especially



Friday 10th July 2015

Quiz Word

cough mixture, comes from the Latin for ‘to lick’? (7) 25 Known for her dancing partnership with Fred Astaire, what was the stage

surname of the American actress and dancer who was born Virginia Katherine McMath in Missouri in 1911? (6)

26 Which large thicktongued grey-green arboreal lizard of tropical America, has a row of spines along its back? (6) Down 1 What name for a mass of flour or meal moistened and kneaded, but not baked, is also a slang term for money? (5) 2 Derived from the French for ‘small ball’, what name is usually given to the main field or group of cyclists in a race? (7) 3 What name is usually applied to the end of the Earth's axis in the Arctic? (5,4) 5 In medicine what adjective is used to describe a disease (or its symptoms) that is severe but of short duration? (5) 6 What is the name of the Japanese art of folding paper into shapes representing objects? (7) 7 What title is generally given to a person employed at a dock to load and unload ships? (9) 10 Formerly used both in

land and naval warfare, what name is given to ammunition consisting of a mass of small metal balls or slugs packed tightly into a canvas bag? (9) 13 By what other name is the constellation of Ursa Major also known? (5,4) 15 Prior to the introduction of the euro in 2002, what was the basic monetary unit of Austria, equal to 100 groschen? (9) 17 Which Chinese game is played, usually by four people, with 136 or 144 rectangular pieces called ‘tiles’? (7) 19 What girl’s name completes the title of a classic American children's novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin, first published in 1903: ------ of Sunnybrook Farm? (7) 21 Which ferry port in Kent is mainland Britain's nearest point to the Continent, being only 35 km (22 miles) from Calais? (5) 22 Which market town in the Netherlands, just northeast of Rotterdam, gives its name to a flat round cheese with a yellow rind? (5)



Match these words with their Spanish translations then find them in the wordsearch. (Answers below)

el anillo

el reloj

el bastón

la bolsa

el cinturón

la cadena

el collar

la cartera

el monedero

la pulsera

el paraguas

las mancuernas

el pañuelo

los pendientes

sports QUIZ

ANSEWRS: 1. Mark Webster 2. 3,000 Metres 3. Manchester United 4. Red 5. St Moritz 6. San Marino , Italy 7. Mark Weir 8. Zara Phillips 9. Harrow 10. Australian Cricket 11. Lord's 12. Cathy Freeman 13. Basketball

Last Week’s Solutions Code Cracker Last weeks Quiz Word Solution Across: 1 Tabloid, 5 Knesset, 9 Axial, 10 Shangri-La, 11 Highwayman, 12 Stag, 13 Noble gases, 16 Taps, 18 Maul, 19 Metropolis, 21 Espy, 22 Inebriated, 26 Kathmandu, 27 Terra, 28 Thrones, 29 Sarawak. Down: 1 Teach-In, 2 Bling, 3 Only When, 4 Dusty, 5 Koala bear, 6 Edge, 7 Saint Paul, 8 Tear gas, 14 Blue Peter, 15 Apennines, 17 Splinter, 18 Meerkat, 20 Sad Sack, 23 Blues, 24 Throw, 25 Oman.

el prendedor Empareja estas palabras - Match the Spanish and English words You will find the answers at the bottom of the quiz. 1.el anillo, 2.el bastón,

14.las mancuernas,

i.the ring, j.the cufflinks,

3.el cinturón, 4.el collar,

15.los pendientes.

k.the belt, l.the belt, m.the bag,

5.el monedero, 6.el paraguas,

n.the scarf, o.the watch,

7.el pañuelo, 8.el prendedor,

a.the chain, b.the umbrella,

9.el reloj, bolsa,

c.the earrings, d.the brooch, cadena, cartera,

e.the wallet, f.the walking stick, pulsera,

g.the bracelet, h.the purse,


Span - Eng


p.the necklace.

Answers: 1i, 2f, 3k, 4p, 5h, 6b, 7n, 8d, 9o, 10m, 11a, 12e, 13g, 14j, 15c.

1. Who Won The 2008 Lakeside World Darts Championships? 2. Over What Distance Is A Steeple Chase Run? 3. NICE TEAM THUNDERS Is An Anagram Of Which Football Club? 4. In heraldry, gules are what colour? 5. Where Were The Winter Olympics Held In 1928 & 1948? 6. At Which Grand Prix Circuit Did Aryton Senna Lose His Life? 7. Who won the (2003) US Masters Golf Tournament? 8. Who Became The BBC Sports Personality Of The Year In 2006? 9. In which public school did the game of squash originate? 10. In Which Sport Might You Play For The Sheffield Shield? 11. At which sporting venue are the Grace Gates? 12. Who Lit The Olympic Torch At The 2000 Sydney Olympics? 13. At which sport did Magic Johnson excel?

Fill It In


Friday 10th July 2015

On The Box

Residencial Torreta Florida Residencial Torreta Florida is a new complex located in one of the most exclusive areas of Torrevieja. Surrounded by all amenities and less than a kilometre from the sea. The development is minutes away from one of the main retail and leisure complexes in Torrevieja, adjacent to an entertainment zone featuring a bowling alley, multiplex cinema which shows a range of films in English,

numerous restaurants, bars and shops. It is also only a short walk into the centre of Torrevieja and is well served by the local bus routes, which will connect you to destinations such as Alicante, Benidorm and the airports, and all of the delights that the centre of this ever popular fishing town has to offer. As for this new residential complex, it offers high quality and excellent design bunga-

lows and villas. Built to the highest standards and incorporating the latest modern and contemporary designs, these properties allow the maximum amount of natural light into the spacious living areas. Ground floor or top floor bungalows are available. With modern and spacious design comprising of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with living area, from 138 m2, terraces of 50 m2 and 79 m2 solariums and set in a beautiful community with pool. The downstairs bungalows have a garden with the possibility of including a private swimming pool. The upstairs apartment has a full apartment size roof terrace and a private balcony. There are also exclusive Villas with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms with terrace, solarium, private pool and garage, all located on their own individual plots as part of the private complex with an option of a basement. Bunglows start from just 172,000â‚Ź, Villas from 299,000â‚Ź. Expected completion June 2016 For more information, call the team at Best Price Properties today on 966 443 381, or visit the website,

Torrevieja Shopping

>> Beautiful open plan Living Room

>> Master Bedroom

>> Spacious Kitchen area

The Habaneras shopping centre in Torrevieja has just celebrated its tenth anniversary. Located just on the outskirts of the centre, it is directly linked to the main road and motorway network. With shops spread over three levels, the lower ground has an adjacent multi-storey car park and features such high street favourites as C&A and Game, as well as a range of electrical stores and a large DIY store. The centre floor has everything from clothing and shoes to jewellery and more, and on the upper floor you can also relax in the bars and restaurant area, or let the kids run wild in the purpose built play area. Next door there is a large Carrefour hypermarket on one side, and a leisure zone on the other with even more restaurants, shops, a cinema, bowling alley and a whole lot more to explore.

Motoring +


Friday 10th July 2015

KNOW YOUR TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS Signs and Signals from Police Officers Controlling Traffic

>> Arm raised vertically

>> Arm or arms extended horizontally

>> Red light or flashing yellow lights on the front It is sometimes necessary for police, law enforcement officers and other officials to direct and control traffic. Instructions given by these officers overrule any other signs or signals displayed, but it is important to know what the officers are telling you to do. As a general rule, the officers will use the following signals: Arm raised vertically This instruction means STOP to all road users approaching the officer from the front, with the exception of drivers who cannot do so safely. You must stop before the line where indicated, or immediately before the officers. In the event of the instruction being given at a junction, you must stop before entering. Arm or arms extended horizontally Drivers approaching the

officers in the direction indicated by the outstretched arm must STOP. In other words, if you are approaching an officer from the rear and the officer has a right arm extended, then as the right arm is indicative of the right hand lane in this case, you must stop. If you are approaching from the front and the left arm is raised horizontally, that signal is intended for you, as the officers left arm will extend towards the direction you are approaching. If both arms are extended, traffic in both directions must stop. The instruction to stop remains in force, even if the officer lowers the arms, unless another signal is indicated. Waving a red or yellow illuminated baton Vehicles moving towards the officer are required to stop, in the same way as in the sign is a vertical arm.

>> Waving a red or yellow illuminated baton

>> Stop and Go >> R-200. It is compulsory to stop

Extended arm moving up and down alternately Drivers approaching the officer in the direction of the corresponding side to the arm are required to slow down. Other hand gestures In certain circumstances, the officers may use other signs to indicate their instructions, so long as the instruction is made clear to

the driver. Whistles The officers can also use whistles to instruct a vehicle to stop, by blowing a series of short, sharp blasts, followed by a longer tone. Signs In the event of a situation such as a temporary roadblock or checkpoint, traffic police also use the sign R200. It is compulsory to stop

>> Extended arm moving up and down alternately

>> Arm extended downward, sloping and fixed when you reach this sign. Officers can sometimes give instruction whilst on the move Red flag The red flag indicates that the road beyond the vehicle carrying it is closed to traffic, with the exception of those authorised to proceed. You must not pass a vehicle carrying a red flag. Green flag The green flag indicates that the road is open again and normal rules of passage apply. Yellow flag The yellow flag indicates the need for extreme caution as there may be an approaching danger. This flag is also used for road based events such as cycle races, when extreme caution is also required. Arm extended downward, sloping and fixed The officer is indicating the obligation to stop your

>> Red, Green and Yellow flags vehicle immediately at the side of the road in the next safe, legal and convenient location. Red light or flashing yellow lights on the front The officer is indicating that you must immediately stop your vehicle at the next safe, legal and convenient location. This light may also be accompanied by other hand or verbal instructions. Stop and go In addition, road controllers may use a handheld signs, often on a short stick, which has reversible indications of the R-2 (Stop) and R-400 (Proceed) signs which can be alternated to control traffic.

Hidden Problems of Drugs and Driving As well as illegal drug use problems, there are many legal drugs that pose a danger to road users, without the person taking them even considering their might be a problem. There have been many cases when drivers have proved positive in the drugs test, and often it is due to the fact that prescription medication may contain substances that act as a relaxant, and so impair the ability

to drive. Similarly, some prescription drugs interact with other medications, and can combine to cause problems that also reduce the driver´s ability to correctly control the vehicle in a safe manner. It is of course possible that the user is unaware of the problems that the drugs might cause. Every medication that is sold in pharmacists has an instruction leaflet accompanying it. The leaflet is also often very

long, and in Spanish, so may not be the first consideration of a foreign driver. You can of course ask your pharmacist about interactions and if drugs m a y affect your

ability to drive. On some drugs, a warning symbol is printed on the box, depicting an image of a car inside a red warning triangle. If you are taking drugs and this symbol is present on t h e

box or information leaflet, then it is forbidden to drive whilst you are taking the medication, and sometime immediately after a course too, as the drugs can remain present in your system. It is almost impossible to say how drugs can affect driving ability, as it depends on the drugs and how they interact with the body. There could be loss of awareness, motor skills, balance and coordination, perception,

attention, reaction time, and judgment, all of which will make driving particularly hazardous. Recent figures from the DGT showed that 11% of all drivers tested positive for drugs, but now with strict penalties in place, it is hoped that those figures will reduce. The advice, always check your prescription medication and if there is any doubt, don´t drive.


Motoring +

Friday 10th July 2015

Motorbikes - Pillion Passenger Rules The law has recently changed and is now more restrictive As most seasoned riders will know, carrying a passenger on a motorbike poses a whole range of risks, as the dynamics of the bike change with the added weight and shape of the extra load, which subsequently changes the handling and ride from what the rider might be used to. Carrying a pillion passenger in Spain is legal, but the law has recently changed and it is now more restrictive as to who can be carried and by whom. Article 12 of the Reglamento General Circulación details with the rules for cycles, mopeds and motorcycles.

Point 2 explains that on mopeds and motorcycles, a passenger can be carried on a motorcycle, so long as that passenger is 12 years of age or older and that the rider has a full license for the vehicle and the vehicle itself is suitable for carrying passengers. Police motorcycles for example are professionally adapted as single seat vehicles. You can only carry one passenger if there is a seat available. The rider and passenger are both obliged to wear an approved crash helmet, with the straps securely fastened. The passenger is also required to straddle the

vehicle and have both feet flat on the footrests and use the appropriate seat behind the driver. If a person´s feet don´t reach the footrests correctly, they cannot be carried. In no case is it permitted for a passenger to sit between the driver and the handle bars of the motorcycle or moped. There is an exception to the rule of age, as a child of 7 or above can rise as a passenger being driven by their parent, guardian or person authorised by them, provided all other requirements are met. In any case, the rider has to be 18 years of age or above in order to be allowed to carry a pillion passenger, including children. Depending on your own insurance policy, you may also need additional cover in order to carry passengers, so check our policy before you do. REGLAMENTO GENERAL CIRCULACIÓN. Artículo 12 Normas relativas a ciclos, ciclomotores y motocicletas 1. Los ciclos que, por construcción, no puedan

ser ocupados por más de una persona podrán transportar, no obstante, cuando el conductor sea mayor de edad, un menor de hasta siete años en asiento adicional que habrá de ser homologado. 2. En los ciclomotores y en las motocicletas, además del conductor y, en su caso, del ocupante del sidecar de éstas, puede viajar, siempre que así conste en su licencia o permiso de

circulación, un pasajero que sea mayor de 12 años, utilice casco de protección y cumpla las siguientes condiciones: a) Que vaya a horcajadas y con los pies apoyados en los reposapiés laterales. b) Que utilice el asiento correspondiente detrás del conductor. En ningún caso podrá situarse el pasajero en lugar intermedio entre la persona que conduce y el

manillar de dirección del ciclomotor o motocicleta. 3. Excepcionalmente, los mayores de siete años podrán circular en motocicletas o ciclomotores conducidos por su padre, madre o tutor o por personas mayores de edad por ellos autorizadas, siempre que utilicen casco homologado y se cumplan las prescripciones del apartado anterior (artículo 11.4 del texto articulado).

Motoring +


Friday 10th July 2015

Production to begin for the P1 GTR

the unveiling of McLaren’s new trackfocused P1 GTR Design Concept, a model set to available commercially starting next year. The P1 GTR was developed by the McLaren Special Operations division and its launch celebrates 20 years since the F1 GTR was released to take part in the 1995 GT season. The vehicle boasts a 3.8-liter twin-turbo V8 and electric motor combination outputting 986 horsepower, which is 83 more that the street-legal version. Modifications compared to the standard car include

a front track that’s wider by 80mm, with flared wheel arches, and a large new splitter. The side mirrors are positioned in the A-pillars, another sign that the creators` only concerns were regarding the vehicle’s aerodynamics and not following the regulations which would make it street-legal. The standard P1’s retractable wing was replaced by a fixed unit and there’s also sizeable new set of pipes. The price for the McLaren P1 GTR will be somewhere in the neighborhood of £2 million (almost $3.5 million), which will also include a full

racing program Launching with the McLaren P1™ GTR design concept is the bespoke McLaren P1™ GTR driver programme – the ultraexclusive ownership programme which will include specialist driver training, human performance and access to the McLaren racing simulator, and which is designed to prepare each driver mentally and physically to fully exploit the abilities of the McLaren P1™ GTR. The programme will be completely bespoke, with each individual having a fully-tailored experience. The McLaren P1™ GTR

driver programme promises to be one of the most exclusive owners’ clubs in the world and will offer an unrivalled ownership experience. McLaren Special Operations will maintain and run all cars, and manage the programme throughout. Together with one of the most exciting track-focused cars ever developed, the programme offers unprecedented access to the technologies, resources and people throughout the McLaren Technology Centre. Every experience will be unique and tailored specifically,

providing a full immersion into McLaren, and gaining access to the experiences and resources which have helped develop and train Formula 1™ champions. This will include working closely with a support team comprising authentic professionals that have operated within the rarefied world of professional motor sport. These will all be experts in their respective fields, all boasting top-level international experience from the Human Performance Programme, race engineers, designers and test drivers.

THE FACTS 2015 McLaren P1 GTR Tested: The GTR is a P1 transformed into a track weapon, a curious distinction given how insane the roadgoing P1 hypercar already is. Price/on sale: £1.98 - Million Power/torque: 986bhp landing just shy of 1000 horsepower.

Can I Tint My Windows?

As the summer months get underway, thoughts turn to ways of cooling down. Lots of cars are fitted with air conditioning or climate control, both of which can be very useful, but you might consider laminate tinting. There are benefits to the process, not only because of the shade provided, but tinted windows which have had the laminate provided also offer extra protection from shattering, as the glued laminate often keeps the glass together. They also offer protection from UV rays and create a cooler atmosphere inside the vehicle, as well as the additional privacy. When it comes to approval during the mandatory vehicle inspection, the legal requirements are very clear. The vehicle must have a certificate provided by the manufacturer of the laminate

that must be completed by the installer. Another prerequisite for the test is that all car window laminates are properly sealed on the windows. As for the law, it is illegal to have the front windows tinted in any way. Both the windscreen and side windows must remain clean as per the manufacturer’s specification. This same rule applies to stick on sunshades by the way. You must not affix anything to the front windows. It is legal for the back doors, or just the back windows if your vehicle doesn´t have doors, to have tinting applied. It is also perfectly legal for the rear window to have tinting too. However, there is still something that you must monitor closely in order to comply with the law, and that

is that all tinting or laminating must be in a good condition. If the laminate starts to bubble or peel, then it is no longer acceptable and must be removed or replaced, as is in the case of the ITV inspection. This might seem like an unusual law to enforce, but the reason is that if the laminate or tinting becomes damaged, then it reduces the visibility through the windows. Again, this might seem odd as we are talking about the back windows only, but a driver must still maintain good visibility all around the vehicle, in order to maintain visibility. You might remember from your driving lesson days, and it is hopefully something you still do today, but always checking your blind spot is crucial before carrying out any move, and that is why visibility is important. However, as always, if you follow the rules and only have the back windows tinted, and they are maintained in pristine condition, then you can have many happy years motoring, either without the blinding sun, or whilst pretending your backseat passengers are the next US Presidential candidates.


Friday 10th July 2015

Motoring +

Friday 10th July 2015




Food & Drink

Friday 10th July 2015


Summer lunch with friends

Take the time to relax with friends and family this Summer


1-Minute Faux Bananas Foster

Ingredients 1/2 medium banana, 1/2 tbsp of honey, dash of cinnamon 1/4 cup of frozen yogurt Directions Put 1/2 banana into a bowl and pour honey on top. Sprinkle the cinnamon and cook the banana, honey, cinnamon in the microwave for about 1 minute or until soft. The water from the banana will make a watery syrup with the honey. Add the frozen yogurt on top of the warm banana and syrup and enjoy. This is delicious comfort food, for just 150 calories. And it takes less than 3 minutes Strawberry & Cream Pita Ingredients 3 T cream cheese, low fat, softened, 1 c strawberries, sliced, 1 whole wheat pita bread, 1 sprig fresh mint Directions Cut pita bread in half. Combine cream cheese with 1/4 cup of the strawberries, mashing the berries as you mix. Spread half of mixture inside each half of the pita. Fill with remaining strawberries. Heat a cast iron pan or skillet to warm. Spray sandwich with nonstick spray and plave on grill. Garnish with mint.

Summer lunches aren’t about spending hours at a hot stove; they should be planned to give you the space to catch up with friends and family, gossip and kick back. All you have to do when your guests turn

up is chuck a couple of ingredients on the barbecue and toss together a salad. Have fun. Use tender chicken thighs or even a whole spatchcocked chicken will work just as well. The combina-

tion of the black, herby rub, sweet tomatoes and garlicky mayonnaise is sensational. 3 bunches fresh thyme, 1 bunch picked and finely chopped, 1 bunch fresh mint. 5 garlic cloves, peeled and roughly chopped. Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, Zest of 1 lemon, chicken thighs, 80ml extra-virgin olive oil. 2 punnets cherry tomatoes, halved. A few splashes redwine vinegar. For the aïoli use 2 egg yolks, 1 garlic clove, crushed, 1 tsp Dijon mustard. 750ml mild olive oil. Juice of ½ lemon. Serves four to six.

Beer is better to serve with food than wine

Britain’s Beer Sommelier of the Year has claimed, as she advises hosts to serve it a Champagne flute or brandy snifter rather than traditional pint glasses. Jane Peyton, who was named Sommelier of the Year by The Beer Academy in May, said that there was too much snobbery around pairing beer with food. She advised serving beers made with Champagne yeast as an aperitif or ales with chocolate and coffee flavours with rich desserts like tirimusu. “It’s actually much better pairing with a food than wine and there are so many special beers for fine dining,” she told The Independent on Sunday’s New Review magazine.

“But snobbery means it’s an uphill battle to convince people of all that. Wine as the drink of people of high status for 5,000 years and the wine industry, with its good PR has maintained that reputation.” Ms Peyton said many hosts just assume that women, in particular, only want to drink wine at dinner or parties. “Don’t patronise a woman,” she added. “And if she orders beer, don’t assume she’ll want a pale, tasteless fruit beer. She might want an Imperial Russian stout, which tastes like treacle. “I’m always trying to persuade more women to drink beer. When I have dinner parties I pour out my ale into Champagne flutes and brandy glasses.”

Food & Drink


Friday 10th July 2015

Eat less red meat and cycle more Lifestyle changes can cut emissions and diseases globally

High-carbon lifestyles are desperately unhealthy,

according to Hugh Montgomery, director of the

UCL Institute for human health and performance and co-chair of the Lancet commission. Cutting red meat and dairy consumption would lead to a big saving in methane, which is 23 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide “from essentially belching cows. That saves a lot of strokes, heart disease, bowel cancer and so forth,” he said. Big savings are possible from “active transport” – more cycling and walking. Reductions in vehicle particulates improves respira-

tory health and reduces cardiovascular disease, as well as making people healthier and happier. There are very big savings from people using more calories to move around, reducing obesity, diabetes and cardiovascu-

lar risks. The European commission says savings of well over €30-35bn (£22£25bn) per year in healthcare costs could be made from quite modest reductions in greenhouse gases. Many cities in North America and Europe have

started to go green. “All the surveys show that 80% of people want this. Let’s accelerate that. Let politicians catch up with the appetite of their citizens and mayors,” said Anthony Costello, director of the UCL Institute for global health and co-chair of the commission. He cited Melbourne which has set itself to become zero carbon, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, Minneapolis, Zermatt and Vancouver. “Bogota has set itself very aggressive targets for becoming low emission and investing hugely in buses and electric transport,” he said. In the UK, Newcastle, Leicester, Brighton, Bristol, Edinburgh and even London, which has introduced a lot more cycle pathways, are moving in the same direction. It’s not just about cycling, but also green infrastructure for flood mitigation and fresh water control, and having more parks for recreation with direct benefits on people’s health. There are also indirect benefits – trees buffer, wind and noise. The cost of air travel might have to rise, but one proposal is that one cheap family package holiday per year would be allowed.



Knee replacements are made to last about 15-20 years and usually last that long, unless complications occur. However the usual complications such as ´loosening and dislocation´ usually occur shortly after surgery. Osteolysis is another fairly common complication, occurring when immune cells start digesting bone tissue, a reaction caused by the plastic composites used to make the replacement implants. Nevertheless, infections are the most common cause of knee replacement joint pain. The groves and spaces between the replacement implants serve as suitable breeding grounds for microbes because of the absence of the immune system in these areas. The risk of infections is also increased when the immune system is depressed. Among many other vital roles, our immune system protects us against disease causing microorganisms that may lie dormant in the body until


Friday 10th July 2015 Website:

I had a left knee replacement about 5 years ago, and it was marvellous until about 5 months ago when it started causing pain similar to what I had before surgery. I´ve seen my doctor and specialists who think it´ll go away with some pain killers, but instead it´s getting worse. I´ll appreciate your advice. they are reactivated when the immune system becomes dysfunctional. From the scans carried out at MedB clinic we have observed that most people with painful replacement joints, typically show active microbes such as bacteria, viruses and fungi in the affected joint. Viruses and Fungi seem to cause severe pain, and can be more difficult to eliminate than bacterial infections. Effective therapy for replacement joint pain will depend on identifying the cause. If microbes are implicated, they should be adequately treated. Contrary to widely held belief, viruses as well as other harmful microbes, can be effectively treated with colloidal silver. At MedB clinic we have successfully used colloidal silver to eliminate a wide range of microbes and treat many chronic disorders. The cause of the joint pain may also be from an over-active immune system triggered by the foreign replacement knee

implants, and in such a case, the immune system needs to be treated to resolve the pain. Chronic inflammation especially around the joints also leads to a build-up of fibrous tissue which restricts joint movement and causes severe pain. Clinical studies have shown that an enzyme called Serrapeptase can dissolve excessive fibrous tissue in the body. Serrapeptase is produced by a bacteria in the silk worm, and studies have shown that serrapeptase makes a distinction between fibrous tissue which it dissolves, and healthy tissue which it leaves intact. Painkillers have serious long-term effects such as kidney and liver damage, and should only be taken for a short while. In the absence of a proper diagnostic investigation, you should take colloidal silver since infections are a common cause of replacement joint pain. FOR A FULL BODY DIAGNOSTIC SCAN CALL MEDB CLINIC: 965071745

INTESTINAL PARASITES ARE MORE COMMON THAN YOU THINK There is a general misconception that parasites and their associated illnesses only occur in third world countries where the standard of living is low and people live in filthy unhygienic surroundings; this is not so true. Recent technological advancement in medical diagnostics now shows that parasitic infestations are more common place than previously thought. Parasites can range from microscopic single cell protozoa to worms that are 15 feet long. The most widely spread protozoan parasites in humans are Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Blastocystis hominis and Crytosporidium. These are mostly picked up from contaminated food and water supplies and poor personal hygiene. While it is common knowledge that parasites cause intestinal problems such as diarrhoea and vomiting, few people realise their connection with chronic diseases. A study reported in the Journal of Nutritional Medicine revealed that out of over 400 chronic fatigue

patients in New York, an incredible 93 per cent had some form of parasitic infestation. When parasites invade the intestines, they may provoke allergic reactions causing inflammation which leads to a ‘leaky gut syndrome’: a condition whereby the pores of the intestinal lining are opened too wide, allowing foreign toxic substances to enter the bloodstream. These foreign invaders overload the liver and accumulate in the organs, muscles, lymphatic system and nervous system, thereby creating a wide variety of disease conditions like arthritis, asthma, eczema, chronic fatigue and memory loss. A type of parasite known as Entamoeba

Histolytica has been found to migrate to the liver and is capable of causing weight loss and insomnia. Parasites also depress the immune system by excreting toxic waste products into the body. Taking simple precautions and good personal hygiene will go a long way in preventing parasites. Hand washing before eating and after going to the toilet, thorough washing of fresh fruits and vegetables and regular deworming of your pets, are all good practises. Foods such as Papaya, garlic, raw cabbage, pomegranate and pineapple have anti-parasitic properties. FOR A FULL BODY DIAGNOSTIC SCAN CALL MEDB CLINIC: 965071745



Friday 10th July 2015

You might be 20 years older than your actual age! Some people are ageing three years every 12 months, scientists have found It is said that time waits for no man, but biologically speaking some people are barely ageing at all while others are speeding through their lives at the rate of three years every 12 months, scientists have found. For the first time researchers have developed a test which reveals not only biological age but how fast people are growing old. And the results are startling. In a group of 38-yearolds, the scientists discovered that some had the same physiology as a 30year-old while others were closer to 60. The researchers from a range of institutions including Kings College London and Duke University in the US, believe it could explain why some people look far older than their years, while others appear to hardly age from year to year. “We are now at a point where we can quantify biological ageing in young people, “ said Dr Andrea Danese, Senior Lecturer in D e v e l o p m e n t a l Psychobiology and Psychiatry at Kings College London.

“And for the first time we can see how fast they are ageing. The people who had the oldest biological age were growing old the fastest. “If we know that we can think about changing diets or making lifestyle changes when it is early enough to do something about it. “With these tests we could detect premature ageing before young people being to develop heart disease, diabetes or dementia so we could treat them.” To discover what biological markers in the body could show the rate of growing old, the scientists have been following more than 1,000 people who were born in 1972-73. Just as hair goes grey and wrinkles appear, all parts of the body slowly deteriorate with age, and that can be measured to work out a person’s true biological age. Someone who has never smoked, exercised regularly and eaten a healthy diet may have protected themselves against much of the ravages of time, whereas a person who lives an unhealthy lifestyle will speed up the process.

The researchers looked at 18 indicators of health including kidney and liver function, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the length of telomeres – the protective caps at the end of chromosomes which prevent DNA damage. • Secret of healthy ageing discovered in 35-year study They carried out the tests

when participants were aged 26, 32 and 38 to see how they were changing over time. Although most people were around their real age, and were ageing at a rate of 12 months in one year, some were ageing as fast as three years per chronological year while others were not ageing at all. Photographs of the volunteers were also handed out to students at Duke University who were asked to assess their age. Those who were biologically older invariably appeared older to the students. The scientists claim that most of the difference in ageing rates are down to environmental factors rather than genes, and so could be altered. It is though that just 20 per cent of differences in ageing is genetic. “There is a great deal of environmental influence,” said lead author Dan Belsky,

assistant professor of geriatrics at Duke University’s Centre for Ageing. “As we get older our risk grows for all kinds of different diseases. To prevent multiple diseases simultaneously ageing itself has to be the target. Otherwise it’s a game of whack-a-mole.” • Ageing reversed as scientists discover how to turn clock back The researchers are hopeful that in future doctors would be able to test people when they are in their 30s to determine how fast they are ageing so that they could offer health advice or medication. Professor Terrie Moffitt, of Duke University added: “It is indeed likely that individual patients will be able to get a number for their own biological age, by asking their family doctor. Most of the 18 biomarkers we used in our research are used routinely in clinical practice already,

nothing mysterious. People can already go to the internet to calculate their “heart age”, entering their blood pressure, height, weight, and whether or not they smoke, and so forth. But our measure of the pace of aging is a bit different, as it is based on aspects of organ function that are “hidden” inside young people who still feel and look healthy; it does not rely on observable behaviours such as smoking. One goal we need to meet next is to determine which are the fewest biomarkers needed to accurately estimate a person’s biological age. What is the most effective and low-cost short version. We devised a Cadillac version for our research, but a family doctor might want a Volkswagen version" The research was published in the journal the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Friday 10th July 2015

Horoscopes Aries March 21-April 20 Being in the right place at the right time is the key to getting what you want this week. If you relax and trust your intuition instead of trying to force the pace, you can avoid potential problems and get a great deal closer to your goal. Something you discover this weekend is also due to put you in a strong position. It seems a certain battle is as good as won.

Taurus April 21-May 21 A new friendship or relationship could go from strength to strength this week, so be prepared to go along with unexpected changes and be flexible about the future. You could also find a certain goal no longer has real meaning for you. You will make the right decisions if you stand back and consider what your options really are, long-term.

Gemini May 22-June 21 An unexpected conversation this weekend could help you find the answer to a problem that has held you back in recent weeks. With your ruler, Mercury, now in tune with the persuasive planet, Venus, you can also overcome a loved one’s doubts and set a certain record straight. All you need to do is be yourself and trust your sense of timing.

Cancer June 22-July 23 Resist the urge to push through changes that you feel are overdue and focus on your long-term hopes and dreams this week. Wednesday’s powerful link between the action planet, Mars, and psychic, otherworldly Neptune makes it easy for you to achieve a goal you thought was way beyond your reach.

Friday 10th July 2015


Leo July 24-August 23

Sagittarius November 23-December 21

Shelve routine chores, relax and tune in to your private, inner world this week. If you let your intuition be your guide, you can pour oil on troubled waters and sidestep a potential problem. You could also find that what you want from someone has been changing, so bide your time until you get your bearings in the new terrain. There is no rush.

Virgo August 24-September 23 Your ruler, Mercury, enters your chart’s zone of social life this week. An important friendship may preoccupy you now, but this is not the time to put someone under pressure or to ask unnecessary questions. Read between the lines instead. With evasive Neptune also in the picture, your best course of action is to stand back and let events unfold.

Libra September 24-October 23 A conversation this weekend could help you overcome your recent doubts about a certain situation, so ask for feedback and support from someone you rely on. The time has not yet come to take decisive action, so concentrate on sorting out domestic issues now to give yourself more freedom to manoeuvre. From Thursday, you will see your way ahead.

Scorpio October 24-November 22 Some news midweek could make you wonder if you should change course or give up on a career project. The tide will soon turn in your favour, so be patient a while longer. Telepathic Neptune helps you to pick up on someone’s real feelings later in the week. Do not try to pin them down or make them show their hand. You do not need to.

If you take advantage of the stars this week, you can push through the domestic changes that you have been planning and reach a more relaxed and easygoing understanding with somebody close. What matters now is being open and direct, so do not let a chance to clear the air, or to express your real feelings, pass you by. It is the first step that counts.

Capricorn December 22 - January 20 You may have found it hard to work out what someone feels, or to decide what course of action you should take to reach your current goal. From Wednesday, when the Zodiac’s most direct and truthful planet, Mars, aligns with evasive Neptune in your chart’s communication zone, all that is due to change, so do not be afraid to show your feelings then.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19 With persuasive Venus in the area of your skies that rules your love life, you can turn a certain situation to your own advantage if you do not let a recent problem undermine your confidence this week. A conversation this weekend could also make you see how strong your hand is, so do not miss this chance to bring about some kind of breakthrough.

Pisces February 20 - March 20 This week’s alignment between the action planet, Mars, and your ruler, Neptune, is due to help you break free from restrictions and usher in a more adventurous and fulfilling era. Do not let advice from friends make you hedge your bets, or give in to self-doubt. Events will turn out in your favour if you have the courage of your own convictions now.



Friday 10th July 2015


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Pro Business Support – for all your accountancy needs in English; bookkeeping, taxes, wage slips and more. We cater for companies and self-employed people; we can deal with everything for you. Call us on 966 923 963 for first consultation free of charge.

Torrevieja Christian Fellowship at Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183, welcome residents and visitors alike, to their friendly and lively 10.30 am. Service each Sunday morning. They will not be holding the Wednesday night meeting at 6.00 pm. For further



information and/or directions please telephone 966700391 or visit our website on International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am. House groups in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier. Ladies meeting Thursdays 11am. Craft club, Tuesdays, 2pm. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo. All nationalities welcome. Call 966 799 273 or 660 127 276.

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Friday 10th July 2015





Friday 10th July 2015

Ivie Davies on Golf


The Old Course at St. Andrews is unique in many ways and will continue to present challenges to the players contesting the 144th Open Championship next week. Hopefully the sun will be shining and the wind benign, resulting in a Rules incident-free championship, although that doesn’t happen all the time... Bunkers The Old Course is the home of the pot bunker, with its 110 sandy iconic traps. The bunkers are all individually named; Walkinshaw's Grave, Coffins, Lion’s Mouth, Principal’s Nose, The Spectacles, Hell. Each has a rich history to tell and many have made or broken the scores of some of the world’s best golfers. Perhaps the most famous is the fearsome Road bunker at the 17th green. During the 3rd round of the 1978 Open, “Tommy” Nakajima came to the 17th four-under for the day and tied for the Championship lead. He played a smart approach to the front of the green and his carefully judged putt looked good until it caught a ridge and trickled down into the Road bunker. His first attempt from the sand hit the face. His second also failed to get out. His third did escape the bunker – albeit briefly before rolling back in.

Finally, his fourth settled ten feet past the pin. Nakajima missed the putt and finished with a quintuple-bogey nine and thus ending his Open dream. Due to the unique design of a pot bunker, if you get too close to the face of the bunker, it is sometimes impossible to play forward. Many players this July will find themselves playing out to the side; some may even find it necessary to deem the ball unplayable. A player may deem the ball unplayable at any place on the course, except when the ball is in a water hazard. The player is the sole judge as to whether his ball is playable. If you deem your

ball unplayable (Rule 28) you may, under penalty of one stroke: A. Play again from where your last shot was played, or B. Drop a ball any distance behind the point where the ball lay keeping a straight line between the hole, the point where the ball lay and the spot on which the ball is dropped, or C. Drop a ball within two club-lengths of where the ball lies not nearer the hole. If your ball is in a bunker you may proceed as above; however, if you are dropping back on a line or within two club-lengths (options b or c), you must drop a ball in the bunker. Interestingly, in the face of the Road bunker, there will be a small TV camera that will provide television viewers a close-up of all the action next week. The camera will be deemed as an integral part of the course in the Championship Local Rules so that players cannot claim relief from interference from it and consequently afford them a better lie in the bunker! Out of Bounds In 1991 at Royal Birkdale Golf Club, Ian Baker-Finch won The Open playing sublime golf shooting 64 and 66 in the final two rounds. By the time of the 1995 Open at St Andrews, in a cruel twist of fate, his confidence was low. Baker-Finch stood on the first tee of the Old Course, paired with the legendary Arnold Palmer (his farewell appearance at The

Open) and snap-hooked his drive straight over the parallel 18th fairway and out of bounds. Despite it being one of the widest fairways in golf, Baker-Finch had hit it 180 yards out of bounds to the left. With its “out and back” design, the boundaries of the course come into play at a number of holes such as the first, 16th, 17th and 18th. If, after playing a shot, you think your ball may be out of bounds you should play a provisional ball (Rule 27-2). You must state that it is a provisional ball (phrases such as “I’ll hit another” or “I’m going to re-load” are insufficient) and you must play the provisional ball before you go forward to search for the original ball. The wall at the back of the green of the 17th hole on the Old Course defines the boundary on this hole. While it is unlikely that a ball will come to rest on the wall, the Championship Local Rules clarify the boundary by stating that a ball is out of bounds when it is beyond the wall (not on the wall) so there is no doubt. At the 1984 Open, Tom Watson was seeking his third Open win in a row and he was in a tie with Seve Ballesteros when his approach at the 17th scurried over the green, crossed the road and came to rest close to the boundary wall. Faced with an extremely difficult chip, and with the boundary wall impeding his backswing, Watson unsur-

TITTER ON THE TEE A woman went over to a pharmacist, taking a little brown bottle along with a teaspoon and put them both onto the counter. The pharmacist asked if he could help. She said, "Yes! Could you please taste this for me?" He picked up the spoon and put a tiny bit of the liquid on his tongue and swilled it around. Then with a stomach-churning look on his face he spit it out and began coughing. When he finished, she looked him right in the eye asked, “Does that taste sweet to you?" The pharmacist, shaking his head with a venomous look in his eyes yelled, “HECK NO!!!" That's a real relief! My doctor told me to get a pharmacist to test my urine for sugar!"

prisingly could only make bogey. He lost out to Seve who made an iconic birdie on the 18th to win by two strokes. It is worth remembering that objects defining out of bounds are deemed to be fixed and there is no relief without penalty from them. You can proceed under the unplayable ball Rule or try your luck like Miguel Angel Jiménez did five years ago. Finding the ball in a near impossible position inches from the boundary wall, the Spaniard struck the ball against the wall, the ball then ricocheted off the wall over Jimenez’s head and onto the green. Jiménez said, “There was no place to drop it. I took out my sand wedge and hoped to get a good break but I had no idea how it would turn out as you can’t practice that sort of shot!” Water Hazards The Swilcan Burn lies in wait on the first hole on the Old Course. Padraig Harrington, Lee Westwood and Colin Montgomerie all found the Burn when playing in the 2010 Open and had to drop out under penalty. If your ball is in a water hazard (yellow stakes and/or lines) you may play it as it lies or, under penalty of one stroke: stakes and/or lines) you may play it as it lies or, under penalty of one stroke:

• play a ball from where your last shot was played, or • drop a ball any distance behind the water hazard keeping a straight line between the hole, the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard and the spot on which the ball is dropped. If your ball is in a lateral water hazard (red stakes and/or lines), in addition to the options for a ball in a water hazard, under penalty of one stroke, you may drop a ball within two clublengths of, and not nearer the hole than: • the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard, or • a point on the opposite side of the hazard equidistant to the hole from the point where the ball last crossed the margin. The Swilcan Burn is in parts marked as a water hazard and in parts a lateral water hazard. So depending on where your ball last crossed the margin of the hazard, determines the options that you have for relief. Double Greens There are seven “double greens” on the Old Course, i.e. greens that are shared by two holes. Interestingly the numbers of the holes sharing the green always add up to 18, e.g. two and 16, three and 15.

Rory Sidelined

World number one and defending champion Rory McIlroy will miss next week's Open after injuring his left ankle. The Northern Irishman, 26, revealed on Monday he had ruptured an ankle ligament playing football with friends. Confirming he would not compete at St Andrews, he posted on Instagram: "I'm taking a long-term view of this injury. Although rehab is progressing well, I want to come back to tournament play when I feel

100% healthy and 100% competitive." The 2015 Open begins next Thursday, and tournament organisers said they were "naturally very disappointed" at McIlroy's withdrawal. They added: "Rory will play in many more Opens and our primary concern is for his complete recovery." McIlroy, who has won four majors, could also miss the chance to defend his US PGA Championship title in mid-August.

The Courier Sport


Friday 10th July 2015


A 20 year old British player is one of four new signings that have been unveiled by CD Torrevieja, though one of them, Luis Carlos will be familiar to fans having played for the club two years ago and he helped Novelda to make the play-offs last season. Luis Carlos is a speedy and gritty left sided player, able to accelerate past defenders and is a readymade replacement for favourite Cristian Sanchez who has opted to live and play in Madrid. 20 year old Lewis Hallen is a British lad who has lived in

Spain since he was nine and is well known to the manager Pedreño. He is a striker with a knack for goals, though so far only displayed at Preferente level, netting 13 times for Santa Pola the season before last and then 10 times for Pilar de la Horadada and hence his connection with the manager who was in charge there. David Rives is a strong central defender who played for eight consecutive seasons in 2B before leaving the game to concentrate on his family business. He is 31 years old, fit and strong and

comes in for Alexis who has gone to Nicaragua to try his luck. Edu Mesas is a 24 year old left sided player who made it to the play-offs last term for 2B with group 13 outfit El Castillo and who previously starred for Huércal Overa. As Eddy has returned this season, there should be good cover in this left back position. Training starts on Monday and these new recruits will be joined by several incoming British players who are seeking a new kick start to their football career in Spain. Amongst them are Georgio


Wales have moved into the top 10 of FIFA's world rankings for the first time and now sit just one spot behind ninth-placed England. Chris Coleman's side have moved up 12 places after their 1-0 European Qualifiers win over Belgium in Cardiff last month The victory was their sixth win in 11 matches and they have lost only once - in a 20 friendly defeat to Holland in that sequence.


Real Madrid can win La Liga under Rafa Benitez, according to Sevilla boss Unai Emery. Real were second best in the Primera Division last term and also fell short in the Copa del Rey and the Champions League, costing Carlo Ancelotti his job. The former Napoli and Liverpool boss was soon appointed his successor and Emery, who rejected the chance to move to Serie A this summer, feels he can take his new side right to the top.

Kyriacou who has played in America and Guatemala as well as more recently for Stevenage and Hitchin Town in the UK. Linton Rogers hails from East Sussex and has been centre forward for Bexhill, Eastbourne and Hastings Utd. Reece Brewster from London is a battling midfielder who will still be a teenager when the season starts. CD Torrevieja’s pre-season matches, including a notable trio of opponents namely Cordoba (July 18th); Hull City (July 24th); and Hercules (Aug 7th). Season

tickets are on sale from the ground on a Tuesday between 11.30am and 13.30pm and on a Thursday between 5.00pm and 7.00pm as well from the Torry Army office in San Luis every weekday morning. Anyone who buys a season ticket will be able to buy their pre- season friendly ticket at half price – five euros instead of ten euros! The composition of Torrevieja’s division is now known and there are new clubs for supporters to get to know. After losing Levante to 2B, and La Nucia, Ribarroja,

Utiel and Requena, Torry are rejoined by Elche Ilicitano, as well as new boys, Recambios Colon from Catarroja; Rayo Ibense from Ibi; and Bunol from the Castellon region. It also means a logical make up of 20 clubs and not the odd 21 in the last season which meant that there was always one club sitting it out each week whilst the other twenty played.


Over 400 swimmers hit the cooling waters of Santiago de la Ribera last Sunday for the 12th staging of the 'Playas de San Javier' event with open water races over 500 and 1,500 metres in a variety of male and female as well as age categories.


Barcelona right-back Dani Alves has praised his teammate Lionel Messi, saying that the Argentine is much better than Cristiano Ronaldo, who does not influence the way Real Madrid plays, while Messi does. In a newspaper interview Alves said:"I believe that Benitez's arrival at Madrid is “Messi is much betthe rightful recognition of his good work ter than Cristiano down the years," he told Corriere dello Ronaldo. Messi has the ability to influSport. "They're candidates to win La Liga because ence games with his Benitez is coach of Madrid. If they don't play, Cristiano doessucceed it's because Barcelona win but n’t. I’ve watched to when Madrid go several years without win- see if he influences ning La Liga, you know something's not the play beyond right. Barca and Madrid are the best in scoring goals and he shows up on certain world. When you add technical success to plays. Messi is influential, plays and assists. Messi has a divine touch. Cristiano is hard this, it's a winning formula."

to cover. We’ve had our fights but I admire him. He’s a very dedicated and competitive guy.”


The Courier Sport

Friday 10th July 2015

DEAL SLAMMED Barcelona presidential candidate Joan Laporta has launched an attack on the club's managing committee after they agreed a deal to sign Arda Turan from Atletico Madrid before the presidential election takes place later this month. Barca will not have a president until the election on July 18, but the club announced last Monday that an agreement had been reached with Atletico to acquire Turan for an initial fee of 34 million euros, with the management committee saying in a statement: "The decision could not be put off any longer." They said they had insert-


Third division club CD Guadalajara have joined Rayo Vallecano in the fight against intolerance. Last week the Primera Division club Rayo released an away kit with a striking rainbow sash - and the slogan 'solidarity' - across it, to raise awareness seven different types of injustice and intolerance, including child abuse, depression and homophobia. CD Guadalajara released their home kit at the Madrid Pride festival over last weekend with the LGBT symbol of a rainbow flag running down the purple shirt. Made by Hummel, the club and Danish sportswear brand have also announced

that five per cent of sales will be donated to La Liga Acro Iris (La Liga Rainbow),

a charity that fights homophobia and other prejudices in football.


Sergio Ramos is not likely to leave Real Madrid this summer, according to his international team-mate Andres Iniesta. Sergio Ramos, 29, has been linked with a move away from the Spanish capital in recent weeks due to Real's failure to offer him a new improved contract. It

has been suggested that the former Sevilla star, who joined Los Blancos in 2005, is keen on a move to Premier League giants Manchester United. Iniesta, 31, is well aware of the interest his international team-mate is attracting but believes the defender will stay at the Bernabeu.

"I’ve always said that Sergio Ramos is one of the best centre-backs in the world,” the Barcelona star told reporters. “He’s at a great team like Madrid and I don’t think they’ll let him go. "For me, my teammates are the best central defenders in the world.”

IMPRESSIVE START After a impressive first innings from England, they will be satisfied to have made 430, especially having

been 43-3 early on day one. Joe Root is the obvious standout after his brilliant century on Wednesday, while

Moeen Ali made 77 with some good batting yesterday morning. Austrailia made a steady start to their innings only losing Warner early on, and Smith just before Tea. Warner edges an attempted drive to an awaiting Cook in the slips. While Smith makes a hash of a Moeen delivery that edges to Alastair Cook at short mid-on. It will be an exceptional weekend of drama and excitement and one that die hard cricket fans will not want to miss.

ed a clause in the deal giving the club the right to resell the player back to Atletico until July 20th, effectively allowing any new president to annul the deal. Josep Maria Bartomeu, who has stepped down as president ahead of his bid for reelection, said earlier this month that coach Luis Enrique had requested the player and that his board had left the matter in "an advanced state" before stepping down. However, Laporta, who had held the presidency between 2003 and 2010, has said that Barca had only made a move for Turan to "cover up

the ridiculousness" of their failure to sign Paul Pogba from Juventus and said no transfer business should be conducted before July 19th Bartomeu had also overseen the arrival of Aleix Vidal -- whom he said was Luis Enrique's other primary transfer request -- before stepping down as president. However, neither Vidal nor Turan will be able to play in official games for Barca until January 2016 as the result of a FIFA transfer ban, which was imposed after the club breached rules regarding the signing of under-age players between 2009 and 2013.

LOG JAM UNBLOCKED? Real Madrid keeper Iker Casillas is poised to move to Porto and unlock David de Gea's move to Real Madrid from Manchester United, according to TV network, TVE. The public channel reported on Monday that the Portuguese side coached by Spaniard Julen Lopetegui have bid for Casillas and the Spain captain is giving the offer serious consideration. Both De Gea and Real Manager Rafa Benitez are keen to have Casillas at another club before the start of next season so the controversy over who plays in goal at the Santiago Bernabeu does not overshadow the season as has happened in the last three campaigns. Shifting Casillas from No 1 spot at Madrid has not been easy. A veteran of 25 seasons in which he has won five leagues, two Spanish Cups and three Champions Leagues, Casillas has clung on despite the efforts of first Jose Mourinho and later president Florentino Perez.

Benitez is not in favour of using one goalkeeper in the league and one goalkeeper in the Champions League as Carlo Ancelotti did two years ago, so if De Gea arrived it would mean the Spanish legend would be reduced to just playing Copa del Rey games. Casillas is understood to see Porto as a good fit especially as they are coached by Lopetegui, who appeared as a keeper for Real Madrid and Spain. Casillas' agent told Portuguese newspaper Record on Monday: 'Iker is enthusiastic about possibility of Porto. Real Madrid already has the proposal

and knows the will of Iker.' Meanwhile Real Madrid are considering bringing back their former youth player, Espanyol goalkeeper Kiko Casilla, if negotiations with Manchester United over the transfer of David De Gea don’t go further. According to the AS paper, Real Madrid are looking to cover all bases, and while the club has confidence in the currently injured Keylor Navas, Los Blancos are considering paying the 10 million euros asking price for Kiko Casilla, who came up through the club’s youth system before making a name for himself in Cornella.

PHIL STARTS Former Manchester United and England defender Phil Neville has begun his role as Valencia assistant manager. The La Liga club,

who are in this season's Champions League qualifying, announced the appointment of the 38year-old 12 days ago, but Neville then said the deal

was not yet finalised. He replaces another Briton, Ian Cathro, who left to join Steve McClaren's backroom staff at Newcastle. Neville, who will work under Valencia boss Nuno Espirito Santo, was a coach at Manchester United under David Moyes - now manager of Valencia's La Liga rivals Real Sociedad - and has been working as a television pundit. Valencia finished fourth in La Liga last season and are in the final stage of qualifying for this season's Champions League, along with United.

John McGregor on Sport


Friday 10th July 2015


I never had Jose Mourinho down as a gambler, quite the opposite, but in my book he’s certainly taken a huge risk by signing Radamel Falcao from Monaco this week on a year’s loan. Forget the £5m fee and the reduced wages – apparently down from £265k to £150k a week because money means nothing to the Chelsea hierarchy - only winning at all costs. But this high stakes gamble is real Russian Roulette, because the once-

mighty Columbian striker has hit the skids goal-wise since his career-threatening cruciate ligament injury back in January 2014. After scoring 70 goals in two prolific seasons with Atletico Madrid, moneybags Monaco signed Falcao for £50m in 2013, and their short term return was 11 goals in 20 games. Expensively loaned out at mighty Old Trafford last season, Falcao looked a shadow of his former self scoring a paltry four goals in 27

starts for Man United, but the spotlight was deflected as the Red Devils clawed their back to European qualification and respectability by moving up from seventh to fourth. For a world-class striker who used to score a goal every two games, striker Falcao is a worried man. Did that injury rob the Columbian of pace, or inspiration – or confidence? The latter is an asset vital in every striker, Martini-style – any time, any place, anywhere. Why Falcao at the Bridge, then? Well, back in 2012/3 it was a trophy-less final season in Spain for Jose Mourinho, bad by the Portuguese’s own fabulous


Real Madrid have reportedly rejected a 28 million euro bid from Chelsea for their midfielder Isco. Real have turned down approaches from both Chelsea and Juventus in recent weeks and have refused to accept any offer for the Spanish international, with new boss Rafa Benitez telling the 23-year-old that he will play an important role next season. Isco has been the target of numerous clubs since his arrival to Real Madrid in 2013, as the once-promising Malaga star was relegated to the bench in his first year under Carlo Ancelotti but due

to injury to James Rodriguez and Gareth Bale, played a crucial role in the club’s season and continued to impress all of Europe.

standards. His career was stalling at mighty Real Madrid as their bitterest rivals Barcelona stormed away with the La Liga title, but then in a capital City Copa del Rey final local rivals Atletico wrested the Cup from Real, with first Mourinho and finally Ronaldo sent off. In a bitterly-fought game Atletico came back to win 2 – 1 after Ronaldo had opened the scoring for Real with his 51st goal of the season. But then the Atletico equaliser was scored by one Diego Costa, and the brilliant slide rule pass to make the goal was supplied by…. Radamel Falcao. Hmm… was that miserable moment marked memorably in Mourinho’s mind, mentally moving the memory to manufacture magic at Stamford Bridge? Just think and drool, Blues fans… a cool, sharp Diego Costa supported fully by another formidable forward in Falcao, with Fabregas, Hazard et al behind them, ably supported by all the usual suspects - to once again lead the Blues to another title - and more. That actually makes four exAtletico players signed by Mourinho: Thibault Courtois, Luis Felipe, Costa and now Falcao – bet the Rojiblanco fans love that after their recent five minutes of fame at the top of La Liga has now disappeared – again.

If the Falcao flutter comes off, it will be a Mourinho master stroke, similar to Chelsea’s last season title capture. But how do you improve on winning the Prem and the Capital Cup? Why via the Champions League, of course - that’s what Rabid Roman wants – badly. But the odds of

Chelski holding on to the title and conquering Europe with the sort of continental opposition around today are not good. And it’s all now being further complicated by the dangerous practice of trying to resuscitate a failing career – one where certain other lofty talents and Gaalic gambles have failed.

Ruddy Hooligans! Who was William Webb Ellis, and why is he famous? Clue: think hooligans. Answer: In 1823 while supposedly playing ‘football’ at Rugby School Just William picked up the ball and ran with it instead, thus inventing the game of Rugby – if Wayne Rooney did that now he’d be banned for insanity, probably for life. But barmy Bill’s invention of a ‘hooligan’s game played by gentlemen’ steadily caught on around the world, and the game is now played in many farflung parts of the world. Webb Ellis’s legacy meant that the Rugby World Cup, started in 1987 is also officially known as the Webb Ellis Trophy and named after its inven-

tor: and like rugby’s more ‘common’ big brother soccer, the world finals come around every four years. The 2015 World Cup starts off in the UK on September 18th at Twickenham when England, the co-hosts with Wales, play Fiji. Nearer the time we’ll look at the runners and riders and their chances, but for now if you’re a fan – or even if you’re not, like the global sports events that only come round every few years - then be a hooligan for once and reserve some gentlemanly time in September and October to watch the Webb Ellis Trophy – and start taking sides – it’s much more fun and enjoyable that way!


Real Madrid defender, Dani Carvajal, has signed a contract extension that will keep him at the club until 2020. The Spanish international still had four years to run on his previous deal, though some doubt had been cast over his future following the signing of Brazil right-back Danilo from Porto. However, Carvajal has now decided to commit himself to Madrid for an additional 12 months. The 23-year-old came through the youth team ranks at the Bernabeu and starred for the club's B team before moving to Bayer Leverkusen in 2012. Madrid put a buy-back clause in Carvajal's contract with the

Bundesliga side and enforced their right to re-sign him the following summer for an estimated €6.5 million. He has since become a regular in the Madrid starting line-up and was a part of the team that won both the Copa del Rey and the Champions League in 2014.


Friday 10th July 2015

MURRAY’S DAY Andy Murray will bid today to reach Sunday’s Wimbledon final for the third time, but standing in his way will be Roger Federer, who defeated him in the 2012 final. The other semi sees defending champion Novak Djokovic up against Richard Gasquet, Wednesday’s surprise victor over French Open champion, Stan Wawrinka.

CHUCKED OUT FIFA has banned former executive committee member and ex-Concacaf general secretary Chuck Blazer from all football related activity for life. Blazer, 70, worked undercover with prosecutors in the United States after pleading guilty to charges of bribery, money laundering and tax evasion. A FIFA statement said Blazer "committed many and various acts of misconduct".



Anyone remember the Liverpool ‘boot room’? The legendary under-the-stands little kit room where all the plotting and planning sessions of the great Reds’ teams of the sixties, through to the nineties were held. The meetings were started by the great Bill Shankly with his assistants Bob Paisley and Joe Fagan who would regularly share a conspiratory whisky or two. That tradition continued until 1993, when structural modifications saw the boot room disappear and subsequent management teams have never been regarded with the same awe as the Shankly bequest. In a different and recent ‘boot’ room meeting at Anfield with the club’s American owners, Fenway Sports, manager Brendan Rodgers survived. But his coaching staff didn’t after a disappointing season by Liverpool’s own high standards, which saw the Reds out of the Champions League qualification places. Now Liverpool have named England Under-19s boss Sean O'Driscoll as their new assistant manager, who comes with a wealth of managerial experience. O'Driscoll, who had only been England Under-19 head coach since September, is highly regarded by Rodgers. Reds academy coach Pep Lijnders will also join the first-team staff. Liverpool are also expected to appoint explayer Gary McAllister as assistant manager

POLITICS AND THE POPE ‘Septic’ Sepp Blatter is lately politically namedropping like a condemned man on trial for his life. He is stirring the sh – smelly, brown stuff to try to distance himself from the past World Cup venue decision-making process, even calling in religion and his claimed relationship with the Pope in his latest pontification. The gospel according to Sepp decrees that both the French and German

presidents applied political pressure prior to the 2018 and 2022 World Cup votes. Blamer Blatter alleges ex-French president Nicolas Sarkozy and in particular his German counterpart Christian Wulff sought to influence voting before Qatar and Russia were chosen as respective hosts back in 2010. The old far – I mean the FIFA figurehead fingers the Fatherland with claims that the German football

association received a government recommendation that they should vote for Qatar in order to further Fatherland economic interests. He said that the Deutsche Bahn (German railways), Hochtief (construction) and many more German businesses already had projects in Qatar before the World Cup was awarded there. Surely not schweinhunds – serious stuff, Septic?? Interestingly Blatter also

claims for clemency on the grounds that he has a clear conscience and anyone who calls him corrupt ‘should be sent to jail’. The Swiss told German magazine Bunte he has done nothing wrong and will go to heaven when he dies: ‘Anybody who calls me corrupt because FIFA is corrupt, I can only shake my head,’ he said. ‘Everybody who says something like that should go to jail. My faith has given me strength during the last week. I am a religious person and pray, too. I own a golden cross that has been blessed by Pope Francis. I believe I will go to heaven one day. But I believe there is no hell. I disagree with the Pope on that.’ Well, that’s

as Ljinders is likely to be involved in elite player development and will continue to oversee some top academy players rather than acting as a direct replacement for first team coach, Mike Marsh, who sacked last month, alongside assistant manager, Colin Pascoe, who worked alongside Rodgers at Swansea. McAllister, the former Leeds and Coventry boss met Rodgers for talks on Wednesday, and has known on the field success at Anfield as a player as part of the Red’s FA Cup, League Cup, and UEFA Cup winning side of 2001. It’s looking increasingly likely that Liverpool will start the new season without Raheem Sterling; the latest is that their controversial young starlet has declined to go on the club’s pre-season tour to the Far East, presumably aimed at trying to close the gap between Man City’s last offer of £40m and Liverpool’s assessment of £50m. The eventually agreed amount of largesse the Reds receive from their wealthy neighbours down the East Lancs Road will help fund all the new blood that has come to Anfield this close season. With six new signings and a new coaching staff the pressure on Brendan Rodgers will be intense: Liverpool expects – and all the while the shadow of the boot room hovers darkly.

called papaling over the cracks if you ask me… Back on this mortal coil, two criminal investigations into alleged FIFA corruption are ongoing and Blatter is reportedly under investigation by US officials. For maximus confusius, the Swiss announced on

June 2nd that he would step down from the FIFA presidency at an extraordinary congress to be held between December and March - but Septic has since stated he has not resigned and is thought to be considering standing for re-election. Hell’s bells!

THE COURIER No.1 for SPORT! All the action p 44-47

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