The Courier Edition 278

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Edition 278

Friday 1st July 2016




57-year-old British bather who blatantly ignored calls from lifeguards to get out of the water at an Orihuela Costa beach, in addition to flouting the red flag warnings, paid the ultimate price on Monday, when she died. The ignorant tourist went for a dip at Playa La Glea,


Campoamor on the Orihuela Costa on Monday afternoon despite “no swimming red flags” having been deployed in the area. The woman, who was on holiday with her husband at San Pedro del Pinatar, refused to come out of the water after repeated pleas from the lifeguards and

then got into trouble. Two lifeguards, hailed by her worried husband, then risked their own lives by pulling her out of the sea but 45 minutes of attempted resuscitation by them and SAMU paramedics ended in failure. Coastal councillor, Sofia Álvarez, said that the cause of death was

either through a cardiac edema or drowning due to the strength of the current, with strong winds prevalent along the coast on Monday. The councillor said that swimmers must observe the red flags which are flown to save lives as well as protecting the safety of the lifeguards if they have to go into the water. The lifeguards involved in Monday’s operation came from the Ambumar company, who are providing a temporary beach service ahead of the award of a delayed two year contract for the Orihuela Costa. The following day in Guardamar, four Cruz Roja lifeguards had to pull out a couple from the water due to strong currents. The husband and wife aged in their sixties had ignored the red flags that had been hoisted at La Roqueta beach.


cting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy won the most seats in Spain's second general election in six months last Sunday which produced a similar result to December’s stalemate, with the PP well short of an overall majority. The PP did better though than the opinion polls suggested getting 33 percent of the vote, and the Socialist PSOE defied the pollsters coming second and beating off a challenge

from the Unidos Podemos alliance which finished a disappointing third whilst the centrist Ciudadanos came fourth. The vote has failed to break six months of political deadlock since December's inconclusive poll. But Rajoy said he had a right to resume office as the PP emerged strengthened from the election, beating expectations with 137 seats in the 350-strong lower house of parliament — 14 more than in

December. The extra seats give Rajoy more clout in coalition negotiations, coupled with the fact that parties are under pressure to succeed where they failed last time and reach a deal to avoid holding yet more elections. The PP leader said he was aiming to form a government by early August but opposition parties could still come together to offer an alternative administration, with Rajoy’s best bet being a

deal with Ciudadnos, who won 32 seats.




Friday 1st July 2016

Your Bigger, Bolder, Brighter Courier Telephone 966 921 003



Head Office Av. De La Mancha 29B Aguas Nuevas 03183 Torrevieja

Opening Hours Mon - Fri 10.30 - 16.00

Editor-In-Chief Barry Newlove

Editor Alex Trelinski

Production Editors Nicola Cross & Mark Nolan

Last week's historic EU referendum result in the UK which saw the vote going in favour of Britain leaving the European Union has thrown up thousands of questions about what happens next, including the issue of the status of British expats living in Spain. There are roughly one point two million British citizens who are currently residents and workers within the EU, with about 300 thousand officially registered in Spain. Despite the usual swirl of rumours, the one solid fact is that absolutely nothing is going to happen much before the end of 2018 and after that point, future rights will depend on what kind of arrangements that the British

tem or inheritance tax rates for a non-EU resident.

Head of Layout Nicola Cross

Advertising Sales 966 921 003

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Writers Alex Trelinski Mark Nolan Dave Silver Tony Mayes John McGregor Ivie Davies Nicola Cross

>> Simon Manley government will negotiate with Brussels. If Britain chooses to go with a free market agreement, similar to the arrangement that Norway has with the EU, then that means freedom of movement and the right to work in the EU is preserved and arrangements for British residents in Spain could be largely unaffected. Many variations are possible and barely a week after the vote, it is far too early to say or predict what would happen over issues like health care under the Spanish sys-

The Valencian government president Ximo Puig said that as far as he was concerned nothing would change for the 100 thousand or so officially registered British residents in the Valencia region, including the Costa Blanca. The upbeat statement from the regional leader added that the British people who had made their home in the area were "friends" and he regretted the Brexit-vote which he said seemed to be based on xenophobia. Most of the British resi-

dents within the Valencia region live in Alicante Province, whilst some 23 thousand are registered within the Murcia region, with almost half within the Mazarrón and Cartagena areas. Political leaders from within Valencia and Murcia have expressed concerns over the potential damage to exports to the UK from their areas as well as a possible impact on UK tourism if the exchange rate between the pound and euro continues to fall. Acting Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said the Brexit had caused "deep sadness" but said he foresaw a "negotiated and organised procedure" as Britain quits the EU, and said that absolutely nothing would change for British people in Spain for at least two years. The British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, issued this statement last Friday when the result of the referendum vote was clear:“I am very aware from the questions that we have been

getting that some Britons living in Spain are uncertain

EU will be a gradual process. The Prime Minister (David Cameron) will continue to do his job for the next three months. The UK will only begin negotiations with the European Union after we have a new Prime Minister in October." “He or she will have to decide when to start the process of leaving the EU. The negotiations could take two years or more and until they are concluded, the UK remains a full member of the European Union " The key trigger is a two year notice to leave under the Treaty of Lisbon with most observers suggesting that the start button will be pressed before the end of

>> Ximo Puig about what the Referendum result means for them. As the Prime Minister has said, there is no immediate change. You still have exactly the same rights. You can still live and work here, travel back and forth in the same way, and access Spanish healthcare and other public services just as before. “There is no change to your residency status, nor any need for visas for travel to other EU countries, and you don’t need to change your passport. Your pension rights continue. Leaving the

the year once David Cameron's successor is chosen by the Conservative Party. The two year fixed period for negotiating the terms of the UK exit can be extended beyond two years but that has to be done with the unanimous agreement of all the other EU members, which seems highly unlikely. The future status for British expats living in Spain and across the EU will be determined by the negotiations which in turn will have to deal with the EU nationals residing and working in the UK.

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Friday 1st July 2016

WAIT AND SEE... Boris Quits PM Race!

>> Antonio Pérez

BREXIT: The Local Reaction British expats across the Costa Blanca and Mar Menor woke up last Friday morning to digest the potential consequences of the Brexit vote with a great deal of insecurity

Ex-London Mayor and key Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson has scrapped his bid to take over from David Cameron as Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader. The shock announcement came yesterday lunchtime in the aftermatch of the news that his Brexit campaign colleague and Justice Secretary, Michael Gove had to decided to stand for the Tory leadership after it was widely assumed that Gove would support Johnson in his move. Over his pullout from the contest to become Prime Minister, Johnson said:- "Having consulted colleagues and in view of the circumstances of Parliament I have concluded that person cannot be me.” Mr Gove earlier said that he was standing because he had come "to the conclusion that Boris cannot provide the leadership or build the team for the task ahead". Two names will be put forward to the Conservative Party membership to vote on with the result set to be announced on September 9th. It is widely believed that Gove and Home Secretary, Theresa May, will be the final names chosen by MPs from a shortlist that also includes Stephen Crabb, Liam Fox, and Andrea Leadsom. The first ballot will be on Tuesday. The leadership battle has been sparked by David Cameron's to step down as prime minister after losing the EU referendum, which saw the country vote by 52% to 48% to leave the EU.

>> Samantha Biddles about their future in Spain, despite assurances that nothing will change in the short term (see opposite page). Insecurity and uncertainty was the watchword in the reaction from local politicians and community leaders in areas with a strong British presence. A typical comment came from the Rojales mayor, Antonio Pérez, who said "Most British people over here do not know the real consequences of the referendum, but they Know it’s not good news for them. There will be uncertainty until agreements are sorted out between the UK and Brussels". Algorfa Partido Popular councillor, Samantha Biddles, told the La Verdad newspaper: - "We are angry

at the referendum result because we just do not know what will happen to us. Some British residents in our area actually voted to leave the EU because they are planning to return home, but those who are living here for the foreseeable future just do not want to lose their rights". Algorfa has the one of the highest non-Spanish populations in Alicante Province, and one of the consequences of a Brexit will be that British residents will also lose the right to vote in local elections every four years. Bob Houliston who founded the CLARO party on the Orihuela Costa said that "British residents may well suffer consequences" despite assurances that there will be no initial changes. The overwhelming number of British expats in this area were in favour of staying in the UK. They are mainly elderly on modest incomes who voted with their heads as opposed to rich people with big yachts and villas". Businesses, especially in the service sector expressed serious concerns over Brexit. "This could destroy us," said Carlos Campo, a restaurant owner. "We live solely on British people for eight months of the year." Owners of Playa Flamenca's Coffee del Mar, Andy Wigfield and Anthony Stonier said that they were

nervous about the future. "It will affect our business. Pensions will be lower, travelling here or buying a property will be more expensive, and we have to see what hap-

>> Bob Houliston pens with free health access.” commented Andy. "It's better the devil you know," Anthony added. "This is the unknown and for me it's scary. We don't know how Spain will react with us." Concerns amongst British expats expressed to the Spanish media included the possible difficulty in selling their property in the future to a British buyer who would not find Spain an attractive proposition and that after some price rises in recent years, there may be problems in the property market especially for British buyers and sellers. Steve Hornk, 69, who has lived in one of Murcia's biggest British expat areas for the last 16 years, the Camposol urbanisation, told

the La Verdad newspaper that he was worried that Brexit would change his life forever and that "Me and my wife would have go back to Britain if we could not continue to get access to free healthcare in Spain". La Verdad found the healthcare issue to be a major theme as they spoke to British people in Camposol. Steve and Barbara West said:- "We are elderly and we need free medical care as we cannot afford a private health scheme. It is vital to us and we would have to leave if that was not available". In contrast, speaking at the Playa Flamenca promenade, 72-year-old Jean Law was delighted with the Brexit vote. "I can't believe it, I'm so happy," said Mrs. Law last Friday who voted for the UK to leave the European Union. "If I have to pay for healthcare, I will. But my life is coming to an end, so it doesn't matter. I voted for the freedom of my children and grandchildren." Other concerns raised included the value of the pound against the euro, and the impact that the exchange rate would have on state and private pensions being paid over from the UK into Spanish banks. But the current rates are still substantially higher than they were back in 2009 when essentially a pound was worth one euro.


Dead Bathers

A 75-year-old Swedish man was found dead in the waters of Torrevieja’s La Mata beach on Wednesday morning. Medics were unable to revive him when they arrived on the scene, with the area unpatrolled by lifeguards since the new council contract with the Edema company has not yet started. An autopsy will be carried out to determine the cause of death, though nobody can say whether or not the man’s life could have been saved if lifeguards were present. A few days earlier, Cruz Roja lifeguards were unable to save the life of a 51-year-old Ecuadorian man who died after being pulled out of the water at Guardamar’s Playa La Roqueta on Saturday. Early indications were that he died of a cardiac arrest.

Friday 1st July 2016

A Change In Balance

More Spaniards died than were born last year for the first time in 75 years, with the country's financial crisis worsening the trend as high unemployment encouraged people to seek better prospects abroad and families held off having children. Spain has the 10th-oldest population in the world with an average age of around 43. The National Statistics Institute (INE) said deaths exceeded births by almost 3,200 over the full year, the first time this had happened since it began collecting annual data in 1941, shortly after the end of the country's 1936-39

Civil War. The population, now about 46 million, is projected to become the fourth oldest in the world by 2030, with an average age of 50.1 years, according to the United Nations. The INE predicted last year that the trend of more deaths than births would widen until 2062 and said Spain's population would probably fall by more than one million in the next 15 years and by five point six million in the next 50 years. Spain's birth rate peaked just before its economy began to crumble in 2008. Almost 100,000 fewer children were born last year than in 2008, and the number of

deaths per year has climbed by almost 36,000 since then. Local figures mirror the national trend, with deaths just shading out births in Alicante Province. Last year, 15,829 people died whilst 15,811 babies were born. The average life expectancy stands at 82, which is nine years longer compared to figures from 1975. The Murcia region birth-rate was the lowest in 40 years, but it still was far higher than for deaths standing at almost 16 thousand as opposed to just over 11 people who died. Life expectancy in the region stands at nearly 83 years.

Gibraltar Pledge

There will be no talks with Spain over the future sovereignty of Gibraltar according to the UK Europe minister, David Lidington. The pledge came after the acting Spanish foreign minister, Jose Manuel Garcia, suggested that last week's Brexit vote opened up "new possibilities with joint

sovereignty between the UK and Spain" on the table. Lidington said: - "The United Kingdom will continue to stand by Gibraltar. We will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass under the sovereignty of another state against their wishes".

Busy Times

Coke Clocked

Three people, all in their early forties, have been arrested for selling cocaine in Santa Pola. The Guardia Civil say that a man and a woman operating in an open fashion by parking their

vehicle, which had drugs in it, in a supermarket car park and then going onto local streets to sell the illegal substances. The Guardia arrested the male dealer and a customer

when a deal was being conducted and then picked up the woman nearby. A house search yielded a variety of drugs and equipment as well as over thirteen hundred euros in cash.

Vehicle’s Are Motoring On

Spain's vehicle production rose by 10.71 percent in the first five months of the year to a total of 1,322,118 vehicles, according to the Association of Car Manufacturers (ANFAC). According to ANFAC, Spain manufactured 1,065,781 cars from January to May, which meant a 10.42-percent rise year-on-year. Meanwhile, a total of 17,579 four-wheel vehicles were manufactured and a total of 238,758 commercial and industrial vehicles were produced from January to the end of May this year. In May alone, Spain manufactured 272,523 vehicles, which meant a six point three percent rise from May 2015. The country exported 1,084,006 vehicles up to May, an 11.16-percent rise when compared with the same period of a year earlier, ANFAC said that in May alone, a total of 221,477 vehicles were exported, representing a 12 month rise of just over five percent.

Pilar de la Horadada's tourist office on Plaza Campoamor has extended its opening hours for the high summer season, in parallel with many tourist offices across the region. Temporary staff have been brought in on help out visitors with the office

open between Monday and Saturday from 10.00am to 7.00pm, as well as Sunday hours between 10.00am and 1.00pm. The local council has also launched from today a two month campaign to keep local beaches clean over the summer.

Costly Trip Torrevieja council has been ordered cough up 70 thousand euros of compensation to a pedestrian who tripped over some pipes at the corner of Calles Tomillo and Apolo in April 2010. Two pipes about 15 centimetres high were petruding out of the pavement in a badly lit area when the woman tripped over them at 6.00 am and broke her tibia. Staff at the near-by Bar

Avenida came to help her and called an ambulance, something that Torrevieja council disputed and challenged the case that the obstruction posed a danger. Some weeks later, the pipes were removed whilst the woman had to undergo two months of rehabilitation. Despite the council fighting the case for over six years, most of the costs were covered by insurance.

No Case To Answer

A Valencia court has dismissed "hate crime"

charges that were brought against Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera of Valencia after he denounced gender theory. Several organisations had filed complaints against the cardinal, saying that his words had incited hatred against gays and lesbians. Under the terms of Spanish law, the formal charges required authorities to investigate the incident. However, after a brief investigation, a magistrate concluded that Cardinal Cañizares was exercising his freedom of speech, and his words showed neither a "criminal intent" nor a call to "hatred and violence."


Friday 1st July 2016

Empty Stage

Torrevieja's ex-mayor and leader of the opposition Partido Popular, Eduardo Dolon, has asked why the city's Teatro Municipal has not yet reopened. The facility was closed last September as the council's ruling coalition said that the theatre was running without the appropriate licenses, but ten months on, the doors are still closed. Dolon said that there was no need for the theatre to

have been shut in the first place and that whilst a similar situation had happened with the now re-opened Virgen del Carmen cultural centre, the Teatro Muncipal, is still out of commission and he's called for access to documents over the licensing situation which he claims his party has not been given access to. Last September the council said that basic licensing and safety work

needed to be carried which it says the previous PP administration failed to carry out, and that the building was opened ten years ago without any final completion certification. In April, the council said that it was looking to reopen the theatre in June, but at that time, the original architect has still to sign appropriate papers for 200 thousand euros of improvements to be made to the facility.

Fun Excursions For The Summer!!!

Enjoy funfairs and theme park rides ? then Terra Mitica is the place for you, with the largest wooden roller coaster in Europe travelling at 92kph and many other rides to make you scream. Excursion available every Saturday, Sunday & Thursday 38€ adult 35€ Ch/Snr inc coach travel and entry. Everyones favourite place Benidorm has plenty to offer with the normal do as you please day or to cool off visit Aqualandia, Benidorms waterpark, the largest waterpark in Europe with its 2 new water slides one of which is the highest in Europe, are you brave enough !! Mundomar is a must with its wonderful Dolphin show baby meerkats and various other animals and shows. Excursion available every Sun, Mon, Wed & Thursdays. Benidorm do as you please day 11€ Mundomar adult 32€, ch/snr 29€ inc coach travel & entry Aqualandia adult 37€, ch/snr 29€ inc coach travel & entry How about a lazy day enjoying the wonderful waterfalls at Algar. New for this summer spend the whole day swimming and diving into the Fuentes de Algar, a full day to enjoy the delights of these waterfalls, plenty of restaurants for lunch or pack your own picnic and eat while enjoying the delights of the mountains and fresh cool waterfalls. Excursion available every Saturday 18€ inc coach travel & entry/drink. Feel like being a sailor for the day then our lovely Catamaran cruises could be just what you are looking for. Enjoy a 3 hour Catamaran cruise taking your own picnic (drinks must be bought onboard), diving and swimming in the sea, dancing onboard if you feel in the mood, or if you just want a tranquil day spend your time people watching. Leaving from Cartagena every Tuesday & Thursday Adult 25€ Ch/Snr 21€ from 4th August every Tuesday and Thursdays from La Manga prices as above. How about combining both nature and waterparks with a visit to Terra Natura in Murcia. See the animals up close, enjoy the delights of more than 300 animals, three of which are in danger of extinction, after lunch in one of the restaurants finish of your day with a dip in the attached waterpark with slides and pools to keep yourself pool. Excursion available every Thursday Adult 32€ ch/snr 29€ inc coach travel & entry. New for this summer: River Rafting. Feel like an adrenalin rush, then this may be the trip for you. An exciting day rafting down the River Segura, enjoy thrills, spills & fun, with time to swim this is an enjoyable day out for everyone. Every Saturday Adults 34€, Ch/Snr 32€ includes sandwich/drink. (must be able to swim, although life jackets are supplied) . Book online at or by calling direct on 0034 966785910.

Dry As A Bone Rain continues to be like gold dust across Alicante Province with a survey from University of Alicante’s climate department suggesting that rates over the first six months of the year are up to 75 percent down on what would be expected as average levels. Experts say that the problem is affecting the whole area at the same time as opposed to variations in recent years between the northern and southern part of the region.



On Parade


Friday 1st July 2016

Spot The Difference

High Speed Link

40 extra Guardia Civil officers have been drafted in to the Southern Costa Blanca in a special summer operation which started today (Friday July 1st) to boost security for tourists and locals alike. The increased cover will operate across Torrevieja, the Orihuela Costa, and Santa Pola.

Routes Aplenty

Alicante-Elche airport has launched a brand new fourtimes a week link via British Airways to the London City airport in addition to the traditional routes to the UK capital via Gatwick, Luton, and Stansted. Meanwhile, Eurowings has started a weekly Thursday flight to the Austrian capital, Vienna.

Feral Fear La Asociación de Vecinos San Miguel Arcángel has called on San Miguel de Salinas council to do something about the feral cat colonies that have increased around the area. The neighbourhood group say they are concerned about health issues and that the cats ought to be sterilised.

Orihuela opposition councillors have slammed the municipality's recently relaunched tourist website as a "copy and paste" job of another area's site which just happened to cost nearly five thousand euros. Socialist PSOE councillor Víctor Ruiz says that the authority had been "ripped off" by the company that had produced identical formats for Alcoy and Gandia.

"It's the same design", said Ruiz, "and I want to know whether the website company ripped us off or whether tourism and coastal councillor Sofía Álvarez didn’t tell us the truth!" He also called for access to the tender document arguing that since the site was essentially a copy, it should not have cost the best part of five thousand euros to produce.

Plant Possibilities Almoradi council has sent a variety of suggestions to the Valencian environment ministry for possible sites for a new water treatment plant for the municipality. Planning councillor Alejandro Lorenzo says that the two current plants cannot be expanded further and that a new one taking over from them was the best option with the site needing to be around 20 thousand square metres in size.

The new AVE high speed rail service between Murcia City and Madrid will have a stop in the Orihuela City area according to Spain's transport minister Julio Gómez Pomar (pictured in the black jacket) on a visit to the area last week. The minister told Orihuela

mayor Emilio Bascuñana that he estimated that 200 thousand people from the Vega Baja region would use the service to link to Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia. In May, Bascuñana called for the city's Miguel Hernandez station to have an AVE stop during the

visit of another minister, and this seems to have been answered in the affirmative during last Friday's meeting with the transport secretary. The journey time between Orihuela and Madrid will be two hours but no actual start date for the Orihuela stop was given.

Abuser Walks A plea bargain deal has seen a taxi driver escape time behind bars after he admitted sexually abusing a 14-yearold British girl back in November 2007. Elche prosecutors had called for an eight year jail stretch but reached an agreement on a lower sentence plus three thousand euros of compensation because of the length of time

the case took to come to court. Since it was the driver’s first offence and the sentence was lower than two years, he does not have to spend any time locked up for his sexual abuse. The pervert admitted forcing the teenager to perform a sexual act after she and a 13year-old friend (also British) had no money to pay him the

fare on a journey from Torrevieja to La Marina. The teenage boy ran away and got out of the taxi at the end of the journey, but the 14-yearold was locked in the car and then driven to a field where she was forced to perform sex acts on the man. She was then taken in the cab and dumped close to some La Marina bars.

Tony Mayes - About Life


Friday 1st July 2016

Come Together….. Quickly!

If ever there was a time when Britain needs a government of national unity this is it. The country has such deep problems and we need the top brains to get it sorted negotiate the best possible deal with Europe, and get us on track to trade with the rest of the world, to preserve jobs and create stability. The only person who spoke some common sense was Bank of England governor Mark Carney, who did a great job stabilising the markets last Friday. What have we currently got? We're saddled with politicians hell-bent on infighting, creating even more divisions, and fighting over new leaderships. At a time when they should be concentrating on where Britain is going in the world, they are more concerned about everything else. If ever there was a time when Britain needed a Churchillian leader it is now one who can inspire the

British people again, get us back on track, making every one of us, once more, feeling proud to be British and once again being an inspiration to the rest of the world. What have we currently got in British politics? Boris Johnson has been seen as a friendly joke, and his withdrawal from the Tory leadership vote yesterday after being “knifed” by Brexit mate Michael Gove is indicative that the Conservatives just don’t see him as someone who could have lead Britain to a glorious future. Theresa May against Gove seems to be the best bet for the final Tory showdown and at least both of them will cool down temperatures and both would be a lot more statesman-like compared to the ex- London mayor, whose career amibitions are in tatters. And what about that other clown, Jeremy Corbyn, responsible for demolishing Labour - a

party which has has lost the confidence of almost everyone, apart, that is from the extreme Left and Communists which have inflicted such deep wounds on the main opposition party. Goodness knows how they are going to recover from the damage which has been caused? 80 percent of his own MPs this week voted to get rid of him, and the arrogant fool just won’t budge as he destroys Her Majesty’s Opposition This is a time when Britain needs politicians to come together and get us out of the s**t. It really makes me wonder what on earth voters have done to deserve them. Millions of people in Britain are desperate for re-assurance. For example, people from other European countries, drawn to Britain to work, have set up businesses, have settled down and have children here, and have made a

real contribution to the UK economy. They need longterm reassurance that their future is secure remaining in Britain. Ex-pats living in Spain and the rest of Europe need reassurance that our pensions will not be hit and will continue to be increased by inflation in the same way as those still living in the UK and they also need to be reassured that the reciprocal health arrangements will continue. People do not need or deserve uncertainty. The entire referendum campaign and indeed, the vote itself has demonstrated just how many growing divisions we have in Britain today. Here are just a few :- - Haves and Have nots; Rich and Poor; those who can afford a home and those who cannot; those who can afford good education and health and those who have to put up with a poor second best; Young v Old; Left v Right; exploiting bosses v workers kept on lowest possible pay; Immigrants v Brits, etc, etc. etc. It's all these social divisions which led Britain and Wales to vote in favour of Brexit, people frustrated by all they see as wrong with the country and many wrongly blaming it on Europe and the EU rather than where much of the blame really belongs - with the Westminster elite which has looked after their own

interests at the expense of all the rest. It also explains why Scotland voted in favour of remain, because the Scots have nothing like the divisions many parts of England and Wales have and have a great national identity which Ms Sturgeon has taken total advantage of. As for the EU - to hell with their demands that Britain should get out as quickly as possible and not "play cat and mouse". Well, there's one answer to that - if you want a quick exit then come up with the best terms beneficial to both Britain and the EU and don't try to stuff us, or perhaps, better still, learn a lesson from the UK referendum, do a quick major reform, and then invite Britain to think again. Look at what happened in the financial world on Independence Day. Shares took a big hit as did the pound, but here are some facts. At the time of writing this column, the pound is trading against the euro at a far high-

er rate than two to three years ago when it was near parity. By the end of last Friday, UK shares had dropped by 3.15%, while the German stock market fell by 6.8% and France by 8%. Why should this be? Could it be because Europe needs Britain more than Britain needs Europe? That figures when we realise that Britain imports more from Europe than it exports and when it comes to the future negotiations, the UK negotiating team shouldn't lose sight of these fundamentals. Personally, I hope the EU learns a lesson over Brexit. Europe needs and deserves a fully democratic EU, the current bureaucratic model, the one Britain has rejected, is not fit for purpose. It needs a complete make-over and if it hasn't got the message by Britain's exit and sets about sensible reforms, then Britain will not be the only country which exits, the first perhaps being Greece - going bankrupt and leaving the EU with a massive financial black hole.


Soled Out

A Dutchman who flogged off fake brand name footwear and clothes at local markets has been arrested by the Guardia Civil in Guardamar. The 48year-old hawker would travel around Alicante Province pitching up at markets to sell his counterfeit goods with officers finding 500 pairs of trainers and 350 items of clothing in his van. Investigations are continuing with the Guardia saying that they are planning further arrests.

Quick Clean Last week's San Juan bonfire night celebrations meant a quick clear-up operation for some of the area's local authorities, with Torrevieja council alone having to clear 40 thousand kilos of rubbish from the local beaches. The city's El Cura and Los Náufragos beaches were the busiest with partygoers last Thursday night/Friday morning, with beaches councillor Javier Manzanares praising the behaviour of everybody involved in the festivities with only one arrest being made.

Friday 1st July 2016

Moonlight Experience

27 new guided tours over the next year taking visitors around the La Mata and Torrevieja Natural Park and Lakes have been launched which also features a new series of summer Tuesday night walks called “In The Light of the Moon”. The

tours will be conducted in both Spanish and English. The first one will take place next week starting at 8.30pm to advantage of the sunset and will run all through July and August, and like all the guided tours at the park, will be free of

charge. The full programme of walks is aimed at both local people and tourists with applications and details available via the website m or by popping in to Torrevieja’s Tourist Office on Paseo Vista Alegre.

Dump Denounced

An illegal dump site has appeared in the San Miguel de Salinas area according to the neighbourhood group, La Asociación de Vecinos San Miguel Arcángel. The group says the unauthorised tip created by builders at the adjoining development is in a

green zone and is several metres high close to Calle Los Hernández on the Mirador del Mediterráneo urbanisation They've called for the site to be restored to its old state by the construction company and not at public expenses.

Dragged Along

Russian Mafia Are Rumbled

The Guardia Civil have made a move against the Russian mafia in Spain with six Russians, a Ukrainian, and a Spanish lawyer being arrested in the Tarragona coastal region as well as one of them being detained in Alicante Province. Two of those arrested were said by the Guardia to

be “king-pins” of Russian activities in Spain and had links to drug cartels in Columbia. The Guardia operation started in 2014 and over 60 million euros worth of property and assets have been seized in their major money-laundering investigation.

Pink And Very Pretty Flamingo Flamingo numbers in the Santa Pola Natural Park are on the rise according to latest figures from the wildlife section of the Valencian environment department. The familiar roadside sight for people travelling through on the N-332 highway has seen close to a 50 percent rise in flamingos during last year, which means there are around two and a half thousand birds in the area.

Two teenagers who dragged a woman across an Alicante city street to steal her bag have been arrested by the National Police. The 16 and 17-year-old Moroccan boys had made their way to the area after escaping from a

juvenile detention centre in Almería and struck on the city’s Avenida de Orihuela. The victim was pulled along the pavement before letting go of her bag, though the teenagers were caught soon afterwards.

Torrevieja's Club Náutico hosted a special presentation encouraging fishermen to take the right steps if they accidentally get a sea turtle caught up in their nets. The Torrevieja council environment spokesperson, Fanny Serrano, stressed the importance of everybody working together to make

sure that any captured turtles are looked after and handed over to the appropriate authorities. Councillor Serrano also added that accidentally catching a turtle was not a crime but fishing trawlers with their nets and gear did pose a threat to the endangered species.

Talking Turtle


Friday 1st July 2016

Cops And Robbers

Another gang of robbers targeting holiday homes in Alicante Province has been arrested after the recent news reported by The Courier last week that six thieves had been detained by the Guardia Civil after striking at properties in the Torrevieja and Quesada

areas. This time four Romanians were taken into custody by the National Police after break-ins at empty properties earlier in the year across the Costa Blanca with jewellery, electronic equipment, and money being their main targets.

Mortage Moves

Keep It Safe

Local British residents as well UK holidaymakers have been warned to take special care of their passports over the busy summer season as pickpockets target busy tourist venues across the Costa Blanca and Mar Menor. The British Consul in Alicante has said that there’s been an 11 percent rise so far this year in the number of British nationals in the area needing an Emergency Travel Document (ETD) with the Consulate having issued 500 over the first half of 2016. Getting hold of an ETD costs 120 euros

and can take around two hours to issue, plus the time needed for travel to and from the Consulate. These single-use documents will get visitors back to the UK, but then comes the additional hassle of applying for a new passport with the extra cost involved, be it for tourists or UK residents in Spain. Consul Sarah-Jane Morris said, “Think about where you keep your passport – is it secure, or could it be grabbed? If you are carrying your passport, keep it in a zipped pocket or money belt under your clothes.”

A Spanish Welcome The number of new mortgages on homes granted in the Valencia region rose by 33 percent between April 2015 and April 2016 according to the National Statistics Institute, with just over two and a half thousand mortgages being

approved. The Murcia region saw a yearly rise of just over 31 percent with 703 deals going through in April, with the Cantabria region showing the biggest rise in the country at almost 75 percent.

33 Syrian refugees have arrived in Spain to start a new life after staying in a camp in Lebanon. Seven men, seven women and 19 children will be given temporary accommodation including 12 places in the Murcia Region and seven in Alicante Province. They bring the total of asylum

Negotiating Roundabouts

HOW TO NEGOTIATE ROUNDABOUTS If you are unsure about the correct way to negotiate roundabouts, here are some simple rules to help you enter and exit roundabouts safely and in the right lane. APPROACHING ROUNDABOUTS It’s important to remember to give way to traffic already on the roundabout. If the roundabout is outside urban areas of towns or cities, keep right. If the roundabout is in a built-up area inside a town or city and the lanes are clearly marked, you should use the lane that best corresponds to the exit you need to take. LEAVING ROUNDABOUTS This causes the most confusion amongst drivers. Which lane to choose? Why do I get beeped at if I’m in the right lane? Drivers must exit roundabouts from the right hand lane, because the only way to leave the roundabout is by turning right. This doesn’t mean we always have to enter the roundabout from the right hand lane. It depends on the exit we need to take. However this simple rule, in practice, can be more complex. Let us see some examples. 1st EXIT RIGHT Enter roundabout keeping to right hand side lane. Stay in lane until exit is reached. Indicate and exit roundabout. CONTINUING STRAIGHT ON (e.g. 2nd EXIT STRAIGHT AHEAD) Enter roundabout keeping to right hand side lane. Stay in lane until exit is reached. Indicate prior to exit and leave roundabout. TURNING LEFT OR CHANGING DIRECTION (e.g. 3rd OR FINAL EXIT) Enter roundabout keeping to left hand side lane. Stay in lane until you have passed the exit before your turn off, then change lane by indicating right and giving other road users sufficient time to anticipate your manoeuvre. Don’t forget that drivers circulating in the outside lanes have priority, so use your mirrors to ensure you are not blocking them as you change lanes. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Línea Directa please call 902 123 182 More information on Línea Directa online at

seekers resettled in Spain since the end of last year up to 271. The Syrians landed at Madrid's Adolfo SuárezBarajas airport on Tuesday morning and morning and were greeted by the secretary-general for immigration and emigration, Marina del Corral.

Rail Quiz Investigators have arrested 13 people over suspected fraud related to work on the high-speed rail AVE link between Madrid and Barcelona. The investigation stemmed from a complaint related to three building sites around La Sagrera, a Barcelona station, according to the anticorruption prosecutor's office. Overcharging worth 82 million euros may have taken place, the prosecutors said.

Festival Bull Ban

The Castile & León region has banned the Toro de la Vega festival, in which men compete to spear a bull to death, in what animal rights campaigners say is a massive victory to outlaw all forms of bullfighting in Spain. The regional authority refused to grant a licence one Tuesday to the medieval town of Tordesillas for this year’s bull-spearing event in addition to recently banning the killing of animals in their popular festivals, although bullfighting performed by professionals is still allowed.



Friday 1st July 2016

Summer Dates The Age Concern Costa Blanca South centre in La Siesta, Torrevieja, will close for the summer holiday on Wednesday July 27th and reopen on Thursday 1st

Bumper Donations

A Century Of Song

September. The Age Concern shops in Los Montesinos and Torrevieja will start their break on Friday July 29th and will reopen on Monday August 29th.

Fancy Footwork

Almost two thousand euros was raised for the Debra Butterfly Children’s thanks to a couple of concerts staged last Saturday by the Melody Makers International at the Orihuela Costa Resort concert hall. Featuring

songs spanning the last one hundred years, the matinee and evening performances meant that the Melody Makers under their conductor Nigel Hopkins have raised just under five thousand euros for Debra so far this year.

All On Board

The students of the Los Montesinos-based Footwork Dance Studios will be showing off their skills in their annual summer show “VIVA LA DANZA” at the town’s Music School auditorium on Sunday July 24th, starting at 7.30pm. All types of dance will be featured with tickets priced at seven euros, and are available from the Footwork Studios or from Kennedy’s Supermarket in Los Montesinos as well as

phoning Erica on 662 003 823. The students are on top form and they recently took their ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance) exams, where an examiner comes over from the UK. The exams accredited by the Council For Dance and Education are taken in Tap, Modern and Jazz and this year the Studios received a 100% pass rate , with over 90% of students gaining the top mark of distinction.

HELP Murcia Mar Menor has handed over six thousand euros recently to three local charities over an extensive period of fundraising last year. HELP donated two thousand euros to AFEMAR in Lo Pagan, which was set up eight years ago by families who saw the need to help people with mental illness. The money will be used by AFEMAR for their workshops and projects with Pat Massingham President of HELP M.M.M. accompanied by Janneke Chambers of HELP presenting Juana Maria Romero Baños the president of AFEMAR with the money accompanied by Vice President José Luis

Martinez Zamora. HELP also presented Rafael Ros Bobadilla of AFACMUR (pictured) with a cheque for two thousand euros, with the charity assisting families who have children who have been diagnosed with cancer by means of visits from psychologists who assess the home situation and then offer the help needed. Finally, two thousand euros was also handed over to Prometeo in Torre Pacheco who run a day centre for mentally and physically handicapped children and adults with differing levels of incapacity. There is also a leisure group that provides parents with respite.

The Royal Naval Association (RNA), Torrevieja branch are on the look out for new members and . everybody is welcome to join whether your experience is of battleships, steamships, merchant ships, sailing ships, cruise ships, model ships or even only hardships! There’s a lively

social scene like going out last week for a meal at the Roya Oak, Campoamor (pictured), and the group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 5.00pm at the Bar/Restaurant El Paraiso near Carrefour, Torrevieja. For more details, contact the chairman, Paul Edwards on 618 644 934.


Friday 1st July 2016

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Friday 1st July 2016

Pet Grief Is Great

A new survey has found that almost two thirds of British people (63%) would grieve the loss of a pet as deeply as that of a family member. The survey, carried out by global pet insurance technology integrator Aquarium Software, proves that the bond between pets and their owners is incredibly strong. “Brits have always been renowned as a nation of dog lovers, but it seems the stereotype is incorrect – we love animals full stop,” said Mark Colonnese from Aquarium. The pet loss survey revealed that women were most likely to be affected by the death of a pet, with 71% saying they would regard the death of a pet as equally upsetting to that of a family member’s. Just over half (55%) of men felt the same way.

Mark Colonnese added: “As someone who owns two dogs, the results of the survey have not come as too much of a surprise to me. But I know that some of my colleagues were pretty surprised by just how important we think our pets are.” Experts say that the most important step you can take if you have lost a pet is to be honest about your feelings. Don't deny your pain, or your feelings of anger and guilt. Only by examining and coming to terms with your feelings can you begin to work through them. Some find it helpful to express their feelings and memories in poems, stories, or letters to the pet. Other strategies including rearranging your schedule to fill in the times you would have spent with your pet and talking to others about your loss.

Stopping Your Jumping Dog

While a little puppy is quite cute when they jump up excitedly, once they are grown up and reach 20 kilos or more, it becomes annoying especially when an elderly visitor comes round for a cup of tea and are lunged at or even knocked over! Simply put, the dog’s behaviour was reinforced during the puppy’s early months and extinguishing the jumping takes patience and a team effort from everyone your dog comes in contact with. Why Does Your Dog Jump? A dog leaping up to get closer to your face is simply saying ‘hello’ and looking for attention. A few stray licks are often incorporated, so ensure you always keep your mouth closed! Chances are you push him off, thus giving him body contact,

which he loves in any form. Even if you say ‘no’ or ‘bah’, your dog hasn’t learnt to speak English so doesn’t understand you want him to stop. The reinforcers of eye contact, physical contact and your voice are powerful enough to make him repeat the problem behaviour. And no, a knee in the chest won’t work either and is kind of mean! Don’t increase The Excitement. One of the lovely things about coming home to your dog is that they will always be happy to see you, whether you’ve been gone for five minutes or five hours. If you encourage this excitement, it will amplify, rather than dissipate. When you come home, don’t talk in an excited, high pitched voice and don’t look at or touch your dog until he is calm and

all four paws are on the floor. Extinguishing The JumpIt sounds deceptively simple, but simply ignoring your dog when he is jumping by turning your back and looking away will eventually teach him that it no longer gets attention. Unfortunately it takes very little time to teach a behaviour, but much longer to stop one. Interestingly, if you are consistent and stop everyone from looking, touching or speaking to your dog while he is jumping it will stop much more quickly than if there is intermittent rewarding (ie. If you sometimes give your dog attention, or if one member of the household gives your dog attention for jumping). Reward The Good As soon as all four paws are on the ground, look at your dog and

tell him he is doing well. As soon as he starts to leap again, turn your back. You will find yourself turning in circles constantly during the early stages, but eventually your persistence will pay off. Also be aware that a problem behaviour often gets worse before it improves, which may make it seem like the approach is not working. Your dog has been doing the same thing for a long time, so will at first be a little confused as to why he is no longer getting the same response. The natural thing to do is to try harder, so he will leap for the skies for the first couple of weeks. Just remember, that as soon as all four paws are on the ground, reward him (with praise and eye contact), so he gets the idea.

Pets Corner: Can You take in a Homeless Dog or Cat?






Canela is a ten month old German Shepherd cross and she was rescued along with her mother from the Elche area. Canela has turned out to have a great nature and is wonderful with all other dogs, cats and children. She is negative for all Mediterranean diseases and has been fully vaccinated, and is now ready for her own home. For more on Canela, telephone 645 469 253.

18-month- old Harry is everything you want to see in a young cat. He is lively, cheeky and very affectionate and a gorgeous addition to your home. Harry has been in the APAH Cattery from being found as a tiny kitten and would be a wonderful companion for anyone who wants a cat with lots of personality. To arrange to meet Harry, please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.

Jimmy was found wandering in a small town and is a lovely natured friendly dog who is now fostered with other dogs and cats. Jimmy is approximately 11 months old. We believe that he is a setter/retriever cross, and has been vaccinated and bloodtested clear and castrated. If you can offer Jimmy a forever home please call PEPA 650 304 746 or email:

Marta is a beautiful black and tan six-year-old German shepherd cross who is being looked after by the K9 team. Marta is very much a gentle and affectionate dog which we have no doubt would be very loyal to her new owners. If you would like to meet her and perhaps even offer her a home, then please do call the K9 Club on 600 845 420. We look forward to hearing from you.

Pacha was found running on a busy main road and lucky to be just being missed by several cars. She is a three months old, medium sized crossbreed and is fully vaccinated and micro chipped. This cutie is a very lively puppy who loves to play with her kennel mate and toys. If you would like to come and meet Pacha then please contact the SAT kennels on 966 710 047 or email

TESS Tess is a super-cute cross breed puppy, who we believe will be medium- sized when fully grown. She and her siblings as well as her mum were rescued from a Perrera, and Tess is now about 10 weeks old and ready to go to a home of her own, after being looked after in a foster home with her siblings. For more information please call PEPA on 650 304 746 or Email:

Friday 1st July 2016



Friday 1st July 2016

Friday 1st July 2016


Friday 1st July 2016


Don’t Dump On Dimbleby can tell me the name of another broadcaster on this planet that gets stuck into events like this (pardon the pun), then do let me know. Also on the Beeb praise list is their comprehensive coverage of Wimbledon which has no TV tennis parallel anywhere. Sorry if I have this wrong but I found it perverse that ITV devoted an hour last Friday night to an interview with the murderer, Oscar Pistorius. This was the convicted ex-runner using television and the court of public

People keep trying to “pension-off” 77-year-old David Dimbleby but he was the total master behind the BBC’s recent Referendum coverage and kept everything calm last Sunday evening in a hastilyarranged and extremely heated (yet totally gripping) edition of Question Time on BBC 1. You cannot beat knowledge and experience, as well as his skill in producing a humourous quip to lighten up a toxic atmosphere. That takes a bit of doing and Dimbleby is perfect at it. Who cares about his age? That should not be an issue but

should all be at how good he is at his job, and though the excellent Huw Edwards has been confirmed as the BBC General Election host for 2020, the fact that we might now get a snap “autumn” election ought to get Beeb bosses thinking that Dimbleby has well and truly earnt a final and deserved hurrah. Incidentally as a news junkie, I flicked between BBC 1, ITV, and Sky News last Thursday night, and I was very impressed with Tom Bradby and ITN’s slick production for ITV. As always the BBC gets the ratings, but as

we waited for the first meaningful results, the ITN show had far more outside broadcasts and a livelier early feel, as opposed to a whole bunch of talking heads crammed into the BBC studios at Elstree. The BBC do live events brilliantly and music is a speciality for the Beeb. We’ve got the Prom concerts coming soon and last weekend I routed my TV sound through my music system and blasted out some of the best bits at Glastonbury like Adele’s headlining Saturday night set. It was wonderful and if you

opinion to plead for a reduced jail term, and ITV were the silly dupes that went along with it. I did’nt know whether to burst out laughing or to vomit when he said:- “Reeva wouldn’t have wanted me to go to jail”. She’s not alive to tell us Oscar! I have to apologise for getting it wrong last week over saying that I had just watched the best ever episode of Game of Thrones, simply because the season finale a few days ago was even better. No battle scenes to enjoy but lots of revelations,

deaths, and revenge. Totally outstanding and all we have to do is wait till next spring for more! Many series are waving goodbye for ever and so was the case last week for the brutallly violent Banshee on Sky Atlantic. Everything was neatly wrapped up in what was at times a touching and pleasing finale which surprisingly almost had a “happy ever after” feel about it, and the door left ajar for more episodes in the future. I cheered as the baddies all copped it!

Friday 1st July 2016



Matron, Medicine And Me: 70 Years Of The NHS

70 years ago, when the 1946 National Health Service Bill was presented to Parliament, it promised to revolutionise the healthcare system across the country. To mark the anniversary, Lucy Alexander, Myleene Klass, Oritsé Williams, Miriam Margolyes and Eric Knowles go on a journey to meet the doctors, nurses, porters, cleaning staff and carers who have kept the service going against all the odds. They look at the NHS then and now, seeing how things have changed and evolved through the decades. Since its introduction the NHS has developed into a national institution which has touched most of our lives in one way or another. However, it has faced its share of trials along the way. From the children’s ward to the care of the elderly,

Matron, Medicine And Me:70 Years Of The NHS hears the stories of five famous faces all with a very personal involvement with the NHS. Monday: Lucy Alexander Lucy’s own daughter was looked after by the NHS when she was left paralysed after developing Transverse Myelitis - a rare neurological disease - and was hospitalised for months before needing intense rehabilitation and ongoing treatment. Tuesday: Myleene Klass Myleene has a passionate interest in nursing, as her mum - Magdalena - joined the NHS as a nurse from the Philippines over 40 years ago. Myleene joins her mum as she visits the hospital in Great Yarmouth where she trained and worked and recalls what it was like to be a nurse there. Wednesday: Oritsé Williams

When he was 12 years old Oritsé’s mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The diagnosis had a huge impact on Oritsé, who became his mother's main carer as her health deteriorated and they came to rely more and more on the NHS for her healthcare. Inspired by his own personal journey, Oritsé wants to learn more about the history of the NHS and how it has been caring for the elderly population over the years. Thursday: Miriam Margolyes (pictured with Dr Jim O Neil at Lightburn Medical Centre, Glasgow) Miriam’s father Joseph, was a GP who was devoted to the NHS all his life. She returns to Glasgow where her father trained as a doctor, and to find out how he helped to fulfil the NHS mission. Friday: Eric Knowles As a youngster Eric was hospitalised for six weeks with an undiagnosed illness. Eric learns how science has improved both diagnosis and the quality of life of cancer sufferers today. He also goes on a journey to discover the hidden heroes of the NHS the porters - and their vital role in keeping the hospitals going.


Friday 1st July 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 The Centenary of the Battle of the Somme: Zero Hour 08:45 Breakfast 10:15 The Centenary of the Battle of the Somme 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Wimbledon 2016 19:00 News Celebrity 20:00 MasterChef With one of their number having already departed, the four remaining celebrities split into two pairs for a relay invention test, in which they create a fish main course and a chocolate pudding 20:30 Euro 2016: Wales v Belgium Gary Lineker presents coverage of the second quarter-final, which takes place at Stade PierreMauroy in Lille. Wales defeated Northern Ireland 1-0 in the last 16 to secure their place in the last eight of a major tournament for just the second time in their history, and the first since the 1958 FIFA World Cup. Their opponents tonight finished as runners-up in Group E behind Italy before hitting top gear in their opening knockout match by thrashing Hungary 4-0. (Kick Off 21:00) 23:00 News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 00:25 Would I Lie to You? 00:55 Film - Fallen (15) 02:55 News

07:15 Flog it! Trade Secrets 08:15 Homes Under the Hammer 09:15 Attenborough’s Passion Projects 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Daily Politics

07:00 G:30ood Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Local, National and International News and Weather 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Local, National and International News and Weather

12:30 Wimbledon 2016 Sue Barker presents live coverage of day five of Wimbledon 2016 In 2015, eventual champion Serena Williams continued her 20:00 Emmerdale Jimmy progress to the final on day prepares Nicola for the five but it was anything but worst. serene 20:30 Coronation Street Tracy steals the show. 21:30 Today at Wimbledon Clare Balding takes a look 21:00 Emmerdale Ashley back at all the action from slips up day five of Wimbledon 2016 21:30 Coronation Street 22:30 Gardeners’ World Izzy accepts her punishWhilst celebrating the glory ment. of summer flowers at Longmeadow, Monty has 22:00 Joanna Lumley plenty of tips, from pruning Elvis and Me Actress and propagation techniques Joanna Lumley goes on a for different types of clema- personal journey to discover more about Elvis, traveltis to troubleshooting prob- ling to his birthplace in lems with roses. Carol Klein Tupelo and Sun Studio to wades through streams and gain an insight into the man marshes to show us how behind the myth. She also gardeners can emulate meets Priscilla Presley at nature when choosing the Graceland, where she is right water plants for our given an exclusive tour and finds out what being margardens ried to the King of Rock and 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Roll was really like. Newsnight 00:05 The 23:00 ITV Local, National Centenary of the Battle of and International News and the Somme 01:35 Euro Weather 23:45 Euro 2016 2016 Match Replay 03:15 Highlights 00:45 Pop Gold Question Time 04:15 Rick 01:40 Jackpot247 04:00 Stein’s Long Weekends Murder, She Wrote 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 05:15 This is BBC Two

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will and Grace 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun 13:00 News 13:05 A Place in the Sun 14:10 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00News 21:00 Gogglesprogs Tonight, the Gogglesprogs give their honest and hilarious views on Simply Nigella, The Lion King and Made in Chelsea 22:00 Gogglebox: The Best Bits A special programme providing a chance to revisit some of the best and funniest moments from the most recent series of Gogglebox, featuring Britain’s Got Talent’s 100 Voices of Gospel, BBC drama Happy Valley, Channel 4’s First Dates, BBC2’s Caravanner of the Year, Channel 4 comedydrama Flowers and Sky 1’s Dogs Might Fly 23:00 The Last Leg 00:05 Rude Tube 01:10 Film The East (15) 03:10 Power Monkeys 03:35 Random Acts 04:05 Doctor in Your House 05:00 Posh Pawnbrokers 05:50 Fifteen to One

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 To B&B the Best 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:20 Film - Baby Sellers 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Alex Polizzi’s Italian Islands Alex tours the north of Sicily, revealing a different side to this mystical and ancient island. She visits a palace in Palermo, samples the street food and meets a group of locals determined to change the mafia’s influence over island life 21:00 Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild Autumn is when stags compete to breed, osprey chicks begin a 3000-mile migration to West Africa, salmon return to the rivers where they were born and adders give birth to live young 22:00 Big Brother: Live Eviction Emma Willis presents the latest drama as one of this year’s Housemates is shown the door 23:30 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:30 Big Brother 01:00 Super Casino 04:05 Big Brother 05:20 Criminals: Caught on Camera 05:45 HouseBusters


BBC One 08:00


In Emmerdale Jimmy prepares Nicola for the worst. Meanwhile, tipsy Jacob and Gabby play ‘Never Have I Ever’ and pretend to each other they’ve had sex before. Jacob says he likes her and they kiss, but it’s not long before Laurel finds them. Laurel is also furious to learn Ashley has lost

If ever a TV programme warranted setting an early-morning alarm, surely it’s this one. It’s a century since the first day of the Battle of the Somme. Specifically, it was at 8.30am on 1 July 1916 when the first whistles were blown, sending men over the top and into no man’s land – a moment commemorated at the same time today as whistles are sounded around Parliament Square. Before that, Kirsty Young updates us on the all-night vigil that has been held at Westminster Abbey. It ends with a 100-second cannon salute by the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery, followed by a two-minute silence.

Angelica, but they’re both relieved when she turns out to have been hiding in the kitchen.

more to blame. They also worry about whether Gabby could be pregnant. Gabby and Jacob hear this and are mortified.

Also, Emma tells Lawrence that he can’t take erectile dysfunction pills on his medication. She offers counselling instead, but Lawrence searches for the pills online. In the second episode, Nicola is determined to come home. Meanwhile, Laurel tells Ashley about Gabby and Jacob. They meet with David, Leyla and Bernice, but end up arguing over whether Gabby or Jacob is

In Coronation Street, clearly in pain, Tracy confides in Beth that she has got an appointment with the specialist but Ken is none the wiser. Beth insists she’ll accompany her. As Amy sets off for her violin recital, Tracy approaches and is upset

07:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:10 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 The Cube 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:10 Emmerdale 13:45 The Cube 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Love Island 20:30 You’ve Been Framed 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy 00:50 American Dad 01:50 The Cleveland Show 02:40 Safeword 03:20 Teleshopping ITV3 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart is 09:30 The Royal 10:35 Judge Judy 11:50 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 Wycliffe 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart is 17:15 In Loving Memory 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 Man About the House 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Collision 00:00 Wycliffe 01:10 Film - Wimbledon (12) 02:55 Long Lost Family 03:45 Rory Bremner’s Great British Views 05:30 Man About the House ITV4 07:00 Gunsmoke 07:50 Minder 08:45 Ironside 09:45 Quincy, ME 10:45 Ax Men 11:45 The Chase 12:45 Gunsmoke 13:50 Pawn Stars 14:50 The Saint 15:55 Minder 16:55 Quincy, ME 18:00 Ironside 19:00 The Saint 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Counting Cars 22:00 Film - Kull the Conqueror (15) 23:55 Film - American Gangster (18) 03:00 The Saint 03:55 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping

08:00 Peter Hurst, 11:00 Trev Massey, 14:00 Alex Trelinski, 16:00 Gordon Lack 19:00 Andy James to realise she knew nothing about it. Amy makes it clear that she’s not welcome. Cancelling her appointment with the specialist, Tracy sets off for the recital anyway. When Tracy arrives at the back of the hall, Amy loses concentration and rushes from the stage humiliated. In the foyer, Ken berates Tracy for failing to respect Amy’s wishes. When Tracy makes bitchy comments about Amy’s lack of talent, she is mortified to realise Amy has overheard. Telling Eccles she is her only friend in the world, Tracy takes her for

a walk but soon collapses in agony in the ginnel... Meanwhile, in preparation for her sentencing, Izzy shows Anna and Gary the childcare rota she’s drawn up for them should she be sent to prison. Izzy drops Jake off with Anna and breaks down in tears, aware she may not see him again for a long time. Gary does his best to comfort her. In the second episode, Dev hands Eccles over to Beth, explaining that he found her wandering the street. A concerned Beth enlists Robert’s help and they are shocked to find Tracy unconscious in the ginnel. After a phone call from

Robert, Ken arrives at the hospital, blaming himself for failing to realise Tracy was ill. The doctor confirms that Tracy has a kidney infection. As Tracy regains consciousness, she admits to Beth how scared she is. When Beth explains that Robert picked her up and saved her life, Tracy’s hopes are lifted. However, Amy refuses to go and see Tracy.

Saturday 2nd July

6 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Mary Berry’s Absolute Favourites 13:10 Wimbledon 2016 19:20 News 19:40 The Getaway Car Another set of couples head to South Africa to put their collaborative driving skills to the test, each team of two putting their nerves, driving and communication skills to the test in a series of high-octane car-based challenges. 20:30 Euro 2016: Germany v Italy Gary Lineker presents coverage of the third quarter-final at the Nouveau Stade de Bordeaux, where the first place in the second semifinal will be confirmed. World champions Germany produced a typically dominant display to overcome Slovakia 3-0 in the previous round, but now face what should be a much more difficult task against the Azzurri, who put in a terrific performance in their last-16 tie against Spain, beating the two-time defending champions 2-0. Subsequent programmes subject to change.. (Kickoff: 21:00)

Women’s The 07:10 Football Show 07:40 Film Angel on My Shoulder (PG) 09:25 Film - In Which We Serve (U) 11:15 Talking Tennis 12:00 Wimbledon 2016 13:10 Bargain Hunt 14:00 Escape to the Country 14:30 The Great British Sewing Bee 15:30 Wimbledon 2016 Further live coverage from Wimbledon on day six of the 2016 Championships, introduced by Sue Barker at Today 21:30 Wimbledon Clare Balding takes a look back at all the action from day six of Wimbledon 2016. Day six saw the conclusion of the third round as players looked to book their places in the second week of the championships 22:30 QI XL Quiz show in which the aim is to be interesting. Stephen Fry looks into ladies and gents with Ross Noble, Kathy Lette, Sue Perkins and Alan Davies

23:15 Versailles 00:15 Best 23:35 Live At The Apollo of Glastonbury 2016 02:15 00:20 Film - Old School Euro 2016 Match Replay 03:55 This is BBC Two (15) 01:55 News

07:15 Salvage SOS 08:05 Motorsport 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 The Morning Line 11:00 Car SOS 12:00 The Superhumans Show 12:30 The Big Bang Theory 13:25 Come Dine with Me 14:30 Racing: Sandown Park and Haydock Park 17:15 A Place in the Sun 18:15 News 18:30 Formula 1: Austrian Grand Prix 20:15 Euro 2016: Qualifying Highlights Germany v Italy Mark Gogglesprogs Pougatch presents cover- 20:00 age of this evening’s fixture Tonight the Gogglesprogs at the Nouveau Stade de give their honest and hilarious views on Simply Bordeaux, where the first Nigella, The Lion King and place in the second semi- Made in Chelsea final will be confirmed. One half of this contest will be 21:00 Film - Avatar (12) made up by the winners of When disabled ex-Marine the last-16 tie between Jake Sully replaces his Germany and Slovakia, recently killed brother on a mission to the distant world and they will face the win- of Pandora, he discovers ners of the stand-out clash that the mining company of the previous round, Resources Development between Italy and Spain. Administration plans to While world champions drive off the planet’s native Germany will have started inhabitants for the precious mineral unobtainium. With as clear favourites to orders to infiltrate the Na’vi, progress to this match Jake finds himself falling in (Kick-off 21:00) love with beautiful alien Neytiri, but complications 23:15 News 23:35 Pop soon ensue Gold 00:35 Film - Carry on Again, Doctor (PG) 02:10 00:10 Film - Wanted (18) Ramsay’s Kitchen Jackpot247 04:00 Murder, 02:15 Nightmares USA 03:05 She Wrote 04:50 ITV Hollyoaks Omnibus 05:10 Nightscreen Posh Pawnbrokers

07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 12:20 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:20 News 13:25 The Wine Show 14:30 Big Box Little Box 15:00 Doc Martin 16:00 FIA Formula e Championship Live 18:30 You’ve Been Framed 19:00 News 19:30 Catchphrase

07:00 Milkshake 09:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:30 The Saturday Show Live 12:30 Police Interceptors 14:25 Film - Wyatt Earp (12) 18:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away 19:55 News 20:00 Cricket: England v Sri Lanka Mark Nicholas introduces highlights of the fifth one day international between England and Sri Lanka from the SSE Swalec Stadium in Cardiff 21:00 NCIS Iraq veteran Marine Damon Werth asks Gibb’s help after witnessing his mate being killed on a truck-ride for their dodgy employer, Aaron Szwed 21:55 NCIS DiNozzo is partnered with his girlfriend, ATF special agent Zoe Keates, after evidence reveals that the murder weapon in an NCIS case was originally purchased for a controversial ATF sting operation. Anthony DiNozzo Sr returns to town for a special dinner to meet his son’s girlfriend 22:55 News 23:00 Big Brother 00:05 Danniella Westbrook: In Therapy 01:00 Super Casino 04:10 Big Brother 05:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away 05:50 Divine Designs

14:20 Film - Rumour Has It(12) 16:15 Film Beethoven’s 2nd (U) 18:05 Film - Charlotte’s Web (U) 20:00 Film - Evan Almighty (PG) 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy 01:20 American Dad ITV3 11:55 Foyle’s War 13:55 Columbo 15:55 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Lewis 23:00 A Touch of Frost 01:10 The Jury ITV4 12:00 Tour de France Live 17:30 Pawn Stars 20:00 Tour de France Highlights 21:00 Film - Jackie Chan’s First Strike (12) 22:05 Film - Jackie Chan’s First Strike (12) 22:45 Film Terminator 2: Judgment Day (18) 01:30 Motorway Patrol 02:00 Tour de France Highlights

09:00 The Weekend Mix, , 15:00 Keith Nicol

Sunday 3rd July 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 The Muslim Pound 14:45 Homes Under the Hammer 15:45 Escape to the Continent 16:45 Animal Super Parents 17:40 Songs of Praise 18:15 Pointless 19:05 News 19:30 Countryfile 20:30 Euro 2016: France v Iceland Gary Lineker presents coverage of the concluding quarter-final, which takes place at the Stade de France in Paris. Host nation France topped Group A without ever seeming to find top gear and found themselves 1-0 down to Republic of Ireland in their last-16 fixture, but fought back to prevail 2-1 thanks to a quickfire brace from Antoine Griezmann. They now face an intriguing clash against either Roy Hodgson’s England or surprise package Iceland (Kick-off 21:00) 23:00 News 23:30 Room 101 00:10 Film - No Strings Attached (15) 01:50 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:55 News

07:15 Great British Garden Revival 08:15 Great British Garden Revival 09:15 Countryfile 10:15 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:45 Tom Kerridge’s Best Ever Dishes 12:15 A Cook Abroad 13:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure 14:15 Film - The Caine Mutiny (U) 16:15 Triathlon: World Series - Stockholm Highlights 18:15 Flog It 19:00 Gardeners’ World 19:30 Film - Bedtime Stories (PG) Children’s adventure about a janitor whose bedtime stories come to life 21:00 Top Gear Matt LeBlanc gets his hands on the new Porsche 911 R whilst Chris Harris puts Honda’s reimagined NSX through its paces and Chris Evans discovers old-fashioned charm in the somehow new MGB Roadster Den Dragons’ 22:00 Relive the most extraordinary moments from the past 13 series of Dragons’ Den, presented by self-conDen Dragons’ fessed obsessive Richard Osman 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Film - Serenade (U) 00:50 Euro 2016 Match Replay 02:30 Countryfile 03:25 Holby City 04:25 This is BBC Two

07:00 Salvage SOS 07:50 King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons 14:30 Film Clueless (12) 16:25 Location, Location, Location 17:30 A Place in the Sun 18:30 News

07:00 Milkshake 10:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30 Now That’s Funny 14:25 Film - Igor (PG) 16:00 Film - Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (PG) 17:45 Film - Marley and Me (PG)

19:00 Formula 1: Austrian Grand Prix Highlights Steve Jones presents high20:15 Euro 2016: France v lights of the Austrian Grand Iceland After embarrassing Prix from Spielberg England in Nice, Iceland's great European 21:00 China’s Forgotten Championship adventure Emperor She’s probably continues against the hosts the most controversial France. Didier Deschamps' woman in Chinese history: French side will be wary, Wu Zetian, who rose from particularly as they are yet lowly concubine to become to hit full stride, but with the the only woman in Chinese likes of Antoine Griezmann, history to dare to take the Dimitri Payet and Paul Pogba in their ranks, title ‘Emperor’ they're certainly not short of match winners. 'Les Bleus' 22:00 Film - Pitch Perfect will have the backing of the (12) Beca, a freshman at majority of the Stade de Barden University, is France - but Iceland's rau- cajoled into joining The cous supporters are sure to Bellas, her school’s all-girls make themselves heard. singing group. Injecting Mark Pougatch is joined by some much needed energy Manu Petit and Lee Dixon into their repertoire, The in the studio. (Kick-off Bellas take on their male 21:00) rivals in a campus competition 23:15 News 23:35 River Monsters 00:40 Peston on Sunday 01:30 Jackpot247 00:10 Film - Piranha 3DD 04:00 Motorsport UK 04:50 (18) 01:40 Cyberbully British Superbike 02:55 Film - Play (15) Championship Highlights 04:50 French Collection 05:40 Fifteen to One 05:40 ITV Nightscreen

20:00 The Secret Life of Kittens A cat’s-eye view of its first year of life. The kittens venture out in to the big wide world to meet the neighbourhood moggies

07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Countrywise 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 FIA Formula e Championship Highlights 13:00 News 13:15 Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 14:20 Off Their Rockers 14:55 Love Your Garden 16:00 FIA Formula e Championship Live 18:45 News 19:15 You’ve Been Framed

21:00 Now That’s Funny Family-friendly comedy clip show featuring usergenerated video content from around the world. Viewers can explore a Winter Wonderland and enjoy a good hearty slip on the bums 21:55 News 22:00 Big Brother Emma Willis presents the latest drama from inside the house as this year’s Housemates get to grips with each other, and Big Brother’s unseen influence 23:00 TV’s 50 Greatest Magic Tricks 01:50 Lip Sync Battle 02:15 Super Casino 04:10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 05:00 Now 05:50 Funny That’s Wildlife SOS

13:15 Love Island 13:50 Film - Baby Mama(12) 15:45 Film - Small Soldiers (PG) 18:00 Film - ScoobyDoo (PG) 19:45 Film Sweet Home Alabama (12) 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Family Guy 00:00 American Dad ITV3 12:50 A Touch of Frost 14:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 16:45 Film - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (U) 18:55 Wycliffe 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 The Bletchley Circle 23:00 Lewis 01:00 Wire in the Blood ITV4 14:00 Tour de France Highlights 15:00 Tour de France Live 17:30 Pawn Stars 19:00 The Wine Show 20:00 Tour de France Highlights 21:00 River Monsters 22:10 Film - The Fugitive (15) 00:50 Film - Dawn of the Dead (18)

09:00 The Weekend Mix,


Monday 4th June

8 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Wanted 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Wimbledon Tennis 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Fake Britain Matt Allwright investigates fake Frozen merchandise that left a girl scarred for life and finds out about counterfeit hi-tech coats that could be dangerous 21:00 EastEnders - It is an emotional day in Albert Square as the Mitchells say a final goodbye to their beloved Peggy 21:30 Panorama - Current affairs programme, featuring interviews and investigative reports on a variety of subjects

07:15 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Escape to the Country 09:00 Close Calls: On Camera 09:30 The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 Daily Politics

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News

12:30 Wimbledon 2016 Sue Barker introduces live coverage from day seven of the 2016 Wimbledon Championships

20:00 Emmerdale Laurel confides in Marlon

21:30 Today at Wimbledon Clare Balding takes a look back at all the action from day seven of Wimbledon 2016. It is traditionally one of the most exciting days at the All England Club as all the singles players left in the tournament are on court

22:00 Forces of Nature with Brian Cox Brian uncovers how the stunning diversity of shapes in the natural world are shadows of the rules that govern the universe. In Spain he shows how an attempt by hundreds of people to build the highest human tower reveals the force that shapes our planet

22:30 The Great British Sewing Bee The competition reaches its climax as the three finalists enter the sewing room for the last time, with Esme Young and Patrick Grant setting them three challenges based on evening wear. They must demonstrate their precision by creating a man’s pintucked dress shirt, transform a tuxedo into a little black dress and finally produce a floor-length evening gown

23:00 News 23:45 Just Call Me Martina 00:45 The Graham Norton Show 01:30 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:35 News

23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Top Gear 01:15 Panorama 02:15 Celebrity MasterChef 03:15 This Is BBC Two

20:30 Coronation Street Tracy is hit by a double whammy 21:00 Wild France with Ray Mears Ray explores the geography, flora and fauna of six areas of France, beginning by visiting Vanoise National Park in the Rhone-Alpes region of the south-east of the country. His journey sees him forage in alpine meadows, herd goats, track ibex and spot playful marmots, before he treks to the top of a mountain in search of the bearded vulture - one of the rarest birds in Europe 21:30 Coronation Street David and Kylie brace themselves 22:00 Brief Encounters Light-hearted drama series set in the early 1980s about four women striving to find happiness and fulfilment 23:00 News 23:40 The Big Fish Off 00:40 In Plain Sight 01:25 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:55 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 13:00 News 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:10 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Three in a Bed 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Dispatches Morland Sanders investigates if we can trust manufacturers and testers with car safety 21:30 Superfoods: The Real Story Kate travels to Japan to drink matcha, a tea said to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease 22:00 999: What’s Your Emergency? Will Marsh has only been taking emergency calls independently for three weeks when he gets his first CPR call, a 20-year-old girl has returned home after a night out, collapsed in front of her parents and stopped breathing 23:00 Britain’s Benefit Tenants 00:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 01:05 Bodyshockers: Nips, Tucks and Tattoos 02:00 What Britain Buys 02:55 Inside Birmingham Children’s Hospital 03:50 French Collection 04:45 Posh Pawnbrokers

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 To B&B the Best 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Missing at 17 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 FIA World Rally C h a m p i o n s h i p Highlights Highlights of the seventh stage of the 2016 World Rally Championship from Poland 21:00 The Blair Rich Project Tony Blair’s personal brand has had its ups and downs, but the former PM is reputed to have fostered a £100 million fortune since leaving office - a figure that Blair himself strongly denies. Delving into what drives the politician, this programme investigate how successful his various business activities have really been 22:00 Big Brother Emma Willis presents the latest drama from inside the house 23:00 Wentworth Prison 00:05 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away 01:55 Super Casino 04:10 Person of Interest 05:00 Tattoo Disasters UK 05:25 Criminals: Caught on Camera 05:45 HouseBusters



ITV 22:00


In Emmerdale, Laurel wakes up with a hangover. When Laurel sees Marlon later on, she snaps and he realises she’s had a drink. Laurel shouts at him but then confides what happened. Things take another turn for the worse when a drunken Laurel tries to seduce Marlon and urges him to drink with her, but

Going against the wishes of her family, married mother-of-one Steph makes a life-changing decision to become an Ann Summers demonstrator and run parties selling exotic lingerie. She enlists the help of her new friend Nita and persuades wellto-do acquaintance Pauline to host an evening, but fears it might not really the right crowd to sell to. Drama set in Sheffield in 1982, starring Sophie Rundle, Penelope Wilton, Angela Griffin and Sharon Rooney.

he refuses. Once Marlon has gone, Laurel pours herself a glass of wine and knows she has a major decision to make regarding her future.

attend a meeting with Sarah and her psychiatrist. When Sarah admits that the idea of returning home scares her, Kylie is consumed with guilt.

Meanwhile, Rhona tells Pierce what happened with Vanessa when she was addicted to the painkillers. Later, he tells her they should split up before someone gets hurt.

Sarah opens up to the psychiatrist about her ordeal with Callum and how she thought he was going to kill her until Kylie arrived. Gail listens in aghast, while David and Kylie brace themselves...

In Coronation Street, Gail, David and Kylie

Meanwhile, Eileen tells Phelan that Jason is happy for him to buy a second hand van for the business. Under pressure from Phelan, Eileen hands Andy and Steph a notice of rent increase on their

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:10 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:10 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Love Island 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Family Guy 00:00 American Dad! 01:00 The Cleveland Show 02:00 Two and a Half Men 02:30 The Vampire Diaries ITV 3 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 Wycliffe 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:10 In Loving Memory 17:45 On the Buses 18:15 Man About the House 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 20:55 Wycliffe 22:00 Someone’s Daughter, Someone’s Son 23:00 Mrs Biggs 00:30 A Touch of Frost 02:30 Judge Judy ITV4 07:00 World Cup Top Goalscorers 07:10 Gunsmoke 08:05 Minder 08:55 Ironside 10:00 Quincy, ME 11:00 Ax Men 12:00 Minder 13:00 Pawn Stars 14:00 Tour de France Highlights 15:00 Tour de France Live 17:30 Storage Wars 18:00 Ironside 19:00 The Saint 20:00 Tour de France Highlights 21:00 Storage Wars 22:00 Film Passenger 57 (15) 23:50 Film - Eraser (15) 02:00 Tour de France Highlights 03:00 Motorsport UK

08:00 Peter Hurst, 11:00 Trev Massey, 14:00 Alex Trelinski, 16:00 Gordon Lack 19:00 Andy James flat. As Andy and Steph read it with horror, Michael arrives and realises this is Phelan’s handiwork. In the second episode, Sarah covers for Kylie, telling Gail and her psychiatrist how Kylie pushed Callum off, thus saving her life and David threw him out.

to learn from Alex that Sarah is in a psychiatric unit. Bethany follows Lauren out of the café, only to find Lauren’s mates waiting for them. Bethany realises she has been duped as Lauren and her cronies surround her chanting “psycho, psycho”. Bethany is frightened and upset.

increase, but only succeeds in making matters worse for Steph and Andy. As Steph and Andy fruitlessly scour the paper for an affordable flat, Michael suggests he could move back in with them and split the rent.

Bethany visits Sarah in hospital and hugs her close, wishing she could confide in her about the bullying, but she is scared to do so because of her mum’s fragile state. At the same time, Lauren continues to reel in Bethany and is delighted

Meanwhile, Michael argues with Phelan and Eileen about the rent

In Eastenders, the day of Peggy’s funeral has arrived.

Tuesday 5th July 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Wanted 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Wimbledon 2016 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Kathy finds herself in a dangerous situation 21:00 Holby City Jac reaches breaking point when Ollie diverts from her plans 22:00 The Living and the Dead Charlie Thatcher, a young boy working on the Appleby’s farm, suffers from nightmarish hallucinations that lead him into increasingly dangerous situations, and Nathan must find a way to help him, before his imaginary friends do some serious harm. However, Nathan’s belief in scientific and rational explanations is rocked by a growing sense of unease, as he starts to experience some mysterious visions of his own. Are all these strange events linked merely by coincidence, or is there something deeply wrong at Shepzoy? 23:00 News 23:45 United States of Hate: Muslims under Attack 00:45 Forces of Nature with Brian Cox 01:45 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:50 News


07:15 Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 08:00 Homes Under the Hammer 09:00 Gardeners’ World 09:30 The Extraordinary Collector 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 12:30 Daily Politics

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News

13:30 Wimbledon 2016 Sue Barker introduces live action from day eight of the 2016 Wimbledon Championships. The women take centre stage this afternoon on ladies quarter-finals day at the All England Club

20:00 Emmerdale Belle turns desperate by faking a pregnancy

21:00 Today at Wimbledon Clare Balding presents highlights of day eight from Wimbledon with action from the women’s quarter-finals 22:00 Hampton Court Palace Flower Show Monty Don and Joe Swift preview the Royal Horticultural Society’s Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 22:30 Mr v Mrs: Call the Mediator Featuring Parvez and Robina, whose marriage was arranged, Jess and Matt have decided on mediation to try to resolve a dispute over where their three children should sleep during the week, and Catia, who wants to move to Portugal, without Ben 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 The World’s Biggest Flower Market 01:15 The Super League Show 02:00 Celebrity MasterChef 03:30 City in the Sky 04:30 This Is BBC Two

21:00 Love Your Garden Alan Titchmarsh and the team visit Nottingham to create a garden with some bold colours and a huge summer house for an exceptional 8-year-old and her family 22:00 Life Inside Jail: Hell on Earth Documentary filmed over six months in Albany jail, one of New York’s toughest prisons, following inmates from arrest, through incarceration and to trial at the county court. Cases include Jarquell Williams, who is on trial for murder after being accused of shooting a local man, young mum Shea Hobbs, who pays the price for covering up a string of burglaries committed by her boyfriend, and Samantha Ujheyli, who faces a decision when offered a deal to give evidence against her partner 23:00 News 23:40 Davina McCall: Life at the Extreme 00:45 In Plain Sight 01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 13:00 News 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:10 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Three in a Bed 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 George Clarke’s Old House, New Home In this art deco special, George takes on a challenging period property in Newquay, owned by Gareth and Frances Jenkins. The building was once an architectural gem, the challenge is to strip away the ugly accretions to reveal the house in all its glory 22:00 Life Stripped Bare Three households take part in a life changing experiment. For 21 days, all their possessions will be stripped away, even their clothes, and every single item in their home put into storage 23:20 Gogglebox 00:25 First Dates 01:25 Flashy Funerals 02:20 KOTV Boxing Weekly 02:45 Gillette World Sport 03:10 The Superhumans Show 03:40 Scottish Championship Rally 04:05 French Collection 04:55 Posh Pawnbrokers


07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 To B&B the Best 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Garage Sale Mystery: The Wedding Dress 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Police Interceptors Featuring the highly trained police dog teams in the Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit, the dogs are observed in training and in action, hunting down people and sniffing out trouble, and the endearing bonds they form with their handlers are also explored 21:00 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies Inspector Lyndsey Taylor comes to the rescue of a malnourished shih-tzu and Inspector Anthony Pulfer responds to a call in Bromley after the local council have been in touch about two Staffordshire Bull Terrier-crosses 22:00 Big Brother Emma Willis presents the latest drama from inside the house 23:00 Gemma Collins: In Therapy 00:05 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Cricket 02:05 Super Casino 04:10 Person of Interest 05:00 World’s Most Pampered Pets 05:45 Divine Designs

On This Day


Channel 4 22:00


In Emmerdale, Charity is determined to keep Belle away from Doctor Bailey, so she threatens him. Bailey assures Charity that he is leaving for good, but Belle is crushed when she learns he is going and hurries to find him. Bailey is shocked when Belle suddenly announces she’s coming with him. To trap him, a desperate Belle

A life-changing experiment for members of three households, who, for three weeks, have all of their possessions taken away, even their clothes, and every single item in their home put into storage. They must not buy or borrow anything, apart from food and drink, and carry on with their daily routine, while choosing to get back one item a day for 21 days. Those taking part include East London fashion designer Heidi, who owns 31 bikinis and lives through social media, and Tom, Andrew and Georgia in Cardiff, who own over 2,000 items and are dedicated socialisers.

lies that she is pregnant. Will this force Bailey’s hand over staying? Meanwhile, Laurel tells Ashley that she has decided to leave him. Ashley begs Laurel to stay, but she sticks to her plan. Later, Sandy finds Ashley distraught and encourages him to find Laurel a way to cope, rather than just giving up. Later, Laurel tells Doug that he was right to say her relationship with Ashley was doomed. Doug denies this and takes her along to the church, urging her to remember her vows. Will Doug get through to his daughter?

Elsewhere, Rhona kisses Pierce in front of everyone at The Woolpack, asking him to give her another chance. He responds with a passionate kiss.

1981: Police attacked in Liverpool riots. kissing by Ian, but Buster is frustrated when Kathy fails to show up.

Also today, Rakesh argues with the insurance company but hides his stress from Priya. Later, Rakesh and Priya are surprised to find an insurance man on the property. Finally, Doug corners Ronnie outside the B&B and ropes him into appearing in his DIY vlog. In Eastenders, Buster and Kathy arrange to go somewhere out of the Square after almost being caught

get into the car with him.

ITV3 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:35 The Royal 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 Wycliffe 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Where the Heart Is 17:15 In Loving Memory 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 Man About the House 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Mrs Biggs 00:00 Wire in the Blood 01:05 A Touch of Frost ITV4 07:00 Nijinsky’s Triple Crown 07:05 Gunsmoke 08:00 Minder 08:50 Ironside 09:50 Quincy, ME 10:55 Ax Men 11:50 The Chase 12:55 Gunsmoke 14:00 Tour de France Highlights 15:00 Tour de France Live 17:30 Storage Wars 17:55 Ironside 19:00 The Saint 20:00 Tour de France Highlights 21:00 Monster Carp 22:00 Film Terminator 2: Judgment Day (18) 00:50 Film Jackie Chan’s First Strike (12) 02:35 Motorway Patrol 03:00 Tour de France Highlights

08:00 Peter Hurst, 11:00 Trev Massey, 14:00 Alex Trelinski, 16:00 Gordon Lack together.

As Gavin takes Kathy away, it doesn’t take her long to realise that he has a new shocking plan in mind, but just how far is Gavin prepared to go to get what he wants? Margaret soon arrives to reason with Gavin, but as the severity of the situation hits Kathy, it’s apparent that she is in great danger...

At the same time, Kathy makes her way to the tube station, but is stunned when Gavin approaches her and tells her that he has Dennis. This leaves Kathy with no option but to

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:10 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:10 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 19:50 The Hot Desk 20:00 Love Island 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy 00:50 American Dad! 01:50 Two and a Half Men

Meanwhile, Sharon is fuming to discover Dennis has been in contact with Gavin and later gets a shock when a panicked Buster says that he saw Gavin and Kathy driving off

In Holby City, Jac is forced to rely on Ollie when an allergic reaction prevents her from operating, while Raf and Fletch’s friendship is tested when they work alongside Naomi. Essie goes full speed ahead with her plans to get pregnant, but Sacha struggles to cope with the pressure of the situation.




Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number. In this week’s puzzle, 13 represents K and 14 represents B, when these letters have been entered throughout the puzzle, you should have enough information to start guessing words and discovering other letters.

Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.


Across 1 Hates (7) 5 Concentrate (5) 8 Sound made by a cat (5) 9 Function (7) 10 Call for (3) 11 Young sheep (4) 12 Cab (4) 14 Incentive (5) 16 Spring month (5) 18 Sample (5) 19 Go in (5) 21 Border (4) 22 Not at home (4) 25 Sprint (3) 27 Consequence (7) 28 Lead (5)

29 No longer fresh (5) 30 Anguish (7)

Down 1 Moist (4) 2 Jewelled headdress (5) 3 Bicker (8) 4 Verbal (6) 5 Ran away (4) 6 Fancy neckwear (7) 7 Example (8) 13 Very hungry (8) 15 Outsider (8) 17 Boat race meeting (7) 20 Menace (6) 23 Nimble (5) 24 Jest (4) 26 Angled (4)

Last weeks Solution

Across: 1 Split, 4 Dispel, 9 Mundane, 10 Floor, 11 Lost, 12 Service, 13 Due, 14 Rogue, 16 Eject, 18 Dud, 19 Connive, 20 Grow, 23 Aroma, 24 Swagger, 25 Phases, 26 Abyss. Down: 1 Similar, 2 Links, 3 Trap, 5 Informed, 6 Provide, 7 Large, 8 Cease, 13 Delicate, 15 Gondola, 17 Towards, 18 Dense, 19 Clasp, 21 Rugby, 22 Data.

Scribble Pad

CRYTPIC CLUES Down Across 1 Border in one Italian 1 Academy offer leaves resort (6) one foaming (5) 2 Bend a sound bite (5) 4 Tied up on the heath with 3 Left after outstanding Ed (6) 9 Dynamo meant go mad contest (4) 5 Original toad duet is old (7) 10 Born in the cats’ burial hat (8) places (5) 6 At first Rachael asked my 11 Crazy blow-back (4) mother if nice Graham is 12 It’s exciting, for exam- driving home (7) ple, holding a tongue (7) 7 Wise man is after work 13 Bristle, top bit taken off measure (6) grass (3) 14 Shakespearean flower? 8 Females started walk out, meanwhile everybody (4) 16 Consequently returned negotiated (5) in the name of progress (4) 13 Tale about one cadet 18 Doctor about a lunatic (8) (3) 15 Jumble given at time (7) 20 Make a card game using a broken pencil and 17 Leading by lots of games in a tennis match love (7) dismays (6) 21 Funny ditch (2-2) 24 Take a lot of time to 18 St James’s yacht club muse (5) found in a state (5) 25 Endure good man pro- 19 Understand in depth (6) jecting macho (7) 26 Gymnastic events for 22 A shortage causing a cry of dismay (5) Spielberg, perhaps (6) 27 It can be used to caulk 23 Game for a Venetian a tree, with hesitation (5) traveller (4) STANDARD CLUES 27 Loose rope fibre used as Across caulking (5) 1 Frenzied (5) Down 4 At anchor (6) 1 Resort on the Adriatic 9 Small electric generator coast (6) (7) 2 Shoreline curve (5) 10 Burial chambers (5) 3 Prearranged formal com11 Large hard-shelled seed bat (4) (4) 5 No longer valid or fashion12 Making joyful (7) able (8) 13 Barley bristle (3) 6 Running into head-on (7) 14 County in south-western 7 Medical measure (6) England (4) 8 Adult female person (5) 16 Therefore (4) 13 Short, amusing tale (8) 18 Insane (3) 15 Season’s yield of wine 20 Card game (7) from a vineyard (7) 21 Ditch with a retaining wall 17 Disturbs the balance (6) used to divide land (2-2) 18 Dirty and disorderly (5) 24 Greek Muse of lyric and 19 Nautical measure (6) love poetry (5) 22 Interjection of regret (5) 25 Internal organ (7) 23 Game played on horse26 Film-maker Spielberg (6) back (4) Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Dog star, 4 Duvet, 7 Aback, 9 Villain, 10 Hussars, 11 Truce, 12 Archer, 14 Minted, 18 Coles, 20 Totebag, 22 Camping, 23 Educe, 24 Stork, 25 Rebates. Down: 1 Drachma, 2 Grabs, 3 Revise, 4 Delft, 5 Viaduct, 6 Tense, 8 Knave, 13 Colombo, 15 Istle, 16 Daggers, 17 Stager, 18 Cocks, 19 Skink, 21 Blunt.


Complete the crossword grid by using the given words:

3 letter words Are Egg Ran 4 letter words Abet Agog Airs Alas Aunt Clog Eden Edge Else Erin Even

Ever Idea Idle Idol Knee Ling Mono Onto Paws Pose Puck Ream Rete Rips Seed Sire Sled Slid

Some Teat Test Tree Used Zero Zeta 5 letter words About Amirs Blues Curie Doled Endue Humid Inept Islet

Moors Ogles Orate Reeds Rinse Shear Sings Skits Slide Stoke Studs Talus Traps Trust Wench Yeast 6 letter words

Budget Issuer Loathe Pampas Sacred Scared Wisest Worsen 7 letter words Nursery Outdoor Resells Sessile 8 letter words Armourer Orreries


Improve your Spanish - clues in Spanish, answers in English or vice versa.

Across 1 To parade (8) 4 Fig (4) 7 Costuras (puntadas) (5) 9 Goodbye (5) 11 Pequeño (5) 12 Cisnes (aves) (5) 13 Plata (metal) (6) 15 Más cercano (6) 19 Holy (life, person) (5) 21 Canciones (5) 23 Stamp (postage stamp) (5) 24 Cobertizos (para animales, herramientas) (5) 25 Enfermo (4) 26 Butterfly (insect) (8)

Down 1 Afterwards (7) 2 Focas (animales) (5) 3 Kind (nice) (6) 5 Waves (in sea, lake) (5) 6 Beso (4) 8 Pala (para cavar) (5) 10 Intercambia (sellos, fotos) (5) 14 Pulmones (5) 16 Monday (5) 17 Magazine (journal) (7) 18 Broom (brush) (6) 19 Sacks (bags) (5) 20 Búhos (4) 22 Floor (of room) (5)

Across 1 Statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved (6) 5 Large German dirigible airship of the early 20th century, long and cylindrical in shape and with a rigid framework. They were used during the First World War for reconnaissance and bombing and after the war as passenger transports until the 1930s. (8) 9 SI unit of mass, approximately 2.205 lb (8) 10 Large fish-eating bird of prey with long, narrow wings and a white underside and crown (6) 11 Duplicator that transmits an exact copy of a document made by electronic scanning by wire or radio (3,7) 12 Newts in their terrestrial stage of development (4) 13 International humanitarian organisation set up in 1864 at the instigation of

the Swiss philanthropist Henri Dunant that brings relief to victims of war or natural disaster (3,5) 16 Rolling Stones ninth studio album, released in April 1971: ------ Fingers (6) 17 Alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented (6) 19 Nickname of American frontierswoman and professional scout Martha Jane Canary (1852 –1903): -------- Jane (8) 21 Town in Greater Manchester that is home to the Aviva Premiership professional rugby union club the Sharks (4) 22 Tapering structure hanging like an icicle from the roof of a cave, formed of calcium salts deposited by dripping water (10) 25 Revolutionary who overthrew Cuban president Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and set up a Marxist socialist state: Fidel ------ (6) 26 Tangerines of a hardy

SUDOKU (Very easy)

Quiz Word

loose-skinned variety, originally grown in Japan (8) 27 Tall cap of black fur worn ceremonially by certain troops, such as the

Guards in the British army (8) 28 Lying face upward (6) Down

2 Chief port of Israel, in the north-west of the country on the Mediterranean coast (5) 3 Stage name of singer, backed by the Hurricanes, who was born in Liverpool in 1938 and originally named Alan Caldwell: Rory ----- (5) 4 Hot wind, often dusty or rainy, blowing from North Africa across the Mediterranean to southern Europe (7) 5 Corpses said to be revived by witchcraft, especially in certain African and Caribbean religions (7) 6 Skill or expertise in a particular activity or field (7) 7 Mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing (9) 8 Picture of a person, especially one sought by the police, reconstructed from typical facial features

according to witnesses (9) 14 Long, open, level area, typically beside the sea, along which people may walk for pleasure (9) 15 Person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures (9) 18 Small area of grass that is thicker or longer than the grass growing around it (7) 19 1977 UK number one hit single by Manhattan Transfer: ------- D'Amour (7) 20 Rough shelters whose roofs have only one slope (4-3) 23 American business magnate and investor who hosts the American version of reality television game show The Apprentice: Donald ----- (5) 24 American novelist and humorist whose bestknown novels include: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885): Mark ----- (5)

SALLY’S SIMPLE SPANISH VIAJAR EN AVION Match these words with their Spanish translations then find them in the wordsearch. Answers below)

history QUIZ




ida y vuelta


la azafata

el aeropuerto


el avión


el mostrador


el pasaporte


el visado




1. Of Which Country Is Rangoon The Capital? 2. Name the city at the west end of Lake Superior.?

Empareja estas palabras - Match the Spanish and English words You will find the answers at the bottom of the quiz.

sula? 4. In which country did acupuncture originate? 5. What city stands on the Maas River?

ANSEWRS 1. Burma 2. Duluth 3. Mexico 4. China 5. Rotterdam

Last Week’s Solutions Code Cracker Last weeks Quiz Word Solution Across: 1 Starfish, 5 Oscars, 9 Unawares, 10 Ledger, 11 Grenoble, 12 Thrift, 14 Balderdash, 18 Alexandria, 22 Earwig, 23 Paleface, 24 Lisbon, 25 Careless, 26 Oyster, 27 Fantasia. Down: 1 Snudge, 2 Azalea, 3 Flagon, 4 Steel bands, 6 Shephard, 7 Anglican, 8 Scratchy, 13 Addis Ababa, 15 Waterloo, 16 Neurosis, 17 Camisole, 19 Regent, 20 Daleks, 21 Geisha.

1.aduana, 2.aterrizaje, 3.despegue, 4.el aeropuerto, 5.el avión, 6.el mostrador, 7.el pasaporte, 8.el visado, 9.equipaje, 10.fila, 11.ida y vuelta, azafata, 13.llegadas, 14.pasajero,


15.pista, 16.salidas, 17.sobrepeso, 18.tripulación a.the air hostess, b.the airport, c.the passport, d.runway, e.departures, f.the landing, g.passenger, h.the crew, i.the visa, j.customs, k.return

Span - Eng


(flight), l.arrivals, m.take off, n.the plane, o.the counter/desk, p.luggage, q.over weight, r.the queue. Answers: 1j, 2f, 3m, 4b, 5n, 6o, 7c, 8i, 9p, 10r, 11k, 12a, 13l, 14g, 15d, 16e, 17q, 18h.

3. In which country would you find the Yucatan penin-

Fill It In

12 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:45 Bargain Hunt 12:30 Wimbledon 2016 14:00 News 14:45 Wimbledon 2016 19:00 News 20:00 Would I Lie to You? The comedy show in which participants attempt to hoodwink their opponents 20:30 Euro 2016: Poland or Portugal v Wales or Belgium Gary Lineker presents coverage of the opening semi-final match, which takes place at the Stade de Lyon. On paper, this game features two countries with less experience of the latter stages of a major tournament compared with tomorrow’s second semi, as the likes of holders Spain, host nation France, Germany, Italy and England all ended up on the other side of the draw following the group games. However, whichever teams reach this stage of the tournament will know they have got here on merit, and will be confident of taking part in the showpiece game on Sunday (Kick-off 21:00) 23:00 BBC 23:55 A Question of Sport 00:25 Just Call Me Martina 01:25 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:30 News

Wednesday 6th July 07:15 Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 08:00 Homes Under the Hammer 09:00 See Hear 09:30 Close Calls: On Camera 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Wimbledon 2016 The ninth day of coverage from the All England Club continues, as Sue Barker introduces the men’s singles quarter-finals on the famous grass courts 21:00 Today at Wimbledon Clare Balding and guests take a look back at the men’s quarterfinals at Wimbledon 22:00 Versailles A protest halts construction at the palace but Louis refuses to let Philippe help and matters escalate, allowing plotters to pose a genuine threat to the young king’s rule. Things get physical as infidelity and treason take their toll 22:50 Inside Versailles Inspired by drama series “Versailles’, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner explore the topic of religious conflict in early modern France 23:00 Boy Meets Girl 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 This World 01:15 Match of the Day 02:55 See Hear 03:25 Old School with The Hairy Bikers 04:25 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 19:45 Emmerdale The Dingles reel from Belle’s news 20:15 Euro 2016: Poland or Portugal v Wales or Belgium Mark Pougatch presents coverage of the opening semi-final match, which takes place at the Stade de Lyon. On paper, this game features two countries with less experience of the latter stages of a major tournament compared with tomorrow’s second semi, as the likes of holders Spain, host nation France, Germany, Italy and England all ended up on the other side of the draw following the group games. However, whichever teams reach this stage of the tournament will know they have got here on merit, and will be confident of taking part in the showpiece game on Sunday (Kick-off 21:00) 23:15 News 23:55 The Chase 00:55 Goodwood Festival of Speed 01:50 Jackpot247 04:00 Murder, She Wrote 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 13:00 News 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:10 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Three in a Bed 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 To B&B the Best 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home 14:45 and Away Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:15 Film - Real Murders: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News

20:00 Secrets of Great British Castles Dan Jones reveals some of its fascinating secrets and tells the stories of the traitors, rebels and royalty who met 21:00 Location, Location, their end inside the imposLocation Kirstie is with ing walls of The Tower of retirees Sheila and Jason London who have been living out of boxes for a year after they 21:00 GPs: Behind sold up their home in Closed Doors The doctors Morecambe. Meanwhile, of Balham Park Surgery Phil is with Sue and Alan treat patients with heart who have been living in concerns Sue’s sister one bed house 22:00 The Hotel for nine months Inspector In Weymouth, 22:00 24 Hours in A&E Mum and manager Loraine Cyclist Athar is rushed to employs several of her St George’s after a collision seven children at The Richmoor Hotel, but she with a car on his way to has been letting her mothwork. He wasn’t wearing a ering instincts get in the helmet and he “bullseyed” way of business and as a the car’s rear window and result the service is starting can’t remember anything to suffer about the crash 23:00 Big Brother 00:05 23:00 Power Monkeys Big Brother’s Bit on the 23:35 8 Out of 10 Cats Side 01:05 On Benefits: Does Countdown 00:35 Life on the Dole 01:55 Life Stripped Bare 01:50 Super Casino 04:10 Alex The Last Leg 02:45 Miss Polizzi’s Italian Islands World’s Most March 04:15 Born on the 05:00 Same Day 05:10 French Pampered Pets 05:45 Divine Designs Collection


Channel 5 20:00


In Emmerdale, the Dingles are furious when they spot Belle sneaking off to run away with Doctor Bailey. Charity and Zak attack Bailey, but Belle shouts at them to stop announcing that she’s pregnant with his child and is going to Romania to be with him. Lisa warns Zak and Cain they will have to be clever to thwart this, hatching a plan.

Dan Jones explores the turbulent history of the Tower of London, which is one of Britain’s most famous buildings and has been a military fortress, a palace, a royal mint, a prison, a zoo and a place of execution. He reveals how one king’s obsession with money led to the Tower becoming the focus of the worst Jewish massacre the country had ever seen and explains how a mob of disgruntled peasants managed to break through its defences as they sought bloody revenge for taxes they could no longer put up with.

Later, Charity quizzes Belle over her pregnancy and accuses her of faking it. Will Charity believe Belle and how will Lisa sort out the situation? Soon Belle and Bailey are called to attend a family meeting, but what is the Dingles’ plan?

Godsend. Priya is fuelled with suspicion and starts asking questions.

Meanwhile, Rishi fills Rakesh in on the plans for Priya’s surprise birthday party. They stop talking abruptly when Priya arrives, making her suspicious. She later questions Rishi and he pretends they were talking about the dry rot. Her worst fears are soon confirmed when he suggests the fire was a

Elsewhere, Marlon encourages Rhona to tell Paddy about her relationship with Pierce. Later, Pierce’s interest is piqued when he overhears Priya questioning David regarding the fire, and when Ashley accidentally calls Laurel ‘Harriet’ again, he asks for Sandy’s help with another idea.

On This Day

1988: Pipar Alpha oil rig ablaze killing 167 workers.

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:10 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:10 Emmerdale 14:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Love Island 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 The Vampire Diaries 23:55 Family Guy 00:55 American Dad! 02:00 Two and a Half Men 02:25 Safeword ITV3 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 Wycliffe 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:15 In Loving Memory 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 Man About the House 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 20:55 Foyle’s War 23:00 Mrs Biggs 00:00 Wire in the Blood 01:05 A Touch of Frost ITV4 07:00 Gunsmoke 07:55 Minder 08:45 Ironside 09:50 Quincy, ME 10:50 Ax Men 11:50 The Chase 12:55 Gunsmoke 14:00 Tour de France Highlights 15:00 Tour de France Live 17:30 Storage Wars 17:55 Ironside 19:00 The Saint 20:00 Tour de France Highlights 21:00 World Series of Darts 01:00 Monster Carp 02:00 Tour de France Highlights 03:00 Quincy, ME

08:00 Peter Hurst, 11:00 Trev Massey, 14:00 Alex Trelinski, 16:00 Gordon Lack 19:00 Andy James

Three Girls - New BBC Drama

Filming began this week on Three Girls, a new threepart BBC One drama based on the true stories of victims of grooming and sexual abuse in Rochdale. The drama will look at the way in which these girls were groomed, how they were ignored by the authorities directly responsible for protecting them, and how they eventually made themselves heard. A BBC Studios production in association with Studio Lambert, Three Girls is made by the team behind the multi-award winning BBC drama Five Daughters. Maxine Peake (Silk, A Midsummer Night’s Dream) and Lesley Sharp (Scott And Bailey, Capital) will play two women who were instrumen-

tal in getting the girls’ voices heard. Other cast includes Paul Kaye, Lisa Riley and Jill Halfpenny as parents of the girls, alongside Ace Bhatti as Nazir Afzal, former Chief Crown Prosecutor for the North West. They will be joined by Olivia Hill, Ria Zmitrowicz, Molly Windsor, Simon Nagra, Qas Hamid and Wasim Zakir. Written by Nicole Taylor (The C Word), Three Girls is produced by the same team as the acclaimed and awardwinning BBC Drama, Five Daughters including director Philippa Lowthorpe (Call The Midwife, Jamaica Inn), producer Simon Lewis and Executive Producer Susan Hogg.

Charlotte Moore, Controller BBC TV Channels and iPlayer, says: “BBC One has the ability to tell challenging and timely stories of national significance. The team behind the award-winning Five Daughters have spent three years talking to the girls, unravelling the shocking scale of abuse, the horror of what they’ve been through and the enormous courage it’s taken for them to speak out.” Susan Hogg, Head of Drama, Studio Lambert says, “This true story, researched over a number of years, will shine a light on the trauma of sexual 'grooming', providing knowledge and understanding for parents and children alike.


Thursday 7th July 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Wanted 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Wimbledon 2016 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef Celebrities compete in a contest of culinary skill. Actors Sid Owen and Tina Malone, champion Paralympic swimmer Liz Johnson, BBC Breakfast presenter Louise Minchin and TV personality Amy Childs take part in the third heat In the Mystery Box challenge, they must create a dish using ingredients based on an American diner theme. They are then thrown in at the deep end as they take part in lunchtime service at two busy London restaurants, cooking for the public 22:00 New Blood Once again, Rash and Stefan find their jobs are on the line. Can they discover the reason Adam was killed before time runs out for them? 23:00 News 23:45 Question Time 00:45 This Week 01:30 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:35 News

07:15 Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 08:00 Homes Under the Hammer 09:00 The Great British Sewing Bee 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 12:30 Daily Politics 13:30 Wimbledon 2016 Sue Barker is at the All England Club to introduce coverage of the 10th day’s play, which will feature the latter stages of the doubles competitions 21:00 Today at Wimbledon Clare Balding looks at the action from day ten of Wimbledon 2016 22:00 Hampton Court Palace Flower Show Monty Don and Joe Swift are joined by Carol Klein, Rachel De Thame, Adam Frost, James Wong and Toby Buckland at the Royal Horticultural Societies Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. Monty tours the new Capability Brown garden category; Joe takes a look around the conceptual gardens. Carol demonstrates how to create the perfect cottage garden, Adam takes a look at newly launched plants and flowers and Rachel meets a garden designer who’s created a perfume garden 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 This World 01:15 Match of the Day 02:55 Panorama 03:30 The Millionaires’ Holiday Club 04:30 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 19:45 Emmerdale Priya’s surprise birthday party does not quite go to plan 20:15 Euro 2016: Germany or Italy v France or Iceland Coverage of the second semi-final at the Stade Velodrome in Marseille, where the sides battle for the remaining place in the showpiece match. World champions Germany cruised through their group, before overcoming Slovakia 3-0 in the last 16 to cement their status as tournament favourites. The Azzurri were in similarly impressive form, defeating two-time defending champions Spain in their opening knockout game, while host nation France had shown glimpses of their ability and Iceland were the surprise package, having beaten a woeful England side 2-1 to reach the quarter-finals. Subsequent programmes subject to change. (Kick-off 21:00) 23:15 News 23:55 The Chase 00:55 Murder, She Wrote 01:45 Jackpot247 04:00 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 11:55 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 12:55 News 13:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:00 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:00Racing: Newmarket 17:00 Three in a Bed 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 What Britain Buys Mary Portas looks at the impact Brazil is having on our bottoms. With M&S predicting that the shape of the humble knicker is changing, what might this mean for the other great fashion staple: jeans? 22:00 Inside Birmingham Children’s Hospital Following parents rapidly adjusting their hopes for the future in the face of potentially life-threatening accidents, and another mother refusing to abandon her hopes for a son who urgently needs an organ transplant 23:00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 00:00 24 Hours in A&E 01:00 999: What’s Your Emergency? 02:00 Interview with a Murderer 03:30 Dispatches 04:00 Rescue Dog to Super Dog 04:55 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 05:15 French Collection

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 To B&B the Best 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:20 Film - I Dream of Murder (PG) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Eamonn and Ruth: How the Other Half Lives Eamonn and Ruth meet the multi-millionaires whose wealth has enabled them to buy outrageous stately homes, create polo clubs and send their kids to the top public schools 21:00 On Benefits: Life on the Dole Jai quit his job to move to the Scottish highlands, but has found something that doesn’t cost any of his benefit money 22:00 Big Brother Emma Willis presents highlights of the latest drama from inside the house as this year’s Housemates get to grips with each other, and Big Brother’s unseen influence 23:00 It’s Not Me, It’s You 23:45 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:45 Lip Sync Battle 01:15 Super Casino 04:10 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away 05:00 Caught on Camera 05:45 Divine Designs


On This Day


Channel 4 22:00 SOAPS

In Emmerdale, it’s Priya’s birthday, but when the venue cancels, they have to find somewhere else for the surprise party and end up using the factory. Priya is suspicious that something else is going on. She confides her suspicions to David and she storms off to meet Rakesh at the fac-

Twelve-year-old Mollie is rushed to A&E after being knocked over by a car, and until her parents arrive, the doctor has to be mum and dad as well as treating her injuries. Rebecca, also 12, arrives by helicopter after falling off her horse. Her mum and dad face every parents’ worst nightmare as a brain injury threatens to change their daughter’s life forever. Meanwhile, nine-yearold Matthew urgently needs a kidney transplant. The odds of finding a suitable donor are three in 10,000 - but his mum remains positive.

Meanwhile, Belle is under pressure with her big lie and flirts with Bailey, wanting to get pregnant ASAP. However, she is thwarted by Lisa, who announces

ITV3 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 Wycliffe 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Where the Heart Is 17:15 Doctor in the House 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 Man About the House 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Mrs Biggs 00:00 Wycliffe 01:05 A Touch of Frost 03:00 Movies Now ITV4 07:00 British Touring Car Crashes and Smashes 07:10 Gunsmoke 08:00 Minder 08:50 Ironside 09:55 Quincy, ME 10:55 Ax Men 11:50 The Chase 12:55 Gunsmoke 14:00 Tour de France Highlights 15:00 Tour de France Live 17:30 Storage Wars 17:55 Ironside 19:00 The Saint 20:00 Tour de France Highlights 21:00 World Series of Darts 01:00 River Monsters 02:00 Tour de France Highlights 03:00 Quincy, ME

08:00 Peter Hurst, 11:00 Trev Massey, 14:00 Alex Trelinski, 16:00 Gordon Lack 19:00 Andy James

1985: Boris Becker wins Wimbledon at just 17.

Corrie Six Times a Week

tory. Priya confronts Rakesh about the fire when she arrives, but is horror-struck when Rakesh reveals her surprise party waiting inside. Rakesh gives Priya an expensive necklace, but his fears are realised when Neville shows up and asks to speak to him alone. Outside the factory, he accuses Rakesh of making a fraudulent insurance claim.

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:10 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:10 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Love Island 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Safeword 23:50 Family Guy 00:50 American Dad! 01:40 Two and a Half Men 02:40 The Vampire Diaries

that she is taking Belle to the doctor’s in order to tell the mental health team about the pregnancy. How will Belle lie to them? Elsewhere, Victoria tells Marlon that she wants her old job back, but they’re both aware of her real reason for ditching the van. Also today, Tracy is down over the David situation.

The nation’s most successful and popular soap drama, Coronation Street, is to broadcast a sixth weekly episode from late 2017. ITV’s Director of Television, Kevin Lygo, said the news reflected the broadcaster’s commitment to high quality soap for its hugely loyal audience. "I am a life-long fan of Coronation Street and one of the first things I wanted to explore when I became Director of Television was taking the production to six episodes a week. “The soaps are the cornerstone of the ITV schedule, and Coronation Street continues to produce some of

the finest drama and comedy on television. It is a hugely important part of what has defined ITV throughout its history, and I want it to continue to be right at the heart of what ITV defines in years to come. “As a viewer I have watched the soap as it has continued to evolve, entertain, and grip the nation with fantastic storylines and this move will be the next exciting chapter in Corrie's story." ITV Studios Managing Director of Continuing Drama and Head of ITV in the North, John Whiston, who has responsibility for overseeing both Coronation Street and Emmerdale, said:

“From a creative perspective this is an extremely exciting development for the production team, writers, cast and crew who work on our globally renowned soap drama.” “Coronation Street’s new producer Kate Oates, modern filming and editing facilities at the programme’s Production Centre and our fantastic, peerless drama teams will help turn this great idea into reality,” he added. The plan, which was unveiled to the writers, cast and crew today, will create employment opportunities adding a new and exciting dimension to filming the UK’s longest running soap drama.


Food & Drink

Friday1st July 2016

The best bars in Paris to watch Euro 2016 football Flag it up … Thirsty Mad Cat is a big favourite for football crazy Parisians From 10 June to 10 July, Paris will be transformed into Europe’s capital of football as France hosts the Euro 2016 tournament. It will be big, of course, in the city’s numerous sports bars, Irish taverns and faux English pubs such as the Coq & Bulldog or the Frog et Rosbif, but every bistrot, bar and cafe will also be installing TV screens, not just for those cheering on Les Bleus, but for fans from abroad flooding into Paris and looking for places to watch their nation compete. Games will be shown on giant screens at a massive fan zone in the Champ-deMars by the Eiffel Tower, and Les Berges de l’Europe (the pedestrian banks of the Seine by the Pont de Solférino) will have concerts,

food trucks and parties. Just be prepared for very strict security checks. To find the nearest watering hole showing your favourite match, go to but these 10 bars do have a genuine neighbourhood feel. With Paris about to succumb to football fever for a month, screens are going up in bars all over the city. So where’s best to soak up the Euros atmosphere? Le Magellan, 11th The cosy Magellan is in a narrow sidestreet near where the November bomb attacks began, at the Carillon bar and Le Petit Cambodge. But this nightlife neighbourhood is as busy as it always was, and to be sure of bagging a seat on the Magellan’s comfy leather Chesterfield, get there at

least an hour before the match. Happy Hour is 6pm8pm and is not suspended during games as is often the case in more classic sports bars. A generous plate of cheese and charcuterie is €10, and there is a good selection of Belgian beers.

The laid-back local clientele run poker tournaments, and this is one of the rare spots in Paris to boast a dart board. The friendly owner/barman, Olivier Sayrou, admits he is more of a rugby fan, but expects big crowds during Euro 2016.

The Pure Malt, 4th The fashionable Marais is home to one of Paris’s most famous Scottish pubs, the Auld Alliance. It still serves haggis and has half-a-dozen TV screens, but the Alliance is a shadow of its old self. A much better bet is to walk across the busy rue de Rivoli towards Place des Vosges to the snug Pure Malt. This is a genuine Scottish boozer, whose garrulous landlord Shep – Colin Shepherd from Aberdeen – opened in 2009 after he got fed up with working in themed Scottish bars that were run and mostly staffed by Frenchmen. It stocks more than 100 pure malts, Brewdog ales and no food apart from packets of crisps. A sign outside prohibits hipsters, but that is just Shep teasing the tourists.

Scotland may not have made it to Euro 2016, but there will still be a great atmosphere here for every match. Le Progrès, 18th This is a wonderfully preserved belle époque bistrot. With its enormous bay windows, art nouveau mirrors and paintings, it’s an oasis amid the area’s tourist traps and sleazy strip clubs. But when it is time for a big match, the TV takes pride of place in front of the mirror and locals crowd in, along with a few curious tourists. Owner James Patou offers a wide choice of wines and draft beers, plates of charcuterie and cheese, plus classic plats du jour from his native Auvergne, such as veal roast with lentils or sausages with cheesy aligot mashed potatoes.

Reasons hangovers really do get worse with age

No, you're not imagining it, your hangovers are steadily getting worse with age. In your youth you might have been able to spend an evening at the pub, knocking back pint after pint with barely a hint of a headache the morning after, but nowadays more than one glass of wine has you clinging to the sofa with a bucket by your

side... and this is why. 1. Your body can't process the drinks While you may have been able to down Jägerbomb after Jägerbomb back when you were a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed university student, your body just can't keep up with that kind of lifestyle anymore. Dr Chris van Tulleken says

hangovers are the result of a complex inflammatory response: "Your body deals with all systemic insults less and less effectively once you're north of 25, so it doesn't matter if it's a car crash, a severe infection or a night on the town, you'll take longer to recover." 2. You've gained body fat Putting on weight is an

(almost) inevitable by-product of ageing and a high percentage of the weight exists in the form of body fat. As fat can't absorb alcohol, generally the more body fat you have, the lower your tolerance to alcohol and the greater your chance of getting an awful hangover the next morning. This is why women, who typically have more body fat than men, are often reported to have lower tolerance levels. 3. You have less water in your system Even if you make sure you're getting your recommended eight glasses of water a day, the fact of the matter is as we get older, our body water content decreases. Not only does this increase the risk of dehydration, but it also means the alcohol remains in a more concentrated form in your system for longer. To further reduce the risks of

a hangover as you age, experts recommend drinking "water or j u i c e between each alcoholic drink to keep you hydrated and slow d o w n y o u r alcohol c o n sumption." 4 . Yo u ' r e on medication T h e older you get, t h e m o r e likely it is you'll be taking medication or supplements designed to offset those pesky ailments

that come with ageing. While you shouldn't mix alcohol with medication, people inevitably do and this can alter the way your body breaks down alcohol, causing your hangovers to seem worse than before. Best way to avoid a hangover if you're taking medication? Just don't drink. 5. Your life is becoming more stressful Life is stressful and it only gets more stressful as time goes by. It can seem like drinking helps to alleviate any stress or anxiety you might be feeling but the euphoria doesn't last long and only serves to make you feel worse afterwards.


Food & Drink


Perfect Belgian waffles

Dessert Caramel sauce Ingredients

Serves: 4 120g (4 oz) light brown sugar 120g (4 oz) butter 100ml cream or full cream milk

Directions Prep:30min Cook:4 hours Ready in: 4 hours 30 mins

Method Prep: 5min Cook: 10min › Ready in: 15min Melt the butter and sugar in a saucepan over a low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Watch it carefully so that it doesn't burn. Stir in the cream and heat gently until bubbling, stirring continually. Remove from heat and serve warm.berries, if desired.


Friday1st July 2016

Perfect Belgian waffles (Makes 10) 180ml milk 1 tbsp active dried yeast 1 tbsp soft light brown sugar, or more to taste 245g flour 1 tbsp cornmeal or polenta (or another tbsp of flour) 1/2 tsp salt 240ml buttermilk 6 tbsp melted butter 1 large egg, beaten Oil, to grease Warm the milk in a small pan (you can use the same one you melted the butter in). Stir in the yeast and a pinch of the sugar, then leave until the surface is covered with

tiny bubbles. Meanwhile, whisk together the remaining dry ingredients in a large bowl, and beat together the buttermilk, melted butter and egg in a jug. When ready, whisk the yeasty milk into the jug, then slowly pour this into the dry ingredients, mixing gently with a spoon or spatula to incorporate as you go. Cover loosely and allow to sit at room temperature for between an hour and overnight. Turn the oven to low to keep the waffles warm (unless you have a ready audience to eat them fresh from the grill).

Lightly grease then heat your waffle iron. (Electronic ones will do the work for you from then on.) Pour in just enough batter to cover the base, spreading it out with a metal spatula, then turn down the heat slightly and close the lid. Cook for about 45 seconds until golden on the underside, then flip and repeat for about 4 minutes until golden and crisp on the other side. Belgian waffles: what do you top yours with? And what other recipes make for a worthy breakfast treat you don’t mind putting a bit of work into?

Gettin' jjigae with spam Spam doesn’t exactly conjure up images of culinary delights in most people’s mind, but in South Korea it’s an essential ingredient in budae jjigae, a fusion stew made up of Korean instant noodles, Spam, hotdogs and kimchi. This US-influenced combination might not sound much like a traditional Korean dish, but it’s one that dates back to the Korean war, when people had little to eat and meat was a luxury. The US army was stationed in Uijeongbu, an hour north of Seoul, and after the war surplus food stocks from the military base began to make their way into the surrounding areas. Creative Koreans concocted budae jjigae by taking unfamiliar American processed meats and boiling them up with Korean instant noodles, garlic,

kimchi, gochujang (Korean chilli paste) and anything else they could get hold of (including baked beans and processed cheese) to create a spicy, hearty stew. Budae jjigae is still loved all over Korea, and is often enjoyed as the perfect partner to a few glasses of soju (Korean rice spirit). One of the best places to try it is the Sim Seun Tang restaurant in the Hongdae area of Seoul. Not only is the budae jjigae here rich and delicious, but they also give you extras of garlic, soy sauce and butter to mix with your rice – an old way of eating rice that was also born in Korea’s poor, post-war past. Other great places to eat it in are Odeng Sikdang (Uijeongbu), Bada Sikdang (Itaewon, Seoul) and Daewoo Sikdang (Yeoksam, Seoul).


Friday 1st July 2016

Pulled chicken with barbecue sauce and baked potatoes

Ingredients For the pulled chicken 1 tsp smoked paprika ,1 tsp freshly ground black pepper, ½ tsp salt, 4 chicken legs, 4 x 300g/10½oz floury potatoes, such as King Edward or Maris Piper For the barbecue sauce 6 tbsp tomato ketchup, 3 tbsp clear honey, 1½ tbsp Worcestershire sauce For the sweetcorn 4 frozen mini corn-on-thecobs, 25g/1oz butter, salt and freshly ground black pepper To serve

handful chopped fresh flatleaf parsley or chives (optional) 4 tbsp soured cream and chive dip, or reduced-fat crème fraîche (optional) Method Preheat the oven to 180C/160C Fan/Gas 4. Line the base and sides of a baking tray with aluminium foil. In a bowl, mix together the paprika, black pepper and salt until well combined. Put the chicken legs on a chopping board and carefully score the skin of each leg 5-6

times using a sharp knife. Roll the scored skin of each chicken leg in the salt and paprika mixture, pressing down to coat evenly. Place the spiced chicken legs on the prepared baking tray. Wash and pat dry the potatoes and prick each 3-4 times with a fork to stop the skins splitting when they are baked. Add the potatoes to the baking tray. Bake the chicken and potatoes in the oven for 1 hour. Meanwhile, for the barbecue sauce, in a bowl, mix together all of the barbecue sauce ingredients until well combined. Remove the chicken from the oven and increase the oven temperature to 220C/200C Fan/Gas 7. Brush the chicken legs all over with the barbecue sauce, then return the chicken and potatoes to the oven and continue to cook for a further 1215 minutes, or until the pota-

toes are tender and the chicken is cooked through with sticky, dark-brown skin. (The chicken is cooked through). Meanwhile, for the sweetcorn, half-fill a saucepan with water and bring it to the boil. Add the frozen corn-on-thecobs and return the water to the boil, then cook the sweetcorn according to the packet instructions, until tender. Drain well, then return to the saucepan and stir in the butter until melted. Season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Just before serving, shred the chicken meat using two forks to pull the meat apart. Discard the bones, but keep the skin. Serve the pulled barbecue chicken with the buttered corn-on-the-cobs and the baked potatoes alongside. Sprinkle over the parsley or chives. Serve the soured cream and chive dip (or crème fraîche) in dipping bowls alongside, if using.

Food & Drink

Cherry tomato, marinated feta and basil skewers

Ingredients 350g/12oz feta (enough to make 40 squares) 120ml/4fl oz extra virgin olive oil 1 unwaxed lemon, zest only 2 tsp freshly chopped oregano 1 tsp cracked black pepper 40 cherry tomatoes large bunch of basil 40 long skewers Method Cut the feta into 40 even squares and place in a bowl. Pour over the olive oil; add the lemon

zest, oregano and cracked black pepper. Leave to marinate for at least 2 hours or preferably overnight. To assemble, take a skewer and place a cherry tomato first, follow with a cube of the feta. You could prepare the skewers to this stage in advance, just keep refrigerated. Finish each one with a basil leaf. Skewer one tip of the leaf then the other tip so it looks like a little sail. Repeat until you have forty skewers.

Denmark ethics council calls for tax on red meat

Denmark is considering proposals to introduce a tax on red meat, after a government think tank came to the conclusion that “climate

change is an ethical problem”. The Danish Council of Ethics recommended an initial tax on beef, with a view to extending the regulation to all

red meats in future. It said that in the long term, the tax should apply to all foods at varying levels depending on climate impact. The council voted in favour of the measures by an overwhelming majority, and the proposal will now be put forward for consideration by the government. In a press release, the ethics council said Denmark was under direct threat from climate change, and it was not enough to rely on the “ethical consumer” to ensure the country meets its UN commitments. “The Danish way of life is far from climate-sustainable, and if we are to live up to the Paris Agreement target of keeping the global temperature rise 'well' below 2°C, it is necessary both to act quickly and involve food,” the council said.

Food & Drink

Friday 1st July 2016



Friday 1st July 2016


Record Of The Week!

After sifiting through a whole host of requests for our Listeners Specail Record of the Week – we came across a request from listener Clive in Rojales. Although not a regular local radio listener – Clive has a holiday home here – he was more than surprised last Christmas to find not only TKO Radio – but also to hear a track he has only previously heard on Radio 2 from a new atrist called Harriet! - While back over here on his holidays he thought he would conatct us to see if we could play her new single Broken for You – and so we did – much to the delight of our listeners and presenters alike! - We all agree with Clive – that young lady has a beautiful voice and should go far! Dont forget to send your own Record of the Week request to … and include details of the track and what it means to you … and next week ..It could be your special track played every day on TKO 91.9 & 90.8fm This Record of The Week slot could be a wonderful opportunity for a sponsor too – imagine your name and business being promoted Live 5 times a day by the best presenters on the costas - covering a massive area of coastline and inland. So don´t forget to tune into TKO 91.9 & 90.8fm and every day from 8am to hear. The brand new Record Of The Week ! For sponsorship deals and advertising please call 966 921 003 or email


TOP 10 1. Finding Dory 2. Independence Day: Resurgence 3. Central Intelligence 4. The Shallows 5. The Conjuring 2 6. Free State of Jones 7. Now You See Me 2 8. X-Men: Apocalypse 9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows 10.Warcraft

Mothers and Daughters Following a breakup, rock star photographer Rigby Gray discovers she's pregnant with her ex's baby and doesn't k n o w what to do. She begins a project d o c u menting w h a t motherh o o d means in a series of photos following several different types of relationships between mothers and their children, the struggles they face, and the unrelenting love they have for each other.

Straight Outta Oakland


DIRECTOR Roland Emmerich GENRE Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi SYNOPSIS As the Fourth of July nears, satellite engineer David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum) investigates a 3,000-mile-wide mother ship that's approaching Earth. Fortunately, 20 years earlier, nations across the world started to use recovered extraterrestrial technology to develop an immense defense program.. RELEASE DATE June 24, 2016 DURATION 120mins It's been a long wait for the sequel. Back in 1996, Independence Day got us all

worked up about alien attacks and the destruction of famous monuments. White House — boom! Empire State Building — boom! boom! Independence Day: Resurgence pretends there's fresh ground to cover. There isn't, but director Roland Emmerich makes a good show of faking it. Bill Pullman,who played the alienrouting U.S. President last time, has been replaced in the Oval by — wait for it — a woman (Sela Ward). But the old Prez is haunted by dreams of another alien invasion. The alien leader is also — wait for it — a she. Luckily, the reliably droll Jeff Goldblum is back as scientist David Levinson, now a biggie

in global defense. Goldblum flirts mischievously with French psychologist Dr Catherine Marceaux (Charlotte Gainsbourg), but looks confused about why our defense base is located on the moon. Hell, we're all confused. If you want to enjoy even a few minutes of this sorry-ass sequel, it's best not to think. For those audiences waiting to learn what mega-star Will Smith does in the followup, he's a no-show. Too bad because Smith, who played a hero pilot, and Goldblum made quite the alien-torturing, comic pair in the original. (Maybe Big Willie thought the money wasn't right or he actually read the screenplay.)

Jessie T Usher plays his character's son, Dylan, a pilot who mixes it up a lot with Jake, another flyboy embodied by Liam Hemsworth with a blank-eyed dullness that makes you wonder what the ex-President's hottie daughter (Maika Monroe) sees in him. But come on, you don't buy a ticket to something like this to see a soap opera with C-list acting. You want aliens. And you get them. At first, they're kind of cool in a creepy way. And then repetition dulls the effect. Finally, you think, is that all there is? Yup. The only thing resurgent in this humorless mess is Hollywood's passion to charge us more and deliver less.

Sailing accessible to all on the Costa Blanca

On Las Antipodas you can learn to sail a catamaran, windsurfing, kayaking, wakeboarding, water skiing and 'stand up paddle surf'. Antipodean is a unique sailing school, which seeks to teach how to navigate without the strict ruling of the traditional nautical clubs. One of its aims is to make sailing a sport accessible to everyone. That is why, 38 years after the opening by Augusto Brunet, 70% of customers repeat every year and has become one of the centres of reference of navigation in Spain. If you are interested in discovering the secrets of sailing, this centre is right by your infallible methodology and the beautiful bay of clear waters. Les Bassetes is a beautiful cove between Calpe and Benissa with optimal conditions

to start navigation. If you already have a more advanced level, do not worry because they are very close to the waters of El Albir, Altea, Calpe, Teulada - Moraira, Javea and other spectacular sites of the Costa Blanca. In Las Antipodas sailing school you have the opportunity to learn to sail a catamaran, windsurfing, kayaking, wakeboarding, water skiing and 'stand up paddle surf' (SUP). Also, if you want to go a step further, the centre organizes kayak tours, catamaran and boat, always accompanied by the best lunch and dinner. Experiences and also organize camps for children. Las Antipodas Watersports Telphone:965838310 665853200. Or you can email: Las Antipodas Watersports.

Four boys who grew up in Oakland find themselves dealing with the c i t y ' s harsh realities when t h e y become adults. Instead of sitting around a n d bemoaning their fates, however, each one of them has decided to come up with an escape plan. With a number of factors serving as obstacles during their march to freedom, the men confront all of their demons with mental toughness and ingenuity, proving that real change is possible.

Boy & the World In a small town in the middle of a mythical country on a distant planet, there lives a boy named Cuca. After he s e e s h i s father leave on a train to a capital city in search of a job, the boy is thrown into dismay and experiences confusing memories for weeks.

Friday 1st July 2016



Friday 1st July 2016




Friday 1st July 2016

Ginger and acupressure 'options for morning sickness'


Guidance suggests these therapies could offer alternatives to women who want to avoid medication

Taking ginger or using acupressure on the wrist may help some women with mild morning sickness, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) says. Its guidance suggests these therapies could offer alternatives to women who want to avoid medication. But it says anti-sickness drugs and hospital treatment are important in more severe cases. The recommendations are in line with advice from NHS watchdog NICE.

Nausea and vomiting affects about 80% of pregnant women. 'Lack of understanding' For many, it disappears within the first four months though symptoms are not confined to the morning hours as its commonly used name suggests. In its first guidance on the issue, the RCOG says treatment can vary around the UK and there is an occasional lack of understanding of the condition's severity. Its guidelines weigh up the evidence for a range of treat-

ments - including complementary therapies - and set out specific options depending on how severe the condition is. Anti-sickness drugs can help in the many cases, it says. And some women may need day visits to hospitals or longer admissions for fluids and medication. Ginger biscuits Meanwhile, for women with mild or moderate symptoms who do not want to use drugs, acupressure (wearing a special bracelet that applies pres-

sure) may help. The guidance also mentions studies showing that ginger can provide some relief - including one study using ginger biscuits. But NHS Choices warns that as ginger products are not licensed for medical use in the UK, supplements should be bought only from reputable sources. And anyone still experiencing problems should seek medical advice. Meanwhile, the RCOG says hypnosis is not recommended as there is not enough evidence to establish whether it is effective. For women with more difficult symptoms, including a very severe form, known as hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), specialist treatment, including hospital admission and mental health support, should be offered, it suggests. Caitlin Dean, who chairs the Pregnancy Sickness Support charity and had HG in three pregnancies, said: "On top of the nausea and vomiting (this could be up to 30 times a day), I had a pounding headache, incredibly heightened sense of smell

and excessive saliva. "My days would be spent lying in bed with a quiet audio-book as I couldn't read or watch TV because it all made me sick. "I soon became very dehydrated and was admitted to hospital at eight weeks pregnant. "I was housebound for most of the pregnancy, which made me feel incredibly lonely." Dr Manjeet Shehmar, lead author of the guidelines, said many women with persistent symptoms were not receiving

the treatment they needed. "Women with persistent nausea can often feel that there is a lack of understanding of their condition," she said. "They may be unable to eat healthily, have to take time off work and feel a sense of grief or loss for what they perceive to be a normal pregnancy. "It is therefore vital that women with this condition are given the right information and support and are made aware of the therapeutic and alternative therapies available to help them cope."

MedB Health Dr M. Mannu


Friday 1st July 2016

The Misdiagnosis of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a commonly diagnosed medical problem. However, an increasing number of healthcare professionals are now asking questions regarding the validity of the diagnosis and the recommended treatment. Osteoporosis refers to the loss of bone density and nearly always diagnosed in women. The diagnosis is usually made after a bone density scan or DEXA scan.

However, many healthcare professionals question the reliability and safety of the bone density scan. For a start, the scan utilises X-rays which have been confirmed to cause severe damage to cells as well as cancer. The DEXA scan is also an antiquated diagnostic technology and has remained unchanged since the 1980s when it was first produced. But the worst flaw of DEXA scans is that they produce

very inconsistent results. A study by Dr Susan Ott of The Washington State University had about 300 women take 2 DEXA scans, one taken soon after they came into a room, and the second after walking around the room for a few minutes. She found that the repeat experiments done on the same day revealed as much as 7% difference in scan results. Other studies show that DEXA scan reports are

favourable towards women with larger bones. DEXA scan results will also vary depending on the type of equipment used, the location of the equipment, as well as the operator and the reader of the scan. Several healthcare groups are of the opinion that the DEXA scan should no longer be in use. Another concern surrounding osteoporosis is the drugs used for treatment which shockingly cause serious damage to bones. Understanding how such drugs damage our bones requires a brief understanding of how bones stay healthy. Our bones undergo a continual cycle of renewal, with old tissue removed, and new tissue produced to take the place of the old. And through this process, the bones stay healthy and strong. Prescription drugs used for treating osteoporosis halts the removal of old bone tissue, leaving new bone tissue to pile on top of the old. The bones appear thicker on a DEXA scan, but in reality, they are weak and brittle and easily prone to fractures. The

commonest of such harmful drugs prescribed for osteoporosis are a class of drugs known as bisphosphonates, which includes alendronic acid and zoledronic acid. The commonest side effects of such medications include bone fractures, jaw necrosis, irregular heart beat and oesophageal cancer. The best way to strengthen bones and joints is by taking a natural mineral called MSM (Methyl Sulphonyl Methane)

to produce collagen, and collagen is vital for maintaining the structure and strength of the bones, joints, skin, hair, nails and the supporting fibres of the internal organs. Although many people associate Calcium deficiency with bone disease, in fact, calcium deficiency is very rarely found in adult humans. The deficiency of MSM is the primary reason why many people suffer bone and joint diseases.

also known as fundamental sulphur. The body uses MSM

Call MedB Clinic For A Full Body Scan, 965071745.

Yellow fever vaccine: UN backs lower doses amid shortage UN health experts have recommended cutting the standard dose of yellow fever vaccine by 80% in emergencies, amid a global vaccine shortage. A smaller dose would provide immunity for at least 12 months, they said. Emergency stocks have been depleted by a mass immunisation programme in Angola, where the disease has killed more than 300 people since December. A surge of cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo has raised fears of a crisis situation. The current outbreak of the disease has seen 18 million vaccine doses distributed in Angola, DR Congo and Uganda.

The global stockpile of the vaccine has already been depleted twice since February. A regular dose of the vaccine provides immunity for life. The WHO said it remained unclear whether fractional doses would work for young children. It said that current vaccine stocks were adequate but an outbreak in DR Congo's populous capital, Kinshasa, meant the strategy was being seriously considered "to prevent transmission through large-scale vaccination campaigns". DR Congo has reported 1,044 suspected cases of yellow fever since March, including 71 deaths, according to the WHO.

Of 61 confirmed cases, 53 were linked to travel to Angola. Angola has reported 3,137 suspected cases since December, with 345 deaths reported. Studies have shown that even vaccine doses of one 10th the regular amount can produce an immune response in healthy adults, Jacqueline Weyer of South Africa's National Institute for Communicable Diseases told the BBC. "The fear is that yellow fever outbreaks may occur in other locations, or continue to spread, with the consequent need for more vaccine, which cannot be produced in good time," she said.


Dave Silver

Friday1st July 2016

Hollywood Bound While Mum Stays Home NOT many people know that many years ago my Uncle Lou appeared in Coronation Street. 'Oh, yes, they DO know!' Mrs S has just interrupted. 'People do know because you NEVER stop telling them!' Anyway, my Uncle Lou took the part of Big Arthur, the boss of the Weatherfield Mafia, in a couple of episodes opposite much-loved actor Geoffrey Hughes who played cheeky binman Eddie Yeats. My mother was justifiably proud of my Uncle Lou's acting success. 'Did you see my brother on the telly last night?' she asked our neighbour Mrs Scroggins over the backyard wall as they hung out their washing one Tuesday morning in the 1970s. 'I did indeed see him,' responded Mrs Scroggins. 'He looked so smart in his

fedora hat and camel hair coat.' 'He certainly did,' agreed Mother. 'Yes, he certainly did,' concurred Mrs Scroggins. 'Anyway,' said Mother. 'I'd better bring my washing in -it's started to rain.' 'Yes, I think I'll bring my washing in, too,' agreed Mrs Scroggins. 'For goodness sake,' Mrs S has just butted in. 'Will you just get on with the story!' Actually, Mrs S has a point. But by repeating verbatim the conversation between my mother and Mrs Scroggins, I'm trying to show that even those days it always seemed to rain just as folk were hanging out their washing. Anyway, my Uncle Lou was a family hero and I was keen to follow in his footsteps as an actor.

I first trod the boards when I was five -- but that was in our living room and was of necessity after the shop repossessed the carpet. If only Dad hadn't bet all the hire purchase repayment money on horses which were loathe to win races. I first stepped onto an actual stage when I was nine and was awarded the role of the Queen of Hearts' cook in my primary school's production of Alice in Wonderland. I had only three words to say and I recall my single line to this day. It's a pity though that I couldn't remember it on the day we performed. Three lousy words but my mind turned to mush and I 'dried.' Thankfully, our prompter gave me my line and I managed to croak it out. 'It was all those parents out there staring at me,' I explained to the play's pro-

ducer (our teacher) after the performance. The teacher shook her head. 'Young David, those people out there are what the theatrical world calls an audience. The general idea is that the audience DOES look at the actors.' The next morning, my mother observed to Mrs Scroggins over the backyard wall: 'Did you see my David in the school play yesterday?' 'I did indeed,' said Mrs Scroggins. 'It's a good job that my Charlie was prompt as the prompter. He saved your son's performance.' 'He certainly did,' agreed Mother. 'Yes, he certainly did,' concurred Mrs Scroggins. Mother sighed. 'I don't think my David is cut out for this acting malarkey. I'm so disappointed for him that I don't

think I'll bother hanging out my washing this morning.' Mrs Scroggins shrugged. 'I reckon my Charlie has a great future as a stage prompter. I'm so excited for him that I can't be bothered hanging out my washing either.' Needless to say, it never rained that morning. With my theatrical career in tatters, I decided that if I couldn't make it as a stage actor, there was always the movies. 'Where's Hollywood?' I asked Mother one day as she finished her next lot of washing in the kitchen sink. 'Hollywood is in America,' she answered, feeding Dad's dripping-wet long johns through the mangle. 'Where's America?' I asked. 'Out there,' said Mother, pointing vaguely out of the steamed-up, West-facing kitchen window.

'Could you be a bit more specific?' I asked Mother. 'Not the Pacific. America is across the Atlantic,' said Mother. 'Well, that's where I'm off to,' I said excitedly. 'I'll pack my school satchel and then I'll be off. Could you perhaps make me a sandwich?' 'Hooray for Hollywood,' yawned Mother as Dad's long johns emerged from the mangle's rollers. 'But do me a favour, Son,' she added. 'If you're really going to Hollywood, please take the dog with you. If Lassie can do the business, then so can our Rover.' Anyway, to cut this story short, I decided that a trip to Hollywood was a little too ambitious for a nine-year-old. So, instead, I took our Rover out for a walk. And then brought him home after he'd done his business.

Escape To The Country Stiliyan Petrov has been cleared of a speeding offence

ASTON Villa star Stiliyan Petrov has been cleared of a speeding offence because a Royal Mail postman couldn’t find his country house to deliver a police notice letter. The footballer told a court he didn’t realise he had broken the law because his mansion in Solihull, West Midlands, is so isolated a postie couldn’t find it. The 36-year-old pleaded not guilty before Birmingham magistrates for failing to give police information as to who was driving. The court heard that his 2014 - plate Mercedes S350L was caught by a

speed camera doing 41mph in a 30mph zone last September (2015). When he was sent a notice by police they never received a reply. The midfielder will train with Aston Villa’s first team during this summer’s preseason – four years after he was diagnosed with acute leukaemia. He is remission from the disease and announced in April that he was preparing a return to his glittering Football carear. Petrov was previously found guilty of speeding on M6 Toll earlier this year.


Friday1st July 2016

The UK's automotive industry boomed in 2015 with a record turnover of £71.6bn - but experts warn that Brexit will strangle sector growth

The figures were revealed in the automotive body's 17th annual Sustainability Report issued on Wednesday. The record turnover by vehicle manufacturers was an increase of 7.3 per cent on 2014, taking the additional value generated for the UK economy to £18.9bn - a 3.8 per cent increase on the

year before. But much of the growth, the SMMT said, has been aided by the UK's position within the EU. Mike Hawes, chief executive at the industry representative, said, 'This success has been due to unrestricted access to the single market, input to EU legislation to safeguard the interests of

UK Automotive, and the ability to recruit talent from abroad. 'Our growth depends on certainty and continued open and reciprocal access to the 100-plus markets with which the UK automotive industry so successfully trades. This is not just finished cars but components, technologies and the wider

automotive value chain. 'Any risks and uncertainty to these fundamental benefits need to be addressed head on by UK government,' he added. But analysts in Japan have warned that the shift away from the EU could force some carmakers to pull their operations from the UK altogether. According to the Financial Times, both Honda and Toyota are weighing up their options to retreat from UK manufacturing after investing a combined £2.2bn but failing to make profit since the mid-1980s. Ahead of the referendum, Toyota issued a warning of 'huge cost reduction challenges' it would face if there was to be a 10 per cent tariff on exports to Europe, especially as the vast majority of the cars produced in these UK-based plants are destined for Europe. Koji Endo, an analyst at Advanced Research Japan, estimated that there is a 75 per cent chance that both

Honda and Toyota would pull the plug on UK car manufacturing. 'The reality is that it’s nearly impossible to make profit considering that they had not made much money over the past two decades,' he told the FT. 'Can you keep holding on to a perpetually loss-making operation in Britain?' But business minister Sajid Javid said there will be medium- and long-term opportunities from Britain's vote to leave the European Union, including for the vehi-

cle sector. Speaking on Tuesday, he said: 'Because of last week's decision of course there are some short term challenges for businesses but we must also remember there are medium-term and long-term opportunities for business as well, and that includes the auto industry. 'Free trade agreements with many more countries is just one of those, Australia I think is an excellent example, it is exactly the thing we should be working on,' he added.

Top Gear USA cancelled

Top Gear USA has been cancelled, the BBC has confirmed. The programme, broadcast on the History channel in the US, is a spin-off from the popular motoring series and not the version shown in the UK starring Matt LeBlanc and Chris Evans. Presenter Rutlege Wood first announced the news on Facebook - and suggested the show could return on a new channel. "I'm not saying Top Gear

is done, but it's done for the immediate future on History," he wrote. Wood described co-presenters Adam Ferrara and Tanner Foust as "like brothers to me" and described working on the show as "a total dream come true". "The three of us will stick together and hope to bring you much more Top Gear USA, albeit somewhere else," he said. Top Gear USA has been running since 2010 - racking

up 72 episodes across six seasons. A spokesperson for BBC Worldwide North America said: "History treated Top Gear USA with lots of great care, and the show had a solid five-season contractual run with the network. "We are fully committed to the hugely successful Top Gear brand - which is known all over the world - and have begun exploring new opportunities for the series in the US."

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Friday 1st July 2016


BlueMoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. BlueMoon Solutions come to you at home or work, our personal service covers from Alicante to Pilar de la Horadada.

Richard moved to Spain ten years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: Kathy wanted to know how to enable double line spacing in Open Office Writer.

ADVICE: : Graham wanted to know how to secure his Android tablet.



Hi, Richard could you please confirm how I enable double line spacing in Open Office? Kathy. Hi Kathy, to enable double line spacing in Open Office Writer, you need to change the paragraph property, you can do this by clicking Format > Paragraph > Indents & Spacing > Line spacing: double.

What security applications do you recommend for an android tablet? Regards Graham. Hi Graham, you are the second person to ask that question – it looks like a number of people are getting new tabletss. I would recommend Avast Free Mobile Security as its been independently tested to and shows a detect rate of over 90% You can get a copy at

ADVICE: Doug wanted his Google page to be in English.


Hi Richard is it google that has changed to google es - I can get round it by googling google UK but it would be nice if I can get UK first. Thanks Doug.. Hi Douglas, if your browser has been set to go to then because you are in Spain you will automatically be redirected to – if you want to see Google in English then its best to set your home page to Office: 902 906 200 Mobile: 655 044 970 Don’t forget you can follow me on Facebook Alternatively why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going .


Friday 1st July 2016

UEFA Euro 2016 Knockout Schedule

Sandy Contest Beach handball comes to the Orihuela Costa this weekend as Campoamor’s Playa La Glea hosts an event in the Handball Arena Tour 2016. 56

teams at different levels will be taking part in the tournament which is sanctioned by Royal Spanish Handball Federation.

Triumphant Torrevieja Euro 2016 Friday 1 July

21:00 Wales v Belgium


Saturday 2 July 21:00 Germany v Italy

Sunday 3 July 2016 160 swimmers of all ages came together last Sunday for the annual City of Torrevieja Traversia which saw them taking part in two point two five kilometre sea race starting at Playa Los Locos, and an excellent morning for three close friends from Club Natacion Torrevieja who dominated the podium in their category. It was a dull and windy morning and the sea looked less than inviting over the grey skies and the water felt cold. However all the competitors went off at a fine speed and struggling with waves that hid the marker buoys, all of the competitors finished their challenge at Playa del Cura, some 35 minutes later. Club Natacion Torrevieja had six swimmers entered into the competition and all six delivered for their club proud. First to finish for the team was Zoe Connolly, who was also the first female finisher and the four competitor to finish overall with a time of 33:27. This put her first in the Junior Female category as well as first in the Female Local swimmers competition. Straight after Zoe to come second in the category was her team mate and friend, Piroska Rideg. The success though continued for Club Natacion as Skye Burns came

third in both the Junior Female and Local Females categories, which also saw her as the 18th fastest swimmer overall! Besides the results for the local girls, the fun was that all of them are great friends and they finished in the top three places in the Junior Female category, which is an age bracket that is far older than their actual ages! Not to be “out swam” the only male member of Club Natacion team, Yuriy Lymar, matched the girls results finishing first in the Male Senior category and first in the local male category, with a time just behind Piroska of 34:09, placing him sixth of the 160 swimmers. Then the two older Natacion swimmers kept up the winning streak with Vicki Connolly, being the oldest of her category, placed second in the Female Masters B group with a time of 37:10 and finishing 25th out of the 160 swimmers. Fellow team mate and friend, Beth Altabas, then followed with a first place in the Female Masters D category with a time of 42:52 and a 60th placing out of the 160 competitors. The bottom line was that the Club Natacion team of six swimmers delivered ten trophies in an outstanding morning for them!

21:00 France v Iceland

Farewell To Spring

The Sailing Association Mar Menor (SAMM) has wrapped up their 2016 Spring Season of races with four Shoestring Group boats taking part in their last two contests. The first race started in calm conditions and, apart from being drenched by spray from the jet-skiers, was fairly uneventful. The four laps were completed in 30 minutes with Tres as the winner and it was decided to increase the distance between the buoys for the second as the wind was beginning to pick up. Everybody had a good

The road to Stade de France on 10 July. Check out who plays who and plot your team's potential route to glory.

start and Cuatro and RS Quba were neck and neck for much of the race. All was going well until the second lap when Dos capsized on the downward leg and retired. The RS Quba and Cuatro continued to battle it out as Tres gained on them inch by inch. The increased wind speed made for an exciting race which was over in an hour and won by Tres with Tug Wilson and Pat Fleck (both pictured) triumphant. SAMM racing starts again this September and for more details go to

SF1: Poland/Portugal v Wales/Belgium – Wednesday 6 July, 21:00

(Lyon) SF2: Germany/Italy v France/Iceland – Thursday 7 July, 21:00 (Marseille)

Final Winner SF 1 v WInner SF2 – Sunday 10 July, 21:00 (Saint-Denis - Stade de France).

One Way

League leaders Alfas notched up an easy six wicket win at Torrevieja last weekend as the home side could only muster 68 runs after winning the toss and choosing to bat. There was a steady process of wickets to the pavilion with five batsmen failing to score and the main resistance coming from junior Taylor Braisher with a dogged innings of 11. Jamshaid Ahmad took 3 for 20 off 5 overs as the Alfas bowlers ruled the roost. Torrevieja’s total was way short of what was required to set the visitors anything approaching the realms of challenging but the home side battled bravely in the field and gave themselves a glimmer of hope as they whipped out two Alfas wick-

ets in the first seven balls of their innings. But Alfas batsmen Kieran Perman(33 not out) and Tyler Hogan Brown(18) were not interested in the home side producing a shock close encounter and they made sure that Alfas would get over the finishing fine, with young Ciaran Guichard bowling as well as ever taking 2 for 24 in 7 overs. The game was played in a good spirit and Torrevieja are looking forward to the return encounter later this month. Tomorrow the team entertain local rivals La Manga at Sports City with an 11.00am start. If you are interested in joining Torrevieja CC then contact Graham on 605 31 98 89 or


Ivie Davies on Golf

Friday 1st July 2016

What Andy Did To Kenny… Ex -Manchester City player Andy Morrison put former boss Kenny Dalglish in the shade as he romped to a memorable victory in last month’s Footballers’ Golf Classic at the La Manga Club. Morrison left Dalglish, who signed the former defender from Plymouth when he was manager of Blackburn in 1993, and the rest of the field trailing in his wake as he cruised to the title at the Mar Menor resort. The five-handicapper, who also played for Blackpool and

Huddersfield during his career, made the most of perfect conditions at La Manga to lead from start to finish in the 54-hole Stableford event to clinch victory with 110 points, seven clear of Dalglish, with ex-Birmingham and Wales defender Andy Legg one point further back in third. After scoring 38 points in the first round to lead by one from former Southampton defender Jason Dodd, Morrison then took control of the competition – which was

played off three-quarter handicaps – on the second day by scoring 42 points on the resort’s North Course with a twounder-par gross round of 69. Playing off seven, Dalglish was seeking a record fourth win in the event and was the only player able to follow Morrison’s scoring heroics as he returned the same gross total for his second round to move into second place, seven points off the lead, going into the final day.

But the Liverpool, Celtic and Scotland legend was unable to repeat his tally of 43 in the last round on La Manga Club’s famed South Course, only matching Morrison’s score of 30 points as the leader completed a runaway victory, with Legg producing a late surge to move into third place. Sold out more than nine months in advance, the landmark 20th staging of the Footballers’ Golf Classic attracted a stellar field from the footballing world including previous

two-time winners, former Aston Villa and Scotland striker turned Sky Sports commentator Alan McInally and ex-Millwall and Wales striker Steve Lovell, chasing his third victory in the last six years. Defending champion Kenny Hibbitt, Pat Jennings, Russell Osman and Fraser McLachlan were also aiming for more glory, while the likes of former Arsenal, Juventus and Republic of Ireland star Liam Brady and exEngland internationals

Darius Vassell, Mark Wright, Ray Clemence, Dave Beasant and Kevin Davies – making his debut – also featured. The golf classic featured four days of competitive golf: the one-day Alan Ball Trophy and the three-day main event with competitors playing alongside a different footballer each day. The Footballers’ Golf Classic was organised by Mancini Events owned by the former Arsenal and QPR player Terry Mancini and the event return to La Manga next year.

Golf’s Wasted Chance

An International Olympic

Committee (IOC) member

has said that golf should not have a place in the Olympic Games if it is unable to bring its top players. IOC member Barry Maister said what is happening in golf is "appalling." It certainly has not been a great few days for golf on the Olympic front, Jason Day the latest to join Rory McIlroy, Graeme McDowell, and Brandon Grace in withdrawing. Day, like McIlroy, said it was down to fears over the Zika virus. "I don't like it, and I don't think the sport should be allowed to continue in the

Games under that scenario," Maister said. "Once they've got in, they have got to deliver. Just getting in with your name, and then putting up some second- or third-rate players is so far from the Olympic ideal or the expectation of the Olympic Movement. The Olympics is about the best, and they pledged the best. Quite frankly, any sport that cannot deliver its best athletes, in my view, should not be there.” I think that is a bit rich though. Talking about it being far from the Olympic

ideals is really pushing it, as I had always thought that the Olympics were about the celebration and promotion of amateur sport. Well that certainly used to be the case. This debate will rumble on and on, but I’m just sad that golf hasn’t taken the opportunity offered to it on plate to reach a new and global audience. Now that Brandon Grace has withdrawn from the Olympics, the South African ranks have been seriously depleted. First to go was Louis Oosthuizen, with Charl Schwartzel following

hot on his heels. Brandon Grace is following the Rory line, and citing health and family reasons for his withdrawal. He’s getting married in November and hoping to start a family, so must put his health first. With the top three South African golfers gone, Gary Player has stepped forward into the breach. Gary is still as fit as a butcher's dog, and his competitive spirit burns as bright as ever. It's good to know that at least one South African is chomping at the bit.

TITTER ON THE TEE A man goes into his doctor and says “Doctor, I have a lettuce leaf growing out of my bum” The doctor says to show him so the man drops his trousers and the Doctor looks at it, takes a sharp intake of breath and says. “Very nasty indeed” The man is very concerned and asks “Is it serious?” to which his doctor replies, “I’m sorry to say this leaf is just the tip of the iceberg”.

The Courier Sport

Caparros In The Frame The ex-Levante and Granada manager Joaquin Caparros has admitted the Spain job would be too good to turn down should he be approached about replacing Vicente Del Bosque should he decide to stand down after Monday’s Euro 2016 elimination at the hands of Italy. The 60-year-old has emerged as a surprise favourite to take over La Roja despite a fairly up-anddown managerial record in recent seasons. And when asked by AS about the soonto-be vacant post, Caparros said:


Friday 1st July 2016

"If the Federation need me, I'll happily step forward. I don't know whether they will call but [President] Villar already knows that I am fully at the Federation's disposal. All of that depends on whether Vicente del Bosque, who is the best man for the job, decides to leave. Del Bosque should be given the utmost respect for everything that he has done and for all of the happiness he has given us. Winning the World Cup and the Euros is the ultimate, and no one can take that away from him.” When asked what he would bring to the post,

Caparros added: “Joy, excitement, hard work and experience. I have been in charge for over 500 matches in the top flight and what I enjoy most is working with the youth team players. The Spain side is our youth team, the melting pot from which future champions emerge. It's a wonderful job.” Former Rayo Vallecano boss Paco Jemez is also reportedly on the shortlist, despite recently taking over at Granada. Jemez, renowned for his attacking brand of football, was installed as Granada boss

Wimbledon Beckons

Torrevieja’s tennis teenager Nicola Kuhn was knocked out at the quarter-final stage of the Nike Junior International event at Roehampton, losing to American and world number two ranked junior, Ulises Blanch in straight sets 6-1, 76. Kuhn was using the Roehampton tournament as a warm up to the junior Wimbledon event which begins tomorrow (Saturday), and won his first two matches this week, both over three sets, against Egypt’s Youssef Hossam and then the Frenchman, Elliot Benchetrit.

Iker’s Retirement Hint? Spain goalkeeper Iker Casillas has given his strongest indication yet that he will retire from international football after 16 years. The 35-yearold former R e a l madrid goalkeeper did not play in any of Spain's four games at Euro 2016 with national coach Vicente

del Bosque picking Manchester United's David De Gea in goal. Casillas, who made his debut back in 2000 and is Spain's most capped player with 167 appearances, posted a video on his Twitter account of a Rambo movie clip with the dialogue saying: "I don't know where but I'm going." "He then posted a message which said: "I'm proud to feel the love of the people today and as always, everyone together for the national team."

by the club’s new owners but admitted that he insisted on a contract that would allow him to leave should the Spain post come up. “These kinds of clauses are only included when there is a possibility of something as important as the Spain job arises and will only come into effect if the Federation comes knocking to say they are interested. Managing the best football players in any country is a huge privilege. That the Federation might knock on your door is almost unthinkable. I'd be absolutely delighted.”

Barca’s New Look

Barcelona have released further pictures showing how they expect the new look version of the Nou Camp stadium to appear when redevelopment work is finished. Earlier this year the La Liga champions announced the stadium would undergo a massive 550 million euro makeover to increase its capacity from 90,000 to 105,000 as well as adding a roof. The majority of the work, which will be done between 2017 and 2021, will take place during the off-season

to avoid disrupting Barcelona’s home fixtures. The new-look stadium was designed by Japanese architecture firm Nikken Sennei Catalan studio Pascual i Ausio Arquitectes and will be environmentally friendly, harvesting some of its electricity from water as well as the sun. "The Nikken Sekkei + Pascual i Ausio Arquitectes proposal stands out for being open, elegant, serene, timeless Mediterranean and democratic," a statement on Barcelona's website said.

Defensive Move

Real Madrid are set to spend up to €65million on Bayern Munich defender David Alaba with 23-year-old

centre-half Raphael Varane moving the other way, which would see him reunite with his ex-Real boss Carlo Ancelotti.


Friday 1st July 2016

Where Is It, England? Well, where is it then? Where’s the English guts (writes JOHN MCGREGOR), the passion, the pride of playing your proud heart out for your country – where’s the fight, the fierce tackles, the Nobby Stiles type aggression, even getting a booking for getting over-efficient? Let’s begin at the top…where was the England team team leadership on the field? You know the sort of real commitment displayed earlier on Monday evening by Italy’s manager Antonio Conte, raging on the touchline while beating reigning European champions Spain. All we red-blooded Englishmen had to witness was Roy Hodgson’s pathetic imitation of a savaged sheep sitting biting his nails surrounded by his helpless helpers, closely followed by his not-before-time resignation. The colossal England defeat left us both well beaten and thoroughly humiliated by a country of 323,000, the same size as Elche – or Leicester. But that little country, underrated minnows Iceland clearly (and once again) showed us grit, team spirit, organisation, always pushing forward courageously to score goals, not defending, not passing aimlessly across the back, fullback to full back whose job, it seemed was to get to the by-line and cross, only to be easily cleared and lose possession. Where was the midfield, the drive, the creative ideas? England looked bereft of inspiration, of even commitment. The strikers never got a chance, so woeful were we of any ideas. Captaincy: Yet again Wayne Rooney again was a huge disappointment, with his best England years clearly behind him. Why was Raheem Sterling even on the field, recalled back at the expense of Adam Lallana, who to his credit never stops running and trying but was dropped this crucial time for the Man City misfit. The role of Sturridge was curious, never convincing as a striker and as for the tournament’s disaster, Harry Kane, it’s hoped the Spurs striker has a strong character – he’ll need it, as will the rest of the squad who let their country down so badly. Just where England go from here is a mystery! There is something engrained in the England set-up which is badly wrong where the step up from top performers in one of the best leagues in the world to abysmally representing their country and embarrassing us all in the process cannot go on any longer.

Toril’s Task

The Courier Sport



Batshuayi’s £33m Chelsea Move Agreed

former Eng Humiliated odgson was boss Roy H unplain the co forced to ex in at fe de football try's worst lna ur jo ld to but its history t n' do I ry fragile. ists: 'I'm ve I'm know what ' doing here


ing thgate is be Gareth Sou e th ed nd be ha backed to t term or sh e th in b England jo be Wenger may but Arsène ial nt te po a t as sounded ou r. so succes permanent

The former Real Madrid B team and youth team manager, Alberto Toril, has been unveiled as the new manager of Elche on a one-year-contract with an option for a further 12 months. As a player, 42-year-old Toril had expensive experience as a midfielder in the Segunda Division of La Liga, with his longest spells at Extremadura and Albacete having started his career as a Real Madrid B team player who had a couple of outings for the first team 23 years ago. His management career since 2002 has concentrated on youth teams before a two-year-spell in charge of the Real Madrid B squad between 2011 and 2013 which ended in his sacking after a six-nil thrashing by Eibar that saw his team rooted at the bottom of the Segunda B division. Toril has been out of management since then. Toril is the pick of Elche’s recently appointed sporting director José Luis “Chuti” Molina, who moved swiftly after previous choicem the ex-Levante boss Lucas Alcaraz changed his mind about signing a two-year contact with the Ilicitanos, after his close friend, the former sporting director Ramón Planes resigned. Speaking at a news conference on Wednesday and accompanied by Chuti and Elche president, Diego Garcia, said that he had come to a club with ambition and enthusiasm. “There is a great opportunity ahead of all of us and together we will grow. I want to thank Chuti, who knows me well, for the personal and professional confidence that he has shown in me and I hope to create a team that will never give up”. Toril refused to make any predictions about the forthcoming season but emphasised that everybody should come together in a united effort and to take Elche “where it ought to be”.

Michy Batshuayi is edging closer to a move to Chelsea after passing a medical in Bordeaux. Batshuayi, who is currently away on international duty with Belgium at Euro 2016, has been linked with a host of Europe's top clubs after scoring 17 goals for Marseille in Ligue 1 last season. The 22-year-old was given special dispensation to leave the Belgium camp by head coach Marc Wilmots and was met by Chelsea's team doctor in Bordeaux ahead of a £33m move to Stamford Bridge. He passed his medical on Wednesday afternoon and the player's camp is confident a deal will be wrapped up by the weekend. Batshuayi has attracted offers from West Ham and Crystal Palace in recent weeks.

Transfer Gossip Henrikh Mkhitaryan is prepared to pay part of his own £26m transfer fee as he tries to force through a move to Manchester United. West Ham are willing to allow defender James Tomkins leave - but have slapped an £11m price tag on his head. Leicester are on the verge of signing Nampalys Mendy after a £13m deal was struck with Nice. Besiktas winger Gokhan Tore is on the verge of a £10m move to West Ham.

RAGING ROgsYon says

Roy Hod Euro 2016 's exit from nd la ng E m "damer -t nger will cause lo ief team. FA ch age" to the id it sa nn artin Gle executive M d fin to e" tiv pera is now "im le" tt ri land are "b out why Eng . ts en at tournam

Gareth Not Next Gareth Southgate being favourite to succeed Roy Hodgson as England manager is "scary", says Harry Redknapp. Hodgson resigned on Monday after England were knocked out of Euro 2016 in the last 16 by minnows Iceland. But Redknapp said Southgate was only seen as a favourite for the job because he had won a "second-rate tournament" with England's Under-21s in Toulon. "Why should he get it in front of Steve Bruce and Sam Allardyce, who are proven managers?" asked the former QPR boss. Redknapp said former England boss Glenn

John McGregor on Sport


Friday 1st July 2016


! T A E DEF >> A dejected Roy Hodgson looks down during the Iceland match.

The Welsh Dragon Fired Up

Messi Quits Argentina Lionel Messi has retired from international duty after missing in a penalty shootout as Argentina lost a fourth major final in nine years. "For me, the national team is over," he said after defeat by Chile in the Copa America final. "I've done all I can. It hurts not to be a champion." Messi, 29, has won eight La Liga titles and four Champions Leagues with Barcelona.

(Continued from page 48). It’s brave, brilliant Wales, a country packed full of Celtic history, and one with a three million population who have thrillingly entered the quarter-finals with some blood-stirring results so far. Four games, three wins, and scoring seven golden goals while only conceding three has put the Welsh in a fantastic position, o n e

England Boss! Hoddle, 58, was a more suitable candidate. "I think he had an idea of how he wanted to play. He would have come up with a system that we all know how we're going to play," said Redknapp, who also suggested former Tottenham and Aston Villa manager Tim Sherwood as a possible option. "He's got passion, enthusiasm, I'll come and work with him all day," said the 69year-old. "He's young, enthusiastic, knows the game." Redknapp played down suggestions he might finally get the England job after missing out to Hodgson in 2012.

which f e w ‘experts’ (including me) would have given any chance of before the

finals. Manager Chris Coleman has quietly guided his team – in every real sense of the word - every step of the way, even ‘managing’ the setback of a savage last-minute defeat by mighty, nasty, disasterbent neighbours England, and then rightly progressing to the final stages. Yes, sure, Wales have Real Madrid superstar Gareth Bale, and Arsenal regular Aaron Ramsey, but there are no other real high profile footballers - like certain other nearby megarich nations who have returned home. It is almost certain there will be few, if any changes to the Welsh side tonight as the team steps up for the next huge task a h e a d against Belgium in the quarter-finals in Lille (BBC 1 9.00pm). Hmm… Belgium, eh? Now there’s a strange team, who are actually ranked second in the world. In direct contrast to Wales, the side is packed with household names that play in the English Premier League: goalkeeper Phillippe Courtois, striker Romelu Lukaku, midfielders Kevin de

Bruyne and Eden Hazard and more. But this is a country that rarely punches its weight, and often disappoints on the big occasion. However, when Belgium get it right, as Marc Wilmots’ boys did on Sunday night beating an ageing Hungary team 4 – 0 they can look awesome, and it is fervently hoped Wales don’t get taken apart if the Belgians perform the same way again. But wait… the countries have met before, and recently. Wales beat and drew with Belgium during qualification for the tournament. While Chris Coleman is adamant that there is ‘no fear’ in his team, he also repeatedly highlighted the quality of Marc Wilmots’ team: “… there is pressure on them, they have got to produce, not (just) to get out of the group stages, get to a semi-final or final,” said Coleman. “But that comes with its own problems.” Shrewd words as the wily Welsh wizard makes Belgium the favourites but takes the pressure off his own team in doing so and adroitly loads it onto his opponents. So come on, everyone; credit where it is due. Let’s get the word out for this Friday night and cheer on the Welsh. C’mon Wales!

The Latest Sport Headlines FOOTBALL Premier League giants Chelsea and Manchester City are keen on signing Real Madrid outcast James Rodriguez this summer ‒ but face competition from French giants Paris SaintGermain. The Colombia star, who joined the Spanish giants for £63million in 2014, is yet to truly establish himself at the club and there has been speculation surrounding his future at the Santiago Bernabeu. The Spanish giants are willing to take a loss on the forward if teams match their value of (€65m (£53m) - with the Blues and City among the sides interested in taking James off Real's hands. OLYMPICS Great Britain's men Rugby have been drawn with World Cup holders New Zealand, Kenya and Japan in Pool C as rugby sevens makes its Olympic debut in Rio. Great Britain's women will face Canada, Brazil and Japan, also in Pool C, in the group stage of the competition. FOOTBALL Unai Emery, who guided Spanish club Sevilla to its third straight Europa League title last month, has been named as the new coach of Paris SaintGermain. The French champions said in a statement on Tuesday that Emery has signed a two-year deal, with the option for an extra year. The 44-year-old Spaniard replaces Laurent Blanc at French side PSG. BOXING Joseph Parker's promoter says the New Zealand fighter is "very confident" about defeating Anthony Joshua and will accept a November date for their world title clash.

IT’S ALL UP FOR GRABS! ZLAT’S MOVE Zlatan Ibrahimovic should complete his long-anticipated transfer to Manchester United by the weekend. The Swedish striker 34, is a free agent after leaving Paris StGermain and is expected to sign a one-year deal with the Old Trafford club. He will become the second signing for United boss Jose Mourinho, who replaced Louis van Gaal as manager in May.

BRAZIL BOUND Barcelona's Neymar and Bayern Munich's Douglas Costa have been named as overage players in Brazil's Rio 2016 Olympics

THE WELSH DRAGON FIRED UP Pride + passion = performance! After Leicester City’s amazing achievements is this the year of the underdog, the time of the Davids slaying the Goliaths? In a tumultuous week that has seen the UK indicate its willingness to leave the EU (oh, and Iceland beat England, see inside!) ‘Great’ Britain has one sole representative left in the last eight in Euro 2016. But it’s not England, Scotland or either North and Southern Irish nation that is left to carry the flag. Continued Inside.

Belgium Are In Hot Scoring Form At Euro s! Sigthorsson Earns France Showdown

squad. The third permitted over-age player is Palmeiras goalkeeper Fernando Prass.

ENGLAND 1-2 ICELAND: PG 46-47 England Analysis Inside

THE COURIER No.1 for SPORT! All the action p 44-47

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