KTPF Magazine
Issue 3 June 2015
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
The KTPF Magazine
Issue 8
The KTPF Magazine is a FREE monthly publication produced by The KTPF Community Talk Show, covering the paranormal, conspiracies and other strange phenomena. Each month we will bring you the latest news from a variety of subjects, as well as mentioning the interviews and features expressed on our weekly talk show. Including contributions from reputed writers in their field; we will also be showcasing groups and haunted venues from around the world. Plus incorporating the forthcoming events as advertised on our sister site, Paranormal Events 4U. Contributors Wanted - The KTPF Magazine is always looking for contributors to add their work to our magazine. So if you’re interested then contact us at publisher@ktpf.co.uk and let us know if you would like to regularly publish your work with us. We regret that we cannot accept every article we receive. These are unpaid, yet rewarding opportunities. Authors can write about almost anything paranormal, including ghosts, monsters, psychic phenomena, or other supernatural and unexplained mysteries. You can also contribute articles on conspiracies as well as theories of mind and consciousness. Submissions must represent the original work of the author’s and may include the author's by-line, biography, and photograph. Authors retain the copyright of their work and may publish the identical article elsewhere if desired. Disclaimer - Contributors who wish to submit articles and photographs, do so at their own risk. By submitting material, you certify that it is original. The KTPF are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. The opinions expressed by any contributor are solely the opinions of the original source who express them. NB: If you are aware of any material featured in the KTPF Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible Credits: Front Page credit : Hadfield Photography
Editor and complier Andy Mercer Co-Editors Steve Taggart Susanne Taggart Contributors Alison Wynne-Ryder Jeff Mudgett Brian Langston David Guddy Richard Freeman Susanne Lily Psychic Waters
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
Editor’s note Issue number 7 Page 8 – Steve T’s Ghost Hunting Guide Thermometers –Laser and Ambient
It’s nearly Spring and the new edition is here!
Page 5 – Paranormal News Links to some of the interesting news stories we’ve featured in the show
In this issue… Alison Wynne-Ryder talks about Archangels. Jeff Mudgett talks about his great grandfather H.H. Holmes And David Guddy gives us an extract from his book.
Page 10 - Alison Wynne-Ryder’s regular feature Introducing the Archangels - The Archangel Michael Page 12 – KTPF Interview Review Special Mark Rosney in many ways the inspiration behind the KTPF Who sadly passed away aged just 52 Page 14 – ‘Spotlight On’Tarot reading with Susanne Lily and advice from Psychic Waters
Brian Langston returns with his true tales of mystery and we remember the inspiration behind the KTPF; Mark Rosney All this and much more…
Page 17 – Haunted locations across the UK London’s’ Iconic Castle - The Tower of London Page 20 – KTPF Interview review Following his apprence on the show David Guddy give us a couple of extracts from his book ‘A Guest in my House’ – his interviews with ghosts
Page 24 - KTPF Interview review Jeff Mudgett discussed his Great Grandfather, the serial killer H.H. Holmes and the possibility Holmes may be linked to Jack the Ripper – Included here is an extract from his book Bloodstains Page 27 - Richard Freeman Crypozoologist Richard returns with an examination of the Yeti
Paranormal News About Paranormal.com Mirror.co.uk biztekmojo.com TheExpress.co.uk Greenfiles.net Sue’s Two Penneth Yorkmix.com
Page 33 – KTPF Coming soon….. What’s on in Febuary and March?? Page 36 – Brian Langdon Another tale of mystery from Brian’s files – ‘The man they couldn’t bury’
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
What’s new in the world of the paranormal? Recent stories we covered on the show. Click on text for link to news
Could this bizarre image of 'humanoid' be World's first taken during an alien abduction?
Scientific Evidence Hints That Advanced Alien Civilizations Were Around Before The Big Bang
Is this the Barmouth Monster? Giant creature measuring 30ft spotted in British estuary
Here is the test scientists use to see if you might be a conspiracy theorist
Did a UFO Appear Over CERN?
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
GHOST ON CAMERA: Teens left terrified after black-eyed DEMON appears during Xmas party
Could archaeologists' discovery of '800-year-old mobile phone' prove time travel is real? This is NOT your average ultrasound: Can YOU spot why this scan is giving people chills?
New company claims they'll be able to RESURRECT THE DEAD by 2045 We called in exorcist after our girl spotted this evil spirit
And finally… Sue’s Twopenneth Watch terrifying moment 'ghost' lifts lid off bottle of semi-skimmed milk
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
The Tameside and Glossop branch of the RSPCA is separate and independent from the parent charity (National RSPCA) and run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Volunteer Driver to assist our cat rehoming coordinator urgently needed download our leaflet here Please note that this branch does NOT have an office as it is managed and operated by volunteers from their own homes. Email: office@rspca-tameside-glossop.org.uk
2016 Soul Reunion Tour Derek Acorah's brand new theatre tour.
Derek Acorah needs no introduction. The pioneer for Spiritualism and mediumship on television, he is arguably the world’s most renowned Spirit Medium having demonstrated to many hundreds of thousands of people in theatres throughout the UK. Derek’s television career dates back over fifteen years when he became the first medium ever to demonstrate live on air and without the benefit of an edit suite on a weekly basis bringing hope and comfort to the viewing public. Visit Derek’s website for more details on dates and venues
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
Hi, my name is Steve Taggart and I have been interested in the Paranormal for many years. I decided to join a local paranormal group, which took my path towards starting my own back in 2007. And with the help of some enthusiastic friends, the UK Shadow Seekers was born. And the Rest as They Say is History …
Thermometers I am sure you have heard of Cold and Hot Spots, both of which you can feel with your hand. But to document this, you will need to know what the temperature is. There are two main types of temperature gauges we recommend; Laser Thermometer, which only tells you the temperature where the Laser hits. This is good for pinpoint areas where the temperature varies. And an Ambient Thermometer, which tells you the temperature of the surrounding environment; the overall temperature of the room or area you are in. If you can afford it, get both, if not then I would suggest the Laser Thermometer, which start at about £20. The laser thermometer’s original intended use was to check the temperature of an oven or other high temperature facilities. *A WORD OF CAUTION - While the laser itself is of a low intensity, and will not harm your skin, it CAN harm your sight. Never point a laser thermometer at anyone ‘s face. When checking the temperature of a particular spot start with the laser pointed at the ground, only then work your way up to wherever you are checking. With the Laser Thermometer, we have asked Spirit to drop the temperature, whilst keeping the laser directed on one spot and Spirit have been kind enough to do so. In some cases, as much as 10 degrees and then taken it back up again on request. These are the kind of things that make Ghost Hunting worthwhile, as you know you have made a contact. And if you were lucky enough to get something on the Dowsing Rods as well, then maybe you can connect the two by asking questions for example... ‘Is it a Male/Female dropping the temperature’ or try using the name of the person, if known. The sceptics among us would suggest that this is the result of a window being open or the fact that it is just cold. Well that is why we ask for the temperature to go down and back up again. 8
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
Would you like to feature here? Send us a banner, a link and we’ll add you in (At our discretion of course)
Here are some paranormal events companies offering you the chance to experience ghost hunting for yourself. (Click on the image to visit the site)
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
I will be introducing a different Archangel each month to you wonderful KTPF readers. One of the main questions I am asked as an Angel Tutor is which angel should one call upon for help. It will depend upon what you are going through at that particular time in your life because each Archangel possesses their own respective strength and magic which is collectively known as the term 'Magical Correspondences'. This month's Archangel is Michael - the mighty warrior, and the leader of the Archangels. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARCHANGELS The archangels are also known as ruling angels, and they have a reputation for positive dealings with us human beings. They work ceaselessly to promote spiritual harmony and banish negativity. The Archangels are believed to have been our first teachers on our karmic path. These supreme beings are powerful healers who work relentlessly to heal the soul and the four lower bodies – the etheric, the emotional, the mental and the physical. The healing angels we will be working with today represent the seven rays of spiritual enlightenment and the seven colours of the rainbow. The seven rays are also correlated to the seven master chakras, crown chakra, third eye chakra, throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, and root chakra. If you wish to bring some extra healing into a particular area of your life, then ask the relevant archangel for their assistance. There has been much written about the Archangels – who they are, how many, etc, and the information can often get confusing. I like to share my knowledge through my own personal experiences and research. I hope you enjoy this month's article about Archangel Michael.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ‘The Warrior’ Key words associated with Archangel Michael: Protection, Courage, Truth, and Strength. Michael is generally regarded as the leader of the Archangels and he was originally regarded as a pagan symbol – in this case, a god form – who was then adopted by newer religions and adapted to fit their beliefs. The name Michael means ‘Who is God’ and this Archangel is an undisputed hero. He is the avenging angel and in ancient legend and folklore he has been the downfall of many wrong doers. He represents justice, strength and protection and he provides a necessary balance in our world. The loyalty of Michael is unquestionable and unshakeable and his sword will defend the downtrodden and those of pure and faithful heart. Call upon Michael for: protection, and to bring justice to those who have wronged you. Ask Michael to lend his supreme strength to your personal inner strength and call upon him to ward off negativity in your home therefore preventing undesirable and questionable characters from bothering you. He can also help in any cleansing ritual. He will offer assistance when you feel afraid or vulnerable. Just inwardly say 'Please come to me now Archangel Michael, I need your help and protection'.
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
A good way to attune to the energies of Archangel Michael is to visit one of the ‘Michael Mounts’ which are dotted around Europe. These mounts are built upon lay lines of energy and are a link to mystical pagan beliefs. St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall is particularly magical. Archangel Michael’s magical correspondences are: Colour
1st Ray/ Will and intent
Ray colour
Lapis Lazuli
The four main archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel are associated with three astrological signs. The astrological signs for Michael are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. BIO - ALISON WYNNE-RYDER Alison Wynne-Ryder is a Clairvoyant Medium of international fame whose extraordinary abilities bring comfort and guidance to her many clients worldwide. Her book ‘The Quirky Medium has been published and is receiving excellent reviews globally.
tweets @rescuemediumali e-mail at thequirkymedium@gmail.com websites at thequirkymedium.blogspot.co.uk/
KTPF Magazine
Remembering Mark Rosney
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016 Today would have been the birthday of a good friend of ours, both personally and professionally Mark Rosney had a keen interest in all things paranormal since witnessing an UFO incident in Halton, Cheshire in 1978. Although the sighting turned out to be the fiery re-entry of a Russian booster rocket, it spurred him on to learn all he could about UFOs. After ten years of extensive reading and research, he decided to actively investigate for himself.
Over the years, he discovered many important links between UFOs and other paranormal phenomena, which spurred him on to investigate other aspects of the paranormal, from ghosts & Hauntings, to UFOs and Phantom Big Cats, and everything else inbetween. In 2007 he founded his own investigation team, Para-Projects (www.para-projects.com) based in the North West of England. He appeared extensively on TV, notably on the series ‘Spook School’, and was a regular panel member on Roy Basnett’s award winning radio show ‘Zone Unknown, which aired on CityTalk 105.9 FM (www.citytalk.fm) every Sunday night from 8 – 10pm. Which was where we met him when we were invited as panel members on Roy Basnett’s award winning radio show ‘Zone Unknown, which aired on CityTalk 105.9 FM in Liverpool. After this, we became friends, being invited to join the panel at the annual Paranormal Week at Halton Libraries He is also co-author of the book along with his friend at Para-Projects entitled ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Paranormal Investigation’ published by Amberley He was neither a believer nor a sceptic, preferring a no-nonsense, objective approach to paranormal research and investigation. On 1 June 2013 we were invited to share a special day with Mark, as it was the day he married his childhood sweetheart Michelle He had been a regular guest on the KTPF Community Talk Show in the beginning and supported us 100%, saying: we should continue as we were doing a good thing. We were planning on having him back on the show but unfortunately he was busy at the time with his existing project - collating information for an upcoming book in collaboration with his wife Michelle, entitled Secret Liverpool - a gazetteer of the lesser-known places and little forgotten corners of the city, where tantalising clues to the region’s past have miraculously survived, often hidden in plain sight among newer structures. This was released on 15th Aug 2015 All seemed to be going fine for Michelle and Mark until the early hours of 18th August, when Mark collapsed on the bathroom floor - he had suffered a brain haemorrhage and sadly a day later, he died, he was only 52. Unfortunately we couldn't make his funeral to say goodbye but he is always in our thoughts. Thank you Mark for being such a good friend 12
KTPF Magazine
Issue 3 June 2015
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
Based in the North West, I offer Intuitive Tarot Readings, and Spiritual Guidance to help you through any obstacles from the past, which may be holding you back at the present. I started working with the Mythic Tarot back in the 1980′s but decided to take a break due to a personal setback in 1990. Then in 2005 I started to work with spirit through Paranormal Investigations and Rescue Work, which I still enjoy very much. Now with the help of my Spirit Guide, I have gradually returned to my love of the Mythic Tarot. What is an Intuitive Tarot Reading? Intuitive Tarot is a way to read the cards without having to rely on set definitions. Taking note of my own instincts that comes to me when I look at a card. As your Intuitive Reader, I work closely with my guides and you to reveal exactly where you are right now, how you got here, and where to focus your energy to help continue your journey. I offer a 36 card spread, which can include Psychometry within your reading and using my Clairvoyant gift, if the spirits have a message for you I will always pass it on to you. I tend to see people face-to-face and most readings can take from 20 to 30 minute sometimes longer, so please allow ample time for yourself. It is very rare and usually for readings to go beyond an hour. If you’d like to book a personal intuitive tarot reading with me, then contact me for more details. Skype Readings also available - Your online, secure payment is made via PayPal, although you do not need to be a PayPal account holder. Alternatively, why not host your own Psychic Night in the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is invite your friends and family relax and we take care of the rest. Min 5 - Max 10 people Covering Greater Manchester, Liverpool and surrounding areas, NB: You must be over 18 years of age to have a Tarot Reading. Engaging in a Tarot reading or a Tarot consultation implies that you declare yourself to be 18 years or older. Susanne Lily is not responsible for any fraud caused by someone pretending to be of legal age. Bookings are by appointment only - Contact Susanne to find out more
Disclaimer: You are paying for a Tarot Reading, which is always given with each client's best interests at heart. Readings should not be substituted for the advice given by a medical and/or legal professional. Please keep in mind that you are always responsible for the choices and decisions you make in regards to your reading and your situation. Readings are to be seen as receiving intuitive guidance only with possibilities of outcomes that lay ahead of you. Sending you best Wishes as you continue your Life's Journey
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
The psychic etiquette guide: How to be an exceptional psychic For psychics, there’s more than just having extraordinary abilities, you‘re also offering a customer service. It’s important to help your customers and support them during their supernatural experience with you. Many clients visit a psychic for guidance or support and along with fulfilling their needs, you need to be professional. There is a formal etiquette you must follow to avoid upsetting your client. Psychic readings are personal and many clients feel sensitive during their session. Have a read of our psychic etiquette guide to learn how to communicate professionally with your clients and become an exceptional psychic. Be positive Being positive is a significant feature of exceptional psychics. Clients go for psychic readings because they want help.They have come to you for guidance. If you have a customer who wants support after the passing of their loved one, it’s important you help them achieve what they want from their session. You want your customers leaving in a positive mood. Use positive language, make your customers feel comfortable and be selective on what you share. They haven’t come to you to hear doom and gloom. Always end a session on a positive note. Respect boundaries Especially when you are dealing with a new client, they may be feeling very wary about what you say. Speak to your customer beforehand to prepare them for their psychic reading and always be respectful when reading their aura. Invading a person’s aura without permission is unforgivable. Everyone’s aura is a personal area where we have our private thoughts and feelings, and if you invade without permission, you can upset your client and likely lose them as a future customer. Share what is appropriate This is very important during psychic readings when communicating with spirits or loved ones. Your customer may want you to make contact with a person who has recently passed away but you need to be respectful of what you say. You are communicating with someone the client knows very well and they might not appreciate you learning personal information. If you learn something that might upset or anger the client, it might be best not to tell them. You might not be able to control what the spirit says to you but you can control what you say. Deliver bad news tactfully Sometimes you may need to deliver some bad news the clients might not want to hear. During your session you will recognise how sensitive your client is and how they respond to your readings. Be understanding of your client and be respectful when delivering bad news. Always try to offer positive news at the end so your client is not leaving unhappy. Offer guidance Offering guidance is a crucial part of being a successful and exceptional psychic. Some of your clients may be feeling lost and confused so they have come to you for help. After any psychic or medium reading, you need to offer constructive advice to help them follow the right path. Special thanks to our friends at – Psychic Waters for this advice and guidance - www.psychicwaters.com
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
Check out The Enigma Experiments for all their upcoming investigations and events!
Ghosthunts4u.co.uk is a new service that offers you the chance to book overnight ghost hunts in some of the most haunted hotels, castles, or inns the UK has to offer. Search our Events Directory and find the event you are looking for, without having to wade through other irrelevant activities and out of date links. Exciting UK Ghost Hunts For You to Attend Get Involved & Enjoy
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
The Tower of London During its 900 years of existence, the Tower of London has earned the reputation of being one of the most haunted places in the UK. Thomas A. Becket is said to be one of the first ghosts seen in the tower. When the Inner Curtain Wall was still in construction, Thomas seemed to be very unhappy about it and reduced the wall to rubble with the strike of his cross. The grandfather of Henry III was said to be the reason for Thomas A. Beckett’s death so he built a chapel in the Tower for the Archbishop. People believe that Beckett was pleased with the construction of the chapel because no further interruptions were reported after the incident with the Inner Curtain Wall. Arbella Stuart is one of the castle’s most famous ghosts. It is said that her ghost stays in The Queen’s House on Tower Green. According to records, Arbella Stuart married the nephew of Lady Jane Grey, William Seymour. The marriage was thought of as a threat because it did not have the permission of King James I. Arbella was put under house arrest in Lambeth while her husband William was sent to the tower. Arbella plotted to get William released so that they could travel together to France, however, William missed the rendezvous. Arbella set sail all alone but she was recognised and was sent back, this time to the Tower. William, on the other hand, made it to freedom. She stayed there until her death in 1615 in The Queen’s House. It is believed that she was murdered in the castle. The most persistent of all ghosts in the Tower of London is that of no other than Queen Anne Boleyn. She was married to King Henry VIII. She was arrested and taken to Tower Green and was beheaded on the 19th of May 1536. Several sightings of Anne Boleyn have been reported. She appears close to the site where she was executed and has also been seen leading a procession down the aisle of a chapel. Several people have reported seeing her headless body walking the Tower’s corridors.
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
The Bloody Tower is a place in the castle which conjures up grisly images. There is the story of the two young princes, Edward V and his brother Richard, who were declared illegitimate by Parliament and sent to the tower. They were often seen playing around happily in the grounds but suddenly vanished and were never seen again. It was assumed that they were murdered by order of their uncle, the Duke of Gloucester. Two skeletons, believed to be the children, were unearthed beneath a staircase in the White Tower. The ghosts of the children are often seen wearing nightgowns clutching each other in terror in the rooms of the castle. They are also heard throughout the Tower. There is also the White Lady of the massive White Tower. The White Tower is one of the oldest and most foreboding buildings and it is the eerie haunt of the White Lady. She was said to have stood once at a window waving to little children at the building on the opposite side. Her cheap perfume impregnates the air on the entrance to St. John’s Chapel. Guards of the Tower of London have reported having a terrible crushing sensation upon entering the place where King Henry’s VIII impressive suit armour is exhibited. A guard who was patrolling the grounds have reported a sensation of someone throwing a cloak over him. When he tried to free himself, the cloth was seized from behind and pulled tightly around his throat by his unseen attacker. History The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror in 1078. It is a complex of multiple buildings set within two rings of walls built to keep intruders out. Several expansions have been made by kings during the 12th and 13th century. Although there have been a lot of modifications and additions to the tower, the original layout of the tower remains. The Tower of London has played a major role in the history of England. It has been a treasury, a public records office, an armoury, the Royal Mint’s home, and the home of the country’s crown jewels. The country’s history would be incomplete if the Tower of London is not mentioned. The tower has been besieged several times. Kings and conquerors believed that in order to control the country, the tower must be controlled first. During the 15 th century, the castle was used as a prison. However, the peak period of the castle’s use as a prison was in the 16th and 17th centuries. Elizabeth I was one of the many prominent figures who were held captive in the tower. The use of the tower as place for captives popularized the term “sent to the Tower”. Although there has been a lot of talk and a pervading belief that the tower is a place of death and torture, only a total of seven people were executed within the tower, a figure which is low compared to other places. The executions were commonly held on the Notorious Hill of the castle. In a 400-year period, 112 executions took place on Notorious Hill. Two men, John Taylor and Anthony Salvin, restored the castle to what they believed was its medieval appearance. They cleared out most of the vacant post-medieval structures. During the two World Wars, the castle was again used as a prison and 12 men were executed for espionage. The castle was badly damaged during Blitz in the Second World War but it was repaired and opened to the public. Today, the castle is cared for by the Historic Royal Palace, a charity, and protected as a World Heritage Site. 18
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
In January we were joined by David Guddy who talked to us about his book ‘A Guest in my House’ detailing his experiences communicating with ghosts.
From Pages : 36-38 It always bothers me to speak with a young child, because it seems they were cheated out of life. So many years that should have been lived out, but somehow they were cheated out of those precious years. I have spoken to a lot of children, and it is always interesting to hear their stories. So next is a young child that will tell us his story as he lived it I was eight years old when I passed away. My name is Sam Zefers. I am from Philadelphia. My life at home was fun. I learned a lot. I was home schooled, but I wanted to go to school to play with all the kids. My mom would make learning unique and interesting. I would get to go to the library during the day. I would pick out a children’s book, and my mother would make me read the book, and then we would find something in the library that was a fact about the book and research it further. We would often visit museums and historical places to learn things. I got sick with pneumonia at eight years of age, and the antibiotics didn’t work. I was coughing a lot. I was put in the hospital and hooked up to some kind of machine, and I remember seeing my parents there every day, crying at my side. I died one day that my parents were sitting by my side, then the next thing that I knew, I was standing behind them. I was screaming at them and trying to touch them, but they didn’t hear me. I also tried jumping up and down, and I tried pushing them, but none of it worked. A nurse came into the room and told my parents, “I’m so sorry, he passed away.” I did see the light, but I didn’t know what it was. The light followed me for four days, and it disappeared after they put me into the ground. I followed my parents home that night, and I got to sleep in my bed. I slept in my bed every night until they moved, and I stayed with my mom every night until she died. I did see her in her passing, although she didn’t see me. She went to the light. I didn’t know what to do after that, so I just started walking. I figured that I would try to find my grandfather’s farm, and still have not found it yet. I have run into many spirits that have tried to help me find the farm. Scary spirits try to make me go with them to people’s houses to scare them. They also want me to play with little children and have them do bad things. Many times they tell me that I am going to hell. They try to tell me that I am an evil child. I stay away from them now. If I see one, I turn and go the other way. I will not talk to them. If I could tell the living one thing, drink your orange juice. My medium once again created the light for this young boy. She watched him as he walked into the light where his grandmother met him, and he no longer walks alone. 20
KTPF Magazine From Pages 86 - 88
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
I have been talking to Lucifer throughout this book. I have sat with him and interviewed him in my house. Upcoming are true stories from Lucifer as he only can tell them. Things in the world that have happened and things to come—these are only a few of the things that Lucifer will speak of. Know that Lucifer is very much real, and remember that it was only Lucifer and God before man was created. God would tell me everything. He told me how He created me, and He told me how He created the universe. He told me how He created everything on Earth. I was the only one allowed in His chamber. He would give me things to create, and I would create them. I created the serpent and all the things that bite. God questioned my creations, because He thought that I was trying to create something more powerful than His creations. He would create a bunny, then I would create a snake to eat it. He created the lamb, and I created the lion. When God created man, I couldn’t create any higher. He went to earth as a trial to test man, and man passed. He came back, and then I got to go test man. Man did not pass my test, so God was angry. He had created something both good and evil. We fought a lot, and then He no longer told me anything. He wanted me to go. There was a five-thousand-year gap between creation and the creation of man. I was thrown out of heaven and cursed to my belly. I had to learn and fight to get back to my form. I did not hear from God for a long time. I learned to take on my new forms step by step. Every time I found myself in a new form, I discovered more powers. I could move mountains like God, and water, and eventually I found out I could move everything. This time it angered God. I moved the tree of life. I moved it from one country to a place you can’t find it. This is present day, and the tree is still where I placed it. After I moved the tree, God pulled me back into heaven. He told me enough and that I was done having my fun. He thought He was going to keep me in heaven, but I told Him that I was going back. He said, “Not like that.” Then He told me I was staying. We battled for many years. I did get to go back and control the earth until the end of time. There was a sect of angels that I was in control of. They took my side when I was fighting with God. God pushed them away, so they went down to earth on their own. They wreaked havoc with the humans. We were not paying attention. They became gods amongst the humans. They taught them our secrets. They taught them how to move things without touching them. They were trying to give the humans powers to be like gods. By mating with them, their offspring would be very powerful. God could not touch them like he could the angels. God could not touch the offspring. He would not condemn them for their powers. There was a time when God said enough of the angels doing what they wanted to do, so God took back control. It was at this time when the Great Pyramids were built in Egypt and Mexico. The humans used their angelic powers to move rock. If you would like to read more of David’s book you can find on Amazon. Please click on the image of the book to David Amazon page 21
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
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KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
In January we were joined by Jeff Mudgett, the great grandson of the notorious Serial Killer H.H. Holmes Jeff talked about Holmes’ crimes and the intriguing possibility that there might be a link to Jack the Ripper! The following is an extract from his book: BLOODSTAINS Chapter 7 I was exhausted. There was too much here to absorb in a hundred sittings let
alone one. Sore eyes begging, I set the books aside after having closed the garage door to head into the house for some much needed sleep. But while closing the second diary, a name caught my attention that stopped me dead in my tracks. The name was very familiar to me. My hands shook rereading the name hoping I had read it wrong. The woman’s name was indeed Rachael. My mother’s name was Rachael. The section described a woman and her small child. Apparently, the main character did them no harm, but shadowed them for days, watching her while assessing the baby boy. The baby’s name was Jeff.
The monster had followed my mother and me for days when I was but three years old! Careful not to be noticed by either, he began by ensuring that the woman and child were who he thought they were. He followed them to the store, to my grandparent’s house, even to church! The audacity of the man; the monster entered our House of God to watch me inside and to see the reactions of those there to my face. It’s been said that anyone who has hiked through a deep mountain forest has been watched by cougars. The experience is described as the unknown terror of having been stalked, contemplated, and even strategized over. Then passed over and allowed to continue, to live, but forever ignorant of the precariousness of life at the moment and forever thereafter. Just like that big cat, he waited each night outside our house while we slept. At least that’s what the diary said. The contents of the diaries had now suddenly taken on a completely different perspective. The now maybe not-so-long-dead ancestor had changed from historical fiction to first-hand threat. He watched me as a child! Wait a minute, I told myself, the New York Times had written of his execution and immediate burial on their front page. Their reporters had claimed to have watched him twitch hanging by the rope in final life… and then certified his death. This was a lie. Balanced again, I read on, shocked to find him describing me as a small boy. It was almost as if he were reviewing my qualifications for an upcoming event. He mentioned my stance, my strength, my coordination. He even created special situations to allow him to observe my reaction to certain stimuli. The texture of my flesh, muscular makeup and reaction to pain were next. I was three years old for Christ’s sake! 24
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Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
How close had he come to me and my mother? He answered that next. He touched us both trying to ascertain the level of my temper at mere prodding and poking. He received none, endearing me to him further, and then immediately apologized to my mother for the inconvenience. The final page was a debate, actual pro and con, about his estimation of my character; my character to do what? He didn’t answer, but I had apparently passed with flying colors. His last comment about me was simply: “Yes, the boy will do nicely,” then, “I expect much of him.” The author’s words implied I had little choice in the matter. The words more resembled a father’s after seeing his boy pitch a no-hitter at little league. A dad puffed up with pride and eager to tell the whole world that his boy had accomplished such an amazing feat and that great things awaited him. In the twenty minutes it took me to read these pages much of what had hung unanswered over the forty years of my life began to fall into place. Answers were being generated to too many of the questions my mind had debated over ever since I was a boy; those sometimes shocking things that periodically bumped around late at night in my head. Before the books, I would tell myself, “No, don’t go there, they’re nothing but nightmares. All men have them.” Now I wasn’t so sure. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I had nothing to do with any of this, I couldn’t wash away the suddenly personal aspect to this thing. My mind turned somersaults assuming that had I failed his tests, we would have been put down in order to sanctify his line. Holmes never allowed loose ends to exist. I went into the bathroom and threw cold water on my face. Looking up, I saw myself for the first time since finding the books. The image brought me up short. Heaven help me, but I had no idea whose white, detached face was staring back at me. My features were more distinct, all edge and angle, more purposeful than I could ever remember them being before. The face in the mirror reminded me of the condemned man’s in a movie. Running back to the garage, I slammed the book shut, but right then, as if to signify the coming fight, it happened. The closed book’s cover, flat on the deck, caught again on my shirt sleeve. Jerking my arm free, the snag dragged the book open to a page near the very end. Despite fearing, perhaps even knowing, what I might find, I couldn’t resist reading the page. It was different from the others. Instead of describing his day or an event that had piqued his interest, this one was a note from the author to the one reading the book. While not mentioning me by name, there wasn’t any doubt who it was meant for. The note began by describing what I had felt upon first finding the books, my initial doubts and the small changes that had occurred as I slowly began to find my place within the pages. His descriptions of my feelings were terrifyingly accurate. The note further advised the reader to put the books aside and seek help. He actually said to seek help, and to do so without delay. The words warned that it was a matter of life and death. To read what happens next check out Jeff’s book!
Please click on the image to find Jeff’s book on Amazon 25
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
Richard Freeman returns with more Cryptozoological mysteries The Yeti: An Ape Not A Bear Recently much has been made in the media of supposed yeti hair being identified as coming from an ‘ancient strain of polar bear’ believed extinct for 40,000 years. Many thought that the mystery of the yeti had been explained and that the legendary ‘man-beast of the Asian mountains was nothing more than a strange kind of bear. But, as anyone who has given the mystery even the most cursory of examinations will realise, this simply does not fit the accounts and the yeti has always been seen as some form of higher primate, an ape or ‘wildman’ In this article we will take a closer look at this case and try to find out what actually happened. Professor Bryan Sykes, one of the world’s leading geneticists, based at Oxford University. In 2012 he set up the Oxford / Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project with Dr Michel Satori of the Musee de Zoologie in Paris. The project collected supposed hair from the yeti and other mystery primates. The project was filmed for Channel 4 in a three part series entitled The Bigfoot Files. Prof Sykes conducted the DNA tests on hairs from three unidentified animals, one from Ladakh - in northern India on the west of the Himalayas, one from a supposed stuffed yeti shot in Tibet the other from Bhutan. The results were then compared with the genomes of other animals that are stored on a database of all published DNA sequences. The Ladakh specimen was collected from a mummified body. French explorer Christophe Hagenmuller was shown the body of a creature shot some thirty years before and kept in a remote village. He described the body as having both bear like and wolf like features and being the size of a small man. The hunter who killed it said he did not think it was a bear but it had no primate features either. The Bhutan sample was collected by film maker some ten years ago. It was found in a hollow tree whilst the team were making a documentary about the yeti for the Channel 4 series To The Ends of The Earth. The Professor had tested the DNA from this specimen before but could not match it to anything on his database.
The stuffed ‘yeti’ was held at Sigmunddskron Castle in Bolzano, South Tyrol in the Italian Alps. The castle is now a museum run by Italian mountaineer Reinhold Messner. It was shot in Tibet in 1938 by Ernst Shafer who was leading a Nazi expedition into the area to investigate the idea that Tibet was the ancestral home of the Aryan race. The creature was shipped back to Germany. On Shafer’s death his widow donated it to Messner.The creature was transparently a very badly stuffed bear and no kind of primate what so ever. The Nazi taxidermy yielded no DNA at all but both the Ladakh and Bhutan samples did and what’s more they matched each other. They were also a 100% match for something surprising, DNA from an ancient strain of polar bear at least 40,000 years old. The DNA matches that of a jawbone from a prehistoric polar bear found on the Norwegian Island of Svalbard. It was genetically quite distinct from the Himalayan brown bear Ursus arctos isabellinus. 27
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The polar bear Ursus maritimus is not native to the Himalayas. However the polar bear specieated from the brown bear Ursus arctos at about 603,000 years ago, geologically speaking, quite recently. One theory was that the Himalayan mystery bears represented a surviving form of this early strain. Another is that they were polar bear / brown bear hybrids. The two species are known to interbreed on occasion in places where their ranges overlap. The Himalayas are not one of these regions though. The sample, just three, only two of which yielded DNA is very small. However you might think that this wrapped up the mystery of the yeti. You would be quite wrong. Of the three samples taken two were known to have come from bears or bear-like creatures, not primates. The Bigfoot Files only interviewed one local man. He had not seen the yeti but had heard strange calls and found two of his yaks devoured. When Irish explorer Peter Byrne was conducting expeditions for the Texas oil millionaire Tom Slick in the 1950s he interviewed many eyewitnesses. He showed them pictures of apes such as gorillas and orang-utans, pictures of bears and artistic reconstructions of hominans such as Homo erectus and Neanderthal man. The witnesses invariably chose the gorilla as being closest to what they saw. They said however that the creature walked on two legs not four. It seems as if the producers of The Bigfoot Files do not want eyewitnesses describing something that contradicted their bear theory. Reinhold Messner himself is an interesting character. In the show he is interviewed and claims that he saw a yeti in a Himalayan forest at night. His description is vague ‘a large, dark being’. He later found bear prints that he said looked like the famous prints photographed by Eric Shipton in 1951 on one of the glaciers of the Menlung Basin, north Tibet. In fact they in no way resemble the Shipton picture, least of all in the fact that the bear prints show obvious claw marks lacking in the Shipton shot. Even when a bear’s print is doubled up by the animal treading in its own fore paw print with its hind claw, the result looks precious little like any supposed yeti track. He said that the locals referred to it as ‘chemo’ the native name for a large, rare kind of bear. Messner authored a book My Quest for the Yeti in 2000 in which he pushes the bear identity. This is curious as previously he had described the creature as a primate-type animal. I once interviewed the actor Brian Blessed, a renowned explorer and mountaineer himself, for a long defunct and not very good magazine called Quest. Blessed, who is a friend of Messner, said that he had told him of his encounter with a yeti. Blessed said that Messner had walked around some rocks and come ‘face to face’ with the creature. He said it was not a bear, was 7 feet tall, man-like and stood erect. There are other occasions when Messner’s descriptions sound precious little like a bear. Julian Champkin of the Daily Mail 16th August 1997 wrote that Messner has… “encountered the yeti; and not once, but four times, once close enough to touch it. More importantly, he claims to have photographs of the creature, including a mother yeti tending her child, and a yeti skeleton”.
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Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
Needless to say none of his pictures have been forthcoming. Messner goes on… "I searched for a week, 12 hours a day, in an area with no trees," he says. "I didn't expect to find one so soon. First, we saw a mother with her child. I could only take a photograph from the back. The child had bright red fur, the older animal's fur was black. She was over two metres tall, with dark hair, just like the legend. When they saw us they disappeared." Two days later, he claimed to have come across and filmed a sleeping yeti. The film is just as noticeable as the photos by its absence. In an article relating to the BBC’s Natural World documentary on the yeti, Messner describes seeing one from a range of 30 metres in Southern Tibet. The article says Messner is sure it is some kind of primate. He describes it in the article thus… “It was bigger than me, quite hairy and strong, dark brownblack hair falling over his eyes. He stood on two legs and immediately I thought he corresponds to the descriptions I heard from Sherpas and Tibetans.” So why did Messner write a book trying to explain away the yeti as a bear when this transparently was not the creature he claimed to have seen? Was it because of fear of ridicule? And what became of the photos and film? Was Messner trying to take the focus away from these or make them seem less important by saying the yeti was just a bear? Could this be because the film and photos did not exist? I’m inclined to dismiss Messner’s claims of the yeti being a bear in the light of these past statements and his seemingly strange change of tack. In 2010 I went in search of the yeti in the Garo Hills of Meghalaya in North India. Here the yeti is known as Mande barung or ‘forest man’. I interviewed many witnesses from the hill tribes, some of whom has seen the creature as recently as a year ago. All described the same animal. Ten feet tall, covered in black hair and walking erect. The said it looked like either an upright walking gorilla or a colossal, hair covered man. All were adamant that the creature was not a bear, an animal they were very familiar with. One man saw the creature building a nest like apes do. Another saw a female eating bamboo whilst suckling a youngster. Sketches they produced showed ape-like creatures that in no way resembled bears. I also came upon some man-like track in the earth next to a stream. These displayed five toes and were 12 inches by 5. They were driven into the mud to a depth of 2.5 inches. The creature seemed to be following the stream and over turning rocks to look for fresh water crabs. Local researcher Dipu Marak told us he had seen tracks 19 inches long in the Garos. The mountain forests of the Garos stretch off into Assam where the yeti is known as konglangpo and continue into the wilderness of Bhutan where the beast is known as migo. A detailed account of the expedition may be found in the book CFZ Expedition Report: India. Further confusion may come from the Tibetan name ‘dzu-teh’ meaning ‘hulking thing’, a name used to describe both bears and the true yeti. Another myth that needs exploding is that the yeti is white. The yeti has never, ever been a report of a white yeti. The creature is said to be black, brown or ginger in colour but never white. The sorry idea seems to have stemmed from a mistranslation of the SinoTibetan name ‘metoh-kangmi’ meaning abominable man of the rocks. It was mistranslated as ‘abominable man of the shows’ in Bill Tilman’s 1938 book Mount Everest. The creature lives in the forests well below the barren snowline. The word ‘yeti’ is Nepalese and means ‘rock-beast’. 29
KTPF Magazine Issue 8 Feb/March 2016 CONCLUTIONS - Reports of the yeti show characteristics that cannot be attributed to bears. These include the following. STANCE All bears, living or extinct are quadrupeds, the walk on all fours. Bears are capable of standing and walking erect for short periods but seldom move for more than a few steps on two legs. An erect posture in bears is usually a threat, making themselves look larger to intimidate enemies or rivals. Bears may also stand erect to reach food items. Rarely individual bears will take to moving on two legs for longer periods due to injury. However they move with mincing steps and an awkward gait quite unlike the naturalistic, man-like walk of the yeti. SHOULDERS Like all quadrupdal mammals the scapulae or shoulder blades of bears lie flat against the sides of their body. The Scapula of humans jut outwards giving us our characteristic broad shoulders look. Ape too, despite mostly being knuckle walkers have jutting scapulae and broad shoulders. A bear on two legs lacks the distinct broad shouldered appearance. One of the most notable things about descriptions of the yeti are the remarkably broad and massive shoulders. OPPOSABLE THUMBS Bears have five none retractile claws on their paws. They have no opposable or semi opposable thumb. The giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca has a pseudo thumb in the form of an enlarged sesamoid bone with it uses to brace and manipulate bamboo stalks. This feature is not found in any other species of bear. The yeti is said to have man-like, grasping hands and can manipulate objects. The yeti is said to pick up and hurl sizable rocks, something no bear, not even the panda, can do. FLAT-FACE The yeti has a brow ridge and prognathous jaws. Its face however is flat when compared to the faces of bears with their dog like snouts. Two species of giant short faced bear, Arctodus simus and Arcodus pristinus inhabited North America and Mexico until around 11’600 years ago. However despite having snouts shorter than any modern bear them in no way resembled apes. Short faced bears were confined to the Americans and shared all of the other ursine features that make bears poor candidates for the yeti. METHOD OF KILLING YAKS Bears kill yaks and other large animals by biting and clawing. The yeti is said to kill yaks by in several ways. Firstly by grasping the horns (with gripping hands that bears do not have) and twisting the head till the neck brakes. Secondly by punching the forehead with such force that the skull shatters and pierces the brain and thirdly by smashing the head with a rock. Again this is clearly not the behaviour of a bear. All of the above point to a primate, probably a great ape unknown to science or of a species believed to be extinct but know from the fossil record. The discovery of an ancient for of bear in the Himalayas is fascinating and exciting to cryptozoologists in and of itself but it can in no way be used to ‘explain away’ the yeti. Richard Freeman Copyright All Rights Reserved 30
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Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
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Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
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Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
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Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
We present another true story of mystery from the collection of Brian Langston….
The Immovable Coffin of Donald Beamish- The Man they could not bury: Dumfries 1672 In the late 17th Century the Scottish town of Dumfries was the scene of an inexplicable supernatural event which astounded the local population. What should have been a simple funeral transformed into an incredible paranormal phenomenon which remained a source of wonder for generations afterwards. Although now long forgotten, the story begins in September 1671 when Donald Beamish, an old man, ‘of an ordinary fortune’ who lived on the outskirts of the town, was seized by a violent fever. His condition worsened until he became convinced he was going to meet his maker. Although his wife and neighbours tried to keep up his spirits, eventually they conceded that he would not recover and did their best to make his last days as comfortable as possible. The day immediately before his death the old man sat up in bed and made a strange announcement. He told his wife that she must bury him within three hours of his death otherwise she would not be able to bury him at all. His wife was somewhat taken aback at this statement but humoured him and put it down it to his wandering mind. The old man earnestly repeated it several times during that day to his wife and his bemused friends and neighbours who called to see him. He told them that if they did not comply, they would never be able to move his body. They questioned him as to why he believed this but he gave no reply other than “It would be so”. He would not settle however until they promised him that his wishes would be honoured. The old man did indeed expire the following day on Wednesday 28th September. His friends recalled his strange appeal to them to bury him swiftly and as a mark of respect did their best to comply. They placed his corpse in a coffin and laid it on a table in the downstairs room as was the usual custom. All the preparations were hastily made for his burial that evening but despite their best efforts, the three hours had elapsed as the pall bearers arrived to take him to the churchyard half a mile away.
Four men took hold of the coffin and attempted to lift it off the table but they could not budge it. Mystified at their apparent sudden weakness, they called for others to help, but they too could not shift the simple wooden coffin from the table. The strongest men in the village were sent for who could neither budge the coffin, nor the table on which it was standing. Witnesses described it as being rooted to the ground. For several hours attempts were made to move the coffin until all present were exhausted with the effort. A decision was made to leave the coffin where it was until morning. The poor widow and her children spent a restless night waiting for the undertaker and the burly men of the village to return the next day.
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Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
After another several hours, it was decided that drastic steps were necessary and that they would attach a team of oxen to the coffin to drag it outside. In order to allow the cattle access, one side wall of the house had to be completely pulled down. A team of oxen were attached to the coffin and the table and driven forward but even their immense pulling power could not shift it. They strained so hard that their tackle broke and yet incredibly they had not moved the coffin an inch. Attempts were made to remove the old Donald’s body from the coffin and carry it away but found they found it impossible to open or even damage the coffin which seemed to be protected by an invisible force. In despair, the villagers made the decision to remove the widow and children from the house and leave the coffin it where it was. It stood there exposed to the elements for three days. Word began to spread about this immovable coffin and a great many people flocked to see it, some of whom tried their hand at moving it or breaking into the coffin but none succeeded. Eventually the landlord, who lived some miles away heard of the situation and went to see for himself. He found the house in a state of virtual collapse and took the decision that he would never be able to rent it out again so ordered that it be burnt to the ground. All were in agreement as it would also resolve the problem of the funeral. The townsfolk gathered kindling and piled it all around the cottage and set it ablaze. They watched as the building was consumed in the inferno and the local minister held a makeshift service committing the soul of old Donald to the next world. As the flames subsided and the smoke began to clear, the horrified onlookers were aghast to see that the coffin and the table stood untouched amidst the ashes. In desperation, friends and relatives of the dead man dug up the earth and piled it on the coffin. The rest of the townspeople joined in until it was buried beneath a huge bank of soil and rocks. Although the precise location has long since been lost, somewhere in the hillsides around Dumfries lies the immovable coffin which proved to be the last resting place of old Donald Beamish- the man who could not be buried.
About the Author Author and paranormal researcher Brian Langston is the former Assistant Chief Constable for Thames Valley Police. He now lives in the Languedoc region of Southern France and writes on a variety of topics including true crime, mysteries and the supernatural. His new book ‘True Ghosts and Ghouls of Windsor & Eton’ is published by Halsgrove Press in April 2016 priced at £9.99. More macabre mysteries can be found on his website at www.brianlangston.com Brian can be contacted on ghostsofwindsor@gmail.com
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Issue 8 Feb/March 2016
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Issue 3 June 2015
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KTPF Magazine
Issue 8 Feb/March 2016