La Feria News 12-21-22

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Phantom Artist Spreads Holiday Cheer

Ever wonder about some of the great murals that are painted around La Feria or even the window paintings at different business fronts?

Many of those are done by one man. Brett Oberthaler is an artist out of Weslaco that does work from all over the Valley.

Oberthaler shares that he started his side job about 20 years ago as a way for a little extra income.

“It’s all just been word of mouth,” he says “I’d be just working with the School and people would find me.”

He says people noticed and he received referrals from Schools and one thing led to another, and now he’s doing great murals all over the Valley!

He says window art is just a side thing that a lot of people enjoy and that he enjoys doing for the holidays. This year he’s done several around town including La Feria Cafe,

Los Leones, All-Star Dentistry, JC Wings, and La Feria News.

Brett Oberthaler has a Masters in fine arts by the University of Pan Am (UTRGV) and teaches fine arts at the Middle School in Santa Rosa, along with early college courses for high schoolers that are taking Art Appreciation. He teaches for Texas Southmost College. “The College course is Art Appreciation mixed with a studio element, too” So he

says the kids get to do alot of painting with that.

Oberthaler stays very busy but loves what he does and that passion really shows. He shares that he got out of retirement and started teaching again at Santa Rosa sharing that, “A lot has changed,” says that many of the students are different after covid, and many still scared.

When asked what Oberthaler has been able to implement, he states, “Just staying positive, and

not being afraid,” he says, “Because that’s another thing is they watch the news they hear about the death… It’s put a lot of fear in the kids.” He says that he tries not to focus on death, but rather says, “Let’s live!” Next time you have the chance to walk around downtown and enjoy some of the great artwork get inspired to do some of your own! Pick up a new hobby and as Brett says, “Let’s live!”

WEEK OF D E c E mb E r 21, 2022 TH r OUGH DE c E mb E r 27, 2022 VOLUmE 99 NUmbEr 51 and Willacy Counties Javier Trevino D.D.S. Digital X rays Dentures Welcoming New Patients Dentistry for all Members of the Family La Feria, Texas Ph: (956)797-4444 Now Open Monday - Saturday bridges all for an Appointment Today! Teeth Whitening crowns Your Community Newspaper, Serving the Heart of the Rio Grande Valley Los Leones Restaurant Orders to Go 956.797.1000 109 N. Main St. • La Feria, TX 78559 Monday - Sunday 7:00 am - 2:00 pm Rudy Garza Funerals, Inc. LA FERIA 317 S. MAIN (956) 797-3122 800-425-8202 Family Owned and Operated by The Rudy Garza Family Our Family Serving your Family Page 2 Page 6 SICC Holds 3rd Annual Toy Drive Page 8 Celebrating traditions in every detail HEAVENLY GRACE FUNERAL HOME, MEMORIAL PARK & CREMATORY 26873 N. White Ranch Road La Feria, TX 78559 Winter Tic-Tac-Toe La Feria City Meeting Updates Page 3 Page 7 Happy Holidays! Poem: Join In by James E. Arnold Now Accepting New Patients Juan Briones, PA 200 W. 1st Street, Suite B, La Feria To schedule an appointment, call 956.370.7169 or visit our-providers/juan-briones-pa/ Physicals | Well Visits | Sick Visits | Immunizations | and more..

In accordance with the Order of the Office of the Governor issued March 16, 2020, the City of La Feria will conduct the meeting and provide audio/telephonic availability for the public using live stream in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings (also called “social distancing”) to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (also known as Covid-19). To view the meeting via internet live streaming, please visit boards-and-commissions/city-commission/agendas-2020/ where you will find the agenda for the next meeting. The pdf for the agenda will include a link, meeting ID and passcode for the Zoom meeting. More information is available by calling 346-248-7799.

Members of the public may sign up for public comment on an agenda item or for another item of public concern by submitting an email to containing (1) the name of the individual wishing to comment; and (2) the item number or subject matter the individual wishes to comment on. Please submit requests for public comment no later than two hours before the meeting. Join the meeting at the time and login listed above and the Mayor will call on you when it is your turn to speak. A recording of the meeting will be made and will be available to the public in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. If during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item on the agenda is permitted to be held in executive or closed session, whether such item is already so identified on this Agenda or not, the City Commission will convene in such executive or closed session in accordance with Texas

Code Section 551.001551.146.

2 • December 21, 2022• LA FERIA NEWS SPONSORED BY If you have a Mexican saying you’d like to share, please call: 956-797-9920 ADVERTISERS: This spot is available. Call LA FERIA NEWS for more information. 797-9920 Contribuido por: Alvino Villarreal “De Baja Da Hasta Las Piedran Ruedan.” “Downhill even stones roll downward.” MONDAYS KNIGHTS OF c OLU mb US c OUN c IL 12135 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:30pm St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall at the corner of West & Cypress (956) 797-266 LA FE r IA S c HOOL b OA r D 2nd Monday, 6:30pm Board Room Central Administration Office 203 E. Oleander Ave. (956) 797-8300 LA FE r IA b AND b OOSTE r S 3rd Monday, 7:00pm La Feria HS Band Hall (956) 797-8300 SANTA r OSA S c HOOL b OA r D 3rd Monday • 6:30pm Santa Rosa HS Library (956) 636-9800 m AINST r EA m /PLUS DAN c E Mondays • 9:30am - noon Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen TUESDAYS b LUEG r ASS JA m SESSIONS Every Tuesday, 1:30pm Kenwood RV Resort 1201 N. Main • La Feria (956) 797-1875 WEDNESDAYS c OUNT rY JA m Wednesdays • 2-4pm Musicians by invite only OPEN TO PUBLIC Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen contact Charlie (308) 379-4589 LINE DAN c ING Weds • 9:00am - 11:30am • $3 Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen THURSDAYS SANTA r OSA c ITY c OUN c IL m EETING 3rd Thursday • 7:00pm Santa Rosa City Hall (956) 636-1113 FRI DAYS LINE DAN c ING Sat • 1:00pm - 3:00pm • $3 Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen S ATURDAYS O r DE r OF EASTE r N STA r HA r LINGEN c HAPTE r #641 3rd Saturday • 2:00pm Masonic Temple 702 E. Harrison • Harlingen (956) 423-5544 Have a weekly community event you would like us to include in our calendar? email or call (956) 797-9920
CALEN DAR of EVENTS 115 E.Commercial Ave. • La Feria, Texas 78559 • (956) 797-2261 DEC 27, 2022 6:30 PM City Commission Meeting Commission Meeting Room 115 E. Commercial Avenue • La Feria, TX DEC 21, 2022 6:30 PM Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Commission Meeting Room 115 E. Commercial Avenue • La Feria, TX SICC Holds 3rd Annual Toy Drive Southern Industrial Careers Center held our 3rd annual toy drive this year at Sam Houston Elementary in La Feria. We are extremely grateful to our La Feria community and sponsors for helping us give 442 students Christmas presents this year. Thank you to all our sponsors, which include Amable Home Health, Cameron County Constable Precinct 5, Coqui Auto Sales, El Centro Foods, and Tradecon Industries, all located in La Feria Tx. Thank you for helping us put a smile on these
and making this event possible, we couldn't have done it without you guys!
children's faces

La Feria City Meeting Updates

The La Feria city commission held its first regularly scheduled meeting for the month of December last Tuesday, December 13, at 6:30 pm. This meeting was brief, containing one consideration and a presentation.

First, the consideration and possible action on Ordinance 202216 amending monthly emergency service fee. This consideration was presented by City Financial Director, Frank Rios who says this ordinance entails a $2 increase. This has been something spoken in the past that the City has seen fit due to the growth and further expansion of the City of La Feria. This is collected through water bills, having half go to City, while the other half goes to the Fire Department. Some funds will also be going towards the Police department aswell.

Rios shares that the Police Department had recently received a body camera grant, this grant given was for $40,000, Financial Director shares

that the remaining $25,000 was taken from the City’s general fund to total $65,000 investment. Currently no grants have been accepted for the Fire Department of La Feria. “We’re applying for other fund sources,” City Manager, Jaime Sandoval says.

Next on the agenda was a presentation regarding a Health Wellness 5K, presented by Veronica Galligan, Community Relations director for Prominence Health Plan in the Texas region. Mrs. Galligan shared some of her passion for health and fitness. She first shares that she was a La Feria graduate.

Why a 5K Mrs. Galligan explains the importance of a 5K walk/run and that this is something she pushes for everyone to encourage everyone to do this as a lifestyle change, to get out there and enjoy a walk or stroll. “Changing your lifestyle is important,” she share that she has been a runner for 27 years plus, and says her passion is fitness and wellness.

Galligan has been putting

on runs & walks for a number of years and wants to bring this run & walk to La Feria. She shares that this 5K will be just $10. Mrs. Galligan also says she would like to bring her ABI Screening system to this event aswell for anyone that may want/need screening. The ankle-brachial index test compares the blood pressure measured at the ankle with the blood pressure measured at the arm. A low ABI number can indicate narrowing or blockage of the arteries in the legs. Ankle-brachial index testing might be done before and right after walking on a treadmill such in suggested by Mrs. Galligan.

Veronica Galligan wants this to be an entire event not just a 5K, “I also want to incorporate a healthfair,” Booths that can help with installing ramps for those that may need, or food, or medications… “The matter is that we want to help and support our community.”

No set date has been mentioned thus far, but members of the board seem excited and Veronica Galligan will be coordinating with the City Manager for further safety and planning; incorporating both the Police and Fire Department to help. Thoughts of this 5K starting at Veterans Memorial Park seem to be where they are planning, further detail will be relayed as the information develops.


1st United methodist church

Pastor Federico Perez, 797-1393

331 S. Main St., La Feria, Sunday School 10am, Traditional Worship Service 9am, Contemporary Service 11am, UM Youth 5pm

International Worship center Bishop Ronaldo Ortiz 956-797-1204

116 W. Seventh St., La Feria Services Sunday (English) 9:30am Domingo (Espanol) 11am, Miercoles 7pm Interdenominational Worship Extreme Youth Sat. 6 pm

First baptist church of Santa rosa Pastor Harold Parker 956-636-1603

118 Jesus R. Cruz, Santa Rosa Sunday Services 9:30am Bible Study, 10:30am Morning Worship, 7pm Wednesday Evening Worship.

Apostolic Faith Tabernacle

Pastor Ramon Zarate 357-6384

621 South Main, La Feria Sunday School 10am Sunday Worship 4pm, Wed. Evening 7:30pm.

All services are bilingual.

Iglesia Oracion en Su Presencia missionary church,Inc. Pastors Frank & Janie Gonzalez 797-0044 4th Street, La Feria,TX Sunday 10am & 6pm, Monday 7 pm Prayer Service, Wednesday 7 pm, Friday 7 pm.

church of christ Minister Gene Head 536-9832

912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria, Wednesday 6:30 pm Bible Study, Sunday 9:30am Bible Study, 10:30am Service, 5pm Evening Service Los Domingos: 12:00 Medio Dia Los Jueves: 7:00 pm Estudio De Biblia

Faith church of christian & missionary Alliance church

Pastor Oscar Loredo 797-1739

125 W. First St., La Feria,Tx

Bilingual Ministry Sunday 10am Sunday School, 11am Worship, Wednesday 7 pm Bible Study, Friday 7 pm Prayer.


Notice is hereby given that Letters of Dependent Administration in the Estate ESTRELLA DE LOS SANTOS, Deceased, were issued to Adan Garcia, on August 8, 2022, in Cause No. 2020-CPC-00107 now pending in the County Court at Law Number Four of Cameron County, Texas. Claims should be addressed to the Dependent Administrator, c/o Hamilton & Lucio, P.C., 805 Old Port Isabel Road, Brownsville, Texas 78521-3557.

All persons having claims against such Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.

Wednesday Prayer Service 9:00 AM Pastor: Carole Lahti (956) 279-3407 casa de Esperanza Apostolic church 416 W. Spruce La Feria 965-639-4301 Bilingual Services Sunday at 1:00pm Daniel Martinez Pastor

St. mary’s catholic church FR. Edouard Atangana, 956-636-1211 101 San Antonio Ave., Santa Rosa Saturday Mass 5pm Bilingual, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English.

First baptist church of La Feria 797-1214

Main St. & Magnolia, La Feria Wednesday 6:30pm Youth Bible Study & Mission Friends, 9:45am Sunday School, 11am Morning Worship Service St. Albans Episcopal church Reverend Scott Brown 956-428-2305, 1417 E. Austin, Harlingen,TX Holy Communion 8am, Sunday School 9:15, Holy Eucharist 10:30am.

Hope in the Word church Pastors Jose & Bertha Belmares 797-3621, 28354 S. Bixby Rd., La Feria Services Friday 6pm, Sunday 10am.

All services are Bilingual, English & Spanish.

Primera Iglesia bautista 956-797-1740 519 N. Main, La Feria

Bilingual Services: Sunday 9:45am Sunday School, 10:45am Worship Service, 5:00pm WMU, 6:00 pm Evening Worship Service, Iglesia Generacion En conquista Pastor Samuel y Magda Cervantes, Phone (956) 536-2215 2803 W. Exp. 83 Suite A. La Feria Sunday Service 10am Bible Study, 11am Worship Service, 7pm Wednesday Family Service

St. Francis Xavier catholic church Fr. Rodolfo Franco 797-2666, offi ce: 502 S. Canal church: 500 South Canal St., La Feria, Saturday Mass 5:30pm, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English, 12pm Bilingual.

christ In Our midst

missionary church Pastor: Rev. Daniel Carrizalez 956-742-6311 1 mile N. of FM 506, La Feria Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m., Wednesday Service - 7:00 p.m., Monday Prayer - 7:00 p.m.

New Hope Presbyterian church 208 West Central Ave,

First Baptist Church, La Feria

On December 7, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines flight KL755 from Ecuador to Spain had a stowaway. No one knew, everyone was surprised, even Tamara, the stowaway’s mother.

A few hours before landing, Tamar began to feel abdominal pain. She left her seat for the restroom. Tamara was surprised when her stomach pain became contractions. After two contractions, she delivered an 8 lb. boy. Tamara had no idea that she was even pregnant, carrying a stowaway.

A child born to a woman who does not know she is pregnant is not that unusual. They are referred to as a Cryptic or a stealth pregnancy. In some cases, the mother cannot accept the fact that she is pregnant. That is called a denied pregnancy. Other women simply do not know. The changes to the body are minimal and they may be on birth control.

Most babies are expected and even anticipated. Occasionally, there are surprises. Occasionally, nature or God does something to remind us we do not know everything and certainly control very little.

Once upon a time a woman was found to be with child. She had no reason to expect that she was even pregnant. Except, like a dream, a small voice gave her the good news. She was the first to hear the gospel. “His name shall be Emmanuel, God with us.” And He still is.

D E c E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 3
CORRECTION POLICY Although the La Feria News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. WEEKLY COLUMNS printed in the La Feria News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. “Your Community Newspaper since 1923” 123 W. commercial Ave., Downtown La Feria, TX 956-797-9920 E-MAIL: We are open Monday - Friday from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. FO r I mm EDIATE ASSISTAN c E: call 956-330-6838 PU b LISHE r S Landon Jennings Sharice Jennings m AILING ADD r ESS P.O. box 999 La Feria, TX 78559 956-797-9920 ADVE r TISING Victor moreno 956-264-7720 G r APHI c DESIGNE r Jazmin Perea c ONTENT EDITO r Emilio Flores OFFI c E m ANAGE r Nelda briones HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal Service…$27.95 or can be purchased at several convenient locations throughout the cities of La Feria, Santa Rosa, Santa Maria & Blue Town for 50¢. The La Feria News is mailed and delivered m onday, December 19 2022 and published weekly by La Feria Publishing, LLc. Periodical Postage Rates paid at La Feria, TX., Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 128 W. Oleander Ave., La Feria, TX 78559. (POSTMASTER send address changes to La Feria, P.O. Box 999, La Feria, TX 78559.) TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION MEMBER 2020 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price ..................... $.50 ea. Back Issues available $.50 ea. Also distributed to each LFISD School Student. 2022
Services Sunday 4:30 pm Sunday School 3:15 pm Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month cowboy church 11235 Swift Ln. Santa Rosa, Tex. Service at 11:00am Sunday 6:30pm pm Monday St. Paul Lutheran church Pastor Nathan Wendorf Sundays 8:00AM (Traditional) HC fi rst, third & fi fth 10:30AM (Contemporary) HC second, fourth & fi fth (956) 423-3924 602 Morgan Blvd. Harlingen, TX 78550 Templo Getsemani Pastor Julio y Claudia Mendoza Phone (956) 589-5016 11418 Fifth St. La Feria Servicios: Tuesday & Thursday 7pm Friday Pray at 7pm Sunday Bible Study at 10am & 6pm Immanuel Lutheran church & School Rev. Ed Weber 956-565-1518 Offi ce (M-F; 8-12 noon) 956-565-3208 School (Grades: PK-5th 703 W. 3rd St., Mercedes, TX Sunday Worship Services 9am Sunday Bible Class 10:30 am 912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria Sunday 10:30am Service Sunday 5pm Evening Service Los Domingos 2:00pm Medio Dia Los Minister Roger Goodwin First United Methodist Church Pastor Matt Ratliff 331 S. Main St., La Feria, 956-797-1393 Sunday Service10am Kids Korner 10am (ages 4 and up) Sunday FUMC Youth 4:30pm (ages 12-18yrs) Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month 604 N. Main St., La Feria TX. 956-797-1740 Pastor, Jorge Navarro Childrens SS classes in English Adult SS class in Spanish Begins at 9:45 AM Worship Service at 10:45 AM
La Feria,TX, 956-277-0208
Emilio Flores La Feria News







4 • D E c E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS rGV Shrine club Hall Rentals for parties Se Renta Salon para fiestas New Phone # (956) 532-3780 Services Mobile HoMe INSURANCE Pay Less....CheCk √oorhes Insurance Agency 518 N. 1ST ST. • HARLINGEN (956)428-7475 •(800)880-0938 Great Classifieds... List Yours Today by Calling 956-233-9928 or 956-797-9920. REMEMBER: Deadline is Wednesday at NOON for ads to be published in the following week’s edition. We supply the Rio Grande Valley and South Texas with Secure Mobile Document Destruction. “Your On- site Answer to Document Destruction” Call Us Today! 1-956-233-4780 THE HAIR CENTER Betsy & Ryan OPEN Monday To Friday 956-490-9047 956-792-5842 122 W. Oleander • La Feria, TX LEGAL NOTICE APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE WITH THE TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION FOR A MIXED BEVERAGE PERMIT AND A LATE HOURS CERTIFICATE BY JAVIER G. MENDIETA DBA TEX-MEX NIGHT CLUB, TO BE LOCATED AT 1069 N EXPRESSWAY, BROWNSVILLE, CAMERON COUNTY, TEXAS. TexSCAN Week of Dec. 11-17, 2022 ACREAGE AFFORDABLE LAND. We have some of the best in Texas. Hill Country – Edwards, McCulloch, Schleicher, Coke, Val Verde counties, free ranging exotics. South Texas – Kinney, Duval, Live Oak counties - whitetail, hogs. Trans Pecos, Terrell, Val Verde – whitetail, javelina, quail. 30 year fixed rate financing, 5% down., 800-876-9720.
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Texas Press Statewide Classified Network 221 Participating Texas Newspapers • Regional Ads Start At $250 • Email NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is
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The Texas High School Coaches Association (THSCA) and Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Announce the First-Ever Water Polo Regional Coach of the Year Awards

THSCA recognizes water polo coaches across Texas for their achievements for the 2022 UIL Water Polo Season.

San Marcos, Texas- The THSCA and Texas Farm Insurance announced the 2022

THSCA Boys and Girls Water Polo Regional Coach of the Year awards.

These awards recognize coaches across the state of Texas for their exemplary achievements in the 202223 UIL Water Polo Season.

“THSCA is very passionate about the celebration of our coaches. Creating the Coach of the Year awards is an amazing opportunity to highlight the elite coaches across Texas,” said Joe Martin, the Executive Director of the THSCA. “We’re excited to celebrate and honor almost 1,600 coaches across 23 different sports in Texas for their athletic accomplishments during the 2022-23 school year.”

Nominations are reviewed and chosen by the THSCA Awards Committee. The nomination process is open to every member

of THSCA after the state championships in each sport. Each THSCA member is offered a chance to nominate a head coach and/or assistant coach to submit through the Member Portal.

Nominations conclude to all members after two weeks. Each nomination is then handed over to the Awards Committee for scoring (by region). The Awards Committee ranks all nominations (ex. 1- 25).

The 2022 THSCA Boys and Girls Water Polo Regional Coach of the Year Awards presented by Texas Farm Bureau Insurance are listed below. Please note these coaches will have the opportunity to win the THSCA Coach of the Year in their respective sport in January of 2023.

Regional Head Coach of the Year

Boys Water Polo –Brandon Dion, Marcus HS

Girls Water Polo – Tony Arbogast, Flower Mound HS

Boys & Girls Water Polo – Jeff Chandler, Cypress Creek HS

Boys Water Polo – Hector Castaneda,

Halringen CISD

Girls Water Polo –Danny Euresti, Harlingen HS

Boys & Girls Water Polo – Alberto Escalante, Boerne Champion HS Regional Assistant Coach of the Year

Boys & Girls Water Polo – Michael Gillette, Boerne Champion HS

About the Texas High School Coaches Association: The Texas High School Coaches Association (THSCA) is the principal advocate and leadership organization for Texas high school coaches. The THSCA provides the highest quality representation, education, and services to Texas high school coaches and affiliate members by enhancing the professionalism of coaches and the schools they represent. The mission statement is simply this: To help and serve Texas high school coaches as they work to help and serve student - athletes.

"HELPING COACHES HELP KIDS." For more information on THSCA visit

Roll Pride

The La Feria Lions took part in the 91st annual C.E. Vail Basketball Tournament. La Feria, who host the tournament every year, looked to make a statement in this year’s tournament.

Day one saw the La Feria Lions jump ahead over Edinburg Vanguard and grabbed a huge win to open the tournament play. After a close knit matchup,

La Feria took on 31-5A Powerhouse PSJA North and despite a hard effort by the Lions, PSJA North would win 66-57.

Day two action saw La Feria Bounce back against the Brownsville Porter Cowboys. Dominant offense was the key as La Feria jumped ahead to a 30 point lead and won 61-31.

Now in the Tournament quarterfinals, La Feria took on another powerhouse from 31-5A in Edinburg Vela. A nail biting matchup

La Feria goes 2-2 in C.E. Vail Tournament Action Roll Pride Soccer

that saw La Feria leading 32-28 at the half. Edinburg Vela, known to pull off second half heroics, took control and slipped away. After key offense for both teams, Edinburg Vela slipped away, winning 57-37.

La Feria would finish tournament play at 2-2 after a good run at the C.E. Vail Tournament. Great offense and defense for the Lions showed they can make a deep run in District.

Lionettes Soccer set to begin the 2022-23 season

The La Feria Lionettes are set to kick off another season of soccer. After the successes of last season’s team, the Lionettes look to repeat the success.

Last season, La Feria finished off 12-4 overall and 10-2 in District Play. After finishing second in 32-4A, La Feria captured a

big win over Raymondville in the Bi-District round before falling to Calallen in the Area Round. So let’s see what lies ahead.

Non-District Action will begin January 3rd as the Lionettes will host the Valley View Lady Tigers. The Lionettes had a lengthy non-district that included some big names such as Raymondville, and Brownsville Pace.

The Schedule for District play will begin January as the opponents for the Lionettes will take on teams as Port Isabel, Harmony School of Innovation, IDEA Sports Park, IDEA Frontier and Brownsville Jubilee. Of Course Last season, the Lionettes look to repeat the success of Last season’s District campaign.

Now offering flu and pneumonia vaccinations! Mario A. Sanchez, D.O. and Staff GO MIGHTY LIONS! (956) 797-2002 La Feria 106 N. Main St 2022 LIONETTES POWERLIFTING MEET THE LIONETTES BILL BUNTON AUTO SUPPLY & MACHINE, INC. GO LIONS GO! brian bunton (956) 565-2473 Septic Services by R&R Service You Can Trust by Rene Taguilas Valleywide Service La Feria • Sales of Septic Tanks, Grease Traps, Blocks & Bases • Septic Tank Cleaning • Service Repairs Supports the Lions and Lionettes. (956) 226-9468 D E c E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 5
THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITY PAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY THESE SPONSORS: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADVE r TISE ON OU r NEW ACTIVITY PAGE PLEASE c ONTA c T LA FERIA NEWS AT (956) 797-9920 Septic Services by R&R (956) 226-9468 La Feria Service you can trust by Rene Taguilas • Sales of Septic Tanks, Grease Traps, Blocks & Bases • Septic Tank Cleaning • Service Repairs 6 • D E c E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better t p d i pl www.culliganr gv com 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better t p d i pl www.culliganrgv com eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF TH www.culliganr 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! OF THE RIO GRANDE VA better water pure and simple .com WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALL better water pure and simple ganr 1002 E. HARRISON AVE, HARLINGEN, TX 956-364-2444 | FAX: 956-216-8044 Elizondo Family (956)241-0978 Acoustic Jam - Mondays1-3pm Musicians by Invitation Only All Listeners Welcome FREE! YELLOW ROSE RV PARK 1609 N Main St | La Feria, TX GET SCHEDULES, SCORES & LIVE BROADCASTS OF LA FERIA GAMES LIVE BROADCASTS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY

Combes, Cameron County Texas

The City of Combes will hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on December 27, 2022 at Combes Municipal Complex, 21626 Hand Road, Combes Texas regarding the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for one or more Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG) grants for Program Year 2023. The City of Combes may be eligible to participate in the 20232024 Community Development Fund Program. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss the citizen participation plan, the development of local housing and community development needs, the amount of TxCDBG funding available, all eligible TxCDBG activities, and the use of past TxCDBG funds. The City of Combes encourages citizens to participate in the development of TxCDBG applications(s) and to make their views known at this public hearing, Citizens unable to attend this meeting may submit their views and proposals to Aida Gutierrez, City Administrator, 21626 Hand Road, P.O. Box 280, Combes, Texas 78535 Persons with disabilities that wish to attend this meeting should contact Combes City Hall to 956-425-7131 to arrange for assistance. Individuals who require auxiliary aids or services for this meeting should contact the Combes City Hall to 956-425-7131 at least two days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Para mas information en espanol, comuniquese con Aida Gutierrez, Administradora De La Ciudad -956-425-7131


Combes, Cameron County Texas


The City of Combes will hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on December 27, 2022 at Combes Municipal Complex, 21626 Hand Road, Combes Texas regarding the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for one or more Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG) grants for Program Year 2023. The City of Combes may be eligible to participate in the 20232024 Community Development Fund Program. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss the citizen participation plan, the development of local housing and community development needs, the amount of TxCDBG funding available, all eligible TxCDBG activities, and the use of past TxCDBG funds. The City of Combes encourages citizens to participate in the development of TxCDBG applications(s) and to make their views known at this public hearing, Citizens unable to attend this meeting may submit their views and proposals to Aida Gutierrez, City Administrator, 21626 Hand Road, P.O. Box 280, Combes, Texas 78535 Persons with disabilities that wish to attend this meeting should contact Combes City Hall to 956-425-7131 to arrange for assistance. Individuals who require auxiliary aids or services for this meeting should contact the Combes City Hall to 956-425-7131 at least two days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Para mas information en espanol, comuniquese con Aida Gutierrez, Administradora De La Ciudad -956-425-7131

D E c E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 7 THEME: WINTER FUN ACROSS 1.Make change 6. Used in combination to denote the middle 9. *Ammo material 13. Star____ 14. The "place with the helpful hardware folks" 15. Neutral shade 16. Orderly arrangement 17. Romanian monetary unit 18. Button on electrical outlet 19. *Frosty's nose 21. *Gingerbread Man, e.g. 23. Drench 24. What a willow did? LAST WEEK’S SUDOKU ANSWERS LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORDS ANSWERS 44. Paintings in Orthodox church 46. Not swim or swum 47. Frozen puddle accident 48. Small skullcap 50. Dresden's river 52. Captain's turf 53. Drop of sorrow 55. "Slippery" tree 57. *Frozen spike 60. *Three-horse sleigh ride 63. Words to live by 64. Caviar alternative 66. On D'Artagnan's hat 68. Group of wives 69. Boiling emotion 70. Furnish with a fund 71. Travelers' stops 72. Poetic "even" 73. Buy second-hand DOWN 1. Agha, alt. sp. 2. Artist Chagall's first name 3. Poet Pound's first name 4. Draws close 5. Fungus damage (2 words) 6. Shake's cousin? 7. *____ fishing 8. Two, in cards 9. Station finder button 10. Not final 11. Curved molding 12. Kind of nurse 15. Bouillons 20. Laudanum ingredient 22. Saturn's wife 24. As opposed to widow 25. Impromptu 26. Emergency pedal 27. *Hot treat 29. Major-leaguers 31. Prefers 32. Butcher shop offering, pl. 33. Ghostlike 34. Parkinson's drug 36. Philadelphia's Ivy League member 38. Russian mountain chain 42. *Fireplace glob 45. TV offering 49. Reef fish 51. Kind of bride 54. Eagle's home 56. Hundred Acre Wood creator 57. A Flock of Seagulls' 1982 hit (2 words) 58. European Council for Nuclear Research, acr. 59. Bad day for Caesar 60. Not quite an adult 61. Spiral-horned African antelope 62. Singer-songwriter Tori 63. Tai's partner 65. Miner's bounty 67. Female sheep 25. Famous song by The Jackson 5 28. Cone-shaped quarters 30. *Snow mover 35. A bit of water 37. Pakistani language 39. Measured in knots 40. Tatted fabric 41. *"A Visit from St. Nicholas" poet 43. Tropical edible root The Next Chapter Poem Join In by James E. Arnold We hear the bells of Christmas ring. Their tinkling fills the breeze. This is the time when wisest men Do fall upon their knees. For the King of kings forever knows The cares of life that ever go, Does love us all so faithfully And heals our souls where’re we go. So… Lift your voices up and sing The praises of our Heavenly King. Please c all: Mesquite RV Park (956) 357-8686 Monthly Lot Rentals $300 Address: 11924 W Business 83 Published on (December 21,
2022): La Feria News;
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8 • D E c E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS Septic Services by R&R MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! (956) 226-9468 La Feria Service you can trust by Rene Taguilas • Sales of Septic Tanks, Grease Traps, Blocks & Bases • Septic Tank Cleaning • Service Repairs and these area businesses would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday! Doctor Javier Treviño and staff wish you and your family A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 100 S. main Street La Feria, Texas Ph: (956)797-4444 Now Open Monday - Saturday Javier Trevino D.D.S. 365-6000 Harlingen Pediatrics • Kids Dental Su Clinica participates in Texas STAR/STAR+Plus WE’D LIKE TO WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR 105 S. Main St. La Feria, Tx. 956-797-5465 Open: Mon - Sun 7am - 3pm 121 W. Commercial • La Feria, TX 78559 La Feria Café HOURS Monday-Sunday 7:00am-2:00pm (956)277-0400 Have a Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!

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