Los Fresnos News February 24, 2016

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Hometown Recipes, Cooking Tips and Coupons By Janet Tharpe

sure—Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Bacon Buttercream

“You’ll t to eat ese for kfast!�



da, KS 1,450)

oist and delicious Sheila Devor’s Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Bacon Buttercream Frosting is one of those times when bacon really DOES belong in dessert! I loved the maple-bacon Ă€DYRU LQ WKH LFLQJ <RX FDQ DGG D ELW RI EDFRQ WR WKH EDWWHU WRR IRU DQ H[WUD SRS RI Ă€DYRU %HFDXVH \RX FDQ QHYHU KDYH HQRXJK EDFRQ 5LJKW" 4XLWH WKH WUHDW See step-by-step photos of Sheila’s recipe plus thousands more from home cooks nationwide at: www.justapinch.com/pancakecupcake <RXÂśOO DOVR ÂżQG D PHDO SODQQHU FRXSRQV DQG FKDQFHV WR ZLQ (QMR\ DQG UHPHPEHU XVH ÂłMXVW D SLQFK´

- Janet

ancake Cupcakes with Maple Bacon Frosting

• In a separate medium bowl, whisk milk and eggs, then stir in butter. • Add milk mixture to the dry ingredients. Whisk until just moistened and combined. ‡ 'LYLGH EDWWHU DPRQJ WKH PXIÀQ FXSV %DNH XQWLO SXIIHG DQG ÀUP WR WKH WRXFK hole milk about 10 min. • Let cool for 5 min; remove cupcakes to a alted butter, melted and wire rack. Cool completely. • To make frosting, whip the butter on E FROSTING medium-high for about 5 min. ed butter, room temp • Reduce mixer to low; add powdered sugar wdered sugar a little at a time, waiting until it’s mostly ple syrup incorporated before adding more. lla extract • Once all of the powdered sugar has been acon; cooked, cooled added, scrape the sides of the bowl and mbled increase the speed to medium-high and ZKLS XQWLO à XII\ WR PLQ Directions • Add maple syrup and vanilla; whip for 1 the oven to 400 F. Line min or so to incorporate. SDQ ZLWK OLQHUV DQG VSUD\ • Add the bacon and mix to combine. n-stick spray. • Spread frosting on cupcakes. RXU VXJDU EDNLQJ • Top with additional crumbled bacon, if and salt in a large bowl; desired. .

What You Need E CUPCAKES SRVH Ă RXU ar ng powder

bmitted by: Sheila Devor, Towanda, KS (pop. 1,450)

www.justapinch.com/pancakecupcake Brought to you by American Hometown Media




Sharing Hometown Recipes, Cooking Tips and Coupons By Janet Tharpe

Pure Pleasure—Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Bacon Buttercream “You’ll want to eat these for breakfast!�


Sheila Devor Towanda, KS (pop. 1,450)

oist and delicious Sheila Devor’s Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Bacon Buttercream Frosting is one of those times when bacon really DOES belong in dessert! I loved the maple-bacon Ă€DYRU LQ WKH LFLQJ <RX FDQ DGG D ELW RI EDFRQ WR WKH EDWWHU WRR IRU DQ H[WUD SRS RI Ă€DYRU %HFDXVH \RX FDQ QHYHU KDYH HQRXJK EDFRQ 5LJKW" 4XLWH WKH WUHDW See step-by-step photos of Sheila’s recipe plus thousands more from home cooks nationwide at: www.justapinch.com/pancakecupcake <RXÂśOO DOVR ÂżQG D PHDO SODQQHU FRXSRQV DQG FKDQFHV WR ZLQ (QMR\ DQG UHPHPEHU XVH ÂłMXVW D SLQFK´

- Janet

Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Bacon Frosting

• In a separate medium bowl, whisk milk and eggs, then stir in butter. • Add milk mixture to the dry ingredients. Whisk until just moistened and combined. ‡ 'LYLGH EDWWHU DPRQJ WKH PXIÀQ FXSV %DNH XQWLO SXIIHG DQG ÀUP WR WKH WRXFK about 10 min. • Let cool for 5 min; remove cupcakes to a wire rack. Cool completely. • To make frosting, whip the butter on medium-high for about 5 min. • Reduce mixer to low; add powdered sugar a little at a time, waiting until it’s mostly incorporated before adding more. • Once all of the powdered sugar has been added, scrape the sides of the bowl and increase the speed to medium-high and ZKLS XQWLO à XII\ WR PLQ Directions • Add maple syrup and vanilla; whip for 1 • Preheat the oven to 400 F. Line min or so to incorporate. PXIÀQ SDQ ZLWK OLQHUV DQG VSUD\ • Add the bacon and mix to combine. with non-stick spray. • Spread frosting on cupcakes. ‡ :KLVN à RXU VXJDU EDNLQJ • Top with additional crumbled bacon, if powder and salt in a large bowl; desired. set aside. What You Need FOR THE CUPCAKES F DOO SXUSRVH à RXU 1 tbsp sugar 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 1 1/2 c whole milk 2 eggs 2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted and cooled FOR THE FROSTING 1 c unsalted butter, room temp 2 1/2 c powdered sugar 3 tbsp maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla extract 3 slices bacon; cooked, cooled and crumbled

Submitted by: Sheila Devor, Towanda, KS (pop. 1,450)

www.justapinch.com/pancakecupcake Brought to you by American Hometown Media


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" As a miracle child-grateful for my life I believe God has a purpose for each one of us. All my life I have tried to do what comes easy for me but very difficult for others, that is, representing the poor, the working class and the person unjustly accused or unjustly convicted. In doing so I have fought a lot of corruption along the way. In my practice of over 33 years I have been successful in overturning many convictions where people have been incarcerated and many where others are being deported to Mexico due to careless inexperienced lawyers. No matter the outcome of this campaign I thank you all my friends everywhere, my family and caring supporters, and above all I thank God. "

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