Los Fresnos News May 25, 2016

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The only Community Bank with locations in Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy Counties

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ng Hometown Recipes, Cooking Tips and Coupons By Janet Tharpe

Uncle Wiley’s Fantastic Chicken Salad

My uncle makes the best chicken salad!�


ie Burbank

ebbie Burbank’s Uncle Wiley’s Chicken Salad recipe is so good your guests will be asking you for the recipe. This chicken salad is great for brunch, a light lunch or to serve at a cookout this summer. The sour cream adds a delicious tang that I can’t get enough of! See step-by-step photos of Debbie’s recipe plus thousands more from home cooks nationwide at: www.justapinch.com/wileyschickensalad <RXÂśOO DOVR ÂżQG D PHDO SODQQHU FRXSRQV DQG chances to win! Enjoy and remember, use “just a pinchâ€?...

- Janet

endale, AL p. 13,893)

Uncle Wiley’s Chicken Salad

What You Need oached boneless cken breasts, diced HOHU\ ÀQHO\ FKRSSHG ecans, chopped ried cranberries c white seedless pes, cut in fourths white raisins sour cream mayonnaise and black pepper, aste

Directions • Poach chicken breast. This can be done the day before. • When ready to make the salad, dice the chicken. • In a large bowl, mix all of the ingredients. • Add salt and black pepper to taste. • Add additional mayonnaise if necessary. • Serve with crackers or it makes a great sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes.

mitted by: Debbie Burbank, Gardendale, AL (pop. 13,893)

www.justapinch.com/wileyschickensalad Brought to you by American Hometown Media




Sharing Hometown Recipes, Cooking Tips and Coupons By Janet Tharpe

Uncle Wiley’s Fantastic Chicken Salad “My uncle makes the best chicken salad!�


Debbie Burbank

ebbie Burbank’s Uncle Wiley’s Chicken Salad recipe is so good your guests will be asking you for the recipe. This chicken salad is great for brunch, a light lunch or to serve at a cookout this summer. The sour cream adds a delicious tang that I can’t get enough of! See step-by-step photos of Debbie’s recipe plus thousands more from home cooks nationwide at: www.justapinch.com/wileyschickensalad <RXÂśOO DOVR ÂżQG D PHDO SODQQHU FRXSRQV DQG chances to win! Enjoy and remember, use “just a pinchâ€?...

- Janet

Gardendale, AL (pop. 13,893)

Uncle Wiley’s Chicken Salad What You Need 4 c poached boneless chicken breasts, diced F FHOHU\ ÀQHO\ FKRSSHG 1 c pecans, chopped 1 c dried cranberries 1 1/2 c white seedless grapes, cut in fourths 1 c white raisins 4 oz sour cream 1 c mayonnaise Salt and black pepper, to taste

Directions • Poach chicken breast. This can be done the day before. • When ready to make the salad, dice the chicken. • In a large bowl, mix all of the ingredients. • Add salt and black pepper to taste. • Add additional mayonnaise if necessary. • Serve with crackers or it makes a great sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes.

Submitted by: Debbie Burbank, Gardendale, AL (pop. 13,893)

www.justapinch.com/wileyschickensalad Brought to you by American Hometown Media


MAY IS DRINKING WATER MONTH! FREE INSTALLATION on any Culligan Reverse Osmosis Water System, Bottle Free Cooler or Bottled Water Cooler. 速

956-399-1780 www.culliganrgv.com

Limited time offer. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Certain rules, conditions apply. Since Culligan Dealers are independently owned and operated offers and participation may vary. Offer ends 6-30-16.

Summer 2016 Session Schedule

For children ages *2 and up (Adult lessons available)

Registration Now Open

(limited space available)

Class 1 Time: 9:00am-10:00am Class 2 Time 10:00am-11:00am Class 3 Time: 11:00am – 12:00noon Session I: June 6-June 9, June 13-June 16 Session II: June 20-June 23, June 27- June 30 Session III: July 5-July 8, July 11-July 14 SWIM CLUB 7:30AM to 8:30AM

FEE: $60 (2 Weeks Mon-Thur)

Sign up at Los Fresnos City Hall 200 N Brazil St Los Fresnos, TX 78566 956-233-5768

For more information: 956-534-4619 Los Fresnos City Pool 900 N Arroyo Blvd Los Fresnos, TX 78566

Summer Swimming Pool Hours Public Swimming: Tuesday to Friday 2pm to 7pm Saturday to Sunday 2pm to 8pm Lap Swimming/Aqua Aerobics: Tuesday to Friday 7pm to 8pm Lap Swimming: Saturday 8am to 10am Fee: $2 per person (Children and Adults) Season passes $45 (Children and Adults) Good for Tuesday to Friday Only

NOTICE AND ORDER OF RUNOFF ELECTION NOTICE OF RUNOFF ELECTION TEXAS SOUTHMOST COLLEGE DISTRICT CAMERON COUNTY, TEXAS To the voters of the Texas Southmost College District of Cameron County, Texas: Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on June 18, 2016 for voting in a runoff election to elect: ONE (1) TSC DISTRICT TRUSTEE Place 3 for 6 year term This order is given under and by virtue of an Order for said election made and entered by Texas Southmost College District on the 18th day of May 2016, copy of which is incorporated and made part of this notice. ORDER OF RUNOFF ELECTION TEXAS SOUTHMOST COLLEGE A runoff election is hereby ordered to be held on June 18, 2016, for the purpose of: ELECTING ONE (1) TSC DISTRICT TRUSTEE Place 3 for 6 year term and It is further ordered and directed that the following are named as polling places as hereinafter set out, and that the District be and is divided into Election Precincts as hereinafter set out: PRECINCT




1, 83

Port Isabel City Hall 305 E. Maxan St. Port Isabel, Texas

2, 3, Pt. 50, 65 66, 99, 109

Los Fresnos Cameron Cty. Annex 745 West Ocean Blvd. Los Fresnos, Texas

4, 95, 105

Villarreal Elementary School 7700 E. Lakeside Olmito, Texas

5, 46, 63, 96

Gonzalez Elementary School 4350 Coffeeport Rd. Brownsville, Texas

6, 7, 8, 9

Putegnat Elementary School 730 E. 8th St. Brownsville, Texas

10, 69, 70

Cromack Elementary School 3200 E. 30th St. Brownsville, Texas

11, 12, 13

Russell Elementary School 800 Lakeside Blvd. Brownsville, Texas

Pt. 14, 68, 82, 86 102, 108

Rivera High School 6955 FM 802 Brownsville, Texas


R. L. Martin Elementary School 1701 Stanford St. Brownsville, Texas

16, Pt. 17, 48, 98, 107

Yturria Elementary School 2955 W. Tandy Rd. Brownsville, Texas

37, 45

J. T. Canales Elementary School 1811 E. International Blvd. Brownsville, Texas

38, 97

Sharp Elementary School 1439 Palm Blvd. Brownsville, Texas

47, 49, 61, 76

Stell Middle School 1105 Los Ebanos Blvd. Brownsville, Texas


South Padre Island City Hall 4601 Padre Blvd. South Padre Island, Texas

53, 77

Garza Elementary School 200 Esperanza Ln. Brownsville, Texas

54, 72, 73, 74 100, 101, 106

Burns Elementary School 1974 Alton Gloor Blvd. Brownsville, Texas


Port Isabel High School 18001 Highway 100 Laguna Heights, Texas

60, 71

Perkins Middle School 4750 Austin Rd. Brownsville, Texas

62, 75

James Pace High School 314 W. Los Ebanos Blvd. Brownsville, Texas


Laguna Vista City Hall 122 Fernandez St. Laguna Vista, Texas

Poll locations are subject to change in accordance with the Texas Education Code §43.061 and as determined by the President of Texas Southmost College or her designee. Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted at the following dates, times and locations: Monday – Friday Monday – Tuesday

June 6 – 10, 2016 June 13 & 14, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

TEXAS SOUTHMOST COLLEGE FORT BROWN MEMORIAL CENTER 80 FORT BROWN BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78520 CAMERON COUNTY FORMER ELECTIONS MAIN OFFICE 954 E. HARRISON ST. BROWNSVILLE, TX 78520 BROWNSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 2600 CENTRAL BOULEVARD BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78521 SOUTHMOST PUBLIC LIBRARY 4320 SOUTHMOST ROAD BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78521 LOS FRESNOS CAMERON COUNTY ANNEX 745 WEST OCEAN BLVD. LOS FRESNOS, TEXAS 78566 PORT ISABEL CITY HALL 305 E. MAXAN ST. PORT ISABEL, TEXAS 78578 Poll locations are subject to change in accordance with the Texas Education Code §43.061 and as determined by the President of Texas Southmost College or her designee. Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Edgar Chrnko Salas Director of Marketing and Community Relations 80 Fort Brown Brownsville, Texas 78520 Applications for ballot by mail must be received no later than the close of business on June 7, 2016. Issued this the 18th day of May 2016. Francisco G. Rendon, Chair Texas Southmost College District Board of Trustees

AVISO Y ORDEN DE SEGUNDA VOTACIÓN AVISO DE SEGUNDA VOTACIÓN TEXAS SOUTHMOST COLLEGE DISTRICT CAMERON COUNTY, TEXAS A los votantes registrados del Texas Southmost College District del Condado Cameron de Texas: Por la presente se notifica que las casillas para votar situadas en la Orden de Segunda Votación se abrirán desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el día 18 de junio del 2016, para votar en la segunda votación de: UN (1) MIEMBRO DE LA MESA DIRECTIVA DEL TSC DISTRICT Lugar 3 – por el término de seis (6) años Este aviso es expedido por una Orden para dicha elección hecha y archivada por el Texas Southmost College District este día 18 de mayo del 2016, cual copia es incorporada y hecha parte de este aviso. ORDEN DE SEGUNDA VOTACIÓN TEXAS SOUTHMOST COLLEGE DISTRICT Por la presente se convoca a elecciones el día 18 de junio del 2016, con el propósito de: UN (1) MIEMBRO DE LA MESA DIRECTIVA DEL TSC DISTRICT Lugar 3 – por un término de seis (6) años Asimismo se ordena y se dispone que queden establecidas como casillas electorales los lugares que a continuación se mencionan, y que el Distrito deba dividirse, y en este acto se divide, en los precintos que a continuación se mencionan: PRECINTO




1, 83

Port Isabel City Hall 305 E. Maxan St. Port Isabel, Texas

2, 3, Pt. 50, 65 66, 99, 109

Los Fresnos Cameron Cty. Annex 745 West Ocean Blvd. Los Fresnos, Texas

4, 95, 105

Villarreal Elementary School 7700 E. Lakeside Olmito, Texas

5, 46, 63, 96

Gonzalez Elementary School 4350 Coffeeport Rd. Brownsville, Texas

6, 7, 8, 9

Putegnat Elementary School 730 E. 8th St. Brownsville, Texas

10, 69, 70

Cromack Elementary School 3200 E. 30th St. Brownsville, Texas

11, 12, 13

Russell Elementary School 800 Lakeside Brownsville, Texas

Pt. 14, 68, 82, 86 102, 108

Rivera High School 6955 FM 802 Brownsville, Texas


R. L. Martin Elementary School 1701 Stanford St. Brownsville, Texas

16, Pt. 17, 48, 98, 107

Yturria Elementary School 2955 W. Tandy Rd. Brownsville, Texas

37, 45

J. T. Canales Elementary School 1811 E. International Blvd. Brownsville, Texas

38, 97

Sharp Elementary School 1439 Palm Blvd. Brownsville, Texas

47, 49, 61, 76

Stell Middle School 1105 Los Ebanos Blvd. Brownsville, Texas


South Padre Island City Hall 4601 Padre Blvd. South Padre Island, Texas

53, 77

Garza Elementary School 200 Esperanza Ln. Brownsville, Texas

54, 72, 73, 74 100, 101, 106

Burns Elementary School 1974 Alton Gloor Blvd. Brownsville, Texas


Port Isabel High School 18001 Highway 100 Laguna Heights, Texas

60, 71

Perkins Middle School 4750 Austin Rd. Brownsville, Texas

62, 75

James Pace High School 314 W. Los Ebanos Blvd. Brownsville, Texas


Laguna Vista City Hall 122 Fernandez St. Laguna Vista, Texas

Los lugares designados como casillas electorales están sujetos a cambio conforme a lo estipulado en el código §43.061 de la educación de Texas y establecido por la rectora de Texas Southmost College o su designado(a). La votación por adelantado en persona se llevará a cabo en: lunes - viernes lunes – martes

6 – 10 de junio del 2016 13 y 14 de junio del 2016

9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

TEXAS SOUTHMOST COLLEGE FORT BROWN MEMORIAL CENTER 80 FORT BROWN BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78520 CAMERON COUNTY FORMER ELECTIONS MAIN OFFICE 954 E. HARRISON ST. BROWNSVILLE, TX 78520 BROWNSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 2600 CENTRAL BOULEVARD BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78521 SOUTHMOST PUBLIC LIBRARY 4320 SOUTHMOST ROAD BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78521 LOS FRESNOS CAMERON COUNTY ANNEX 745 WEST OCEAN BLVD. LOS FRESNOS, TEXAS 78566 PORT ISABEL CITY HALL 305 E. MAXAN ST. PORT ISABEL, TEXAS 78578 Los lugares designados como casillas electorales están sujetos a cambio conforme a lo estipulado en el código §43.061 de la educación de Texas y establecido por la presidenta de Texas Southmost College o su designado(a). Las solicitudes para votar por correo deberán enviarse a: Edgar Chrnko Salas Director of Marketing and Community Relations 80 Fort Brown Brownsville, Texas 78520 Las solicitudes de boletas para votar por correo deberán recibirse al finalizar las horas de oficina del 7 de junio del 2016. Emitida este día 18 de mayo del 2016. Francisco G. Rendon, Presidente Mesa Directiva de Texas Southmost College District

*Orthodontics done by General Dentist

Issue 1 Venoclouremceult2u•ral.com

MaY 2016




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