Los Fresnos News | August 12, 2020

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2020 Property Tax Rates in CITY OF LOS FRESNOS This notice concerns the 2020 property tax rates for CITY OF LOS FRESNOS. It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual tax rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's no-new-revenue tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare Tax properties taxed both years. This year's voter-approval tax rate is 2020 Property Rates in inCITY OF OF LOS FRESNOS Property Tax Rates inelection. CITY LOS FRESNOS the notice highestconcerns tax2020 rate the unit can set rates holding In each case these rates are found by This the taxing 2020 property tax for an CITY OF LOS FRESNOS. It presents This notice concerns the 2020 property tax rates for CITY OF LOS FRESNOS. It used presents dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual tax rate the taxing unitwith to information about threelast taxstate rates. Last year's taxgiven rate isper the$100 actual tax rateimpose the taxing unittotal used to adjustments as required by law. The rates are of property value. determine property taxes year. This year's no-new-revenue tax rate would the same

NOTICE OF 2020 TAX YEAR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX RATE FOR CITY OF LOS FRESNOS A tax rate of $0.715000 per $100 valuation has been proposed for adoption by the governing body of CITY OF LOS FRESNOS. This rate exceeds the lower of the no-new-revenue tax or voter approval tax rate, and state law requires one public hearing be held by the governing body before adopting the proposed tax rate. The governing body of CITY OF LOS FRESNOS proposes to use revenue attributable to the tax rate increase for the purpose of covering the City operations. PROPOSED TAX RATE PRECEDING YEAR'S TAX RATE NO-NEW-REVENUE TAX RATE VOTER APPROVAL

$0.715000 per $100 $0.715000 per $100 $0.680752 per $100 $0.731151 per $100

The no-new-revenue tax rate is the total tax rate needed to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for CITY OF LOS FRESNOS from the same properties in both the 2019 tax year and the 2020 tax year. The voter approval rate is the highest tax rate that CITY OF LOS FRESNOS may adopt before holding an election. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount= (rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100 For assistance or detailed information about tax calculations, please contact: Tony Yzaguirre Jr Cameron County Tax Assessor Collector 835 E Levy (1st Flr); Brownsville TX 78520 (956) 544-0800 assessor_collector@co.cameron.tx.us www.citylf.us You are urged to attend and express your views at the following public hearings on the proposed tax rate: Public Hearing: At 520 E. Ocean Blvd, Los Fresnos on Tuesday August 18, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

determine taxes last year. This year's no-new-revenue ratevoter-approval would impose same taxes as lastproperty year if you compare properties taxed in both years. Thistax year's taxthe rate is total Last year's tax taxes as last iftheyou compare properties taxed in both years. voter-approval the highest taxyear raterate: taxing unit can set holding an election. In eachThis case year's these rates are found bytax rate is the highest tax operating rate the taxing cantax setbase holding an election. each case thesewith rates are found by dividing total amount of taxesunit by the (the total value of In taxable property) Lastthe year's taxes $1,375,533 2020 Property Tax in CITY OF LOS dividing theastotal amount of taxes by the taxare base (thepertotal value ofFRESNOS taxable property) with adjustments required by state law. TheRates rates given $100 of property value. 2020 Property Taxlaw. Rates inrates CITY OFOF LOS FRESNOS Last year's taxes $531,518 This notice concerns the 2020 property tax rates forare CITY LOS$100 FRESNOS. It presents adjustments as debt required by state The given per of property value. This notice concerns the 2020 property taxyear's rates for CITY OF LOS FRESNOS. Itthe presents information about three tax rates. Last tax rate is the actual tax rate taxing unit used to Last year's total taxes Last year's tax rate: $1,906,852 information about three tax last rates.year. Last This year'syear's tax rate is the actual tax tax raterate the taxing used the to same total determine property taxes no-new-revenue wouldunit impose Last year's tax rate: Last year's operating taxes determine property last year. This year's no-new-revenue tax rateThis would impose the same totaltax rate is Last year's tax base $1,375,533 $280,729,045 taxes as last year iftaxes you compare properties taxed in both years. year's voter-approval taxes as lastyear's year ifoperating you compare properties taxed in both ThisInyear's taxare ratefound is Last taxes the highest tax debt rate the taxing unit can set holding anyears. election. eachvoter-approval case these rates by $1,375,533 Last taxes Lastyear's year's total tax rate $531,518 $0.715000/$100 the highestthe taxtotal rate amount the taxingofunit canby setthe holding an election. In value each case these rates are found by dividing taxes tax base (the total of taxable property) with This year's no-new-revenue taxthe rate: Last year's debttaxes taxes Last year's $531,518 dividing the total amount of tax base value taxable property) with $1,906,852 adjustments as total required bytaxes statebylaw. The rates(the aretotal given perof$100 of property value. adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property $1,578,520 value. Last year's adjusted taxes Last base Lastyear's year'stax total taxes $280,729,045 $1,906,852 subtracting Last(after year's tax rate: taxes on lost property) year's total tax rate $0.715000/$100 LastLast year's tax rate: Last year's tax base $280,729,045 ÷ This year's adjustedtaxes tax base Last year's operating $1,375,533 $231,878,599 This year's no-new-revenue tax rate: Last operating taxes $1,375,533 $0.715000/$100 (after subtracting of new property) Lastyear's year's total value tax rate Last year's year's adjusted debt taxestaxes $531,518 Last $1,578,520 This year's no-new-revenue tax Last year's debtno-new-revenue taxes =This year's taxrate: rate $531,518 $0.680753/$100 (after subtracting taxes on lost property) Last year's total taxes $1,906,852 (This isyear's the maximum the City can propose unless it publishes a Last year's adjusted taxes Last total taxes rate $1,906,852 $1,578,520 ÷Last Thisand year's adjusted tax base notice holds abase public year's tax $231,878,599 $280,729,045 (after subtracting taxesofhearing) on lost property) Last year's tax base (after subtracting value new property) $280,729,045 This year's voter-approval tax rate: Last year's total tax rate $0.715000/$100 ÷ This year's adjusted tax base $2,292,143 =This year's no-new-revenue rate Last year's total tax rate operating $231,878,599 Last year's adjusted taxes $0.680753/$100 $0.715000/$100 This year's no-new-revenue taxtax rate: (after subtracting value of new property) (This is the maximumtaxes rate the City can propose unless it publishes This year's no-new-revenue tax lost rate:property (after subtracting on and adjusting for any a Last year's adjusted taxes notice holds ano-new-revenue public hearing) transferred function, tax incrementtax financing, state criminal justice $1,578,520 =This year's rate Lastand year's adjusted taxes $1,578,520 $0.680753/$100 (after subtracting taxes onindigent lost rate: property) This year'sand/or voter-approval tax mandate, enhanced healthcare expenditures) (This the maximum rate City can propose unless it publishes a (afterissubtracting taxes on lostthe property) $2,292,143 ÷Last year's adjusted tax base year's adjusted operating ÷This This year's adjusted tax basetaxes $231,878,599 notice holds a public hearing) $231,878,599 ÷(after Thisand year's adjusted tax of base $231,878,599 subtracting value new property) (after subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any This year's voter-approval tax rate: =This year’s voter-approval operating tax rate: (after subtracting value of new property) $0.988510/$100 transferred function, tax increment state criminal justice $0.680753/$100 =This year's no-new-revenue taxfinancing, rate $2,292,143 Last year's adjusted operating taxes =This year's no-new-revenue ratehealthcare xis1.035 or 1.08=this maximum operating mandate, and/or enhanced indigent expenditures) $0.680753/$100 (This the maximum rateyear's thetax City can propose unlessrate it publishes a $1.023107/$100 (after taxes on lost property and adjusting for any (This is thesubtracting maximum rate the City notice holds a debt public hearing) ÷ This year's adjusted tax basecan propose unless it publishes a + and This year's rate $231,878,599 $0.242834/$100 transferred function, tax increment notice and holds a public hearing) This year's voter-approval tax rate: financing, state criminal justice =This year’s voter-approval operating tax rate: expenditures) + This year’s unused tax increment rate, if applicable: mandate, and/or enhanced indigent healthcare $0.988510/$100 This year's voter-approval rate: $0.000000/$100 $2,292,143 Last year's adjusted operating taxes $2,292,143 x 1.035 or 1.08=this year's maximum operating rate Last year's adjusted operating taxes = This year's total voter-approval tax rate: ÷ This year's adjusted tax base $1.023107/$100 $0.731151/$100 $231,878,599 (after subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any (after subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any (This is the maximum rate the City can adopt without and election for transferred function, tax increment financing, state criminal justice + Thisyear’s year's debt rate $0.242834/$100 =This voter-approval operating tax rate: justice $0.988510/$100 transferred function, tax increment financing, state criminal voter approval) mandate, and/or enhanced indigent healthcare expenditures) + This year’s unused increment rate, if applicable: $0.000000/$100 mandate, and/or indigent expenditures) x 1.035 orenhanced 1.08=this year'shealthcare maximum operating rate $1.023107/$100 ÷ This year's adjusted tax base $231,878,599 This year's total voter-approval tax rate: ÷ =This year's adjusted tax base $0.731151/$100 $231,878,599 + This year's debt rate operating tax rate: $0.242834/$100 =This year’s voter-approval (This is the maximum rate the City cantaxadopt for $0.988510/$100 =This year’s voter-approval operating rate: without and election $0.988510/$100 + This year’s unused increment rate, if applicable: voter approval) $0.000000/$100 x 1.035 or 1.08=this year's maximum operating rate $1.023107/$100 x 1.035 or 1.08=this year's maximum operating rate $1.023107/$100 = This year's total voter-approval tax rate: + This year's debt rate $0.731151/$100 $0.242834/$100 A - Unencumbered Fund Balance + This year's debt rate rate Schedule $0.242834/$100 (This is the maximum the City can adopt without and election for + This year’s unused increment rate, if applicable: The following estimated balances will be left in the unit's property tax$0.000000/$100 accounts at the end of the voter approval) + This year’s unused increment rate,encumbered if applicable:by a corresponding $0.000000/$100 fiscal year. These balances are not debt obligation. = This year's total voter-approval tax rate: $0.731151/$100 Type of year's Property Tax Fund tax rate: Balance = This total voter-approval $0.731151/$100 (This is the maximum rate the City can adopt without and election for General Unencumbered funds 1,534,267 (This theFund maximum rate the Schedule City can adopt without and election for Balance A - Unencumbered Fund voter isapproval) voter approval) estimated balances will be left in the unit's property tax accounts at the end of the The following Schedule B by – 2020 Debt Service fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered a corresponding debt obligation. The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. Type of Property Tax Fund Balance These amounts will be paidfunds from property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if General Fund Unencumbered 1,534,267 Schedule A - Unencumbered Fund Balance applicable). The following estimated balancesorwill be left in the unit's to property tax accounts at the end of the Principal Contract Interest be Schedule B – 2020 Debt Service Other Amounts to fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered byPaid a corresponding debt obligation. Description to be from from that Total Payment Schedule A -Paid Unencumbered Fund Balance The unit plans of to Debt pay the Payment following amounts for long-term debts are secured by property taxes. be Paid Schedule ATaxes - Unencumbered Fundproperty Balance Property Property Taxes Type of Property Tax Fund Balance The following estimated balances will be left the unit's taxsales accounts at the endifof the These amounts will be paid from property taxin revenues (or additional tax revenues, The following estimated willencumbered be left in the unit's property accounts Series 2005 Comb Taxbalances 125,000 23,310 tax1,534,267 0at the end of the 148,310 General Fund Unencumbered fiscal year. These balances are funds not by a corresponding debt obligation. applicable). fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation. Series 2014 Comb Tax 135,000 105,931 0 240,931 Type of Property Tax Principal Fund Balance or Contract Interest to be 128,510 Series Comb Tax 160,000 0 Other Amounts to 288,510 Type of 2017 Property Tax Fund Balance General Fund Unencumbered funds 1,534,267 Schedule B – 2020 Debt Service Description of Debt from Total Payment 19,338 SeriesFund 2018Unencumbered Comb Tax Payment 140,000 to be Paid from Paid 159,338 General 1,534,267 be0 Paid The unit plans to pay Property thefunds following long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. Taxesamounts for Property Taxes Schedule B tax – 2020 Debt Service Series Combwill Tax be125,000 23,310 0 sales tax revenues, 148,310 These2005 amounts paid from property revenues (or additional if Schedule B – 2020 Debt Service The unit plans to pay following amounts for long-term debts that are0 secured by property240,931 taxes. Series 2014 Comb Tax the 135,000 105,931 applicable). Total required for 2020 debt service The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. $837,089 These 2017 amounts will be paid from property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if 288,510 128,510 Series Comb Tax 160,000 Principal ortax Contract Interest to tax be0revenues, if These amounts bepaid paid from Schedule property additional sales 19,338 applicable). Series 2018 Comb Tax 140,000 0 159,338 Other Amounts to - Amount (ifwill any) from A revenues (or $0 Description of Debt Payment to be Paid from Paid from Total Paym applicable). Principal orresources Contract Interest to be be Paid - Amount (if any) paid from other $259,670 Other Amounts to Property Taxes Property Taxes Principal or Contract Interest to be Description of Debt Payment to be Paid from Paid from Other Amounts to Total Payment Series 2005 125,000 0 148,310 -Total Excess collections last yearto $0 Description ofComb Debt Payment be Paid from PaidProperty from23,310Taxes be Paid Total Payment Property Taxes required forTax 2020 debt service $837,089 be Paid Series 2014 Comb Tax 135,000 105,931 0 Property Taxes Property Taxes Series 2005toComb Tax 125,000 23,310 0 148,310240,931 = Total be paid from taxes in 2020 $577,419 - Amount (if any) paid from Schedule A $0 240,931288,510 128,510 0 Series 2017 Comb Tax 160,000 0 Series 2005 Comb Tax 125,000 23,310 148,310 Series 2014 Comb Tax 135,000 105,931 0 + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will 19,338 0 Series 2014 Comb Tax 135,000 240,931$0 Series 2018 Comb Tax 140,000 0 128,510 - Amount (if any) paid from other resources 105,931 $259,670 Series 2017 Comb Tax 160,000 0 288,510159,338 collect only 100.00% of its taxes in 2020 128,510 Series 2017 Comb Tax 160,000 0 288,510 159,338 19,338 Series 2018 Comb Taxlast140,000 0 Excess collections year $0 19,338 Series 2018 Comb Tax 140,000 0 159,338 = Total to be paid from taxes in 2020 $577,419 Total required for 2020 debt service $837,089 + Total Amount addedfor in anticipation that the unit will required 2020 debt service $837,089 $0 - Total Amount any) paid from Schedule $0 required for 2020 service collect only(if 100.00% ofdebt its taxes in 2020 A $837,089 - Amount (if any) paid from Schedule A $0 Amount any) other $259,670 --Amount (if(if any) paidpaid fromfrom Schedule A resources $0 - Amount (if any) paid from other resources $259,670 --Amount any) paid from $259,670 Excess(if collections lastother year resources $0 - Excess collections last year $0 -=Excess collections last year $0 Totaltotobebepaid paidfrom from taxes in 2020 $577,419 = Total taxes in 2020 $577,419 =+Total to be added paid from taxes in 2020 that the unit will $577,419 Amount in anticipation + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will $0 $0 +collect Amount added in anticipation that the2020 unit will collect only 100.00% taxes in 2020 only 100.00% ofof itsits taxes in $0 collect only 100.00% of its taxes in 2020 = Total debt levy


Schedule C - Expected Revenue from Additional Sales Tax In calculating its no-new-revenue tax and voter-approval, the unit estimated that it will receive $1,262,801 in additional sales and use tax revenues.

This notice contains a summary of actual no-new-revenue and voter-approval k tax rates' calculations. You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at 835 E Levee (1st Floor) BROWNSVILLE TX 78520. Name of person preparing this notice: Pablo A. Garza Title: Director of Finance Date Prepared: 07/31/2020

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Los Fresnos, Texas will convene at its regular meeting place in the City Hall in Los Fresnos, Texas, at 6:00 o’clock P.M., Los Fresnos, Texas time on October 13, 2020, and, during such meeting, the City Council will consider the passage of an ordinance or ordinances and take such other actions as may be deemed necessary to authorize the issuance of one or more series of certificates of obligation in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,600,000 for the purpose or purposes of paying contractual obligations of the City to be incurred for making permanent public improvements and for other public purposes, to-wit: (1) designing, engineering, constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, and improving the City’s utility system; (2) the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, land, and rights-of-way for authorized needs and purposes relating to the aforementioned capital improvements; and (3) payment for professional services relating to the design, construction, project management, and financing of the aforementioned projects. The certificates of obligation (the Certificates) will be payable from the levy of an annual ad valorem tax, within the limitations prescribed by law, upon all taxable property within the City and from a lien on and pledge of certain revenues derived by the City from the operation of the City’s utility system. In accordance with Section 271.049, as amended, Texas Local Government Code, (i) the current principal amount of all of the City’s outstanding public securities secured by and payable from ad valorem taxes is $16,612,000; (ii) the current combined principal and interest required to pay all of the City’s outstanding public securities secured by and payable from ad valorem taxes on time and in full is $20,153,506; (iii) the estimated combined principal and interest required to pay the Certificates to be authorized on time and in full is $6,060,240; (iv) the maximum interest rate for the Certificates may not exceed the maximum legal interest rate; and (v) the maximum maturity date of the Certificates to be authorized is February 1, 2040. The Certificates are to be issued, and this notice is given, under and pursuant to the provisions of the Certificate of Obligation Act of 1971, as amended, Texas Local Government Code Section 271.041 through Section 271.064, Chapter 1502, as amended, Texas Government Code, and the City’s Home Rule Charter.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Los Fresnos, Texas will convene at its regular meeting place in the City Hall in Los Fresnos, Texas, at 6:00 o’clock P.M., Los Fresnos, Texas time on October 13, 2020, and, during such meeting, the City Council will consider the passage of an ordinance or ordinances and take such other actions as may be deemed necessary to authorize the issuance of one or more series of certificates of obligation in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,627,000 for the purpose or purposes of paying contractual obligations of the City to be incurred for making permanent public improvements and for other public purposes, to-wit: (1) designing, engineering, constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, and improving the City’s utility system; (2) the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, land, and rights-of-way for authorized needs and purposes relating to the aforementioned capital improvements; and (3) payment for professional services relating to the design, construction, project management, and financing of the aforementioned projects. The certificates of obligation (the Certificates) will be payable from the levy of an annual ad valorem tax, within the limitations prescribed by law, upon all taxable property within the City and from a lien on and pledge of certain revenues derived by the City from the operation of the City’s utility system. In accordance with Section 271.049, as amended, Texas Local Government Code, (i) the current principal amount of all of the City’s outstanding public securities secured by and payable from ad valorem taxes is $16,612,000; (ii) the current combined principal and interest required to pay all of the City’s outstanding public securities secured by and payable from ad valorem taxes on time and in full is $20,153,506; (iii) the estimated combined principal and interest required to pay the Certificates to be authorized on time and in full is $6,060,240; (iv) the maximum interest rate for the Certificates may not exceed the maximum legal interest rate; and (v) the maximum maturity date of the Certificates to be authorized is February 1, 2040. The Certificates are to be issued, and this notice is given, under and pursuant to the provisions of the Certificate of Obligation Act of 1971, as amended, Texas Local Government Code Section 271.041 through Section 271.064, Chapter 1502, as amended, Texas Government Code, and the City’s Home Rule Charter.

/s/ Jacqueline Moya City Secretary, City of Los Fresnos, Texas

/s/ Jacqueline Moya City Secretary, City of Los Fresnos, Texas



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