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OPEN HOUSE Aug 19,2017 35424 Anaqua Dr. Los Fresnos
Aug 19,2017 35424 Anaqua Dr. Los Fresnos
Aug 19,2017 35424 Anaqua Dr. Los Fresnos
Anita Matta / Broker 956-346-3034
Anita Matta / Broker 956-346-3034 A n it a M a tt a / B r o k e r 9 5 6 3 4 6 3 0 3 4
Anita Matta / Broker Aug 19,2017 35424 Anaqua Dr. 956-346-3034 Los Fresnos OPEN HOUSE
Aug 19,2017 35424 Anaqua Dr. Los Fresnos
OPEN HOUSE Aug 19,2017 35424 Anaqua Dr. Los Fresnos
Anita Matta / Broker 956-346-3034
Anita Matta / Broker 956-346-3034 A n it a M a tt a / B r o k e r 9 5 6 3 4 6 3 0 3 4
Anita Matta / Broker 956-346-3034
In the 20th Year of Falcon Swimming ...
... Announcing the Opening of ...
Los Fresnos CISD
Aquatic Center Home of the Los Fresnos Falcons and Lady Falcons D D D D D D D
Eight-Lane, 25-Yard Pool Diving Area Handicap Accessible Locker Rooms Bleachers Automated Timing System Weight Room
Los Fresnos Falcon and Lady Falcon Swimming and Diving Records Girls Ivana Besteiro Ivana Besteiro Andrea Moreno Andrea Moreno Ivana Besteiro Kendall House Andrea Moreno Ivana Besteiro sŝĐƚŽƌŝĂ DŽĐŬ
ϮϬϭϲ ^ƚĂƚĞ YƵĂůŝĮĞƌƐ
200-Yard Free Relay ;>ĞŌ ƚŽ ƌŝŐŚƚͿ ^ĂƌĂŚ sŝůůĂƌƌĞĂů͕ ŶĚƌĞĂ DŽƌĞŶŽ͕ Kendall House, Ivana Besteiro
Year 2015 2015 2014 2013 2013 2015 2013 2013 ϮϬϬϱ
Time Event :25.14 50 Yard Freestyle :55.99 100 Yard Freestyle 2:04.80 200-Yard Freestyle 5:35.75 500-YardFreestyle 1:04.54 100-Yard Backstroke 1:16.45 100-YardBreaststroke 1:01.57 ϭϬϬͲzĂƌĚ ƵƩĞƌŇLJ 2:18.04 200-Yard Individual Medley Ϯϯϴ͘ϯ 1-Meter Diving
Boys Haydn Jones Haydn Jones Joseph Linck Haydn Jones ĂŶŶLJ ƵƌĞƐƟ Will McKinney ĂŶŶLJ ƵƌĞƐƟ Haydn Jones ĂǀŝĚ >ŽƌĂ
Year 2012 2012 2012 2013 ϮϬϭϰ 2015 ϮϬϭϰ 2011 ϮϬϬϰ
Time :21.88 :49.46 1:47.90 4:56.31 ͗ϱϳ͘Ϭϱ 1:06.60 ͗ϱϰ͘ϰϱ 2:12.27 ϯϮϭ͘ϯ
ŶĚƌĞĂ DŽƌĞŶŽ͕ <ĞŶĚĂůů ,ŽƵƐĞ͕ /ƐĂďĞůůĂ 'ŽŵĞnj͕ Ivana Besteiro 2015 1:43.93 200-Yard Free Relay
:ƵƐƟŶ :ŝŵĞŶĞnj͕ ,ĂLJĚŶ :ŽŶĞƐ͕ ůŝũĂŚ 'ĂƌĐŝĂ͕ Carlos de la Llama 2013 1:31.65
Isabella Gomez, Sydney Sommer, Ivana Besteiro, Andrea Moreno 2013 1:58.84 200-Yard Medley Relay
ĂŶŶLJ ƵƌĞƐƟ͕ tŝůů DĐ<ŝŶŶĞLJ͕ DĂƌŬ DƵŹŝnj͕ ŽŵŝŶŝĐ dŽǀĂƌ ϮϬϭϱ ϭ͗ϰϯ͘ϲϵ
ŶĚƌĞĂ DŽƌĞŶŽ͕ <ĞŶĚĂůů ,ŽƵƐĞ͕ /ƐĂďĞůůĂ 'ŽŵĞnj͕ Ivana Besteiro 2015 3:50.22 400-Yard Free Relay
,ĂLJĚŶ :ŽŶĞƐ͕ :ƵƐƟŶ :ŝŵĞŶĞnj͕ :͘Z͘ WĂƌĞĚĞƐ͕ Joaquin Chavez 2013 3:22.42
Los Fresnos Falcon and Lady Falcon Swimming and Diving History (List may be incomplete)
Alumni ............................ Years Aggy, Andres ................. 2006-09 Aguirre, Silvia................ 2000-01 Alaniz, Alexander .......... 2016-17 Alcala, Robin ................. 2003-04 Almaguer, Enrique .... 1998-2000 Alvarez, Tony................. 2006-08 Argueta, Wendy ............ 2000-01 Arredondo, Jay ............. 2001-02 Arredondo, Juan ....... 1999-2001 Audos, Berta ................. 2000-01 Ayala, Karen .................. 2004-05 Barros, Benji ................. 2003-04 Benavidez, Stephanie ... 2012-14 Besteiro, Ivana .............. 2012-16 Bland, Russell ............... 2004-06 Bonacorsi, Tony ............ 2005-06 ƌĂƵŶ͕ ŚƌŝƐƟŶĂ ............ 2009-12 Braun, Nathaniel........... 2015-17 ƌŽǁŶ͕ ƌŝƐƟŶĂ ............. 2010-11 Brown, George.............. 2006-10 Bud, Brian ..................... 1998-99 ƵƌŬŽƩ͕ ƌŝƩĂŶLJ ........... 2006-09 Burns, Michael.............. 2006-09 Burns, Travis ................. 2006-08 Callison, Garret ............. 2016-17 Callison, Magnum ......... 2016-17 Cantu, Israel.............. 1999-2000 Cargill, Mickey .............. 2012-14 ĂƐƟůůŽ͕ ůĞdž ................. 2003-05 Castro, Katherine .......... 2015-17 Castro, Kaylie ................ 2013-17 ĂǁůĮĞůĚ͕ ůLJƐƐĂ ........... 2013-14
Cepeda, Rigo................. 2012-15 Chavez, Joaquin ............ 2012-13 ůŝīŽƌĚ͕ ƵƐƟŶ .............. 2000-01 Cortez, Itzy.................... 2008-09 ƵůƉ͕ ŝĞŐŽ ................... 2012-15 Culp, Luna ..................... 2012-13 ĂŚůďĞƌŐ͕ EŝŬŬŝ ......... 1999-2002 ĂǀŝƐ͕ EĂƚŚĂŶ ........... 1999-2000 Ğ ůĂ >ĂŵĂ͕ ĂƌůŽƐ ........ 2010-14 Ğ >ĞŽŶ͕ >Ƶnj ................. 2000-01 ƵīĞLJ͕ ĂŶŝĞů ............... 2004-06 Echavarria, Alex ............ 2006-08 Echeverria, Sergio ......... 2000-01 ŌŚŝŵŝŽƵ͕ <ĂƟŶĂ .......... 2003-04 Elizondo, Mondo .......... 1998-99 Escalante, Amy ............. 2004-05 ƐĐĂŵŝůůĂ͕ ĂŶŝĞů........... 2014-17 Espinoza, Brandon ........ 2000-01 Espinoza, Javier............. 2013-17 Espinoza, Tyler .............. 2000-02 ƵƌĞƐƟ͕ ĂŶŶLJ .............. 2014-15 Finch, Chris ................... 2000-01 Finch, Terry ............... 1999-2000 Flat, Aaron .................... 2003-04 Flores, Ana .................... 2003-04 Fuentes, Carlos ............. 2003-04 Galindo, Terry ............... 2012-16 Gallegos, Alejandra....... 2016-17 Galvan, Machelle .......... 2003-04 Galvez, Melanie ............ 2006-09 Galvez, Michelle ........... 2004-06 Gamez, Edna ................. 2000-01 Gamez, George ......... 1999-2002
Garcia, Beto .................. 2008-09 Garcia, Elijah ................. 2012-13 Garcia, Marco ............... 2004-05 Garlado, Stevaliz ........... 2003-04 Garza, Marissa .............. 1998-99 Gomez, Isabella ............ 2012-13 Gonzales, Luis ............... 1998-99 Gonzales, Richard ......... 1998-99 Gonzalez, Oswald ......... 2015-16 Gonzalez, Silvia ............. 2000-01 Gracia, Ana ................... 2012-13 Gracia, Ana ................... 2013-14 Gracia, Ana ................... 2014-15 'ƵƟĞƌƌĞnj͕ ůĂƵĚŝĂ ......... 2000-01 'ƵƟĞƌƌĞnj͕ ^ĂŶ :ƵĂŶĂ . 1999-2000 Hall, Andrea .................. 1998-99 Hernandez, Yvonne ...... 2003-05 Hinojosa, Natalie .......... 2008-09 House, Kendall .............. 2012-16 Hudson, Maria .............. 1998-99 Hurley, Eddie ................ 1998-99 Ironheart, Travis ........... 2004-05 Irving, Stephanie .......... 2000-02 Jimenez, Ezekiel ............ 2014-15 :ŝŵĞŶĞnj͕ :ƵƐƟŶ.............. 2010-13 Jimenez, Zeke ............... 2015-16 Jones, Haydn................. 2011-13 Jones, Kaylee ................ 2012-15 Jones, Michaela ............ 2013-17 Jones, Travis.................. 2014-17 Juarez, Eddie ................. 2003-04 Landes, Erik .................. 2012-14 Leal, Tyler ..................... 2016-17
Lerma, Carlos................ 2016-17 Leyva, Nate ................... 2016-17 Linck, Joseph ................ 2011-12 >ŽƌĂ͕ ĂǀŝĚ .................... 2003-04 >ƵŵďƌĞƌĂƐ͕ DĂƩŚĞǁ .... 2014-15 Luna, Jonathan ............. 2003-04 Luna, Samantha ............ 2006-08 Manongas, Maria ......... 2016-17 DĂƌƟŶĞnj͕ dŽŶLJ .............. 2016-17 DĂƌƟŶĞnj͕ sĂůĞƌŝĞ .......... 2000-01 McKinney, Will .............. 2014-17 Miranda, Manuel ...... 1999-2001 Mock, Corey ................. 2005-09 DŽĐŬ͕ sŝĐƚŽƌŝĂ .............. 2003-06 Molina, Yaritza .............. 2005-08 Molina, Yaya ................. 2008-09 Montoya, Gisela ........... 2012-14 Morales, Ari .................. 2013-17 Moreno, Andrea ........... 2012-16 DŽƌŽŶĞƐ͕ ĂǀŝĚ ............ 2003-05 Muñiz, Noe ............... 1999-2000 Muñoz, Mark ................ 2012-15 Nading, Russell ............. 1998-92 Navarrete, Jackie .......... 2016-17 Navarro, Yameli ............ 2003-05 Nieto, Ricardo ............... 2003-06 Ochoa, Marcus ............. 2001-02 Ochoa, Maribel ............. 2000-01 Onderdonk, John .......... 1998-99 KƌƟnj͕ <ĂLJůĂ ................... 2015-16 Osuna, Luis ................... 2015-17 Paredes, Carlos ............. 2015-17 Paredes, J.R. ................. 2012-13
Paredes, Kevin .............. 2014-17 Parker, Sean .................. 1998-99 Partain, Willy ................ 1998-99 WĞƌĞnj͕ :ĞĂŶĞƩĞ ............. 1998-99 Perez, Joel ..................... 2000-01 Perez, Marlin ................ 2000-01 Perez, Mike ................... 2003-08 Quintanilla, Sara ........... 2005-06 Ramirez, Amanda ......... 2003-05 Reddy, Samir ................. 2015-17 Renteria, Ricky .............. 1998-99 Reyes, Juan ................... 2003-05 Rios, Mariktza ........... 1999-2001 Rivera, Raul................... 2005-06 Robledo, Jesse .............. 2015-17 Robledo, Nancy ............ 2016-17 Rodriguez, Andrea ........ 2003-04 Rodriguez, Algher ......... 2014-16 Rodriguez, Emily ........... 2016-17 Rodriguez, Frankie ........ 2005-06 Rodriguez, Jaime .......... 1998-99 Rodriguez, Jason ........... 2001-02 Rodriguez, Linda ........... 2000-01 ZŽĚƌŝŐƵĞnj͕ DĂƩŚĞǁ ..... 2005-06 Romero, Luisa ............... 2000-02 Saavedra, Gaby ............. 2012-13 Sales, Jordan ................. 2012-15 Sanchez, Edward........... 2010-11 Sanchez, Jenifer ............ 2000-01 Sanchez, Michael ...... 1999-2000 Sanchez, Sally ........... 1999-2001 Shoedl, Monika............. 1998-99 Shuckman, Allison ........ 2015-16
Slovinski, Sean .............. 2003-08 Smith, Ben .................... 2000-04 Solis, Maria ................... 2005-06 Sommer, Amanda ......... 2006-08 Sommer, Sydney ........... 2012-14 Sosa, Julianna ............... 2003-07 ^ƵĂƌĞnj͕ sŝĐĞŶƚĞ ............. 2003-08 Taylor, Brenda ............... 2004-08 Thompson, Ken......... 1999-2001 Tindle, Elizabeth ........... 2010-11 Tobar, Brandon ............. 2012-13 dŽďĂƌ͕ ŽŵŝŶŝĐ .............. 2012-15 Treviño, Hope ............... 2015-16 Trujillo, Wendy.............. 2000-01 hŶǁŝŶ͕ sĂŶĞƐƐĂ ........ 1999-2000 Upton, Hannah ............. 2005-06 Urbis, Caroline .............. 2005-06 sĂƐƋƵĞnj͕ DĂƚŚĞǁ ......... 2016-17 sŝůůĂƌƌĞĂů͕ ^ĂƌĂŚ ............ 2015-17 sŝůůĂƌƌĞĂů͕ sŝĐƚŽƌ ........ 1999-2001 Waters, Karen ............... 2016-17 Waters, Robert ............. 2015-16 Wells, Robert ................ 2014-17 Wells, Tristan ................ 2008-09 Wells, Tristan ................ 2012-15 Yado, Ilse....................... 2005-06 Zamora, Robert............. 2016-17 Zamora, Sandy .............. 2004-08 Zavaleta, Ally ................ 2010-11 Zurita, Francisco ........... 2001-06 Zurita, Humberto .......... 2005-06 Please report missing names to Coach Jaime Perez at