Los Fresnos News, May 7, 2014

Page 1

Week of may 7, 2014 through may 13, 2014

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956-233-5744 705 W. HWY 100

Los Fresnos, Tx 78566

Volume 10 Number 19


48 LFHS Seniors Receive Educational Achievement Awards

Chamber Welcomes Safe Ride Driving Academy

Page 2

Lady Falcons Win Game One of Bi-District Play

Forty-eight Los Fresnos High School seniors have been named recipients of the High Schools That Work (HSTW) Award of Educational Achievement

by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). The award is presented to seniors who have completed a challenging program of study and demon-

strated readiness for employment and for college. Students qualified for the award by completing a college-preparatory course of study in at least two of

Los Fresnos FFA Participates in Texas FFA Career Development Events

Page 4

Mother’s Day suggestions May 11, 2014

Page 7

Everyday Low Prices

233-4597 See Specials on the Back Page

Look Inside Classified..............pg 3 Cricket’s Corner...pg 3

Members of the Los Fresnos FFA chapter traveled to Robstown, April 9, to compete in the Veterinary Science, Milk Quality and Farm Business Management Career Development Events. Over 975 students began the statewide-tournament in 28 different events which reflect classroom instruction in basic technical, leadership, interpersonal and teamwork skills. At the Area X contest, the teams placed as follows. Los Fresnos FFA placed 1 st in the Farm Business Management Contest. Team members included: Kenneth Miller, Jordan Sales, Kendall House, Tristen Cruz, Austin White, and Bruce Waters. A l s o , p l a c i n g 5 th was the Veterinary Science team consisting of: Kiryat Castillo, Alexandra Cabrera, Allyssa Cawlfield, and Alberto Ochoa. Both of the previous teams advanced to the State contests to be held at Sam Houston State University on May 2, 2014, and Texas A&M University on May 3, 2014, respectively. Placing 7th at Area, Los Fresnos’ Milk Quality team

consisted of Andres Trevino, Ashley Tamayo, Dalton House, and Kevin Rocafuerte. The Texas FFA is one of the nation’s largest state FFA Associations with more than 103,000 members and more than 1,000 FFA chapters.

of success in the workplace and further education.” The SREB, which was founded in 1948, is a multistate compact for education. HSTW, which launched in 1987, is the largest high school improvement effort in the U.S., with more than 1,100 school sites in 30 states and the District of Columbia. Students selected include: Avaristo Alvarez, Stephanie Aranda, Carlos Armas, Nathalie Ayala, Dominque Banda, Rebeka Borders, Ana Canales, Marilyne Cantu, Victoria Cavazos, Gustavo Cedillo, Josue Cepeda,


Top 10 Spotlight:

Abi Pastrana Maintains Focus

Abi Pastrana has a many good memories of her years at Los Fresnos High School, but has always remembered her top priority over everything else – achieving a high academic standard as one of the Top 10 students in the Class of 2014. “I’m really looking forward to Prom and being with my friends,” said Pastrana. “The social aspect of my life has been important to me. We’re only going to be in high school once, so I want to enjoy it. But I don’t lose my focus on academics.” Pastrana has been diligent about staying ranked among the Top 10 students throughout each year of her high school career. “I really believe in balance; you have to have a balance,”

she said. “You have to know that you have priorities and important things to focus on. I have a Facebook account and check it every day, but I also know that I have work to do. I try not to get too distracted, and stay focused on what I have to do.”

Her hard work has earned ego and lived there until her scholarships exceeding the seventh grade,” she $100,000 to attend The Uni- said. “I have many relaversity of California-Santa tives there, and consider Barbara, which will be less it home. My parents were than four hours away from apprehensive about me leavmany relatives in California. ing at first, but they sup“I was born in San Di- port me with this now.” ► CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

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FFA gives students the opportunity to apply practical classroom knowledge to real world experiences through local, state and national competitions. For more information about the Texas FFA Association, visit www. mytexasffa.org.

three subject areas (English/ language arts, mathematics and/or science); complete a concentration in a careertechnical area, mathematics/ science or the humanities; and meet the readiness goals in all three subject areas on the HSTW Assessment. “These students are to be commended for their efforts,” said Sue Ellen Hill, LFHS HSTW Site Coordinator. They have taken challenging courses in high school and scored high on rigorous exams. By doing so, they have increased their likelihood



2 • May 7, 2014 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS

Because your Health Matters Chamber of Commerce 30 Day Water Challenge What is the water challenge? • The water challenge is a 30 day straight challenge. During these 30 days you are to drink ONLY water. No sodas, no diet sodas and no juices. • You can give your water a little pizzazz by adding a wedge of lime, lemon, orange, cucumber, berries, watermelon ora few sprigs of fresh mint. This may improve the taste, and you just might drink more water than you usually do. 10 Benefits of Drinking Water: 1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue – Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted! 2. Promotes Weight Loss – Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your stomach if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger (natural appetite suppressant!), raises your metabolism and has zero calories. 3. Flushes Out Toxins – Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTI’s (urinary tract infections). 4. Improves Skin Complexion – Moisturizes your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around. 5. Maintains Regularity – Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation. 6. Boosts Immune System – A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn’t rather feel healthy the majority of the time? Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu, cancer and heart attacks. 7. Natural Headache Remedy – Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines & back pains) which are commonly caused by dehydration. 8. Prevents Cramps & Sprains - Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely. 9. Puts You in a Good Mood – When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great! 10. Save Money - Water is FREE! Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, it’s STILL cheaper than most high sugar drinks. Some suggest drinking 8 (8 oz) glasses a day while others suggest take your body weight (in pounds), divide it in half and drink that many ounces of water per day. The Institute of Medicine sets general guidelines for total water intake. It recommends that women consume a total of 91 ounces (that’s about 2.7 liters) per day and for men, it’s about 125 ounces a day (or 3.7 liters). Listen to what your body needs and please invite your family and friends to join in the Challenge too! Reminder Free Fitness Classes begin May 1st! For more information on our class schedule, upcoming events, health and wellness support or to schedule a group screening please email me at Cdelarosa@citylf.us Like us on Facebook https://www. facebook.com/citylf or visit us on the web at www.citylf.us Christine De La Rosa Community Health Worker 956-407-3348

Welcomes Newest Member Safe Ride Driving Academy


On Saturday April 26th, 2014 @ 4:00 p.m. Los Fresnos Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed to the community our newest member Safe Ride Driving Academy with a grand opening and ribbon cutting. Safe Ride Driving Academy currently has ope registration for their first course that will start on May 5th, 2014. They offer Teen Classes for ages 15-17 at the price of $299 which includes a 16 day course with 7 hours of observation driving and 7 hours of hands on driving. They also offer Adult driving Courses held on Satrudays for 6 hours for ages 18-24. Their contact number is 512 - 704 RIDE (7433) and they are located in the “Geovanna Plaza” at 32412 Hwy 100 Suite E. Los Fresnos, TX 78566.

48 LFHS Seniors Receive Educational Achievement Awards ► CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Orlando Chavez, Gerardo Cuevas, Carlos de la Lama Garza, Cristian De la Cruz, Alex De la Garza. Lorena Espinoza, Conrad Fliegel, Casandra Flores, Elise Gamboa, Andrea Garcia, Eduardo Garcia, Elizabeth Garcia, Josue Garza, Nathaniel Garza, Valeria

Garza, Esteban Godoy, Gabriela Gonzales, Viviana Guel. Angela Hernandez, Dalton House, Kieran Krebs, Erik Landes, Priscila Lopez, Abril Macias, Brenden McDonough, Abi Pastrana, Keyla Pecina. Justin Robles, Delilah

Rodriguez, Stacie Rodriguez, Israel Salinas, Melissa Sandoval, Kaitlyn Torres, Alexis Villafranca, Annett Villarreal, Aaron Wolcott, Kaylah Zepeda.

The group will be recognized at the May 12 meeting of the Los Fresnos CISD Board of Trustees, where the awards will be presented.

HARLINGEN – Research which was recently conducted by six neurologists -- including Dr. Ameer Hassan and Dr. Wondwossen Tekle with Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen -- suggests that Hispanics in border states may be waiting too long to come to the hospital for treatment of stroke, which is similar to a heart attack – except to the brain. The research shows that Hispanics in the Valley and elsewhere along the Mexican border are less likely to receive medications to treat strokes and 30 percent more likely to die from “brain attacks” than non-Hispanic patients. A stroke is a medical emergency in which it is critical to call 911 immediately after the patient first experiences symptoms. The longer the patient waits before going to the hospital, the more brain tissue will die – meaning such patients could become permanently disabled or die. At most Valley hospitals, treatment with a “clot buster” medication to reverse strokes is limited to within 4 ½ hours after the initial onset of symptoms of a stroke. However, Valley Baptist in Harlingen has extended the time window by introducing new endovascular stroke procedures in specially-equipped “bi-plane” neurovascular angiography suites in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. At Valley Baptist-Harlingen, stroke patients can be treated with tPA through a catheter or with retrievable metal “stent” devices up to 8 hours or more after symptoms begin. Valley Baptist is the only hospital south of San Antonio with two specially-trained endovascular neurologists who are able to provide 24hour coverage for patients needing specialized treatment for stroke in a bi-plane neurovascular angiography suite. As a result, the hospital has been treating stroke patients who are transferred from other hospitals as far away as Corpus Christi and Rio Grande City. The treatment helps to clear blockages in the blood vessels leading to a patient’s brain -- allowing blood and oxygen to once again reach the brain. In many cases, this can help save the patient’s life and prevent or minimize disabilities from the stroke. For more information about prevention and treatment for stroke, consult your physician and visit www.ValleyBaptist.net.

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P. O. Box 990 Los Fresnos, TX 78566

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This spot is available. Call Victor Moreno for more information.


Although the Los Fresnos News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. weekly columns printed in the Los Fresnos News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal service ... $24.95 or can be purchased at several convinent locations through out the cities of Los Fersnos and Brownsville for 50¢. The Los Fresnos News is mailed and delivered Tuesday, May 6, 2014 and published weekly by Wright Ventures, Inc., President Donald R. Wright, Secretary Mary Elizabeth Wright. Periodical Postage Rates paid at Los Fresnos, TX. Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 203 N. Arroyo, Los Fresnos, TX 78566. (POSTMASTER send address changes to Los Fresnos, P.O. Box 990, Los Fresnos, TX 78566.)

May 7, 2014 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 3



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Public Hearing Notice

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AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA CIUDAD DE LOS FRESNOS, TEXAS La Ciudad de Los Fresnos llevará a cabo una audiencia pública el Martes, 13 de Mayo 2014 a las 7:00 pm. La audiencia se presentara en el Ayuntamiento de Los Fresnos, Texas localizada en 200 N. Brazil St., en respectiva al proyecto propuesto de reconstruir las calles Whipple Road y Henderson Road. El propósito de esta reunión es para dar oportunidad a los ciudadanos de discutir el proyecto propuesto. La Ciudad anima a los ciudadanos a participar y presentar sus opiniones en esta audiencia pública. Ciudadanos discapacitados que necesitan ayuda para asistir a la reunión deben ponerse en contacto con Pam Denny, Secretaria de la Ciudad, al (956) 233-5768.

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The City of Los Fresnos will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm. The hearing will be held at the City Hall located at 200 N. Brazil St. in Los Fresnos, Texas, in regard to the proposed reconstruction of Whipple Road and Henderson Road. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss the proposed project. The City encourages citizens to participate and make their views known at this public hearing. Handicapped citizens needing assistance to attend the meeting should contact Pam Denny, City Secretary, at (956) 233-5768.



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4 • May 7, 2014 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS

Office: (956) 233-9928 • email: losfresnosnews1@aol.com


Photos courtesy of Los Fresnos C.I.S.D.

Karina Gonzalez with another Lady Falcon hit

Lori Espinosa heads for home plate for the score

Stephanie Perez at bat

Mirella Guevarra hits one to the outfield

Short break to gameplan


Sam Ibarra

Joseline Caraveo

Green Ghost Hero Academy is offering a FREE SELF DEFENSE CLASS

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The Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute and South Texans’ Property Rights Association are coǦhosting a:


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6 • May 7, 2014 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS



MMA fight fans get ready for one of the most exciting sporting events of 2014. On Saturday, June 14th, Hero Fighting Championship will present “Best of the Best II,” a professional MMA competition hosted by JC Fight Promotions and sponsored by Charlie Clark Nissan. The event will be held at the Commemorative Air force Museum in Brownsville with doors opening at 6 p.m. The elite fighters on the card are expected to draw fans from all over Texas. The Main Event will feature Jamall “Pretty Boy” Emmers from San Antonio defending his Featherweight title for the first time to Brownsville’s born and raised, Luis “The Law” Vega. Fans from the Valley have been watching Vega fight in the cage for years and they finally have a chance to see him bring a title to his hometown. The co-main event will feature Edinburg’s DJ Fuentes who will defend his Bantamweight Championship to a fierce and scrappy Jose Ceja from Beaumont. Fuentes is a talented fighter with skills and a spirited heart that backs up why he

is holding a belt. Also on the card will be Ray Banda, Ricky Palacios, Daniel Duran, Brandon Bradshaw, Aaron Rosa, Darrill Schoonover and many other exciting young talented fighters. “We’re very proud to take part in one of the fastest growing sports in the nation. We’re committed and focused on growing MMA in South Texas,” said Charlie Clark. “Many of the fighters are on the road to success. They are passionate for training and embody the spirit of competition. The fighters are motivated to win and showcase their fighting skills.” Jeff Bonugli has been in martial arts since he was 18 years old and has experienced life through a fighter’s eyes. He has fought all over Texas, Louisiana and in Mexico wining tournaments in full contact Karate and American kickboxing. He is a huge supporter of Amateur and Pro Fighters. “Martial Arts helped me through a rough and low time in my life,” said Jeff Bonugli. “My mentor and Sensei Mr. Chris Lopez, is the reason I am here today.”

Jeff hopes to further his mantra by donating his time at Green Ghost Hero Academy in Los Fresnos on Hwy 100. The Academy is a community Martial Arts School that trains kids from all over the Rio Grande Valley to build themselves, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Jeff wants to put an end to bullying. Classes are free and kids of all ages are welcome. JC Fight Promotions and Hero FC want to make sure that pro fighters reach their dreams by offering contracts in value of $50,000. Already three contracts have been giving out at “Best of the Best I.” Jeff wants fighters to know, that no matter how rough or low life may be, he is available for each one of them as Mr. Lopez was there for him. If you are planning to make it to only one MMA event this year, make it “Best of the Best II.” You will notice the outstanding excellence of skill, determination and heart the moment these fighters step inside the cage. Mission Statement HERO FC is to instill in young people a sense of

honor, and excelling in all aspects of their lives, teach them respect which builds outstanding character. To be brave in adverse situations, and have the confidence to stand up to bullying or speaking out. And, to honor all those who serve and protect our country here and abroad H=Honor, making a difference E=Excellence, excelling, being the best you can be R=Respect of others, respect of self 0= Outstanding character F= Fighting Injustice C= Champion The goal is simple: “It’s simply changing the way fighters get paid.” We are helping more fighters to become champs, train hard and we’ll see you at the top. JB We Thank You For Your Support! For more information, call Jan Bonugli at 210912-0041 Or visit and like JC Fight Promotions on Facebook Website: www.jcfightpromotions.com For ticket information and sponsorships, please call 210-912-0041.

Abi Pastrana Maintains Focus ► CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

At UCSB, Pastrana plans to study linguistics and international studies, to follow a similar path taken by her mother, who is an interpreter. “Besides English and Spanish, I already know French,” she said. “I want a career in this area, so I want to learn Italian and Portuguese. My sister-inlaw is from Japan, so I want learn Japanese, too.” Pastrana plans to participate in the Study Abroad program, so that she can study in Europe and expand her language horizons. “I hope to eventually earn a government job as a linguist,” she said. “My long-term goal is to live and work in Italy.” Before those goals, she is determined to stay focused at UCSB and become an academic scholar there. “I’ve never been the type to be discouraged, and younger people shouldn’t either,” Pastrana said. “Don’t be discouraged if at first, you don’t get to your goal, that you might not succeed. Instead, you should learn from that and challenge yourself to overcome that obstacle and reach your goal.” She also knows that her academic focus means that her parents won’t have to

fund her college education. Staying in the Top 10 was a driving factor. “It’s one of the goals I had in mind, to stay in the Top 10,” Pastrana said. “This helped motivate me, know-

ing I had this goal and wanting to accomplish it. Every year I was in the top 10, and I worked hard to stay there. You just feel really accomplished, and I have made my parents proud. You proved

to yourself and to others that you reached your goal.”

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