Laker 8 14l

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August 14, 2017

Your Guide to What’s Happening in NH’s Lakes Region





August 14 • Vol 34 • No 19


Boat House Tour • page 3

What’s Up • pages 12-17

Golf • page 10

Boat Rentals • page 39

See More at

Get The Skinny Around the Winni

Page 2

August 14, 2017


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If You Cherish The Best Of What Life Has To Offer, A New Chris-Craft Should Be In Your Boathouse.



Page 3

August 14, 2017

A Railroad Celebration in Laconia on August 19 By Kathi Caldwell-Hopper There was a time when people didn’t think twice upon hearing the whistle of a train as it approached or departed a railroad station. They might check their timepiece and confirm, “Yup, the train’s right on time.” The sound of the train whistle, the hiss of steam coming from the train and its departure and arrival were as familiar as the sounds of cars and planes are today. We find it difficult to imagine a time when most people had no car and there was no fast plane travel. In days gone by, if you wanted to travel, the train was the best, and probably the fastest, way to get to your destination. Thus, train stations were vital; big or small, they were the hub of each town and the place you went to buy tickets to ride the train, to meet a passenger or to pick up mail and packages…and to get the latest news from the outside world. With the advent of the automobile and air travel, train travel faded and many train stations fell into disrepair or were torn down. Some were sold and found new life as something else. The stations that survive are a testament to the fact that many people cannot bear to lose what once was so important. And that is why places like Laconia have cherished and cared for their old train stations. If you visit downtown Laconia, you can’t miss the former Laconia Passenger Train Station in Veteran’s Square. (It now houses shops and a

Early image of the Laconia Passenger Station, with a train pulled into the station and passengers moving around the building. 1900-1910. Image courtesy of the Library of Congress, Detroit Publishing Company Collection. restaurant and continues to be a part of the area.) It is a beautiful old building, retaining its former architectural style and graceful lines. According to an article in the Laconia Democrat concerning the August 1892 dedication of the station, “The main features of the building are the port-cochere at the entrance and the large general waiting room or rotunda, open to the roof, with clerestory windows on all sides. The floor of this room is of tile, and the walls to a height of ten feet are finished in quartered oak, and above that plastered and tinted in two shades

of chrome.” Historically, the Boston and Maine Railroad operated the station until 1958. By the 1950s, train travel had become a thing of the past. A station such as the Laconia building was likely expensive to run, with heating bills and upkeep of the ornate old building. The City of Laconia purchased the building and continued to provide rail service until the last Boston and Maine passenger train came to Laconia in 1965. An upcoming celebration of the Laconia Passenger Station will offer a

chance to relive the glory days of train travel. According to, “On behalf of Celebrate Laconia, you are invited to partake in an anniversary celebration of the Laconia Passenger Station on Saturday, August 19 with an old-fashioned train-focused festival marking the ‘quasquicentennial’ of the Laconia Passenger Station. “The day-long celebration of the station’s birthday will take attendees back in time to when passenger trains thrived in Laconia. The ceremony will take place in Veteran’s Square followed by 50 minute train rides with performances featuring a sharp foursome quartet from members of The Lakes Region Chordsman, and a day full of festivities including musical entertainment, vendors, food, shopping, model trains and exhibits, the Kid Zone (with Frates Creates) and a pig roast by Laconia Local Eatery...and much more. Binnie Media’s radio personality Pat Kelly will be onboard as the Master Conductor.” Events kick off at 11 am on August 19 with an opening ceremony, followed by music throughout the day, featuring New Horizons Band, Annie & the Orphans, Tyler Road and the Rockin’ Daddios. Visit the Laconia Public Library (across Main Street from the train station area) for children’s story time beginning at 1 pm. Historians will give a lecture about the station and the Laco• Railroad Continued on page 4

M/S Mount Washington PUBLISHER Dan Smiley

Smiley Publishing Group, LLC dba Panoramic Publishing Group/The Laker

ADVERTISING Jim Cande Maureen Padula Christie Pacheco

P.O. Box 119, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896

603-569-5257 in NH 1-800-339-5257 FAX 603-569-5258

On Lake Winnipesaukee • •

EDITOR Kathi Caldwell-Hopper

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All rights reserved. No reproduction in part or whole without expressed written consent. Cover Photo Courtesy of Goodhue & Hawkins Navy Yard/Cobalt Boats


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Page 4

August 14, 2017

• Railroad Continued from page 3 nia Streetcar Company at nearby Laconia Public Library at 2 pm, accompanied by a Laconia Historical and Museum Society exhibit on the history of the Laconia Passenger Station and the Laconia Car Company. The general event is free and open to the public. The child’s train ticket is for anyone age 10 and under. The funds collected from the train rides will be used to support future Celebrate Laconia programs. A fascinating exhibit at the Laconia Public Library is taking place in the upper floor rotunda exhibit space at the library (with elevator access). The display is presented by the Laconia Historical and Museum Society and offers

Photograph of a CP 1801 train pulling through the Laconia Passenger Station in 1951, with a young child experiencing the passing train. Image courtesy of R. Lewis. Digital restoration, Ron Visockis.

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everything you might want to know when it comes to Laconia’s trains. These events are all part of the 125th anniversary celebration for the incorporation of Laconia as a city. (The actual incorporation date was March 24, 1893.) The Laconia Historical and Museum Society, among others in Laconia, wants to celebrate the anniversary in style, and so a number of events have been planned for the following months to come. The train event on August 19 is but one of the happenings; others include an Anniversary Gala and other

celebrations. (Visit for updates as they become available.) According to an article at by Jared Guilmett, Publicity Director of the Celebrate Laconia group, “Most of the activities will take place from 11 am to 6 pm in Veterans Square, where the Laconia Passenger Station opened in 1892 for the Boston and Maine railroad, bustled through the 1950s, and still stands today as one of the city’s most iconic structures.” “The ‘anniversary train’ is leaving the station a little early, and for good reason,” according to Pamela Clark, President of Celebrate Laconia, a group of local citizen volunteers. “Though Laconia’s 125th anniversary isn’t until 2018, the Laconia Passenger Station is too important to our city’s history not to include its anniversary in our celebration of the city’s past.” Train travel once helped build Laconia’s industry and population. The sound of the train’s whistle no longer is heard and the passenger station serves other purposes now, but its rich past has not been forgotten. Plan to attend the Laconia Passenger Station celebration on Saturday, August 19, and get a taste of the city’s important train past. For information, visit www.


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Page 5

August 14, 2017

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Page 6

August 14, 2017

VoicePlay Coming to Wolfeboro


Great Waters Music Festival will present “VoicePlay” at the Kingswood Arts Center in Wolfeboro on Friday, August 18. Based in Orlando, FL, VoicePlay performs their own incredible brand of entertainment across the country and around the world. What began quite literally as a street corner barbershop act has now evolved into an internationally acclaimed touring sensation. VoicePlay was seen on Season 4 of NBC’s “The Sing Off.” VoicePlay is unlike any theatrical experience available today, recreating the orchestrated sound of an entire musical production with nothing but the human voice.

The cast of VoicePlay has taken the timeless sound of vocal music and turned it completely on its head. Reimagined as a full stage show, amazing, humorous, and vertigo-inducing harmonies pepper VoicePlay’s musicwithout-music sound as it ping-pongs between eras and styles, channeling the breadth of the musical landscape and lacing it with inventive and often hilarious on-stage theatrics. The “Voices” of the group include Earl Elkins, Jr., Geoff Castellucci, Layne Stein, Eliezer “Eli” Jacobson and Tony Wakim. Fit for all ages, VoicePlay’s recordings and concerts are an impossible-to-miss hit which have to

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performances to people living in and visiting the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Thanks to all who have contributed to this organization, it is able to provide high quality musical performances at reasonable prices. Information and tickets for all performances are available at the office at 54 North Main St. in Wolfeboro, by calling 603-569-7710, or online at

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Page 7

August 14, 2017

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Page 8

August 14, 2017


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SAVE! $15 off all tickets on the last train of the day Valid 6-17 through 10-22 ( excluding 10/6-10/9) Advance Booking Recommended LOCATED ON BASE STATION RD, MARSHFIELD STATION, NH GET TICKETS AND FIND INFO AT THECOG.COM OR CALL 603-278-5404

SLA to host turtle talk on White Oak Pond Join the Squam Lakes Association (SLA) on August 18 from 10 am to noon for a morning of fun on White Oak Pond. For the last event in the SLA’s summer Adventure Ecology Program Series, Conservation Intern Becca Cohler will guide a group of kayakers around the pond in search of different turtle species. The program will start at White Oak Pond, just a few steps down the road from SLA headquarters. While enjoying a relaxing paddle out on White Oak Pond, a discussion will take place of the different species of turtles found in New Hampshire and the importance of these turtles in the ecosystem. Other topics discussed will include general facts about turtles, conservation threats, and an emphasis on interactions with snapping turtles. By the end of the paddle, participants

will know about all seven species of turtles that exist in New Hampshire. You may even get a chance to see a few turtles in action, either coming up for air or basking on a rock in the sun. All ages are welcome to attend and no kayak experience is necessary as this will be a very leisurely paddle. You can bring your own kayak; however a number of kayaks will be provided by SLA if you do not have your own. For more information, or to sign up for the Adventure Ecology Program, visit, or contact the SLA directly at 603-968-7336. The Adventure Ecology programs are presented by the Squam Conservation Interns who spend their summers on Squam performing important conservation work in support of the Association’s mission.

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Page 9

August 14, 2017

Got Golf?

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Page 10

August 14, 2017

Fifth Annual Cruise into the Wright The Wright Museum of World War II in Wolfeboro, NH, is holding its 5th Annual Cruise into the Wright on August 19 from 10 am to 2 pm. Approximately 100 antique cars and motorcycles will be on display throughout the Museum’s three-level parking lot, giving visitors a chance to get an up-close look at vehicles from the early 1900s to 1992. Food will be available to purchase from MacDaddy’s Rollin’ Smoke food truck, Wolfeboro Dockside Grill & Dairy will provide complimentary ice cream. Bob Viscio will act as DJ, playing music from 10 am to noon, followed by live Doo-Wop tunes by the Bel Airs from noon to 2 pm. There also will be a 50/50 raffle.

The Cruise-in will be held rain or shine. Regular Museum admission admits the general public to the cruise-in. The parking will not be available at the Wright Museum, but will be available at the Wolfeboro Municipal parking lot, which is just a short walk down the Bridge Falls Path. “Our annual cruise-in is one of our most popular events,” says Michael Culver, the Wright Museum’s Executive Director. “The cruise-in gives visitors a chance to see some great antique and classic vehicles from the Lakes Region and beyond.” Spaces for the cruise-in are limited to the first 100 vehicles that are registered. The registration fee is $10,

Lots of shiny, vintage and antique cars and other vehicles will fill the Wright Museum’s parking lots on the 5th Annual Cruise into the Wright on August 19. (Courtesy photo)

which is not refundable. To register an antique or classic car or motorcycle, go to or call Donna Hamill at 603-569-1212. The Wright Museum of World War II will remain open daily through

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October 31. Museum hours are Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm, and Sunday from noon to 4 pm. The museum is located at 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro, NH.

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August 14, 2017

Page 11

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide Seldom Playrights Play it Right at Bandstand Concert for the Lakes Region

The next Friends of the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand summer concert series will feature some old school country music. The Seldom Playrights will take to the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand summer concert series with some oldschool country music on Saturday, August 19 at 7pm in Cate Park. The Seldom Playrights are a group of musicians brought together by their love of old-school country music, as played by the likes of Merle Haggard, George Jones, Buck Owens, Marty Stuart, Steve Earle, Emmylou Harris and Dwight Yoakam, among others. Jim Lamond, who has played with Susan Tedeschi, Mark Erelli and Joyce

Andersen, is the band’s bass player and is one of the band’s vocalists. Bruce Derr, who has played with The Molenes and Mainesqueeze, is the band’s pedal steel player, while Rob Kneeland, who has been part of High Range, chips in on vocals and also plays drums. Billy Loosigian, who has experience with The Darlings, Willie “Loco” Alexander and The Joneses, plays guitar, specifically the Fender Telecaster, while Kent Allyn, who has appeared with Joyce Andersen, David Surrette and Cormac McCarthy, will play acoustic guitar and also chip in with vocals. Rick Hudson will also help out on acoustic guitar during some shows.

The band plays genuine honky-tonk collection is taken at intermission to country and American roots music, as help support the group’s mission to inspired by some of their idols. The continue to bring quality music to the band has a regular gig at the Blue Wolfeboro area each summer. Mermaid in Portsmouth as part of The Seldom Playrights concert runs “Honky Tonk Tuesdays.” until 9 pm, with a short intermission. The Friends of the Wolfeboro If bad weather is threatened, there Community Bandstand present the free will be a sign posted at the entrance concerts every summer in the bandstand to Cate Park near the town docks Region Lakes the be for will Guide What-To-Do Where-To-Go, Your in Cate Park. While there is no charge and there a notice posted on to enjoy the bands, a pass-the-bucket

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Page 12

August 14, 2017

Gilmanton Summer Hotels at Historical Society August 22 Pat Clarke, Vice President of the Gilmanton Historical Society, will present a program on the numerous summer hotels and boarding houses that flourished in Gilmanton in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Both business travelers and vacationers were welcomed at the lodging establishments. It is reported that at least one hotel provided accommodation for women of the “oldest profession.” The illustrated talk will include photos of the hotels and boarding houses, as well as key railroad stations and the first lake boats. The program, which will be on Tuesday, August 22 at Old Town Hall in Gilmanton Iron Works, begins

The Pines at Crystal Lake was one of several summer hotels that welcomed visitors to Gilmanton in the 19th and 20th centuries. Gilmanton Historical Society’s Pat Clarke presents a program on the hotels on Tuesday, August 22, 7:30 pm at Old Town Hall, Gilmanton Iron Works. (Courtesy photo)

promptly at 7:30 pm. Social hour and refreshments begin at 7 pm. The Gilmanton Historical Society’s 2017 summer programs are offered on the fourth Tuesday of each month, May through September. The final program, on September 26, addresses the Hurricane of 1938. The Society’s Museum in Old Town Hall is open Saturday mornings through August from 10 am until noon. The museum is open every second and fourth Saturday morning, 10 am to noon, September through May. The programs are free and open to the public. Donations to support the work of the Society are always welcome.

New Hampshire Boat Museum Hosts Lecture on Winnipesaukee Island Life The New Hampshire Boat Museum will end their summer lecture series with a talk titled “Island Life in the Era of Ernest Abbott.” The lecture will be at 6:30 pm on Thursday, August 17 at the Marine Patrol Building, 31 Dock Road in Gilford. The evening is co-sponsored with the Gilford Islands Association and is free of charge. Light refreshments will be served. Due to space consideration, reservations are encouraged and may be made by calling the New Hampshire Boat Museum at 603-569-4554.

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The talk will be given by Ripley Forbes, who will profile long-time island caretaker Ernest H. Abbott. For more than four decades, Abbott cared for island camps and their families living on the Meredith and Gilford islands of Lake Winnipesaukee. Abbott’s work ethic, Yankee honesty and enduring friendships characterized an era of island life that has been admired and shared by multiple island families over the generations. The talk will help attendees learn about the work

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of this unique man. Attendees are also encouraged to share their own recollections of early island life. The New Hampshire Boat Museum is open to the public for the 2017 season and will remain open daily through Monday, October 9, from 10 am to 4 pm, Monday through Saturday, and Sunday from 12 noon to 4 pm. The Museum is a not-for-profit institution that focuses on the social history of life on New Hampshire’s lakes and the state’s important fresh water boating tradi-

tions. It is located at 399 Center Street, Wolfeboro Falls, two miles from downtown Wolfeboro in the former Allen “A” Resort dance hall. For further information, call 603569-4554,, www. or visit the museum on Facebook. The New Hampshire Boat Museum is a member of the “Experience New Hampshire Heritage: The Portsmouth to Plymouth Museum Trail.” To learn more about the Trail, visit

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Page 13

August 14, 2017

Byron Carr to Demonstrate Watercolor Contoocook watercolor artist Byron Carr will be demonstrating at the August 21 meeting of the Lakes Region Art Association, to be held at the Woodside Building at Taylor Community, 435 Union Avenue, Laconia at 7 pm. Byron grew up in Contoocook, NH. He spent many hours exploring the river, swamps, and forest around his home. After graduating from high school, Byron took a three-year commercial art course at the Vesper George School of Art in Boston, MA and went into the building trades in central New Hampshire. When his daughter was two years old, Byron picked up art again. He started reworking a children’s book he had started in art school. By the end of 1988 Doodles was written, illustrated,

and published. During the next couple of years, he also completed a course with the Institute of Children’s Literature. Byron still spends time at elementary schools, drawing with the students and using Doodles as the inspiration. In 1992, Byron’s interest turned toward fine art. In January of 1993, he submitted his first piece to a juried show and was accepted into the ThorneSagendorph Regional Show. That was his first sale and his first award. Also among his awards are a First Place and a People’s Choice from the Sharon Arts Center, the Costello award from the New Hampshire Art Association, and the 2000 Theme Award from the New Hampshire Antiquarian Society. The State of New Hampshire purchased four of Byron’s 42 x 16-

inch format waterfall paintings for the new Rockingham County Courthouse in 1995. In 1996 he had his most successful show at the Covered Bridge Fine Art Gallery in Contoocook, NH. “The more I paint, the luckier I get,” Byron often comments while instructing his Paint Until the Magic Happens watercolor workshops. In addition, he has conducted oil painting workshops and demonstrations at his studio in Contoocook, NH and on location throughout New England for 20 years. His exuberant approach and sense of humor help take the fear out of painting with watercolor. He will show you how to slop, splash, splatter, scrub, and spray your way to a finished painting. Visit for information.

Art by Byron Carr. (Courtesy photo)

Fascinating Basket Weaving Class Offered by Meredith League Take a day to explore your creativity by making a designer purse basket in a Provincetown Purse Basket Class with instructor Jean Reed. This class is being offered by the League of NH Craftsmen – Meredith Fine Craft Gallery and will take place at Murray Hill Weaving, 685 Murray Hill Road, Hill, NH on Sunday, August 20 from

10:30 am to 4:30 pm. In the six-hour class, you will learn a basic basket weave using fine Tiger ash wood strips woven on a mold. After the basket base is woven, you will learn some basic woodworking skills to add the finishing touches to your basket with a wooden rim, lid and handle. No previous weaving experience is

required. Tuition for the class is $140.00 per student and includes all materials and tools needed. Basket inserts, if desired, will be sold separately to line your finished product. Space is limited to seven students and pre-registration is required. To register or inquire about the class,

call the League at 603-279-7920 or stop into the League of NH Craftsmen – Meredith Fine Craft Gallery at 279 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith, NH. For more details, visit http:// and the League’s Facebook page at http://

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Page 14

August 14, 2017

Jam-Packed Lineup of Events Planned for Tuftonboro Old Home Days Tuftonboro Old Home Days are coming right up, on August 25 to 27, with a jam-packed series of events for all ages from dawn to dusk on Saturday, August 26. Starting things off early is the Tuftonboro 5K Run/ Walk. This is a professionally timed 5K; however the goal is to provide a fun fitness experience for all. Registration and check-in begins at 7 am at the Tuftonboro Central School, 205 Middle Road. Walkers start at 8 am; runners start at 8:30 am. Preregistration is encouraged, either online at tuftonboro_2017 or visit the town website at to print and mail a registration form. The early bird registration fee is $15 for ages 12 and under; $20 for ages 13 and up. Race day registration is an additional $5 for all ages. The Friends of the Tuftonboro Library offer an alternative to walking or running, with a Book & Author 6/12 -8/27 Breakfast at the library, beginning at 9

The crew of the award-winning Viking long boat at the 2016 Tuftonboro Old Home Days Cardboard Boat Race. (Courtesy photo) am. Come early for a delicious catered breakfast, and then join Hal Lyon, lifelong fisherman and award-winning author of “Angling in the Smile of

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the Great Spirit,” for an engaging look at six centuries of fishing (and whoppers!) on Winnipesaukee. Books will be available for sale and signing. Tickets for the breakfast and program are free, but limited. Pick yours up at the library, or call 603-569-4256 to reserve. This event is funded in part by the New Hampshire Humanities. Car buffs won’t want to miss the Antique Car Show, from 11 am to 2 pm at Davis Memorial Field, next to the Tuftonboro Central School at 205 Middle Road. This “show and shine” event will showcase 1975 and older vehicles in a fun, non-judged, no classes show, and pre-registration is not required. Concessions will be available for purchase, and there will also be a 50/50 raffle to benefit Tuftonboro Old Home Days. Antique car owners with questions can contact Mark Smith at 603-544-2230. Next up? The amazing Cardboard Boat Race! Whether you’re paddling your original duct-taped vessel or spectating, this event is not to be missed. Complete rules and tips for

cardboard boat building and crew safety are available on the town website. Registration begins at 2:30 pm at 19 Mile Beach, and the boats go off at 3 pm. All participants must wear Coast Guard approved life preservers. And yes, there are prizes! Awards for speed, team spirit, and most dramatic sinking (the Titanic Award) will be given following the race. The fun continues back at the Tuftonboro Central School (TCS) gym, where Wildlife Encounters will host two interactive animal shows at 4:30 and 5:30 pm. These shows are always as “hands-on” as safety and permits allow, and are fascinating and fun for grownups and kids of all ages. Come to either free show and stick around afterwards for the Baked Chicken Dinner in the TCS dining room, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. The cost is only $5 per plate and includes salads, corn, rolls, iced tea, lemonade, and desserts, and to-go boxes will be available. Tuftonboro Old Home Days 2017 is sponsored by Curtis Quality Care, LLC; Pier 19 Grocer; Spider Web Gardens; Melvin Village Marina, Inc.; Lovering Tree Care; Lamprey Real Estate Associates; JB & Son Sewer & Drain Plus; Lanes End Marina; Antonucci Insurance Services, Inc.; CWA Lighting Group, LLC; DJ’s Septic Pumping Services, Inc.; Lakes and Mountains Keller Williams Realty; The Black Bear Micro Roastery; Eastern Propane; Wolfeboro Chiropractic Office; YMCA Camp Belknap; William Lawrence Camp; Camp Sentinel; AYF Merrowvista, and North Woods, Pleasant Valley, Sandy Island, and Laughing Loon YMCA Camps. Proceeds from Tuftonboro Old Home Days will help support the Tuftonboro Scholarship Fund. For more information, email parksandrec@

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region



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Page 15

August 14, 2017

Friends of the Meredith Library Final Book Sale of the Year! Book lovers and bargain hunters are in for a treat! The Friends of the Meredith Library will host its third and final book sale for the year at the Meredith Public Library on Main Street, Meredith on Thursday, August 25 from 2:30 to 8 pm; Friday, August 26 from 9 am to 4:30 pm, and Saturday, August 27 from 9 am to 1 pm. (Come on Saturday, from 11:30 am to 1 pm and fill a shopping bag for $5.00.) Bargains abound at the annual event with hardcover and paperback books, children’s books, coffee table and specialty books all by donation! With the purchase of a first time (new) membership with the Friends,

(Left to right): Volunteers Jean Dougan, Anne Whiting, Nancy Sherman, and Jon Pounds.

you will be given a Friends of the Meredith Library canvas book bag, which can be filled one time with books free of charge! Memberships may be purchased or renewed at the

door. The mission of the Friends of the Meredith Library is to promote library involvement in the community and community involvement in the library.

The mission will be achieved by fundraising, volunteering, sponsoring activities, and creating programs of interest to the community. Funds are raised to support the library’s children and adult programs; provide passes to the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Castle in the Clouds, and various museums; and to help fund guest speakers from the New Hampshire Humanities Council, among other activities. This is a community event, staffed by volunteers. For information or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact Jean Dougan at 603-279-3059.

Plan to Attend the New Hampshire Boat Museum’s Lake Winnipesaukee Poker Run One of the New Hampshire Boat Museum’s missions is to encourage everyone to enjoy the beauty of the state’s pristine lakes. To that end, the Boat Museum is hosting its annual Lake Winnipesaukee Poker Run on Saturday, August 26. Held rain or shine, this will be a great day on the lake. All motor boat owners are encouraged to enter their boat, whether it is a vintage wooden boats or fiberglass. This is not a race and is intended for all interested boating enthusiasts who want to have a fun morning in support of the New Hampshire Boat Museum. The event will kick off with a launch in Wolfeboro at the Town Docks at 9 am. Participants will make five stops on Lake Winnipesaukee following the lead boat in their boat group. At each stop on the lake, boats will receive a token that will later be redeemed for a poker hand. After a fun morning of touring, everyone will head back to the Wolfetrap Bar and Grill for a catered lunch. Participants will redeem their chips for their poker hand with

The Lake Winnipesaukee Poker Run on August 26 will be a fun morning on the water. (Courtesy photo) the winning hands receiving New Hampshire Boat Museum Poker Run plaques for first, second and third place. As a fun addition to the event, superb aerial photos will be taken from a helicopter. These photos will be available for sale as a wonderful reminder of this fun event. For participants who register and pay by August 14, the cost to participate is $75 per boat, which allows for the captain and one passenger. The cost for each additional passenger is $30 per person. For those who register and

Weirs Drive-in Theater

pay after August 14, the cost is $100 per boat (includes captain and one passenger) with $35 for each additional

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passenger. Costs include the catered lunch at the Wolfetrap. Reservations and payments are required by August 21 to assist with lunch preparations. To register or for questions either contact the Museum at 603-569-4554 or download the application at www. The New Hampshire Boat Museum is open for the 2017 season through October 9, from 10 am to 4 pm Monday through Saturday, and Sunday noon to 4 pm. The Museum is located at 399 Center Street, Wolfeboro Falls, two miles from downtown Wolfeboro in the former Allen “A” Resort dance hall/theater building.

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Page 16

August 14, 2017

The Lakes Region Fine Arts and Crafts Festival…and its Origins By Kathi Caldwell-Hopper Labor Day weekend has historically been a busy time in the Lakes Region. It offers a final hurrah for families before children head back to school and older kids leave for college. The area’s population swells, no matter if it is sunny or rainy, because everyone wants to wring the last bit of summer fun out of the late August/early September days before autumn arrives. Most likely that was the reason three hardworking and industrious Mereditharea residents decided to hold the first fine arts and crafts festival in Meredith on Labor Day weekend. (This year’s

Festival will be held on August 26 and 27 in Meredith.) Over 35 years ago, the Lakes Region Fine Arts and Crafts Festival launched in downtown Meredith on Labor Day weekend with the reasoning that it would be a busy time in the area and that the Festival would offer visitors something new to do. The Festival would be a way to bring something wonderful to the town at a time when summer would typically be winding down. The founders of the Festival knew visitors to the area would be drawn to the high quality of the artist’s and craftsmen’s work in the show. This was


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a time when the handmade movement was starting to gain in popularity. The Festival founders were correct in that assumption and the turnout for the first event was good, although all those years ago, the concept of an arts and crafts fair on the Main Street of Meredith was an untried idea. “Three local women organized the Festival,” explained Sue Cerutti, executive director the Meredith Area Chamber of Commerce in an interview with The Laker in 2014. (For a number of years, the Chamber has been responsible for the fair.) The women, Bobbi Jo Free, Marilyn Ambrose and Mary Guariglia, were all Meredith-area residents. Marilyn Ambrose, with a dance background, has always been a strong supporter of the arts and when asked by Bobbi Jo Free to help plan and execute the Festival, Marilyn was happy to help. In a 2014 article in The Laker, Marilyn explained, “I assisted with the planning. The event was Bobbi Jo’s idea and she had the inspiration to do it.” The Festival was a new concept and certainly unique in that the event would see individual artisan’s booths set up on the Main Street. The street would be closed to traffic for the Festival and that was also a new idea! The first Festival was a success and showed what could happen when a group worked together to bring something creative and fun to the town. According to Sue Cerruti, the original idea was to hold a fine art festival on the Main Street in Meredith in order to showcase the work of artists and to provide an outlet for them to display and sell their work. There were about 30 artists the first year (1979) and their booths were set up on the Main Street area. There were indeed few such events in New Hampshire at the time; perhaps the only larger, successful fair was the

annual League of NH Craftsmen’s Fair at Sunapee in the New London, New Hampshire area each summer. The timing was right for a Lakes Region arts and crafts festival, however, because handmade items were definitely gaining in popularity. “This was before the Mill Falls Marketplace was created in the downtown area,” Sue added. Once the Marketplace came into being, it attracted an even larger audience. Marilyn recalls that the goal was to offer a premier fine arts and crafts event and she stresses the word “fine”, meaning that quality work was very important. Eventually, the Festival became a much-anticipated yearly happening in its own right and the Chamber made the decision to move the event to the weekend before Labor Day. It was a wise decision and the Festival stands on its own today, attracting many to the Main Street area of Meredith. From the start, the jury process was strict and spaces filled up fast. “Back in its day, the Festival was the only one around and many artists wanted to participate,” Sue explained. The three women who started the Festival ran it for a number of years and then the Meredith Area Chamber of Commerce took over the reigns to coordinate the event. Sue was hired to organize the growing Festival for the Chamber. (A few years later, she became executive director of the Chamber and continues in that capacity today.) There is no doubt that the quality of the arts and crafts offered at the Festival gave it a solid reputation. Soon, it seemed, everyone was coming to the Festival to purchase one-ofa-kind, handmade items. Another attractive aspect of the Festival was • Crafts Continued on page 19

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Page 17

August 14, 2017

August 14, 2017

Classic Lake Living on Winnipesaukee

Wonderful open concept home on 420’ of peninsula like waterfront.

Located at the mouth to Buzzell Cove, this property has stunning lake and mountain views across the ‘Big Lake” towards Bald Peak, the Ossipee Mountains, and The Castle in the Clouds! Featuring a U-shaped redwood dock, 2 beaches, and a 2-car garage with guest quarters above, this home is sure to fit perfectly for any buyer. This property can support over a 4 bedroom septic which allows for incredible expansion possibilities! Includes shared ownership in a tennis court property. Moultonborough $1,595,000 Amy Elfline, REALTOR 603.520.7466 cell

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a cove setting. With wonderful opportunities to kayak and canoe, this waterfront home features a remodel in 1998, a master suite, a 3-bay garage for all your toys, views of some wonderful islands in the lake, plus an all weather tennis court. The 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, and huge ‘rec’ room are ample to include all your guests. Start making lakefront memories on Winnipesaukee! Moultonborough $1,545,000 Lisa Wardlaw, Broker 603.253.9293 direct Lamprey & Lamprey REALTORS® Inc. 249 Whittier Highway - Route 25 • Center Harbor, NH ~ Office (603)253.8131 • Toll Free (800)834.5759

Page 18

August 14, 2017

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Page 19

August 14, 2017 • Crafts Continued from page 16 that it offered fine art such as paintings and prints and photography, which was also unique in the early days of such fairs that often saw only handmade items such as pottery and quilts to name but a few categories. When Mill Falls Marketplace, near the Main Street, came into being, the management of the Marketplace asked if the Festival might expand into their parking lot. It was a great way to connect the Marketplace to the Festival, which made it an even larger event. The Chamber is especially appreciative of the support from Mill Falls At the Lake, the town of Meredith, and the business community. All of those entities working together contribute to the success of the event. In the 1980s and 1990s the Festival grew and at one time, offered booths by over 100 artists. If you shopped at the Festival, you would find handmade items from every category imaginable – and all first-rate creations. By the mid 2000s, changes were underway. There were more arts and crafts fairs and the recessionary economy created difficulties. “And some of the artists who had done

the Festival for years were reaching retirement age,” Sue said. At that time, the Chamber made the decision to continue to offer the Festival every year, but on a bit smaller scale. “We continue to attract artisans who produce high-quality work; we never dropped the quality. Much of the work is one-of-a-kind, beautifully made and often unique. You won’t see creations made from kits at the show – it’s all original work,” she said. Food is offered during the event by three service clubs (none of the vendors sell food at their booths). Those who want burgers, hotdogs, sandwiches and homemade food will find a variety of treats and lunch items at the Festival’s three service clubs. (Sue added that there are many fine restaurants in the Meredith area as well.) Both days will feature a full schedule of varied musical entertainment, which is held under a tent at Community Park on Main Street. The music offers a wide range of Americana, country, jazz, swing, and popular tunes. Many years have passed since the first Lakes Region Fine Arts and Crafts Festival. Times have changed, but for those who love fine arts and crafts and want to buy special items directly from the makers, the Festival offers a place to find great items.

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Saturday & Sunday, August 19 & 20 | 11am – 2pm

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

Wolfeboro Waterfront at a Great Price LAKESIDE TOWNHOME UNIT 10 | SATURDAY & SUNDAY • 2,299 sq. ft. | 2 beds | 3.5 baths • Master Suite with Balcony

• Lakeside Deck • Open-Concept

• Walkout Lower Level • Priced at $599,000

uide for th With direct access to Lakes Wentworth hat-To-D&o GCrescent, o, W o-G T e r he W r You

this 3 bedroom home has all the charm you want in a Wolfeboro waterfront home! The home has new updates, 2 screened-in porches, a large den plus additional family room, a large workshop garage, heat & A/C mini-split systems, and all with 151’ of waterfront and a T-shaped dock to keep your boat ready to GO! Wonderful property to make lake memories! Priced well below town assessment, too!

e Lak es R egio n

Offered for $465,000 Christopher M. Williams, REALTOR 603.340.5233 Cell 249 Whittier Highway - Route 25 Center Harbor, New Hampshire Office (603)253.8131 • Toll Free (800)834.5759

BLUEGILL LODGE UNIT 106 | SATURDAY & SUNDAY • 1,990 sq. ft. | 3 beds | 2.5 baths • Direct Elevator Access

• Garage Parking • High-End Finishes

• Lake Views • Priced at $579,000

AMENITIES INCLUDE: Lake Access • Swimming Pools • Tennis Courts • Fitness Center • Hiking Trails Access to Southworth clubs in the U.S., U.K. & Bahamas 421 Endicott St. North, Laconia, NH 03246 | 603.524.4141 Properties offered exclusively by Meredith Bay Lighthouse Realty, LLC. The Lodges are part of Bluegill Lodge at Meredith Bay, a condominium. The townhomes are part of The Townhomes at Meredith Bay, a condominium. Some first-floor units do not have direct elevator access into unit. This is not an offer to sell property to, or solicitation of offers from, residents of NY, NJ, CT or any other state that requires prior registration of real estate. Prices and terms are subject to change without notice.

Page 20

August 14, 2017

Gilford This wonderful original lake home has beautiful views to Mt. Washington. The lot is level and private. The home has four bedrooms and original woodwork and an enormous lakeside screened porch. A rare find on Governor’s Island. Amenities include beach, tennis, clubhouse, picnic area and more! $1,495,000




A stunning home under construction designed and built to perfection. Enjoy amazing sunsets from this prime waterfront home with SW exposure. Floor plan is perfect with an amazing Great Room that opens to waterside decks and a fabulous post & beam porch with fireplace. Guest suite over the garage. $3,195,000

On a lot with professional, naturalized landscaping this Governor’s Island home is a charm. Multiple fireplaces, large decks, picture windows to capture sunsets. Rustic and casual in design. Sunny lot with desirable SW exposure. Large dock surrounded with granite patios. Super, sandy swimming area. $1,095,000

This lovely, turn-key condition home has a desirable westerly exposure with beautiful sunsets and picturesque views. The natural sand beach is large and has easy and safe swimming area. It is a beautiful home with a glorious waterfront, spacious dock and boathouse. Furnishings are negotiable. $999,000

Meredith - Enjoy picturesque views from this tasteful and beautifully maintained home in the desirable Meredith community of Lake Ridge. Sweeping decks and a large patio are perfect for outdoor living. Included is your private dock. Amenities include a playground, locker area and an inground pool. $995,000

Gilford - This stunning home, located in desirable Dockham Shore Estates, has lake views and shares a community beach and day dock. The interior has been updated to perfection. A whole house generator, irrigation, new Buderus boiler, state of the art electronics and alarm system ensure care-free living. $725,000

Meredith - This stunning, private, 4 bedroom, Post and Beam home was built with style and pizzazz. Soaring ceilings, sweeping decks, walls of glass and a comfortable screened porch all take advantage of the lovely lake and mountain views. Beautifully maintained and constantly updated, it is move-in ready. $725,000

Laconia - This stately home sits on a beautifully landscaped and private lot. It is just a short stroll to Bond Beach. It has been totally updated with new roof, flooring, appliances, fireplaces, paint and baths. Quality is evident. It is a beautiful and unique home in a lovely and convenient neighborhood. It shows like new. $477,777

Laconia - This sunny 2-bedroom condo overlooks a lovely lake view. The waterside deck is spacious and perfect for dining, relaxing and enjoying beautiful sunset views. Deeded U-shaped dock, beach, boating and sandy swimming. It’s being sold furnished, so just move in and enjoy! $299,000

Gilford - A view lot in Gunstock Acres with beach rights. It is perfect for building your new home and overlooking majestic lake and mountain views. $87,500

Susan Bradley Realtor®, CRS, ABR, GRI

Direct: 603-493-2873 email: | 348 Court Street, Laconia, NH 03246 | 603-524-2255

Page 21

August 14, 2017

Come Discover

Terrific School System • Quiet Country Feel 45 minute commute to Seacoast or Mountains 10 Minutes to Wolfeboro, Ossipee and Wakefield Shopping, Restaurants & Numerous Activities Reasonable Tax Structure • Lovely State Parks

New Stick Built Ranches starting at $239,900*


The best kept secret in the Lakes Region

New Stick Built Cape starting at $289,900*

* Price of land not included.

Drew Farm Donald McWhirter Builder - Melvin Village 603-340-0341

New Stick Built Colonial starting at $339,900*

Beautiful farm lands, accented with rock walls provide luxurious 2 to 5 acre home sites. Custom built houses by one of the area’s most experienced and highly regarded builders. Choose one of our floor plans or bring your own ideas. Affordable, quality homes in a quintessential New England setting. Quiet and peaceful yet near everything. Gov. Wentworth school district and close proximity to highly acclaimed private schools; Brookfield allows you many of the amenities of beautiful Wolfeboro without the crowded summer congestion. Fun things to do every season. Enjoy a winter wonderland for skiing, snowmobiling, skating, ice fishing or just an evening by the fire. In spring, the maple syrup starts flowing and flowers bloom galore. A summer of sight-seeing, concerts, summer theater, craft fairs, boating, fishing, biking, swimming, lakes, beaches and theme parks. In autumn, nearby country fairs, apple picking and fresh locally grown native produce will fill you up with wholesome goodness. New Hampshire has the seventh highest per capita income and the lowest crime rate in the country; the SAT scores of its students are the highest in America; and it is among the lowest taxed states in the nation. Come discover the good life in Brookfield, New Hampshire.

Live Where You Play! MOULTONBORO - New Listing On Winnipesaukee

Custom built in 2000, absolutely charming craftsman style home with 2 story guest house, sandy beach, stone patio and walkway, level lot on a small inlet on Moultoboro Bay. Open concept main house has gourmet kitchen, radiant heat, hardwood flooring, custom windows and sliders that bring the outdoors in for natural light. The 2 story quest house has 2 bedrooms and 2 baths.

LACONIA - New Listing Waterfront condo with deeded dock, garage and sandy beach on Paugus Bay. Stonecrest condos are a hidden treasure with the most pleasant surroundings and SW views. Relax on your deck that overlooks the waterfront with docks and beach below, granite kitchen, 2 bedrooms plus loft, 3 baths and living room with stone fireplace. $475,000

$725,000 ALTON - New Listing Sunny and open 1.57 acres bordered by woods, immaculate cape with finished lower level has family room and exercise room that walks out to the detached garage; there is also a single car garage under. New hardwood floors, stainless appliances, paved driveway, pleasant surroundings, plenty of yard for spreading out and sits back off road. Only 5 miles to Alton Bay on Winnipesaukee, minutes to Gunstock for 4-season fun and local trails for snowmobiling and hiking. $274,900

MOULTONBORO - New Listing Beach access home that is located approx. 600’ from the beautiful sandy West Point beach with tennis and volleyball courts, playground area, racks for canoes, boat docks and moorings. Seasonal lake views from the enormous front deck, open concept main living area, vaulted ceilings, open to a great working kitchen with island, master suite with tiled bath and walkin closets. 2 large bedrooms and full bath on 2nd floor, lower level family room, storage and 2 car garage. $449,000

Ellen Mulligan, Broker Associate

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage The Mulligan Team | Lake Winnipesaukee 32 Whittier Highway, Center Harbor, NH 03226 Office: 603-253-4345 ext. 124 | Cell: 603-387-0369


Page 22

August 14, 2017

NH Waterfront Luxury Randy Parker Cell 603-455-6913

Top-of-the-World Views

Lake Winnipesaukee

Magnificent Views

Lake Winnipesaukee

MOULTONBOROUGH Possibly the best view property in the Lakes Region with endless mountain and lake views. Located on 62 acres with a 2,000 s.f. deck, heated pool, luxe interior. $1,980,000 (4503232)

MOULTONBOROUGH Exceptional lakeside living! 180° SW lake views, sun all day! Two-dock system, breakwater, lush landscaping, A/C, home theater, 1st floor Master Bedroom, private carriage house with in-law apartment. A must see! $1,975,000 (4228378)

WOLFEBORO Stellar 180° mountain & lake views plus wonderful privacy! Contemporary home features cathedral ceilings, grand stone fireplace, 3rd floor observatory room with endless views. 15+ acres. Minutes to downtown Wolfeboro. $975,000 (4311561)

TUFTONBORO The quintessential Lake Winnipesaukee 2-bedroom, 2-bath cottage; on the eastern shore, considered one of the best shorelines. Enjoy all day sun and magnificent sunsets; dock and sunporch. $799,000 (4640200)

Custom Built Beauty

TUFTONBORO Private & serene wooded setting, this custom-built 4-bedroom, 3-bath Cape home has many upgrades. Hardwood floors with radiant heat, granite counters in kitchen, attached deck leading to your backyard pool. Farmers porch & landscaping. $549,500 (4616805)

Post and Beam Beauty

TUFTONBORO Post & beam farmhouse on 12.46 acres of pasture land. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with open concept living room/dining room. Vaulted ceilings & glass across back. Great horse property. Agricultural zoning for multiple uses! $499,999 (4600025)

Lake Cottage

TUFTONBORO Terrific Mirror Lake cottage, 118’ shoreline, southern exposure, sandy beach, level lot, privacy. Sunny, knotty pine interior, center fireplace, plus a beautiful sun porch. $425,000 (4376116)

Serene Beauty

NEW DURHAM Custom-built contemporary home has it all. Energy efficient, easy-to-maintain interior with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Entertain effortlessly with open concept kitchen/dining/living area & attached seasonal sun-porch. Wooded and landscaped on 5.85 acres. $329,000 (4649483)

Visit us at to view all properties for sale in the Lakes Region! 15 Railroad Avenue • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • Tel. 800-726-0480

Page 23

August 14, 2017

Island Real Estate

A division of Maxfield Real Estate


MEREDITH // Adirondack home in the private Lake Ridge community. Sweeping views overlooking Meredith Bay and beyond. Over 5,000 sq. ft of lakeside living. Enjoy Lake Winnipesaukee access!

MOULTONBOROUGH // 122’ waterfront and 1.48 acres on Lake Winnipesaukee. 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 2415 sq. ft. contemporary on one of the lake’s prettiest points of land. Private dock.

TUFTONBORO // The quintessential Lake Winnipesaukee 2-bedroom, 2-bath cottage; on the eastern shore, considered one of the best shorelines, enjoy all day sun, magnificent sunsets; dock and sunporch.

$1,295,000 (4624855)

$1,250,000 (4506309)

$799,000 (4640200)

Call 253-9360

Call 569-3128

Call 569-3128

Island REAL ESTATE ALTON // Custom post-and-beam waterfront with stone fireplace, gourmet kitchen, wet bar, fully finished walk-out basement, fabulous master suite, 2 large decks and awesome 4-season porch.

WOLFEBORO // Perfect lakeside cottage with lovely, sandy beach, large deck, screened porch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on crystal clear Crescent Lake located a short walk to downtown.

$565,000 (4600275)

$549,000 (4621675)

Call 875-3128

BARNSTEAD // Fabulous views and sunsets overlooking Suncook Lake. Immaculate home with 3.7 acres and 224’ of water frontage. Very spacious rooms and all the extras included. $416,500 (4623386)

Call 875-3128

Call 569-3128

TUFTONBORO // Attractive Mirror Lake waterfront property on 1 acre with sweeping lawn to sandy shore, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 garages, inviting lakeside bunkhouse with pretty views and 50’ dock. $468,000 (4648073) Call 569-3128

LACONIA // Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront! One-bedroom with loft detached condo with expansion potential. Deeded 23’ boat slip. Sandy beach, low condo fees. New deck, roof and siding. $389,900 (4630795) Call 253-9360

WOLFEBORO // Piping Rock Resort Winnipesuakee: Unique 2-bedroom, 1-bath year-round contemporary bungalow/condominium. Sugar sand beach. Dock or mooring. Pretty lake views. Storage, parking, low fees. $385,500 (4640778) Call 569-3128


WOLFEBORO // Beautiful SW facing waterfront building lot with 100’ of frontage on Crescent Lake with direct water access to Wentworth. Build your dream waterfront home. Close to town & walking trails. $579,000 (4615608) Call 569-3128 WOLFEBORO // Excellent building lot with water access to pristine Lower Beech Pond, beach rights, tennis courts. $50,000 (4610410)

Call 569-3128

ALTON // 1.17 Acre sloping and wooded lot has access to private 590’ shared sandy beach on Half Moon Lake. Expired 3-bedroom septic plan is available. Possible lake views. $49,900 (4611049) Call 875-3128

COW ISLAND - TUFTONBORO “Motivated Seller”-- Premier 4 acre location. 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, with natural woodwork, vaulted ceilings, oversize windows, extensive deck & hot tub. 250’ waterfront with small beach, oversize U-shaped dock and single dock. $865,000 (4623779) Call 569-3128

RATTLESNAKE ISLAND – ALTON Spacious 2-bedroom, 2-bath log home on the broadside of the Island. Interior features floor-to-ceiling fireplace, granite counters & natural wood. 150’ of sandy water frontage, U-shaped dock, deck & endless 180° views. $534,500 (4626797) Call 569-3128

EFFINGHAM // Pine River Community: Build you home on this private 5.78 acre lot with shared access to 48 acres of common woodland and frontage on the Pine River. Governor Wentworth School District. Convenient to Route 16. $24,500 (4419718) Call 569-3128 • Maxfield Real Estate has been bringing people and homes together for over 60 years. Explore the thousands of properties now being offered in the Lakes Region and beyond from the comfort of your own home. is the go-to-site for buyers and sellers, with a wealth of information and resources to meet all your needs. Just one more reason why Maxfield is “simply the best.”

Wolfeboro: 15 Railroad Avenue • 603-569-3128 Center Harbor: Junction Rtes. 25 & 25B • 603-253-9360 Alton: 108 Main Street • 603-875-3128

BEAR ISLAND – MEREDITH Search no more! 3-bedroom, 2-bath cottage with screened porch and 2 decks. Bunkhouse and tool shed. 36’ U-shape dock, sandy bottom. Blue ribbon views! $364,000 (4636940) Call 569-3128

Page 24

August 14, 2017

The Legendary Patti LaBelle Will Perform at Bank NH Pavilion on August 24 Patti LaBelle will make her first appearance in Gilford at Bank of NH Pavilion on August 24. Talented simply does not describe the incomparable force known to the world as Patti LaBelle. As time continues to evolve, the soulful LaBelle’s name has become synonymous with grace, style, elegance and class. Belting out classic rhythm and blues renditions, pop standards and spiritual sonnets have created the unique platform of versatility that LaBelle is known and revered for. She has written five best-selling books: “Don’t Block the Blessings”, “LaBelle Cuisine: Recipes to Sing About”, “Patti’s Pearls”, “Patti LaBelle’s Lite Cuisine” and “Recipes for the Good Life”. More recently,

she introduced “Patti’s Good Life”, a successful line of food products featuring a variety of sauces, sweet potato pie and cakes and she has starred in her own highly rated cooking specials on the “Cooking Channel” and “Food Network”. In addition to her amazing career as an entertainer and an entrepreneur, Patti’s work as a humanitarian is just as legendary. She remains an advocate for adoption, foster care, Big Sisters and the United Negro College Fund, among many other initiatives. While Patti’s celebrated 50-plus year career is respected worldwide, she has also endured and survived personal strife. Within a 10-year period, she lost her mother, three sisters and

HOLDERNESS OFFICE 968-7615 MEREDITH OFFICE 603-279-6470 PLYMOUTH OFFICE 238-6990 “One Click and You’re Home!”

best friend to diabetes and cancer. In 1994, LaBelle was diagnosed with diabetes and shortly thereafter became a spokesperson for the American Diabetes Association. Located near Lake Winnipesaukee in Gilford, New Hampshire, Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion is New England’s premier outdoor venue with 6,000 seats under a large pavilion roof and spacious lawn seating area for an additional 2,000 patrons. Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion is known for attracting world-renowned artists from Luke Bryan to James Taylor, from Train to Crosby, Stills & Nash, Dave Matthews Band to Chris Stapleton, and especially for its state-of-the-art audio system. The Pavilion was nominated for

Sandwich, NH

To see the inside of this chateau, take the Matterport 3D Tour by visiting this property at our website. Curry Place, Holderness, NH | 603-968-7615 3 Mill Street, Meredith, NH | 603-279-6470 620 Tenney Mtn. Hwy, Plymouth, NH | 603-238-6990

Patti LaBelle will perform at the Bank of NH Pavilion. (Courtesy photo)

It’s like living in the north of France in a romantic chateau, surrounded by lakes and mountains. Well, you need not travel any further than the lakes and mountains region of New Hampshire, where high on a hill sits this beautiful, classically designed French provincial chateau with its architecturally unique style and prominent old world features. Only a short drive to the quintessential New England village of Sandwich, and only a short walk to fabulous Squam Lake. The unique features and amenities of this wonderful home in this wonderful area are far too many to include in this write-up, but are easily available for the asking. MLS # 4483716 Offered at $991,000

MLS #4649888

MLS #4601695

239 Gov. Wentworth Hwy. - Tuftonboro $285,000 Views of Lake Winnipesaukee - Walk to beach Peter Travers - 617-823-1794

375 South Main Street - Wolfeboro New Price - $648,000 Gorgeous home, pool, golf next door, walk to town, Jodi Hughes-Emerson 603-455-9533

68 Basin Road - Alton $895,000 Amazing sunsets,30’ covered dock, sandy beach Jodi Hughes-Emerson - 603-455-4366

MLS #4505788

MLS #4509966

MLS #4621657

659 North Main Street - Wolfeboro Now $209,000 Bright & Sunny - Very cute inside Nicole Shamlian - 603-340-1025

64 County Road - Tuftonboro Now $690,000 Country classic - Sunsets from lofty hillside Peter Travers - 617-823-1794

835 Granite Road - Ossipee $219,995 Ranch with lovely landscaping and yard space Wendy Howell - 603-515-6388

MLS #4480250

the Music Venue of the Year Award by the Academy of Country Music six times; Pollstar Magazine Red Rocks Award for best small outdoor venue five times; named USA Today’s 10 Best Concert Venues in the USA; and, nominated for Music Venue of the Year by the Country Music Association two times. Each summer more than 200,000 concertgoers enjoy the venue’s beautiful location, offering a wide variety of musical talent. Join music’s legendary Patti LaBelle August 24 and enjoy the energy that’s always been Ms. LaBelle! Get tickets by calling the box office at 603-2934700 or visit www.BankNHPavilion. com.

MLS #4512635

108 East Side Drive - Alton $379,900 Turn of the century cottage with dock Ames Oickle - 603-520-7014

Wilson welcomes you to Lake Winnipesaukee Berkshire Hathaway Spencer-Hughes 603-569-6060

22 South Main Street Wolfeboro, New Hampshire • 603-569-6060

©2017 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.®. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Page 25

August 14, 2017

WWW.ROCHEREALTY.COM “We Sell the Lakes Region”™

97 Daniel Webster Hwy | Meredith, NH | (603) 279-7046 • 1921 Parade Rd. | Laconia, NH | (603) 528-0088

Gilford: Two waterfront homes with 61’ of shore front and a boat house! located in protected Smith Cove with easy access to the main part of Lake Winnipesaukee. The beautiful main home offers single level living & open concept floor plan and incredible views of Smith Cove PLUS a guest house and detached, pirate-themed playroom. Two docks, a boat house and steps leading into the lake. $899,900 MLS# 4650373

Belmont: Lake Winnisquam Waterfront Home with Lovely Guest House. Nestled on a perfectly level, westerly facing, waterfront lot this beautiful 3-BR, 2-BA ranch home has a beautiful wood stove hearth, cathedral ceilings and a huge 4-season porch at the water’s edge. Plus, a detached, 2-story, 2-bedroom guest house with forced hot air heat and attached garage. The property has beautiful, lush lawns, 2 large docks and a great swimming area. $549,900 MLS# 4638233

Meredith: Adorable lake home and guest cottage on Lake Winnipesaukee. The tasteful and extensive renovations proudly show throughout the 3-BR main home and guest cottage with great charm and character. Sandy beach and a 50x8’ dock with a 34’ covered area and electric lift. Private location and the natural landscaping, stone walls and walkways enhance the property’s gorgeous curb appeal. Live in the scenic resort town of Meredith! $899,000 MLS# 4624311

Laconia: Located in the gated community of Long Bay on Lake Winnipesaukee, this stunning 4-BR, 5-BA home features gorgeous lake and mountain views from a multitude of windows throughout! A flawless home with soaring ceilings, open concept living space, hardwood floors, fireplaces, central AC and a chef 's dream kitchen. Detached 3-car garage, beautiful flower gardens, lush lawns Just a quick walk to the Long Bay pool, beaches and docks. $809,000 #4651315

Laconia: Lake Winnipesaukee Family Compound with Ample Docking. This commercial resort waterfront property features 150’ of shorefront on Paugus Bay. Currently established as a waterfront motel with cottages plus an Adirondack lake home, this property has incredible potential to be used as a lakefront family compound. The property also has a lakeside deck, sandy bottom swimming area, 5 boat slips that can accommodate multiple boats up to 30’ and 3 moorings. $1,179,000 MLS# 4637234

Gilford: 115’ of crystal-clear shorefront on Lake Winnipesaukee. 5,044 sf., luxury home with 6 BR, 4 BA, gourmet kitchen, hardwood, tile & marble and other custom features and upgrades. The shoreline offers a 35x6 deep water dock with a 10,000lb boat lift for up to a 28’ boat and steps that lead to the sandy bottom swimming area. $1,999,999 MLS# 4642925

Meredith: Aqua Terrace on Lake Winnipesaukee is a small waterfront association with only 6 homes. The open concept floor plan has a 1 st floor master suite, 3 large bedrooms with bath, a full basement, level yard and all in a great location. Enjoy the crystal-clear shorefront, landscaped grounds and a lovely, sandy-bottom swimming area, with beautiful westerly views on Meredith Bay plus your own boat slip for up to a 28’ boat. $699,000 MLS# 4639345

Gilford: Enjoy long range views towards Mt. Washington from this contemporary lake home. The 104’ permanent dock has double tie-ups, a sun deck and can accommodate up to 6 boats. Open concept kitchen flows into the dining room and onto the living room with a fieldstone fireplace, custom woodwork and sliders that open to a huge lake side patio. Large master bedroom with cathedral ceilings and private covered balcony. Perfectly level lot with beautiful landscaping. $850,000 MLS# 4630788

Sandwich: Enchanting home surrounded by White Mtn. Nat’l Forest. This authentic 1700’s cape has been totally reconstructed from the foundation up. Home has multitude of windows overlooking the 32+ ac. of fields and mountain views. Accented with wood-shake cedar clapboard exterior with a copper standing seam roof, 200 year old beams, custom milled cabinetry, wide pine f loors and 5 fireplaces. Surrounded by mountain ranges. $1,395,000 MLS# 4635099

Laconia: Lovingly cared for, this townhouse at Meredith Bay shows like NEW! Gorgeous views and a masterpiece design with shake exterior and timber accents. Three levels of quality and precision craftsmanship, granite counter tops, stainless appliances, HW floors, stone gas FP and decks overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee. Swimming area, kayak racks, tennis, fitness center, outdoor, heated pool, hot tub and Akwa Marina are just a short walk away. $559,900 MLS# 4639968

Moultonborough: Lake Winnipesaukee home with unobstructed views from almost all the rooms of this 5,000 sf., masterpiece home. Top of the line mechanical systems including 80 solar roof panels that maintain the home for 8 months of the year. 112’ of shorefront outside, 2 sandy beach areas, a deep-water docking system for multiple boats, one of which is covered, jet ski tie-ups and a sunken hot tub patio area. $2,188,500 MLS# 4634936

Alton: Sensational views and 100’ of westerly facing shorefront on Winnipesaukee. This amazing Winnipesaukee waterfront offers westerly views for long days and sunsets over the mountains. The extensive water-side features include a 4-way tie dock, Cabana with electricity, and storage shed for all your toys and tools. Home features a cathedral ceiling, charming knotty pine, and f loor-to-ceiling windows to take in the view. $619,999 MLS# 4628453

Since 1997, Roche Realty Group has sold over $1.86 billion of NH properties, involving 6,999 transaction sides, and is ranked 9th in the State of New Hampshire out of 1,062 active firms statewide reporting sales during this 20-year period* *Statistics obtained from NNREN’s Firm Market Share Report covering the period of 1/1/1997- 6/19/2017 for all active real estate firms in New Hampshire.

Page 26

August 14, 2017

Steampunk Festival Fun! In celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Mount Washington Cog Railway in 2019, the Mount Washington Cog Railway is hosting the Second Annual “Railway to the Moon” Steampunk Festival on Saturday, August 19. This Steampunk event is based on the story of The Cog’s inventor, Sylvester Marsh, and his desire to build a railroad to Mount Washington’s summit. When Marsh applied for a charter in 1858 allowing him to build a railway up Mount Washington, a disbelieving New Hampshire legislator nicknamed the project “Railway to the Moon”, a nickname that continues on today.

Steampunk melds the Victorian age with modern technology, Goth, science fiction, and a Comic Con edge. During Steampunk events, participants of all ages create a world of modern machines set in the age of steam power. The Citizens of Antiford (a New Hampshire-based Steampunk community), representatives from the Springfield (VT) Steampunk Festival, and Sylvester Marsh with his wife, Cornelia, will take the Mount Washington Cog Railway back to the fantasy Victorian age of Steampunk during the Railway to the Moon event. The event features a variety of free

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Attendees from 2017 Railway to the Moon event in their Steampunk attire. (Courtesy photo) activities for all ages, including: a Steampunk-themed fashion show at 12:45 pm open to all visitors; watch Todd Cahill’s Steamachine Sculpture

demonstrations; view a model train display; try your hand at “Dueling • Steampunk Continued on page 27

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Lansdale Real Estate • PO Box 67 • Center Harbor

34 North Main St., P.O. Box 2180 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 603-569-4488

Turf Talk Natural Turf Care Aerate & Overseed

WYANOKE GATE LN. WOLFEBORO: New Price! Lovely, 4-bedroom, 3.5-bedroom waterfront home is perfect for entertaining with dock and boathouse. $1,596,500

POINTE SEWALL RD. WOLFEBORO: Immaculate, in-town home with many updates, large beautifully landscaped yard and deck. $750,000

Aerate To Loosen compacted soil • Increase the availability of water and fertilizer • Stimulate new growth to increase density • Enhance drought tolerance • Reduce thatch build up

Overseed After Aeration To Introduce grass

blends specific to your situation • Diversify species to assist with insect and disease resistance • Reduce competition with annual weeds and crabgrass

Now Scheduling Treatments for Late Summer /Fall 2017 ADVENT COVE RD. MEREDITH: Amazing! 6 private, park-like acres, spacious home, boathouse with registered heliport and spectacular views. $3,750,000

CROSS NECK RD. TUFTONBORO: Main house and guest house on 6 level acres with over 200’ of waterfront, sandy beach, dock and boathouse. $4,200,000



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Our Consultations Are Always Complimentary Meredith 603.279.7400 • Concord 603.225.9600 Web • Blog Accredited NH Better Business Bureau, A+ Rating & Tree Care Industry Association

August 14, 2017 • Steampunk Continued from page 26 Teacups”; shop for a variety of Steampunk themed products; learn about cycling in the White Mountains from The Wheelman; meet Benjamin West Kilburn, famous stereoscopic photographer from Littleton, NH; and learn more about steam trains and engines at The Cog. There will be a special Steampunk Steam train ride at 3:30 pm to the top of Mount Washington. (Please call 603-278-5404 for advance reservations.) To round out the event, participants and visitors may also visit the recently renovated Cog Museum, and watch Climbing to the Clouds, an Emmy-award winning documentary that chronicles the building of The Cog and explore the history of the Mount Washington Cog Railway. This free weekend event takes place at the Base Station of the Mount Washington Cog Railway (located only six miles from Bretton Woods) on

Saturday, August 19 from 10 am to 5 pm. The Cog Railway, the world’s first mountain climbing cog railway, provides a sense of adventure and history as it makes the spectacular climb up a three-mile-long trestle to the 6,288-ft. summit of Mount Washington - the tallest mountain in the northeast. No matter the weather, sun, rain or snow, this once-in-a-lifetime experience is available May through December. Passengers may choose to ride The Cog in a historic coach powered by a vintage coal-fired steam locomotive or the more modern and eco-friendly biodiesel engines. Guests are encouraged to ask questions and take photos of passing trains as a lively and informative guided tour of the history of the railway and facts about the unique climate and geography of Mount Washington accompanies the ride. At the summit, there is approximately one hour to explore, take in the

spectacular panoramic views, and visit the historic 1853 Tip Top House and the summit marker. A complimentary pass to the Mount Washington Observatory Museum located in the Sherman Adams Summit Building is included with the purchase of a Cog ticket. Here visitors can learn about the record-breaking weather that has made Mount Washington one of the most visited places in the world.

Page 27

Advance ticket purchase is strongly recommended when making plans to ride The Cog. Tickets for Cog Railway excursions are available online at or by phone at 603-278-5404. The Cog is located at Marshfield Base Station on Base Road, Mount Washington, NH just six miles off Route 302 near Historic Bretton Woods, NH. For more information, visit

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Page 28

August 14, 2017

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at the Tramway Marketplace

Through Aug. 31, Roger Irwin Nature Photographer Exhibit, Libby Museum, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-1035, Aug. 14, 4th Annual Wright Museum Film Festival, 10:30 am-3:45 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, advance reservations: 569-1212, Aug. 14, Furniture Discussion with Kristina Wilson, 7:30 pm, public welcome, Scriven Arts Colony, 452 NH Rt. 140, Gilmanton, Aug. 14, Golf Classic, shotgun start at 8 am, Laconia Country Club, Elm St., Laconia, fundraiser for LRGHealthcare, 527-7063 or Aug. 14, Latvian Mitten Knitting, adult workshop, Sandwich Home Industries, League of NH Craftsmen, Sandwich village, pre-register/info: 284-6831.

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Aug. 14, Solar Gazing, 1-3 pm, free, takes place on grounds of Castle in the Clouds, Rt. 171, Moultonboro, led by Marc Stowbridge of NH Astronomical Society. Info: 476-4900, Aug. 14, 7th Annual Carl Johnson Memorial Golf Tournament, pre-register by Aug. 7, scramble format begins at 8 am, lunch and awards to follow, Ridgewood Country Club, Moultonboro, 476-5666, Aug. 14, The Poetry of War: 1914-1918, 1-2 pm, Wolfeboro Public Library, 259 South Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-2428. Aug. 15-16, Peace, Kamp Kindness, 10 am-noon, ages 5-8, sign up early, spaces fill up fast, Libby Museum, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, registration form: www.thelibbymuseum. org. Aug. 15-20, Outdoor Skills, 5 day program to teach outdoor skills for ages 11-14, Libby Museum, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, info/registration: 569-1035, www.thelibbymuseum. org. Aug. 16, Genealogy Program – Family Search, 10 am-noon, Wolfeboro Public Library, 259 South Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-2428. Aug. 16, Mountaintop Yoga for the TRUE Beginner, Gunstock Mt. Resort, Gilford, peaceful chairlift ride to top of mt., meet at welcome center at 8:40 am, life ride begins at 9 am, reserve: Aug. 16, Paint Wolfeboro, registration for artists starts at 8 am, a day of plein air painting, with auction of art work from 3-4:30 pm in Cate Park, Wolfeboro. Kid’s art program 11 am-2 pm in Cate Park. Governor Wentworth Arts Council, info: 569-4994 or 569-1701. Aug. 16, Recycled Toys and Art from Around the World, 2-3:30 pm, Wolfeboro Public Library, 259 South Main St., Wolfeboro, space limited, call: 569-2428. Aug. 16, Watercolor Landscapes, adult workshop, Sandwich Home Industries, League of NH Craftsmen, Sandwich village, pre-register/info: 284-6831. Aug. 16, Wildlife in Motion, info how wild animals move, free, 2 pm, Libby Museum, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-1035, Aug. 16-26, Round and Round the Garden, Winnipesaukee Playhouse, 50 Reservoir Rd., Meredith, 279-0333, Aug. 17, Island Life in the Era of Ernest Abbott, 7-8:30 pm, NH Boat Museum program with speaker Ripley Forbes of Gilford Island Assoc. talking about island life through the eyes of Abbott, a caretaker. Takes place at Marine Patrol Headquarters building, Gilford. Free, reservations suggested: 569-4554, Aug. 17, Secret Life of Bees, 7:30 pm, free, Kelly Dwyer speaks about honeybees and other pollinators, The Loon Center, 183 Lee’s Mill Rd., Moultonboro, 476-5666, www. Aug. 18, Can You Hear Me Now? Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 1011:30 am, for age 8 and up, pre-registration: 968-7194. Aug. 18, Comedian Lenny Clarke, Rochester Opera House, 31 Wakefield St., Rochester, tickets: 335-1992.

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Aug. 18, 60s Invasion, 7-9 pm, Center Harbor at the bandstand, free, public welcome, Aug. 18, Turtle Talk, 10 am-noon, Squam Lakes Assoc., White Oak Pond, Holderness, info: 968-7336. Aug. 18-20, Alton Bay Barbershop Jamboree, band concert, competition, Sat. night concert at Prospect Mt. High School, Alton, info: 455-6683. Aug. 18-20, Nazville Country Weekend, NASWA, 1086 Weirs Blvd., Weirs Beach,, 366-4341. Aug. 18-27, Timeworn II: The Art of Architecture in Decline, Azure Rising art gallery, 628 S. Main St., Wolfeboro, info: Aug. 19, Antique Car and Motorcycle Show, 10 am-2 pm, rain or shine, Wright Museum of WWII, Center St., Wolfeboro, 569-1212. Aug. 19, Art gallery opening reception, The Earth on Edge, new prints by Peggy Merritt, Patricia Ladd Carega Gallery, Center Sandwich, 284-7728. Aug. 19, Laconia Passenger Station Celebration, 11 am-6 pm, vendors, Block Party,

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August 14, 2017

e Lake Winnipesaukee old-fashioned train rides, live bands, food, vendors, celebrating Laconia’s 125th anniversary, train station, downtown Laconia,



Aug. 19, Community Yard Sale, 9 am-1 pm, missions committee of First United Methodist Church, Gilford/Laconia, Rt. 11A, Gilford, rent a table: 524-3289, office@nhlakesumchurch. org. Aug. 19, Granite Man Triathlon, 36th annual, Carry Beach, Forest Rd., Wolfeboro, swim, bike, run competition, 6:30-8:30 am race check in, 8:45 am race pre-meeting, 9 am race start, barbecue and awards ceremony after the race, info: Aug. 19, Meet & Eat Your Vegetables, 6-8 pm, learn about the veggies we eat, heirloom seeds, organic gardening, dinner served, Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, Tickets/info: 323-7591. Aug. 19, Needle Felted Loon, adult workshop, Sandwich Home Industries, League of NH Craftsmen, Sandwich village, pre-register/info: 284-6831. Aug. 19, Railway to the Moon Steampunk Festival, events, demos, food, and rides, Mt. Washington Cog Railway, Base Rd., off Rt. 302, Bretton Woods, 278-5404,



Aug. 19-20, Peanut Butter & Cupcake, the Musical, children’s theatre, Inter-Lakes Summer Theatre, One Laker Lane, Meredith, 707-6035, Aug. 20, Basketmaking Class, 10:30 am-4:30 pm, by League of NH Craftsmen-Meredith Fine Craft Gallery, takes place at Murray Hill Weaving, Hill, info/register: 279-7920. Aug. 20, Lower Corner House Tour, 12:30-4 pm, a look into the interior of area houses, Sandwich, info: 284-6268. Aug. 20, Rockin’ Daddios Doo Wop, 6 pm, free, public welcome, Savina Hartwell Memorial Bandstand, Tilton Island Park, Main St./Rt. 3, Tilton, bring lawn chair or blanket, (concert series is celebrating 25 yrs!), refreshment/food available; no alcohol allowed, 286-3000. Aug. 21, Byron Carr Painting Demo, 7 pm, Lakes Region Art Assoc. talk, Taylor Community Woodside Bldg., 435 Union Ave., Laconia, Aug. 21, The Art of Photography, 6:30-7:30 pm, with photographer Nan Scull, Meredith Fine Craft Gallery/League of NH Craft, fine art photography, discussion takes place at Meredith Community Center, 1 Circle Drive, Meredith. 279-7920. Aug. 21, Partial Eclipse Viewing & Total Eclipse, noon-4 pm, staff from McAuliffeShepard Discovery Center will guide you in safely viewing this phenomenon using solar telescopes and eclipse glasses. Participate in hands-on activities, watch a NASA live-cast of the total eclipse. Eclipse activities included with trail admission. Call 603-968-7194, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness.

Departs Wolfeboro Town Docks Daily Contact Us for Departure Times • 603-569-4554

Aug. 21, What is THAT?, 7-8 pm, Dr. Tommy Stoughton presents seminar on diversity and distribution of fungi in the White Mts., Museum of the White Mts., 34 Highland St., Plymouth, info: 535-3210. Aug. 22, Climate Talk with Charles Bayless, board member of, 6:30 pm, Gilford Public Library, Potter Hill Rd., Gilford, info: 524-6042. Aug. 22, Finding Phil, Lost in War and Silence, lecture/book signing by Paul Levy, 7 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, advance reservations: 569-1212, www. Aug. 22, Have Lunch Will Travel, noon-1 pm, Wolfeboro Public Library, 259 South Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-2428.

S u nd ay Br u nch with Liv e J azz L oc al B ee r s a n d S pir it s Ou t doo r D in in g S e rv ing Br e ak fa s t, L un ch a nd D inn e r

ONGOING: Adult Summer Sailing Series, Wednesdays, Squam Lakes Assoc., Holderness, 5-7 pm, throughout the summer, info: 968-7336, Art Walk, Wolfeboro, (8/26 & 9/30), monthly self-guided tour of galleries, 5-7:30 pm. Select locations featuring fine art paintings, prints, jewelry, live music, visit Wolfeboro Art Walk on Facebook. Belknap Mill, programs and self-guided tours of the Power House, 1823 historic former textile mill. Hours/information: 524-8813. The Mill Plaza, 25 Beacon Street East, Laconia. Blue Star Program, Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, active-duty military and their families enjoy free admission (also National Guard and Reserve). Call for hours/info: 323-7591. Valid May 30-Sept. 2. Book Sale, first Saturday of each month, Cook Memorial Library, Tamworth, 10 am-noon, 323-8510. Castle in the Clouds, tours/exhibits/events, café, walking trails, Rt. 171, Moultonboro, open daily, info: 476-5900, EcoTours, learn about lake ecology onboard the EcoTour, Newfound Lake Region Assoc., tour led by Newfound Audubon naturalists, tours take place weekly mornings and afternoons through late Aug., reserve: 744-8689, Explore Squam Cruise, daily 1-2:30 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, pre-register info: 968-7194, Also offering Nature of the Lakes Cruise: 7/4-8/31; Loon Cruises: 6/5-8/28; Lake Explorers Family Cruise: 8/8.

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August 14, 2017

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Family Party Night, Wednesdays aboard the M/S Mount Washington, bring the family for dinner and kid-centered music and dancing. Kids under age 13 cruise for free. A great way for kids to get out on the lake and have fun, dance and watch the sun set! Departs Weirs Beach, 6-9 pm, tickets/info: 366-MOUNT. Finding Place on Paper – Contemporary Poets and Printmakers Explore the Lakes Region & White Mts., on exhibit through Oct. 22, creations of local artists and poets on display, Carriage House, Castle in the Clouds, Moultonboro,, 476-5900. Franklin Hospital Farmer’s Market, Tues. 3-6 pm, through Sept. 12, Aiken Ave., Franklin, 934-2060. Kirkwood Gardens, stroll garden with colorful plants and shrubs, see birds. Free, open to public, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 23 Science Center Rd., Holderness, 9687194, www.nhnatureorg. Laconia Farmer’s Market, 8 am-noon, Beacon St. East, downtown Laconia, www. Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, Rte. 3, Weirs Beach. Preserving and promoting history of Lake Winnipesaukee and vicinity with memorabilia, photos, maps, models of steamboats 1833-1939, posters and photos of grand hotels plus artifacts ranging from Indian arrowheads to Big Band posters. Lectures and children’s corner. Call for hours: 366-5950, Lantern Tours, Lost River Gorge & Boulder Caves, guided lantern tours on Wed., Fri. & Sat. evenings in July & Aug.; Sat. & Sun. in Sept., limited dates in Oct. N. Woodstock, 745-8031. Libby Museum, a museum of natural history, Tues.-Sat. 10 am-4 pm, Sun. noon-4 pm, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, for more information: 569-1035,

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Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 323-7591, info/summer hours: Summer season hours: June 17-Sept. 2 - Mon.-Fri. 9 am-5 pm; Sundays 9 am-4 pm. River Otter Feeding, (May 1-Nov. 1), Mon., Wed. & Fri. 11:30 am, see two playful river otters enjoy an early lunch, learn about otter biology, included in regular trail admission, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194,

Sandwich Historical Society, Elisha Marston House Museum, Sandwich, June 24Sept. 30: Wed.-Sat. 10 am-4 pm, or 284-6269. (This year celebrating 100th anniversary of the Sandwich Historical Society.)

Custom Sheet Metal

Snow Melt

Millie B Boat Rides, tour Lake Winnipesaukee in vintage wooden Hacker Craft Millie B, rides run for 45 minutes, departs from Wolfeboro Town Docks, NH Boat Museum for tickets/info: 569-4554,

Sailboat Races, Thursdays, 6 pm, through mid Oct., Saunders Bay, Gilford, Lake Winnipesaukee Sailing Assoc., info:, time/info:

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Masonic Breakfast, first Sun. of each month, 7-11:30 am, 35 Trotting Track Road, Wolfeboro. Fresh fruit, omelets made to order, scrambled eggs, hash browns, cereal etc.

Radio-Control Sailing Regattas, Bridge Falls Path on Back Bay, Wolfeboro, 1 pm Tuesday for Solings, 1 pm Thursday for US12’s, weather permitting. Visitors can give it a try, and boats available for youngsters. More info at

Est. 1990

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Lunch Box to Paint Box, noon-1 pm, first Tues. of each month artist Larry Frates demonstrates drawing and painting, free, public welcome, Belknap Mill, 25 Beacon St. East, Laconia, 524-8813,

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Sculpture Walk Tours, leaves from Mill Falls Marketplace (in front of Innisfree Bookshop) Wednesdays and Saturdays starting July 19 and runs through August, 10 am, info: 279-9015. Sponsored by Greater Meredith Program, free, open to public, www. Sunday Brunch Cruise aboard the M/S Mount Washington, May 21-Oct. 22, cruise Lake Winnipesaukee aboard the Mount. Departs Weirs Beach at 10 am and 12:30 pm. Departs from Alton Bay at 11:15 am. (May 21 through October 22), 366-5531 or The American Soldier, A Photographic Tribute, The Civil War to the War in Iraq, exhibit from July 1-Oct. 31, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, 569-1212, www.

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Thursdays Laconia Main Street Marketplace, municipal parking lot, downtown Laconia, weekly markets from 3-6 pm, crafts, baked goods, produce and more, through Sept., info: 528-8541.

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Trails Open Daily, (May 1-Nov. 1), Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 9:30 am-5 pm, admission charge, live animals in enclosures along the trail, info: www., 968-7194.

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Weed Watcher Morning, 9-11 am, every Sat. morning, volunteer to be a Weed Watcher to make sure milfoil and other invasive species do not enter the water via boats. Squam Lakes Assoc., Holderness,, 968-7336. (Takes place June-mid Aug.) Weirs Beach Fireworks, Friday evenings at 10 pm, from July 7 to Aug. 18, Labor Day weekend fireworks on Sun., Sept. 3 at 10 pm,

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August 14, 2017

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Aug. 14, Elvis Tribute, aboard M/S Mount Washington, Weirs Beach, 6-9 pm, 366-5531, Aug. 14, Music Night featuring Brad Myrick, 5:30-8:30 pm, dinner and music as sun sets over the lake/mts., Castle in the Clouds, Rt. 171, Moultonboro, preregister early (event often sells out): 476-5414.

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Aug. 15, Boomtown Portsmouth, lecture/book signing by Rod Watterson, 7 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, advance reservations: 569-1212, Aug. 15, Local Brews Cruise, 6:30-8:30 pm, Winnipesaukee Belle, departs Wolfeboro Town Docks, music, NH brews and spirits, info: Wolfeboro Inn: 569-3016.

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Aug. 15, Star Gazing with the NH Astronomical Society, 8 pm, weather permitting, Castle in the Clouds, Rt. 171, Moultonboro, free, info: 476-5410.

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Aug. 15, Styx and REO Speedwagon concert, doors open 5 pm, Bank of NH Pavilion, Meadowbrook Lane, Gilford, tickets/info: 603-293-4700, www.

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Aug. 16, Family Party Night, aboard M/S Mount Washington, Weirs Beach, 6-8 pm, 366-5531,

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Aug. 16, Peg Loughram and Lisa Ferguson concert, 7:30 pm, admission and light refreshments by donation, Arts Center at 12 Main St., Sandwich, info: 284-7532.

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Aug. 16-20, Gypsy, Inter-Lakes Summer Theatre, One Laker Lane, Meredith, 707-6035, Aug. 16-26, Round and Round the Garden, Winnipesaukee Playhouse, 50 Reservoir Rd., Meredith, 279-0333, Aug. 17, Annie and the Orphans concert, 6:30-8 pm, Kelley Park, downtown Bristol, free, bring lawn chair for seating, 744-2713.

Aug. 17, Music Night featuring Benjamin Vincent Cook, 5:30-8:30 pm, dinner and music as the sun sets over the lake/mts., Castle in the Clouds, Rt. 171, Moultonboro, pre-register early (event often sells out), 476-5414.

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Aug. 17, Thirsty Thursday on the Belle, 6:30-8:30 pm, Winnipesaukee Belle, departs Wolfeboro Town Docks, music, dancing and cash bar, tickets: fire come/ first served, info: Wolfeboro Inn: 569-3016.

Goody Good

Aug. 18, Comedian Lenny Clarke, Rochester Opera House, 7 pm, 31 Wakefield St., Rochester, tickets: 335-1992.


Aug. 18, Dueling Pianos, 9 pm, Jim Tyrell vs. Matt Langley, Patrick’s Pub, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841,

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Aug. 17, Don Bartenstein performs for Acoustic Thursday, 8 pm, Patrick’s Pub, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841,

So Good..They’re Goody Good!

Aug. 18, Fireworks, 10 pm, Weirs Beach, Aug. 18, Jazz concert, 7-10 pm, Jim Dozet Trio, Patio Garden Restaurant, Weirs Beach, info: 366-5800. Aug. 18, Music in the Marketplace, 5:30-8:30 pm, live music in the courtyard, weather permitting, 312 DW Highway, Meredith, 279-6797.

235 Union Ave., Laconia • 603-528-4003 • Served daily till they’re gone. (Open at 1am for hardworking early risers!)

Aug. 18, 60s Invasion, 7-9 pm, Center Harbor at the bandstand, free, public welcome, Aug. 18, Summer Lobsterfest, aboard M/S Mount Washington. 6-8 pm, 3665531, Aug. 18, VoicePlay, 7:30 pm, Kingswood Arts Center, 205 S. Main St., Wolfeboro. Great Waters Music Festival, 569-7710, Aug. 18-19, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 8 pm, Village Players Theatre, 51 Glendon St., Wolfeboro, $5 p/p, box office opens one hour before movie begins,, 569-9656. Aug. 18-20, Alton Bay Barbershop Jamboree, band concert, competition, Sat. night concert at Prospect Mt. High School, Alton, info: 455-6683. Aug 18-20, Nazville Country Weekend, with country music, Naswa Resort, 1086 Weirs Blvd., Weirs Beach, info: 366-4341, (Marlena live in the Blue Bistro 6 pm 8/18 & 8/19).

y Good

t u Don


o od


Aug. 18, Rail Trail Coffee House, 7-9 pm, 85 Center St., Wolfeboro, all welcome, open mic format for poets and musicians, info:



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August 14, 2017

Aug. 19, Art gallery opening reception, The Earth on Edge, new prints by Peggy Merritt, Patricia Ladd Carega Gallery, Center Sandwich, 284-7728. Aug. 19, Jazz concert, 7-10 pm, Nihco Gallo, Patio Garden Restaurant, Weirs Beach, info: 366-5800.

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Aug. 19, Medium Cindy Kaza, 7:30 pm, Flying Monkey Performance Center, Main St., Plymouth, tickets/info: 536-2551, Aug. 19, Rock ’n Roll Saturday Night, aboard M/S Mount Washington. 7 pm, 366-5531, Aug. 19, Seldom Playwrights, 7 pm, Cate Park Bandstand, Wolfeboro Town Docks. Aug. 19, Tribute to U2: Mike Loughlin, 9 pm, Patrick’s Pub, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841, Aug. 20, Jazz concert, 7-10 pm, Boardwalk Jazz Quartet featuring Rob Ames, Patio Garden Restaurant, Weirs Beach, info: 366-5800. Aug. 20, Rockin’ Daddios Doo Wop, 6 pm, free, public welcome, Savina Hartwell Memorial Bandstand, Tilton Island Park, Main St./Rt. 3, Tilton, bring lawn chair or blanket, (concert series is celebrating 25 yrs!), refreshment/food available; no alcohol allowed, 286-3000. Aug. 21, Music Night featuring Tim & Dave Show, 5:30-8:30 pm, dinner and music as the sun sets over the lake/mts., Castle in the Clouds, Rt. 171, Moultonboro, pre-register early (event sells out): 476-5414. Aug. 21, Swing to the Oldies, aboard M/S Mount Washington. 6-8 pm, 3665531, Aug. 22, Finding Phil – Lost in War and Silence, author lecture and book signing by Paul Levy, 7 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, advance reservations: 569-1212,

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Roger Irwin, Nature Photographer

Billiards Club, Monday nights at 6:30 pm, Tapply Thompson Community Center, Bristol, pick-up pool games, chance to socialize, info: 744-8159.


Concerts at 12 Main, Arts Center at 12 Main, Sandwich village, select concerts/performances. Info: 284-7115,

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Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel Music Jam, Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30 pm, Old White Church, Route 109A, Tuftonboro, across from Tuftonboro General Store and Post Office. Musicians and listeners welcome. Free, 569-3861.


Fireworks, Weirs Beach, every Friday night at 10 pm, info: www.weirsbeach. org.


Gilford Community Band concert, 7:30 pm, Gilford bandstand in the field, free, bring lawn chair for seating. Every other Wed. night, info: lyvie@ TEAM TRIVIA

Brain saving fun... Serious Merriment!! Starting at 8pm

Live Blues, every Friday at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334, Live Jazz, every Thursday at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334,





Multi-talented host Paul Luff and a It’s all about the ladies with Cody great variety of talent. Beginning at James setting the groove - ladies 8pm. To get in the gig,email: get special prizes* Beginning at 8pm

Open Mic, every Friday at 7:30 pm, The Back Room at the Mill Fudge Factory, 2 Central St., Bristol, 744-0405, Open Mic, every Tuesday, hosted by Paul Luff, those interested in performing:, Patrick’s Pub, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841, Team Trivia, every Monday, 7 pm, Patrick’s Pub, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 2930841,



Local favorite, Eric Grant performs beginning at 8pm



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Winnipesaukee Belle Cruises, cruise the lake on the 19th-century replica paddleboat, day or nighttime cruise. Through mid-Oct. Departs from Wolfeboro Town Docks, downtown Wolfeboro, call Wolfeboro Inn for info: 569-3016. Wolfeboro Inn Special Events, Taco Night on Tuesdays 4-9 pm; Sun. Brunch, every Sun. 10 am-2 pm; music on Sat. nights, Wolfe’s Tavern, Wolfeboro Inn, 90 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-3016,

Page 33

August 14, 2017

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Page 34

August 14, 2017

Moultonborough Falls...Where is That? By Suzanne Weidenheft In 1979, my husband accepted a position in Meredith, and so we left New Hampshire’s North Country, as it was called then, and set out for the Lakes Region. This was long before the age of Google Maps, so we unfolded a paper road map and perused the area for a town where we might live. There at the intersection of Route 25 and an unnamed road was “Moultonborough Falls.” Picturing Beaver Brook Falls up north in Columbia, I was eager to seek out this spot. Driving around the area, we were unable to find such a village, and eventually moved into a house in Moultonborough. Like many towns and villages in New Hampshire’s Lakes Region, Moultonborough has scenic water views that attract visitors from near and far. Mountains and hills, foliage and wildlife create a lovely backdrop around our beautiful lakes. But a little known and seldom visited spot in this town is a gem of scenic beauty

and historic significance well worth our attention. Residents of the Lakes Region, and visitors as well, could enjoy an afternoon in this wild and secluded natural area. It would be a great place to watch for wildlife, to commune with nature, so I decided to paddle my kayak there. (Presently it is not an easy spot to get to, but the recreational and photographic opportunities are compelling.) Moultonborough Falls was an early settlement near the intersection of Route 25 and Sheridan Road, where the Red Hill River drains Garland Pond and flows under the road. Here John Moulton built his first water-driven sawmill in 1765. Moultonborough Falls Village grew up around this industry, and foundation stones of the mill, water sluiceway, and house cellar holes can still be seen. Around this time, some distance downstream from Moulton’s mill, the river was blocked by a dam built by Lee at the head of Lake Winnipesaukee’s Moultonborough

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Bay, thus forming Lees Pond. The Lee’s Mill area is visited by many who enjoy the international Steam Boat Rally each September and The Loon Center, but few know of the historic ruins of Moulton’s mills at the other end of the pond. In addition to these remnants of our past, the Moultonborough Falls area is still important today as a habitat for abundant terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. As I set out on my kayaking adventure, I wondered if I would spot one of the eagles that frequent the pond. Great blue heron, osprey and

many kinds of ducks are common there, and loons can be seen almost any day one ventures out. Moose favor the marshland in this area as good feeding ground, and deer and bear are frequently seen on firmer ground. I’ve seen otter, fox, beaver, raccoon and mink in the area, and once I even saw a fisher cat. I am not surprised by all the sightings of wildlife here, as this is a “wildlife corridor” where animals • Falls Continued on page 35

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Moultonborough area waters. (courtesy photo)

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Page 35

August 14, 2017 • Falls Continued from page 34 come down from Red Hill through the wilds of forest and stream and into a marsh complex potentially inhabited by rare birds and other aquatic animals. It is important to keep this wilderness undeveloped for them. What would the Lakes Region be like without the possibility of seeing a moose, or a bear? It is a thrill when we come in contact with nature, especially these big animals, but also dragonflies and bright damselflies, the redwing blackbird, wood thrush and pileated woodpecker. I also enjoy seeing turtles and frogs, which abound here, as well as water lilies, both yellow and white, and stately blue-flowered pickerelweed. Any town around the Lakes Region would be sadly lacking if it lost its natural flora and fauna, its wild spaces, and its visual beauty that renews the spirit. I think that’s why many visitors come here, and that is why I feel fortunate to live here. But I am concerned about Moultonborough Falls. The 37-acre parcel of land that holds a bit of our history, that keeps our water clean, that allows the free movement of wildlife, and that has the potential for education and recreation, is for sale. The Moultonborough Conservation Commission (MCC) has identified saving this parcel of land as a high priority. Along with many locals who value the natural beauty of our area, the MCC is working to buy this valuable acreage and preserve it as a low-impact recreation area. The Commission plans to create a parking area and

walking trails, to provide educational signage about the environment and history of Moultonborough Falls, and to encourage fishing, exploration, etc. Think of what a great place this would be for field trips! The Moultonborough Falls Conservation Area presents even more benefits to visitors and residents of the Lakes Region. One of the most important reasons for preserving this valuable parcel of land is to protect the Red Hill Watershed. One of several watersheds that feed Lake Winnipesaukee, the Red Hill River flows from Red Hill Pond in Sandwich, collecting runoff from Red Hill and the surrounding area. Much of the land abutting the river in Sandwich and around Garland Pond in Moultonborough is already under the stewardship of the Lakes Region Conservation Trust and The Nature Conservancy. The Moultonborough Falls Conservation Area would extend this protected land across Route 25 along the river and around 3,800 feet of shorefront on Lees Pond. The protection of this ‘riparian buffer’, the zone between marshland and open water, is imperative for effective filtration of water coming into Lees Pond and then flowing into Moultonborough Bay. The roots and sponge-like vegetation in this riparian zone soak up silt and pollutants from storm water runoff that cloud the water or cause more rapid growth of invasive vegetation midlake. The healthy water quality of the aquifer in this region is sustained by this natural infiltration of the wetland zone. Shore front development in wetland areas breaks down the natural


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riparian buffer, causing lakes to fill in with plant-nutrient sediments. Over time, the natural progression of lakes is from a watery environment back to firm ground, but we can refrain from speeding up the process with highimpact development of the land. This is an opportunity to support the pristine and natural beauty of the Lakes Region for the enjoyment of those who live and visit here, now and for many generations to come In this once in forever opportunity to preserve this vital link of the watershed from Red Hill to Lake Winnipesaukee, we can truly make a positive difference for the future. The Moultonborough Conservation Commission needs

$335,000.00 to buy the parcel of land and to develop and maintain it for lowimpact recreation. Over $100,000 has already been raised, and we are well on our way to the goal, but we need your help if we are to meet our deadline of April 1, 2018. If we have not raised the money for the purchase price by that date, the parcel may go back on the market. Charitable contributions are tax deductible; checks may be made out to MFCA and mailed to the Town of Moultonborough, Post Office Box 139, Moultonborough, NH 03254. More information may be found at, or www.

Page 36

August 14, 2017



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Romantic Railroads at Laconia Public Library By Kathi Caldwell-Hopper When it comes to local train history, I will be the first to admit I get confused. There is a lot of information about the passenger station in Laconia, and the train tracks and the factory that once made train cars. It all gets blurry and I get confused due to the rich history in Laconia of train and other public transportation. I got straightened out on my facts when I stopped by the current exhibit at the Laconia Public Library on Main Street in downtown Laconia. The exhibit runs through September 20 and was organized by the Laconia Historical & Museum Society. If you are someone not much interested in museums and history, please bear with me! You might think this day trip story will launch into dates and facts and not much else. Admittedly there are dates and facts that have to be included in order for

the advent and demise of the trains in Laconia to make sense, but there is a lot more to the story for those who love trains. There is something romantic and exciting about train travel. Why else do we have such stories as Murder on the Orient Express and The Girl on the Train to name but a few? Old movies seem to often include scenes from train travel, with elegant dining cars, sleeping compartments and luxury seating and beautiful countryside rolling past. I’m not sure if that applies to the trains that once came and went in Laconia. Some were likely less luxurious but those trains got people where they needed to go, whether it was Boston or New York, or even more distant places. The current exhibit at the Laconia Library is a real gem for those who like old trains. The display encompasses the upper level rotunda space at the library and it can be reached via the

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stairs or via the handy elevator. Titled “The History of Rail in Laconia,” the exhibit celebrates he 125 years of the Laconia Passenger Station (located just across the street from the library) and the Laconia Car Company and Laconia Street Rail. The railway was commonly known at the Iron Horse when it came to Laconia (then Meredith Bridge) in August of 1848. It connected the area with Concord, NH and must have caused quite a lot of excitement. Surely, locals had to make due with getting supplies that might be available locally and they seldom saw relatives who lived in Concord or areas to the south. Horse and wagon travel was arduous and took a lot of time. And it could be dangerous with changing weather conditions. The train service changed all that. The same year, Charles Ranlet started the C. Ranlet Car Manufacturing Company in Laconia on Water Street. I like to think of Charles as an entrepreneur, someone who saw the new railroad in Laconia as a great business opportunity. There he was, I imagine, sitting by the fireplace on a cold winter’s evening. He was staring into the flames, dreaming of being rich when suddenly the idea came to him that he could profit by the new rail system by making cars. If all those railroad barons could get rich, why couldn’t he?! The exhibit tells us that Charles was a clockmaker from Gilford. He knew he had the ingredients for a company to build freight and passenger cars: NH had lots of timber; the opening of the Concord to Laconia train system and


cheap, available labor. Charles was correct, and soon his company was crafting up to three freight cars a week. The business grew and by 1849, Joseph Ranlet joined his brother, Charles; in 1859 the Ranlet Car Company was formed. Charles passed away in 1861 but Joseph continued the business and took on prominent Laconia citizen and businessman John C. Moulton as a partner. The new name was the Moulton & Ranlet Car Company and the business was seen as quite important by the railroads. Tracks were extended to the factory’s manufacturing sites by the Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad. (If he was looking down from heaven, Charles must have been thrilled that now the railroad barons were paying attention to his company!) By 1885 the company took up more than seven acres in Laconia, with a machine, woodworking and blacksmith shops, a freight car manufacturing shop, iron foundry, passenger car manufacturing shop and more. By 1870, the company was producing passenger cars on a very large scale. Locally, people could take the Laconia and Lake Village Horse Railroad to get from one part of the city to another. In 1898, the company was bought by a Massachusetts concern and the name changed to Laconia Street Railway. The service converted to electric by 1898. With no automobiles yet on the horizon, locals depended on the railway and by 1899 tracks • Day Tripping Continued on page 37

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Page 37

August 14, 2017

Daytime Scenic Cruises Charters & Catered Events Local Brews & Thirsty Thursday Cruises Full Schedule at


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Collage of train tickets and other memorabilia. • Day Tripping Continued from page 36 were extended to the Weirs. But the automobile had made an appearance by the mid 1920s and the last run of the street cars was in that year in Laconia. Bad luck or circumstances changed for the Laconia Car Company when a financial panic hit the country in 1893; by 1896 the company laid off most of its employees. Fire destroyed the factory complex in 1881, as well as in 1893 and 1895. Times were tough, but with the introduction of Frank Jones took over in 1897; he bought the Laconia Car Company and changed the name to Laconia Car Company Works. Jones was “the king of the ale makers” with a brewing company. HE also was the mayor of Portsmouth, a congressman,

and president of the Boston & Maine Railroad. Jones knew his stuff when it came to business and by 1899 the car company was thriving and employing about 500 men. Old photos in the exhibit show the factory bustling, with thousands of cars produced, among them streetcars, passenger, freight and steam cars. Revenue was about $5 million a year, a staggering amount at the time. World War I affected everyone, but after the war, the company was hired to do repair work to the lines and continued to make streetcars, as well as speedboats, diners and caravans. An old summer railway schedule in the display shows when and where the • Day Tripping Continued on page 38


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LACONIA 958 Union Ave | Laconia, NH 03246 | 603-524-6661 HUDSON 261 Derry Road Route 102 | Hudson, NH 03051 | 603-595-7995 ALTON BAY 396 Main Street | Alton Bay, NH 03810 | 603-875-8848

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Page 38

August 14, 2017 • Day Tripping Continued from page 37

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line ran in 1936 in Laconia, starting at 6:30 am and running into the evenings. All those trains coming and going in Laconia needed a station to organize it all and the station was designed by Bradford Gilbert, a gifted and nationally-known architect. He created quite a gem in Laconia, and the structure has stood the test of time. I particularly loved the old train memorabilia, such as the large black banner that hung from a wall. White type listed the time 5:20 P.M. with the towns of Wilmington, Lowell, Nashua, Manchester, Concord-Laconia, Franklin-Meredith, Potter Place (today a modest village but at the time a bustling train stop), Canaan, Enfield, Lebanon, and White River Jct. An old conductor’s hat, a pocket watch and conductor’s ticket punch take the viewer back to the days of train travel. An old black-and-white photograph shows us the railroad police dressed in uniform. The Boston & Main Railroad Flagman’s Kit was also interesting; the flagman had the risky job of walking behind a train when it had to make an unscheduled stop. The flagman would protect it from following trains by placing caps or torpedoes on the rail which exploded wen run over by another train, alerting the train to be on the lookout ahead. No exhibit is complete without mention of the special snow trains

that once were very popular. A vintage Boston & Maine Snow Train poster showed happy skiers and told us the trains ran Sundays and weekends from Boston’s North Station. During the 1930s and 1940s, the snow trains offered a big boost to NH tourism. Other memorabilia on display included a collage of old train tickets, lanterns, railroad magazines and architectural plans for the Laconia Passenger Station. If you like or collect old train memorabilia, you will want to see this exhibit. If you like local history, it is a must-see as well. Or if, like me, you have heard many train and manufacturing company names spoken of over the years, and were a bit confused by it all, the exhibit clears up that confusion. It is also a look back at what made train travel alluring, offering small town Americans a chance to step outside their rural lives and into cities and places they had once only dreamed of experiencing. The railroad exhibit will be on view until September 20 and is open during library hours. Call the Laconia Public Library at 603-524-4775. The library is located at 695 North Main Street in Laconia. (The exhibit gives a special thanks to the Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society for their expertise and loaning important pieces of railroad history for the exhibit; visit www. for more information.)

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August 14, 2017

Page 39

Page 40

August 14, 2017

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