The Lamp April 2007

Page 1

lamp the

magazine of the NSW Nurses’ Association

Print Post Approved: PP241437/00033

volume 64 no.3 April 2007

EXTRA PAY for continuing education

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Contacts NSW NURSES’ ASSOCIATION For all membership enquiries and assistance, including Lamp subscriptions and change of address, contact our Sydney office. SYDNEY OFFICE 43 Australia Street Camperdown NSW 2050 PO Box 40 Camperdown NSW 1450 (all correspondence) T 8595 1234 (metro) 1300 367 962 (non-metro) F 9550 3667 E W HUNTER OFFICE 120 Tudor Street Hamilton NSW 2303 ILLAWARRA OFFICE L1, 63 Market Street Wollongong NSW 2500

Cover story

lamp the

magazine of the NSW Nurses’ Association

volume 64 no.3 April 2007

Extra pay for continuing education 12 Print Post Approved: PP241437/00033

EXTRA PAY for continuing education

Cover Cherie Desreaux, RPA midwife, and Andrew Moors, CNS, Marrickville Community Mental Health Service

NSWNA COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Noel Hester T 8595 2153 NSWNA COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT Russell Burns T 8595 1219 For all Lamp editorial enquiries, letters and diary dates: Editorial Enquiries T 8595 1234 E M PO Box 40 Camperdown NSW 1450 THE LAMP PRODUCED BY Lodestar Communications T 9698 4511

News in brief 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11

No medicare without smart card Working for free Vision tips for those in need Support only a phone call away Nurse ‘trainees’ on $300 a week Easier skills upgrade for rural nurses Campaign to boost vaccinations Future nurses get a head start Scholarships for rural and lapsed nurses UNE offers new postgraduate course

Occupational health and safety 31 Addressing drug and alcohol problems at work

PRESS RELEASES Send your press releases to: T 9550 3667 E

11 What’s on this month


Nurses getting active 16 2000 faces of protest

41 Always looking on the bright side: Jill Maclaine

Aged care

Regular columns

THE LAMP EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Brett Holmes, NSWNA General Secretary Judith Kiejda, NSWNA Assistant General Secretary Coral Levett, NSWNA President John Lyons, Coonabarabran District Hospital Jonathan Farry, RPA Hospital Mark Kearin, Wyong Hospital Roz Norman, Tamworth Base Hospital Stephen Metcalfe, Lismore Base Hospital Therese Riley, St George Hospital ADVERTISING Patricia Purcell T 8595 2139 or 0416 259 845 F 9550 3667 E RECORDS AND INFORMATION CENTRE - LIBRARY To find old articles in The Lamp, or to borrow from the NSWNA library’s nursing and health collection, contact: Jeannette Bromfield, RIC Coordinator T 8595 2175 E


THE LAMP ISSN: 0047-3936

NSWNA education program

18 Protecting pay and conditions in aged care 27 Thumbs down for aged care plan

Agenda 22 Slow learners on nurse education

Industrial issues 28 Conditions safe under Symbion agreement 29 IR shorts

Benefits to members 35 Outback and beyond, thanks to Direct Debit

Lifestyle 37 Member’s tips 38 Movie reviews 43 Book me

Editorial by Brett Holmes 7 Your letters to The Lamp 33 Ask Judith 45 Our nursing crossword 47 Diary dates

Competition 21 Win a pampering bath and shower therapy gift pack from Innoxa

Giveaways 38 100 double passes to Copying Beethoven and 10 double passes to Freedom Writers





General disclaimer The Lamp is the official magazine of the NSWNA. Views expressed in articles are contributors’ own and not necessarily those of the NSWNA. Statements of fact are believed to be true, but no legal responsibility is accepted for them. All material appearing in The Lamp is covered by copyright and may not be reproduced without prior written permission. The NSWNA takes no responsibility for the advertising appearing herein and it does not necessarily endorse any products advertised. Privacy Privacy statement: The NSWNA collects personal information from members in order to perform our role of representing their industrial and professional interests. We place great emphasis on maintaining and enhancing the privacy and security of your personal information. Personal information is protected under law and can only be released to someone else where the law requires or where you give permission. If you have concerns about your personal information please contact the NSWNA office. If you are still not satisfied that your privacy is being maintained you can contact the Privacy Commission. Subscriptions Free to all Association members. Ex-members can subscribe to the magazine at a reduced rate of $44. THE LAMP APRIL 2007 Individuals $60, Institutions $90, Overseas $100.3

NSWNA announces its new Direct Debit Travel Prize!


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Membership Application Forms or Direct Debit forms can be downloaded from our website Alternatively call the NSWNA on 8595 1234 (metro area) or 1300 367 962 (non-metro area) for more information.



Nurses the real winners in this election g One criteria underpins our campaigns: what’s in the best interests of NSW nurses


he state election has been decided and we believe the outcome is in the best interests of nurses. The Association ran a very strong campaign in defence of nurses’ rights and I do not resile from the reasons for doing so. I was determined that NSW public health system nurses did not suffer the same fate as their colleagues in private hospitals and aged care facilities. The NSWNA was determined to prevent what is left of the NSW industrial relations system – a system the NSW nurses have operated under for nearly 80 years – going down the same road as the current federal system. There is no point beating around the bush on this. It was in the best interests of NSW nurses – in all sectors – to keep public hospital nurses in the current NSW industrial relations system, with its state Commission and its independent arbitration powers. This system has allowed NSW to provide national leadership in improving nurse wages and conditions and dealing with the nurse shortage. The extension of the Continuing Education Allowance (see story page 12) is a good example of another significant improvement for nurses achieved through access to the NSW Industrial Relations Commission. The Continuing Education Allowance provides an incentive for some nurses to return to specialty areas where there are acute shortages like mental health and midwifery. This and other improvements to nurses’ conditions could not have been achieved under John Howard’s industrial relations laws. Why? Because employers do not want it.

We will maintain our independence The state election campaign does not mean we have changed our position on party affiliation. The NSWNA will remain unaffiliated to any political party. We will choose and conduct our future campaigns as we have in the past: according to the criteria of what is best for nurses.

improved their previous positions on nursing as a result of our pressure; c nursing policy is now a feature on all major parties’ agendas, not just a subline in a general health policy. Ensuring that the Labor party sticks to its promises is now our major task; c it is vital we continue to support NSW nurses working in private hospitals and aged care facilities who have already lost their State Awards and access to the NSW Industrial Relations Commission. For public hospital nurses, there are dangers that remain. We cannot be complacent because the Iemma government has been returned with an ongoing commitment to protect public health system nurses. The Howard government has already tied the funding of tertiary education to the implementation of its workplace laws in the universities, in particular the offering of AWAs. This tactic could equally be applied to the public health sector. We must remain vigilant. Our campaign to protect nurses’ rights at work must continue up to the federal election later this year and beyond. There is a lot at stake and those rights are still worth fighting and voting for. We intend that in the ongoing debate our voices continue to be heard and there is no doubt our voices will be heard. Finally, I’d like to put to rest rumours that were put out about me during the election campaign by some of the more rabid media commentators: that I was looking for a parliamentary seat for the Labor Party. This is a lie. My political and personal commitment is to this union and I intend staying here and serving the NSWNA membership. n

We will run strong campaigns that we feel are in the best interests of NSW nurses against any government or recalcitrant employers, if necessary. We will continue to run strong campaigns that we feel are in the best interests of NSW nurses including, if it is necessary, against any government or recalcitrant employers. There are several things to consider in the wash up of the election: c during the course of the election campaign, both major political parties




LETTER of the month Roz Norman

Peter Mason

The WorkChoices battle continues

Nepean knows its rights

Now that the State Election is over we must ensure that we do not become complacent about the impact of WorkChoices on our nursing profession. The damaging effects of this legislation are more apparent as workers encounter difficulties with their Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs). Recently a friend working in a production company arrived at work for his usual 10-hour shift to find that a faulty water pipe had caused electrical wiring to fuse and a blackout occurred for several hours. He carried out what work they could with minimal power and then worked overtime to complete the previously scheduled work, resulting in a 12 midnight till 5pm shift. When he received his pay he had his usual 10 hours and the remainder paid at ordinary rates. He had no recourse under this workplace agreement to argue for proper overtime payments and was also expected to turn up for work the next night for his usual 10-hour shift – with only a 7-hour break. These are the type of situations many workers find themselves exposed to under the Federal IR system. This is the system our Aged Care and Private Sector nurses are battling against now. It is not unusual to find staff being rostered to work shifts that the employer knows they are unable to work. Hours of work are decreased and

As the NSWNA Branch Secretary at Nepean Hospital, I would like to outline what our branch has been doing in the past 12 months. All nurses should be aware of the federal government’s WorkChoices legislation and how it could affect us in not only our working lives but also in our family life. The branch executive – Jason Mullavey, Denise Johnston, Debbie Renshaw and I – plus a few of our delegates, have been actively involved in informing nurses and the public about how this legislation may impact on us. Along with people from other unions at the hospital, we formed the ‘Nepean Hospital Your Rights at Work’ committee which has involved a great deal of our time. We gathered signatures on a petition which we presented to Premier Morris Iemma asking him to protect our rights at work. We recently set up a billboard informing the public that we, as workers at Nepean Hospital, are concerned about our rights at work. We also developed a contact list of nurses who distribute information for our branch, allowing the branch executive to concentrate on other issues. We would like to say thank you to all the nurses at Nepean Hospital who support their union and branch executive. Thanks also to our organiser Margaret Burgess and the Government and Community Relations Organiser, Rita Martin for their support. Peter Mason, EN, NSWNA Secretary Nepean Hospital Branch

split shifts are offered – all in an effort to encourage resignations! Overtime payments and other entitlements no longer exist and nursing becomes less and less attractive at a time of large nursing shortages. We must continue to support each other and maintain opposition to unfair workplace practices and laws that allow employers to exploit workers for their own benefit. Nurses must pressure the Federal government concerning the detrimental effects of WorkChoices. We must never give up – our children’s futures are dependant on us continuing the fight. Rozlyn Norman, EEN, Tamworth Rozlyn Norman won the prize for this month’s letter of the month, a $50 David Jones voucher.

LETTER of the month The letter judged the best each month will be awarded a $50 David Jones voucher, courtesy Medicraft, Australia’s largest manufacturer of hospital beds and furniture. For more information on Medicraft, visit or call 9569 0255.

THE TROUBLE WITH TUESDAYS You may be finding it hard to talk to our information officers on Tuesdays. This is because Tuesday is the one day of the week when all our staff are in the office for staff and team meetings. These meetings are essential for information distribution and planning activities. If at all possible, please don’t ring on this day as there can be considerable delays. But if you need urgent assistance, you will get it. Our information department receives approximately 900 calls per week, and the phones are ringing hot from 8am to 5.30pm. We are working hard to meet your needs and thank you for your patience. Call 8595 1234 (metro) or 1300 367 962 (non-metro). 6 THE LAMP APRIL 2007



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Got something to say?

Send your letters to: Editorial Enquiries email fax 9550 3667 mail PO Box 40 Camperdown NSW 1450. Please include a photograph along with your name, address, phone and membership number. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.

Chris Flannery

Should NSW nurses have supported State Labor? It was a great surprise to me and many other members to view the million-dollar media campaign that was advertised on prime time TV supporting Morris Iemma and State Labor in the state election campaign. Surely the recent change in IR laws instigated by the Commonwealth Government and John Howard is another issue. The current management of the hospital system (for example, a lack of funds and bed closures at St Vincent’s hospital) in NSW is far from smooth and economically efficient. How could we rely on the good intentions of Morris Iemma to maintain the status quo in the light of Bob Carr’s last 10 years of mismanagement. I feel we should be focusing more on support of the Labor Party in the Commonwealth election and lobbying them to revoke the current workplace laws that threaten our conditions of employment. Nurses are intelligent, organised people who can surely assess the current situation in the health system and use their vote to change it. Chris Flannery, RN, Chatswood Community Nursing Editor’s response: Our campaign was not about supporting Labor – it was about highlighting the risk to nurses’ pay and conditions from Liberal party policy on industrial relations. We will continue to highlight this risk up to and beyond the federal election, if necessary.

Heidi Watson

Nurses going green Climate change/global warming is a ‘hot’ topic right now and it seems there’s no doubt we humans are largely the cause of it. Politicians are making lots of noise about possible solutions (especially in this double election year) but we can’t sit back and rely on someone else to fix the problem.

There are lots of things nurses can do to really make a difference, in the short and long term, to leave a sustainable world for our children and grandchildren. In our personal lives we can become much more aware of how much energy we consume and how much waste we produce, and try to ‘reduce, re-use, recycle’ as much as possible. At work, the hospital environment unavoidably consumes a lot of ‘singleuse’ materials, but there are many areas where we can counter this wastefulness. In wards, nurses’ stations, tea-rooms and treatment rooms, think about all the things that get thrown out, mostly to landfill. What about the lights that could be switched off in the storerooms and toilets? Maybe we can make it fun and challenging to change things for the better. Be a leader in your ward and encourage others so that together we really can make a big difference. Heidi Watson, RN, Medical Ward Coffs Harbour Base Hospital

Lucy Azares

ratios. Staffing levels are often determined by trends and residents’ needs. I also disagree that balancing quality and cost in aged care relies upon improving the accreditation process. Unfortunately, economic rationalism and cost containment is not aged care issue, rather it is a global issue. Globalisation brings changes in society. I think changes are inevitable. Often we do not embrace these changes enough. One of the most exciting parts of being a manager in healthcare is managing change. We need to recognise that it is essential we learn to manage change effectively. If we as nurse managers cannot achieve balance between quality of care and budget to achieve efficiency and effectiveness, soon some generic manager who has no nursing background at all will come in and claim that they can manage aged care facilities better than us and make more money for the owner. Then we should really start worrying about quality of care. From my personal experience as a new manager to those of you who are thinking of entering management of aged care facilities, it is not all pressure, there is still some pleasure in it. Our Care Manager has done it for 20 years and thank goodness she is teaching me that it can be done and how it should be done. Lucy Azares, Assistant Care Manager Happyland Nursing Home

More to aged care I am writing in response to the letter ‘Pressures in Aged Care’ by Peter Allen, in the February issue of The Lamp. While doing my Masters Degree in Health Services Management I was taught that the core concept of management is to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. I thought this was impossible. Then I walked into my current workplace, an accredited aged care facility with a great reputation. The care manager has been managing this facility for over 20 years with the same level of success. I learnt that it is possible to balance quality of care and budget to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. I disagree that budget constraint in aged care is as bad as it is made out to be. The health care industry has always managed with scarce resources. By the same token, the RCS as a funding tool offers a lot of flexibility for nurse managers and service providers to obtain and manage their budget. Most importantly, there are no fixed rules on resident and staff ratios or RN and AIN

Rose Pitman

Vaccinating needs debating If The Lamp, as the magazine of the NSW Nurses’ Association, is really about upholding our rights in all areas of work, would it be the forum for debate about the latest policy on compulsory vaccination for all health employees and students? The policy uses the same language as is always used in relation to vaccination. The word ‘protection’ (used frequently) has a bias that implies that there are no long-term associated risks from injecting a mix of foreign substances into the body. In an enlightened era of broad-based information and debate, shouldn’t we be discussing any compulsory, invasive procedure before such a restrictive policy is initiated? Or is it just too sacrosanct an issue to debate? Rose Pitman, RN, Lismore THE LAMP APRIL 2007 7





SMART CARD tarting from April next year, 17 separate government cards including the Medicare card will be rolled into a single piece of plastic – the Access Card. The federal government wants to sign up to 35,000 people a week to the Access Card from next April, and intends that all Australians needing it will have one by June 2010. If you don’t have an Access Card by then you will lose access to Medicare and all other federal welfare services. The Access Card uses ‘smart card’ technology including a microchip and will reduce identity fraud, the government says. The card’s surface will include the user’s name, digitalised signature, biometric photo, card number and expiry date. The user’s date of birth on the face of the card will be optional. Stored on the chip will be other information including the user’s gender, residential address, concession status, Medicare number, emergency payment number and an optional PIN number. The user will be able to decide whether to include other information such as organ donation, health alerts, mobile phone number and emergency contact details.



Working for free


ewly qualified nurses are being asked to work for free at cash-strapped British hospitals, under the guise of ‘honorary preceptorships’. Two National Health Service trusts are offering graduates unpaid contracts ‘with the emphasis on development, not on the person being a spare pair of hands’, according to a management spokesperson. ‘We see the scheme as a way of improving the nurses’ chances of gaining employment,’ she said. One trust is offering a training allowance of two pounds sixty pence ($A 6.12) an hour. There is no guarantee of a job at the end of a contract. Dr Peter Carter, General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said trusts are not employing new nurses because they are struggling to balance their books because of NHS deficits. ‘This is yet another example of nurses and ultimately patients having to pay for failures in the system,’ he said.

‘We are training nurses who are desperately needed, and then not giving them jobs. It is a terrible waste of their skills, it is wrong that they should have to work for free or below the minimum wage, and the government should be tackling this issue as a matter of urgency.’

‘We are training nurses who are desperately needed, and then not giving them jobs. It is a terrible waste of their skills.’ Union representative Ted Robertson said: ‘This smacks of exploitation and it seems as though they are being used on the cheap. It will only make people bitter and they will not forget it.’n



ith nearly 300,000 Australians blind or with some vision impairment, the prevalence of vision impairment in the Australian community was highlighted during Vision Awareness Week in March, especially the important work of orthotists. Vision Australia aims to help people suffering with sight problems by assisting them to utilise the remaining sight they have, especially with close-up tasks such as reading and using a computer. ‘Many low-vision problems can be addressed by educating people about very simple, cost-effective solutions such as extra lighting, magnifiers and other reading aids,’ says Natasha Dawson, an orthoptist at Vision Australia. Such planning and information is great news for low vision sufferers, who may struggle through the most basic daily tasks. For more information about Vision Australia visit or call 1300 847 466.


A PHONE CALL AWAY he NSW Drug and Alcohol Specialist Advisory Service (DASAS) is a 24-hour phone service which advises health professionals on how to manage patients with drug and alcohol related problems. The service is targeted at country and non-metropolitan areas where specialist medical support may be lacking. Staff Specialist Medical Officers advise callers on the diagnosis and management of patients with difficult and unusual drug and alcohol issues. Other qualified clinicians are also on hand to advise on effects and withdrawal symptoms, referral options and counselling techniques. A statewide database is in place to offer agency information and referrals for drug and alcohol treatments.


DASAS: Country 1800 023 687 Metropolitan (02) 9361 8006

Nurse ‘trainees’ on $300 a week g Visa system ‘exploited’ for cheap labour


national nursing agency is under investigation by state and federal agencies following allegations it exploited Chinese nurses brought to Australia on trainee visas. Nurse Bank Australia is being investigated by the Immigration Department, the Tax Office and the Office of Workplace Services, the Melbourne Age newspaper reported. The Age said authorities were examining whether the nurses were sent to work in Australian nursing homes under the guise of training, for a flat $300 for up to 50 hours work a week. The nurses were on Section 442 visas, which allow the holders to work in Australia if they are taking part in an approved training program. But several Chinese nurses who joined the Nurse Bank trainee program early last year have claimed they worked long shifts without proper payment and in breach of rules banning non-trainingrelated work.

In October last year, the Office of Workplace Services found that Nurse Bank had underpaid eight Chinese nurses. Payments to other nurses are being investigated. The Age also reported that up to 50 nurses waiting in China for their trainee visas to be approved have already paid more than $1000 each to Nurse Bank, even though the federal government has barred the company from sponsoring any more visa holders. Labor’s immigration spokesman, Tony Burke, called on the government to introduce tougher penalties for companies exploiting foreign trainee workers. Mr Burke said it wasn’t simply a problem of bad employers. ‘We are looking at employers taking advantage of a system that is being handed to them on a platter,’ he said. ‘The government wants wages and conditions to be driven down and the visa system is being allowed to provide the vehicle to get to that outcome.’ n

Easier skills upgrade for rural nurses


harles Sturt University is helping ease the shortage of RNs in rural areas with a course that aims to retain nurses and upgrade their qualifications. The Bachelor of Nursing by Distance is open to ENs and students who have already completed their first year of a nursing degree. The course is part time over four years and students only need to attend campus twice a year for residential schools. ‘This course is designed to provide an opportunity for rural and remote nurses to have access to study,’ said the course manager, Heather Latham. ‘Charles Sturt has the infrastructure for distance mode – we have offered this course successfully for many years.’

By offering the distance mode there is less disruption to the lives of nurses and the cost of studying is reduced. ‘We are offering a pathway for ENs to upgrade and this is a great incentive for them to stay in the profession,’ said Heather.

‘This course is designed to provide an opportunity for rural and remote nurses to have access to study.’ ‘This is a fantastic opportunity that would not be possible for some nurses if they could not study by distance – we are definitely meeting a recruitment need in rural areas.’ n THE LAMP APRIL 2007 9



CAMPAIGN Future nurses TO BOOST get a head start VACCINATIONS he push to increase the vaccination levels among health workers is a focus of the National Institute of Clinical Studies (NICS), which has just launched their 2007 Fight Flu Campaign. NICS found that only 20-50% of healthcare workers are currently being vaccinated against influenza. Reasons for not vaccinating in this group are the same as the general population including fear of needles, confusion with the common cold and a belief that the vaccination will cause a bout of influenza. ‘Nurses need to be diligent and get vaccinated in light of their daily exposure to disease and infections. Spreading this highly contagious disease is another element nurses need to consider,’ said NICS Chief Executive Officer, Dr Heather Buchan. ‘Influenza can kill and it costs this country $130 million every year. We know that vaccinations save lives so avoiding it really isn’t worth the risk.’ NICS said that senior management support is a direct link to raising vaccination levels. For information, go to




igh school students can now fast track their career in nursing under a NSW government initiative. Since the 2005 pilot year, the Nursing Initiatives in Schools program has grown from the initial 19 students to 238 students enrolled in 2007 in nursing and aged care vocational programs. ‘Nursing Initiatives in Schools means that students can experience university life, an adult learning environment and different nursing specialities, offering them a good head start in their nursing careers,’ said program co-ordinator, Yvonne Brugmans. Students are taught onsite at various NSW hospitals with direct access to clinical areas. After the Year 11 course, students receive a Statement of Attainment in Nursing Studies from NSW TAFE, and after Year 12 they have completed two first-year university subjects which allows them to apply for credit at their chosen university. The program boasts a 100 % retention rate and students are achieving a distinction average. Yvonne says this

is good news in light of the growing nursing shortage in NSW – ‘these students are focussed and dedicated and more likely to continue with their nursing studies,’ she said. ‘The profession is ageing, and by promoting nursing in high schools we can recruit the younger generation and offer them a positive experience so that they will stick with nursing.’

‘These students are focussed and dedicated and more likely to continue with their nursing studies.’ The NSWNA hopes this innovative vocational course can boost the popularity of nursing in high schools, as a secure and interesting career to pursue, while also strengthening the nursing workforce and injecting a younger generation of nurses into our hospitals. n

Scholarships for rural and lapsed nurses


wo scholarship schemes continue to advance individual nurses and help ease the NSW nursing shortage by targeting rural nurses and nurses re-entering the workforce. The National Nurse Re-entry Scheme and Continuing Professional Education Scheme for Rural and Remote Nurses scholarships have assisted over 2500 nurses since their inception in 2002 and 1999 respectively. ‘These scholarships are funded by the Australian Government and assist nurses either wanting to re-enter the profession or pursue postgraduate continuing professional education (CPE) in their field of practice,’ said Rosemary Bryant, Executive Director of the Royal College of Nursing, Australia. The National Nurse Re-entry Scheme is open to all registered and enrolled nurses whose registration has lapsed and

who have not practised for five years or more. Recipients must be intending to undertake or are currently undertaking an approved re-entry program. The Continuing Professional Education Scheme for Rural and Remote Nurses is open to both registered and enrolled nurses practising in rural or remote areas, undertaking postgraduate CPE. Without this financial assistance, many nurses are unable to re-enter the workforce and upgrade their areas of knowledge and skills, even if they want to. Through these scholarships, individual nurses can benefit personally and NSW nursing is also given a much-needed boost. For information, visit au or call 1800 112 240 for the National Nurse Re-entry Scheme and 1800 117 262 for the Continuing Professional Education Scheme for Rural and Remote Nurses. n

UNE offers new postgraduate course


he University of New England has launched a new postgraduate course aimed at easing the shortage of RNs in operating rooms. The Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing has been planned with the Area Health Services in the Hunter, New England and Mid North Coast regions. Nurses can choose from two streams of study – perioperative nursing (operating theatre and recovery room) or trauma and critical care nursing (emergency room and critical care unit). ‘Nurses were not feeling equipped but wanted to go into these areas so this new course aims to demystify acute care and provide a good knowledge base,’ said UNE Senior Lecturer, Mary Cruickshank, who developed the course with RN Penny Paliadelis. ‘Postgraduate courses need to be industry-driven and targeted at specific needs, this way critical shortages can be alleviated.’ Mary hopes the course can give nurses the confidence and training they


cation progr u d e a am swn

WHAT’S ON THIS MONTH s The Reality of Working Shiftwork 5 & 19 April, Camperdown, 2 x 2 hours Why is working shiftwork so hard to manage? This seminar will look at the latest research on shiftwork and the findings of the Nurses Health Studies. Members $320 • Non Members $480 Branch Officials $240

s Basic Foot Care for RNs & ENs 16-17 April, Port Macquarie, 2 days A VETAB-accredited course that aims to provide nurses with the competence to provide basic foot care. Members $203 • Non Members $350 Branch Officials $175

s Stress Management for Nurses 20 April & 4 May, Camperdown, 2 x ½ days This seminar is intended to heighten awareness of mental health needs of nurses with useful exercises to assist nurses to manage stress at work. Members $39.50 • Non Members $85 Branch Officials $28

s Stop Smoking Successfully Mary Cruickshank (right) with Penny Paliadelis

need so that nurse numbers increase to a level that puts an end to poor operating room conditions, such as double shifts and excessive overtime – especially in rural areas. The course is offered by distance education, which eases the difficulties associated with juggling work, study and family. This also means that rural nurses need not be exempt from the course either. ‘The flexibility of this course is very appealing and we have even been asked to accept mid-year intakes,’ said Mary. UNE also plans to offer a graduate diploma for acute care nursing in 2008. Nurses with the graduate certificate will have the option to matriculate into this higher qualification of study.n

23 April, Camperdown, 1 day. Learn how to create the best possible opportunity to stop smoking permanently. Members $39.50 • Non Members $85 Branch Officials $28

s Legal & Professional Issues for Nurses 30 April, Camperdown, ½ day Seminar is suitable for all nurses. Topics covered include the Nurses and Midwives Act 1991, potential liability, documentation, role of disciplinary tribunals including the NMB, writing statements. Members $39.50 • Non Members $85 Branch Officials $28 For registration and more information: go to or ring Carolyn Kulling on THE LAMP APRIL 2007 11 1300 367 962.





Continuing education allowances now paid to Clinical Nurse Specialists;


New continuing education allowance paid from March 2007 for hospital certificates of 9 months’ duration or more such as midwifery, mental health, operating theatres and intensive care;


All existing allowances increase from March 2007, with more increases in December 2007 and September 2008;


Commission recommends that the issue of payment for CNE and CNC classifications be negotiated between the NSWNA and NSW Health.

Pay rises for further qualifications g Union wins improved continuing education allowance in public health system.


he NSWNA has achieved a major breakthrough in its campaign to extend and improve allowances for public hospital nurses with postregistration qualifications. Around 10,000 nurses across NSW who have hospital-based post-registration qualifications in specialties such as midwifery, mental health, operating theatres and intensive care, have become eligible for a continuing education allowance for the first time if they are working in an area relevant to their qualification. Thousands more, who already get the allowance because they hold postregistration nursing qualifications from a university, will receive big increases over the next 18 months. The Industrial Relations Commission awarded the increases in response to a NSWNA claim. The win builds on the union’s achievements in 2004, when the Commission granted a continuing education allowance to certain classifications of registered nurses who held a clinical tertiary qualification relevant to the work they are performing. An allowance was also granted to enrolled nurses holding an additional relevant Certificate IV qualification in a specialty area of nursing.

Now the Commission has agreed to a NSWNA application to extend the allowance to nurses holding equivalent clinical qualifications attained through hospital-based training and to increase the size of the allowance for all recipients over the next 18 months. NSWNA General Secretary, Brett Holmes, described this is a major breakthrough for thousands of experienced nurses who got their qualifications before university-based training came in.

‘Such a result could not have been achieved if NSW nurses were placed under John Howard’s industrial relations laws.’ ‘Many of these nurses are now in leading clinical positions in our hospitals and health care facilities and provide an invaluable service in suburbs, cities and towns across the State. Yet until now they were denied financial recognition while people with more recent qualifications were rewarded simply because they went to university,’ Brett said. Eligible hospital-trained nurses will get an immediate $15 extra a week ($780 a year) rising to $30 by September next year (see box).

NEW CONTINUING EDUCATION ALLOWANCE RATES The increases and new allowances are effective from your first pay period commencing on or after 1 March – back payment to this date will occur. Current Allowance ($)

From 1st pay From 1st pay From 1st pay period on period on period on or after or after or after 1 March 07 ($) 1 Dec 07 ($) 1 Sept 08 ($)

Hospital Certificate





Postgraduate Certificate





Postgraduate Diploma/ Degree





Masters Degree/ PhD





EN Cert. IV or equivalent







In another significant improvement, the allowance will now also be paid to Clinical Nurse Specialists and Clinical Midwifery Specialists (CNSs/CMSs).

Brett pointed out that the major function of the CNS/CMS is to provide a high level of clinical expertise in a direct clinical role, together with clinical leadership for less experienced staff and students, and involvement in such matters as policy development and quality assurance. ‘They are a vital part of our health care system and deserve to be paid this allowance,’ he said. Brett said the new allowance would help deal with the nurse shortage, especially the shortage of specialist nurses. ‘This decision also proves the value of the current NSW industrial relations system to the State’s nurses and health care system. ‘It shows the value of a State Industrial Commission, which, unlike the Liberals’ federal industrial system, has independent arbitration powers. ‘Such a result could not have been achieved if NSW nurses were placed under John Howard’s industrial relations laws.’ The Commission recommended that the issue of payment of the allowance to Clinical Nurse Educator and Clinical Nurse Consultant classifications be considered in negotiations already underway between the NSWNA and NSW Health. n

EXTRA PAY FOR EXTRA QUALIFICATIONS Royal Prince Alfred Hospital midwife Cherie Desreaux welcomes the latest increase in the allowance and its extension to midwives and other nurses with hospital certificates. ‘Qualifications above and beyond our initial nursing qualifications should be valued and be worth some sort of financial recognition considering the work that goes into achieving them,’ she said. ‘It’s good news that the hospital certificate is now recognised. That is incredibly important because midwifery is a stand alone skill requiring a separate qualification for registration as a midwife. Cherie thinks it is important that the union continues to press for payment of the allowance to CNEs and CNCs. ‘Nurses and midwives in both these classifications quite often do a lot of professional development at an academic level to achieve other qualifications which aid their role as a CNC or CNE,’ she pointed out. ‘It would be great if the union could achieve the allowance for them, too.’

NURSES IN FEDERAL SYSTEM MISS OUT NSWNA believes that all nurses with further quals should be rewarded with higher pay – but the federal IR laws prevent the union from making these claims on behalf of members who are now covered by the federal IR system, except in employer-by-employer bargaining negotiations. Most private hospital nurses are covered by preserved state agreements that expire in late 2008. In developing claims for a new Collective Agreement next year, private hospital members will have the chance to determine your most important issues, which will then become the NSWNA claim for a new agreement.




‘It’s a good acknowledgement of nurses’ commitment to further their own knowledge and contribute to the ongoing development of the profession.’



SW Health must quickly implement the improved continuing education allowance to help attract nurses with specialist qualifications back to work in areas of high shortages, particularly midwifery and mental health. NSWNA General Secretary, Brett Holmes, delivered this message to the 14 THE LAMP APRIL 2007

department following the union’s win in the Industrial Relations Commission. In a letter to the department, Brett pointed out that payment of the original allowance granted in late 2004 suffered from widespread obstruction and delay by Area Health Service management. ‘The Association is extremely concerned that a repeat of the delays

of 2005-06 in implementing the new allowances will put at high risk the ability of the system to use the allowance to encourage nurses back to work in areas with high shortages,’ he wrote. ‘The legacy of this inept implementation is widespread cynicism about the preparedness of management to value nurses’ further qualifications.’

RECOGNITION AT LAST More than six years after obtaining post-graduate mental health nursing qualifications, Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Andrew Moors is pleased to be finally getting financial recognition for additional knowledge and skills gained through further education. Like other CNSs, Andrew has become entitled to the continuing education allowance, to be paid from 1 March this year. ‘It’s a good acknowledgement of nurses’ commitment to further their own knowledge and contribute to the ongoing development of the profession,’ said Andrew, who works at Marrickville Community Mental Health Service in Sydney. After completing a Bachelor of Nursing at University of Technology Sydney, Andrew did his transition program at St Vincents’ Hospital and decided to continue in mental health nursing. ‘I undertook a graduate diploma in science (mental health) at Wollongong University because I didn’t think my bachelor of nursing was adequate to the expertise I needed for specialist work in mental health. Most of my senior colleagues had done three years specialist training in the field,’ he said. ‘The diploma took me three years part-time study and cost me $7000. ‘When they brought the education allowance in and then announced that CNSs were not entitled to it, I was pretty angry. ‘I was angry with the union as well because I thought maybe they didn’t fight hard enough – I obviously didn’t know the full story.’


c c c


The public health system award was updated in late March 2007 to include a full list of hospital certificates that are accepted for payment of the new allowance – go to for a copy and check the new schedules inserted at the back of the award; the Health Department will update the payroll system for the new allowances in April; you will need to present evidence of your certificate to claim payment; a standard application form will be issued for nurses to use and the Health department will shortly issue an Information Bulletin giving instructions to follow; if you haven’t yet claimed payment for a tertiary qualification under the original allowance paid from 2004, you can still apply – contact your HR area for the relevant application form.

He said recent area restructuring had cut the number of administrative support positions, leading to a perception that payment of the new allowances would suffer delays similar to 2005-06. He called on the department to specify a timetable for processing payments and allocate sufficient resources to the task. ‘The degree to which the system can attract and retain its experienced nurses in key speciality areas will be markedly affected by the department and AHS chief executives’ actions on this issue in the next two months,’ he stressed. At press deadline the Association is still awaiting the Department’s response. n THE LAMP APRIL 2007 15



2000 faces of protest

g 2000 faces show the human side of protest against John Howard’s IR laws.



f a picture tells a thousand words, a sea of 2000 nurses’ faces speaks volumes. Two thousand posters each bearing the image of a different NSW nurse, filled Sydney’s Domain outside Parliament House on Wednesday, 14 March. It was the last of the ‘Sea of Nurses’ Faces’ events held around NSW in the lead up to the state election. These events showed the public the human face of this important election. They were a powerful and creative way for nurses to speak out – without disrupting health services by stopping work. Part of the Nurses’ Rights at Work: Worth Fighting and Voting For campaign, the ‘Sea of Nurses’ Faces’ events ‘consolidated the ads that went to air on television and radio – they were the ground campaign,’ said NSWNA General Secretary, Brett Holmes. Brett said that by choosing a visual display of real faces, we could represent the number of nurses and jobs that could be negatively affected by IR reforms.

Sacked nurse Anne Woodward (right) and face of the NSWNA media campaign Karen Fernance voiced their concerns.

It was fitting that the NSWNA poster girl for the campaign, Karen Fernance, spoke at the Domain as a part of this powerful protest. Karen has adorned billboards, our TV screens and the print media in the Nurses Rights at Work: Worth Fighting and Voting For campaign. ‘We can’t leave this to chance and risk losing nurses from the profession – I do the rosters and am well aware that nurses rely on their allowances,’ said Karen, NUM at Bankstown/Lidcombe Hospital.

national leadership in improving nurse wages and conditions and dealing with the nurse shortage,’ said Brett, in his speech at the Domain. ‘Never before have we faced such a serious attack on people’s rights at work. Never before have we faced a federal takeover of the state industrial relations system – a system that NSW nurses have operated under for nearly 80 years.’ Anne Woodward is all too familiar with the realities of the new IR laws – she

‘We can’t leave this to chance and risk losing nurses from the profession.’ Nurses were adamant that they did not want to disrupt their patients so this visual representation was a great way to be there in spirit, especially rural nurses who would not be able to make a trip to Sydney. Brett Holmes said that more than 120 NSWNA branches passed a resolution in favour of a state-based industrial relations system for public hospital nurses. ‘The current NSW industrial relations system has allowed NSW to provide

was sacked nearly a year ago for voicing her concerns about procedures when she was working at Kapooka Health Centre near Wagga Wagga. ‘I thought it would never happen to me but it did – people aren’t safe – IR laws can take all your rights away,’ said Anne. ‘As we drove into the Domain today my husband joked that the mass of signs looked like a cemetery – it could well be if we don’t stand up for our rights.’ n

ACTU President Sharan Burrow addressed the Sea of Faces protest THE LAMP APRIL 2007 17



Protecting pay and conditions g Aged care nurses need a union collective agreement to prote

ct pay and conditions.



Before Howard’s IR laws took effect, pay and conditions for aged care nurses were contained in a NSW State Award. Your Award provided a safety net of minimum pay rates and working conditions.

Don’t rely on the conditions in your Award – these will become obsolete by March 2009. Aged care nurses need to negotiate a new agreement that locks in place pay rises and conditions for the term of the Agreement. But there are five different types of agreements under WorkChoices. Your employer can offer you an AWA (Australian Workplace Agreement) or you can negotiate an employee collective agreement or union collective agreement with the NSWNA.

Howard’s IR robbed aged care nurses of your Award rights. Your pay and conditions are no longer determined by the Award. Your current Award conditions are now under WorkChoices and pay and conditions for aged care nurses are contained in what’s called a Notional Agreement Preserving a State Award (NAPSA). It’s a temporary agreement that will be in place until March 2009, or until you agree to something else.

All new agreements are only required have five legislated minimum conditions! Your previous Award had over 50 conditions. So if you think you don’t need to worry about pay and conditions because your aged care employer has always paid you fairly OR will be forced to due to nurse shortages – think again!

Get to know your current Award/ NAPSA – you need to know what it at stake once the safety net is removed. 18 THE LAMP APRIL 2007

A union collective agreement is the best chance for a fair pay rise and decent conditions. THE THREAT OF AWAs AWAs are the federal government’s individual contracts for workers. They allow employers to undermine collective agreements and leave employees much worse off. Employers now have the power to: c ask workers to sign individual agreements which cut take-home pay and remove family-friendly clauses such as public holiday entitlements, paid maternity leave and shift allowances; c make signing an AWA a condition of getting a job or promotion; c divide staff by only offering pay rises to those who sign AWAs; c sack workers and offer them their jobs back on an AWA that cuts take home pay.


in aged care Of the AWAs signed since the new laws came in: more than 20% provide no pay increase at all; 40% got rid of public holiday entitlements; 63% removed penalty rates; all removed at least one award condition.

c c c c

Conditions slashed, pay reduced by $150 a week under AWAs Last month, employees at a new nursing home were offered employment on AWAs that slashed protected conditions. The AWAs: c Cut out shift loadings c Cut out week-end penalties c Reduced public holiday penalties c Reduced overtime payment c Cut out additional annual leave for shift workers c Cut out on-call during meal break allowance c Cut out in-charge of facility allowance.

Once you sign an AWA, it overrides all previous agreements and Awards – even if there is a current Award or agreement in place. There’s no going back to a collective agreement! WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I AM OFFERED AN AWA OR INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT? 1.



Ask for time to consider the contract – don’t believe management pressure that you must sign straight away, or it’s confidential and you can’t seek advice!


Contact the NSWNA on 1300 367 962.

g Strong union membership at Baptist Community Services looks set to achieve a Union Collective Agreement that delivers an 11% payrise and improved conditions. urses working for Baptist Community Services found that sticking together and working with the NSWNA to negotiate a Union Collective Agreement with their employer was the best route to achieving certainty in wages and conditions. Negotiations were finalised as The Lamp went to print, and nurses employed by Baptist Community Services (BCS) are expected to vote on the proposed Agreement in early April. Once endorsed by members and signed by the NSWNA, the three-year agreement will provide certainty in wages and conditions through to September 2009, and will cover all nurses employed at the 15 facilities run by BCS, including nurses working in residential and community programs. Thanks to an active union membership at these facilities, the NSWNA was in a strong bargaining position and worked with BCS to achieve significant improvements on pay and conditions. Jacqui Du Bouley is a Nurse Educator and NSWNA Branch President at the Orana Nursing Home, a BCS facility in Gosford. ‘I wanted my union to negotiate a Union Collective Agreement because it gives us the best protection,’ she said. ‘The process of negotiating the agreement gave members a voice about what they wanted. A meeting was held with a representative from the NSWNA, and members all had an opportunity to say what they wanted in the agreement. ‘Non members wanted to join the union so they could also have a say,’ said Jacqui. Under the proposed Agreement, nurses will receive an immediate 3.5% pay increase, followed by an additional minimum 3.5% in September 2007 and minimum 3.5% in September 2008. Australian Fair Pay Commission increases will be paid when they increase the minimum rate above the rate provided in the Agreement, closing the gap in pay rates for AINs and CSEs. The Agreement also proposes improved conditions including: c Recognition of the classification of Endorsed Enrolled Nurse (EEN). The EEN pay scale will be equivalent to the Care Supervisor classification scale; c Casual employees will have the right to apply for conversion to permanent employment in certain circumstances; c The minimum engagement for parttime and casual employees has been increased from two hours to three; c A dispute settlement procedure has been introduced which makes the agreement enforceable, leading to arbitration if we cannot resolve our differences directly; c BCS has also agreed to negotiate a Union Collective Agreement for nurse management positions.


Jacqui Du Bouley THE LAMP APRIL 2007 19



Protecting pay and conditions NO UNION BACKING WITH EMPLOYEE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Employee Collective Agreements (ECAs) are negotiated between the employer and a group of employees without a union representative as a bargaining agent. It is only required to have the five minimum conditions set out in the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard. ECAs may contain conditions that entice employees to take up what seems like a good offer, including offering future non union agreements following the initial agreement with worse conditions.

UCAs also provide access to the independent umpire, the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, which will act to enforce conditions if required. Under ECAs and AWAs, you do not have the protection of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission. 1.

Make sure everybody you work with is a union member. The more members at your workplace, the stronger your bargaining position, the better your pay and conditions.

UNION COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Your best chance for fair pay and conditions


Talk to other members at work about getting a union collective agreement.

A Union Collective Agreement is negotiated between the employer, the employees and their union. A Union Collective Agreement (UCA) is your best chance for a fair pay rise and decent conditions. Statistics show that UCAs deliver higher pay increases and better working conditions.


Start talking about what you want in the Agreement. Check out your current Award/NAPSA so you know your current conditions.

AWAs versus Collective Agreements Annual wage increases between June 2004 and June 2005 Type of Agreement

Agreements generally

Annual Wage Increase


Union Non-union collective collective agreements agreements 4.3%




Make sure everybody you work with is a union member. The more members at your workplace, the stronger your bargaining position, the better your pay and conditions.


HOW TO GET A UNION COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT To get a Union Collective Agreement at your workplace, start preparing now. 1. Talk to your workmates about the stronger protections a union agreement can bring. 2. Arrange a meeting of interested nurses and make a plan to make sure as many employees as possible are union members. 3. Form a workplace union committee to begin developing a list of issues that are important to nurses and that you would like dealt with in an agreement. Call the NSWNA office to get some tips on how to go about this. 4. Consider attending one of the education days about workplace bargaining run by the Assoication so you can develop your knowledge and skills – phone NSWNA for the next course dates. n


in aged care



GIFT PACK FROM INNOXA The Lamp is offering members the chance to win one of 10 luxurious Innoxa Gift Packs – the perfect unwind after a hard day’s work. The new Dreams and Desires collection is the latest addition to Innoxa’s delicious Bath & Shower Therapy range. The relaxing and soothing range combines the goodness and fragrance of chamomile, rose, lavender and sandalwood.

Tricky employer tactics to stall negotiations c


Management cries poor, says they cannot afford a pay rise. OUR RESPONSE: The NSWNA has already proven that employers can pay a fair rise. In the last aged care work value case, Professor of Accounting at UNSW, Bob Walker, submitted evidence that proved the capacity of aged care employers to pay a fair payrise. Management says they’ll think about it Ask for a specific timeframe.


Management says they are too busy to attend meetings, never responds to messages

All Innoxa products are hypo-allergenic and animal derivative free, making them suitable for even the most sensitive skin. Valued at $90, the prize pack includes: c Soothing Shower Gel – a luxurious foaming gel to cleanse and refresh. c Soothing Foam Bath – an indulgent foam to cleanse and comfort the skin. c Soothing Body Lotion – a rich, easily absorbed lotion to leave skin soft and moisturised. c Soothing Body Butter – an indulgently rich moisturiser to make thirsty skin velvety smooth. c Soothing Moisture Mist – a light mist which leaves a fine oil base on the skin to moisturise, tone and soften. Ideal as an all over body spray. c Soothing Liquid Soap – a foaming soap to leave hands smooth and soft. c Soothing Hand Cream – a light, easily-absorbed lotion to leave hands supple and nourished. The Dreams and Desires Gift Pack will have you feeling fresh and relaxed from top to toe. To enter, write your name, address and membership number on the back of an envelope to: Innoxa Dreams and Desires Competition PO Box 40, Camperdown NSW 1450

Hold a meeting of nurses and pass a resolution requesting management to begin the process for an agreement. Call the NSWNA to discuss specific things that nurses can request as part of your resolution. c

Management makes threats, such as jobs will be cut if there’s a payrise Re-assert that workers are all united and determined in asserting their right to fair pay and conditions.


Management tries to change the subject, divert from the issues being discussed Have a clear agenda in meetings and keep bringing discussions back to the agenda.




Slow learners on nurse education g Politicians love to talk up the number of university places when it comes to nurse education but underfunding by the federal government is critical to the quality of nurse education. The Lamp investigates.


t is now conventional wisdom that Australia has a severe skills shortage. In November last year, the Reserve Bank warned that ‘shortages are widespread across most industries and skill levels’. The Australia Industry Group predicts that Australia will need 270,000 more skilled workers over the next 10 years. Nursing is one of the crisis areas. It is estimated there will be a national shortfall of 40,000 nurses by 2010 – 12,000 in NSW – if nothing is done and current trends continue. These figures have put the spotlight on the state of our university and vocational education. Since 2001, almost 150,000 eligible applicants have been turned away from Australia’s universities. Since 1998, 300,000 have been turned away from TAFE colleges.

Sydney University’s closure of its undergraduate nursing program is evidence that universities will not continue crosssubsidies to disciplines, that are chronically and consistently under-funded.

UNIVERSITIES espite a long, sustained period of economic growth, the net contribution by the Federal government to fund university places has fallen significantly in the past decade while the contribution students make to their education has doubled. The proportion of commonwealth funding in the form of grants has decreased from 57% (of university revenue) in 1996 to 41% in 2004, while HECS contributions have increased from 12% to 15%. Since 1995, Australia’s public investment in tertiary education has dropped by 7%, compared with an



In 2005, 2,716 applicants were turned away from nursing courses, 235 in NSW.

More education places is important The Howard and Iemma governments have both implemented measures to increase training places for nurses. NSW Health increased the number of enrolled nurses being educated from 900 to 1,200 in 2006, with a 21% increase in the number of enrolled and trainee nurses employed since 2001-2002. The Howard government has increased the number of Commonwealthsupported positions (CSPs) in undergraduate nursing courses over the past two years with a further 1,036 CSPs allocated for 2007 Australia-wide. NSWNA General Secretary Brett Holmes says while these initiatives are welcome it is a common misconception to think that an increase in raw numbers of nurse places will lead to an increase in the number of nurses in the workforce. ‘This does not allow for the complexities that are involved in the delivery of registered nurse education. The federal government has allocated 326 new pre-registration nursing places (CSPs) to NSW in 2007. It is unclear how many of these places universities will offer as they will only fill them if they can ensure a quality education for all students,’ he said.

Brett says the increase in nursing places has not been accompanied by a sufficient increase in appropriately qualified academic and clinical staff to accommodate the increase in student numbers. Nor has it been accompanied by increased access to clinical places for students.

Brett Holmes says the extra 80 Clinical Nurse Educators will help, but the number is short of the real requirement. ‘Given the ever-increasing complexity of health care, the NSWNA wants to see a Clinical Nurse Educator in every ward of 30 beds or more and in every equivalent community health facility,’ he said.

The increase in nursing places has not been accompanied by a sufficient increase in appropriately qualified academic and clinical staff to accommodate the increase in student numbers. Nor has it been accompanied by increased access to clinical places for students. ‘Clinical placements are increasingly difficult to access and to fund even though they are an important part of nurse education. Although the federal government has increased the funding for the clinical education component of nursing it remains insufficient.’ The Iemma government announced initiatives in its election nursing policy which the NSWNA says will help address the nurse shortage and education costs. The government promised an extra 80 nurse educators, assistance with the cost of nursing textbooks, the extension of the Nursing in Schools program and 1,600 extra scholarships for enrolled and registered nurses.

Elizabeth Schlossberger, the undergraduate nurse coordinator at Prince of Wales Hospital, agrees that improving clinical education is the key and stresses the importance of allowing educators to focus on their core role. ‘More CNEs would definitely help. At the moment their time is now taken up by new graduates and new staff. They don’t have time for students,’ she said. ‘The CNE has a hard role educating ENs, EENs, undergraduates, undergraduate AiNs and new staff all vying for their time. One problem they frequently voice is that they spend a lot of their time orienting people rather than educating because of the high turnover of staff.’ n

STRUGGLE AS FUNDING SHRIVELS average increase by other OECD countries of 48%. Australia is the only country that has cut its public investment in tertiary education. Universities are clearly struggling to manage with the reductions in Commonwealth funding, as they are forced to expand class sizes and reduce the number of lectures and tutorials in an effort to make ends meet. Consequently, the Australian ViceChancellors’ Committee has called for a 15% increase in the Government’s contribution per student over three years. The Howard government has also linked funding to the universities with the adoption of its industrial relations laws.

To access a 7.5% increase in funding, unis need to offer staff AWAs, remove limits on how many casual staff they employ and prevent unions from negotiating contracts unless employees specifically ask for it.

Nursing is a national priority in word but not deed The Australian Government’s higher education reforms recognised the urgent need for qualified nurses by identifying nursing as a National Priority area and declared that additional funding must be directed to the costs associated with clinical practice in nursing.

But in practice, the federal government has failed to deliver. The Deans and Heads of Schools of Nursing across NSW say that despite recent increases in funding for the clinical component of undergraduate nursing education, there is still a shortfall of approximately $3,000 per student per year for clinical education alone. Sydney University’s closure of its undergraduate nursing program is evidence that universities will not continue cross-subsidies to disciplines, that are chronically and consistently under-funded, if they believe the financial consequences of this process to be too great. THE LAMP APRIL 2007 23



Slow learners on nurse education g The Lamp asks an academic, undergraduate coordinator and nursing student for their perspective on the current state of nurse education.

‘NURSING IS FULL ON BUT I LOVE IT’ Samantha Ruggeri is a second year nursing student at UTS who decided to do nursing after working in a nursing home.


he course is pretty full on. I love it now, it suits me, I love helping people. ‘I’m finding it hard to juggle between being available for work and going to uni. It’s difficult to find time to relax and do other things. ‘Besides uni I work in a nursing home as an AiN. Some weeks I would do 28 hours of paid work. I go to uni three

days a week from 9am till 4pm. Some days I go straight to work from uni so I would be starting at 9 in the morning and get home at 9.30 in the evening.’ Samantha tries to keep her weekends free but she does work some Sundays. ‘And there’s always homework to do.’ ‘It’s all pretty full on and I’m struggling financially. I do find it tough. ‘Text books are expensive – it can cost me $200 a book. I’d spend about $300 a semester on books. The lecturers try to make it easier by putting a lot of the articles up on the internet. It also costs about $1,500 a semester for fees,’ she said.

Samantha Ruggeri

NOT ENOUGH CLINICAL PLACES FOR STUDENT NURSES Elizabeth Schlossberger coordinates undergraduate clinical places at Prince of Wales Hospital. This involves liaising with 12 universities and placing 500 students per year.


e get requests for ten times more,’ she says. Elizabeth says universities are having great difficulty getting clinical places for student nurses in our hospitals and many students that do get a placement are not necessarily getting the right type of education for the discipline they want to follow. ‘Politicians talk about increasing student numbers, especially at election time, but the real issue is the lack of 24 THE LAMP APRIL 2007

clinical places. How can we bring more students into study nursing when we can’t give them quality clinical experience? ‘Students need to practise their skills, feel part of a team and learn time management if it is to be a positive learning experience. ‘It is the quality of clinical placements that is the issue. If students are not learning because nursing staff are too stressed from overwork or not interested, than why bother?’ Elizabeth says nurses should recognise that it’s part of their professional role to teach students and contribute to the quality of clinical placements. However, there is a need to equip RNs with more capacity to teach students. ‘For other health professionals like doctors it’s a given that it’s a part of their

‘It is the quality of clinical placements which is the issue. If students are not learning because nursing staff are too stressed from overwork or not interested, than why bother?’ professional role. There needs to be an increased recognition by nurses that it’s part of their professional responsibilities.’

WE MUST KEEP NURSING EDUCATION IN THE UNIS Jenni Brackenreg is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing at Charles Sturt University.


hen I first started teaching in the tertiary sector 20 years ago our workloads were less and tutorial groups ranged from 8 to 15 students. ‘Any profession that has a clinical component requires intense teaching. It is now typical to find tutorials with 25 to 30 students and in many universities doubling of individual full-time lecturer teaching load, reduced full-time staff and increased casuals on contracts has occurred. ‘The amount of administration has gone up considerably. I could spend the whole day on the computer answering emails especially with the number of students now doing distance learning. There are a lot more meetings to attend as universities have become more corporate. ‘Stringent performance-based funding requirements across the sector have impacted on workload. Increasing

numbers of academic staff on contracts and associated three-year probation periods for new staff has resulted in reduced job security. In many nursing faculties, casual assignment marking rates have dropped due to changes in the level at which marking work is paid. The erosion of working conditions has been insidious.’ Jenni says the nursing faculties are in new waters with the corporatisation of universities. ‘It is important that registered nurse education is situated in the universities if nursing is to be perceived as a profession and be seen as having professional equity with other health disciplines like medicine, physiotherapy or occupational therapy. ‘Nursing moved to the tertiary sector just before major structural and ideological changes began to occur and over time these have the increasing potential to impact on the quality of graduates. It all goes back to funding not being adequate, especially in relation to a clinical profession like nursing.

Jenni Brackenreg

It all goes back to funding not being adequate, especially in relation to a clinical profession like nursing. ‘We need to be concerned about these trends within the university sector because students are missing out. For example, students tend to receive reduced feedback on assignments, the tutorials are too big and the clinical component is underfunded, resulting in a poorer theoretical and clinical experience overall.’n

Nurses! Celebrate International Nurses’ Day on

NURSES! Celebrate International Nurses’ Day on

Saturday 12 May 2007 at Luna Park In recognition of the wonderful work nurses do Luna Park is offering members and their families

Classic Unlimited Rides Passes at $27.50 per person* To book contact: 02 9033 7600 • 1300 244 867 • (click on “Whats On”) All you need to do is give your credit card details and quote your membership number. * Limit of 10 passes per person. Children under 85 cms free.


Members – Sign up a new member and go in the draw to win a fabulous trip to

NORFOLK ISLAND PRIZE INCLUDES; Return air fares with Nor folk Air from Sydney to Nor folk Island for two people 7 nights at Poinciana Cottages 7 days car hire Half Hour Hot Stone Massage per person Talpacific Holidays Convict Club Card offering gifts and discounts on shopping, touring & dining. WIN DAVID JONES VOUCHERS Once you have recruited 4 new members to the NSWNA, you will be awarded a $20 David Jones voucher, and for every member after that you’ll receive a further $5 voucher. It’s that easy! MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORMS HURRY – CALL THE ASSOCIATION NOW FOR YOUR RECRUITMENT KITS! PH: 8595 1234 (METROPOLITAN AREA) OR 1300 367 962 (NON-METROPOLITAN AREA) OR GO TO





Thumbs down for aged care plan g Union, employers blast government package


ged care providers say they will be worse off under a planned overhaul of the sector, despite the federal government committing an extra $1.5 billion in funding. Two provider organisations have called on the government to urgently resolve the flaws in its package of changes announced in early February. And the package will do little to improve the quality of aged care, the NSWNA said. The union called for additional funding to be tied to a review of accreditation standards, minimum staffing levels and adequate mix of workforce skills. General Secretary Brett Holmes said aged care employs too few nurses who are generally underpaid. He pointed out that the most common reason for non-compliance with aged care accreditation standards is inadequate clinical care.

‘Funding should be targeted to achieve adequate staffing levels and the correct mix of workers,’ Brett said. ‘Paying aged care workers a decent wage is an essential first step. Currently nurses working in aged care earn a lot less on average than other nurses.’ The government said its package, which includes 7,200 more in-home care places, increased funding to high-level residential care and the ability to charge new residents higher fees, was designed to make aged care fairer and more affordable.

‘Paying aged care workers a decent wage is an essential first step. Currently nurses working in aged care earn a lot less on average than other nurses.’ Brett Holmes, NSWNA General Secretary

Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) initially welcomed the changes, but later announced that closer inspection had revealed ‘significant negative impacts’. ACSA, which represents more than 1,200 community-based providers, said the package would not resolve the longstanding problem of providers struggling to raise capital for new facilities, and could make some lowcare providers worse off. ACSA CEO Greg Mundy said the new funding package was premised on unrealistically low building costs. And because a number of existing subsidies and residents’ fees would be changed or abolished, some low-care services could actually lose money, he said. A second provider organisation, Aged Care Association Australia, said the package would not deliver quality, choice and affordability to clients. ‘As it stands now, this is not the package that the government has been promising to deliver to the industry and older Australians for the past year or two following the Hogan report,’ said ACAA chief executive Rod Young.n THE LAMP APRIL 2007 27



Conditions safe under Symbion agreement g NSW nurses at Symbion win a union-negotiated collective agreement.


enalty rates, overtime rates, rest breaks and paid maternity leave are guaranteed under the first union-negotiated collective agreement for nurses at Symbion medical centres in NSW and the ACT. The two-year agreement negotiated by the NSWNA means federal WorkChoices legislation cannot be used to take these and other conditions away from Symbion nurses. The union set out to negotiate an agreement with Symbion after nurses rejected a non-union draft proposed by the company a year ago. The agreement, approved by nurses in a ballot, delivered a 5% pay rise from February this year on top of an increase awarded by the Fair Pay Commission last December. There will be an additional 3% increase from February next year. Nurses receiving an above-award rate of pay will have the February 2007 increase absorbed, but will get next February’s increase. The agreement protects nurses’ redundancy and superannuation entitlements and six weeks’ paid maternity/adoption leave. And nurses

retain the right, through their union, to go to an independent umpire – the Industrial Relations Commission – in the event of a dispute with the company. RN Helen Bambach works at Symbion’s Parramatta centre, one of 14 in NSW. Helen said some nurses were disappointed that the pay increase still means Symbion nurses are paid below

At Symbion’s Merrylands centre, RN Wendy Bradley said it was unfair that the union was fighting for all nurses at Symbion, but not all Symbion nurses had joined the union. ‘Some people may complain that they didn’t get enough of an increase out of the agreement. However, we need all of them to join the union and help us get a better deal in 18 months time,’ she said.

‘The politicians who brought in WorkChoices aren’t giving up any of their conditions.’ public hospital rates. But she said the agreement protects working conditions and gives union members the right to be represented by the NSWNA. ‘It gives us the opportunity to build a stronger base and get the ball rolling for a better deal next year,’ Helen said. ‘If we want a better wage rise we all have to work together. It’s not easy because we are scattered across the state, but people should realise that if we are not in the union we just don’t have the power.’

‘WorkChoices is forcing some people to give up conditions in order to get a pay rise. Our agreement guarantees we get a pay rise and don’t lose any conditions such as penalty rates or overtime. ‘Why should we have to give up important conditions? The politicians who brought in WorkChoices aren’t giving up any of their conditions,’ she pointed out. Wendy also said she would like to thank NSWNA staff for all the work they did to secure a positive result for nurses at Symbion. n

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here has been strong and broad opposition to changes to Commonwealth workers’ compensation laws (Comcare) that are being pushed by the Howard government. The government is looking to cut costs by insisting that an employee’s work would have had to have contributed in a significant way to the contraction or aggravation of the employee’s injury or sickness in order for compensation to be paid.

The government is looking to cut costs by insisting that an employee’s work would have had to have contributed in a significant way to the contraction or aggravation of the employee’s injury or sickness.

EVEN NETBALLERS FALL FOUL OF IR LAWS t’s not just burly construction workers and hard-working nurses that are vulnerable to the federal government’s IR laws. The laws are so all-encompassing that even the world of sport has been affected. Two players, captain Peta Stephens and former captain Melanie Griffiths were sacked and 18 other elite players from the Queensland Firebirds were threatened last month after refusing to sign individual contracts that stripped out annual leave and child care provisions that were standard in the National Netball League. Netball Queensland also removed the right for players to put their education first and the contracts allowed Netball Queensland to on-sell the image of a player to a third party. Netball legend Liz Ellis from the Melbourne Swifts was one of many who stood by her Queensland colleagues.


‘If the players don’t stand up for themselves it could set a precedent,’ she told the Daily Telegraph. In contrast, Joe Hockey, the new Minister for Workplace Relations, stood alone with Netball Queensland. ‘Can I just point out that Queensland netballers, they are [on] individual agreements, that’s right. The fact is, people are offered individual contracts. Ricky Ponting, Brett Lee, a whole range of footballers,’ he told The 7.30 Report. This was contradicted by Paul Marsh, CEO of the Australian Cricketers’ Association. ‘Our collective agreement provides Australian cricket and its players with a workplace framework that has enabled us to dominate world cricket for the past decade. From newly contracted to senior, our players are well looked after and therefore very happy with our collective agreement,’ he said.

Another amendment would end Comcare coverage if an employee’s injury occurs during a journey to or from work. Comcare would only cover injuries that occur at work. The ACTU has argued that the Bill should be rejected. BeyondBlue, an organisation that works for people with depression said the bill would make it hard for those with a psychological illness to make a claim.



ecent figures released by the NSW Office of Industrial Relations show 12% of young people surveyed had done unpaid work trials when they begun their current jobs. Bullying, working in dangerous jobs and injuries at work were also common among those on unpaid work trials. The NSW Office of Industrial Relations found that Christmas really was the time for giving – from teenagers

to employers that is – when they were flooded with calls over the festive period. Under NSW law, young people are entitled to be paid proper wages for productive labour and employers found breaching the law are liable to fines of up to $10,000.



he bizarre story of workers at Tristar who sit out their workdays in an empty shed in Marrickville while their employer

waits for the golden moment presented by the federal government’s workplace laws to sack them more cheaply, took a tragic turn when one of the employees, John Beaven, passed away recently. John, a father of three, accepted a $50,000 pay out from the company just before he died after an intervention by Joe Hockey, the federal Minister for Workplace Relations. John’s colleagues say he was entitled to $212,000. n


7th NSW Nurses’ Association

PROFESSIONAL ISSUES CONFERENCE • Friday 5 October 2007 • 9.00am – 5.00pm • Swiss-Grand Resort & Spa Cnr Campbell Parade & Beach Road Bondi Beach

• Parking available @ $8 for the day • Cost: Members $85 Non Members $100 Nursing Students Free (limited places)

REGISTER NOW! In April 2007 the NSW Nurses’ Association will hold a Nurse & Midwife Leaders Forum. The purpose of the forum will be to engage nursing & midwifery leaders in a critical examination of the professions. The outcomes of this forum will be shared with all our members at this Professional Issues Conference. Please come along and hear what we have learnt and how we intend to use this valuable information to provide guidance and strategic direction for our members.

For further details check our website and also the May Lamp for further details.

Registration Download registration form from or contact Carolyn Kulling on Metro: 8595 1234 Rural: 1300 367 962 Authorised by Brett Holmes, NSWNA General Secretary 30 THE LAMP APRIL 2007



Addressing drug and alcohol problems at work g ACTU policy provides a fair and consultative approach to addressing drug and alcohol problems in the workplace.


he ACTU has launched a policy to guide employers and employees on managing alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems in the workplace. Developed with input from an AOD working group comprising union representatives – including NSWNA OHS Officer, Mary McLeod, The Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) in the Workplace Policy was endorsed in December 2006. The AOD working group was formed at the 2004 ACTU/Unions NSW Drug, Alcohol and Fatigue Seminar, with the aim to create a nationwide union position and policy on AOD problems in the workplace. ‘Prior to 2001 there was very little research on workplace drug and alcohol issues in Australia,’ said Mary. ‘The limited research showed that action commonly involved a pre-occupation with the detection of substances rather than looking at the bigger health and safety issues.’

After extensive research, the group developed four main principles that steered the direction of the policy: a focus on impairment; a strong education component; non-punitive processes; and a rehabilitation component. ‘The emphasis is on respect, confidentiality and the rights of workers to be supported if they demonstrate a problem,’ said Mary.

‘The hours and demands of nursing are a strong example of how impairment can be a direct result of one’s role and working environment. Fatigue and stress are definitely issues for nurses. ‘With better recognition and understanding of what causes impairment at work, direct and effective action can be taken to minimise the problems,’ said Mary.

A impairment approach does not discriminate, it acknowledges other workplace risk factors and is preventative. ‘The “impairment approach” does not discriminate, it acknowledges other workplace risk factors and is preventative.’ According to Mary McLeod, the new policy provides a solid framework for both workers and employers in addressing AOD problems at work. ‘The workplace seems to be becoming the “social watchdog”, with more time and money being spent on trying to detect the use of substances, rather than exploring whether performance is affected or whether there are broader health and safety risks at work,’ said Mary. She said an impairment focus more accurately assesses the impact of AOD use, rather than testing, which detects the presence but not the affects of drugs on performance. For example, marijuana can be detected weeks after it was consumed. ‘Most impairment in the workplace is not due to alcohol and drug use but due to other factors such as fatigue, chemicals, heat, noise and stress.

NSWNA Assistant General Secretary Judith Kiejda said the NSWNA is opposed to workplace drug and alcohol testing of nurses because of privacy concerns. The costs are high and the cost benefits have not been measured. The ACTU policy treats workplace alcohol and other drugs problems as an impairment issue, within the broad context of OHS risks in the workplace. ‘The NSWNA position is that drugs, alcohol and work do not mix. If affected by drugs or alcohol, nurses are advised to stay at home and seek the educative and rehabilitative support that is offered by their employer,’ Judith said. n


AOD ISSUES AT WORK The ACTU supports the development a drug and alcohol policy that: c is impairment based c has an adequate educational component c is coordinated jointly by employers, workers and their representatives c is non-punitive and supportive c has rehabilitation as a key component c provides a safe and productive work environment. THE LAMP APRIL 2007 31


A good job is one thing. Finding a job you really love is another thing altogether. For the largest choice of healthcare jobs, simply log on to the Internet and go to to our healthcare section. Then SEEK and you shall find. 32 THE LAMP APRIL 2007


Q & A


JUDITH Vaccination standards and requirements I work in the children’s ward of a public hospital. Staff have been advised by our manager that we must be all vaccinated to meet the Department of Health’s new requirements. Our NUM has said that if we chose not to be vaccinated we will be unable to work in the children’s ward. Can you please advise me whether this information is correct?

The Department of Health requirement that your manager has raised can be found in policy directive PD2007_006 Occupational Assessment, Screening & Vaccination Against Specified Infectious Diseases. In summary, this directive ‘describes the requirements for employers, staff and other clinical personnel in relation to occupational assessment, screening and vaccination against specified infectious diseases and aims to: (1) Assist employers to meet their occupational health and safety (OHS) obligations and their duty of care to staff, clients and other users of health service premises; and (2) Advise staff of their rights and responsibilities in relation to these OHS and duty of care requirements‌’ Management needs to undertake assessments of all staff to determine their current level of protection against the specified infectious diseases, and vaccinate all consenting staff as necessary. Staff need to either comply with the policy directive and

WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR RIGHTS AND ENTITLEMENTS AT WORK, NSWNA ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY JUDITH KIEJDA HAS THE ANSWERS. undertake vaccinations/testings or acknowledge in writing that they do not consent to assessment, screening and vaccinations. For staff who do not have the required protection against the specified infectious diseases for their area/unit, and who do not consent to assessment/ screening/vaccinations, work restrictions may apply. For instance, staff who do not have protection against measles, mumps, rubella, varicella and pertussis may not work with children less than two years of age, immuno-deficient clients, pregnant women or respiratory clients. It is therefore necessary for management to look at an alternative area of work for those staff mentioned. For further information, refer to the above policy directive at

Reimbursing travel expenses I work in a small public hospital and am routinely rostered to be on-call. When staff are recalled to the hospital is there any allowance payable for travel expenses?

Yes, staff who participate in an on-call roster should be reimbursed all travel expenses incurred when recalled to the hospital. The Public Health System Nurses’ & Midwives’ (State) Award, clause 12. Special Allowances states: ‘(ii)(d) Where an employee on call leaves the public hospital and is recalled to duty, he or she shall be reimbursed all reasonable fares and expenses actually

incurred provided that where an employee uses a motor car in these circumstances, the allowance payable shall be the rate prescribed from time to time by the Department for a “casual userâ€?. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to all employees‌’ You should notify your manager of this clause if you are currently not being paid correctly.

Escort Duty Entitlements Can you run through what entitlements I would be entitled to if I was to do Escort Duty? I am an RN working in a public hospital.

As per clause 26 of the Public Health Systems Nurses’ & Midwives’ (State) Award, periods during which an employee, other than a Director of Nursing, is engaged in nursing duties, for example, in attendance on a patient, shall be paid as working time under this award. Where applicable, overtime shall be payable. c All reasonable out of pocket expenses shall be reimbursed. c Rostered time shall be paid as such even though an employee may be travelling, in hotel/motel accommodation or waiting for transport. In respect of non-rostered time not spent in nursing duties: c Periods in hotel/motel accommodation or waiting time for transport shall not be counted as working time. c Periods in travelling shall count as working time. n

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Outback and beyond thanks to Direct Debit g Direct Debit is the most convenient way to pay your union fees but switching to Direct Debit also won Jacqui Simpson a fabulous adventure holiday to Kakadu.


eet Jacqui Simpson, one of our new Direct Debit members and the lucky winner of the NSWNA Direct Debit Draw. Just for signing up to pay her union fees by Direct Debit, Jacqui has won a World Expeditions, 7-day Explore Kakadu and Beyond trip for two, valued at over $5,000.

A trainee enrolled nurse at Glen Innes hospital, Jacqui said she was so surprised when she was told she had won that she simply did not believe it. She is very excited and plans to embark on her travels in April as a celebratory trip to mark the end of her course. ‘Support and leave entitlements are vital in a profession such as nursing, and these were the reason I joined the union,’ said Jacqui. ‘When I heard about Direct Debit I signed up immediately because it was definitely the easiest option, and the holiday was a nice extra incentive!’ Direct Debit is a safe and secure means of paying your union fees, free of any third parties or hidden fees and ensures that you have union protection if changes are made to payroll deduction laws. The forms are simple and, unlike payroll deductions, you don’t have to tackle more paperwork with each new job, as deductions only concern your bank details or credit card. Direct Debit means the NSWNA can be prepared and strong, ensuring services and support for its members. Our next Direct Debit Draw winner could be you. Every member who signs up to pay their union fees by Direct Debit between now and 30 June automatically goes into the draw to win a fantastic 8-day trip for two to the South Island of New Zealand. n

SWITCH NOW TO DIRECT DEBIT c One easy registration means you don’t

have to change your details if you get a new position; c Money is deducted directly from your bank

account or credit card, making it safe from any payroll deduction changes; c The future of NSWNA is more secure; c The NSWNA is only authorised to deduct Our latest Direct Debit competition winner, Jacqui Photo courtesy Simpson, The Cootamundra heads off on an Herald adventure holiday.

your monthly union fees and respects your privacy and safety. THE LAMP APRIL 2007 35


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Introducing our

Country Music Queen g Leanne Coddington, RN at Tamworth Base hospital, was crowned Queen of Country Music at this year’s Tamworth Country Music festival.


Photo courtesy Northern Daily Leader, Tamworth

elf-confessed country girl Leanne Coddington beat 24 other hopefuls and was crowned the 2007 Telstra Queen of Country Music at this year’s Tamworth Country Music festival. The Gunnedah native works in the surgical ward at Tamworth Base Hospital and is very excited about her new role as an ambassador for Tamworth and country music. ‘What better way to enhance the country music scene and to

meet new people,’ said Leanne, who has been attending the music festival since she was a child. Each entrant in the competition requires a local sponsor and Leanne had no trouble in securing one. ‘Tamworth Base Hospital was more than happy to help and of course it is great promotion for them, too. ‘Staff were also very accommodating in juggling shifts for my appearances and obligations during the two-week festival.’ Tamworth Base Hospital got into the spirit of the event with its very own giant guitar perched on its roof. ‘The guitar was lifted by a crane and lit up as a part of a special ceremony and fundraiser for the Oncology Department,’ said Leanne. The hospital also participated in the annual cavalcade parade in celebration of 150 years of care and service. Staged in an old ambulance with sausages spilling out of patients to represent their innards, the float was ‘the talk of the town’ and not surprisingly it won first place. ‘There is a group of doctors who sing and they even have their own CD but I kept my singing quiet until my performance this year.’

STAR REVIEWERS & TIPSTERS FOR OUR REVIEW PAGES We're seeking members with a non-nursing skill or talent they'd like to share with other nurses. You could be a whiz in the kitchen. Or have some DIY plumbing and homehandy tips. Or a wild and wonderful interest or skill. Be it strange, extraordinary or useful, we'd love you to come on board as a NSWNA tipster. We are also seeking closet film buffs to share with other nurses their views on the movies they love and hate. It’s a chance to see previews of next month’s new releases. Please contact us with expressions of interest to be part of our tipster and movie review team. Be part of the action by calling Editorial Enquiries now on 02 8595 1219 or email Leanne used to strum on a tennis racquet before taking up the guitar around the age of ten. While she sings and is now learning the banjo, the guitar is her first passion. ‘I love playing more traditional ballad styles of country music and recently got back into performing. I actually played at some concerts during the festival and patients are now making requests,’ said Leanne. Interest and participation in the Tamworth Country Music Festival is always very high. ‘People come from all over Australia and even overseas – it is music around the clock.’ As the reigning Queen, Leanne will be a primary ambassador for Tamworth and country music. She will be involved in many promotions and events and even gets to travel to a country music festival in New Zealand in May, representing Tamworth. ‘You meet different people from many backgrounds when nursing and this will definitely help with the confidence factor as my role as an ambassador for Tamworth.’ n

Our reviewers & tipsters receive a delightful ABC Classics CD – for uplifting enjoyment! Gifts so good, you won’t want to give them away. There is an ABC Shop near you. For locations visit or call 1300 360 111. Ask about our Rewards program. THE LAMP APRIL 2007 37



Soaring with Beethoven g Beethoven’s colourful and extraordinary last days are brought to life in Copying Beethoven, and his music will leave the audience soaring.

Reviewer Jennifer Nelson, Associate Member



his is a colourful, beautifullydirected and written, enchanting yet superficial fictional semi-biography of Ludwig van Beethoven. His last few days are brought to life in this magnificent drama. This 104minute masterpiece gives you an idea of what the most famous and most talented composer lived like. The movie concerns the tempestuous relationship between a young girl (Diane Kruger) who works as copyist and the deaf, stubborn musician. Though a number of factual liberties are taken in this imaginative screen

biography of the great composer, it is also based on real events such as his problematic relationship with his nephew Karl Van Beethoven (Joe Anderson). Musical talent and Ed Harris’ interpretation are definitely the stars in this production. Beethoven’s music sets the film soaring when he tries to conduct the orchestra amid the strains of symphonies 5, 7 9,’Ode to Joy’, with Diane Kruger showing him the right movements, as he cannot hear his own music. It has a very emotional feeling, especially when Diane has to turn him around to face the applauding audience because he cannot hear their standing ovation. n

The Lamp has 100 double passes to give away to see previews of Copying Beethoven and 10 double passes to Freedom Writers. To enter, email lamp@nswnurses. with your name, membership number, address and contact number.

Copying Beethoven opens nationally on 19 April 2007.

A lesson in xenophopia g Meg Collins recommends Freedom Writers, a story about how a naïve teacher combats racial prejudice in the classroom.


young idealistic schoolteacher, Erin Gruwell (Hilary Swank), presents herself to the Wilson High School, with great enthusiasm and the best intentions. Adorned with her string of pearls and her middle class background; she enters the world of her students, a world completely foreign


Reviewer Meg Collins, RN, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

to her – one of street gangs, crime and ethnocentric behaviour. Erin walks into room 203 and finds lines of racial demarcation. Strategic placement of the students’ desks, clearly separate the Hispanics, the Asians, the African Americans and one white guy. Most of the time the atmosphere is tumultuous and the students are volatile. Their aim in life is to survive, to reach 18 years of age and trust absolutely no-one outside their own race.

Despite a lack of support from her senior teachers, particularly Margaret Vail (Imelda Staunton), Erin is remorseless in her pursuit for a better life for her students. She identifies the racial tension in the classroom, when she discovers a cartoon drawn by one of the Hispanic students, depicting an African American student in a derogatory sense. Erin compares this behaviour to that of the Nazis’ during the Jewish Holocaust. Almost all of the students admit to not knowing about the Holocaust. Erin then sets about educating her students about racism. She uses a ‘line game’ that is beautifully executed in the film and asks the students to read the ‘Diary of Anne Frank’. Through these experiences, the students look upon themselves quite differently, as they could relate directly to being a member of a tormented race. Erin also encourages her students to document their lives in journals, which proves to be a cathartic exercise for them. Most of the journals are handed back for her to read and subsequently Erin gains further insight into the student’s lives. Freedom Writers is a true story. Although not visually spectacular, the audience does gain an incredible insight into the lives of the students in some of the poorer sectors of United States. Overall the performances are good and the script is well written by writer/director Richard La Gravenese. For those looking for some social insight, I would recommend Freedom Writers. n Freedom Writers opens nationally on 22 March 2007. THE LAMP APRIL 2007 39

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Always looking on the bright side of life JILL MACLAINE


illian Mary Maclaine, known as Jill to her friends and colleagues, was an unassuming and kind person who loved her work, caring for those in need, and working along compassionate people. She was born in Scotland and came to Australia with her brother when she was 18 months of age. The family spent time in the Sunraysia region of Victoria and other regional areas. In 1974, Jill completed her oneyear Enrolled Nurse training at Canberra Hospital, ACT. Three years later, she completed her RN training at the same hospital. Following this, until 1984, she devoted herself to her family and raising her two children Belinda and Simon. From 1984-2000, she worked at the Mercy Hospital in Albury, NSW, on a medical/palliative care ward and the geriatric assessment unit. With a passion for personal and professional growth, Jill undertook various studies in this period as well. In 1997 she obtained her Graduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing at La Trobe University. During 2000-2001, she also coordinated and taught courses in aged care for personal carers at TAFE. In May

exchanging experiences. Colleagues and friends who worked with Jill at the Albury Mercy Hospital and Wodonga District Hospital remember a friendly, gentle person who always had a professional rapport with staff and patients. In December 2003, Jill was diagnosed with breast cancer. She received treatment and packed up to fulfill a lifelong dream of having her own house by the sea. So she settled in beautiful Malua Bay NSW and began work at Edgewood Park Residential Aged Care Facility. With her gentle, easy-going nature, Jill quickly became part of the team at Edgewood Park. Described by friends and colleagues as a beautiful person inside and out, she was a pleasure to work with, a lady and an excellent and empathetic nurse. Every shift you worked with Jill was a good one. During her days off, Jill indulged in all her greatest loves: gardening, walking on the beach with her beloved poodle Molly, reading, cooking, sharing her new home with her family

‘I have enjoyed my life and it has only gotten better … All have a good life too. Look on the bright side, look for the best in everything, challenge yourself, try new things, it’s invigorating. Each new achievement encourages confidence for more.’ 2001 she commenced work at Wodonga Regional Health Service, and worked on the acute Medical Unit until 2004. Jill valued her friendships highly and her friendly, easy-going nature allowed her to gain new friends wherever she went. She always looked for the best in people and enjoyed sharing a chat and

and spending time with friends, old and new. Friends also shared her pride in Belinda and Simon and celebrated with her their achievements. Jill joined the local craft group and made more special friends there. We always knew Monday was her craft day and not to ring her for an extra shift.

Jill was able to continue nursing until November 2005. She continued to be involved in Edgewood Park, joining us for the annual cricket game on the ‘back lawn’ on Australia Day and sending us inspirational letters. In May 2006, Jill passed away in her beloved Malua Bay home, with her family by her side. She is remembered as a good friend, colleague and a loving mother, daughter and sister by all who were privileged to know her. Always positive and looking for the best she could get out of any opportunity, Jill left her family and friends with these words in a letter she composed before her passing: ‘I have enjoyed my life and it has only gotten better … All have a good life too. Look on the bright side, look for the best in everything, challenge yourself, try new things, it’s invigorating. Each new achievement encourages confidence for more.’ n By Belinda King, Helen Allen and Rachel Gillett, Edgewood Park Residential Aged Care Facility THE LAMP APRIL 2007 41

CAREGIVERS a change is as good as a rest

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(4 edition) by Janine McIlwraith and Bill Madden, Lawbook Co, RRP $77.95: ISBN 0-455-22261-4 This edition builds upon the highlyregarded reputation of its previous editions and explains the legal process as it relates to the health care professional. Presented in a lucid structure, this edition has been extensively re-written, to bring the law up to date. Commencing with an introduction to the concepts of law, the text proceeds to examine those aspects of the law which impact on the provision of health care.

Health Promotion: Principles & Practice in the Australian Context by Mary Louise Fleming and Elizabeth Parker, Allen & Unwin, RRP $55.00: ISBN 1-74175-017-2 This book provides an excellent introduction to the theory and practice of health



promotion with respect to public health, and the steps and skills required for effective health promotion practice. It tells in practical, down-to-earth fashion how to plan, implement, manage and evaluate health promotion programs in a variety of settings: workplaces, schools, rural and remote areas, and elsewhere in the community.

ACCCN’s Critical Care Nursing by Doug Elliott, Leanne Aitken and Wendy Chaboyer, Elsevier Mosby Publications, RRP $137.50: ISBN 978-0-7295-3770-4 This book is an original Australian-based critical care nursing text that will be relevant to both specialty post-graduate and senior undergraduate students in Australia and New Zealand. Developed in conjunction with the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) the text has been written and edited by the most senior and experienced critical care nursing clinicians and academics across Australia and New Zealand. This comprehensive text provides detailed coverage of a number of speciality areas including intensive care, emergency nursing, cardiac nursing, neuroscience and acute care.



Toxicology Handbook By Lindsay Murray, Frank Daly, Mark Little and Mike Cadogan, Churchill Livingstone and available from Elsevier Australia, RRP $69.95: ISBN 978-0-7295-3789-6 The Toxicology Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the substances likely to be encountered in clinical practice, available antidotes, and importantly, the risk assessment approach to management pioneered by the authors that is specific to the Australian, New Zealand and South Pacific regions. Reference items are not available for loan but may be viewed by visiting the NSWNA Library.

These books are all available on order through the publisher or your local bookshop. Members of the NSWNA can borrow any of these books and more from our Records and Information Centre. For borrowing information, contact Jeannette Bromfield, 8595 2175, or Cathy Matias, 8595 2121,

Sick to Death: A Manipulative Surgeon & a Health System in Crisis – A Disaster Waiting to Happen by Thomas Hedley, Allen & Unwin, RRP $29.95: ISBN 978-1-74114-881-7 Sick to Death is an explosive account of Dr Jayant Patel’s gross medical negligence and his legacy of lost lives, infection and mutilation. It is also a story of the efforts of a few people to expose his wrong-doing, despite the many obstacles placed in their way. His reign at Bundaberg Base Hospital lasted two years where he deceived a lax regulatory regime and bullied and undermined those who challenged him.

A Nuts-and-Bolts Approach to Teaching Nursing (3rd edition) by Jeanne M. Novotny & Mary T. Quinn Griffin, Springer Publishing available through Elsevier Australia, RRP $69.95: ISBN 0-8261-6602-4 A Nuts-and-Bolts Approach to Teaching Nursing is meant to be a survival manual for those who are teaching for the first time and need a reference book, or for those who will eventually work on expanding their knowledge through formal course work. This volume includes strategies needed to make clinical assignments, select the right textbooks, construct and analyse student tests, facilitate student learning of technology, and prepare and present lectures. n THE LAMP APRIL 2007 43

All you have to focus on is where to visit first. At Hays, we make working in the UK and Ireland so easy, you’ll have more time to get on with enjoying your stay. Ireland We have a great selection of permanent contracts across Ireland for Theatre, ICU, General and Mental Health RNs. Your skills and experience are currently in demand! Irish nursing registration is very straightforward which makes everything easier for you to start when you’re ready! United Kingdom Exciting opportunities across the UK in both permanent and temporary contracts. Theatre Staff, PICU, Critical Care, Mental Health and General Nurses work in Wales or locations across the South East or South West of England. We offer excellent benefits and a heavily discounted ONP (conditions apply). For further assistance, information and to join our team, call now. We also have immediate opportunities Australia-wide!

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Enhancing the lives of patients and caregivers


CRoSSWoRD Test your knowledge of hospital equipment and supplies with this month’s crossword. 1













14 15 17

16 18

19 20

21 22 23 24




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 14. 15. 18. 19. 20. 23.

8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 16. 17. 20. 21. 22. 24.

A device that records the amount of air breathed out, often used for asthmatics (10) Common name for 15 down (6) Medical imaging tool using sound waves, often used in pregnancy (10) Wilted, sagging (4) Attack that often occurs in epilepsy (7) Bones found in the lower legs (6) Type of nurse, abbrev (1.1.) Manufacture in the lab, create (10) Common word for an injection (4) Fungus of the foot (5) Linen for the bed (9) Devices used to start the heart (15)

Thread used for stitching (7) Type of drink often used to rehydrate the body (8) Fluid to soften dry hands (11) Injury, shock, damage (6) Type of nurse, abbrev (1.1.) Dependence on a substance (9) Portable toilets (7) False teeth (8) Sorting nurse (6) Equipment used for injections (7) Shake, tremble (6) Sheet showing what shifts you’ll be working (6) Expandable tube often used in the coronary arteries or urethra (5) Blood group (1.1.)

Solution page 47 THE LAMP APRIL 2007 45







CPD hours!




4 H E¬ #

P G E ¬ O F¬ . U R


Continuing Profession al Developme nt Handbook January to June









P CPD hours! E ¬ O F¬ . U



Conferences, seminars, meetings SYDNEY, HUNTER & ILLAWARRA Palm Sunday Rally & March for Peace Date: 1 April, 1pm, Prince Alfred Park – Parramatta. Organised by Sydney Peace & Justice Coalition, Contact: Bruce Childs 0412 803 457 NSW Operating Theatre Assoc. Conf. 50 yrs golden reflections & new directions Date: 12 April, Darling Harbour Contact: Sue Baird, 02 6058 4656 Email: XVII World Congress of the WAS, 1st World Congress for Sexual Health Achieving Health, Pleasure and Respect Date: 15 – 19 April, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre Contact: ICE Australia, 02 9368 1200 Email: ACAT Nurses Special Interest Group Date: 17 April & 19 June, 1pm – 3pm, Bankstown/ Lidcome Hospital – Lvl 4 Contact: Wendy Oliver, (02) 9722 7300, Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) Information evening Date: 18 April, 7pm, Wollongong Hospital Contact: Katrina Penney, Active Recruitment Officer, 1300 136 061/ 0439 955 900 Website: CeBIT Australia 2007, Australia’s leading business and technology event. Date: 1 May, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre Contact: Blake Young, 02 92803400, Respiratory Nursing Conference Date: 2– 3 May, Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital (Nowra NSW) Contact: Tod Adams, 02 4423 9705, 0421 054 717, tod.adams@sesiahs. Partnership in Practice Australian Association of Maternal Child & Family Health Nurses in partnership with Karitane & Tresilian Family Care Centres Second National Conference. Date: 3 May (workshop 1 – 5pm) Conference 4 – 5 May, 8.30 – 5pm Sydney Convention Centre Contact: Conference organisers, 03 5977 0244, NSW Chapter for Society of Vascular Nursing Date: 8 May, Concord Hospital Contact: Sue Monaro 9767 50000 page 60255

Youth & Road Trauma Forum 2007 Date: 8 – 10 May (10am – 2pm), Acer Arena Email: Hunter Wound Interest Group Conf. Date: 12 May, Newcastle Town Hall Contact: Margo Asimus, 02 4924 6100, SWSAHS Cardiac Health – An Holistic Approach. An ideal opportunity to learn/update your knowledge of chronic care for people with cardiac and related conditions. Date: 15 – 18 May, Thomas & Rachel Moore Education Ctr, Liverpool Hospital Contact Julie Lagudi, 02 9616 8153 Email: NSW Urological Nurses Society Study Day – “The Great Void and Beyond” Date: 25 May, Lvl 2 Conference Room, Sydney Adventist Hospital, Wahroonga Contact: Katrina So, Concord Hospital (w) 9767 5000, Medical Imaging Nurses Assoc. of NSW & ACT Annual Conference Date: 26 May, Novotel Htl, Brighton Beach Contact: Lara Realph 9828-3464 Email: ANCAN: a Minute on Your Motions Conference Date: 22 June, 8.30am – 4pm, St George Leagues Club. RSVP by 8 June. Contact: Cheryl Meade 9570 1273 Cost: members $50, non members $75. Clinical Nurse Consultants Association Development Day Date: 29 June, College of Nursing, Burwood Contact: CNCAN office 02 9745 9614 Email:

Optimising Patient Flow & Safety Conf. 2007 – ‘Unravelling the patient journey & harnessing patient-centred care’ Date: 4 – 5 June, Mercure Htl Brisbane. Contact: 02 9223 2600,

Reunions Royal North Shore Hospital 1984 Reunion February ’84, Red and Blue General Nursing Class. Date: 28 April, The Oaks, Neutral Bay. Contact: Helen Titcheradge, 0894 507 616,

Kenmore Hosp. Museum Exhibition ‘ Mental Health Nurses’ featuring 1895 to the present day. Date: weekends until 29 April, 10am – 4pm/ by appointment. Tours at 11am & 2pm. Admission/tours: gold coin donation. Venue: Kenmore Hospital, 197 Taralga Road, Goulburn. Tel: 02 4827 3412 (bh) or 02 4821 2587 (ah).

Crossword solution

Sydney Hospital 30 Years Reunion, PTS 771/a Date: 5 May, Crown Plaza, Terrigal Contact: Roe Thornett ( Mckenzie) or Terry Bullock, 02 4343 0314, or Terry. Western Suburbs Hosp. Reunion 2007 Date: 26 May, 12 – 4pm, Ryde-Eastwood Leagues Club Contact: Lesley Potter (02) 9349 8387 Email: Port Kembla Hospital Reunion Date: 13 July, 6.30pm – 11.30pm Rydges Hotel, Burelli Street, Wollongong $75pp includes buffet, beverages and entertainment. Booking prior to 31 May Contact: Helen or Jocelyn, 0438 695 076, Concord General (Repat) Hospital – 50 year reunion Searching for nurses who did their training at Concord General from 1958-1962. Anyone who has any info please contact Jeanette Bundy on 02 6341 2818 or write to 2/33 Logan St, Cowra NSW 2794

Social event

INTERSTATE AND OVERSEAS Rockin’ For Rights! Nursing Leadership Conference – Leading and Managing for Change Date: 19 – 20 April, Sea World Nara Resort, Gold Coast Contact: NursingOne, (02) 4962 2588 Email: or visit

Your Rights at Work – Live Concert Organised by UnionsNSW. Protest march from Hyde Park to SCG. Date: Sunday 22 April, assemble in Hyde Park North at 11am. Cost: $5 Wristband. Contact: 1300 659 567or go to

Natural Therapies & Natural Hlth Expo Date: 27 – 28 April Venue: Riverside Receptions, Brisbane. For more information call 1300 789 845 or visit

Nurses Christian Fellowship NSW – Professional Breakfast Date: 28 April, 9am Venue: Cumberland State Forest Café. Contact: Jane 9449-4868

CAREX 2007 – Sydney Aged Care Expo Date: 9 – 10 May, 9.30am to 4pm, Rosehill Racecourse, James Ruse Drive Tel: (03) 9571-5606 Book your attendance at

Illawarra International Nurses Day Glitz and Glamour Ball 2007 11 May, 6.30pm – midnight, Fraternity Club Cost: $85/$20 pp deposit (non-refundable) Contact: Glen Barrington on 0402 000 841,

Diary Dates Diary Dates is a free service for members. Please send the diary dates details, in the same format used here – event, date, venue, contact details, via email, fax, mail and the web before the 5th of the month prior, for example: 5th of August for September Lamp. Send information to: Editorial Enquiries Email: Fax: 9550 3667, mail: PO Box 40 Camperdown NSW 1450 Please double-check all information sent is correct. The Lamp cannot guarantee that the issue will always be mailed in time for the listed event. Due to high demands on the page, some dates too close to publication or too far in the future may be cut. The dates that are to be printed are for three months in total. For example, in the March Lamp = March, April, May dates will be printed. Only Diary Dates with an advised date and contact person will be published. Diary Dates are also on the web – Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups is now part of Diary Dates. If you are a special interest group, you now must send information about your event as above.

Send us your snaps If you’re having a reunion, send us some photos and any information from the night, and we’ll publish them. THE LAMP APRIL 2007 47

ATTENTION Enrolled Nurses

GA2 531 320


UPGRADE YOUR SKILLS TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute in partnership with the AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY

TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute (NSI) and the Australian Catholic University (ACU) have joined forces to develop a Bridging Program for Enrolled Nurses. Completion of the Program allows enrolled nurses to qualify for enrolment in the second year of the Bachelor of Nursing Degree at ACU.

The bridging program of 120 hours will run one day per week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday) from 23 July to 7 December 8.30am – 4pm at North Sydney College with some laboratory sessions programed for ACU. For further information call (02) 9942 0111 or go to

Email: TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute, North Sydney College, 213 Pacific Highway, St Leonards ASK FOR THE BRIDGING PROGRAM INFORMATION PACK




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