April-May Issue 9 - A.Y. 2010-2011

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>> One step at a time - Students line up at the ICT department for the processing of their enrolment for the 1st semester. Photo by Jesika Zapanta

“Change is coming� - Lana Kevin Louise Valdez

Fr. Tamerlane R. Lana, O.P., Rector and President of the Colegio, tells of the undertakings Letran has done to conform to the 12-year strategic plan.

In the term-end report from 2007 to 2011, “Changing the Landscape,� Fr. Lana stated the various changes and renovations the Colegio has undertaken to follow through the 12-year plan to prepare the Colegio for uni-

versity status. He also stated the goals to be achieved: to be the leader in creative use and application of Information and Communications Technology in education, acquiring and maintaining the state-

of-the-art facilities, physical and material resource, in support of quality instruction. A six year physical development plan has been prepared and approved by the Colegio from 2009 to 2015. This Long-range physical development plan was initiated to acquire a better understanding and managing the needs of the facility. The plan itself is susceptible to change. In the statement, the Rector

CHANGE / P. 10

US returns money from Ligot assets Denn Reed Tuvera

The United States government turned over a check worth of $132,000, representing the proceeds of the forfeiture sale of a property belonging to the Ligot family, to the Philippine government yesterday. US Ambassador Harry Thomas, accompanied by US Department of Justice Attache Robert Courtney III and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Attache James Ilusorio, handed the check to DOJ Secretary Leila De Lima. The check will be given to the national treasury. In a statement, Thomas said “Today I am pleased to announce –Š‡ Ď?Â‹Â”Â•Â–ÇŚÂ‡Â˜Â‡Â” ”‡–—”Â? ‘ˆ ˆ—Â?†• in an asset-forfeiture case. The United States Government is returning $132,000 to the Philippine Government.â€? “This is the result of the 2009 request and a settlement by the

U.S. Government to a pending civil forfeiture action against a parcel of residential real estate in Southern California belonging to the wife of former military comptroller General Jacinto Ligot,â€? he added. Dz Š‹• ™ƒ• –Š‡ Ď?Â‹Â”Â•Â–ÇŚÂ‡Â˜Â‡Â” ”‡turn of funds in an asset forfeiture case,â€? he concluded. As a response, De Lima said: “We are grateful for the assistance of the United States in this matter, and we, in the DOJ, are very pleased and honored by the –”—•– ƒÂ?† …‘Â?Ď?‹†‡Â?…‡ –Š‡› Šƒ˜‡ manifested in turning over this amount to us.â€? “They can see that we are doing our best to break down the wall of inaction, impunity and injustice. Thus, we assure them and our people that their trust is well-placed and that this amount will promptly be turned over to the National Treasury, where it belongs,â€? she said. On September 25, 2005, then Ombudsman Simeon Mar-

…‡Ž‘ Ď?‹Ž‡† ƒ ’‡–‹–‹‘Â? ˆ‘” ˆ‘”ˆ‡‹–—”‡ against the Ligots before the Sandiganbayan. After discovering that the Ligots moved funds and assets to the US in order to disguise and conceal true ownership and source of funding for their —Â?‡š’Žƒ‹Â?‡† Â™Â‡ÂƒÂŽÂ–ÂŠÇĄ –Š‡ ˆĎ?‹…‡ of the Ombudsman sought the assistance of the United States Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS-ICE). ÇŚ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?‡† the Ombudsman of the existence of a property registered in the name of Mrs. ErlindaLigot. The property was located at 7102 Stanton Ave., Buena Park, California (a.k.a the “Buena Park Propertyâ€?). It was not declared in the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) of former military comptroller Jacinto Ligot. It appears to have been purchased by his wife,

US / P. 10

Spirit of Caleruega John Exos Nulud

PhP150.00($3) Distance: 10KM- The meter displayed the numbers 6:00AM in the taxi meter. My right eye still shut, my hair was fresh from shower and my shoes untied as I alighted the grumpy old cab. It was January 29, 2011 and it was our Photography Trip to some place I’ve been before, I wasn’t that excited like the others because one year ago, I was there for 5 days and 4 nights.

The bus was scheduled to leave at 7AM despite departure was 6:30AM (They just say that so that everyone comes on time). 7:10AM, 7:22AM, 7:36AM came and we were still in Manila. I was trying to contain myself from being impatient, yes

when it comes to time management, I hate being late. At last! She came around 8:00AM and soon after she came the bus sped away. I wasn’t aware of the time when we made it to the SLEX (South Luzon EXpressway) to have our breakfast at McDonald’s. A funny rumor was actually circulating inside the bus and one guy was saying “Is the breakfast for free?â€? and a girl would go “Will it be pancakes only?â€? and I would say “it should be free because we paid big bucks for this tripâ€?. All our rumors were realized when boxes of food were deOLYHUHG LQVLGH WKH EXV 7KH ÂżUVW ZDV the Burger-Egg-Cheese Sandwich and then the main course was the “Burger-Egg-Riceâ€? meal. Everyone was stuffed and I was so full and be-

SPIRIT / P. 10

Photo by John Nulud

92/80( 12 ‡ ,668( 12 ‡ $35,/ 0$< ‡ 3$*(6



Previous LSC releases year end report Proposed divorce bill not top PH priority Alyza Jireh Mesina

President Noynoy Aquino said the priority of the administration will be on the Reproductive Health bill and not the sprouting Divorce Bill. Although he recognized the effort of the House of Representative, he still believes that RH Bill should be given main concern. President Aquino even made a joke about the bill saying, ““I’m not married yet, you are asking me about divorce,� This may not be a good time to enforce another law since the RH Bill is already creating a big noise in the society today. It has divided the Church and the State as well as the citizens in giving opinions to the bill. The divorce bill should be given less attention since the problem with the RH bill has not been resolved. Also the President believes in the sacredness of marriage therefore families should remain intact and divorce should not be encouraged. In addition to that, President Aquino is also expecting that the church will react to it (divorce bill) once it is pushed and it’s something that the administration wants to avoid. The RH Bill has already created turmoil and is still under discussion and President Aquino does not want to create another issue with the church regarding the divorce bill.

Feliciano Mungcal III

The Letran Student Council presented their Year-end Report along with other student organizations and other cultural groups who presented their respective accomplishments, the LSC had presented their activities for the second semester.

The major activities that they organized, are the Mr. and Ms Letran 2011; Letrun for a Cause 2 and ROCK YOU: Battle of the Bands, both held during the Colegio Week last February 7 – 10, 2011. Mr. and Ms. Letran 2011 which held last February 10, the Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ‡ ‡˜‡Â?– ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‘Ž‡‰‹‘ ™‡‡Â?ÇĄ recorded 90% attendance from the Letran community. It was held again after 6 years. Letrun for a Cause, which the LSC’s fundraising event was organized on its second year since 2010 last February 8, gathered 80% attendance. However, it was started an hour late beyond the scheduled –‹Â?‡ †—‡ –‘ •‘Â?‡ …‘Â?Ď?Ž‹…–•Ǥ The ROCK YOU: Battle of the Bands, was originally held between last week of January to February 2011. However, it was held last February 7, 2011 as part of the Colegio Week as advised by the OSACA. Other fund-raising activities were the Christmas Knight, a Christmas seasonal activity held last November 4 – December 17, 2010 and the All for Juan, held last November 26, 2010, a community service of the Council, which donations came from the LSC and other RSO, which featured at QTV 11’s ‘THE BEAT’ wherein GMA Star Patani came to Letran to get the donations. “In general, mas okay ngayon [its better this semester], maraming nag-participate especially the Mr. and Ms. Letran,â€? said Robin Carlo Reyes, the President of LSC.

According to Reyes, almost all the activities for the second semester were accomplished, while some of activities’ compoÂ?‡Â?–• ™‡”‡ Â?‘†‹Ď?‹‡† –‘ Â?ƒÂ?‡ ‹– better. “[The activities for this semester] is well – improved, it will see at the activities na ginawa nila, there’s a lot of activities. Siguro, they give their best, I would like to congratulate them for all the accomplishments [of the Student Council],â€? said Mr Randy Din, the current adviser of the LSC. The LSC also participated at OSACA activities, like the BIDAHAN, a Student Leaders gathering at the Assumption College, Antipoo City last Nov. 27-28, 2011. The LSC sponsored the Colegio’s delegates. The LSC also sponsored the venue for the RSO Night last February 4, to accomplish last year’s recommendation of acquiring a bigger venue that gained 100% attendance. The LSC also participated at Pistang Paskong Pinoy last December 16. ‘Â?‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ˆĎ?‹…‡”• and volunteers attended at their community service at GK Baseco Build last February 13, 2011. The council tied-up with the NSTP Department at their GK Orientation last February 12, 2011 at Mabini Hall. The LSC presented their accomplishments during their MidYear, which 10 out of 15 activities were successful, that Letranmurals was one of their biggest activities.

>> New laptop computers were installed in the Internet Lab to offer students internet access for the incoming semester after the theievery of twelve laptop computers last April 2011. Photo by Jesika Zapanta

>> Blue and Red for BLUED - Letran students Jocel Felarco and Philip Esguerra take center stage to promote the clothing brand BLUED at Market! Market! in Taguig. Photo by Joshua Florendo

Guard, technician tagged in P.5M laptop heist Denn Reed Tuvera

April 17 - Police launched a manhunt for a technician and a security guard of Colegio de San de Letran in Intramuros, Manila following the discovery of the loss of the school’s 12 laptop computers and accessories worth P548,000.

The suspect was reported to have stolen 12 pieces of HewlettPackard (HP) laptop computers, 20 pcs of 160 GB hard disks and two gigabytes Random Access Memory (RAM). The loss was discovered the next morning by a school guard when he made the rounds at the Internet Research Laboratory. Chief Inspector James Paras, head of the Manila Police District’s theft and robbery section, said a footage taken by a surveillance camera showed technician Albert Zapata entering the laboratory twice with an empty backpack. His co-conspirator, security guard ErmanTarroza, who

was seen assisting Zapata as he entered the laboratory, did not bother to accost Zapata to check the contents of his “bulky backpack,â€? heelaborated. “Obviously there is connivance between the technician and the school guard,â€? he added. Police investigators said the two suspects have left their given addresses. Zapata, 30, married and a contractual technician from VL JusonTechnologies, resides at 1708 C. Antonio Rivera st., Tondo, Manila where he was last seen. ‹…Šƒ‡Ž Â”ÂœÂƒÂ„ÂƒÂŽÇĄ ˆĎ?‹…‡”nj‹Â?ÇŚ Charge of the security guards of

GUARD / P. 10

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Terrorist leader dead in shootout Feliciano Mungcal III

After 10 years of hide-and-seek, the United States Navy Seals, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with the Pakistani soldiers have successfully killed Al-Queda leader •ƒÂ?ƒ „‹Â? ƒ†‡Â? ‹Â? ƒ Ď?‹”‡Ď?‹‰Š– Â?‡ƒ” ƒÂ?‹•–ƒÂ?‹ capital last May 2.

“Justice has been done,â€? President Barack Obama said in a dramatic announcement at the White House while a crowd cheered outside and hundreds more gathered at ground zero in Manhattan to celebrate the news. The military operation took mere minutes. U.S. helicopters ferrying elite counter-terrorism troops into –Š‡ …‘Â?’‘—Â?† ‹†‡Â?–‹Ď?‹‡† „› –Š‡ CIA as bin Laden’s hideout -- and back out again in less than 40 minutes. Bin Laden was shot in –Š‡ ÂŠÂ‡ÂƒÂ†ÇĄ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ• Â•ÂƒÂ‹Â†ÇĄ ƒˆ–‡” Š‡ and his bodyguards resisted the assault. Three adult males were also killed in the raid, including one of bin Laden’s sons, whom ofĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ• †‹† Â?‘– Â?ƒÂ?‡Ǥ Â?‡ ‘ˆ „‹Â? Laden’s sons, Hamza, is a senior member of al-Qaeda. Ǥ Ǥ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ• ƒŽ•‘ •ƒ‹† ‘Â?‡ woman was killed when she was used as a shield by a male combatant, and two other women were injured.

The Raid at the Bin Laden’s Compound Moments after Mr. Obama spoke; the State Department put U.S. embassies on alert and warned of the heightened possibility for anti-American violence. In a worldwide travel alert, the department said there was an “enhanced potential for antiAmerican violence given recent counterterrorism activity in Pakistan.â€? Security at “strategic places in Pakistan has been beefed up as a precaution against any retaliation to news of Osama bin Laden’s deathâ€?, a senior Paki•–ƒÂ?‹ •‡…—”‹–› ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ –‘Ž† News early on Monday. “If he (bin Laden) is really dead, there will be attempts to •‡‡Â? ”‡˜‡Â?‰‡ǥdz •ƒ‹† –Š‡ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ who spoke to CBS News on condition of anonymity. In a statement of the senior ĠÂ?‹Â?‹•–”ƒ–‹‘Â? ‘ˆĎ?Â‹Â…Â‹ÂƒÂŽÂ•ÇĄ ™Š‘ ”‡“—‡•–‡† ƒÂ?‘Â?›Â?‹–›ǥ –Š‡ ˆ‡™ Ď?‹‡”› minutes in Abbottobad followed ›‡ƒ”• ‹Â? ™Š‹…Š Ǥ Ǥ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ•

struggled to piece together clues that ultimately led to bin Laden.

What’s next for Al-Queda? Â?‡ Ǥ Ǥ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ •ƒ‹† ‹Â?•‹†‡ information was the key to the successful operation. Detainees and cooperation from foreign authorities were crucial in providing information that led to his capture. Based on statements given by U.S. detainees since the 9/11 ƒ––ƒ…Â?•ǥ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ• Â•ÂƒÂ‹Â†ÇĄ ‹Â?–‡ŽŽ‹‰‡Â?…‡ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ• Šƒ˜‡ Ž‘Â?‰ Â?Â?‘™Â? that bin Laden trusted one al Qaeda courier in particular, and

they believed he might be living with him in hiding.

Filipinos reactions However, Filipinos have doubts about Mr. Obama’s report on Osama’s death for lack of evidences. They said that it can be his tactic to regain his presidency for the next elections. Justice to over a dozen Filipinos Last May 3, President Benigno Aquino III made a statement on the death of bin Laden: “the death of Osama bin Laden marks

a signal defeat for the forces of extremism and terrorism.â€? He said that the death of bin Laden represents the end of the efforts of “one man to stoke the Ď?‹”‡• ‘ˆ •‡…–ƒ”‹ƒÂ? Šƒ–”‡† ƒÂ?† –‘ promote terrorism on a scale unprecedented in the history of mass murder.â€? “Together with my national security team, we continue to take all relevant precautions and steps to ensure the safety of our people,â€? says the President. As a democratic country, Mr. Aquino assured the Filipinos to Dz”‡Â?ƒ‹Â? …‘Â?Â?‹––‡† –‘ Ď?‹‰Š–‹Â?‰

>> Adspeak winners together with CLAS Dean Rowena Capulong-Reyes and one of the speakers share their moment of pride at the stage of the Student Center auditorium. Photo by Justin Jovellanos

CHED issues halt to offer 5 new courses Alyza Jireh Mesina

Commission on Higher Education (CHED) issued a memorandum suspending universities and colleges from offering 5 new courses this school year. This is due to the quality of students produced under the said courses.

>> A photo of Osama Bin Laden. Photos of the killing of the renowned terrorist were not released by US ofÂżFLDOV 3KRWR GRZQORDGHG IURP WKH ,QWHUQHW

The courses included are Nursing, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Business Administration, Information Technology, and Teacher Education. no university or college shall be allowed to offer new programs under these courses. CHED’s Memorandum Order no. 32 says that no new graduate or undergraduate programs shall be implemented in public and private universities and colleges under

the mentioned courses. This is to avoid the worsening case of the graduates under the said courses. However, those that are already offering it in their curriculum will not be affected. Only those who are applying for new courses after the issuance of the moratorium will not be considered. Universities/colleges that applied before the suspension will still be processed.

CHED chairperson Patricia Licuanan mentioned in an interview that many universities and colleges are offering these courses and if this will push through, the quality of education and graduates produced might become worst. CHED Executive Director Julius Vitriolo also noted that there is a problem in employment especially in the Business Ad, HRM & IT course since there are less number of jobs available compared to the huge number of applicants. CHED also gave attention to the poor performance in licensure exams of nursing and teacher education graduates ™Š‹…Š ”‡ƒŽŽ› •‹‰Â?‹Ď?‹‡• –Š‡ ’‘‘” condition of the courses.

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On foiled rapture predictions May 21, 2011 - The supposed date of the second coming of Jesus Christ. For months, leading to the build up of the rapture, we’ve been bombarded by billboards and sign posts about the “supposedâ€? second coming of Christ. It eventually captured the media’s attention and for some pathetic reason, a little part of the population of the world actually believed it. The reason for all these craze? Blame it on Harold Camping. Harold Camping is the President of Family Radio, a California-based Christian radio station. He’s known for applying numerologies and mathematical computations in biblical passages, eventually leading him to proclaiming that the lord will return in May 21. Alongside his “predictionâ€? that the Lord will come in May, he also proclaimed that only 3% of the world population will be saved and everybody else will be going to hell. So what exactly happened last May 21? Nothing. Much like the previous predictions that came before him, nothing happened. No extra-ordinary mega earthquakes occurred, no tsunamis swept the ocean shores and Jesus didn’t exactly come down from the clouds on that day. It was just an ordinary day. Another hoax, another one bites the dust. ‘Â?‡ –‘ –Š‹Â?Â? ‘ˆ ‹–ǥ –Š‹• ‹•Â?ǯ– ‡šƒ…–Ž› –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– ’”‡†‹…–‹‘Â? that Harold Camping about the end days. In September 6 ͳ͜͝͝ǥ ƒ”‘Ž† ƒÂ?’‹Â?‰ Â?ƒ†‡ Š‹• Ď?‹”•– ’”‡†‹…–‹‘Â? ‘ˆ –Š‡ ”ƒ’ture. Based on his “Undisputable, 100% correctâ€? mathematical computations, he said that he was 100% sure that Jesus was going back to earth on that time. The only being that returned to earth at that time was Darna, through Anjanette Abayari. She’s not exactly the messiah, is she? What’s so disappointing is that despite all of the predictions proved wrong, some people keep on predicting when Jesus Christ will return and they just don’t give up. For example, despite having already two foiled predictions, Camping is still hard on his stand that the physical rapture will eventually happen this year. He stated that the spiritual rapture already occurred last May, and that the physical rapture, or the end of the world as some people would call it, would eventually occur this October. Now the question at hand is, why do we keep on buying it? Why are we so interested with this whole mythical second coming of Christ thing? What part of Matthew 24:36 which states “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father knowsâ€? do we not understand? Why are we so into this? Insecurity? More like self-assurance. As humans, we need to be secure. We need to have a sense of security, especially when we’re talking about sensitive issues like life after death. So what does that exactly prove? That people who actually believed in rapture predictions have lack of assurance, lack of faith, lack of belief in their standing and relationship with the Lord. Repent, people. Repent. After all, the Lord may be coming. Who knows? Czarina May Magtangob Editor-in-Chief

Al Kendrick Noguera Managing Editor

Matt Alistair Austria News Editor

Mark Gabriel C. Lagos Sports Editor

Adrian James Atanacio Features Editor

Jazelyn R. Rosende Design Editor

John Exos Nulud Photo Editor

Gil Gerald Fuentes, Jhon Wesly Lagdameo, Angelo Noah OrdoĂąo, Rey Christopher Querido, Maureen Santos, Louise Monique Soriano, Justin Jovellanos Staff

Jeremae Estimada, Kristine Evaristo, Joshua Florendo, Alyza Jireh Mesina, Leo Albin Miraran, Feliciano Mungcal III, Epifanio Ocampo, Ronalyn Ramos, Anita Ravago, Anton Vincenz Tantoco, Denn Reed Tuvera, Jesika Zapanta Contributors

Rizalino Pinlac Jr. Adviser


Czarina May Magtangob:

tough victories

”‘Â?‰ †‡Ď?‹Â?‹–‹‘Â? of hiking Hiking could have been an enjoyable and relaxing experience. But as we hear the word hike, most immediately imagine the tuition hike we students receive almost each year. They say that this is to do justice for the professors to better give or sustain the students’ educational needs. However, as students we have experienced both good and bad professors. Eliminating the “terrorâ€?, “nangbabagsakâ€?, “mabaitâ€?, and whatever bias factors ™‡ Šƒ˜‡Ǥ ‡ …ƒÂ? ‡ƒ•‹Ž› Ď?‹Ž–‡” ‘—– the professors that know how to teach and what to teach, to those who doesn’t teach properly and has little to none idea how to teach. More often than not, bias gets in the way during evaluations. Students and administrators should cooperate more dutifully with one another. If students

can evaluate professors without bias, then their money in the increase of tuition fee won’t go —Â?Œ—•–‹Ď?‹‡†Ǥ At the same time, the administration should not impose a tuition fee hike. Most of the protesters are from the lower and middle class families. They are struggling enough to get their children into quality education, and yet the hike pushes them out. It may lead the students to †”‘’‘—– ƒÂ?† •–ƒ”– Ď?‹Â?†‹Â?‰ ™Šƒ–‡˜‡” ™‘”Â? –Š‡› …‘—Ž† Ď?‹Â?†ǥ †‡Žƒ›ing and hindering their education. This does not to include Letran but many universities and colleges around the country such as UST, Ateneo, and et cetera. Are these schools truly developing, honing, and educating students? ” Ď?‹Ž–‡”‹Â?‰ –Š‡Â? ‘—– ‹Â?–‘ –Š”‡‡ categories: rich, can moderately afford, and the poor?

What the Colegio needs is dedicated professors and the expulsion of tuition fee hikes. There must be other ways, other systems that can work for both professors and students. Pro-


If students can evaluate professors without bias, then their money in the increase of tuition fee won’t go unjustiĎ?‹‡†Ǥ


fessors get what they want, students get what they need.

92/80( 12 ‡ ,668( 12 ‡ $35,/ 0$< ‡ 3$*(6

Al Kendrick Noguera:

fair play

Dead end Western liberal states rejoiced when the news hit the sheets and televisions everywhere that the feared Al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden was killed on an operation by the US Navy Seals in his hideout in Pakistan, last May 2. Bin Laden, considered as the most wanted man alive on earth, was responsible for the 9/11 attacks which claimed more than 3,000 lives and injured 6,000 more, making him the most feared and the most publicized terrorist in the history of mankind. With the news of his death, almost everyone got a sigh of relief. At last, justice has been served‌ or has it? After the news boomed that Bin Laden was indeed killed in a raid, everyone was so pre-occupied with the news of Osama’s death that the people forgot about asking for documentary evidences. And now, now that the smoke has already cleared out, and the euphoric feeling of knowing that the most feared man alive is now well, dead, people began to question, where are the evidences? Where are the proofs? Where is the body? Are we really sure that one of the most wanted men in history

Matt Alistair Austria:

the idiosyncratic

will remain as “history�? Journalists, conspiracy theorists, American activists and an-


After all, it’s the right of the people to know what’s really happening behind the curtains and at the same time, it’s the obligation of journalists to deliver to the people the real score behind the curtains.

Youth health and development

The name change of the sex education as planned by DepEd should be implemented, because this would correct the general impression of the term “sex education�. As planned by DepEd during a press conference in the Aristocrat restaurant in Roxas Boulevard, they have the intention of changing the name of Sex Education. It is believed why many people fear the subject because it gives the idea it is about parenting, livelihood or more to speak, sex. As argued by various members of DepEd and other organizations sex education is about the youth’s health and wellness. They experience change, physically, as they go through their adolescent years. Most parents would prefer to educate their children about such issues such as the female’s periods, male’s


circumcision, to name a few. However, statistically, some par-


The more the youth know about themselves, the better they can make a decision.


ti-American groups have already jumped on the issue of the lack of evidences of Bin Laden’s death. After all, how can we really concede to the fact that Bin Laden is indeed dead when we can’t even be shown a picture of his body or a video of his burial? This issue has been addressed vaguely by the white house and until one gets a solid answer from them, or solid evidences that Bin Laden is indeed really dead then this issue, will remain alive and kicking, no pun intended. As a budding journalist, I do know where these sentiments are coming from. After all, it’s the right of the people to know what’s really happening behind the curtains and at the same time, it’s the obligation of journalists to deliver to the people the real score behind the curtains. But at the same time, there’s an issue of national security and privacy wherein the government can pretty much hide anything and limit the access of information to the people, especially when national security is on the line. Again, it is an issue of national security versus national interest. What gives? The answer is obvious. With this inevitable clash of claims and ideologies, the losing end will always be the ones seeking answers. For now, we just have to be contented with the fact that Bin Laden is dead, even without evidences. That one of the most feared terrorists in history was thrown into the sea, even without outside claims. For now, we just have to be contented with this, contented with dead ends. ents either do not know more about their bodies than their children, or that they are embarrassed to bring the issue in. Of course, there is a good chance that this would eventually gear toward discussions about “sex�. How many teen pregnancies do we have each year? According to DepEd in the press conference, the country is having more and more teen pregnancies each year, and worst, they are getting younger. Curiosity will always be present. There’s no stopping adolescents from trying new things, sex included. Only the moral teachings their parents bestow upon them could. But even that, is not a guarantee. And most of them may know the consequences, but they do not understand it. However, it is agreeable that elementary students are too young to be introduced with these topics. Therefore, careful transitions between certain topics should be executed as the youth matures through the years. Elementary and high school science classes already tackles those subjects only briefly, better if they are more discussed with their own subjects. If the youth ever engaged into sexual activities, it would



[k]night [s]peak


Niki Gonzaga by

Blogging 101 The World Wide Web, more popularly known as the Internet, has opened a lot of opportunities for different people from all around the world. From photography to the so-called “blogging�, people are investing more time in these things.

One of the current hobbies people engage in is what they call blogging. What is a blog anyway? Well, it’s sort of an online journal where people get to post their WKRXJKWV UHÀHFWLRQV DQG SUHWW\ much everything that could be going on in their lives. Blogging is the act of expressing yourself through long paragraphs, one-liners, or simply just photographs. I have been blogging since 2005 and I have experienced transferring from one blog site to another, whenever the blog didn’t satisfy me anymore. My first blog experience was back at Friendster and the only reason why I created the blog was because of the longing I felt for my cousin who flew to Pakistan. But when she came back, I stopped writing there and transferred to Multiply. For two years, I blogged there but I tried out other sites like Blogger, Xanga and LiveJournal as well. I ended up having scattered posts all over and I don’t really think that helped me so In 2009, I finally settled with the blog site called Tumblr. Throughout those years, I have gained readers from all over the country. They are free to comment on whatever I post and I’m glad that Tumblr has this feature wherein readers could like a cerWDLQ SRVW DQG , ZRXOG UHFHLYH QRWL¿cations that a person liked it. There are also times when there are random readers who stumble upon

your blog and when they don’t like it, chances are, they send you hate mail. But Tumblr made me learn the art of ignoring. I know very well that I’m no expert at blogging, but I have a few tips to give to beginners: First, write what you feel or think. You don’t need to exaggerate but don’t be afraid to vent out + release your emotions + state your opinions. Yes, people could disagree with what you think and send you hundreds of hate messages but that shouldn’t matter because it’s your blog anyway. Know your limitations because you’ll never know who will read your blog. You might write something funny in your opinion that could otherwise be offensive to others. Try your best to be nice. Third is to be friendly to anonymous message senders. They could be asking a lot of questions about your life and all, but what’s a blog without readers, right? Of course, when you post something, there will always be people who can’t relate with what you wrote, so expect questions. I think there are two reasons why people ask anonymously: They’re either really interested but shy or, they hate your guts and just can’t show their faces. Live and let live. And lastly, post pictures. Not everybody can afford a digital camera or an SLR, perhaps‌ but you can reblog photos and tell people why you like them, right? This is my last point because I think this is the main reason why people follow my blog on Tumblr. If you enjoy reading and writing, I suggest you to give in to this trend. It’s always good to practice giving out our opinions, right? Enjoy blogging!

Niki Gozaga is a sophomore Journalism undergraduate. A former Journalism representative under the LSC administration of Robin Reyes. She often rants in her Tumblr. account. :H DUH LQYLWLQJ \RX /HWUDQLWHV WR VXEPLW \RXU DUWLFOHV DERXW OLIH DQG DQ\WKLQJ XQGHU WKH VXQ 6HQG \RXU DUWLFOHV WR WKH /$1&( RI¿FH WKLUG ÀRRU 6WXGHQW &HQWHU EXLOGLQJ RU HPDLO WKHP WR HLF WKHODQFH#JPDLO FRP

not hurt for them to be fully aware and educated about what they are getting themselves into. It may discourage them from committing into such acts once they are aware. Let us study two different cases that brought in the same results. The novels of Philip Pullman and Dan Brown, His Dark Materials trilogy and The Da Vinci’s Code respectively. Those novels were almost banned. But because of the high controver-

sies circulating around them, people couldn’t help but be curious, and the more people were more eager to read the novels. The same goes on about sex education, as the youth continue to grow the more curious they become, and without proper guidance they might become victims of their own errors. Not all youths have this problem, but many do. The more the youth know about themselves, the better they can make a decision.


The 21st century s M

any know the name of Pope John Paul II as a religious ϐ Ǥ But few know him as Karol Wojtyla, and his early years and his path to papacy.


He was a man who loved philosophy, poetry and theater. He was an athlete, playing as goalkeeper in football games. He helped Jews seek refuge from the Nazis during the Second World War, including 14-year-old Edith Zierer (now in her 70s), whom he ϐ in Krakow. Karol Jozef Wojtyla was born in the Polish town of Wadowice, on May 18, 1920. After high school, the future pope enrolled at Krakow’s Jagiellonian University, where he studied philosophy and literature and

performed in a theater group. Gradually learning twelve different languages, nine of which, was widely used as Pope. When Nazis occupied Krakow, the university ϐ ϐ the quarries, and later in a chemical factory. By 1941, he was the sole survivor of his family. His father died with a heart attack, his brother with the scarlet fever, his sister during her infancy, and mother when he was six years old. It was a devastating blow to him, reaching twenty years old, and losing everyone he ever loved. It was after his father’s death that Wojtyla thought about becoming a priest, where he approached the Archbishop of Krakow, Adam Stefan Cardinal Sapieha, to study in an underground seminary. The underground seminary was determined to train and educate for the Polish restoration after the war. When the war ended, he

returned to school at Jagiellonian to study theology, becoming an ordained priest in 1946. Received two doctorates and became a professor of moral theology and social ethics. At 38, he was appointed auxiliary bishop of Krakow by Pope Pius XII, and soon became the city’s archbishop, where he spoke out for religious freedom while the church began the Second Vatican Council, which would revolutionize Catholicism. In the year 1967 he was made into a cardinal, facing challenges of living and working in Eastern Europe, which was a Communist territory. Once asked if he feared retribution from communist leaders, he replied, “I’m not afraid of them. They are afraid of me.” Pope John Paul II is remembered for his successful efforts to end communism, as well as for building bridges with peoples of other faiths, and issuing the ǯ ϐ World War II. He was succeeded by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict XVI. Benedict XVI began the process to beatify John Paul II in May 2005. Pope John Paul II has a special place in the hearts of every Filipino. He is the Royal Pontiff who has charisma for the Filipino masses especially the youth. ϐ Pope John Paul and named as ‘Blessed’, many Filipinos rejoiced about this event. In fact, some of the things that he had used or encountered during his visit last 1981 and 1995, these were became preserving and venerated for they were considered as relic – a sacred object that belongs or happens to have encounter with a holy person. These are some of the things that the Pope used.


This is the customized vehicle for the Pope used as a transportation which used in particular during the 1995 World Youth Day held at Manila. Ordinary Pope Mobile used in other countries where he visited were enclosed-less. However, after the assassination attempt which held on 1981 at St. Peter’s Square, the Filipino version of the Pope Mobile became bullet-proof structured along with its thick glass shield to ensure Pope’s safety, but, still the Pope’s still visible to the people who wanted to see him approaching to Luneta Park for a Eucharistic celebration. The Pope Mobile was specially manufactured by the now-defunct jeepney manufacturer Franscisco Motors. Currently the caretaker of the Pope Mobile is Rolando Cruz who happened to be a long-time employee of the same manufacturer and became the Pope’s Driver. It is now been borrowed by some local parishes around the country for pilgrims and devotees of Pope John Paul II.

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special report


Jonathan Castillo Feliciano Mungcal III

(Images downloaded from the Internet)


Papal chalice

The papal chair was designed and made by Tony Adriano, a furniture maker and interior designer commissioned by the Church. Aside from the Papal Chair which was used at the places around the country were the Pope visited, he had also made and designed the two sacristy van that the Pope used to rest on and change clothes – one at PICC and the other at Luneta. All of these were donated by Adriano and he considered it as a ‘Labor of Love”.


Some of the Pope’s garments have been in the custody of some bishops in the Philippines in which the Pope gave to them as a gift itself to them. Some of them like the chalice and other things that were used when he preside masses, were been exhibit at some parishes particularly in Marilao, Bulacan and other places.


And even the utensils, which he used when he ate, where been not washed and preserved for 16 years. It was a dinner of January 13, 1995, the Sharing-la Restaurant which the restaurant located at West Ave. Quezon City, catered dinner at the Apostolic Nunciature in Pasay City to 16 people including the Pope’s entourage. The restaurant was recommended by Papal Nuncio Gian Decencio Morini to accoomodate their dinner. “Sa totoo lang I keep asking myself why we were chosen to serve the Pope. When the Nuncio asked me to do that, I asked why us? He just stated he can’t entrust it to others,” recalls Ramon Shyliong, president and general manager of Shangri-La Restaurant. (http://foodime.com/inservice-of-the-pope/) “Ang namili ng menu was the Nuncio with our recommendations. Inubos

talaga ni Pope yung pagkain—lahat ng nasa plate pati garnish. Nagustuhan niya yung singkamas at buchi. Humingi pa nga uli siya ng buchi,” recalls Shyliong. “While the dinner was ongoing, I instructed my staff to not wash the plates and other utensils na ginamit ni Pope. Pagkatapos kumain ng Pope, binalot nila agad then ’di na hinugasan. We preserved it agad,” he adds. All of the utensils were been preserved and not washed until today, and also the napkin was not been put to laundry seeing the ‘the smear’ made by the Pope.

Papal vestments

Currently, these were displayed on the Sharing-la restaurant in Quezon City.

When Pope John Paul II visited the Philippines


A Church in Marilao, Bulacan built a replica of House of Pope John Paul II as an exhibit museum of his memorabilia about his life, particularly his childhood. The replica structure was located at National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Marilao, where it was made 6 years ago. “One way to share the same experience, is to come up ti exhibit the house of Pope John Paul II,” said Fr. Vicente Robles, the parish priest that time according to the interview at 24 oras. Series of memorabilia of his life at Poland were on the exhibit. The pope who have published 5 books, spoke 8 languages, met 38 countries, went to 129 countries and gathered 5 million during the World Youth Day at 1995. It was called ‘Little Poland’, along with the replica house, St. Faustina Chapel was also built, St. Faustina was from Poland and it is Pope John Paul who declared him saint. The other was the replica of a prison cell of a Polish saint St. Maximillian Kolbe.


ǡ ϐ Pope John Paul II. Bataan Technological Park Inc. (former Phil. Refugee Processing Center), was a home for the 40,000 Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian refugees who came which known as the ‘boat people’, also the international and Filipino staff and Volunterr workers last 1980-1984. In this place, where the Pope held mass wherein thousands of Indo-Chinese refugee with different beliefs and religions attended, whom doesn’t really know who the Pope was. An image of the Pope inside the boat has made, and in process of declaring it a shrine is made as a symbol of memorial that a holy man went to this place.

Replica of the Popes house in marilao bulacan

Pope John Paul II Bataan Shrine

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If you’ve never heard of Justin Bieber, the world is just fair to ask you, “Where have you been all your life?” T h i s

Oh baby its Bieber Reeza Belo


young Canadian singer-songwriter has been making a huge mark in the industry worldwide being visible to all kinds of stuff—literally! But for real, what does this 17-year-old has to make teenage girls drool for him and guys on his age envy him? Bieber was born on March 1, 1994 in Ontario, Canada. He grew up with his mother Patricia Mallete who uploads his video performances that became Justin’s way to be discovered by his manager Scooter Braun and Usher. ϐ Ǯ ǯ which hit number 17 on Billboard Hot 100. Then it was followed by songs like ‘One Less Lonely Girl’ and ‘Baby’ which was Youtube’s Most Viewed Video of All Time (source: www. readwriteweb.com) with 507 million views. Justin also bagged numerous music awards on different categories for music, such as American Music Award’s Artist of the Year, Myx Music Award’s Teen’s Choice Award, and many other nominations and was chosen by Forbes Magazine as Dz ǯ ϔ dz for 2010. (Source: www.Forbes.com) But with all these success and awards that he have and will be having, what does Bieber have that makes him so popular, famous and for some, worth dying for? Well, according to the Associated Content, a Yahoo! Community-related site, which interviewed girls from ages 12-17, here are some reasons why the so-called Bieber Fever gives some girls the ‘chill’ and ‘thrill’ to love and idolize Bieber. The hair. Who would not recognize that Bieber hairstyle? The unruly hairstyle has been a fad, and a fashion for a lot of teenage boys…and third sexes of today. Also, the way he care Ǯϐ ǯ head makes girls drop their hearts to their feet. Image downloaded Why girls love it? It comes so natufrom the Internet ral and elegant from him. Actually, when Bieber decided to change his ‘do and cut his hair, a lot of people reacted to it. He

ϐ better way to enjoy the blazing heat of the sun than go out of town and explore the different sites here in the Philippines. Whether you want to go swimming or just wander around and sight see, the country’s got the perfect spot for you.

Summer’s one of the seasons Filipinos mostly enjoy because of the vacation opportunities available plus school’s already done by this time so families can really bond and spend quality time with each other. Although the downside of this time is that vacation spots have high prices than the usual, but that’s pretty normal since it’s also considered as the peak season. How will you prepare for this scarcity of venues? That’s easy. you just have to possess that determination to think ahead. PLAN AHEAD OF TIME. Nothing beats the feeling of preparedness. Don’t plan too early but just prepare. Think of what you want to do this summer. Create a list of the places you’re targeting and the activi-

ties you want to do. That way you’ll be more organized and it’ll be easier for you to keep track of your goals this summer.

PREPARE. When the peak season’s near, start checking for available reservations of those in your list. Start looking for that place you know you’ll enjoy. In this stage, also think of the possible extra expenses so you’ll know your budget and you can limit yourself from spending too much. MAKE YOUR ITINERARY. Once you know the place you’re going to go to, it’s time to prepare your self-map. It’s the list of the things you want to buy, the places you want to see, and the activities you want to join. By doing this, you won’t waste your

donated the hair to charity and was auctioned on Ebay garnering 98 bids at whooping $40668 from the fans! You sure have a loooonggggg hair Bieber! ϐ Ǥ The Bieber swag, aside from the hair, is what makes Bieber, is what makes Bieber remarkable. Wearing T-shirt matching with sweats and cool-colored dunks, why would girls not love it and boys not to copy it? Why girls love it? Who would not drool over a very ϐ ǥ ǫ ǡ Bieber highlights his looks by wearing a lot of purple in him, which in his favorite color. The Voice. Of course, who would forget about this Grammy-nominated star’s unique voice? Bieber receives a lot of praises…and criticisms on this. Some would say that he sings like a girl with that ‘small developing voice (since he’s just hitting puberty)’ but who cares? The girls would say. Bieber is Justin Bieber! The Beliebers (his fans) love it and that voice sent his My World and My World 2.0 ϐ Ǥ Why girls love it? Who wouldn’t anyway? Bieber’s Ǧ Ǧ Ǧ Ǧ Ǧ Ǧ ϐ arena, dome and concert grounds with fans that goes gaga for him. Him with the fans. On one Oprah interview, Justin said that he really doesn’t know why fans love him. Despite of the big-muscled guards that surrounds him and the formidable crowd-control due to unstoppable, hyperactive fans that wails, and cries just to be near Bieber, he still manages to get in touch and sometimes, tease his fans. Why girls love it? Fooling around, having cameo shots with whacky faces, those are what these girls love about this guy. Somw would say that he acts too young to his age, but this Bieber kid is just enjoying the fun of the limelight. Last May 10, 2011 Justin Bieber went to the Philippines for his My World Tour in Manila at the Mall of Asia Concert Ground. Despite of the fact that Bieber literally had fever and only performed for an hour, Filipino fans, even celebrities welcomed him and even responded to his “Mahal Kita” tweets on Twitter. Love him, hate him, he is still Justin Bieber. And every Beliebers’ heart has space for him. And no matter how much criticisms this guy would get, Bieber would always put that fever on every girls’ veins.

Ready, set, Summer! Alyza Jireh Mesina

(Images downloaded from the Internet)

time on the site you’re going to visit.

EXPECT THE WORST. This is not to encourage negativity but just to let your mind work on a plan B. think of the worst possible thing that could happen to you when you’re on the trip. It’s either it rains, or you get sick or whatever. Just have a back-up plan so when something happens, you’ll know what to do and your summer vacation won’t be ruined. SEIZE EVERY MOMENT. The statement says it all! You’re on a vacation at a very wonderful place so take pictures, make a blog or write on your travel journal so you’ll have something to look into when the trip’s over. If ever you still haven’t found that perfect place yet where you can rest, have some alone time or be with your family, here’s a short list of the destinations

you might want to try. The Philippines is a very wonderful country. You don’t always have ϐ ing spot. You just have to be an adventurer and look for places here that are worth visiting. First on the list, ANAWANGIN COVE. It’s located in Zambales and this is the perfect place for adventurous people. The place offers a camping site for enthu-

siastic campers and al white sand beach for swimming in the morning. What’s great about this place is it’s a breath of fresh air! New sceneries, relaxing ambiance and an opportunity to live ϐ Ǥ cove really has a lot to offer for tourists like you. Don’t miss it!

READY / P. 5


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pparels on… Walk, Pose, Express… Click! Click! Click!... Picture Perfect!

Pinoy Fashion on its fiercest week Ron Bernard Oraza Photos by Jeremae Estimada

Yes, all of this came into realization when far-famed, sexy and glamorous models heat-up the stage at the SMX Mall of Asia on May 8-15. This entrancing event had marked the 14th season of the Philippine Fashion Week Holiday 2011 with a summer/ spring theme. Such

event is one of the biggest and longest celebration of fashion all-over the archipelago cosponsored by Avon and HewlettPackard. Its founder, Mr. Joey Espino, is known to be a maker of Filipino supermodels under Ford Supermodel-Philippine Search which he produced. From 101 Filipino designers of different regions, there is a marvelous display of alluring clothes ϐ Ǥ These Filipino sartorial are very proud to showcase how creative they are and their models in featuring their world-class designs. With an overloading fashion styles over the runway, the glimpse on the technical skills of the fashioners is an obvious testament on how great they are so as to be a part of the fashion industry which is continually booming in our country. In line with this were also the top-clothing brands in our

country which exhibited their supreme taste for style such as that of Human, Kashieca, Bench, Memo,

ra, M Barreto and Esac); May 14, Saturday(Ready to Wear Collection-composed of 10 designers, Kids’ by SM Department Store, Emily Sy, Joyce Pilarsky, Jun Jun Cambe, Michelle Lim, Eric Delos Santos, Jerome Salaya Ang, Sassa Jimenez, Candies at MOA, Regata, Ford’s supermodel of the

Forever21, For Me, Wrangler and Oxygen. And, of course, the success of this event wouldn’t be possible if not for the make-ups of their fashionistas treated by the L’Oreal Paris Philippines, a new partner of the PFW. Here are the those who posh their way on May’s Fashion Week: May 8, Sunday (Human, Kashieka, Bench); May 10, Tuesday (“10”-composed of 10 designers, Menswear-composed of 10 designers, Arnold Galang, Chris Diaz and Gerry Katigbak); May 11, Wednesday (SM Department Store, Memo, Loreal- Lyle Ibanez and Yvonne Quisumbing); May 12, Thursday (Forever 21, For Me, Premiere A-composed of 5 designers); May 13, Friday(Sony Cybershot presents Luxwear Collectionscomposed of 15 designers, Wrangler, Oxygen, Marlon Rive-

World Philippines 2011 and Vaio presents Design Fusion-composed of 5 designers and Visions and Trends composed of 8 designers); May 15, Sunday (Grand Allure Collection- composed of 11 designers, Premiere B-composed of 6 designers, Premiere C-composed of 5 designers, Rusty Lopez and Penshoppe). Styles vary- from simple to complicated style and from minimalist to the most ornate. Each has its “wow” effect as it shows vogue and elegant styles that made the audience drool to their sits. Everyone has his/her own pick. Don’t fret if you missed all the fun because another Philippine Fashion Week Holiday is here to come again on October, from 26th to 31st. Hurry up and grab your ticket now! Witness another showstopping event that would make you go fab!

Ready from p. 4 Next is BOHOL. This place is common to most of you for it’s known because of the famous Chocolate Hills. But still, if you haven’t seen it yet then Bohol’s


the place to go! Not just that, you will also have the chance to see the Tarsier and go island hopping in Bohol Virgin Island. The province is really rich in places that will surely entertain its tourists. The place rich in culture and history, the lovely VIGAN. ϐ you back during the Spanish period because it has amazingly re ϐ iards in the Filipino through the structure of the houses and the atmosphere of the place. Although hundreds of years have passed already since Spain’s colonization, once you get there



Adrian James Atanacio:

critical acclaim Mercenaries with a pen Not everyone loves the spotlight. Not everyone cares about being known for writing, being known for incepting an idea, being known for the prestige and all that fame. In the writing ϐ ǡ can actually swallow staying in the background, that there are people which uses writing as an instrument to feed a passion and at the same time feed his stomach. Now here comes the idea of a ghost writer. A ghost writer is a writer who gets paid to write a column, an article, a book or reports in exchange of money. The difference though, is that ǯ ϐ would be credited to somebody else. It’s basically like selling an intellectual property to someone else, just so they can use it and uh, call it theirs. It’s pretty much an excuse for somebody to hang and slack around and then still be called a pretty good writer without actually exerting any effort into it. For as long as you can pay someone who’ll get the job done right, you’re good. The implications of having ghost writers is that, yeah, we’re never sure of who’s formulating what, or of where something originated. Like for example, columnist A is having a bad case of writer’s block (Or I-just-don’t-wantto-writeis) but he and his paper cannot afford to miss out issues and columns. So what will he do? Find a ghost who writes as well, or for most of the times

better than him, and then pay him a good amount of money ϐ work that the ghost writer did, It goes on and on and on.. from columns of your favourite columnists, to auto-biographies of your favourite basketball player to memoirs of your favourite politicians, one way or another they’ve tried a ghost writer. So, is a ghost writer acceptable in the writing industry? Well, it does happen and in reality, it’s pretty much accepted. One reason why it is easy to accept “ghost writing” because no one in their right minds would admit that a piece credited to him may very well be written by another man. Ghost writing is growing rampant mainly because it’s virtually undetectable and one can almost get away with it should he have the resources to control the said writer. It is quite pathetic in a way that, it is like paying somebody to do your book report or buying your way out of an examination. And as I’ve said above, it’s easy to get away with it because of the resources and the money involved, much like what those rich highschool kids used to do back in your time. It is sad, yes but in reality, it is happening and unless we ϐ it, it is going to continue to happen. Who knows, maybe this piece that you’re reading right now happened to be manufactured by a “ghost” writer.

[Vigan] it’s as if you’re visiting the past. So there’s no need to spend money in out of the country trips! Just visit Vigan and you’ll love it. It’s exciting to celebrate summer when you know what to do and where to go. If I were you, I wouldn’t waste the time and I’ll start looking for a way to

enjoy the heat of the sun. Welcome summer with a bang and celebrate it with a twist by going on a trip. Be an explorer and travel around the Philippines!

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Change from p. 1 said: “The long-range physical development plan is a point-in-time reference and ”‡Â?ƒ‹Â?• Ď?Ž‡š‹„Ž‡ –‘ ƒŽŽ‘™ ˆ‘” uncertain circumstances such as increasing or decreasing funding levels and program changes.â€? Fr. Lana muses on Letran’s aesthetics, stating, “Letran has ƒŽ™ƒ›• …”‡ƒ–‡† ƒ †‹•–‹Â?…– Ď?‹”•– ‹Â?’”‡•‹‘Â? ƒÂ?‘Â?‰ ‹– ‹• Ď?‹”•– time visitors - favorable to say the least. Behind the imposing 1950’s facade is a clean, wellorganized, well-maintained physical plant with gardens and greenery.â€? These changes include the refurbishing of canteen concessionaires, the installation of split-type air condition units and construction of the Hospital Management Laboratories and Classrooms. This change was brought up to conform to the priorities set by goals such as upgrading the academic standards to meet with the basic requirements of a university, enhancing the research capabilities and develop expertise on the studies on the nation’s history, heritage and heroes. One thing he assured: “change is coming.â€?

US from p. 1 Erlinda, on June 8, 2004 for $599, 500. Last September 2009, the DOJ, as the Central Authority of the Republic of the Philippines under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) between the Philippines and the United States, formally requested the assistance of the US government to formally return to the Republic the proceeds of the sale of the property in the name of the Ligots, •’‡…‹Ď?Â‹Â…ÂƒÂŽÂŽÂ›ÇĄ ”•Ǥ ‹‰‘–Ǥ Š‹• has been the subject of the administrative forfeiture case in the US (case number 20052704-900015-01). The request was part of the efforts of the Philippine government to recover the unexplained wealth of Jacinto Ligot. Along with his immediate family, Ligot appeared to have amassed properties manifestly out of the proportion to his salaries and other sources of legitimate income. De Lima said it is such a proud moment for us to be able to return to their national coffers a part of what has been plundered from it. “This is only one case, one property and one check, but it marks a very auspicious event in our history and will hopefully be the beginning of more positive developments,â€? she concluded.

Terrorist from p. 3 terrorism and are in solidarity with the people of the United Nations.� Meanwhile, the Palace asked the Filipino-Muslims to be calm upon Osama’s death. The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) released a statement: “there’s no rejoicing over a person’s death.�

Threat on National Security Š‹Ž‹’’‹Â?‡ •‡…—”‹–› ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽ• •ƒ‹† –Š‡› ‡š’‡…– •ƒÂ?ƒ „‹Â? ƒ†‡Â?ǯ• death to weaken local Islamic extremists and lead to their elimination, but a captured Abu Sayyaf commander said his comrades have hardly been affected by previous foreign setbacks. The military and police have strengthened security in the southern Mindanao region, where the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf has waged attacks for years.

Pacquiao from p. 11 against Floyd Mayweather Jr., except for the fact that this time he didn’t land a big punch like he did on his Mayweather match. Pacquiao’s trainer Freddie Roach, who has long admired three-division world champion Mosley for his boxing intelligence, felt the American should now consider retiring from competition. Crowd was ecstatic in cheering Pacquiao, “Knock him out,� in chorus but Pacquiao, who seemed to be bothered by his cramps, managed to let the match last up to 12 rounds.

The match did not only sparkle because of the two boxing stars on the ring, but also to the Hollywood singers and celebrities who added up the glamour and stardom of –Š‡ Ď?‹‰Š–Ǥ Šƒ”‹…‡ ™ƒ• …Š‘•‡Â? –‘ sing the Philippine National Anthem which was applauded by the audience for singing it the right way while Tyrese had his own rendition of Star-Spangled Banner. Mosley came out with rapper LL Cool J, with Pacquiao was U.S. rock band vocalists Jimi Jamison. ˆ–‡” –Š‡ ‘•Ž‡› Ď?‹‰Š–ǥ ƒ…quiao said that he’s not on the line of retiring yet and is looking forward on facing Juan Manuel Marquez for the third time.

Military spokesman Miguel Jose Rodriguez said Abu Sayyaf militants lost an inspirational leader and “a sense of invincibility� with bin Laden’s death. Abu Hamdie, a captured Abu Sayyaf commander now under the government’s witness protection program, said his former group has hardly been affected by previous outside events and has largely survived on its own. In a government threat assessment report seen by The Associated Press, the Abu Sayyaf has grappled in recent years with funding problems, the loss of several leaders and factionalism but remains a key concern. Desperate for funds, the militants have even targeted people hardly able to pay ransoms, states the report. Armed attacks by the militants dropped to 54 last year from 104 in 2009, the report said. The 2010 assaults included 11 kidnappings, which enabled them to raise $704,000 in ransom, it said.

Spirit from p. 1 cause of that I fell asleep ZzZzZzZz..... “Ah! The Golden Sun shines on her radiant skin, morning birds gladly sing and cows do the lowest hymns. Once you laid your eyes on her is almost replacing your one true Love. She gives you the widest smile in you and takes away the things you must not keep inside.â€? The real Caleruega is located in Spain, in the autonomous community of Castile-Leon which is part of Burgos province. It is also where St. Dominic De Guzman, founder of the Order of Preachers or the Dominican order was born. However, the Caleruega here in the Philippines is a retreat house and it is also a park and part tourist attraction. It is owned by the Dominicans and it is the venue for the retreat of the Dominican educational institution like University of Santo Tomas that recently celebrated its 400th years of unending grace and Colegio de San Juan de Letran that is the oldest existing institution in its original location, 391 years. We reached Caleruega around 11 in the morning. It was cold and the breeze makes my hand freeze, I can leave a can of soda and let the winds cool it up for me. Our group consists of Communication Arts, Digital Arts, Advertising and Journalism students. 7KH ÂżUVW WKUHH SURJUDPV ZHUH HQrolled in basic photography and their WDVN ZDV WR WDNH Ă€RUD PRGHOOLQJ DQG panorama photos. As for us three Journalism majors enrolled in Photojournalism, we were tasked to take photos of the life in Caleruega, the loFDOV VSHFLÂżFDOO\ ZHUH RXU VXEMHFWV DQG had to take photos of what they do and somehow show who the “Philippine Caleruegansâ€? are. 7KH ÂżUVW WLPHUV ZHUH VFUDPEOLQJ their equipment and quickly went to work and as for me, I just sat for a while. Feeling the cold gust of wind and my face being kissed by the Sun, I found company with the 4th year students who were also keeping a relax-

Guard from p. 2 >> Rap the House - Rapper Gloc 9sings hit single “upuan� after having a talk on Media Advocacy for LIMO’s yearly seminar, Media Forum. Photo by Justin Jovellanos

the College, said “the suspects are free to enter and exit the school premises because the school treats him as an employee.� In the results of police in-

ing slow pace, because we already know that the place can be covered for less than 3 hours. :KHQ , VDZ WKH 7UDQVÂżJXUDWLRQ Chapel I always remember how it is so quiet inside it. We stayed there quite a bit for it really just a place to think about things. Âł2QFH \RX HQWHU EXWWHUĂ€LHV OHDG \RX WR Ă€RUDO JDUGHQV %LUGV WKHQ FDSWXUH \RXU H\HV DV WKH\ Ă€\ DZD\ WR WKH view of the vast regionâ€? Lunch was served 12:30PM and you know what, it’s the only call time everyone was there 12:30PM sharp! We had Nido soup, Chicken Adobo (One of my Favorites) and the mouth watering-Freshly cut Pineapples which I dipped with rock salt. It was after lunch when I really started to get some shots. I was quite frustrated because the people of Caleruega were so shy, may it be the vendors, the gardener and even the children are quite reserved to visitors. The hanging bridge is the only way to reach the Tent Chapel or what others and I refer to as the “Shouting Hillâ€?. It is where the coolest breeze are, as far as I know it was probably known as Shouting hill when people often shout on top of the hill to the overlooking region of green. The Shouting Hill is a place of serenity, the only sounds you can hear are the wind-rustled trees, sighing like gentle ocean waves. Caleruega will always have a special place in my Heart. It is where I spent 5 days and I found myself, I found meaning to why I am in this world. I discovered what I really want to do with my life, and the most important thing that happened to me here was that during the summer of 2010, my Faith for God was unstable, I was a wreck and I almost didn’t believe that there was a supreme being, my life was shut to believing there is one. 5 days I’ve stayed and I came out with a Faith stronger than before and that’s why I Love this place, because this place found me when I was lost, guided me when my world was dark and taught me that to live in this world, we need Faith, Hope and Love. vestigation, the suspect used the key of the locks of the laptops that was entrusted to him by the information technology center. The police are now conducting its follow-up operations to capture the suspect who is now ˆƒ…‹Â?‰ “—ƒŽ‹Ď?‹‡† –Š‡ˆ–Ǥ

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Mark Gabriel C. Lagos:

the populist

Man’s bestfriend It’s funny how when you say your life is just like the movies. No matter how much that clichĂŠ goes, coincidentally, it does look like a movie. I’m not going to talk much of Š‘™ Ď?‹ŽÂ?nj‡•“—‡ Â?› Ž‹ˆ‡ ‹•ǥ „—– instead how valuable a master and a dog’s relationship is. We just had dinner tonight with my brother and his wife. My mom is carrying our mini pincher, and the conversation was revolving around our dog. By the way, her name is Sasha. My dad, out of nowhere told the story of our old dog, Gelo who is a chow-chow, and how he used to jump over things despite his burly frame and how good of a dog he was. It brought a smile to my face, a rare smile, actually. Because I once again heard of the dog who snores like a man, eats like a bear and looks like a bear. The dog who would in-

timidate you with his bark, but would run away from musical instruments and chickens. The dog whom I once called a “40 year old virgin.â€? That was Gelo. That smile wouldn’t last long however, as my dad went on with the story, he got to the ’ƒ”– ™Š‡”‡ ‹– Š—”–•Ǥ ‡Ž‘ǯ• Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ minutes before his decade with us would end. He had oatmeal the night before he actually died and for hours, he never stopped groaning. Not until my dad accidentally tickled the back of his ear. It got him a little comfortable and most importantly, to sleep. When Ondoy struck, Gelo was at the veterinary clinic being treated for gastritis and for a dog his age, any ailment that involves the digestive system is critical. He was nine at that time and luckily we got him home before Ď?Ž‘‘†• †‡˜‘—”‡† ƒÂ?‹ŽƒǤ For Gelo, it would never be

Pacquiao routs Mosley

the same again after the trip. He could barely walk and just wasn’t the same bubbly fat dog we had. The dog I used to call as my brother is now more of a grandfather. And as months go by he got weaker. August 2010, he would leave us. Finally succumbed to the pain we can’t measure since the poor dog can’t talk to us. After a month of groaning and peeing all over and struggling to eat, as painful it is to say, he died after almost a year he was hospital‹œ‡†Ǥ Š‡ Â?‹‰Š– ™‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽŽ› ‰‘– Š‹Â? to sleep soundly, was the one he would not wake up to anymore It was painful for everybody in the family. For ten years, he went berserk (ramming the sofa, empty bottles of water and people of course) every time one of us arrives, especially when it’s my mother, me and my brother would rest our feet on his back while playing video games and my father lets him in the car before parking it in the garage. There are countless memories with him, he would ask for fries every time we brought a McDonald’s meal home, as a puppy he loved to drink apple juice. Gelo loved to eat, no doubt Gelo was also there in the most important occasions one could be


in a family. He was part of my conĎ?‹”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? …‡Ž‡„”ƒ–‹‘Â? ƒ– ‘—” Š‘—•‡ǥ he was there in my elementary graduation, my high school graduation and he almost got to see me Ď?‹Â?‹•Š Â?› ˆ‘—” ›‡ƒ” …‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ †‡‰”‡‡Ǥ In his ten years, he also moved with us two times, from Sta. Ana to Makati back to Sta. Ana. Most importantly, no matter how bad your day went, that dog was there looking at you with his sparkling eyes, waiting for you to play with him, trying to make you smile. That was his greatest skill, make you smile regardless of what is happening. Š‹• ‹• –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– –‹Â?‡ Â?‘—”Â?ed over a dog and it made me believe all the clichĂŠs about dogs, being a man’s best friend and all that. In fact, he was more than a bestfriend, I even called him my brother. Dogs are more than what you think they are, more than the barking and more than the mess. They can really dig deep in your heart and everybody has a friend in a dog. Not the conventional friend maybe, but one thing is for sure, no matter how hard times get, they’ll be the last ones to leave you. As stupid as this column sounds and as odd as it may be that it looks like Marley and Me, a decade of my life can’t be told without mentioning the name GELO.

Reeza Belo

threw lesser punch. For Mosley, his Pacquiao Â?ƒ–…Š ”‡•‡Â?„Ž‡• ™‹–Š Š‹• Ď?‹‰Š–


The Talk n’ Text Tropang Texters lived up to the billing as they turned back the Ginebra Kings, 99-96 to win the series 4-2 and claim their second straight conference championship in front of 12, 967 crowd at the Araneta Coliseum. Led by back court generals Jimmy Alapag and Jason Castro, the Texters rallied back from a ͳ͡nj’‘‹Â?– †‡Ď?‹…‹– †‘™Â? –Š‡ •–”‡–…Š to force an overtime period. Alapag put on import-like performance with 24 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists, while backup guard Jason Castro provided almost similar numbers with 19 points, 5 boards and 5

Oscar De La Hoya submits to rehab

Mark Gabriel C. Lagos

Oscar De La Hoya (Photo downloaded from the Internet) Oscar “The Golden Boyâ€? De La Hoya recently admitted himself in a rehabilitation center in California for undisclosed matters. He was promoting a Jean Pascal - BerQDUG +RSNLQV ÂżJKW EHIRUH KH decided to seek treatment.

“After doing an honest evaluation of myself, I recognize that there are certain issues that I need to work on,â€? De La Hoya said. “Like HYHU\RQH , KDYH P\ Ă€DZV DQG , GR not want to be one of those people that is afraid to admit and address WKRVH Ă€DZV De La Hoya hanged his gloves with a 39 and 6 card. He is the only other boxer to at least win six titles in six different weight classes, the only other boxer to accomplish the feat is Manny Pacquiao who surpassed him with eight titles in eight weight classes.

Mark Gabriel C. Lagos

>> Manny Pacquiao throws a right jab at a defensive Shane Mosley. Photo downloaded from the Internet

Tropang Texters send strong signal, claims back-to-back titles Edward Sumile

behind the arc

Rose youngest MVP

The Fighting Pride of the Philippines Manny ‘Pacman’ Pacquiao won a lopsided 12-round decision over a lackluster Sugar Shane Mosley on Saturday night, retaining the WBO Welterweight Crown.

Pacquiao, despite being hampered by a left leg cramp, domiÂ?ƒ–‡† –Š‡ Ď?‹‰Š– ƒ‰ƒ‹Â?•– –Š‡ ƒ‰‹Â?‰ future Hall of Famer Mosley to add up another win to his 53-3-2 record with 38 knockouts. He didn’t knock out his American opponent, but the Filipino Congressman retained his boxing status as the World’s best Pound-for-Pound boxer. The southpaw gained a onesided verdict from three judges – 119-108, 120-108 and 120-107. On the third round, Pacquiao gave Mosley a punch that sent him crashing to the canvas with a straight left but despite his hard jabs and hooks, Mosley seems to be urged to survive the ring until the last round. Referee Kenny Bayless mistakenly concluded that Mosley knocked out Pacquiao down in the 10th round when he didn’t even hit him with his punch. With regard to the rest of the rounds, the crowd seemed to be silent and waiting for a ’—Â?…Š ˆ”‘Â? ƒÂ?› ‘ˆ –Š‡ –™‘ Ď?‹‰Š–ers that will knock anyone down, but Pacquiao being bothered by Š‹• Ž‡‰ …”ƒÂ?Â’ ™ƒ• Ď?‹‰Š–‹Â?‰ ™‹–Š some limitations while Mosley


dimes for the Tropang texters. The two quarterbacks were •—„•‡“—‡Â?–Ž› ƒ™ƒ”†‡† …‘njĎ?‹Â?ƒŽ• MVP for the second time. Import Paul Harris and swingman Ranidel de Ocampo chipped in with 18 points apiece for the champs. The Kings hardly felt the presence of Mark Caguioa and Eric Menk as both starters struggled throughout the game. Caguioa and Menk were limited to 6 and 5 points respectively. Ginebra, who had a 10-point cushion entering the 4th period, squandered their chances following a Mark Caguioa missed a three-point attempt and a Willie ‹ŽŽ‡” –—”Â?‘˜‡” ‹Â? –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ ’‘•session during the extension. Miller carried the scoring

load for the Gin Kings with 21 points, while import Nate BrumĎ?‹‡Ž† Â?ƒÂ?ƒ‰‡† –‘ …‘Â?–”‹„—–‡ 18 points, together with 22 rebounds. Texters head coach Chot Reyes now claims his seventh overall championship – three of which under the Talk n’ Text’s banner. All eyes are now on the Texters as they seek for a rare grand slam – a feat only achieved by three franchises - Crispa in ’76 and ’83, San Miguel in ’89 and Alaska in ’96. “Now that we won the second conference, there’s only one jewel missing in the Triple Crown. Of course, we’ll go for that,â€? Reyes said during the postgame interview.

Derrick Rose (Photo downloaded from the Internet) After two 41-41 seasons and a rookie of the year award (ROY), Derrick Rose becomes the youngest player to be named Most Valuable Player. Rose is only the second Chicago Bulls player to be MVP behind Michael Jordan.

The 22 year old Chicago native averaged 25 points and 7.7 assists per game (top 10 in both categories) while leading the 62-20 Bulls, who has home court advantage throughout the playoffs. This year’s Bulls WHDP LV DOVR WKH ¿UVW RQH WR JHW WR WKH FRQIHUHQFH ¿QDOV VLQFH 0LFKDHO Jordan retired in 1998. Along with his MVP trophy, Rose joins LeBron James (Miami Heat), Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers), Kevin Durant (Oklahoma City Thunder and Dwight Howard for the First team All-NBA.

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Young superbike champ dies after fatal crash Maureen Santos

Maico Greg Buncio, a four-time national superbike champion, died last May 15, 2011 at the UST hospital at the young age of 22. He was taken at a hospital in Mabalacat town before he was transferred to the UST Hospital where he died. Buncio was running at an estimated speed of 220 kph and his GSXR 600 motorbike slipped into loose gravel on a Saturday while completing ƒ “—ƒŽ‹Ď?‹‡” ”ƒ…‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ Â?†‡”bone King Challenge held at the Clark Speedway Racing Circuit in Angeles, Pampanga. Buncio was thrown 100 meters off his bike and crashed ‹Â?–‘ ƒÂ? —Â?Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‡† „ƒ””‹‡” ‘ˆ the race track where an extended steel bar made a hole in his body damaging his kidney and liver in the process. The Philippine motorsports group said in a statement that Buncio was so young to win so

>> Kevin Alas. Photo by Justin Jovellanos

many championships, yet so ›‘—Â?‰ –‘ Ď?‹Â?‹•Š Š‹• Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ Žƒ’Ǥ The group also added that Buncio had survived numerous crashes in the past but often unscratched. The talent that this young motorcycle great from Mandaluyong City had is considered a rare kind. Back in 2007, during his rookie year in superbike racing where he used to compete in motorcross as well as underbone events, Buncio amazed everyone when he snatched the crown from the reigning 10-time Superbikes Champion, Jolet Jao. For the next three years, Buncio would hold on to the Superbike National Champion title at the same time dominate

other motorbike events including the FBO Motorcross series in Tagaytay, the FMF Memorial Day Motorcross races in California, and in various competitions at the Batangas Racing Circuit. Buncio was the 2011 Golden Wheel Driver of the Year. He was chosen by the Team Suzuki Pilipinas to be among the

country’s representatives in the Asian Road Racing Championship, Asia’s premier circuit racing championship for motorcycles and a stepping stone to the World Superbike Championship and eventually to the MotoGP. Buncio’s death serves as a wake up call to the motorsports industry to look into the issue

>> Maico Buncio smiles as he looks on during a race at his short, successful career in racing. Photo downloaded from the Internet of track safety, track maintenance and improved medical facilities in the track. Buncio’s family is consid‡”‹Â?‰ Ď?‹ŽŽ‹Â?‰ ƒ …ƒ•‡ ƒ‰ƒ‹Â?•– –Š‡ operators of the Clark International Speedway because of the fact that the young rider didn’t die in the track itself. On the other hand, Johnny Tan, Clark speedway operations chief, said that the steel bar wasn’t mentioned in the incident report. Tan said he was not present during the accident. Meanwhile, Suzuki is pursuing its campaign in the Asian Road Racing Championship Series and is looking for the best ”‹†‡” –‘ Ď?‹ŽŽ ‹Â? –Š‡ •’ƒ…‡ Ž‡ˆ– „› the talented Buncio. If he didn’t passed, Buncio was looking forward to the next stages that will be held in Sentul Circuit in Indonesia in June 9 to 12 and Madras Circuit in India in this August 4 to 7. Motorbike riders pay honor to Maico Buncio as he was laid to rest at the Loyola Memorial Park in Marikina City last May 21.


Kevin Alas took charge and played his own 10-0 run on the last minute to play to secure Letran a 66-54 win past Emilio Aguinaldo College (EAC) in the 2011 FilOil Flying V Pre-Season Premier Cup at the Arena in San Juan last April 13, 2011.

With the Generals holding on the four-point 56-52 distance, Kevin Alas shattered their hopes to clinch up a win. Alas hit free throw from a foul drawn to Claude Cubo, got short on the second and rebounded the ball then boarding another 2-pointer. Fellow Knight, VJ Espiritu helped out after forcing a turnover then passing to Alas, banking a jumper. Aloysius Taplah contributed to the play after stealing the ball, letting Alas throw a layup. Espiritu recovered the ball again allowing Alas to hit for 63-52. EAC’s Jan Jamon, trying to close in, tried a

jumper but without success, letting ‡–”ƒÂ? –‘ ‘™Â? –Š‡ Ď?Ž‘‘”Ǥ At this point, Alas nailed a triple. The younger Alas exploded with 23 points coming off the bench, with three rebounds, two assists and three steals. Jonathan Belorio added ten points and seven rebounds for the Knights playing without Franz Dysam and Mark Cruz. With EAC having a shaky play, the Generals gave up an astonishing 36 turnovers, converted into 32 turnover points by the Knights. A 9-0 run gave Letran its biggest lead of the game in the third quarter, 45-26, but the Generals wouldn’t give up, starting the payoff period with a 10-2 gap that gave them a ray of hope before Alas would extinguish it with his shoot-

ing and excellent plays. The smaller EAC conceded 24 offensive rebounds, with Cubo managing to contribute a doubledouble of 15 points and 10 rebounds. Jamon added 13 points, and Happi only banking seven points against the frontliners of Letrban. Both squads were abysmal from beyond the arc, with Letran shooting 2 of 13 triples, and EAC only nailing 1 of 14. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ballgame, from Group A as of April 28, 2011, The Ateneo Blue Eagles led the bunch with 5-1 winloss card to be followed by co-NCAA team SSC-R Golden Stags (3-1), then by UST Growling Tigers (2-2), San Beda Red Lions (2-2), NU Bulldogs (2-2), Lyceum Pirates (0-2) and lastly by AU Chiefs that came winless with their 0-3 standing. Group B is topped by another UAAP mainstay FEU Tamaraws (20), followed by Mapua Cardinals (1-0), Adamson Soaring Falcons (1-1), JRU Heavy Bombers (1-1), UP Fighting Maroons (1-1), EAC Generals (1-1), Letran Knights (1-2), UE Red Warriors (1-2), and is tailed by Benilde Blazers (0-1).

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