July Issue 2 - A.Y. 2013-2014

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Have you been friendzoned? See page 9 and Ď?‹Â?† ‘—–Ǩ

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Win Monique Pablo’s jersey. How? See page 11.

ARRIBA!! Letran Knights bask in the support of the students during the pep rally for NCAA Season 89. | PHOTO BY ALLEN TARROZA

Letran CPA results fail to reach national passing rate

MARITA KARINA G. GERARDINO Colegio de San Juan de Le- the repeat examiners who are things which are beyond to meet our objectives are tran failed to surpass the took the examination in Oc- our control,â€? said Fr. Ponce. the second takers,â€? Accoun ƒ› ʹͲͳ; ‡”–‹Ď?‹‡† —„Ž‹… tober 2012. Only two out of “For instance these repeat- tancy Chairman Asst. Prof. Accountants (CPA) Licen- the 12 repeaters passed the ers, most of them, we do not Ian Dancel said. sure Examination national exam with one conditional even know their names, [beThe overall result of the passing rate of 27.41%. status to produce a 16.67% cause] they have graduated Colegio in the CPA is essenBased on the results passing rate. for many years. tial for the Accountancy Profrom the Professional RegAccording to Vice PresiFr. Ponce added: “As gram and for Letran to achieve ulation Commission, the dent for Acedemic Affairs part of their [students grad- the accreditation of a universischool’s overall perfor- Rev. Fr. Juan Ponce, O.P., uated with licensure exami- ty status from the Commission mance is 23.53% with four Letran cannot control re- Â?ƒ–‹‘Â?•Č? Â”Â‡Â˜Â‹Â‡Â™ÇĄ ˆ‘” –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ on Higher Education. total passers and one condi“Instead that we altional status out of 17 takers. peaters since some of them examination of the major graduated years ago. Howsubjects, the coverage of the ready have one count, since ™‘ ‘—– ‘ˆ Ď?‹˜‡ Ď?‹”•– time takers passed the CPA ever, Fr. Ponce boasted that subject is comprehensive. we need [ten] as there are examinations to yield a 40% since 2008, Letran became [This covers] from begin- two exams per year and that passing rate. Unfortunately, stricter in retention policies. ning to the end. That is they ™‹ŽŽ „‡ ˆ‘” Ď?‹˜‡ Â›Â‡ÂƒÂ”Â•ÇĄ „—– “I was a little bit frus- have to sharpen their mind now our counting is back the positive markings of the Ď?‹”•– –‹Â?‡”• ™‡”‡ ‘˜‡”•Šƒ†- trated. With the efforts that again. This is how strict we are. to zero because we failed to “What [pulls] us down pass again the national passowed by the poor results of we are doing [now] there

Pep rally boosts ‘Arriba Spirit’ RALPH RONALD BANIQUED

Despite the rough weather, the Letran community gathered to celebrate this year’s Pep Rally held at the College Grounds on June 20. The pep rally is traditionally held days before the opening of National Collegiate –ŠŽ‡–‹… ••‘…‹ƒ–‹‘Â? Č‹ ČŒ –‘ „‘‘•– ƒ–Šletes’ morale. A celebration of the Holy Eucharist led by Rector and President Rev. Fr. Tamerlane Lana, O.P. was held followed by an opening performance from the Letran Band and the ‡–”ƒÂ? Š‡‡”Ž‡ƒ†‹Â?‰ ÂŽÂŽ –ƒ”•Ǥ “The characteristics of a knight are noble, valiant, gallant,â€? reminded Fr. Lana, O.P. adding, “We [Letran community] recognize how hard they [student athletes] have worked and because of that, we show them –Šƒ– ™‡ Šƒ˜‡ –Š‡ …‘Â?Ď?‹†‡Â?…‡ …‘—Ž† Â?ƒÂ?‡ ‹–Ǥdz Dz ÂŽÂŽ ‘ˆ –Š‡‹” Šƒ”†™‘”Â?• ƒÂ?† •ƒ…”‹Ď?‹…‡• ™‹ŽŽ „‡ Â”Â‡Â™ÂƒÂ”Â†Â‡Â†ÇĄÇł –Š‡ ‡…–‘” Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‡†Ǥ Letran athletes from the various sports were formally introduced to the cheering crows by hostsCommunication Arts senior ‘Â?‹Ž ”›ƒÂ? ‡”Â?ÂƒÇĄ ”‘…Â? „ƒÂ?† ‡Â?‡”ƒŽ —na’s CarenMangaran, andTV station Aksyon TV correspondent Riza Diaz.

“The whole Letran community and I, in behalf of Aksyon TV, are praying for your triumph this season,â€? Diaz said. “I expect that the stars of Letran will shine. I [also] expect warmer support of Letran community, well motivated and trained athletes and more titles not only for the basketball team but all the teams [this season],â€? said Aqua Knight Dave Eseo. A concert featuring homegrown groups like the Teatro Divas, and Turband, ƒÂ?† ‰—‡•– „ƒÂ?†• ‡Â?‡”ƒŽ —Â?ÂƒÇĄ Žƒ’•Š‘…Â?ÇĄ ‡”‡Â?Â‹ÂƒÂŠÇĄ ƒ”ƒŽ—Â?ƒÂ?ÇĄ ƒÂ?† Â?‘‘–Š ‹‰Š– Experience was held. The concert was spiced-up by performances from the Le–”ƒÂ? –”‡‡– Â‡ÂƒÂ–ÇĄ ‡–”ƒÂ? ƒœœ Â?†ƒÂ?ÂœÂƒÇĄ ƒÂ?† D’ Boys during intervals. This year’s pep rally was organized by –Š‡ ‡–”ƒÂ? –—†‡Â?– ‘—Â?…‹Ž –‘‰‡–Š‡” ™‹–Š the Letran Athletic department, headed by Rev. Fr. Victor Calvo, O.P. Local station Aksyon TV also covered the event as the official media partner of NCAA for the whole season. Š‹• Â›Â‡ÂƒÂ”ÇĄ –Š‡ ‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ ‘ˆ ƒ‹Â?– ‡Â?‹Žde hosts the 89th NCAA season with the –Š‡Â?‡ǥ Dz —” –ƒ”• ‹ŽŽ Š‹Â?‡ ‹Â? ͺ͝Ǥdz

ing rate,â€? Dancel said, adding: “As our target, we must produce at least a passing percentage or rate above the national level. “ “It only shows that if the basis will be our fresh graduates or newly graduates, we have a large percentage passing rate,â€? Dancel said, since there were curriculum revisions of the program since last year. He also added: “Our focus right now is to maintain high percentage for our fresh ‰”ƒ†—ƒ–‡• ‘” Ď?‹”•– –ƒÂ?‡”•ǥ ™Š‘ we think, can pull the results of for the second takers.â€?

‘Binyag Arriba’ draws positive response

KIM DANIEL RUBINOS, RALPH RONALD BANIQUED Freshmen and transferees were upbeat after they were formally welcomed as new Letranites during the Binyag Arriba held at the Blessed Antonio Varona Gymnasium on June 3 and 4. The Binyag Arriba is held annually to orient freshmen and transferees about what the Colegio truly is. It also serves as an orientation for the respective programs and an introduction of the different student organizations which they can be part of. “Di ko in-expect na ganun siya ka-lively kasi yung ibang school kapag mag-orientation, masyadong formal. Eto talaga‌ masaya,â€? said advertising

freshman Jasmine Concha after the event. This year’s Binyag Arriba was assessed by Asst. Prof. Louie Benedict Ignacio, Assistant Director of –Š‡ ˆĎ?‹…‡ ‘ˆ –—†‡Â?– ƒÂ?† —Ž–—”ƒŽ ˆˆƒ‹”• Č‹ ČŒÇĄ as “relatively smootherâ€? compared to that of last year. The activity also did not coincide with the opening of classes. Therefore, the faculty members, area chairs, security, and maintenance were focused only on the event. Not an ordinary school orientation “This is a moment that you will remember; the BINYAG ARRIBA PAGE 11



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Council raises concerns in courtesy call MARJORIE MALABAD

COOPERATION. The Student Council members and Rev. Fr. Tamerlane Lana O.P. discuss the issues to be addressed for this school year. PHOTO BY MASCOT FAMANILA

The Letran Student Council (LSC), led by its president Ann Beatriz Aldaba, raised the concerns of the student body in a courtesy call with President and Rector Rev. Fr. Tamerlane Lana O.P. at the Rector’s Hall on June 14. “I’m sure all of you have potentials of leadership and take advantage of that opportunity given to you by the students to serve. Leadership means service. We cannot separate that,â€? Fr. Lana said after acknowledg‹Â?‰ –Š‡ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡”•Ǥ ……‘Â?’ƒÂ?‹‡† „› ˆĎ?‹…‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ –—†‡Â?– ƒÂ?† —Ž–—”ƒŽ ˆˆƒ‹”• Č‹ Â•ÂƒÂ…ÂƒČŒ ••‹•–ƒÂ?– Director Asst. Prof. Louie Benedict Ignacio, they mainly discussed the major activities for the school year, appeals in policy-making, dissemination of public announcements, improvement of the facilities and complaints of students. Improvement of Facilities and Concerns —„•‡“—‡Â?–Ž›ǥ ‹…‡ President Rey Victor Torres voiced out the complaints

of students about the shortcomings of the Colegio that had been directed to them personally or through social networking sites. They began the discourse with the usage of –Š‡ –—†‡Â?– ‡Â?–‡” „—‹Ž†‹Â?‰ for classes due to the shortage of classrooms caused by the reconstruction of the elementary building. Ignacio mentioned that six rooms are used for classrooms and the other two are allotted for the thesis section. He also furthered that Osaca is planning to allocate ‘Â?‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡‹” –Š”‡‡ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡• ˆ‘” a meeting place of the recognized student organizations Č‹ Â•ČŒǤ Fr. Lana assured the group that when the building is completed, there will be wider spaces for the students and it will expand places for activities espe…‹ƒŽŽ› ˆ‘” –Š‡ •Ǥ Torres discussed the improvement of the facilities, considering the amount of 2.3 million from the tuition hike that will be allotted for the facilities.

He referred to the replacement of bulbs for projectors, which costs approximately 16,000 pesos each, poor Wi-Fi connection ‘ˆ ‡…–‘” Íš Č‹Â?‘™ ‡–”ƒÂ? ”‡‡ ‹nj Â‹ČŒ –Šƒ– …‘—Ž† „‡ —•‡† ˆ‘” research purposes, and the request for additional chairs along the corridors. However, Ignacio clariĎ?‹‡† –Šƒ– ƒ††‹–‹‘Â?ƒŽ „‡Â?…Š‡• are not encouraged for safety purposes. Fr. Lana said that he is …‘Â?Ď?‹†‡Â?– –Šƒ– –Š‡ ƒˆ‘”‡mentioned will be settled depending on the coordiÂ?ƒ–‹‘Â? ‘ˆ –Š‡ ™‹–Š –Š‡ Financial Affairs Division in the preparation of budget. He added that the budget is drawn in detail for the physical facilities, wages and salary and capital investitures. Š‡ ÇĄ ‘Â? –Š‡ ‘–Š‡” hand, proposed projects such as feedback mechanisms or evaluation of nonacademic employees. As a Letran Total Quality ƒÂ?ƒ‰‡Â?‡Â?– Č‹ ČŒ ˜‘Ž—Â?teer, Torres appealed to hire full time workers for TQM to be more operational.

Letranites win big at Campus Hour Awards RACHELLE ANNEWOR YUMOL Journalism and Broadcasting alumni open the new academic year with recognition from the Campus Hour Season 3 Awards Night held at the Radio Veritas Chapel on June 1. Campus Hour is a special program by DZRV Radio Veritas 84.6, where partici-


‹‰‹–ƒŽ ”–• ‡Â?ƒ–‘” ‘siah Balgos particularly requested for the Digital Arts students to use the Mac Laboratory. He addressed their inconvenience due to the technical problems they experience in the software used. To settle the issue, Fr. Lana suggested it to be directed to the Academics Department, which will be handled by the Department Head, as well as the upgrading of software in the needed facilities for Digital Arts students. ƒŽ•‘ ”‡…‘Â?Â?‡Â?†‡† the availability of printers that students could use for their paper works which will be added to their account at the end of the semester. With regard to the dissemination of public announcements such as major activities Fr. Lana instructed –Š‡ –‘ Â?ƒÂ?‡ ƒÂ? ƒ””ƒÂ?‰‡Â?‡Â?– ™‹–Š –Š‡ ‡…–‘”ǯ• ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡ for a centralized announcement within the campus after The Angelus.

Magna Carta still on hold “I am sure we don’t see ›‘— Č? Č? ĥ ƒ –Š”‡ƒ–Ǥ ‘— are our partners in rendering service to them [the students]. If you have concerns, don’t hesitate to direct it to –Š‡ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡ Č? Č?ÇĄ ƒÂ?† ‹” Louie will always brief me,â€? Fr. Lana said before the end of the courtesy call. Although in support of –Š‡ ƒ‰Â?ƒ ƒ”–ƒ ‘ˆ –—†‡Â?–• pioneered by the previous ÇĄ –Š‡ …—””‡Â?– ĠÂ?‹Â?‹•–”ƒtion is still working on its changes and revisions. “Ang Magna Carta kasi parang may mga changes pa rin, i-update, ire-revise pa since it is a long term goal... Hindi pa rin naman approved or hindi denied ng ÇĄÇł Ž†ƒ„ƒ •ƒ‹†Ǥ Torres also said: “Ang nangyari kasi, ina-acknowledge na may Magna Carta pero dahil may revisions pa, may questions pa na hindi pa namin nasagot. Yun yung pinupuno namin‌ Pag umabot sa point na yung questions nila kaya na naming sagutin, pag na-apply, next step na.â€?

Freshmen enrollees soar MARJORIE U. MALABAD

pating colleges and universities are given ƒÂ? Š‘—” –‘ Š‘•– ƒ ’”‘‰”ƒÂ? ‡˜‡”› ƒ–—”†ƒ› for a month every season. The student-oriented program, which is also an interschool competition, aims to showcase the talents of the students in radio programming, according to Asst. ”‘ˆǤ ‡Â?—‡Ž ‘ǥ ƒ†‹‘ ‡”‹–ƒ• Â?‡™•…ƒ•–‡” and Letran faculty member and alumnus. The Knight’s Campus Hour won the Best Promotional Campaign for using different kinds of promotional materials, including social media, to disseminate information and promote the program. ‡ƒ•‘Â? ;ǯ• Â?‹‰Š–ǯ• ƒÂ?’—• ‘—” ™ƒ• directed by Journalism graduate Czarina ƒ‡ •—›‘•Ǥ Š‡ •ƒ‹† –Šƒ– –Š‡› ™‡”‡ •—”prised when Letran was announced as the winner, because they said winning an award was unexpected. LETRANITES WIN PAGE 10

With the continuous increase in the population of the Colegio, freshmen led the turnout of enroll‡‡• ‘ˆ –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– •‡Â?‡•–‡” this school year, 20132014. In an Enrollment Comparative Report by the Integrated Network and Com’—–‡” ’’Ž‹…ƒ–‹‘Â? ‡”˜‹…‡• as of June 26, the total number of students in the collegiate department increased to 3,965 against last year’s 3,919. Per year level, freshmen increased the collegiate population by more than 1,300 students. Š‡ Ď?‹‰—”‡• ‘ˆ •–—†‡Â?–•

in each department are: College of Liberal Arts and …‹‡Â?…‡•ǥ ͳǥʹͲ͜Ǣ ‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ ‘ˆ Business Administration and Accountancy, 1,963; College of Engineering, 766; and College of Education, 32; with 1,367 freshmen, 937 sophomores, 731 juniors, and 930 seniors in ‡šƒ…– Ď?‹‰—”‡•Ǥ ƒ…Š‡Ž‘” ‘ˆ …‹‡Â?…‡ ‹Â? Business Administration major in Marketing Management has the highest population, together with BacheŽ‘” ‘ˆ …‹‡Â?…‡ ‹Â? •›…Š‘Ž‘‰› and Bachelor of Arts in Communication. FRESHMEN PAGE 3


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Info tech orgs of Letran, UST tie up ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡”• ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽŽ› ‹Â?†—…–‡† KIM DANIEL RUBINOS RALPH RONALD BANIQUED

SISTER SCHOOLS, SISTER ORGS. Representatives from the two groups sign the memorandum of agreement. | PHOTO BY MASCOT FAMANILA

The Letran Information Technology Society (LITS) Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ‹œ‡† ‹–• ’ƒ”–Â?‡”•Š‹’ with the Society of Information Technology Enthusiasts (SITE) of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) through a Memorandum of Agreement signed June 15. The two Information ‡…ŠÂ?‘Ž‘‰› Č‹ ČŒ ‘”‰ƒÂ?‹œƒtions will now be partners in catering to the needs of IT students of both schools for the rest of the school year. Under the formal agreeÂ?‡Â?–ǥ –Š‡ ƒÂ?† agreed on terms on what each student organization should do for the other. The

organizations discussed the „‡Â?‡Ď?‹– ‘ˆ Šƒ˜‹Â?‰ ƒ Œ‘‹Â?– ˜‡Â?ture and what is expected of the tie up. The organizations also agreed on advertising both parties, informing of all the activities planned and sending out and inviting the other school’s organization to its own events. “Both orgs decided what we should do [and] times kung kelan namin gagawin yun. Then we decided that we need to have joined activities, either outside or we visit each other’s •…Š‘‘Žǥdz ”‡•‹†‡Â?– ƒchael Uycoque explained.

The partnership was made possible through the initiative of Uycoque, ‹…‡ ”‡•‹†‡Â?– ƒ–”‹…Â? Jospeh Delansig, and ‡–”ƒÂ? ‡Â?ƒ–‘” ƒ†Žƒ‡ Fernandez. This also marks the Ď?‹”•– –‹Â?‡ –Šƒ– ˆ‘”‰‡† ƒ formal partnership with an organization outside of the Colegio. According to Uycoque, –Š‡ ƒ‹Â? ‘ˆ ‹• „ƒ•‹…ƒŽŽ› just to expand since they lack a “motherâ€? organization. For the counterpart, ÇĄ –Š‡ ‰‘ƒŽ ‹• –‘ Â?ƒÂ?‡ –Š‡ organization known and for it to stand out among the large number of student organizations registered under the College of Engineer‹Â?‰ ‹Â? Ǥ Dz ‡ Č? Č? ™ƒÂ?– –‘ ‡špand since wala kaming mother org unlike Marketing, may mga junior org •‹›ƒǢ Â?ƒÂ?‹ Č? Č? ‹• •–”‹…–Ž› Letran lang,â€? she said. IT students should also watch out as the partnership ‘ˆ ƒÂ?† ‹• ‰‡ƒ”‹Â?‰ on initiating a sportsfest, a friendly basketball game, and a volleyball tournament exclusively for IT majors of both schools.

Cultural orgs feature life of alumnus saint RACHELLE ANNEWOR T. YUMOL

The Office of the Student and Cultural Affairs (Osaca), in collaboration with Teatro de Letran (TDL) and the Templar Singing Ambassadors, presented excerpts from Liem: The Musical at the Student Center Auditorium on June 22. The 25-minute musical featured the life of Letran’s patron saint and alumnus, ƒ‹Â?– ‹Â?…‡Â?– ‹‡Â? †‡ Žƒ Paz. Freshmen from morning classes of each National ‡”˜‹…‡ ”ƒ‹Â?‹Â?‰ ”‘‰”ƒÂ? Č‹ ČŒ ™ƒ–…Š‡† Ǥ According to Osaca Director Edna Marco, the musical was supposed to be part of the Binyag Arriba 2013 but was pushed back due to time constraints. “We have a saint. We have a Letranite saint. And this year is his 25th anniversary of canonization, his sainthood,â€? said Marco. Š‡ ƒŽ•‘ ‡š’Žƒ‹Â?‡† –Šƒ– the full-length play will be shown in November. Marco also said that the show last June 22 was the first time Liem was again shown after almost eight years. AB Communications student and Templar

member Christian Robles ’Žƒ›‡† –Š‡ ”‘Ž‡ ‘ˆ –Ǥ ‹‡Â?Ǥ According to Robles, playing the role of the Letranite saint is an honor. Earlier this month, TDL held a workshop titled Basic Integrated Theater ”–• ‘”Â?•Š‘’ Č‹ ČŒ ƒ– –Š‡ –—†‡Â?– ‡Â?–‡” —†‹–‘rium. TDL President Chris–‹ƒÂ? ƒÂ?–‹ƒ‰‘ •ƒ‹† –Šƒ– stage management, scriptwriting, and directing workshops will also be held this year. He also stressed that these events

will be held to enhance talents and camaraderie among TDL members. Coinciding with BITAW was an open audition for freshmen to be apprentices of the Colegio’s premier theater organization. ƒÂ?–‹ƒ‰‘ Â•ÂƒÂ‹Â†ÇŁ DzSobrang malaki yung potentials nila [apprentices] although some may mga dapat i-improve which is iyon ang gagawin namin, [old members]. Marami sa kanila talented since yung iba sa kanila, naging part na ng mga theater groups in their high school days.â€?

The newly elected ofĎ?‹…‡”• ‘ˆ ƒŽŽ ‡…‘‰Â?‹œ‡† Student Organizations (RSOs) attended the In†—…–‹‘Â? ‘ˆ ˆĎ?‹…‡”• ƒ– –Š‡ Letran Chapel on June 5. The induction opened with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist led by Rev. Fr. Orlando Aseron, O.P. Elected and appointed presidents received Certificates of Recognition in behalf of each organization. ‘‘Â? ÂƒÂˆÂ–Â‡Â”ÇĄ –Š‡ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡”• ”‡…‹–‡† ƒÂ? ƒ–Š ‘ˆ ˆĎ?‹…‡Ǥ After the delivery of –Š‡ Â‘ÂƒÂ–ÂŠÇĄ ‡–”ƒÂ? –—†‡Â?– Council President Ann Beatriz Aldaba delivered a speech. “We all have one mission. A mission that will lead the Colegio to be the best college and soon to be one of the best universities,â€? Aldaba said, adding: “From now on, be a leader who is committed in His job ˆ‘” ‘†ǥ ‘—” ‘—Â?–”› ƒÂ?†

ˆĎ?‹…‡ ‘ˆ –—†‡Â?– ƒÂ?† —Ž–—”ƒŽ ˆˆƒ‹”• S.Y. 2013-2014

‡–”ƒ� –—†‡�– ‘—�…‹Ž The LANCE Recognized Student Organizations:

Â?•–‹–—–‘ …‹‡Â?–‹Ď?‹…‘ Knights Cable Television Kyoushigen-Letran ‡–”ƒÂ? …ƒ†‡Â?‹… Â…ÂŠÂ‹Â‡Â˜Â‡Â”Â•ÇŻ —‹Ž† Letran Culinary, Hospitality, Eco-tourism, Žƒ‹” ‡Â?†‹Â?‰ ‘…‹‡–› Letran Community Volunteers Letran Digital Designers Den ‡–”ƒÂ? ‘Â? ‡– ‘—–Š ”‘—’ ‡–”ƒÂ? Â?‰‹Â?‡‡”‹Â?‰ ‘…‹‡–› ‡–”ƒÂ? —–—”‡ †—…ƒ–‘”• ‘…‹‡–› ‡–”ƒÂ? Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? ‡…ŠÂ?‘Ž‘‰› ‘…‹‡–› Letran Integrated Media Organization Letran Junior Financial Executives Letran Junior Marketing Association Letran Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants ‡–”ƒÂ? ’‡”ƒ–‹‘Â?• ƒÂ?ƒ‰‡Â?‡Â?– ‘…‹‡–› ‡–”ƒÂ? ‡‰ƒŽ ƒÂ?ƒ‰‡Â?‡Â?– ‘…‹‡–› Letran Peer Facilitators Association Letran Politicvs ‡–”ƒÂ? •›…Š‘Ž‘‰› ‘…‹‡–› ‡–”ƒÂ? ‘—”‹•Â? ‘…‹‡–› Š‹Ž‹’’‹Â?‡ ••‘…‹ƒ–‹‘Â? ‘ˆ —–”‹–‹‘Â?ÇŚ ƒÂ?Â?ƒ Šƒ’–‡” Cultural Groups: Letran Band Letran Cheerleading Team ‡–”ƒÂ? Š‡‡”‹Â?‰ “—ƒ† Letran Jazz Endanza Filipiniana Dance Company ‡–”ƒÂ? –”‡‡– ‡ƒ– Teatro de Letran ‡Â?’Žƒ” ‹Â?‰‹Â?‰ Â?„ƒ••ƒ†‘”•


LIFE IS A STAGE. Teatro de Letran members perform an excerpt of The Liem de la Paz Musical at the SC Auditorium. | PHOTO BY NORMEE AGATEP

most especially for Letran.â€? “Being a leader also Â?‡ƒÂ?• –‘ •ƒ…”‹Ď?‹…‡Ǥ ‘ •ƒ…”‹Ď?‹…‡ ›‘—”•‡Žˆ ˆ‘” ›‘— –‘ „‡ able to lead and serve your constituents. We all have to work hard and give our best to prove to every Letranite that we are deserving of their votes.â€? ˆĎ?‹…‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ –—†‡Â?– and Cultural Affairs Director Edna Marco closed the event. Marco said that she ‡š’‡…–• –Š‡ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡”• ƒÂ?† their organizations to be consistent in doing their activities or to top their previous activities. “Mas maganda kung nagle-level up yung mga organizations,â€? she said. The event was held –‘ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽŽ› ™‡Ž…‘Â?‡ –Š‡ newly elected/appointed ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡”• ƒÂ?† ‰‹˜‡ –Š‡Â? their assignments as the new leaders of the †‹ˆˆ‡”‡Â?– • ‘ˆ –Š‡ Colegio.

The report showed that ÇŚ ƒ”Â?‡–‹Â?‰ ƒÂ?ƒ‰‡ment has the most freshmen with 194 enrollees. Meanwhile, the newly established College of Engineering’s –‘’Â?‘•– ‡Â?”‘ŽŽ‡‡• ƒ”‡ ÇŚ

Information Technology, Associate in Computer Technology, and Digital Arts. The least populated program of the said depart�‡�– ‹• ƒ…Š‡Ž‘” ‘ˆ …‹‡�…‡ in Electrical Engineering, which only increased by 20 students from the former enrollment data of the semester.



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Editorial Happy Problem A total of 1,367 freshmen and transferees came as new members of the Letran community as of June 26, this school year. Š‡ Ď?‹‰—”‡• ’‘•–‡† „› –Š‡ Â?–‡‰”ƒ–‡† ‡–™‘”Â? ƒÂ?† ‘Â?’—–‡” ’’Ž‹…ƒ–‹‘Â? ‡”˜‹…‡• •Š‘™‡† –Šƒ– ˆ”‡•ŠÂ?‡Â? including transferees increased the collegiate popula–‹‘Â?ǯ• Ď?‹‰—”‡•Ǥ Letran might be becoming more known to people. It may be because of its quality education, numerous ƒ™ƒ”†• ƒÂ?† ”‡…‘‰Â?‹–‹‘Â?• ‹Â? ˜ƒ”‹‘—• Ď?‹‡Ž†• ‘ˆ ‡Â?Â†Â‡ÂƒÂ˜Â‘Â—Â”ÇĄ or the Letran Knights making history in the National ColŽ‡‰‹ƒ–‡ –ŠŽ‡–‹… ••‘…‹ƒ–‹‘Â? Č‹ ČŒǤ It is overwhelming to see new faces in school. It is great that there are more students to mold to live out the noble ideals of Deus, Patria, Letran. Yet, the sudden boom in the number of students caused a kind of problem that people seemed to have failed to foresee. Also, the halls (Quezon, Del Pilar, and ƒ„‹Â?Â‹ČŒ ƒ”‡ „‡‹Â?‰ —•‡† ĥ ƒŽ–‡”Â?ƒ–‹˜‡ …Žƒ••”‘‘Â?• ™Š‡Â? they are supposed to only lodge events, like seminar and fora. Furthermore, it is very inconvenient to get in a long line every morning, getting late for class and waiting for a turn to go through the turnstiles. And it is problematic to Ď?‹Â?† ƒ ’Žƒ…‡ –‘ •–ƒ› †—”‹Â?‰ „”‡ƒÂ?• ™Š‡Â? –Š‡ Â…ÂƒÂˆÂ‡Â–Â‡Â”Â‹ÂƒÇĄ –Š‡ ƒ–™ƒŽÂ? ƒÂ?† ‡˜‡Â? –Š‡ …Šƒ’‡Ž …‘””‹†‘”• ƒ”‡ Ď?‹ŽŽ‡† ™‹–Š ’‡‘’Ž‡Ǥ The Colegio is not overpopulated. The problem is, the Colegio has more students, but the facilities are not enough to accommodate every class. As of this writing, the elementary building is not yet Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‡† –‘ Š‘—•‡ –Š‡ ƒ•‹… †—…ƒ–‹‘Â? †‡’ƒ”–Â?‡Â?–Ǥ • a result, the collegiate building is forced to host these •–—†‡Â?–•Ǥ Š‘—Ž† Â?‘– –Š‡”‡ „‡ Â?‘”‡ ’”‘‰”‡•• ‹Â? –Š‡ …‘Â?struction, students from collegiate level will still experience the same problem in the following years.

– ‹• Â?‘ †‘—„– –Šƒ– ‹ˆ ‘Â?Ž› ‹– ™ƒ• Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‡† Â‡ÂƒÂ”ÂŽÂ‹Â‡Â”ÇĄ –Š‡ Colegio would have enough facilities for all classes, all levels. For now, the lack of facilities and maybe its improvement seem to be a long-term problem. There is a high probability that the population of the Letran community will grow even bigger in the next year, the alternative solution to this happy problem is to limit the number of new students—by setting higher standards and implementing a quota system for every program—since Letran is vying a university status by 2020.

– ‹• ƒ •ƒ…”‹Ď?‹…‡ǥ ‘Â?‡ ™ƒ› ‘” ƒÂ?‘–Š‡”ǥ –‘ Ž‡– ‰‘ ƒ ŠƒÂ?†ful or more of new Letranites for the next semesters. However, for what people see and experience now, action must take place.

Ralphe Lawrenze Alarcon Editor-in-Chief Diane Marie Reyes Managing Editor Ina Mae PeĂąafuerte News Editor

Rosa Maria Baclao Features Editor

Ma. Teresita Distor Design Editor

Rea Antonette Gierran Sports Editor

Jan Joseph Mascot Famanila Photo Editor

Lianne Dominique Hidalgo, Marjorie Malabad, Adrian Masacupan, Kim Daniel Rubinos, Patrick Henry Taguibao, Kevin Louise Valdez, Anton Vincenz Tantoco Staff

version 2.0 RALPHE LAWRENZE ALARCON @masaralphe eic.thelance@gmail.com

Experience ‘Letran’ The quest for the 17th title begins. I would like to believe that the Knights will continue gaining Ws sans the ‘Aces’ and rumored Philippine Basketball Association hopeful Jam Cortes against the other National Collegiate Athletic Association Č‹ ČŒ –‡ƒÂ?• ˜›‹Â?‰ ˆ‘” –Š‡ …ŠƒÂ?’‹‘Â?•Š‹’ ‹Â? –Š‡ ‡Â?‹‘”• Basketball division. Brash and arrogant, Letranites survived a late rally •…ƒ”‡ ƒ‰ƒ‹Â?•– –Š‡ ƒÂ? ‡„ƒ•–‹ƒÂ? ‘Ž†‡Â? –ƒ‰• ™Š‘ ƒ”‡ still expected to place in the Final Four and the spirit of the rowdy crowd of Muralla Â?‡˜‡” •–‘’’‡† ƒˆ–‡” –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ buzzer chanting the traditional “Uwian na!â€? As expected, the Knights played well with a monstrous performance of the lanky center Raymond

Almazan with a double-double performance, 15 points, ʹͲ ”‡„‘—Â?†• ƒÂ?† Ď?‹˜‡ „Ž‘…Â?• †”ƒ™‹Â?‰ Š‹• Ď?‹”•– Žƒ›‡” ‘ˆ –Š‡ ƒÂ?‡ ”‡…‘‰Â?‹–‹‘Â? ‘ˆ NCAA 89. The circus of events just made me one proud Letranite. The win is not a win by the athletes themselves but also by the entire Letran community who rallied to the Mall of Asia Arena to …Š‡‡” ƒÂ?† „‡ ‹†‡Â?–‹Ď?‹‡† ™‹–Š –Š‡ ””‹„ƒ ’‹”‹–Ǥ Knights, on the other ŠƒÂ?†ǥ ƒ”‡ •–‹ŽŽ ‹†‡Â?–‹Ď?‹‡† –‘ appear in the championship match with star rookie Rey Benedict Nambatac who Œ—•– Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‡† Š‹• •–‹Â?– ‹Â? —niors Basketball with the “—‹”‡• ™‹–Š ƒ ‘‘Â?‹‡ ‘ˆ Š‡ ‡ƒ” ƒÂ?† ‡ƒ•‘Â? ‘•– ƒŽ—able Player awards. Unfortunately, during the annual Pep Rally, classes

were not deferred after the Holy Eucharist celebration until our instructor just decided to end the class earlier than usual but still, she managed to meet what is expected for that class hours. That night, Letran just gave me another remarkable experience in my college years aside from the issues which concern suspension of classes. *** The LANCE has been hearing issues on cultural organizations having conĎ?Ž‹…– ™‹–Š ‘Â?‡ ƒÂ?‘–Š‡”Ǥ In a crucial game with Jose Rizal University Heavy Bombers last July 6, where the Knights defused the Mandaluyong based cagers in the extra period, the army from Muralla almost collapsed. This shall not pass. This shall never happen again.

*** The juggling of decisions whether in favor for the student body or not, Letran does not fail to provide additional experiences to write on journals or to post in social networking sites or to write on The LANCE.

Ralph Ronald Baniqued, Mavelle Durian, Patricia Flores, Marita Karina Gerardino, Rio Jane Legaspi, Camille Ramos, Marilie Tubalinal, Rachelle Annewor Yumol Contributors Normee Claire Noelle Agatep, Silvestre Frando, Jr., Dwight Labilles, Danielle Nenette Soldevilla, Allen Tarroza Photographers Christelle Ann Cala Cartoonist

Carlo Miguel Alfonso Francia Adviser Published monthly, The LANCE has its editorial staff at 3F Student Center Building, Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Intramuros, Manila. For comments suggestions, and contributions, email us at letran.thelance@gmail.com

Calling all student-leaders, The search for another batch of delegates to the 16th National Ayala ‘—Â?‰ ‡ƒ†‡”• ‘Â?‰”‡•• Šƒ• „‡‰—Â?Ǥ Ž‡ƒ•‡ ’”‘…‡‡† –‘ ˆĎ?‹…‡ ‘ˆ –—†‡Â?– Affairs for the guidelines and requirements for the nomination and online application process. Apply on or before August 30, 2013.


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I am not the sports editor, but, the problem of her section is also my problem because it happens that I manage them. Last May, she DIANE MARIE REYES submitted a letter to the Athletics Department ask@dianetootsie onewjeandia@gmail.com ing for passes for writers and photographers for the coverage of the opening ceremony of the NCAA. Unfortunately, she was denied and didn’t get even June 22. The day that the more terrifying than that one at that time. I underKnights slayed the Stags. were them playing with stand that there are some It was one of the days their hearts outside their priorities. They also made it that I felt most proud. I chests. It was as if they were clear that our Fathers didn’t was standing, shouting, not just playing, but proving avail of these, too. cheering and clapping. We something they wanted long I believe the departshould never forget that ago for people to witness. ment asked her to buy tickevening. The grace in every turn, ets instead. We also have The chills I felt, the the threat in every pass, the our priorities; what if they goose bumps I had, and the arrogance in shooting and could only afford to sit in the beat of my heart, are enough the game plan we waited general admission that day? to let you picture what you for—honestly, because of That would give them could have missed if you these, I almost forgot that a farther view, no actionweren’t there. It was a brand some of these men also packed photographs, and new feel, all of it and by all I played last year and some no access to the pressroom mean the venue, the crowd, graduated to jaunt other which means no interviews, of course, the opening, but ventures. Œ—•– ÇŽ ÇŻ –ƒ…–‹…• ‘” ĥÂ?‹Â?‰ I’d rather not discuss that, Knights keep getting someone else they knew. and the stars of the night— better and I wished I could Yes we have fund that can ‘—”

‹Â? •Š‹Â?‹Â?‰ ƒ”- have shaken their hands af- support us, but we prefer to mor. ter that game and tell them allocate it to our other necWe have watched some I’m starting to feel alarmed cessities. of them before and there for the other teams. How could we give the ™‡”‡ ƒ ˆ‡™ ™Š‘•‡ Ď?‹”•– ‰ƒÂ?‡ To the Muralla-based studentry the information in the league was just last cagers, congratulations! It is they need? ƒ–—”†ƒ›Ǥ Â‡Â˜Â‡Â”Â–ÂŠÂ‡ÂŽÂ‡Â•Â•ÇĄ a good start, and all the way If not for the efforts of eventually they are about to we are going to shout AR- one of the administrators, step out of their safe zones RIBA LETRAN! until now, we will still expeto rock the world of sports rience such dilemma. *** and drive in names of their We are grateful ma’am, own. I just have a call to make. all we ask are two passes However, it’s not just – Â?ƒ› •‘—Â?† ‹Â?•‹‰Â?‹Ď?‹…ƒÂ?– –‘ and our request weren’t deabout the scores they nailed, many, but it is vital to The LANCE. clined.

blank verses Shields up


KNIGHTS QUOTED #WalangPasok Due to inclement weather and suspension issues, we asked some students about their opinions regarding Letran’s policy on suspension of classes due .

I think Letran’s class suspension is useless because the other schools have already suspended their classes and we still have …Žƒ••‡•Ǥ Š‡› ™ƒ‹– ˆ‘” –Š‡ Ď?Ž‘‘† –‘ ”‹•‡ around Intramuros and for the rain to fall heavier before announcing suspension. As for the morning classes’ suspension, they should make it earlier because some of us students who live far from the school have to know the anouncements earlier so we don’t waste our money going to school. Jun Dean Enalpe, Operations Management senior

I am against Letran’s timing of class suspension during bad weather because they don’t think about the students who live far away from school. They should think about the student’s safety whenever they have traveled despite the rain and Ď?Ž‘‘†Ǥ –Š‹Â?Â? –Š‡› •Š‘—Ž† –Š‹Â?Â? ‘ˆ ™ƒ›• to disseminate the announcement of suspension quickly so that we don’t have to travel to school for nothing. Krista Nacario, Financial Management senior

Letran’s announcement of suspending classes is a disappointment for me because they are always late. It is like they have no regard for other students who live away from the school and have to travel far just to get home. Just because we are college students doesn’t mean we are “waterproof.� They should suspend classes earlier. France Carascal, Advertising junior

are limits. I’ve seen instances that people tried so hard to be the best and ending up the worst. You have to learn how to handle things. INA MAE PEĂ‘AFUERTE Do not let the pres@inapenafuerte sure get to you. People will inapenafuerte@gmail.com be expecting a lot from you and you have to do a good job. Do not push yourself to do something great. Look within yourself. Work with passion, a lot of heart and a right mind. You’ll get there. These are the things I but the Letran experience was able to do and not do in should not stop there. Take risks. Do not be the past three school years I afraid to try something new. •’‡Â?– ‹Â? –Š‡ ‘Ž‡‰‹‘Ǥ ‘ ÂˆÂƒÂ”ÇĄ When you manage not to can say that letting loose has forget who you are, the new done me good. I am looking forward to experience will add to who seeing what you can do. We you can become. The thing: do not be already had our fair share dazzled by fear. It will not do on presenting our capabiliyou good. Do not be afraid of ties, and now, it’s your turn. One way or another, judgment, criticism or whatwe have already found the ever.

– ‹• ‘Â?ƒ› –‘ ˆƒ‹Ž –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– marks we would want to time. Not all get things right leave inside Letran. It’s now ‘Â? –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– –”›Ǥ ˆ ›‘— ƒ”‡ –‘‘ –‹Â?‡ ˆ‘” ›‘— –‘ Ď?‹Â?† ›‘—”•Ǥ Â?† ™Š‡Â? –Š‡ –‹Â?‡ Ď?‹afraid of failing, the things will turn out an actual fail- nally comes that it’s time for us to leave, I have high ure. Do not let yourself be hopes that you will be ready dragged into the competi- to continue the legacy, this tion. There is nothing wrong tradition of excellence many being competitive, but there tried quite hard to uphold.

three minutes or less

Advice, Turnover, Whatever Let me take my time to talk to the frosh. Besides, my column name is entitled “Three minutes or less,� so it will just take a short while. I am now nineteen years old, and this is my senior year in Letran. There are times that I will wonder: what have I done with my life? In almost a couple of decades of my existence, have I actually done something great? Right now, I don’t have an answer to that. How about you? You entered this new ‘world’ called Letran. Well, what do you intend to do? Of course, you’re going to say that you’re going to study,

For me, the suspension of classes is ƒŽ™ƒ›• ƒ ˆƒ‹Ž—”‡Ǥ ‘Â?‡–‹Â?‡• –Š‡ •–—†‡Â?–• have already arrived in school when the suspension is announced. I think it is more dangerous for the students to travel back home with the bad weather. Most of the time, classes are being suspended when it ‹• ƒŽ”‡ƒ†› Ď?Ž‘‘†‡† ƒÂ?† ‹– ‹• ˜‡”› Šƒ”† –‘ ‰‡– home already. I think the suspension should be announced very early in the morning or when the rain is not pouring hard yet. Jerica Orosco, Broadcasting junior

Letran is not doing well when it comes to suspending classes, sometimes it is really late when they announce the suspension. Š‡ ”‘ƒ†• ƒ”‡ ƒŽ”‡ƒ†› Ď?Ž‘‘†‡† ƒÂ?† –”ƒ˜‡ŽŽ‹Â?‰ „ƒ…Â? Š‘Â?‡ „‡…‘Â?‡• †‹ˆĎ?‹…—Ž– „‡…ƒ—•‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ Ď?Ž‘‘† ƒÂ?† –Š‡ Â?—Â?„‡” ‘ˆ ’‡‘’Ž‡ ™Š‘ ƒ”‡ ƒŽ•‘ ”—•Š‹Â?‰ –‘ ‰‡– Š‘Â?‡Ǥ ‘Â?‡–‹Â?‡• –Š‹Â?Â? that it is not reasonable whenever they do not suspend the classes just because it isn’t Ď?Ž‘‘†‹Â?‰ ›‡–Ǥ ‡…ƒ—•‡ ‘ˆ –Š‘•‡ ƒ…–‹‘Â?•ǥ Â?ƒÂ?› of us students can’t get home immediately „‡…ƒ—•‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ Ď?Ž‘‘† ƒÂ?† –Š‡ Žƒ…Â? ‘ˆ ƒ˜ƒ‹Žƒ„Ž‡ –”ƒÂ?•’‘”–ƒ–‹‘Â? ‹Â? –‹Â?‡• ‘ˆ Ď?Ž‘‘† ƒÂ?† Š‡ƒ˜› rain. Abigail Domacena, Psychology junior

The views and opinions written above do not UHà HFW WKDW RI 7KH /$1&(¡V COMPILED BY PATRICIA FLORES


Gray skies and a heavy downpour of rain are just some of the things we have to bear this coming month, but school has just started and nature’s mood swings should not dampen our energy this early. This month we have found one way to energize Letran’s collegiate population. We featured nine campus cuties that would totally make heads turn and would make every Letranista wish everyday was a school day. (P.S. We also featured Kuya Amar, one of the coolest guards in the Colegio)

Name: Frances Loraine Reyes Nickname: Loraine Age: 19 years old Year and program: 4th year AB Communication Arts Status: ‹Â?‰Ž‡ ÂˆĎ”Â‹ÂŽÂ‹ÂƒÂ–Â‹Â‘Â?• Č‚ ‘•‹–‹‘Â?ÇŁ Â?‹‰Š–• Č‚ ˜‡Â?–• ‡ƒ†Ǣ Č‚ ‡Â?ƒ–‘” Favorite hangout place in Letran: Chapel. Dun kami nag-eedit kung san may saksakan. Alam mo naman kami walng ligoligo, walang natutulog. Dedicated kasi ako sa trabaho, research, edit, docu, thesis. Tapos ngayon sa ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡ na. Hobbies: Mag-Internet, yun lang ginagawa [ko] sa bahay. Ideal boy: Siyempre mabait, matino itsura, presentable, responsible. [Dapat] magpakatotoo lang. [Has] passion for arts. Favorite rainy day Fix: Coffee. Movies. Noodles. really love drinking coffee when it’s raining, it keeps me warm. I also love instant noodles. Ready to eat para di hassle and I also love watching movies. Rainy day Advice: Mag-invest sa mga water proof na bags. Kasi syempre pagnabasa yung gamit mo sayang naman yung mga Ď?‹Ž‡• mo, at laging magdala ng alcohol kasi baka magka leptospirosis kayo. Tapos yung mga jelly shoes Unforgettable rainy day experience: Yung unang-una, naka-jellyshoes kasi ako tapos pagtapak ko lumutang yung shoes ko. Tapos kinuha nung pedicab driver, tas nakakahiya talaga sabi ko kay kuya thank you po. Tapos yon, sinuot ko na, di pa tapos yan eh di ba tatawid ako sa may ’‘•– ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡ǥ kumukuloglog pa non, eh nung kumulog nadulas ako. Nasugatan ako sa tuhod, basang basa palda ko. Tas yung pinakarecent, yung sa Ǥ ƒ‰’‡†‹…ƒ„ ako, nakasakay akong pedicab tas hanggang paa pa rin yung tubig. Tas sabi nung driver, oh, onting tiis na lang po malapit na tayo sa laot. Tapos nandun na “sa laotâ€? kala mo may mga bangkero talaga. Tapos nung pabalik na ako, nilusong ko n a kahit hanggang tuhod, tas tsaka boots tas payong. Tapos kapag baha na, walang arte-arte, lusong na para makauwi lang. sobrang kadiri.


Name: Rajiv Ian Aseron Nickname: Raj Age: 21 years old Year and program: ͜–Š ›‡ƒ” Â?ˆ”‘Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? Technology Status: ‹Â?‰Ž‡ ÂˆĎ”Â‹ÂŽÂ‹ÂƒÂ–Â‹Â‘Â? Č‚ ‘•‹–‹‘Â?ÇŁ ‡–”ƒÂ? –—†‡Â?– ‘—Â?…‹Ž Č‚ ‡…”‡–ƒ”› Hobbies: ‡ƒ†‹Â?‰ „‘‘Â?•ǥ Â?‡™•’ƒ’‡”•Ǣ •—”Ď?‹Â?‰ the net; nag-aaral Ideal girl: May sense, minimum matalino, ok lang kahit sobrang talino, morena, maganda tignan. ƒŽƒÂ?‰ •’‡…‹Ď?‹… Â?ƒ•‹ †‹ Â?ƒÂ?ƒÂ? Â?ƒ•ƒ•ƒ„‹Ǥ ƒ’ƒ‰ nakita mo na mapapangiti ka. Hangout: ‡ˆ‘”‡ Â?ƒ‰‹Â?‰ Â?‡Â?„‡”ǥ •ƒ Ž‘‘„ Â?‰ …Šƒ’‡ŽǤ ‰ƒ›‘Â? •ƒ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡Ǥ Rainy day advice: magdala sila lagi ng payong! Kasi mahirap maulanan, tsaka dapat yung payong yung kasya ka, eh minsan ang laki nung tao, ƒÂ?‰ Ž‹‹– Â?—Â?‰ ’ƒ›‘Â?‰Ǥ ƒÂ?—Â? †‹Â? Â?ƒ„ƒ„ƒ•ƒ Â?ƒ ’ƒ din. Ingatan din ang mga gadgets, kapag malakas na ang ulan, umuwi na ng maaga para di abutan Â?‰ „ƒŠƒ ƒ– –”ƒˆĎ?‹… ŽƒŽ‘ Â?ƒ Â?ƒ’ƒ‰ –ƒ‰ƒ •‘—–ŠǤ Unforgettable rainy day experience: Nangyari yun mga bandang august 2011, sa may ust area ako nun e, Nung biglang may mga nagtatakbuhan na mga babae sa gilid ko,mga 5 or 7 sila, merong isa na tumigil sa gilid ko, since may payong naman ako bigla ko na lang siya tinanong, kung gusto ba niya sumabay sa akin, pareho lang naman yung direction na pupuntahan namin, tinignan niya ako tapos parang natakot yata siya sa akin, habang naglalakad thank you langsiya ng thank you, hanggang sa makaabot kami at pumasok •‹›ƒ †—Â? •ƒ ÂŠÂ‘Â•Â’Â‹Â–ÂƒÂŽÇĄ Â?ƒ‰ –ŠƒÂ?Â? ›‘— Â’ †‹Â? •›ƒǤ Bakit unforgettable? Di ko kasi natanong pangaŽƒÂ? Â?‹›ƒǤ ƒ›ƒÂ?‰Ǥ

Name: Vitorrio Flojo Nickname: Torio Age: 19 years old Year and program: 3rd year AB Advertising Status: In a relationsip ÂˆĎ”Â‹ÂŽÂ‹ÂƒÂ–Â‹Â‘Â?ÇŁ ‘ŽŽ‡›„ƒŽŽ –‡ƒÂ? ȋʹnj–‹Â?‡ ČŒ Passion: Damit Hobbies: Volleyball, singing Ideal partner: Mabait, hindi gumigimmick, [may] respeto, maputi, singkit Hangout: Page and walls Favorite Rainy Day Fix: Coffee and Onion Rings. I love coffee because it relaxes me and I love Onion Rings. Rainy day advice: Magdala ng slippers, comfortable na clothes pamalit, and umbrella Unforgettable rainy day experience: Naglakad ako mula Letran hanggang ‡†”‘ ‹Ž

Name: Angel dela Cruz Age: 20 years old Year and program: ƒ”Â?‡–‹Â?‰ ƒÂ?ƒ‰‡Â?‡Â?– ÂˆĎ”Â‹ÂŽÂ‹ÂƒÂ–Â‹Â‘Â?•ǣ Letran Junior Marketing Association Hobbies: Malling, shopping Ideal guy: Understanding, someone who’ll accept me as I am and syempre someone who loves me Hangout: Â‹Â„Â”ÂƒÂ”Â›ÇĄ …ƒ–™ƒŽÂ?ÇĄ …ƒÂ?–‡‡Â? Č‹ ÇŻÂ? ƒŽŽ ‘˜‡” –Š‡ ’Žƒ…‡ǨČŒÇĄ chapel, mall Rainy day advice: Bring slippers, rain coat at siyempre dapat lagging may dala na umbrella Unforgettable rainy day experience: Nadapa ako sa labas ng Letran. I was thankful nobody noticed me that time. It was really embarrassing.

Name: Martina Alexandria Balibay Nickname: Martina Age: 19 years old Year and program: ;”† ›‡ƒ” •›…Š‘Ž‘‰› Status: In a relationship ÂˆĎ”Â‹ÂŽÂ‹ÂƒÂ–Â‹Â‘Â?• Č‚ ‘•‹–‹‘Â?ÇŁ ‡–”ƒÂ? •›…Š‘Ž‘‰› ‘…‹‡–› Č‚ Â?–‡”Â?ƒŽ ˆˆƒ‹”• Hobbies: Reading, drawing, painting Ideal boy: ‘Di ako tumingin sa physical appearance, more on sa interest kasi naininiwala ako na nasa loob naman ng tao yung beauty niya, wala sa labas. Hangout: —‡œ‘Â? ƒ”†‡Â?ÇĄ Â…ÂŠÂƒÂ’Â‡ÂŽÇĄ ƒÂ?† …ƒÂ?–‡‡Â? Rainy day advice: Siyempre dapat prepared sila. Hindi lang jacket dapat ang dala. Usually kasi, tinataas na lang namin yung damit namin. Mahirap eh. Madami na kaming dala lagi. Laging may books. Sobrang dami naming papers na dala, so pansin mo lahat naka-backpack yung pysch. Kasi magdala ng kung ano-ano, tiis na lang. Di din ako nagdadala ng slippers kasi pagbumaha, natanggal tas mas prone ka masugatan ng ibang objects tas masusugatan ka pa, mas okay kapag shoes talaga. Unforgettable rainy day experience: Na-straned ako for two hours. Na-stop kami tapos mga 20-30 minutes na lang sa bahay tapos tumaas ng sobra yung baha, hip-deep na siya. Tas yon, kinailangan kong lakarin pauwi. Lumusong ako ng baha tas color gray na yung damit ko pag-uwi ko.


Name: ‘ŠÂ? ƒ—Ž —ƒ”‡œ Nickname: JP Age: 19 years old Year and program: Í´Â?† ›‡ƒ” —–”‹–‹‘Â? ƒÂ?† ‹‡–‡–‹…• Status: In a relationship with Lui ÂˆĎ”Â‹ÂŽÂ‹ÂƒÂ–Â‹Â‘Â? Č‚ ‘•‹–‹‘Â?ÇŁ Č‚ Í´Â?† ›‡ƒ” representative Hobbies: Facebooking Ideal girl: Matalino, mabait Hangout: La Cantina Rainy day advice: Magdala ng umbrella tsaka slippers Unforgettable rainy day experience: –”ƒÂ?†‡† •ƒ [in 2010]. Halos di makauwi ng bahay, nagpalipas, Ď?‹”•– time naranasan.

Name: ƒ”‹ƒ —‹•ƒ ƒ”…‹ƒ Nickname: Lui Age: 18 years old Year and program: Í´Â?† ›‡ƒ” —–”‹–‹‘Â? ƒÂ?† ‹‡–‡–‹…• Status: In a relationship with JP ÂˆĎ”Â‹ÂŽÂ‹ÂƒÂ–Â‹Â‘Â? Č‚ ‘•‹–‹‘Â?ÇŁ Č‚ š–‡”Â?ƒŽ ‹…‡ President Hobbies: Reading books, communicating, hosting Ideal guy: Matangkad, matangos ilong, malinis, responsible, —Â?†‡”•–ƒÂ?†‹Â?‰ǥ Â‘Â†ÇŚÂˆÂ‡ÂƒÂ”Â‹Â?‰ǥ –Š‘—‰Š–ˆ—Ž Hangout: Catwalk Rainy day advice: Magdala ng plastic para sa mababasang gamit, umbrella, kung possible boots na foldable Unforgettable rainy day experience: Nadulas ako. (Lagi naman nadudulas ‘yan kahit di umuulan. ÇŚ ČŒ

Name: Angelo A. Amar Nickname: Amar Age: 40 years old Position: ͳ͸nj›‡ƒ” ‡–”ƒÂ? ‡…—”‹–› —ƒ”† Ideal girl: ‡š›ǥ maganda, mabait, big heart Hangout: ›Â? Rainy day advice: Magdala kayo ng payong kasi mahirap na magkasakit dahil sa pag-exit natin ay malayo ang ikutan. Unforgettable rainy day experience: Andaming gusto lumubas dito kahit bawal, nangaaway, Motto: What is beauty if the brain is empty.

Now that you have seen them and know a bit about them, tell us about what you think about this month’s feature. Follow The LANCE twitter page @thelanceletran and let us know.



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Extinction is a sad fate awaiting most species and for the most part, it’s brought upon by the inability to adapt to the environment. But whoever said: “The strong shall live and the weak shall die� has clearly never met the world. ‘Cause as far as it is concerned, extinction depends on whether or not the world is feeling generous. Yes, wildlife tends to be a cruel mistress. Many times it has extinguished the gene pool of a certain species regardless of the species’ natural capacity for survival. But sometimes, the environment can be kind with its selections; opting to remove the biggest and worst of the animal kingdom.

Birds the size of small planes‌ ‹”†• ƒ”‡ ƒ™‡•‘Â?‡Ǥ Š‡› Ž‘‘Â? ƒ™‡•‘Â?‡ ™Š‹Ž‡ Ď?Ž›‹Â?‰ǥ –‘‘Ǥ Oh, and they look totally harmless. Well, partially true. Most living birds do fall on the category of “Cute and Harmless.â€? But this extinct specimen doesn’t. No, this one puts the ‘prey’ in ‘bird of prey’ a natural hunter, a killer of the skies, swooping down to murder the living daylights out of the sad sod –Šƒ– ƒ––”ƒ…–• ‹–• ƒ––‡Â?–‹‘Â?Ǥ ‘ ™‹–Š‘—– ˆ—”–Š‡” ÂƒÂ†Â‹Â‡Â—ÇĄ Žƒ†‹‡• ƒÂ?† ‰‡Â?–Ž‡Â?‡Â?ÇĄ ’”‡•‡Â?– –‘ ›‘—ǣ ”‰‡Â?–ƒ˜‹• Â?ƒ‰Â?‹Ď?‹…‡Â?•ǥ ƒŽ•‘ Â?Â?‘™Â? ĥ –Š‡ ‹ƒÂ?– ‹”†Ǥ Š‡ ‹ƒÂ?– ‹”† Šƒ• ƒ ™‹Â?‰•’ƒÂ? ‘ˆ ͳ͝ –‘ ʹ͸ ˆ‡‡– ƒÂ?† ƒ –‘–ƒŽ ™‹Â?‰ ƒ”‡ƒ –Šƒ– ”‡ƒ…Š‡• —’ –‘ ͚͡ ˆ‡‡–Ǥ Š‹• Â?ƒÂ?‡• ‹– •Ž‹‰Š–Ž› —’ –‘ ’ƒ” ™‹–Š Â?‘†‡”Â? †ƒ› Œ‡– ’ŽƒÂ?‡•Ǥ Š‹• Ď?Ž›‹Â?‰ „‡Š‡Â?‘–Š ƒŽ•‘ Šƒ• ƒÂ? ƒ˜‡”ƒ‰‡ ™‡‹‰Š– ‘ˆ ʹ͜Ͳ ’‘—Â?†•Ǥ Š‡› ”‘ƒÂ? ‹Â? Ď?Ž‘…Â?• •‘ •‡‡ ‘Â?‡ ƒÂ?† …ŠƒÂ?…‡• ƒ”‡ there’s a lot more of them close by. And yes, they are carnivorous. They are theorized to be able to swoop down and take cows whole, as in, the entire cow. To put into perspective how terrifyingly powerful that is, you’ll need a bulldozer to lift a cow.

Sharks that can swallow boats‌

ˆ Â›Â‘Â—ÇŻÂ˜Â‡ •‡‡Â? –Š‡ Ď?‹ŽÂ? ÂƒÂ™Â•ÇĄ ›‘— Â?Â?‘™ •Šƒ”Â?• ƒ”‡ Â?‘ pushovers. They have choppers that could exert enough force to crush steel. They move with frightening speed and whenever they appear, ominous background music starts to play. The Carcharocles Megalodon is three times the size of a

”‡ƒ– Š‹–‡ Šƒ”Â?Ǥ – ͝ͺ ÂˆÂ‡Â‡Â–ÇĄ –Š‡ ‡‰ƒŽ‘†‘Â? ‹• Â?‘”‡ ƒÂ?‹Â? –‘ a small yacht than a shark. In fact, its maw can stretch up to six feet and more, that’s more than the height of an average human person. This beast of the sea can, if they existed in our time, swallow boats whole. Oh and they’re a murderously aggressive and territorial bunch because if you already look the part might as well own to it right?

Scorpions from that can decapitate you‌ …‘”’‹‘Â?• ƒ”‡ ‡˜‹Ž Ž‹––Ž‡ „—‰‰‡”•Ǥ Š‡›ǯ”‡ •Â?ƒŽŽ ‡Â?‘—‰Š to hide in innocuous places but pack enough pain to make grown men cry like little children. Yes, armed with razor claws and poison laced stingers, these menace are designed to ruin your day. But that’s just it; they’re more of a threat than a hindrance, if you don’t consider their long extinct ancestor, that is. The giant scorpion formally called the Jaekelopterus Rhenaniae is undeniable proof that scorpions are evil creations. These hell spawns are not only equipped with the same razor-claw-and-poison-stinger-combo its lesser brethren possess, but they come in the gigantic variety. Estimated to grow to about 2.5 meters in length, the giant scorpion has claws that could reach a meter when fully extended and it’s assumed that it’s strong enough to crack clamshells. Oh and to reiterate, it still has that poisonous stinger. But instead of something that can prick you in the toe it has become large enough to impale you in the chest. ™‡‡– †”‡ƒÂ?•Ǥ

Raccoons from the dark recess of hell‌ A raccoon itself proves that nature has an odd sense of humor. With its adorable paws and its mischievous appearance, no one would expect this furry little deviant would come from a species that is far from ‘adorable’ and most certainly not ‘mischievous.’ Well, if you consider wholesale slaughter to be ‘adorable’ and ‘mischievous’ then I guess you would. ‡”‡ ƒ”‡ ƒ …‘—’Ž‡ ‘ˆ –Š‹Â?‰• ›‘— •Š‘—Ž† Â?Â?‘™ ƒ„‘—– –Š‡ ›ƒ‡Â?‘†‘Â? Â‰Â‹Â‰ÂƒÂ•ÇŁ Č‹ÍłČŒ –Š‡› ƒ”‡ ĥ „‹‰ ĥ ƒ Š‘”•‡ ƒÂ?† Â?Â?‘™Â? –‘ ‘—–”—Â? –Š‡ ‰ƒŽŽ‘’‹Â?‰ Â?ƒÂ?Â?ƒŽ•Ǣ ƒÂ?† Č‹Í´ČŒ –Š‡› ƒ”‡ Â?Â?‘™Â? –‘ Š—Â?– †‘™Â? –Š‹Â?‰• Â?—…Š Žƒ”‰‡” –ŠƒÂ? ƒ Š‘”•‡Ǥ ‹–Š •‡””ƒ–‡† –‡‡–Š †‡•‹‰Â?‡† ˆ‘” ”‹’’‹Â?‰ Ď?Ž‡•Šǥ –Š‡ ›ƒ‡Â?‘†‘Â? Š—Â?–• ‹Â? ’ƒ…Â?• ‡Â?•—”‹Â?‰ Â?ƒš‹Â?—Â? Â?‹ŽŽ‹Â?‰ …ƒ’ƒ…‹–›Ǥ ‘—ǯ† –Š‹Â?Â? –Š‡•‡ ‰—›• ™‘—Ž† „‡ –Š‡ ƒÂ?…‡•–‘”• ‘ˆ •‘Â?‡–Š‹Â?‰ ĥ †‹ƒ„‘Ž‹… ĥ Š›‡Â?ĥ ‘” •‘Â?‡–Š‹Â?‰ „—– Â?‘Ǥ ‘ Â?‡š– –‹Â?‡ you see a raccoon rubbing its little paws together, run; it’s actually plotting your swift and painful death.

Â?ƒÂ?‡• Â–ÂŠÂƒÂ–ÇĽ ǍǨ ˜‡”›„‘†› Šƒ–‡• •Â?ƒÂ?‡•Ǥ —•– ĥÂ? ƒÂ?—‡Ž Ǥ ƒ…Â?•‘Â? ™Šƒ– Š‡ –Š‹Â?Â?• ƒ„‘—– •Â?ƒÂ?‡• ƒÂ?† Š‡ǯŽŽ ’”‘„ƒ„Ž› •ƒ› •‘Â?‡–Š‹Â?‰ ƒÂ?‹Â? to: “I’ve have had it with these [REDACTED]ing rsnakes on this [REDACTED]ing planeâ€? or something close to that.

–ǯ• ƒ ’”‹Â?ƒŽ ˆ‡ƒ”Ǣ •Â?ƒÂ?‡• ƒ”‡ —Â?ƒ„ƒ•Š‡†Ž› …ƒ”Â?‹˜‘”‘—•Ǥ ‘Â?‡ ƒ”‡ ‡˜‡Â? ’‘‹•‘Â?‘—•Ǥ —– ™Šƒ–‡˜‡” ”‡ƒ•‘Â? ›‘— Šƒ˜‡ ˆ‘” fearing snakes‌ Well, let me give you a reason to fear them even more. No jokes. No puns. No nothing. The Titanoboa Cerrejonensis is a kind of snake ranging to about 50 feet in length and so heavy that in can reach up to more than a ton in weight. But it gets more and more diabolic from there. Like most snakes, the Titanoboa’s primary prey are animals that are much smaller than them: mouse, rats, frog, etc. Put this up to scale with the Titanoboa then you’d get cows, horses‌and unfortunately, humans.

These are but some of the animals we could live without, after all, their extinction is what placed us on top of the food chain. But as the number of species dwindles down and humanity rules at the top, will we remain? Mother Nature is cruel but human nature is not. Though as of late we are the cause of the most recent extinctions, we as a species can still save and protect those that cannot protect themselves. Protect them from the world we ourselves created.


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are you in THE zone? RIO JANE LEGASPI

‘Pre-emptive supalpal,’ says Ramon Bautista on this platonic scenario keeping a party not to be loved back by someone. Little did we know, the term ‘friendzone’ was coined after a 1994 episode (The One with the Blackout) of American sitcom ‘Friends.’ Iconic or not, here is a test that will give you your ‘friendzone’ potential based solely on your ’‡”•‘Â?ƒŽ‹–›Ǥ ‘‘† Ž—…Â?Ǩ ÍłČŒ ”‡ ›‘— ‹Â?–‹Â?‹†ƒ–‡† „› –Š‡ ’‡”•‘Â? you like? a. Yes b. No Í´ČŒ ‘ ›‘— ‘ˆ–‡Â? Ď?‹Â?† ›‘—”•‡Žˆ –”›‹Â?‰ –‘ get others you to like you? a. Yes b. No ÍľČŒ ƒ˜‡ ›‘— ‡˜‡” Â?ƒ†‡ –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– Â?‘˜‡ on the person you like? a. No b. Yes ÍśČŒ Š‘—Ž† ˆ”‹‡Â?†•Š‹’ …‘Â?‡ Ď?‹”•– „‡ˆ‘”‡ you enter a relationship? a. Yes b. No ͡ČŒ ”‡ ›‘— ƒ ”‹•Â?ÇŚÂ–ÂƒÂ?‡”Ǎ a. No b. Yes ͸ČŒ ”‡ ›‘— …‘Â?•–ƒÂ?–Ž› ƒˆ”ƒ‹† ›‘— ™‹ŽŽ ‘ˆfend someone? a. Yes b. No ÍšČŒ ”‡ ›‘— ƒ Ž‡ƒ†‡” ‘” ƒ ÂˆÂ‘ÂŽÂŽÂ‘Â™Â‡Â”ÇŤ a. follower b. leader

ÍşČŒ ‘ ›‘— Ď?‹Â?† ‹– Šƒ”† –‘ Â?ƒÂ?‡ ƒ †‡…‹•‹‘Â?ÇŤ a. No b. Yes ÍťČŒ ‘ ›‘— ˆ‡‡Ž ÂƒÂ–Â–Â”ÂƒÂ…Â–Â‹Â˜Â‡ÇŤ a. No b. Yes ͳͲČŒ ”‡ ›‘— ƒÂ? ‘’–‹Â?‹•– ‘” ƒ ’‡••‹Â?‹•–Ǎ a. pessimist b. optimist ͳͳČŒ ‘ ›‘— ‘ˆ–‡Â? ‘˜‡”–Š‹Â?Â?ÇŤ a. Yes b. No ͳʹČŒ ”‡ ›‘— ‹Â?…Ž‹Â?‡† –‘™ƒ”†• ”‘Â?ƒÂ?–‹… comedies or sad songs? a. Yes b. No ͳ;ČŒ ‘ ›‘— –Š‹Â?Â? –Šƒ– „‡‹Â?‰ ”‘Â?ƒÂ?–‹… …ƒÂ? win another’s person’s heart? a. Yes b. No ͳ͜ČŒ ”‡ ›‘— ‡ƒ•‹Ž› —’•‡–Ǎ a. Yes b. No ͳ͡ČŒ ‘ ›‘—” ˆ”‹‡Â?†• …Šƒ”ƒ…–‡”‹œ‡ ›‘— ĥ …‘Â?Ď?‹†‡Â?–ǥ ‘—–•’‘Â?‡Â?ÇĄ ƒÂ?† ‡Â?‰ƒ‰‹Â?‰Ǎ a. No b. Yes

Mostly As Č‚ ‘— Žƒ…Â? –Š‡ …‘—”ƒ‰‡ ƒÂ?† …‘Â?˜‹…–‹‘Â? –‘ –‡ŽŽ ‘” •Š‘™ –Š‡ ’‡”•‘Â? ›‘— Ž‹Â?‡ Š‘™ ›‘— ”‡ƒŽŽ› ˆ‡‡ŽǤ ‘— ƒ”‡ ”‘Â?ƒÂ?–‹… ƒ– Š‡ƒ”– „—– ›‘— †‘ Â?‘– Šƒ˜‡ ‡Â?‘—‰Š …‘Â?Ď?‹†‡Â?…‡ to profess your emotions and risk the situation. Mostly Bs Č‚ ‘— Â?Â?‘™ ™Šƒ– ›‘— ™ƒÂ?– ƒÂ?† Š‘™ –‘ ‰‡– ‹–Ǥ ‘Â?Ď?‹†‡Â?…‡ ‹• ÂƒÂ–Â–Â”ÂƒÂ…Â–Â‹Â˜Â‡ÇĄ ĥ many people say. You are not afraid to say what you feel and does not easily take “noâ€? for an answer. With your take-charge attitude, sulking at the friendzone is out of the context.

‡‹Â?‰ ǎˆ”‹‡Â?†œ‘Â?‡†ǯ ‹• ”‡ƒŽŽ› •—…Š ƒ „ƒ† ’Žƒ…‡ –‘ „‡Ǥ ‡‘’Ž‡ Ď?‹Â?† ‹– •›Â?‘Â?›Â?‘—• –‘ ”‡Œ‡…–‹‘Â? ™Š‡Â? ƒ…–—ƒŽŽ› ›‘— †‘Â?ǯ– Â?‡‡† –‘ –ƒÂ?‡ ‡˜‡”›–Š‹Â?‰ ’‡”•‘Â?ƒŽŽ›Ǥ ‘Â?Â‡Â†ÂƒÂ›ÇĄ ›‘—ǯŽŽ be seen as far more attractive as most people around you. Don’t sweat it if you’re shoved into ‘The Zone’ and take advantage of the experience instead.



The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. -Proverbs 1:7 Today’s generation sel†‘Â? Ž‘‘Â?• —’ –‘ Ԡ ˆ‘” ƒÂ?swers, knowledge, and guidƒÂ?…‡Ǥ ‡ Â?‡‡† Ԡ ‹Â? ‘—” lives more than ever; He is always by our side. Through Him we learn the right things; we gather knowledge and wisdom from Him. He ensures that we are in the right way into his kingdom. We may have sometimes taken Him for granted but we should also learn to stop and talk to Him, to thank Him for leading us away from the wrong path.

must now be teachers as well to others. For us to pass on the Lord’s gift to us, for others to be lead into the right way.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my Likewise urge the young path. I have taken an oath men to be sensible; in all ƒÂ?† …‘Â?Ď?‹”Â?‡† ‹–ǥ –Šƒ– things show yourself to be will follow your righteous an example of good deeds laws. I have suffered much; with purity in doctrine, preserve my life, Lord, ac†‹‰Â?‹Ď?‹‡†ǥ •‘—Â?† ‹Â? •’‡‡…Š cording to your word. which is beyond reproach, -Psalm 119:105-107 in order that the oppoAt the end of the day we nent may be put to shame, must learn to thank the Lord having nothing bad to say for picking us up whenever about us. we fall, for encouraging us -Titus 2:6-8 to do more when we have As we learn and experi- given up, for pushing us forence new things, we must ward when we have already also learn to share it with accepted defeat. We may ‘–Š‡”•Ǥ ‹˜‡Â? –Š‡ ‰‹ˆ– ‘ˆ Ԡ have stumbled upon many we must set ourselves as an –”‘—„Ž‡• „—– Ԡ ‹• ƒŽ™ƒ›• example for others, to be a ™‹–Š —• ˆ”‘Â? •–ƒ”– –‘ Ď?‹Â?‹•Šǥ Â?‘†‡Ž ‘ˆ ™Šƒ– Ԡ ™‹•Š‡• guiding us into his kingdom. us to be. As the teachers in All we have to do is to accept our life give us all the things us into our life and into our we need for our future, we hearts.


rhapsody ROSA MARIA BACLAO @AyaBaclao aya.baclao@yahoo.com

Letran‌University? Quixotic (adj.) - preoccupied with an impractically optimistic or chivalrous approach towards an ideal. The term originated from Miguel de Cervantes’ novel’s protagonist Don Quixote de la Mancha who lost his wits, knighted himself, and went on an expe†‹–‹‘Â? Ď?‹‰Š–‹Â?‰ DzÂ?‘Â?•–‡”•dz aka sheep and windmills. In relation to our CoŽ‡‰‹‘ǥ Â?‹˜‡”•‹†ƒ† †‡ ƒÂ? —ƒÂ? †‡ ‡–”ƒÂ?Č€ ƒÂ? —ƒÂ? de Letran University sure sounds gloriously impressive‌ but like Don Quixote’s conquest, is there a weighty sense behind the ambition? In 1996, in order to promote a higher quality of education in the country, and in accordance with the provisions of RA 7722 or the “Higher Education Act of 1994,â€? the Commission on Higher †—…ƒ–‹‘Â? Č‹ ČŒ …ƒÂ?‡ up with Memorandum Order No. 48 series of 1996 which emphasized the standards and guidelines for granting of University status. The regulations re“—‹”‡ǣ Č‹ÍłČŒ …‡”–ƒ‹Â? Â?—Â?„‡”• ‘ˆ •’‡…‹Ď?‹… †‡‰”‡‡ ’”‘grams (a four-year course in liberal arts; a four-year …‘—”•‡ ‹Â? –Š‡ ƒ•‹… …‹ences/Mathematics; a ÂˆÂ‘Â—Â”ÇŚÂ›Â‡ÂƒÂ” …‘—”•‡ ‹Â? –Š‡ ‘…‹ƒŽ …‹‡Â?…‡•Ǣ Â?‹Â?‹Â?—Â? ‘ˆ three recognized profes•‹‘Â?ƒŽ ȋŽ‹…‡Â?Â•Â‡ČŒ …‘—”•‡•Ǣ and at least two post-grad courses leading to doctorƒŽ Â†Â‡Â‰Â”Â‡Â‡Â•ČŒ Č‹Í´ČŒ ˆƒ˜‘”ƒ„Ž‡ ƒ……”‡†‹–ƒ–‹‘Â?• Č‹ Level 2 accreditations for ÇĄ ÇĄ ƒ•‹… †ǥ ƒÂ?† ‡˜‡Ž Íł ƒ……”‡†‹–ƒ–‹‘Â? ˆ‘” ‡…‘Â?†ƒ”› †—…ƒ–‹‘Â?ČŒ Č‹ÍľČŒ Š‹‰Š •–ƒÂ?†ƒ”†• ‘ˆ Ž‡ƒ”Â?‹Â?‰ǥ ”‡Ď?Ž‡…–‡† „› outstanding achievements of students and excellent performance of graduates Č‹ÍśČŒ ƒ •–”‘Â?‰ ”‡•‡ƒ”…Š ’”‘gram by faculty members Č‹͡ČŒ …”‡†‹„Ž‡ …‘Â?Â?—Â?‹–› •‡”˜‹…‡• Č‹͸ČŒ –Š‡ ’”‡•‡Â?…‡ of an esteemed faculty, Č‹ÍšČŒ ƒ ’”‘’‡” ‹Â?•–‹–—–‹‘Â?ƒŽ •‹–‡ǥ ƒÂ?† Č‹ÍşČŒ ‘™Â?‡”•Š‹’ ‘ˆ library and laboratory facilities and equipment. In all fairness, Letran seems to be passing the •ƒ‹† …”‹–‡”‹ƒ ™‹–Š Ď?Ž›‹Â?‰ colors. It is also undeniable that even after 393 years of existence; the Colegio continues to mold its students to excel in their

”‡•’‡…–‹˜‡ Ď?‹‡Ž†• ‘ˆ ’”‘ˆ‡•sions. A viable contender for a University status, yes. But is the pursuit Â?Â‡Â…Â‡Â•Â•ÂƒÂ”Â›ÇĄ „‡Â?‡Ď?Â‹Â…Â‹ÂƒÂŽÇĄ ƒÂ?† practical? What is it with a University status that the Letran authorities are hungrily vying for? If the answer is “Prestige,â€? everybody knows the Colegio has been prestigious since the 17th century, but the university tag does not always equate to the word. Letran has lost ‹–• Ž—•–‡” ƒÂ?† Šƒ• „‡…‘Â?‡Ȃ no matter how much we †‡Â?› Â‹Â–Č‚ÂƒÂ? —Â?†‡”ƒ’’”‡…‹ated, hardly noticeable 21st century learning institution. Personally, I believe becoming a University is Â?Â‘Â–Č‚ÂƒÂ?† ™‹ŽŽ Â?‘– „‡Ȃ ‡tran’s saving grace. In fact, the ideal only worsens the situation by diverting attention from trying to solve the core problems, to creating additional liabilities. Take for example ColŽ‡‰‡ ‘ˆ †—…ƒ–‹‘Â? Č‹ ‘ Â†ČŒÇŻÂ• pitiful enrollment number. Instead of trying to focus on why only a handful enrollees graduates from the department every year, somebody comes up with the idea of starting an Engineering program in a seemingly non-logistical manner (for University Â•Â–ÂƒÂ–Â—Â•ÇŻ •ƒÂ?Â‡ČŒǤ ‘– ‘Â?Ž› ‹• the new program’s progress unfelt (if not ques–‹‘Â?ÂƒÂ„ÂŽÂ‡ČŒÇĄ ‘ †ǯ• ’”‘„Ž‡Â? was not at all addressed and thus continues to persist. How can we be able to see the root of the problems if we are standing on a pedestal propped above it? Most likely, we seemingly have to step down and acknowledge reality in order to revive Letran’s fading glory. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all in for whatever is best for the school. What I’m saying is maybe Letran needs to reconsider its priorities. And I quote my mother, “Ayusin muna ang dapat ayusin.Çł ‡˜‡Â? ›‡ƒ”• is a deceivingly short time. I can only pray that 2020 will not end the way the story of Don Quixote de la Mancha’s crusade ended: chivalrous, tragic, and terribly disappointing.



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explained the school’s discipline and retention policies. The traditional rituals of the event were initiated at the Colegio grounds. The Heritage March has the usual three stations which iden–‹Ď?‹‡• –Š‡ –Š”‡‡ ’Ž‡†‰‡•Ǥ The students were welcomed at the main lobby by Vice President for Financial ˆˆƒ‹”• ”Ǥ ‘›† —Ž’‹…‘ǥ Ǥ Ǥǥ College of Business Administration and Accountancy Dean Prof. Cristina Cabral, College of Liberal Arts and …‹‡Â?…‡• ‡ƒÂ? ”‘ˆǤ ‘™‡Â?ƒ Capulong-Reyes, College of Engineering Dean Prof. Jerome Amon, Education Area Chair Angelita Delos Reyes ƒÂ?† ‡–”ƒÂ? –—†‡Â?– ‘—Â?…‹Ž President Bea Aldaba. Dubbed as the Rite of Passage, the students pledged their loyalty to Letran. The second station, the Rite of Cleansing with ‡–”ƒÂ? ƒŽ—Â?Â?—• –Ǥ ‹…‡Â?–‡ Liem de la Paz, is a pledge of Ž‘›ƒŽ–› –‘ ‡—• Č‹ Â‘Â†ČŒǤ The next station is initiƒ–‡† ƒ– –Š‡ —‡œ‘Â? ƒ”†‡Â?ÇĄ a pledge of loyalty to Patria Č‹ ‘—Â?Â–Â”Â›ČŒǤ ”‘Â? –Š‡”‡ǥ ĥ ƒ pledge of vesture, the students went through an arc, wherein they are “baptized,â€? ĥ –‘ –Š‡ ‹†‡ƒ ‘ˆ –Ǥ ‘ŠÂ? –Š‡ Baptist being the school’s patron saint. Lastly, the students pro-

ceed to the Hooding Ceremony initiated by the area chairmen at the Chapel Lobby. The “Liem Hoodâ€? is used as a symbol to keep in mind the ideals of Deus, Patria, Letran. Different student organizations of the Colegio gave presentations to entice and recruit the freshmen to join –Š‡‹” ‰”‘—’•Ǥ Š‡ Ď?‹”•– †ƒ› ended with a variety show hosted by YouTube sensation and Financial ManageÂ?‡Â?– ‡Â?ƒ–‘” Ž‘›† ƒ†‡Â?ƒǤ The second day opened with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist led by Letran Rector and President Rev. Fr. Tamerlane Lana, O.P. Thereafter, the students were guided to different venues to have their academic orientations. They were oriented separately depending on their program, each led by their respective program area chairman. Binyag Arriba ended as the students acquired their class schedules after the orientation. On the other hand, Marco commented on the number of new students this school year: “Baka umabot pa sa 1,500. I think that’s good; that’s a happy problem. We don’t have classrooms; that’s the problem. But we have students; that’s a happy problem.â€?

thought they were going to keep the crown, the UE Red Warriors turned the tables Bobby Ray Parks led the with Olivarez and Lord Bulldogs to advance to the Casejeros leading the team next round with 16 points, making an 18-2 run. Bobby Ray Parks topped

‡Ž‘ Ž‘Ž‹Â?‘ …Š‹’’‡† ‹Â? ͳ; markers while Jeth Rosario with 23 points but still fell added 12 points in 22 min- short as he was fouled out in the middle of the fourth utes of action. Letran was more than quarter together with Emhappy to compete in the manuel Mbe. With 2:35 left and a 10 “—ƒ”–‡”Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ• ™Š‡Â? –Š‡› ‰‘– free access to it after Ateneo ’‘‹Â?– ÂŽÂ‡ÂƒÂ†ÇĄ ˆ‘”Â?‡” “—‹”‡ pulled out from the tour- and now King Warrior Roy ney because of injuries and —Â?ƒÂ?‰ǯ• …‘Â?•‡…—–‹˜‡ „ƒ•fatigue obviously looking kets made it all the more difahead at the upcoming Uni- Ď?‹…—Ž– ˆ‘” –‘ „‘—Â?…‡ „ƒ…Â?Ǥ versities Athletic Associa- ‹Â?‘ —Â?ÂƒÂ‘ÇŚÂƒÂ•ÇŻ …Šƒ”‹–› •Š‘–• Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‡† –Š‡ ‰ƒÂ?‡ •–”‡–…Štion of the Philippines. Meanwhile, after knock- ing the lead of UE with 13 ing out the Knights in the points. “—ƒ”–‡”Ď?‹Â?ÂƒÂŽÂ•ÇĄ –Š‡ —ŽŽ†‘‰• continued their consecutive ™‹Â? •–”‡ƒÂ? †‡ˆ‡ƒ–‹Â?‰ ƒÂ? ‡†ƒ ‹Â? –Š‡ ‡Â?‹Ď?‹Â?ÂƒÂŽÂ•ÇĄ ͚͜nj LETRANITES 57 to defend their slot in the FROM PAGE 2 Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ•Ǥ “It was an unbelievable However, NU collapsed as the University of the East experience because I never Č‹ ČŒ ’”‘˜‡† –‘ „‡ Â?ƒ–…ŠŽ‡•• thought of becoming the as they took away the crown main anchor of my own profrom the Bulldogs, 81-68, gram for an hour,â€? said main in the Filoil Flying V Hanes anchor and Broadcasting Premier Cup championship alumnus Dean Airo Dancel. The other members of ƒ– –Š‡ ”‡Â?ÂƒÇĄ ƒÂ? —ƒÂ? ‘Â? the winning Letran group June 6. Š‡ ƒÂ?Â’ÂƒÂŽÂ‘Â…ÇŚÂ„ÂƒÂ•Â‡Â† are Journalism majors Jessa cagers started out strong, Hermosa, Anna Dominique dominating the game with ‘Â?ÂœÂƒÂ‰ÂƒÇĄ Â?–‘Â? ‹Â?…‡Â?Âœ an 18-5 blast sealing the ƒÂ?–‘…‘ǥ –‡’ŠƒÂ?‹‡ Â?third quarter at 55-47. But gelique Micaller, Mary Rose just when the Bulldogs Adeva, Rowena Tan, Jose

Antonio Diuco, Patrick Hen”› ÂƒÂ‰Â—Â‹Â„ÂƒÂ‘ÇĄ ”‹•–‹Â?‡ ”ƒ…‡ Evaristo, Christian Angelo Jacinto, Chester Labaco, and ƒ”› ”ƒ…‡ Š”‹•–‹ƒÂ? ‹•‹Â?‰ along with Broadcasting majors Junghee Moon, Manuelito Redaja, Ma. Katrina David, ƒÂ?† ‘ŠÂ? ƒ—Ž ƒÂ?•‘Â?Ǥ “I didn’t pick a permanent co-anchor. I wanted those who had the talent to speak on-air to take turns,â€? said Osuyos. Dz Š‡› ƒ”‡ –ƒŽ‡Â?–‡†Ǥ ‹Žƒ yung pinakamatagal actually na nag-air sa Radyo Veritas, ˆ‘” –™‘ Â?‘Â?–Š•ǥdz •ƒ‹† ‘Ǥ Aside from Letran, the other eight participating schools for the Campus Hour are Centro Escolar University-Malolos and Manila, Far Eastern University, Philippine Women’s University, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Universidad de Manila, University of Perpetual Help in Laguna, and Polytechnic University of the Š‹Ž‹’’‹Â?‡• Č‹ ČŒǤ

‘ •ƒ‹† –Šƒ– –Š‡ ƒÂ?’—• ‘—” ‡ƒ•‘Â? Íś ™‹ŽŽ •–ƒ”– ƒ‹”ing in July, starting with PUP, and the time slot for Letran will be given this December. ‘Ž‡‰‹‘ †‡ ƒÂ? —ƒÂ? †‡ ‡–”ƒÂ? Ď?‹”•– Œ‘‹Â?‡† ƒÂ?’—• Hour during its second season. That time, then Communication Arts student Heiren

”ƒ…‡ �—”ƒ‘ ™‘� –Š‡ ‡•– Female Anchor award.


Lady Knight spikes for season championship


Team sports are supposed –‘ „‡ ƒ Ď?‹‡Ž† ™Š‡”‡ ƒ–Šletes can highlight their enthusiasm attached with skill through discipline and respect. That is the gameplay-game plan and it is no different to Lady Knights Team Captain and Hospitality Management senior, Monique Joy Pablo. Venturing into the world of athletics was never a part of her plan. It was not until she was advised by acclaimed former Far Eastern University Queen Tamaraw Rachel Daquis to try her luck on the hard court. Dz Š‡ Č? ƒ“—‹•Č? •ƒ‹† –Šƒ– playing for the school varsity team will greatly help my mom with my college tuition,â€? Pablo said in Filipino. Albeit the fact that she only started learning the intricacies of the sport before her senior year in high school, it is quite surprising that she already garnered a good reputation in her entire playing career for Letran. In the 88th season of the National Collegiate AthŽ‡–‹… ••‘…‹ƒ–‹‘Â? Č‹ ČŒÇĄ the Rizal native volleybelle was deemed one of the best scorers alongside fellow Lady Knights Melissa Cu, Â?‰‡Ž‹…ƒ ƒÂ?–‘•ǥ ƒ”ƒŠ ƒÂ?‡ Espelita, and Mikaela Lopez. ƒ„Ž‘ †‡Ď?‹Â?‡• Š‡”•‡Žˆ as a variety athlete of high spirit, willing to do things that are in her heart the best way to contribute not only to good leadership but ‹Â? „—‹Ž†‹Â?‰ ƒ Ď?Ž‡š‹„Ž‡ ”‡Žƒtionship towards her team despite their layover to social intervention preventing them to have “lakwatsas.â€? Being the team captain, Pablo makes sure that she never fails to motivate her teammates especially now that most of the players are neophytes regardless of Š‘™ †‹ˆĎ?‹…—Ž– ‹– ‹• –‘ Ž‡ƒ† –Š‡ entire squad. “There’s only about three or four seniors left. I just tell them that our team’s exceptional and that they should never think that they’re just rookies,â€? she said. ‘Â?Ď?Ž‹…–• ƒ”‡ ‹Â?‡˜‹–ƒ„Ž‡ so as the team captain, it is

also one of Pablo’s utmost responsibilities to act as the Ď?‹”•– Â?‡†‹ƒ–‘” ‘Â?…‡ ’”‘„lems in the team surface which she does almost perfectly. Š‡ ƒŽ•‘ ”‡˜‡ƒŽ• ‘Â?‡ ‘ˆ the reasons why Coach Brian Balbuena chose her to be the leader of the Intramuros-based volleybelles. “My teammates call me ‘Nanay’ because I often act like one around them. I’d –‡ŽŽ –Š‡Â? –‘ Ď?‹š –Š‡‹” –Š‹Â?‰•ǥ prompt them of their class schedules. [These are] the usual things a mother would usually remind her children,â€? said Pablo. Aside from bearing a stunning face and an exceptional volleyball prowess, Pablo assures her ladies that no matter how hectic her schedule is due to her strenuous volleyball drills, her studies will never be neglected. Pablo stressed that one of the most important things a student athlete must learn is how to juggle both academics and career. “Although my family doesn’t watch any of my games live, I can still feel their undying support all the way. They will always text me before a game and wish me good luck,â€? she said. When asked about what the entire Letran community can expect from the team on the upcoming season of the NCAA, Pablo answered humbly but Â?‘Â?‡–Š‡Ž‡•• …‘Â?Ď?‹†‡Â?–ǣ Dz ‡ cannot really promise to bring home the championship trophy this season but we’re really working hard on it. We conduct trainings every day because we have a goal; to be included ‹Â? –Š‡ –‘’ Č?Ď?‹Â?ƒŽČ? ˆ‘—”Ǥ Â?…‡ we reach that goal, we will work harder to get the title.â€? However, just like any other team, Pablo said that they wouldn’t be able to achieve this status without the support of the entire school populace. “We really wish the entire Letran community to support us in every step ‘ˆ –Š‡ Â™ÂƒÂ›ÇĄÇł •Š‡ Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‡†Ǥ CAMILLE RAMOS, PATRICK TAGUIBAO

CCD Director Manuel Zamora, Jr. talks about the Colegio’s outreach efforts. PHOTO BY ALLEN TARROZA

beginning of a new chapter in your life,� exclaimed Ms. Edna Marco, Director of ƒ• •Š‡ ˆ‘”�ƒŽŽ› ™‡Žcomed the approximately 1,400 new Letranites in her opening remarks. Marco also presented the school’s mission and vision. Center for Community Development Director Asst. Prof. Manuel Zamora talked about Letran’s core values and symbols. Lastly, Ignacio



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NCAA Preview




REA ANTONETTE GIERRAN @reagierran antonette_gierran@yahoo.com

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Season 89 is just round the bend, with its new host De La Salle University-College of Saint ‡Â?‹Ž†‡ǥ ƒÂ?† Â?‘•– †‡Ď?‹nitely, everyone will be anticipating another explosive basketball season. Keeping true to the –Š‡Â?‡ǣ Dz —” –ƒ”• ™‹ŽŽ Š‹Â?‡ in 89,â€? The LANCE decided to ask around to determine which teams and players are expected to “shineâ€? come the NCAA. And who better to interview than the esteemed sports writers who tirelessly chronicle the development of our cagers? ‡”‡ ƒ”‡ Ď?‹˜‡ ™”‹–‡”• who were amiable enough to take a break from their FilOil duties to chat with us for this NCAA preview: Rick Olivares of bleachersbrew. …‘Â? ƒÂ?† Â?‡†‹ƒ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡” ˆ‘” the FilOil Flying V Premier Cup; Joey Villar of sportsmaryosep.wordpress.com and writer for The Philip’‹Â?‡ –ƒ”Ǣ Â—Â”ÂƒÂ†Â‘ÇĄ ™”‹–‡” for People’s Journal/Tonight; Reuben Terrado, writer for spin.ph; and Christian Jacinto, writer for Phightstyle.com and Manila Bulletin (and a former LANCE •’‘”–• Â‡Â†Â‹Â–Â‘Â”ČŒǤ Who do you think will be in the Final Four next NCAA season? Olivares: DzČ? •‡‡Č? ƒÂ? Â‡Â†ÂƒÇĄ ‡–”ƒÂ?ÇĄ ƒÂ? ‡„ƒ•–‹ƒÂ?ÇĄ ƒÂ?† Arellano in the Final Four [next NCAA season]. JRU [Jose Rizal University]‌they have no center and if [Paolo] Pontejos and [Philip] Paniamogan don’t deliver, they have no one.â€? Villar: “Mga nakikita ko sa Final Four, siyempre, Beda, ‡–”ƒÂ?ÇĄ ƒÂ?† ƒÂ? ‡„ƒ•–‹ƒÂ?Ǥ Yung Arellano din. Yung JRU, as of now, wala pa e.â€? Jurado: Dz ƒÂ? ‡†ƒ …ƒÂ? ‰‘ ƒŽŽ the way, mag-champion ulit. Letran, I can see pwedeng mag-Finals ulit. Yung Arellano, they can make it to the Final Four, may magandang



materials na silaÇŁ ‹ ƒ”† Pinto, pang fantasy numbers yung binibigay niya. Yung ƒÂ? ‡„ƒ•–‹ƒÂ?ÇĄ pag nag-gel na sila CJ Perez, magfa-Final Four yan. Yung Perpetual kasi‌hahanap-hanapin nila si Jett Vidal e. And JRU is a young team.â€? Terrado: Dz ƒÂ? Â‡Â†ÂƒÇĄ ‡tran, kahit wala na si Kevin Alas, may mga pieces pa rin sila na natira. Arellano, maganda ang pinapakita [in the preseason] recently. Si Coach Koy, magaling na coach yan eǤ ƒÂ? ‡„ƒ•–‹ƒÂ?ÇĄ malakas pa rin yung mga naiwan and si Coach Topex, magaling na coach yan. Yung Perpetual, kayang mag Final Four pag nandiyan na si [Earl] Thompson. JRU, big loss sila [Byron] Villarias. Nagsa-struggle sila.â€? Jacinto: Dz —Â?„‡” ‘Â?‡ǥ ƒÂ? Beda. Number two, Arellano. Number three, Letran. ‘—”ǥ ƒÂ? ‡„ƒ•–‹ƒÂ?Ǥ Yung Perpetual, di pa buo so di natin masasabi.â€?

Who are the promising players, based on their performance in the preseason? Olivares: “[Si ƒÂ?‹ŽČ? ƒ„awan, ang sipag. Di nagiiba yung expression niya, trabaho lang talaga. [Rey] Nambatac, sabak agad yan. Leo de Vera and CJ Perez [of ƒÂ? ‡„ƒ•–‹ƒÂ?Č? ƒ”‡ ’”‘Â?‹•ing. Si Perez, puso talaga e. Parang di nawala sila [Ronald] Pascual. Sa Benilde, Mark Romero and sa JRU, Pontejos. Sa Arellano, si Keith Agovida. Once he asserts himself, he will be very good.â€? Villar: “Sa ƒÂ? ‡„ƒ•–‹ƒÂ?ÇĄ si Perez and si De Vera. Sa Letran, si Almazan, naging offense minded na siya. Then si Nambatac and yung Fidel Castro. Yung Beda, malakas pa rin e. Yung ‡Â?erad brothers, sila yung yard stick e. Beda is still the team to beat.â€? Jurado: “[Si] CJ Perez ay medyo undersized pero mini Calvin Abueva ang dating.


Turning Tables on Children Si Leo de Vera, he can do offense, he can do defense. Si Fidel Castro, pwedeng magshine.� Terrado: “[Si Rey] Nambatac, pwede maging Rookie of the Year. Si Keith Agovida, matatagal din nawala. And si Baser Amer, magsa-shine siya sa ƒ� Beda. [Si Raymond] Almazan naging offensive option na. Si Pinto din, maganda yung pinapakita.� Jacinto: “Sa Beda, expect a breakout season for Ryusei Koga and [Jaypee] Mendoza. Sa Letran, si Fidel Castro, solid, all around e. McJour Luib will have a good season offensively and defensively. Yung Ford Ruaya din. Si Nambatac, steady yan e. Yung pinapakita niya ngayon sa preseason, very dependable. Kung promising at promising din, CJ Perez. More so than talent, energy sa loob, points, rebounds, hustle plays. Ibababa niya yung bola, break niya yung defense, and at the last second, drop pass niya. He is gonna be one of the best NCAA players. Si Agovida maganda yung napuntahan niyang team. May skills yung bata.�

Finals match up? Olivares: “Beda, of course, ƒÂ?† ‹ˆ ‡–”ƒÂ? Ď?‹Â?†• ƒ ™ƒ› to complement its scoring, they will be in the Finals. I think Beda’s beatable.â€? Villar: Dz Â‡Â†ÂƒČ‚ ‡–”ƒÂ? sa Finals. Maganda sa Letran, the big men are already free move, to shoot. Pero offense is not good without defense.â€? Terrado: Dz Â‡Â†ÂƒČ‚ ‡–”ƒÂ? ›an sa Finals.â€? Jacinto: Dz Â‡Â†ÂƒČ‚ ‡–”ƒÂ?Ǥ ˆ things fall into place for Letran, given yung roster nila, yung talents, they can be Finals bound, I think. At the very best.â€?



A child has always been a symbol of hope—a sign of a fresh start and a bright future. They are a bundle of joy bequeathed upon parents. They are meant to be nurtured, cared of and loved. What happens if it’s the other way around? According to the International Labor Organization, globally, there are more than 10 million children who work as domestic laborers which means working on household chores. In carrying out these tasks, child domestic workers are exposed to hazardous situations which endanger their lives. They are separated from their guardians which results to them being too dependent to their employers. This reliance pollutes their already scanty discernment between right and wrong. It is sad to think that poverty pushes these children to submit themselves to child labor. They are forced to work in exchange for a meager amount of salary just to have what people call ‘panglaman sa tiyan.. They expose themselves to danger in hopes of helping their families ƒ”‹•‡ ˆ”‘Â? Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ •…ƒ”city. In a news article released by the Philippine Â–ÂƒÂ”ÇĄ –Š‡ •ƒ‹† ‘”‰ƒÂ?‹œƒ–‹‘Â? reports that 6.5 million of the estimated 10.5 million child domestic workers are aged between 5 to 14 years. The 5 to 14 age bracket is the developmental

stage. This is supposed to be the time where children should play, socialize with other children of their age, and discover things. Childhood they say is a quintessential part of life. It is something that you’d always want to get back to when life’s challenges overwhelm you. On the part of the parents, there is no clearcut step by step process of parenting people. They should have learned it through time and experience but this quote from Ms. Lisa Wingate, a famous inspirational speaker and author of several national bestselling books including Tending Roses,

‘‘† ‘’‡ Â‘ÂƒÂ†ÇĄ Š‡ ƒÂ?‰—ƒ‰‡ ‘ˆ ›…ƒÂ?‘”‡•ǥ and Drenched in Light, perfectly describes the responsibility of parents to their children. “Your children are the ‰”‡ƒ–‡•– ‰‹ˆ– Ԡ ™‹ŽŽ ‰‹˜‡ to you, and their souls the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands. Take time with them, teach them to have faith in

ԠǤ ‡ ƒ ’‡”•‘Â? ‹Â? ™Š‘Â? they can have faith. When you are old, nothing else you’ve done will have mattered as much.â€? Š‡ •ƒ…”‹Ď?‹…‡• ƒÂ?† hard work that parents do for their children will always be remembered. No amount of money or material things could equal to the joy spending time with love ones bring. Together, let’s make it a joint effort to eradicate child labor in the Philippines.


Letranites share spotlight with PHL sports royalty ADRIAN MASACUPAN The Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) opened a revamped Philippine Sports Museum which features Le–”ƒÂ? ‰”‡ƒ–• ‹Â? –Š‡ Ď?‹‡Ž† of sports. The newly-constructed museum pays tribute to the great men and women of sports that have brought glory to our country. Jose and Anthony Villanueva, Enrique Beech, and Lauro Mumar are among Letranites that were given recognition for their efforts. The photographs of these players were featured in wall displays as members of the Ď?‹”•– „ƒ–…Š ‘ˆ ƒŽŽ ‘ˆ Fame. Jose Villanueva won a bronze medal in boxing at the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics. His son, Anthony, not only equalled his father’s achievements but surpassed it by being –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– ‹Ž‹’‹Â?‘ ƒ–ŠŽ‡–‡ to reach an Olympic Final. The younger Villanueva –”‹‡† –‘ ‘—–•Â?ƒ”– –ƒÂ?‹•Žƒ˜ –‡’Šƒ•Â?‹Â? ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‘˜‹‡– Â?‹‘Â? „—– ‡Â?†‡† up only winning the sil˜‡” Â?Â‡Â†ÂƒÂŽÇĄ –Š‡ ˜‡”› Ď?‹”•– for the Philippines, at the 1964 Olympics. Enrique Beech is a champion sport shooter. Having started his career playing football, Beech turned to shooting after recovering from a knee injury. His decision to refocus his career proved to be fruitful as he won two bronze medals in the 1954 and 1958 Asian games. Lauro Mumar, more

commonly known as “The Fox,â€? was considered to be one of the greatest Filipino basketball players of his time. He is a member of the famous Letran “Murder Inc.â€? basketball team that won the 1950 NCAA Basketball Championship. Mumar was also a member of the national basketball team that won two gold medals in the 1951 and ͳ͜͝͡ •‹ƒÂ? ƒÂ?‡•Ǥ After an excellent showing in the team, Mumar was later named cocaptain of the national team that competed in the 1954 FIBA World Championship. He shared captain duties with Caloy Loyzaga ‘ˆ –Š‡ ƒ”…Š”‹˜ƒŽ• ƒÂ? ‡†ƒ Red Lions, another mem„‡” ‘ˆ ƒŽŽ ‘ˆ ƒÂ?‡Ǥ The team went on to win the bronze medal only losing to Brazil and the Unit‡† –ƒ–‡• ‘ˆ Â?‡”‹…ƒ –Šƒ– Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‡† •‡…‘Â?† ƒÂ?† Ď?‹”•– respectively. This is the highest place that the Philippines has ever achieved in the World Championships. Aside from these four people, The Philip’‹Â?‡ ’‘”–• —•‡—Â? ƒŽ•‘ celebrates the accomplishments of other great sports men and women Ž‹Â?‡ Â?‹Â?‘ Š‘Â?•‘Â?ÇŚ —‡vara, Lydia de Vega, Elma Muros-Posadas, Bong Coo, Arianne Cerdena, Mikee Cojuangco, Roel and Onyok Velasco, Paeng Nepomuceno, Eric Buhain, and Japoy Lizardo. The trophies, medals, uniforms, shoes and other artefacts are the main attraction of the Museum. It pays homage to successful history of sports in the country.

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Knights prevail in NCAA opener ANTON TANTOCO

The Letran Knights extended their mastery over the San Sebastian Stags as they opened their campaign in the 89th season of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) with a 74–69 win on June 22 at the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay City. Playing under new head …‘ƒ…Š ƒŽ‘› ƒ”…‹ƒ ƒÂ?† ™‹–Šout the services of ace guard Kevin Alas who opted to con…‡Â?–”ƒ–‡ ‘Â? Â?ƒ”– Â‹ÂŽÂƒÂ•ÇĄ –Š‡ Â?‹‰Š–•ǥ Žƒ•– •‡ƒ•‘Â?ǯ• Ď?‹Â?ƒŽists, showed that they meant business, taking control of –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– –Š”‡‡ Â“Â—ÂƒÂ”Â–Â‡Â”Â•ÇĄ ‡˜‡Â? posting double digit leads. Š‡ –ƒ‰• †‹† Â?‘– ™ƒ˜‡” though, as they cut the lead –‘ Œ—•– ‡‹‰Š–ǥ ͡ͺČ‚͡Ͳǥ ‡Â?–‡”‹Â?‰ –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ …ƒÂ?–‘Ǥ Â… ‘—” —‹„ brought it back up to eleven ’‘‹Â?–•ǥ ͸ͳČ‚͡Ͳǥ ™‹–Š Š‹• –”‡› opening up the last ten minutes of the game. Jon Ortuste, ƒ ”‘‘Â?‹‡ ˆ”‘Â? ƒÂ? ‡„ƒ•–‹ƒÂ?ÇĄ led a surge that tied the game at 61. Letran broke off their slump and made a six to nothing run, capped off by an open jumper by Mark Cruz. With two minutes left ƒÂ?† –Š‡ •…‘”‡„‘ƒ”† ƒ– ͸͚Č‚ 64 in favor of Letran, Ortuste drove to the basket and dished to Jovit dela Cruz, cutting the lead to just one. Fidel Castro attempted a quick basket but missed. Prized rookie Rey Nambatac’s split charities and the pesky defense on the backcourt sealed the win for the Â?‹‰Š–• ™Š‘ Šƒ˜‡ ™‘Â? Ď?‹˜‡ straight against the –ƒ‰• †ƒ–‹Â?‰ „ƒ…Â? –‘ ‡ƒ•‘Â? ͺͺǤ

Player of the game Raymond Almazan earned his •’—”• Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‹Â?‰ ™‹–Š ƒ Š—‰‡ double-double of 15 points and 20 rebounds. “Lahat may go signal tumira, kaya may …‘Â?Ď?‹†‡Â?…‡ ako,â€? said Almazan, adding: “Yun ang maganda kay Coach.â€? Nambatac and Cruz had 13 and 12 to complement Almazan’s monster perˆ‘”Â?ƒÂ?…‡ ȋŠ‡ ƒŽ•‘ Šƒ† Ď?‹˜‡ „Ž‘…Â?Â•ČŒǤ Â? Š‹• Â?—…Š ƒ™ƒ‹–‡† debut, Nambatac also added nine rebounds, two assists, and a steal. Ford Ruaya, another Letran rookie, posted 11 points. Kevin Racal, returning from an injury, had seven points. “I credit the players for playing hard. Kasi, pag mata-

lo baka mawala kaagad ang kumpyansa nila. We’re lucky Raymond [Almazan] stayed for another year. Almost all the players played well. Madami lang kaming turnovers nung dulo dahil medyo gigil pa ang laro nila. We hope winning this game will ‰‹˜‡ –Š‡Â? Â?‘”‡ …‘Â?Ď?‹†‡Â?…‡ as the season progresses,â€? •ƒ‹† ‘ƒ…Š ƒŽ‘› ƒ”…‹ƒǤ ”ƒ†™›Â? —‹Â?–‘ ’ƒ…‡† –Š‡ ”‘‘Â?Â‹Â‡ÇŚÂŽÂƒÂ†Â‡Â? –ƒ‰• ™‹–Š 17 points while Ortuste contributed 16. This season’s theme is Dz —” –ƒ”• ™‹ŽŽ Š‹Â?‡ ‹Â? ͺ͝dz ™‹–Š –Š‡ ‡ ƒ ÂƒÂŽÂŽÂ‡Č‚ ‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ ‘ˆ ƒ‹Â?– ‡Â?‹Ž†‡ ĥ Š‘•–Ǥ They lost in the opening game to defending cham’‹‘Â?• ƒÂ? ‡†ƒ ‡† ‹‘Â?•ǥ ͚ͲČ‚͚ͳǤ

The Letran Knights bowed to the National University (NU) Bulldogs, 67-69, in –Š‡ “—ƒ”–‡”Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ• ‘ˆ –Š‡ Filoil Flying V Hanes cup, ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽŽ› ‡Ž‹Â?‹Â?ƒ–‹Â?‰ –Š‡Â? from the tournament, at the Arena in San Juan on June 5. With Letran ahead by two, 67-65 following a Rey Nambatac triple, NU responded with an Alfred Aroga three-point play to take a 68-67 lead. Nambatac then tried to take the Letran lead

back but missed, forcing ‡–”ƒ� –‘ ˆ‘—Ž ‡Ž‘ Ž‘Ž‹�‘ with four ticks to go. Letran had a chance to salvage the game for one last time following an Alolino split from the line but Ford Ruaya’s last ditch at the buzzer got denied by Troy Rosario. “I thought Letran played very well today. They are more relaxed than us,� said NU head coach Eric Altamirano. “However, I like the poise of the [NU] team,� he added.

The Bulldogs took a 4337 lead at the half and at one point led by 12 points, 51-39, but the Intramuros dribblers managed to storm back the end of the third quarter to take a 58-54 lead at the end of the third following a 19-3 run. ƒ”Â? ”—œ Ď?‹Â?‹•Š‡† ™‹–Š 16 points. Rey Nambatac and Raymond Almazan contributed 11 and 10 points respectively.

DOMINANCE. Almazan delivers in Letran’s game against San Sebastian resulting to a 74-69 win. | Photo from NCAA.Org

Knights fail to reach Filoil semis

, 79-74

, 69-66


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