1 minute read
Duke is keeping predators at bay
by The Land
LAND MINDS, from pg. 2 pretty honored to know such a good soul.
Since getting Duke, our German Shorthaired Pointer, chicken disappearances have been minimal. I’m not sure if he’s aware that he’s protecting them, but somehow his presence is keeping the fourlegged predators at our perimeter.
My dad always kept a rubber snake in his apple trees, moving it every now and then to trick the feathered predators and keep them from the fruit. After a gruesome hawk attack, I put a snake decoy on the coop’s roof, and as far as I can tell haven’t had an issue since.
Chicken chores do reluctantly pull me out of bed on the weekends, but I am almost always grateful for the nudge once I’m outside. Breathing in the early morning air and witnessing a beautiful sunrise is only ordinary because it happens every day. It’s actually nothing short of my best dream.
Laura Cole is the staff writer of The Land. She may be reached at lcole@TheLandOnline.com. v