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Return your 2023 subscription card for a chance to win $250! Feed costs 7th highest all-time
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MIELKE, from pg. 17 and 11 cents below the blocks. There were 16 sales of block on the week and 15 of barrel.
Midwestern cheese producers were still taking on spot milk as low as $11 under Class III this week, according to Dairy Market News, but cheese demand was holding its own, according to a number of cheesemakers within the region.
Butter finished the week at $2.3175 per pound, down 8 cents, lowest CME price since Jan. 31, and 46.5 cents below a year ago, on seven sales for the week.
Cream availability increased noticeably for Midwest butter makers this week and has incrementally grown for two weeks. Many are now turning offers away.
Grade nonfat dry milk saw its April 6 finish at $1.125 per pound, down 3.5 cents on the week, the lowest CME powder since Feb. 25, 2021, and a whopping 69.75 cents below a year ago. There were only two sales on the week.
Dry whey climbed to 46 cents per pound April 3, but then headed lower and closed April 6 at 36.5 cents per pound, down 8.25 cents on the week and 27 cents below a year ago, with 17 sales put on the CME board.
Dairy farm profitability continues to struggle. The latest Ag Prices report shows the February milk feed price ratio fell to 1.58, down from 1.73 in January, lowest since August 2021, and compares to 2.06 in February 2022.
The All Milk Price average fell for the fourth consecutive month, dipping to $21.60 per hundredweight, down $1.50 from December, after losing $1.60 the month before, and is $3.10 below February 2021.
The national corn price averaged $6.80 per bushel, up 16 cents from January, after jumping 6 cents the month before, and is 71 cents above February 2022.
Soybeans climbed to a record $15.10 per bushel, up 60 cents, after gaining a dime the previous month, and were 40 cents per bushel above February 2022.
Alfalfa hay averaged a record
$266.00 per ton, up $3 after dropping $6 the month before, and is $46 per ton above a year ago.
The February cull price for beef and dairy combined continued to strengthen, averaging $89.50 per cwt., up $7.80 from January, after gaining $4.80 the month before, $11.60 above February 2022, and $17.90 above the 2011 base average.
Dairy economist Bill Brooks, of Stoneheart Consulting in Dearborn, Mo., says, “The gain in feed costs offset the third highest February All-Milk price and dropped the income over feed from the previous month. Income over feed costs in February were just below the $8 per cwt. level needed for steady to increasing milk production for the first time since September 2021.”
Feed costs were the highest ever for the month of February, according to Brooks, and the seventh-highest all time. The All-Milk price was just inside the top 40 at the 38th-highest recorded.
Looking at 2023, milk income over feed costs, using March 31 CME settling futures prices for Class III milk, corn and soybeans, plus the Stoneheart forecast for alfalfa hay, are expected to be $8.49 per cwt., predicts Brooks. a gain of 22 cents per cwt. vs. last month’s estimate. “2023 income over feed would be close to the level needed to maintain or grow milk production,” he concludes, “but down $3.72 per cwt. from 2022’s level.”
Meanwhile, the latest Margin Watch from Chicago-based Commodity and Ingredient Hedging LLC says, “Dairy margins were relatively flat over the last half of March, with limited price movement in either milk futures or feed markets.”
The Margin Watch analyzed the February Milk Production and Cold Storage reports, stating, “With plentiful cheap supplies of spot milk available to processors, the fact that cheese stocks did not build would indicate strong domestic and international demand. Demand will continue to be a big focus for the market as milk output expands with the spring flush.”
Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. v
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Real Estate
FOR RENT: 20 acre horse pasture w/ creek/trails, barn & house also. Kimball area 320-221-1872
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NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader On Order
NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders On Order
NEW NH 25S Workmasters ...…......…. On Order
NEW Massey Tractors ........................... On Order
NEW Massey 4710 w/loader ….......... COMING
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3-New Massey GC1725 ……..................... Just In
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Massey 1652/cab/loader …….......………. $37,900
’21 NH T7.260 ………............………… $169,000
’18 NH Boomer 55/cab/loader ……......… $43,000
’18 NH T4.75 w/loader .............................. $54,000
’17 NH T4.75 w/loader ……..................… $53,000
’13 NH Workmaster 35w/loader ……...…. $18,500
Bobcat CT440 w/loader ……........… $16,900
Kubota/cab/loader …….....................…… $29,500
Sunflower 4610 9-24 …….............…… COMING
DMI Tigermate II 46.5 w/bskt ….....….…. $32,000
DMI Tigermate II 36.5 w/4bar ….....….…. $22,000
DMI Tigermate II 40.5 w/3bar ….…......… $25,900

NEW NH L318/L320/L328 wheeled units ....... On Hand
NEW NH C327/C337/C345 track units .......... On Order
NH L228 low hours ............................................ $44,900
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New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND
Frontiern WR1010 wheel rake …….............……… $5,950
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NEW Geringhoff chopping cornhead Call ’02 Gleaner R62 …...............................……… $53,500
’02 Gleaner R62 ……………...................……. $35,000 ’94 Gleaner R72 ………….......................…… $27,000 Gleaner R65 ……...............................…….. COMING Geringhoff parts & heads available
Conveyors ......................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ....................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons ................................ Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ...................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart .................................. On Hand New Horsch Jokers ................................................ Call

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Real Estate Wanted
WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & investments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN 55372.
Feed Seed Hay
OPEN Pollinated Seed Corn. Produces more high quality silage on less acres than hybrid. $67/bushel plus shipping. High feed value grain. borriesopenpollinatedseedcorn.com 217-857-3377 or 217-343-4962
Fertilizer & Chemical
Glyphosate 5.4 totes, $19.95 Gen Liberty totes, $44.95; Enlist 1 totes, $46.95. Surestart 2 totes, $44.95. We ship most everywhere & all tote prices include Free Delivery to your farm or business. Please call or text for any other chemical needs. Phone 612-210-3685
Bins & Buildings
Take-down & clean up
Specializing in silos in congested areas.
FULLY INSURED mobile concrete crushing.
Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens or red tape, call Steve at Fairfax Ag for an appointment. 888-830-7757
Farm Equipment
FOR SALE: JD 7000 planter, 8R w/ bean cups, w/ JD monitor 200 Series; Century Hiniker sprayer, 45’ hyd fold boom, w/ Hiniker 8160 monitor & foam markers; Hiniker 1000 8R cult; JD 960 field cult, 23 1/2 ft. 507-317-5966
FOR SALE: Parker gravity box, JD gear, 1065A; 1209 haybine, 9’. 612-380-4005
Answers for Spring Season Word Search
Greater Minnesota

May 5 & 6, 2023
Morrison County Fairgrounds
Little Falls, MN
Daily Events:
Tractor, Equipment, Gas Engine and Snowmobile Displays, Swap Meet, Raffle, Jam Session, Silent Auction, Kids Activities
Friday Events:
Displays, Parade & Farm Stock Tractor Pull 6 pm
Saturday Events:
Antique Tractor & Garden Tractor Pulls 12 Noon, Pedal Tractor Pull 1 pm
Bingo with Firearm Prizes
Show Featuring:
1952-1960 Numbered Series Tractors All Brands, Orphan Garden Tractors
Rear Engine Snowmobiles and Mail Cars/Trucks with Tracks
All Tractor, Gas Engine, & Snowmobile Exhibitors, Musicians and Vendors Welcome Info: 320-393-JDJD (5353), www.gmntcc
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Sp ring Consign ment Auction
Saturday, April 29th - 9:30 am
Mages Auction Site
55780 St Hwy 19, Winthrop, MN
Ring 1 - Live & Online Simulcast - Machinery, Vehicles & Guns
Saturday, April 29th - 9:30 am
Tractors, Farm Mach. & Equip.: ‘91 JD 9400 combine, 2589 eng hrs, 1922 sep hrs; ‘83 IH 1440 combine, 4425 hrs, turbo eng, straw chopper, rock trap, LED lights, overhauled in ‘11; JD 920 bean head; IH 683 corn head, 6-row; IH 843 corn head, 4-row, 30” rows, poly dividers, tall corn shields; Case 1835B skid loader, diesel, needs repairs, mat bucket; JD 3020, gas, NF, syncro, cab, hole in eng block; ‘98 Bobcat 963, diesel, aux hyd, needs work; New Idea 3632 spreader; H&S 310 spreader, tandem axle, hyd end gate; NH 67 baler; ‘89 Hesston Stak Hand 10 forage stacker; NH 489 Haybine; JD 950 cultipacker, 15’; Glencoe 12-row cultivator; JD 960 cultivator, 36’; White rowcrop cultivator, 12r x 30”; Case IH 183 cultivator, 12r x 30”; Lilliston 6 rw cultivator; Kewaunee 1020 disk, folding 20”; IH 490 disk, 20’ w/ hyd wings; IH 475 disk; IH 720 7-bt high clearance plow; DMI 13’ chisel plow; Melroe 7- sec drag, 40’; Allied 85-SB-96 snow blower 3pt attach, 85”; Kuhn GA6000 rake; Parker 2600 wagons, 400 bu, rocking bolsters; Parker 250 bu gravity box; Killbros 180 bu gravity wagons; Case 8 1/2’ x 20’ wagon; Lundell 8 1/2’ x 22 1/2’ wagon; Boats, Vehicles, Cycle & Gator: ‘01 Odyssey Pontoon, 21’ w/ Yamaha 100 HP 4-stroke, 24V trolling, rated for 13 ppl, full of features, tandem axle bunk trailer; ‘53 Chevy 2-ton flatbed truck w/ hoist; ‘06 Chevy Silverado HD, 112k mi, ext cab, 4x4, toolbox, newer tires; ‘02 Chevy Silverado 2500HD, 209k mi, 6.0L eng, gas, 4x4; ‘07 Jeep Gran Cherokee Laredo, 204k mi, 160k on eng, 3.7L AWD, new tires; ‘04 Cadillac Escalade, 188k mi, AWD; ‘06 Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic, 4364 mi, saddle bags; ‘94 JD Gator, 6x4, 2390 hrs; 14’ Lund boat w/ trailer, no motor; Ice House & Trailers: Ice fishing house, 18’, 7-hole, insulated, steel siding/roof, heater, TV, antenna, stereo, LED lights; ‘01 Maclander 24’ flatbed trailer, tandem dually axle, ramps; 7’ x 12’ utility trailer w/ ramp; 6 1/2’ x 8’ utility trailer w/ tilt-bed; 5’ x 8’ utility trailer; Mowers: Cub Cadet 1811 lawn tractor, 24 HP Kohler eng, hydro, no deck; Cub Cadet 122 lawn tractor, 12 HP Kohler eng, no deck; Dixon zero-turn mower, 32” deck, 13.5 HP eng, w/bags; Snapper SR1028 riding mower, 10HP, 28” deck; Ring 2 - Online-Only - All Other Items
First Lots Start Closing: Saturday, April 29th - 3:00 pm
Payment & Pick-up: Monday, May 1st - 9 am to 5 pm
Recreation: Vintage go-kart frame w/ Indy Car -style fiberglass body; GP -small military tent, 17’ dia, water repellant, arctic liner & storage crate; Strike master auger; 17” leather saddle w/ tooling, chest strap, cinch; 16” saddle, like new; Mongoose 7-speed bike; leather jacket; Yard, Shop & Tools: Campbell Hausfeld upright 60 gal air compressor; Snapper 26” snow blower, elect start; Coleman Powermate 1750 generator; Berko HUHAA elect shop heater; Cook 195 SQN fan blower, 3 HP; MTD tiller; Craftsman push mower; Bostitch flooring nailer; Apollo HVLP spray gun; bench grinder; vise; Tradesman drill press, 8”, 5-speed; Buffalo drill press; King electric heater, 1500 watt; Dewalt hose reel; battery charger; scroll saw; air compressors; 110V elect motors; B&S kick start motor; Wayne shallow well pump; tool boxes; parts washer; saws; pneumatic drill; angle grinder; flood lights; ladders; yard tools; woodworking tools; large assortment of hand tools; 75+ Guns, Ammo, Coins, Stamps, Appliances, Furniture, Toys, Antiques & More! see magesland.com for complete terms & details.
Area Neighbors
Auctioneer: Matt Mages, 507-276-7002 Lic: 52-23-018
Auctioneers: Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop.
Broker/Clerk: Mages Land Co & Auction Service, LLC
Terms: 10% Buyer ’s Premium. 15% Buyer’s Premium on Online items. Everything sold “AS IS”. Sales tax, license & registration fees may apply on some items. Fire arms buyers must have valid drivers license. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch & restroom on grounds. magesland.com
Farm Equipment
FOR SALE: 2013 Kubota
F3080 front mount lawn mower, 3 cyl. 30HP dsl, 4WD, hydro, 1479 hrs, 60” tilt up fabricated deck, steering wheel steer, bought new, nice!! $10,750. 507-440-1990
FOR SALE: 3 cross augers, 2 are 6” x 32’ and 1 is 8” x 27 1/2’, $1,400ea/OBO. Spray bander, 12R hyd fold, factory built, $200/OBO. Z375R lawn mower, 39 hrs, $3,000/OBO.
FOR SALE: 1980 8820 combine with dual wheels, tires like new, with rear wheel assist, last 5 yrs $12,000 on repairs. asking $10,000.
We buy Salvage Equipment
Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910
Farm Equipment
White 6122 12R30” liquid $8,500; HD 10’ Sovema 3pt tiller, $6,500; Older Dagelman rock picker, $900; 6-JD 10” ripper points at 75%, $450/all; 4 front disc, complete assemblies for JD 2700 ripper; $300/ea. 952-212-3328
’95 JD 8200 2WD with 18.4R46 rear tires and duals (70%), 7757 hours, front weights, 1000 PTO, 3 hyd. Remotes, quick hitch. Very nice one owner tractor. Asking $54,900. 507-789-6049
FOR SALE: 7080 ALLIS black belly, like new, inside tires, has been overhauled. 507-754-5028
NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829
Tillage Equip
FOR SALE: IH 470 disk, 16’ wide, tandem wheels & cylinder. 507-236-9339
Planting Equip
FOR SALE: GREAT PLAINS 24’ front fold grain drill, w/ markers & press wheels & extra press wheels, nice, $18,000. 952-201-1176
Spraying Equip
FOR SALE: 2006 Rogator 1074 SP sprayer, 3900 hrs, 1100 gal S/S tank, 80/90’ booms, 3 way nozzles, Raven SCS 4000 monitor, 5 shutoffs, JD ATU, very nice, $45,000. Road Boss 24’ triple axle trailer w/ 2000 gal tank, pump, inductor & chemical tanks. Both always shedded. Must see. Lamberton MN 507-828-1963
Hay & Forage Equipment
FOR SALE: 3 - 4516 Meyer forage boxes w/ tandem running gear, good condition, always shedded. Near Altura, MN. 507-208-8310
Livestock Equipment
FOR SALE: Stainless steel fence line dry hog feeders, many sizes. 507-383-7858 Albert Lea, MN
All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507438-9782
Buying and selling silver bars, silver dollars, rare coins, gold coins, gold jewelry, any gold-silver items, collector coins. Kuehl’s Coins, Fairmont, Minnesota 507-235-3886
WANTED: Paying cash to buy all sports cards such as baseball, football, basketball and hockey. Mid 80’s and older. Please call or text Jason at 507-441-2403
WANTED: Late model FarmFans or Super B 12’ AB/CF dryer, w/ low hours/LP. 763-301-4245 please leave message.
WANTED: 38’ or 40’ aluminum Jet grain trailer, will consider Wilson, Timpte or Dakota. 507-276-5733
WANTED: John Deere no till drill, model 1590 or 750. Must be 20’, in good to excellent condition. Call 507-404-0580
WANTED: John Deere or Cat skidloader, used, with enclosed cab, hand and pilot controls. 320-632-3995
FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred (Mike) Kemen 320-598-3790
Registered Polled Hereford yearling bulls for sale. Have had all shots, poured and semen tested. Halter broke and broke to lead. Fantastic growth EPD’s! Will deliver. Klages Herefords, Ortonville, MN. 320-273-2163(H) 605-8800521(C)
FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc, cross bred boars, and gilts. Top quality. Excellent herd health. No PRSS. Delivery available. 320-760-0365
Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746 Miscellaneous
Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523
PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest distributor
HJ Olson & Company 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336
Sales & Service New & Used For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073

AKC REG. COCKER SPANIEL PUPS. NEW Big Litters! 50% OFF!!! Shots & wormed. 920-563-3410 mornings. (#268588)(mcn)
WRIGHTZ AUCTION CO. “Your Locally Owned, Full-Service Auction Company” SPORT & REC CONSIGNMENT SALE, SATURDAY, MAY 6TH, 2023 9 AM. CALL TO CONSIGN TODAY! 641-398-2218, Hwy 218, Floyd, IA. www.wrightzauctionco. com (mcn)
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Worthing SD is hiring a full-time Utility Maintenance person with full benefits. Responsibilities include working in the city’s water, sewer, streets, and park departments. Information can be found at www.cityofworthing.com.(mcn)
The COVID crisis has cost us all something. Many have lost jobs and financial security. Have $10K In Debt? Credit Cards. Medical Bills. Car Loans. Call NATIONAL DEBT RELIEF! We can help! Get a FREE debt relief quote: Call 1-866-552 -0649.(mcn)
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Stroke and Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-7427290. (mcn)
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Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-577-1268. (mcn)
Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance PublishingTrusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-877-516-0706 or visit dorranceinfo.com/Midwest (mcn)
Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 877-326-1608. (mcn)
Trouble hearing your TV? Try TV EARS Voice Clarifying Wireless TV Speaker. Better than a soundbar and/or turning the TV volume way up. Special, limited time $50 off offer. Call TV Ears. Use code MBSP50. Call 1-844-455-0505. (mcn)
Safe Step. North Americas #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-844-290-5083. (mcn)
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Are you a pet owner? Do you want to get up to 100% back on Vet Bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has pet coverage that can help! Call 1-888-6803016 to get a free quote or visit mfcp. (mcn)
PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster.. Call: 866-314-9742. (mcn)
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 866-470-1643. (mcn)