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FFA state officers named
by The Land
MINNEAPOLIS – The final day of the 94th Minnesota FFA Convention saw a new slate of state officers installed to lead the organization as the event concluded.
The newly installed 2023-24 Minnesota FFA state officer team includes President Katelyn Ketchum of Lewiston-Altura; Vice President Tyler
Ratka from the ROCORI chapter; Secretary Alison Murrell, Braham; Treasurer Mason Grams of the Buffalo Lake-Hector-Stewart chapter; Reporter Miriana Eiden, Buffalo; and Sentinel Mackenzie Kuschel, Sebeka.
This article was submitted by Minnesota FFA. v
The Minnesota Cultivated Wild Rice Council is looking for contestants in the annual “Get Wild with Wild Rice” recipe contest. All recipes must be original creations and must feature the only cereal grain native to North America – wild rice.
Submitted recipes go head-to-head in a taste test conducted by culinary specialists. Participants have four opportunities to win. Up to 16 finalists will be selected to have their recipes published and win prize packs. A grand prize of $500 will be awarded. In September, National Rice Month,
The deadline for recipe submissions is June 12. Culinary creations need to include a quarter-cup of cooked wild rice per serving and at least one sponsor product from Just Bare, Minnesota Beef Council, Minnesota Pork Board, and Northern Canola Growers Association.
Visit mnwildrice.org for full contest details.
This article was submitted by the Minnesota Cultivated Wild Rice Council. v