2 minute read
Racially, it’s a new Minnesota
by The Land
A month or so ago The Land published an article about agricultural education at the Faribault, Minn., public school. For that article, I interviewed Madeline Schultz, a 2014 graduate of Faribault High School who now teaches agricultural education at her alma mater.
One of the things Schultz told me was that the students in her classes had a make-up representative of the Faribault student body as a whole.
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Land Minds
By Tim King
I didn’t dig into that comment at the time; but if my memory serves me correctly, Madeline made it with a great deal of pride. Madeline, who has tasked herself with recreating the school’s agricultural education program, had created a fascinating array of courses that taught youngsters about agriculture and food. Those classes, she was saying, were interesting to students across the board at Faribault.