2 minute read
Dutch came to United States for religious freedom
by The Land
FARMHOUSE KITCHEN, from pg. 6 farmer. He also mentions that they were among the group to settle in Orange City.
The only other reference to the Van der Schaafs was on page two, where a paragraph reads, “We Hollanders had worship services regularly. Mr. Vander Schaaf used his talents to lead our meeting.”
So perhaps it is possible he is a relative, as there have been several Vander Schaaf men who felt called to be ministers of God’s Word. My farmer’s Uncle Henry Vander Schaaf served several churches — including ones at Sibley, Iowa and Steen, Minn.
In my books I had mentioned they did have worship services while on board the ships and in their homes. This really was true, as Mr. Wissink mentioned both in his historical account he wrote in 1946.
It was good to have one doubt resolved, but surely The Netherlands would not persecute Bible believing people. History records that the nation had fought an 80-year war to gain their freedom from Spain; and one of their prominent leaders, Prince William of Orange, held to a firm belief that religious freedom was important, and it was The Netherlands who gave refuge to the Separatists who fled England. It was these Separatists who later became known as the Pilgrims who came to America in 1620. Two hundred years had passed by. Now this country persecuted those who believed Jesus was the son of God. Did that really occur?
In my mom’s house, I found the proof needed in a booklet called, “Life and Labors of P.J. de Neui, Minister and Evangelist.” In the forward, it is written that Pastor de Neui had strong views which went against the opinion of the established churches in Ostfriesland (the northwest part of Germany). He was not shy in preaching against the false doctrines of the state churches and the unfair practices of the government. Nor in preaching out against alcohol and the misuse of the Sabbath day. He also preached believer’s baptism by immersion.
Many times he was arrested and had to appear in court. He paid fines. At least once he was sentenced to workhouse, which probably was not a very nice place. So, yes, people who went against the state church were persecuted.
This man, P.J. de Neui, had an influence on my family history beginning while he was a preacher at the Baptist church in Ihlen, Ostfriesland, Germany. He served there from 1855 to 1865.
My great-great grandparents, Harm A. Rust and Johanna Bunger, were members there in Germany. At some point in their lives, their families moved to Baileyville, Ill. where Harm and Johanna married in 1864.
In 1865, Pastor de Neui moved to Franeker in Holland where the persecutions continued. He remained there until 1871. Like many others, he left Europe for good. He had received a call to the Baptist Church at Baileyville where my great-great grandparents were chartered members. But their association did not end there.
Their paths continued to cross. Eventually, both the Rusts and Pastor de Neui moved to the northwest Iowa/ southwest Minnesota area. Perhaps the Rusts came to farm where land was more available. Pastor de Neui came to George in 1890 to tell the gospel story, eventually starting a Baptist church. The Rusts were members of that church when they died, even though they were living by Magnolia, Minn.
Whew! The more I study, the more questions arise. Thankfully, there are family reunions where questions can be asked and area towns having their annual celebrations commemorating history this spring and summer which gets us wondering about just who those people were who made the decision to leave their homes. Who knows what I yet will learn?
Renae B. Vander Schaaf is an independent writer, author and speaker. Contact her at (605) 530-0017 or agripen@live.com. v
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