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by The Land
By Lee Mielke
The barrels fell to $1.4425 on May 18 (the lowest since Sept. 7, 2021), but rallied to a May 19 finish at $1.47. This is 2 cents lower on the week, 87.75 cents below a year ago, and 6.5 cents below the blocks. Sales totaled 35 cars of block and 54 of barrel.
Cheese demand varies and the type of customer is part in the equation, says Dairy Market News. Cheesemakers who supply regional chain and individually owned restauranteurs say inflation has put pressure on those businesses. Retail cheesemakers are reporting generally steady demand, in some cases year-over-year improvements. Milk availability is a growing concern, particularly for handlers. Spot milk prices remain at previous levels, as low as $11 under Class at mid-week, compared to $2.50 under Class to 75 cents over a year ago.
Retail and food service cheese demand remains strong to steady in the West. Export demand is mixed. Some contacts indicate good demand from Asia, Mexico and South America, while others indicate lighter demand. Plentiful milk is keeping cheese production strong to steady, says Dairy
Market News.
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Cash butter closed May 19 at $2.46 per pound, up 6 cents on the week but 39 cents below a year ago, with nine sales put on the board this week.
Butter plants report atypical demand upticks as year-over-year reports are showing improvements in retail. Food service orders are seasonally in line to quieter. Cream is available for churning and multiples are at similar levels to previous weeks. Some are turning cream away, as they are at or near capacity.
Western cream is plentiful, but cream multiples