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2023 From The Fields
by The Land
Hanson added hay to the pasture for the cattle a little earlier than usual due to not having as much vegetative growth this year. The mosquitoes haven’t been as bad, but he stated the flies are terrible.
Coming up, Hanson will be baling hay, as well as cutting some road ditches and checking in on his CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) fields. Between him and his dad, they manage about 140 acres of fairly new CRP land, and he keeps an eye out for noxious weeds. v
Nick Pooch reported he cut his alfalfa earlier than expected due to bugs getting bad. Starting on July 8, he finished on July 10. He stated the following day he laid down all the road ditch hay. He finished July 13, the day of his report, and will bale shortly.
Pooch’s farm has seen some small rain showers. Due to their ongoing dry weather, he stated the morning after receiving a half inch he couldn’t even tell it had rained. “We still have potential for a good crop,” he said, but added they’ll need continued rains to achieve that.
The oats that were cut for hay at the beginning of July averaged four big rounds an acre, which Pooch was very happy with. He plans to combine rye in the next 10 to 14 days. This will be their first rye crop on the farm in about 20 years.
The corn is a bit ahead of schedule, and Pooch is hoping the recent lower temps will allow the crop time to rest and strengthen. He’s a little disappointed with his wheat, stating it’s short and thin. Describing himself as more a cattle and corn farmer, Pooch keeps beans in the rotation, but they
See POOCH, pg. 5
As of July 13, the cows at Tauer Dairy are staying comfortable and enjoying cooler evenings. David Tauer reported the only rainfall received since June 29 was two-tenths of an inch on July 12. He commented the alfalfa needs a drink. “Without rain, it almost goes dormant.”
Busy making hay on July 8, Tauer’s alfalfa fields averaged four bales with the exception of the field that had been hit by hail. That crop averaged three bales an acre — which Tauer stated was better than expected, and he added the hail may have accelerated the regrowth as that is looking good.
All of the alfalfa fields were sprayed for leafhoppers on July 12. Tauer remarked he hasn’t had to spray after the second crop for a couple of years.
The millet that was seeded following the oats is not doing much due to decreased rainfall. It had been added in the rotation to make up for the rye crop they didn’t get this spring. There will be rye straw to be baled about 20 miles from Tauer’s farm in the next 10 days and he said he will be buying that off the field.
Tauer’s earlier crop of corn is slightly ahead of schedule. “It’s starting to silk right now,” he said. They normally chop corn 45 days from the start of tasseling, so he’s anticipating a late August date. v
Jim Hagen
Lake Mills, Iowa
July 14
The morning of July 14 brought sprinkles of rain to Jim Hagen’s farm with a good chance for more in the afternoon. Hagen reported receiving two and a half inches the previous two days. “We’ll take what we can get,” he stated.
According to Hagen, the crops are looking great. He commented the rain came just in time as the bean rows are filled and the plants are blooming with lots of flowers. The corn also is doing well. “It’s all tasseled out.”
Happy with the weed control, Hagen has been in the fields scouting for aphids and diseases. So far everything looks good, but added he normally starts to see aphids in his soybean fields around July 25. He stated the corn looks clean and there hasn’t been any issue with tar spot in his area yet. If Hagen does see any concerns, he stated he’ll have to determine if it will be worth the cost to spray for the potential gain. He added prior to about five years ago, it wasn’t as common to need to spray this time of year.
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