1 minute read
Good food at Farmfest
by The Land
Association booth is hard to beat; but I still have to succumb to the siren’s call of a good old corn dog from time to time. Miss Becky’s BBQ is awfully tasty and there’s a mini donut stand right next to The Land’s booth in the Ag Tent. And a stop by Lingen Dairy’s Soft Serve for a milkshake on a hot day is hard to resist … well, you get the idea.
Unlike the State Fair, most people don’t attend Farmfest just for the food. You probably won’t find lutefisk, vegan roast beef or hummus at Farmfest; but you will find a ton of useful information and a glimpse of the latest technology and farming practices.
We look forward to seeing you at Farmfest. Stop by our booth, introduce yourself, meet some of our staff and even win a prize. No napkins needed.
Paul Malchow is the managing editor of The Land. He may be reached at editor@TheLandOnline.com. v