Audi has a ball with Activesphere concept – while looking forward to a new Allroad and paving the way for a Defender rival
he long press release concerning Audi’s fourth and final sphere’ vehicle contained one phrase that stopped me in my muttering reading trac s he steering wheel and pedals allow the driver to ac tivel control the car ’ eader it has come to this di has previo sl anno nced the s sphere the grandsphere
and the rbansphere all showing their modernit b eschewing a capital letter since capital letters are probably bourgeois and a symbol of estern imperialism on’t tell the ermans who capitalise no ns h s we now have the fo rth and final ring sphere ball from di in the form of well whatever this is t’s a long low sports car cept it’s set p high on long travel r gged
s spension and wheels nd it’s a portbac e cept when it’s not when it’s an open cargo bed n this di claims o can carr recre ational e ipment li e a bi e h sorr no sill me o can’t carr a bi e o carr an e bi e a pair of them eca se the ’re so environ mentall so nd Unli e o now an actual bicycle that uses human m scle power t that’s probabl a
s mbol of male patriarch and to ic masc linit powering those pedals witho t electric s pport his r m affair is bro ght to o b di’s design st dio in alib erhaps that is wh the vehicle is a crosser of bo ndaries a master of metamorphosis’ hich means that the abilit to act all o now li e drive the thing can be alternated into full autonomous
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13/02/2023 23:50