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Tuesday January 11, 2011 year: 131 No. 6 the student voice of

The Ohio State University


thelantern Palin-targeted Ohio Dems felt unsafe


THOMAS BRADLEY Lantern reporter bradley.321@osu.edu Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot Saturday in Tucson, Ariz., was one of 20 Democrats targeted in Sarah Palin’s anti-health care legislation Facebook post in March. Two Ohio politicians also were among those in Palin’s Jared Loughner “crosshairs.” Former Ohio congressmen Charlie Wilson and John Boccieri told The Lantern they felt unsafe last year after the virtual “targets” were put on their backs. On Palin’s Facebook fan page, SarahPAC, a map was posted that used crosshairs to identify 20 members of the House of Representatives that had

voted in favor of health care reform. The map said things such as, “It’s time to take a stand” and “Let’s take back the 20, together!” Repeated attempts to reach Palin were unsuccessful. Palin’s website, SarahPAC. com, addresses the incident in Arizona. “My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Charlie Wilson Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of (Saturday’s) tragic shooting in Arizona. On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice,” Palin said on her website. Wilson said strong feelings lingered even after he lost in November.

“I am one of the representatives that voted for health care reform, and we were the targets, there is no question about that … I’ve received a lot of hate mail even after the election, so there is a lot of emotion still out there,” Wilson said. Boccieri said he received numerous threats to his ofÿce while on the campaign trail as John Boccieri a result of the political debate. “If people think that they can move public opinion, or move members of Congress to believe or to vote or to act a certain way, based on fear or intimidation … I think they will be greatly mistaken,” Boccieri said. All three politicians were labeled as Palin’s

continued as Shooting on 3A

1B New governor in,

Turner struggling in the NBA Former Ohio State hoops star Evan Turner is realizing players in the NBA are faster, taller and flat-out better.

arts & life

Now what? MOLLY GRAY Managing editor for design gray.557@osu.edu


The man with a golden voice

The Lantern looks at how The Columbus Dispatch dealt with its Ted Williams video being posted on YouTube.


Student group keeps giving



continued as Kasich on 3A

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Republican Gov. John Kasich took a ceremonial oath Monday afternoon in front of hundreds at the Ohio Theatre, half a block from the Ohio Capitol Building, where he says he will work to curb Ohio’s budget deÿcit and create more jobs. But now that the ceremony is over and the promises have been made, students are left wondering, “What now?” “I’m just interested to see if (Kasich is) actually going to change things like he says he is, like a lot of politicians do,” said Doug Fleischmann, a third-year in history. “I don’t want to point ÿngers, but I think the big guy at the top (referring to President Barack Obama) said he was going to change a lot and so far I haven’t seen it.” Throughout the campaign, Kasich’s competition, former Gov. Ted Strickland, painted Kasich as antistudent and anti-education, threatening that Kasich would undo all of his work to make education more affordable. In the two-and-a-half months since election night, Kasich has refrained from discussing tuition rates in detail, but has said he isn’t ruling out the possibility of a hike in the cost of higher education. Kasich is facing an $8 billion deÿcit he has promised to decrease during his tenure. The economy and job market were major talking points in his inaugural speech, given minutes after he and Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor were ceremoniously sworn-in. “It is my only purpose, it is my only passion,” Kasich said about Ohio’s economy. “Nothing will stand in our way.” Kasich’s most recent play before inauguration events began was to hire venture capitalist Mark Kvamme to transition Ohio from the Department of Development to a private nonproÿt company called JobsOhio in order to rejuvenate the state’s techonology production and manufacturing. “I’m really hoping that will spike the job count in

28/17 snow 22/10 partly cloudy 22/16 mostly cloudy 34/20 snow

Scenes from the inauguration...

Photos by CODY COUSINO / Asst. multimedia editor

Main: Ohio Gov. John Kasich gives his inaugural address in the Ohio Theatre Monday. Inset top left: Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner (center) watches Kasich’s address. Inset bottom left: Gov. John Kasich sings with his wife Karen and daughter Emma at the start of the ceremony. Inset right: Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor swears an oath of office yesterday.

Students get cash for notes MICHAEL HUGHES Lantern reporter hughes.1217@osu.edu A new Internet study tool gives students the opportunity to buy an entire quarter’s notes before the ÿrst class, introducing an ethical dilemma. Online note-sharing websites, such as ShareNotes, FlashNotes and GradeGuru, allow students to share their class notes with other students who are willing to purchase them. For the website to have success, students need to upload and buy each other’s class notes so the host company can acquire fees from the transactions. Speciÿc numbers vary by company, but revenue from note sales goes mostly to the students. A smaller percentage of the revenue goes to the companies who run the website. FlashNotes spokeswoman Katie Greenwald said students receive 80 percent of their notes’ revenue, while FlashNotes takes the remaining 20 percent. Students who upload their notes set the price, with a minimum of $1.99. Other note-sharing websites boast appealing bonuses for signing up and uploading notes.

ShareNotes offers a rewards program that hands out free gifts, such as an iPod or Flip camera, for referring friends and uploading class notes. GradeGuru, a start-up company run by education materials company McGraw-Hill, has an advantage because it prints many of the textbooks the class notes are written from. An increased use of online note-sharing sites might cause students to attend fewer classes, but FlashNotes CEO Mike Matousek said the effects of a possible rise in absenteeism would be minimal. “Students who abuse (note-sharing websites) are the same type of kids who sit in the back of class with their headphones on,” Matousek said. “They are not learning in class anyway.” Robert S. Coleman, chair of Ohio State’s Committee on Academic Misconduct, said the process of buying and selling notes is fair, according to the student handbook. “When you take a class, your course materials are your property,” Coleman said. “We can’t lend knowledge and ask for it back.” Coleman emphasized that even though note sharing is acceptable, other rules regarding academic misconduct still apply. “Copying the work of another and presenting it

as your own is never acceptable,” Coleman said. “You’re doing something to try to get out of work.” Jake Miller, a second-year in sports and leisure studies and FlashNotes user, said online notesharing sites can be a good resource. Miller said he understands how some professors ÿnd the note-sharing marketplace detrimental to academic success. “Some professors say it’s ÿne,” Miller said. “But other professors feel like you should go to class and pay your dues.” Miller said he made about $150 in two weeks uploading his class notes last spring, He has not, however, uploaded his class notes since. “Some classes, like GECs, are better for uploading than others,” Miller said. The process of transferring his handwritten notes to computer ÿles took hours, Miller said. Uploading the ÿles to the site and readying them for sale, Miller said, did not take more than a few minutes. “It’s a new and different way to get information across,” Matousek said. “We’re trying to ÿnd out what students need to succeed.”



campus Website helps students find cheap textbooks SAM OBERMYER Lantern reporter obermyer.1@osu.edu

TYLER JOSWICK / Asst. photo editor

For many Ohio State students, one of the most expensive purchases they make each quarter is textbooks. A new website is trying to help students save money without making them spend all day researching online or walking up and down High street comparing prices. SlugBooks.com allows students to select their course, see what books are required for that course and see the different prices retailers charge for the books. “We provide seven different options where you can buy your books,” said David Miller, CEO of SlugBooks.com. The options include the ofÿcial university bookstore, the best used prices from Amazon.com and Half.com, rentals from Chegg.com and BookRenter.com, a digital option for a device like the Kindle, and a student exchange where students can post books they want to sell through Facebook and other students can message them back. “Ever since we integrated with Facebook this quarter we have seen an overwhelming positive response,” Miller said. “It is very easy to list now. Just click a button and you can list.” SlugBooks.com receives a small commission for books bought from Amazon, Half, the two rental options and the digital option. The company receives no commission for books bought at the university bookstore or through the student exchange on Facebook. “Whenever people buy from those two, it is totally commission-less, but it is very relevant content for people; it gives them more to choose from,” Miller said. “We are really just about providing transparency and information about textbook prices so people can make their own decisions.” The prices from Amazon and Half are for used books and the university bookstore lists the new and used prices. “Since we have started this, we have seen that the bookstores have been increasingly more competitive with the online sellers,” Miller said. The prices for books are updated every hour. Miller, a graduate of the University of California, Santa Cruz, started SlugBooks.com in 2008 after the Slug Books Co-op bookstore he worked at could no longer compete with online marketplaces and went out of business. SlugBooks.com “was pretty much running in California until this quarter and Ohio State was one of the ÿrst few schools that we pursued a bigger expansion at,” Miller said. “Every campus we go to, it catches on pretty good. We see around 10 percent of the undergraduate population using the site in the ÿrst quarter.” Students at OSU view the website as a helpful resource. “It’s a nice idea and (will be) good to use,” said Mohsen Almohsen, a graduate student in economics. Mohsen said he thinks textbooks are overpriced, but does not shop around. “I just buy them from the bookstore,” he said. Some other tips to save money on textbooks, from CBSMoneyWatch.com, include using older editions of textbooks, renting textbooks instead of buying, sharing a book with classmates, purchasing international editions, ordering books before school starts and looking for coupons online. Online coupons for textbooks can be found at textbookcoupons.com, couponwinner.com, promocodes.com and promotionalcodes.com.

A donation box sits in the lobby of Jones Tower on Sunday. Most residence halls on campus have a donation box for Dollar 4 Change’s clothing drive for a local shelter.

Dollars 4 Change donates clothes to local shelter JUSTIN CONLEY Senior Lantern reporter conley.325@osu.edu The holiday season has passed, but one student group is hoping the spirit of giving at Ohio State will extend into the new year. Dollars 4 Change, a student group dedicated to fundraising and awareness for nonproÿt organizations in central Ohio, kicked off a winter clothing drive Jan. 3 beneÿtting The Open Shelter, a local day service center that provides food, clothing, sleeping bags and other amenities for the homeless. Kunal Parikh, a third-year in chemical engineering and president of Dollars 4 Change, said the purpose of the drive is to collect items like outerwear, but it is about more than the clothing. “We thought it was a great way to not only generate awareness for the things that (The Open Shelter is) doing, but also help out some needy people in Columbus,” Parikh said. “I think the clothing drive is about … getting people involved and that has far-reaching effects.” This is the ÿrst time Dollars 4 Change has collaborated with The Open Shelter.

The drive has come at a time when Harry Yeprem, development coordinator for The Open Shelter, said donations become sparse for the shelter, which serves about 160 people a day. “We do get a lot of great support,” Yeprem said. “We are very appreciative for what goes on during the holidays, but it would be kind of nice if there was some way that we could stretch that through the year.” Though Yeprem said he is unable to put a number on the after-the-holidays drop in monetary donations, which fund the shelter, he said there “is a noticeable difference” for the shelter. Parikh said the drive ends Jan. 21. The donated items will then be weighed and sent to The Open Shelter, located at 61 E. Mound St. Yeprem is not looking for a high turnout to ÿnd success. “The Open Shelter can’t exist without drives like this … everything that we do is because of the generosity of the central Ohio community,” Yeprem said. “Anything is a success.” Clothing for The Open Shelter can be donated in the lobby of all residence halls on the OSU main campus.

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Tuesday January 11, 2011

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Cornel West Cornel West speaks in front of more than 1,000 people at the Ohio Union for the 39th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration on Monday night. Check thelantern.com for this story.

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Shooting from 1A

Politician received hateful Christmas cards, phone calls “targets” to be defeated in the 2010 election. Boccieri said the political rhetoric, from both sides of the political spectrum, needs to be toned down. “Those of us holding elected ofÿce, and those with a national microphone, we need to understand that this type of rhetoric could motivate people to action,” Boccieri said. “There are folks who are on the edge of being unhinged or are unhinged already.” Paul Beck, a political science professor at Ohio State, agrees with Boccieri regarding the political rhetoric. “Our democracy would be much better off if leaders, elected and unelected, and talk show hosts would cool their rhetoric,” Beck said in an e-mail. “It is one thing to oppose policies, and there are legitimate differences of opinion on important issues. It is quite another to demonize those who hold positions we oppose.” Wilson said those in the national spotlight, such as Palin, should be held accountable for what they are saying. “I think it was all very hurtful. It just showed a lot of disrespect for our leaders and for each other,” Wilson said. “The rhetoric that went on during this last campaign is some of the worst I’ve ever seen.” Tom Nelson, an OSU political science professor, talked about the possible impact Palin’s comments had on the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner.

Kasich from 1A

Governor warns Ohioans against partisan prejudice

The Lantern is an interdisciplinary laboratory student publication which is part of the School of Communication at The Ohio State University, with four printed daily editions Monday through Thursday and one online edition on Friday. The Lantern is staffed by student editors, writers, photographers, graphic designers and multimedia producers. The Lantern’s daily operations are funded through advertising and its academic pursuits are supported by the School of Communication. Advertising in the paper is sold largely by student account executives. Students also service the classified department and handle front office duties. The School of Communication is committed to the highest professional standards for the newspaper in order to guarantee the fullest educational benefits from The Lantern experience. Enjoy one issue of The Lantern for free. Additional copies are 50¢

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Ohio and there will be no more government oversight of the department,” said Meagan Cyrus, president of the Ohio State College Republicans. “I think it will make the department a lot more efÿcient and there will be no more government red tape.” Though Kasich received some criticism following this announcement, he said there are critical assessments that can only be made by a government outsider. Kvamme will “assess what works and what doesn’t work (in the department) and how they can improve with the purpose for creating jobs,” Kasich said Friday on OSU’s campus. “And to make sure that Ohio is going to answer the call to be creative and imaginative.” About one-third of university graduates leave the state of Ohio within three years of graduation. Kasich said he hopes to change that. Change was a consistent theme throughout Kasich’s campaign and it found its way into his inaugural slogan, “New Day.” He said he wants to help Ohio realize its promise and destiny. “It is so exciting to be a part of a movement that answers the bell,” Kasich said. “As Ohio goes, so does America. They are watching us.” The crowd, which included supporters, such as Speaker of the U.S. House of

“Divisive rhetoric exempliÿed by the Palin website is unhelpful, to say the least. (It) did not cause Loughner’s mental illness, nor does it directly advocate violence against political opponents,” Nelson said in an e-mail. “Its main purpose, I believe, is to capitalize on a kind of martial or war-like framing of political competition, which energizes some voters.” Boccieri said there were pleas from fellow Congress members to tone down the political rhetoric. Wilson explained a situation in which he said he was personally attacked because of his political stance in favor of the health care bill. “A picture of me was hung in efÿgy, and that picture was tarred and feathered … this picture was a little on the edge, a little crazy,” Wilson said. “I received a lot of hate mail, even a couple Christmas cards that were hateful, even after the election.” Wilson said that during the heart of the health care debate, his ofÿce would receive more than 1,000 phone calls and e-mails concerning the issue. Many of these were not even from Ohioans. The map posted on the SarahPAC fan page caused problems for many representatives mentioned on the list, including Virginia Rep. Tom Perriello, who had a gas pipe in his home cut and lit. “There have been many threats to different lawmakers and there was a public outcry that this map should be taken down,” Boccieri said. Because of the map, Wilson felt threatened during his recent campaign for reelection. “I would not have been surprised if something had happened to me. There was

Representatives John Boehner, met the governor with applause and a standing ovation. “I thought he was very inspiring. Sure, he was a little emotional, but he talked about his family and his friends and God,” said Josh Bodner, a second-year in electrical and computer engineering who attended the inauguration. “He was showing he cares about the people a lot. And he deÿnitely showed he cares about what the state is doing and where we’re going.” Still, Kasich was met with disapproval from half a dozen people on the steps of the Statehouse across the street, who were holding Strickland/Brown campaign posters from last fall’s heated race between the two candidates. Following his oath, which occurred just after 12:15 p.m., Kasich warned Ohioans against being selÿsh and against partisan prejudice. “We are not Republicans, we are not Democrats. We are Ohioans, we are Buckeyes, together!” he said. “Our enemies are those who refuse the power of the team. We will defeat them.” President of the College Democrats Matt Caffrey, a fourth-year in political science, said that he thinks Kasich will do what he has promised. “He’s just got this sort of vicious style to him and I expect him to try and make good on it,” Caffrey said. Kasich came to ofÿce last November when Republicans swept the state and national races. In Ohio, the win was accompanied by the election of Taylor, as well as Senator Rob Portman, U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 15th Congressional District Steve Stivers and Ohio

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an awful lot of anger, a lot of fear that was spewed and stirred up,” Wilson said. Boccieri is a former representative from Ohio’s 16th Congressional District. Since losing his re-election, he has returned to his previous job, ° ying airplanes at the Air Force Reserve. Wilson, a former representative from Ohio’s 6th district, runs a funeral home business in Bridgeport, Ohio. Wilson said he plans on running for representative again in 2012, and Boccieri said he has not ruled it out. Six people were killed in the shootings in Tucson, according to reports. This includes a federal judge, John Roll, and a 9-year-old girl, Christina Taylor Green. Fourteen others were wounded in the shooting. Loughner appeared in court Monday, and is set to reappear for a preliminary hearing on Jan. 24. Wilson sends his condolences to Giffords’ family and the families of the other victims. “It seems so unfair that one of the most wonderful people from my congressional class of 2006 would be struck down because she certainly deserved much better,” Wilson said. Boccieri said his thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the shooting. “This is a most unfortunate tragedy and it was completely unnecessary,” Boccieri said. “I don’t know what motivated that gentleman to do what he did, but America is better than this. We are better than this situation, we are better than this tragedy.” Justin Conley and Kelsey Buller contributed to this story.

CODY COUSINO / Asst. multimedia editor

Ohio Gov. John Kasich waves to his supporters after delivering his inaugural speech Monday. Secretary of State Jon Husted. Kasich is an OSU alumnus and is a former Ohio congressman and executive at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. The governor’s ofÿcial signing-in was shortly after 12 a.m. Monday. Sarah Stemen and Aaron Green contributed to this story.

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Tuesday January 11, 2011

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9A 3A XX

diversions Crossword Los Angeles Times, Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Sudoku by The Mepham Group ©2009

See solutions to sudoku, octo & crosswords online at thelantern.com Octo by Doug Gardner US2-31 ©2009 Patent Pending Instr uct ions

Across 1 17-Across in the neck 5 Adventurous 10 Domesticated 14 Chase on stage 15 Cat-__-tails 16 Wicked 17 See 1-Across 18 Passé keyboard key 20 Bigger photo: Abbr. 21 Extremely, in Essex 22 Horror maven Craven 23 Follower of Mary 25 Sphere 27 Was beaten by 29 Midday energizer 34 K-6 35 Stroll 37 Vowel before omicron 38 Bounty rival 39 Angle irons graphically represented by four sets of black squares in this grid, and by letter formations starting in the four longest answers 41 Picket line crosser 42 Garden site 43 Actor Neeson 44 Finishes the road 45 Got sick again 48 Like some quaint lamps

50 Fair grade 51 German GM subsidiary 52 Workshop sprite 55 Crete-born “View of Toledo” painter 59 Texas ranch initials 62 “I’m afraid this will sound funny” 64 Dublin’s land 65 Red Muppet 66 Trace 67 Future atty.’s hurdle 68 Boatload 69 Preminger et al. 70 Eyelid problem Down 1 Lounging jacket wearer’s smoke, maybe 2 Verve 3 Video game difficulty setting 4 Bronze relative 5 Pasadena arena 6 Andean ancient 7 Letter addressees 8 Masseuse’s challenge 9 Cowardly 10 Business card abbr. 11 Speak bluntly 12 Cats’ quarry 13 Benevolent lodgeful

19 Ancient strings 21 NYC subway line named for two boroughs 24 Farmers’ publication? 26 Brush component 27 Hyped-up feeling 28 Say “bo’s’n,” say 29 Scottish pattern 30 Gumbo pod 31 Names on it are off-limits to telemarketers 32 Big name in video games 33 Big name in beer 36 Up to the task 40 Wet ones, so to speak 46 Banana discard 47 Have as a customer 49 Stock mkt. debut 52 Makeup accentuates them 53 Recline lazily 54 Do a slow burn 56 Trot or canter 57 Litter’s littlest 58 Kellogg’s toaster brand 60 Donkey’s protest 61 Ballet leap 63 Sad 64 Ernie of the PGA, to whom this puzzle could be dedicated

Place the numbers 1 to 8 in each of the octagons such that the numbers are not repeated in any octagon, row, column, or diagonal. The sums of the minor diagonals (diagonals that contain either four or six numbers) are provided at the beginning and end of each minor diagonal. The sum of the four numbers that border a diamond are provided in that diamond. The numbers that border diamonds do not have to be unique.

Number of numbers provided = 58 (Medium)

FOR MORE OCTOs, go to www.home.comcast.net/~douglasdgardner/site

Solution for Puzzle US2-31:

Horoscopes by Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements, ©2010 Tribune Media Services Inc. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY If you have a map, use it. If the map doesn’t work, find a set of colored markers and make your own. Decide where you want to go, have a good time, take time to smell the roses and bring a friend along for the ride. That person will remind you to look at your map when you lose focus. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES March 21 – April 19 Today is a 7 -- Today is a 7 -- It’s a good day to get on a bike and ride the trails, or take a walk somewhere gorgeous. The world’s calling you to move around outdoors. TAURUS April 20 – May 20 Today is an 8 -- Don’t get bogged down in the details or ask for favors right now. Wait until later to decide on a big purchase. Keep an eye on the big picture.

VIRGO Aug. 23 – Sept. 22 Today is a 6 -- Don’t try a new method or theory now. Watch where you’re going. Be careful not to miss an important household obligation. Follow the plan. LIBRA Sept. 23–Oct. 22 Today is a 6 -- There may be tension regarding love and money. You can handle it. Don’t make hasty decisions. A new idea needs more preparation to work. Take your time. SCORPIO Oct. 23 – Nov. 21 Today is an 8 -- The budget doesn’t add up. Worrying would be futile. Look for where to cut, and find something you can easily live without. Don’t borrow or lend today. SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 – Dec. 21 Today is an 8 -- Be creative. Abandon your preconceived ideas about something (or someone). If you allow things to show up like mysteries, they often reveal hidden treasure.

GEMINI May 21 – June 21 Today is a 9 -- Don’t try to run away from a tough job. It’s not worth arguing about it, either. Keep your space clean and organized, and just do it. You’ll be glad.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22 – Jan. 19 Today is a 7 -- Completion leads to satisfaction, even if it doesn’t seem to work out at first. You’re in charge. Finish up all the loose ends, and speculate on what’s next.

CANCER June 22 – July 22 Today is a 7 -- You don’t need to grant a loved one’s expensive request. Disruptions at home can cause distractions and even chaos at work. Call a time out to think it over.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20 – Feb. 18 Today is a 5 -- Wait until the matter’s settled before you discuss it further. All may not transpire as expected, and characters may switch roles. You’ll be glad you kept quiet.

LEO July 23 – Aug. 22 Today is a 7 -- There could be a mechanical or communication breakdown. Don’t gamble with money. Take your risks in love. Explain your motives and spend time in the sun with friends.

PISCES Feb. 19 – March 20 Today is an 8 -- Consider the consequences of actions. You’re currently in the eye of the storm. When the dust clears, you may collect unexpected benefits.

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! by Tim Rickard


Tuesday January 11, 2011


Tuesday January 11, 2011


thelantern www.thelantern.com releases Music

“Showroom of Compassion,” by Cake “Valhalla Dance Hall,” by British Sea Power “Thank You Happy Birthday,” by Cage the Elephant “Steel Magnolia,” by Steel Magnolia


Courtesy of the Ohio Historical Society

Bob Glotzhober, the senior curator of natural history at the Ohio Historical Society, takes a look at Conway, the museum’s mastodon skeleton, in preparation for the exhibit’s rotation. T he remains were adjusted in order to provide visitors with a better view of the exhibit.

Conway takes a weekend spin replicas, because the bony body isn’t strong enough to support the weight of the originals. Following the tusks, the entire head was removed, followed by the legs. The last part of the body workers had to move was the rib cage and backbone, which were supported by a platform while the supporting legs were removed. The platform was moved to its new location and the rest of the body was reattached. Conway, who got his name from the man who discovered him, was unearthed in 1887. The remains traveled as display to carnivals before making stops at a number of museums and settling at the OHS in 1993. Although the process of moving the remains was a mammoth one, Conway is not actually a Woolly Mammoth. He is a mastodon, another elephantine mammal that roamed the Great Lakes region. Although woolly are like their mammoth brethren, Glotzhober said that mastodons are actually closer relatives to modern-day elephants than they were to mammoths. They were also much more populous in Ohio, with an estimated three mastodons present for every mammoth. Although both are now extinct, Columbus residents can now get a glimpse of Conway, a remaining monument to the mastodon species. And not just his behind.

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After 17 years at the Ohio Historical Society, Conway the Mastodon moved. As in, a team of workers rotated the 10-foot-tall remains of the fossilized pachyderm. Conway is on display in the main room of the OHS. He was initially installed so that visitors would descend a staircase and get an optimal view of the skeleton in the process. Media Relations chief Kim Schuette said that after moving the entrance of the museum to better suit handicapped visitors, guests would enter to the sight of Conway’s rear-end. Bob Glotzhober, the senior curator of natural history, said that rotating the remains wasn’t as simple as it seems. “It’s a very delicate process,” he said. So delicate in fact that the process took four days of work from 10 professionals to pull off. The museum had additional volunteers to videotape the procedure and keep the crowd away from the work (the museum stayed open throughout). The process came down to five steps. First, workers had to remove the tusks. Although realistic looking, the tusks attached to the skull are actually fiberglass

Nathan Kane contributed to this story

Columbus band has post-college plans Matthew Edw ards For The Lantern edwards.907@osu.edu

Venetica (PC, PS3, XBOX 360) DC Universe (PC. PS3) Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (DS)

Columbus rock band Yellow Light Maybe plans on keeping the group intact after college. In fact, the group is banking heavily on keeping the musical act going as a full-time source of income. The band members say the degrees that they earned in college are a back-up plan, even if the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle doesn’t bring them fortune. The band formed at Ohio University, where three of its four original members graduated, and then moved to Columbus to find its fifth member. The band has since slimmed back down to four members. Yellow Light Maybe has recorded two EPs with local recording label Secret Song Records, and started recording its third EP just after the new year. “It feels like every time we write a new song, it’s

better than the last,” said lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Brian Day. “As a songwriter, I get better. As musicians, we all get better.” Along with opening at Columbus venues, such as The Newport and The Basement for nationally touring acts, Yellow Light Maybe toured during the summer, performing in New York City, Philadelphia and Charlotte, N.C., among others. “The tour was pretty unbelievable,” lead guitarist Ken Lutze said, “pretty successful for being our first time on the road.” Lutze’s ability to transition from an upbeat chorus to a declining interlude, like he does in the song “You’ve Been Good” from the band’s “More of the World” EP, is one of the qualities that makes the band’s sound hard to fit into a neat genre. Lutze’s musical roots began with a different instrument than the guitar, however. “He got tired of being beat up for playing the alto sax,” drummer PJ Schreiner said jokingly. Lutze said he discovered his current instrument

of choice when he found guitars that his father “had hidden around the house.” joking around has been key in keeping positive chemistry with band mates, Day said. “If you can critique the other guy without getting upset, that makes a good band. Egos are what kills bands,” he said. “We critique each other constantly.” When the band’s keyboardist and backup singer left in February for a job opportunity in Florida, the band’s self critiques became even more important. “Since our keyboard player left, we’ve been going for more straightforward rock rather than the more complicated stuff,” bassist Casey Lehman said. Lehman, a fourth-year in film studies, had a different path to the band than the others. The band’s original bassist left in 2008. That’s when Lehman’s sister, a friend of the band members, said she had a little brother who played bass.

continued as Yellow on 6A

Social media makes difference; just ask Ted Williams the Dispatch.com. I didn’t think anything of it, as this happens to most viral videos today. It seems like you can always find multiples of the same video when you’re searching on YouTube. The Dispatch reported the video got more than 12 million views before YouTube acknowledged the media outlet’s copyright complaint and removed the video. It’s simply wrong for other people to steal a website’s content, but at the same DAN IELLE HART MAN time, would the video have received hartman.271@osu.edu as much attention if it wasn’t posted on YouTube? People are criticizing The Dispatch for requesting the video to be removed from YouTube, but

ARTS Columnist

It’s hard to believe Ted Williams used to beg on the Hudson Street exit of Interstate 71, just seconds down the street from my apartment. Thousands of people drove past him every day, disregarding the man with the sign. Now, after a short video posted by the The Columbus Dispatch, Williams will never feel ignored again. Williams’ example just goes to show how quickly social media can spread something around the world. In a matter of seconds, Williams went from standing jobless on the curb to receiving employment offers from Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and the Cleveland Cavaliers. If you would have asked about Williams just eight days ago, everyone would have thought you were talking about the Red Sox baseball great. Now, Williams’ name something quite different. Splinter Cell:means Conviction (Xbox 360) I watched the video the morning it was posted on the The Dispatch’s Lead but andhad Gold: ofbig theit Wild West to(PC) website, no Gangs idea how was going get until later that night, when friends from across the country were talking about the Music man for Everyone (Wii)voice” on Facebook and Twitter. I homeless with a “golden noticed most were linking a video on YouTube, which was stolen from

wouldn’t you be upset if someone posted your video? For some reason, it seems as if many people don’t consider this stealing. And it just doesn’t happen with news videos — music artists continually have their music and music videos put online without their permission. Internet users have come to feel as though online content should just be free. Though I don’t believe stealing videos and putting them up on YouTube is right, it did help spread Williams’ story more quickly. From now on, I can imagine The Dispatch will surely put all of its videos on a YouTube channel as well as their website. At the very least they will watermark all of their videos, putting a logo on the video that can’t be cut as easily as credits that run at the end. In all fairness, I don’t believe the YouTube user who posted the video had bad intentions. After all, the stolen video was accompanied with this message, according to The Dispatch: “Throwing this video from The Columbus Dispatch out there, hoping we can find this talent a place to call home.”

continued as YouTube on 6A 5A


Courtesy of MCT

T ed Williams gets ready to speak on Columbus radio station WN CI’s morning show on Wednesday.

YouTube from 5A

Ethical dilemmas spring from spread of social media Did The Dispatch go too far in removing its stolen video from YouTube when that video was responsible for launching Williams’ story across the world? Would the story had ever been as big if it had never been put on YouTube? Who knows? These are hard questions to answer and you can argue either way. In a statement made by The Dispatch explaining the removal of the video, it was said that the YouTube video was posted “in violation of The Dispatch Printing Co.’s copyright” and the person who uploaded the video was “unauthorized” to do so. The Dispatch probably pulled the video off of YouTube because people were viewing its content there, which doesn’t earn The Dispatch money. A media outlet makes money on the page views of the content it creates, and when people are directed to content on anything other than the website, it doesn’t get recognized for those views. A lot of people are attacking The Dispatch’s decision, calling it behind the times. But the newspaper is dealing with a new problem presented by social media. Perhaps The Dispatch could have approached the problem in a different way, but who could have predicted the attention that “golden voice” would attract?

Give your take online at www.thelantern.com

Courtesy of the Urban Arts Center

T his untitled piece from the collection ‘My T ime’ by Ohio State graduate Justin Luna is one of the pieces of photography on display as part of the ‘T hird Eye’ exhibit at the OS U Urban Arts Center.

Exhibit displays conceptual photos Alex Hampel Lantern reporter hampel.11@osu.edu “Third Eye,” an exhibition at the OSU Urban Arts Space, features 10 Columbusbased artists who question and explore understandings of modern-day photography. “The exhibition sets up this really interesting dichotomy of two polar aspects (intrusion and intimacy) of photography’s effect on both the viewer and the artist’s perception,” said Jackie Little, City Center Columbus gallery director. The project deliberates the potential of photography to serve as a language. Ryan Walters, the curator for “Third Eye,” designed the exhibition to enable a discussion “about the effect photography can have on the way we experience our life.” The Urban Arts Space selected “Third Eye” for several reasons, Little said. “Ryan (Walters) put together an incredibly intriguing proposal that was well-written and thought-provoking,” she said. “The exhibition touches on concerns that are being discussed in international art today. Mainly, to

what effect the photographic lens has on the viewer’s perception.” Walters originally began the project with Christopher Von Holle, a peer and one of the artists. One of the duo’s Columbus College of Art and Design professors, John FergusJean, a former curator of photo exhibits at the Columbus Museum of Art, served as an inspiration. Walters wanted to give exposure to the artists that weren’t getting the recognition he thought they should. “I used my peers for the show,” Walters said. “I kept seeing them having really nice work, really strong concepts, but they just weren’t getting publicity and I really wanted to go on a curatorial adventure.” The exhibit acts to serve the goal of the City Center by giving young artists a place to display their wares. “Our main mission is to establish a space where our community can enjoy and consider original modern-day artwork that is being created right here in our city,” Little said. Each artist has interest in his or her own area of expertise, using photography as a channel to discuss perception and a condition within life, Walters said.

Each individual piece talks about aspects of life, he said, such as the ability of an image to be reproduced. Though the exhibit features 10 artists, only nine of the artists’ works are presented in the City Center Gallery. The 10th artist will only be performing the night of the reception, Jan. 28. The specifics of his performance are not being disclosed, for thematic reasons. “The way his work fits into the show is that it is not going to be documented at all,” Walters said. Walters and the artists have worked as a team to advertise for the event and the Urban Arts Space has given the event a lot of attention as well, he said. “Working with the space was amazing,” Walters said. “They (enabled) us to network with a bunch of people we wouldn’t have been able (to otherwise).” Walters said he wants the viewers of “Third Eye” “to see how the show is laid out and for them to draw comparisons between the artists’ work and start to develop their own understanding of how they’re interacting within the space.”

ODI Career and Job Fair Student Association and its Coordinating Committee Present

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:30am - 4:00pm The Ohio Union (Archie M. Griffin Ballroom) 1739 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43210

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Courtesy of Amanda Fondriest

Yellow Light Maybe’s vocalist and guitarist Brian Day takes a leap while the rest of the band watches on.

Students get your résumés and interviewing skills ready!

Yellow from 5A

Columbus band

Job Fair Preparation Workshops* Free to Attend!

doesn’t need success to be happy in music Yellow Light Maybe replaced its bassist, but doesn’t have plans to bring in another keyboardist. “It helped move us in a different musical direction,” Lehman said, adding the performance they have now isn’t as complicated as the material listeners heard on the first two albums. Despite Yellow Light Maybe’s new musical direction, its goal remains the same. “I just want people to walk away and say ‘Those guys were a good band,’” Schreiner said. “If they like all 15 songs, that’s awesome. If they want to come to another show, that’s great. I’m not trying to take their money or anything; I just want them to appreciate (our music).” Although three of the four have degrees already and Lehman on is track to graduate in spring 2012, the band isn’t really interested in using what they learned in the classroom. “It will probably mean that I’m poor, but if I can pay my bills…” Day said with a shrug, admitting he’d like the band to be his full-time job. Schreiner said, “There’s hundreds of groups in this country that do that and you’ll never hear of them.” But he followed up this bleak truth with some optimism. “If I could be a f------ millionaire rock star, that’d be great too,” Schreiner said.

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Making the Most of a Job Fair--Résumé Writing

(workshop 1) Tuesday, January 18 3:00 - 5:00 PM --Hale Center Multipurpose Rm Sponsored by the Office of Student Life Career Connection

Making the Most of a Job Fair--The Interview

(workshop 2) Thursday, January 20 3:00 - 5:00 PM--Hale Center Main Lounge

Sponsored by the Office of Student Life Career Connection

Navigating the Career Fair--

(workshop 3) Monday, January 24 4:30 - 6:30 PM--Hale Center Room 134 Sponsored by the INROADS, Inc. *See website for more information on these workshops


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Tuesday January 2011 1/7/2011 11, 2:20:50 PM


Tuesday January 11, 2011

thelantern www.thelantern.com upcoming WEDNESDAY Men’s Basketball v. Michigan 6:30pm @ Ann Arbor, Mich.

Women’s Basketball v. Northwestern 8pm @ Evanston, Ill.

FRIDAY Fencing: Division I NAC All Day @ Dallas Women’s Tennis: OSU Varsity Open TBA @ Columbus, Ohio Women’s Hockey v. Minnesota State 7pm @ Mankato, Minn. Men’s Hockey v. Western Michigan 7:35pm @ Kalamazoo, Mich. Women’s Gymnastics v. Oregon State 10pm @ Corvallis, Ore.

SATURDAY Fencing: Division I NAC All Day @ Dallas Women’s Tennis: OSU Varsity Open TBA @ Columbus, Ohio Pistol v. U.S. Naval Academy TBA @ Columbus, Ohio Rifle: 2X Air Camp Perry Open TBA @ Port Clinton, Ohio Women’s Track: The Dual v. Michigan 10am @ Ann Arbor, Mich. Men’s Track: The Dual v. Michigan 12pm @ Columbus, Ohio Women’s Hockey v. Minnesota State 3pm @ Mankato, Minn. Men’s Basketball v. Penn State 5:30pm @ Columbus, Ohio

As soon as Evan Turner gave the green light, a small ˜ ock of reporters circled around the Philadelphia 76ers guard. Despite a 2-for-14 shooting performance in an 84-77 loss to New Orleans on Jan. 3, Turner was in good spirits in the locker room. He was comfortable with the presence of Ohio State media, in town to cover the Sugar Bowl. After a few minutes of questions and answers, Turner gave a ÿst-pound to each reporter. It was a rare moment of relaxation for the rookie, struggling to adapt to the nuances of professional basketball life. Since the 76ers selected him with the No. 2 pick in June’s NBA draft, Turner has yet to unearth the success that helped him garner nearly every award in college basketball last season. “Everything’s new: road trips, arenas, different players, how we’re going to defend people,” Turner said. No longer does the 6-foot-7 Turner have the ball in his hands every possession, able to break down defenses littered with scholarship players half his size and walk-on scrubs with half his skill. Instead, he’s trying to ÿt into a locker room with established veterans such as Elton Brand and Andre Iguodala and ÿt into a league full of millionaire athletes just as explosive and gifted as he is.

continued as Sixer on 2B

ZACK MEISEL meisel.14@osu.edu

Gazing into the 2011 crystal ball

ANDY GOTTESMAN / Multimedia editor

Rookie guard Evan Turner misses a shot during the Philadelphia 76ers’ 84-77 loss to the New Orleans Hornets on Jan. 3.

Jackets’ power play leaves much to be desired JAMES OLDHAM Senior Lantern reporter oldham.29@osu.edu

Men’s Hockey v. Western Michigan 7:35pm @ Kalamazoo, Mich.

When the Blue Jackets get a man advantage at home, announcer Greg Murray gets the fans out of their seats with his signature booming exclamation, “Jackets on the power play!” This season, the fans might as well stay seated. The Jackets are ranked second-to-last in power-play percentage with a paltry 12.2 percent after 42 games. Coach Scott Arniel addressed the power-play concerns after a blowout loss late in the year. “We’re trying to get our guys to shoot,” Arniel said. “I’m not sure if we’re afraid of getting blocked or whatever it might be. We’re just going to have to try to stick with it and

SUNDAY Fencing: Division I NAC All Day @ Dallas Women’s Tennis: OSU Varsity Open TBA @ Columbus, Ohio Pistol v. U.S. Naval Academy TBA @ Columbus, Ohio Rifle: 2X Air Camp Perry Open TBA @ Port Clinton, Ohio Women’s Basketball v. Michigan State 12pm @ Columbus, Ohio Wrestling v. Michigan State 2pm @ Millersburg, Ohio

awards Freshman center Jared Sullinger earned his eighth Freshman of the Week accolade and third Big Ten Player of the Week award. Senior center Jantel Lavender earned her fourth Big Ten Player of the Week honor, 17th overall, tying her for the most career player of the week selections in the Big Ten. JANTEL LAVENDER


ZACK MEISEL Editor-in-chief meisel.14@osu.edu

Men’s Volleyball v. St. Francis 7pm @ Columbus, Ohio

Men’s Gymnastics: Windy City Invite 8pm @ Chicago

throwin’ Editor-in-chief


Better as a Buckeye, struggling as a Sixer

simplify, try to shoot pucks as much as possible with trafÿc around the front of the net.” The lack of shooting on power plays explains why the Jackets have only scored 19 power-play goals in 156 powerplay opportunities so far this season. Jackets center R.J. Umberger said the better teams in the NHL have good power-play systems. “In this day and age, it’s very important,” Umberger said. “We’re trying to work on it every day, and we’re going over a lot of video. I think it’s going to take a lot of just getting simple and shooting more pucks.” Although the lack of goals is a concern, Jackets defenseman Anton Stralman said the Jackets’ propensity for giving up shorthanded goals is something else the team needs to work on.

continued as Struggling on 2B

Freshman getting ‘Crafty’ on the court Aaron Craft #4 Men’s basketball guard

2010 – 11 season to date Points








EMILY COLLARD / Lantern designer

TIM SHOEMAKER Lantern reporter shoemaker.153@osu.edu Nobody knows what the X-factor truly is, but Ohio State freshman Aaron Craft’s tenacious defense and hustle on the court makes him the closest thing the No. 2-ranked OSU men’s basketball team has to it. The budding point guard has already been in pressure situations. His 27.1 minutes per game put him behind only seniors Jon Diebler Photo Illustration MICHAEL PARKMAN / Lantern photogapher and David Lighty and freshman Jared Sullinger in minutes played this season.

Fellow Buckeyes say Craft’s poise on the court makes him a strong player. “The thing about Aaron, he’s so mature for his age,” Diebler said. “He doesn’t play like a freshman.” Adjusting from high school to college is usually difÿcult for freshmen, but with the support of his teammates, Craft has successfully made a name for himself at OSU. “It deÿnitely helps having the teammates’ conÿdence behind me every time I step up to the free-throw line and trusting me with the ball at the

continued as Craft on 2B

It’s a new year with limitless possibilities. In sports, anything can, and typically will, happen. My crystal ball is crystal clear. The following sequence of events is bound to happen, giving Buckeye Nation something other than football to cheer about and keeping Cleveland in its neverending depression. 1. Jared Sullinger will not win the Naismith Award, given to college basketball’s best player. Averaging 17.9 points and 10.3 rebounds per game, the freshman forward will merit a spot on the All-American team, but the creaky, old voters will reward a more seasoned performer with the top prize. Someone like Duke senior Kyle Singler, averaging 17.9 points and 6.1 rebounds per contest, or junior Kemba Walker, pacing Connecticut with 25.8 points and 5.4 rebounds per game, will get the nod. It won’t matter to most Buckeye fans, though, because … 2. Ohio State will reach the Final Four. OSU has so much ÿrepower it won’t arrive in Houston saying, “We have a problem.” Sullinger, William Buford, David Lighty, Jon Diebler and Deshaun Thomas — ÿve of the top 30 scorers in the Big Ten — all average doubledigit points per game. The team’s blend of veterans, upperclassmen Lighty, Buford and center Dallas Lauderdale, and youth, freshmen Sullinger, Thomas and Aaron Craft, has worked out better than anyone could have imagined. OSU’s 16-0 record speaks to that. The high from the team’s postseason success will only last so long, because … 3. Sullinger will bolt for the NBA. How can he not? Evan Turner capitalized on his breakout season last year to become the No. 2 overall pick in June’s draft. Sullinger can maximize his lone season and earn a spot in the top ÿve this summer, getting Clevelanders excited because … 4. The Cleveland Cavaliers will finish the season with the worst record in the NBA. The Cavs already own the league’s worst record, and that’s before they likely dump their only tradable commodities: Antawn Jamison and Mo Williams, the Cavs’ two best players. A franchise LeBron James left to rot, the Cavs will provide their city new hope with the idea of Sullinger, a native Ohioan, suiting up in wine and gold. The only problem is … 5. Typical Cleveland luck will prevail, and the pingpong balls won’t bounce the Cavs’ way. The team that ÿnishes in the NBA basement only has a 25 percent shot at the top pick. The draft lottery is more of a crapshoot than an exact science. The Sacramento Kings ÿnished last in 2009 but only earned the No. 4 pick. The Washington Wizards had the ÿfth-worst record in 2010 but, despite just a 10.3 percent chance, lucked out with the top choice. Lady Luck hasn’t been much of a friend to Cleveland in the last 50 years — The Fumble, The Drive, choking away the 1997 World Series, losing the NBA’s top player in free agency on national TV. Why would its fortunes reverse now?


sports Sixer from 1B

Evan Turner

Turner doesn’t

2010 – 11 season to date

Philadelphia 76ers shooting guard

yet measure up to NBA all-stars Turner has learned a few things. NBA players are faster. “The speed is so quick,” he said. “You can’t really crash the boards or hang around. You really have to get back because teams are scoring in two seconds.” NBA players are taller. “Just the length of players, players are so long,” Turner said. “A few times you might go in, and you might get welcomed to the league over and over again with a shot block. You have to get used to that.” NBA players are ˜ at-out better. Turner has been saddled with defensive assignments against All-Stars he dreamed of playing against growing up. “Kobe was real real,” Turner gushed. “He hit some tough shots, and he’s deÿnitely the best player in the world, in my opinion. I was able to go against Dwyane Wade and Chris Paul and other great wings.” It’s been a rocky transition. In 35 games, the Chicago native has averaged 7.1 points per contest on just 39 percent shooting. His struggles led to a reduction in playing time in mid-December. Philadelphia coach Doug Collins didn’t even play his 22-year-old rookie in two of the team’s games. “I don’t really focus too much on how I’m shooting it. I just need to get my legs stronger and sometimes not get rushed and focus a little more,” Turner said. “But that stuff’s going to come. The more I hit shots, the more conÿdence I’ll have. That stuff’s coming. I’m deÿnitely going to work on it every single day, but it’s coming.” There have been bright spots: his 23-point effort in a 123-110 win at Phoenix on Dec. 29; his 19-point, 5-assist, 5-rebound performance Saturday against Detroit.

ANDY GOTTESMAN / Multimedia editor

Rookie guard Evan Turner talks to coach Doug Collins during the Philadelphia 76ers’ 84-77 loss to the New Orleans Hornets on Jan. 3.

Craft from 1B

Craft’s ability to get his hands on the ball late in the game and make clutch plays can be encouraging for OSU fans as the season progresses and Big Ten play continues. “I mean, you’ve seen games where teams will try to press him and he’s pretty much singlehandedly broke the press as a freshman,” Diebler said. “That’s pretty impressive.” Although Craft appears to be cool and collected on the hardwood, he said not everything has come easily. “It’s deÿnitely a learning process, still, just continue to be conÿdent and poised,” Craft said. “The seniors do a great job of helping me with that.” Craft said for his team to play successfully against other teams’ varying defensive strategies, every Buckeye needs to play conÿdently. “Teams deÿnitely come in with different defensive packages, whether it’s on (Sullinger) or (Lighty) or (Diebler) or whoever,” he said. “You got to be prepared, and everyone has to be conÿdent out there on the ˜ oor with the ball.” The victory over Minnesota improved the Buckeyes’ record to 16-0 this season and 3-0 in the Big Ten. “It’s good to have him around. I know that because he’s a very tough kid, and he’s always been like that, ever since I’ve known him when he was little,” Diebler said. “He’s going to be a great (point guard) here.”

Freshman has had no trouble breaking the press

end of the game,” Craft said. Experience Craft has gained playing at the collegiate level prepared him to be a leader for the Buckeyes. He scored 11 points and had seven assists in OSU’s 67-64 victory over Minnesota on Sunday. For the ÿrst 16 games of the season, Craft has averaged 5.5 points, 1.7 steals and 5.1 assists per game. He is leading the team in assists. Though his other numbers might not be staggering, Craft’s effect on his team’s performance extends far beyond the box score. “You can count on him to … do the right things in games,” Diebler said. “To see someone, at his age, be able to do that everyday is extremely impressive.” Diebler said Craft’s game pushes his teammates to play at their best. “This is his ÿrst year in college basketball, and he’s doing everything right,” Diebler said. “Why can’t we?” Over the course of the season, Craft has begun playing more conÿdently and aggressively, OSU coach Thad Matta said. “I think Aaron has been playing more aggressive with the basketball, which has been good to see,” Matta said. “He’s been driving; he’s kicking; and he’s not hesitating on his three.”

Check thelantern.com for coverage of the men’s basketball team Wednesday night against Michigan.









EMILY COLLARD / Lantern designer

Perhaps Turner will be a late bloomer. His numbers improved each season he sported scarlet and gray. As a freshman, he averaged 8.5 points, 4.4 rebounds and 2.6 assists. By his junior year, he poured in 20.4 points, 9.2 rebounds and 6.0 assists. “I think I’ll go on the up-and-up, and once I get more experience and more acclimated,” Turner said, “everything will work out for the best.” Former Buckeye teammate David Lighty said he expects Turner to blossom once he ÿgures out what adjustments he must make. “Once you get the hang of everything, it’s just a process,” Lighty said. “Evan had a transition coming from high school to college, and he really wasn’t doing what he was doing in high school and it’s going to be the same way once you get to the next level.” When he reaches that comfort level, Turner will no longer need familiar faces in the media to provide him relief.

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DD HH AAPP AAPP DD S M W : SSAAM SSAAAMM G EE EX AR ME X MA RR TH E-SE RIIA H: AG GE E WIIT MAAARRRRRRIAIAIAAG G EXX MEE XM E--SSEE GE E by jumping out to aO14-6 record, but have gone 6-13-3 since. Last AAPPAAA P A D P D D H H H A P A P A D P D D A IIE A IE IS I I I A A I A I I N S N S S S S N N S N S E C C T T T E E C E C C L U LLS U O O L L U L U U S S S R R R S S S S S Y Y Y S S S IIU I I I I I O O O O O O N F F F N O O O O O N N N N N T T T T H H H H E E E ALL A IE IN I I I A A I A I I NN N N S S S N N S N S EP E C C C T T T E E C E C C U U U O O O L L U L U U S S R R R S S S S SC S Y Y Y S S S I I I I I O O O O N N F F F N O O O O O N N N N T T T T H H H H E E E A A D P D D H H H A P A P A D P D D A A IS A IE IS I I I A A I A I I N N S S S N N S N E C C C T T T E E C E C C L U LLS U O O L L U L U U S S R R R S S S S Y Y Y S S S IO I I I I IO O O O O O O O N N F F F N N O O O O O N N N N T T T T H H H H E E E A AN ILS A IE IN I I I A A I A I I N NE S N S S S N N S N ELL E C C C T T T E E C E C C L U U U O O L L U L U U S S R R R S S S S S Y Y Y S S S IU I I I I IN O O O O O O O N N N F F F N N O O O O O N N N N T T T T H H H H E E E !"#$%&'()*'$! "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)(-.$)"$2"!"##$%&'(%')*""+ " " "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)(!"#$%&'()*'$! !"#$%&'()*'$! "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)(-.$)"$2"!"##$%&'(%')*""+ !"#$%& !"#$%&'()*'$! "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)( season, the team started 12-6-2 before losing 16 of its next 19 !"#$%& -AA -XX M -RR M M W W :G :: IITITITTHHHH:: -AA S -XX S M -RR S M M SSAAAAM S S SSAAAAM S S E A E A E IR IIT A E A E A E X M X R X R R T M X M X R X R E E E R H E E E R R IA IE IT IA A A A G G G E E E E E A E A E IR E A E A E M M X M X X R R M M X M X X R E E E RR R H HW E E E RR R IA IA IH IA G G G G E E E E -S SM -S S M -S S M M W W : W S S M S M M S S S S A E A E IT IT A E A E M M X X R R T T M M M X X R E E E R R H H E E E R IA IA IA IA A A A A G G G G E E E A AM E A E A E I I A E A E A E M M M X RR X R R T M M M X R X R EA E E R R R H H E E E R R IA I I I A A A A G G G G E E games. "3)$2(44$)"$2"567!"8&/09"$2":$).;"<6)$=/&6">-;9"$2"567" +'($,$-%.#/! +'($,$ +'($,$-%.#/! "3)$2(44$)"$2"567!"8&/09"$2":$) +'($,$-%.#/! "3)$2(44$)"$2"567!"8&/09"$2":$).;"<6)$=/&6">-;9"$2"567" +'($,$ +'($,$-%.#/! "3)$2(44$)"$2"567!"8&/09"$2":$ Despite the team’s is convinced that !"#$%&'()*'$! !"#$%&'()*'$! !"#$%&'()*'$! "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)(-.$)"$2"!"##$%&'(%')*""+ "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)(-.$)"$2"!"##$%&'(%')*""+ " " struggles, "" "" "" Umberger !"#$%&'()*'$! !"#$%&'()*'$! !"#$%&'()*'$! "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)( "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0 " " "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)(-.$)"$2"!"##$%&'(%')*""+ " this !"#$%&'()*'$! !"#$%&'()*'$! !"#$%&'()*'$! "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)(-.$)"$2"!"##$%&'(%')*""+ "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)(-.$)"$2"!"##$%&'(%')*""+ "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/)(-.$)"$2"!"##$%&'(%')*""+ !"#$%&'()*'$! !"#$%&'()*'$! !"#$%&'()*'$! "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./0("1/) "#$%&'()"*"+,(-%./ "#$%&'()"*" " "#$%&'()"*"+

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Struggling from 1B

Slump mirrors postseason lows in 2008-09 season

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TO Perry v. Schwarzenegger TO Perry v. Schwarze FFROM FFROM Miike (Haw. 1999) TO v.v.Dep’t ofof2010)— Pub. Perry v.v.Goodridge Schwarzenegger (Cal. ROMBaehr Baehrv.v.Miike Miike(Haw. (Haw.1999) 1999)TO TOGoodridge Goodridgev.v.Dep’t Dep’tofofPub. Pub.Health Health(Mass. (Mass.2003) 2003) ROMBaehr Baehrv.v.(Cal. Miike2010)— (Haw.TO 1999) TO Goodridge Dep’t Pub.Health Health(Mass. (Mass.2003) 2003) TO TO Perry Schwarzenegger (Cal. 2010)— TOPerry Perryv.v.Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger(Cal. (Cal.2 ROM TO ROM TO TO TO Perry v. Schwarzenegger (Cal. 2010)— TOPerry Perryv.v.Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger(Cal. (Cal.2010)— 2010)— TO Perry v. Schwarzenegger (Cal. 2010)— FROM Baehr v. Miike (Haw. 1999) TO Goodridge v. Dep’t of Pub. Health (Mass. 2003)




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LOCATION: Saxbe Auditorium, Drinko Hall







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Furnished Efficiency/Studio

Furnished 1 Bedroom

Furnished 2 Bedroom

86 West Lane Ave. Furnished one bedroom efficiency. Refrigerator, microwave, community kitchen. No pets. $400 deposit. $400 rent. 614‑306‑0053. Avail- 92 E.11th Ave. Very clean, able December 15th thru Febru- neat, cozy. A/C, parking available, short term ok! $499/mo. ary 28th. (614)457‑8409, (614)361‑ 92 E.11th Ave. Very clean, 2282. neat, cozy. A/C, parking available, short term ok! $435/mo. (614)457‑8409, (614)361‑ 2282.

Furnished 1 Bedroom

#Available apartment. Super convenient location, 1‑2 bedroom apartments, 38 E. 17th Ave, just off of High Street, laundry, offstreet parking. Available Summer and/or Fall and onward. $350‑$400.00/month. Call 296‑6304, 263‑ 1193.

Unfurnished Rentals

$1275/month ($425/person) West 10th Ave@ Hunter‑ 1 block to Gateway, 1 block to OSU Hospital! Large (1,300 sq.ft. plus Basement), extensively redone, 3 Bedroom townhouse with full basement! 28 foot long LR/DR w/new carpet, Spacious, deluxe Kitchen with Refrigerator, Range with self‑ cleaning Oven, Dishwasher, Microwave, recessed spotlights on dimmers and more! Upstairs are 3 Bedrooms with ceiling fans and all wired for phone/cable/internet. Nice new full Bath! Full usable basement with Washer/ Dryer included! New high‑efficiency gas furnace, new AC, new thermopane windows w/miniblinds = lower utility bills! Great front porch! Posmodern 2 bdrm flat. sibly the nicest place in the Furnished, very beautiful area. Excellent shape. A/C, parking, campus area! Available Fall and very beautiful furniture. 2011. No Pets. Call 410‑1826 John Kost RE/MAX Premier $700/mo. 718‑0790. Choice. See pictures and floor plan@ www.bestcampusrentals.com

Furnished 2 Bedroom

Unfurnished Rentals

Iuka Park Commons Neighborhood style living with a campus address Huge 2 bedroom apartments • Available furnished and unfurnished • Large bedrooms • Eat-in kitchens • Central air • On-site laundry • Well-lit off-street parking • Located on the CABS East Residential bus line •

Starting at only $339/person

Call today to schedule a viewing! Ask us about our deposit special! www.inntownhomes.com


Tuesday January 11, 2011

Furnished 3 Bedroom

$1500. Off campus home on half acre. On bus line in Linworth/Worthington. Off street parking for 5 cars. Perfect for 4 roommates, or family. No pets, no smokers. 12 minutes from campus. Includes all appliances. Quiet neighborhood in Worthington schools. One month deposit. 614‑ 507‑1940


Furnished 4 Bedroom 4 Bedroom House. 422 E. 15th Avenue. (3.5 Blocks from High St.) Central A/C, Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher, 2 baths. Available Fall. $1240/mo. www.ghcrentals.com or call 614‑804‑3165

Furnished 5+ Bedroom Looking for the LEAD Campus Tweeter. Tweet for $$, for start‑up ShoutOmatic.com. Contact mlevy@shoutomatic.com.

Unfurnished Rentals

Unfurnished Efficiency/Studio

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

Unfurnished 3 Bedroom

3 BDRM Apt. 168 Chittenden available now. Gas, Electric & Water included in Rent!! Off street parking. Pets Negotiable. $1290/mo. New capet throughout. Sunrise Properties, Inc. 846‑5577

Application fee Waived! 1900 N. 4th St. Studio and 1 bedroom apartment with full bath and kitchen, on site laundry, off street parking. $435/ month. No Application Fee! Call Myers Real Estate 614‑ 486‑2933 or visit www.myersrealty.com

133 W. Oakland & Neil Ave‑2 bdrm TH avail for fall. Modern Bldg on N. campus close to Buss. School, corner of Neil Av. newer crpt, tile flr, A/C Off St. pkg new bath. Must see!Call G.A.S. Properties 263‑ 2665 www.gasproperties.com

429 E. Oakland Ave. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, living and dining rooms, full basement w/ washer/dryer hook‑ups, front porch $525 (614)457‑4039 Affordable 2 Bedrooms. Visit our website at www.my1stplace.com. 1st Place Realty 429‑0960 At University Gardens. Beautiful 2 bedroom condos. new W/D, stove, refrigerator and dishwasher, free wi‑fi. Separate laundry and spacious LR. Quiet Complex. Best value in OSU off‑campus student and faculty housing. $520/month 1st month free. 614‑778‑9875. www.offcampus.osu.edu www.universitygardenscolumbus.com Av. Fall 83 E. 11th, great location near the Gateway. Deluxe modern townhouse with 1.5 baths and washer/dryer, parking, AC, new kitchen, carpet, lots of storage, all amenities. Privately owned and managed. $680/mo ‑ lease ‑ no pets ‑ utilities separate 614‑395‑4891. AV. Fall‑ 171 E. 12th, deluxe modern 2 bedroom townhouse, large rooms, parking, AC, new kitchen, finished basement, separate utility room with washer/dryer. Lease, no pets, utilities separate. $980 a month. deposit. Call 614‑395‑4891. AVALILABLE NOW. 134 W. 9th. Large 2 bedroom flats just steps from South Campus, medical schools, new windows, carpeting, updated appliances, dishwasher, your own Washer/Dryer, A/C, parking. $600. www.TheSloopyGroup.com 614‑284‑2038, Craig East 16th between Summit and Fourth. 2 bed, extra study room, Remodeled kitchen, tile floors, free washer and dryer, osp, nice, $820.00, no pets, skrentals.net, Steve @ 614‑ 582‑1618 No 1 spot! 220 E. Lane‑2 bdrm flats avail for fall corner of Indianola and Lane. Modern Bldg on N. campus. Spacious w/newer crpt, huge bdrms, on site lndry, A/C. Off St. pkg. Courtyard area. Must see!Call G.A.S. Properties 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com Updated 2 bedroom apt., located at 56 1/2 Woodruff, dishwasher, disposal, microwave, gas stove, ac. Includes 2 off street parking spaces, washer and dryer. Call 513‑774‑9550 after 6:30 pm or email inquiries to: lwalp1@gmail.com XLarge 2BR from $740 per month. FREE GAS & WATER, Central Air, Deluxe Appliances, W/W Carpet. Laundry Room, Video Security & Monitored Intrusion Alarms. Suitable for 2‑4 People, Available Fall. 285 E 14th Ave 614‑310‑3033 www.LandisProperties.com

$1200/MONTH, 3 bedroom half double house, 2113 Indiana and Lane Ave. (between Indianola and Summit), excellent northeast campus location, recently renovated, beautiful quiet street, front covered porch, hardwood floors, FREE washer/dryer, new furnace and A/C, security system, dishwasher, fenced in backyard with deck! Ohio State Property Management, 614‑374‑5769 1/2 Double, Just South of Lane Ave on Indianola. 3 BR 1 Bath. W/D, DW. $1080/month. Available Sept. 614‑216‑8025 118 W King & Hunter 3Brm TH available fall Huge brms ,quiet Victorian Vlg area, bsmt w/ FREE W/D, A/C, newer carpet, blinds, D/W & off str. parking. call 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com 20/22/26W. Maynard‑3 bdrm TH avail for fall on N. campus. Front porch & reardeck, yard area Bsmt w/lndry hkups, F/P, blinds, gas heat, newer crpt. Call 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com 2156 Tuller St. Large double, finished attic, nice front porch, close to Lane & High St Off street parking $1395/mo Commercial One 324‑6747 www.c1realty.com 217 E Oakland Ave. Nice House Beautiful, Hdwd Floors, Front Porch $1260/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com 220 E Lane & Indianola ‑3 Brm flats avail for fall. Modern Bldg, spacious units w/AC, huge brms, courtyard, on site laundry, blinds, newer carpet & off str parking. call 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com 2207 Indiana Double with hdwd floors, nice location $850.00 Commercial One 324‑ 6717 www.c1realty.com 235 E. Blake Ave. 1/2 dbl, 3BR, A/C, dishwasher, basement w/WD, wood floors, fresh paint, OSP, great neighbors, great landlords. $800/mo. Diane 740‑ 742‑2048 or jdss@copper.net 2587 Indianola Ave Completely Remodeled, Hdwd floors. $870/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com 3 & 4 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, EXCELLENT LOCATION ON E. FRAMBES, 1/2 BLOCK FROM HIGH, BIG BEDROOMS, CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING, FREE WASHER/DRYER, OFFSTREET PARKING, DISHWASHER, BEG. FALL 2011, SIGN UP EARLY BEFORE THEY ARE GONE, CALL 761‑9035 3 BDRM Apartments, 55 E. Norwich Ave. Great Location, New Kitchen Appliances, C/Air, W/D, OSP, NO Pets $1290/Mo. Call 961‑0056. www.cooper‑properties.com 3 BDRM DBL, 81‑83 E. Norwich Ave. Great Location, New Kitchen & Bath, W/D, DW, NO Pets $1,305/Mo. Call 961‑ 0056. www.cooper‑properties.com 3 bdrm double, W. Maynard, walk to OSU, CA, newly remodeled bath & updated kitchen, hdwd floors, off st. parking, W/D, 90% efficient furnace. $1200 Avail. Fall 2011 Call (614)206‑5855 or (614)348‑ 2307 www.byrneosuproperties.com 39 W 10 Ave. 3bd townhouse, Updated, Hdwd Floors, A/C, includes W/D, Parking. Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com 405 W 8th Ave Large 1/2 double across from hospital, front porch $1,350/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com 406 W King & Hunter 3 Brm flat avail. for fall in a quiet Victorian Vlg. area close to Med. School. Rmdeled & spacious w/ huge kit, A/C, newer crpt, porch, yard, blinds, lndry next door & off str pkng. Call 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com

3 Bedrooms‑ 69 E. 14th Ave. Available Fall 2011. Large rooms, newer furnaces & air conditioning, updated baths, kitchens, appliances, dishwashers. Off‑street parking. Security system available. $1050/month 740‑363‑2158, jeffersrentals@gmail.com

APARTMENTS 340 E. 19th 2Bdr. $595 340 E. 19th 3Bdr. $1050 296 E. 17th 2Bdr. $650



Unfurnished Rentals


# 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 BR beautiful TOWNHOUSES, HOUSES, HALF‑DOUBLES, APARTMENTS close to campus. Call your one source for the best in campus housing! North Campus Rentals ph: (614)354‑8870 www.northcampusrentals.com

Crown Real Estate

2‑roommates. Modern 3‑ BR/1.5 bath on Maynard. Furnished, off‑street parking, fenced yard, small pets. 937‑ 776‑7798

#1 www.VARSITYREALTY.COM 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 bedroom houses. Great locations near High St. 614‑989‑1866 or varsityrealty@gmail.com. 1,2,or 3 Bedrooms available for fall on Woodruff or 15th Ave. Parking. 296‑8353. 15 E. NORWICH Ave $590. per month. Large 2 bedroom townhouse for rent near Lane & High. Robbins Realty 444‑ 6871

Unfurnished Rentals

Unfurnished Rentals

FOR ALL YOUR FALL HOUSING NEEDS! Studios through 4 bedroom homes remaining for Fall 2011 Prime Locations! www.universitymanors.com



Get the best housing now. for next school year

Showing and renting now for Fall 2011

2‑ 9 bedroom houses and half doubles ALL HAVE Central A/C Dishwashers washer/dryer and many other amenities visit our website at

crowncolumbus.com 614‑457‑6545

New Listing. 21 E. Oakland Ave. Second House East of High St.. 3‑5 Bedroom House. 2 Full Baths. A/C, New Kitchen, W/D, Front Porch, Enclosed Back Yard with Built‑ In Grill. Available Now Through Summer Quarter. No Pets. Call Harvey 571‑0704 North osu Riverview Dr. Hardwood Floors. Gas Heat. A/C. H20 pd. O.F.S Parking. Laundry on site. Walk in Closet. New Windows. Available now. Ideal for Grad Students. Call 571‑5109. OSU/GRANDVIEW King Ave, 1&2 bdrm garden apts. AC, Gas heat and water, Laundry facilities, Off‑street parking. 294‑0083

Unfurnished Rentals

JUST STEPS to Campus! 106 E. 13th Avenue. $460/month. Newly remodeled large studio with full bath and kitchen, A/C, and laundry facility. Heat, water and high speed internet included! FIRST FULL MONTH OF RENT IS FREE!!!! Call Myers Real Estate 614‑486‑2933 or visit www.myersrealty.com

150 E. 13th, Large modern studio apartments just steps from campus. Secure building, new appliances, A/C, laundry room, full kitchen & bath, Gas paid. $430, www.TheSloopyGroup.com (614) 284‑2038, Craig

168 west 9th Ave. Great Location. 1 Block East of Neil Ave. 2 Bedroom remodeled Apartments for Fall. Air conditioned, new carpeting, ceramic floor tile in bathroom & kitchen, new overhead fan lights. Off‑ Street parking. No pets. Call #1, Affordable spacious Dawson Properties. 571‑0704 and updated, large 1BR apts 1890 N. 4th St. Convenient to on North, South and central OSU and Downtown! Applicacampus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑ tion Fee Waived! Large modstreet parking, dishwasher. ern units are 910 sq. ft. Quiet Starting at $425 614‑294‑7067 building, off street parking, launwww.osupropertymanagement.- dry facility, A/C, gas heat, dishcom washer, on bus line. $550‑ 1 BDRM Apartments, 161 E. 650/month. No application fee! Norwich Ave. Great Location, Call Myers Real Estate 614‑ Walk‑In Closet, A/C, OSP, NO 486‑2933 or visit www.myersrePets. $490/Mo. Call 961‑0056. alty.com www.cooper‑properties.com 190‑192 E Norwich‑ 2 brmTH 1 BDRM Townhouse 100 avail. for fall. N. campus west Frambes Ave. Spacious Unit w/ of Indianola. Recently updated Walk‑In Closet, W/D, A/C, Free spacious units w/on site lndry & OSP $525/Mo. Call 961‑0056. hkups in units. Updated baths ,A/C, off str prkg, Must see! www.cooper‑properties.com Call G.A.S. Properties 263‑ 1523 Belmont Ave. Stylish, 2665 www.gasproperties.com Across from Hospital $475‑$525 Inc Gas, Electric 198 E Norwich – 2 brm TH avail for fall. Modern Blg on N. Commercial One 324‑6717 campus, west of Indianola. www.c1realty.com Lndry nearby, A/C, newer crpt 1615 Highland Ave., Big 1bd, huge kitchen, off str prkg Parking, Heat Included! call G.A.S Properties 263‑2665 $500‑525/mo. Commercial One www.gasproperties.com 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com

Unfurnished 1 Bedroom

40 Chittenden Ave Free Parking, Coin W/D, Near Gateway $495‑$535 Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com

2 BD, 1 BA, spacious, $565/mo., recently renovated, 5 min from campus, fitness center, well maintained, 24 hr emergency maintenance, Affordable 1 Bedrooms. courtesy officer, on‑site laundry, no app fee, $200 deposit. Visit our website at 276‑7118 www.my1stplace.com. 1st Place Realty 429‑0960 2 BDRM Apartment @ 181 W. Application fee Waived! Norwich Ave. Great Location, 1900 N. 4th St. Studio and 1 C/Air, Free OSP (Carport) bedroom apartment with full $870/Mo. Call 961‑0056. www.bath and kitchen, on site laun- cooper‑properties.com dry, off street parking. $435/ 2 BDRM Apartment 55 E. Normonth. No Application Fee! wich Ave. Spacious & Very Call Myers Real Estate 614‑ Nice, C/Air, W/D, OSP, NO 486‑2933 or visit www.myersre- Pets $890/Mo. Call 961‑0056. alty.com www.cooper‑properties.com Attention OSU students, off 2 BDRM Apartments 95 & 125 campus housing available! 1 E. Norwich Ave. Great Locabdrm apartment $450/mo. + tions, Lg. Bdrms, C/Air, OSP, utilities. 490 Alden Ave.Walk to NO Pets $830/Mo. Call 961‑ bus stop. Located close to cam- 0056. www.cooper‑properties.pus, crew stadium & freeway com access.Clean and tidy, located on a dead end street. Call Jill 2 BDRM Townhouse 100 (614)989‑9049 for info. and ap- Frambes Ave. Spacious Unit, DW, W/D, A/C, Free OSP plication ($35 app fee). $990‑$1020/Mo. Call 961‑ 0056. www.cooper‑properties.newly renovated 1Bdr. com apartment in Bexley area close proximity to Capital University, 2 BDRM Townhouse 185 W. Bexley library, and COTA. 614‑ Norwich Ave. Spacious Unit, C/Air, Free OSP (Carport) 253‑6827. $990/Mo. Call 961‑0056. www.“318 Wyandotte charming cooper‑properties.com 3BR w/ modern kitchen & bath. 2 BDRM Townhouse 191 W. DW. W/D. A/C. 1‑1/2 bath w/ Norwich Ave. Spacious Unit, Whrlpl Tub. Off st. parking. 1/2 DW, C/Air, Free OSP (Carport) block from COTA & CABS. $990/Mo. Call 961‑0056. www.- $1000/month. David: # 1 2 BR AVAILABLE SUM- cooper‑properties.com 614.496.3150” MER AND FALL! Beautiful re2 BDRM Townhouses, 161 E. # 1 3 Bedroom Duplex, North modeled TOWNHOUSES and APARTMENTS close to cam- Norwich Ave. Great Location, Campus, Fall Rental, 2181 IndiHW Floors, W/D, OSP, NO ana. Rear Deck, off‑street pus. Features include large bedrooms with ceiling fans, air Pets. $950/Mo. Call 961‑0056. parking and central air. Eat‑in bar counter in kitchen. Washconditioning, insulated win- www.cooper‑properties.com dows, cable/internet, washers 2381 Williams St. Front er/Dryer in basement. Tons of Rent is $1,200 per & dryers, beautiful woodwork, Porch, Quiet Street $750/mo space. FREE lighted off‑street parking. Commercial One 324‑6717 month. Call Mark at 207‑4321 or email me at Call North Campus Rentals to- www.c1realty.com mmayers@columbus.rr.com for day! (614)354‑8870 www.an appointment or visit northcampusrentals.com 274‑ 284 E. Lane‑2 bdrm TH www.quadmproperty.com #1 Nr Lane and Neil, C/A, Ldy, avail for fall. N. campus at Indioff street parking, one block to anola and Lane, very spacious campus, phone Steve 614 208 w/lndry hkups in bsmt. Ceiling #1 NW corner of Patterson and High, 3 BR TH, very large, 3111 SMHrentals.com fans, dining Rm, newer crpt, frnt Ldy, $925.00 #1 Awesome! 308 E. 16th porch, yard area. Off St. pkg. Phone Steve: 614 208 3111 Duplex, 2 bedroom/1 bath, new Walk little save a lot. Call G.A.- SMHrentals.com kitchen & bath, DW, free wash- S. Properties 263‑2665 #1 @ 286 E. 13th: nice, remoder/dryer, blinds, basement, www.gasproperties.com NEW: porch, new windows & furnace, 28W. Maynard‑ 2 bdrm TH eled 3BR half‑double. refinished hardwood floors/car- avail for fall on N. campus. kitchen & bath w/ ceramic tile; furnace/AC; refinished hdwd pet, off street parking. Well Front porch & rear deck, yard maintained. Fall $720. 891‑ area Bsmt w/lndry hkups, F/P, floors; W/D (free). Oak trim, stained glass window. Off‑ 1835 blinds, gas heat, newer crpt.- street parking. Garage avail. Call G.A.S. Properties 263‑ Sorry, no pets. Stirling Proper#1 Corner of King and Neil, 2665 www.gasproperties.com water and parking included, ties of Ohio. 519‑6543 “www.C/A, Ldy, Nr. Hospital and 34 E 13th – 2 brm flats avail for StirlingOSU.com” Medical Schl. phone Steve: fall. Modern bldg on great cen614 208 3111 SMHrentals.com tral campus location just east #1 Available quiet 3 #1, Affordable spacious of N. High St. Huge brms & bedroom townhomes and updated, large 2BR apts kitchens w/dishwasher, A/C, available fall 2011 http:on North, South and Central lndry across the st. call G.A.S //www.veniceprops.campus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑ Properties 263‑2665 com/1655n4th.cfm street parking, dishwasher, on‑ www.gasproperties.com site laundry 344 E. 20th Unit B, 2 bedroom #1 rental avail immediately! Starting at $409 614‑294‑7067 flat, 1 bath, remodeled, central www.osupropertymanagement.- air, large kitchen, off street 363 E 12th Ave gorgeous home with room for 5 or more! com parking, NO dogs, $525.00. Pictures and more at www.$700 / 2br ‑ North Campus Call Pat 457‑4039 or e‑mail nicastroproperties.com pmyers1@columbus.rr.com Apartment #1, Affordable spacious Available FALL. $700/MONTH, 2 bedroom town 345 E. 20th available Fall. and updated, large 3BR apts home, 9 E Tompkins and High Large 2 bedroom flats, new win- on North, South and Central St., recently renovated, excel- dows, carpeting, updated appli- campus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑ street parking, dishwasher, lent north campus location, ances, dishwasher, on‑site hardwood floors, new appli- laundry, central air, ceramic W/D hookups, decks, Jacuzzi ances, dishwasher, central a/c, floors, courtyard, lots of park- tubs. FREE washer/dryer, low utili- ing, on bus line. $630. www.- Starting at $371 614‑294‑7067 www.osupropertymanagement.ties, private deck. Units avail- TheSloopyGroup.com (614) com able for fall quarter. Call Gary 284‑2038, Craig to schedule a tour @ 614‑402‑ $1,050 ($350/each) Patterson 357‑363 E 14th. 14th & 4th‑ 2 Ave, North Campus. Large 0206 bedroom, LV, Lg Kit. w/ref & 102 W. 8th‑2 bdrm flats avail stove, A/C, Lg bath, off street (over 1,300 sq.ft. plus full Basefor fall. Modern Bldg. w/security parking, laundry on premises. ment) 3 Bedroom ½ double resystem, ceramic tile flrs., DW, No pets. $420 rent, $420 de- cently updated. 28’ LR/DR, huge Kitchen w/Range, RefrigA/C newer crpt, updated appli- posit. 614‑306‑0053. erator, Dishwasher, built‑in Miances, ceiling fans. Off St. pkg crowave, recessed spotlights must see. Call G.A.S. Proper- 39 W 10 Ave. 2bd townhouse, Updated, Hdwd Floors, A/C, in- on dimmers and more! New full ties 263‑2665 cludes W/D, Parking. Commer- Bath! Full basement with www.gasproperties.com Washer & Dryer included! New cial One 324‑6717 112‑114 W. King‑ 2 brm TH www.c1realty.com furnace, A‑C and thermopane Victorian Vlg area avail for fall. windows = lower bills! Great Very spacious 1 ½ bath w/air- 410 W. King #A ‑2Brm flat very tree shaded yard, front porch! conditioning, huge kitchen, spacious Victoria Vlg area avail Great street, nice neighbors! basement, newer crpt, porch & for fall. Near med. schools, 2 Available September 2011. No full baths lndry in bsmt, A/C, Pets. 614‑410‑1826 John Kost garage avail. Must see! Call G.A.S. Properties 263‑ off str prkg & garage avail. RE/MAX Premier Choice. Great location call G.A.S. Prop2665 www.gasproperties.com erties 263‑2665 www.gasprop- $975/mo. South Campus Gateway Area. 3 Bedroom, 2 130 W. 9th‑ 2 bdrm flats avail erties.com Bath double, all hardwood for fall. Modern Bldg completely remodeled. S/W cam- 412 E. 20th Ave. Convenient floors, beautiful oak woodwork, pus w/huge bedrms & kit. A/C, to OSU and Downtown! Units free washer and dryer, very Off St. pkg. W/new crpt, storm are 700 sq. ft. Off street park- spacious, updated kitchen, ren$395‑ ovated front and covered rear windows, blinds and new appli- ing, A/C, gas heat. sitting porch, fenced in back ances. Must see! Call G.A.S. 445/month. Call Myers Real Estate 614‑486‑2933 or visit yard, off street parking, Call Properties 263‑2665 Steve at 291‑8207. www.euclidwww.myersrealty.com www.gasproperties.com properties.com

Unfurnished 3 Bedroom

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

50 W Maynard Double with hdwd floors, nice location $900/mo Commercial One 324‑ 6717 www.c1realty.com 51 E. Patterson Ave, Fall rental, 3 bedroom 1/2 double. New kitchen, new bath, \ upstairs W/D hookups. New furnace & windows, wood floors. Full basement. Front porch. 740‑548‑7124, 614‑563‑8392. 54 E 13th ‑ 3Brm flats avail. for fall. Great location. Modern Bldg on Central campus just E. of High St. Spacious w/AC, blinds, D/W, off str parking lndr across the str. call 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com 55 E. Patterson Ave. Fall rental, REALLY NICE completely remodeled 1/2 double, 3 bedroom. New kitchen and two baths. Upstairs laundry. New furnace and windows. Full basement. Paved off street parking and security light. 740‑ 548‑7124, 614‑563‑8392. 56E. Woodruff, 3 bedroom for Fall, excellent northeast location, steps from High St., new windows, mini‑blinds, new kitchen cabinets, microwave, gas stove, dishwasher, disposal. Central heat and ac, coin‑op laundry, 3 off‑street parking with well lit area. lwalp1@gmail.com or 513‑774‑ 9550 after 6:30pm 56E. Woodruff, 3 bedroom, excellent northeast location, steps from High St., new windows, mini‑blinds, microwave, dishwasher, disposal, gas stove. Central heat and ac, coin‑op laundry, 3 off‑street parking. lwalp1@gmail or 513‑ 774‑9550 57 E. Patterson Ave., Fall rental, really nice completely remodeled 1/2 double, 3 bedroom, new kitchen and baths, upstairs laundry, new furnace and windows, rear parking and security light, full basement, central air. 740‑548‑7124, 614‑563‑8392.


classifieds Unfurnished 3 Bedroom

Unfurnished 4 Bedroom

Unfurnished 4 Bedroom

61 E Patterson, 4 bedroom house for fall. Super nice, large rooms, 2 bath house. Completely remodeled throughout. New Appliances, first floor laundry, walk‑in closets, carpet, rear parking, Security light. 740‑548‑7124, 614‑563‑8392

# 1 4 BR AVAILABLE NOW OR FALL! Beautiful remodeled HOUSES, HALF‑DOUBLES, TOWNHOUSES close to campus. Huge bedrooms and eat‑in kitchens, new insulated windows, awesome porches and wood decks, FREE lighted off‑street parking, gleaming hardwood floors, new appliances, large dry basements with FREE washers & dryers, internet/cable, A/C, ceiling fans. Call North Campus Rentals today! (614)354‑8870 www.northcampusrentals.com

2157 Tuller Party porch, hdwd floors, finished attic, close to Lane/High $1,680/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com

# 1 A: nicely renovated 4BR North campus home: 185 E. Oakland. NEW: kitchen w/dishwasher, microwave; 2 baths; insulated windows; NEW furnace/AC; W/D (free), decorative fireplaces, lovely old woodwork. Sorry, no pets. HOF Properties of Ohio, 614‑204‑ 4346.

2390 Neil & Maynard‑4 Brm house avail for fall. Great location, spacious with beautiful woodwork, hardwood floor living rm, newer carpet, blinds, DW plus free W/D in bsmnt, front porch. Call 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com

63 W Maynard near Neil Ave– Beautiful 3 Brm TH avail for fall. Quiet N. Campus location, huge kit & dinning rm, newer carpets, A/C, blinds, bsmnt w/ FREE W/D, porch & yard. call 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com 66 E Norwich‑ 3brm flats avail for fall on N. campus just East of High St. Quiet area Modern Bldg w/AC newer carpet, blinds, updated appl, off str parking & laundry nearby call 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com 69 E. 14th Ave. 3 bedrooms: Available for Fall 2011. Large rooms, newer furnaces and air conditioning. Updated baths, kitchens, appliances, dishwashers Off Street Parking. Security system available. $1050/month (740) 363‑2158. jeffersrentals@gmail.com 96‑98 W 9th‑ 3Brm ½ double TH, avail. fall. Modern & spacious w/ dining rm, basement w/FREE W/D, AC, D/W, blinds, front porch & yard. call 263‑ 2665 www.gasproperties.com Affordable 3 Bedrooms. Visit our website at www.my1stplace.com. 1st Place Realty 429‑0960 Av. Fall‑ 171 E. 12th, deluxe modern 3 bedroom townhouse with large rooms, parking, AC, new kitchen, finished basement and separate utility room with washer/dryer. Lease, no pets, utilities separate. $980 a month. deposit and last month’s rent. 614‑395‑4891 AVAILABLE NOW 2585 Indianola Ave Completely Remodeled, Hdwd floors. $870/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com Clintonville, 3 br, 1.5 bath, 2 car gar, fenced yard, bbq, on bus line, $1500/mo. 614‑302‑2433 Large North Campus apartment with finished basement. Twin single, 3 off‑street parking spaces, 2 baths, DW, ceiling fan, W/D hook‑up, AC, no pets. $1000/month. 55 W. Hudson. 614‑582‑1672 North osu 3br, family room, new interior, new carpet & paint, basement, fenced 2c garage NICE! $895 975‑3984 457‑5689

Unfurnished 4 Bedroom # 1 4 Bedroom Duplex, Central Campus, Fall Rental, 1986 Summit. Great unit, newer interior. Dishwasher and Microwave in Kitchen, Washer Dryer in Basement. Rear deck, off‑street parking and central air. Full bath and two bedrooms on 3rd floor, Full bath and two bedrooms on second floor, half bath on the first floor. Rent is $1,900 per month. Call Mark at 207‑4321 or email me at mmayers@columbus.rr.com for an appointment or visit www.quadmproperty.com # 1 4 Bedroom Duplex, North Campus, Fall Rental, 2176 Summit. New Kitchen. Huge duplex. Third floor is all one room. Two full baths, Washer/Dryer in basement, rear deck, off‑street parking. Rent is $1,700 per month. Call Mark at 207‑4321 or email me at mmayers@columbus.rr.com for an appointment or visit www.quadmproperty.com # 1 4 Bedroom House, North Campus, Fall Rental, 2177 Indiana. Great corner house with huge rear deck. Dishwasher and microwave in kitchen. Washer/Dryer in Basement. Two car garage in rear. Central Air. Rent is $1,900 per month. Call Mark at 207‑4321 or email me at mmayers@columbus.rr.com for an appointment or visit www.quadmproperty.com

Furnished Rentals

2159 Tuller Party porch, hdwd floors, finished attic, close to Lane/High $1,680/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com 2209 Indiana. Party porch, hdwd floors, finished attic, close to Lane/High $1,280/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com

242 W. 9th 2 Bath Townhouses, W/D, Updated, Great #0‑4 bedroom house ideal cen- Location $1,300/mo Commertral location, corner 14th and cial One 324‑6717 Summit. 2 blocks from campus. www.c1realty.com Excellent condition. Kitchen redone. A/C, W/D, off‑street park- 361 E. 20th. Large 4 bedroom ing, security system. 470‑0813. Sunroom, 1 1/2 Bath A/C, www.scarletandgrayproperties.- washer/dryer, off‑street parking $995/month com www.thesloopygroup.com #1 @ 1956 Summit; 2133 Indi- 614‑285‑2038 Craig ana & 71/73 W. Northwood; 2 398 W. King near Belmond 3 or nicely renovated 4BR North 4 bdrm + 2 bath TH avail for campus single homes; one su- fall. Spacious, completely per double: NEW: kitchen remld w/newer carpet, A/C, w/dishwasher, microwave; 2 DW, blinds & FREE lndry. baths w/ceramic tile; insulated Close to med. schl off st. prkg. windows; furnace/AC; W/D Call 263‑2665 (free). Off‑street parking, deco- www.gasproperties.com rative fireplaces, lovely old woodwork. Sorry, no pets. Stir- 4 BDRM Apartment 67 Chittenling Properties of Ohio. 519‑ den, New Carpet, 2 Full Bath, 6543 www.StirlingOSU.com” C/Air, DW, W/D, OSP, NO Pets, $1,680/Mo. Call 961‑ #1, Affordable spacious 0056. www.cooper‑properties.and updated, large 4BR apts com on North, South and Central campus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑ 4 BDRM Apartment, 180 E. street parking, dishwasher, 12th, C/Air, DW, OSP, NO Pets $1,460/Mo. Call 961‑0056. W/D hookups, decks, www.cooper‑properties.com fireplaces, Jacuzzi tubs. Starting at $318 614‑294‑7067 www.osupropertymanagement.- 4 BDRM Apartment, 180 E. 12th, C/Air, DW, OSP, NO Pets com $1,620/Mo. Call 961‑0056. #1. Location OSU colors! 67 www.cooper‑properties.com W. Patterson Easy walk to 4 BDRM Apt. 111 E. Norwich OSU stadium. Big 1/2 double Spacious Apt. w/, C/Air, DW, with total of 8 rooms on 4 lev- W/D, OSP $1,580‑$1,620/Mo. els plus 2 full baths. Off street Call 961‑0056. www.cooper‑ parking. New insulated win- properties.com dows and security doors. Outside lighting. Central air, DW & 4 BDRM Apt. 2157 Waldeck new appliances, hardwood Ave. Completely Renovated, floors and carpet. Unique at- Spacious Unit w/ 2 Full Bath, tic/loft. Great architecture New Kitchen DW, W/D, C/Air & throughout. Clean, attractive, Free OSP $1,860/Mo. Call well maintained. Come see the 961‑0056. www.cooper‑properOSU colors! Call or email for in- ties.com formation. $1,600 September 1, 2011. 941‑323‑0148 ktaho@- 4 BDRM DBL, 2153‑2155 Indianola/Norwich Large Dbl. w/ 2 comcast.net Full Bath, W/D, DW, OSP, NO Call 961‑ $1500/MONTH, 4 bedroom Pets $1,940/Mo. plus 5th walk through bedroom, 0056. www.cooper‑properties.half double house, 2115 Indi- com ana & Lane Ave (between Indianola and Summit), recently 4 BDRM DBL. 131 E. Norwich renovated, excellent northeast DW, W/D, Lg. Porch, OSP, NO campus location, beautiful, Pets $1,920‑$1,980/Mo. Call quiet street, 2 full baths, hard- 961‑0056. www.cooper‑properwood floors, new appliances, ties.com dishwasher, FREE wash- 4 Bdrm Double 2139 Summit er/dryer, security system, low (Between Lane & Norwich) utilities, front covered porch, Renovated, Very Spacious Unit plenty of free off‑street security w/ 3 Floors, 2 Full Bath, Rec‑ lighted parking. Ohio State Rm, DW, W/D, C/Air & Free Property Management, 614‑ OSP (10 Spots) $2000/mo. 374‑5769 Call 961‑0056. www.cooper‑ properties.com $1600/MO. 46 W. Maynard. Fall rental. Very nice 4 bed- 4 bdrm double, W. Maynard room half double, central air, Ave, completely renovated, free washer & dryer, free off new everything!! 2 bath, CA, street parking. Desirable NW W/D, off‑st. parking. BEAUTIcampus, between High & Neil. FUL, won’t last long $1900, Attentive private owner. Call available Fall 2011, (614)206‑ 614‑267‑7277. 5855 or (614)348‑2307 Picwww.RentOSU.com tures at www.byrneosuproperties.com 103 West Norwich, incredible house and location, more information http://www.veniceprops.com/103wnorwich.cfm 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, close to Medical school, 4 to 5 bedroom, 2 kitchens, 2 baths, hardwood floors, front porch, laundry, permit parking, rent $1500/month, 614‑759‑9952, 614‑457‑1960, 614‑935‑7165 207 E. 13th Ave. Large 4 bdrm townhouse complete with carpeting throughout, kitchen appliances, W/D hookups. Parking, 1 year lease. $1520/month. Available Sept. 1, 2011. 764‑ 9644. 2154 Tuller. party porch, hdwd floors, finished attic, off street parking close to Lane/High $1,720/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com

Unfurnished 4 Bedroom

#1 Corner of Michigan and 8th. One block to Hospital and Med School. Beautiful 6 Bedroom house. 2 Full Baths, 2 Half Baths. Laundry. Available 77 E Frambes 1/2 Double, August or September. Phone 614‑208‑3111. W/D, Updated $1,800/mo Com- Steve smhrentals.com mercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com #1 options for your large 77 W Maynard Party porch, group of 6 or more! www.nicastroproperties.com! Great hardwood floors, quiet street $1,400/mo Commercial One Large Houses on Lane and Indianola available! email us for 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com more info! 84/86 Euclid Avenue ‑ #1 Two LARGE BEAUTIFUL $1400/mo. south Campus Gateway Area. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, REMODELED 7 bd houses, GRANITE KITCHENS, 3&4 brick double. Hardwood floors, beautiful fireplaces, spacious, baths, great parking onsite, 17th Ave off Summit. $500 per free washer and dryer, full basement, air conditioned, new person per month. Call OSU Student Rentals 951‑640‑6306. furnace and appliances, garage and security system www.osustudentrentals.com available. Call Steve at 291‑ #1, Affordable spacious 8207. www.euclidproperties.- and updated, large 5BR apts com on North, South and Central campus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑ Affordable 4 Bedrooms. street parking, dishwasher, Visit our website at W/D hookups, decks, www.my1stplace.com fireplaces, Jacuzzi tubs. 1st Place Realty 429‑0960 Starting at $303 614‑294‑7067 www.osupropertymanagement.East 16th between Summit com and Fourth. 4 bed, 2 bath, extra study room, Remodeled #1, Affordable spacious kitchen, tile floors, free washer and updated, large 6BR apts and dryer, osp, nice, $1640.00, on North, South and Central no pets, skrentals.net, Steve @ campus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑ 614‑582‑1618 street parking, dishwasher, W/D hookups, decks, Horse Farm. Entire house fireplaces, Jacuzzi tubs. for rent. Can also rent stalls. 28 Starting at $446 614‑294‑7067 minutes to OSU. No Pets. www.osupropertymanagement.$1200/mo. 614‑805‑4448. com 52 W Norwich. 2 Bath, remodeled, large porch, great location $1,600/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com

Huge 4 bdrm W. Blake Ave, walk to OSU, 1.5 BRAND NEW bathrooms!! Updated kitchen, off‑st. parking, CA, W/D Avail.Fall 2011, CAll (614)206‑5855 or (614)348‑2307. www.byrneosyproperties.com Ideal north Campus Location, 4 Bdrm, 1/2 double. 200 yds from campus. W/D, A/C, Security system, ample off‑ street parking. 470‑0813 www.scarletandgrayproperties.com

Unfurnished 5+ Bedroom # 1 5 Bedroom Duplex, Central Campus, Fall Rental, 1988 Summit. Great unit, newer interior. Dishwasher and Microwave in Kitchen, Washer Dryer in Basement. Rear deck, off‑street parking and central air. Full bath and two bedrooms on 3rd floor, Full bath and three bedrooms on second floor, half bath on the first floor. Rent is $2,400/mo. Call Mark at 207‑4321 or email me at mmayers@columbus.rr.com for an appointment or visit www.quadmproperty.com # 1 5 Bedroom Duplex, North Campus, Fall Rental, 2166 Summit. Three floors plus basement. Two Full baths. Dishwasher and Microwave in Kitchen, Washer Dryer in Basement. Rear deck, off‑street parking and central air. Rent is $2,200/mo. Call Mark at 207‑ 4321 or email me at mmayers@columbus.rr.com for an appointment or visit www.quadmproperty.com

# 1 6 Bedroom House, North Campus, Fall Rental, 2188 Indiana. Can be 5 or 6 bedroom. Three floors plus basement. Washer and dryer included. Three car garage in rear. Rent is $2,100 per month. Call Mark at 207‑4321 or email me at 4 BDRM House, 66 W. Nor- mmayers@columbus.rr.com for wich, 2 Full Bath, W/D, DW, an appointment or visit OSP, NO Pets $2,100/Mo. www.quadmproperty.com Call 961‑0056. www.cooper‑ # 1 5/6 BR AVAILABLE FALL! properties.com Beautiful remodeled HOUSES, TOWNHOMES, HALF‑DOU4 Bedroom Half Double BLES close to campus. New 1703‑05 N. 4th St. kitchens with all appliances, (between 13th and 14th) bedrooms, refinished 2 Kitchens, 2 Baths, Central large A/C, Washer, Dryer, Large hardwood floors, porches and Rooms, Hardwood Floors, wood decks, full basements Large Second Floor Porch in with FREE washers & dryers, new windows, ceiling fans, Rear. Off‑Street Parking. high‑efficiency furnace with Available Fall. $1200/mo A/C, cable/internet, and FREE www.ghcrentals.com or call lighted off‑street parking! Call 614‑804‑3165 North Campus Rentals today! 4 bedroom house fall quar- (614)354‑8870 ter One block off Lane @ 2158 www.northcampusrentals.com Indiana Ave Washer/dryer Big bedrooms $1600 614‑562‑ #1 5 or 6 large bedrooms, 1137 or paulgroeniger@aol.- $1800 or $1900 2 1/2 double com house at 2136‑38 Summit (Northwood), hardwood floors, 46 E. Northwood. Large garage, A/C, W/D, dishwasher, House, old school charm, hard- gas heat, free parking. Louie wood floors close to High ST daytime 294‑4006. $1,760/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.com #1 @ Summit & Lane: Large 5 BR half‑double overlooking Iuka ravine. Nicely updated NEW: kitchen w/dishwasher; 2 baths w/ceramic tile; furnace/AC; hardwood floors; washer/dryer (free). Garage. Sorry, no pets. Stirling Properties of Ohio. 519‑6543 “www.StirlingOSU.com”

Furnished Rentals Furnished Rentals

Reserve your apartment now for Summer or Fall 2011




Unfurnished 5+ Bedroom

#1 Available 5,6,7 bedroom homes fall of 2011, awesome locations and houses, more information http://www.veniceprops.com/properties.cfm #1 Awesome! 306 E. 16th Duplex, 5 bedroom/2 bath, new kitchen & baths, DW, free washer/dryer, blinds, basement, porch, new windows & furnace, refinished hardwood floors, off street parking. Well maintained. Fall $1,700. 891‑ 1835 #1 Awesome. Nice 6 Bedroom House. Ideal Central/NE Location, 2 blocks from campus, 2 full baths. Updated kitchen. W/D, A/C, Security System, ample off‑street parking. 470‑0813 www.scarletandgrayproperties.com

Unfurnished 5+ Bedroom 2184 Indianola‑ 5Brm House avail. for fall. Quiet N. Campus location, beautifully remodeled kitchen & bath in spring’05, dishwasher, washer&dryer, AC in some rooms, carport, front & back porch. Must see! call G.A.S. Properties 263‑ 2665 www.gasproperties.com 2403‑2405 East Ave. 5 bdrm 2 baths TH. Avail NOW & FALL! N. campus . Just N. of Patterson. Completely remld w/newer carpet & ceiling fans. Huge kit. w/DW and huge liv. rm. Blinds, A/C & free WD Frnt and rear porch, free off st prkg. See and compare living space and cost! Call 263‑2665 www.gasproperties.com 252 E Lane available for groups of 7+. Your group will love this large home in a great location! email info@nicastroproperties.com for more info! 26 E. Patterson Ave, Fall Rental, 5 bedroom house. Great Location. Newly remodeled kitchen and two baths. New hardwood floors/carpet throughout. Full basement. W/D hookups. Front porch and off street parking. 740‑548‑ 7124, 614‑563‑8392.

Furnished Rentals Furnished Rentals

  

Check out our website for pricing & availability-

  

Call our office to schedule a tour:

Roommate Wanted

200 E. 15th Ave. 4 large Bedroom Apartment, 1 bath, carpet. Rent $1460/month. 614‑ Prepbooks.com’s hiring 759‑9952 or 614‑935‑7165 Campus Representatives I,II,III for Part‑Time positions. Apply Sharing 2 B/R Apt., com- on website Career Section unpletely and beautifully fur- der About Us. Pay from $9 to nished, CA, parking, New car- $22/hr. peting, $350/mo. plus half utilities. Call owner: 718‑0790 Social sciences or law student to conduct research on psychological literature in connection with civil rights case 166 East Lane sublease for coming to trial late February. Summer 2011. 1 bedroom stu- Deadline to complete research dio. $505/month all utilities in- is January 24th. Please contact Mike Moore at mike@mgcluded. moorelaw.com or 888‑318‑ 0075. Expected time demand 10 hours or less. $20 per hour.


Help Wanted General

    

    

submit and vote for the best texts and pics at FFTME.com

Help Wanted Child Care Autism/18yr‑old girl in Upper Arlington needs individuals in becoming fully‑trained ABA‑ therapists for (1)Transportation and/or (2)ABA‑therapy @home and helping fun activities in the community. Two hours sessions will be paid for $36 from Federal Government. Send resume ishikawa.1@osu.edu BABYSITTERS NEEDED. Must be caring, reliable, have great references and own transportation. Pick your schedule. Apply TheSitterConnection.com CARE PROVIDERS and ABA Therapists are waned to work with children/young adults with disabilities in a family home setting or supported living setting. Extensive training is provided. This job is meaningful, allows you to learn intensively and can accommodate your class schedule. Those in all related fields, with ABA interest, or who have a heart for these missions please apply. Competitive wages and benefits. For more information call L.I.F.E. Inc. at (614) 475‑5305 or visit us at www.LIFE‑INC.NET EOE College Nannies & Tutors is the country’s largest child care staffing agency providing Nannies and Tutors for families. We are currently looking for a fun, creative, and responsible Nanny to work part time, after school. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: daily care and responsibility of the children, preparing healthy meals and snacks, actively engaging the children in fun and educational activities, transporting the children to and from school and/or activities, assisting with homework, getting dinner started for the family, and helping to keep the home clean and tidy. Apply online at www.collegenannies.com “join the team.”

Part time help wanted in the evenings, 4 day/week varied, w/mildly autistic 5yr old. Must be reliable and willing to work. Must pass BCI check. Westerville area. Moose251985@gmail.com Responsible, caring and fun individual needed to care for 3 kids ages 10, 8 and 6 from 3pm‑7pm Mon ‑ Fri. Help needed with homework, transportation and laundry. Please email Monika at monarora@hotmail.com

Help Wanted Restaurant/ Food Service

Help Wanted Sales/Marketing www.specialmuse.com 40‑60% commission sales Flexible hours‑wk from home Special Needs Web Site

For Sale Automotive Aaron Buys ALL CARS NEW * OLD * JUNK WRECKED Any Vehicle, CA$H Today! FREE TOW! FREE Notary! local buyer, www.268CARS.com 614‑268‑CARS(2277)


For Sale Miscellaneous SAVE MONEY on Textbooks Compare prices and save Buy/sell/rent New/Used Print/e‑textbooks OSUTextbooks.weebly.com

For Sale Pets

Travel/ Vacation

Bahamas Spring Break $189 for 5 DAYS or $239 for 7 DAYS. All prices include : Round‑trip luxury cruise with food. Accommodations on the island at your choice of thirteen resorts. Appalachia Travel. www.BahamaSun.com 800‑ 867‑5018

General Services

Please send resumes to rob.ricer@prismhotels.com or stop by the hotel to fill out an Tom & Jerry’s Auto Service. Brakes, exhaust, shocks, & towapp. EOE. ing. 1701 Kenny Rd. 488‑ 8507. or visit: www.tomandjerrysauto.com

Furnished Rentals Furnished Rentals

2060 N. High St (at Woodruff) Now leasing for Spring Quarter 2011 and the Fall 2011-2012 School Year • Newly furnished studios • Full sized beds • Full sized refrigerators and microwaves

Legal Services Student Rates. Free initial consultation. Attorney Andrew Cosslett. Alcohol/Drug, Traffic/DUI, Landlord/Tenant, Immigration. 614‑725‑5352. andrewcosslett@cosslett.com.

Tutoring Services A Math tutor. All levels. Also Physics, Statistics and Business College Math. Teaching/tutoring since 1965. Checks okay. Call anytime, Clark 294‑ 0607. ACCOUNTING 310 You can get through it! Great tutoring TutorMike.com Mike.Tutor123@gmail.com

General Miscellaneous

• Laundry and fitness center on-site

HOOTERS NOW ACCEPTING APPS! Hooters of Columbus is now accepting applications for Hooters Girls, Hooters Girls at the Door and Cooks. So if you’re hard working with a great attitude and looking for a chance to make great money, then apply in person at one of our 3 Columbus locations! Hooters of East Main ‑ 5901 E. Main St. (614) 755‑9464 Hooters of Polaris ‑ 8591 Sancus Blvd (614) 846‑2367 Hooters of Hilliard ‑ 5225 Nike Station Way (614) 850‑7078 Check us out on Facebook and www.HootersRMD.com !

Automotive Services

• FREE basic cable

La Chatelaine French Bakery & Bistro is looking for outstanding servers, prep cooks and line personnel. Our three locations in Columbus are hiring servers with serving experience, prep cooks with restaurant kitchen experience and line personnel with customer service/serving experience. La Chatelaine is looking for dynamic, outstanding students. Please inquire at La Chatelaine Upper Arlington‑ 614.488.1911,La Chatelaine Worthington‑614.848.6711 or La Chatelaine Dublin‑ 614.763.7151 Please visit our website‑www.lachatelainebakery.com Merci!

Arlington Children’s Center. Enrolling for winter quarter. FT/PT. 6 weeks ‑ school age. Title XX Accepted. Call 451‑5400 for info Doubletree Hotel in WorConvenient to thington is now accepting appli- or tour. OSU/315. cations for the following positions: ‑ AM Breakfast Server ($5.10- Music Instruction: Classi/hr + tips) cal guitar, other styles, Theory, ‑ AM Busser/Host ($7.50/hr) Aural Training, Composition & ‑ PM Bartender ($5.35 + tips) Songwriting. Call Sound En‑ PM Room Service (both full deavors @614/481‑9191 www.and part time positions avail- soundendeavors.com. able)($7.30 + tips) ‑ On‑Call Banquet Servers ($3.65/hr plus portion of event proceeds) ‑ Banquet Set‑Up Captain

• FREE high speed internet

Monday-Thursday : Noon-9pm


For Sale Real Estate

• All utilities included

Tour times extended for your convenience

Help Wanted Restaurant/ Food Service

All Ohio Reptile Sale and Show, January 15, 2011 9‑3, Adults $4, under 10, $1. Moose Lodge 11, 1500 Demorest Rd, I am looking for someone who Columbus, OH 43228. can provide care for an 11‑year‑ http://www.allohioshows.com. old with mild developmental de- 614/457‑4433 lay. He attends regular classes with some modification and has been diagnosed with ADHD. The caretaker would assist with picking him up from school and helping him to transition from the school environment to the home environment (i.e. helping him with his homework). The VACANCIES? VACANCIES? caretaker would also assist him VACANCIES? Let our leasing with becoming more indepen- services pay for themselves. dent and learning self‑suffi- For your leasing, property manciency skills (picking out agement, or sales needs call clothes for school, making him- 1st Place Realty 429‑0960. self a snack, washing hands www.my1stplace.com etc). The hours are Mon‑Fri 3‑5:30 pm. If interested please contact: ernurse1262@aol.com

• Remodeled Common Kitchens


Female, to share 3 BDRM condo near Easton/Polaris Mall and OSU. Partly furnished, $300+utilities. (937) 656‑4399 or (937) 829‑0936

Part‑time Dance Instructor. Directions for Youth & Families is looking for a part‑time dance instructor for our Ohio Ave. Youth Center after school program. The position is two days/week, Tues and Thurs from 4:30‑7:30pm for a total of 6hrs/week. Applicant must be able to teach dance, hip‑hop, jazz, step, etc. and choreography to youth ages 8‑18. Previous experience required. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to: Directions for Youth & Families 1515 Indianola Ave. Columbus, OH 43201 Fax: 614‑294‑3247 E‑mail: hr@dfyf.org eoe


 

Saturday & Sunday Noon–4pm

Roommate Wanted Female


Friday: Noon-8pm

Dead quiet near medical complex. Safe. Excellent, low noise/crime neighborhood, quiet serious tenants. OSU across the street. $350/month, no utilities. 614‑805‑4448.

42 Chittenden. 2 Large Party Decks, 1/2 block from High St. $2,300/mo Commer- ##! Bartending Up To cial One 324‑6717 $300/ Day. No Experience Nec#1, Affordable spacious www.c1realty.com essary. Training Provided. 800‑ and updated, large 8BR apts 965‑6520 ext 124. on North, South and Central 5 & 6 bedroom houses for rent. W. Patterson ##! Bartending Up To campus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑ $1950/$2600 street parking, dishwasher, near tommys pizza on lane. $300/ Day. No Experience NecDan 614.316.3986 essary. Training Available. 800‑ W/D hookups, decks, www.osurentals.com 965‑6520 ext 124. fireplaces, Jacuzzi tubs. Starting at $401 614‑294‑7067 5 BDRM Apt. 2159 Waldeck #1 Piano, Voice and Guitar www.osupropertymanagement.- Ave. Completely Renovated, teachers needed to teach in com Spacious Unit w/ 2 Full Bath, students’ homes. Continuing $1500/MONTH, 5 bedroom half New Kitchen DW, W/D, C/Air & education provided. Excellent Call pay. 614‑847‑1212. double house, 2117 Indiana & Free OSP $2,300/Mo. Lane Ave (between Indianola 961‑0056. www.cooper‑proper- pianolessonsinyourhome.com and Summit), recently reno- ties.com a photographer looking vated, excellent northeast camfor students to do video work, pus location, beautiful, quiet 5 BDRM DBL. 150 E. Norwich, no experience needed but street, 2 full baths, hardwood 2 Full Bath, HW Floors, DW, open‑minded. Female preW/D, C/Air NO Pets $2,175floors, new appliances, dishCall 961‑0056. www.- ferred. $100/hr. please email washer, FREE washer/dryer, /Mo. to: joeselane@gmail.com cooper‑properties.com security system, low utilities, front covered porch, plenty of 5 Bdrm Double 2139 Summit AB BARTEND!!! Up to free off‑street security lighted (Between Lane & Norwich) $300/day! parking, Ohio State Property Renovated, Very Spacious Unit No experience necessary. We Management, 614‑374‑5769 w/ 3 Floors, 2 Full Bath, DW, train you. 888‑575‑TIPS (8477) $1800/MONTH, 5 bedroom sin- W/D, C/Air & Free OSP (10 AMATEUR MODELS Needed ‑ gle house, excellent northeast Spots) $2000/mo. Call 961‑ 18+. No experience necessary! campus location, recently reno- 0056. www.cooper‑properties.- $100 cash per shoot (614) 329‑ 3407. modelcuties@gmail.com vated, new furnace and A/C, com security system, low utilities, 2 5 bdrm House @ 127 W full baths, basement, carpet, Northwood. A Great location ‑ FREE washer/dryer in unit, close to campus! Completely BOWLINGFORCASH.COM dishwasher. Ohio State Prop- renovated w/ New appliances, Survey Site ‑ Fun way to make extra money! Completely FREE! erty Management, 614‑374‑ new flooring & fixtures, 2 1/2 5769 Bath, DW, WD, C/Air and Free Columbus Crew Stadium is currently hiring Spring & $1800/MONTH, 6 bedroom half OSP. $2600/mo Call 961‑0056. Summer part‑time workers in double house, 2111 Indiana www.cooper‑properties.com the Maintenance/House‑Keepand Lane Ave. (between Indi- 5 BDRM Townhouse 67 Chit- ing department. Please inquire anola and Summit), excellent tenden, Newly Remodeled w/ 2 at crewjobs@thecrew.com or northeast campus location, re- Full Bath, DW, C/Air, W/D, stop by to complete an applicacently renovated, beautiful OSP, NO Pets. tion: One Black & Gold Blvd., quiet street, front covered $2,125‑$2150/Mo. Call 961‑ Columbus, OH 43211. Sorry, porch, hardwood floors, FREE 0056. www.cooper‑properties.- no phone calls please. washer/dryer, new furnace and com A/C, security system, dishComputer Support Techwasher, privacy fence in back- 5 BDRM Townhouse, 180 E. nician yard! Ohio State Property Man- 12th, 2 Full Bath, C/Air, DW, Seeking applicants to assist in agement, 614‑374‑5769 W/D, OSP, NO Pets maintaining 30+ computer sys$1875/Mo. Call 961‑0056. tems, including software and $2000/MONTH, 5 bedroom www.cooper‑properties.com web development, for a small house, 2148 Indiana and Lane research firm. This is a part‑ Ave (between Indianola and 5 BDRM Townhouse, 180 E. time position with flexible Summit), recently renovated, 12th, C/Air, W/D, DW, 2 Full hours. The successful appliexcellent northeast campus lo- Bath, OSP, NO Pets $2,025- cant must have experience cation, beautiful, quiet street, /Mo. Call 961‑0056. www.- with PHP and HTML programfront covered porch, 3 full cooper‑properties.com ming. Excellent position for stubaths, 3 kitchens, 3 refrigeradent working on a Computer tors, living room and rec‑room! 55 East Oakland. Great 6 BR Science and Engineering or 2 BA House. W/D, AC, Fenced Very spacious! FREE washComputer Science major. er/dryer, security system, Backyard, front porch, 1 car If interested, email resume to plenty of FREE off‑street, secu- garage; $2550/mo ctidyman@strategicresearchrity lighted parking. Ohio State Call A.J. 614‑571‑5501 group.com. Please include Property Management, 614‑ or aj.solomon@spgroup.com CST Resume in the subject Available 9/1/11 374‑5769 line. $2100/MONTH, 6 bedroom sin- 6 Bedroom HOUSE, 262 E. Gymnastics Coaches gle house, 1760 N 4TH and E. Lane, Very Spacious, 3 stories Needed for all levels ‑ 15th Ave, excellent central cam- plus finished basement, attic Preschool, Recreation & Team. pus location, recently reno- loft, 3 kitchens, 2.5 baths, W/D Gym X‑Treme Kids Sport Cenvated, large rooms, 10 ft ceil- hook‑ups, DW, living room, din- ter, in Canal Winchester is lookings, new insulated windows, ing room, hardwood floors, ing for coaches, PT/FT. Applinew furnace and A/C, security front porch, back patio, fenced cants must be responsible, possystem, low utilities, 2 full back yard, 2 car garage. Sorry itive, energetic and love kids! baths, dining room, ceramic tile No Pets. $2150/mo. Email or fax resume and referkitchen and bath floors, hard- Call YIANNI at 614.296.1877 ences to gymxtremeksc@yawood floors, FREE wash- 65 W. Maynard near Neil hoo.com or fax to 614‑920‑ er/dryer, dishwasher, front cov- 5Brm+2 full baths TH avail. for 6221. Visit our website at www.ered porch, plenty of free, un- fall. N. Campus very spacious gymx‑treme.com! blocked, security lighted off‑ & modern with huge liv rm, street parking. Ohio State newer carpet, D/W, FREE W/D HANDYMAN‑ WORK PART ON OFF‑CAMPUS Property Management, 614‑ on basement, AC, blinds, front TIME PROPERTIES, PAINTING, 374‑5769 porch. Call 263‑2665 PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL EX14th Ave. 8‑10 bedroom, 3.5 www.gasproperties.com PERIENCE A PLUS, START baths, 2 kitchens, off‑street AT $11/HR., FLEXIBLE parking, no pets. Available 7 bdrm‑‑2065 Summit (be- HOURS, CALL 761‑9035 Sept 1. $3200/month. Bob 330‑ tween 19th and Lane). $3,150. www.buckeyeabodes.com. 378‑ House CLEANING. Looking 633‑1421 or 330‑780‑8531. 8271. for hardworking, detailed oriented individuals to work 20 1600 N 4th/12th gorgeous 6 82 E 18th Ave, 6 bedroom, hrs/week. $12/hr. Must have person home avail for Fall huge house, 2 baths, large liv- car. Daytime hours only. 2011! Check out pics www.- ing room, front porch, washer‑ Please call (614)‑527‑1730 or nicastroproperties.com email dryer hook‑up, and basemen- email hhhclean@hotmail.com. us for more info! Under t. Private yard and private parking. Prime location. $400/per- International Motorcy$399/person! son. Call 589‑1405. cle club is looking for some1834 N 4th St. Nice Old School Affordable 5 Bedrooms. one who wants to earn some extra money, likes motorcycles, Home, W/D, Garage, hdwd Visit our website at can do desktop publishing layfloors. $1,500/mo Commercial www.my1stplace.com. outs and likes to see their work One 324‑6717 www.c1realty.- 1st Place Realty 429‑0960 in print internationally! Contact com Remodeled Large 5 BD Jan, mrcbx@att.net 2‑6 Bedroom Homes available home on corner lot, DW, W/D, for 2011‑2012, www.compass‑ HDWD floors, OSP, nice yard, Need $$$$ this spring? properties.com or call Diane @ 2229 Indiana, www.compass‑ Want to exercise while mak614‑783‑6625 properties.com or 614‑783‑6625 ing $$$$? Want to make your own schedule? Have 207 E. Oakland private backany experience or knowlyard, large front porch edge about girls lacrosse? $1,625/mo Commercial One Well, central Ohio needs offi324‑6717 www.c1realty.com 0 utilities, furnished rooms, cials for all levels of girls flexible lease periods, super lacrosse. Classes for train2173 Indianola‑ 5Brm convenient location, 38 E. 17th ing will be held on Sunday afHouse avail for fall. North Cam- Ave. Laundry, off‑street park- ternoons starting late Februpus, huge living rm, 2 full ing, $200‑$400/month. 296‑ ary. Contact Linda Strapp at: lindastrapp@gmail.com baths, bsmnt w/ washer & 6304, 263‑1193. for more details. dryer, ceiling fans, front cov1368 Neil Avenue, furnished, ered patio & back deck. clean, quiet, safe. $350/month, Part‑Time/FUll‑TIME Must see Colcall G.A.S Properties 263‑2665 utilities included, males only, lector, 5 Minutes from campus graduate students preferred, along #2 bus line. Part time afwww.gasproperties.com free washer/dryer, 488‑3061 ternoons & evenings. Call 614‑ 259 E. Lane Ave. 6‑bedroom, Jack. 495‑1407, Contact Helen spacious living room, 2 bath, washer‑dryer hook up, 2 Available now 14th Ave. studentpayouts.com kitchens, sunroom, private Kitchen, laundry, parking, aver- Paid Survey Takers needed in backyard. $375/person Call age $270/mo. Paid utilities, Columbus 100% free to join. Click on surveys. 296‑8353 or 299‑4521 Akis 589‑1405.

Furnished Rentals

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We are hopeful, adoptive parents seeking pregnant mother who is considering adoption for her baby. We can provide services and assistance through the process. Please email hopefuladoptiveparents@gmail.com or call(513)202‑3678.

Tuesday January 11, 2011

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