August 23, 2012

Page 1

Thursday August 23, 2012 year: 132 No. 83

the student voice of

The Ohio State University

thelantern Klein’s storm might be in rear-view mirror


Patrick maks Asst. sports editor


Receivers re-route

A deep pass play by OSU sophomore Devin Smith gave confidence to Buckeye football coaches.

[ a+e ] Cody Cousino / Multimedia editor

Ex-Ohio State linebacker Storm Klein might just have a second chance with first-year coach Urban Meyer and the Buckeyes’ football team. Having been dismissed from the squad after being arrested and charged for domestic violence and assault, Klein pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of misdemeanor disorderly conduct Monday morning, according to Franklin County Municipal Court records. He faces 18 months of probation and court fees, and the linebacker is asking to be reinstated with the program. Klein’s lawyer, Larry James, confirmed that both of the charges originally leveled against his client have been dismissed. Klein was arrested late on July 6 after allegedly striking the mother of his child. A day later, Meyer booted Klein from the team because the charges against Klein “violate the core values of the Ohio State football program,” Meyer said in a released statement. Meyer, however, did not entirely slam the door shut on Klein. “If there are any changes in the charges, we will re-evaluate his status,” Meyer said in the statement. James confirmed that Meyer said he would take Klein’s new legalstatus “under advisement.” OSU athletics spokesman Jerry Emig, however, said there is no timetable for when anything will be determined. James said Meyer has a zero-tolerance policy for certain types of offenses — domestic violence among them — but he said Klein isn’t accused of violating any of Meyer and the Buckeyes’ “core values.” James, however, added that Meyer told him any infraction “whatsoever” could still result in a penalty. James said he thinks Klein “deserves to be back on the team.” “I thought all along that the allegations were not true, Storm did not

Ex-OSU linebacker Storm Klein runs down the Ohio Stadium field during a Sept. 10 game against Toledo. OSU won the game, 27-22.


Final Fantasy takes the stage

The Chicagoland Pops is scheduled to feature music from ‘Final Fantasy’ 3 p.m. Saturday at Ohio Theatre.


Portman stops at OSU


continued as Storm on 3A

Candidates clash on economic remedy Ally Marotti Editor-in-chief This is the first story of an 11-article series leading up to the Nov. 6 presidential election that will break down the issues dominating political debates. Check back next Thursday for our segment on education. Since 2010, 182,300 jobs have been created in Ohio. Last month, 163,000 jobs were created in the country. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney thinks he can do better. Some experts have said that jobs and the economy is the No. 1 issue on many voters’ minds heading into the presidential election in November, and for Ohio State students embarking on post-college job searches, it’s undoubtedly a huge concern. Steve Mangum, an OSU professor in the Department of Management and Human Resources and senior associate dean in the Fisher College of Business, said Romney and President Barack Obama agree that the economy needs to improve. The real question lies in how to do so. “Fundamentally, where the two parties I think are the most different is not so much in what are the 345 most important areas or things that we need to

pay attention to, but instead they differ how to get there,” he said. America’s economy tanked in 2008, and in January 2009, Obama mapped out a recovery plan in his inauguration speech. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 151,000 jobs have been added each month since January of this year, which is “about the same as the average monthly gain of 153,000 in 2011.” Michael Flannagan, communication director for OSU College Democrats, said although the economy might not be the best, there have been improvements. “I think that nobody’s satisfied with it,” he said. “But progress has been made.” Obama’s website lists numbers indicating that about 4.5 million jobs were added nationally through 28 consecutive months of job growth since March 2010. Obama’s website attributes part of this growth to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which was passed in February 2009 and cut taxes for small businesses and the majority of working class families, supported clean energy investments and funded law enforcement and educator jobs. Obama also passed legislation to help rescue the auto industry, a move which his website said saved more than 1 million jobs. In Ohio, the auto industry makes up more than 12 percent of the workforce, or more than 848,000 jobs.

Since June 2009, the state has gained more than 13,000 industry-related jobs. But according to Romney’s website, he thinks he can do better for the American people, and doesn’t come without a resume. Romney helped found Bain Capital, a private investment firm, in 1984, and was CEO of the company until 1999, when he left to help organize the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. Some chalk Romney’s time at Bain up as proof that he will help the American economy create jobs. His campaign tallied that he helped create more than 100,000 jobs in his time at Bain. A Wall Street Journal article published in July pointed out that Romney’s campaign’s count included jobs added at successful investments such as Staples, Inc. The same article pointed to other counting methods completed by scholars that concluded tens of thousands of jobs were created. Resumes aside, Romney has his own plan for bettering the economy, and Niraj Antani, communication director for OSU College Republicans, said Romney is making it his No. 1 priority. “You see small businesses and large businesses alike drowning under regulations,” he said. “Taxes are also an issue … lowering taxes on small businesses will help create jobs.”

continued as Economy on 3A

Wexner resignation remains a mystery SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS

weather high 89 low 63 sunny

F 91/66 SA 92/67 SU 91/69 M 84/68

sunny mostly sunny partly cloudy mostly cloudy

Ally Marotti and Kristen mitchell Editor-in-chief and Campus editor and Without explanation, Les Wexner stepped down from the Ohio State Board of Trustees in June. It’s been almost three months, and still no one will say why he preemptively ended his term. The Lantern has attempted to reach the former Board chairman several times since his resignation to no avail. A Limited Brands spokeswoman declined an interview twice Monday. The first was in response to a phone call. “We’re going to have to pass on this opportunity, but for future reference its always nice if we get just a bit of further notice as I’m sure you understand Mr. Wexner’s schedule is quite hectic,” she said. The Lantern followed up with an email request for a future interview, but was again denied. “We are going to continue to pass but sincerely appreciate your interest,” the same spokeswoman said in the email. Shelly Hoffman, university spokeswoman, told The Lantern last week that health issues were not to blame for Wexner’s resignation, but said in June that no reason was given. Wexner’s time with the Board ended just two months after he accepted another term as chairman that wasn’t set to end until 2020. According to a press release issued in June, Wexner had been on the Board since 1988. Robert Schottenstein stepped up as chairman after Wexner stepped down. Schottenstein has

been a member of the Board since 2005 and has previously served as Chair of the Board’s Audit and Compliance Committee and as Chair of the Board’s Finance Committee. Schottenstein noted the resignation during the most recent scheduled Board meeting, according to June meeting minutes. It was the first since his resignation. “I want to acknowledge again the powerfully effective chairmanship of Les Wexner, and I also want to mention and thank him for his work on the Board,” Schottenstein said. “Since our last Board meeting, Les has retired from this Board, but as everyone in this room knows, his commitment to Ohio State and his love for this university is, frankly, unmatched and at times has no bounds. We look forward to his continued involvement.” Since then, Schottenstein has not commented on Wexner’s resignation, and other Board members also remain silent as well. The Lantern received no response to an email sent to a Wexner Medical Center official. Instead, David Crawford, spokesman for the Medical Center, responded to the email. “We are unable to be of any assistance with your inquiry about Mr. Wexner,” Crawford said in the email. Taylor Stepp, undergraduate student government president, said he had theories on the resignation, but knew nothing concrete. He said however, that he thinks it was nothing out of the ordinary. “It seemed like it was fairly routine, since the governor already had a appointment ready,” he said. Wexner’s resignation came alongside the appointment of two new trustees Cheryl Krueger and Benjamin Reinke. Krueger was appointed for a nine-year term ending in May 2021, and Reinke for

Lantern file photo

Les Wexner stepped down from his position on the Board of Trustees in June. a two-year term ending in May 2014 serving as a student member. In February, the OSU Medical Center was renamed in Wexner’s honor, which Gee said in an email “recognizes the critical work the Wexners have undertaken to ensure The Ohio State University Medical Center is able to solve some of medicine’s most persistent challenges and change lives for the better.”

continued as Wexner on 3A 1A

campus OSU semester conversion costs university $11.8M Conversion costs near original projection

$11.8 M

Projected costs for the quarter-to-semester conversion have dropped since last reported in January, and numbers more closely resemble the original projection.

$12.6 M

The semester conversion will cost Ohio State almost $11.8 million, a price tag more than $500,000 greater than original top-end estimates predicted by university officials. In January, The Lantern reported that the cost of the conversion would be $12.6 million, but since then that figure has dropped. Jay Johnson, assistant provost at the Office of Academic Affairs, said there was information technology that cost less than expected. “They had budgeted more for contracted labor, so bringing in consultants, bringing in people who can change code, and they had budgeted more than they actually needed,” Johnson said. Johnson said codes and software throughout the university needed to be updated, including course codes, accounting and payroll information, making up the majority of the conversion cost at more than $10 million. Johnson said the about $800,000 decrease in the previously reported $12.6 million cost came out of the realization that full-time employees

$11.2 million was established after conversations with officials from the University of Minnesota, the last Big Ten school to transfer to the semester system, and a school comparable in size to OSU. Johnson said Minnesota officials shared details of their semester conversion, and said their largest expense was information technology, and to allocate more money for advising because students would have more questions making demand for advising services higher. “We put $1 million toward advising as a one-time increase for this project,” Johnson said. Colleges were asked to put together a plan on how they would spend advising money. The College of Arts and Sciences was given its largest number of students. Johnson reiterated the words that have been said by several university officials over the past few years, that the conversion is not being funded by students’ tuition. “The costs were paid for using centrally allocated funds, investment income and earnings overhead,” he said. “That money has been pulled from other sources, it doesn’t come from tuition revenue or form instructional money from the state.” Johnson said the cost has yet to be finalized and will continue to evolve.

$8.7 M - $11.2 M

Kristen mitchell Campus editor

were making more progress than expected, and there was no need to hire as many contracted workers as university officials had anticipated. Eighty-six percent of the almost $11.8 million total conversion cost was allocated for the Office of the Chief Information Officer and systems changes, 8 percent for advising and 6 percent for administration. Undergraduate Student Government President Taylor Stepp said the cost seemed high, but the change would be worth the cost. “It’s upsetting whenever we have to spend a lot of money to keep up in the times, but when the Board of Regents suggested this change to us, it was seen as something that would not just keep us in step with many other institutions, but really move forward,” he said. In January, Steven Fink, co-chair of the Semester Conversion Coordinating Committee told The Lantern the university was not concerned with the one-time cost of the switch, and instead was looking at how it would benefit students in the long run. “If we were looking at this financially, we would not be doing the conversion,” Fink said. “We had to be competitive with other schools and convenience students.” In May 2009, a total cost range of $8.7 to

6% 8%




Information technology

Originally projected Previously reported Currently projected cost cost cost

source: reporting CHRISTOPHER BRAUN / Design editor

Portman: ‘Reach out’ to friends Caitlin essig Asst. arts editor

Courtesy of MCT

Ohio Republican Senator Rob Portman spoke Wednesday at an OSU College Republicans meeting at the US Bank Conference Theatre in the Ohio Union.


Ohio Senator Rob Portman visited an Ohio State College Republicans meeting and left them with a central message: college students have the ability to make a difference. “I hope you reach out to some of your friends on campus who haven’t decided (who to vote for) yet. The pollsters tell us that only about 10 percent, in fact some say even less, voters who are truly undecided. Everybody else is decided, they’re either for (Mitt) Romney or (Barack) Obama. I don’t believe that,” Portman said. Portman spoke to a crowd of about 275 students at the US Bank Conference Theatre in the Ohio Union. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 7:45 p.m., and Portman began speaking about 8:05 p.m. He emphasized the importance of talking to people and spreading the word on voting in order to help Republican presidential candidate Romney in what he called the “most important election in his (Portman’s) lifetime.”

“I think there are a lot of people who might say they’re voting for President Obama who are really not happy. Who could be happy in this situation? They’re receptive to your input, they want to hear from you. Talk to them about this. Give them the facts. Let them know that the record is a record of failure,” Portman said. Obama spoke to a crowd of about 3,300 at Capital University on Tuesday, and also highlighted the importance of the youth staying motivated. “They’re counting on young people to sit this one out,” Obama said. “But I’m counting on something different, I’m counting on you. I’m counting on the fact that when the American people focus and push aside all the nonsense, that they remember the fact that whatever success we achieve, we achieve together.” Portman was elected to the Senate for Ohio in 2010 and will be up for re-election in 2014. He also served as a United States Trade Representative from 2005 until 2006, after serving in the House of Representatives for Ohio’s second district from 1993 until 2005.

continued as Portman on 3A

Thursday August 23, 2012

lanternstaff Editor: Managing Editor, content:

Ally Marotti

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Jackie Storer

Copy Chief:

Lindsey Barrett

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Kristen Mitchell

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Pat Brennan

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Patrick Maks

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Ally Marotti

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Letters to the editor

Storm from 1A

To submit a letter to the editor, either mail or email it. Please put your name, address, phone number and email address on the letter. If the editor decides to publish it, he or she will contact you to confirm your identity. Email letters to: Mail letters to: The Lantern Letters to the editor Journalism Building 242 W. 18th Ave. Columbus, OH 43210

Cody Cousino

Correction Submissions The Lantern corrects any significant error brought to the attention of the staff. If you think a correction is needed, please email Ally Marotti at Corrections will be printed in this space.

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John Wernecke

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Issue 81/ Tuesday In “OSU professor, choreographer traces lines of dance with new exhibition� published Aug. 22, The Lantern reported that “A History� is scheduled to premiere at OSU’s Urban Arts Space. In fact “A History� is scheduled to premiere at Wexner Center for the Arts. It also should have been noted that the Lantern reporter for this story works at the Wexner Center.

Jay Smith

ClariďŹ cation

Corrie Robbins

Issue 82/Wednesday

In the story “Ryan revolutionary but right for VP choice� The Lantern would like to clarify that Dave Dziak campaigns for the Ohio House Republican Organizational Committee.

614.292.2031 614.292.5721

harm her, did not hit her, did not injure her. Therefore, I didn’t think — I’ve always thought — that he should be on the team,� he said. James said Klein is “exhausted, frustrated and scared.� “You know, this is his senior year and he’s had this matter pending for some time and it hasn’t been resolved. His worst nightmare would be that if he wasn’t allowed back on the team to participate,� he said. For now, James said he is not entirely sure of Klein’s circumstances with the university, but said Klein is “not officially able to attend classes� and “would not be able to attend without an athletic

Economy from 1A

Caitlin Essig

Student Voice Editor:


Romney’s website said he plans to reduce “taxes, spending, regulation and government programsâ€? and relinquish power to the states. “President Obama, bless his heart, has tried to substitute government for free people, and it has not worked, and it’ll never work,â€? Romney told a crowd Wednesday at an aluminum casting production company in Bettendorf, Iowa. Mangum said Republicans think reducing regulations and using resources will create jobs and restore economic growth by “letting the market do its thing.â€? Democrats, he said, would say that too little regulation or enforcement of regulation caused many of the problems in terms of the economic crisis to begin with. “What they would say is we’ve got to be very careful. We can’t just let the market work in an unfettered way ‌ The best way to fuel the economy is through active involvement of the government,â€? he said. “So there’s the chief difference. Drew Stroemple, president of OSU College Republicans, said Romney would keep things simple. He also gave Gov. John Kasich credit for some of the job creation on a more local level. Kasich, a Republican, is scheduled for a speaking slot at the Republican National Convention, set for Aug. 27-30 in Tampa, Fla. Rather than pointing to job growth statistics since Obama has been in office, Republicans point to the unemployment rates. “When you have a president who’s had above an 8 percent unemployment rate since basically his first month in office ‌ people are getting pretty sick and tired of it,â€? Antani said. The lowest America’s unemployment rate has been since Obama took office in January 2009 was 7.8 percent in that month. It peaked at 10 percent in October 2009, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Ohio was ranked as the 19th lowest

scholarship.� James, who was hired to represent OSU’s football players involved in the 2011 “Tatoo-Gate� NCAA investigations, told The Lantern that Klein’s family, not the university, is compensating him. In his three years on the field, Klein has amassed 73 tackles in 38 games for the Buckeyes, including 45 in 2011. Before his dismissal, Klein was not listed as a starter on OSU’s depth chart. Klein did not immediately respond to The Lantern’s request for comment.

unemployment rate in July at 7.2 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Mangum said he thinks both candidates realize one way to better the economy is through improved education. Mangum said there’s no better time to invest in education than when people are young, but because of the job market, students need to “think long and hard about what your major is and what your skills are and how marketable they are.� He said that despite the fear of an unstable job market after graduation, attending college is not something that should be foregone. “Individuals on average that have a college education have significantly better average lifetime earnings,� he said. “We know that high quality education pays off relative to lower quality education, so I think that what that says to students is you’re doing the right thing by pursuing higher education.� Obama was at Capital University in Bexley Tuesday and spoke to a crowd of roughly 3,300 about the work he’s been doing with student loans and the importance of a higher education toward finding jobs in the students’ chosen field. “Businesses are mobile in the 21st century,� Obama said. “They’re gonna create jobs wherever they can find the most skilled workers, and I don’t want them to have to look any further than right here in Columbus, right here in Ohio.� There are many different roads to recovery that could be chosen, and whether it’s Obama or Romney doing the choosing, Mangum said the reality is that it’s going to be a painful road. “The only way to make things better is to tighten down the hatches and you have to spend less than you take in,� he said. “But no president is going to get elected by saying there’s going to be pain in order for things to get better.� Kristen Mitchell contributed to this article.


The Lantern is an interdisciplinary laboratory student publication which is part of the School of Communication at The Ohio State University, with four printed daily editions Monday through Thursday and one online edition on Friday. The Lantern is staffed by student editors, writers, photographers, graphic designers and multimedia producers. The Lantern’s daily operations are funded through advertising and its academic pursuits are supported by the School of Communication. Advertising in the paper is sold largely by student account executives. Students also service the classified department and handle front office duties. The School of Communication is committed to the highest professional standards for the newspaper in order to guarantee the fullest educational benefits from The Lantern experience.



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cody cousino / Multimedia editor

Coutesy of MCT

Republican presidential candidate mitt Romney, former governor of massachusetts.

President Barack obama at capital university tuesday where he gave a speech to about 3,300.

Wexner from 1A In the email, Gee said Wexner’s “generous contributions, both in time and resources, have been wholly transformational, but his most valuable gift has been his remarkable leadership,� According to a February Medical Center release, Wexner and his affiliates have donated more than $200 million over the past 30 years to OSU, along with “hundreds of millions more that Mr. Wexner has directly helped to raise.�

In 2011, Wexner made a $100 million donation to the university, the largest single donation in OSU history. The donation inspired the “But for Ohio State� university slogan. Wexner provided money for the Wexner Center for the Arts on campus, which is named after his father and was “instrumental in the formation� of the Fisher College of Business according to the release. He is also founder of the New Albany-based multi-billion dollar international corporation Limited Brands.

Portman from 2A Niraj Antani, the communication director for OSU College Republicans, re-emphasized Portman’s message for college students. “I think what he was trying to get across was that it is critical for the youth to get involved,� Antani said. “Enthusiasm for Obama is down, and enthusiasm for Romney is up among college students.� Another point Portman accentuated was the importance of college students being able to find a job after graduation. He said if students want to be able to find jobs after graduation, electing Romney would be a step in the right direction.

Portman called Romney’s vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan a “reformer� who has “pushed the Republican party to not just say no, but in fact to say there’s a better way.� Portman said Obama has been unwilling to work with Republicans to accomplish goals in Washington. “There are so many great opportunities for us to do the right thing and to turn this around, but it won’t happen under this president. It won’t happen unless we make a change,� Portman said. Matthew Pham, a graduate student in agricultural economics at OSU, said that he

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According to Forbes, Wexner’s wife Abigail is Chair of the Boards of Directors of Nationwide Children’s Hospital Inc. and Nationwide Children’s Hospital and a Trustee of The Wexner Center Foundation. The Board of Trustees Governance Committee had an executive session meeting Tuesday at 3 p.m. The meeting, which was originally scheduled to be held in Longaberger Alumni House but moved to Bricker Hall, was not open to the public or media.

agreed with Portman’s central message from the evening. “Essentially he said how all college students have to get involved and do something to affect the future,� Pham said.

AUTISM AIDE / URGENTLY NEED HELP. This position includes respite, ABA therapy and acting as a school aide. We are looking for someone who is active, outgoing and reliable. He is very sweet and good with new people. Hours and days are flexible. We are looking for someone who would like the experience of working with just our son (turning 18 this fall). The job is for 20-25 hours per week and the candidate must be able to work 5-6 hour shifts. Please include previous experience with Autism along with days and times you are available. Working with our son will make a difference in his life and his smile will melt your heart. Contact Marcie at



Thursday August 23, 2012

thelantern upcoming

Devin Smith’s route heard ‘round fall camp Pat Brennan Sports editor

Friday Women’s Volleyball v. Houston 5pm @ Columbus Women’s Soccer v. Northeastern 7pm @ Columbus Men’s Soccer v. Dayton 7:30pm @ Dayton, Ohio

Saturday Women’s Volleyball v. Toledo 11:30am @ Columbus Women’s Volleyball v. Oregon 7:30pm @ Columbus Field Hockey v. UMass 2pm @ Durham, N.H.

Sunday Men’s Soccer v. Illinois-Chicago Noon @ Columbus Field Hockey v. New Hampshire 2pm @ Durham, N.H.

Lantern file photo

OSU sophomore wide receiver Devin Smith stands on the Ohio Stadium field and talks with Buckeyes coach Urban Meyer during the team’s April 21 Spring Game. The Scarlet team defeated the Gray team, 20-14.

Ohio State football coach Urban Meyer often uses two words — “functional” and “non-functional” — to evaluate his team and players. The Buckeyes’ wide receivers have been the owners of a “non-functional” designation since spring practice. A single moment on the first day of practice helped send the receivers on the road to being a functional group, and it was sophomore Devin Smith’s route heard ‘round fall camp that appears to have turned the tide. Meyer’s dissatisfaction with his receivers was evident during the Buckeyes’ April 21 Spring Game, during which sophomore quarterback Braxton Miller and redshirt junior quarterback Kenny Guiton combined for 449 yards on 57 pass attempts. That pass-heavy strategy, Meyer said after the game, was intended as a test for what he called “one of the worst passing teams in America a year ago.” OSU’s first-year coach might very well have maintained that opinion of his offense until the team’s Aug. 6 fall camp practice when Smith went streaking on a “nine route” down the field that forced Meyer to reconsider. “Yeah, I remember the route — a little

continued as Route on 5A

Women’s Soccer v. Maryland 6pm @ Columbus

Eyes on Big Ten prize for OSU men’s soccer

Friday, Aug. 31

Kaily Cunningham Lantern reporter

Field Hockey v. American 3pm @ Washington, D.C. Women’s Volleyball v. Binghamton 5pm @ College Park, Md. Men’s Soccer: Wolstein Classic Wright State v. Davidson 5pm @ Columbus Men’s Soccer v. Coastal Carolina 7:30pm @ Columbus

Saturday, Sept. 1 Women’s Volleyball v. Seton Hall 11am @ College Park, Md. Women’s Volleyball v. Maryland 7:30pm @ College Park, Md. Football v. Miami University (Ohio) 12pm @ Columbus Men’s Cross Country: Flyer 5K Challenge TBA @ Dayton, Ohio Women’s Cross Country: Flyer 5K Challenge TBA @ Dayton, Ohio

Sunday, Sept. 2 Field Hockey v. Maryland 1pm @ College Park, Md. Women’s Soccer v. Syracuse 6pm @ Columbus




With the Ohio State men’s soccer team’s roster in limbo and its schedule loaded with tough opponents, coach John Bluem seems to have his work cut out for him in 2012. Despite the obstacles, the team’s goal remains to compete for a Big Ten title. The Buckeyes begin regular season play Friday with a roster comprised of 9 returning starters, 13 letter winners and an injured Ben Killian, the senior defender who started 16 matches for OSU last season. OSU is also rebounding from the losses of former all-Big Ten goalkeeper Matt Lampson, who signed with the Columbus Crew after the 2011 season, and two-time Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year, David Tiemstra, who was drafted by the San Jose Earthquakes in Major League Soccer’s Supplemental Draft. Bluem is confident as the season’s opening kick draws near. “I’m pretty happy where we’re at right now,” Bluem said. “We have a long ways to go still, I think, and a very difficult schedule.” Minor injuries have affected several players, but Bluem said he expects to see players integrated back in the lineup throughout the season. Killian, who is out six to eight weeks with a broken foot, is a different story. “Losing Ben was tough,” Bluem said, “because he had been a starter for three years.” Senior midfielder and team captain

Lantern file photo

OSU men’s soccer then-junior midfielder Austin McAnena dribbles the ball up the field during a Sept. 25 game against Michigan at Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium. The Buckeyes won in overtime, 3-2. Austin McAnena said the team was keeping their eyes on the Big Ten Championship prize through the pain. “I think we can for sure win,” McAnena said. “We’ve got to be in it 100 percent.” Junior defender and captain Sage Gardner agreed that the season focus is conference play and conference wins. “I want to win a Big Ten championship really bad, and coming back from last year and not being able to make the championship,” Gardner said. “I want a chance to go after it again.” With McAnena and Gardner leading the team, the 11 new players

also bring opportunities for the team. McAnena said freshmen forward Louie Berra and defender Zach Mason could make a difference. “Zach works super hard, and Louie is very confident and very comfortable around the ball,” McAnena said. With ranked competition in No. 12 Indiana, No. 20 Northwestern, No. 7 Louisville and No. 10 Akron on the schedule, Bluem said no game will be an easy win, but he still feels positive about the season with the returning starters and new players alike. “As a group of players, our target every year, first and foremost, is to win a Big Ten Championship,” said

Bluem. Noting that team chemistry helps win games, Bluem said the team is bonding very well and supporting each other ahead of Friday’s opener against the Dayton Flyers. “The core values that we look for in players (are) to be competitive, to work hard, to be a good teammate,” Bluem said. “It’s there.” Friday’s game against the Flyers is scheduled to kick off at 7:30 p.m. in Dayton.

Women’s volleyball set for action after ‘very hard’ preseason Kaily Cunningham Lantern reporter Ohio State women’s volleyball coach Geoff Carlston said the team’s Tuesday intersquad scrimmage at St. John Arena should prepare the team well for when the Buckeyes’ season kicks off with Sports Import DC Koehl Classic Friday. “We scheduled a very, very hard preseason this year,” Carlston said. The No. 24-ranked Buckeyes open the classic against Houston this Friday at 5 p.m. at St. John Arena, and continue play with games against No. 20 Oregon and Toledo on Saturday. Senior outside-hitter Emily Danks said she is excited for the action this weekend. “This year we have a really solid team. We have a lot of depth, so I’m really looking forward to seeing how far we can go this year,” Danks said. Senior middle-blocker Mariah Booth took her teammate’s optimism even a step further. “I think this season is going to be one of the best seasons we’ve ever had in this program and I think that our girls that came in as freshmen came in ready to learn and ready to work,” Booth said.

Eager freshmen and an experienced squad are what Carlston said he likes to see before the season. “We’re older, we have more kids who have played a lot of volleyball, they’ve started for us three, some of them it’s even four years,” Carlston said. But competition before the team opens up its Big Ten campaign on Sept. 9 against Iowa will get the team as prepared as they can be, Carlston said, even though the conference is “a whole other animal.” “There’s 335 Division I teams, and eight teams in the Big Ten are in the Top 25, so we’ll have a tough weekend every weekend,” Carlson said. The Buckeyes will look to improve on the 21-15 overall record they posted one year ago, as well as an 8-5 mark at home. Booth said the entire team knows that Carlston planned a tough schedule, but that will show how ready the team is to play. “We’ll probably have one of, if not, the toughest overall schedule in the country,” Carlston said. “And I did that because we have experience and we wanted to challenge our team to raise their game to a whole other level.”

Lantern file photo

OSU then-junior outside hitter Emily Danks is introduced before an Oct. 8 game against Northwestern. OSU won, 3-1.


sports OSU cross country teams look for running start Grant GannOn Lantern reporter Ohio State’s men’s and women’s cross country seasons begin on the same day at the same meet, but the teams are reaching for very different goals. OSu men’s cross country will attempt to build on last season’s success — an at-large bid to the nCaa Championships — while the women’s team will test its young talent against the region’s more experienced teams. the men’s team ended last season by finishing 23rd at the national Championships, its best placement since 2009. With the start of a new season, the team also has a new leader. after a yearlong coaching break, Brice allen coaches the men’s squad. allen arrived at OSu after seven years as distance coach at the university of Louisville and, prior to that, two years as an assistant with northern arizona. Senior donny roys, the Buckeyes’ top finisher at last year’s nCaa Championship meet, said he is looking forward to working with his new coach and seeing how OSu adjusts to allen’s philosophies. those philosophies include looking to progress his runner’s limits, allen said. “to improve, we will be working to build a strong aerobic base by doing a series of hard six- to eight-mile runs to improve our running threshold,� allen said. roys said this year’s squad can make a return to nationals but will need to trust allen. “i definitely think we have the capability of being able to make it back to nationals this

Top 25 College Football Poll

year,� roys said. “it is going to take a lot of us entrusting and having a lot of faith in him and then working together through what he wants us to do in our own goals in order to get there.� allen said he’s ready for the season to begin. “We have a young squad and we are looking forward to start the season with a strong opening meet,� he said. On the women’s side, the team completed the 2011 season with a 6th place finish at the nCaa great Lakes regional meet and had two returning runners, senior tori Brink and sophomore nicole Hinton, qualify for the nCaa championships. Brink and Hinton return for the 2012 season, but like the men’s team, the rest of the squad is young. “i looked at my roster the other day saw that i have one senior, two juniors returning, and the rest are all sophomores and freshmen,� said OSu women’s track and field coach Karen dennis. perhaps the biggest test facing the women’s team is putting the squad against established opposition, but dennis said she remains hopeful for her young group. “Our greatest challenge is getting young people to adapt to the division i and Big ten talent,� dennis said. “these girls came in with good credentials and i expect them to come out with positive results.� the teams will travel to meets at dayton, Michigan State, indiana and Wisconsin before the Big ten Championships on Oct. 28. Both open the 2012 seasons Sept. 1 at university of dayton’s 5k Flyer Challenge.

anDreW HOLLeran / Photo editor

OSU sophomore wide receiver Devin Smith makes a catch during an aug. 6 practice at the Woody Hayes athletic Center.

Route from 4A fade route,� Smith said after practice tuesday. “you know, Braxton threw it right on the money and i just ran.� Smith did more than simply run — with the successful execution of that route, Smith grabbed the attention of a two-time national champion coach and forced him to change his feelings. “(Smith) ran a nine route,� Meyer said. “it was ridiculous.� Smith said he couldn’t recall which defensive back he beat on that play, but that detail is likely an inconsequential footnote for wide receivers coach Zach Smith. Zach Smith said Friday that executing plays had been a problem for the Buckeyes, but devin Smith changed that by providing the receivers with an example to follow for the rest of the season. even 11 days later, Zach Smith was able to recall devin Smith’s nine route clearly. “Once you saw it, it was encouraging because you can teach off of that,� Zach

Smith said. “anytime (players) don’t get that, you can pull the old film up and say, ‘Look, this is you doing it right. Stop. Like, enough.’â€? Zach Smith also said properly run routes have been a much more frequent occurrence in practice since devin Smith set the standard back on aug. 6. indeed, devin Smith’s performance that day was no uke, but rather an indication of the receivers’ commitment, Zach Smith said. “it’s just a commitment to every route and really the philosophy of how we do things,â€? he said. “as a group, they have improved fundamentally and as far as committing to exactly what we teach.â€? as of Monday, Meyer said that junior Corey “phillyâ€? Brown is the team’s top receiver, though Meyer said devin Smith and redshirt senior Jake Stoneburner have also impressed him. Zach Smith and his wide receiving unit, along with the rest of the Buckeyes, are scheduled to begin the 2012 season Sept. 1 against Miami university (Ohio) with a noon kickoff.

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ZZZ SODWRVFORVHWFROXPEXV FRP thursday august 23, 2012


Thank you Team Buckeye Riders, Donors and Volunteers

Archie Griffin Co-captain, Team Buckeye

Shelley Meyer Co-captain, Team Buckeye

Every dollar raised during Pelotonia 12 benefits cancer research right here at Ohio State. Thank you for bringing us one step closer to a cancer-free world.

Thursday August 23, 2012


[ a e ]

Thursday August 23, 2012



Concert orchestrates ‘Final Fantasy’ music


Caitlin Essig Asst. arts editor

NBC to bid ‘The Office’ farewell Check for a commentary on the ninth season of ‘The Office’ being the last season of the series.

weekend Thursday

Eat right, Eat local, right Now! 3 p.m. @ Wexner Center for the Arts Welcome Week Concert featuring Big sean, 2 Chainz and Krewella 6 p.m. @ South Oval National Comedy showcase 7:30 p.m. @ Columbus Funny Bone

Columbus fans of role-playing video game franchise “Final Fantasy” are about to have another outlet for their love of the game. “Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy,” a concert featuring music spanning 25 years of “Final Fantasy” music, is scheduled to be performed in Columbus for the first time 3 p.m. Saturday at Ohio Theatre, located at 55 E. State St. Conductor and Grammy Award winner Arnie Roth said concert-goers should expect to be impressed at the show. “This particular show involves a huge orchestra on stage with a widescreen, high-definition video montage that is suspended over the orchestra,” Roth said. “With every piece of music that we play, there is some reference video from each of the songs and scores.” The show will feature the Chicagoland Pops Orchestra, composed of 100 symphony musicians, a choir and soloists. The “Final Fantasy” franchise began with the first game’s release December 1987, and is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. “The concerts that we put on, ‘Distant Worlds,’ generally involve as many scores from as many different versions of ‘Final Fantasy’ as we can squeeze into the performance time,” Roth said. Roth has been involved with video game music concerts since 2004. His first “Final Fantasy” concert, titled “Dear Friends: Music From Final Fantasy,” around that time and was the first public concert of video game music in North America. Roth has also been working with composer Nobuo Uematsu, who has scored most of the music from “Final Fantasy,” since that first tour in 2005. “Distant Worlds” has been touring for about five years, Roth said, catering to different markets globally. This is the tour’s first stop in Columbus. “It’s been quite a success. Fans all over the world are just unbelievable,” Roth said. The Columbus show will feature elements that not all “Distant Worlds” concert-goers have been able to experience in the past. “In this case, in Columbus for this concert, we’re doing a couple very special things. We have a vocalist coming in, Susan Calloway,” Roth said. “She is the featured voice selected by Nobuo Uematsu

Courtesy of Attila Glatz Concert Productions

‘Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy’ is an orchestral performance, scheduled to be held for its first time in Columbus Aug. 25 at the Ohio Theatre. himself for the latest version of ‘Final Fantasy,’ ‘Final Fantasy XIV.’” Roth said the orchestra will also perform a piece it doesn’t often play. “(The song) is called ‘Dark Worlds’ and it’s from ‘Final Fantasy VI.’ This is a piece that Nobuo Uematsu and I perform as soloists, live onstage with the orchestra,” Roth said. “He’s going to play keyboards and I’m going to play violin.” While Bree Stack, a first-year in international studies, doesn’t play video games, she said the concert sounds like a cool experience. “That’s awesome. I actually have some orchestra pieces from video games on my iPod. I would definitely go listen to something like that,” Stack said. Gordon Crites, manager of Super Game Team, a video game resale shop located at 1724 Northwest Blvd., said role-playing games such as “Final Fantasy” don’t sell as well as they did when he entered the video game business in 2008. “‘Final Fantasy’ sells OK, but we sell more of the Mario-type games here,” Crites said. “People like

‘Final Fantasy VI’ a lot, but it’s not a huge part of our business right now.” While Crites said the sale of role-playing games have dropped off, “people who love ‘Final Fantasy’ love it a lot. Some people get real into it.” Roth said he hopes to share the “Final Fantasy” music with as many Columbus fans as possible. “We’re just really excited to be (in Columbus), and extremely excited that Nobuo Uematsu is coming with us,” Roth said. “To have that special guest in with us and to have him on stage performing with us is, I think, a real treat.” Tickets for the show are available for $38 to $78, and VIP tickets, which offer premium seating and a meet and greet with Roth and Uematsu are available for $153. Tickets can be purchased at the Ohio Theatre’s ticket office, located at 39 E. State St., or at Ticketmaster outlets including Michael Periatt contributed to this story.


sPEaK: an Open Mic Night 7:30 p.m. @ 82 E. 16th Ave. Summit Church


gorilla Music Presents: The Columbus Battle of the Bands Finals 4 p.m. @ Alrosa Villa Miss africa OsU Pageant 6 p.m. @ Ohio Union’s Performance Hall Columbus summer Beerfest 6 p.m. @ LC Pavilion SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS 1B

Marvel characters unite with OSU spirit Sarah Pfledderer Arts editor As kids, some Ohio State fans might have sported their Fruit of the Loom underwear in support of their favorite superhero. Now as adults, those same kids are probably more likely to wear an OSU shirt to the theater to see their favorite characters on the big screen rather than those considerably shameful youth-sized undies. Russell Athletic and Marvel Entertainment are making it a little easier for Buckeyes to show their spirit for their favorite school superheroes at the same time. In the first ever co-branding between Russell and Marvel, the companies are producing a collegiate superhero clothing line to sell on college campuses nationwide. The apparel will combine some of Marvel’s most popular characters with the respective school logos and colors. The line also marks the first collegiate clothing line Marvel has ever co-branded. It had, however, previously co-branded with Fruit of the Loom, which Russell Brand is a subsidiary of, to produce superhero apparel such as youth underwear. “Obviously college fans are passionate about their school and Marvel fans are equally passionate. We thought it was a great opportunity to sort of merge the two,” said Mike Jerchower, director of licensing at Marvel. “This really allows the ability to go after that college fan who is also a Marvel fan. It’s just an opportunity to offer them a different, creative look

they’re not traditionally getting under a college-only T-shirt or a Marvel-only T-shirt.” Last year Marvel co-branded apparel with the NBA and Dallas Cowboys, Jerchower said, and after success from that it seemed “just a natural extension” to do a collegiate collection. Matt Murphy, senior vice president for sales of retail license products for Russell Brands, said Russell was sold on the co-brand with Marvel because of the hype leading up to Marvel’s summer superhero flicks, such as “The Avengers” in May and “The Amazing Spider-Man” in July. “There is a broad consumer base that enjoys these blockbuster movies and these characters in general,” Murphy said. “And to have that combined with your favorite school, mascots and logos of your school is kind of two for the price of one.” About 30 colleges have picked up the clothing line since it launched Aug. 1, Murphy said. Carried in women’s, men’s and youth sizes, the line consists of T-shirts and hooded and crew-style sweatshirts, which Murphy estimated are sold at a bottom price of about $18 and $29, respectively. He added sale prices for the product are also dependent on what retailers want to sell the product for. Murphy said chain retailers such as Peebles, Hibbett Sports and Neebo-supplied bookstores have picked up the line. Several bookstores at OSU, however, have not yet been approached about the

continued as Marvel on 3B

Photo illustration by CHRISTOPHER BRAUN / Design editor

salsa & soul Food 7 p.m. @ Hale Black Cultural Center

Photo courtesy of Russell Brands

Ticket release: Trace adkins 12 p.m. @ Ohio Union’s Information Center

The student voice of The Ohio State University


Thursday August 23, 2012

[ a +e ] Columbus’ Own

In an attempt to shine light on local music, The Lantern’s “Columbus’ Own� is a weekly series that will profile a new Columbus band every week.

Band seeks to be top dog in Louisville after start in C-Bus Emma Surber For The Lantern Once musical rivalries, the local trio created a band out of what once was a dogfight. After creating a name for itself in Columbus, the Cadaver Dogs have decided to uproot. Mat Franklin met bass player Cole WalshDavis and drummer Alex Mosie, who is more affectionately known as Vegas, about four years ago at Miami University (Ohio). “Cole and Vegas were actually high school band rivals,� Franklin said. The Cadaver Dogs joke about their musical differences in high school, and about how surprising it was that they ended up forming a band in college. “One day we just wondered if we would play better music together,� Franklin said. “Turns out we were right.� Cadaver Dogs played its first show in 2009 and started recording in July 2010. “We’ve done a lot in two years with the time we’ve had available,� Mosie said. From the band’s name to the music it creates, Cadaver Dogs has established quite an identity in Columbus and is working to spread its talents nationwide. Members agreed that aside from their wacky personalities, the band’s sound is probably the one of the distinguishing factors about them. That, or their unanimous distaste for pickles. When the band isn’t touring or creating music, however, its members lead fairly normal lives. Franklin, who studied art at Miami, dedicates his free time to other bands, designing logos and other artwork for different groups.

Courtesy of Cadaver Dogs

Cadaver Dogs, an American rock ‘n’ roll band, formed when the members were undergraduate students at Miami University (Ohio). The trio has since made a music career living and performing in Columbus. “I love it,� Franklin said. “If I wasn’t pursuing being a musician, I would definitely be drawing and making my art full time.� Walsh-Davis worked at Hot Topic part time until recently, but quit his position at the store to pursue music full time in Louisville, Ky. Incidentally, Franklin and Mosie are planning to follow Walsh-Davis to Louisville after the band’s upcoming tour. Cadaver Dogs played its last show as Columbus residents Saturday at Kobo, saying farewell to its local fans, at least for now. “We wanted to do a farewell show to say

Marvel from 1B

Courtesy of Russell Brands

A co-brand between Marvel Entertainment and Russell Brands designs Big Ten Conference school apparel.

goodbye to everyone that’s supported us this far,� Mosie said. “Some of our family members were there too, it was an awesome experience.� Some fans who attended the band’s last gig in Columbus said it was a sad, yet exciting show. “I don’t want to see them go,� said Kristen Angeloff, a friend of the band, who is studying psychology at Columbus State Community College. “They’ve made such an identity for themselves in Columbus and really have a following, it’s sad they’re moving.� Despite distancing itself from the city, Franklin said the band has no intentions to halt production

line and are unsure if they’ll be carrying it. College Town, located at 1770 N. High St., which is supplied by Neebo, hasn’t made plans to stock the product yet. Bob Olsen, buyer for the bookstore, said the store has no plans to carrying it as of now. Jessica George, buyer for SBX, located at 1806 N. High St., also said she was unfamiliar with the line and couldn’t speak on whether it would be carried in store. Cynthia Harris, assistant director for retail operations at Station 88, located in the Ohio

of its genre-mixed tunes, ranging from hip-hop to country. “We listen to hip-hop driving on tour, but Vegas is definitely punk rock, Cole is metal, and I’m a bit of country,� Franklin said. Cadaver Dogs has released two EP’s since its formation, “Thrill Ride� in 2010 and “On All Fours� in 2011. “Thrill Ride� is somewhat of a tribute to Kings Island, with all of its tracks being named after rides at the amusement park. The band is in the songwriting stages for its third album, which it’s aiming to release in the next few months. “We’re in our terrible two’s right now,� Mosie joked. “Just wait until we reach puberty.� When, or if, the band reaches “puberty,� getting signed by any particular label could apparently put sour taste in the members’ mouth. “Labels sound great but they’re booby traps,� Walsh-Davis said. “If you’re not on a label, sometimes you don’t have as big a fan base as other bands, but if you sign to a label, you might have to give up what you and your band mates want for the sake of who’s in charge.� Franklin agreed and said he worries being signed might jeopardize the band’s ability to maintain creative dignity. “We want to keep our integrity and our respect, we want to make a career of our music on our own,� Franklin said. Signed or not, it seems the band will always have a dedication to making music. “We’re an American rock ’n’ roll band that does what we want, when we want,� Franklin said. “We don’t expect to stop anytime soon. We’re staying super loose.�

Union, said the store doesn’t have any plans to carry the line either. “We do not carry the Marvel line and after viewing the line, I do not have immediate plans to book the products for the store,� Harris said in an email. Murphy said he is hopeful of getting the product on OSU’s campus in September though. “It’s just a great piece of apparel to add to your collection,� Jerchower said. “It’s a great opportunity for fans to show their support for not only Ohio State, but the Marvel characters.�

Jerchower also said Spider-Man has historically been one of Marvel’s most popular characters, but in recent years Iron Man has developed a passionate following. He said he suspects those characters to be big sellers in campus bookstores. Robert Wolfe, a second-year in biomedical engineering, said if the line was carried on campus, he’d purchase a shirt with Iron Man, his favorite superhero on it. Wolfe also said he’s been a fan of Marvel since he was a kid. “It’s just cool to watch them beat the bad guys,� Wolfe said.




photos 1

ANDREW HOLLERAN / Photo editor



CODY COUSINO / Multimedia editor


ANDREW HOLLERAN / Photo editor

ANDREW HOLLERAN / Photo editor



DANIEL CHI / Asst. photo editor

1. Air Force One touches down at Rickenbacker Airport in Columbus prior to President Barack Obama’s visit to the Ohio Union and speech at Capital University in Columbus on Aug. 21. 2. President Barack Obama smiles and waves while exiting Air Force One at Rickenbacker Airport in Columbus on Aug. 21. 3. President Barack Obama speaks to the crowd at Capital University in Columbus on Aug. 21.


4. President Barack Obama gives a boy a high five at Rickenbacker Airport in Columbus on Aug. 21. 5. Ohio State students wait to enter University Hall at 11:20 a.m. on Aug. 22, the first day of Fall Semester. 6. Ohio State students take over the Oval at the Involvement Fair on Aug. 21.

Follow us on Twitter @lanternphotos

THERESA BRADY / Lantern photographer

Thursday August 23, 2012


Furnished Rentals Roommate Wanted Male CARE PROVIDER(s) needed

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Help Wanted Restaurant/ Food Service

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COLUMBUS SPORTSERVICE is the food and beverage provider for Nationwide Arena. We are having a job fair for the 2012-2013 Blue Jackets season on Wednesday, August 29th from 4:00-7:00pm. The job fair will be held at 200 W. Nationwide Blvd in the Activity Center (entrance across from Fifth Third Bank). We are hiring bartenders, servers, catering servers, supervisors, cooks and retail workers.


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For Sale Real Estate

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Automotive Services HOOTERS NOW ACCEPTING APPS! Hooters of Columbus is now accepting applications for Hooters Girls, Hooters Girls at the Door, Hooters Girls Behind the Bar & Cooks. So if youâre hard working with a great attitude and looking for a chance to make great money, then apply in person at Hooters of Hilliard â 5225 Nike Station Way (614) 8507078 Check us out on Facebook and !

MOZART’S BAKERY AND VIENNA ICE CAFE - Looking for parttime/full-time reliable counter help, server help, kitchen help. High Street location, a mile north of campus. Email resume to

TOM & Jerry’s - a Full Service Auto Repair Shop. 1701 Kenny Rd. 488-8507. Or visit:

Help Wanted Sales/Marketing

SATURDAYS. SUNDAYS. While you wait. Executive resumes. Military. Aviation. Theatrical. Nursing. Engineering. Biographies. Memoirs. Autobiographies. Business histories. Family histories. Personal statements. Wrapping Christmas gifts. Sewing buttons. Typing. Copies. Dictation. Secretarial. Filing. Organizing. Mailing projects. Also typing: Theses. Dissertations. Books. Manuscripts. Forms. Applications. Pricing negotiable. Cash only. 614-440-7416.

JEFFERSON COUNTRY CLUB DR & BQT Positions Available Competitive Pay & Flexible Scheduling. FT & PT positions available. 20 minutes from Campus. 7271 Jefferson Meadows Drive Blacklick, OH 7597500 or email resume to lwatson@jeffersoncountryclub. com

LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY and the Buckeyes! Printroom, Inc the premiere provider of fan photography, is seeking an Assistant Manager for ALL home games. You will assist in equipment prep and photographing fans. You must be able to work EVERY home game from 2-3 hours prior to the game until 1-2 hours after the game. Candidates must be able to work EVERY home game. Send your resume to or apNOW HIRING PIZZA ply directly to the Hiring ManDELIVERY DRIVERS/PREP ager at shifts available Delivery to Grandview/Upper reers Arlington Tips/commission/ hourly wage can earn you $10-$15/hr. Apply in person at Rocco’s Pizza Plus 1664 W First Ave. (614)486-7587

For Sale Real Estate

SERVING POSITIONS available at Figlio, a casual, upscale gourmet pizza and pasta restaurant close to campus with locations in Grandview and Arlington. Meet new friends while working with our fun, attractive staff. Part time. Flexible schedule. WILL TRAIN the right person. (Also hiring buspersons and cooks.) Apply in person at 1369 Grandview Ave. or 3712 Riverside Dr.

Resumé Services

Tutoring Services A MATH tutor. All levels. Also Physics, Statistics and Business College Math. Teaching/tutoring since 1965. Checks okay. Call anytime, Clark 2940607.

Announcements/ Notice DISCOVER “101 Things You Didn’t Know About Columbus” ($9.95 at

For Sale Computers/ Electronics TOWNHOUSE CONDO with 2 Bedrooms, 1.5 remodeled baths, wood laminate flooring, 1st floor laundry, walk to restaurants, bus stop, shopping. Complex has pool and tennis courts. $69,900. 4692 A Charecote Lane, Columbus 43220.

PAYING TOO much for wireless service? Get unlimited voice, text and data for $59.99 monthly. No contracts. No credit check. No deposit. Earn FREE service by referring others.

Real Estate Advertisements- Equal Housing Opportunity The Federal Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” State law may also forbid discrimination based on these factors and others. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at 800-669-9777.

Call 292-2031 to place your ad or do it online at – Terms of service available at Unfurnished 4 1 Bedroom


Help Wanted Rooms General UTILITIES, furnished rooms,

Help Wanted General

Help Wanted Child Care General

CUSTOMER SERVICE OpenmUsiC teaCHers needed ingsin at Call Center close to stUdents’ Homes! Campus, P/T positions w. flexible Set scheduling, Competitive your own schedule. pay, free downtown parking, adContinuing education vancement provided. opportunities. Applicants must have basic Competitive pay. computer skills, Lendingprofessionalism, library. good work history andwith wknd Work for a Company availability. integrity! Please apply @ interviewing now! CUSTOMER SERVICE Representative(614) 847-1212 Local beverage distributor has an opening for part time help in its Customer Service Department. Available hours are weekday afternoons andbusline. Saturpart‑time; On the days. Candidates deProfessional office.must 3-4 be mornpendable with great communiings per week. Detail oriented cation skills. 15-20 hours per person good with numbers. week. resume Apply online at www.suSend & availability to EOE-M/F/V/D

PART-TIME position downtown for organized, detail-oriented student. Mornings Monday thru Friday. Up to 12 hours/week. Able to lift 10 lbs. and to push a heavy cart. Send resume and availability start working NEXT to: WEEK! College Nannies & Tutors is currently hiring for several after schoolINC. nanny posiPRINTROOM, Seeking tions. include Upper qualifiedLocations candidates in ColumArlington, Powell, bus to workWesterville, as “Fan PhotograLewis Start pher” Center PT at and football times varyplace fromto2:30 pmOpporto 4:Amazing work. 00 pmtoand end around tunity getusually into sports events 6:00 pm. Apply online at www.and marketing. Must be open, outgoing, self-motivated, and reliable. Sales and photo experience a plus. Must be available for all of home games. Details will be emailed if qualified. Apply at or with your resume to: HoUrs at very FLeXiBLe pleasant officeover in WorSMALL medical COMPANY 50 thington. Filing, needs faxing,F/Tand years in business or other office duties. No experiP/T worker. We will work ence 4-10 hours a aroundnecessary. your schedule. We do week. us uproofi at ng & light gutters,Look siding, repair work. Good drivers 614-781-1749. license a must. Nelson Roofing 4636 Indianola. (614) 262-9700.

Crossword Los Angeles Times, Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Large in roomE. Northudes wainternet ses avail91-5001.

ONE AND a half bedroom #1 option for 4located bedroom condo for rent at homes for Fall 2012!OffVisit Northampton Village of Bethel Rd. on Slade Ave. Rent more info! Addresses inisfor$675.00 a month. Includes clude 11, 2140 gas and 136 water.EMinimum of 8 Waldeck and more! months lease. 614-446-6036.

0 flexible lease periods, super convenient location, 38 E. 17th Ave. Laundry, off-street parking, $200-$400/month. 296CUstomer serviCe Repre6304. sentative Local beverage distributor has DEAD QUIET near an opening for part timemedical help in complex. Safe.Service Excellent, low its Customer Departnoise/crime neighborhood, ment. Available hours are quiet serious tenants. Reweekday afternoons and Satursearch-oriented. across days. Candidates OSU must be dethe street. $450/month, no utilipendable with great communities. 614-805-4448. cation skills. 15-20 hours per week. Apply online at EOE-M/F/V/D

Help Wanted Sales/Marketing Clerical

Help HelpWanted Wanted Tutors Sales/Marketing

saLes and marketing P/T positions for students looking LEGAL CAREERS to gain Sales and Marketing exManley Kochalski LLC perience.Deas Position includes marrepresents servicing keting CMSmortgage services to potencompanies residential tial leads in and customer serforeclosure actions. include invice. Responsibilities side and outside sales with poIftential you for have what it takes to development and dework in a marketing dynamic, fast paced signing material. environment,come to our open Please apply at www.continenhouse to learn more about the following full-time (day shift) and part-time (evening shift) opportunities that may be available:

teaCHing/aBaGRADUATING instrUC‑ ATTENTION tor Position OR SENIORS RECENT Opening in Powell. Must be deGRADS pendable. Inn-Town Homes and ApartCPR, First Aid and interviewing Fingerprints ments is currently needed for a temporary leasing consulBefore hire. $12.00 hour. tant position, with per full-time Prefer starting in November. hours, Someone with forinterests in We are looking students inteaching, in Real Estate and/or terested Psychology, special education, Sales. The position offers a occupational starting pay, with competitive or physical therapies and who opportunities for commissions enjoys on performance. If interbased working kids.inPhone ested in with working a fun, interbusy views environment please conwork after 3:30. Contact Cheryl tact us at 614-294-1684 or 740stop 881-4325. by our office at 2104 Tuller St. for more information. Serious inquires only and degrees preferred.

Sudoku by The Mepham Group ©2012

27 Upsilon preceder are important 28 Lima’s location? 57 Sports negotiating 30 Cole Porter’s Indiana group d hometown 60 “Need __ on?” d m 33 Bad-mouth 61 Havana’s location? m HoUse For rent Hardwood completely updated, 34 Diver’s domain 64 Blue __ RTMENT. floors, Unfurnished 1-2 bed- W/D, stainless steel kitchen appliances. Walking distance to 36 Debatable “gift” 65 Sheet music symbol 2 Bedroom E. 17th Roommate Wanted Gardens. eet, laun- campus. $1200. Renter pays condos. 66 Bit of roller coaster 38 Crescent moon Help pointsWanted Utilities. 614-402-0496. ImmediFemale frigerator -$400.00drama 39 Tank unit wi-fi. Sep- BEAUTIFUL HIGH - Rise Legal Assistants Interships cious LR. Condo for rent in Grandview FEMALE STUDENT wanted to Paralegals Close to OSU campus 67 Hosp. worker 40 “OMG, too funny!” value in Ohio. Unfurnished share gorgeous 6 bedroom Title Preparers Help Wanted dent and and downtown. 2 BR 1 Bath house on 19th. Rent is ad area. Legal Assistant 5+ Bedroom with beautiful view of Colum- earn $1,000‑$3,200 a month 68 Help with an answer 41 “__ volunteers?” BDRM/1 bus and surrounding areas. to $440/mo. +1/6th utilities. AvailInterns Clerical drive our new cars with ads. free. ppliances, able now. Contact Kelsey 44069 It has 100 seats 43 What makesHr an amp High Floor location. Ammeni- intern EE Inter- ties include swimming pool, 667-4078. CAREER FAIR 6 BR AFFORDABLE spa,u outdoor #1 Wednesday, October 26th damp? gym, and private event room. cious and updated large BR ROOMMATE Nifco America, a plastic injeccolumWANTED to ELECTION WORK/CANVASShborhood, 3:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. Askingon$1,850.00 per month Central campus. Gas share gorgeous 6 bedroom tion moldingtocompany, located ding, off- House 45 Send a new invoice ING through Election Day, furnished, or $1,650.00 per house on Frambes. Rent is heat, A/C, off-street parking, in Canal Winchester, OH is ck from month unfurnished. Rent per This is an excellent opportunity W/D hookups, $380/month + 1/6 utilities. Avail- November 8th. Must be availlooking an HR law Intern. 46 Marital challenge, 65/month dishwasher, to join aforgrowing firm. This We able Election Day until printroom, inC. 8am Seeking DOWN month fireplaces, includes all utilities, decks, $435. 614paid internship will initially internationaL able now. Please contact Dana qualified deposit electric, gas, and water. Pets FrankLin offer a comprehensive benefibe ts polls close. Help Ohio busied candidates in Colum294-7067. www.osuproperty- is part time and might be full time perhaps a mid-size manufacturer of bus 740-310-3977. 7722. package, including paid time nesses get liquor licenses. to work as “Fan Photograand underground parking ex- adhesives and sealants located 1 Common email in the future. The HR Intern off,disability insurance & 401(k). $8/hr +PT 50 cents/mile. at football Election games. tra per month. Looking to rent in South Columbus. We have pher” 48 Rugged will work directly with the HR Day $100 + mileage + format $50/100 Amazing place to work. Opporattachment out by Jan. 1st, 2012. ed department hourly forward recruitPart-Time Production positions tunity Roommate Wanted To extraregister, onplease win bonus. get into sports events 49 Like many an ment, HR administrative tasks available on all shifts. Duties into openhousecom. marketing. Call Charles 447-9992 or WAREHOUSE HELP, 315 your resume and Must be open, Help Wanted 2 Support bar 8, 10 BR #1 option for large houses clude packaging, and special projects. To be forklift driving, Male Further (Linworth), outgoing, self-motivated, and and 161 area inning game ous and for groups of 5-9! considered, you must be pursudrumming/pumping product, reliable.3Sales tion will follow. Manley Deas WhatandFAQs 20 hours per week, photooffer expe- about Medical/Dental ENTERTAINER/TEACHER. apts on a HRLLC bachelor’s degree more. High School rience Unfurnished 8, 10 BR Kochalski is an Equal Opbetween CBSing a plus.Play Mustand be Music avail- M-F, flexible hours Check out 226 E 16th, 202 E and 51 Former head GYMBOREE tral camGAY MALE and currently a sophomore or Diploma or with GED 2-bedroom required. able ous and Frambes and more! 4allShows portunity Employer. of home interest games. De- 8:00-5:00. E-mail contact enthusiastic off-street house meet to share, 15 min.check, drive seeksfor energetic, higher status, a GPA above Must bakground 3 Bedroom aBsoLUte Care, a Developapts on Laurence information to tails willfor bepart-time emailed work. if qualified. ACROSS people Must r,tral camW/D to OSU. Nice quiet safe residrug screen, and physical Apply at 29 [I’m in trouble!] 5 Filmmaker Russ graphicservices@proforma.Disabilities (DD) sup- 2.5, ability to hold confidential be able unaccompanied mental replaces, dentialrequirements area. Quiet communiHelpexcellent Wanted exam and beclean will- fo/jobs.asp? 53 Trades provides in information, off-street com living agency, or with your re- port and lead interactive paren1 Chandelier danglers at 3BDRM HOME house with inwasher/dryer, $650, 29 min. ing 31 a stallion 6 Mattress supports toNeuter, work aas dirty, dusty and en- sume home support to many individu- cations, and diverse computer r,ting W/D to: or Osutruefans@printt/child play music/art classes 7. www.stove/refrigerator. Friendly via Cota 2 OSU skillsMedical/Dental and highly organized. vironment. Pay is $10/hr, up to 54 Réunion attendee throughout Franklin replaces, WRITER NEEDS toCounty. Hire 7 It’s east of Rooms Yucatán to 5 year quiet roomate (owner). for newborns 32hours Backrub response 7 Caboose, for olds. one als per week. We are currently accepting apting at hardwood floors, garage, lg 29 Japanese Translator ASAP yard, *Please call Allison 4 $300/month (+$200.00 security We are looking for people with plications 56 Lunch spot Interested should for part time and full 7. www.Call (614)276-3881 For Details. MEDICAL candidates 11 Nervous reaction ATTENDANT background 33 Short race 8 Petroleum giantor that deposit). showing qUiet @614.332.9320 dead near medical Please resume a printRich43209@yahoo.out an application some teaching Professionals email neededa in home.along Part with time, those majoring in ECE, The- time Direct Care s BLvd complex. Safe. Excellent, low from com 58 Novelist Jaffe transcript to www.franklininternational.House Managers. We mornings and evenings. 14 Prophet in Babylon 35 “Holy Toledo!” merged with atre, Music or Art. WillChevron train. andinHelp Wanted 72 W. Blake Ave. OSU Area. noise/crime neighborhood, for com or stop by to obtain an apstrive to bring the highest level smaLL 50 ton S BLVD 1/2 double, 3 BR Hi-efficiency Excellent experience for MUST BECompanY RELIABLE.over If inter59 USAF rank above quiet mystery serious tenants. Re- plication, M – F, 6:30 AM – 6:- years 15 Short writer? of professional care consideration. business F/T or 37 More succulent pre-allied med students. ested, in2005 send yourneeds resume or of quality Roommate Wanted P/T Child Care gas furnace, central hard- 30 search-oriented. OSUair,across e PM TON to our clients in the industry. worker. We will work 614-421-2183 senior airman qualifications in a Microsoft wood floors, area sch. rugs in- Franklin the street. $450/month, no utili16 Evergreen State International 39 Breakfast in a bar 9 Hogwash around your schedule. We do Please visit our website at RED Word or PDF fi le to columbus.E cluded, off-st. parking. No pets. 2020 ties. 614-805-4448. BABYSITTERS NEEDED. Bruck Street 200 E. 15th Ave. 4 Bedroom gutters, for more siding, roofing & light 62 Newt, once To Must be caring, $1,000/mo. 1yr. lease. Day: Columbus, 17 Cairo’s location? have Help Wanted OH 43207 RED Apartment, 1 1/2 bath, carpet. repair 42 Red herring 10 Adams whogoshot El references aboutreliable, our services Good learn work. more aboutdrivers GPM to information Bed221-6327 Evening: 261-0853 greatjob and ownTo transFor please 614-759call 614- license Rentdirections, $300-325/month. and requirements. ap63 Make sure a must. Nelson Roofing Restaurant/ 19 Miss a fl y portation. Pick your schedule. 43 Paint ineptly Capitan Roommate Wanted 445-1458. 9952 or 614-935-7165. ply, please submit your resume 4636 Indianola. (614) 262-9700. BedApply to GRANDVIEW: 3 bedroom, 2 Food Service nationaL aFFordaBLe 20 Get lickedFemale bycondo for rent. 44 Walked away with FEMALES PREFERRED for 11 Jerusalem’s location? 1/2 bathroom BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL Housing Trust, has a part-time ongoing medical fanta- mediCaL Help Wanted attendant Recently great Teachers Powell/Lewis Center, accounting opportunity at their to fiupdated, ll a flask INCL21 Place 45 Two-timers 12photo Mount Carmel sy/fetish & video work locale BONJOUR needed in home. Part time, location. On the bus line. FemaLe stUdent wanted to location.OSU! Ideal for a HS Diploma & be at least 18 Columbus with an established pro- mornings La Chatelaine Bakery andChild evenings. played Honey in Washer/dryer share gorgeous 6 included. bedroom collegeFrench student who years old. supervision, current INCL23 She 0.00 get paidGeneral To Write! Earn Up ducer.13 47 Briquettes, e.g. Kept in check Good pay & easy Excellent & Bistros are looking for in P U Z Z L E experience for $1600/month. Call 614-527house on 19th. Rent is to $300 A Day. No Experience work. Must be ht/wt propor- leading group activities, helping would like to gain experience OWS enthusiastic, charming and pre-allied med students. “Dr. No” 0.00 7909. $440/mo. +1/6th utilities. Availthe field or a recent college with homework and other 49 Exclusively 18Reply 16-Across mascot Necessary. ###! PART-Time Call Center tHe tionate. to: Dispatch S CoLUmBUs is 614-421-2183 able now. Contact Kelsey 440- Position, 5 Minutes from graduate lookingladies for and flexible similar duties. Email OWS gentlemens that love toinclude work accepting resumes for vari- zone structure S O L U T I hardworking ON SDuties 50 “Aida” 22 Fox of “Transformers” .00 667-4078. part-time work. S 25 Flood campus along setting #2 bus line. Part able part-time in a established family own Hopper Feeder Free membership with employ- financial statement preparation time afternoons & evenings. HOUSECLEANING Unfurnished followedwanted by a & bakery.payable, Our positions. Hopper Feeders .0026 Letters 52 614-495-1407, Texas slugger Cruz PT 24 Big and restaurant review, accounts roommate to Call Contact +galoot gas reimb. to ment! Help Wanted three locationsasin well as use= $10.00/Hr a production machine bank reconciliations gorgeous 6 bedroom HoUseCLeaning Helen. FT = Same + mo. Bonus = “The” colonshare 4 Bedroom CARE PROVIDERS and ABA Upper Arlington, Worthington produce ad packages for in55 Where some manners 26 Uris novel, with Restaurant/ additional responsibilities in a $12+/Hr s Units - house on Frambes. Rent is PT = $10.00/Hr + gas reimb. andbut Dublin, needand weekday sertion into the newspaper. Therapists are waned to work busy = Same + mo. Bonus = No ##BARTENDERING! UP To casual friendly Sbedroom Units - $380/month + 1/6 utilities. Avail- FT weekends. Food Service adults with personnel, Candidates should be consis- with children/young $300/ Day. No Experience Nec- 614.760.0911 work morning environment. Candidate bedroom able now. Please contact Dana $12+/Hr

available. available. ll Myers ll Myers -2933 or -2933 or om om Large Large in roomin roomE. NorthE. Northudes waudes wainternet internet ses availses avail91-5001. 91-5001. W

w DR. POSIT , refrig., dr. ry POSIT available , refrig., SE ry 268-7232 available SE rent: 1)268-7232 ry, 3BR,

#1 4 BR AFFORDABLE spa740-310-3977. cious and updated, large 4BR apts on North, South and Central campus. Gas heat, A/C, offstreet parking, dishwasher, W/D hookups, decks, fireplaces, Jacuzzi tubs. Starting at $400/ea. 614-294-7067. gaY maLe with 2-bedroom com to share, 15 min. drive to OSU. Nice quiet safe residential area. Quiet clean #1 OPTION for 4 bedroom house with washer/dryer, and homes for Fall Visit stove/refrigerator. 2012!Friendly quiet roomate (owner). for more info! Addresses in$300/month (+$200.00 security clude 136 E 11, 2140 deposit). Rich43209@yahoo.Waldeck and more! com

Roommate Wanted Male

HOUSE FOR RENT Hardwood floors, completely updated, W/D, stainless steel kitchen ap200 e. 15th Ave. 4 Bedroom pliances. Walking distance to Apartment, 1 1/2 Renter bath, carpet. campus. $1200. pays Rent $300-325/month. Utilities. 614-402-0496. 614-7599952 or 614-935-7165.

Roommate Wanted

Schools, rent:2car 1)H, ry, 3BR, 20 mins Thursday

Unfurnished Help Wanted 5+ Bedroom General August 23, 2012

No weekends. essary. Training available. 800614.760.0911 965-6520 ext 124. ATTENTION STUDENTS Excellent pay, flexible schedules, customer sales/service, conditions, apply, all ages 17+, HoUsekeeping. wor‑ Call Now! 614-485-9443 or ontHington area family seeks line student for housekeeping, ironCALLING ARTISTS! ing, and garden work approx. 8Looking for artists to draw 12hrs/week. Flexible hours to basic white, simple meet black your and school schedule. and complex Work Usually 2 half images. days. should from home. experience. Flexible hours. have some NonPaid perhome. image. smoking Must877-HOYShave own TOYS transportation. $12/hr. Please phone (614)371-6572 or email note of interest to CHEER, TUMBLING, and Gymnastic Coaches needed for Columbus area gym. Must be able to coach athletes ages 4-16 yrs. Positions open for Levels 3-7. Competitive gymnastics experience a must, well as spotting. i/t andasprogramming P/T Please email positions for students with for knowledge of computer promore information. gramming, hardware and software applications, looking to

tently available to work day shifts, be able to lift up to fifty pounds, and have the physiI/T AND PROGRAMMING P/T cal ability to for long pepositions forstand students with riods of time. Candidates with knowledge of computer proa flexible schedule areand encourgramming, hardware softaged to apply by visiting ware applications, looking to We gain real world experience. are ReAn Equal varies Opportunity sponsibility basedEmon ployer. specialization, but would include IT work and customer service. Please apply at

KENNEL TECHNICIAN Position. Immediate opening, duties including feeding, medicating, walking, and general huswanted: personaL bandry. No Seeking Trainer. previous self-motitraining vated, animalrequired. loving, with exexperience Wean have cellent work ethic to please an entire system train apply you. at 6868 Caine Road (just off of We are looking for self-starting Sawmill Rd)who or fax @ individuals wantto toJen work 614-766-2470. Must be availhard to be successful. This poable weekends holidays. If sition includes: and customer seryou have 614vice, sales,questions, marketing,callcoach766-2222. ing, exercising, motivating and holding the client accountable. LABORATORYare INTERNSHIP Requirements a willingness

disabilities in a family home setting or supported living setting. adriatiCo’s pizza Extensive training is isprovided. looking applicants This jobfor is qualified meaningful, allows to fill part-time server shifts and you to learn intensively immediately. Daytimeyour class can accommodate availability a must. in Apply schedule. Those all in related person 265ABA W 11th Ave. fields, at with interest, or Experience plus for but these not miswho have a aheart required. sions please apply. Competitive wages and benefits. For more information call L.I.F.E. BonjoUr osU! Inc. at (614) 475-5305 or visit La Chatelaine French Bakery us at&www.LIFE-INC.NET EOE Bistros are looking for enthusiastic, charming and CHILD THERAPIST needed hardworking ladies and in the Northeastthat Columbus area gentlemens love to work to in work one-to-onefamily with autistic a established own child, in a home-based restaurant & bakery. OurABA program. EXPERIENCE threeNO locations in NECESSARY! proUpper Arlington, Training Worthington vided. Challenging and reand Dublin, need weekday warding position for someone morning personnel, with acharismatic high level servers of energy & who enjoys play and detail oriexperienced night is prep cooks. ented. You experience will be asked Restaurant highlyto work in 3recommended. hour shifts and make a minimum 12 our month commitPlease visit website ment. Send resume to for locations to pick up an

servers must charismatic be proficient in &Excel; experienced night prepiscooks. Peachtree experience a plus. Restaurant highly Email cover experience letter and resume recommended. to Please visit our website NAHT is a non-profit affordable housing organization. EOE. for locations to pick up an application. We are also on Facebook or follow us on twitter @ lachatcolumbus Merci! temporarY paid Student Internship - Communications/MarCALL FLAVORS of India in keting/Human North Market, Resources 638-5353. Flexible hours, weekends and weekThe Veterinary days. College Counter of help/cashier Medicine needed. is looking for an intern with a background in project management, communiEXPERIENCED RESTAUcations, marketing, and/or huRANTresources HOST/HOSTESS. Fine man to assist with a dining restaurant in Polaris project to last approximately 6 area is seeking experienced months. Project involves develhost/hostess to provide a ravoping powerpoint presentaing fan experience. tions, videos, and print Evening materihours that will compliment your als. Individuals must be able to class schedule. 614-888-2467 design and implement creative presentations, videos, narration scripts, etc and work within deadlines. Previous work samples will be required for review

For Sale Computers/ Electronics

DFW FURNITURE a local retail furniture chain is currently seeking high energy part time sales associates for our Columbus get a BestBuy gift card for a warehouse location. Sales expenny at perience is preferred but notYou quired. will find huge discounts on gold Flexible schedule, Great for a and silver coins and bars, jewcollegegiftstudent. a elry, cards, We and pay much, hourlymore ratebidplus commission much and win. and bonus. Please apply in person at 2255 Westbelt Drive Columbus, Ohio 43228 or send your resume or e-mail to

For Sale Furniture/ Appliances

PART-TIME WORK AVAILABLE FOR WINTER Inn-Town Homes Aparttwin LoFt Bedsandexcellent ments is currently looking for conditions email sixwhites@part-time leasing positions for November-January. We are looking for students who are interested in Real Estate and/or Sales. Position offers great pay, flexible hours and fun work environment. Evenings and weekends a must. If you are looking to make some extra LiFe is short money for school, this is a Take great Vitamins! opportunity for you! If terested, please contact us at 614-294-1684 or stop by our office at 2104 Tuller St. for more tent saLe all week! Crew information. neck sweatshirts $15. All hats $7. Tees $7. MC/Visa welcome. Lane Ave at High Street. SALES AND MARKETING P/T positions for students looking to gain Sales and Marketing experience. Position includes marketing CMS services to potential leads and customer service. Responsibilities include inside and outside sales with po3 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath tential for development andCondedominium marketing FOR SALE or signing material. LEASE in Chatham Village Please apply at www.continen(Kenny and Ackerman). Walk, Bike, or Bus to OSU! All new appliances included, many more updates, low maintenance, but lots of space! 1,676 Sq. Ft. $149,900. 614-507-5194.

For Sale Miscellaneous

For Sale Real Estate

Help Wanted Interships

TEMPORARY PAID Student InHoUse -For SALE ternship Communications/MarWhy rent when you can own? keting/Human Resources Updated 2BR, 1BA. Finished basement, private backyard, The College of Veterinary garage. is 382looking E. Royal Medicine for Forest, an inClintonville. Open, tern with a $149,900. background in 10/30/1, 2-4PM. Keller project management, communiWilliams marketing, Capital and/or Partners, cations, huDonna Leigh-Osborne, 614man resources to assist with a 783-6999. project to last approximately 6 months. Project involves developing powerpoint presenta-

Travel/ For Sale Vacation Pets

osU Un OSU UN ate stud ate stud in Engin in Engin Educatio Educatio 8th grad 8th grad homewo homewo skills a fe skills a fe have tran have tran Please c c 614-581spring Break/winter Please BREAK Travel the world and 614-581make money while seating on the beach with an all inclusive location. THE t T 3 BEDROOM, 2 Full Bath Con- tHe Go to dominium FOR SALE or Expe LEASE in Chatham Village P (Kenny and Ackerman). Walk, Bike, or Bus to OSU! All new appliances included, many Re more updates, low maintenance, but lots of space! “eYeBrow tHreading, Call 1,676 Sq.Buy Ft. $149,900. Special: One Service Get 614-507-5194. Same Free (Bring Your Friend) 1872 N. High Street, The BIKE BUS to OSU from ThreadOR Shop” Beechwold Ranch. Totally fi nished basementinvestors! with bath, 2 attention car garage, 3 season room off CampusHandyman is your soluupdated kitchen. Open living/ tion for your property dining room with WBFP. Hardmaintence needs. wood under carpet. Under Text CampusHandyman to $200,000. C-21 Joe Walker, 90210 for more information. Georgia Stanton. 263-0001. BaHamas springSaleBreak ALL OHIO Reptile and $189 for 7 days.22, All 2011 prices9-3, inShow, October clude : $4, Round-trip luxury cruise Adults under 10, $1. Moose with food. on Lodge 11, Accommodations 1500 Demorest Rd, the island at your choice of thirColumbus, OH 43228. teen resorts. Appalachia Travel. 614/457-4433 800-867-5018

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