1 minute read
I Am Not An Adult
I Am Not An Adult
It does not make sense That I am an adult When I have barely been a kid. There is so much I do not know So many things my parents Have not And cannot Teach me.
College is such a daunting word A word synonymous with the future Something I do not yet have To worry about. But The thing is I do.
College is now I am going To college I picked this university But I made this choice as a child Because I am not an adult.
The world is giant And I am so small I have lived in one town And I feel so safe there. How am I expected To leave this town.
How am I expected To love another town. But I have to Because even though I do not know I have
To pretend To know.
The only thing I know Is that my parents had To know Even if They really didn’t. This is the only thing that provides me solace The fact that they Did not know But now they do.
Though I do not know The only thing I Can do Is learn.
So I will learn I will learn how To be an adult Even though I do not think I am.
But maybe that is Adulthood, after all Acceptance of The unknown.
Liana is a current junior at Fairfield University, studying Marketing with a double minor in Mathematics and Classical Studies. She is the Editorial Director of The Point Magazine, as well as a writer for her university’s student-run newspaper The Fairfield Mirror. Liana also takes part in many business-oriented clubs on campus, as she hopes to pursue a professional career in fashion marketing.
Liana is honored to have her work I Am Not An Adult published in her first-ever literary journal. Her piece is centered around the uncertainty that transitioning to college tends to bring, with so many questions about life and the future. She hopes that everyone who reads her piece will allow it to resonate with them in some way, as we can all use an occasional reminder that even those who appear to have it all figured out often do not have the answers to life’s difficult questions.