May 2018 Leaf

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THE LEAF Sycamore High School News Magazine Volume 5 | Issue 10 | May 17, 2018


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Everybody has a story. What’s yours? Is there something you would love to see us cover?

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news 2 3 4 opinion 5 6 7

Phone policy

Phone policy Weiss published

Staff editorial Sexual harassment Ad

feature 8 9 10 sports 18 19 20

cover 11-14


Summer bucket list

Conspiracy theories


a&e 15 16 17

Upcoming movies Bunbury music festival

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Allyson Bonhaus McDaniel’s Photography ASSOCIATE MANAGING ABOUT US EDITOR Professional memberships: Sydney Weiss • Columbia Scholastic Press CREATIVE PROJECT Association DIRECTORS • Journalism Education Lindsey Brinkman Association Anisa Khatana • National Scholastic High School Hannah Lee Press Association SOCIAL MEDIA • Ohio Scholastic Media DIRECTOR Association Jessica Lu • Ohio Professional Writers EXECUTIVE WEB (National Federation of Women EDITORS Writers) Sydney Weiss • Quill & Scroll International Kirsten Thomas Journalism Honorary PHOTO EDITOR


Madeline Schramm

Outside and inside cover: Sydney Weiss

Sycamore High School Retraction: In the April Issue, page 10, in “Fortnite takes SHS by Storm,” Benjamin Kaczmarowski who was quoted did not supply any of the 7400 Cornell Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 quotes attributed to him. On page 21, we incorrectly said Herrick Tsao has been

ADVISER Cheralyn Jardine

Men’s volleyball


Trends at SHS


Girls lacrosse

spotlight 21

to Normandy. We regret these errors.

Sara Margolis NEWS Anisa Khatana Hannah Lee SPORTS Madeleine Suh FEATURE Harsitha Kalaiarasan ENTERTAINMENT Lindsey Brinkman OPINION Abigail Lefton Jessica Lu VIDEO Lydia Masset SPOTLIGHT CHIEF Lydia Masset A&E Columnist

Jessica Lu OPINION Columnist Hannah Lee STAFF WRITERS Morgan Brownell Maya Goldenberg Benjamin Green Emme Loon Aidan Noble Jack Wolfe

Editorial Policy: Although students work under the guidance of a professional faculty member, the content is ultimately determined by the student staff and should reflect all areas of student interest, including topics on which there may be dissent and controversy. Students can not publish material that is obscene, libelous, or is likely to cause “a substantial disruption of the educational process.” Content that may stimulate heated debate or discussion is not included in this definition. The views represented in our publications do not represent the views of the Sycamore Community School District or the Sycamore High School administration. Our publications are public forums.


Photo courtesy of Hannah Lee

NEWS May 17, 2018

Phone policy cracks down JENNA BAO

senior staff writer

LINDSEY BRINKMAN entertainment chief

Cell phones have become an integral part of daily life, not just for high school students, but for kids as young as elementary school and adults of all ages. Wherever you go, your cell phone is within reach and someone is on their device. This includes the classroom. Cell phone addiction is a readily accepted phenomenon these days. In fact, the average person checks their phone 110 times a day, and 50 percent of teens feel they are addicted to their phones. Despite all this, there are reasons to be concerned about the pervasive presence of phones in school. They provide endless opportunity for distraction, serve as a tool for cheating, and have been related to increases in mental illness. However, as much as cell phones are the norm, parents, teachers, and administrators across the country are now considering new ways to address the presence of cell phones in the classroom. SHS is also pursuing a new approach, one that requires students to spend the full school day engaged and with their phone put away.

Policy The current policy on phones is as follows: “Two courtesy phones are 2


creative projects director

available: one at the front office and the other at the attendance office. Please limit use to three minutes or less,” according to the 2017–2018 StudentParent Handbook. There is no mention of cellular devices in the policy. However, the general understanding amongst administrators seems to be that cell phones should not be out during class and the attendance office phone should be the only one utilized. “We don’t have a new policy… [there is a policy] that has been in that handbook probably as long as cell phones have been out. It is not a new policy at all. “It is more of us as adults trying to be consistent in how [the policy] is enforced. “I think that it has to do with students not understanding the appropriateness of when [they] should be on the phone or when [they] should use it,” said Dr. Yejide Mack, assistant principal. The purpose will be to have students concentrated on learning and giving them time to be productive instead of on their phones. “It’s not a ‘gotcha’ thing, ‘your phone’s out so you are getting a writeup.’ It’s not like that, it is about making sure you have time on task,” Mack said. In the coming school year, administrators will be sending parents

information warning students about phone use expectations for the coming year. This will also be addressed by teachers and a class meeting.

Teacher ideas Meanwhile, many teachers have started implementing their own rules about the use of phones in their classes. While some are fine with phones being out and used at times, others are cracking down. Therefore, the administration wants a more consistent policy next year for students. Some teachers, like Mr. Chad

24% 76%

Instagram poll: Could SHS students live without their phones during the school day? Could Could not Based on 151 responses

May 17, 2018 Husting, simply enforce the school’s policy a bit more than others. “It is the same as the school’s policy as stated in the handbook. Student technology should not interrupt the educational process. I am simply enforcing what is already there. Essentially, bell to bell, no phones or technology unless it is for educational use,” Husting said. While student reactions have been mixed, Husting has observed that they are more concentrated and focused in class. Parents have largely embraced the rule. As for the consistency of the policy enforcement, each teacher will be left with the same encouragement to pursue the standing policy. “Every teacher will let you know what

that looks like... If it is ‘when that bell rings, I expect that to be in your book bag or in your pocket away,’ [that] is [one] way. The expectation is that you will have 100 percent time on task,” Mack said. Mrs. Emily Sweeney, for one, is now enforcing a policy that prohibits students from having phones out at all during the class period. “I think there should be a school-wide policy that models responsible use of technology use and establishes safe and effective boundaries,” Husting said. Once students return to the building, teachers will be reminding them that they should not be spending time on their phones during the school day in light of this new approach to phones.



Mrs. Emily Sweeney English teacher

What made you want to start this phone policy? I am on the teacher leadership committee, [where] teachers from all different to discuss some of the key issues that teachers or the school are struggling with. Dr. [Yejide] Mack asked a few of us in each department to pilot it and I was interested in trying it out. Have you seen any improvements in focus? Yes, I would say so. The biggest place I see it is in students being willing to engage in more discussion with the people at their table, and I feel at the end of the bell they no longer have an option to just get on their phones; they are actually doing the reading or possibly starting their homework more than they have in the past. In your opinion, would this policy also help other teachers if they used it? Yes, the biggest thing I notice is that it’s really in how you enforce it. So, it’s not like we haven’t had a cell phone policy in place; it’s just that... teachers have tried to take it on in their own way[s]... If we are more uniform across the board, I think those [phone-free] habits will... be easier for students [to form]. Starting it right off at the beginning of the year and being willing to enforce it... would be great. Will every teacher use this policy next year? That is what we are trying to figure out; that’s the goal of piloting it... If each department has its certain nuisance, that would mean certain aspects of the policy would need to be changed or modified, and also the administration would need to find how many referrals would be coming to them on a daily basis.

SHELVE IT. Junior Emily Kremchek puts her phone in the numbered wall pouches in Ms. Latoya Pitts’ room. Some teachers use this tool to hold cell phones and make sure students are not distracted. The hanging pouches can be used to take attendance. Photo courtesy of Sara Margolis.

Is there anything else you would like to add? It’s interesting to watch when a student doesn’t even realize when they have been on their phone or that they went to grab [it], which shows how it’s an innate part of some students... Just helping them be more aware of the expectation in class or how to be in class and engaged will just be part of the process. 3


May 17, 2018

Weiss publishes first play ALLYSON BONHAUS executive editor

EVERY YEAR, the Aves Theater directors step back and let the students run the show. This year’s one act was a break from the usual, with one of the students writing an original play. Junior Sydney Weiss wrote, directed, and produced her own one-act play at SHS. “Every year, we do student-directed one acts and it’s really hard to find shows that work with our time limits, guy to girl ratios, and other parameters. I decided to write something that worked,” Weiss said. In total, seven one acts were performed, all directed by students. Weiss started to write the comedy as the 2017-2018 school year opened, with the one-act hitting the stage in December. The one act, titled “Table for One,” is set in a diner where a character, Daniel is trying to propose to the waitress. The customers of the diner keep interrupting before he can propose. The play was published around January 2018 after being performed at the high school in December. SHS students were actors in the play including, senior Kate McNamaraMarsland, juniors Adam Pelberg, Shayna Kling, and Skye Haruyama, and sophomore Jocelin Arbenz. “I loved getting to share this experience with my friends who were in the cast. It means so much to me that they worked so hard to make the show great,” Weiss said. The play was sent to Lazy Bee Scripts, which is based in the United Kingdom (UK), so when they responded that they wanted to publish Weiss’s piece, the transformation to the UK format began. “In the future, I do hope to write more plays, and potentially produce more in college. My goal is to write and publish a full-length play,” Weiss said.


1. ADOPT A PERSONALITY. Junior Sydney Weiss, playing Ida, and senior Kyle Ballman are pictured in their performance “Irena’s Vow.” Weiss has been a part of theater since the Jr. High shows and throughout her high school career at SHS. 2. CHOSE YOUR OWN PATH. The one-act play is an annual event at the high school, but has not had an orginal play in the last few years. “Last year I was an actress in a comedy and had a really positive experience. I thought it would be really cool to be the first to produce my published play,” Weiss said. Photos courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.


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Leafing through the masses:

“You can’t deny that Beyoncé is the head of the Illuminati- Blue Ivy is obviously an Illuminati name. She’s still a queen, though,” said Grace Creek, 11.

Photo courtesy of Jessica Lu

Conspiracy theories have been a part of our culture since the nineteenth century, probably even before. From assassinations to disappearances, or airports to extraterrestrials, conspiracy theories are a part of history. Almost one half of all U.S. citizens believe at least one conspiracy theory according to “BBC.” While some conspiracy theories are light-hearted, others are intense and, if true, could dramatically change the way we view history. “On some level, we are all predisposed to be suspicious or mistrustful of government,” said Karen Douglas, psychologist, professor at the University of Kent. Sometimes conspiracy theories are used to cover a fact people are scared to believe- what if the government really did lie about something? Many conspiracy theories center around trying to have the world make sense after tragedy strikes. All in all, these conspiracies are a part of history as they impact the way we look at our government structure or the possibility of events. Conspiracy theories leave no question unasked, prompting creativity and unique thinking. Theories allow people to remove the limits on the mind and wonder about all the possibilities of event causes. With limitless information at everyone’s fingertips in this digital age, it is revolutionary to think freely. While not proven facts, these theories do have an impact on culture. People are united through beliefs, and believing conspiracy theories are no different. Regardless of the actual validity of conspiracy theories, they symbolize the importance of thinking for oneself. Conspiracy theories encourage us to not blindly accept the information we receive. Although silly at times, it is always important to question the validity of the information we are given.

“We did not land on the moon when we first said we did. This...had a major effect on the history of our nation...” said Mr. Sean Crowe, math teacher.

“My favorite conspiracy theory would have to be that Walt Disney’s head is frozen in a jar under Disney World,” said Marcial Machado, 10.

“I love the Mandela Effect where people think that Chickfil-A is actually spelled as Chic-fil-A or Chik-fil-A,” said Keegan Veraldo, 9.

Photo courtesy of Jessica Lu

Staff Editorial

Photo courtesy of Abigail Lefton

LOCKED IN. With the vast expanse of (often contradictory) information available on the Internet regarding conspiracy theories, it can be easy to fall down a rabbit hole of research. Those who are passionate about conspiracy theories can attest to spending hours scouring the internet for information on these intriguing hypotheses. Image courtesy of Anisa Khatana.

Photo courtesy of Abigail Lefton

What is your favorite conspiracy theory?


OPINION May 17, 2018

Event sparks reform ALLYSON BONHAUS executive editor

AFTER THE SHOCK waves of #MeToo are passing, what change is left? After significant convictions, rape cases are seemingly adapting to a culture that is more respectful of the victims’ stories. A turning point in this change came on April 27, 2018 when Bill Cosby was convicted of three counts of indecent assault, which is up to 30 years of prison. The jury found Cosby guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand on April 26, the first conviction after over 50 women accused him of sexual misconduct. This conviction is still a shift in the way powerful men are treated in court for sexual assault. “...Today, this jury has shown that the Me Too movement is saying that women are worthy of being believed,” said Lili Bernard, accuser, according to “NPR.” The trial, coming months after Harvey Weinstein was removed from the Motion Picture Academy, shows hope that rape victims will be treated with due respect. A conviction of a powerful figure signals a mindset shift to hold accountable even those who are

idolized by the public. “Some victim advocates see the Cosby case as part of a groundswell that shows no sign of slowing,” according to “NBC News.” Perhaps not quite the tsunami activists hoped for, but mindsets are shifting to respect the truth of rape victims, as only two to six percent of reported rape are false according to “The Independent.” Victim bashing is still widely practiced despite how demoralizing it is; in Cosby’s trial this was practiced but the guilty verdict hints at a shift in mindsets. Cosby’s trial will hopefully become a symbol for the beginning of more awareness and respect toward victims stories. “As #MeToo has spread, the number of people reaching out for help has continued to increase. In the first quarter of 2018, RAINN’s programs helped 46% more people than in the prior year,” according to “Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network” (RAINN). This trend needs to continue, allowing society to learn how to treat rape victims with respect, which in turn may decrease the number of rapes.

By the numbers 54% Of all rape victims, people ages 18-34 make up 54% of sexual assault victims 1 out of every 6 women have been the victim of an attempted or completed rape 6

Sources: RAINN

Every 98 seconds another person experiences sexual assault Design by: Allyson Bonhaus

Lee’s Letter: HANNAH LEE

creative projects director As college looms closer and closer, filling summer break with internships, part-time jobs, and standardized testing seems to become of greater importance than laying on the beach and letting time drift away with the sea salt breeze. In reality though, being productive 24/7 is pretty much impossible. Your body and mind will be so worn out that you will not be as productive as you want. So before booking 1,000+ hours to building your resume, you should also plan some time to relax and cool your head. Even if you are not going on vacation, you can have a relaxing time right at home. Some mental-health boosts could come from finding a room in your house that you rarely go into and reading a book in your new reading nook. Or going outside and doing some gardening to get some fresh air, clear your head, and get a nice tan. There are so many options if you look for them. But make sure it is complete relaxation by spending it with your phone away. An hour without your phone may seem unusual or even uncomfortable at first, but the satisfaction gained is much greater. Relaxation is also maximized when you are surrounded by nature. Even without meditation, being in nature encapsulated by the sounds of the birds, creatures, and the howling of the wind does wonders. It brings people back down and allows a sort of meditation of peace without even a conscious effort to meditate. After a walk in Sharon Woods or time in my backyard, I never felt that it was a waste of time, but rather, time well spent because I felt happier afterward. However, I am not encouraging you to burn all your applications and summer homework on the spot. Many are panicking to improve their resumes and stress is piling high, so it is important to find balance and relax a little. In reality, relaxation can promote productivity and is necessary to keep yourself from going crazy.


an all expense paid trip.*

THESE 25 JEWISH SENIORS JUST WENT ON THIS TRIP OF A LIFETIME Info Sessions for the next trip begin in October 2018

Contact Phil Ganson at for more questions

*This trip is generously funded by The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati, and organized by the Mayerson JCC, in partnership with the Holocaust and Humanity Center. Grants are administered by the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati. March of the Living grants are not need based and are offered to Cincinnati Jewish high school seniors who have not already used their high school Israel travel grant.




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The Venture Awards are financial incentives and support to empower Jewish teens and organizations to experiment, explore, and take risks on enhancing or creating new opportunities for teen engagement given through the Cincinnati Jewish Teen Collective.

Need help developing your idea? Email for help NEXT APPLICATION DEADLINES: 6/18/18, 9/17/18, 12/17/18, & 3/18/19



FEATURE May 17, 2018

mer time s m u pill S s

bu cke ts

of fu n

Go to a concert

Learn a new language

Go to a museum

Go to an escape room

Design by: Harsitha Kalaiarasan



May 17, 2018

Teenage trend comes with buzz MORGAN BROWNELL staff writer

EMME LOON staff writer

TEENS OF ALL AGES have become more and more interested in vaping. Whether it is “for fun” or to get a “buzz,” it seems that vaping is all kids are talking about these days. The term “vaping” is used when describing e-cigarettes, juuls or vaporizers. Some teens use e-cigarettes, which contain nicotine, while others use vaporizers, which do not contain nicotine at all. The “juul” is the most popular vaping device at the moment. According to “ABC News,” one teen tweeted, “High school bathrooms will now be known as the juul lounge.” In order to purchase a juul or any tobacco product, you are required to be 18. The liquid found in the vaporizers is referred to as “e-juice.” While some juices do not contain nicotine, they do contain other chemicals of which not much is known about yet. One chemical in particular is called diacetyl. “While this flavoring may be tasty, it was linked to deaths and hundreds of cases of bronchiolitis obliterans, a serious and irreversible lung disease,” according to The American Lung Association. It is not proven that this chemical will directly affect those vaping, but it is important to put into consideration that this is still a new thing, and in the next few years, scientists will have many more facts on how harmful it actually is. “A lot of kids think vaping is harmless because it is ‘water vapor,’ but nicotine has a very harsh impact on not only the lungs, but also the brain. Learning these addictive behaviors when the brain is still developing will cause kids to use nicotine as a calmer when they are older,” said Sophia Muhleman, 9. Nicotine is a liquid that is found in all cigarettes and many vaping devices. It can become highly addictive, and it can cause a buzz sensation.


There is much more information on nicotine, as it is part of the reason cigarettes are linked with cancer. Nicotine makes your blood vessels smaller, making it harder for your body to pump blood to your heart. Nicotine is also proven to be linked with lung cancer. Up until recently, we have not been able to link the chemicals found especially in the vaporizers, but new studies show that it might be directly linked with cancer. “Some studies show it can play a part in bringing about lung cancer, although the EPA says there is not enough data to show whether it causes cancer in people,” said Maggie Fox, according to NBC News. At the end of the day, vaping is another teenage trend, and the story is sure to develop in the coming years.

Breakdown of a JUUL Mouthpiece Cartridge

Charge Light

JUUL base

JUUL mango 5% strength

NEW RULES COMING. Recently, JUUL announced they would invest millions to combat youth tobacco use, and they would also support raising the vaping age to 21. In addition, the JUUL company has asked all social media sites to remove images and content encouraging kids to use their vaping device. Photo courtesy of Tribune Services.


This is an example of a Juul package. This type of vaporizer comes in different flavors, with mango considered the most popular.

= One Juul pod is equal to a whole pack of cigarettes in terms of the amount of nicotine.

COVER May 17, 2018










May 17, 2018



Pop culture thrives on theories EMILY CHIEN

senior staff writer


senior staff writer

SECRET SOCIETIES. Celebrity clones. Alien abductions. Lizard politicians. Flat Earth. The act of creating conspiracy theories is a longstanding human tradition. “I love [conspiracy theories] because I feel like there is truth to some of them. Maybe not 100% of it, but I love the idea of getting people to think outside the box. “Some theories affect everyone and even if they don’t believe, it is still good to think about it and open your mind and realize that sometimes, everything


senior staff writer

around us is not what it seems,” said Katelin LeBlanc, 12. Some are relatively harmless, like Avril Lavigne’s replacement doppelganger, Melissa. Others can be a detriment to the progression and overall health of society, such as the anti-vaccination movement. But as much as students may think of conspiracy theories as a joke, others are absolutely convinced of their truth. “I have no doubt that aliens exist and we have had/are having contact with them. I feel this way because it’s so

close-minded to believe that in this huge universe, we are the only ones here. “It just doesn’t make sense. Also, Stephen Hawking used one of his last interviews to say basically that we aren’t alone. So it was obviously important to him,” LeBlanc said. From JFK’s assassination to a “the government is watching us” craze, conspiracy theories will always have a special place in pop culture as people attempt to explain events around them.

The Illuminati LYDIA MASSET spotlight chief

Most are familiar with, or at least have heard of, the infamous Illuminati, a group said to be controlling the government and possibly even our lives. Although this is just a conspiracy, it did begin with some truth to it. The “Bavarian Illuminati” was founded in 1776 by a professor named Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt’s goal was for the Illuminati to create “a state of liberty and moral equality, freed from the obstacles which subordination, rank,

and riches, continually throw in our way.” The club, along with other secret societies was outlawed in 1784. Although the law banned the initial group, it was truly only the beginning of the rabbit hole conspiracy that the Illuminati has come to be. Today’s conspiracy states that the Illuminati is a secret society comprised of celebrities and other influential people who have been initiated and/or brainwashed into joining the organization. The group is said to control every

It ’s a sign ...


Photo courtesy of Anisa Khatana

aspect of our world and government through the economy, the election (or even removal) of world leaders, the media, and even school curriculum. Much of the group’s influence on our lives is also believed to come through pop culture; movies, songs, and award shows are all believed to be tools for “brainwashing” the public views and opinions to align with the Illuminati’s. The alleged Illuminati’s ultimate goal is to create a “New World Order.” They believe they can use their manipulation of public events and opinions in order to create a fully globalized world where they control the economy, religion, and government. “Proof” for this theory is outlined in endless amounts of YouTube videos. As with most conspiracy theories there is very little to no evidence support these claims or support that any of these people are affiliated with it.

COVER Photo courtesy of Flickr

May 17, 2018

The Moon Landing NATALIE BRINKMAN senior staff writer

distrust for the government. A moon landing seems impossible and beyond real-life, easily prompting people to believe in lies. Conspiracy theories are in many ways security blankets. It is easier to believe in lies when the truth is hard to understand or out of sight. However, only six percent of Americans believe that the moon landing was faked, which shows that the grand majority do believe in the evidence that exists, such as personal accounts and rock samples. Many conspiracies are spread through pop culture and social media. People share information and ideas through various websites.

Mandela effect defined: A shared misconception about a person or event that is spread on the Internet. It earned its title from when it was believed that Nelson Mandela died in prison during the 1980s.

“The Berenstain Bears” Some say the title of this children’s book series is spelled “The Berenstein Bears.”

Rich Uncle Pennybags

The Monopoly man, Rich Uncle Pennybags, does not have a monocle despite popular belief. There may have been confusion with Mr. Planters who does have a monocle.

“Looney Tunes” Is it “Looney Tunes” or “Looney Toons?” It was widely speculated that there was a one day switch in the logo of this animated short film series.

“It’s just human nature— like how the mind remembers only what it wants to remember. The subconscious brain will remember things the way that it wants to,” said Adam Kossen, 11. Photo courtesy of Lydia Masset

The Mandela Effect

faked moon landing dominate on the Internet,. On July 20, 1969, a space crew made history- or made the biggest hoax. Tensions between the United States and Russia were heightened by new technology races- especially technologies outside of Earth. Many theorists believe that the desire to beat Russia to the moon may have been fuel to fake the landing to put America on top. Perhaps created in a Hollywood studio or forged in the shroud of Area 51 (another hotspot for conspiracies), many moon landing nonbelievers think that the video evidence is falsified. Many cite the lack of stars, the flag’s

movement, or the eerie shadows that are present in the video. These claims even prompted Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage of the show ‘Mythbusters’ to conduct a lunar experiment. Others simply believe that any film created in space would not be able to survive the moon’s natural temperature of 280 degrees Fahrenheit. However, all material was kept in special, protective casing, preventing the film from being affected. Some theorists find fault in the crater landing site or the rover that was used. Any and every element of the moon landing is tied to an almost 40 year old conspiracy theory. Most theories are rooted in

Photo courtesy of Hannah Lee

plenty of THEORIES about a

“I don’t believe that there are parallel universes that are causing the phenomena, but [the effect] is crazy to see” said Maggie Ballard, 10.



May 17, 2018

TRUE OR FALSE: Speculators question who killed Tupac Shakur



ONE OF THE most notable mysteries surrounds the famous 1990s music icon Tupac Shakur on Sept. 7, 1996. The “California Love” rapper and Suge Knight, the CEO of Shakur’s music label, were in Las Vegas to see a boxing match when Shakur was murdered by four gunshots to his body. He and Knight were on their way to Knight’s club, 662. The gunman was never found, and Shakur’s case is still open to this day. Some say Knight is responsible. After discovering that Shakur wanted to leave Death Row Records to start his own label, they believe Knight shot him. Others believe that The Notorious

B.I.G. (Biggie) was the one to pull the trigger. Allegedly, Shakur had an affair with Biggie’s wife, which contributed to their famous rap feud. Another common speculation is that Shakur faked his death and fled to Cuba. According to the Seven Day Theory, Shakur would return in seven years due to the motif of the number seven throughout his life and death. Tupac died after six days in the hospital on Sept. 13, 1996, and with the startling lack of evidence despite there being witnesses on the scene, the world may never solve the mystery of his death.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

social media director staff writer

Who did it?

Why believe in conspiracies? EVERYONE is susceptible to conspiracy.

Evolutionary Advantage? Due to how humans evolved with the ability to draw conclusions and predict future events based on our observations, we sometimes jump to inaccurate conclusions.

Cognitive Biases:

Confirmation Bias:

Proportionality People's willingness to Bias: accept explanations that fit what they already believe.

The inclination to believe that big events must have big causes.

“To some extent, the human brain is wired to find conspiracy theories appealing," said Jan-Willem van Prooijen, an associate professor at the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology at VU University Amsterdam.

FUN FACT: Illusory Pattern Perception:

The tendency to see causal relations where there may not be any.

Increased knowledge of accurate news media means you’re less likely to believe conspiracy theories.

Left vs Right

Psychologically, conspiracy theories act like a coping mechanism for large and stressful events such as 9/11. The degree to which one relies on their intuition over analytical thinking is the best measure to determine the likelihood that one accepts conspiracy.



The Media Menace

f There is NO evidence that social media increases the number of conspiracy theories out there. Design by: Sydney Evans


May 17, 2018

New movies sweep nation LINDSEY BRINKMAN entertainment chief

WITH THE RETURN of summer’s endless freedom and long nights, movie theaters will soon be crowded with students again. But this year, moviegoers will be getting a new experience in their selections, with movies that go beyond

the standard action-packed thriller and repetitive horror film. 2018’s soon-to-be summer hits are originals and do not hit on the overplayed and over-cliched plot lines. Hollywood’s directors and up-andcomers have made this a summer of great new releases. As well as new and exciting

“Ocean’s 8” Comes out: June 8, 2018 Rating: PG-13 This movie, featuring such as stars Sandra Bullock, and Anne Hathaway, tells the story of Debbie Ocean who has been planning a heist worth $150 million dollars for five years, eight months, 12 days and counting. This will be one of the biggest heists she has ever done, needing all sorts of abilities Ocean forms a group of eight woman. Photo courtesy of Tribune Services.

movies, one can expect to see lots of continuations of movies everyone loved the first time Several movies have been capturing the public’s attention lately, and some of those movies are listed here. Not every movie coming out this summer could be listed, these are only some of the ones coming out earliest.

“Incredibles 2”

Scan here for trailer

Comes out: June 15, 2018 Rating: PG “Incredibles 2” continues off where the first one finished, but with a new twist. This time instead of Mr. Incredible being the one saving the day it is Elastigirl. This movie features many of the same voice actors from the first “The Incredibles.” Photo courtesy of Creative Commons.

“Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom”

“Deadpool 2”

Comes out: June 22, 2018 Rating: PG-13 Following years after the closure of the Jurassic World theme park, the dinosaurs lives are put in danger. To save them they are moved to America, but what follows after is not what anyone expected. Some of the actors that appear in this movie includes Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Jeff Goldblum. Photo courtesy of Creative Commons.

Comes out: May 18, 2018 Rating: R This movie is the second to feature the hero Deadpool based off “Marvel Comics” series. This sequel is focused on Deadpool trying to save a child with mutant powers from Cable, and will include some old and new friends. Like the first movie, Deadpool 2 will continue to include the same humor as well cursing and bloody action scenes. Photo courtesy of Creative Commons.


Scan here for trailer

Design by: Allyson Bonhaus

Scan here for trailer

Scan here for trailer 15


May 17, 2018

Bunbury music festival continues for sixth year MORGAN BROWNELL staff writer

OVER THE SUMMER many artists take the opportunity to travel around the world to share their talents, in concerts that are extremely popular, and people will come from all over to attend. Music festivals are very well liked when it comes to summer. They are huge, multiple day events, that showcase artists from many different music categories. A popular music festival that occurs every summer is Bunbury Music Festival. It is located at Sawyer Point Park in Cincinnati, Ohio. Bunbury takes place from June first to third, showcasing over 40 artists on three different stages. On day one, 14 different artists will perform. Several of the featured artists/ bands include The Chainsmokers, Blink-182, Young The Giant, Royal Blood, and many more.

On day two, 13 different artists will perform. Some of the artists/bands performing are Incubus, Foster The People, GRiZ, and many more. On the third and final day, 14 artists will perform. Few of the performers include Post Malone, Jack White, Two Feet, Manchester Orchestra, and others as well. There are many different ways to buy tickets. One of the ways is to get a Single Day General Admission pass, which is for a day of your choice. The single day pass costs $89. The second way is to get the 3-Day General Admission. At the cost of $179 you can attend all three days, and have unlimited re-entry, which you do not get with a single day pass. The third way to buy tickets is to get the 3-Day VIP. At the cost of $450 you get more benefits.

Some benefits include unlimited re-entry, lockers with charging stations, complimentary food/water, complementary VIP WiFi, an airconditioned hospitality tent featuring a DJ, a separate VIP entrance, and other cool features. “I have been going since freshman year and I go with a group of friends. Even though I don’t always know all the music, it’s a great way to find new stuff,” said Rae Nourie, 12. The last way to buy your tickets is the 3-Day Ultimate VIP. At the price of $1,399 you can enjoy every benefit that comes with a 3-Day VIP pass, plus side stage viewing access, and daily complimentary festival parking. “It’s a great experience and I always find myself looking forward to next year,” Nourie said.


Single Day General Admission: $89 3-Day General Admission: $179 3-Day VIP: $450

3-Day Ultimate VIP: $1,399

famous faces: Post Malone 16


Young The Giant


Design by: Lindsey Brinkman, Abigail Lefton

TRENDS May 17, 2018

Summer fashion enters shs MAYA GOLDENBERG


staff writer


Photo courtesy of Jessica Lu

after time they fizzle out. High schools are a unique setting for fashion. Students are in the process of creating their styles, so things are constantly changing. Here are some of the fashion styles SHS students are wearing and some of the pieces that are gaining momentum.


Photo courtesy of Sydney Weiss

Photo courtesy of Sydney Weiss

Fashion is dynamic. Trends come and go, styles evolve, and new icons emerge as old ones fade away. The nature of fashion is what makes it so interesting. What trend will be next? What new idea will walk down the runway? At SHS the cycle of fashion is easily observable. Trends hit the population like a tidal wave, but

Photo courtesy of Sydney Weiss


1. WEAR THOSE FUNKY SOCKS. Unique patterned socks have been trending for a while, but since summer is around the corner, the socks are more visible. Many people sport socks with different styles or patterns. 2. LAYER THEM. Also a reoccurring summer trend, layered jewelry is worn by junior Jenna Foy. Foy layers short chokers with longer pendants and alters textures and styles. 3. TIE THE LACES. With summer almost here, students are able to enjoy being active outside, wearing fashionable and lightweight sneakers. Trendy sneakers are further complimented by fun socks and layered jewelry. 4. SPORT IT. Windbreakers have been a trend throughout the year and are a perfect light layer for the unpredictable SHS climate. Drew Lawrence’s windbreaker is inspired by the 90’s windbreaker style.



May 17, 2018

Girls lacrosse runs through season EMME LOON ABIGAIL LEFTON staff writer

opinion chief

READY TO WIN, the Varsity Lacrosse team is ready to tackle a victory in the upcoming tournaments. The Lady Aves lacrosse team has a record of 6-9 as of May 10. Ally Flege is a freshman on the varsity team whose season is drawing to a close. “It is a bit intimidating, but I have other freshman friends like Sarah Barnhorst and Sara Bolger who are on the team as well. It’s nice to relate and improve at lacrosse with people who understand exactly what you’re going through,” Flege said. There are many things that make Varsity different then JV. In Varsity, Flege has to be fully committed to be

apart of the team. “We have had a couple rough patches throughout our season. Our coach, Ed Clark, knows the potential we have so he intensifies our practices based on the effort we give in the games before so we can be ready for later games,” Flege said. With the season coming to an end, all the girls on the team have grown really close. “I am not ready for [the season] to end, I enjoy having things to do and filling up my schedule. I don’t know what I am going to do with all my free time, and I feel as if I will have a lot of energy throughout my days without exercising everyday,” Flege said.

Flege has really enjoyed being able to be apart of the Lady Aves Lacrosse team which has helped her make the decision to keep playing throughout high school and hopefully college. “I want to keep playing these next three years so that I am able to see the progress I have accomplished. I hope being a part of this team leads me to a chance to play in college,” Flege said. The last season game is on May 14 against Milford High School. As the season closes Flege hopes to win the state championships. “It would feel amazing to win state. My teammates and I would be so satisfied,” Flege said.

On Monday, May 14, the team will compete in state tournament games in the hopes of placing within the top thee. The team has been training year round in preparation for state. In past years, the team has done well, often being the runner up. While not currently a member of the Greater Miami Conference (GMC) the team will join next year for the 2018-2019 season where they will play against neighboring teams. Currently, the team is a fourth seed. Head Coach Ed Clark and the assistant coaches will take their team to state tournaments hoping to dominate.


Volleyball sets into season

May 17, 2018


MADELEINE SUH sports chief

AS THE SEASON for 2018 men’s volleyball team concludes, they reflect on this outstanding spring. The team received the runner-up title at GMCs. With a conference record of 7-1, the coaches and athletes were more than ecstatic. Additionally, they ended the spring season with 10-6 overall. “I’m ecstatic about how this year’s season has turned out...we are all very happy and excited as a team,” said David Zheng, 11. Additionally, the men’s volleyball

team welcomed an amazing new coaching staff this season. The team is extremely thankful for their knowledge and experience with the sport as well as the high expectations they held, helping the team improve dramatically. “We have grown a lot this season because we had a lot of guys who this is their first year playing volleyball or their first year playing on Varsity,” said Andrew Liff, 11.

BLOCK. This season the coaches have encouraged the team tremendously to communicate with their teammates during play. “We did a great job of working hard to make up for our lack of experience,” said Andrew Liff, 11. Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.

Focusing in on field events 1




5 Photos courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography

1. Junior Dylan Clapp has participated in track for the past five years. His overall personal record is a jump of six feet. “At a usual high jump practice, we start with a few drills like pop-ups and such. We work mostly on form... then we do a couple run throughs, first at shorter distances like three to five steps. After, we will take a few full runs,” Clapp said. 2. Once or twice a week, long jump athletes have specific long jump drills, in which Maximilian Bruggeman practices. Bruggeman also competed in the 4x400m relay at Golden Batons, winning Sycamore the meet. “Our practice is working on rhythm and repetition so we just do run throughs and pop ups,” Bruggeman said. 3. Pictured is senior Joseph Polasky

competing in the pole vault, which he has been doing since seventh grade. Polasky has a personal record of eleven feet and six inches. “We usually warm up with pole sprints and pop ups… then we go straight to [full] six step runs,” Polasky said. 4. Freshman Tyler Ingle has competed at many varsity meets this season both in shot put and discuss. 5. Junior Laneyah Pringle has competed in Track and Field for six years, and competes in shot put. She has improved this season with an overall personal record of 27 feet and two inches. “We practice throwing with our upper body while looking up at a 45 degree angle... both feet pointed to the left,” Pringle said.



May 17, 2018

May 17, 2018

Baseball slides into home


sports chief

opinion chief


WITH AN OVERALL RECORD of 10 wins and 15 losses as of May 10, a highlight was the 8-1 win against Mason. “It was a solid season. Started off strong, had a rough middle, but then returned to winning at the end. Our performance in key spots was good as we put together clutch base hits to get runs on the board,” said Jordan Pescovitz, 11. The Varsity team won their game in the first round of sectionals, making this the first tournament win since 2012. The regular season closed on May 15 with a game against St. Xavier High School. “I think the best part about baseball is that there is always the next play and the next game. No matter what happens during one pitch of one game you can come back on the next and you or one of your teammates can pick you up and finish the job,” said Jason Berry, 11. Berry and Pescovitz play for the Varsity and JV team respectively. Pescovitz plays infield while Berry moves around as a pitcher, infielder and outfielder. “Our coaches were supportive and

intense the entire season. Their love for the game carried over to the players, and enforced them to work hard and constantly improve their game,” Pescovitz said.

FINISH STRONG. Senior Alex Thornberry plays second base and is pitcher for Varsity. For JV, it took a while to adjust with many new players, but as the season went on the teammates bonded quickly. “By the end of the season, noticeable improvements were made by each and every team member,” said Jordan Pescovitz, 11. Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.

Frisbee pivots finale ALLYSON BONHAUS executive editor

CAN YOU MATCH US? Ultimate Frisbee concludes its season with a tournament on May 12. This club’s practice of warm ups, drills, scrimmages, etc. is coached by Mrs. Kimberly Cooper, Mr. Dave Levinson, and Mr. Scott. “We play against teams from other schools, but we always keep competition friendly. At the end of each game, both teams give spirit prizes to a few of their opponents who were especially hardworking, fun or 20 passionate,” said Olivia Severyn, 11. Photo provided by staff.


ABIGAIL LEFTON Imagine having a job that will pay you millions of dollars with little to no degree, allow early retirement, gain millions of fans, and allows endorsements which add on millions of more dollars on top of your salary. This is the reality in the word of professional sports. It is mind-blowing to me that individuals can receive copious amounts of money, more than they can ever spend in their lifetime, for simply playing a sport or being apart of a team. According to the Forbes “World’s Highest-Paid Athletes” chart, Cristiano Ronaldo, soccer player, and LeBron James, basketball player, are the winners raking in almost 200 million dollars between the two of them. However, Ronaldo gets paid 93 million compared to LeBron’s 86.2 million. Still, an unnecessary amount of money. Why is it necessary to reward these individuals for their performance? I bet athletes would compete just as stellar receiving five or even one million dollars to play pro. Could you imagine what would happen if the relished Sunday night football games or March Madness frenzy where millions of Americans cram themselves into sweaty sports bars and gather around jumbo t.v. screens suddenly vanished? We treat athletes like they are up on a pedestal and will do whatever we can to preserve them for our entertainment. Almost like movie stars, we idolize them and therefore compensate them heavily for remaining in our lives. Endorsements are a major percentage of how athletes receive additional income. This is an incredibly powerful marketing strategy because sports are so deeply woven into American culture. We crave the approval of athletes so much that LeBron received 55 million dollars alone just from enforcements. Sports are the bread and butter of American culture. We prove that constantly with our wallet.

SPOTLIGHT May 17, 2018

Schramm creates bright future LYDIA MASSET spotlight chief

WRITING IS A big part of senior

Madeline Schramm’s life. After taking the school’s creative writing courses and participating in creative writing club, she has learned a lot, especially from her fellow writers and authors she looks up to. Reading the works of Cassandra Clare and Rick Riordan has been especially influential on her style. “Writing means a lot to me because it’s how I express what I have trouble saying… I have a lot of feelings and thoughts, but I struggle putting them into words. Writing allows me to express my ideas and passions to the world when words fail me. “I got second [in] the local Montgomery Women’s Club writing contest and won first in the 2016-2017 statewide competition for my poem ‘Broken Little Boy,’ which tells the story of a boy growing up as a victim of child abuse,” Schramm said. Long term, her dream is to become a best-selling author in young adult fantasy novels. Schramm is even currently writing a novel. “The story of my book is about a girl named Opal who’s part of a fishing family, and they move from New Jersey to Maine in hopes [of] catching more fish and earning more profit. But Opal

doesn’t want to be a fisherman. She wants to be an artist. “Her mother refuses to accept it, and tries to pressure her into becoming a fisher like the rest of her family. When she moves into her new house, she meets Jay, a teenage ghost who’s been stuck as a silent spirit that can only be seen in the reflection of mirrors since 1987 because of a curse. “They fall in love, and Opal works with him and her big brother to try to reverse the curse and make him human again,” Schramm said. Outside of writing, Schramm hangs out with her family, friends, and boyfriend. Musically talented as well, Schramm sings in her church choir. She enjoys watching musicals, drawing, and shopping. She is also a student ambassador for Ambassador’s Club, a member of Improv Aves, and a member of National Honors Society. After graduation Schramm plans to attend Xavier University and study writing. As she looks towards the future, she will not forget the memories she has made at SHS. “There are a lot of things here that I have really enjoyed at SHS that I am going to miss when I graduate. “I have many friends here at

ARE YOU READY? In the time she does not spend writing, Madeline Schramm likes to fill it with going outside, horseback riding or staying active through Taekwondo. Schramm also enjoys watching movies- particularly Marvel and Disney movies in the time she does not spend outside.

Sycamore, including students, teachers, and administrators that I’m going to have to say goodbye to. “I’m also going to miss all the school spirit I feel at pep rallies and when I’m in the student section at games and it gets super competitive,” Schramm said. STRIKE A POSE. Schramm smiles for the camera. Schramm looks forward to her future at Xavier next year while also reflecting on her time at SHS. “[My best memories in high school are] winning the poetry contests, the homecomings and proms [I] attended, and starting on [my] very first novel that I hope to publish someday,” Schramm said. Photos courtesy of Madeline Schramm.


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