November 2019 Leaf

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THE LEAF Sycamore High School News Magazine Volume 7 | Issue 2 | October 31, 2019


p.2-3: master facility plan explained / p. 6: enneagrams / p. 8: stress of politics / p. 9: teacher nicknames / p. 16: finsta culture / p. 24-25: global recipes / p. 31-32: senior athletes / p. 28: submitted poems & stories

CONTENTS EDITOR IN CHIEF Anisa Khatana MANAGING EDITORS Lindsey Brinkman Madeleine Suh WEB EDITOR Lydia Masset DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT Henry Loeb COVER Lindsey Brinkman TRENDS Allison McElroy OPINION Deeya Prakash FEATURE Charlotte Weiss ENTERTAINMENT Linya Guo SPORTS Madeleine Suh DESIGN EDITOR Harsitha Kalaiarasan ASSOCIATE WEB EDITOR Grace Zhang BROADCAST DIRECTOR Bhaavya Jha

SPORTS BROADCASTER Gabby Khodadad PR MANAGER Jack Wolfe TREASURER Josh Moore STAFF WRITERS Claire Berlier Emma Chi Chloe Kapsal Aaditi Lele Kathryn Mott Ria Parikh Gaby Pereda Lindsay Ruskin Ty Simmons Serene Tarabishi



2-3 Master Facility Plan 4 Enneagrams

21 Logic puzzles







22 Tessa Clark Q&A 23 Dressing up at school 24-25 Global recipes 26 Bullet journaling

5 Editorial cartoon 6 America divided 7 Stress of politics 8 AP class strategy

27 Anelise Kim 9 Teacher nicknames 10-11 Disposable cameras

ADVISER Alexandra Frost Professional Memberships: Journalism Education Association National Scholastic Press Association Ohio Scholastic Media Association

12-13 Cloud nine online 14 Instagram experience 15 Staying connected 16 Finsta culture 17 Instagram businesses 18-19 Instagram accounts 20 Positives of YouTube

EDITORIAL POLICY Although students work under the guidance of a professional faculty member, the content Sycamore High School is ultimately determined by the student staff and should reflect all areas of student interest, 7400 Cornell Road including topics on which there may be Cincinnati, OH 45242 dissent and controversy. Students can not FRONT COVER shot by Lydia publish material that is obscene, libelous, or Masset, modeled by Avery is likely to cause “a substantial disruption of Hacker the educational process.” Content that may stimulate heated debate or discussion is not INSIDE COVER shot by Lydia included in this definition. The views represented Masset, modeled by Mia in our publications do not represent the views Copley, Patrick Thompson, of the Sycamore Community School District or Ryan Carmody, & Devansh the Sycamore High School administration. Our Saxena publications are public forums.


28 Aarush Srivastava


29 Club vs. school sports 30 Sports popularity 31-32 Senior athletes 33 Paying student athletes

Read more with our website

If you would like to submit a story idea, we are ready and willing to write it! Please send these ideas to



THE EDITORS Bored? Tired? Procrastinating homework? Interested in reading some awesome pieces? Then flip these pages! We are so excited to present the second issue of The Leaf, filled with countless stories, graphics, and photos, sure to inform and entertain your lazy/tired/ procrastinating/interested brain. Our writers and editors have spent many long days (and nights!) preparing this issue to perfection, and “leafing” through these pages makes us so proud of our work. We hope you can join us as we celebrate and welcome the new issue! Enjoy the fruits of our 3 a.m. stay-ups!

deeya prakash, opinion chief

Hello all! I am thrilled that you have decided to read SHS’ student-run newspaper! All of our editors—and, for the first time, our new staffers—have spent countless hours writing stories, designing beautiful pages, and editing to make this issue perfect for you! I would reccomend stopping by page 11 to discover some teacher nicknames around SHS. Whether you are interested in disposable cameras or the upcoming school bond issue, it is all in The Leaf! Without furthur ado, I present our second issue of the 2019-2020 school year!

charlotte weiss, feature chief

TRENDS October 31, 2019

MASTER FACILITY PLAN: EXPLAINED Community prepares to vote on changes for district GABY PEREDA staff writer

ALLISON MCELROY trends chief

What is a bond issue? A strategy public schools use in order to raise money for large-scale projects with voter approval. Sycamore is asking for an $84 increase on $100,000 of property value annually.

What changes will the Master Facility Plan make? Rebuild E.H. Greene Intermediate School and Sycamore Junior High School (SJHS)

•Major renovations to SHS •Upgrades to elementary schools •Additional classrooms added to Symmes Elementary School What is the Master Facility Plan? This is the district’s $127.5 million bond issue to rebuild, renew, or remodel the different buildings within the Sycamore district in order to improve learning abilities for students and staff alike. When will the community vote on the bond? Election day, which is Nov. 5 this year.



What could the new buildings mean for our learning? •More project-based and flexible learning

What about the stadium? •The bond asks for partial funding of a new athletic stadium at SHS

•Enhanced learning environments •New teaching opportunities for

•A new multi-purpose stadium built

•More collaborative and personalized

•If the district is unable to raise these

teachers learning

at the high school will cost $5 million, but the district will raise $2.5 million privately private funds, the money will be used to renovate the existing stadium at SJHS

When will the plan be implemented if passed? If the community votes yes on the bond, the district is planning on spending about a year to design the new buildings and remodelings. If all goes well, construction could begin as soon as 2021.

Why are these changes coming now? •SJHS was built in 1926

Why should we, as high school students, care? “Even though you’re not going to see a lot of it, think about the kids that are maybe in first, second, third grade or even a little older than that. We want a little better for them… We want to pay it forward,” said Superintendent Frank Forsthoefel.

•E. H. Greene Intermediate School was built in 1962

•After 50 years, it is crucial to start assessing buildings for their condition and value





Designed by Lydia Masset

LEAFING THROUGH THE MASSES: What is one positive aspect of social media?

A PROBLEMATIC PERSPECTIVE. A mother reprimands her daughter for being on social media, arguing how social media is depleting her skills in artistic expression and creativity. Ironically enough, the daughter gets most of her inspiration from social media posts and accounts. However, social media is always bad in the eyes of the mother and thus is the reason for any problems with her art in the future. Cartoon by Linya Guo.

Thank You Student Volunteers!

SUBMIT YOUR SENIOR PORTRAIT TO YEARBOOK NOW: Scan the QR code to submit yours. Visit for more information on all things SHS Yearbook. DUE BY NOV. 26.

“It lets you interact with people who would normally not be able to, whether it’s students from other schools or even people from other countries,” said Maya Sethuraman, 10. “It helps me stay involved... I love seeing people post photos of their kids, and just knowing what my longdistance friends are doing,” said Mrs. Leah Chapman, AP European History teacher.

“I can still talk to my friends, even when the day is over. It allows me to stay connected,” said Arjun Pathe, 11. “Social media helps you to begin to catch on to a more global sense of humor, and you understand a lot more how to act... it teaches us better social norms,” said Alexander Caldwell, 9.

OPINION October 31, 2019


How political controversy has caused a rift between Americans JACK WOLFE pr manager

1 in 5

lose sleep or relationships because of politics

FOX, CNN, REPUBLICAN, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal: all different titles of groups that make up the political spectrum in America. These opposing viewpoints are what make America “America.” Being able to participate in civil discourse and share how we feel on certain subjects is simply a part of our way of life. But has civil discourse become less “civil” and more taxing on the American population? Nearly 40 percent of Americans who completed a University of Nebraska-Lincolndesigned survey in March 2017 said politics was a source of stress in their lives, while 20 percent reported losing sleep over it. Political opposition is nothing new. Since America was founded, there have always been two sides on each issue: the Civil War, civil rights, women’s suffrage, Vietnam War protests, and much more. So why does it feel like the divide has become such a problem now? “There has always been a divide between parties and issues and that will never go away. I think the access to information in the age of the internet and social media in the last 20 years has changed the dialogue and worsened the preexisting polarization of the two parties,” said Ms. Holly Hodel, AP Government teacher. Public-opinion polls about the political divide conducted by the New York Times


and The Wall Street Journal have confirmed that nearly everyone who remarks on this phenomenon views it as regrettable, and many offer recommendations for alleviating it. In order to help mend the divide or at least quiet the bickering on both sides of the political spectrum, we must approach these topics with a different lens. “Look for the facts in stories, try to weed out the opinions of the news channel in order to form your own opinion,” said Mr. Peter Muehlenkamp, government teacher. “I think healthy political discourse requires a shift in thinking or motivation. You should engage in conversations with people who disagree with you not to ‘win’ or change their minds, but in hopes to gain perspective as to why they believe what they do. You probably have a good reason for your beliefs, so try and understand the reasoning behind theirs,” Hodel said. With a presidential election approaching next year, the arguing definitely will not stop. But hopefully with Thanksgiving around the corner, the only divisions at the dinner table will be who gets the last scoop of mashed potatoes. Understand and move on. Instead of deepening it, let us try to mend the divide­—for the sake of our country, its people, and your growling stomach.

2 in 5

consider politics to be a source of stress



How to stay engaged without the stress AADITI LELE staff writer

TWENTY-FOUR-HOUR news cycles, dinner table arguments, and Twitter fights. We have no shortage of political reminders in our everyday lives; in fact, politics might just seem inescapable. Perhaps that is why two in five Americans consider it a source of stress and one in five has lost sleep or relationships over it. Does this sound like you? For a while, it was me too. For the past few years, in a bid to stay informed and up-to-date, I researched candidates, watched the daily news, wrote political pieces, and argued with countless relatives. Despite how much information I took in, every article, every headline, every argument left me with dread and negativity and all I wanted to do was avoid it all. No amount of information could make me feel completely informed and I was left feeling far from content. And this feeling is not limited to just those who watch the news; it is affecting everyone. Now, only a few months out from 2020, political discussion is ramping up and though it may seem daunting, I can assure you that you can stay engaged without having to lose friends or slip into insomnia. To learn how to avoid political stressors, we have to understand how it affects us first. According to Mrs. Tiffany Stewart, AP Psychology teacher, stress derived from political discussion triggers a chemical response in our bodies. Under stress, our bodies produce negative chemicals like cortisol, and when we increase those stress levels, other positive chemicals basically decrease, Stewart explained. These changes manifest in the form of physical symptoms too. Stewart went on to explain that

the results may include “lack of sleep, fatigue, or irritability.” Results from a study published in the journal PLOS ONE support her claims. In fact, a survey in the study showed that 38 percent of Americans are stressed by politics, 11.5 percent have seen an impact on their physical health, and a whopping 26.4 percent have experienced depression as a result. If you thought you were the only one a little stressed by the thought of 2020, it has become pretty clear you are not. Further, with 16.9 percent of Americans owing family problems to political dinner table arguments, this stress is known infamously as an unwelcome guest at family gatherings. As if anxiety, stress, and severed relationships are not enough, political stress is doing something even worse: it is convincing everyone that avoidance is the best option. When politics is causing so much anxiety and stress, who would not just want to skip it? I know I did. Remember that feeling I told you about? The one where everything you read, watch or hear just makes you want to curl up into a cocoon and escape the world? Yeah, that is the one. That feeling is exactly what made me want to avoid the topic of politics altogether. If it is so worrying, why bother, right? Wrong. You can keep caring—you just have to make a few changes to avoid losing sleep, health, friends, or family. Now, do not worry, I am not here to tell you to throw away your yard sign, delete your news app, or ignore looming elections altogether. In fact, the stressors I just told you about are already making you averse to participating. But that is not the solution we need. What if there was a way to stay engaged without losing the

shut-eye? I am here to tell you there is. Here are a few tips so you can keep caring without losing your cool:

KNOW YOUR LIMITS Take a few minutes to reflect. How important is politics to you? How much does it affect your life? Decide how much energy you want to allot to the topic and stick to it! Political engagement looks different for everyone, so if your limit is just a headline a day, identify it and adhere to it.

DIGITAL DETOX Today, whether it is on an Instagram story or quick tweet, you can get information 24/7, a phenomenon Stewart calls “information overload.” “There’s so much information and we don’t always have time to see if it’s reliable and valid,” Stewart said. Fortunately, you do not have to! If political news is feeling too pervasive in your life, take a break. Without having to avoid news altogether, unfollow one account, delete one app, or just cut out one source out the hoards which flood our feeds every day.

FIND SIMILARITIES I know it may seem like everyone you argue with has just landed from a different planet, but do your best to find commonalities. Not only will it help you see we are more alike than different, but you can also better discuss your differences without taking on the stress of a heated debate. With so many strategies for no-stress politics, discussion does not have to be so daunting. Try out these tips to stay engaged and informed without the stress.




Avoid gossip, focus on your needs when you choose APs BHAAVYA JHA broadcast director

THEY WILL RUIN your life, or so the

upperclassmen say. But are they exaggerating? Or are AP classes really that hard? The answer is yes, and no. Those who have taken an AP class and have survived through it will tell you that it was hard. But perhaps they took harder classes. Now, I know what you are thinking: how does one know which is a harder class and which is not? Well, according to the passing rates College Board releases every year for the exams, you can get a decent idea about how students do on those exams. That being said, you might find AP Chemistry easier because you have taken prerequisite courses because “the more background knowledge you have of a certain subject, the more likely you will do well in its corresponding AP class,” according to PrepScholar, a popular resource for highschool related topics. On the other hand, some of your friends might struggle in AP Chemistry and maybe one of them seems like “the next Ernest Hemingway, [and they will] head to an AP English” course, according to Princeton Review. Therefore, individual preferences also play a major role in deciding the complexity of a course. For example, personally, I am not strong at math and thus tend to stay away from rigorous courses in that field. So, while most of my friends enrolled in AP Statistics,


I decided to not conform. Instead, I took other courses that sparked an interest and seemed less difficult for me. A major part that plays into finding out about the complexity of the content of these courses is to talk to the related individuals. These could be teachers, others who took the class, or even your counselor. They might be able to give you a better idea of how the class would progress and how much homework you could get each night. Now, the tricky part—talking to the students. Some might over-exaggerate the difficulty and make it seem as if they took the hardest class and made it through to show off. However, some of them might have actually found a class hard because it was the first AP course they took or some other personal reason. For example, I took AP European History last year and it was challenging because it was my first AP class. That being said, many upperclassmen can still give you good advice relating to the course and on how to manage it with other activities—they have been in your position before. In fact, this is why most AP teachers collect reflections for the upcoming batch next year so they can make it easier and more manageable for them. Another aspect of these courses is that at SHS, AP Chemistry and AP Physics tend to be the hardest AP classes; of the entire batch, these seem to be the toughest to chew.

However, it does not mean that you would, too. Perhaps, you could be one of the top students, passing with flying colors. If you are not, it can still be an amazing experience. Also, another factor at play is balance. After all your homework, extracurricular activities, work commitments, you should also have nine (yes, nine) hours of sleep, according to the LA Times. And if you ever think that the course load could cause unadded stress as you try to juggle the infinite responsibilities of high schoolers, maybe just avoid AP classes, or simply take one or two. Regardless, you must be able to easily juggle through all your commitments and at the end of the day, it is critical to assess the difficulty of the courses available to you by yourself. Sure, ask around, search it online, but the best thing to go about this would be to figure out how much time you can give to a collegelevel course and if you really want to do it. So, if you think you can extend beyond your capacity, then go ahead and take those courses, but if not, know that that is perfectly fine, too. So, to all those reading and worrying about how hard AP Biology or AP Environmental Science is, consider following all these steps. And at the end of the day, do what is right for you.


FEATURE October 31, 2019

Teachers share thoughts on their nicknames

JOSH MOORE treasurer

The nickname is always chosen for you, you never necessarily get to choose it for yourself. In my case the name G-Two was given to me by the teachers when I first got here, they were like “oh what are we going to call you” and I guess they were feeling lazy that day because they ended up calling me G-Two since I was now the second Mr. Gutekunst in the school. It’s not much to write home about, but it stuck anyway. Compared to some of the other names I’ve heard students give through the years, just being considered the sequel to another teacher isn’t half bad. - Mr. Kevin “G-Two”Gutekunst, English teacher

Nicknames are kind of just like eh whatever. I guess in a way I’d rather have someone laugh at me than [at] the kid sitting next to them. Compared to some of the other names I’ve been called over the years, being called The Dad is pretty tame by comparison. Besides the humorous rhyming gimmick I don’t know why anyone would want to consider me their dad. - Mr. Chad “Chad the Dad” Husting, science teacher

Mr. [Brian] Sweeney, who is now a counselor at our school, was a senior during my first year of teaching at this school and on the first day of school, he called me Tilt-dog 99, but I don’t really understand why because it was the year 2000. It was just such a random label that it caught on pretty quick and was used again when Mr. Sweeney came back as a counselor. It’s also my Twitter handle now as well. I appreciate the history of the name and the traction it’s gained over the years because I really enjoyed that first year of teaching with those students. - Mr. Ben “Tilt-dog 99” Tilton, math teacher

I’m not really a fan of the nicknames students give me, they’re different every year, last year it was Mrs. Quiznos and Q-dog. All of the names stem from the fact that not all students can pronounce my name correctly when they first meet me. If you want to give me a nickname with a Q that’s fine, but then again I’m not a sandwich restaurant. I guess it’s only fair because I, like other teachers, mispronounce my students names when I first meet them. - Mrs. Beth “Quiznos” Quinones, science teacher All photos courtesy of Josh Moore


Spread by Lydia Masset

COVER October 31, 2019


IN DEFENSE OF SOCIAL MEDIA Look up and you will see heads looking down—into phones. It’s undeniable that this generation’s young people are defined by their online presence. Unfortunately, most of this “defining” has been negative. Adults tend to categorize teens’ phone usage as bad or a waste of time. According to the Pew Research Center, “62 percent of adults believe that teens are losing the ability to communicate in person and 61 percent believe teens share too much of their lives online.” But the narrative of phones and social media in particular harming teens is repetitive, and it’s fair to say that teens are tired of hearing it too. Constantly undermining the ability of teens to think critically and contribute to society is not fruitful. Social media is not going away, with 95 percent of teens having access to a smartphone. Instead of framing the conversation around everything wrong with the digital sphere, why not focus on what’s good about it? Social media allows teens to connect with family and friends across the world. Apps like YouTube have begun to have a positive impact, allowing teens to access a myriad of resources. Instagram can be used to start a business or inspire a passion. Introverts are able to find refuge in the ability to share online on sites like Twitter and Tumblr. Social media, in general, has allowed teens to be a part of social movements and communities and easily learn more about them. Despite the aforementioned points, social media can be a negative and draining place. In these cases, teenagers should be reminded that they have the power of choice. They have the power to control who they are following and to mold their feeds into the ideal motivational space. They have the power to observe the effects of social media in their lives. To give this control back to teens is vital to combat the perception of social media causing teens to mindlessly succumb. Whether it’s social media or anything else, teens need to feel supported in their endeavors. Breaking the stereotype of apathetic teens who only care about followers and likes enables young people to flourish.


MAKING INSTAGRAM POSITIVE Browse and like mindfully Your explore page is a mirror of the posts and accounts you interact with. If you want your page to be aesthetic, follow and like posts from food and travel bloggers. If you want your explore page to be full of inspiration, begin by liking and saving quotes you like so that Instagram begins to automatically bring you those posts.

Be a picky follower Even if you love a certain influencer, you should never feel bad about yourself or feel the need to compare with them. At the first sign of ill feelings, automatically unfollow or mute. Remember that you are influenced by these posts every single day for hours on end. Be picky about what you allow in.

Find your “why” power It’s impossible to have a good Instagram experience if the platform adds nothing to your life. Consider taking a couple of days off of Instagram and reflect on why you feel the need to refresh the app. Consider the time you spend on the app and the way you feel when you are on it. If these reasons are not of consequence, maybe you should reduce your usage.


Designed by Harsitha Kalaiarasan

SOCIAL MEDIA SHARES FAMILY STORY GABY PEREDA staff writer 7 YEARS. 84 MONTHS. 2555 DAYS. It’s been 7 years since I last visited Venezuela. 84 months since I last hugged some of my family members. 2555 days since I last cherished what would have been my home if it weren’t for my father’s job transfer. While the opportunities I have been given in this country are incredible, and the friendships I have formed are indescribable, it has not always been easy living over 2,500 miles away from some of the people that mean the most to me. At times, it feels like part of me is missing; the Venezuelan girl inside of me yearns to know more about my country, my family members and what they are up to. At times it has felt as if there is no solution to this disconnect within me; however, social media has allowed me to partially bridge this gap. Although connecting with my relatives overseas or across the country through social media will never be equivalent to spending physical time with them, it provides a channel for me to connect with my cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and more. Life in the 21st century is busy, we’re all aware of that. Whether we’re handling school responsibilities, familial responsibilities, athletics responsibilities, or just responsibilities in general, we’re busy and time is limited. I can’t always just hop on a plane and fly over to relatives, and I can’t just call my family members every day of every month of every year to find out what they are up to. Social media platforms allow me to see my little cousins as they grow up in Brazil; it lets me see their first day of school outfits, their birthday celebrations and more. It allows me to see what vacations my Venezuelan uncles are on, and it lets me see how my cousins are training for their next marathon. These are not the only things social media allows me to see; it’s just impossible to list everything. Senior Shaan Hershey shared that he also finds that social media lets him follow his “family in India and Great Britain [as they are] constantly moving, going to different schools and finding a new job.” Nowadays, there seems to be a never-ending negative stigma around the word ‘social media’ and everything connected to it, but I believe that there truly is something good in everything and everyone. Yes, social media may have its drawbacks… but doesn’t everything have its own drawbacks? Once we let ourselves look past these negative impacts, we will see the incredibly gifts that social media gives, which in my case, is the gift of connecting with the people I love the most whether they are close to me, or miles apart.

Photo courtesy of Gaby Pereda

Photo courtesy of Lindsay Ruskin

LINDSAY RUSKIN staff writer ANY YOUNGER SIBLING knows the moment when their older siblings move away and leave them all alone at home. In my family, I have two older brothers who are in college, leaving me to be an only child. Not having a sibling in the house can get lonely because I have no kids to talk to anymore when I get home from school, but this does not mean that my brothers and I don’t keep in touch. Both of my brothers use social media frequently, and one in particular is Instagram. They post pictures going to college football games, relaxing in their dorms, or doing other activities so my parents and I are able to see my brothers and what they are up to at school. This allows me to feel closer to my brothers when I have not seen them in months. Seeing images and talking to my brothers via phone call or text supports the distant relationship that we have. Although Instagram lets me in on a view in my brothers’ lives, I still talk and text them as much as I usually would. Instagram is just a bonus. Staying consistent with how much we talk to each other has made my relationship with my brothers stronger, even though they are not living at home. “[Instagram] helps me feel like I’m closer to [my siblings] like I have an insight on what they’re doing,” said Lyla Zawatsky, 9. Zawatsky connects with her siblings through social media as well, as do many other people who have family in college or beyond. She claims that she gets a view into their life due to Instagram and many other social media apps that Zawatsky and her siblings are actively using. Although many people believe that we are on social media too much, and it is not good for us, it affects us in positive ways as well. If it weren’t Instagram, I would not be as up to date in my brothers’ lives at college as I am today.


FAREWELL, FINSTA Striving for authenticity on main Instagram accounts DEEYA PRAKASH opinion chief

L A E R A photo from junior Ryan Carmody’s primary Instagram account

INSTAGRAM IS PRACTICALLY a lifestyle, every teenager spending hours upon end double-tapping or hitting the small “send” button when a funny meme appears on their explore page. We swipe through stories, enter giveaways, and scrutinize our selfies, looking for any blemish that would prevent it from being postable. But aside from this, Instagram culture also involves spam accounts, or extra accounts that people create to express a different side of themselves. Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, Instagram is heavily influenced by social pressures, teenagers restricted by the images of their peers. We hear that we are “fake” or “catering to society,” not really showcasing our own personality. And it is true. But spam accounts are a step away from this. I personally follow a number of spam accounts run by my friends, and the difference in


M A P S A photo from Carmody’s spam Instagram account

content is astounding. For example, I have one of those makes-everything-funny friends, a natural comedian who thrives on laughter. Her regular account is dotted with the generics— vacation shots, homecoming photos, and the occasional family portraits. Yet her spam is just random videos and commentary, an account that brings me into fits of laughter and makes me love her even more. The spam account allows her to be free, showcasing her complex personality and letting her release herself from the strange mold we are all trying to shove ourselves into. Though she wanted to remain anonymous, she told me that “spam accounts are somewhere where I don’t feel like I have to be a certain way. I guess I try to be unique on my personal account, but those are all the best photos of myself, where like, most of the photos on my spam are ones that make me laugh or help me express myself in a different way. They’re

honestly some of the weirdest things.” I found that this was the feeling across the board. “I think my spam account shows more of my personality… it shows the real me,” said Ryan Carmody, 11, another spam account holder. So let us try to be more spam-like on our normal accounts. I know that this is easier said than done, but the first people to start will end up leading an entire force. Be yourself. Post funny videos, imperfect selfies, and random photos of park benches. And do not feel bad doing it. More people will begin to be “real” on Instagram. Goodbye photoshopped bikini shots, over-editied landscapes, and posed couple photos. Hello you. Watch as the dynamic changes. After all, you create your account for you, not your hundreds of followers. It is your name in the username, right? Prove it.


MANY PEOPLE BELIEVE that Instagram is just a platform for people to post pictures about their lives, but in reality, there is an entire network of small and large businesses hidden in the shadows. When modern small businesses start up the first thing a lot of them do is create an Instagram page. There is an abundance of people eager to start up something great, but only a handful are successful. Most of the accounts that you will see on the business side of social media have similar characteristics: they are crafty, run by 20-somethings, and are a way to get exposure. There is an array of businesses on Instagram—most commonly, skincare/beauty, soaps, customized shoes, jewelry and so much more. Using social media as a platform for business is a completely new outlet allowing a completely different way to reach an audience. “Social media allows me to reach a broad base of people. I am able to post pictures, descriptions, testimonials, videos, and new product launches to the masses. Also, the direct message features allow me to reach out individually to people that I might not necessarily otherwise have their personal contact information” said Mrs. Deborah Stein, Rodan and Fields Consultant and Sycamore Junior High School choir teacher. While social media can be a great way to get the word out about your business, a lot of people aren’t sure how to. All you have to do is start. Don’t be afraid to promote yourself, on your personal accounts or in other ways. Make sure you are persistent and not afraid to contact people multiple times. Getting a following started is difficult but with the right steps you can be successful: put out work you are proud of, don’t be afraid to talk about yourself and know that what you are doing is awesome. When you love what you do other people will see that and appreciate it. “Social media allows everyone to know that I am ‘open for business’ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I have been able to earn a significant side income that I have used to help my family budget (and be able to buy some ‘fun’ stuff for myself!) I can share this with many people all at once AND reach out individually,” Stein said. You may also be wondering how to come up with a business idea that you love, this was a struggle I had. Customizing shoes was an idea that had never crossed my mind until one day my sister decided we should paint an article of clothing for each other —we both love art—and I picked shoes because I love shoes. Bam! Just like that, I had a business idea. I combined two things I love and turned them into something that I can make money off of. There will always be hardships with running a business, on social media or not, but it can turn into something you love and eventually make money off of. There will always be doubts in your mind: face your fears and don’t let your doubts steer you dreams. Designed by Lindsey Brinkman


FOLLOWING POSITIVITY Instagram accounts that make Instagram worth keeping ANISA KHATANA editor in chief

IN THE AGE of the influencer, it can be difficult to scroll through Instagram without encountering glorified images to compare oneself to, be they photographs of the extravagant lives of celebrities, the bohemian odysseys of travel bloggers, or models’ stereotypically flawless faces and ensembles.

But this dilemma is due largely to the choices we make and accounts we follow on Instagram. In April, a pertinent tweet from media scholar and executive Michael Miraflor began to make the rounds online: “Unfollow [Instagram] models and influencers. Start following artists and designers. Your entire outlook on life will change,” he wrote, adding, “You will be

At press time, the elusive @flesh. png’s bio names the artist Long John Beefcake Dickson Jr. The artist has great admiration for cowboys, and created their own “Badtober” challenge in lieu of participating in the popular “Inktober” challenge.

All images used with permission from account owners. The Leaf is not in any way affiliated with the accounts listed, and is not being compensated for including any of them.


ARTISTS @janerichsen @flesh.png @juliecockburnartist @floriangadsby @fireflyfiphie @ideih @the.daily.splice @ambivalentkingdom @chalametinart @a.creature @alia_pop @ninakoltchitskaia @sassybluepanda @rorablue

reminded less about your insecurities. You will be reminded more of what you love about what humans are capable of creating.” Below is a compilation of unique yet universally wonderful Instagram accounts that will teach you something, leave you smiling, stimulate your imagination, or even tweak your outlook outlook on on life. life. Artist Jan Hakon Erichsen’s bio describes him as a “visual artist and balloon destroyer.” Yes, balloon destroyer. Yes, it’s a lot of fun.

Where Photoshop skills meet art history meet a love of actor Timothee Chalamet. If that’s not all you need to know, I’m afraid I cannot help you. Artist Rora Blue is the creator of @ theunsentproject, a collection of 50,000 unsent text messages to first loves, as well as “After the Beep,” which one of Blue’s posts describes as “a collection of submitted voicemails exploring the relationship between sound and color.”

COMEDY & MEMES @overheard accounts @newyorkercartoons @hozierliked @cogey

Astrology memes… but vintage. Cogey creates faux vintage meme formats for each of her different series, which cover each zodiac sign individually. She also posts vintage-starlet-themed zodiac voteholes in her stories.

@Overheard accounts post submitted phrases from overheard conversations ranging from vulgar to awkward to wholesome (or, somehow, all three at once) (often all three at once). There are too many @overheard accounts to list them all, but favorites include @overhearduniversity, @overheardla, and @overheardnewyork, all of which are shockingly appropriate to their demographics (choose your fighter).

FOOD @majachocolat @banana_haruki Danish Maja Vase is a cake artist like none other—if you’re a perfectionist or aesthete with a sweet tooth, this one is for you.

ANIMALS & OTHER WHOLESOME CREATURES @oubathedog @marniethedog @bonpon511 @coco_pinkprincess @fuzzyfawnwildlife @musetti_animaletti A realistic travel and language-learning blog encouraging young people to “shut up and go.”

NON-CHEESY INSPIRATION @shutupandgo @peopleiveloved @spiritualmovement @mantramagazine @subliming.jpg

Actually helpful words of wisdom, which artist Tessa Forrest presents in beautifully designed posts. A personal favorite: “Which do you want—the pain of staying where you are, or the pain of growth?”

A vendor of remarkable vintage culture, art, and design books, mostly from the 1960s–1990s.

Bon and Pon, wife and husband, are two Japanese retirees who dress in matching outfits and photograph themselves standing together in various locations. A gift.

CULTURE, HISTORY, AESTHETIC & DESIGN @press_sf @mignonettetakespictures @atlasobscura @accidentallywesanderson @arthistoryfeed @lostinhistorypics @humansofny @passionpassport @girlsinfilm_gif @cincyexperience @messynessychic @karolinazebrowskax @the_curio_ @colorpalette.cinema

The inspiration behind the Leaf’s Humans of SHS series (find it on our website, shsleaf. org), this account tells the incredibly humanizing stories of people from all around the world along with their portraits.



THE AVERAGE TEENAGER spends nine hours a day in their own digital world— whether they are streaming videos, sending text messages, scrolling through Instagram, playing games, or listening to music, teens have an unfaltering love for technology. Unfortunately, this infatuation with digital applications, specifically social media, is notorious for receiving a negative reputation, with every minute detail transforming any social media platform into a relentless monster. However, teenagers are striving to erase the negative connotation surrounding at least one social media platform: YouTube. Near the beginning of 2017, the Royal Society for Public Health and the Young Health Movement conducted a survey of 1,500 teens and young adults, ages 14–24 across the U.K. The survey asked them to rank five different social media platforms based on how they affect their mental health and overall wellbeing. Of the five platforms, YouTube came out on top, having the most positive impact among teens. Some of the standards that the video streaming service received high rankings in

included self-expression, emotional support, and community building. “Being part of the online community gives young people the ability to watch and talk with others who share their concerns or life experiences,” said Dr. Tamasine Preece, Head of Personal and Social Education at Bryntirion Comprehensive in Bridgend, U.K. Contrary to this statement, YouTube’s potential for negativity is still discussed. According to a study published in the Journal of Depression and Anxiety, which involved 1,800 individuals, found that people who used social media the most often were about 2.7 times more likely to experience depression than those who used it the least. The correlation between these statistics led many to believe that YouTube only increases the likeliness of mental health issues; however, this is not the case. Luckily, teens are already taking advantage of the chance to positively engage with the online community through YouTube, allowing it to hold its top spot for positive impact on mental health.

A recent study conducted by Survey Monkey and Common Sense suggests that adolescents are utilizing YouTube to find news stories on their own time, with 27 percent subscribing to a certain channel for news. Teens also have easy access to videos that help them study academic concepts, allowing for improved grades in school. For teenagers who have a YouTube channel, any given search on the platform will likely show a myriad of positive postings—clips of themselves acting, singing, dancing, or playing an instrument, tutorials for crafts and recipes, entertaining vlogs, and even videos created for stress relief, such as those involving ASMR. As YouTube continues to expand as an outlet among teenagers, so does speculation surrounding the use of social media in a positive light. However, maybe it is time for everyone to consider; if every aspect of the nine hours the typical teen spends on a screen was negative, then why would they do it?

“I mostly post videos of me dancing. I think it’s a really fun way to share my passion with everyone. As a dancer, I’m constantly watching videos posted by others for inspiration. All it takes is one video to set off a spark in someone that leads to them finding something they love. The idea that my videos can be enjoyed by so many other dancers and non-dancers alike is so cool,” said Ella Schulte, 9.

“I use YouTube to help me study for quizzes and tests when I forget the lessons that we did months ago. It makes me more confident in the material that I need to know on the test,” said Kendra McPherson, 9.

“I mainly post vlogs, especially ones featuring my friends or vacation experiences to provide entertaining content for my viewers. On YouTube, I enjoy watching other vlog channels to get inspiration for my own, as well as old vines to get a good laugh at the end of a long day. I also watch roller coaster videos to learn more about their design as inspiration for creating my own on the computer,” said Ben Griffin, 9.

“I currently mostly post videos of me performing with the occasional vlog. I post videos of me performing because not only do I enjoy sharing my performances with my viewers, but they seem to enjoy it too—they get the most attention on my channel. I like to watch YouTubers such as Danny Gonzales, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner, and Austin McConnell who all make hilarious videos of themselves reacting to other creators’ content or ranting about some random topic. I watch them because I think I have a very similar sense of humor as these creators and they are very relatable,” said Casey Johnson, 12.


All photos courtesy of Katie Mott and Casey Johnson

Designed by Lindsey Brinkman



October 31, 2019

CHARLOTTE WEISS feature chief

Brain Teasers 1. O_ER_T_O_ 2. m1y l1i1f1e ? REST 3. YOUR ? ?

Word Jumble

One word per question is fall related, unscramble the two rhyming words to find out!


4. PARD mon





5. 1D2R3A4C5U6L7A Riddles

Difficulty Level: Easy





5 2 1 1 3 8 4 9 2 7 3 9 4 5 4 2 1 8 3 2 5 7 4 1 9 7 8

1. I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I? 2. I come from a mine and get surrounded by wood always. Everyone uses me. What am I? 3. Where there is light is the only place I can live. Yet if light shines on me I die. What am I? 4. Forwards I am heavy, backwards I am not. What am I? 5. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

Answers: Brain Teasers: 1:Painless operation 2:For once in my life 3:You’re under arrest 4:Pardon my French 5:Count Dracula. Word Jumble: 1:Thanksgiving, Living 2:Bottom, Autumn 3:Sandy, Candy 4:Spider, Insider 5:Halloween, Clean. Riddles: 1:A map 2:pencil lead 3:A shadow 4:Ton 5:Footsteps



ENTERTAINMENT October 31, 2019



Project Runway season 17 cast member and owner of luxury womenswear brand, Grind and Glaze, Tessa Clark shares her insight and beliefs about the industry and sustainability within fashion. As an emerging Cincinnati fashion designer, her designs are ethically crafted at a local, sustainable manufacturer: Sew Valley.

What is your biggest source of inspiration? “My brand’s roots are derived from my parents and upbringing. My mom is a self-taught potter and my dad is a miller at a waterpowered stone grinding flour mill in Greenville, Ohio. Grind and Glaze represents both of those things in my life.” What was your key takeaway from Project Runway? “To stay true to who I am as a designer. My strongest work came from the looks I created while staying true to Grind and Glaze.” What is one thing you wish you knew before joining the fashion industry? “One person can make a difference. There isn’t a ‘one track’ fashion career option.” Why do you advocate for sustainable and ethical fashion? “Every piece of clothing was touched and made by many hands. The people who make our clothing deserve fair wages. We shouldn’t let capitalism rule our buying habits. Nothing should suffer at the benefit of something making money.” What is the number one thing you’d recommend a highschooler do to be more sustainable, fashion-wise? “Don’t buy into trends and fads. Invest in quality pieces that will last you for years. Think about timeless pieces. Thrift, but don’t buy clothes just because it’s a ‘good deal.’”



#1 #2 #3

Don’t force a design Pull inspiration from the unconventional Notice what you notice Page by Grace Zhang



Students connect clothing to perspective CLAIRE BERLIER staff writer

EVERY DAY, SHS students wake up and are faced with a big decision— what to wear. Do you choose a dress or sweatpants? Skirt or leggings? Button-down or oversized sweatshirt? Whatever you choose can have a big impact on how people perceive you. Freshman Lara Harte is often recognized for wearing lots of nice clothes like dresses and skirts. She said that her mom raised her that it was “almost inappropriate” to wear sweatpants or leggings to school. “I don’t care if other people do. Personally, I just don’t feel comfortable wearing that sort of stuff,” Harte said. Wearing certain clothes can affect

people’s perspectives of you. “If people want to wear whatever they want to wear, that’s their personal style—that’s who they are...But, yeah, I think that if you wear sweatpants, that describes something about you,” Harte said. “Maybe you think of comfort before your appearance and, of course, there’s nothing wrong with that.” According to Scientific American, those whose style deviates slightly from the norm are perceived positively, as it shows the individual is “powerful enough” to risk their reputation. At high school, this might mean dressing nicer when everyone is wearing sweatpants. What you wear may also affect your own perception of yourself. Scientific American also suggests that there are lots of studies that have been conducted showing that what you wear affects your thoughts. For example, dressing formally results in higher abstract thinking, wearing a lab coat helps you focus, and wearing red causes athletes to lift heavier weights. Getting in the right mindset to learn is important. Clothing could play a key role in maintaining that focus. Junior Elizabeth Staffiera has also been recognized by her friends and peers as wearing cute clothes to school as well. She agrees that the clothes you wear can affect your mindset, saying, “I feel like it helps you prepare for the day, because if you start out the day in a, in a nice outfit, you’re like, ‘Hey if I can do that, I can get through the day.’” Sometimes you may be too tired to SHOWING STYLE. Junior Elizabeth Staffiera graces the halls with her own unique “dressy casual” style. She suggests that others try dressing up as well. Staffiera said that “you could try it out sometime to see if you…feel like it makes you feel better.”

DRESS UP. Freshman Lara Harte shows off her style at school. Many recognize Harte for wearing nice clothes to school. When asked if she feels like she is dressing up, she said, “I feel like I’m dressing up compared to my peers, but, personally, that just feels like everyday clothes.”

dress up, which is okay, Staffiera said. However, when you take the time to put effort into the clothes you wear, it can give you a “morale boost” to get you through the day. “I think that when you dress up, you hold yourself to a higher standard. And you don’t feel like you’re just going to school to relax and hang out with your friends. You’re actually going to school to learn something and to do something,” Harte said. 23



WELCOME TO SHS, where we proudly showcase a growing population of new students from the four corners of the globe. Whether new to the States or children of immigrants, our diverse numbers are expanding and bringing more and more new cultures and personalities into our school. Yet, no matter where we come from, we can all share our love of food. Here are some recipes from different students of countires around the world that we can all try together.

Syrian Hummus A scrumptious and simple take on the vibrant flavors of the hummus prepared in Syria. Great for anytime of day, this wonderful and nutritious dish makes for an amazing after school snack. Start to finish: 10 minutes Servings: 16 What you will need: Two 16 oz cans chickpeas - rinsed and drained ½ cup tahini 4 garlic cloves; peeled 1 ½ teaspoons salt Pine nuts

2 tablespoons olive oil ¼ cup water 2 lemons; juiced 1 teaspoon cumin Sprigs of parsley

1. Place chickpeas, tahini, garlic, salt, olive oil, water, cumin, and lemon juice together in a food processor and process until smooth 2. Check for your own preferences—add more lemon juice, salt, garlic, and cumin to taste. 3. Garnish and serve with olive oil, toasted pine nuts, and parsley.

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons

Spatzen (Spätzle) German Egg Dumplings - Recipe source: Kai Blunt A wonderful and popular German side dish made to accompany a nice roast, or to simply act as a meal all by itself. Servings: 4 What you will need: 2 eggs ½ teaspoon salt 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour ½ cup water ¼ teaspoon baking powder Fresh finely chopped parsley sprigs A small grating of nutmeg 1. Beat the eggs in a large mixing bowl and then combine with flour, water, salt, and baking powder. 2. Pour mixture into a piping bag fitted with a small tip or a plastic bag with a small hole cut out of the corner and pipe batter in small strips into a pot of simmering salted water. 3. When the spatzen are done, they will float to the top of the pot. Place finished spatzen in a colander to strain. Photo courtesy of Kai Blunt


4. Serve immediately with parsley and nutmeg.

ENTERTAINMENT Crème Caramel A scrumptious and deceivingly simple French dessert that plays on a reverse crème brûlée. This recipe gives you a fail-safe and delicious self-saucing custard, one that you will not be able to get enough of. Start to finish: 70 minutes (30 minutes active) Servings: 12 What you will need: 4 eggs 4 cups of milk 2 cups of sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and take out ramekins. 2. In a small saucepan, melt 1 ½ cups of sugar on medium-high heat. While sugar is melting, add ¼ cup of water and stir until the sugar is completely melted into caramel, adding water in tablespoons to keep consistency and pour a thin layer into the base of the ramekins. 3. In another saucepan boil milk and ½ cup of sugar on high heat, whisking constantly for thefirst minute, then scraping the bottom and whisking the milk lightly every couple minutes to ensure it does not burn to the bottom of the pot. 4. While the milk boils, crack four whole eggs into a large heat-safe glass bowl and whisk until frothy for about two minutes. Add vanilla into eggs.

Photo courtesy of Serene Tarabishi

5. Take the milk off the heat once it has begun to boil and is lightly frothy on the top. While whisking constantly, pour about one cup of the hot milk mixture into the bowl of eggs and after whisking constantly for 2 minutes, pour the egg-milk mixture through a mesh sieve 6. Whisk for about 5 minutes on low heat to ensure that the mixture is completely combined and then pour into prepared ramekins. 7. Place ramekins into a larger rectangular or square dish, and place in the preheated oven. Then carefully pour boiled water into the larger dish, pouring enough to fill the dish up to an inch full of water. 8. Bake for 40 minutes, then place in a fridge to cool for at least 4 hours before serving


The Art of Bullet Journaling From highschoolers to mothers, the bullet journaling trend has only been increasing. Many people can not get enough of the aestheticism of the journals and pages, and the mental health benefits from the journals only increases their popularity. Statistics have shown that writing plans and goals in bullet journals increases the likeliness to follow through and improves the overall method.

Popular supplies


Washi tape

Plan out the page before starting Use the bullets / dots on the page as references Don’t make each section / box the same size Leave space for stickers/stamps/washi tape

• used for borders and to create a seperate section

Brush pens • used to write calligraphy headers and increase the aesthetic of the handwriting

Stamps / Stickers / stencils • used as decorations and accessorize the page

What to write

• Schedules and spreads (daily, weekly, monthly) • To-do lists • Budgets • Favorite lists (favorite books of the month, favorite new restaurants, etc) • Dreams • Sleep tracker • Exercise tracker


Desgined by Linya Guo


October 31, 2019

Sophomore Anelise Kim competes in a home dive meet which she went on to finish in first place. Kim has not been a diver for very long; she initially began tumbling at Kids First, and only recently began to transfer her skills to this new sport. However, she has soared past the competition, reaching high levels in both club and school diving. “I like to dive because it sometimes feels like I’m flying and I enjoy the challenge of learning and perfecting my dives. It is unreal,” Kim said. Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s photography Page by Deeya Prakash


SUBMISSIONS October 31, 2019



LOVE / Girl of my Dreams Girl who talks too much. Girl who laughs like my mom. Girl whose eyes melt hearts. Girl who writes poetry. Girl who likes me for who I am. Girl who sees my intelligence and Loves me for that. I know I am expecting too much... But I know she is out there somewhere. I will wait for her ‘cause she is my dream girl. Yearning for Love, trying to search. Wishing for Love, getting no luck. Hoping to Love, won’t stop trying. Trying for Love, no one is there. Giving up Love, Love will find me.

Night Full of Stars Tonight’s sky is full of bright stars. No fear of dark or loneliness. Clouds could not hide them from shining eternally, Like the fire of hope burning inside me. Setbacks and obstacles will not be able to stop me. I will ALSO shine like a star. “I am a bright star.”

Take it Easy Tell the sun to stop rising. I want to stay in bed a little more. It is a joy to stare in the dark. How my mind races too fast. It lets my imagination take me to the places where people are happy and healthy. They are enjoying their lives. Good food and sleep is just what they need for a good life. Life is going too fast; slow down and enjoy little things with your loved ones. Stay in bed, eat your favorite food and ditch the boring routine.

The Ghost Story It was a stormy night. Joe was really frightened by the noises as he was going to bed. A scary ghost was watching him from the distance. Young Joe decided to go downstairs to call his mom. As he tried to open the door, the ghost shut the door. Joe saw him and yelled at the ghost. The ghost said, “Don’t worry, I am good friends with your mom. I was sent to protect you in the house. I hope we can be good friends and I hope you feel excited about it.” Young Joe was surprised but soon he started feeling happy. He told the ghost about his school and family. He was glad that the ghost noticed that he had no friends. The ghost promised to be his friend, so he has at least ONE!

AARUSH SRIVASTAVA, guest writer, describes himself as a happy-go-lucky guy willing to work very hard to learn and improve every day. He loves listening to music of all genres, including Bollywood. Srivastava has lived in various parts of the U.S., the U.K., Holland, and India, and has travelled to Thailand, France, Hong Kong, and Singapore. He loves to try different cuisines and explore the links between food and culture.


Interested in making a submission? Email your work to to be considered. Designed by Anisa Khatana



October 31, 2019

Exploring the pros and cons MADELEINE SUH managing editor

WHETHER YOU ARE looking to go pro, catch the attention of college scouts, or simply compete in the sport you love, the division between school and club sports presses many with a difficult decision. Most believe that playing for your high school team is just the only option; however, that is not the case. In fact, several athletes that do represent Sycamore have considered the alternative option at some point. Four athletes that have both made the switch or pondered on the thought shared their opinions regarding this debate. Daniel Samways and Grant Schafer, sophomores at SHS, both compete with FC Cincinnati Academy. Another athlete that remains undecided is tennis player, sophomore Chad Miller. Lastly, junior swimmer Keegan Veraldo begins his third year competing for the Aves. When comparing the choices, there are several factors that determine an athlete’s ultimate decision.

COMPETITION All athletes live for game day, practicing their hardest in order to best perform against rivals and neighboring teams. But one factor that may create the divide between club and school teams is the true level of competition. Athletes seeking more advanced play and coaching may determine this as the reason they choose club. “The [FCC] coaching staff is very experienced and qualified and we have a straight path to the first team. The competition is also a lot better with FCC. I get to play play other academy teams from all around the country,” Samways said.

me with recruiting and help me get more match experience to help me in the future,” Miller said.


ATMOSPHERE While many of the benefits point to club sports there is one setback that drives the constant struggle to choose. Veraldo chose to try out for the Sycamore swim team because he wanted a change in both style and teammates. He also was highly influenced by his older sister who emphasized her enjoyable experience; as a result, Veraldo followed in her footsteps. The environment of a team of your fellow classmates is just not one that can be made elsewhere. “Sometimes I wish I played [on the high school team] to play with my friends, in front of my friends and to represent my school,” Schafer said. One of the main cons Miller has been processing is that “having fun as a team” is an advantage and experience that cannot be nearly copied outside of Sycamore. Overall, different teams meet different needs of their players. While a club team may benefit one athlete tremendously, another might gain from a totally different environment: a resolution that can vary person to person.

FUTURE Of these four, Samways, Schafer and Miller all would like to continue their sport in the future, potentially in a professional setting. As a result of this, club may be an option for them as they may gain more attention from coaches and have the ability to get their name out early. “My main goal is to be a professional soccer player and [FCC gives] me a perfect pathway to do that,” Schafer said. Outside of professional leagues, Samways states that he believes there is more attention from college scouts at club games as opposed to high school games. If athletes commit to a college team they want to feel prepared and ready for what this commitment entails. “I would be able to play a lot of tournaments and hopefully get good results which would help


DANIEL SAMWAYS Photos courtesy of each respective athlete



‘WE LOVE OUR SENIORS’ Athletes reflect on final fall season ALLISON MCELROY

trends chief


FOR THE LAST TIME. This year, the SHS football team has 25 graduating players. All photos courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.

beloved tradition for soon-tograduate athletes finishing up their final season of playing a sport for SHS. Seniors have fun dressing up their underclassmen teammates in crazy costumes and looking back on their time and memories of playing a sport. Whether it is their first or fourth season as a SHS athlete, the seniors form a bond with their teammates and are often sad to say goodbye. Below, senior athletes reflect on their final fall seasons at SHS.

Kennedy Archer- Cheerleading

“I’ve cheered since I was three years old, and I stopped once I got to the high school. This year was my first year back, and I forgot how much I love this sport...this whole season has been one to remember. The girls have been so sweet and patient with me while I try to learn the cheers they already know.”

Nathan Gibson- Cross Country “My favorite memory as a cross country runner was our summer camping trip when we went on a 2 a.m. walk because we couldn't fall asleep.”

Audrey Simons- Golf


“One of my favorite memories from golf was actually pretty recent. My teammate Emma [Brown] went into a hazard to retrieve her ball and ended up stepping in a glob of mud that went all up her leg and completely covered her shoe. It was so squishy and smelly that she ended up taking her shoes off and playing the rest of the round in her socks.”

SPORTS Grace Mirande- Cross Country “What I have learned [from cross country] is that you can’t control what other people do or how they run, you have to run your own race. I think this can apply to a lot of areas of life. You just do the best you can and don’t worry too much about other people because you can’t control that.”

Trey Yengo- Soccer “The most valuable thing I have learned from playing soccer is how to work with other people. Almost any job someone will get in their life, they will have to work with someone they don’t want to and throughout my 10 plus years of playing soccer, I’ve had a few people I don’t like playing with, but it allows me to build my people skills.”

Elle Hausfeld- Volleyball “My favorite memory of being on the volleyball team is my junior year when we beat [McNicholas High School] on their senior night and played for 2 hours and 45 minutes and took them to five sets and came out victorious. Probably one of the best feelings ever.”

Charles Harper- Water Polo “[My favorite memory is] messing around in the pool in inner tubes after winning senior night.”

Mayu Fukuda- Tennis “The most valuable thing I learned from tennis is the importance of believing in my abilities and staying strong throughout the match by going after every single point. Though tough at times, come back stronger and ready to battle.”



SPORTS COVERAGE: A popularity contest? RIA PARIKH

staff writer

STADIUM LIGHTS. Cheering crowds. Dedicated fans. These phrases probably bring up a familiar image in your head of a crazy Friday night football game or an intense soccer match. Now let me ask you a question: When is the last time that you have heard your friends raving about a golf invitational, a water polo tournament or a tennis match? The sad truth is that—even in sports— there is a constant popularity contest taking place. Which sport will get the privilege of being announced over the speaker at school? Which sport will have the biggest turnout with the most fans? One could even say that there is a bit of unfair coverage of athletics in our school. The same coaches, sports, and players seem to be recognized over and over. For example, the varsity football and soccer games are announced over the speaker often. No other sports events get to be shared to the whole school in this way. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is important to recognize why some sports get more fame than others. This may not be a huge deal to some, but it impacts a lot of hard-working athletes whose sports are not covered as often. Freshman Heidi Jaeger is a member of the girls golf team. When asked how she would feel if the amount of people that showed up to say, a soccer or football game, came to her golf match, “That would be insane and so, so great,” Jaeger said. Not only are students noticing this issue: so are coaches. “If even more people were informed, that would be amazing. The more the merrier are always welcome at Sycamore tennis matches,” said Ms. Linsey Farroh, JV girls tennis coach. This popularity contest in sports does not only affect the school, but also the whole world. For example, football, baseball, and basketball have dominated the U.S media when it comes to athletics. Every time that you switch on the TV, there is a very likely chance that you will find any one of these three sports being covered on any news or

sports channels. To explore more about this topic, we have to ask ourselves, what makes a sport popular? Money is definitely one big answer. The sports that bring in the most money continue to get funded the most and result in bigger crowds. According to Monte Burke from Forbes,“The National Football League is a $9 billion enterprise. College football is a nearly $6 billion industry. And of course, these revenue figures do not take into account all of the gambling, legal and otherwise (and including fantasy football), that help drive these numbers and the viewership.” This concept of having popular sports make the most money is also present in SHS. Football and soccer make a lot of money from selling tickets and all of that goes back to the school, allowing them to have more funds. One could also argue, that if more people showed up to less popular sports, those teams would get more money, also resulting in more funding for them. This is a potential solution to our problem of unequal coverage of sports. If people take the initiative to come to games/matches and help these less popular sports/teams out, there is a lot of potential for their turnouts to grow significantly. So with this information, what can we conclude? There are definitely sports that are more popular than others. Whether it be historical significance, entertaining aspects, or ease of understanding rules, we know that people would be quick to choose some sports to watch over others. What we have to keep in mind is that it is good to be aware of other sports going on, even if we are not keen enough to go out and watch them. There is no way to have the turnout at matches or games be completely equal for all sports, but the least we can do is appreciate the diversity of them and how each sport has incredibly dedicated athletes. Photos courtesy of Ria Parikh and McDaniel’s Photography



College athletes vy for compensation

TY SIMMONS staff writer

CURRENTLY, STUDENT athletes are not allowed to receive monetary compensation while playing college sports. For a while now, motions to pay college athletes have drawn contentious responses. Athletes such as Ed O’Bannon and politician Bernie Sanders have declared their support for students receiving monetary compensation during their college careers. Most colleges have reprimanded the idea. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill into a law, which will take effect in 2023. This law gives athletes the ability to profit from their likeness and image, as well as sign endorsement deals. “Your name is always important. That’s what people know you as,” said former college athlete, Michael Rodgers. This is the same argument many pro-payment people use. In July 2009, a former basketball player for UCLA filed a lawsuit against the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Collegiate Licensing Company, alleging violations of his right to publicity. “I saw myself featured in a

college basketball video game that sold for $60. I hadn’t asked to be in the game. And no one had offered to pay me, or any other current or former players who were ‘in the game’ as the game’s advertisement boasted. That experience led me to bring a lawsuit against the NCAA. “This wasn’t about money. This was about taking someone’s identity and profiting from it,” O’Bannon said. Later on, 20 other college athletes joined O’Bannon in this lawsuit. However, some people believe that student athletes are already being paid. “The list of perks for being a football player at a big-time program is long and enviable. All the food you can eat. Lodging at what is typically the best dorm on campus. Enough team-issued gear to make for quite an extensive wardrobe,” said writer John Christ. The president of the NCAA, Mark Emmert, expressed his disdain with California’s new law, saying that it was “...just a new form of professionalism and a different way of converting students into employees.” Despite the controversy, California will be the first to induce a structural change in college athletics.


high school athletes go on to play for a college team


$1 billion is spent annually on coaches’ salaries to pay 4,400 coaches.

$986 million is spent annually on student-athlete scholarships at colleges to support over 45,000 student athletes.

Last year, college programs brought in a total of

$14 billion

through ticket sales, television contracts, and merchandise deals.


GIVEAWAY: WIN A DISPOSABLE CAMERA How to enter: 1. Follow @shsleaf on Instagram 2. Comment on our giveaway post on Instagram and tag two friends with whom you would like to take pictures

Submission window closes at 3 p.m. on Nov. 7. Three randomly selected winners will each receive a disposable camera. Winners will be notified via Instagram DM.

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